MediaWiki REL1_32
Go to the documentation of this file.
23use Wikimedia\ScopedCallback;
32 protected $start;
34 protected $end;
36 protected $stack = [];
38 protected $workStack = [];
41 protected $collated = [];
43 protected $collateDone = false;
46 protected $collateOnly = true;
48 protected $errorEntry;
53 public function __construct( array $params = [] ) {
54 $this->errorEntry = $this->getErrorEntry();
55 $this->collateOnly = empty( $params['trace'] );
56 }
62 public function scopedProfileIn( $section ) {
65 return new SectionProfileCallback( $this, $section );
66 }
71 public function scopedProfileOut( ScopedCallback &$section ) {
72 $section = null;
73 }
96 public function getFunctionStats() {
97 $this->collateData();
99 $totalCpu = max( $this->end['cpu'] - $this->start['cpu'], 0 );
100 $totalReal = max( $this->end['real'] - $this->start['real'], 0 );
101 $totalMem = max( $this->end['memory'] - $this->start['memory'], 0 );
103 $profile = [];
104 foreach ( $this->collated as $fname => $data ) {
105 $profile[] = [
106 'name' => $fname,
107 'calls' => $data['count'],
108 'real' => $data['real'] * 1000,
109 '%real' => $totalReal ? 100 * $data['real'] / $totalReal : 0,
110 'cpu' => $data['cpu'] * 1000,
111 '%cpu' => $totalCpu ? 100 * $data['cpu'] / $totalCpu : 0,
112 'memory' => $data['memory'],
113 '%memory' => $totalMem ? 100 * $data['memory'] / $totalMem : 0,
114 'min_real' => 1000 * $data['min_real'],
115 'max_real' => 1000 * $data['max_real']
116 ];
117 }
119 $profile[] = [
120 'name' => '-total',
121 'calls' => 1,
122 'real' => 1000 * $totalReal,
123 '%real' => 100,
124 'cpu' => 1000 * $totalCpu,
125 '%cpu' => 100,
126 'memory' => $totalMem,
127 '%memory' => 100,
128 'min_real' => 1000 * $totalReal,
129 'max_real' => 1000 * $totalReal
130 ];
132 return $profile;
133 }
138 public function reset() {
139 $this->start = null;
140 $this->end = null;
141 $this->stack = [];
142 $this->workStack = [];
143 $this->collated = [];
144 $this->collateDone = false;
145 }
150 protected function getZeroEntry() {
151 return [
152 'cpu' => 0.0,
153 'real' => 0.0,
154 'memory' => 0,
155 'count' => 0,
156 'min_real' => 0.0,
157 'max_real' => 0.0
158 ];
159 }
164 protected function getErrorEntry() {
165 $entry = $this->getZeroEntry();
166 $entry['count'] = 1;
167 return $entry;
168 }
178 protected function updateEntry( $name, $elapsedCpu, $elapsedReal, $memChange ) {
179 $entry =& $this->collated[$name];
180 if ( !is_array( $entry ) ) {
181 $entry = $this->getZeroEntry();
182 $this->collated[$name] =& $entry;
183 }
184 $entry['cpu'] += $elapsedCpu;
185 $entry['real'] += $elapsedReal;
186 $entry['memory'] += $memChange > 0 ? $memChange : 0;
187 $entry['count']++;
188 $entry['min_real'] = min( $entry['min_real'], $elapsedReal );
189 $entry['max_real'] = max( $entry['max_real'], $elapsedReal );
190 }
197 public function profileInInternal( $functionname ) {
198 // Once the data is collated for reports, any future calls
199 // should clear the collation cache so the next report will
200 // reflect them. This matters when trace mode is used.
201 $this->collateDone = false;
203 $cpu = $this->getTime( 'cpu' );
204 $real = $this->getTime( 'wall' );
205 $memory = memory_get_usage();
207 if ( $this->start === null ) {
208 $this->start = [ 'cpu' => $cpu, 'real' => $real, 'memory' => $memory ];
209 }
211 $this->workStack[] = [
212 $functionname,
213 count( $this->workStack ),
214 $real,
215 $cpu,
216 $memory
217 ];
218 }
225 public function profileOutInternal( $functionname ) {
226 $item = array_pop( $this->workStack );
227 if ( $item === null ) {
228 $this->debugGroup( 'profileerror', "Profiling error: $functionname" );
229 return;
230 }
231 list( $ofname, /* $ocount */, $ortime, $octime, $omem ) = $item;
233 if ( $functionname === 'close' ) {
234 $message = "Profile section ended by close(): {$ofname}";
235 $this->debugGroup( 'profileerror', $message );
236 if ( $this->collateOnly ) {
237 $this->collated[$message] = $this->errorEntry;
238 } else {
239 $this->stack[] = [ $message, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 ];
240 }
241 $functionname = $ofname;
242 } elseif ( $ofname !== $functionname ) {
243 $message = "Profiling error: in({$ofname}), out($functionname)";
244 $this->debugGroup( 'profileerror', $message );
245 if ( $this->collateOnly ) {
246 $this->collated[$message] = $this->errorEntry;
247 } else {
248 $this->stack[] = [ $message, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 ];
249 }
250 }
252 $realTime = $this->getTime( 'wall' );
253 $cpuTime = $this->getTime( 'cpu' );
254 $memUsage = memory_get_usage();
256 if ( $this->collateOnly ) {
257 $elapsedcpu = $cpuTime - $octime;
258 $elapsedreal = $realTime - $ortime;
259 $memchange = $memUsage - $omem;
260 $this->updateEntry( $functionname, $elapsedcpu, $elapsedreal, $memchange );
261 } else {
262 $this->stack[] = array_merge( $item, [ $realTime, $cpuTime, $memUsage ] );
263 }
265 $this->end = [
266 'cpu' => $cpuTime,
267 'real' => $realTime,
268 'memory' => $memUsage
269 ];
270 }
277 public function getCallTreeReport() {
278 if ( $this->collateOnly ) {
279 throw new Exception( "Tree is only available for trace profiling." );
280 }
281 return implode( '', array_map(
282 [ $this, 'getCallTreeLine' ], $this->remapCallTree( $this->stack )
283 ) );
284 }
292 protected function remapCallTree( array $stack ) {
293 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
294 return $stack;
295 }
296 $outputs = [];
297 for ( $max = count( $stack ) - 1; $max > 0; ) {
298 /* Find all items under this entry */
299 $level = $stack[$max][1];
300 $working = [];
301 for ( $i = $max - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
302 if ( $stack[$i][1] > $level ) {
303 $working[] = $stack[$i];
304 } else {
305 break;
306 }
307 }
308 $working = $this->remapCallTree( array_reverse( $working ) );
309 $output = [];
310 foreach ( $working as $item ) {
311 array_push( $output, $item );
312 }
313 array_unshift( $output, $stack[$max] );
314 $max = $i;
316 array_unshift( $outputs, $output );
317 }
318 $final = [];
319 foreach ( $outputs as $output ) {
320 foreach ( $output as $item ) {
321 $final[] = $item;
322 }
323 }
324 return $final;
325 }
332 protected function getCallTreeLine( $entry ) {
333 // $entry has (name, level, stime, scpu, smem, etime, ecpu, emem)
334 list( $fname, $level, $startreal, , , $endreal ) = $entry;
335 $delta = $endreal - $startreal;
336 $space = str_repeat( ' ', $level );
337 # The ugly double sprintf is to work around a PHP bug,
338 # which has been fixed in recent releases.
339 return sprintf( "%10s %s %s\n",
340 trim( sprintf( "%7.3f", $delta * 1000.0 ) ), $space, $fname );
341 }
346 protected function collateData() {
347 if ( $this->collateDone ) {
348 return;
349 }
350 $this->collateDone = true;
351 // Close opened profiling sections
352 while ( count( $this->workStack ) ) {
353 $this->profileOutInternal( 'close' );
354 }
356 if ( $this->collateOnly ) {
357 return; // already collated as methods exited
358 }
360 $this->collated = [];
362 # Estimate profiling overhead
363 $oldEnd = $this->end;
364 $profileCount = count( $this->stack );
365 $this->calculateOverhead( $profileCount );
367 # First, subtract the overhead!
368 $overheadTotal = $overheadMemory = $overheadInternal = [];
369 foreach ( $this->stack as $entry ) {
370 // $entry is (name,pos,rtime0,cputime0,mem0,rtime1,cputime1,mem1)
371 $fname = $entry[0];
372 $elapsed = $entry[5] - $entry[2];
373 $memchange = $entry[7] - $entry[4];
375 if ( $fname === '-overhead-total' ) {
376 $overheadTotal[] = $elapsed;
377 $overheadMemory[] = max( 0, $memchange );
378 } elseif ( $fname === '-overhead-internal' ) {
379 $overheadInternal[] = $elapsed;
380 }
381 }
382 $overheadTotal = $overheadTotal ?
383 array_sum( $overheadTotal ) / count( $overheadInternal ) : 0;
384 $overheadMemory = $overheadMemory ?
385 array_sum( $overheadMemory ) / count( $overheadInternal ) : 0;
386 $overheadInternal = $overheadInternal ?
387 array_sum( $overheadInternal ) / count( $overheadInternal ) : 0;
389 # Collate
390 foreach ( $this->stack as $index => $entry ) {
391 // $entry is (name,pos,rtime0,cputime0,mem0,rtime1,cputime1,mem1)
392 $fname = $entry[0];
393 $elapsedCpu = $entry[6] - $entry[3];
394 $elapsedReal = $entry[5] - $entry[2];
395 $memchange = $entry[7] - $entry[4];
396 $subcalls = $this->calltreeCount( $this->stack, $index );
398 if ( substr( $fname, 0, 9 ) !== '-overhead' ) {
399 # Adjust for profiling overhead (except special values with elapsed=0)
400 if ( $elapsed ) {
401 $elapsed -= $overheadInternal;
402 $elapsed -= ( $subcalls * $overheadTotal );
403 $memchange -= ( $subcalls * $overheadMemory );
404 }
405 }
407 $this->updateEntry( $fname, $elapsedCpu, $elapsedReal, $memchange );
408 }
410 $this->collated['-overhead-total']['count'] = $profileCount;
411 arsort( $this->collated, SORT_NUMERIC );
413 // Unclobber the end info map (the overhead checking alters it)
414 $this->end = $oldEnd;
415 }
422 protected function calculateOverhead( $profileCount ) {
423 $this->profileInInternal( '-overhead-total' );
424 for ( $i = 0; $i < $profileCount; $i++ ) {
425 $this->profileInInternal( '-overhead-internal' );
426 $this->profileOutInternal( '-overhead-internal' );
427 }
428 $this->profileOutInternal( '-overhead-total' );
429 }
439 protected function calltreeCount( $stack, $start ) {
440 $level = $stack[$start][1];
441 $count = 0;
442 for ( $i = $start - 1; $i >= 0 && $stack[$i][1] > $level; $i-- ) {
443 $count ++;
444 }
445 return $count;
446 }
458 protected function getTime( $metric = 'wall' ) {
459 if ( $metric === 'cpu' || $metric === 'user' ) {
460 $ru = wfGetRusage();
461 if ( !$ru ) {
462 return 0;
463 }
464 $time = $ru['ru_utime.tv_sec'] + $ru['ru_utime.tv_usec'] / 1e6;
465 if ( $metric === 'cpu' ) {
466 # This is the time of system calls, added to the user time
467 # it gives the total CPU time
468 $time += $ru['ru_stime.tv_sec'] + $ru['ru_stime.tv_usec'] / 1e6;
469 }
470 return $time;
471 } else {
472 return microtime( true );
473 }
474 }
481 protected function debug( $s ) {
482 if ( function_exists( 'wfDebug' ) ) {
483 wfDebug( $s );
484 }
485 }
493 protected function debugGroup( $group, $s ) {
494 if ( function_exists( 'wfDebugLog' ) ) {
495 wfDebugLog( $group, $s );
496 }
497 }
505class SectionProfileCallback extends ScopedCallback {
507 protected $profiler;
509 protected $section;
516 parent::__construct( null );
517 $this->profiler = $profiler;
518 $this->section = $section;
519 }
521 function __destruct() {
522 $this->profiler->profileOutInternal( $this->section );
523 }
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
Get system resource usage of current request context.
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
if(defined( 'MW_SETUP_CALLBACK')) $fname
Customization point after all loading (constants, functions, classes, DefaultSettings,...
Definition Setup.php:121
Subclass ScopedCallback to avoid call_user_func_array(), which is slow.
__construct(SectionProfiler $profiler, $section)
Custom PHP profiler for parser/DB type section names that xhprof/xdebug can't handle.
array $stack
List of resolved profile calls with start/end data.
remapCallTree(array $stack)
Recursive function the format the current profiling array into a tree.
getCallTreeLine( $entry)
Callback to get a formatted line for the call tree.
profileInInternal( $functionname)
This method should not be called outside SectionProfiler.
array $errorEntry
Cache of a standard broken collation entry.
scopedProfileOut(ScopedCallback &$section)
array $collated
Map of (function name => aggregate data array)
debug( $s)
Add an entry in the debug log file.
getTime( $metric='wall')
Get the initial time of the request, based on getrusage()
bool $collateOnly
Whether to collect the full stack trace or just aggregates.
__construct(array $params=[])
array $workStack
Queue of open profile calls with start data.
array $start
Map of (mem,real,cpu)
debugGroup( $group, $s)
Add an entry in the debug log group.
Get the aggregated inclusive profiling data for each method.
Returns a tree of function calls with their real times.
scopedProfileIn( $section)
calculateOverhead( $profileCount)
Dummy calls to calculate profiling overhead.
profileOutInternal( $functionname)
This method should not be called outside SectionProfiler.
Clear all of the profiling data for another run.
updateEntry( $name, $elapsedCpu, $elapsedReal, $memChange)
Update the collation entry for a given method name.
array $end
Map of (mem,real,cpu)
calltreeCount( $stack, $start)
Counts the number of profiled function calls sitting under the given point in the call graph.
Populate collated data.
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
see documentation in includes Linker php for Linker::makeImageLink & $time
Definition hooks.txt:1841
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition hooks.txt:302
usually copyright or history_copyright This message must be in HTML not wikitext if the section is included from a template $section
Definition hooks.txt:3107
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead can be used to get the real title e g db for database replication lag or jobqueue for job queue size converted to pseudo seconds It is possible to add more fields and they will be returned to the user in the API response after the basic globals have been set but before ordinary actions take place $output
Definition hooks.txt:2317
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))