MediaWiki REL1_32
Go to the documentation of this file.
23namespace Wikimedia\Rdbms;
25use DateTime;
26use DateTimeZone;
28use InvalidArgumentException;
29use Exception;
30use stdClass;
40abstract class DatabaseMysqlBase extends Database {
46 protected $lagDetectionOptions = [];
48 protected $useGTIDs = false;
50 protected $sslKeyPath;
52 protected $sslCertPath;
54 protected $sslCAFile;
56 protected $sslCAPath;
58 protected $sslCiphers;
60 protected $sqlMode;
62 protected $utf8Mode;
64 protected $defaultBigSelects = null;
67 private $serverVersion = null;
69 private $insertSelectIsSafe = null;
71 private $replicationInfoRow = null;
73 // Cache getServerId() for 24 hours
74 const SERVER_ID_CACHE_TTL = 86400;
77 const LAG_STALE_WARN_THRESHOLD = 0.100;
99 $this->lagDetectionMethod = $params['lagDetectionMethod'] ?? 'Seconds_Behind_Master';
100 $this->lagDetectionOptions = $params['lagDetectionOptions'] ?? [];
101 $this->useGTIDs = !empty( $params['useGTIDs' ] );
102 foreach ( [ 'KeyPath', 'CertPath', 'CAFile', 'CAPath', 'Ciphers' ] as $name ) {
103 $var = "ssl{$name}";
104 if ( isset( $params[$var] ) ) {
105 $this->$var = $params[$var];
106 }
107 }
108 $this->sqlMode = $params['sqlMode'] ?? '';
109 $this->utf8Mode = !empty( $params['utf8Mode'] );
110 $this->insertSelectIsSafe = isset( $params['insertSelectIsSafe'] )
111 ? (bool)$params['insertSelectIsSafe'] : null;
113 parent::__construct( $params );
114 }
119 public function getType() {
120 return 'mysql';
121 }
123 protected function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $schema, $tablePrefix ) {
124 # Close/unset connection handle
125 $this->close();
127 $this->server = $server;
128 $this->user = $user;
129 $this->password = $password;
131 $this->installErrorHandler();
132 try {
133 $this->conn = $this->mysqlConnect( $this->server, $dbName );
134 } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
135 $this->restoreErrorHandler();
136 throw $ex;
137 }
138 $error = $this->restoreErrorHandler();
140 # Always log connection errors
141 if ( !$this->conn ) {
142 $error = $error ?: $this->lastError();
143 $this->connLogger->error(
144 "Error connecting to {db_server}: {error}",
145 $this->getLogContext( [
146 'method' => __METHOD__,
147 'error' => $error,
148 ] )
149 );
150 $this->connLogger->debug( "DB connection error\n" .
151 "Server: $server, User: $user, Password: " .
152 substr( $password, 0, 3 ) . "..., error: " . $error . "\n" );
154 throw new DBConnectionError( $this, $error );
155 }
157 if ( strlen( $dbName ) ) {
158 $this->selectDomain( new DatabaseDomain( $dbName, null, $tablePrefix ) );
159 } else {
160 $this->currentDomain = new DatabaseDomain( null, null, $tablePrefix );
161 }
163 // Tell the server what we're communicating with
164 if ( !$this->connectInitCharset() ) {
165 $error = $this->lastError();
166 $this->queryLogger->error(
167 "Error setting character set: {error}",
168 $this->getLogContext( [
169 'method' => __METHOD__,
170 'error' => $this->lastError(),
171 ] )
172 );
173 throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "Error setting character set: $error" );
174 }
176 // Abstract over any insane MySQL defaults
177 $set = [ 'group_concat_max_len = 262144' ];
178 // Set SQL mode, default is turning them all off, can be overridden or skipped with null
179 if ( is_string( $this->sqlMode ) ) {
180 $set[] = 'sql_mode = ' . $this->addQuotes( $this->sqlMode );
181 }
182 // Set any custom settings defined by site config
183 // (e.g.
184 foreach ( $this->sessionVars as $var => $val ) {
185 // Escape strings but not numbers to avoid MySQL complaining
186 if ( !is_int( $val ) && !is_float( $val ) ) {
187 $val = $this->addQuotes( $val );
188 }
189 $set[] = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $var ) . ' = ' . $val;
190 }
192 if ( $set ) {
193 // Use doQuery() to avoid opening implicit transactions (DBO_TRX)
194 $success = $this->doQuery( 'SET ' . implode( ', ', $set ) );
195 if ( !$success ) {
196 $error = $this->lastError();
197 $this->queryLogger->error(
198 'Error setting MySQL variables on server {db_server}: {error}',
199 $this->getLogContext( [
200 'method' => __METHOD__,
201 'error' => $error,
202 ] )
203 );
204 throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "Error setting MySQL variables: $error" );
205 }
206 }
208 $this->opened = true;
210 return true;
211 }
217 protected function connectInitCharset() {
218 if ( $this->utf8Mode ) {
219 // Tell the server we're communicating with it in UTF-8.
220 // This may engage various charset conversions.
221 return $this->mysqlSetCharset( 'utf8' );
222 } else {
223 return $this->mysqlSetCharset( 'binary' );
224 }
225 }
235 abstract protected function mysqlConnect( $realServer, $dbName );
243 abstract protected function mysqlSetCharset( $charset );
249 public function freeResult( $res ) {
250 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
251 $res = $res->result;
252 }
253 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
254 $ok = $this->mysqlFreeResult( $res );
255 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
256 if ( !$ok ) {
257 throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Unable to free MySQL result" );
258 }
259 }
267 abstract protected function mysqlFreeResult( $res );
274 public function fetchObject( $res ) {
275 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
276 $res = $res->result;
277 }
278 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
279 $row = $this->mysqlFetchObject( $res );
280 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
282 $errno = $this->lastErrno();
283 // Unfortunately, mysql_fetch_object does not reset the last errno.
284 // Only check for CR_SERVER_LOST and CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, as
285 // these are the only errors mysql_fetch_object can cause.
286 // See
287 if ( $errno == 2000 || $errno == 2013 ) {
288 throw new DBUnexpectedError(
289 $this,
290 'Error in fetchObject(): ' . htmlspecialchars( $this->lastError() )
291 );
292 }
294 return $row;
295 }
303 abstract protected function mysqlFetchObject( $res );
310 public function fetchRow( $res ) {
311 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
312 $res = $res->result;
313 }
314 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
315 $row = $this->mysqlFetchArray( $res );
316 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
318 $errno = $this->lastErrno();
319 // Unfortunately, mysql_fetch_array does not reset the last errno.
320 // Only check for CR_SERVER_LOST and CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, as
321 // these are the only errors mysql_fetch_array can cause.
322 // See
323 if ( $errno == 2000 || $errno == 2013 ) {
324 throw new DBUnexpectedError(
325 $this,
326 'Error in fetchRow(): ' . htmlspecialchars( $this->lastError() )
327 );
328 }
330 return $row;
331 }
339 abstract protected function mysqlFetchArray( $res );
346 function numRows( $res ) {
347 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
348 $res = $res->result;
349 }
350 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
351 $n = !is_bool( $res ) ? $this->mysqlNumRows( $res ) : 0;
352 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
354 // Unfortunately, mysql_num_rows does not reset the last errno.
355 // We are not checking for any errors here, since
356 // there are no errors mysql_num_rows can cause.
357 // See
358 // See
359 return $n;
360 }
368 abstract protected function mysqlNumRows( $res );
374 public function numFields( $res ) {
375 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
376 $res = $res->result;
377 }
379 return $this->mysqlNumFields( $res );
380 }
388 abstract protected function mysqlNumFields( $res );
395 public function fieldName( $res, $n ) {
396 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
397 $res = $res->result;
398 }
400 return $this->mysqlFieldName( $res, $n );
401 }
410 abstract protected function mysqlFieldName( $res, $n );
418 public function fieldType( $res, $n ) {
419 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
420 $res = $res->result;
421 }
423 return $this->mysqlFieldType( $res, $n );
424 }
433 abstract protected function mysqlFieldType( $res, $n );
440 public function dataSeek( $res, $row ) {
441 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
442 $res = $res->result;
443 }
445 return $this->mysqlDataSeek( $res, $row );
446 }
455 abstract protected function mysqlDataSeek( $res, $row );
460 public function lastError() {
461 if ( $this->conn ) {
462 # Even if it's non-zero, it can still be invalid
463 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
464 $error = $this->mysqlError( $this->conn );
465 if ( !$error ) {
466 $error = $this->mysqlError();
467 }
468 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
469 } else {
470 $error = $this->mysqlError();
471 }
472 if ( $error ) {
473 $error .= ' (' . $this->server . ')';
474 }
476 return $error;
477 }
485 abstract protected function mysqlError( $conn = null );
487 protected function wasQueryTimeout( $error, $errno ) {
488 return $errno == 2062;
489 }
498 public function replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
499 return $this->nativeReplace( $table, $rows, $fname );
500 }
502 protected function isInsertSelectSafe( array $insertOptions, array $selectOptions ) {
503 $row = $this->getReplicationSafetyInfo();
504 // For row-based-replication, the resulting changes will be relayed, not the query
505 if ( $row->binlog_format === 'ROW' ) {
506 return true;
507 }
508 // LIMIT requires ORDER BY on a unique key or it is non-deterministic
509 if ( isset( $selectOptions['LIMIT'] ) ) {
510 return false;
511 }
512 // In MySQL, an INSERT SELECT is only replication safe with row-based
513 // replication or if innodb_autoinc_lock_mode is 0. When those
514 // conditions aren't met, use non-native mode.
515 // While we could try to determine if the insert is safe anyway by
516 // checking if the target table has an auto-increment column that
517 // isn't set in $varMap, that seems unlikely to be worth the extra
518 // complexity.
519 return (
520 in_array( 'NO_AUTO_COLUMNS', $insertOptions ) ||
521 (int)$row->innodb_autoinc_lock_mode === 0
522 );
523 }
528 protected function getReplicationSafetyInfo() {
529 if ( $this->replicationInfoRow === null ) {
530 $this->replicationInfoRow = $this->selectRow(
531 false,
532 [
533 'innodb_autoinc_lock_mode' => '@@innodb_autoinc_lock_mode',
534 'binlog_format' => '@@binlog_format',
535 ],
536 [],
537 __METHOD__
538 );
539 }
542 }
557 public function estimateRowCount( $table, $var = '*', $conds = '',
558 $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = []
559 ) {
560 $conds = $this->normalizeConditions( $conds, $fname );
561 $column = $this->extractSingleFieldFromList( $var );
562 if ( is_string( $column ) && !in_array( $column, [ '*', '1' ] ) ) {
563 $conds[] = "$column IS NOT NULL";
564 }
566 $options['EXPLAIN'] = true;
567 $res = $this->select( $table, $var, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds );
568 if ( $res === false ) {
569 return false;
570 }
571 if ( !$this->numRows( $res ) ) {
572 return 0;
573 }
575 $rows = 1;
576 foreach ( $res as $plan ) {
577 $rows *= $plan->rows > 0 ? $plan->rows : 1; // avoid resetting to zero
578 }
580 return (int)$rows;
581 }
583 public function tableExists( $table, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
584 // Split database and table into proper variables as Database::tableName() returns
585 // shared tables prefixed with their database, which do not work in SHOW TABLES statements
586 list( $database, , $prefix, $table ) = $this->qualifiedTableComponents( $table );
587 $tableName = "{$prefix}{$table}";
589 if ( isset( $this->sessionTempTables[$tableName] ) ) {
590 return true; // already known to exist and won't show in SHOW TABLES anyway
591 }
593 // We can't use buildLike() here, because it specifies an escape character
594 // other than the backslash, which is the only one supported by SHOW TABLES
595 $encLike = $this->escapeLikeInternal( $tableName, '\\' );
597 // If the database has been specified (such as for shared tables), use "FROM"
598 if ( $database !== '' ) {
599 $encDatabase = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $database );
600 $query = "SHOW TABLES FROM $encDatabase LIKE '$encLike'";
601 } else {
602 $query = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$encLike'";
603 }
605 return $this->query( $query, $fname )->numRows() > 0;
606 }
613 public function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) {
614 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
615 $res = $this->query( "SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 1", __METHOD__, true );
616 if ( !$res ) {
617 return false;
618 }
619 $n = $this->mysqlNumFields( $res->result );
620 for ( $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++ ) {
621 $meta = $this->mysqlFetchField( $res->result, $i );
622 if ( $field == $meta->name ) {
623 return new MySQLField( $meta );
624 }
625 }
627 return false;
628 }
637 abstract protected function mysqlFetchField( $res, $n );
648 public function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
649 # SHOW INDEX works in MySQL 3.23.58, but SHOW INDEXES does not.
650 # SHOW INDEX should work for 3.x and up:
651 #
652 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
653 $index = $this->indexName( $index );
655 $sql = 'SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $table;
656 $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname );
658 if ( !$res ) {
659 return null;
660 }
662 $result = [];
664 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
665 if ( $row->Key_name == $index ) {
666 $result[] = $row;
667 }
668 }
670 return $result ?: false;
671 }
677 public function strencode( $s ) {
678 return $this->mysqlRealEscapeString( $s );
679 }
685 abstract protected function mysqlRealEscapeString( $s );
687 public function addQuotes( $s ) {
688 if ( is_bool( $s ) ) {
689 // Parent would transform to int, which does not play nice with MySQL type juggling.
690 // When searching for an int in a string column, the strings are cast to int, which
691 // means false would match any string not starting with a number.
692 $s = (string)(int)$s;
693 }
694 return parent::addQuotes( $s );
695 }
703 public function addIdentifierQuotes( $s ) {
704 // Characters in the range \u0001-\uFFFF are valid in a quoted identifier
705 // Remove NUL bytes and escape backticks by doubling
706 return '`' . str_replace( [ "\0", '`' ], [ '', '``' ], $s ) . '`';
707 }
713 public function isQuotedIdentifier( $name ) {
714 return strlen( $name ) && $name[0] == '`' && substr( $name, -1, 1 ) == '`';
715 }
717 public function getLag() {
718 if ( $this->getLagDetectionMethod() === 'pt-heartbeat' ) {
719 return $this->getLagFromPtHeartbeat();
720 } else {
721 return $this->getLagFromSlaveStatus();
722 }
723 }
728 protected function getLagDetectionMethod() {
730 }
735 protected function getLagFromSlaveStatus() {
736 $res = $this->query( 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS', __METHOD__ );
737 $row = $res ? $res->fetchObject() : false;
738 // If the server is not replicating, there will be no row
739 if ( $row && strval( $row->Seconds_Behind_Master ) !== '' ) {
740 return intval( $row->Seconds_Behind_Master );
741 }
743 return false;
744 }
749 protected function getLagFromPtHeartbeat() {
752 $currentTrxInfo = $this->getRecordedTransactionLagStatus();
753 if ( $currentTrxInfo ) {
754 // There is an active transaction and the initial lag was already queried
755 $staleness = microtime( true ) - $currentTrxInfo['since'];
756 if ( $staleness > self::LAG_STALE_WARN_THRESHOLD ) {
757 // Avoid returning higher and higher lag value due to snapshot age
758 // given that the isolation level will typically be REPEATABLE-READ
759 $this->queryLogger->warning(
760 "Using cached lag value for {db_server} due to active transaction",
761 $this->getLogContext( [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'age' => $staleness ] )
762 );
763 }
765 return $currentTrxInfo['lag'];
766 }
768 if ( isset( $options['conds'] ) ) {
769 // Best method for multi-DC setups: use logical channel names
770 $data = $this->getHeartbeatData( $options['conds'] );
771 } else {
772 // Standard method: use master server ID (works with stock pt-heartbeat)
773 $masterInfo = $this->getMasterServerInfo();
774 if ( !$masterInfo ) {
775 $this->queryLogger->error(
776 "Unable to query master of {db_server} for server ID",
777 $this->getLogContext( [
778 'method' => __METHOD__
779 ] )
780 );
782 return false; // could not get master server ID
783 }
785 $conds = [ 'server_id' => intval( $masterInfo['serverId'] ) ];
786 $data = $this->getHeartbeatData( $conds );
787 }
789 list( $time, $nowUnix ) = $data;
790 if ( $time !== null ) {
791 // @time is in ISO format like "2015-09-25T16:48:10.000510"
792 $dateTime = new DateTime( $time, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
793 $timeUnix = (int)$dateTime->format( 'U' ) + $dateTime->format( 'u' ) / 1e6;
795 return max( $nowUnix - $timeUnix, 0.0 );
796 }
798 $this->queryLogger->error(
799 "Unable to find pt-heartbeat row for {db_server}",
800 $this->getLogContext( [
801 'method' => __METHOD__
802 ] )
803 );
805 return false;
806 }
808 protected function getMasterServerInfo() {
810 $key = $cache->makeGlobalKey(
811 'mysql',
812 'master-info',
813 // Using one key for all cluster replica DBs is preferable
814 $this->getLBInfo( 'clusterMasterHost' ) ?: $this->getServer()
815 );
816 $fname = __METHOD__;
818 return $cache->getWithSetCallback(
819 $key,
820 $cache::TTL_INDEFINITE,
821 function () use ( $cache, $key, $fname ) {
822 // Get and leave a lock key in place for a short period
823 if ( !$cache->lock( $key, 0, 10 ) ) {
824 return false; // avoid master connection spike slams
825 }
827 $conn = $this->getLazyMasterHandle();
828 if ( !$conn ) {
829 return false; // something is misconfigured
830 }
832 // Connect to and query the master; catch errors to avoid outages
833 try {
834 $res = $conn->query( 'SELECT @@server_id AS id', $fname );
835 $row = $res ? $res->fetchObject() : false;
836 $id = $row ? (int)$row->id : 0;
837 } catch ( DBError $e ) {
838 $id = 0;
839 }
841 // Cache the ID if it was retrieved
842 return $id ? [ 'serverId' => $id, 'asOf' => time() ] : false;
843 }
844 );
845 }
852 protected function getHeartbeatData( array $conds ) {
853 // Query time and trip time are not counted
854 $nowUnix = microtime( true );
855 // Do not bother starting implicit transactions here
856 $this->clearFlag( self::DBO_TRX, self::REMEMBER_PRIOR );
857 try {
858 $whereSQL = $this->makeList( $conds, self::LIST_AND );
859 // Use ORDER BY for channel based queries since that field might not be UNIQUE.
860 // Note: this would use "TIMESTAMPDIFF(MICROSECOND,ts,UTC_TIMESTAMP(6))" but the
861 // percision field is not supported in MySQL <= 5.5.
862 $res = $this->query(
863 "SELECT ts FROM heartbeat.heartbeat WHERE $whereSQL ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1",
864 __METHOD__
865 );
866 $row = $res ? $res->fetchObject() : false;
867 } finally {
868 $this->restoreFlags();
869 }
871 return [ $row ? $row->ts : null, $nowUnix ];
872 }
874 protected function getApproximateLagStatus() {
875 if ( $this->getLagDetectionMethod() === 'pt-heartbeat' ) {
876 // Disable caching since this is fast enough and we don't wan't
877 // to be *too* pessimistic by having both the cache TTL and the
878 // pt-heartbeat interval count as lag in getSessionLagStatus()
879 return parent::getApproximateLagStatus();
880 }
882 $key = $this->srvCache->makeGlobalKey( 'mysql-lag', $this->getServer() );
883 $approxLag = $this->srvCache->get( $key );
884 if ( !$approxLag ) {
885 $approxLag = parent::getApproximateLagStatus();
886 $this->srvCache->set( $key, $approxLag, 1 );
887 }
889 return $approxLag;
890 }
892 public function masterPosWait( DBMasterPos $pos, $timeout ) {
893 if ( !( $pos instanceof MySQLMasterPos ) ) {
894 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Position not an instance of MySQLMasterPos" );
895 }
897 if ( $this->getLBInfo( 'is static' ) === true ) {
898 return 0; // this is a copy of a read-only dataset with no master DB
899 } elseif ( $this->lastKnownReplicaPos && $this->lastKnownReplicaPos->hasReached( $pos ) ) {
900 return 0; // already reached this point for sure
901 }
903 // Call doQuery() directly, to avoid opening a transaction if DBO_TRX is set
904 if ( $pos->getGTIDs() ) {
905 // Ignore GTIDs from domains exclusive to the master DB (presumably inactive)
906 $rpos = $this->getReplicaPos();
907 $gtidsWait = $rpos ? MySQLMasterPos::getCommonDomainGTIDs( $pos, $rpos ) : [];
908 if ( !$gtidsWait ) {
909 $this->queryLogger->error(
910 "No GTIDs with the same domain between master ($pos) and replica ($rpos)",
911 $this->getLogContext( [
912 'method' => __METHOD__,
913 ] )
914 );
916 return -1; // $pos is from the wrong cluster?
917 }
918 // Wait on the GTID set (MariaDB only)
919 $gtidArg = $this->addQuotes( implode( ',', $gtidsWait ) );
920 if ( strpos( $gtidArg, ':' ) !== false ) {
921 // MySQL GTIDs, e.g "source_id:transaction_id"
922 $res = $this->doQuery( "SELECT WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET($gtidArg, $timeout)" );
923 } else {
924 // MariaDB GTIDs, e.g."domain:server:sequence"
925 $res = $this->doQuery( "SELECT MASTER_GTID_WAIT($gtidArg, $timeout)" );
926 }
927 } else {
928 // Wait on the binlog coordinates
929 $encFile = $this->addQuotes( $pos->getLogFile() );
930 $encPos = intval( $pos->getLogPosition()[$pos::CORD_EVENT] );
931 $res = $this->doQuery( "SELECT MASTER_POS_WAIT($encFile, $encPos, $timeout)" );
932 }
934 $row = $res ? $this->fetchRow( $res ) : false;
935 if ( !$row ) {
936 throw new DBExpectedError( $this, "Replication wait failed: {$this->lastError()}" );
937 }
939 // Result can be NULL (error), -1 (timeout), or 0+ per the MySQL manual
940 $status = ( $row[0] !== null ) ? intval( $row[0] ) : null;
941 if ( $status === null ) {
942 if ( !$pos->getGTIDs() ) {
943 // T126436: jobs programmed to wait on master positions might be referencing
944 // binlogs with an old master hostname; this makes MASTER_POS_WAIT() return null.
945 // Try to detect this case and treat the replica DB as having reached the given
946 // position (any master switchover already requires that the new master be caught
947 // up before the switch).
948 $replicationPos = $this->getReplicaPos();
949 if ( $replicationPos && !$replicationPos->channelsMatch( $pos ) ) {
950 $this->lastKnownReplicaPos = $replicationPos;
951 $status = 0;
952 }
953 }
954 } elseif ( $status >= 0 ) {
955 // Remember that this position was reached to save queries next time
956 $this->lastKnownReplicaPos = $pos;
957 }
959 return $status;
960 }
967 public function getReplicaPos() {
968 $now = microtime( true ); // as-of-time *before* fetching GTID variables
970 if ( $this->useGTIDs() ) {
971 // Try to use GTIDs, fallbacking to binlog positions if not possible
972 $data = $this->getServerGTIDs( __METHOD__ );
973 // Use gtid_slave_pos for MariaDB and gtid_executed for MySQL
974 foreach ( [ 'gtid_slave_pos', 'gtid_executed' ] as $name ) {
975 if ( isset( $data[$name] ) && strlen( $data[$name] ) ) {
976 return new MySQLMasterPos( $data[$name], $now );
977 }
978 }
979 }
981 $data = $this->getServerRoleStatus( 'SLAVE', __METHOD__ );
982 if ( $data && strlen( $data['Relay_Master_Log_File'] ) ) {
983 return new MySQLMasterPos(
984 "{$data['Relay_Master_Log_File']}/{$data['Exec_Master_Log_Pos']}",
985 $now
986 );
987 }
989 return false;
990 }
997 public function getMasterPos() {
998 $now = microtime( true ); // as-of-time *before* fetching GTID variables
1000 $pos = false;
1001 if ( $this->useGTIDs() ) {
1002 // Try to use GTIDs, fallbacking to binlog positions if not possible
1003 $data = $this->getServerGTIDs( __METHOD__ );
1004 // Use gtid_binlog_pos for MariaDB and gtid_executed for MySQL
1005 foreach ( [ 'gtid_binlog_pos', 'gtid_executed' ] as $name ) {
1006 if ( isset( $data[$name] ) && strlen( $data[$name] ) ) {
1007 $pos = new MySQLMasterPos( $data[$name], $now );
1008 break;
1009 }
1010 }
1011 // Filter domains that are inactive or not relevant to the session
1012 if ( $pos ) {
1013 $pos->setActiveOriginServerId( $this->getServerId() );
1014 $pos->setActiveOriginServerUUID( $this->getServerUUID() );
1015 if ( isset( $data['gtid_domain_id'] ) ) {
1016 $pos->setActiveDomain( $data['gtid_domain_id'] );
1017 }
1018 }
1019 }
1021 if ( !$pos ) {
1022 $data = $this->getServerRoleStatus( 'MASTER', __METHOD__ );
1023 if ( $data && strlen( $data['File'] ) ) {
1024 $pos = new MySQLMasterPos( "{$data['File']}/{$data['Position']}", $now );
1025 }
1026 }
1028 return $pos;
1029 }
1035 protected function getServerId() {
1036 $fname = __METHOD__;
1037 return $this->srvCache->getWithSetCallback(
1038 $this->srvCache->makeGlobalKey( 'mysql-server-id', $this->getServer() ),
1040 function () use ( $fname ) {
1041 $res = $this->query( "SELECT @@server_id AS id", $fname );
1042 return intval( $this->fetchObject( $res )->id );
1043 }
1044 );
1045 }
1050 protected function getServerUUID() {
1051 return $this->srvCache->getWithSetCallback(
1052 $this->srvCache->makeGlobalKey( 'mysql-server-uuid', $this->getServer() ),
1054 function () {
1055 $res = $this->query( "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'server_uuid'" );
1056 $row = $this->fetchObject( $res );
1058 return $row ? $row->Value : null;
1059 }
1060 );
1061 }
1067 protected function getServerGTIDs( $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
1068 $map = [];
1069 // Get global-only variables like gtid_executed
1070 $res = $this->query( "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid_%'", $fname );
1071 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
1072 $map[$row->Variable_name] = $row->Value;
1073 }
1074 // Get session-specific (e.g. gtid_domain_id since that is were writes will log)
1075 $res = $this->query( "SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid_%'", $fname );
1076 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
1077 $map[$row->Variable_name] = $row->Value;
1078 }
1080 return $map;
1081 }
1088 protected function getServerRoleStatus( $role, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
1089 return $this->query( "SHOW $role STATUS", $fname )->fetchRow() ?: [];
1090 }
1092 public function serverIsReadOnly() {
1093 $res = $this->query( "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'read_only'", __METHOD__ );
1094 $row = $this->fetchObject( $res );
1096 return $row ? ( strtolower( $row->Value ) === 'on' ) : false;
1097 }
1103 function useIndexClause( $index ) {
1104 return "FORCE INDEX (" . $this->indexName( $index ) . ")";
1105 }
1111 function ignoreIndexClause( $index ) {
1112 return "IGNORE INDEX (" . $this->indexName( $index ) . ")";
1113 }
1119 return 'LOW_PRIORITY';
1120 }
1125 public function getSoftwareLink() {
1126 // MariaDB includes its name in its version string; this is how MariaDB's version of
1127 // the mysql command-line client identifies MariaDB servers (see mariadb_connection()
1128 // in libmysql/libmysql.c).
1129 $version = $this->getServerVersion();
1130 if ( strpos( $version, 'MariaDB' ) !== false || strpos( $version, '-maria-' ) !== false ) {
1131 return '[{{int:version-db-mariadb-url}} MariaDB]';
1132 }
1134 // Percona Server's version suffix is not very distinctive, and @@version_comment
1135 // doesn't give the necessary info for source builds, so assume the server is MySQL.
1136 // (Even Percona's version of mysql doesn't try to make the distinction.)
1137 return '[{{int:version-db-mysql-url}} MySQL]';
1138 }
1143 public function getServerVersion() {
1144 // Not using mysql_get_server_info() or similar for consistency: in the handshake,
1145 // MariaDB 10 adds the prefix "5.5.5-", and only some newer client libraries strip
1146 // it off (see RPL_VERSION_HACK in include/mysql_com.h).
1147 if ( $this->serverVersion === null ) {
1148 $this->serverVersion = $this->selectField( '', 'VERSION()', '', __METHOD__ );
1149 }
1150 return $this->serverVersion;
1151 }
1156 public function setSessionOptions( array $options ) {
1157 if ( isset( $options['connTimeout'] ) ) {
1158 $timeout = (int)$options['connTimeout'];
1159 $this->query( "SET net_read_timeout=$timeout" );
1160 $this->query( "SET net_write_timeout=$timeout" );
1161 }
1162 }
1169 public function streamStatementEnd( &$sql, &$newLine ) {
1170 if ( strtoupper( substr( $newLine, 0, 9 ) ) == 'DELIMITER' ) {
1171 preg_match( '/^DELIMITER\s+(\S+)/', $newLine, $m );
1172 $this->delimiter = $m[1];
1173 $newLine = '';
1174 }
1176 return parent::streamStatementEnd( $sql, $newLine );
1177 }
1187 public function lockIsFree( $lockName, $method ) {
1188 if ( !parent::lockIsFree( $lockName, $method ) ) {
1189 return false; // already held
1190 }
1192 $encName = $this->addQuotes( $this->makeLockName( $lockName ) );
1193 $result = $this->query( "SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK($encName) AS lockstatus", $method );
1194 $row = $this->fetchObject( $result );
1196 return ( $row->lockstatus == 1 );
1197 }
1205 public function lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout = 5 ) {
1206 $encName = $this->addQuotes( $this->makeLockName( $lockName ) );
1207 $result = $this->query( "SELECT GET_LOCK($encName, $timeout) AS lockstatus", $method );
1208 $row = $this->fetchObject( $result );
1210 if ( $row->lockstatus == 1 ) {
1211 parent::lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout ); // record
1212 return true;
1213 }
1215 $this->queryLogger->info( __METHOD__ . " failed to acquire lock '{lockname}'",
1216 [ 'lockname' => $lockName ] );
1218 return false;
1219 }
1228 public function unlock( $lockName, $method ) {
1229 $encName = $this->addQuotes( $this->makeLockName( $lockName ) );
1230 $result = $this->query( "SELECT RELEASE_LOCK($encName) as lockstatus", $method );
1231 $row = $this->fetchObject( $result );
1233 if ( $row->lockstatus == 1 ) {
1234 parent::unlock( $lockName, $method ); // record
1235 return true;
1236 }
1238 $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . " failed to release lock '$lockName'\n" );
1240 return false;
1241 }
1243 private function makeLockName( $lockName ) {
1244 //
1245 // Newer version enforce a 64 char length limit.
1246 return ( strlen( $lockName ) > 64 ) ? sha1( $lockName ) : $lockName;
1247 }
1249 public function namedLocksEnqueue() {
1250 return true;
1251 }
1254 return false; // tied to TCP connection
1255 }
1257 protected function doLockTables( array $read, array $write, $method ) {
1258 $items = [];
1259 foreach ( $write as $table ) {
1260 $items[] = $this->tableName( $table ) . ' WRITE';
1261 }
1262 foreach ( $read as $table ) {
1263 $items[] = $this->tableName( $table ) . ' READ';
1264 }
1266 $sql = "LOCK TABLES " . implode( ',', $items );
1267 $this->query( $sql, $method );
1269 return true;
1270 }
1272 protected function doUnlockTables( $method ) {
1273 $this->query( "UNLOCK TABLES", $method );
1275 return true;
1276 }
1281 public function setBigSelects( $value = true ) {
1282 if ( $value === 'default' ) {
1283 if ( $this->defaultBigSelects === null ) {
1284 # Function hasn't been called before so it must already be set to the default
1285 return;
1286 } else {
1288 }
1289 } elseif ( $this->defaultBigSelects === null ) {
1290 $this->defaultBigSelects =
1291 (bool)$this->selectField( false, '@@sql_big_selects', '', __METHOD__ );
1292 }
1293 $encValue = $value ? '1' : '0';
1294 $this->query( "SET sql_big_selects=$encValue", __METHOD__ );
1295 }
1308 public function deleteJoin(
1309 $delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__
1310 ) {
1311 if ( !$conds ) {
1312 throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ' called with empty $conds' );
1313 }
1315 $delTable = $this->tableName( $delTable );
1316 $joinTable = $this->tableName( $joinTable );
1317 $sql = "DELETE $delTable FROM $delTable, $joinTable WHERE $delVar=$joinVar ";
1319 if ( $conds != '*' ) {
1320 $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->makeList( $conds, self::LIST_AND );
1321 }
1323 return $this->query( $sql, $fname );
1324 }
1334 public function upsert( $table, array $rows, array $uniqueIndexes,
1335 array $set, $fname = __METHOD__
1336 ) {
1337 if ( !count( $rows ) ) {
1338 return true; // nothing to do
1339 }
1341 if ( !is_array( reset( $rows ) ) ) {
1342 $rows = [ $rows ];
1343 }
1345 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
1346 $columns = array_keys( $rows[0] );
1348 $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (" . implode( ',', $columns ) . ') VALUES ';
1349 $rowTuples = [];
1350 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
1351 $rowTuples[] = '(' . $this->makeList( $row ) . ')';
1352 }
1353 $sql .= implode( ',', $rowTuples );
1354 $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . $this->makeList( $set, self::LIST_SET );
1356 return (bool)$this->query( $sql, $fname );
1357 }
1364 public function getServerUptime() {
1365 $vars = $this->getMysqlStatus( 'Uptime' );
1367 return (int)$vars['Uptime'];
1368 }
1375 public function wasDeadlock() {
1376 return $this->lastErrno() == 1213;
1377 }
1384 public function wasLockTimeout() {
1385 return $this->lastErrno() == 1205;
1386 }
1393 public function wasReadOnlyError() {
1394 return $this->lastErrno() == 1223 ||
1395 ( $this->lastErrno() == 1290 && strpos( $this->lastError(), '--read-only' ) !== false );
1396 }
1398 public function wasConnectionError( $errno ) {
1399 return $errno == 2013 || $errno == 2006;
1400 }
1402 protected function wasKnownStatementRollbackError() {
1403 $errno = $this->lastErrno();
1405 if ( $errno === 1205 ) { // lock wait timeout
1406 // Note that this is uncached to avoid stale values of SET is used
1407 $row = $this->selectRow(
1408 false,
1409 [ 'innodb_rollback_on_timeout' => '@@innodb_rollback_on_timeout' ],
1410 [],
1411 __METHOD__
1412 );
1413 //
1414 //
1415 return $row->innodb_rollback_on_timeout ? false : true;
1416 }
1418 // See
1419 return in_array( $errno, [ 1022, 1216, 1217, 1137 ], true );
1420 }
1430 $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false, $fname = __METHOD__
1431 ) {
1432 $tmp = $temporary ? 'TEMPORARY ' : '';
1433 $newName = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $newName );
1434 $oldName = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $oldName );
1435 $query = "CREATE $tmp TABLE $newName (LIKE $oldName)";
1437 return $this->query( $query, $fname );
1438 }
1447 public function listTables( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
1448 $result = $this->query( "SHOW TABLES", $fname );
1450 $endArray = [];
1452 foreach ( $result as $table ) {
1453 $vars = get_object_vars( $table );
1454 $table = array_pop( $vars );
1456 if ( !$prefix || strpos( $table, $prefix ) === 0 ) {
1457 $endArray[] = $table;
1458 }
1459 }
1461 return $endArray;
1462 }
1469 public function dropTable( $tableName, $fName = __METHOD__ ) {
1470 if ( !$this->tableExists( $tableName, $fName ) ) {
1471 return false;
1472 }
1474 return $this->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->tableName( $tableName ), $fName );
1475 }
1483 private function getMysqlStatus( $which = "%" ) {
1484 $res = $this->query( "SHOW STATUS LIKE '{$which}'" );
1485 $status = [];
1487 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
1488 $status[$row->Variable_name] = $row->Value;
1489 }
1491 return $status;
1492 }
1503 public function listViews( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
1504 // The name of the column containing the name of the VIEW
1505 $propertyName = 'Tables_in_' . $this->getDBname();
1507 // Query for the VIEWS
1508 $res = $this->query( 'SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = "VIEW"' );
1509 $allViews = [];
1510 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
1511 array_push( $allViews, $row->$propertyName );
1512 }
1514 if ( is_null( $prefix ) || $prefix === '' ) {
1515 return $allViews;
1516 }
1518 $filteredViews = [];
1519 foreach ( $allViews as $viewName ) {
1520 // Does the name of this VIEW start with the table-prefix?
1521 if ( strpos( $viewName, $prefix ) === 0 ) {
1522 array_push( $filteredViews, $viewName );
1523 }
1524 }
1526 return $filteredViews;
1527 }
1537 public function isView( $name, $prefix = null ) {
1538 return in_array( $name, $this->listViews( $prefix ) );
1539 }
1541 protected function isTransactableQuery( $sql ) {
1542 return parent::isTransactableQuery( $sql ) &&
1543 !preg_match( '/^SELECT\s+(GET|RELEASE|IS_FREE)_LOCK\‍(/', $sql );
1544 }
1550 public function buildIntegerCast( $field ) {
1551 return 'CAST( ' . $field . ' AS SIGNED )';
1552 }
1554 /*
1555 * @return bool Whether GTID support is used (mockable for testing)
1556 */
1557 protected function useGTIDs() {
1558 return $this->useGTIDs;
1559 }
1565class_alias( DatabaseMysqlBase::class, 'DatabaseMysqlBase' );
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
if(defined( 'MW_SETUP_CALLBACK')) $fname
Customization point after all loading (constants, functions, classes, DefaultSettings,...
Definition Setup.php:121
makeGlobalKey( $class, $component=null)
Make a global cache key.
Database error base class.
Definition DBError.php:30
Base class for the more common types of database errors.
Class to handle database/prefix specification for IDatabase domains.
Database abstraction object for MySQL.
__construct(array $params)
Additional $params include:
duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary=false, $fname=__METHOD__)
getMysqlStatus( $which="%")
Get status information from SHOW STATUS in an associative array.
addQuotes( $s)
Adds quotes and backslashes.
Check to see if a named lock used by lock() use blocking queues.
mysqlFetchArray( $res)
Fetch a result row as an associative and numeric array.
array $lagDetectionOptions
Method to detect replica DB lag.
isInsertSelectSafe(array $insertOptions, array $selectOptions)
dropTable( $tableName, $fName=__METHOD__)
Determines if the last failure was due to the database being read-only.
fieldType( $res, $n)
mysql_field_type() wrapper
Get the position of the master from SHOW MASTER STATUS.
mysqlFetchField( $res, $n)
Get column information from a result.
string $lagDetectionMethod
Method to detect replica DB lag.
Get a replica DB lag estimate for this server.
mysqlFieldType( $res, $n)
Get the type of the specified field in a result.
doLockTables(array $read, array $write, $method)
Helper function for lockTables() that handles the actual table locking.
Get the amount of replication lag for this database server.
mysqlConnect( $realServer, $dbName)
Open a connection to a MySQL server.
mysqlSetCharset( $charset)
Set the character set of the MySQL link.
mysqlFreeResult( $res)
Free result memory.
lockIsFree( $lockName, $method)
Check to see if a named lock is available.
masterPosWait(DBMasterPos $pos, $timeout)
Wait for the replica DB to catch up to a given master position.
indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__)
Get information about an index into an object Returns false if the index does not exist.
estimateRowCount( $table, $var=' *', $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Estimate rows in dataset Returns estimated count, based on EXPLAIN output Takes same arguments as Dat...
mysqlDataSeek( $res, $row)
Move internal result pointer.
upsert( $table, array $rows, array $uniqueIndexes, array $set, $fname=__METHOD__)
mysqlError( $conn=null)
Returns the text of the error message from previous MySQL operation.
addIdentifierQuotes( $s)
MySQL uses backticks for identifier quoting instead of the sql standard "double quotes".
mysqlFetchObject( $res)
Fetch a result row as an object.
mysqlFieldName( $res, $n)
Get the name of the specified field in a result.
open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $schema, $tablePrefix)
Open a new connection to the database (closing any existing one)
isTransactableQuery( $sql)
Determine whether a SQL statement is sensitive to isolation level.
lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout=5)
wasQueryTimeout( $error, $errno)
Checks whether the cause of the error is detected to be a timeout.
unlock( $lockName, $method)
bool $utf8Mode
Use experimental UTF-8 transmission encoding.
listTables( $prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__)
List all tables on the database.
bool $useGTIDs
bool Whether to use GTID methods
getServerRoleStatus( $role, $fname=__METHOD__)
Determines if the last failure was due to a lock timeout.
string $sqlMode
sql_mode value to send on connection
Set the character set information right after connection.
mysqlNumRows( $res)
Get number of rows in result.
Checks if table locks acquired by lockTables() are transaction-bound in their scope.
Determines how long the server has been up.
doUnlockTables( $method)
Helper function for unlockTables() that handles the actual table unlocking.
Get the position of the master from SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
listViews( $prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__)
Lists VIEWs in the database.
isView( $name, $prefix=null)
Differentiates between a TABLE and a VIEW.
tableExists( $table, $fname=__METHOD__)
Query whether a given table exists.
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock.
wasConnectionError( $errno)
Do not use this method outside of Database/DBError classes.
deleteJoin( $delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__)
DELETE where the condition is a join.
mysqlNumFields( $res)
Get number of fields in result.
replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname=__METHOD__)
Relational database abstraction object.
Definition Database.php:48
selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Single row SELECT wrapper.
Restore the previous error handler and return the last PHP error for this DB.
Definition Database.php:874
indexName( $index)
Allows for index remapping in queries where this is not consistent across DBMS.
string $user
User that this instance is currently connected under the name of.
Definition Database.php:81
Get the replica DB lag when the current transaction started.
restoreFlags( $state=self::RESTORE_PRIOR)
Restore the flags to their prior state before the last setFlag/clearFlag call.
Definition Database.php:809
Set a custom error handler for logging errors during database connection.
Definition Database.php:863
selectDomain( $domain)
Set the current domain (database, schema, and table prefix)
makeList( $a, $mode=self::LIST_COMMA)
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array.
clearFlag( $flag, $remember=self::REMEMBER_NOTHING)
Clear a flag for this connection.
Definition Database.php:798
qualifiedTableComponents( $name)
Get the table components needed for a query given the currently selected database.
getLBInfo( $name=null)
Get properties passed down from the server info array of the load balancer.
Definition Database.php:629
getLogContext(array $extras=[])
Create a log context to pass to PSR-3 logger functions.
Definition Database.php:914
resource null $conn
Database connection.
Definition Database.php:106
nativeReplace( $table, $rows, $fname)
REPLACE query wrapper for MySQL and SQLite, which have a native REPLACE statement.
Get the server hostname or IP address.
string $password
Password used to establish the current connection.
Definition Database.php:83
escapeLikeInternal( $s, $escapeChar='`')
string $server
Server that this instance is currently connected to.
Definition Database.php:79
normalizeConditions( $conds, $fname)
query( $sql, $fname=__METHOD__, $tempIgnore=false)
Run an SQL query and return the result.
BagOStuff $srvCache
APC cache.
Definition Database.php:95
doQuery( $sql)
Run a query and return a DBMS-dependent wrapper (that has all IResultWrapper methods)
Get the current DB name.
Close the database connection.
Definition Database.php:925
selectField( $table, $var, $cond='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row.
DBMasterPos class for MySQL/MariaDB.
static getCommonDomainGTIDs(MySQLMasterPos $pos, MySQLMasterPos $refPos)
Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object.
We use the convention $dbr for read and $dbw for write to help you keep track of whether the database object is a the world will explode Or to be a subsequent write query which succeeded on the master may fail when replicated to the slave due to a unique key collision Replication on the slave will stop and it may take hours to repair the database and get it back online Setting read_only in my cnf on the slave will avoid this but given the dire we prefer to have as many checks as possible We provide a but the wrapper functions like select() and insert() are usually more convenient. They take care of things like table prefixes and escaping for you. If you really need to make your own SQL
Definition database.txt:21
We use the convention $dbr for read and $dbw for write to help you keep track of whether the database object is a the world will explode Or to be a subsequent write query which succeeded on the master may fail when replicated to the slave due to a unique key collision Replication on the slave will stop and it may take hours to repair the database and get it back online Setting read_only in my cnf on the slave will avoid this but given the dire we prefer to have as many checks as possible We provide a but the wrapper functions like please read the documentation for tableName() and addQuotes(). You will need both of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic query optimisation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MediaWiki developers who need to write DB queries should have some understanding of databases and the performance issues associated with them. Patches containing unacceptably slow features will not be accepted. Unindexed queries are generally not welcome in MediaWiki
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same so they can t rely on Unix and must forbid reads to even standard directories like tmp lest users read each others files We cannot assume that the user has the ability to install or run any programs not written as web accessible PHP scripts Since anything that works on cheap shared hosting will work if you have shell or root access MediaWiki s design is based around catering to the lowest common denominator Although we support higher end setups as the way many things work by default is tailored toward shared hosting These defaults are unconventional from the point of view of and they certainly aren t ideal for someone who s installing MediaWiki as MediaWiki does not conform to normal Unix filesystem layout Hopefully we ll offer direct support for standard layouts in the but for now *any change to the location of files is unsupported *Moving things and leaving symlinks will *probably *not break but it is *strongly *advised not to try any more intrusive changes to get MediaWiki to conform more closely to your filesystem hierarchy Any such attempt will almost certainly result in unnecessary bugs The standard recommended location to install relative to the web is it should be possible to enable the appropriate rewrite rules by if you can reconfigure the web server
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same user
Wikitext formatted, in the key only.
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead & $vars
Definition hooks.txt:2278
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction $rows
Definition hooks.txt:2857
see documentation in includes Linker php for Linker::makeImageLink & $time
Definition hooks.txt:1841
The index of the header message $result[1]=The index of the body text message $result[2 through n]=Parameters passed to body text message. Please note the header message cannot receive/use parameters. 'ImgAuthModifyHeaders':Executed just before a file is streamed to a user via img_auth.php, allowing headers to be modified beforehand. $title:LinkTarget object & $headers:HTTP headers(name=> value, names are case insensitive). Two headers get special handling:If-Modified-Since(value must be a valid HTTP date) and Range(must be of the form "bytes=(\d*-\d*)") will be honored when streaming the file. 'ImportHandleLogItemXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a log item. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $logInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandlePageXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object & $pageInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandleRevisionXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page revision. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $pageInfo:Array of page information $revisionInfo:Array of revision information 'ImportHandleToplevelXMLTag':When parsing a top level XML tag. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object 'ImportHandleUnknownUser':When a user doesn 't exist locally, this hook is called to give extensions an opportunity to auto-create it. If the auto-creation is successful, return false. $name:User name 'ImportHandleUploadXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a file upload. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $revisionInfo:Array of information 'ImportLogInterwikiLink':Hook to change the interwiki link used in log entries and edit summaries for transwiki imports. & $fullInterwikiPrefix:Interwiki prefix, may contain colons. & $pageTitle:String that contains page title. 'ImportSources':Called when reading from the $wgImportSources configuration variable. Can be used to lazy-load the import sources list. & $importSources:The value of $wgImportSources. Modify as necessary. See the comment in DefaultSettings.php for the detail of how to structure this array. 'InfoAction':When building information to display on the action=info page. $context:IContextSource object & $pageInfo:Array of information 'InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect':MediaWiki check to see if title is a redirect. & $title:Title object for the current page & $request:WebRequest & $ignoreRedirect:boolean to skip redirect check & $target:Title/string of redirect target & $article:Article object 'InternalParseBeforeLinks':during Parser 's internalParse method before links but after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InternalParseBeforeSanitize':during Parser 's internalParse method just before the parser removes unwanted/dangerous HTML tags and after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. Ideal for syntax-extensions after template/parser function execution which respect nowiki and HTML-comments. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InterwikiLoadPrefix':When resolving if a given prefix is an interwiki or not. Return true without providing an interwiki to continue interwiki search. $prefix:interwiki prefix we are looking for. & $iwData:output array describing the interwiki with keys iw_url, iw_local, iw_trans and optionally iw_api and iw_wikiid. 'InvalidateEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been invalidated successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being invalidated 'IRCLineURL':When constructing the URL to use in an IRC notification. Callee may modify $url and $query, URL will be constructed as $url . $query & $url:URL to index.php & $query:Query string $rc:RecentChange object that triggered url generation 'IsFileCacheable':Override the result of Article::isFileCacheable()(if true) & $article:article(object) being checked 'IsTrustedProxy':Override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() & $ip:IP being check & $result:Change this value to override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() 'IsUploadAllowedFromUrl':Override the result of UploadFromUrl::isAllowedUrl() $url:URL used to upload from & $allowed:Boolean indicating if uploading is allowed for given URL 'isValidEmailAddr':Override the result of Sanitizer::validateEmail(), for instance to return false if the domain name doesn 't match your organization. $addr:The e-mail address entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks 'isValidPassword':Override the result of User::isValidPassword() $password:The password entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks $user:User the password is being validated for 'Language::getMessagesFileName':$code:The language code or the language we 're looking for a messages file for & $file:The messages file path, you can override this to change the location. 'LanguageGetMagic':DEPRECATED since 1.16! Use $magicWords in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead. Use this to define synonyms of magic words depending of the language & $magicExtensions:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetNamespaces':Provide custom ordering for namespaces or remove namespaces. Do not use this hook to add namespaces. Use CanonicalNamespaces for that. & $namespaces:Array of namespaces indexed by their numbers 'LanguageGetSpecialPageAliases':DEPRECATED! Use $specialPageAliases in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead. Use to define aliases of special pages names depending of the language & $specialPageAliases:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames':Provide translated language names. & $names:array of language code=> language name $code:language of the preferred translations 'LanguageLinks':Manipulate a page 's language links. This is called in various places to allow extensions to define the effective language links for a page. $title:The page 's Title. & $links:Array with elements of the form "language:title" in the order that they will be output. & $linkFlags:Associative array mapping prefixed links to arrays of flags. Currently unused, but planned to provide support for marking individual language links in the UI, e.g. for featured articles. 'LanguageSelector':Hook to change the language selector available on a page. $out:The output page. $cssClassName:CSS class name of the language selector. 'LinkBegin':DEPRECATED since 1.28! Use HtmlPageLinkRendererBegin instead. Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(), before processing starts. Return false to skip default processing and return $ret. See documentation for Linker::link() for details on the expected meanings of parameters. $skin:the Skin object $target:the Title that the link is pointing to & $html:the contents that the< a > tag should have(raw HTML) $result
Definition hooks.txt:2042
This code would result in ircNotify being run twice when an article is and once for brion Hooks can return three possible true was required This is the default since MediaWiki *some string
Definition hooks.txt:181
Status::newGood()` to allow deletion, and then `return false` from the hook function. Ensure you consume the 'ChangeTagAfterDelete' hook to carry out custom deletion actions. $tag:name of the tag $user:user initiating the action & $status:Status object. See above. 'ChangeTagsListActive':Allows you to nominate which of the tags your extension uses are in active use. & $tags:list of all active tags. Append to this array. 'ChangeTagsAfterUpdateTags':Called after tags have been updated with the ChangeTags::updateTags function. Params:$addedTags:tags effectively added in the update $removedTags:tags effectively removed in the update $prevTags:tags that were present prior to the update $rc_id:recentchanges table id $rev_id:revision table id $log_id:logging table id $params:tag params $rc:RecentChange being tagged when the tagging accompanies the action, or null $user:User who performed the tagging when the tagging is subsequent to the action, or null 'ChangeTagsAllowedAdd':Called when checking if a user can add tags to a change. & $allowedTags:List of all the tags the user is allowed to add. Any tags the user wants to add( $addTags) that are not in this array will cause it to fail. You may add or remove tags to this array as required. $addTags:List of tags user intends to add. $user:User who is adding the tags. 'ChangeUserGroups':Called before user groups are changed. $performer:The User who will perform the change $user:The User whose groups will be changed & $add:The groups that will be added & $remove:The groups that will be removed 'Collation::factory':Called if $wgCategoryCollation is an unknown collation. $collationName:Name of the collation in question & $collationObject:Null. Replace with a subclass of the Collation class that implements the collation given in $collationName. 'ConfirmEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been confirmed successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being confirmed 'ContentAlterParserOutput':Modify parser output for a given content object. Called by Content::getParserOutput after parsing has finished. Can be used for changes that depend on the result of the parsing but have to be done before LinksUpdate is called(such as adding tracking categories based on the rendered HTML). $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $parserOutput:ParserOutput to manipulate 'ContentGetParserOutput':Customize parser output for a given content object, called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput. May be used to override the normal model-specific rendering of page content. $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $revId:The revision ID, as context $options:ParserOptions for rendering. To avoid confusing the parser cache, the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook function, not on global state. $generateHtml:boolean, indicating whether full HTML should be generated. If false, generation of HTML may be skipped, but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object. & $output:ParserOutput, to manipulate or replace 'ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor':Called when the default content model is determined for a given title. May be used to assign a different model for that title. $title:the Title in question & $model:the model name. Use with CONTENT_MODEL_XXX constants. 'ContentHandlerForModelID':Called when a ContentHandler is requested for a given content model name, but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers. Note:if your extension implements additional models via this hook, please use GetContentModels hook to make them known to core. $modeName:the requested content model name & $handler:set this to a ContentHandler object, if desired. 'ContentModelCanBeUsedOn':Called to determine whether that content model can be used on a given page. This is especially useful to prevent some content models to be used in some special location. $contentModel:ID of the content model in question $title:the Title in question. & $ok:Output parameter, whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title. Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok. 'ContribsPager::getQueryInfo':Before the contributions query is about to run & $pager:Pager object for contributions & $queryInfo:The query for the contribs Pager 'ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for My Contributions & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The ContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'ContributionsLineEnding':Called before a contributions HTML line is finished $page:SpecialPage object for contributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'ContributionsToolLinks':Change tool links above Special:Contributions $id:User identifier $title:User page title & $tools:Array of tool links $specialPage:SpecialPage instance for context and services. Can be either SpecialContributions or DeletedContributionsPage. Extensions should type hint against a generic SpecialPage though. 'ConvertContent':Called by AbstractContent::convert when a conversion to another content model is requested. Handler functions that modify $result should generally return false to disable further attempts at conversion. $content:The Content object to be converted. $toModel:The ID of the content model to convert to. $lossy:boolean indicating whether lossy conversion is allowed. & $result:Output parameter, in case the handler function wants to provide a converted Content object. Note that $result->getContentModel() must return $toModel. 'ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSource':Modify the allowed CSP load sources. This affects all directives except for the script directive. If you want to add a script source, see ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSource hook. & $defaultSrc:Array of Content-Security-Policy allowed sources $policyConfig:Current configuration for the Content-Security-Policy header $mode:ContentSecurityPolicy::REPORT_ONLY_MODE or ContentSecurityPolicy::FULL_MODE depending on type of header 'ContentSecurityPolicyDirectives':Modify the content security policy directives. Use this only if ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSource and ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSource do not meet your needs. & $directives:Array of CSP directives $policyConfig:Current configuration for the CSP header $mode:ContentSecurityPolicy::REPORT_ONLY_MODE or ContentSecurityPolicy::FULL_MODE depending on type of header 'ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSource':Modify the allowed CSP script sources. Note that you also have to use ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSource if you want non-script sources to be loaded from whatever you add. & $scriptSrc:Array of CSP directives $policyConfig:Current configuration for the CSP header $mode:ContentSecurityPolicy::REPORT_ONLY_MODE or ContentSecurityPolicy::FULL_MODE depending on type of header 'CustomEditor':When invoking the page editor Return true to allow the normal editor to be used, or false if implementing a custom editor, e.g. for a special namespace, etc. $article:Article being edited $user:User performing the edit 'DatabaseOraclePostInit':Called after initialising an Oracle database $db:the DatabaseOracle object 'DeletedContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for Special:DeletedContributions Similar to ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The DeletedContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'DeletedContributionsLineEnding':Called before a DeletedContributions HTML line is finished. Similar to ContributionsLineEnding $page:SpecialPage object for DeletedContributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'DeleteUnknownPreferences':Called by the cleanupPreferences.php maintenance script to build a WHERE clause with which to delete preferences that are not known about. This hook is used by extensions that have dynamically-named preferences that should not be deleted in the usual cleanup process. For example, the Gadgets extension creates preferences prefixed with 'gadget-', and so anything with that prefix is excluded from the deletion. &where:An array that will be passed as the $cond parameter to IDatabase::select() to determine what will be deleted from the user_properties table. $db:The IDatabase object, useful for accessing $db->buildLike() etc. 'DifferenceEngineAfterLoadNewText':called in DifferenceEngine::loadNewText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before returning true from this function. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineLoadTextAfterNewContentIsLoaded':called in DifferenceEngine::loadText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before checking if the variable 's value is null. This hook can be used to inject content into said class member variable. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledLink':Allows extensions to change the "mark as patrolled" link which is shown both on the diff header as well as on the bottom of a page, usually wrapped in a span element which has class="patrollink". $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $markAsPatrolledLink:The "mark as patrolled" link HTML(string) $rcid:Recent change ID(rc_id) for this change(int) 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledRCID':Allows extensions to possibly change the rcid parameter. For example the rcid might be set to zero due to the user being the same as the performer of the change but an extension might still want to show it under certain conditions. & $rcid:rc_id(int) of the change or 0 $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object $change:RecentChange object $user:User object representing the current user 'DifferenceEngineNewHeader':Allows extensions to change the $newHeader variable, which contains information about the new revision, such as the revision 's author, whether the revision was marked as a minor edit or not, etc. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $newHeader:The string containing the various #mw-diff-otitle[1-5] divs, which include things like revision author info, revision comment, RevisionDelete link and more $formattedRevisionTools:Array containing revision tools, some of which may have been injected with the DiffRevisionTools hook $nextlink:String containing the link to the next revision(if any) $status
Definition hooks.txt:1305
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped & $options
Definition hooks.txt:2050
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition hooks.txt:302
null for the local wiki Added should default to null in handler for backwards compatibility add a value to it if you want to add a cookie that have to vary cache options can modify $query
Definition hooks.txt:1656
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition hooks.txt:187
returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition hooks.txt:2226
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback function
Definition injection.txt:30
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
An object representing a master or replica DB position in a replicated setup.
Get the last error number.
Definition mcc.php:33
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Ge...