MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
38 public function __construct( $request = null ) {
39 parent::__construct( 'Upload', 'upload' );
40 }
42 public function doesWrites() {
43 return true;
44 }
49 public $mRequest;
53 public $mUpload;
63 public $mComment;
64 public $mLicense;
82 public $mTokenOk;
85 public $mUploadSuccessful = false;
94 protected function loadRequest() {
95 $this->mRequest = $request = $this->getRequest();
96 $this->mSourceType = $request->getVal( 'wpSourceType', 'file' );
97 $this->mUpload = UploadBase::createFromRequest( $request );
98 $this->mUploadClicked = $request->wasPosted()
99 && ( $request->getCheck( 'wpUpload' )
100 || $request->getCheck( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning' ) );
102 // Guess the desired name from the filename if not provided
103 $this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getText( 'wpDestFile' );
104 if ( !$this->mDesiredDestName && $request->getFileName( 'wpUploadFile' ) !== null ) {
105 $this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getFileName( 'wpUploadFile' );
106 }
107 $this->mLicense = $request->getText( 'wpLicense' );
109 $this->mDestWarningAck = $request->getText( 'wpDestFileWarningAck' );
110 $this->mIgnoreWarning = $request->getCheck( 'wpIgnoreWarning' )
111 || $request->getCheck( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning' );
112 $this->mWatchthis = $request->getBool( 'wpWatchthis' ) && $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn();
113 $this->mCopyrightStatus = $request->getText( 'wpUploadCopyStatus' );
114 $this->mCopyrightSource = $request->getText( 'wpUploadSource' );
116 $this->mForReUpload = $request->getBool( 'wpForReUpload' ); // updating a file
118 $commentDefault = '';
119 $commentMsg = $this->msg( 'upload-default-description' )->inContentLanguage();
120 if ( !$this->mForReUpload && !$commentMsg->isDisabled() ) {
121 $commentDefault = $commentMsg->plain();
122 }
123 $this->mComment = $request->getText( 'wpUploadDescription', $commentDefault );
125 $this->mCancelUpload = $request->getCheck( 'wpCancelUpload' )
126 || $request->getCheck( 'wpReUpload' ); // b/w compat
128 // If it was posted check for the token (no remote POST'ing with user credentials)
129 $token = $request->getVal( 'wpEditToken' );
130 $this->mTokenOk = $this->getUser()->matchEditToken( $token );
132 $this->uploadFormTextTop = '';
133 $this->uploadFormTextAfterSummary = '';
134 }
144 public function userCanExecute( User $user ) {
145 return UploadBase::isEnabled() && parent::userCanExecute( $user );
146 }
158 public function execute( $par ) {
161 $this->setHeaders();
162 $this->outputHeader();
164 # Check uploading enabled
165 if ( !UploadBase::isEnabled() ) {
166 throw new ErrorPageError( 'uploaddisabled', 'uploaddisabledtext' );
167 }
169 $this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Managing files' );
171 # Check permissions
172 $user = $this->getUser();
173 $permissionRequired = UploadBase::isAllowed( $user );
174 if ( $permissionRequired !== true ) {
175 throw new PermissionsError( $permissionRequired );
176 }
178 # Check blocks
179 if ( $user->isBlockedFromUpload() ) {
180 throw new UserBlockedError( $user->getBlock() );
181 }
183 // Global blocks
184 if ( $user->isBlockedGlobally() ) {
185 throw new UserBlockedError( $user->getGlobalBlock() );
186 }
188 # Check whether we actually want to allow changing stuff
189 $this->checkReadOnly();
191 $this->loadRequest();
193 # Unsave the temporary file in case this was a cancelled upload
194 if ( $this->mCancelUpload && !$this->unsaveUploadedFile() ) {
195 # Something went wrong, so unsaveUploadedFile showed a warning
196 return;
197 }
199 # Process upload or show a form
200 if (
201 $this->mTokenOk && !$this->mCancelUpload &&
202 ( $this->mUpload && $this->mUploadClicked )
203 ) {
204 $this->processUpload();
205 } else {
206 # Backwards compatibility hook
207 // Avoid PHP 7.1 warning of passing $this by reference
208 $upload = $this;
209 if ( !Hooks::run( 'UploadForm:initial', [ &$upload ] ) ) {
210 wfDebug( "Hook 'UploadForm:initial' broke output of the upload form\n" );
212 return;
213 }
214 $this->showUploadForm( $this->getUploadForm() );
215 }
217 # Cleanup
218 if ( $this->mUpload ) {
219 $this->mUpload->cleanupTempFile();
220 }
221 }
228 protected function showUploadForm( $form ) {
229 # Add links if file was previously deleted
230 if ( $this->mDesiredDestName ) {
231 $this->showViewDeletedLinks();
232 }
234 if ( $form instanceof HTMLForm ) {
235 $form->show();
236 } else {
237 $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $form );
238 }
239 }
249 protected function getUploadForm( $message = '', $sessionKey = '', $hideIgnoreWarning = false ) {
250 # Initialize form
251 $context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() );
252 $context->setTitle( $this->getPageTitle() ); // Remove subpage
253 $form = new UploadForm( [
254 'watch' => $this->getWatchCheck(),
255 'forreupload' => $this->mForReUpload,
256 'sessionkey' => $sessionKey,
257 'hideignorewarning' => $hideIgnoreWarning,
258 'destwarningack' => (bool)$this->mDestWarningAck,
260 'description' => $this->mComment,
261 'texttop' => $this->uploadFormTextTop,
262 'textaftersummary' => $this->uploadFormTextAfterSummary,
263 'destfile' => $this->mDesiredDestName,
264 ], $context, $this->getLinkRenderer() );
266 # Check the token, but only if necessary
267 if (
268 !$this->mTokenOk && !$this->mCancelUpload &&
269 ( $this->mUpload && $this->mUploadClicked )
270 ) {
271 $form->addPreText( $this->msg( 'session_fail_preview' )->parse() );
272 }
274 # Give a notice if the user is uploading a file that has been deleted or moved
275 # Note that this is independent from the message 'filewasdeleted'
276 $desiredTitleObj = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $this->mDesiredDestName );
277 $delNotice = ''; // empty by default
278 if ( $desiredTitleObj instanceof Title && !$desiredTitleObj->exists() ) {
281 LogEventsList::showLogExtract( $delNotice, [ 'delete', 'move' ],
282 $desiredTitleObj,
283 '', [ 'lim' => 10,
284 'conds' => [ 'log_action != ' . $dbr->addQuotes( 'revision' ) ],
285 'showIfEmpty' => false,
286 'msgKey' => [ 'upload-recreate-warning' ] ]
287 );
288 }
289 $form->addPreText( $delNotice );
291 # Add text to form
292 $form->addPreText( '<div id="uploadtext">' .
293 $this->msg( 'uploadtext', [ $this->mDesiredDestName ] )->parseAsBlock() .
294 '</div>' );
295 # Add upload error message
296 $form->addPreText( $message );
298 # Add footer to form
299 $uploadFooter = $this->msg( 'uploadfooter' );
300 if ( !$uploadFooter->isDisabled() ) {
301 $form->addPostText( '<div id="mw-upload-footer-message">'
302 . $uploadFooter->parseAsBlock() . "</div>\n" );
303 }
305 return $form;
306 }
311 protected function showViewDeletedLinks() {
312 $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $this->mDesiredDestName );
313 $user = $this->getUser();
314 // Show a subtitle link to deleted revisions (to sysops et al only)
315 if ( $title instanceof Title ) {
316 $count = $title->isDeleted();
317 if ( $count > 0 && $user->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
318 $restorelink = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
319 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Undelete', $title->getPrefixedText() ),
320 $this->msg( 'restorelink' )->numParams( $count )->text()
321 );
322 $link = $this->msg( $user->isAllowed( 'delete' ) ? 'thisisdeleted' : 'viewdeleted' )
323 ->rawParams( $restorelink )->parseAsBlock();
324 $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
325 Html::rawElement(
326 'div',
327 [ 'id' => 'contentSub2' ],
328 $link
329 )
330 );
331 }
332 }
333 }
346 protected function showRecoverableUploadError( $message ) {
347 $stashStatus = $this->mUpload->tryStashFile( $this->getUser() );
348 if ( $stashStatus->isGood() ) {
349 $sessionKey = $stashStatus->getValue()->getFileKey();
350 $uploadWarning = 'upload-tryagain';
351 } else {
352 $sessionKey = null;
353 $uploadWarning = 'upload-tryagain-nostash';
354 }
355 $message = '<h2>' . $this->msg( 'uploaderror' )->escaped() . "</h2>\n" .
356 '<div class="error">' . $message . "</div>\n";
358 $form = $this->getUploadForm( $message, $sessionKey );
359 $form->setSubmitText( $this->msg( $uploadWarning )->escaped() );
360 $this->showUploadForm( $form );
361 }
371 protected function showUploadWarning( $warnings ) {
372 # If there are no warnings, or warnings we can ignore, return early.
373 # mDestWarningAck is set when some javascript has shown the warning
374 # to the user. mForReUpload is set when the user clicks the "upload a
375 # new version" link.
376 if ( !$warnings || ( count( $warnings ) == 1
377 && isset( $warnings['exists'] )
378 && ( $this->mDestWarningAck || $this->mForReUpload ) )
379 ) {
380 return false;
381 }
383 $stashStatus = $this->mUpload->tryStashFile( $this->getUser() );
384 if ( $stashStatus->isGood() ) {
385 $sessionKey = $stashStatus->getValue()->getFileKey();
386 $uploadWarning = 'uploadwarning-text';
387 } else {
388 $sessionKey = null;
389 $uploadWarning = 'uploadwarning-text-nostash';
390 }
392 // Add styles for the warning, reused from the live preview
393 $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.special' );
396 $warningHtml = '<h2>' . $this->msg( 'uploadwarning' )->escaped() . "</h2>\n"
397 . '<div class="mw-destfile-warning"><ul>';
398 foreach ( $warnings as $warning => $args ) {
399 if ( $warning == 'badfilename' ) {
400 $this->mDesiredDestName = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $args )->getText();
401 }
402 if ( $warning == 'exists' ) {
403 $msg = "\t<li>" . self::getExistsWarning( $args ) . "</li>\n";
404 } elseif ( $warning == 'no-change' ) {
405 $file = $args;
406 $filename = $file->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
407 $msg = "\t<li>" . $this->msg( 'fileexists-no-change', $filename )->parse() . "</li>\n";
408 } elseif ( $warning == 'duplicate-version' ) {
409 $file = $args[0];
410 $count = count( $args );
411 $filename = $file->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
412 $message = $this->msg( 'fileexists-duplicate-version' )
413 ->params( $filename )
414 ->numParams( $count );
415 $msg = "\t<li>" . $message->parse() . "</li>\n";
416 } elseif ( $warning == 'was-deleted' ) {
417 # If the file existed before and was deleted, warn the user of this
418 $ltitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log' );
419 $llink = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
420 $ltitle,
421 $this->msg( 'deletionlog' )->text(),
422 [],
423 [
424 'type' => 'delete',
425 'page' => Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $args )->getPrefixedText(),
426 ]
427 );
428 $msg = "\t<li>" . $this->msg( 'filewasdeleted' )->rawParams( $llink )->parse() . "</li>\n";
429 } elseif ( $warning == 'duplicate' ) {
430 $msg = $this->getDupeWarning( $args );
431 } elseif ( $warning == 'duplicate-archive' ) {
432 if ( $args === '' ) {
433 $msg = "\t<li>" . $this->msg( 'file-deleted-duplicate-notitle' )->parse()
434 . "</li>\n";
435 } else {
436 $msg = "\t<li>" . $this->msg( 'file-deleted-duplicate',
437 Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $args )->getPrefixedText() )->parse()
438 . "</li>\n";
439 }
440 } else {
441 if ( $args === true ) {
442 $args = [];
443 } elseif ( !is_array( $args ) ) {
444 $args = [ $args ];
445 }
446 $msg = "\t<li>" . $this->msg( $warning, $args )->parse() . "</li>\n";
447 }
448 $warningHtml .= $msg;
449 }
450 $warningHtml .= "</ul></div>\n";
451 $warningHtml .= $this->msg( $uploadWarning )->parseAsBlock();
453 $form = $this->getUploadForm( $warningHtml, $sessionKey, /* $hideIgnoreWarning */ true );
454 $form->setSubmitText( $this->msg( 'upload-tryagain' )->text() );
455 $form->addButton( [
456 'name' => 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning',
457 'value' => $this->msg( 'ignorewarning' )->text()
458 ] );
459 $form->addButton( [
460 'name' => 'wpCancelUpload',
461 'value' => $this->msg( 'reuploaddesc' )->text()
462 ] );
464 $this->showUploadForm( $form );
466 # Indicate that we showed a form
467 return true;
468 }
475 protected function showUploadError( $message ) {
476 $message = '<h2>' . $this->msg( 'uploadwarning' )->escaped() . "</h2>\n" .
477 '<div class="error">' . $message . "</div>\n";
478 $this->showUploadForm( $this->getUploadForm( $message ) );
479 }
485 protected function processUpload() {
486 // Fetch the file if required
487 $status = $this->mUpload->fetchFile();
488 if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
489 $this->showUploadError( $this->getOutput()->parseAsInterface( $status->getWikiText() ) );
491 return;
492 }
493 // Avoid PHP 7.1 warning of passing $this by reference
494 $upload = $this;
495 if ( !Hooks::run( 'UploadForm:BeforeProcessing', [ &$upload ] ) ) {
496 wfDebug( "Hook 'UploadForm:BeforeProcessing' broke processing the file.\n" );
497 // This code path is deprecated. If you want to break upload processing
498 // do so by hooking into the appropriate hooks in UploadBase::verifyUpload
499 // and UploadBase::verifyFile.
500 // If you use this hook to break uploading, the user will be returned
501 // an empty form with no error message whatsoever.
502 return;
503 }
505 // Upload verification
506 $details = $this->mUpload->verifyUpload();
507 if ( $details['status'] != UploadBase::OK ) {
508 $this->processVerificationError( $details );
510 return;
511 }
513 // Verify permissions for this title
514 $permErrors = $this->mUpload->verifyTitlePermissions( $this->getUser() );
515 if ( $permErrors !== true ) {
516 $code = array_shift( $permErrors[0] );
517 $this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( $code, $permErrors[0] )->parse() );
519 return;
520 }
522 $this->mLocalFile = $this->mUpload->getLocalFile();
524 // Check warnings if necessary
525 if ( !$this->mIgnoreWarning ) {
526 $warnings = $this->mUpload->checkWarnings();
527 if ( $this->showUploadWarning( $warnings ) ) {
528 return;
529 }
530 }
532 // This is as late as we can throttle, after expected issues have been handled
533 if ( UploadBase::isThrottled( $this->getUser() ) ) {
535 $this->msg( 'actionthrottledtext' )->escaped()
536 );
537 return;
538 }
540 // Get the page text if this is not a reupload
541 if ( !$this->mForReUpload ) {
542 $pageText = self::getInitialPageText( $this->mComment, $this->mLicense,
543 $this->mCopyrightStatus, $this->mCopyrightSource, $this->getConfig() );
544 } else {
545 $pageText = false;
546 }
548 $changeTags = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'wpChangeTags' );
549 if ( is_null( $changeTags ) || $changeTags === '' ) {
550 $changeTags = [];
551 } else {
552 $changeTags = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $changeTags ) ) );
553 }
555 if ( $changeTags ) {
557 $changeTags, $this->getUser() );
558 if ( !$changeTagsStatus->isOK() ) {
559 $this->showUploadError( $this->getOutput()->parseAsInterface(
560 $changeTagsStatus->getWikiText()
561 ) );
563 return;
564 }
565 }
567 $status = $this->mUpload->performUpload(
568 $this->mComment,
569 $pageText,
570 $this->mWatchthis,
571 $this->getUser(),
572 $changeTags
573 );
575 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
577 $this->getOutput()->parseAsInterface( $status->getWikiText() )
578 );
580 return;
581 }
583 // Success, redirect to description page
584 $this->mUploadSuccessful = true;
585 // Avoid PHP 7.1 warning of passing $this by reference
586 $upload = $this;
587 Hooks::run( 'SpecialUploadComplete', [ &$upload ] );
588 $this->getOutput()->redirect( $this->mLocalFile->getTitle()->getFullURL() );
589 }
600 public static function getInitialPageText( $comment = '', $license = '',
601 $copyStatus = '', $source = '', Config $config = null
602 ) {
603 if ( $config === null ) {
604 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' called without a Config instance passed to it' );
605 $config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig();
606 }
608 $msg = [];
609 $forceUIMsgAsContentMsg = (array)$config->get( 'ForceUIMsgAsContentMsg' );
610 /* These messages are transcluded into the actual text of the description page.
611 * Thus, forcing them as content messages makes the upload to produce an int: template
612 * instead of hardcoding it there in the uploader language.
613 */
614 foreach ( [ 'license-header', 'filedesc', 'filestatus', 'filesource' ] as $msgName ) {
615 if ( in_array( $msgName, $forceUIMsgAsContentMsg ) ) {
616 $msg[$msgName] = "{{int:$msgName}}";
617 } else {
618 $msg[$msgName] = wfMessage( $msgName )->inContentLanguage()->text();
619 }
620 }
622 $licenseText = '';
623 if ( $license !== '' ) {
624 $licenseText = '== ' . $msg['license-header'] . " ==\n{{" . $license . "}}\n";
625 }
627 $pageText = $comment . "\n";
628 $headerText = '== ' . $msg['filedesc'] . ' ==';
629 if ( $comment !== '' && strpos( $comment, $headerText ) === false ) {
630 // prepend header to page text unless it's already there (or there is no content)
631 $pageText = $headerText . "\n" . $pageText;
632 }
634 if ( $config->get( 'UseCopyrightUpload' ) ) {
635 $pageText .= '== ' . $msg['filestatus'] . " ==\n" . $copyStatus . "\n";
636 $pageText .= $licenseText;
637 $pageText .= '== ' . $msg['filesource'] . " ==\n" . $source;
638 } else {
639 $pageText .= $licenseText;
640 }
642 // allow extensions to modify the content
643 Hooks::run( 'UploadForm:getInitialPageText', [ &$pageText, $msg, $config ] );
645 return $pageText;
646 }
660 protected function getWatchCheck() {
661 if ( $this->getUser()->getOption( 'watchdefault' ) ) {
662 // Watch all edits!
663 return true;
664 }
666 $desiredTitleObj = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $this->mDesiredDestName );
667 if ( $desiredTitleObj instanceof Title && $this->getUser()->isWatched( $desiredTitleObj ) ) {
668 // Already watched, don't change that
669 return true;
670 }
672 $local = wfLocalFile( $this->mDesiredDestName );
673 if ( $local && $local->exists() ) {
674 // We're uploading a new version of an existing file.
675 // No creation, so don't watch it if we're not already.
676 return false;
677 } else {
678 // New page should get watched if that's our option.
679 return $this->getUser()->getOption( 'watchcreations' ) ||
680 $this->getUser()->getOption( 'watchuploads' );
681 }
682 }
690 protected function processVerificationError( $details ) {
691 switch ( $details['status'] ) {
694 $this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'minlength1' )->escaped() );
695 break;
697 $this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'illegalfilename',
698 $details['filtered'] )->parse() );
699 break;
701 $this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'filename-toolong' )->escaped() );
702 break;
704 $this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'filetype-missing' )->parse() );
705 break;
707 $this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'windows-nonascii-filename' )->parse() );
708 break;
712 $this->showUploadError( $this->msg( 'emptyfile' )->escaped() );
713 break;
715 $this->showUploadError( $this->msg( 'largefileserver' )->escaped() );
716 break;
718 $msg = $this->msg( 'filetype-banned-type' );
719 if ( isset( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) ) {
720 $msg->params( $this->getLanguage()->commaList( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) );
721 } else {
722 $msg->params( $details['finalExt'] );
723 }
724 $extensions = array_unique( $this->getConfig()->get( 'FileExtensions' ) );
725 $msg->params( $this->getLanguage()->commaList( $extensions ),
726 count( $extensions ) );
728 // Add PLURAL support for the first parameter. This results
729 // in a bit unlogical parameter sequence, but does not break
730 // old translations
731 if ( isset( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) ) {
732 $msg->params( count( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) );
733 } else {
734 $msg->params( 1 );
735 }
737 $this->showUploadError( $msg->parse() );
738 break;
740 unset( $details['status'] );
741 $code = array_shift( $details['details'] );
742 $this->showUploadError( $this->msg( $code, $details['details'] )->parse() );
743 break;
745 if ( is_array( $details['error'] ) ) { # allow hooks to return error details in an array
746 $args = $details['error'];
747 $error = array_shift( $args );
748 } else {
749 $error = $details['error'];
750 $args = null;
751 }
753 $this->showUploadError( $this->msg( $error, $args )->parse() );
754 break;
755 default:
756 throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": Unknown value `{$details['status']}`" );
757 }
758 }
765 protected function unsaveUploadedFile() {
766 if ( !( $this->mUpload instanceof UploadFromStash ) ) {
767 return true;
768 }
769 $success = $this->mUpload->unsaveUploadedFile();
770 if ( !$success ) {
771 $this->getOutput()->showFatalError(
772 $this->msg( 'filedeleteerror' )
773 ->params( $this->mUpload->getTempPath() )
774 ->escaped()
775 );
777 return false;
778 } else {
779 return true;
780 }
781 }
783 /*** Functions for formatting warnings ***/
792 public static function getExistsWarning( $exists ) {
793 if ( !$exists ) {
794 return '';
795 }
797 $file = $exists['file'];
798 $filename = $file->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
799 $warnMsg = null;
801 if ( $exists['warning'] == 'exists' ) {
802 // Exact match
803 $warnMsg = wfMessage( 'fileexists', $filename );
804 } elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'page-exists' ) {
805 // Page exists but file does not
806 $warnMsg = wfMessage( 'filepageexists', $filename );
807 } elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'exists-normalized' ) {
808 $warnMsg = wfMessage( 'fileexists-extension', $filename,
809 $exists['normalizedFile']->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() );
810 } elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'thumb' ) {
811 // Swapped argument order compared with other messages for backwards compatibility
812 $warnMsg = wfMessage( 'fileexists-thumbnail-yes',
813 $exists['thumbFile']->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(), $filename );
814 } elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'thumb-name' ) {
815 // Image w/o '180px-' does not exists, but we do not like these filenames
816 $name = $file->getName();
817 $badPart = substr( $name, 0, strpos( $name, '-' ) + 1 );
818 $warnMsg = wfMessage( 'file-thumbnail-no', $badPart );
819 } elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'bad-prefix' ) {
820 $warnMsg = wfMessage( 'filename-bad-prefix', $exists['prefix'] );
821 }
823 return $warnMsg ? $warnMsg->title( $file->getTitle() )->parse() : '';
824 }
831 public function getDupeWarning( $dupes ) {
832 if ( !$dupes ) {
833 return '';
834 }
836 $gallery = ImageGalleryBase::factory( false, $this->getContext() );
837 $gallery->setShowBytes( false );
838 $gallery->setShowDimensions( false );
839 foreach ( $dupes as $file ) {
840 $gallery->add( $file->getTitle() );
841 }
843 return '<li>' .
844 $this->msg( 'file-exists-duplicate' )->numParams( count( $dupes ) )->parse() .
845 $gallery->toHTML() . "</li>\n";
846 }
848 protected function getGroupName() {
849 return 'media';
850 }
860 public static function rotationEnabled() {
861 $bitmapHandler = new BitmapHandler();
862 return $bitmapHandler->autoRotateEnabled();
863 }
This list may contain false positives That usually means there is additional text with links below the first Each row contains links to the first and second as well as the first line of the second redirect text
and that you know you can do these things To protect your we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the or if you modify it For if you distribute copies of such a whether gratis or for a you must give the recipients all the rights that you have You must make sure that receive or can get the source code And you must show them these terms so they know their rights We protect your rights with two and(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
wfLocalFile( $title)
Get an object referring to a locally registered file.
if( $line===false) $args
Definition cdb.php:64
Generic handler for bitmap images.
static canAddTagsAccompanyingChange(array $tags, User $user=null)
Is it OK to allow the user to apply all the specified tags at the same time as they edit/make the cha...
An IContextSource implementation which will inherit context from another source but allow individual ...
An error page which can definitely be safely rendered using the OutputPage.
WebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array.
Object handling generic submission, CSRF protection, layout and other logic for UI forms.
Definition HTMLForm.php:133
static factory( $mode=false, IContextSource $context=null)
Get a new image gallery.
Class to represent a local file in the wiki's own database.
Definition LocalFile.php:46
static showLogExtract(&$out, $types=[], $page='', $user='', $param=[])
Show log extract.
MediaWiki exception.
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
Show an error when a user tries to do something they do not have the necessary permissions for.
Parent class for all special pages.
outputHeader( $summaryMessageKey='')
Outputs a summary message on top of special pages Per default the message key is the canonical name o...
Sets headers - this should be called from the execute() method of all derived classes!
Get the OutputPage being used for this instance.
Shortcut to get the User executing this instance.
static getTitleFor( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='')
Get a localised Title object for a specified special page name If you don't need a full Title object,...
Gets the context this SpecialPage is executed in.
msg( $key)
Wrapper around wfMessage that sets the current context.
Shortcut to get main config object.
Get the WebRequest being used for this instance.
If the wiki is currently in readonly mode, throws a ReadOnlyError.
getPageTitle( $subpage=false)
Get a self-referential title object.
Call wfTransactionalTimeLimit() if this request was POSTed.
Shortcut to get user's language.
addHelpLink( $to, $overrideBaseUrl=false)
Adds help link with an icon via page indicators.
MediaWiki Linker LinkRenderer null $linkRenderer
getTitle( $subpage=false)
Get a self-referential title object.
Form for handling uploads and special page.
processVerificationError( $details)
Provides output to the user for a result of UploadBase::verifyUpload.
UploadBase $mUpload
Shows the "view X deleted revivions link"".
See if we should check the 'watch this page' checkbox on the form based on the user's preferences and...
Initialize instance variables from request and create an Upload handler.
static getInitialPageText( $comment='', $license='', $copyStatus='', $source='', Config $config=null)
Get the initial image page text based on a comment and optional file status information.
showUploadWarning( $warnings)
Stashes the upload, shows the main form, but adds a "continue anyway button".
Text injection points for hooks not using HTMLForm.
bool $mCancelUpload
The user clicked "Cancel and return to upload form" button.
Remove a temporarily kept file stashed by saveTempUploadedFile().
userCanExecute(User $user)
This page can be shown if uploading is enabled.
static getExistsWarning( $exists)
Formats a result of UploadBase::getExistsWarning as HTML This check is static and can be done pre-upl...
string $mDesiredDestName
User input variables from the "description" section.
showRecoverableUploadError( $message)
Stashes the upload and shows the main upload form.
Hidden variables.
getDupeWarning( $dupes)
Construct a warning and a gallery from an array of duplicate files.
showUploadForm( $form)
Show the main upload form.
__construct( $request=null)
Get data POSTed through the form and assign them to the object.
WebRequest FauxRequest $mRequest
Misc variables.
Do the upload.
bool $mUploadSuccessful
Subclasses can use this to determine whether a file was uploaded.
LocalFile $mLocalFile
Under which header this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages See messages 'specialpages-gro...
getUploadForm( $message='', $sessionKey='', $hideIgnoreWarning=false)
Get an UploadForm instance with title and text properly set.
Indicates whether this special page may perform database writes.
bool $mForReUpload
The user followed an "overwrite this file" link.
User input variables from the root section.
showUploadError( $message)
Show the upload form with error message, but do not stash the file.
static rotationEnabled()
Should we rotate images in the preview on Special:Upload.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:40
exists( $flags=0)
Check if page exists.
Definition Title.php:4036
UploadBase and subclasses are the backend of MediaWiki's file uploads.
static createFromRequest(&$request, $type=null)
Create a form of UploadBase depending on wpSourceType and initializes it.
static isEnabled()
Returns true if uploads are enabled.
static isThrottled( $user)
Returns true if the user has surpassed the upload rate limit, false otherwise.
static isAllowed( $user)
Returns true if the user can use this upload module or else a string identifying the missing permissi...
Sub class of HTMLForm that provides the form section of SpecialUpload.
Implements uploading from previously stored file.
Show an error when the user tries to do something whilst blocked.
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights,...
Definition User.php:48
The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping il...
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on $request
Definition hooks.txt:2843
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext $context
Definition hooks.txt:2848
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that When $user is not null
Definition hooks.txt:783
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that When $user is not it can be in the form of< username >< more info > e g for bot passwords intended to be added to log contexts Fields it might only if the login was with a bot password it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable & $code
Definition hooks.txt:856
Using a hook running we can avoid having all this option specific stuff in our mainline code Using hooks
Definition hooks.txt:74
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation use $formDescriptor instead default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a set this to the key of the message First element is the message additional optional elements are parameters for the key that are processed with wfMessage() -> params() ->parseAsBlock() - offset Set to overwrite offset parameter in $wgRequest set to '' to unset offset - wrap String Wrap the message in html(usually something like "&lt;div ...>$1&lt;/div>"). - flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException':Called before an exception(or PHP error) is logged. This is meant for integration with external error aggregation services
usually copyright or history_copyright This message must be in HTML not wikitext & $link
Definition hooks.txt:3069
Status::newGood()` to allow deletion, and then `return false` from the hook function. Ensure you consume the 'ChangeTagAfterDelete' hook to carry out custom deletion actions. $tag:name of the tag $user:user initiating the action & $status:Status object. See above. 'ChangeTagsListActive':Allows you to nominate which of the tags your extension uses are in active use. & $tags:list of all active tags. Append to this array. 'ChangeTagsAfterUpdateTags':Called after tags have been updated with the ChangeTags::updateTags function. Params:$addedTags:tags effectively added in the update $removedTags:tags effectively removed in the update $prevTags:tags that were present prior to the update $rc_id:recentchanges table id $rev_id:revision table id $log_id:logging table id $params:tag params $rc:RecentChange being tagged when the tagging accompanies the action, or null $user:User who performed the tagging when the tagging is subsequent to the action, or null 'ChangeTagsAllowedAdd':Called when checking if a user can add tags to a change. & $allowedTags:List of all the tags the user is allowed to add. Any tags the user wants to add( $addTags) that are not in this array will cause it to fail. You may add or remove tags to this array as required. $addTags:List of tags user intends to add. $user:User who is adding the tags. 'ChangeUserGroups':Called before user groups are changed. $performer:The User who will perform the change $user:The User whose groups will be changed & $add:The groups that will be added & $remove:The groups that will be removed 'Collation::factory':Called if $wgCategoryCollation is an unknown collation. $collationName:Name of the collation in question & $collationObject:Null. Replace with a subclass of the Collation class that implements the collation given in $collationName. 'ConfirmEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been confirmed successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being confirmed 'ContentAlterParserOutput':Modify parser output for a given content object. Called by Content::getParserOutput after parsing has finished. Can be used for changes that depend on the result of the parsing but have to be done before LinksUpdate is called(such as adding tracking categories based on the rendered HTML). $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $parserOutput:ParserOutput to manipulate 'ContentGetParserOutput':Customize parser output for a given content object, called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput. May be used to override the normal model-specific rendering of page content. $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $revId:The revision ID, as context $options:ParserOptions for rendering. To avoid confusing the parser cache, the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook function, not on global state. $generateHtml:boolean, indicating whether full HTML should be generated. If false, generation of HTML may be skipped, but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object. & $output:ParserOutput, to manipulate or replace 'ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor':Called when the default content model is determined for a given title. May be used to assign a different model for that title. $title:the Title in question & $model:the model name. Use with CONTENT_MODEL_XXX constants. 'ContentHandlerForModelID':Called when a ContentHandler is requested for a given content model name, but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers. Note:if your extension implements additional models via this hook, please use GetContentModels hook to make them known to core. $modeName:the requested content model name & $handler:set this to a ContentHandler object, if desired. 'ContentModelCanBeUsedOn':Called to determine whether that content model can be used on a given page. This is especially useful to prevent some content models to be used in some special location. $contentModel:ID of the content model in question $title:the Title in question. & $ok:Output parameter, whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title. Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok. 'ContribsPager::getQueryInfo':Before the contributions query is about to run & $pager:Pager object for contributions & $queryInfo:The query for the contribs Pager 'ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for My Contributions & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The ContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'ContributionsLineEnding':Called before a contributions HTML line is finished $page:SpecialPage object for contributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'ContributionsToolLinks':Change tool links above Special:Contributions $id:User identifier $title:User page title & $tools:Array of tool links $specialPage:SpecialPage instance for context and services. Can be either SpecialContributions or DeletedContributionsPage. Extensions should type hint against a generic SpecialPage though. 'ConvertContent':Called by AbstractContent::convert when a conversion to another content model is requested. Handler functions that modify $result should generally return false to disable further attempts at conversion. $content:The Content object to be converted. $toModel:The ID of the content model to convert to. $lossy: boolean indicating whether lossy conversion is allowed. & $result:Output parameter, in case the handler function wants to provide a converted Content object. Note that $result->getContentModel() must return $toModel. 'ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSource':Modify the allowed CSP load sources. This affects all directives except for the script directive. If you want to add a script source, see ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSource hook. & $defaultSrc:Array of Content-Security-Policy allowed sources $policyConfig:Current configuration for the Content-Security-Policy header $mode:ContentSecurityPolicy::REPORT_ONLY_MODE or ContentSecurityPolicy::FULL_MODE depending on type of header 'ContentSecurityPolicyDirectives':Modify the content security policy directives. Use this only if ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSource and ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSource do not meet your needs. & $directives:Array of CSP directives $policyConfig:Current configuration for the CSP header $mode:ContentSecurityPolicy::REPORT_ONLY_MODE or ContentSecurityPolicy::FULL_MODE depending on type of header 'ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSource':Modify the allowed CSP script sources. Note that you also have to use ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSource if you want non-script sources to be loaded from whatever you add. & $scriptSrc:Array of CSP directives $policyConfig:Current configuration for the CSP header $mode:ContentSecurityPolicy::REPORT_ONLY_MODE or ContentSecurityPolicy::FULL_MODE depending on type of header 'CustomEditor':When invoking the page editor Return true to allow the normal editor to be used, or false if implementing a custom editor, e.g. for a special namespace, etc. $article:Article being edited $user:User performing the edit 'DatabaseOraclePostInit':Called after initialising an Oracle database $db:the DatabaseOracle object 'DeletedContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for Special:DeletedContributions Similar to ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The DeletedContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'DeletedContributionsLineEnding':Called before a DeletedContributions HTML line is finished. Similar to ContributionsLineEnding $page:SpecialPage object for DeletedContributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'DeleteUnknownPreferences':Called by the cleanupPreferences.php maintenance script to build a WHERE clause with which to delete preferences that are not known about. This hook is used by extensions that have dynamically-named preferences that should not be deleted in the usual cleanup process. For example, the Gadgets extension creates preferences prefixed with 'gadget-', and so anything with that prefix is excluded from the deletion. &where:An array that will be passed as the $cond parameter to IDatabase::select() to determine what will be deleted from the user_properties table. $db:The IDatabase object, useful for accessing $db->buildLike() etc. 'DifferenceEngineAfterLoadNewText':called in DifferenceEngine::loadNewText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before returning true from this function. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineLoadTextAfterNewContentIsLoaded':called in DifferenceEngine::loadText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before checking if the variable 's value is null. This hook can be used to inject content into said class member variable. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledLink':Allows extensions to change the "mark as patrolled" link which is shown both on the diff header as well as on the bottom of a page, usually wrapped in a span element which has class="patrollink". $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $markAsPatrolledLink:The "mark as patrolled" link HTML(string) $rcid:Recent change ID(rc_id) for this change(int) 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledRCID':Allows extensions to possibly change the rcid parameter. For example the rcid might be set to zero due to the user being the same as the performer of the change but an extension might still want to show it under certain conditions. & $rcid:rc_id(int) of the change or 0 $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object $change:RecentChange object $user:User object representing the current user 'DifferenceEngineNewHeader':Allows extensions to change the $newHeader variable, which contains information about the new revision, such as the revision 's author, whether the revision was marked as a minor edit or not, etc. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $newHeader:The string containing the various #mw-diff-otitle[1-5] divs, which include things like revision author info, revision comment, RevisionDelete link and more $formattedRevisionTools:Array containing revision tools, some of which may have been injected with the DiffRevisionTools hook $nextlink:String containing the link to the next revision(if any) $status
Definition hooks.txt:1032
const NS_FILE
Definition Defines.php:79
Interface for configuration instances.
Definition Config.php:28
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
Definition defines.php:25