MediaWiki REL1_32
Go to the documentation of this file.
40 // Bits to indicate the results of the revdel permission check on a revision,
41 // see self::checkRevDel()
42 const IS_DELETED = 1; // Whether the field is revision-deleted
43 const CANNOT_VIEW = 2; // Whether the user cannot view the field due to revdel
51 protected $fld_ids = false, $fld_flags = false, $fld_timestamp = false,
52 $fld_size = false, $fld_slotsize = false, $fld_sha1 = false, $fld_slotsha1 = false,
53 $fld_comment = false, $fld_parsedcomment = false, $fld_user = false, $fld_userid = false,
54 $fld_content = false, $fld_tags = false, $fld_contentmodel = false, $fld_roles = false,
57 public function execute() {
58 $this->run();
59 }
61 public function executeGenerator( $resultPageSet ) {
62 $this->run( $resultPageSet );
63 }
69 abstract protected function run( ApiPageSet $resultPageSet = null );
76 protected function parseParameters( $params ) {
77 $prop = array_flip( $params['prop'] );
79 $this->fld_ids = isset( $prop['ids'] );
80 $this->fld_flags = isset( $prop['flags'] );
81 $this->fld_timestamp = isset( $prop['timestamp'] );
82 $this->fld_comment = isset( $prop['comment'] );
83 $this->fld_parsedcomment = isset( $prop['parsedcomment'] );
84 $this->fld_size = isset( $prop['size'] );
85 $this->fld_slotsize = isset( $prop['slotsize'] );
86 $this->fld_sha1 = isset( $prop['sha1'] );
87 $this->fld_slotsha1 = isset( $prop['slotsha1'] );
88 $this->fld_content = isset( $prop['content'] );
89 $this->fld_contentmodel = isset( $prop['contentmodel'] );
90 $this->fld_userid = isset( $prop['userid'] );
91 $this->fld_user = isset( $prop['user'] );
92 $this->fld_tags = isset( $prop['tags'] );
93 $this->fld_roles = isset( $prop['roles'] );
94 $this->fld_parsetree = isset( $prop['parsetree'] );
96 $this->slotRoles = $params['slots'];
98 if ( $this->slotRoles !== null ) {
99 if ( $this->fld_parsetree ) {
100 $this->dieWithError( [
101 'apierror-invalidparammix-cannotusewith',
102 $this->encodeParamName( 'prop=parsetree' ),
103 $this->encodeParamName( 'slots' ),
104 ], 'invalidparammix' );
105 }
106 foreach ( [
107 'expandtemplates', 'generatexml', 'parse', 'diffto', 'difftotext', 'difftotextpst',
108 'contentformat'
109 ] as $p ) {
110 if ( $params[$p] !== null && $params[$p] !== false ) {
111 $this->dieWithError( [
112 'apierror-invalidparammix-cannotusewith',
113 $this->encodeParamName( $p ),
114 $this->encodeParamName( 'slots' ),
115 ], 'invalidparammix' );
116 }
117 }
118 }
120 if ( !empty( $params['contentformat'] ) ) {
121 $this->contentFormat = $params['contentformat'];
122 }
124 $this->limit = $params['limit'];
126 if ( !is_null( $params['difftotext'] ) ) {
127 $this->difftotext = $params['difftotext'];
128 $this->difftotextpst = $params['difftotextpst'];
129 } elseif ( !is_null( $params['diffto'] ) ) {
130 if ( $params['diffto'] == 'cur' ) {
131 $params['diffto'] = 0;
132 }
133 if ( ( !ctype_digit( $params['diffto'] ) || $params['diffto'] < 0 )
134 && $params['diffto'] != 'prev' && $params['diffto'] != 'next'
135 ) {
136 $p = $this->getModulePrefix();
137 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-baddiffto', $p ], 'diffto' );
138 }
139 // Check whether the revision exists and is readable,
140 // DifferenceEngine returns a rather ambiguous empty
141 // string if that's not the case
142 if ( $params['diffto'] != 0 ) {
143 $difftoRev = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionStore()
144 ->getRevisionById( $params['diffto'] );
145 if ( !$difftoRev ) {
146 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-nosuchrevid', $params['diffto'] ] );
147 }
148 $revDel = $this->checkRevDel( $difftoRev, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT );
149 if ( $revDel & self::CANNOT_VIEW ) {
150 $this->addWarning( [ 'apiwarn-difftohidden', $difftoRev->getId() ] );
151 $params['diffto'] = null;
152 }
153 }
154 $this->diffto = $params['diffto'];
155 }
157 $this->fetchContent = $this->fld_content || !is_null( $this->diffto )
158 || !is_null( $this->difftotext ) || $this->fld_parsetree;
160 $smallLimit = false;
161 if ( $this->fetchContent ) {
162 $smallLimit = true;
163 $this->expandTemplates = $params['expandtemplates'];
164 $this->generateXML = $params['generatexml'];
165 $this->parseContent = $params['parse'];
166 if ( $this->parseContent ) {
167 // Must manually initialize unset limit
168 if ( is_null( $this->limit ) ) {
169 $this->limit = 1;
170 }
171 }
172 if ( isset( $params['section'] ) ) {
173 $this->section = $params['section'];
174 } else {
175 $this->section = false;
176 }
177 }
179 $userMax = $this->parseContent ? 1 : ( $smallLimit ? ApiBase::LIMIT_SML1 : ApiBase::LIMIT_BIG1 );
180 $botMax = $this->parseContent ? 1 : ( $smallLimit ? ApiBase::LIMIT_SML2 : ApiBase::LIMIT_BIG2 );
181 if ( $this->limit == 'max' ) {
182 $this->limit = $this->getMain()->canApiHighLimits() ? $botMax : $userMax;
183 if ( $this->setParsedLimit ) {
184 $this->getResult()->addParsedLimit( $this->getModuleName(), $this->limit );
185 }
186 }
188 if ( is_null( $this->limit ) ) {
189 $this->limit = 10;
190 }
191 $this->validateLimit( 'limit', $this->limit, 1, $userMax, $botMax );
193 $this->needSlots = $this->fetchContent || $this->fld_contentmodel ||
194 $this->fld_slotsize || $this->fld_slotsha1;
195 if ( $this->needSlots && $this->slotRoles === null ) {
196 $encParam = $this->encodeParamName( 'slots' );
197 $name = $this->getModuleName();
198 $parent = $this->getParent();
199 $parentParam = $parent->encodeParamName( $parent->getModuleManager()->getModuleGroup( $name ) );
200 $this->addDeprecation(
201 [ 'apiwarn-deprecation-missingparam', $encParam ],
202 "action=query&{$parentParam}={$name}&!{$encParam}"
203 );
204 }
205 }
214 private function checkRevDel( RevisionRecord $revision, $field ) {
215 $ret = $revision->isDeleted( $field ) ? self::IS_DELETED : 0;
216 if ( $ret ) {
217 $canSee = $revision->audienceCan( $field, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getUser() );
218 $ret = $ret | ( $canSee ? 0 : self::CANNOT_VIEW );
219 }
220 return $ret;
221 }
231 protected function extractRevisionInfo( RevisionRecord $revision, $row ) {
232 $vals = [];
233 $anyHidden = false;
235 if ( $this->fld_ids ) {
236 $vals['revid'] = intval( $revision->getId() );
237 if ( !is_null( $revision->getParentId() ) ) {
238 $vals['parentid'] = intval( $revision->getParentId() );
239 }
240 }
242 if ( $this->fld_flags ) {
243 $vals['minor'] = $revision->isMinor();
244 }
246 if ( $this->fld_user || $this->fld_userid ) {
247 $revDel = $this->checkRevDel( $revision, RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER );
248 if ( ( $revDel & self::IS_DELETED ) ) {
249 $vals['userhidden'] = true;
250 $anyHidden = true;
251 }
252 if ( !( $revDel & self::CANNOT_VIEW ) ) {
253 $u = $revision->getUser( RevisionRecord::RAW );
254 if ( $this->fld_user ) {
255 $vals['user'] = $u->getName();
256 }
257 $userid = $u->getId();
258 if ( !$userid ) {
259 $vals['anon'] = true;
260 }
262 if ( $this->fld_userid ) {
263 $vals['userid'] = $userid;
264 }
265 }
266 }
268 if ( $this->fld_timestamp ) {
269 $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $revision->getTimestamp() );
270 }
272 if ( $this->fld_size ) {
273 try {
274 $vals['size'] = intval( $revision->getSize() );
275 } catch ( RevisionAccessException $e ) {
276 // Back compat: If there's no size, return 0.
277 // @todo: Gergő says to mention T198099 as a "todo" here.
278 $vals['size'] = 0;
279 }
280 }
282 if ( $this->fld_sha1 ) {
283 $revDel = $this->checkRevDel( $revision, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT );
284 if ( ( $revDel & self::IS_DELETED ) ) {
285 $vals['sha1hidden'] = true;
286 $anyHidden = true;
287 }
288 if ( !( $revDel & self::CANNOT_VIEW ) ) {
289 try {
290 $vals['sha1'] = Wikimedia\base_convert( $revision->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40 );
291 } catch ( RevisionAccessException $e ) {
292 // Back compat: If there's no sha1, return emtpy string.
293 // @todo: Gergő says to mention T198099 as a "todo" here.
294 $vals['sha1'] = '';
295 }
296 }
297 }
299 if ( $this->fld_roles ) {
300 $vals['roles'] = $revision->getSlotRoles();
301 }
303 if ( $this->needSlots ) {
304 $revDel = $this->checkRevDel( $revision, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT );
305 if ( ( $this->fld_slotsha1 || $this->fetchContent ) && ( $revDel & self::IS_DELETED ) ) {
306 $anyHidden = true;
307 }
308 if ( $this->slotRoles === null ) {
309 try {
310 $slot = $revision->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW );
311 } catch ( RevisionAccessException $e ) {
312 // Back compat: If there's no slot, there's no content, so set 'textmissing'
313 // @todo: Gergő says to mention T198099 as a "todo" here.
314 $vals['textmissing'] = true;
315 $slot = null;
316 }
318 if ( $slot ) {
319 $content = null;
320 $vals += $this->extractSlotInfo( $slot, $revDel, $content );
321 if ( !empty( $vals['nosuchsection'] ) ) {
322 $this->dieWithError(
323 [
324 'apierror-nosuchsection-what',
325 wfEscapeWikiText( $this->section ),
326 $this->msg( 'revid', $revision->getId() )
327 ],
328 'nosuchsection'
329 );
330 }
331 if ( $content ) {
332 $vals += $this->extractDeprecatedContent( $content, $revision );
333 }
334 }
335 } else {
336 $roles = array_intersect( $this->slotRoles, $revision->getSlotRoles() );
337 $vals['slots'] = [
339 ];
340 foreach ( $roles as $role ) {
341 try {
342 $slot = $revision->getSlot( $role, RevisionRecord::RAW );
343 } catch ( RevisionAccessException $e ) {
344 // Don't error out here so the client can still process other slots/revisions.
345 // @todo: Gergő says to mention T198099 as a "todo" here.
346 $vals['slots'][$role]['missing'] = true;
347 continue;
348 }
349 $content = null;
350 $vals['slots'][$role] = $this->extractSlotInfo( $slot, $revDel, $content );
351 // @todo Move this into extractSlotInfo() (and remove its $content parameter)
352 // when extractDeprecatedContent() is no more.
353 if ( $content ) {
354 $vals['slots'][$role]['contentmodel'] = $content->getModel();
355 $vals['slots'][$role]['contentformat'] = $content->getDefaultFormat();
356 ApiResult::setContentValue( $vals['slots'][$role], 'content', $content->serialize() );
357 }
358 }
359 ApiResult::setArrayType( $vals['slots'], 'kvp', 'role' );
360 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $vals['slots'], 'slot' );
361 }
362 }
364 if ( $this->fld_comment || $this->fld_parsedcomment ) {
365 $revDel = $this->checkRevDel( $revision, RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT );
366 if ( ( $revDel & self::IS_DELETED ) ) {
367 $vals['commenthidden'] = true;
368 $anyHidden = true;
369 }
370 if ( !( $revDel & self::CANNOT_VIEW ) ) {
371 $comment = $revision->getComment( RevisionRecord::RAW );
372 $comment = $comment ? $comment->text : '';
374 if ( $this->fld_comment ) {
375 $vals['comment'] = $comment;
376 }
378 if ( $this->fld_parsedcomment ) {
379 $vals['parsedcomment'] = Linker::formatComment(
380 $comment, Title::newFromLinkTarget( $revision->getPageAsLinkTarget() )
381 );
382 }
383 }
384 }
386 if ( $this->fld_tags ) {
387 if ( $row->ts_tags ) {
388 $tags = explode( ',', $row->ts_tags );
389 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $tags, 'tag' );
390 $vals['tags'] = $tags;
391 } else {
392 $vals['tags'] = [];
393 }
394 }
396 if ( $anyHidden && $revision->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) ) {
397 $vals['suppressed'] = true;
398 }
400 return $vals;
401 }
412 private function extractSlotInfo( SlotRecord $slot, $revDel, &$content = null ) {
413 $vals = [];
414 ApiResult::setArrayType( $vals, 'assoc' );
416 if ( $this->fld_slotsize ) {
417 $vals['size'] = intval( $slot->getSize() );
418 }
420 if ( $this->fld_slotsha1 ) {
421 if ( ( $revDel & self::IS_DELETED ) ) {
422 $vals['sha1hidden'] = true;
423 }
424 if ( !( $revDel & self::CANNOT_VIEW ) ) {
425 if ( $slot->getSha1() != '' ) {
426 $vals['sha1'] = Wikimedia\base_convert( $slot->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40 );
427 } else {
428 $vals['sha1'] = '';
429 }
430 }
431 }
433 if ( $this->fld_contentmodel ) {
434 $vals['contentmodel'] = $slot->getModel();
435 }
437 $content = null;
438 if ( $this->fetchContent ) {
439 if ( ( $revDel & self::IS_DELETED ) ) {
440 $vals['texthidden'] = true;
441 }
442 if ( !( $revDel & self::CANNOT_VIEW ) ) {
443 try {
444 $content = $slot->getContent();
445 } catch ( RevisionAccessException $e ) {
446 // @todo: Gergő says to mention T198099 as a "todo" here.
447 $vals['textmissing'] = true;
448 }
449 // Expand templates after getting section content because
450 // template-added sections don't count and Parser::preprocess()
451 // will have less input
452 if ( $content && $this->section !== false ) {
453 $content = $content->getSection( $this->section, false );
454 if ( !$content ) {
455 $vals['nosuchsection'] = true;
456 }
457 }
458 }
459 }
461 return $vals;
462 }
471 global $wgParser;
473 $vals = [];
474 $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $revision->getPageAsLinkTarget() );
476 if ( $this->fld_parsetree || ( $this->fld_content && $this->generateXML ) ) {
477 if ( $content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) {
478 $t = $content->getNativeData(); # note: don't set $text
480 $wgParser->startExternalParse(
481 $title,
482 ParserOptions::newFromContext( $this->getContext() ),
484 );
485 $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom( $t );
486 if ( is_callable( [ $dom, 'saveXML' ] ) ) {
487 $xml = $dom->saveXML();
488 } else {
489 $xml = $dom->__toString();
490 }
491 $vals['parsetree'] = $xml;
492 } else {
493 $vals['badcontentformatforparsetree'] = true;
494 $this->addWarning(
495 [
496 'apierror-parsetree-notwikitext-title',
497 wfEscapeWikiText( $title->getPrefixedText() ),
498 $content->getModel()
499 ],
500 'parsetree-notwikitext'
501 );
502 }
503 }
505 if ( $this->fld_content ) {
506 $text = null;
508 if ( $this->expandTemplates && !$this->parseContent ) {
509 if ( $content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) {
510 $text = $content->getNativeData();
512 $text = $wgParser->preprocess(
513 $text,
514 $title,
515 ParserOptions::newFromContext( $this->getContext() )
516 );
517 } else {
518 $this->addWarning( [
519 'apierror-templateexpansion-notwikitext',
520 wfEscapeWikiText( $title->getPrefixedText() ),
521 $content->getModel()
522 ] );
523 $vals['badcontentformat'] = true;
524 $text = false;
525 }
526 }
527 if ( $this->parseContent ) {
528 $po = $content->getParserOutput(
529 $title,
530 $revision->getId(),
531 ParserOptions::newFromContext( $this->getContext() )
532 );
533 $text = $po->getText();
534 }
536 if ( $text === null ) {
537 $format = $this->contentFormat ?: $content->getDefaultFormat();
538 $model = $content->getModel();
540 if ( !$content->isSupportedFormat( $format ) ) {
541 $name = wfEscapeWikiText( $title->getPrefixedText() );
542 $this->addWarning( [ 'apierror-badformat', $this->contentFormat, $model, $name ] );
543 $vals['badcontentformat'] = true;
544 $text = false;
545 } else {
546 $text = $content->serialize( $format );
547 // always include format and model.
548 // Format is needed to deserialize, model is needed to interpret.
549 $vals['contentformat'] = $format;
550 $vals['contentmodel'] = $model;
551 }
552 }
554 if ( $text !== false ) {
555 ApiResult::setContentValue( $vals, 'content', $text );
556 }
557 }
559 if ( $content && ( !is_null( $this->diffto ) || !is_null( $this->difftotext ) ) ) {
560 static $n = 0; // Number of uncached diffs we've had
562 if ( $n < $this->getConfig()->get( 'APIMaxUncachedDiffs' ) ) {
563 $vals['diff'] = [];
564 $context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() );
565 $context->setTitle( $title );
566 $handler = $content->getContentHandler();
568 if ( !is_null( $this->difftotext ) ) {
569 $model = $title->getContentModel();
571 if ( $this->contentFormat
572 && !ContentHandler::getForModelID( $model )->isSupportedFormat( $this->contentFormat )
573 ) {
574 $name = wfEscapeWikiText( $title->getPrefixedText() );
575 $this->addWarning( [ 'apierror-badformat', $this->contentFormat, $model, $name ] );
576 $vals['diff']['badcontentformat'] = true;
577 $engine = null;
578 } else {
579 $difftocontent = ContentHandler::makeContent(
580 $this->difftotext,
581 $title,
582 $model,
583 $this->contentFormat
584 );
586 if ( $this->difftotextpst ) {
587 $popts = ParserOptions::newFromContext( $this->getContext() );
588 $difftocontent = $difftocontent->preSaveTransform( $title, $this->getUser(), $popts );
589 }
591 $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine( $context );
592 $engine->setContent( $content, $difftocontent );
593 }
594 } else {
595 $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine( $context, $revision->getId(), $this->diffto );
596 $vals['diff']['from'] = $engine->getOldid();
597 $vals['diff']['to'] = $engine->getNewid();
598 }
599 if ( $engine ) {
600 $difftext = $engine->getDiffBody();
601 ApiResult::setContentValue( $vals['diff'], 'body', $difftext );
602 if ( !$engine->wasCacheHit() ) {
603 $n++;
604 }
605 }
606 } else {
607 $vals['diff']['notcached'] = true;
608 }
609 }
611 return $vals;
612 }
614 public function getCacheMode( $params ) {
615 if ( $this->userCanSeeRevDel() ) {
616 return 'private';
617 }
619 return 'public';
620 }
622 public function getAllowedParams() {
623 $slotRoles = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSlotRoleStore()->getMap();
624 if ( !in_array( SlotRecord::MAIN, $slotRoles, true ) ) {
625 $slotRoles[] = SlotRecord::MAIN;
626 }
627 sort( $slotRoles, SORT_STRING );
629 return [
630 'prop' => [
632 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user',
634 'ids',
635 'flags',
636 'timestamp',
637 'user',
638 'userid',
639 'size',
640 'slotsize',
641 'sha1',
642 'slotsha1',
643 'contentmodel',
644 'comment',
645 'parsedcomment',
646 'content',
647 'tags',
648 'roles',
649 'parsetree',
650 ],
651 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-prop',
653 'ids' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-ids',
654 'flags' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-flags',
655 'timestamp' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-timestamp',
656 'user' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-user',
657 'userid' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-userid',
658 'size' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-size',
659 'slotsize' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-slotsize',
660 'sha1' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-sha1',
661 'slotsha1' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-slotsha1',
662 'contentmodel' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-contentmodel',
663 'comment' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-comment',
664 'parsedcomment' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-parsedcomment',
665 'content' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-content',
666 'tags' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-tags',
667 'roles' => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-roles',
668 'parsetree' => [ 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-paramvalue-prop-parsetree',
670 ],
672 'parsetree' => true,
673 ],
674 ],
675 'slots' => [
677 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-slots',
679 ApiBase::PARAM_ALL => true,
680 ],
681 'limit' => [
682 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'limit',
686 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-limit',
687 ],
688 'expandtemplates' => [
689 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => false,
690 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-expandtemplates',
692 ],
693 'generatexml' => [
694 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => false,
696 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-generatexml',
697 ],
698 'parse' => [
699 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => false,
700 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-parse',
702 ],
703 'section' => [
704 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-section',
705 ],
706 'diffto' => [
707 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-diffto',
709 ],
710 'difftotext' => [
711 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-difftotext',
713 ],
714 'difftotextpst' => [
715 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => false,
716 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-difftotextpst',
718 ],
719 'contentformat' => [
720 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => ContentHandler::getAllContentFormats(),
721 ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-contentformat',
723 ],
724 ];
725 }
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of thus forming a work based on the and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section provided that you also meet all of these that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License c If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run
Definition COPYING.txt:104
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
wfEscapeWikiText( $text)
Escapes the given text so that it may be output using addWikiText() without any linking,...
Definition Setup.php:921
Get parameter prefix (usually two letters or an empty string).
Definition ApiBase.php:547
const PARAM_MAX2
(integer) Max value allowed for the parameter for users with the apihighlimits right,...
Definition ApiBase.php:96
(boolean) Is the parameter deprecated (will show a warning)?
Definition ApiBase.php:105
(integer) Max value allowed for the parameter, for PARAM_TYPE 'integer' and 'limit'.
Definition ApiBase.php:90
dieWithError( $msg, $code=null, $data=null, $httpCode=null)
Abort execution with an error.
Definition ApiBase.php:1987
(array) When PARAM_TYPE is an array, this indicates which of the values are deprecated.
Definition ApiBase.php:202
Get the main module.
Definition ApiBase.php:555
(string|string[]) Either an array of allowed value strings, or a string type as described below.
Definition ApiBase.php:87
(null|boolean|integer|string) Default value of the parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:48
((string|array|Message)[]) When PARAM_TYPE is an array, this is an array mapping those values to $msg...
Definition ApiBase.php:157
addDeprecation( $msg, $feature, $data=[])
Add a deprecation warning for this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:1920
(integer) Lowest value allowed for the parameter, for PARAM_TYPE 'integer' and 'limit'.
Definition ApiBase.php:99
const LIMIT_BIG1
Fast query, standard limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:252
const LIMIT_SML2
Slow query, apihighlimits limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:258
validateLimit( $paramName, &$value, $min, $max, $botMax=null, $enforceLimits=false)
Validate the value against the minimum and user/bot maximum limits.
Definition ApiBase.php:1580
Get the result object.
Definition ApiBase.php:659
const LIMIT_SML1
Slow query, standard limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:256
(string|array|Message) Specify an alternative i18n documentation message for this parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:124
addWarning( $msg, $code=null, $data=null)
Add a warning for this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:1906
(boolean|string) When PARAM_TYPE has a defined set of values and PARAM_ISMULTI is true,...
Definition ApiBase.php:180
const LIMIT_BIG2
Fast query, apihighlimits limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:254
Get the name of the module being executed by this instance.
Definition ApiBase.php:539
(boolean) Accept multiple pipe-separated values for this parameter (e.g.
Definition ApiBase.php:51
This class contains a list of pages that the client has requested.
Check whether the current user has permission to view revision-deleted fields.
encodeParamName( $paramName)
Overrides ApiBase to prepend 'g' to every generator parameter.
A base class for functions common to producing a list of revisions.
executeGenerator( $resultPageSet)
Execute this module as a generator.
getCacheMode( $params)
Get the cache mode for the data generated by this module.
parseParameters( $params)
Parse the parameters into the various instance fields.
Returns an array of allowed parameters (parameter name) => (default value) or (parameter name) => (ar...
extractDeprecatedContent(Content $content, RevisionRecord $revision)
Format a Content using deprecated options.
Evaluates the parameters, performs the requested query, and sets up the result.
extractSlotInfo(SlotRecord $slot, $revDel, &$content=null)
Extract information from the SlotRecord.
run(ApiPageSet $resultPageSet=null)
checkRevDel(RevisionRecord $revision, $field)
Test revision deletion status.
extractRevisionInfo(RevisionRecord $revision, $row)
Extract information from the RevisionRecord.
static setArrayType(array &$arr, $type, $kvpKeyName=null)
Set the array data type.
static setIndexedTagName(array &$arr, $tag)
Set the tag name for numeric-keyed values in XML format.
Key for the metadata item that indicates that the KVP key should be added into an assoc value,...
static setContentValue(array &$arr, $name, $value, $flags=0)
Add an output value to the array by name and mark as META_CONTENT.
msg( $key)
Get a Message object with context set Parameters are the same as wfMessage()
An IContextSource implementation which will inherit context from another source but allow individual ...
static formatComment( $comment, $title=null, $local=false, $wikiId=null)
This function is called by all recent changes variants, by the page history, and by the user contribu...
Definition Linker.php:1088
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
Exception representing a failure to look up a revision.
Page revision base class.
Get parent revision ID (the original previous page revision).
Returns the nominal size of this revision, in bogo-bytes.
getComment( $audience=self::FOR_PUBLIC, User $user=null)
Fetch revision comment, if it's available to the specified audience.
Returns the slot names (roles) of all slots present in this revision.
MCR migration note: this replaces Revision::getTimestamp.
audienceCan( $field, $audience, User $user=null)
Check that the given audience has access to the given field.
getSlot( $role, $audience=self::FOR_PUBLIC, User $user=null)
Returns meta-data for the given slot.
Returns the base36 sha1 of this revision.
MCR migration note: this replaces Revision::isMinor.
Returns the title of the page this revision is associated with as a LinkTarget object.
getUser( $audience=self::FOR_PUBLIC, User $user=null)
Fetch revision's author's user identity, if it's available to the specified audience.
isDeleted( $field)
MCR migration note: this replaces Revision::isDeleted.
Value object representing a content slot associated with a page revision.
Returns the Content of the given slot.
Returns the content size.
Returns the content size.
Returns the content model.
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext $context
Definition hooks.txt:2885
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses & $ret
Definition hooks.txt:2054
the value to return A Title object or null for latest all implement SearchIndexField $engine
Definition hooks.txt:2962
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable modifiable after all normalizations have been except for the $wgMaxImageArea check set to true or false to override the $wgMaxImageArea check result gives extension the possibility to transform it themselves $handler
Definition hooks.txt:933
returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition hooks.txt:2226
Definition Defines.php:235
Base interface for content objects.
Definition Content.php:34