MediaWiki REL1_32
Go to the documentation of this file.
10 // used for fancycaptcha-edit, fancycaptcha-addurl, fancycaptcha-badlogin,
11 // fancycaptcha-accountcreate, fancycaptcha-create, fancycaptcha-sendemail via getMessage()
12 protected static $messagePrefix = 'fancycaptcha-';
17 public function getBackend() {
18 global $wgCaptchaFileBackend, $wgCaptchaDirectory;
20 if ( $wgCaptchaFileBackend ) {
21 return FileBackendGroup::singleton()->get( $wgCaptchaFileBackend );
22 } else {
23 static $backend = null;
24 if ( !$backend ) {
25 $backend = new FSFileBackend( [
26 'name' => 'captcha-backend',
27 'wikiId' => wfWikiID(),
28 'lockManager' => new NullLockManager( [] ),
29 'containerPaths' => [ 'captcha-render' => $wgCaptchaDirectory ],
30 'fileMode' => 777,
31 'obResetFunc' => 'wfResetOutputBuffers',
32 'streamMimeFunc' => [ 'StreamFile', 'contentTypeFromPath' ]
33 ] );
34 }
35 return $backend;
36 }
37 }
43 public function estimateCaptchaCount() {
44 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
45 return $this->getCaptchaCount();
46 }
51 public function getCaptchaCount() {
52 $backend = $this->getBackend();
53 $files = $backend->getFileList(
54 [ 'dir' => $backend->getRootStoragePath() . '/captcha-render' ]
55 );
57 return iterator_count( $files );
58 }
68 protected function keyMatch( $answer, $info ) {
69 global $wgCaptchaSecret;
71 $digest = $wgCaptchaSecret . $info['salt'] . $answer . $wgCaptchaSecret . $info['salt'];
72 $answerHash = substr( md5( $digest ), 0, 16 );
74 if ( $answerHash == $info['hash'] ) {
75 wfDebug( "FancyCaptcha: answer hash matches expected {$info['hash']}\n" );
76 return true;
77 } else {
78 wfDebug( "FancyCaptcha: answer hashes to $answerHash, expected {$info['hash']}\n" );
79 return false;
80 }
81 }
86 protected function addCaptchaAPI( &$resultArr ) {
87 $info = $this->pickImage();
88 if ( !$info ) {
89 $resultArr['captcha']['error'] = 'Out of images';
90 return;
91 }
92 $index = $this->storeCaptcha( $info );
93 $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Captcha', 'image' );
94 $resultArr['captcha'] = $this->describeCaptchaType();
95 $resultArr['captcha']['id'] = $index;
96 $resultArr['captcha']['url'] = $title->getLocalURL( 'wpCaptchaId=' . urlencode( $index ) );
97 }
102 public function describeCaptchaType() {
103 return [
104 'type' => 'image',
105 'mime' => 'image/png',
106 ];
107 }
113 public function getFormInformation( $tabIndex = 1 ) {
114 $modules = [];
116 $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Captcha', 'image' );
117 $info = $this->getCaptcha();
118 $index = $this->storeCaptcha( $info );
120 // Loaded only for clients with JS enabled
121 $modules[] = 'ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha';
123 $captchaReload = Html::element(
124 'small',
125 [
126 'class' => 'confirmedit-captcha-reload fancycaptcha-reload'
127 ],
128 wfMessage( 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' )->text()
129 );
131 $form = Html::openElement( 'div' ) .
132 Html::element( 'label', [
133 'for' => 'wpCaptchaWord',
134 ],
135 wfMessage( 'captcha-label' )->text() . ' ' . wfMessage( 'fancycaptcha-captcha' )->text()
136 ) .
137 Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'fancycaptcha-captcha-container' ] ) .
138 Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'fancycaptcha-captcha-and-reload' ] ) .
139 Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'fancycaptcha-image-container' ] ) .
140 Html::element( 'img', [
141 'class' => 'fancycaptcha-image',
142 'src' => $title->getLocalURL( 'wpCaptchaId=' . urlencode( $index ) ),
143 'alt' => ''
144 ]
145 ) . $captchaReload . Html::closeElement( 'div' ) . Html::closeElement( 'div' ) . "\n" .
146 Html::element( 'input', [
147 'name' => 'wpCaptchaWord',
148 'class' => 'mw-ui-input',
149 'id' => 'wpCaptchaWord',
150 'type' => 'text',
151 // max_length in plus fudge factor
152 'size' => '12',
153 'autocomplete' => 'off',
154 'autocorrect' => 'off',
155 'autocapitalize' => 'off',
156 'required' => 'required',
157 // tab in before the edit textarea
158 'tabindex' => $tabIndex,
159 'placeholder' => wfMessage( 'fancycaptcha-imgcaptcha-ph' )->text()
160 ]
161 );
162 if ( $this->action == 'createaccount' ) {
163 // use raw element, because the message can contain links or some other html
164 $form .= Html::rawElement( 'small', [
165 'class' => 'mw-createacct-captcha-assisted'
166 ], wfMessage( 'createacct-imgcaptcha-help' )->parse()
167 );
168 }
169 $form .= Html::element( 'input', [
170 'type' => 'hidden',
171 'name' => 'wpCaptchaId',
172 'id' => 'wpCaptchaId',
173 'value' => $index
174 ]
175 ) . Html::closeElement( 'div' ) . Html::closeElement( 'div' ) . "\n";
177 return [
178 'html' => $form,
179 'modules' => $modules,
180 // Uses addModuleStyles so it is loaded when JS is disabled.
181 'modulestyles' => [ 'mediawiki.ui.input', 'ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha.styles' ],
182 ];
183 }
189 protected function pickImage() {
190 global $wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels;
192 // number of times another process claimed a file before this one
193 $lockouts = 0;
194 $baseDir = $this->getBackend()->getRootStoragePath() . '/captcha-render';
195 return $this->pickImageDir( $baseDir, $wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels, $lockouts );
196 }
204 protected function pickImageDir( $directory, $levels, &$lockouts ) {
205 global $wgMemc;
207 if ( $levels <= 0 ) {
208 // $directory has regular files
209 return $this->pickImageFromDir( $directory, $lockouts );
210 }
212 $backend = $this->getBackend();
214 $key = "fancycaptcha:dirlist:{$backend->getWikiId()}:" . sha1( $directory );
215 // check cache
216 $dirs = $wgMemc->get( $key );
217 if ( !is_array( $dirs ) || !count( $dirs ) ) {
218 // cache miss
219 $dirs = [];
220 // subdirs actually present...
221 foreach ( $backend->getTopDirectoryList( [ 'dir' => $directory ] ) as $entry ) {
222 if ( ctype_xdigit( $entry ) && strlen( $entry ) == 1 ) {
223 $dirs[] = $entry;
224 }
225 }
226 wfDebug( "Cache miss for $directory subdirectory listing.\n" );
227 if ( count( $dirs ) ) {
228 $wgMemc->set( $key, $dirs, 86400 );
229 }
230 }
232 if ( !count( $dirs ) ) {
233 // Remove this directory if empty so callers don't keep looking here
234 $backend->clean( [ 'dir' => $directory ] );
235 // none found
236 return false;
237 }
239 // pick a random subdir
240 $place = mt_rand( 0, count( $dirs ) - 1 );
241 // In case all dirs are not filled, cycle through next digits...
242 $fancyCount = count( $dirs );
243 for ( $j = 0; $j < $fancyCount; $j++ ) {
244 $char = $dirs[( $place + $j ) % count( $dirs )];
245 $info = $this->pickImageDir( "$directory/$char", $levels - 1, $lockouts );
246 if ( $info ) {
247 // found a captcha
248 return $info;
249 } else {
250 wfDebug( "Could not find captcha in $directory.\n" );
251 // files changed on disk?
252 $wgMemc->delete( $key );
253 }
254 }
256 // didn't find any images in this directory... empty?
257 return false;
258 }
265 protected function pickImageFromDir( $directory, &$lockouts ) {
266 global $wgMemc;
268 $backend = $this->getBackend();
270 $key = "fancycaptcha:filelist:{$backend->getWikiId()}:" . sha1( $directory );
271 // check cache
272 $files = $wgMemc->get( $key );
273 if ( !is_array( $files ) || !count( $files ) ) {
274 // cache miss
275 $files = [];
276 foreach ( $backend->getTopFileList( [ 'dir' => $directory ] ) as $entry ) {
277 $files[] = $entry;
278 if ( count( $files ) >= 500 ) {
279 // sanity
280 wfDebug( 'Skipping some captchas; $wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels set too low?.' );
281 break;
282 }
283 }
284 if ( count( $files ) ) {
285 $wgMemc->set( $key, $files, 86400 );
286 }
287 wfDebug( "Cache miss for $directory captcha listing.\n" );
288 }
290 if ( !count( $files ) ) {
291 // Remove this directory if empty so callers don't keep looking here
292 $backend->clean( [ 'dir' => $directory ] );
293 return false;
294 }
296 $info = $this->pickImageFromList( $directory, $files, $lockouts );
297 if ( !$info ) {
298 wfDebug( "Could not find captcha in $directory.\n" );
299 // files changed on disk?
300 $wgMemc->delete( $key );
301 }
303 return $info;
304 }
312 protected function pickImageFromList( $directory, array $files, &$lockouts ) {
313 global $wgMemc, $wgCaptchaDeleteOnSolve;
315 if ( !count( $files ) ) {
316 // none found
317 return false;
318 }
320 $backend = $this->getBackend();
321 // pick a random file
322 $place = mt_rand( 0, count( $files ) - 1 );
323 // number of files in listing that don't actually exist
324 $misses = 0;
325 $fancyImageCount = count( $files );
326 for ( $j = 0; $j < $fancyImageCount; $j++ ) {
327 $entry = $files[( $place + $j ) % count( $files )];
328 if ( preg_match( '/^image_([0-9a-f]+)_([0-9a-f]+)\\.png$/', $entry, $matches ) ) {
329 if ( $wgCaptchaDeleteOnSolve ) {
330 // captcha will be deleted when solved
331 $key = "fancycaptcha:filelock:{$backend->getWikiId()}:" . sha1( $entry );
332 // Try to claim this captcha for 10 minutes (for the user to solve)...
333 if ( ++$lockouts <= 10 && !$wgMemc->add( $key, '1', 600 ) ) {
334 // could not acquire (skip it to avoid race conditions)
335 continue;
336 }
337 }
338 if ( !$backend->fileExists( [ 'src' => "$directory/$entry" ] ) ) {
339 if ( ++$misses >= 5 ) {
340 // too many files in the listing don't exist
341 // listing cache too stale? break out so it will be cleared
342 break;
343 }
344 // try next file
345 continue;
346 }
347 return [
348 'salt' => $matches[1],
349 'hash' => $matches[2],
350 'viewed' => false,
351 ];
352 }
353 }
355 // none found
356 return false;
357 }
362 public function showImage() {
363 global $wgOut, $wgRequest;
365 $wgOut->disable();
367 $index = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpCaptchaId' );
368 $info = $this->retrieveCaptcha( $index );
369 if ( $info ) {
370 $timestamp = new MWTimestamp();
371 $info['viewed'] = $timestamp->getTimestamp();
372 $this->storeCaptcha( $info );
374 $salt = $info['salt'];
375 $hash = $info['hash'];
377 return $this->getBackend()->streamFile( [
378 'src' => $this->imagePath( $salt, $hash ),
379 'headers' => [ "Cache-Control: private, s-maxage=0, max-age=3600" ]
380 ] )->isOK();
381 }
383 wfHttpError( 400, 'Request Error', 'Requested bogus captcha image' );
384 return false;
385 }
392 public function imagePath( $salt, $hash ) {
393 global $wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels;
395 $file = $this->getBackend()->getRootStoragePath() . '/captcha-render/';
396 for ( $i = 0; $i < $wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels; $i++ ) {
397 $file .= $hash{ $i } . '/';
398 }
399 $file .= "image_{$salt}_{$hash}.png";
401 return $file;
402 }
409 public function hashFromImageName( $basename ) {
410 if ( preg_match( '/^image_([0-9a-f]+)_([0-9a-f]+)\\.png$/', $basename, $matches ) ) {
411 return [ $matches[1], $matches[2] ];
412 } else {
413 throw new Exception( "Invalid filename '$basename'.\n" );
414 }
415 }
421 protected function passCaptcha( $index, $word ) {
422 global $wgCaptchaDeleteOnSolve;
424 // get the captcha info before it gets deleted
425 $info = $this->retrieveCaptcha( $index );
426 $pass = parent::passCaptcha( $index, $word );
428 if ( $pass && $wgCaptchaDeleteOnSolve ) {
429 $this->getBackend()->quickDelete( [
430 'src' => $this->imagePath( $info['salt'], $info['hash'] )
431 ] );
432 }
434 return $pass;
435 }
443 public function getCaptcha() {
444 $info = $this->pickImage();
445 if ( !$info ) {
446 throw new UnderflowException( 'Ran out of captcha images' );
447 }
448 return $info;
449 }
456 public function getCaptchaInfo( $captchaData, $id ) {
457 $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Captcha', 'image' );
458 return $title->getLocalURL( 'wpCaptchaId=' . urlencode( $id ) );
459 }
467 public function onAuthChangeFormFields(
469 ) {
471 $req =
472 AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $requests,
473 CaptchaAuthenticationRequest::class, true );
474 if ( !$req ) {
475 return;
476 }
478 // HTMLFancyCaptchaField will include this
479 unset( $formDescriptor['captchaInfo' ] );
481 $formDescriptor['captchaWord'] = [
482 'class' => HTMLFancyCaptchaField::class,
483 'imageUrl' => $this->getCaptchaInfo( $req->captchaData, $req->captchaId ),
484 'label-message' => $this->getMessage( $this->action ),
485 'showCreateHelp' => in_array( $action, [
486 AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE,
488 ], true ),
489 ] + $formDescriptor['captchaWord'];
490 }
This list may contain false positives That usually means there is additional text with links below the first Each row contains links to the first and second as well as the first line of the second redirect text
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
wfHttpError( $code, $label, $desc)
Provide a simple HTTP error.
wfDeprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Throws a warning that $function is deprecated.
Get an ASCII string identifying this wiki This is used as a prefix in memcached keys.
Definition Setup.php:915
if(! $wgDBerrorLogTZ) $wgRequest
Definition Setup.php:747
Class for a file system (FS) based file backend.
FancyCaptcha for displaying captchas precomputed by
imagePath( $salt, $hash)
Select a previously generated captcha image from the queue.
passCaptcha( $index, $word)
Delete a solved captcha image, if $wgCaptchaDeleteOnSolve is true.
getFormInformation( $tabIndex=1)
Returns an array with 'salt' and 'hash' keys.
pickImageFromList( $directory, array $files, &$lockouts)
pickImageDir( $directory, $levels, &$lockouts)
static $messagePrefix
getCaptchaInfo( $captchaData, $id)
hashFromImageName( $basename)
keyMatch( $answer, $info)
Check if the submitted form matches the captcha session data provided by the plugin when the form was...
onAuthChangeFormFields(array $requests, array $fieldInfo, array &$formDescriptor, $action)
pickImageFromDir( $directory, &$lockouts)
Library for creating and parsing MW-style timestamps.
This serves as the entry point to the authentication system.
This is a value object for authentication requests.
Simple version of LockManager that does nothing.
Demo CAPTCHA (not for production usage) and base class for real CAPTCHAs.
getMessage( $action)
Show a message asking the user to enter a captcha on edit The result will be treated as wiki text.
retrieveCaptcha( $index)
Fetch this session's captcha info.
string $action
Used to select the right message.
storeCaptcha( $info)
Generate a captcha session ID and save the info in PHP's session storage.
this hook is for auditing only $req
Definition hooks.txt:1018
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation use $formDescriptor instead & $formDescriptor
Definition hooks.txt:2208
An extension or a local will often add custom code to the function with or without a global variable For someone wanting email notification when an article is shown may add
Definition hooks.txt:56
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation use $formDescriptor instead default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a set this to the key of the message First element is the message additional optional elements are parameters for the key that are processed with wfMessage() -> params() ->parseAsBlock() - offset Set to overwrite offset parameter in $wgRequest set to '' to unset offset - wrap String Wrap the message in html(usually something like "&lt;div ...>$1&lt;/div>"). - flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException':Called before an exception(or PHP error) is logged. This is meant for integration with external error aggregation services
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated are created Can be used to omit specific feeds from being outputted You must not use this hook to add use OutputPage::addFeedLink() instead. & $feedLinks hooks can tweak the array to change how login etc forms should look $requests
Definition hooks.txt:304
globals will be eliminated from MediaWiki replaced by an application object which would be passed to constructors Whether that would be an convenient solution remains to be but certainly PHP makes such object oriented programming models easier than they were in previous versions For the time being MediaWiki programmers will have to work in an environment with some global context At the time of globals were initialised on startup by MediaWiki of these were configuration which are documented in DefaultSettings php There is no comprehensive documentation for the remaining however some of the most important ones are listed below They are typically initialised either in index php or in Setup php $wgTitle Title object created from the request URL $wgOut OutputPage object for HTTP response $wgUser User object for the user associated with the current request $wgLang Language object selected by user preferences $wgContLang Language object associated with the wiki being viewed $wgParser Parser object Parser extensions register their hooks here $wgRequest WebRequest to get request data $wgMemc
Definition globals.txt:64
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))