MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
15 protected $search;
21 protected function setUp() {
22 parent::setUp();
24 // Search tests require MySQL or SQLite with FTS
25 $dbType = $this->db->getType();
26 $dbSupported = ( $dbType === 'mysql' )
27 || ( $dbType === 'sqlite' && $this->db->getFulltextSearchModule() == 'FTS3' );
29 if ( !$dbSupported ) {
30 $this->markTestSkipped( "MySQL or SQLite with FTS3 only" );
31 }
33 $searchType = SearchEngineFactory::getSearchEngineClass( $this->db );
34 $this->setMwGlobals( [
35 'wgSearchType' => $searchType,
36 'wgCapitalLinks' => true,
37 'wgCapitalLinkOverrides' => [
38 NS_CATEGORY => false // for testCompletionSearchMustRespectCapitalLinkOverrides
39 ]
40 ] );
42 $this->search = new $searchType( $this->db );
43 }
45 protected function tearDown() {
46 unset( $this->search );
48 parent::tearDown();
49 }
51 public function addDBDataOnce() {
52 if ( !$this->isWikitextNS( NS_MAIN ) ) {
53 // @todo cover the case of non-wikitext content in the main namespace
54 return;
55 }
57 // Reset the search type back to default - some extensions may have
58 // overridden it.
59 $this->setMwGlobals( [
60 'wgSearchType' => null,
61 'wgCapitalLinks' => true,
62 'wgCapitalLinkOverrides' => [
63 NS_CATEGORY => false // for testCompletionSearchMustRespectCapitalLinkOverrides
64 ]
65 ] );
67 $this->insertPage( 'Not_Main_Page', 'This is not a main page' );
68 $this->insertPage(
69 'Talk:Not_Main_Page',
70 'This is not a talk page to the main page, see [[smithee]]'
71 );
72 $this->insertPage( 'Smithee', 'A smithee is one who smiths. See also [[Alan Smithee]]' );
73 $this->insertPage( 'Talk:Smithee', 'This article sucks.' );
74 $this->insertPage( 'Unrelated_page', 'Nothing in this page is about the S word.' );
75 $this->insertPage( 'Another_page', 'This page also is unrelated.' );
76 $this->insertPage( 'Help:Help', 'Help me!' );
77 $this->insertPage( 'Thppt', 'Blah blah' );
78 $this->insertPage( 'Alan_Smithee', 'yum' );
79 $this->insertPage( 'Pages', 'are\'food' );
80 $this->insertPage( 'HalfOneUp', 'AZ' );
81 $this->insertPage( 'FullOneUp', 'AZ' );
82 $this->insertPage( 'HalfTwoLow', 'az' );
83 $this->insertPage( 'FullTwoLow', 'az' );
84 $this->insertPage( 'HalfNumbers', '1234567890' );
85 $this->insertPage( 'FullNumbers', '1234567890' );
86 $this->insertPage( 'DomainName', '' );
87 $this->insertPage( 'DomainName', '' );
88 $this->insertPage( 'Category:search is not Search', '' );
89 $this->insertPage( 'Category:Search is not search', '' );
90 }
92 protected function fetchIds( $results ) {
93 if ( !$this->isWikitextNS( NS_MAIN ) ) {
94 $this->markTestIncomplete( __CLASS__ . " does no yet support non-wikitext content "
95 . "in the main namespace" );
96 }
97 $this->assertTrue( is_object( $results ) );
99 $matches = [];
100 foreach ( $results as $row ) {
101 $matches[] = $row->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
102 }
103 $results->free();
104 # Search is not guaranteed to return results in a certain order;
105 # sort them numerically so we will compare simply that we received
106 # the expected matches.
107 sort( $matches );
109 return $matches;
110 }
112 public function testFullWidth() {
113 $this->assertEquals(
114 [ 'FullOneUp', 'FullTwoLow', 'HalfOneUp', 'HalfTwoLow' ],
115 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchText( 'AZ' ) ),
116 "Search for normalized from Half-width Upper" );
117 $this->assertEquals(
118 [ 'FullOneUp', 'FullTwoLow', 'HalfOneUp', 'HalfTwoLow' ],
119 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchText( 'az' ) ),
120 "Search for normalized from Half-width Lower" );
121 $this->assertEquals(
122 [ 'FullOneUp', 'FullTwoLow', 'HalfOneUp', 'HalfTwoLow' ],
123 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchText( 'AZ' ) ),
124 "Search for normalized from Full-width Upper" );
125 $this->assertEquals(
126 [ 'FullOneUp', 'FullTwoLow', 'HalfOneUp', 'HalfTwoLow' ],
127 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchText( 'az' ) ),
128 "Search for normalized from Full-width Lower" );
129 }
131 public function testTextSearch() {
132 $this->assertEquals(
133 [ 'Smithee' ],
134 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchText( 'smithee' ) ),
135 "Plain search" );
136 }
138 public function testWildcardSearch() {
139 $res = $this->search->searchText( 'smith*' );
140 $this->assertEquals(
141 [ 'Smithee' ],
142 $this->fetchIds( $res ),
143 "Search with wildcards" );
145 $res = $this->search->searchText( 'smithson*' );
146 $this->assertEquals(
147 [],
148 $this->fetchIds( $res ),
149 "Search with wildcards must not find unrelated articles" );
151 $res = $this->search->searchText( 'smith* smithee' );
152 $this->assertEquals(
153 [ 'Smithee' ],
154 $this->fetchIds( $res ),
155 "Search with wildcards can be combined with simple terms" );
157 $res = $this->search->searchText( 'smith* "one who smiths"' );
158 $this->assertEquals(
159 [ 'Smithee' ],
160 $this->fetchIds( $res ),
161 "Search with wildcards can be combined with phrase search" );
162 }
164 public function testPhraseSearch() {
165 $res = $this->search->searchText( '"smithee is one who smiths"' );
166 $this->assertEquals(
167 [ 'Smithee' ],
168 $this->fetchIds( $res ),
169 "Search a phrase" );
171 $res = $this->search->searchText( '"smithee is who smiths"' );
172 $this->assertEquals(
173 [],
174 $this->fetchIds( $res ),
175 "Phrase search is not sloppy, search terms must be adjacent" );
177 $res = $this->search->searchText( '"is smithee one who smiths"' );
178 $this->assertEquals(
179 [],
180 $this->fetchIds( $res ),
181 "Phrase search is ordered" );
182 }
184 public function testPhraseSearchHighlight() {
185 $phrase = "smithee is one who smiths";
186 $res = $this->search->searchText( "\"$phrase\"" );
187 $match = $res->getIterator()->current();
188 $snippet = "A <span class='searchmatch'>" . $phrase . "</span>";
189 $this->assertStringStartsWith( $snippet,
190 $match->getTextSnippet( $res->termMatches() ),
191 "Highlight a phrase search" );
192 }
194 public function testTextPowerSearch() {
195 $this->search->setNamespaces( [ 0, 1, 4 ] );
196 $this->assertEquals(
197 [
198 'Smithee',
199 'Talk:Not Main Page',
200 ],
201 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchText( 'smithee' ) ),
202 "Power search" );
203 }
205 public function testTitleSearch() {
206 $this->assertEquals(
207 [
208 'Alan Smithee',
209 'Smithee',
210 ],
211 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchTitle( 'smithee' ) ),
212 "Title search" );
213 }
215 public function testTextTitlePowerSearch() {
216 $this->search->setNamespaces( [ 0, 1, 4 ] );
217 $this->assertEquals(
218 [
219 'Alan Smithee',
220 'Smithee',
221 'Talk:Smithee',
222 ],
223 $this->fetchIds( $this->search->searchTitle( 'smithee' ) ),
224 "Title power search" );
225 }
228 return [
229 'Searching for "smithee" finds Smithee on NS_MAIN' => [
230 'smithee',
231 'Smithee',
232 [ NS_MAIN ],
233 ],
234 'Searching for "search is" will finds "search is not Search" on NS_CATEGORY' => [
235 'search is',
236 'Category:search is not Search',
237 [ NS_CATEGORY ],
238 ],
239 'Searching for "Search is" will finds "search is not Search" on NS_CATEGORY' => [
240 'Search is',
241 'Category:Search is not search',
242 [ NS_CATEGORY ],
243 ],
244 ];
245 }
259 $search,
260 $expectedSuggestion,
262 ) {
263 $this->search->setNamespaces( $namespaces );
264 $results = $this->search->completionSearch( $search );
265 $this->assertEquals( 1, $results->getSize() );
266 $this->assertEquals( $expectedSuggestion, $results->getSuggestions()[0]->getText() );
267 }
272 public function testSearchIndexFields() {
276 $mockEngine = $this->getMockBuilder( SearchEngine::class )
277 ->setMethods( [ 'makeSearchFieldMapping' ] )->getMock();
279 $mockFieldBuilder = function ( $name, $type ) {
280 $mockField =
281 $this->getMockBuilder( SearchIndexFieldDefinition::class )->setConstructorArgs( [
282 $name,
283 $type
284 ] )->getMock();
286 $mockField->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getMapping' )->willReturn( [
287 'testData' => 'test',
288 'name' => $name,
289 'type' => $type,
290 ] );
292 $mockField->expects( $this->any() )
293 ->method( 'merge' )
294 ->willReturn( $mockField );
296 return $mockField;
297 };
299 $mockEngine->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
300 ->method( 'makeSearchFieldMapping' )
301 ->willReturnCallback( $mockFieldBuilder );
303 // Not using mock since PHPUnit mocks do not work properly with references in params
304 $this->setTemporaryHook( 'SearchIndexFields',
305 function ( &$fields, SearchEngine $engine ) use ( $mockFieldBuilder ) {
306 $fields['testField'] =
308 return true;
309 } );
311 $fields = $mockEngine->getSearchIndexFields();
312 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'language', $fields );
313 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'category', $fields );
314 $this->assertInstanceOf( SearchIndexField::class, $fields['testField'] );
316 $mapping = $fields['testField']->getMapping( $mockEngine );
317 $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'testData', $mapping );
318 $this->assertEquals( 'test', $mapping['testData'] );
319 }
321 public function hookSearchIndexFields( $mockFieldBuilder, &$fields, SearchEngine $engine ) {
322 $fields['testField'] = $mockFieldBuilder( "testField", SearchIndexField::INDEX_TYPE_TEXT );
323 return true;
324 }
326 public function testAugmentorSearch() {
327 $this->search->setNamespaces( [ 0, 1, 4 ] );
328 $resultSet = $this->search->searchText( 'smithee' );
329 // Not using mock since PHPUnit mocks do not work properly with references in params
330 $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks',
331 [ 'SearchResultsAugment' => [ [ $this, 'addAugmentors' ] ] ] );
332 $this->search->augmentSearchResults( $resultSet );
333 foreach ( $resultSet as $result ) {
334 $id = $result->getTitle()->getArticleID();
335 $augmentData = "Result:$id:" . $result->getTitle()->getText();
336 $augmentData2 = "Result2:$id:" . $result->getTitle()->getText();
337 $this->assertEquals( [ 'testSet' => $augmentData, 'testRow' => $augmentData2 ],
338 $result->getExtensionData() );
339 }
340 }
342 public function addAugmentors( &$setAugmentors, &$rowAugmentors ) {
343 $setAugmentor = $this->createMock( ResultSetAugmentor::class );
344 $setAugmentor->expects( $this->once() )
345 ->method( 'augmentAll' )
346 ->willReturnCallback( function ( SearchResultSet $resultSet ) {
347 $data = [];
348 foreach ( $resultSet as $result ) {
349 $id = $result->getTitle()->getArticleID();
350 $data[$id] = "Result:$id:" . $result->getTitle()->getText();
351 }
352 return $data;
353 } );
354 $setAugmentors['testSet'] = $setAugmentor;
356 $rowAugmentor = $this->createMock( ResultAugmentor::class );
357 $rowAugmentor->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) )
358 ->method( 'augment' )
359 ->willReturnCallback( function ( SearchResult $result ) {
360 $id = $result->getTitle()->getArticleID();
361 return "Result2:$id:" . $result->getTitle()->getText();
362 } );
363 $rowAugmentors['testRow'] = $rowAugmentor;
364 }
366 public function testFiltersMissing() {
367 $availableResults = [];
368 foreach ( range( 0, 11 ) as $i ) {
369 $title = "Search_Result_$i";
370 $availableResults[] = $title;
371 // pages not created must be filtered
372 if ( $i % 2 == 0 ) {
373 $this->editSearchResultPage( $title );
374 }
375 }
376 MockCompletionSearchEngine::addMockResults( 'foo', $availableResults );
379 $engine->setLimitOffset( 10, 0 );
380 $results = $engine->completionSearch( 'foo' );
381 $this->assertEquals( 5, $results->getSize() );
382 $this->assertTrue( $results->hasMoreResults() );
384 $engine->setLimitOffset( 10, 10 );
385 $results = $engine->completionSearch( 'foo' );
386 $this->assertEquals( 1, $results->getSize() );
387 $this->assertFalse( $results->hasMoreResults() );
388 }
390 private function editSearchResultPage( $title ) {
391 $page = WikiPage::factory( Title::newFromText( $title ) );
392 $page->doEditContent(
393 new WikitextContent( 'UTContent' ),
394 'UTPageSummary',
396 );
397 }
400 return [
401 'noop' => [
402 [
403 'query' => 'foo',
404 ],
405 false
406 ],
407 'empty' => [
408 [
409 'query' => '',
410 ],
411 false,
412 ],
413 'namespace prefix' => [
414 [
415 'query' => 'help:test',
416 ],
417 [ 'test', [ NS_HELP ] ],
418 ],
419 'accented namespace prefix with hook' => [
420 [
421 'query' => 'hélp:test',
422 'withHook' => true,
423 ],
424 [ 'test', [ NS_HELP ] ],
425 ],
426 'accented namespace prefix without hook' => [
427 [
428 'query' => 'hélp:test',
429 'withHook' => false,
430 ],
431 false,
432 ],
433 'all with all keyword allowed' => [
434 [
435 'query' => 'all:test',
436 'withAll' => true,
437 ],
438 [ 'test', null ],
439 ],
440 'all with all keyword disallowed' => [
441 [
442 'query' => 'all:test',
443 'withAll' => false,
444 ],
445 false
446 ],
447 'ns only' => [
448 [
449 'query' => 'help:',
450 ],
451 [ '', [ NS_HELP ] ]
452 ],
453 'all only' => [
454 [
455 'query' => 'all:',
456 'withAll' => true,
457 ],
458 [ '', null ]
459 ],
460 'all wins over namespace when first' => [
461 [
462 'query' => 'all:help:test',
463 'withAll' => true,
464 ],
465 [ 'help:test', null ]
466 ],
467 'ns wins over all when first' => [
468 [
469 'query' => 'help:all:test',
470 'withAll' => true,
471 ],
472 [ 'all:test', [ NS_HELP ] ]
473 ],
474 ];
475 }
484 public function testParseNamespacePrefix( array $params, $expected ) {
485 $this->setTemporaryHook( 'PrefixSearchExtractNamespace', function ( &$namespaces, &$query ) {
486 if ( strpos( $query, 'hélp:' ) === 0 ) {
487 $namespaces = [ NS_HELP ];
488 $query = substr( $query, strlen( 'hélp:' ) );
489 }
490 return false;
491 } );
492 $testSet = [];
493 if ( isset( $params['withAll'] ) && isset( $params['withHook'] ) ) {
494 $testSet[] = $params;
495 } elseif ( isset( $params['withAll'] ) ) {
496 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withHook' => true ];
497 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withHook' => false ];
498 } elseif ( isset( $params['withHook'] ) ) {
499 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withAll' => true ];
500 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withAll' => false ];
501 } else {
502 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withAll' => true, 'withHook' => true ];
503 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withAll' => true, 'withHook' => false ];
504 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withAll' => false, 'withHook' => false ];
505 $testSet[] = $params + [ 'withAll' => true, 'withHook' => false ];
506 }
508 foreach ( $testSet as $test ) {
509 $actual = SearchEngine::parseNamespacePrefixes( $test['query'],
510 $test['withAll'], $test['withHook'] );
511 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, 'with params: ' . print_r( $test, true ) );
512 }
513 }
and that you know you can do these things To protect your we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the or if you modify it For if you distribute copies of such a whether gratis or for a you must give the recipients all the rights that you have You must make sure that receive or can get the source code And you must show them these terms so they know their rights We protect your rights with two and(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy
they could even be mouse clicks or menu items whatever suits your program You should also get your if any
Definition COPYING.txt:326
Base class that store and restore the Language objects.
mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( $name, $values)
Merges the given values into a MW global array variable.
setMwGlobals( $pairs, $value=null)
Sets a global, maintaining a stashed version of the previous global to be restored in tearDown.
insertPage( $pageName, $text='Sample page for unit test.', $namespace=null, User $user=null)
Insert a new page.
isWikitextNS( $ns)
Returns true if the given namespace defaults to Wikitext according to $wgNamespaceContentModels.
setTemporaryHook( $hookName, $handler)
Create a temporary hook handler which will be reset by tearDown.
SearchEngine implementation for returning mocked completion search results.
static addMockResults( $query, array $result)
Allows returning arbitrary lists of titles for completion search.
Search Database.
testCompletionSearchMustRespectCapitalLinkOverrides( $search, $expectedSuggestion, array $namespaces)
Test that the search query is not munged using wrong CapitalLinks setup (in other test that the defau...
hookSearchIndexFields( $mockFieldBuilder, &$fields, SearchEngine $engine)
addAugmentors(&$setAugmentors, &$rowAugmentors)
testParseNamespacePrefix(array $params, $expected)
Checks for database type & version.
Contain a class for special pages.
Content object for wiki text pages.
Definition database.txt:21
namespace and then decline to actually register it & $namespaces
Definition hooks.txt:925
the value to return A Title object or null for latest all implement SearchIndexField must implement ResultSetAugmentor & $rowAugmentors
Definition hooks.txt:2927
namespace and then decline to actually register it file or subcat img or subcat $title
Definition hooks.txt:955
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that When $user is not null
Definition hooks.txt:783
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return true
Definition hooks.txt:2004
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition hooks.txt:271
the value to return A Title object or null for latest all implement SearchIndexField $engine
Definition hooks.txt:2925
null for the local wiki Added should default to null in handler for backwards compatibility add a value to it if you want to add a cookie that have to vary cache options can modify $query
Definition hooks.txt:1617
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition hooks.txt:187
Utility to generate mapping file used in mw.Title (phpCharToUpper.json)
const NS_HELP
Definition Defines.php:85
const NS_MAIN
Definition Defines.php:73
Definition Defines.php:164
Definition Defines.php:87
const EDIT_NEW
Definition Defines.php:161
TEXT fields are suitable for natural language and may be subject to analysis such as stemming.
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))