MediaWiki REL1_32
Go to the documentation of this file.
3require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php';
7 protected $custom = [
8 'MessagesDirs' => 'handleMessagesDirs',
9 'ExtensionMessagesFiles' => 'handleExtensionMessagesFiles',
10 'AutoloadClasses' => 'removeAbsolutePath',
11 'ExtensionCredits' => 'handleCredits',
12 'ResourceModules' => 'handleResourceModules',
13 'ResourceModuleSkinStyles' => 'handleResourceModules',
14 'Hooks' => 'handleHooks',
15 'ExtensionFunctions' => 'handleExtensionFunctions',
16 'ParserTestFiles' => 'removeAutodiscoveredParserTestFiles',
17 ];
24 protected $formerGlobals = [
25 'TrackingCategories',
26 ];
34 'SpecialPageGroups' => 'deprecated', // Deprecated 1.21, removed in 1.26
35 ];
42 protected $promote = [
43 'name',
44 'namemsg',
45 'version',
46 'author',
47 'url',
48 'description',
49 'descriptionmsg',
50 'license-name',
51 'type',
52 ];
54 private $json, $dir, $hasWarning = false;
56 public function __construct() {
57 parent::__construct();
58 $this->addDescription( 'Converts extension entry points to the new JSON registration format' );
59 $this->addArg( 'path', 'Location to the PHP entry point you wish to convert',
60 /* $required = */ true );
61 $this->addOption( 'skin', 'Whether to write to skin.json', false, false );
62 $this->addOption( 'config-prefix', 'Custom prefix for configuration settings', false, true );
63 }
65 protected function getAllGlobals() {
66 $processor = new ReflectionClass( ExtensionProcessor::class );
67 $settings = $processor->getProperty( 'globalSettings' );
68 $settings->setAccessible( true );
69 return array_merge( $settings->getValue(), $this->formerGlobals );
70 }
72 public function execute() {
73 // Extensions will do stuff like $wgResourceModules += array(...) which is a
74 // fatal unless an array is already set. So set an empty value.
75 // And use the weird $__settings name to avoid any conflicts
76 // with real poorly named settings.
77 $__settings = array_merge( $this->getAllGlobals(), array_keys( $this->custom ) );
78 foreach ( $__settings as $var ) {
79 $var = 'wg' . $var;
80 $$var = [];
81 }
82 unset( $var );
83 $arg = $this->getArg( 0 );
84 if ( !is_file( $arg ) ) {
85 $this->fatalError( "$arg is not a file." );
86 }
87 require $arg;
88 unset( $arg );
89 // Try not to create any local variables before this line
90 $vars = get_defined_vars();
91 unset( $vars['this'] );
92 unset( $vars['__settings'] );
93 $this->dir = dirname( realpath( $this->getArg( 0 ) ) );
94 $this->json = [];
95 $globalSettings = $this->getAllGlobals();
96 $configPrefix = $this->getOption( 'config-prefix', 'wg' );
97 if ( $configPrefix !== 'wg' ) {
98 $this->json['config']['_prefix'] = $configPrefix;
99 }
100 foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) {
101 $realName = substr( $name, 2 ); // Strip 'wg'
102 if ( $realName === false ) {
103 continue;
104 }
106 // If it's an empty array that we likely set, skip it
107 if ( is_array( $value ) && count( $value ) === 0 && in_array( $realName, $__settings ) ) {
108 continue;
109 }
111 if ( isset( $this->custom[$realName] ) ) {
112 call_user_func_array( [ $this, $this->custom[$realName] ],
113 [ $realName, $value, $vars ] );
114 } elseif ( in_array( $realName, $globalSettings ) ) {
115 $this->json[$realName] = $value;
116 } elseif ( array_key_exists( $realName, $this->noLongerSupportedGlobals ) ) {
117 $this->output( 'Warning: Skipped global "' . $name . '" (' .
118 $this->noLongerSupportedGlobals[$realName] . '). ' .
119 "Please update the entry point before convert to registration.\n" );
120 $this->hasWarning = true;
121 } elseif ( strpos( $name, $configPrefix ) === 0 ) {
122 // Most likely a config setting
123 $this->json['config'][substr( $name, strlen( $configPrefix ) )] = [ 'value' => $value ];
124 } elseif ( $configPrefix !== 'wg' && strpos( $name, 'wg' ) === 0 ) {
125 // Warn about this
126 $this->output( 'Warning: Skipped global "' . $name . '" (' .
127 'config prefix is "' . $configPrefix . '"). ' .
128 "Please check that this setting isn't needed.\n" );
129 }
130 }
132 // check, if the extension requires composer libraries
133 if ( $this->needsComposerAutoloader( dirname( $this->getArg( 0 ) ) ) ) {
134 // set the load composer autoloader automatically property
135 $this->output( "Detected composer dependencies, setting 'load_composer_autoloader' to true.\n" );
136 $this->json['load_composer_autoloader'] = true;
137 }
139 // Move some keys to the top
140 $out = [];
141 foreach ( $this->promote as $key ) {
142 if ( isset( $this->json[$key] ) ) {
143 $out[$key] = $this->json[$key];
144 unset( $this->json[$key] );
145 }
146 }
147 // Set a requirement on the MediaWiki version that the current MANIFEST_VERSION
148 // was introduced in.
149 $out['requires'] = [
151 ];
152 $out += $this->json;
153 // Put this at the bottom
154 $out['manifest_version'] = ExtensionRegistry::MANIFEST_VERSION;
155 $type = $this->hasOption( 'skin' ) ? 'skin' : 'extension';
156 $fname = "{$this->dir}/$type.json";
157 $prettyJSON = FormatJson::encode( $out, "\t", FormatJson::ALL_OK );
158 file_put_contents( $fname, $prettyJSON . "\n" );
159 $this->output( "Wrote output to $fname.\n" );
160 if ( $this->hasWarning ) {
161 $this->output( "Found warnings! Please resolve the warnings and rerun this script.\n" );
162 }
163 }
165 protected function handleExtensionFunctions( $realName, $value ) {
166 foreach ( $value as $func ) {
167 if ( $func instanceof Closure ) {
168 $this->fatalError( "Error: Closures cannot be converted to JSON. " .
169 "Please move your extension function somewhere else."
170 );
171 }
172 // check if $func exists in the global scope
173 if ( function_exists( $func ) ) {
174 $this->fatalError( "Error: Global functions cannot be converted to JSON. " .
175 "Please move your extension function ($func) into a class."
176 );
177 }
178 }
180 $this->json[$realName] = $value;
181 }
183 protected function handleMessagesDirs( $realName, $value ) {
184 foreach ( $value as $key => $dirs ) {
185 foreach ( (array)$dirs as $dir ) {
186 $this->json[$realName][$key][] = $this->stripPath( $dir, $this->dir );
187 }
188 }
189 }
191 protected function handleExtensionMessagesFiles( $realName, $value, $vars ) {
192 foreach ( $value as $key => $file ) {
193 $strippedFile = $this->stripPath( $file, $this->dir );
194 if ( isset( $vars['wgMessagesDirs'][$key] ) ) {
195 $this->output(
196 "Note: Ignoring PHP shim $strippedFile. " .
197 "If your extension no longer supports versions of MediaWiki " .
198 "older than 1.23.0, you can safely delete it.\n"
199 );
200 } else {
201 $this->json[$realName][$key] = $strippedFile;
202 }
203 }
204 }
206 private function stripPath( $val, $dir ) {
207 if ( $val === $dir ) {
208 $val = '';
209 } elseif ( strpos( $val, $dir ) === 0 ) {
210 // +1 is for the trailing / that won't be in $this->dir
211 $val = substr( $val, strlen( $dir ) + 1 );
212 }
214 return $val;
215 }
217 protected function removeAbsolutePath( $realName, $value ) {
218 $out = [];
219 foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) {
220 $out[$key] = $this->stripPath( $val, $this->dir );
221 }
222 $this->json[$realName] = $out;
223 }
225 protected function removeAutodiscoveredParserTestFiles( $realName, $value ) {
226 $out = [];
227 foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) {
228 $path = $this->stripPath( $val, $this->dir );
229 // When path starts with tests/parser/ the file would be autodiscovered with
230 // extension registry, so no need to add it to extension.json
231 if ( substr( $path, 0, 13 ) !== 'tests/parser/' || substr( $path, -4 ) !== '.txt' ) {
232 $out[$key] = $path;
233 }
234 }
235 // in the best case all entries are filtered out
236 if ( $out ) {
237 $this->json[$realName] = $out;
238 }
239 }
241 protected function handleCredits( $realName, $value ) {
242 $keys = array_keys( $value );
243 $this->json['type'] = $keys[0];
244 $values = array_values( $value );
245 foreach ( $values[0][0] as $name => $val ) {
246 if ( $name !== 'path' ) {
247 $this->json[$name] = $val;
248 }
249 }
250 }
252 public function handleHooks( $realName, $value ) {
253 foreach ( $value as $hookName => &$handlers ) {
254 if ( $hookName === 'UnitTestsList' ) {
255 $this->output( "Note: the UnitTestsList hook is no longer necessary as " .
256 "long as your tests are located in the \"tests/phpunit/\" directory. " .
257 "Please see <" .
258 "Writing_unit_tests_for_extensions#Register_your_tests> for more details.\n"
259 );
260 }
261 foreach ( $handlers as $func ) {
262 if ( $func instanceof Closure ) {
263 $this->fatalError( "Error: Closures cannot be converted to JSON. " .
264 "Please move the handler for $hookName somewhere else."
265 );
266 }
267 // Check if $func exists in the global scope
268 if ( function_exists( $func ) ) {
269 $this->fatalError( "Error: Global functions cannot be converted to JSON. " .
270 "Please move the handler for $hookName inside a class."
271 );
272 }
273 }
274 if ( count( $handlers ) === 1 ) {
275 $handlers = $handlers[0];
276 }
277 }
278 $this->json[$realName] = $value;
279 }
281 protected function handleResourceModules( $realName, $value ) {
282 $defaults = [];
283 $remote = $this->hasOption( 'skin' ) ? 'remoteSkinPath' : 'remoteExtPath';
284 foreach ( $value as $name => $data ) {
285 if ( isset( $data['localBasePath'] ) ) {
286 $data['localBasePath'] = $this->stripPath( $data['localBasePath'], $this->dir );
287 if ( !$defaults ) {
288 $defaults['localBasePath'] = $data['localBasePath'];
289 unset( $data['localBasePath'] );
290 if ( isset( $data[$remote] ) ) {
291 $defaults[$remote] = $data[$remote];
292 unset( $data[$remote] );
293 }
294 } else {
295 if ( $data['localBasePath'] === $defaults['localBasePath'] ) {
296 unset( $data['localBasePath'] );
297 }
298 if ( isset( $data[$remote] ) && isset( $defaults[$remote] )
299 && $data[$remote] === $defaults[$remote]
300 ) {
301 unset( $data[$remote] );
302 }
303 }
304 }
306 $this->json[$realName][$name] = $data;
307 }
308 if ( $defaults ) {
309 $this->json['ResourceFileModulePaths'] = $defaults;
310 }
311 }
313 protected function needsComposerAutoloader( $path ) {
314 $path .= '/composer.json';
315 if ( file_exists( $path ) ) {
316 // assume, that the composer.json file is in the root of the extension path
317 $composerJson = new ComposerJson( $path );
318 // check, if there are some dependencies in the require section
319 if ( $composerJson->getRequiredDependencies() ) {
320 return true;
321 }
322 }
323 return false;
324 }
327$maintClass = ConvertExtensionToRegistration::class;
328require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;
The package json
Definition README.txt:1
if(defined( 'MW_SETUP_CALLBACK')) $fname
Customization point after all loading (constants, functions, classes, DefaultSettings,...
Definition Setup.php:121
Reads a composer.json file and provides accessors to get its hash and the required dependencies.
array $promote
Keys that should be put at the top of the generated JSON file (T86608)
array $formerGlobals
Things that were formerly globals and should still be converted.
array $noLongerSupportedGlobals
No longer supported globals (with reason) should not be converted and emit a warning.
handleExtensionMessagesFiles( $realName, $value, $vars)
Version of the highest supported manifest version Note: Update MANIFEST_VERSION_MW_VERSION when chang...
MediaWiki version constraint representing what the current highest MANIFEST_VERSION is supported in.
"requires" key that applies to MediaWiki core/$wgVersion
Abstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effo...
addArg( $arg, $description, $required=true)
Add some args that are needed.
output( $out, $channel=null)
Throw some output to the user.
hasOption( $name)
Checks to see if a particular option exists.
getArg( $argId=0, $default=null)
Get an argument.
addDescription( $text)
Set the description text.
addOption( $name, $description, $required=false, $withArg=false, $shortName=false, $multiOccurrence=false)
Add a parameter to the script.
getOption( $name, $default=null)
Get an option, or return the default.
fatalError( $msg, $exitCode=1)
Output a message and terminate the current script.
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead & $vars
Definition hooks.txt:2278
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition hooks.txt:894
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition hooks.txt:302
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))