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636 'tooltip-t-specialpages',
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640 'vector-view-history',
To allow "foo[[bar]]" to extend the link over the whole word "foobar".
A list of messages to preload for each request.
This is the default English localisation file containing language specific information excluding inte...
The date format to use for generated dates in the user interface.
Array of gender specific.
These are formats for dates generated by MediaWiki (as opposed to the wikitext DateFormatter).
Associative array mapping old numeric date formats, which may still be stored in user preferences,...
Array of namespace aliases, mapping from name to NS_xxx index.
Regular expression charset matching the "link prefix", e.g.
Regular expression matching the "link trail", e.g.
Should all nouns (not just proper ones) be capitalized? Enabling this property will add the capitaliz...
Default list of book sources.
A list of date format preference keys, which can be selected in user preferences.
Namespace names.
Transform table for decimal point '.
Alternate names of special pages.
Optional array mapping ASCII digits 0-9 to local digits.
Extra user preferences, which will be shown in Special:Preferences as checkboxes.
Is the language written right-to-left?
URLs do not specify their encoding.
Magic words Customizable syntax for wikitext and elsewhere.