MediaWiki REL1_31
Go to the documentation of this file.
3namespace MediaWiki\Auth;
5use Config;
8use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
9use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
10use StatusValue;
11use WebRequest;
12use Wikimedia\ScopedCallback;
13use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
22 protected $request;
24 protected $config;
26 protected $logger;
28 protected $preauthMocks = [];
29 protected $primaryauthMocks = [];
30 protected $secondaryauthMocks = [];
33 protected $manager;
35 protected $managerPriv;
37 protected function setUp() {
38 parent::setUp();
40 $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgAuth' => null ] );
41 $this->stashMwGlobals( [ 'wgHooks' ] );
42 }
50 protected function hook( $hook, $expect ) {
51 global $wgHooks;
52 $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( __CLASS__ )
53 ->setMethods( [ "on$hook" ] )
54 ->getMock();
55 $wgHooks[$hook] = [ $mock ];
56 return $mock->expects( $expect )->method( "on$hook" );
57 }
63 protected function unhook( $hook ) {
64 global $wgHooks;
65 $wgHooks[$hook] = [];
66 }
74 protected function message( $key, $params = [] ) {
75 if ( $key === null ) {
76 return null;
77 }
78 if ( $key instanceof \MessageSpecifier ) {
79 $params = $key->getParams();
80 $key = $key->getKey();
81 }
82 return new \Message( $key, $params, \Language::factory( 'en' ) );
83 }
90 protected function initializeConfig() {
91 $config = [
92 'preauth' => [
93 ],
94 'primaryauth' => [
95 ],
96 'secondaryauth' => [
97 ],
98 ];
100 foreach ( [ 'preauth', 'primaryauth', 'secondaryauth' ] as $type ) {
101 $key = $type . 'Mocks';
102 foreach ( $this->$key as $mock ) {
103 $config[$type][$mock->getUniqueId()] = [ 'factory' => function () use ( $mock ) {
104 return $mock;
105 } ];
106 }
107 }
109 $this->config->set( 'AuthManagerConfig', $config );
110 $this->config->set( 'LanguageCode', 'en' );
111 $this->config->set( 'NewUserLog', false );
112 }
118 protected function initializeManager( $regen = false ) {
119 if ( $regen || !$this->config ) {
120 $this->config = new \HashConfig();
121 }
122 if ( $regen || !$this->request ) {
123 $this->request = new \FauxRequest();
124 }
125 if ( !$this->logger ) {
126 $this->logger = new \TestLogger();
127 }
129 if ( $regen || !$this->config->has( 'AuthManagerConfig' ) ) {
130 $this->initializeConfig();
131 }
132 $this->manager = new AuthManager( $this->request, $this->config );
133 $this->manager->setLogger( $this->logger );
134 $this->managerPriv = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->manager );
135 }
143 protected function getMockSessionProvider( $canChangeUser = null, array $methods = [] ) {
144 if ( !$this->config ) {
145 $this->config = new \HashConfig();
146 $this->initializeConfig();
147 }
148 $this->config->set( 'ObjectCacheSessionExpiry', 100 );
150 $methods[] = '__toString';
151 $methods[] = 'describe';
152 if ( $canChangeUser !== null ) {
153 $methods[] = 'canChangeUser';
154 }
155 $provider = $this->getMockBuilder( \DummySessionProvider::class )
156 ->setMethods( $methods )
157 ->getMock();
158 $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
159 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockSessionProvider' ) );
160 $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'describe' )
161 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockSessionProvider sessions' ) );
162 if ( $canChangeUser !== null ) {
163 $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'canChangeUser' )
164 ->will( $this->returnValue( $canChangeUser ) );
165 }
166 $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
167 [ 'factory' => function () use ( $provider ) {
168 return $provider;
169 } ],
170 ] );
172 $manager = new \MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager( [
173 'config' => $this->config,
174 'logger' => new \Psr\Log\NullLogger(),
175 'store' => new \HashBagOStuff(),
176 ] );
177 TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $manager )->getProvider( (string)$provider );
179 $reset = \MediaWiki\Session\TestUtils::setSessionManagerSingleton( $manager );
181 if ( $this->request ) {
182 $manager->getSessionForRequest( $this->request );
183 }
185 return [ $provider, $reset ];
186 }
188 public function testSingleton() {
189 // Temporarily clear out the global singleton, if any, to test creating
190 // one.
191 $rProp = new \ReflectionProperty( AuthManager::class, 'instance' );
192 $rProp->setAccessible( true );
193 $old = $rProp->getValue();
194 $cb = new ScopedCallback( [ $rProp, 'setValue' ], [ $old ] );
195 $rProp->setValue( null );
197 $singleton = AuthManager::singleton();
198 $this->assertInstanceOf( AuthManager::class, AuthManager::singleton() );
199 $this->assertSame( $singleton, AuthManager::singleton() );
200 $this->assertSame( \RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(), $singleton->getRequest() );
201 $this->assertSame(
202 \RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig(),
203 TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $singleton )->config
204 );
205 }
207 public function testCanAuthenticateNow() {
208 $this->initializeManager();
210 list( $provider, $reset ) = $this->getMockSessionProvider( false );
211 $this->assertFalse( $this->manager->canAuthenticateNow() );
212 ScopedCallback::consume( $reset );
214 list( $provider, $reset ) = $this->getMockSessionProvider( true );
215 $this->assertTrue( $this->manager->canAuthenticateNow() );
216 ScopedCallback::consume( $reset );
217 }
219 public function testNormalizeUsername() {
220 $mocks = [
221 $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class ),
222 $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class ),
223 $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class ),
224 $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class ),
225 ];
226 foreach ( $mocks as $key => $mock ) {
227 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
228 }
229 $mocks[0]->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'providerNormalizeUsername' )
230 ->with( $this->identicalTo( 'XYZ' ) )
231 ->willReturn( 'Foo' );
232 $mocks[1]->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'providerNormalizeUsername' )
233 ->with( $this->identicalTo( 'XYZ' ) )
234 ->willReturn( 'Foo' );
235 $mocks[2]->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'providerNormalizeUsername' )
236 ->with( $this->identicalTo( 'XYZ' ) )
237 ->willReturn( null );
238 $mocks[3]->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'providerNormalizeUsername' )
239 ->with( $this->identicalTo( 'XYZ' ) )
240 ->willReturn( 'Bar!' );
242 $this->primaryauthMocks = $mocks;
244 $this->initializeManager();
246 $this->assertSame( [ 'Foo', 'Bar!' ], $this->manager->normalizeUsername( 'XYZ' ) );
247 }
253 public function testSecuritySensitiveOperationStatus( $mutableSession ) {
254 $this->logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();
255 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
256 $provideUser = null;
257 $reauth = $mutableSession ? AuthManager::SEC_REAUTH : AuthManager::SEC_FAIL;
259 list( $provider, $reset ) = $this->getMockSessionProvider(
260 $mutableSession, [ 'provideSessionInfo' ]
261 );
262 $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'provideSessionInfo' )
263 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function () use ( $provider, &$provideUser ) {
264 return new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
265 'provider' => $provider,
267 'persisted' => true,
268 'userInfo' => UserInfo::newFromUser( $provideUser, true )
269 ] );
270 } ) );
271 $this->initializeManager();
273 $this->config->set( 'ReauthenticateTime', [] );
274 $this->config->set( 'AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate', [] );
275 $provideUser = new \User;
276 $session = $provider->getManager()->getSessionForRequest( $this->request );
277 $this->assertSame( 0, $session->getUser()->getId(), 'sanity check' );
279 // Anonymous user => reauth
280 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId', 0 );
281 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() - 5 );
282 $this->assertSame( $reauth, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'foo' ) );
284 $provideUser = $user;
285 $session = $provider->getManager()->getSessionForRequest( $this->request );
286 $this->assertSame( $user->getId(), $session->getUser()->getId(), 'sanity check' );
288 // Error for no default (only gets thrown for non-anonymous user)
289 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId', $user->getId() + 1 );
290 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() - 5 );
291 try {
292 $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'foo' );
293 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
294 } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
295 $this->assertSame(
296 $mutableSession
297 ? '$wgReauthenticateTime lacks a default'
298 : '$wgAllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate lacks a default',
299 $ex->getMessage()
300 );
301 }
303 if ( $mutableSession ) {
304 $this->config->set( 'ReauthenticateTime', [
305 'test' => 100,
306 'test2' => -1,
307 'default' => 10,
308 ] );
310 // Mismatched user ID
311 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId', $user->getId() + 1 );
312 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() - 5 );
313 $this->assertSame(
314 AuthManager::SEC_REAUTH, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'foo' )
315 );
316 $this->assertSame(
317 AuthManager::SEC_REAUTH, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test' )
318 );
319 $this->assertSame(
320 AuthManager::SEC_OK, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test2' )
321 );
323 // Missing time
324 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId', $user->getId() );
325 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', null );
326 $this->assertSame(
327 AuthManager::SEC_REAUTH, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'foo' )
328 );
329 $this->assertSame(
330 AuthManager::SEC_REAUTH, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test' )
331 );
332 $this->assertSame(
333 AuthManager::SEC_OK, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test2' )
334 );
336 // Recent enough to pass
337 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() - 5 );
338 $this->assertSame(
339 AuthManager::SEC_OK, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'foo' )
340 );
342 // Not recent enough to pass
343 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() - 20 );
344 $this->assertSame(
345 AuthManager::SEC_REAUTH, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'foo' )
346 );
347 // But recent enough for the 'test' operation
348 $this->assertSame(
349 AuthManager::SEC_OK, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test' )
350 );
351 } else {
352 $this->config->set( 'AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate', [
353 'test' => false,
354 'default' => true,
355 ] );
357 $this->assertEquals(
358 AuthManager::SEC_OK, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'foo' )
359 );
361 $this->assertEquals(
362 AuthManager::SEC_FAIL, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test' )
363 );
364 }
366 // Test hook, all three possible values
367 foreach ( [
369 AuthManager::SEC_REAUTH => $reauth,
371 ] as $hook => $expect ) {
372 $this->hook( 'SecuritySensitiveOperationStatus', $this->exactly( 2 ) )
373 ->with(
374 $this->anything(),
375 $this->anything(),
376 $this->callback( function ( $s ) use ( $session ) {
377 return $s->getId() === $session->getId();
378 } ),
379 $mutableSession ? $this->equalTo( 500, 1 ) : $this->equalTo( -1 )
380 )
381 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( &$v ) use ( $hook ) {
382 $v = $hook;
383 return true;
384 } ) );
385 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() - 500 );
386 $this->assertEquals(
387 $expect, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test' ), "hook $hook"
388 );
389 $this->assertEquals(
390 $expect, $this->manager->securitySensitiveOperationStatus( 'test2' ), "hook $hook"
391 );
392 $this->unhook( 'SecuritySensitiveOperationStatus' );
393 }
395 ScopedCallback::consume( $reset );
396 }
398 public function onSecuritySensitiveOperationStatus( &$status, $operation, $session, $time ) {
399 }
402 return [
403 [ true ],
404 [ false ],
405 ];
406 }
414 public function testUserCanAuthenticate( $primary1Can, $primary2Can, $expect ) {
415 $mock1 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
416 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
417 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary1' ) );
418 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserCanAuthenticate' )
419 ->with( $this->equalTo( 'UTSysop' ) )
420 ->will( $this->returnValue( $primary1Can ) );
421 $mock2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
422 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
423 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary2' ) );
424 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserCanAuthenticate' )
425 ->with( $this->equalTo( 'UTSysop' ) )
426 ->will( $this->returnValue( $primary2Can ) );
427 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock1, $mock2 ];
429 $this->initializeManager( true );
430 $this->assertSame( $expect, $this->manager->userCanAuthenticate( 'UTSysop' ) );
431 }
433 public static function provideUserCanAuthenticate() {
434 return [
435 [ false, false, false ],
436 [ true, false, true ],
437 [ false, true, true ],
438 [ true, true, true ],
439 ];
440 }
442 public function testRevokeAccessForUser() {
443 $this->initializeManager();
445 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
446 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
447 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary' ) );
448 $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'providerRevokeAccessForUser' )
449 ->with( $this->equalTo( 'UTSysop' ) );
450 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
452 $this->initializeManager( true );
453 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
455 $this->manager->revokeAccessForUser( 'UTSysop' );
457 $this->assertSame( [
458 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'Revoking access for {user}' ],
459 ], $this->logger->getBuffer() );
460 }
462 public function testProviderCreation() {
463 $mocks = [
464 'pre' => $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PreAuthenticationProvider::class ),
465 'primary' => $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class ),
466 'secondary' => $this->getMockForAbstractClass( SecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class ),
467 ];
468 foreach ( $mocks as $key => $mock ) {
469 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
470 $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'setLogger' );
471 $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'setManager' );
472 $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'setConfig' );
473 }
474 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mocks['pre'] ];
475 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['primary'] ];
476 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['secondary'] ];
478 // Normal operation
479 $this->initializeManager();
480 $this->assertSame(
481 $mocks['primary'],
482 $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'primary' )
483 );
484 $this->assertSame(
485 $mocks['secondary'],
486 $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'secondary' )
487 );
488 $this->assertSame(
489 $mocks['pre'],
490 $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'pre' )
491 );
492 $this->assertSame(
493 [ 'pre' => $mocks['pre'] ],
494 $this->managerPriv->getPreAuthenticationProviders()
495 );
496 $this->assertSame(
497 [ 'primary' => $mocks['primary'] ],
498 $this->managerPriv->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders()
499 );
500 $this->assertSame(
501 [ 'secondary' => $mocks['secondary'] ],
502 $this->managerPriv->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders()
503 );
505 // Duplicate IDs
506 $mock1 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PreAuthenticationProvider::class );
507 $mock2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
508 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
509 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
510 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mock1 ];
511 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock2 ];
512 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [];
513 $this->initializeManager( true );
514 try {
515 $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'Y' );
516 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
517 } catch ( \RuntimeException $ex ) {
518 $class1 = get_class( $mock1 );
519 $class2 = get_class( $mock2 );
520 $this->assertSame(
521 "Duplicate specifications for id X (classes $class1 and $class2)", $ex->getMessage()
522 );
523 }
525 // Wrong classes
526 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationProvider::class );
527 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
528 $class = get_class( $mock );
529 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mock ];
530 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
531 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
532 $this->initializeManager( true );
533 try {
534 $this->managerPriv->getPreAuthenticationProviders();
535 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
536 } catch ( \RuntimeException $ex ) {
537 $this->assertSame(
538 "Expected instance of MediaWiki\\Auth\\PreAuthenticationProvider, got $class",
539 $ex->getMessage()
540 );
541 }
542 try {
543 $this->managerPriv->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders();
544 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
545 } catch ( \RuntimeException $ex ) {
546 $this->assertSame(
547 "Expected instance of MediaWiki\\Auth\\PrimaryAuthenticationProvider, got $class",
548 $ex->getMessage()
549 );
550 }
551 try {
552 $this->managerPriv->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
553 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
554 } catch ( \RuntimeException $ex ) {
555 $this->assertSame(
556 "Expected instance of MediaWiki\\Auth\\SecondaryAuthenticationProvider, got $class",
557 $ex->getMessage()
558 );
559 }
561 // Sorting
562 $mock1 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
563 $mock2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
564 $mock3 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
565 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'A' ) );
566 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'B' ) );
567 $mock3->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'C' ) );
568 $this->preauthMocks = [];
569 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock1, $mock2, $mock3 ];
570 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [];
571 $this->initializeConfig();
572 $config = $this->config->get( 'AuthManagerConfig' );
574 $this->initializeManager( false );
575 $this->assertSame(
576 [ 'A' => $mock1, 'B' => $mock2, 'C' => $mock3 ],
577 $this->managerPriv->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders(),
578 'sanity check'
579 );
581 $config['primaryauth']['A']['sort'] = 100;
582 $config['primaryauth']['C']['sort'] = -1;
583 $this->config->set( 'AuthManagerConfig', $config );
584 $this->initializeManager( false );
585 $this->assertSame(
586 [ 'C' => $mock3, 'B' => $mock2, 'A' => $mock1 ],
587 $this->managerPriv->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders()
588 );
589 }
591 public function testSetDefaultUserOptions() {
592 $this->initializeManager();
594 $context = \RequestContext::getMain();
595 $reset = new ScopedCallback( [ $context, 'setLanguage' ], [ $context->getLanguage() ] );
596 $context->setLanguage( 'de' );
597 $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContLang', \Language::factory( 'zh' ) );
599 $user = \User::newFromName( self::usernameForCreation() );
600 $user->addToDatabase();
601 $oldToken = $user->getToken();
602 $this->managerPriv->setDefaultUserOptions( $user, false );
603 $user->saveSettings();
604 $this->assertNotEquals( $oldToken, $user->getToken() );
605 $this->assertSame( 'zh', $user->getOption( 'language' ) );
606 $this->assertSame( 'zh', $user->getOption( 'variant' ) );
608 $user = \User::newFromName( self::usernameForCreation() );
609 $user->addToDatabase();
610 $oldToken = $user->getToken();
611 $this->managerPriv->setDefaultUserOptions( $user, true );
612 $user->saveSettings();
613 $this->assertNotEquals( $oldToken, $user->getToken() );
614 $this->assertSame( 'de', $user->getOption( 'language' ) );
615 $this->assertSame( 'zh', $user->getOption( 'variant' ) );
617 $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContLang', \Language::factory( 'fr' ) );
619 $user = \User::newFromName( self::usernameForCreation() );
620 $user->addToDatabase();
621 $oldToken = $user->getToken();
622 $this->managerPriv->setDefaultUserOptions( $user, true );
623 $user->saveSettings();
624 $this->assertNotEquals( $oldToken, $user->getToken() );
625 $this->assertSame( 'de', $user->getOption( 'language' ) );
626 $this->assertSame( null, $user->getOption( 'variant' ) );
627 }
630 $mockA = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
631 $mockB = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
632 $mockB2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
633 $mockA->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'A' ) );
634 $mockB->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'B' ) );
635 $mockB2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'B' ) );
636 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mockA ];
638 $this->logger = new \TestLogger( true );
640 // Test without first initializing the configured providers
641 $this->initializeManager();
642 $this->manager->forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders( [ $mockB ], 'testing' );
643 $this->assertSame(
644 [ 'B' => $mockB ], $this->managerPriv->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders()
645 );
646 $this->assertSame( null, $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'A' ) );
647 $this->assertSame( $mockB, $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'B' ) );
648 $this->assertSame( [
649 [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Overriding AuthManager primary authn because testing' ],
650 ], $this->logger->getBuffer() );
651 $this->logger->clearBuffer();
653 // Test with first initializing the configured providers
654 $this->initializeManager();
655 $this->assertSame( $mockA, $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'A' ) );
656 $this->assertSame( null, $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'B' ) );
657 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', 'test' );
658 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', 'test' );
659 $this->manager->forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders( [ $mockB ], 'testing' );
660 $this->assertSame(
661 [ 'B' => $mockB ], $this->managerPriv->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders()
662 );
663 $this->assertSame( null, $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'A' ) );
664 $this->assertSame( $mockB, $this->managerPriv->getAuthenticationProvider( 'B' ) );
665 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ) );
666 $this->assertNull(
667 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
668 );
669 $this->assertSame( [
670 [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Overriding AuthManager primary authn because testing' ],
671 [
672 LogLevel::WARNING,
673 'PrimaryAuthenticationProviders have already been accessed! I hope nothing breaks.'
674 ],
675 ], $this->logger->getBuffer() );
676 $this->logger->clearBuffer();
678 // Test duplicate IDs
679 $this->initializeManager();
680 try {
681 $this->manager->forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders( [ $mockB, $mockB2 ], 'testing' );
682 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
683 } catch ( \RuntimeException $ex ) {
684 $class1 = get_class( $mockB );
685 $class2 = get_class( $mockB2 );
686 $this->assertSame(
687 "Duplicate specifications for id B (classes $class2 and $class1)", $ex->getMessage()
688 );
689 }
691 // Wrong classes
692 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationProvider::class );
693 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
694 $class = get_class( $mock );
695 try {
696 $this->manager->forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders( [ $mock ], 'testing' );
697 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
698 } catch ( \RuntimeException $ex ) {
699 $this->assertSame(
700 "Expected instance of MediaWiki\\Auth\\PrimaryAuthenticationProvider, got $class",
701 $ex->getMessage()
702 );
703 }
704 }
706 public function testBeginAuthentication() {
707 $this->initializeManager();
709 // Immutable session
710 list( $provider, $reset ) = $this->getMockSessionProvider( false );
711 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->never() );
712 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', 'test' );
713 try {
714 $this->manager->beginAuthentication( [], 'http://localhost/' );
715 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
716 } catch ( \LogicException $ex ) {
717 $this->assertSame( 'Authentication is not possible now', $ex->getMessage() );
718 }
719 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
720 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ) );
721 ScopedCallback::consume( $reset );
722 $this->initializeManager( true );
724 // CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest
725 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
726 $reqs = [
727 new CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest( $user->getId(), $user->getName() )
728 ];
729 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->never() );
730 try {
731 $this->manager->beginAuthentication( $reqs, 'http://localhost/' );
732 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
733 } catch ( \LogicException $ex ) {
734 $this->assertSame(
735 'CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequests are only valid on the same AuthManager ' .
736 'that created the account',
737 $ex->getMessage()
738 );
739 }
740 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
742 $this->request->getSession()->clear();
743 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', 'test' );
744 $this->managerPriv->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests = [ $reqs[0] ];
745 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->once() )
746 ->with( $this->callback( function ( $u ) use ( $user ) {
747 return $user->getId() === $u->getId() && $user->getName() === $u->getName();
748 } ) );
749 $this->hook( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', $this->once() );
750 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
751 $ret = $this->manager->beginAuthentication( $reqs, 'http://localhost/' );
752 $this->logger->setCollect( false );
753 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
754 $this->unhook( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit' );
755 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::PASS, $ret->status );
756 $this->assertSame( $user->getName(), $ret->username );
757 $this->assertSame( $user->getId(), $this->request->getSessionData( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId' ) );
758 $this->assertEquals(
759 time(), $this->request->getSessionData( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp' ),
760 'timestamp ±1', 1
761 );
762 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ) );
763 $this->assertSame( $user->getId(), $this->request->getSession()->getUser()->getId() );
764 $this->assertSame( [
765 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'Logging in {user} after account creation' ],
766 ], $this->logger->getBuffer() );
767 }
769 public function testCreateFromLogin() {
770 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
771 $req1 = $this->createMock( AuthenticationRequest::class );
772 $req2 = $this->createMock( AuthenticationRequest::class );
773 $req3 = $this->createMock( AuthenticationRequest::class );
774 $userReq = new UsernameAuthenticationRequest;
775 $userReq->username = 'UTDummy';
777 $req1->returnToUrl = 'http://localhost/';
778 $req2->returnToUrl = 'http://localhost/';
779 $req3->returnToUrl = 'http://localhost/';
780 $req3->username = 'UTDummy';
781 $userReq->returnToUrl = 'http://localhost/';
783 // Passing one into beginAuthentication(), and an immediate FAIL
784 $primary = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
785 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $primary ];
786 $this->initializeManager( true );
788 $res->createRequest = $req1;
789 $primary->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAuthentication' )
790 ->will( $this->returnValue( $res ) );
792 null, [ $req2->getUniqueId() => $req2 ]
793 );
794 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
795 $ret = $this->manager->beginAuthentication( [ $createReq ], 'http://localhost/' );
796 $this->logger->setCollect( false );
797 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
798 $this->assertInstanceOf( CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest::class, $ret->createRequest );
799 $this->assertSame( $req1, $ret->createRequest->createRequest );
800 $this->assertEquals( [ $req2->getUniqueId() => $req2 ], $ret->createRequest->maybeLink );
802 // UI, then FAIL in beginAuthentication()
803 $primary = $this->getMockBuilder( AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class )
804 ->setMethods( [ 'continuePrimaryAuthentication' ] )
805 ->getMockForAbstractClass();
806 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $primary ];
807 $this->initializeManager( true );
808 $primary->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAuthentication' )
809 ->will( $this->returnValue(
810 AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req1 ], wfMessage( 'foo' ) )
811 ) );
813 $res->createRequest = $req2;
814 $primary->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'continuePrimaryAuthentication' )
815 ->will( $this->returnValue( $res ) );
816 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
817 $ret = $this->manager->beginAuthentication( [], 'http://localhost/' );
818 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::UI, $ret->status, 'sanity check' );
819 $ret = $this->manager->continueAuthentication( [] );
820 $this->logger->setCollect( false );
821 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
822 $this->assertInstanceOf( CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest::class, $ret->createRequest );
823 $this->assertSame( $req2, $ret->createRequest->createRequest );
824 $this->assertEquals( [], $ret->createRequest->maybeLink );
826 // Pass into beginAccountCreation(), see that maybeLink and createRequest get copied
827 $primary = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
828 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $primary ];
829 $this->initializeManager( true );
830 $createReq = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest( $req3, [ $req2 ] );
831 $createReq->returnToUrl = 'http://localhost/';
832 $createReq->username = 'UTDummy';
833 $res = AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req1 ], wfMessage( 'foo' ) );
834 $primary->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountCreation' )
835 ->with( $this->anything(), $this->anything(), [ $userReq, $createReq, $req3 ] )
836 ->will( $this->returnValue( $res ) );
837 $primary->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
838 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
839 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
840 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
841 $user, [ $userReq, $createReq ], 'http://localhost/'
842 );
843 $this->logger->setCollect( false );
844 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::UI, $ret->status );
845 $state = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' );
846 $this->assertNotNull( $state );
847 $this->assertEquals( [ $userReq, $createReq, $req3 ], $state['reqs'] );
848 $this->assertEquals( [ $req2 ], $state['maybeLink'] );
849 }
859 public function testAuthentication(
860 StatusValue $preResponse, array $primaryResponses, array $secondaryResponses,
861 array $managerResponses, $link = false
862 ) {
863 $this->initializeManager();
864 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
865 $id = $user->getId();
866 $name = $user->getName();
868 // Set up lots of mocks...
870 $req->rememberMe = (bool)rand( 0, 1 );
871 $req->pre = $preResponse;
872 $req->primary = $primaryResponses;
873 $req->secondary = $secondaryResponses;
874 $mocks = [];
875 foreach ( [ 'pre', 'primary', 'secondary' ] as $key ) {
876 $class = ucfirst( $key ) . 'AuthenticationProvider';
877 $mocks[$key] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
878 "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class", [], "Mock$class"
879 );
880 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
881 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
882 $mocks[$key . '2'] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class" );
883 $mocks[$key . '2']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
884 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key . '2' ) );
885 $mocks[$key . '3'] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class" );
886 $mocks[$key . '3']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
887 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key . '3' ) );
888 }
889 foreach ( $mocks as $mock ) {
890 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getAuthenticationRequests' )
891 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
892 }
894 $mocks['pre']->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'testForAuthentication' )
895 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $reqs ) use ( $req ) {
896 $this->assertContains( $req, $reqs );
897 return $req->pre;
898 } ) );
900 $ct = count( $req->primary );
901 $callback = $this->returnCallback( function ( $reqs ) use ( $req ) {
902 $this->assertContains( $req, $reqs );
903 return array_shift( $req->primary );
904 } );
905 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( min( 1, $ct ) ) )
906 ->method( 'beginPrimaryAuthentication' )
907 ->will( $callback );
908 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( max( 0, $ct - 1 ) ) )
909 ->method( 'continuePrimaryAuthentication' )
910 ->will( $callback );
911 if ( $link ) {
912 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
913 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) );
914 }
916 $ct = count( $req->secondary );
917 $callback = $this->returnCallback( function ( $user, $reqs ) use ( $id, $name, $req ) {
918 $this->assertSame( $id, $user->getId() );
919 $this->assertSame( $name, $user->getName() );
920 $this->assertContains( $req, $reqs );
921 return array_shift( $req->secondary );
922 } );
923 $mocks['secondary']->expects( $this->exactly( min( 1, $ct ) ) )
924 ->method( 'beginSecondaryAuthentication' )
925 ->will( $callback );
926 $mocks['secondary']->expects( $this->exactly( max( 0, $ct - 1 ) ) )
927 ->method( 'continueSecondaryAuthentication' )
928 ->will( $callback );
931 $mocks['pre2']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'testForAuthentication' )
932 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
933 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'beginPrimaryAuthentication' )
934 ->will( $this->returnValue( $abstain ) );
935 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continuePrimaryAuthentication' );
936 $mocks['secondary2']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'beginSecondaryAuthentication' )
937 ->will( $this->returnValue( $abstain ) );
938 $mocks['secondary2']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continueSecondaryAuthentication' );
939 $mocks['secondary3']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'beginSecondaryAuthentication' )
940 ->will( $this->returnValue( $abstain ) );
941 $mocks['secondary3']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continueSecondaryAuthentication' );
943 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mocks['pre'], $mocks['pre2'] ];
944 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['primary'], $mocks['primary2'] ];
945 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [
946 $mocks['secondary3'], $mocks['secondary'], $mocks['secondary2'],
947 // So linking happens
949 ];
950 $this->initializeManager( true );
951 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
953 $constraint = \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::logicalOr(
954 $this->equalTo( AuthenticationResponse::PASS ),
955 $this->equalTo( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL )
956 );
957 $providers = array_filter(
958 array_merge(
959 $this->preauthMocks, $this->primaryauthMocks, $this->secondaryauthMocks
960 ),
961 function ( $p ) {
962 return is_callable( [ $p, 'expects' ] );
963 }
964 );
965 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
966 $p->postCalled = false;
967 $p->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'postAuthentication' )
968 ->willReturnCallback( function ( $user, $response ) use ( $constraint, $p ) {
969 if ( $user !== null ) {
970 $this->assertInstanceOf( \User::class, $user );
971 $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $user->getName() );
972 }
973 $this->assertInstanceOf( AuthenticationResponse::class, $response );
974 $this->assertThat( $response->status, $constraint );
975 $p->postCalled = $response->status;
976 } );
977 }
979 $session = $this->request->getSession();
980 $session->setRememberUser( !$req->rememberMe );
982 foreach ( $managerResponses as $i => $response ) {
985 if ( $success ) {
986 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->once() )
987 ->with( $this->callback( function ( $user ) use ( $id, $name ) {
988 return $user->getId() === $id && $user->getName() === $name;
989 } ) );
990 } else {
991 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->never() );
992 }
993 if ( $success || (
996 $response->message->getKey() !== 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' &&
997 $response->message->getKey() !== 'authmanager-authn-no-primary'
998 )
999 ) {
1000 $this->hook( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', $this->once() );
1001 } else {
1002 $this->hook( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', $this->never() );
1003 }
1005 $ex = null;
1006 try {
1007 if ( !$i ) {
1008 $ret = $this->manager->beginAuthentication( [ $req ], 'http://localhost/' );
1009 } else {
1010 $ret = $this->manager->continueAuthentication( [ $req ] );
1011 }
1012 if ( $response instanceof \Exception ) {
1013 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown', "Response $i" );
1014 }
1015 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
1016 if ( !$response instanceof \Exception ) {
1017 throw $ex;
1018 }
1019 $this->assertEquals( $response->getMessage(), $ex->getMessage(), "Response $i, exception" );
1020 $this->assertNull( $session->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ),
1021 "Response $i, exception, session state" );
1022 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
1023 $this->unhook( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit' );
1024 return;
1025 }
1027 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
1028 $this->unhook( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit' );
1030 $this->assertSame( 'http://localhost/', $req->returnToUrl );
1032 $ret->message = $this->message( $ret->message );
1033 $this->assertEquals( $response, $ret, "Response $i, response" );
1034 if ( $success ) {
1035 $this->assertSame( $id, $session->getUser()->getId(),
1036 "Response $i, authn" );
1037 } else {
1038 $this->assertSame( 0, $session->getUser()->getId(),
1039 "Response $i, authn" );
1040 }
1041 if ( $success || $response->status === AuthenticationResponse::FAIL ) {
1042 $this->assertNull( $session->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ),
1043 "Response $i, session state" );
1044 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
1045 $this->assertSame( $response->status, $p->postCalled,
1046 "Response $i, post-auth callback called" );
1047 }
1048 } else {
1049 $this->assertNotNull( $session->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ),
1050 "Response $i, session state" );
1051 foreach ( $ret->neededRequests as $neededReq ) {
1052 $this->assertEquals( AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN, $neededReq->action,
1053 "Response $i, neededRequest action" );
1054 }
1055 $this->assertEquals(
1056 $ret->neededRequests,
1057 $this->manager->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN_CONTINUE ),
1058 "Response $i, continuation check"
1059 );
1060 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
1061 $this->assertFalse( $p->postCalled, "Response $i, post-auth callback not called" );
1062 }
1063 }
1065 $state = $session->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' );
1066 $maybeLink = isset( $state['maybeLink'] ) ? $state['maybeLink'] : [];
1067 if ( $link && $response->status === AuthenticationResponse::RESTART ) {
1068 $this->assertEquals(
1069 $response->createRequest->maybeLink,
1070 $maybeLink,
1071 "Response $i, maybeLink"
1072 );
1073 } else {
1074 $this->assertEquals( [], $maybeLink, "Response $i, maybeLink" );
1075 }
1076 }
1078 if ( $success ) {
1079 $this->assertSame( $req->rememberMe, $session->shouldRememberUser(),
1080 'rememberMe checkbox had effect' );
1081 } else {
1082 $this->assertNotSame( $req->rememberMe, $session->shouldRememberUser(),
1083 'rememberMe checkbox wasn\'t applied' );
1084 }
1085 }
1087 public function provideAuthentication() {
1088 $rememberReq = new RememberMeAuthenticationRequest;
1089 $rememberReq->action = AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN;
1091 $req = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationRequest::class );
1092 $req->foobar = 'baz';
1093 $restartResponse = AuthenticationResponse::newRestart(
1094 $this->message( 'authmanager-authn-no-local-user' )
1095 );
1096 $restartResponse->neededRequests = [ $rememberReq ];
1098 $restartResponse2Pass = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( null );
1099 $restartResponse2Pass->linkRequest = $req;
1100 $restartResponse2 = AuthenticationResponse::newRestart(
1101 $this->message( 'authmanager-authn-no-local-user-link' )
1102 );
1103 $restartResponse2->createRequest = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest(
1104 null, [ $req->getUniqueId() => $req ]
1105 );
1106 $restartResponse2->createRequest->action = AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN;
1107 $restartResponse2->neededRequests = [ $rememberReq, $restartResponse2->createRequest ];
1109 $userName = 'UTSysop';
1111 return [
1112 'Failure in pre-auth' => [
1113 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-from-pre' ),
1114 [],
1115 [],
1116 [
1117 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-pre' ) ),
1119 $this->message( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' )
1120 ),
1121 ]
1122 ],
1123 'Failure in primary' => [
1124 StatusValue::newGood(),
1125 $tmp = [
1126 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-primary' ) ),
1127 ],
1128 [],
1129 $tmp
1130 ],
1131 'All primary abstain' => [
1132 StatusValue::newGood(),
1133 [
1135 ],
1136 [],
1137 [
1138 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'authmanager-authn-no-primary' ) )
1139 ]
1140 ],
1141 'Primary UI, then redirect, then fail' => [
1142 StatusValue::newGood(),
1143 $tmp = [
1144 AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
1145 AuthenticationResponse::newRedirect( [ $req ], '/foo.html', [ 'foo' => 'bar' ] ),
1146 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-in-primary-continue' ) ),
1147 ],
1148 [],
1149 $tmp
1150 ],
1151 'Primary redirect, then abstain' => [
1152 StatusValue::newGood(),
1153 [
1155 [ $req ], '/foo.html', [ 'foo' => 'bar' ]
1156 ),
1158 ],
1159 [],
1160 [
1161 $tmp,
1162 new \DomainException(
1163 'MockPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::continuePrimaryAuthentication() returned ABSTAIN'
1164 )
1165 ]
1166 ],
1167 'Primary UI, then pass with no local user' => [
1168 StatusValue::newGood(),
1169 [
1170 $tmp = AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
1172 ],
1173 [],
1174 [
1175 $tmp,
1176 $restartResponse,
1177 ]
1178 ],
1179 'Primary UI, then pass with no local user (link type)' => [
1180 StatusValue::newGood(),
1181 [
1182 $tmp = AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
1183 $restartResponse2Pass,
1184 ],
1185 [],
1186 [
1187 $tmp,
1188 $restartResponse2,
1189 ],
1190 true
1191 ],
1192 'Primary pass with invalid username' => [
1193 StatusValue::newGood(),
1194 [
1196 ],
1197 [],
1198 [
1199 new \DomainException( 'MockPrimaryAuthenticationProvider returned an invalid username: <>' ),
1200 ]
1201 ],
1202 'Secondary fail' => [
1203 StatusValue::newGood(),
1204 [
1206 ],
1207 $tmp = [
1208 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-in-secondary' ) ),
1209 ],
1210 $tmp
1211 ],
1212 'Secondary UI, then abstain' => [
1213 StatusValue::newGood(),
1214 [
1216 ],
1217 [
1218 $tmp = AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
1220 ],
1221 [
1222 $tmp,
1224 ]
1225 ],
1226 'Secondary pass' => [
1227 StatusValue::newGood(),
1228 [
1230 ],
1231 [
1233 ],
1234 [
1236 ]
1237 ],
1238 ];
1239 }
1247 public function testUserExists( $primary1Exists, $primary2Exists, $expect ) {
1248 $mock1 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1249 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
1250 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary1' ) );
1251 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )
1252 ->with( $this->equalTo( 'UTSysop' ) )
1253 ->will( $this->returnValue( $primary1Exists ) );
1254 $mock2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1255 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
1256 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary2' ) );
1257 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )
1258 ->with( $this->equalTo( 'UTSysop' ) )
1259 ->will( $this->returnValue( $primary2Exists ) );
1260 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock1, $mock2 ];
1262 $this->initializeManager( true );
1263 $this->assertSame( $expect, $this->manager->userExists( 'UTSysop' ) );
1264 }
1266 public static function provideUserExists() {
1267 return [
1268 [ false, false, false ],
1269 [ true, false, true ],
1270 [ false, true, true ],
1271 [ true, true, true ],
1272 ];
1273 }
1281 public function testAllowsAuthenticationDataChange( $primaryReturn, $secondaryReturn, $expect ) {
1282 $req = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationRequest::class );
1284 $mock1 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1285 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( '1' ) );
1286 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange' )
1287 ->with( $this->equalTo( $req ) )
1288 ->will( $this->returnValue( $primaryReturn ) );
1289 $mock2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( SecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1290 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( '2' ) );
1291 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange' )
1292 ->with( $this->equalTo( $req ) )
1293 ->will( $this->returnValue( $secondaryReturn ) );
1295 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock1 ];
1296 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $mock2 ];
1297 $this->initializeManager( true );
1298 $this->assertEquals( $expect, $this->manager->allowsAuthenticationDataChange( $req ) );
1299 }
1301 public static function provideAllowsAuthenticationDataChange() {
1302 $ignored = \Status::newGood( 'ignored' );
1303 $ignored->warning( 'authmanager-change-not-supported' );
1305 $okFromPrimary = StatusValue::newGood();
1306 $okFromPrimary->warning( 'warning-from-primary' );
1307 $okFromSecondary = StatusValue::newGood();
1308 $okFromSecondary->warning( 'warning-from-secondary' );
1310 return [
1311 [
1312 StatusValue::newGood(),
1313 StatusValue::newGood(),
1314 \Status::newGood(),
1315 ],
1316 [
1317 StatusValue::newGood(),
1318 StatusValue::newGood( 'ignore' ),
1319 \Status::newGood(),
1320 ],
1321 [
1322 StatusValue::newGood( 'ignored' ),
1323 StatusValue::newGood(),
1324 \Status::newGood(),
1325 ],
1326 [
1327 StatusValue::newGood( 'ignored' ),
1328 StatusValue::newGood( 'ignored' ),
1329 $ignored,
1330 ],
1331 [
1332 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail from primary' ),
1333 StatusValue::newGood(),
1334 \Status::newFatal( 'fail from primary' ),
1335 ],
1336 [
1337 $okFromPrimary,
1338 StatusValue::newGood(),
1339 \Status::wrap( $okFromPrimary ),
1340 ],
1341 [
1342 StatusValue::newGood(),
1343 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail from secondary' ),
1344 \Status::newFatal( 'fail from secondary' ),
1345 ],
1346 [
1347 StatusValue::newGood(),
1348 $okFromSecondary,
1349 \Status::wrap( $okFromSecondary ),
1350 ],
1351 ];
1352 }
1355 $req = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationRequest::class );
1356 $req->username = 'UTSysop';
1358 $mock1 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1359 $mock1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( '1' ) );
1360 $mock1->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'providerChangeAuthenticationData' )
1361 ->with( $this->equalTo( $req ) );
1362 $mock2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1363 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( '2' ) );
1364 $mock2->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'providerChangeAuthenticationData' )
1365 ->with( $this->equalTo( $req ) );
1367 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock1, $mock2 ];
1368 $this->initializeManager( true );
1369 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
1370 $this->manager->changeAuthenticationData( $req );
1371 $this->assertSame( [
1372 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'Changing authentication data for {user} class {what}' ],
1373 ], $this->logger->getBuffer() );
1374 }
1376 public function testCanCreateAccounts() {
1377 $types = [
1381 ];
1383 foreach ( $types as $type => $can ) {
1384 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1385 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( $type ) );
1386 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1387 ->will( $this->returnValue( $type ) );
1388 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1389 $this->initializeManager( true );
1390 $this->assertSame( $can, $this->manager->canCreateAccounts(), $type );
1391 }
1392 }
1395 global $wgGroupPermissions;
1397 $this->stashMwGlobals( [ 'wgGroupPermissions' ] );
1399 $this->initializeManager( true );
1401 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = true;
1402 $this->assertEquals(
1403 \Status::newGood(),
1404 $this->manager->checkAccountCreatePermissions( new \User )
1405 );
1407 $readOnlyMode = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getReadOnlyMode();
1408 $readOnlyMode->setReason( 'Because' );
1409 $this->assertEquals(
1410 \Status::newFatal( wfMessage( 'readonlytext', 'Because' ) ),
1411 $this->manager->checkAccountCreatePermissions( new \User )
1412 );
1413 $readOnlyMode->setReason( false );
1415 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
1416 $status = $this->manager->checkAccountCreatePermissions( new \User );
1417 $this->assertFalse( $status->isOK() );
1418 $this->assertTrue( $status->hasMessage( 'badaccess-groups' ) );
1419 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = true;
1421 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTBlockee' );
1422 if ( $user->getID() == 0 ) {
1423 $user->addToDatabase();
1424 \TestUser::setPasswordForUser( $user, 'UTBlockeePassword' );
1425 $user->saveSettings();
1426 }
1427 $oldBlock = \Block::newFromTarget( 'UTBlockee' );
1428 if ( $oldBlock ) {
1429 // An old block will prevent our new one from saving.
1430 $oldBlock->delete();
1431 }
1432 $blockOptions = [
1433 'address' => 'UTBlockee',
1434 'user' => $user->getID(),
1435 'by' => $this->getTestSysop()->getUser()->getId(),
1436 'reason' => __METHOD__,
1437 'expiry' => time() + 100500,
1438 'createAccount' => true,
1439 ];
1440 $block = new \Block( $blockOptions );
1441 $block->insert();
1442 $status = $this->manager->checkAccountCreatePermissions( $user );
1443 $this->assertFalse( $status->isOK() );
1444 $this->assertTrue( $status->hasMessage( 'cantcreateaccount-text' ) );
1446 $blockOptions = [
1447 'address' => '',
1448 'by' => $this->getTestSysop()->getUser()->getId(),
1449 'reason' => __METHOD__,
1450 'expiry' => time() + 100500,
1451 'createAccount' => true,
1452 ];
1453 $block = new \Block( $blockOptions );
1454 $block->insert();
1455 $scopeVariable = new ScopedCallback( [ $block, 'delete' ] );
1456 $status = $this->manager->checkAccountCreatePermissions( new \User );
1457 $this->assertFalse( $status->isOK() );
1458 $this->assertTrue( $status->hasMessage( 'cantcreateaccount-range-text' ) );
1459 ScopedCallback::consume( $scopeVariable );
1461 $this->setMwGlobals( [
1462 'wgEnableDnsBlacklist' => true,
1463 'wgDnsBlacklistUrls' => [
1464 '', // This will resolve for every subdomain, which works to test "listed?"
1465 ],
1466 'wgProxyWhitelist' => [],
1467 ] );
1468 $status = $this->manager->checkAccountCreatePermissions( new \User );
1469 $this->assertFalse( $status->isOK() );
1470 $this->assertTrue( $status->hasMessage( 'sorbs_create_account_reason' ) );
1471 $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgProxyWhitelist', [ '' ] );
1472 $status = $this->manager->checkAccountCreatePermissions( new \User );
1473 $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood() );
1474 }
1480 private static function usernameForCreation( $uniq = '' ) {
1481 $i = 0;
1482 do {
1483 $username = "UTAuthManagerTestAccountCreation" . $uniq . ++$i;
1484 } while ( \User::newFromName( $username )->getId() !== 0 );
1485 return $username;
1486 }
1488 public function testCanCreateAccount() {
1490 $this->initializeManager();
1492 $this->assertEquals(
1493 \Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-create-disabled' ),
1494 $this->manager->canCreateAccount( $username )
1495 );
1497 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1498 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1499 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1500 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1501 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
1502 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1503 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1504 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1505 $this->initializeManager( true );
1507 $this->assertEquals(
1508 \Status::newFatal( 'userexists' ),
1509 $this->manager->canCreateAccount( $username )
1510 );
1512 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1513 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1514 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1515 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1516 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1517 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1518 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1519 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1520 $this->initializeManager( true );
1522 $this->assertEquals(
1523 \Status::newFatal( 'noname' ),
1524 $this->manager->canCreateAccount( $username . '<>' )
1525 );
1527 $this->assertEquals(
1528 \Status::newFatal( 'userexists' ),
1529 $this->manager->canCreateAccount( 'UTSysop' )
1530 );
1532 $this->assertEquals(
1533 \Status::newGood(),
1534 $this->manager->canCreateAccount( $username )
1535 );
1537 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1538 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1539 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1540 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1541 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1542 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1543 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail' ) ) );
1544 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1545 $this->initializeManager( true );
1547 $this->assertEquals(
1548 \Status::newFatal( 'fail' ),
1549 $this->manager->canCreateAccount( $username )
1550 );
1551 }
1553 public function testBeginAccountCreation() {
1554 $creator = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
1555 $userReq = new UsernameAuthenticationRequest;
1556 $this->logger = new \TestLogger( false, function ( $message, $level ) {
1557 return $level === LogLevel::DEBUG ? null : $message;
1558 } );
1559 $this->initializeManager();
1561 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', 'test' );
1562 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1563 try {
1564 $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
1565 $creator, [], 'http://localhost/'
1566 );
1567 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
1568 } catch ( \LogicException $ex ) {
1569 $this->assertEquals( 'Account creation is not possible', $ex->getMessage() );
1570 }
1571 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1572 $this->assertNull(
1573 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
1574 );
1576 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1577 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1578 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1579 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1580 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
1581 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1582 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1583 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1584 $this->initializeManager( true );
1586 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1587 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation( $creator, [], 'http://localhost/' );
1588 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1589 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1590 $this->assertSame( 'noname', $ret->message->getKey() );
1592 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1593 $userReq->username = self::usernameForCreation();
1594 $userReq2 = new UsernameAuthenticationRequest;
1595 $userReq2->username = $userReq->username . 'X';
1596 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
1597 $creator, [ $userReq, $userReq2 ], 'http://localhost/'
1598 );
1599 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1600 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1601 $this->assertSame( 'noname', $ret->message->getKey() );
1603 $readOnlyMode = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getReadOnlyMode();
1604 $readOnlyMode->setReason( 'Because' );
1605 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1606 $userReq->username = self::usernameForCreation();
1607 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation( $creator, [ $userReq ], 'http://localhost/' );
1608 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1609 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1610 $this->assertSame( 'readonlytext', $ret->message->getKey() );
1611 $this->assertSame( [ 'Because' ], $ret->message->getParams() );
1612 $readOnlyMode->setReason( false );
1614 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1615 $userReq->username = self::usernameForCreation();
1616 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation( $creator, [ $userReq ], 'http://localhost/' );
1617 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1618 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1619 $this->assertSame( 'userexists', $ret->message->getKey() );
1621 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1622 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1623 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1624 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1625 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1626 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1627 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail' ) ) );
1628 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1629 $this->initializeManager( true );
1631 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1632 $userReq->username = self::usernameForCreation();
1633 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation( $creator, [ $userReq ], 'http://localhost/' );
1634 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1635 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1636 $this->assertSame( 'fail', $ret->message->getKey() );
1638 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1639 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1640 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1641 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1642 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1643 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1644 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1645 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1646 $this->initializeManager( true );
1648 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1649 $userReq->username = self::usernameForCreation() . '<>';
1650 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation( $creator, [ $userReq ], 'http://localhost/' );
1651 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1652 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1653 $this->assertSame( 'noname', $ret->message->getKey() );
1655 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1656 $userReq->username = $creator->getName();
1657 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation( $creator, [ $userReq ], 'http://localhost/' );
1658 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1659 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1660 $this->assertSame( 'userexists', $ret->message->getKey() );
1662 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1663 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1664 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1665 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1666 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1667 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1668 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1669 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testForAccountCreation' )
1670 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail' ) ) );
1671 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1672 $this->initializeManager( true );
1674 $req = $this->getMockBuilder( UserDataAuthenticationRequest::class )
1675 ->setMethods( [ 'populateUser' ] )
1676 ->getMock();
1677 $req->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'populateUser' )
1678 ->willReturn( \StatusValue::newFatal( 'populatefail' ) );
1679 $userReq->username = self::usernameForCreation();
1680 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
1681 $creator, [ $userReq, $req ], 'http://localhost/'
1682 );
1683 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1684 $this->assertSame( 'populatefail', $ret->message->getKey() );
1687 $userReq->username = self::usernameForCreation();
1689 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
1690 $creator, [ $userReq, $req ], 'http://localhost/'
1691 );
1692 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1693 $this->assertSame( 'fail', $ret->message->getKey() );
1695 $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
1696 \User::newFromName( $userReq->username ), [ $userReq, $req ], 'http://localhost/'
1697 );
1698 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1699 $this->assertSame( 'fail', $ret->message->getKey() );
1700 }
1703 $creator = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
1705 $this->logger = new \TestLogger( false, function ( $message, $level ) {
1706 return $level === LogLevel::DEBUG ? null : $message;
1707 } );
1708 $this->initializeManager();
1710 $session = [
1711 'userid' => 0,
1712 'username' => $username,
1713 'creatorid' => 0,
1714 'creatorname' => $username,
1715 'reqs' => [],
1716 'primary' => null,
1717 'primaryResponse' => null,
1718 'secondary' => [],
1719 'ranPreTests' => true,
1720 ];
1722 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1723 try {
1724 $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1725 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
1726 } catch ( \LogicException $ex ) {
1727 $this->assertEquals( 'Account creation is not possible', $ex->getMessage() );
1728 }
1729 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1731 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
1732 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
1733 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1734 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1735 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1736 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountCreation' )->will(
1737 $this->returnValue( AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail' ) ) )
1738 );
1739 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
1740 $this->initializeManager( true );
1742 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', null );
1743 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1744 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1745 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1746 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1747 $this->assertSame( 'authmanager-create-not-in-progress', $ret->message->getKey() );
1749 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState',
1750 [ 'username' => "$username<>" ] + $session );
1751 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1752 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1753 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1754 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1755 $this->assertSame( 'noname', $ret->message->getKey() );
1756 $this->assertNull(
1757 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
1758 );
1760 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', $session );
1761 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1762 $cache = \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance();
1763 $lock = $cache->getScopedLock( $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'account', md5( $username ) ) );
1764 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1765 unset( $lock );
1766 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1767 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1768 $this->assertSame( 'usernameinprogress', $ret->message->getKey() );
1769 // This error shouldn't remove the existing session, because the
1770 // raced-with process "owns" it.
1771 $this->assertSame(
1772 $session, $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
1773 );
1775 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState',
1776 [ 'username' => $creator->getName() ] + $session );
1777 $readOnlyMode = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getReadOnlyMode();
1778 $readOnlyMode->setReason( 'Because' );
1779 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1780 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1781 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1782 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1783 $this->assertSame( 'readonlytext', $ret->message->getKey() );
1784 $this->assertSame( [ 'Because' ], $ret->message->getParams() );
1785 $readOnlyMode->setReason( false );
1787 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState',
1788 [ 'username' => $creator->getName() ] + $session );
1789 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1790 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1791 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1792 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1793 $this->assertSame( 'userexists', $ret->message->getKey() );
1794 $this->assertNull(
1795 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
1796 );
1798 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState',
1799 [ 'userid' => $creator->getId() ] + $session );
1800 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1801 try {
1802 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1803 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
1804 } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
1805 $this->assertEquals( "User \"{$username}\" should exist now, but doesn't!", $ex->getMessage() );
1806 }
1807 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1808 $this->assertNull(
1809 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
1810 );
1812 $id = $creator->getId();
1813 $name = $creator->getName();
1814 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState',
1815 [ 'username' => $name, 'userid' => $id + 1 ] + $session );
1816 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
1817 try {
1818 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1819 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
1820 } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
1821 $this->assertEquals(
1822 "User \"{$name}\" exists, but ID $id != " . ( $id + 1 ) . '!', $ex->getMessage()
1823 );
1824 }
1825 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
1826 $this->assertNull(
1827 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
1828 );
1830 $req = $this->getMockBuilder( UserDataAuthenticationRequest::class )
1831 ->setMethods( [ 'populateUser' ] )
1832 ->getMock();
1833 $req->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'populateUser' )
1834 ->willReturn( \StatusValue::newFatal( 'populatefail' ) );
1835 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState',
1836 [ 'reqs' => [ $req ] ] + $session );
1837 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [] );
1838 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
1839 $this->assertSame( 'populatefail', $ret->message->getKey() );
1840 $this->assertNull(
1841 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' )
1842 );
1843 }
1854 public function testAccountCreation(
1855 StatusValue $preTest, $primaryTest, $secondaryTest,
1856 array $primaryResponses, array $secondaryResponses, array $managerResponses
1857 ) {
1858 $creator = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
1861 $this->initializeManager();
1863 // Set up lots of mocks...
1864 $req = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationRequest::class );
1865 $req->preTest = $preTest;
1866 $req->primaryTest = $primaryTest;
1867 $req->secondaryTest = $secondaryTest;
1868 $req->primary = $primaryResponses;
1869 $req->secondary = $secondaryResponses;
1870 $mocks = [];
1871 foreach ( [ 'pre', 'primary', 'secondary' ] as $key ) {
1872 $class = ucfirst( $key ) . 'AuthenticationProvider';
1873 $mocks[$key] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
1874 "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class", [], "Mock$class"
1875 );
1876 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
1877 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
1878 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1879 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1880 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testForAccountCreation' )
1881 ->will( $this->returnCallback(
1882 function ( $user, $creatorIn, $reqs )
1883 use ( $username, $creator, $req, $key )
1884 {
1885 $this->assertSame( $username, $user->getName() );
1886 $this->assertSame( $creator->getId(), $creatorIn->getId() );
1887 $this->assertSame( $creator->getName(), $creatorIn->getName() );
1888 $foundReq = false;
1889 foreach ( $reqs as $r ) {
1890 $this->assertSame( $username, $r->username );
1891 $foundReq = $foundReq || get_class( $r ) === get_class( $req );
1892 }
1893 $this->assertTrue( $foundReq, '$reqs contains $req' );
1894 $k = $key . 'Test';
1895 return $req->$k;
1896 }
1897 ) );
1899 for ( $i = 2; $i <= 3; $i++ ) {
1900 $mocks[$key . $i] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class" );
1901 $mocks[$key . $i]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
1902 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key . $i ) );
1903 $mocks[$key . $i]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
1904 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1905 $mocks[$key . $i]->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'testForAccountCreation' )
1906 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
1907 }
1908 }
1910 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1911 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
1912 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )
1913 ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1914 $ct = count( $req->primary );
1915 $callback = $this->returnCallback( function ( $user, $creator, $reqs ) use ( $username, $req ) {
1916 $this->assertSame( $username, $user->getName() );
1917 $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $creator->getName() );
1918 $foundReq = false;
1919 foreach ( $reqs as $r ) {
1920 $this->assertSame( $username, $r->username );
1921 $foundReq = $foundReq || get_class( $r ) === get_class( $req );
1922 }
1923 $this->assertTrue( $foundReq, '$reqs contains $req' );
1924 return array_shift( $req->primary );
1925 } );
1926 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( min( 1, $ct ) ) )
1927 ->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountCreation' )
1928 ->will( $callback );
1929 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( max( 0, $ct - 1 ) ) )
1930 ->method( 'continuePrimaryAccountCreation' )
1931 ->will( $callback );
1933 $ct = count( $req->secondary );
1934 $callback = $this->returnCallback( function ( $user, $creator, $reqs ) use ( $username, $req ) {
1935 $this->assertSame( $username, $user->getName() );
1936 $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $creator->getName() );
1937 $foundReq = false;
1938 foreach ( $reqs as $r ) {
1939 $this->assertSame( $username, $r->username );
1940 $foundReq = $foundReq || get_class( $r ) === get_class( $req );
1941 }
1942 $this->assertTrue( $foundReq, '$reqs contains $req' );
1943 return array_shift( $req->secondary );
1944 } );
1945 $mocks['secondary']->expects( $this->exactly( min( 1, $ct ) ) )
1946 ->method( 'beginSecondaryAccountCreation' )
1947 ->will( $callback );
1948 $mocks['secondary']->expects( $this->exactly( max( 0, $ct - 1 ) ) )
1949 ->method( 'continueSecondaryAccountCreation' )
1950 ->will( $callback );
1953 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1954 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) );
1955 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )
1956 ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1957 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountCreation' )
1958 ->will( $this->returnValue( $abstain ) );
1959 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continuePrimaryAccountCreation' );
1960 $mocks['primary3']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
1961 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_NONE ) );
1962 $mocks['primary3']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )
1963 ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1964 $mocks['primary3']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountCreation' );
1965 $mocks['primary3']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continuePrimaryAccountCreation' );
1966 $mocks['secondary2']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )
1967 ->method( 'beginSecondaryAccountCreation' )
1968 ->will( $this->returnValue( $abstain ) );
1969 $mocks['secondary2']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continueSecondaryAccountCreation' );
1970 $mocks['secondary3']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )
1971 ->method( 'beginSecondaryAccountCreation' )
1972 ->will( $this->returnValue( $abstain ) );
1973 $mocks['secondary3']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continueSecondaryAccountCreation' );
1975 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mocks['pre'], $mocks['pre2'] ];
1976 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['primary3'], $mocks['primary'], $mocks['primary2'] ];
1977 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [
1978 $mocks['secondary3'], $mocks['secondary'], $mocks['secondary2']
1979 ];
1981 $this->logger = new \TestLogger( true, function ( $message, $level ) {
1982 return $level === LogLevel::DEBUG ? null : $message;
1983 } );
1984 $expectLog = [];
1985 $this->initializeManager( true );
1987 $constraint = \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::logicalOr(
1988 $this->equalTo( AuthenticationResponse::PASS ),
1989 $this->equalTo( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL )
1990 );
1991 $providers = array_merge(
1992 $this->preauthMocks, $this->primaryauthMocks, $this->secondaryauthMocks
1993 );
1994 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
1995 $p->postCalled = false;
1996 $p->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'postAccountCreation' )
1997 ->willReturnCallback( function ( $user, $creator, $response )
1998 use ( $constraint, $p, $username )
1999 {
2000 $this->assertInstanceOf( \User::class, $user );
2001 $this->assertSame( $username, $user->getName() );
2002 $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $creator->getName() );
2003 $this->assertInstanceOf( AuthenticationResponse::class, $response );
2004 $this->assertThat( $response->status, $constraint );
2005 $p->postCalled = $response->status;
2006 } );
2007 }
2009 // We're testing with $wgNewUserLog = false, so assert that it worked
2010 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2011 $maxLogId = $dbw->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', [ 'log_type' => 'newusers' ] );
2013 $first = true;
2014 $created = false;
2015 foreach ( $managerResponses as $i => $response ) {
2018 if ( $i === 'created' ) {
2019 $created = true;
2020 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->once() )
2021 ->with(
2022 $this->callback( function ( $user ) use ( $username ) {
2023 return $user->getName() === $username;
2024 } ),
2025 $this->equalTo( false )
2026 );
2027 $expectLog[] = [ LogLevel::INFO, "Creating user {user} during account creation" ];
2028 } else {
2029 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2030 }
2032 $ex = null;
2033 try {
2034 if ( $first ) {
2035 $userReq = new UsernameAuthenticationRequest;
2036 $userReq->username = $username;
2037 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
2038 $creator, [ $userReq, $req ], 'http://localhost/'
2039 );
2040 } else {
2041 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountCreation( [ $req ] );
2042 }
2043 if ( $response instanceof \Exception ) {
2044 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown', "Response $i" );
2045 }
2046 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
2047 if ( !$response instanceof \Exception ) {
2048 throw $ex;
2049 }
2050 $this->assertEquals( $response->getMessage(), $ex->getMessage(), "Response $i, exception" );
2051 $this->assertNull(
2052 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ),
2053 "Response $i, exception, session state"
2054 );
2055 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2056 return;
2057 }
2059 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2061 $this->assertSame( 'http://localhost/', $req->returnToUrl );
2063 if ( $success ) {
2064 $this->assertNotNull( $ret->loginRequest, "Response $i, login marker" );
2065 $this->assertContains(
2066 $ret->loginRequest, $this->managerPriv->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests,
2067 "Response $i, login marker"
2068 );
2070 $expectLog[] = [
2071 LogLevel::INFO,
2072 "MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::continueAccountCreation: Account creation succeeded for {user}"
2073 ];
2075 // Set some fields in the expected $response that we couldn't
2076 // know in provideAccountCreation().
2077 $response->username = $username;
2078 $response->loginRequest = $ret->loginRequest;
2079 } else {
2080 $this->assertNull( $ret->loginRequest, "Response $i, login marker" );
2081 $this->assertSame( [], $this->managerPriv->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests,
2082 "Response $i, login marker" );
2083 }
2084 $ret->message = $this->message( $ret->message );
2085 $this->assertEquals( $response, $ret, "Response $i, response" );
2086 if ( $success || $response->status === AuthenticationResponse::FAIL ) {
2087 $this->assertNull(
2088 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ),
2089 "Response $i, session state"
2090 );
2091 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
2092 $this->assertSame( $response->status, $p->postCalled,
2093 "Response $i, post-auth callback called" );
2094 }
2095 } else {
2096 $this->assertNotNull(
2097 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ),
2098 "Response $i, session state"
2099 );
2100 foreach ( $ret->neededRequests as $neededReq ) {
2101 $this->assertEquals( AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE, $neededReq->action,
2102 "Response $i, neededRequest action" );
2103 }
2104 $this->assertEquals(
2105 $ret->neededRequests,
2106 $this->manager->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE_CONTINUE ),
2107 "Response $i, continuation check"
2108 );
2109 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
2110 $this->assertFalse( $p->postCalled, "Response $i, post-auth callback not called" );
2111 }
2112 }
2114 if ( $created ) {
2115 $this->assertNotEquals( 0, \User::idFromName( $username ) );
2116 } else {
2117 $this->assertEquals( 0, \User::idFromName( $username ) );
2118 }
2120 $first = false;
2121 }
2123 $this->assertSame( $expectLog, $this->logger->getBuffer() );
2125 $this->assertSame(
2126 $maxLogId,
2127 $dbw->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', [ 'log_type' => 'newusers' ] )
2128 );
2129 }
2131 public function provideAccountCreation() {
2132 $req = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationRequest::class );
2133 $good = StatusValue::newGood();
2135 return [
2136 'Pre-creation test fail in pre' => [
2137 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-from-pre' ), $good, $good,
2138 [],
2139 [],
2140 [
2141 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-pre' ) ),
2142 ]
2143 ],
2144 'Pre-creation test fail in primary' => [
2145 $good, StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-from-primary' ), $good,
2146 [],
2147 [],
2148 [
2149 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-primary' ) ),
2150 ]
2151 ],
2152 'Pre-creation test fail in secondary' => [
2153 $good, $good, StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-from-secondary' ),
2154 [],
2155 [],
2156 [
2157 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-secondary' ) ),
2158 ]
2159 ],
2160 'Failure in primary' => [
2161 $good, $good, $good,
2162 $tmp = [
2163 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-primary' ) ),
2164 ],
2165 [],
2166 $tmp
2167 ],
2168 'All primary abstain' => [
2169 $good, $good, $good,
2170 [
2172 ],
2173 [],
2174 [
2175 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'authmanager-create-no-primary' ) )
2176 ]
2177 ],
2178 'Primary UI, then redirect, then fail' => [
2179 $good, $good, $good,
2180 $tmp = [
2181 AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
2182 AuthenticationResponse::newRedirect( [ $req ], '/foo.html', [ 'foo' => 'bar' ] ),
2183 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-in-primary-continue' ) ),
2184 ],
2185 [],
2186 $tmp
2187 ],
2188 'Primary redirect, then abstain' => [
2189 $good, $good, $good,
2190 [
2192 [ $req ], '/foo.html', [ 'foo' => 'bar' ]
2193 ),
2195 ],
2196 [],
2197 [
2198 $tmp,
2199 new \DomainException(
2200 'MockPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::continuePrimaryAccountCreation() returned ABSTAIN'
2201 )
2202 ]
2203 ],
2204 'Primary UI, then pass; secondary abstain' => [
2205 $good, $good, $good,
2206 [
2207 $tmp1 = AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
2209 ],
2210 [
2212 ],
2213 [
2214 $tmp1,
2215 'created' => AuthenticationResponse::newPass( '' ),
2216 ]
2217 ],
2218 'Primary pass; secondary UI then pass' => [
2219 $good, $good, $good,
2220 [
2222 ],
2223 [
2224 $tmp1 = AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
2226 ],
2227 [
2228 'created' => $tmp1,
2230 ]
2231 ],
2232 'Primary pass; secondary fail' => [
2233 $good, $good, $good,
2234 [
2236 ],
2237 [
2238 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( '...' ) ),
2239 ],
2240 [
2241 'created' => new \DomainException(
2242 'MockSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::beginSecondaryAccountCreation() returned FAIL. ' .
2243 'Secondary providers are not allowed to fail account creation, ' .
2244 'that should have been done via testForAccountCreation().'
2245 )
2246 ]
2247 ],
2248 ];
2249 }
2256 public function testAccountCreationLogging( $isAnon, $logSubtype ) {
2257 $creator = $isAnon ? new \User : \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
2260 $this->initializeManager();
2262 // Set up lots of mocks...
2263 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
2264 \MediaWiki\Auth\PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class, []
2265 );
2266 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
2267 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary' ) );
2268 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
2269 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
2270 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testForAccountCreation' )
2271 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
2272 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
2273 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
2274 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )
2275 ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
2276 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountCreation' )
2277 ->will( $this->returnValue( AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $username ) ) );
2278 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'finishAccountCreation' )
2279 ->will( $this->returnValue( $logSubtype ) );
2281 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
2282 $this->initializeManager( true );
2283 $this->logger->setCollect( true );
2285 $this->config->set( 'NewUserLog', true );
2287 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2288 $maxLogId = $dbw->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', [ 'log_type' => 'newusers' ] );
2290 $userReq = new UsernameAuthenticationRequest;
2291 $userReq->username = $username;
2292 $reasonReq = new CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest;
2293 $reasonReq->reason = $this->toString();
2294 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountCreation(
2295 $creator, [ $userReq, $reasonReq ], 'http://localhost/'
2296 );
2298 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::PASS, $ret->status );
2300 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2301 $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId(), 'sanity check' );
2302 $this->assertNotEquals( $creator->getId(), $user->getId(), 'sanity check' );
2304 $data = \DatabaseLogEntry::getSelectQueryData();
2305 $rows = iterator_to_array( $dbw->select(
2306 $data['tables'],
2307 $data['fields'],
2308 [
2309 'log_id > ' . (int)$maxLogId,
2310 'log_type' => 'newusers'
2311 ] + $data['conds'],
2312 __METHOD__,
2313 $data['options'],
2314 $data['join_conds']
2315 ) );
2316 $this->assertCount( 1, $rows );
2317 $entry = \DatabaseLogEntry::newFromRow( reset( $rows ) );
2319 $this->assertSame( $logSubtype ?: ( $isAnon ? 'create' : 'create2' ), $entry->getSubtype() );
2320 $this->assertSame(
2321 $isAnon ? $user->getId() : $creator->getId(),
2322 $entry->getPerformer()->getId()
2323 );
2324 $this->assertSame(
2325 $isAnon ? $user->getName() : $creator->getName(),
2326 $entry->getPerformer()->getName()
2327 );
2328 $this->assertSame( $user->getUserPage()->getFullText(), $entry->getTarget()->getFullText() );
2329 $this->assertSame( [ '4::userid' => $user->getId() ], $entry->getParameters() );
2330 $this->assertSame( $this->toString(), $entry->getComment() );
2331 }
2333 public static function provideAccountCreationLogging() {
2334 return [
2335 [ true, null ],
2336 [ true, 'foobar' ],
2337 [ false, null ],
2338 [ false, 'byemail' ],
2339 ];
2340 }
2342 public function testAutoAccountCreation() {
2345 // PHPUnit seems to have a bug where it will call the ->with()
2346 // callbacks for our hooks again after the test is run (WTF?), which
2347 // breaks here because $username no longer matches $user by the end of
2348 // the testing.
2349 $workaroundPHPUnitBug = false;
2352 $this->initializeManager();
2354 $this->stashMwGlobals( [ 'wgGroupPermissions' ] );
2355 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = true;
2356 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = false;
2358 \ObjectCache::$instances[__METHOD__] = new \HashBagOStuff();
2359 $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgMainCacheType' => __METHOD__ ] );
2361 // Set up lots of mocks...
2362 $mocks = [];
2363 foreach ( [ 'pre', 'primary', 'secondary' ] as $key ) {
2364 $class = ucfirst( $key ) . 'AuthenticationProvider';
2365 $mocks[$key] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class" );
2366 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
2367 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
2368 }
2370 $good = StatusValue::newGood();
2371 $callback = $this->callback( function ( $user ) use ( &$username, &$workaroundPHPUnitBug ) {
2372 return $workaroundPHPUnitBug || $user->getName() === $username;
2373 } );
2375 $mocks['pre']->expects( $this->exactly( 12 ) )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
2376 ->with( $callback, $this->identicalTo( AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION ) )
2377 ->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
2378 StatusValue::newFatal( 'ok' ), StatusValue::newFatal( 'ok' ), // For testing permissions
2379 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-in-pre' ), $good, $good,
2380 $good, // backoff test
2381 $good, // addToDatabase fails test
2382 $good, // addToDatabase throws test
2383 $good, // addToDatabase exists test
2384 $good, $good, $good // success
2385 ) );
2387 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
2388 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
2389 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )
2390 ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
2391 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( 9 ) )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
2392 ->with( $callback, $this->identicalTo( AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION ) )
2393 ->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
2394 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-in-primary' ), $good,
2395 $good, // backoff test
2396 $good, // addToDatabase fails test
2397 $good, // addToDatabase throws test
2398 $good, // addToDatabase exists test
2399 $good, $good, $good
2400 ) );
2401 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( 3 ) )->method( 'autoCreatedAccount' )
2402 ->with( $callback, $this->identicalTo( AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION ) );
2404 $mocks['secondary']->expects( $this->exactly( 8 ) )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
2405 ->with( $callback, $this->identicalTo( AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION ) )
2406 ->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
2407 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-in-secondary' ),
2408 $good, // backoff test
2409 $good, // addToDatabase fails test
2410 $good, // addToDatabase throws test
2411 $good, // addToDatabase exists test
2412 $good, $good, $good
2413 ) );
2414 $mocks['secondary']->expects( $this->exactly( 3 ) )->method( 'autoCreatedAccount' )
2415 ->with( $callback, $this->identicalTo( AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION ) );
2417 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mocks['pre'] ];
2418 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['primary'] ];
2419 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['secondary'] ];
2420 $this->initializeManager( true );
2421 $session = $this->request->getSession();
2423 $logger = new \TestLogger( true, function ( $m ) {
2424 $m = str_replace( 'MediaWiki\\Auth\\AuthManager::autoCreateUser: ', '', $m );
2425 return $m;
2426 } );
2427 $this->manager->setLogger( $logger );
2429 try {
2430 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
2431 $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, 'InvalidSource', true );
2432 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
2433 } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
2434 $this->assertSame( 'Unknown auto-creation source: InvalidSource', $ex->getMessage() );
2435 }
2437 // First, check an existing user
2438 $session->clear();
2439 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
2440 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2441 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2442 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2443 $expect = \Status::newGood();
2444 $expect->warning( 'userexists' );
2445 $this->assertEquals( $expect, $ret );
2446 $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2447 $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $user->getName() );
2448 $this->assertEquals( $user->getId(), $session->getUser()->getId() );
2449 $this->assertSame( [
2450 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, '{username} already exists locally' ],
2451 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2452 $logger->clearBuffer();
2454 $session->clear();
2455 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
2456 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2457 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, false );
2458 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2459 $expect = \Status::newGood();
2460 $expect->warning( 'userexists' );
2461 $this->assertEquals( $expect, $ret );
2462 $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2463 $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $user->getName() );
2464 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2465 $this->assertSame( [
2466 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, '{username} already exists locally' ],
2467 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2468 $logger->clearBuffer();
2470 // Wiki is read-only
2471 $session->clear();
2472 $readOnlyMode = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getReadOnlyMode();
2473 $readOnlyMode->setReason( 'Because' );
2474 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2475 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2476 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2477 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2478 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( wfMessage( 'readonlytext', 'Because' ) ), $ret );
2479 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2480 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2481 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2482 $this->assertSame( [
2483 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'denied by wfReadOnly(): {reason}' ],
2484 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2485 $logger->clearBuffer();
2486 $readOnlyMode->setReason( false );
2488 // Session blacklisted
2489 $session->clear();
2490 $session->set( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist', 'test' );
2491 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2492 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2493 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2494 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2495 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'test' ), $ret );
2496 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2497 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2498 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2499 $this->assertSame( [
2500 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'blacklisted in session {sessionid}' ],
2501 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2502 $logger->clearBuffer();
2504 $session->clear();
2505 $session->set( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist', StatusValue::newFatal( 'test2' ) );
2506 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2507 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2508 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2509 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2510 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'test2' ), $ret );
2511 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2512 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2513 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2514 $this->assertSame( [
2515 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'blacklisted in session {sessionid}' ],
2516 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2517 $logger->clearBuffer();
2519 // Uncreatable name
2520 $session->clear();
2521 $user = \User::newFromName( $username . '@' );
2522 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2523 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2524 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2525 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'noname' ), $ret );
2526 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2527 $this->assertNotEquals( $username . '@', $user->getId() );
2528 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2529 $this->assertSame( [
2530 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'name "{username}" is not creatable' ],
2531 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2532 $logger->clearBuffer();
2533 $this->assertSame( 'noname', $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' ) );
2535 // IP unable to create accounts
2536 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
2537 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = false;
2538 $session->clear();
2539 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2540 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2541 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2542 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2543 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-autocreate-noperm' ), $ret );
2544 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2545 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2546 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2547 $this->assertSame( [
2548 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'IP lacks the ability to create or autocreate accounts' ],
2549 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2550 $logger->clearBuffer();
2551 $this->assertSame(
2552 'authmanager-autocreate-noperm', $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' )
2553 );
2555 // Test that both permutations of permissions are allowed
2556 // (this hits the two "ok" entries in $mocks['pre'])
2557 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
2558 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = true;
2559 $session->clear();
2560 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2561 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2562 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2563 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2564 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'ok' ), $ret );
2566 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = true;
2567 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = false;
2568 $session->clear();
2569 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2570 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2571 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2572 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2573 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'ok' ), $ret );
2574 $logger->clearBuffer();
2576 // Test lock fail
2577 $session->clear();
2578 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2579 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2580 $cache = \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance();
2581 $lock = $cache->getScopedLock( $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'account', md5( $username ) ) );
2582 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2583 unset( $lock );
2584 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2585 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'usernameinprogress' ), $ret );
2586 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2587 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2588 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2589 $this->assertSame( [
2590 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Could not acquire account creation lock' ],
2591 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2592 $logger->clearBuffer();
2594 // Test pre-authentication provider fail
2595 $session->clear();
2596 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2597 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2598 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2599 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2600 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'fail-in-pre' ), $ret );
2601 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2602 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2603 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2604 $this->assertSame( [
2605 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Provider denied creation of {username}: {reason}' ],
2606 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2607 $logger->clearBuffer();
2608 $this->assertEquals(
2609 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-in-pre' ), $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' )
2610 );
2612 $session->clear();
2613 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2614 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2615 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2616 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2617 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'fail-in-primary' ), $ret );
2618 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2619 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2620 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2621 $this->assertSame( [
2622 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Provider denied creation of {username}: {reason}' ],
2623 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2624 $logger->clearBuffer();
2625 $this->assertEquals(
2626 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-in-primary' ), $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' )
2627 );
2629 $session->clear();
2630 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2631 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2632 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2633 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2634 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'fail-in-secondary' ), $ret );
2635 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2636 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2637 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2638 $this->assertSame( [
2639 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Provider denied creation of {username}: {reason}' ],
2640 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2641 $logger->clearBuffer();
2642 $this->assertEquals(
2643 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-in-secondary' ), $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' )
2644 );
2646 // Test backoff
2647 $cache = \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance();
2648 $backoffKey = wfMemcKey( 'AuthManager', 'autocreate-failed', md5( $username ) );
2649 $cache->set( $backoffKey, true );
2650 $session->clear();
2651 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2652 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
2653 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2654 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2655 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-autocreate-exception' ), $ret );
2656 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2657 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2658 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2659 $this->assertSame( [
2660 [ LogLevel::DEBUG, '{username} denied by prior creation attempt failures' ],
2661 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2662 $logger->clearBuffer();
2663 $this->assertSame( null, $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' ) );
2664 $cache->delete( $backoffKey );
2666 // Test addToDatabase fails
2667 $session->clear();
2668 $user = $this->getMockBuilder( \User::class )
2669 ->setMethods( [ 'addToDatabase' ] )->getMock();
2670 $user->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'addToDatabase' )
2671 ->will( $this->returnValue( \Status::newFatal( 'because' ) ) );
2672 $user->setName( $username );
2673 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2674 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newFatal( 'because' ), $ret );
2675 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2676 $this->assertNotEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2677 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2678 $this->assertSame( [
2679 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {from}' ],
2680 [ LogLevel::ERROR, '{username} failed with message {msg}' ],
2681 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2682 $logger->clearBuffer();
2683 $this->assertSame( null, $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' ) );
2685 // Test addToDatabase throws an exception
2686 $cache = \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance();
2687 $backoffKey = wfMemcKey( 'AuthManager', 'autocreate-failed', md5( $username ) );
2688 $this->assertFalse( $cache->get( $backoffKey ), 'sanity check' );
2689 $session->clear();
2690 $user = $this->getMockBuilder( \User::class )
2691 ->setMethods( [ 'addToDatabase' ] )->getMock();
2692 $user->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'addToDatabase' )
2693 ->will( $this->throwException( new \Exception( 'Excepted' ) ) );
2694 $user->setName( $username );
2695 try {
2696 $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2697 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
2698 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
2699 $this->assertSame( 'Excepted', $ex->getMessage() );
2700 }
2701 $this->assertEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2702 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2703 $this->assertSame( [
2704 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {from}' ],
2705 [ LogLevel::ERROR, '{username} failed with exception {exception}' ],
2706 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2707 $logger->clearBuffer();
2708 $this->assertSame( null, $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' ) );
2709 $this->assertNotEquals( false, $cache->get( $backoffKey ) );
2710 $cache->delete( $backoffKey );
2712 // Test addToDatabase fails because the user already exists.
2713 $session->clear();
2714 $user = $this->getMockBuilder( \User::class )
2715 ->setMethods( [ 'addToDatabase' ] )->getMock();
2716 $user->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'addToDatabase' )
2717 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function () use ( $username, &$user ) {
2718 $oldUser = \User::newFromName( $username );
2719 $status = $oldUser->addToDatabase();
2720 $this->assertTrue( $status->isOK(), 'sanity check' );
2721 $user->setId( $oldUser->getId() );
2722 return \Status::newFatal( 'userexists' );
2723 } ) );
2724 $user->setName( $username );
2725 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2726 $expect = \Status::newGood();
2727 $expect->warning( 'userexists' );
2728 $this->assertEquals( $expect, $ret );
2729 $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2730 $this->assertEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2731 $this->assertEquals( $user->getId(), $session->getUser()->getId() );
2732 $this->assertSame( [
2733 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {from}' ],
2734 [ LogLevel::INFO, '{username} already exists locally (race)' ],
2735 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2736 $logger->clearBuffer();
2737 $this->assertSame( null, $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' ) );
2739 // Success!
2740 $session->clear();
2742 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2743 $this->hook( 'AuthPluginAutoCreate', $this->once() )
2744 ->with( $callback );
2745 $this->hideDeprecated( 'AuthPluginAutoCreate hook (used in ' .
2746 get_class( $wgHooks['AuthPluginAutoCreate'][0] ) . '::onAuthPluginAutoCreate)' );
2747 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->once() )
2748 ->with( $callback, $this->equalTo( true ) );
2749 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true );
2750 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2751 $this->unhook( 'AuthPluginAutoCreate' );
2752 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newGood(), $ret );
2753 $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2754 $this->assertEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2755 $this->assertEquals( $user->getId(), $session->getUser()->getId() );
2756 $this->assertSame( [
2757 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {from}' ],
2758 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2759 $logger->clearBuffer();
2761 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2762 $maxLogId = $dbw->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', [ 'log_type' => 'newusers' ] );
2763 $session->clear();
2765 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2766 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->once() )
2767 ->with( $callback, $this->equalTo( true ) );
2768 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, false );
2769 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
2770 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newGood(), $ret );
2771 $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
2772 $this->assertEquals( $username, $user->getName() );
2773 $this->assertEquals( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
2774 $this->assertSame( [
2775 [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {from}' ],
2776 ], $logger->getBuffer() );
2777 $logger->clearBuffer();
2778 $this->assertSame(
2779 $maxLogId,
2780 $dbw->selectField( 'logging', 'MAX(log_id)', [ 'log_type' => 'newusers' ] )
2781 );
2783 $this->config->set( 'NewUserLog', true );
2784 $session->clear();
2786 $user = \User::newFromName( $username );
2787 $ret = $this->manager->autoCreateUser( $user, AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, false );
2788 $this->assertEquals( \Status::newGood(), $ret );
2789 $logger->clearBuffer();
2791 $data = \DatabaseLogEntry::getSelectQueryData();
2792 $rows = iterator_to_array( $dbw->select(
2793 $data['tables'],
2794 $data['fields'],
2795 [
2796 'log_id > ' . (int)$maxLogId,
2797 'log_type' => 'newusers'
2798 ] + $data['conds'],
2799 __METHOD__,
2800 $data['options'],
2801 $data['join_conds']
2802 ) );
2803 $this->assertCount( 1, $rows );
2804 $entry = \DatabaseLogEntry::newFromRow( reset( $rows ) );
2806 $this->assertSame( 'autocreate', $entry->getSubtype() );
2807 $this->assertSame( $user->getId(), $entry->getPerformer()->getId() );
2808 $this->assertSame( $user->getName(), $entry->getPerformer()->getName() );
2809 $this->assertSame( $user->getUserPage()->getFullText(), $entry->getTarget()->getFullText() );
2810 $this->assertSame( [ '4::userid' => $user->getId() ], $entry->getParameters() );
2812 $workaroundPHPUnitBug = true;
2813 }
2821 public function testGetAuthenticationRequests( $action, $expect, $state = [] ) {
2822 $makeReq = function ( $key ) use ( $action ) {
2823 $req = $this->createMock( AuthenticationRequest::class );
2824 $req->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
2825 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
2826 $req->action = $action === AuthManager::ACTION_UNLINK ? AuthManager::ACTION_REMOVE : $action;
2827 $req->key = $key;
2828 return $req;
2829 };
2830 $cmpReqs = function ( $a, $b ) {
2831 $ret = strcmp( get_class( $a ), get_class( $b ) );
2832 if ( !$ret ) {
2833 $ret = strcmp( $a->key, $b->key );
2834 }
2835 return $ret;
2836 };
2838 $good = StatusValue::newGood();
2840 $mocks = [];
2841 foreach ( [ 'pre', 'primary', 'secondary' ] as $key ) {
2842 $class = ucfirst( $key ) . 'AuthenticationProvider';
2843 $mocks[$key] = $this->getMockBuilder( "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class" )
2844 ->setMethods( [
2845 'getUniqueId', 'getAuthenticationRequests', 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange',
2846 ] )
2847 ->getMockForAbstractClass();
2848 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
2849 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
2850 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getAuthenticationRequests' )
2851 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $action ) use ( $key, $makeReq ) {
2852 return [ $makeReq( "$key-$action" ), $makeReq( 'generic' ) ];
2853 } ) );
2854 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange' )
2855 ->will( $this->returnValue( $good ) );
2856 }
2858 $primaries = [];
2859 foreach ( [
2863 ] as $type ) {
2864 $class = 'PrimaryAuthenticationProvider';
2865 $mocks["primary-$type"] = $this->getMockBuilder( "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class" )
2866 ->setMethods( [
2867 'getUniqueId', 'accountCreationType', 'getAuthenticationRequests',
2868 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange',
2869 ] )
2870 ->getMockForAbstractClass();
2871 $mocks["primary-$type"]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
2872 ->will( $this->returnValue( "primary-$type" ) );
2873 $mocks["primary-$type"]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
2874 ->will( $this->returnValue( $type ) );
2875 $mocks["primary-$type"]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getAuthenticationRequests' )
2876 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $action ) use ( $type, $makeReq ) {
2877 return [ $makeReq( "primary-$type-$action" ), $makeReq( 'generic' ) ];
2878 } ) );
2879 $mocks["primary-$type"]->expects( $this->any() )
2880 ->method( 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange' )
2881 ->will( $this->returnValue( $good ) );
2882 $this->primaryauthMocks[] = $mocks["primary-$type"];
2883 }
2885 $mocks['primary2'] = $this->getMockBuilder( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class )
2886 ->setMethods( [
2887 'getUniqueId', 'accountCreationType', 'getAuthenticationRequests',
2888 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange',
2889 ] )
2890 ->getMockForAbstractClass();
2891 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
2892 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary2' ) );
2893 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
2894 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) );
2895 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getAuthenticationRequests' )
2896 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
2897 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->any() )
2898 ->method( 'providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange' )
2899 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $req ) use ( $good ) {
2900 return $req->key === 'generic' ? StatusValue::newFatal( 'no' ) : $good;
2901 } ) );
2902 $this->primaryauthMocks[] = $mocks['primary2'];
2904 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mocks['pre'] ];
2905 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['secondary'] ];
2906 $this->initializeManager( true );
2908 if ( $state ) {
2909 if ( isset( $state['continueRequests'] ) ) {
2910 $state['continueRequests'] = array_map( $makeReq, $state['continueRequests'] );
2911 }
2912 if ( $action === AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN_CONTINUE ) {
2913 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', $state );
2914 } elseif ( $action === AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE_CONTINUE ) {
2915 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', $state );
2916 } elseif ( $action === AuthManager::ACTION_LINK_CONTINUE ) {
2917 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState', $state );
2918 }
2919 }
2921 $expectReqs = array_map( $makeReq, $expect );
2922 if ( $action === AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN ) {
2924 $req->action = $action;
2926 $expectReqs[] = $req;
2927 } elseif ( $action === AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ) {
2929 $req->action = $action;
2930 $expectReqs[] = $req;
2932 $req->action = $action;
2934 $expectReqs[] = $req;
2935 }
2936 usort( $expectReqs, $cmpReqs );
2938 $actual = $this->manager->getAuthenticationRequests( $action );
2939 foreach ( $actual as $req ) {
2940 // Don't test this here.
2942 }
2943 usort( $actual, $cmpReqs );
2945 $this->assertEquals( $expectReqs, $actual );
2947 // Test CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest gets returned
2948 if ( $action === AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ) {
2950 $req->action = $action;
2952 $expectReqs[] = $req;
2953 usort( $expectReqs, $cmpReqs );
2955 $actual = $this->manager->getAuthenticationRequests( $action, \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' ) );
2956 foreach ( $actual as $req ) {
2957 // Don't test this here.
2959 }
2960 usort( $actual, $cmpReqs );
2962 $this->assertEquals( $expectReqs, $actual );
2963 }
2964 }
2966 public static function provideGetAuthenticationRequests() {
2967 return [
2968 [
2970 [ 'pre-login', 'primary-none-login', 'primary-create-login',
2971 'primary-link-login', 'secondary-login', 'generic' ],
2972 ],
2973 [
2975 [ 'pre-create', 'primary-none-create', 'primary-create-create',
2976 'primary-link-create', 'secondary-create', 'generic' ],
2977 ],
2978 [
2980 [ 'primary-link-link', 'generic' ],
2981 ],
2982 [
2984 [ 'primary-none-change', 'primary-create-change', 'primary-link-change',
2985 'secondary-change' ],
2986 ],
2987 [
2989 [ 'primary-none-remove', 'primary-create-remove', 'primary-link-remove',
2990 'secondary-remove' ],
2991 ],
2992 [
2994 [ 'primary-link-remove' ],
2995 ],
2996 [
2998 [],
2999 ],
3000 [
3002 $reqs = [ 'continue-login', 'foo', 'bar' ],
3003 [
3004 'continueRequests' => $reqs,
3005 ],
3006 ],
3007 [
3009 [],
3010 ],
3011 [
3013 $reqs = [ 'continue-create', 'foo', 'bar' ],
3014 [
3015 'continueRequests' => $reqs,
3016 ],
3017 ],
3018 [
3020 [],
3021 ],
3022 [
3024 $reqs = [ 'continue-link', 'foo', 'bar' ],
3025 [
3026 'continueRequests' => $reqs,
3027 ],
3028 ],
3029 ];
3030 }
3033 $makeReq = function ( $key, $required ) {
3034 $req = $this->createMock( AuthenticationRequest::class );
3035 $req->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3036 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
3038 $req->key = $key;
3039 $req->required = $required;
3040 return $req;
3041 };
3042 $cmpReqs = function ( $a, $b ) {
3043 $ret = strcmp( get_class( $a ), get_class( $b ) );
3044 if ( !$ret ) {
3045 $ret = strcmp( $a->key, $b->key );
3046 }
3047 return $ret;
3048 };
3050 $good = StatusValue::newGood();
3052 $primary1 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3053 $primary1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3054 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary1' ) );
3055 $primary1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3056 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
3057 $primary1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getAuthenticationRequests' )
3058 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $action ) use ( $makeReq ) {
3059 return [
3060 $makeReq( "primary-shared", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3061 $makeReq( "required", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3062 $makeReq( "optional", AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL ),
3063 $makeReq( "foo", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3064 $makeReq( "bar", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3065 $makeReq( "baz", AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL ),
3066 ];
3067 } ) );
3069 $primary2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3070 $primary2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3071 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary2' ) );
3072 $primary2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3073 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
3074 $primary2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getAuthenticationRequests' )
3075 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $action ) use ( $makeReq ) {
3076 return [
3077 $makeReq( "primary-shared", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3078 $makeReq( "required2", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3079 $makeReq( "optional2", AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL ),
3080 ];
3081 } ) );
3083 $secondary = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( SecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3084 $secondary->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3085 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'secondary' ) );
3086 $secondary->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getAuthenticationRequests' )
3087 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $action ) use ( $makeReq ) {
3088 return [
3089 $makeReq( "foo", AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL ),
3090 $makeReq( "bar", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3091 $makeReq( "baz", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3092 ];
3093 } ) );
3095 $rememberReq = new RememberMeAuthenticationRequest;
3096 $rememberReq->action = AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN;
3098 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $primary1, $primary2 ];
3099 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $secondary ];
3100 $this->initializeManager( true );
3102 $actual = $this->manager->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN );
3103 $expected = [
3104 $rememberReq,
3105 $makeReq( "primary-shared", AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED ),
3106 $makeReq( "required", AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED ),
3107 $makeReq( "required2", AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED ),
3108 $makeReq( "optional", AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL ),
3109 $makeReq( "optional2", AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL ),
3110 $makeReq( "foo", AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED ),
3111 $makeReq( "bar", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3112 $makeReq( "baz", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3113 ];
3114 usort( $actual, $cmpReqs );
3115 usort( $expected, $cmpReqs );
3116 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
3118 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $primary1 ];
3119 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $secondary ];
3120 $this->initializeManager( true );
3122 $actual = $this->manager->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN );
3123 $expected = [
3124 $rememberReq,
3125 $makeReq( "primary-shared", AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED ),
3126 $makeReq( "required", AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED ),
3127 $makeReq( "optional", AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL ),
3128 $makeReq( "foo", AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED ),
3129 $makeReq( "bar", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3130 $makeReq( "baz", AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ),
3131 ];
3132 usort( $actual, $cmpReqs );
3133 usort( $expected, $cmpReqs );
3134 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
3135 }
3137 public function testAllowsPropertyChange() {
3138 $mocks = [];
3139 foreach ( [ 'primary', 'secondary' ] as $key ) {
3140 $class = ucfirst( $key ) . 'AuthenticationProvider';
3141 $mocks[$key] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class" );
3142 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3143 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
3144 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'providerAllowsPropertyChange' )
3145 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $prop ) use ( $key ) {
3146 return $prop !== $key;
3147 } ) );
3148 }
3150 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['primary'] ];
3151 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['secondary'] ];
3152 $this->initializeManager( true );
3154 $this->assertTrue( $this->manager->allowsPropertyChange( 'foo' ) );
3155 $this->assertFalse( $this->manager->allowsPropertyChange( 'primary' ) );
3156 $this->assertFalse( $this->manager->allowsPropertyChange( 'secondary' ) );
3157 }
3159 public function testAutoCreateOnLogin() {
3162 $req = $this->createMock( AuthenticationRequest::class );
3164 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3165 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary' ) );
3166 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAuthentication' )
3167 ->will( $this->returnValue( AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $username ) ) );
3168 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3169 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
3170 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
3171 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
3172 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
3174 $mock2 = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( SecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3175 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3176 ->will( $this->returnValue( 'secondary' ) );
3177 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginSecondaryAuthentication' )->will(
3178 $this->returnValue(
3179 AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) )
3180 )
3181 );
3182 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'continueSecondaryAuthentication' )
3183 ->will( $this->returnValue( AuthenticationResponse::newAbstain() ) );
3184 $mock2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
3185 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
3187 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
3188 $this->secondaryauthMocks = [ $mock2 ];
3189 $this->initializeManager( true );
3190 $this->manager->setLogger( new \Psr\Log\NullLogger() );
3191 $session = $this->request->getSession();
3192 $session->clear();
3194 $this->assertSame( 0, \User::newFromName( $username )->getId(),
3195 'sanity check' );
3197 $callback = $this->callback( function ( $user ) use ( $username ) {
3198 return $user->getName() === $username;
3199 } );
3201 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->never() );
3202 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->once() )->with( $callback, $this->equalTo( true ) );
3203 $ret = $this->manager->beginAuthentication( [], 'http://localhost/' );
3204 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
3205 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
3206 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::UI, $ret->status );
3208 $id = (int)\User::newFromName( $username )->getId();
3209 $this->assertNotSame( 0, \User::newFromName( $username )->getId() );
3210 $this->assertSame( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
3212 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->once() )->with( $callback );
3213 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
3214 $ret = $this->manager->continueAuthentication( [] );
3215 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
3216 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
3217 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::PASS, $ret->status );
3218 $this->assertSame( $username, $ret->username );
3219 $this->assertSame( $id, $session->getUser()->getId() );
3220 }
3222 public function testAutoCreateFailOnLogin() {
3225 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3226 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'primary' ) );
3227 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAuthentication' )
3228 ->will( $this->returnValue( AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $username ) ) );
3229 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3230 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
3231 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserExists' )->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
3232 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testUserForCreation' )
3233 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-from-primary' ) ) );
3235 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
3236 $this->initializeManager( true );
3237 $this->manager->setLogger( new \Psr\Log\NullLogger() );
3238 $session = $this->request->getSession();
3239 $session->clear();
3241 $this->assertSame( 0, $session->getUser()->getId(),
3242 'sanity check' );
3243 $this->assertSame( 0, \User::newFromName( $username )->getId(),
3244 'sanity check' );
3246 $this->hook( 'UserLoggedIn', $this->never() );
3247 $this->hook( 'LocalUserCreated', $this->never() );
3248 $ret = $this->manager->beginAuthentication( [], 'http://localhost/' );
3249 $this->unhook( 'LocalUserCreated' );
3250 $this->unhook( 'UserLoggedIn' );
3251 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
3252 $this->assertSame( 'authmanager-authn-autocreate-failed', $ret->message->getKey() );
3254 $this->assertSame( 0, \User::newFromName( $username )->getId() );
3255 $this->assertSame( 0, $session->getUser()->getId() );
3256 }
3259 $this->initializeManager( true );
3261 $this->assertNull( $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'foo' ) );
3262 $this->manager->setAuthenticationSessionData( 'foo', 'foo!' );
3263 $this->manager->setAuthenticationSessionData( 'bar', 'bar!' );
3264 $this->assertSame( 'foo!', $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'foo' ) );
3265 $this->assertSame( 'bar!', $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'bar' ) );
3266 $this->manager->removeAuthenticationSessionData( 'foo' );
3267 $this->assertNull( $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'foo' ) );
3268 $this->assertSame( 'bar!', $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'bar' ) );
3269 $this->manager->removeAuthenticationSessionData( 'bar' );
3270 $this->assertNull( $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'bar' ) );
3272 $this->manager->setAuthenticationSessionData( 'foo', 'foo!' );
3273 $this->manager->setAuthenticationSessionData( 'bar', 'bar!' );
3274 $this->manager->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null );
3275 $this->assertNull( $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'foo' ) );
3276 $this->assertNull( $this->manager->getAuthenticationSessionData( 'bar' ) );
3277 }
3279 public function testCanLinkAccounts() {
3280 $types = [
3284 ];
3286 foreach ( $types as $type => $can ) {
3287 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3288 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( $type ) );
3289 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3290 ->will( $this->returnValue( $type ) );
3291 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
3292 $this->initializeManager( true );
3293 $this->assertSame( $can, $this->manager->canCreateAccounts(), $type );
3294 }
3295 }
3297 public function testBeginAccountLink() {
3298 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
3299 $this->initializeManager();
3301 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState', 'test' );
3302 try {
3303 $this->manager->beginAccountLink( $user, [], 'http://localhost/' );
3304 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
3305 } catch ( \LogicException $ex ) {
3306 $this->assertEquals( 'Account linking is not possible', $ex->getMessage() );
3307 }
3308 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ) );
3310 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3311 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
3312 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3313 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) );
3314 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
3315 $this->initializeManager( true );
3317 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountLink( new \User, [], 'http://localhost/' );
3318 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
3319 $this->assertSame( 'noname', $ret->message->getKey() );
3321 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountLink(
3322 \User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' ), [], 'http://localhost/'
3323 );
3324 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
3325 $this->assertSame( 'authmanager-userdoesnotexist', $ret->message->getKey() );
3326 }
3328 public function testContinueAccountLink() {
3329 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
3330 $this->initializeManager();
3332 $session = [
3333 'userid' => $user->getId(),
3334 'username' => $user->getName(),
3335 'primary' => 'X',
3336 ];
3338 try {
3339 $this->manager->continueAccountLink( [] );
3340 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
3341 } catch ( \LogicException $ex ) {
3342 $this->assertEquals( 'Account linking is not possible', $ex->getMessage() );
3343 }
3345 $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class );
3346 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )->will( $this->returnValue( 'X' ) );
3347 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3348 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) );
3349 $mock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountLink' )->will(
3350 $this->returnValue( AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail' ) ) )
3351 );
3352 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mock ];
3353 $this->initializeManager( true );
3355 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState', null );
3356 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountLink( [] );
3357 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
3358 $this->assertSame( 'authmanager-link-not-in-progress', $ret->message->getKey() );
3360 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState',
3361 [ 'username' => $user->getName() . '<>' ] + $session );
3362 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountLink( [] );
3363 $this->assertSame( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL, $ret->status );
3364 $this->assertSame( 'noname', $ret->message->getKey() );
3365 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ) );
3367 $id = $user->getId();
3368 $this->request->getSession()->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState',
3369 [ 'userid' => $id + 1 ] + $session );
3370 try {
3371 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountLink( [] );
3372 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
3373 } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
3374 $this->assertEquals(
3375 "User \"{$user->getName()}\" is valid, but ID $id != " . ( $id + 1 ) . '!',
3376 $ex->getMessage()
3377 );
3378 }
3379 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ) );
3380 }
3388 public function testAccountLink(
3389 StatusValue $preTest, array $primaryResponses, array $managerResponses
3390 ) {
3391 $user = \User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
3393 $this->initializeManager();
3395 // Set up lots of mocks...
3396 $req = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationRequest::class );
3397 $req->primary = $primaryResponses;
3398 $mocks = [];
3400 foreach ( [ 'pre', 'primary' ] as $key ) {
3401 $class = ucfirst( $key ) . 'AuthenticationProvider';
3402 $mocks[$key] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
3403 "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class", [], "Mock$class"
3404 );
3405 $mocks[$key]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3406 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
3408 for ( $i = 2; $i <= 3; $i++ ) {
3409 $mocks[$key . $i] = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
3410 "MediaWiki\\Auth\\$class", [], "Mock$class"
3411 );
3412 $mocks[$key . $i]->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getUniqueId' )
3413 ->will( $this->returnValue( $key . $i ) );
3414 }
3415 }
3417 $mocks['pre']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'testForAccountLink' )
3418 ->will( $this->returnCallback(
3419 function ( $u )
3420 use ( $user, $preTest )
3421 {
3422 $this->assertSame( $user->getId(), $u->getId() );
3423 $this->assertSame( $user->getName(), $u->getName() );
3424 return $preTest;
3425 }
3426 ) );
3428 $mocks['pre2']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'testForAccountLink' )
3429 ->will( $this->returnValue( StatusValue::newGood() ) );
3431 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3432 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) );
3433 $ct = count( $req->primary );
3434 $callback = $this->returnCallback( function ( $u, $reqs ) use ( $user, $req ) {
3435 $this->assertSame( $user->getId(), $u->getId() );
3436 $this->assertSame( $user->getName(), $u->getName() );
3437 $foundReq = false;
3438 foreach ( $reqs as $r ) {
3439 $this->assertSame( $user->getName(), $r->username );
3440 $foundReq = $foundReq || get_class( $r ) === get_class( $req );
3441 }
3442 $this->assertTrue( $foundReq, '$reqs contains $req' );
3443 return array_shift( $req->primary );
3444 } );
3445 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( min( 1, $ct ) ) )
3446 ->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountLink' )
3447 ->will( $callback );
3448 $mocks['primary']->expects( $this->exactly( max( 0, $ct - 1 ) ) )
3449 ->method( 'continuePrimaryAccountLink' )
3450 ->will( $callback );
3453 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3454 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) );
3455 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountLink' )
3456 ->will( $this->returnValue( $abstain ) );
3457 $mocks['primary2']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continuePrimaryAccountLink' );
3458 $mocks['primary3']->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'accountCreationType' )
3459 ->will( $this->returnValue( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE ) );
3460 $mocks['primary3']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'beginPrimaryAccountLink' );
3461 $mocks['primary3']->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'continuePrimaryAccountLink' );
3463 $this->preauthMocks = [ $mocks['pre'], $mocks['pre2'] ];
3464 $this->primaryauthMocks = [ $mocks['primary3'], $mocks['primary2'], $mocks['primary'] ];
3465 $this->logger = new \TestLogger( true, function ( $message, $level ) {
3466 return $level === LogLevel::DEBUG ? null : $message;
3467 } );
3468 $this->initializeManager( true );
3470 $constraint = \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::logicalOr(
3471 $this->equalTo( AuthenticationResponse::PASS ),
3472 $this->equalTo( AuthenticationResponse::FAIL )
3473 );
3474 $providers = array_merge( $this->preauthMocks, $this->primaryauthMocks );
3475 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
3476 $p->postCalled = false;
3477 $p->expects( $this->atMost( 1 ) )->method( 'postAccountLink' )
3478 ->willReturnCallback( function ( $user, $response ) use ( $constraint, $p ) {
3479 $this->assertInstanceOf( \User::class, $user );
3480 $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $user->getName() );
3481 $this->assertInstanceOf( AuthenticationResponse::class, $response );
3482 $this->assertThat( $response->status, $constraint );
3483 $p->postCalled = $response->status;
3484 } );
3485 }
3487 $first = true;
3488 $created = false;
3489 $expectLog = [];
3490 foreach ( $managerResponses as $i => $response ) {
3491 if ( $response instanceof AuthenticationResponse &&
3493 ) {
3494 $expectLog[] = [ LogLevel::INFO, 'Account linked to {user} by primary' ];
3495 }
3497 $ex = null;
3498 try {
3499 if ( $first ) {
3500 $ret = $this->manager->beginAccountLink( $user, [ $req ], 'http://localhost/' );
3501 } else {
3502 $ret = $this->manager->continueAccountLink( [ $req ] );
3503 }
3504 if ( $response instanceof \Exception ) {
3505 $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown', "Response $i" );
3506 }
3507 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
3508 if ( !$response instanceof \Exception ) {
3509 throw $ex;
3510 }
3511 $this->assertEquals( $response->getMessage(), $ex->getMessage(), "Response $i, exception" );
3512 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ),
3513 "Response $i, exception, session state" );
3514 return;
3515 }
3517 $this->assertSame( 'http://localhost/', $req->returnToUrl );
3519 $ret->message = $this->message( $ret->message );
3520 $this->assertEquals( $response, $ret, "Response $i, response" );
3521 if ( $response->status === AuthenticationResponse::PASS ||
3523 ) {
3524 $this->assertNull( $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ),
3525 "Response $i, session state" );
3526 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
3527 $this->assertSame( $response->status, $p->postCalled,
3528 "Response $i, post-auth callback called" );
3529 }
3530 } else {
3531 $this->assertNotNull(
3532 $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ),
3533 "Response $i, session state"
3534 );
3535 foreach ( $ret->neededRequests as $neededReq ) {
3536 $this->assertEquals( AuthManager::ACTION_LINK, $neededReq->action,
3537 "Response $i, neededRequest action" );
3538 }
3539 $this->assertEquals(
3540 $ret->neededRequests,
3541 $this->manager->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_LINK_CONTINUE ),
3542 "Response $i, continuation check"
3543 );
3544 foreach ( $providers as $p ) {
3545 $this->assertFalse( $p->postCalled, "Response $i, post-auth callback not called" );
3546 }
3547 }
3549 $first = false;
3550 }
3552 $this->assertSame( $expectLog, $this->logger->getBuffer() );
3553 }
3555 public function provideAccountLink() {
3556 $req = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( AuthenticationRequest::class );
3557 $good = StatusValue::newGood();
3559 return [
3560 'Pre-link test fail in pre' => [
3561 StatusValue::newFatal( 'fail-from-pre' ),
3562 [],
3563 [
3564 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-pre' ) ),
3565 ]
3566 ],
3567 'Failure in primary' => [
3568 $good,
3569 $tmp = [
3570 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-from-primary' ) ),
3571 ],
3572 $tmp
3573 ],
3574 'All primary abstain' => [
3575 $good,
3576 [
3578 ],
3579 [
3580 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'authmanager-link-no-primary' ) )
3581 ]
3582 ],
3583 'Primary UI, then redirect, then fail' => [
3584 $good,
3585 $tmp = [
3586 AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
3587 AuthenticationResponse::newRedirect( [ $req ], '/foo.html', [ 'foo' => 'bar' ] ),
3588 AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->message( 'fail-in-primary-continue' ) ),
3589 ],
3590 $tmp
3591 ],
3592 'Primary redirect, then abstain' => [
3593 $good,
3594 [
3596 [ $req ], '/foo.html', [ 'foo' => 'bar' ]
3597 ),
3599 ],
3600 [
3601 $tmp,
3602 new \DomainException(
3603 'MockPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::continuePrimaryAccountLink() returned ABSTAIN'
3604 )
3605 ]
3606 ],
3607 'Primary UI, then pass' => [
3608 $good,
3609 [
3610 $tmp1 = AuthenticationResponse::newUI( [ $req ], $this->message( '...' ) ),
3612 ],
3613 [
3614 $tmp1,
3616 ]
3617 ],
3618 'Primary pass' => [
3619 $good,
3620 [
3622 ],
3623 [
3625 ]
3626 ],
3627 ];
3628 }
</td >< td > &</td >< td > t want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will
they could even be mouse clicks or menu items whatever suits your program You should also get your if any
Definition COPYING.txt:326
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
Make a cache key for the local wiki.
as see the revision history and available at free of to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal in the Software without including without limitation the rights to use
Simple store for keeping values in an associative array for the current process.
static getTestSysop()
Convenience method for getting an immutable admin test user.
setMwGlobals( $pairs, $value=null)
Sets a global, maintaining a stashed version of the previous global to be restored in tearDown.
hideDeprecated( $function)
Don't throw a warning if $function is deprecated and called later.
stashMwGlobals( $globalKeys)
Stashes the global, will be restored in tearDown()
AuthManager Database MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager.
onSecuritySensitiveOperationStatus(&$status, $operation, $session, $time)
testUserExists( $primary1Exists, $primary2Exists, $expect)
message( $key, $params=[])
Ensure a value is a clean Message object.
testAllowsAuthenticationDataChange( $primaryReturn, $secondaryReturn, $expect)
testAccountCreationLogging( $isAnon, $logSubtype)
getMockSessionProvider( $canChangeUser=null, array $methods=[])
Setup SessionManager with a mock session provider.
testGetAuthenticationRequests( $action, $expect, $state=[])
Initialize the AuthManagerConfig variable in $this->config.
hook( $hook, $expect)
Sets a mock on a hook.
testAccountLink(StatusValue $preTest, array $primaryResponses, array $managerResponses)
testAuthentication(StatusValue $preResponse, array $primaryResponses, array $secondaryResponses, array $managerResponses, $link=false)
testUserCanAuthenticate( $primary1Can, $primary2Can, $expect)
initializeManager( $regen=false)
Initialize $this->manager.
TestingAccessWrapper $managerPriv
testSecuritySensitiveOperationStatus( $mutableSession)
testAccountCreation(StatusValue $preTest, $primaryTest, $secondaryTest, array $primaryResponses, array $secondaryResponses, array $managerResponses)
This serves as the entry point to the authentication system.
Like ACTION_REMOVE but for linking providers only.
const SEC_FAIL
Security-sensitive should not be performed.
Continue a login process that was interrupted by the need for user input or communication with an ext...
Security-sensitive operations should re-authenticate.
Continue a user creation process that was interrupted by the need for user input or communication wit...
static singleton()
Get the global AuthManager.
const SEC_OK
Security-sensitive operations are ok.
Continue a user linking process that was interrupted by the need for user input or communication with...
Change a user's credentials.
Remove a user's credentials.
Link an existing user to a third-party account.
Auto-creation is due to SessionManager.
Log in with an existing (not necessarily local) user.
Create a new user.
Indicates that the request is not required for authentication to proceed.
Indicates that the request is required by a primary authentication provider.
Indicates that the request is required for authentication to proceed.
This is a value object to hold authentication response data.
const FAIL
Indicates that the authentication failed.
const PASS
Indicates that the authentication succeeded.
const UI
Indicates that the authentication needs further user input of some sort.
static newRedirect(array $reqs, $redirectTarget, $redirectApiData=null)
static newUI(array $reqs, Message $msg, $msgtype='warning')
Indicates that third-party authentication succeeded but no user exists.
This transfers state between the login and account creation flows.
Returned from account creation to allow for logging into the created account.
Authentication request for the reason given for account creation.
This is an authentication request added by AuthManager to show a "remember me" checkbox.
This represents additional user data requested on the account creation form.
AuthenticationRequest to ensure something with a username is present.
Value object returned by SessionProvider.
Object holding data about a session's user.
Definition UserInfo.php:51
static newFromUser(User $user, $verified=false)
Create an instance from an existing User object.
Definition UserInfo.php:116
static BagOStuff[] $instances
Map of (id => BagOStuff)
static getMain()
Get the RequestContext object associated with the main request.
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights,...
Definition User.php:53
static newFromName( $name, $validate='valid')
Static factory method for creation from username.
Definition User.php:591
static idFromName( $name, $flags=self::READ_NORMAL)
Get database id given a user name.
Definition User.php:883
The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping il...
Definition database.txt:21
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same so they can t rely on Unix and must forbid reads to even standard directories like tmp lest users read each others files We cannot assume that the user has the ability to install or run any programs not written as web accessible PHP scripts Since anything that works on cheap shared hosting will work if you have shell or root access MediaWiki s design is based around catering to the lowest common denominator Although we support higher end setups as the way many things work by default is tailored toward shared hosting These defaults are unconventional from the point of view of and they certainly aren t ideal for someone who s installing MediaWiki as MediaWiki does not conform to normal Unix filesystem layout Hopefully we ll offer direct support for standard layouts in the but for now *any change to the location of files is unsupported *Moving things and leaving symlinks will *probably *not break anything
this hook is for auditing only $req
Definition hooks.txt:990
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction $rows
Definition hooks.txt:2783
see documentation in includes Linker php for Linker::makeImageLink & $time
Definition hooks.txt:1795
Status::newGood()` to allow deletion, and then `return false` from the hook function. Ensure you consume the 'ChangeTagAfterDelete' hook to carry out custom deletion actions. $tag:name of the tag $user:user initiating the action & $status:Status object. See above. 'ChangeTagsListActive':Allows you to nominate which of the tags your extension uses are in active use. & $tags:list of all active tags. Append to this array. 'ChangeTagsAfterUpdateTags':Called after tags have been updated with the ChangeTags::updateTags function. Params:$addedTags:tags effectively added in the update $removedTags:tags effectively removed in the update $prevTags:tags that were present prior to the update $rc_id:recentchanges table id $rev_id:revision table id $log_id:logging table id $params:tag params $rc:RecentChange being tagged when the tagging accompanies the action or null $user:User who performed the tagging when the tagging is subsequent to the action or null 'ChangeTagsAllowedAdd':Called when checking if a user can add tags to a change. & $allowedTags:List of all the tags the user is allowed to add. Any tags the user wants to add( $addTags) that are not in this array will cause it to fail. You may add or remove tags to this array as required. $addTags:List of tags user intends to add. $user:User who is adding the tags. 'ChangeUserGroups':Called before user groups are changed. $performer:The User who will perform the change $user:The User whose groups will be changed & $add:The groups that will be added & $remove:The groups that will be removed 'Collation::factory':Called if $wgCategoryCollation is an unknown collation. $collationName:Name of the collation in question & $collationObject:Null. Replace with a subclass of the Collation class that implements the collation given in $collationName. 'ConfirmEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been confirmed successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being confirmed 'ContentAlterParserOutput':Modify parser output for a given content object. Called by Content::getParserOutput after parsing has finished. Can be used for changes that depend on the result of the parsing but have to be done before LinksUpdate is called(such as adding tracking categories based on the rendered HTML). $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $parserOutput:ParserOutput to manipulate 'ContentGetParserOutput':Customize parser output for a given content object, called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput. May be used to override the normal model-specific rendering of page content. $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $revId:The revision ID, as context $options:ParserOptions for rendering. To avoid confusing the parser cache, the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook function, not on global state. $generateHtml:boolean, indicating whether full HTML should be generated. If false, generation of HTML may be skipped, but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object. & $output:ParserOutput, to manipulate or replace 'ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor':Called when the default content model is determined for a given title. May be used to assign a different model for that title. $title:the Title in question & $model:the model name. Use with CONTENT_MODEL_XXX constants. 'ContentHandlerForModelID':Called when a ContentHandler is requested for a given content model name, but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers. Note:if your extension implements additional models via this hook, please use GetContentModels hook to make them known to core. $modeName:the requested content model name & $handler:set this to a ContentHandler object, if desired. 'ContentModelCanBeUsedOn':Called to determine whether that content model can be used on a given page. This is especially useful to prevent some content models to be used in some special location. $contentModel:ID of the content model in question $title:the Title in question. & $ok:Output parameter, whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title. Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok. 'ContribsPager::getQueryInfo':Before the contributions query is about to run & $pager:Pager object for contributions & $queryInfo:The query for the contribs Pager 'ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for My Contributions & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The ContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'ContributionsLineEnding':Called before a contributions HTML line is finished $page:SpecialPage object for contributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'ContributionsToolLinks':Change tool links above Special:Contributions $id:User identifier $title:User page title & $tools:Array of tool links $specialPage:SpecialPage instance for context and services. Can be either SpecialContributions or DeletedContributionsPage. Extensions should type hint against a generic SpecialPage though. 'ConvertContent':Called by AbstractContent::convert when a conversion to another content model is requested. Handler functions that modify $result should generally return false to disable further attempts at conversion. $content:The Content object to be converted. $toModel:The ID of the content model to convert to. $lossy: boolean indicating whether lossy conversion is allowed. & $result:Output parameter, in case the handler function wants to provide a converted Content object. Note that $result->getContentModel() must return $toModel. 'CustomEditor':When invoking the page editor Return true to allow the normal editor to be used, or false if implementing a custom editor, e.g. for a special namespace, etc. $article:Article being edited $user:User performing the edit 'DatabaseOraclePostInit':Called after initialising an Oracle database $db:the DatabaseOracle object 'DeletedContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for Special:DeletedContributions Similar to ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The DeletedContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'DeletedContributionsLineEnding':Called before a DeletedContributions HTML line is finished. Similar to ContributionsLineEnding $page:SpecialPage object for DeletedContributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'DeleteUnknownPreferences':Called by the cleanupPreferences.php maintenance script to build a WHERE clause with which to delete preferences that are not known about. This hook is used by extensions that have dynamically-named preferences that should not be deleted in the usual cleanup process. For example, the Gadgets extension creates preferences prefixed with 'gadget-', and so anything with that prefix is excluded from the deletion. &where:An array that will be passed as the $cond parameter to IDatabase::select() to determine what will be deleted from the user_properties table. $db:The IDatabase object, useful for accessing $db->buildLike() etc. 'DifferenceEngineAfterLoadNewText':called in DifferenceEngine::loadNewText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before returning true from this function. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineLoadTextAfterNewContentIsLoaded':called in DifferenceEngine::loadText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before checking if the variable 's value is null. This hook can be used to inject content into said class member variable. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledLink':Allows extensions to change the "mark as patrolled" link which is shown both on the diff header as well as on the bottom of a page, usually wrapped in a span element which has class="patrollink". $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $markAsPatrolledLink:The "mark as patrolled" link HTML(string) $rcid:Recent change ID(rc_id) for this change(int) 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledRCID':Allows extensions to possibly change the rcid parameter. For example the rcid might be set to zero due to the user being the same as the performer of the change but an extension might still want to show it under certain conditions. & $rcid:rc_id(int) of the change or 0 $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object $change:RecentChange object $user:User object representing the current user 'DifferenceEngineNewHeader':Allows extensions to change the $newHeader variable, which contains information about the new revision, such as the revision 's author, whether the revision was marked as a minor edit or not, etc. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $newHeader:The string containing the various #mw-diff-otitle[1-5] divs, which include things like revision author info, revision comment, RevisionDelete link and more $formattedRevisionTools:Array containing revision tools, some of which may have been injected with the DiffRevisionTools hook $nextlink:String containing the link to the next revision(if any) $status
Definition hooks.txt:1051
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a message
Definition hooks.txt:2163
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext $context
Definition hooks.txt:2811
and how to run hooks for an and one after Each event has a preferably in CamelCase For ArticleDelete hook A clump of code and data that should be run when an event happens This can be either a function and a chunk of or an object and a method hook function The function part of a hook
Definition hooks.txt:23
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a set this to the key of the message First element is the message additional optional elements are parameters for the key that are processed with wfMessage() -> params() ->parseAsBlock() - offset Set to overwrite offset parameter in $wgRequest set to '' to unset offset - wrap String Wrap the message in html(usually something like "&lt;div ...>$1&lt;/div>"). - flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException':Called before an exception(or PHP error) is logged. This is meant for integration with external error aggregation services
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return true
Definition hooks.txt:2006
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses & $ret
Definition hooks.txt:2005
usually copyright or history_copyright This message must be in HTML not wikitext & $link
Definition hooks.txt:3021
Definition hooks.txt:108
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far $username
Definition hooks.txt:785
this hook is for auditing only $response
Definition hooks.txt:783
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition hooks.txt:187
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a local account $user
Definition hooks.txt:247
Interface for configuration instances.
Definition Config.php:28
get( $name)
Get a configuration variable such as "Sitename" or "UploadMaintenance.".
Provider can link to existing accounts elsewhere.
Provider cannot create or link to accounts.
Definition mcc.php:33
A helper class for throttling authentication attempts.
Definition defines.php:29