MediaWiki REL1_30
Go to the documentation of this file.
23use Wikimedia\ScopedCallback;
30class SvgHandler extends ImageHandler {
37 private static $metaConversion = [
38 'originalwidth' => 'ImageWidth',
39 'originalheight' => 'ImageLength',
40 'description' => 'ImageDescription',
41 'title' => 'ObjectName',
42 ];
44 function isEnabled() {
46 if ( !isset( $wgSVGConverters[$wgSVGConverter] ) ) {
47 wfDebug( "\$wgSVGConverter is invalid, disabling SVG rendering.\n" );
49 return false;
50 } else {
51 return true;
52 }
53 }
55 public function mustRender( $file ) {
56 return true;
57 }
59 function isVectorized( $file ) {
60 return true;
61 }
67 function isAnimatedImage( $file ) {
68 # @todo Detect animated SVGs
69 $metadata = $file->getMetadata();
70 if ( $metadata ) {
71 $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata );
72 if ( isset( $metadata['animated'] ) ) {
73 return $metadata['animated'];
74 }
75 }
77 return false;
78 }
92 public function getAvailableLanguages( File $file ) {
93 $metadata = $file->getMetadata();
94 $langList = [];
95 if ( $metadata ) {
96 $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata );
97 if ( isset( $metadata['translations'] ) ) {
98 foreach ( $metadata['translations'] as $lang => $langType ) {
99 if ( $langType === SVGReader::LANG_FULL_MATCH ) {
100 $langList[] = $lang;
101 }
102 }
103 }
104 }
105 return $langList;
106 }
114 public function getDefaultRenderLanguage( File $file ) {
115 return 'en';
116 }
123 function canAnimateThumbnail( $file ) {
124 return false;
125 }
133 global $wgSVGMaxSize;
134 if ( !parent::normaliseParams( $image, $params ) ) {
135 return false;
136 }
137 # Don't make an image bigger than wgMaxSVGSize on the smaller side
138 if ( $params['physicalWidth'] <= $params['physicalHeight'] ) {
139 if ( $params['physicalWidth'] > $wgSVGMaxSize ) {
140 $srcWidth = $image->getWidth( $params['page'] );
141 $srcHeight = $image->getHeight( $params['page'] );
142 $params['physicalWidth'] = $wgSVGMaxSize;
143 $params['physicalHeight'] = File::scaleHeight( $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $wgSVGMaxSize );
144 }
145 } else {
146 if ( $params['physicalHeight'] > $wgSVGMaxSize ) {
147 $srcWidth = $image->getWidth( $params['page'] );
148 $srcHeight = $image->getHeight( $params['page'] );
149 $params['physicalWidth'] = File::scaleHeight( $srcHeight, $srcWidth, $wgSVGMaxSize );
150 $params['physicalHeight'] = $wgSVGMaxSize;
151 }
152 }
154 return true;
155 }
165 function doTransform( $image, $dstPath, $dstUrl, $params, $flags = 0 ) {
166 if ( !$this->normaliseParams( $image, $params ) ) {
167 return new TransformParameterError( $params );
168 }
169 $clientWidth = $params['width'];
170 $clientHeight = $params['height'];
171 $physicalWidth = $params['physicalWidth'];
172 $physicalHeight = $params['physicalHeight'];
173 $lang = isset( $params['lang'] ) ? $params['lang'] : $this->getDefaultRenderLanguage( $image );
175 if ( $flags & self::TRANSFORM_LATER ) {
176 return new ThumbnailImage( $image, $dstUrl, $dstPath, $params );
177 }
179 $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $image->getMetadata() );
180 if ( isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) { // sanity check
181 $err = wfMessage( 'svg-long-error', $metadata['error']['message'] );
183 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', $clientWidth, $clientHeight, $err );
184 }
186 if ( !wfMkdirParents( dirname( $dstPath ), null, __METHOD__ ) ) {
187 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', $clientWidth, $clientHeight,
188 wfMessage( 'thumbnail_dest_directory' ) );
189 }
191 $srcPath = $image->getLocalRefPath();
192 if ( $srcPath === false ) { // Failed to get local copy
193 wfDebugLog( 'thumbnail',
194 sprintf( 'Thumbnail failed on %s: could not get local copy of "%s"',
195 wfHostname(), $image->getName() ) );
197 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error',
198 $params['width'], $params['height'],
199 wfMessage( 'filemissing' )
200 );
201 }
203 // Make a temp dir with a symlink to the local copy in it.
204 // This plays well with rsvg-convert policy for external entities.
205 //
206 $tmpDir = wfTempDir() . '/svg_' . wfRandomString( 24 );
207 $lnPath = "$tmpDir/" . basename( $srcPath );
208 $ok = mkdir( $tmpDir, 0771 );
209 if ( !$ok ) {
210 wfDebugLog( 'thumbnail',
211 sprintf( 'Thumbnail failed on %s: could not create temporary directory %s',
212 wfHostname(), $tmpDir ) );
213 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error',
214 $params['width'], $params['height'],
215 wfMessage( 'thumbnail-temp-create' )->text()
216 );
217 }
218 $ok = symlink( $srcPath, $lnPath );
220 $cleaner = new ScopedCallback( function () use ( $tmpDir, $lnPath ) {
221 MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
222 unlink( $lnPath );
223 rmdir( $tmpDir );
224 MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
225 } );
226 if ( !$ok ) {
227 wfDebugLog( 'thumbnail',
228 sprintf( 'Thumbnail failed on %s: could not link %s to %s',
229 wfHostname(), $lnPath, $srcPath ) );
230 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error',
231 $params['width'], $params['height'],
232 wfMessage( 'thumbnail-temp-create' )
233 );
234 }
236 $status = $this->rasterize( $lnPath, $dstPath, $physicalWidth, $physicalHeight, $lang );
237 if ( $status === true ) {
238 return new ThumbnailImage( $image, $dstUrl, $dstPath, $params );
239 } else {
240 return $status; // MediaTransformError
241 }
242 }
255 public function rasterize( $srcPath, $dstPath, $width, $height, $lang = false ) {
257 $err = false;
258 $retval = '';
259 if ( isset( $wgSVGConverters[$wgSVGConverter] ) ) {
260 if ( is_array( $wgSVGConverters[$wgSVGConverter] ) ) {
261 // This is a PHP callable
263 $args = array_merge( [ $srcPath, $dstPath, $width, $height, $lang ],
264 array_slice( $wgSVGConverters[$wgSVGConverter], 1 ) );
265 if ( !is_callable( $func ) ) {
266 throw new MWException( "$func is not callable" );
267 }
268 $err = call_user_func_array( $func, $args );
269 $retval = (bool)$err;
270 } else {
271 // External command
272 $cmd = str_replace(
273 [ '$path/', '$width', '$height', '$input', '$output' ],
274 [ $wgSVGConverterPath ? wfEscapeShellArg( "$wgSVGConverterPath/" ) : "",
275 intval( $width ),
276 intval( $height ),
277 wfEscapeShellArg( $srcPath ),
278 wfEscapeShellArg( $dstPath ) ],
280 );
282 $env = [];
283 if ( $lang !== false ) {
284 $env['LANG'] = $lang;
285 }
287 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": $cmd\n" );
288 $err = wfShellExecWithStderr( $cmd, $retval, $env );
289 }
290 }
291 $removed = $this->removeBadFile( $dstPath, $retval );
292 if ( $retval != 0 || $removed ) {
293 $this->logErrorForExternalProcess( $retval, $err, $cmd );
294 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', $width, $height, $err );
295 }
297 return true;
298 }
300 public static function rasterizeImagickExt( $srcPath, $dstPath, $width, $height ) {
301 $im = new Imagick( $srcPath );
302 $im->setImageFormat( 'png' );
303 $im->setBackgroundColor( 'transparent' );
304 $im->setImageDepth( 8 );
306 if ( !$im->thumbnailImage( intval( $width ), intval( $height ), /* fit */ false ) ) {
307 return 'Could not resize image';
308 }
309 if ( !$im->writeImage( $dstPath ) ) {
310 return "Could not write to $dstPath";
311 }
312 }
320 function getImageSize( $file, $path, $metadata = false ) {
321 if ( $metadata === false && $file instanceof File ) {
322 $metadata = $file->getMetadata();
323 }
324 $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata );
326 if ( isset( $metadata['width'] ) && isset( $metadata['height'] ) ) {
327 return [ $metadata['width'], $metadata['height'], 'SVG',
328 "width=\"{$metadata['width']}\" height=\"{$metadata['height']}\"" ];
329 } else { // error
330 return [ 0, 0, 'SVG', "width=\"0\" height=\"0\"" ];
331 }
332 }
334 function getThumbType( $ext, $mime, $params = null ) {
335 return [ 'png', 'image/png' ];
336 }
347 function getLongDesc( $file ) {
348 global $wgLang;
350 $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() );
351 if ( isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) {
352 return wfMessage( 'svg-long-error', $metadata['error']['message'] )->text();
353 }
355 $size = $wgLang->formatSize( $file->getSize() );
357 if ( $this->isAnimatedImage( $file ) ) {
358 $msg = wfMessage( 'svg-long-desc-animated' );
359 } else {
360 $msg = wfMessage( 'svg-long-desc' );
361 }
363 $msg->numParams( $file->getWidth(), $file->getHeight() )->params( $size );
365 return $msg->parse();
366 }
373 function getMetadata( $file, $filename ) {
374 $metadata = [ 'version' => self::SVG_METADATA_VERSION ];
375 try {
376 $metadata += SVGMetadataExtractor::getMetadata( $filename );
377 } catch ( Exception $e ) { // @todo SVG specific exceptions
378 // File not found, broken, etc.
379 $metadata['error'] = [
380 'message' => $e->getMessage(),
381 'code' => $e->getCode()
382 ];
383 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" );
384 }
386 return serialize( $metadata );
387 }
389 function unpackMetadata( $metadata ) {
390 MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
391 $unser = unserialize( $metadata );
392 MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
393 if ( isset( $unser['version'] ) && $unser['version'] == self::SVG_METADATA_VERSION ) {
394 return $unser;
395 } else {
396 return false;
397 }
398 }
401 return 'parsed-svg';
402 }
404 function isMetadataValid( $image, $metadata ) {
405 $meta = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata );
406 if ( $meta === false ) {
407 return self::METADATA_BAD;
408 }
409 if ( !isset( $meta['originalWidth'] ) ) {
410 // Old but compatible
412 }
414 return self::METADATA_GOOD;
415 }
417 protected function visibleMetadataFields() {
418 $fields = [ 'objectname', 'imagedescription' ];
420 return $fields;
421 }
428 function formatMetadata( $file, $context = false ) {
429 $result = [
430 'visible' => [],
431 'collapsed' => []
432 ];
433 $metadata = $file->getMetadata();
434 if ( !$metadata ) {
435 return false;
436 }
437 $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata );
438 if ( !$metadata || isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) {
439 return false;
440 }
442 /* @todo Add a formatter
443 $format = new FormatSVG( $metadata );
444 $formatted = $format->getFormattedData();
445 */
447 // Sort fields into visible and collapsed
448 $visibleFields = $this->visibleMetadataFields();
450 $showMeta = false;
451 foreach ( $metadata as $name => $value ) {
452 $tag = strtolower( $name );
453 if ( isset( self::$metaConversion[$tag] ) ) {
454 $tag = strtolower( self::$metaConversion[$tag] );
455 } else {
456 // Do not output other metadata not in list
457 continue;
458 }
459 $showMeta = true;
460 self::addMeta( $result,
461 in_array( $tag, $visibleFields ) ? 'visible' : 'collapsed',
462 'exif',
463 $tag,
464 $value
465 );
466 }
468 return $showMeta ? $result : false;
469 }
476 public function validateParam( $name, $value ) {
477 if ( in_array( $name, [ 'width', 'height' ] ) ) {
478 // Reject negative heights, widths
479 return ( $value > 0 );
480 } elseif ( $name == 'lang' ) {
481 // Validate $code
482 if ( $value === '' || !Language::isValidBuiltInCode( $value ) ) {
483 wfDebug( "Invalid user language code\n" );
485 return false;
486 }
488 return true;
489 }
491 // Only lang, width and height are acceptable keys
492 return false;
493 }
499 public function makeParamString( $params ) {
500 $lang = '';
501 if ( isset( $params['lang'] ) && $params['lang'] !== 'en' ) {
502 $params['lang'] = strtolower( $params['lang'] );
503 $lang = "lang{$params['lang']}-";
504 }
505 if ( !isset( $params['width'] ) ) {
506 return false;
507 }
509 return "$lang{$params['width']}px";
510 }
512 public function parseParamString( $str ) {
513 $m = false;
514 if ( preg_match( '/^lang([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)-(\d+)px$/', $str, $m ) ) {
515 return [ 'width' => array_pop( $m ), 'lang' => $m[1] ];
516 } elseif ( preg_match( '/^(\d+)px$/', $str, $m ) ) {
517 return [ 'width' => $m[1], 'lang' => 'en' ];
518 } else {
519 return false;
520 }
521 }
523 public function getParamMap() {
524 return [ 'img_lang' => 'lang', 'img_width' => 'width' ];
525 }
532 $scriptParams = [ 'width' => $params['width'] ];
533 if ( isset( $params['lang'] ) ) {
534 $scriptParams['lang'] = $params['lang'];
535 }
537 return $scriptParams;
538 }
540 public function getCommonMetaArray( File $file ) {
541 $metadata = $file->getMetadata();
542 if ( !$metadata ) {
543 return [];
544 }
545 $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata );
546 if ( !$metadata || isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) {
547 return [];
548 }
549 $stdMetadata = [];
550 foreach ( $metadata as $name => $value ) {
551 $tag = strtolower( $name );
552 if ( $tag === 'originalwidth' || $tag === 'originalheight' ) {
553 // Skip these. In the exif metadata stuff, it is assumed these
554 // are measured in px, which is not the case here.
555 continue;
556 }
557 if ( isset( self::$metaConversion[$tag] ) ) {
558 $tag = self::$metaConversion[$tag];
559 $stdMetadata[$tag] = $value;
560 }
561 }
563 return $stdMetadata;
564 }
unserialize( $serialized)
Pick a converter defined in $wgSVGConverters.
Don't scale a SVG larger than this.
If not in the executable PATH, specify the SVG converter path.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) may be uploaded as images.
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
Tries to get the system directory for temporary files.
wfRandomString( $length=32)
Get a random string containing a number of pseudo-random hex characters.
Fetch server name for use in error reporting etc.
Version of escapeshellarg() that works better on Windows.
wfShellExecWithStderr( $cmd, &$retval=null, $environ=[], $limits=[])
Execute a shell command, returning both stdout and stderr.
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
wfMkdirParents( $dir, $mode=null, $caller=null)
Make directory, and make all parent directories if they don't exist.
if( $line===false) $args
Definition cdb.php:63
Implements some public methods and some protected utility functions which are required by multiple ch...
Definition File.php:51
static scaleHeight( $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $dstWidth)
Calculate the height of a thumbnail using the source and destination width.
Definition File.php:1989
Media handler abstract base class for images.
MediaWiki exception.
static addMeta(&$array, $visibility, $type, $id, $value, $param=false)
This is used to generate an array element for each metadata value That array is then used to generate...
logErrorForExternalProcess( $retval, $err, $cmd)
Log an error that occurred in an external process.
removeBadFile( $dstPath, $retval=0)
Check for zero-sized thumbnails.
Basic media transform error class.
static getMetadata( $filename)
Handler for SVG images.
Definition SVG.php:30
validateParam( $name, $value)
Definition SVG.php:476
isVectorized( $file)
The material is vectorized and thus scaling is lossless.
Definition SVG.php:59
normaliseParams( $image, &$params)
Definition SVG.php:132
formatMetadata( $file, $context=false)
Definition SVG.php:428
parseParamString( $str)
Parse a param string made with makeParamString back into an array.
Definition SVG.php:512
getMetadata( $file, $filename)
Definition SVG.php:373
mustRender( $file)
True if handled types cannot be displayed directly in a browser but can be rendered.
Definition SVG.php:55
getScriptParams( $params)
Definition SVG.php:531
makeParamString( $params)
Definition SVG.php:499
getCommonMetaArray(File $file)
Get an array of standard (FormatMetadata type) metadata values.
Definition SVG.php:540
unpackMetadata( $metadata)
Definition SVG.php:389
static array $metaConversion
A list of metadata tags that can be converted to the commonly used exif tags.
Definition SVG.php:37
doTransform( $image, $dstPath, $dstUrl, $params, $flags=0)
Definition SVG.php:165
getImageSize( $file, $path, $metadata=false)
Definition SVG.php:320
getAvailableLanguages(File $file)
Which languages (systemLanguage attribute) is supported.
Definition SVG.php:92
getLongDesc( $file)
Subtitle for the image.
Definition SVG.php:347
getMetadataType( $image)
Get a string describing the type of metadata, for display purposes.
Definition SVG.php:400
getThumbType( $ext, $mime, $params=null)
Get the thumbnail extension and MIME type for a given source MIME type.
Definition SVG.php:334
getDefaultRenderLanguage(File $file)
What language to render file in if none selected.
Definition SVG.php:114
rasterize( $srcPath, $dstPath, $width, $height, $lang=false)
Transform an SVG file to PNG This function can be called outside of thumbnail contexts.
Definition SVG.php:255
False if the handler is disabled for all files.
Definition SVG.php:44
canAnimateThumbnail( $file)
We do not support making animated svg thumbnails.
Definition SVG.php:123
Get a list of metadata items which should be displayed when the metadata table is collapsed.
Definition SVG.php:417
static rasterizeImagickExt( $srcPath, $dstPath, $width, $height)
Definition SVG.php:300
isAnimatedImage( $file)
Definition SVG.php:67
Definition SVG.php:31
isMetadataValid( $image, $metadata)
Check if the metadata string is valid for this handler.
Definition SVG.php:404
Get an associative array mapping magic word IDs to parameter names.
Definition SVG.php:523
Media transform output for images.
Shortcut class for parameter validation errors.
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at etc Handles the details of getting and saving to the user table of the and dealing with sessions and cookies OutputPage Encapsulates the entire HTML page that will be sent in response to any server request It is used by calling its functions to add text
Definition design.txt:18
this class mediates it Skin Encapsulates a look and feel for the wiki All of the functions that render HTML and make choices about how to render it are here and are called from various other places when and is meant to be subclassed with other skins that may override some of its functions The User object contains a reference to a and so rather than having a global skin object we just rely on the global User and get the skin with $wgUser and also has some character encoding functions and other locale stuff The current user interface language is instantiated as $wgLang
Definition design.txt:56
namespace being checked & $result
Definition hooks.txt:2293
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a local account incomplete not yet checked for validity & $retval
Definition hooks.txt:266
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable modifiable after all normalizations have been except for the $wgMaxImageArea check $image
Definition hooks.txt:893
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext $context
Definition hooks.txt:2780
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a set this to the key of the message First element is the message additional optional elements are parameters for the key that are processed with wfMessage() -> params() ->parseAsBlock() - offset Set to overwrite offset parameter in $wgRequest set to '' to unset offset - wrap String Wrap the message in html(usually something like "&lt;div ...>$1&lt;/div>"). - flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException':Called before an exception(or PHP error) is logged. This is meant for integration with external error aggregation services
it s the revision text itself In either if gzip is the revision text is gzipped $flags
Definition hooks.txt:2805
Status::newGood()` to allow deletion, and then `return false` from the hook function. Ensure you consume the 'ChangeTagAfterDelete' hook to carry out custom deletion actions. $tag:name of the tag $user:user initiating the action & $status:Status object. See above. 'ChangeTagsListActive':Allows you to nominate which of the tags your extension uses are in active use. & $tags:list of all active tags. Append to this array. 'ChangeTagsAfterUpdateTags':Called after tags have been updated with the ChangeTags::updateTags function. Params:$addedTags:tags effectively added in the update $removedTags:tags effectively removed in the update $prevTags:tags that were present prior to the update $rc_id:recentchanges table id $rev_id:revision table id $log_id:logging table id $params:tag params $rc:RecentChange being tagged when the tagging accompanies the action or null $user:User who performed the tagging when the tagging is subsequent to the action or null 'ChangeTagsAllowedAdd':Called when checking if a user can add tags to a change. & $allowedTags:List of all the tags the user is allowed to add. Any tags the user wants to add( $addTags) that are not in this array will cause it to fail. You may add or remove tags to this array as required. $addTags:List of tags user intends to add. $user:User who is adding the tags. 'ChangeUserGroups':Called before user groups are changed. $performer:The User who will perform the change $user:The User whose groups will be changed & $add:The groups that will be added & $remove:The groups that will be removed 'Collation::factory':Called if $wgCategoryCollation is an unknown collation. $collationName:Name of the collation in question & $collationObject:Null. Replace with a subclass of the Collation class that implements the collation given in $collationName. 'ConfirmEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been confirmed successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being confirmed 'ContentAlterParserOutput':Modify parser output for a given content object. Called by Content::getParserOutput after parsing has finished. Can be used for changes that depend on the result of the parsing but have to be done before LinksUpdate is called(such as adding tracking categories based on the rendered HTML). $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $parserOutput:ParserOutput to manipulate 'ContentGetParserOutput':Customize parser output for a given content object, called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput. May be used to override the normal model-specific rendering of page content. $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $revId:The revision ID, as context $options:ParserOptions for rendering. To avoid confusing the parser cache, the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook function, not on global state. $generateHtml:boolean, indicating whether full HTML should be generated. If false, generation of HTML may be skipped, but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object. & $output:ParserOutput, to manipulate or replace 'ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor':Called when the default content model is determined for a given title. May be used to assign a different model for that title. $title:the Title in question & $model:the model name. Use with CONTENT_MODEL_XXX constants. 'ContentHandlerForModelID':Called when a ContentHandler is requested for a given content model name, but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers. Note:if your extension implements additional models via this hook, please use GetContentModels hook to make them known to core. $modeName:the requested content model name & $handler:set this to a ContentHandler object, if desired. 'ContentModelCanBeUsedOn':Called to determine whether that content model can be used on a given page. This is especially useful to prevent some content models to be used in some special location. $contentModel:ID of the content model in question $title:the Title in question. & $ok:Output parameter, whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title. Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok. 'ContribsPager::getQueryInfo':Before the contributions query is about to run & $pager:Pager object for contributions & $queryInfo:The query for the contribs Pager 'ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for My Contributions & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The ContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'ContributionsLineEnding':Called before a contributions HTML line is finished $page:SpecialPage object for contributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'ContributionsToolLinks':Change tool links above Special:Contributions $id:User identifier $title:User page title & $tools:Array of tool links $specialPage:SpecialPage instance for context and services. Can be either SpecialContributions or DeletedContributionsPage. Extensions should type hint against a generic SpecialPage though. 'ConvertContent':Called by AbstractContent::convert when a conversion to another content model is requested. Handler functions that modify $result should generally return false to disable further attempts at conversion. $content:The Content object to be converted. $toModel:The ID of the content model to convert to. $lossy: boolean indicating whether lossy conversion is allowed. & $result:Output parameter, in case the handler function wants to provide a converted Content object. Note that $result->getContentModel() must return $toModel. 'CustomEditor':When invoking the page editor Return true to allow the normal editor to be used, or false if implementing a custom editor, e.g. for a special namespace, etc. $article:Article being edited $user:User performing the edit 'DatabaseOraclePostInit':Called after initialising an Oracle database $db:the DatabaseOracle object 'DeletedContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for Special:DeletedContributions Similar to ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The DeletedContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'DeletedContributionsLineEnding':Called before a DeletedContributions HTML line is finished. Similar to ContributionsLineEnding $page:SpecialPage object for DeletedContributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'DifferenceEngineAfterLoadNewText':called in DifferenceEngine::loadNewText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before returning true from this function. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineLoadTextAfterNewContentIsLoaded':called in DifferenceEngine::loadText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before checking if the variable 's value is null. This hook can be used to inject content into said class member variable. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledLink':Allows extensions to change the "mark as patrolled" link which is shown both on the diff header as well as on the bottom of a page, usually wrapped in a span element which has class="patrollink". $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $markAsPatrolledLink:The "mark as patrolled" link HTML(string) $rcid:Recent change ID(rc_id) for this change(int) 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledRCID':Allows extensions to possibly change the rcid parameter. For example the rcid might be set to zero due to the user being the same as the performer of the change but an extension might still want to show it under certain conditions. & $rcid:rc_id(int) of the change or 0 $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object $change:RecentChange object $user:User object representing the current user 'DifferenceEngineNewHeader':Allows extensions to change the $newHeader variable, which contains information about the new revision, such as the revision 's author, whether the revision was marked as a minor edit or not, etc. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $newHeader:The string containing the various #mw-diff-otitle[1-5] divs, which include things like revision author info, revision comment, RevisionDelete link and more $formattedRevisionTools:Array containing revision tools, some of which may have been injected with the DiffRevisionTools hook $nextlink:String containing the link to the next revision(if any) $status
Definition hooks.txt:1049
returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition hooks.txt:2146
if( $ext=='php'|| $ext=='php5') $mime
Definition router.php:59
if(!isset( $args[0])) $lang