MediaWiki REL1_33
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11$fallback = 'ur, pnb';
13$rtl = true;
16 '0' => '٠', # U+0660
17 '1' => '١', # U+0661
18 '2' => '٢', # U+0662
19 '3' => '٣', # U+0663
20 '4' => '٤', # U+0664
21 '5' => '٥', # U+0665
22 '6' => '٦', # U+0666
23 '7' => '٧', # U+0667
24 '8' => '٨', # U+0668
25 '9' => '٩', # U+0669
26 '%' => '٪', # U+066a
</source > ! result< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre >< span ></span >< span class="kd"> var</span >< span class="nx"> a</span >< span class="p"></span ></pre ></div > !end !test Multiline< source/> in lists !input *< source > a b</source > *foo< source > a b</source > ! html< ul >< li >< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul >< ul >< li > foo< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul > !html tidy< ul >< li >< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul >< ul >< li > foo< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul > !end !test Custom attributes !input< source lang="javascript" id="foo" class="bar" dir="rtl" style="font-size: larger;"> var a