MediaWiki REL1_31
Go to the documentation of this file.
39 private $userId;
42 private $group;
45 private $expiry;
52 public function __construct( $userId = 0, $group = null, $expiry = null ) {
53 $this->userId = (int)$userId;
54 $this->group = $group; // TODO throw on invalid group?
55 $this->expiry = $expiry ?: null;
56 }
61 public function getUserId() {
62 return $this->userId;
63 }
68 public function getGroup() {
69 return $this->group;
70 }
75 public function getExpiry() {
76 return $this->expiry;
77 }
79 protected function initFromRow( $row ) {
80 $this->userId = (int)$row->ug_user;
81 $this->group = $row->ug_group;
82 $this->expiry = $row->ug_expiry === null ?
83 null :
84 wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->ug_expiry );
85 }
93 public static function newFromRow( $row ) {
94 $ugm = new self;
95 $ugm->initFromRow( $row );
96 return $ugm;
97 }
104 public static function selectFields() {
105 return [
106 'ug_user',
107 'ug_group',
108 'ug_expiry',
109 ];
110 }
119 public function delete( IDatabase $dbw = null ) {
120 if ( wfReadOnly() ) {
121 return false;
122 }
124 if ( $dbw === null ) {
125 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
126 }
128 $dbw->delete(
129 'user_groups',
130 [ 'ug_user' => $this->userId, 'ug_group' => $this->group ],
131 __METHOD__ );
132 if ( !$dbw->affectedRows() ) {
133 return false;
134 }
136 // Remember that the user was in this group
137 $dbw->insert(
138 'user_former_groups',
139 [ 'ufg_user' => $this->userId, 'ufg_group' => $this->group ],
140 __METHOD__,
141 [ 'IGNORE' ] );
143 return true;
144 }
156 public function insert( $allowUpdate = false, IDatabase $dbw = null ) {
157 if ( $dbw === null ) {
158 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
159 }
161 // Purge old, expired memberships from the DB
164 // Check that the values make sense
165 if ( $this->group === null ) {
166 throw new UnexpectedValueException(
167 'Don\'t try inserting an uninitialized UserGroupMembership object' );
168 } elseif ( $this->userId <= 0 ) {
169 throw new UnexpectedValueException(
170 'UserGroupMembership::insert() needs a positive user ID. ' .
171 'Did you forget to add your User object to the database before calling addGroup()?' );
172 }
174 $row = $this->getDatabaseArray( $dbw );
175 $dbw->insert( 'user_groups', $row, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] );
176 $affected = $dbw->affectedRows();
178 // Don't collide with expired user group memberships
179 // Do this after trying to insert, in order to avoid locking
180 if ( !$affected ) {
181 $conds = [
182 'ug_user' => $row['ug_user'],
183 'ug_group' => $row['ug_group'],
184 ];
185 // if we're unconditionally updating, check that the expiry is not already the
186 // same as what we are trying to update it to; otherwise, only update if
187 // the expiry date is in the past
188 if ( $allowUpdate ) {
189 if ( $this->expiry ) {
190 $conds[] = 'ug_expiry IS NULL OR ug_expiry != ' .
191 $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp( $this->expiry ) );
192 } else {
193 $conds[] = 'ug_expiry IS NOT NULL';
194 }
195 } else {
196 $conds[] = 'ug_expiry < ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp() );
197 }
199 $row = $dbw->selectRow( 'user_groups', $this::selectFields(), $conds, __METHOD__ );
200 if ( $row ) {
201 $dbw->update(
202 'user_groups',
203 [ 'ug_expiry' => $this->expiry ? $dbw->timestamp( $this->expiry ) : null ],
204 [ 'ug_user' => $row->ug_user, 'ug_group' => $row->ug_group ],
205 __METHOD__ );
206 $affected = $dbw->affectedRows();
207 }
208 }
210 return $affected > 0;
211 }
218 protected function getDatabaseArray( IDatabase $db ) {
219 return [
220 'ug_user' => $this->userId,
221 'ug_group' => $this->group,
222 'ug_expiry' => $this->expiry ? $db->timestamp( $this->expiry ) : null,
223 ];
224 }
230 public function isExpired() {
231 if ( !$this->expiry ) {
232 return false;
233 } else {
234 return wfTimestampNow() > $this->expiry;
235 }
236 }
244 public static function purgeExpired() {
245 $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
246 if ( $services->getReadOnlyMode()->isReadOnly() ) {
247 return false;
248 }
250 $lbFactory = $services->getDBLoadBalancerFactory();
251 $ticket = $lbFactory->getEmptyTransactionTicket( __METHOD__ );
252 $dbw = $services->getDBLoadBalancer()->getConnection( DB_MASTER );
254 $lockKey = $dbw->getDomainID() . ':usergroups-prune'; // specific to this wiki
255 $scopedLock = $dbw->getScopedLockAndFlush( $lockKey, __METHOD__, 0 );
256 if ( !$scopedLock ) {
257 return false; // already running
258 }
260 $now = time();
261 $purgedRows = 0;
262 do {
263 $dbw->startAtomic( __METHOD__ );
265 $res = $dbw->select(
266 'user_groups',
267 self::selectFields(),
268 [ 'ug_expiry < ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp( $now ) ) ],
269 __METHOD__,
270 [ 'FOR UPDATE', 'LIMIT' => 100 ]
271 );
273 if ( $res->numRows() > 0 ) {
274 $insertData = []; // array of users/groups to insert to user_former_groups
275 $deleteCond = []; // array for deleting the rows that are to be moved around
276 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
277 $insertData[] = [ 'ufg_user' => $row->ug_user, 'ufg_group' => $row->ug_group ];
278 $deleteCond[] = $dbw->makeList(
279 [ 'ug_user' => $row->ug_user, 'ug_group' => $row->ug_group ],
280 $dbw::LIST_AND
281 );
282 }
283 // Delete the rows we're about to move
284 $dbw->delete(
285 'user_groups',
286 $dbw->makeList( $deleteCond, $dbw::LIST_OR ),
287 __METHOD__
288 );
289 // Push the groups to user_former_groups
290 $dbw->insert( 'user_former_groups', $insertData, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] );
291 // Count how many rows were purged
292 $purgedRows += $res->numRows();
293 }
295 $dbw->endAtomic( __METHOD__ );
297 $lbFactory->commitAndWaitForReplication( __METHOD__, $ticket );
298 } while ( $res->numRows() > 0 );
299 return $purgedRows;
300 }
310 public static function getMembershipsForUser( $userId, IDatabase $db = null ) {
311 if ( !$db ) {
312 $db = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
313 }
315 $res = $db->select( 'user_groups',
316 self::selectFields(),
317 [ 'ug_user' => $userId ],
318 __METHOD__ );
320 $ugms = [];
321 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
322 $ugm = self::newFromRow( $row );
323 if ( !$ugm->isExpired() ) {
324 $ugms[$ugm->group] = $ugm;
325 }
326 }
328 return $ugms;
329 }
341 public static function getMembership( $userId, $group, IDatabase $db = null ) {
342 if ( !$db ) {
343 $db = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
344 }
346 $row = $db->selectRow( 'user_groups',
347 self::selectFields(),
348 [ 'ug_user' => $userId, 'ug_group' => $group ],
349 __METHOD__ );
350 if ( !$row ) {
351 return false;
352 }
354 $ugm = self::newFromRow( $row );
355 if ( !$ugm->isExpired() ) {
356 return $ugm;
357 } else {
358 return false;
359 }
360 }
375 public static function getLink( $ugm, IContextSource $context, $format,
376 $userName = null
377 ) {
378 if ( $format !== 'wiki' && $format !== 'html' ) {
379 throw new MWException( 'UserGroupMembership::getLink() $format parameter should be ' .
380 "'wiki' or 'html'" );
381 }
383 if ( $ugm instanceof UserGroupMembership ) {
384 $expiry = $ugm->getExpiry();
385 $group = $ugm->getGroup();
386 } else {
387 $expiry = null;
388 $group = $ugm;
389 }
391 if ( $userName !== null ) {
392 $groupName = self::getGroupMemberName( $group, $userName );
393 } else {
394 $groupName = self::getGroupName( $group );
395 }
397 // link to the group description page, if it exists
398 $linkTitle = self::getGroupPage( $group );
399 if ( $format === 'wiki' ) {
400 if ( $linkTitle ) {
401 $linkPage = $linkTitle->getFullText();
402 $groupLink = "[[$linkPage|$groupName]]";
403 } else {
404 $groupLink = $groupName;
405 }
406 } else {
407 if ( $linkTitle ) {
408 $groupLink = Linker::link( $linkTitle, htmlspecialchars( $groupName ) );
409 } else {
410 $groupLink = htmlspecialchars( $groupName );
411 }
412 }
414 if ( $expiry ) {
415 // format the expiry to a nice string
416 $uiLanguage = $context->getLanguage();
417 $uiUser = $context->getUser();
418 $expiryDT = $uiLanguage->userTimeAndDate( $expiry, $uiUser );
419 $expiryD = $uiLanguage->userDate( $expiry, $uiUser );
420 $expiryT = $uiLanguage->userTime( $expiry, $uiUser );
422 if ( $format === 'wiki' ) {
423 return $context->msg( 'group-membership-link-with-expiry' )
424 ->params( $groupLink, $expiryDT, $expiryD, $expiryT )->text();
425 } else {
426 $groupLink = Message::rawParam( $groupLink );
427 return $context->msg( 'group-membership-link-with-expiry' )
428 ->params( $groupLink, $expiryDT, $expiryD, $expiryT )->escaped();
429 }
430 }
432 return $groupLink;
433 }
442 public static function getGroupName( $group ) {
443 $msg = wfMessage( "group-$group" );
444 return $msg->isBlank() ? $group : $msg->text();
445 }
455 public static function getGroupMemberName( $group, $username ) {
456 $msg = wfMessage( "group-$group-member", $username );
457 return $msg->isBlank() ? $group : $msg->text();
458 }
467 public static function getGroupPage( $group ) {
468 $msg = wfMessage( "grouppage-$group" )->inContentLanguage();
469 if ( $msg->exists() ) {
470 $title = Title::newFromText( $msg->text() );
471 if ( is_object( $title ) ) {
472 return $title;
473 }
474 }
475 return false;
476 }
Convenience function; returns MediaWiki timestamp for the present time.
Check whether the wiki is in read-only mode.
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
no text was provided for refs named< code > blankwithnoreference</code ></span ></li ></ol ></div > !end !test with< references/> in group !wikitext Wikipedia rocks< ref > Proceeds of vol XXI</ref > Wikipedia rocks< ref group=note > Proceeds of vol XXI</ref >< references/>< references group=note/> ! html< p > Wikipedia rocks< sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">< a href="#cite_note-1"> &Wikipedia rocks< sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference">< a href="#cite_note-2"> &</p >< div class="mw-references-wrap">< ol class="references">< li id="cite_note-1">< span class="mw-cite-backlink">< a href="#cite_ref-1"> ↑</a ></span >< span class="reference-text"> Proceeds of vol XXI</span ></li ></ol ></div >< div class="mw-references-wrap">< ol class="references">< li id="cite_note-2">< span class="mw-cite-backlink">< a href="#cite_ref-2"> ↑</a ></span >< span class="reference-text"> Proceeds of vol XXI</span ></li ></ol ></div > !end !test with< references/> in group
static singleton( $domain=false)
static link( $target, $html=null, $customAttribs=[], $query=[], $options=[])
This function returns an HTML link to the given target.
Definition Linker.php:107
MediaWiki exception.
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
Represents a "user group membership" – a specific instance of a user belonging to a group.
static newFromRow( $row)
Creates a new UserGroupMembership object from a database row.
static getMembershipsForUser( $userId, IDatabase $db=null)
Returns UserGroupMembership objects for all the groups a user currently belongs to.
static getGroupPage( $group)
Gets the title of a page describing a particular user group.
getDatabaseArray(IDatabase $db)
Get an array suitable for passing to $dbw->insert() or $dbw->update()
static getMembership( $userId, $group, IDatabase $db=null)
Returns a UserGroupMembership object that pertains to the given user and group, or false if the user ...
static selectFields()
Returns the list of user_groups fields that should be selected to create a new user group membership.
static getLink( $ugm, IContextSource $context, $format, $userName=null)
Gets a link for a user group, possibly including the expiry date if relevant.
insert( $allowUpdate=false, IDatabase $dbw=null)
Insert a user right membership into the database.
int $userId
The ID of the user who belongs to the group.
static getGroupName( $group)
Gets the localized friendly name for a group, if it exists.
static purgeExpired()
Purge expired memberships from the user_groups table.
__construct( $userId=0, $group=null, $expiry=null)
Has the membership expired?
static getGroupMemberName( $group, $username)
Gets the localized name for a member of a group, if it exists.
string null $expiry
Timestamp of expiry in TS_MW format, or null if no expiry.
Definition database.txt:21
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext $context
Definition hooks.txt:2811
namespace and then decline to actually register it file or subcat img or subcat $title
Definition hooks.txt:964
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a set this to the key of the message First element is the message additional optional elements are parameters for the key that are processed with wfMessage() -> params() ->parseAsBlock() - offset Set to overwrite offset parameter in $wgRequest set to '' to unset offset - wrap String Wrap the message in html(usually something like "&lt;div ...>$1&lt;/div>"). - flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException':Called before an exception(or PHP error) is logged. This is meant for integration with external error aggregation services
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead can be used to get the real title after the basic globals have been set but before ordinary actions take place or wrap services the preferred way to define a new service is the $wgServiceWiringFiles array $services
Definition hooks.txt:2273
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far $username
Definition hooks.txt:785
Interface for objects which can provide a MediaWiki context on request.
Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles.
Definition IDatabase.php:38
selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Single row SELECT wrapper.
endAtomic( $fname=__METHOD__)
Ends an atomic section of SQL statements.
select( $table, $vars, $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided.
Get the number of rows affected by the last write query.
delete( $table, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__)
DELETE query wrapper.
addQuotes( $s)
Adds quotes and backslashes.
timestamp( $ts=0)
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting ...
update( $table, $values, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
UPDATE wrapper.
makeList( $a, $mode=self::LIST_COMMA)
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array.
getScopedLockAndFlush( $lockKey, $fname, $timeout)
Acquire a named lock, flush any transaction, and return an RAII style unlocker object.
insert( $table, $a, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table.
startAtomic( $fname=__METHOD__, $cancelable=self::ATOMIC_NOT_CANCELABLE)
Begin an atomic section of SQL statements.
Definition defines.php:25
Definition defines.php:29