MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
23// Character classes
24define( 'EXPR_WHITE_CLASS', " \t\r\n" );
25define( 'EXPR_NUMBER_CLASS', '0123456789.' );
27// Token types
28define( 'EXPR_WHITE', 1 );
29define( 'EXPR_NUMBER', 2 );
30define( 'EXPR_NEGATIVE', 3 );
31define( 'EXPR_POSITIVE', 4 );
32define( 'EXPR_PLUS', 5 );
33define( 'EXPR_MINUS', 6 );
34define( 'EXPR_TIMES', 7 );
35define( 'EXPR_DIVIDE', 8 );
36define( 'EXPR_MOD', 9 );
37define( 'EXPR_OPEN', 10 );
38define( 'EXPR_CLOSE', 11 );
39define( 'EXPR_AND', 12 );
40define( 'EXPR_OR', 13 );
41define( 'EXPR_NOT', 14 );
42define( 'EXPR_EQUALITY', 15 );
43define( 'EXPR_LESS', 16 );
44define( 'EXPR_GREATER', 17 );
45define( 'EXPR_LESSEQ', 18 );
46define( 'EXPR_GREATEREQ', 19 );
47define( 'EXPR_NOTEQ', 20 );
48define( 'EXPR_ROUND', 21 );
49define( 'EXPR_EXPONENT', 22 );
50define( 'EXPR_SINE', 23 );
51define( 'EXPR_COSINE', 24 );
52define( 'EXPR_TANGENS', 25 );
53define( 'EXPR_ARCSINE', 26 );
54define( 'EXPR_ARCCOS', 27 );
55define( 'EXPR_ARCTAN', 28 );
56define( 'EXPR_EXP', 29 );
57define( 'EXPR_LN', 30 );
58define( 'EXPR_ABS', 31 );
59define( 'EXPR_FLOOR', 32 );
60define( 'EXPR_TRUNC', 33 );
61define( 'EXPR_CEIL', 34 );
62define( 'EXPR_POW', 35 );
63define( 'EXPR_PI', 36 );
64define( 'EXPR_FMOD', 37 );
65define( 'EXPR_SQRT', 38 );
68 public $maxStackSize = 100;
70 public $precedence = [
74 EXPR_SINE => 9,
75 EXPR_COSINE => 9,
78 EXPR_ARCCOS => 9,
79 EXPR_ARCTAN => 9,
80 EXPR_EXP => 9,
81 EXPR_LN => 9,
82 EXPR_ABS => 9,
83 EXPR_FLOOR => 9,
84 EXPR_TRUNC => 9,
85 EXPR_CEIL => 9,
86 EXPR_NOT => 9,
87 EXPR_SQRT => 9,
88 EXPR_POW => 8,
89 EXPR_TIMES => 7,
90 EXPR_DIVIDE => 7,
91 EXPR_MOD => 7,
92 EXPR_FMOD => 7,
93 EXPR_PLUS => 6,
94 EXPR_MINUS => 6,
95 EXPR_ROUND => 5,
97 EXPR_LESS => 4,
99 EXPR_LESSEQ => 4,
101 EXPR_NOTEQ => 4,
102 EXPR_AND => 3,
103 EXPR_OR => 2,
104 EXPR_PI => 0,
105 EXPR_OPEN => -1,
106 EXPR_CLOSE => -1,
107 ];
109 public $names = [
110 EXPR_NEGATIVE => '-',
111 EXPR_POSITIVE => '+',
112 EXPR_NOT => 'not',
113 EXPR_TIMES => '*',
114 EXPR_DIVIDE => '/',
115 EXPR_MOD => 'mod',
116 EXPR_FMOD => 'fmod',
117 EXPR_PLUS => '+',
118 EXPR_MINUS => '-',
119 EXPR_ROUND => 'round',
120 EXPR_EQUALITY => '=',
121 EXPR_LESS => '<',
122 EXPR_GREATER => '>',
123 EXPR_LESSEQ => '<=',
124 EXPR_GREATEREQ => '>=',
125 EXPR_NOTEQ => '<>',
126 EXPR_AND => 'and',
127 EXPR_OR => 'or',
128 EXPR_EXPONENT => 'e',
129 EXPR_SINE => 'sin',
130 EXPR_COSINE => 'cos',
131 EXPR_TANGENS => 'tan',
132 EXPR_ARCSINE => 'asin',
133 EXPR_ARCCOS => 'acos',
134 EXPR_ARCTAN => 'atan',
135 EXPR_LN => 'ln',
136 EXPR_EXP => 'exp',
137 EXPR_ABS => 'abs',
138 EXPR_FLOOR => 'floor',
139 EXPR_TRUNC => 'trunc',
140 EXPR_CEIL => 'ceil',
141 EXPR_POW => '^',
142 EXPR_PI => 'pi',
143 EXPR_SQRT => 'sqrt',
144 ];
146 public $words = [
147 'mod' => EXPR_MOD,
148 'fmod' => EXPR_FMOD,
149 'and' => EXPR_AND,
150 'or' => EXPR_OR,
151 'not' => EXPR_NOT,
152 'round' => EXPR_ROUND,
153 'div' => EXPR_DIVIDE,
154 'e' => EXPR_EXPONENT,
155 'sin' => EXPR_SINE,
156 'cos' => EXPR_COSINE,
157 'tan' => EXPR_TANGENS,
158 'asin' => EXPR_ARCSINE,
159 'acos' => EXPR_ARCCOS,
160 'atan' => EXPR_ARCTAN,
161 'exp' => EXPR_EXP,
162 'ln' => EXPR_LN,
163 'abs' => EXPR_ABS,
164 'trunc' => EXPR_TRUNC,
165 'floor' => EXPR_FLOOR,
166 'ceil' => EXPR_CEIL,
167 'pi' => EXPR_PI,
168 'sqrt' => EXPR_SQRT,
169 ];
181 public function doExpression( $expr ) {
182 $operands = [];
183 $operators = [];
185 # Unescape inequality operators
186 $expr = strtr( $expr, [ '&lt;' => '<', '&gt;' => '>',
187 '&minus;' => '-', '−' => '-' ] );
189 $p = 0;
190 $end = strlen( $expr );
191 $expecting = 'expression';
192 $name = '';
194 while ( $p < $end ) {
195 if ( count( $operands ) > $this->maxStackSize || count( $operators ) > $this->maxStackSize ) {
196 throw new ExprError( 'stack_exhausted' );
197 }
198 $char = $expr[$p];
199 $char2 = substr( $expr, $p, 2 );
201 // Mega if-elseif-else construct
202 // Only binary operators fall through for processing at the bottom, the rest
203 // finish their processing and continue
205 // First the unlimited length classes
207 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanParamSuspiciousOrder false positive
208 if ( false !== strpos( EXPR_WHITE_CLASS, $char ) ) {
209 // Whitespace
210 $p += strspn( $expr, EXPR_WHITE_CLASS, $p );
211 continue;
212 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanParamSuspiciousOrder false positive
213 } elseif ( false !== strpos( EXPR_NUMBER_CLASS, $char ) ) {
214 // Number
215 if ( $expecting !== 'expression' ) {
216 throw new ExprError( 'unexpected_number' );
217 }
219 // Find the rest of it
220 $length = strspn( $expr, EXPR_NUMBER_CLASS, $p );
221 // Convert it to float, silently removing double decimal points
222 $operands[] = (float)substr( $expr, $p, $length );
223 $p += $length;
224 $expecting = 'operator';
225 continue;
226 } elseif ( ctype_alpha( $char ) ) {
227 // Word
228 // Find the rest of it
229 $remaining = substr( $expr, $p );
230 if ( !preg_match( '/^[A-Za-z]*/', $remaining, $matches ) ) {
231 // This should be unreachable
232 throw new ExprError( 'preg_match_failure' );
233 }
234 $word = strtolower( $matches[0] );
235 $p += strlen( $word );
237 // Interpret the word
238 if ( !isset( $this->words[$word] ) ) {
239 throw new ExprError( 'unrecognised_word', $word );
240 }
241 $op = $this->words[$word];
242 switch ( $op ) {
243 // constant
245 if ( $expecting !== 'expression' ) {
246 break;
247 }
248 $operands[] = exp( 1 );
249 $expecting = 'operator';
250 continue 2;
251 case EXPR_PI:
252 if ( $expecting !== 'expression' ) {
253 throw new ExprError( 'unexpected_number' );
254 }
255 $operands[] = pi();
256 $expecting = 'operator';
257 continue 2;
258 // Unary operator
259 case EXPR_NOT:
260 case EXPR_SINE:
261 case EXPR_COSINE:
262 case EXPR_TANGENS:
263 case EXPR_ARCSINE:
264 case EXPR_ARCCOS:
265 case EXPR_ARCTAN:
266 case EXPR_EXP:
267 case EXPR_LN:
268 case EXPR_ABS:
269 case EXPR_FLOOR:
270 case EXPR_TRUNC:
271 case EXPR_CEIL:
272 case EXPR_SQRT:
273 if ( $expecting !== 'expression' ) {
274 throw new ExprError( 'unexpected_operator', $word );
275 }
276 $operators[] = $op;
277 continue 2;
278 }
279 // Binary operator, fall through
280 $name = $word;
281 } elseif ( $char2 === '<=' ) {
282 $name = $char2;
283 $op = EXPR_LESSEQ;
284 $p += 2;
285 } elseif ( $char2 === '>=' ) {
286 $name = $char2;
288 $p += 2;
289 } elseif ( $char2 === '<>' || $char2 === '!=' ) {
290 $name = $char2;
291 $op = EXPR_NOTEQ;
292 $p += 2;
293 } elseif ( $char === '+' ) {
294 ++$p;
295 if ( $expecting === 'expression' ) {
296 // Unary plus
297 $operators[] = EXPR_POSITIVE;
298 continue;
299 } else {
300 // Binary plus
301 $op = EXPR_PLUS;
302 }
303 } elseif ( $char === '-' ) {
304 ++$p;
305 if ( $expecting === 'expression' ) {
306 // Unary minus
307 $operators[] = EXPR_NEGATIVE;
308 continue;
309 } else {
310 // Binary minus
311 $op = EXPR_MINUS;
312 }
313 } elseif ( $char === '*' ) {
314 $name = $char;
315 $op = EXPR_TIMES;
316 ++$p;
317 } elseif ( $char === '/' ) {
318 $name = $char;
319 $op = EXPR_DIVIDE;
320 ++$p;
321 } elseif ( $char === '^' ) {
322 $name = $char;
323 $op = EXPR_POW;
324 ++$p;
325 } elseif ( $char === '(' ) {
326 if ( $expecting === 'operator' ) {
327 throw new ExprError( 'unexpected_operator', '(' );
328 }
329 $operators[] = EXPR_OPEN;
330 ++$p;
331 continue;
332 } elseif ( $char === ')' ) {
333 $lastOp = end( $operators );
334 while ( $lastOp && $lastOp != EXPR_OPEN ) {
335 $this->doOperation( $lastOp, $operands );
336 array_pop( $operators );
337 $lastOp = end( $operators );
338 }
339 if ( $lastOp ) {
340 array_pop( $operators );
341 } else {
342 throw new ExprError( 'unexpected_closing_bracket' );
343 }
344 $expecting = 'operator';
345 ++$p;
346 continue;
347 } elseif ( $char === '=' ) {
348 $name = $char;
349 $op = EXPR_EQUALITY;
350 ++$p;
351 } elseif ( $char === '<' ) {
352 $name = $char;
353 $op = EXPR_LESS;
354 ++$p;
355 } elseif ( $char === '>' ) {
356 $name = $char;
357 $op = EXPR_GREATER;
358 ++$p;
359 } else {
360 $utfExpr = Validator::cleanUp( substr( $expr, $p ) );
361 throw new ExprError( 'unrecognised_punctuation', mb_substr( $utfExpr, 0, 1 ) );
362 }
364 // Binary operator processing
365 if ( $expecting === 'expression' ) {
366 throw new ExprError( 'unexpected_operator', $name );
367 }
369 // Shunting yard magic
370 $lastOp = end( $operators );
371 while ( $lastOp && $this->precedence[$op] <= $this->precedence[$lastOp] ) {
372 $this->doOperation( $lastOp, $operands );
373 array_pop( $operators );
374 $lastOp = end( $operators );
375 }
376 $operators[] = $op;
377 $expecting = 'expression';
378 }
380 // Finish off the operator array
381 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
382 while ( $op = array_pop( $operators ) ) {
383 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
384 if ( $op == EXPR_OPEN ) {
385 throw new ExprError( 'unclosed_bracket' );
386 }
387 $this->doOperation( $op, $operands );
388 }
390 return implode( "<br />\n", $operands );
391 }
398 public function doOperation( $op, &$stack ) {
399 switch ( $op ) {
401 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
402 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
403 }
404 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
405 $stack[] = -$arg;
406 break;
408 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
409 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
410 }
411 break;
412 case EXPR_TIMES:
413 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
414 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
415 }
416 $right = array_pop( $stack );
417 $left = array_pop( $stack );
418 $stack[] = $left * $right;
419 break;
420 case EXPR_DIVIDE:
421 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
422 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
423 }
424 $right = array_pop( $stack );
425 $left = array_pop( $stack );
426 if ( !$right ) {
427 throw new ExprError( 'division_by_zero', $this->names[$op] );
428 }
429 $stack[] = $left / $right;
430 break;
431 case EXPR_MOD:
432 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
433 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
434 }
435 $right = (int)array_pop( $stack );
436 $left = (int)array_pop( $stack );
437 if ( !$right ) {
438 throw new ExprError( 'division_by_zero', $this->names[$op] );
439 }
440 $stack[] = $left % $right;
441 break;
442 case EXPR_FMOD:
443 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
444 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
445 }
446 $right = (double)array_pop( $stack );
447 $left = (double)array_pop( $stack );
448 if ( !$right ) {
449 throw new ExprError( 'division_by_zero', $this->names[$op] );
450 }
451 $stack[] = fmod( $left, $right );
452 break;
453 case EXPR_PLUS:
454 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
455 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
456 }
457 $right = array_pop( $stack );
458 $left = array_pop( $stack );
459 $stack[] = $left + $right;
460 break;
461 case EXPR_MINUS:
462 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
463 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
464 }
465 $right = array_pop( $stack );
466 $left = array_pop( $stack );
467 $stack[] = $left - $right;
468 break;
469 case EXPR_AND:
470 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
471 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
472 }
473 $right = array_pop( $stack );
474 $left = array_pop( $stack );
475 $stack[] = ( $left && $right ) ? 1 : 0;
476 break;
477 case EXPR_OR:
478 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
479 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
480 }
481 $right = array_pop( $stack );
482 $left = array_pop( $stack );
483 $stack[] = ( $left || $right ) ? 1 : 0;
484 break;
486 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
487 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
488 }
489 $right = array_pop( $stack );
490 $left = array_pop( $stack );
491 $stack[] = ( $left == $right ) ? 1 : 0;
492 break;
493 case EXPR_NOT:
494 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
495 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
496 }
497 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
498 $stack[] = ( !$arg ) ? 1 : 0;
499 break;
500 case EXPR_ROUND:
501 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
502 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
503 }
504 $digits = (int)array_pop( $stack );
505 $value = array_pop( $stack );
506 $stack[] = round( $value, $digits );
507 break;
508 case EXPR_LESS:
509 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
510 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
511 }
512 $right = array_pop( $stack );
513 $left = array_pop( $stack );
514 $stack[] = ( $left < $right ) ? 1 : 0;
515 break;
516 case EXPR_GREATER:
517 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
518 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
519 }
520 $right = array_pop( $stack );
521 $left = array_pop( $stack );
522 $stack[] = ( $left > $right ) ? 1 : 0;
523 break;
524 case EXPR_LESSEQ:
525 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
526 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
527 }
528 $right = array_pop( $stack );
529 $left = array_pop( $stack );
530 $stack[] = ( $left <= $right ) ? 1 : 0;
531 break;
533 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
534 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
535 }
536 $right = array_pop( $stack );
537 $left = array_pop( $stack );
538 $stack[] = ( $left >= $right ) ? 1 : 0;
539 break;
540 case EXPR_NOTEQ:
541 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
542 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
543 }
544 $right = array_pop( $stack );
545 $left = array_pop( $stack );
546 $stack[] = ( $left != $right ) ? 1 : 0;
547 break;
549 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
550 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
551 }
552 $right = array_pop( $stack );
553 $left = array_pop( $stack );
554 $stack[] = $left * pow( 10, $right );
555 break;
556 case EXPR_SINE:
557 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
558 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
559 }
560 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
561 $stack[] = sin( $arg );
562 break;
563 case EXPR_COSINE:
564 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
565 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
566 }
567 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
568 $stack[] = cos( $arg );
569 break;
570 case EXPR_TANGENS:
571 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
572 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
573 }
574 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
575 $stack[] = tan( $arg );
576 break;
577 case EXPR_ARCSINE:
578 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
579 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
580 }
581 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
582 if ( $arg < -1 || $arg > 1 ) {
583 throw new ExprError( 'invalid_argument', $this->names[$op] );
584 }
585 $stack[] = asin( $arg );
586 break;
587 case EXPR_ARCCOS:
588 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
589 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
590 }
591 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
592 if ( $arg < -1 || $arg > 1 ) {
593 throw new ExprError( 'invalid_argument', $this->names[$op] );
594 }
595 $stack[] = acos( $arg );
596 break;
597 case EXPR_ARCTAN:
598 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
599 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
600 }
601 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
602 $stack[] = atan( $arg );
603 break;
604 case EXPR_EXP:
605 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
606 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
607 }
608 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
609 $stack[] = exp( $arg );
610 break;
611 case EXPR_LN:
612 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
613 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
614 }
615 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
616 if ( $arg <= 0 ) {
617 throw new ExprError( 'invalid_argument_ln', $this->names[$op] );
618 }
619 $stack[] = log( $arg );
620 break;
621 case EXPR_ABS:
622 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
623 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
624 }
625 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
626 $stack[] = abs( $arg );
627 break;
628 case EXPR_FLOOR:
629 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
630 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
631 }
632 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
633 $stack[] = floor( $arg );
634 break;
635 case EXPR_TRUNC:
636 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
637 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
638 }
639 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
640 $stack[] = (int)$arg;
641 break;
642 case EXPR_CEIL:
643 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
644 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
645 }
646 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
647 $stack[] = ceil( $arg );
648 break;
649 case EXPR_POW:
650 if ( count( $stack ) < 2 ) {
651 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
652 }
653 $right = array_pop( $stack );
654 $left = array_pop( $stack );
655 $result = pow( $left, $right );
656 if ( $result === false ) {
657 throw new ExprError( 'division_by_zero', $this->names[$op] );
658 }
659 $stack[] = $result;
660 break;
661 case EXPR_SQRT:
662 if ( count( $stack ) < 1 ) {
663 throw new ExprError( 'missing_operand', $this->names[$op] );
664 }
665 $arg = array_pop( $stack );
666 $result = sqrt( $arg );
667 if ( is_nan( $result ) ) {
668 throw new ExprError( 'not_a_number', $this->names[$op] );
669 }
670 $stack[] = $result;
671 break;
672 default:
673 // Should be impossible to reach here.
674 throw new ExprError( 'unknown_error' );
675 }
676 }
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doExpression( $expr)
Evaluate a mathematical expression.
namespace being checked & $result
Definition hooks.txt:2340
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Ge...
Definition ExprError.php:19