MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
29 public function __construct( ApiQuery $query, $moduleName ) {
30 parent::__construct( $query, $moduleName, 'au' );
31 }
39 private function getCanonicalUserName( $name ) {
40 return strtr( $name, '_', ' ' );
41 }
43 public function execute() {
47 $activeUserDays = $this->getConfig()->get( 'ActiveUserDays' );
49 $db = $this->getDB();
50 $commentStore = CommentStore::getStore();
52 $prop = $params['prop'];
53 if ( !is_null( $prop ) ) {
54 $prop = array_flip( $prop );
55 $fld_blockinfo = isset( $prop['blockinfo'] );
56 $fld_editcount = isset( $prop['editcount'] );
57 $fld_groups = isset( $prop['groups'] );
58 $fld_rights = isset( $prop['rights'] );
59 $fld_registration = isset( $prop['registration'] );
60 $fld_implicitgroups = isset( $prop['implicitgroups'] );
61 $fld_centralids = isset( $prop['centralids'] );
62 } else {
63 $fld_blockinfo = $fld_editcount = $fld_groups = $fld_registration =
64 $fld_rights = $fld_implicitgroups = $fld_centralids = false;
65 }
67 $limit = $params['limit'];
69 $this->addTables( 'user' );
71 $dir = ( $params['dir'] == 'descending' ? 'older' : 'newer' );
72 $from = is_null( $params['from'] ) ? null : $this->getCanonicalUserName( $params['from'] );
73 $to = is_null( $params['to'] ) ? null : $this->getCanonicalUserName( $params['to'] );
75 # MySQL can't figure out that 'user_name' and 'qcc_title' are the same
76 # despite the JOIN condition, so manually sort on the correct one.
77 $userFieldToSort = $params['activeusers'] ? 'qcc_title' : 'user_name';
79 # Some of these subtable joins are going to give us duplicate rows, so
80 # calculate the maximum number of duplicates we might see.
81 $maxDuplicateRows = 1;
83 $this->addWhereRange( $userFieldToSort, $dir, $from, $to );
85 if ( !is_null( $params['prefix'] ) ) {
86 $this->addWhere( $userFieldToSort .
87 $db->buildLike( $this->getCanonicalUserName( $params['prefix'] ), $db->anyString() ) );
88 }
90 if ( !is_null( $params['rights'] ) && count( $params['rights'] ) ) {
91 $groups = [];
92 foreach ( $params['rights'] as $r ) {
93 $groups = array_merge( $groups, User::getGroupsWithPermission( $r ) );
94 }
96 // no group with the given right(s) exists, no need for a query
97 if ( $groups === [] ) {
98 $this->getResult()->addIndexedTagName( [ 'query', $this->getModuleName() ], '' );
100 return;
101 }
103 $groups = array_unique( $groups );
105 if ( is_null( $params['group'] ) ) {
106 $params['group'] = $groups;
107 } else {
108 $params['group'] = array_unique( array_merge( $params['group'], $groups ) );
109 }
110 }
112 $this->requireMaxOneParameter( $params, 'group', 'excludegroup' );
114 if ( !is_null( $params['group'] ) && count( $params['group'] ) ) {
115 // Filter only users that belong to a given group. This might
116 // produce as many rows-per-user as there are groups being checked.
117 $this->addTables( 'user_groups', 'ug1' );
118 $this->addJoinConds( [
119 'ug1' => [
120 'JOIN',
121 [
122 'ug1.ug_user=user_id',
123 'ug1.ug_group' => $params['group'],
124 'ug1.ug_expiry IS NULL OR ug1.ug_expiry >= ' . $db->addQuotes( $db->timestamp() )
125 ]
126 ]
127 ] );
128 $maxDuplicateRows *= count( $params['group'] );
129 }
131 if ( !is_null( $params['excludegroup'] ) && count( $params['excludegroup'] ) ) {
132 // Filter only users don't belong to a given group. This can only
133 // produce one row-per-user, because we only keep on "no match".
134 $this->addTables( 'user_groups', 'ug1' );
136 if ( count( $params['excludegroup'] ) == 1 ) {
137 $exclude = [ 'ug1.ug_group' => $params['excludegroup'][0] ];
138 } else {
139 $exclude = [ $db->makeList(
140 [ 'ug1.ug_group' => $params['excludegroup'] ],
142 ) ];
143 }
144 $this->addJoinConds( [ 'ug1' => [ 'LEFT JOIN',
145 array_merge( [
146 'ug1.ug_user=user_id',
147 'ug1.ug_expiry IS NULL OR ug1.ug_expiry >= ' . $db->addQuotes( $db->timestamp() )
148 ], $exclude )
149 ] ] );
150 $this->addWhere( 'ug1.ug_user IS NULL' );
151 }
153 if ( $params['witheditsonly'] ) {
154 $this->addWhere( 'user_editcount > 0' );
155 }
157 $this->showHiddenUsersAddBlockInfo( $fld_blockinfo );
159 if ( $fld_groups || $fld_rights ) {
160 $this->addFields( [ 'groups' =>
161 $db->buildGroupConcatField( '|', 'user_groups', 'ug_group', [
162 'ug_user=user_id',
163 'ug_expiry IS NULL OR ug_expiry >= ' . $db->addQuotes( $db->timestamp() )
164 ] )
165 ] );
166 }
168 if ( $params['activeusers'] ) {
169 $activeUserSeconds = $activeUserDays * 86400;
171 // Filter query to only include users in the active users cache.
172 // There shouldn't be any duplicate rows in querycachetwo here.
173 $this->addTables( 'querycachetwo' );
174 $this->addJoinConds( [ 'querycachetwo' => [
175 'JOIN', [
176 'qcc_type' => 'activeusers',
177 'qcc_namespace' => NS_USER,
178 'qcc_title=user_name',
179 ],
180 ] ] );
182 // Actually count the actions using a subquery (T66505 and T66507)
183 $tables = [ 'recentchanges' ];
184 $joins = [];
186 $userCond = 'rc_user_text = user_name';
187 } else {
188 $tables[] = 'actor';
189 $joins['actor'] = [ 'JOIN', 'rc_actor = actor_id' ];
190 $userCond = 'actor_user = user_id';
191 }
192 $timestamp = $db->timestamp( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX ) - $activeUserSeconds );
193 $this->addFields( [
194 'recentactions' => '(' . $db->selectSQLText(
195 $tables,
196 'COUNT(*)',
197 [
198 $userCond,
199 'rc_type != ' . $db->addQuotes( RC_EXTERNAL ), // no wikidata
200 'rc_log_type IS NULL OR rc_log_type != ' . $db->addQuotes( 'newusers' ),
201 'rc_timestamp >= ' . $db->addQuotes( $timestamp ),
202 ],
203 __METHOD__,
204 [],
205 $joins
206 ) . ')'
207 ] );
208 }
210 $sqlLimit = $limit + $maxDuplicateRows;
211 $this->addOption( 'LIMIT', $sqlLimit );
213 $this->addFields( [
214 'user_name',
215 'user_id'
216 ] );
217 $this->addFieldsIf( 'user_editcount', $fld_editcount );
218 $this->addFieldsIf( 'user_registration', $fld_registration );
220 $res = $this->select( __METHOD__ );
221 $count = 0;
222 $countDuplicates = 0;
223 $lastUser = false;
224 $result = $this->getResult();
225 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
226 $count++;
228 if ( $lastUser === $row->user_name ) {
229 // Duplicate row due to one of the needed subtable joins.
230 // Ignore it, but count the number of them to sanely handle
231 // miscalculation of $maxDuplicateRows.
232 $countDuplicates++;
233 if ( $countDuplicates == $maxDuplicateRows ) {
234 ApiBase::dieDebug( __METHOD__, 'Saw more duplicate rows than expected' );
235 }
236 continue;
237 }
239 $countDuplicates = 0;
240 $lastUser = $row->user_name;
242 if ( $count > $limit ) {
243 // We've reached the one extra which shows that there are
244 // additional pages to be had. Stop here...
245 $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'from', $row->user_name );
246 break;
247 }
249 if ( $count == $sqlLimit ) {
250 // Should never hit this (either the $countDuplicates check or
251 // the $count > $limit check should hit first), but check it
252 // anyway just in case.
253 ApiBase::dieDebug( __METHOD__, 'Saw more duplicate rows than expected' );
254 }
256 if ( $params['activeusers'] && $row->recentactions === 0 ) {
257 // activeusers cache was out of date
258 continue;
259 }
261 $data = [
262 'userid' => (int)$row->user_id,
263 'name' => $row->user_name,
264 ];
266 if ( $fld_centralids ) {
268 $this->getConfig(), User::newFromId( $row->user_id ), $params['attachedwiki']
269 );
270 }
272 if ( $fld_blockinfo && !is_null( $row->ipb_by_text ) ) {
273 $data['blockid'] = (int)$row->ipb_id;
274 $data['blockedby'] = $row->ipb_by_text;
275 $data['blockedbyid'] = (int)$row->ipb_by;
276 $data['blockedtimestamp'] = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $row->ipb_timestamp );
277 $data['blockreason'] = $commentStore->getComment( 'ipb_reason', $row )->text;
278 $data['blockexpiry'] = $row->ipb_expiry;
279 }
280 if ( $row->ipb_deleted ) {
281 $data['hidden'] = true;
282 }
283 if ( $fld_editcount ) {
284 $data['editcount'] = (int)$row->user_editcount;
285 }
286 if ( $params['activeusers'] ) {
287 $data['recentactions'] = (int)$row->recentactions;
288 // @todo 'recenteditcount' is set for BC, remove in 1.25
289 $data['recenteditcount'] = $data['recentactions'];
290 }
291 if ( $fld_registration ) {
292 $data['registration'] = $row->user_registration ?
293 wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $row->user_registration ) : '';
294 }
296 if ( $fld_implicitgroups || $fld_groups || $fld_rights ) {
297 $implicitGroups = User::newFromId( $row->user_id )->getAutomaticGroups();
298 if ( isset( $row->groups ) && $row->groups !== '' ) {
299 $groups = array_merge( $implicitGroups, explode( '|', $row->groups ) );
300 } else {
301 $groups = $implicitGroups;
302 }
304 if ( $fld_groups ) {
305 $data['groups'] = $groups;
306 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $data['groups'], 'g' );
307 ApiResult::setArrayType( $data['groups'], 'array' );
308 }
310 if ( $fld_implicitgroups ) {
311 $data['implicitgroups'] = $implicitGroups;
312 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $data['implicitgroups'], 'g' );
313 ApiResult::setArrayType( $data['implicitgroups'], 'array' );
314 }
316 if ( $fld_rights ) {
317 $data['rights'] = User::getGroupPermissions( $groups );
318 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $data['rights'], 'r' );
319 ApiResult::setArrayType( $data['rights'], 'array' );
320 }
321 }
323 $fit = $result->addValue( [ 'query', $this->getModuleName() ], null, $data );
324 if ( !$fit ) {
325 $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'from', $data['name'] );
326 break;
327 }
328 }
330 $result->addIndexedTagName( [ 'query', $this->getModuleName() ], 'u' );
331 }
333 public function getCacheMode( $params ) {
334 return 'anon-public-user-private';
335 }
337 public function getAllowedParams() {
338 $userGroups = User::getAllGroups();
340 return [
341 'from' => null,
342 'to' => null,
343 'prefix' => null,
344 'dir' => [
345 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'ascending',
347 'ascending',
348 'descending'
349 ],
350 ],
351 'group' => [
354 ],
355 'excludegroup' => [
358 ],
359 'rights' => [
362 ],
363 'prop' => [
366 'blockinfo',
367 'groups',
368 'implicitgroups',
369 'rights',
370 'editcount',
371 'registration',
372 'centralids',
373 ],
375 ],
376 'limit' => [
378 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'limit',
382 ],
383 'witheditsonly' => false,
384 'activeusers' => [
385 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => false,
387 'apihelp-query+allusers-param-activeusers',
388 $this->getConfig()->get( 'ActiveUserDays' )
389 ],
390 ],
391 'attachedwiki' => null,
392 ];
393 }
395 protected function getExamplesMessages() {
396 return [
397 'action=query&list=allusers&aufrom=Y'
398 => 'apihelp-query+allusers-example-Y',
399 ];
400 }
402 public function getHelpUrls() {
403 return '';
404 }
and that you know you can do these things To protect your we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the or if you modify it For if you distribute copies of such a whether gratis or for a you must give the recipients all the rights that you have You must make sure that receive or can get the source code And you must show them these terms so they know their rights We protect your rights with two and(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy
int $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage
Actor table schema migration stage.
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
const PARAM_MAX2
(integer) Max value allowed for the parameter for users with the apihighlimits right,...
Definition ApiBase.php:96
(integer) Max value allowed for the parameter, for PARAM_TYPE 'integer' and 'limit'.
Definition ApiBase.php:90
static dieDebug( $method, $message)
Internal code errors should be reported with this method.
Definition ApiBase.php:2188
(string|string[]) Either an array of allowed value strings, or a string type as described below.
Definition ApiBase.php:87
(null|boolean|integer|string) Default value of the parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:48
((string|array|Message)[]) When PARAM_TYPE is an array, this is an array mapping those values to $msg...
Definition ApiBase.php:157
(integer) Lowest value allowed for the parameter, for PARAM_TYPE 'integer' and 'limit'.
Definition ApiBase.php:99
const LIMIT_BIG1
Fast query, standard limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:252
Get the result object.
Definition ApiBase.php:632
extractRequestParams( $options=[])
Using getAllowedParams(), this function makes an array of the values provided by the user,...
Definition ApiBase.php:743
requireMaxOneParameter( $params, $required)
Die if more than one of a certain set of parameters is set and not false.
Definition ApiBase.php:913
(string|array|Message) Specify an alternative i18n documentation message for this parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:124
const LIMIT_BIG2
Fast query, apihighlimits limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:254
Get the name of the module being executed by this instance.
Definition ApiBase.php:512
(boolean) Accept multiple pipe-separated values for this parameter (e.g.
Definition ApiBase.php:51
Query module to enumerate all registered users.
__construct(ApiQuery $query, $moduleName)
Evaluates the parameters, performs the requested query, and sets up the result.
Returns usage examples for this module.
Returns an array of allowed parameters (parameter name) => (default value) or (parameter name) => (ar...
getCacheMode( $params)
Get the cache mode for the data generated by this module.
getCanonicalUserName( $name)
This function converts the user name to a canonical form which is stored in the database.
Return links to more detailed help pages about the module.
This is a base class for all Query modules.
setContinueEnumParameter( $paramName, $paramValue)
Set a query-continue value.
addWhereRange( $field, $dir, $start, $end, $sort=true)
Add a WHERE clause corresponding to a range, and an ORDER BY clause to sort in the right direction.
addFields( $value)
Add a set of fields to select to the internal array.
addOption( $name, $value=null)
Add an option such as LIMIT or USE INDEX.
addTables( $tables, $alias=null)
Add a set of tables to the internal array.
Get the Query database connection (read-only)
addFieldsIf( $value, $condition)
Same as addFields(), but add the fields only if a condition is met.
addJoinConds( $join_conds)
Add a set of JOIN conditions to the internal array.
addWhere( $value)
Add a set of WHERE clauses to the internal array.
showHiddenUsersAddBlockInfo( $showBlockInfo)
Filters hidden users (where the user doesn't have the right to view them) Also adds relevant block in...
static getCentralUserInfo(Config $config, User $user, $attachedWiki=null)
Get central user info.
This is the main query class.
Definition ApiQuery.php:36
static setArrayType(array &$arr, $type, $kvpKeyName=null)
Set the array data type.
static setIndexedTagName(array &$arr, $tag)
Set the tag name for numeric-keyed values in XML format.
static getAllGroups()
Return the set of defined explicit groups.
Definition User.php:5131
static newFromId( $id)
Static factory method for creation from a given user ID.
Definition User.php:609
static getGroupsWithPermission( $role)
Get all the groups who have a given permission.
Definition User.php:5039
static getGroupPermissions( $groups)
Get the permissions associated with a given list of groups.
Definition User.php:5012
static getAllRights()
Get a list of all available permissions.
Definition User.php:5143
We use the convention $dbr for read and $dbw for write to help you keep track of whether the database object is a the world will explode Or to be a subsequent write query which succeeded on the master may fail when replicated to the slave due to a unique key collision Replication on the slave will stop and it may take hours to repair the database and get it back online Setting read_only in my cnf on the slave will avoid this but given the dire we prefer to have as many checks as possible We provide a but the wrapper functions like select() and insert() are usually more convenient. They take care of things like table prefixes and escaping for you. If you really need to make your own SQL
Definition database.txt:21
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that When $user is not null
Definition hooks.txt:783
null for the local wiki Added should default to null in handler for backwards compatibility add a value to it if you want to add a cookie that have to vary cache options can modify $query
Definition hooks.txt:1617
Utility to generate mapping file used in mw.Title (phpCharToUpper.json)
Definition Defines.php:294
const LIST_OR
Definition Defines.php:55
Definition Defines.php:154