MediaWiki REL1_32
Go to the documentation of this file.
22namespace Wikimedia\Rdbms;
24use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
25use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
26use Wikimedia\ScopedCallback;
36class LoadMonitor implements ILoadMonitor {
38 protected $parent;
40 protected $srvCache;
42 protected $wanCache;
44 protected $replLogger;
52 const VERSION = 1;
54 const LAG_WARN_THRESHOLD = 10;
64 public function __construct(
66 ) {
67 $this->parent = $lb;
68 $this->srvCache = $srvCache;
69 $this->wanCache = $wCache;
70 $this->replLogger = new NullLogger();
72 $this->movingAveRatio = $options['movingAveRatio'] ?? 0.1;
73 $this->lagWarnThreshold = $options['lagWarnThreshold'] ?? self::LAG_WARN_THRESHOLD;
74 }
76 public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) {
77 $this->replLogger = $logger;
78 }
80 final public function scaleLoads( array &$weightByServer, $domain ) {
81 $serverIndexes = array_keys( $weightByServer );
82 $states = $this->getServerStates( $serverIndexes, $domain );
83 $newScalesByServer = $states['weightScales'];
84 foreach ( $weightByServer as $i => $weight ) {
85 if ( isset( $newScalesByServer[$i] ) ) {
86 $weightByServer[$i] = $weight * $newScalesByServer[$i];
87 } else { // server recently added to config?
88 $host = $this->parent->getServerName( $i );
89 $this->replLogger->error( __METHOD__ . ": host $host not in cache" );
90 }
91 }
92 }
94 final public function getLagTimes( array $serverIndexes, $domain ) {
95 return $this->getServerStates( $serverIndexes, $domain )['lagTimes'];
96 }
98 protected function getServerStates( array $serverIndexes, $domain ) {
99 $writerIndex = $this->parent->getWriterIndex();
100 if ( count( $serverIndexes ) == 1 && reset( $serverIndexes ) == $writerIndex ) {
101 # Single server only, just return zero without caching
102 return [
103 'lagTimes' => [ $writerIndex => 0 ],
104 'weightScales' => [ $writerIndex => 1.0 ]
105 ];
106 }
108 $key = $this->getCacheKey( $serverIndexes );
109 # Randomize TTLs to reduce stampedes (4.0 - 5.0 sec)
110 $ttl = mt_rand( 4e6, 5e6 ) / 1e6;
111 # Keep keys around longer as fallbacks
112 $staleTTL = 60;
114 # (a) Check the local APC cache
115 $value = $this->srvCache->get( $key );
116 if ( $value && $value['timestamp'] > ( microtime( true ) - $ttl ) ) {
117 $this->replLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": got lag times ($key) from local cache" );
118 return $value; // cache hit
119 }
120 $staleValue = $value ?: false;
122 # (b) Check the shared cache and backfill APC
123 $value = $this->wanCache->get( $key );
124 if ( $value && $value['timestamp'] > ( microtime( true ) - $ttl ) ) {
125 $this->srvCache->set( $key, $value, $staleTTL );
126 $this->replLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": got lag times ($key) from main cache" );
128 return $value; // cache hit
129 }
130 $staleValue = $value ?: $staleValue;
132 # (c) Cache key missing or expired; regenerate and backfill
133 if ( $this->srvCache->lock( $key, 0, 10 ) ) {
134 # Let only this process update the cache value on this server
135 $sCache = $this->srvCache;
137 $unlocker = new ScopedCallback( function () use ( $sCache, $key ) {
138 $sCache->unlock( $key );
139 } );
140 } elseif ( $staleValue ) {
141 # Could not acquire lock but an old cache exists, so use it
142 return $staleValue;
143 }
145 $lagTimes = [];
146 $weightScales = [];
147 $movAveRatio = $this->movingAveRatio;
148 foreach ( $serverIndexes as $i ) {
149 if ( $i == $this->parent->getWriterIndex() ) {
150 $lagTimes[$i] = 0; // master always has no lag
151 $weightScales[$i] = 1.0; // nominal weight
152 continue;
153 }
155 # Handles with open transactions are avoided since they might be subject
156 # to REPEATABLE-READ snapshots, which could affect the lag estimate query.
157 $flags = ILoadBalancer::CONN_TRX_AUTOCOMMIT;
158 $conn = $this->parent->getAnyOpenConnection( $i, $flags );
159 if ( $conn ) {
160 $close = false; // already open
161 } else {
162 $conn = $this->parent->openConnection( $i, ILoadBalancer::DOMAIN_ANY, $flags );
163 $close = true; // new connection
164 }
166 $lastWeight = $staleValue['weightScales'][$i] ?? 1.0;
167 $coefficient = $this->getWeightScale( $i, $conn ?: null );
168 $newWeight = $movAveRatio * $coefficient + ( 1 - $movAveRatio ) * $lastWeight;
170 // Scale from 10% to 100% of nominal weight
171 $weightScales[$i] = max( $newWeight, 0.10 );
173 $host = $this->parent->getServerName( $i );
175 if ( !$conn ) {
176 $lagTimes[$i] = false;
177 $this->replLogger->error(
178 __METHOD__ . ": host {db_server} is unreachable",
179 [ 'db_server' => $host ]
180 );
181 continue;
182 }
184 if ( $conn->getLBInfo( 'is static' ) ) {
185 $lagTimes[$i] = 0;
186 } else {
187 $lagTimes[$i] = $conn->getLag();
188 if ( $lagTimes[$i] === false ) {
189 $this->replLogger->error(
190 __METHOD__ . ": host {db_server} is not replicating?",
191 [ 'db_server' => $host ]
192 );
193 } elseif ( $lagTimes[$i] > $this->lagWarnThreshold ) {
194 $this->replLogger->error(
195 "Server {host} has {lag} seconds of lag (>= {maxlag})",
196 [
197 'host' => $host,
198 'lag' => $lagTimes[$i],
199 'maxlag' => $this->lagWarnThreshold
200 ]
201 );
202 }
203 }
205 if ( $close ) {
206 # Close the connection to avoid sleeper connections piling up.
207 # Note that the caller will pick one of these DBs and reconnect,
208 # which is slightly inefficient, but this only matters for the lag
209 # time cache miss cache, which is far less common that cache hits.
210 $this->parent->closeConnection( $conn );
211 }
212 }
214 # Add a timestamp key so we know when it was cached
215 $value = [
216 'lagTimes' => $lagTimes,
217 'weightScales' => $weightScales,
218 'timestamp' => microtime( true )
219 ];
220 $this->wanCache->set( $key, $value, $staleTTL );
221 $this->srvCache->set( $key, $value, $staleTTL );
222 $this->replLogger->info( __METHOD__ . ": re-calculated lag times ($key)" );
224 return $value;
225 }
232 protected function getWeightScale( $index, IDatabase $conn = null ) {
233 return $conn ? 1.0 : 0.0;
234 }
236 private function getCacheKey( array $serverIndexes ) {
237 sort( $serverIndexes );
238 // Lag is per-server, not per-DB, so key on the master DB name
239 return $this->srvCache->makeGlobalKey(
240 'lag-times',
241 self::VERSION,
242 $this->parent->getServerName( $this->parent->getWriterIndex() ),
243 implode( '-', $serverIndexes )
244 );
245 }
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
Class representing a cache/ephemeral data store.
Definition BagOStuff.php:58
Multi-datacenter aware caching interface.
Basic DB load monitor with no external dependencies Uses memcached to cache the replication lag for a...
scaleLoads(array &$weightByServer, $domain)
Perform load ratio adjustment before deciding which server to use.
LoggerInterface $replLogger
int $lagWarnThreshold
Amount of replication lag in seconds before warnings are logged.
float $movingAveRatio
Moving average ratio (e.g.
__construct(ILoadBalancer $lb, BagOStuff $srvCache, WANObjectCache $wCache, array $options=[])
getCacheKey(array $serverIndexes)
getLagTimes(array $serverIndexes, $domain)
Get an estimate of replication lag (in seconds) for each server.
getServerStates(array $serverIndexes, $domain)
setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
getWeightScale( $index, IDatabase $conn=null)
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped & $options
Definition hooks.txt:2050
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles.
Definition IDatabase.php:38
Database cluster connection, tracking, load balancing, and transaction manager interface.
An interface for database load monitoring.
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))