MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
11 protected function setUp() {
12 parent::setUp();
14 $this->setMwGlobals( [
15 'wgAllowUserJs' => false,
16 'wgDefaultLanguageVariant' => false,
17 'wgMetaNamespace' => 'Project',
18 ] );
19 $this->setUserLang( 'en' );
20 $this->setContentLang( 'en' );
21 }
26 public function testLegalChars() {
27 $titlechars = Title::legalChars();
29 foreach ( range( 1, 255 ) as $num ) {
30 $chr = chr( $num );
31 if ( strpos( "#[]{}<>|", $chr ) !== false || preg_match( "/[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]/", $chr ) ) {
32 $this->assertFalse(
33 (bool)preg_match( "/[$titlechars]/", $chr ),
34 "chr($num) = $chr is not a valid titlechar"
35 );
36 } else {
37 $this->assertTrue(
38 (bool)preg_match( "/[$titlechars]/", $chr ),
39 "chr($num) = $chr is a valid titlechar"
40 );
41 }
42 }
43 }
45 public static function provideValidSecureAndSplit() {
46 return [
47 [ 'Sandbox' ],
48 [ 'A "B"' ],
49 [ 'A \'B\'' ],
50 [ '.com' ],
51 [ '~' ],
52 [ '#' ],
53 [ '"' ],
54 [ '\'' ],
55 [ 'Talk:Sandbox' ],
56 [ 'Talk:Foo:Sandbox' ],
57 [ 'File:Example.svg' ],
58 [ 'File_talk:Example.svg' ],
59 [ 'Foo/.../Sandbox' ],
60 [ 'Sandbox/...' ],
61 [ 'A~~' ],
62 [ ':A' ],
63 // Length is 256 total, but only title part matters
64 [ 'Category:' . str_repeat( 'x', 248 ) ],
65 [ str_repeat( 'x', 252 ) ],
66 // interwiki prefix
67 [ 'localtestiw: #anchor' ],
68 [ 'localtestiw:' ],
69 [ 'localtestiw:foo' ],
70 [ 'localtestiw: foo # anchor' ],
71 [ 'localtestiw: Talk: Sandbox # anchor' ],
72 [ 'remotetestiw:' ],
73 [ 'remotetestiw: Talk: # anchor' ],
74 [ 'remotetestiw: #bar' ],
75 [ 'remotetestiw: Talk:' ],
76 [ 'remotetestiw: Talk: Foo' ],
77 [ 'localtestiw:remotetestiw:' ],
78 [ 'localtestiw:remotetestiw:foo' ]
79 ];
80 }
82 public static function provideInvalidSecureAndSplit() {
83 return [
84 [ '', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
85 [ ':', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
86 [ '__ __', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
87 [ ' __ ', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
88 // Bad characters forbidden regardless of wgLegalTitleChars
89 [ 'A [ B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
90 [ 'A ] B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
91 [ 'A { B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
92 [ 'A } B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
93 [ 'A < B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
94 [ 'A > B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
95 [ 'A | B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
96 [ "A \t B", 'title-invalid-characters' ],
97 [ "A \n B", 'title-invalid-characters' ],
98 // URL encoding
99 [ 'A%20B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
100 [ 'A%23B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
101 [ 'A%2523B', 'title-invalid-characters' ],
102 // XML/HTML character entity references
103 // Note: Commented out because they are not marked invalid by the PHP test as
104 // Title::newFromText runs Sanitizer::decodeCharReferencesAndNormalize first.
105 // 'A &eacute; B',
106 // 'A &#233; B',
107 // 'A &#x00E9; B',
108 // Subject of NS_TALK does not roundtrip to NS_MAIN
109 [ 'Talk:File:Example.svg', 'title-invalid-talk-namespace' ],
110 // Directory navigation
111 [ '.', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
112 [ '..', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
113 [ './Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
114 [ '../Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
115 [ 'Foo/./Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
116 [ 'Foo/../Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
117 [ 'Sandbox/.', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
118 [ 'Sandbox/..', 'title-invalid-relative' ],
119 // Tilde
120 [ 'A ~~~ Name', 'title-invalid-magic-tilde' ],
121 [ 'A ~~~~ Signature', 'title-invalid-magic-tilde' ],
122 [ 'A ~~~~~ Timestamp', 'title-invalid-magic-tilde' ],
123 // Length
124 [ str_repeat( 'x', 256 ), 'title-invalid-too-long' ],
125 // Namespace prefix without actual title
126 [ 'Talk:', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
127 [ 'Talk:#', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
128 [ 'Category: ', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
129 [ 'Category: #bar', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
130 // interwiki prefix
131 [ 'localtestiw: Talk: # anchor', 'title-invalid-empty' ],
132 [ 'localtestiw: Talk:', 'title-invalid-empty' ]
133 ];
134 }
136 private function secureAndSplitGlobals() {
137 $this->setMwGlobals( [
138 'wgLocalInterwikis' => [ 'localtestiw' ],
139 'wgHooks' => [
140 'InterwikiLoadPrefix' => [
141 function ( $prefix, &$data ) {
142 if ( $prefix === 'localtestiw' ) {
143 $data = [ 'iw_url' => 'localtestiw' ];
144 } elseif ( $prefix === 'remotetestiw' ) {
145 $data = [ 'iw_url' => 'remotetestiw' ];
146 }
147 return false;
148 }
149 ]
150 ]
151 ] );
153 // Reset TitleParser since we modified $wgLocalInterwikis
154 $this->setService( 'TitleParser', new MediaWikiTitleCodec(
155 Language::factory( 'en' ),
156 new GenderCache(),
157 [ 'localtestiw' ]
158 ) );
159 }
167 public function testSecureAndSplitValid( $text ) {
168 $this->secureAndSplitGlobals();
169 $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, Title::newFromText( $text ), "Valid: $text" );
170 }
178 public function testSecureAndSplitInvalid( $text, $expectedErrorMessage ) {
179 $this->secureAndSplitGlobals();
180 try {
181 Title::newFromTextThrow( $text ); // should throw
182 $this->assertTrue( false, "Invalid: $text" );
183 } catch ( MalformedTitleException $ex ) {
184 $this->assertEquals( $expectedErrorMessage, $ex->getErrorMessage(), "Invalid: $text" );
185 }
186 }
188 public static function provideConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass() {
189 return [
190 [
191 ' %!"$&\'()*,\\-.\\/0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\\^_`a-z~\\x80-\\xFF+',
192 ' %!"$&\'()*,\\-./0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\\\\^_`a-z~+\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
193 ],
194 [
195 'QWERTYf-\\xFF+',
196 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
197 ],
198 [
199 'QWERTY\\x66-\\xFD+',
200 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
201 ],
202 [
203 'QWERTYf-y+',
204 'QWERTYf-y+',
205 ],
206 [
207 'QWERTYf-\\x80+',
208 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
209 ],
210 [
211 'QWERTY\\x66-\\x80+\\x23',
212 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+#\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
213 ],
214 [
215 'QWERTY\\x66-\\x80+\\xD3',
216 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
217 ],
218 [
219 '\\\\\\x99',
220 '\\\\\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
221 ],
222 [
223 '-\\x99',
224 '\\-\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
225 ],
226 [
227 'QWERTY\\-\\x99',
228 'QWERTY\\-\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
229 ],
230 [
231 '\\\\x99',
232 '\\\\x99',
233 ],
234 [
235 'A-\\x9F',
236 'A-\\x7F\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
237 ],
238 [
239 '\\x66-\\x77QWERTY\\x88-\\x91FXZ',
240 'f-wQWERTYFXZ\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
241 ],
242 [
243 '\\x66-\\x99QWERTY\\xAA-\\xEEFXZ',
244 'f-\\x7FQWERTYFXZ\\u0080-\\uFFFF',
245 ],
246 ];
247 }
253 public function testConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass( $byteClass, $unicodeClass ) {
254 $this->assertEquals( $unicodeClass, Title::convertByteClassToUnicodeClass( $byteClass ) );
255 }
261 public function testFixSpecialNameRetainsParameter( $text, $expectedParam ) {
262 $title = Title::newFromText( $text );
263 $fixed = $title->fixSpecialName();
264 $stuff = explode( '/', $fixed->getDBkey(), 2 );
265 if ( count( $stuff ) == 2 ) {
266 $par = $stuff[1];
267 } else {
268 $par = null;
269 }
270 $this->assertEquals(
271 $expectedParam,
272 $par,
273 "T33100 regression check: Title->fixSpecialName() should preserve parameter"
274 );
275 }
278 return [
279 [ 'Special:Version', null ],
280 [ 'Special:Version/', '' ],
281 [ 'Special:Version/param', 'param' ],
282 ];
283 }
294 public function testIsValidMoveOperation( $source, $target, $expected ) {
295 $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerUseDB', false );
296 $title = Title::newFromText( $source );
297 $nt = Title::newFromText( $target );
298 $errors = $title->isValidMoveOperation( $nt, false );
299 if ( $expected === true ) {
300 $this->assertTrue( $errors );
301 } else {
302 $errors = $this->flattenErrorsArray( $errors );
303 foreach ( (array)$expected as $error ) {
304 $this->assertContains( $error, $errors );
305 }
306 }
307 }
309 public static function provideTestIsValidMoveOperation() {
310 return [
311 // for Title::isValidMoveOperation
312 [ 'Some page', '', 'badtitletext' ],
313 [ 'Test', 'Test', 'selfmove' ],
314 [ 'Special:FooBar', 'Test', 'immobile-source-namespace' ],
315 [ 'Test', 'Special:FooBar', 'immobile-target-namespace' ],
316 [ 'MediaWiki:Common.js', 'Help:Some wikitext page', 'bad-target-model' ],
317 [ 'Page', 'File:Test.jpg', 'nonfile-cannot-move-to-file' ],
318 [ 'File:Test.jpg', 'Page', 'imagenocrossnamespace' ],
319 ];
320 }
333 public function testWgWhitelistReadRegexp( $whitelistRegexp, $source, $action, $expected ) {
334 // $wgWhitelistReadRegexp must be an array. Since the provided test cases
335 // usually have only one regex, it is more concise to write the lonely regex
336 // as a string. Thus we cast to an array() to honor $wgWhitelistReadRegexp
337 // type requisite.
338 if ( is_string( $whitelistRegexp ) ) {
339 $whitelistRegexp = [ $whitelistRegexp ];
340 }
342 $this->setMwGlobals( [
343 // So User::isEveryoneAllowed( 'read' ) === false
344 'wgGroupPermissions' => [ '*' => [ 'read' => false ] ],
345 'wgWhitelistRead' => [ 'some random non sense title' ],
346 'wgWhitelistReadRegexp' => $whitelistRegexp,
347 ] );
349 $title = Title::newFromDBkey( $source );
351 // New anonymous user with no rights
352 $user = new User;
353 $user->mRights = [];
354 $errors = $title->userCan( $action, $user );
356 if ( is_bool( $expected ) ) {
357 # Forge the assertion message depending on the assertion expectation
358 $allowableness = $expected
359 ? " should be allowed"
360 : " should NOT be allowed";
361 $this->assertEquals(
362 $expected,
363 $errors,
364 "User action '$action' on [[$source]] $allowableness."
365 );
366 } else {
367 $errors = $this->flattenErrorsArray( $errors );
368 foreach ( (array)$expected as $error ) {
369 $this->assertContains( $error, $errors );
370 }
371 }
372 }
377 public function dataWgWhitelistReadRegexp() {
378 $ALLOWED = true;
379 $DISALLOWED = false;
381 return [
382 // Everything, if this doesn't work, we're really in trouble
383 [ '/.*/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
384 [ '/.*/', 'Main_Page', 'edit', $DISALLOWED ],
386 // We validate against the title name, not the db key
387 [ '/^Main_Page$/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $DISALLOWED ],
388 // Main page
389 [ '/^Main/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
390 [ '/^Main.*/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
391 // With spaces
392 [ '/Mic\sCheck/', 'Mic Check', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
393 // Unicode multibyte
394 // ...without unicode modifier
395 [ '/Unicode Test . Yes/', 'Unicode Test Ñ Yes', 'read', $DISALLOWED ],
396 // ...with unicode modifier
397 [ '/Unicode Test . Yes/u', 'Unicode Test Ñ Yes', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
398 // Case insensitive
399 [ '/MiC ChEcK/', 'mic check', 'read', $DISALLOWED ],
400 [ '/MiC ChEcK/i', 'mic check', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
402 // From DefaultSettings.php:
403 [ "@^UsEr.*@i", 'User is banned', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
404 [ "@^UsEr.*@i", 'User:John Doe', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
406 // With namespaces:
407 [ '/^Special:NewPages$/', 'Special:NewPages', 'read', $ALLOWED ],
408 [ null, 'Special:Newpages', 'read', $DISALLOWED ],
410 ];
411 }
413 public function flattenErrorsArray( $errors ) {
414 $result = [];
415 foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
416 $result[] = $error[0];
417 }
419 return $result;
420 }
426 public function testGetPageViewLanguage( $expected, $titleText, $contLang,
427 $lang, $variant, $msg = ''
428 ) {
429 // Setup environnement for this test
430 $this->setMwGlobals( [
431 'wgDefaultLanguageVariant' => $variant,
432 'wgAllowUserJs' => true,
433 ] );
434 $this->setUserLang( $lang );
435 $this->setContentLang( $contLang );
437 $title = Title::newFromText( $titleText );
438 $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, $title,
439 "Test must be passed a valid title text, you gave '$titleText'"
440 );
441 $this->assertEquals( $expected,
442 $title->getPageViewLanguage()->getCode(),
443 $msg
444 );
445 }
447 public static function provideGetPageViewLanguage() {
448 # Format:
449 # - expected
450 # - Title name
451 # - content language (expected in most cases)
452 # - wgLang (on some specific pages)
453 # - wgDefaultLanguageVariant
454 # - Optional message
455 return [
456 [ 'fr', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'fr', 'fr', false ],
457 [ 'es', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'es', 'zh-tw', false ],
458 [ 'zh', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'zh', 'zh-tw', false ],
460 [ 'es', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
461 [ 'es', 'MediaWiki:About', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
462 [ 'es', 'MediaWiki:About/', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
463 [ 'de', 'MediaWiki:About/de', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
464 [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.js', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
465 [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.css', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
466 [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Common.js', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
467 [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Monobook.css', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
469 [ 'zh-cn', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
470 [ 'zh', 'MediaWiki:About', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
471 [ 'zh', 'MediaWiki:About/', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
472 [ 'de', 'MediaWiki:About/de', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
473 [ 'zh-cn', 'MediaWiki:About/zh-cn', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
474 [ 'zh-tw', 'MediaWiki:About/zh-tw', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
475 [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.js', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
476 [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.css', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
477 [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Common.js', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
478 [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Monobook.css', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
480 [ 'zh-tw', 'Special:NewPages', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
481 [ 'zh-tw', 'Special:NewPages', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ],
483 ];
484 }
490 public function testGetBaseText( $title, $expected, $msg = '' ) {
491 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
492 $this->assertEquals( $expected,
493 $title->getBaseText(),
494 $msg
495 );
496 }
498 public static function provideBaseTitleCases() {
499 return [
500 # Title, expected base, optional message
501 [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne/subTwo', 'John Doe/subOne' ],
502 [ 'User:Foo/Bar/Baz', 'Foo/Bar' ],
503 ];
504 }
510 public function testGetRootText( $title, $expected, $msg = '' ) {
511 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
512 $this->assertEquals( $expected,
513 $title->getRootText(),
514 $msg
515 );
516 }
518 public static function provideRootTitleCases() {
519 return [
520 # Title, expected base, optional message
521 [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne/subTwo', 'John Doe' ],
522 [ 'User:Foo/Bar/Baz', 'Foo' ],
523 ];
524 }
531 public function testGetSubpageText( $title, $expected, $msg = '' ) {
532 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
533 $this->assertEquals( $expected,
534 $title->getSubpageText(),
535 $msg
536 );
537 }
539 public static function provideSubpageTitleCases() {
540 return [
541 # Title, expected base, optional message
542 [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne/subTwo', 'subTwo' ],
543 [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne', 'subOne' ],
544 ];
545 }
547 public static function provideNewFromTitleValue() {
548 return [
549 [ new TitleValue( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ) ],
550 [ new TitleValue( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'bar' ) ],
551 [ new TitleValue( NS_USER, 'Hansi_Maier' ) ],
552 ];
553 }
560 $title = Title::newFromTitleValue( $value );
562 $dbkey = str_replace( ' ', '_', $value->getText() );
563 $this->assertEquals( $dbkey, $title->getDBkey() );
564 $this->assertEquals( $value->getNamespace(), $title->getNamespace() );
565 $this->assertEquals( $value->getFragment(), $title->getFragment() );
566 }
573 $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $value );
575 $dbkey = str_replace( ' ', '_', $value->getText() );
576 $this->assertEquals( $dbkey, $title->getDBkey() );
577 $this->assertEquals( $value->getNamespace(), $title->getNamespace() );
578 $this->assertEquals( $value->getFragment(), $title->getFragment() );
579 }
584 public function testNewFromLinkTarget_clone() {
585 $title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ );
586 $this->assertSame( $title, Title::newFromLinkTarget( $title ) );
588 // The Title::NEW_CLONE flag should ensure that a fresh instance is returned.
589 $clone = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $title, Title::NEW_CLONE );
590 $this->assertNotSame( $title, $clone );
591 $this->assertTrue( $clone->equals( $title ) );
592 }
594 public static function provideGetTitleValue() {
595 return [
596 [ 'Foo' ],
597 [ 'Foo#bar' ],
598 [ 'User:Hansi_Maier' ],
599 ];
600 }
606 public function testGetTitleValue( $text ) {
607 $title = Title::newFromText( $text );
608 $value = $title->getTitleValue();
610 $dbkey = str_replace( ' ', '_', $value->getText() );
611 $this->assertEquals( $title->getDBkey(), $dbkey );
612 $this->assertEquals( $title->getNamespace(), $value->getNamespace() );
613 $this->assertEquals( $title->getFragment(), $value->getFragment() );
614 }
616 public static function provideGetFragment() {
617 return [
618 [ 'Foo', '' ],
619 [ 'Foo#bar', 'bar' ],
620 [ 'Foo#bär', 'bär' ],
622 // Inner whitespace is normalized
623 [ 'Foo#bar_bar', 'bar bar' ],
624 [ 'Foo#bar bar', 'bar bar' ],
625 [ 'Foo#bar bar', 'bar bar' ],
627 // Leading whitespace is kept, trailing whitespace is trimmed.
628 // XXX: Is this really want we want?
629 [ 'Foo#_bar_bar_', ' bar bar' ],
630 [ 'Foo# bar bar ', ' bar bar' ],
631 ];
632 }
641 public function testGetFragment( $full, $fragment ) {
642 $title = Title::newFromText( $full );
643 $this->assertEquals( $fragment, $title->getFragment() );
644 }
652 public function testIsAlwaysKnown( $page, $isKnown ) {
653 $title = Title::newFromText( $page );
654 $this->assertEquals( $isKnown, $title->isAlwaysKnown() );
655 }
657 public static function provideIsAlwaysKnown() {
658 return [
659 [ 'Some nonexistent page', false ],
660 [ 'UTPage', false ],
661 [ '#test', true ],
662 [ 'Special:BlankPage', true ],
663 [ 'Special:SomeNonexistentSpecialPage', false ],
664 [ 'MediaWiki:Parentheses', true ],
665 [ 'MediaWiki:Some nonexistent message', false ],
666 ];
667 }
675 public function testIsValid( Title $title, $isValid ) {
676 $this->assertEquals( $isValid, $title->isValid(), $title->getPrefixedText() );
677 }
679 public static function provideIsValid() {
680 return [
681 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '' ), false ],
682 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '<>' ), false ],
683 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '|' ), false ],
684 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '#' ), false ],
685 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), true ],
686 [ Title::makeTitle( -33, 'Test' ), false ],
687 [ Title::makeTitle( 77663399, 'Test' ), false ],
688 ];
689 }
695 $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Interwiki link', '', 'externalwiki' );
696 $this->assertTrue( $title->isAlwaysKnown() );
697 }
702 public function testExists() {
703 $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_PROJECT, 'New page' );
704 $linkCache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkCache();
706 $article = new Article( $title );
707 $page = $article->getPage();
708 $page->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( 'Some [[link]]' ), 'summary' );
710 // Tell Title it doesn't know whether it exists
711 $title->mArticleID = -1;
713 // Tell the link cache it doesn't exists when it really does
714 $linkCache->clearLink( $title );
715 $linkCache->addBadLinkObj( $title );
717 $this->assertEquals(
718 false,
719 $title->exists(),
720 'exists() should rely on link cache unless GAID_FOR_UPDATE is used'
721 );
722 $this->assertEquals(
723 true,
724 $title->exists( Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE ),
725 'exists() should re-query database when GAID_FOR_UPDATE is used'
726 );
727 }
729 public function provideCanHaveTalkPage() {
730 return [
731 'User page has talk page' => [
732 Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 'Jane' ), true
733 ],
734 'Talke page has talk page' => [
735 Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Foo' ), true
736 ],
737 'Special page cannot have talk page' => [
738 Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Thing' ), false
739 ],
740 'Virtual namespace cannot have talk page' => [
741 Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Kitten.jpg' ), false
742 ],
743 ];
744 }
753 public function testCanHaveTalkPage( Title $title, $expected ) {
754 $actual = $title->canHaveTalkPage();
755 $this->assertSame( $expected, $actual, $title->getPrefixedDBkey() );
756 }
758 public static function provideGetTalkPage_good() {
759 return [
760 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test' ) ],
761 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test' ) ],
762 ];
763 }
769 public function testGetTalkPage_good( Title $title, Title $expected ) {
770 $talk = $title->getTalkPage();
771 $this->assertSame(
772 $expected->getPrefixedDBKey(),
773 $talk->getPrefixedDBKey(),
774 $title->getPrefixedDBKey()
775 );
776 }
782 public function testGetTalkPageIfDefined_good( Title $title ) {
783 $talk = $title->getTalkPageIfDefined();
784 $this->assertInstanceOf(
785 Title::class,
786 $talk,
787 $title->getPrefixedDBKey()
788 );
789 }
791 public static function provideGetTalkPage_bad() {
792 return [
793 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Test' ) ],
794 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Test' ) ],
795 ];
796 }
802 public function testGetTalkPageIfDefined_bad( Title $title ) {
803 $talk = $title->getTalkPageIfDefined();
804 $this->assertNull(
805 $talk,
806 $title->getPrefixedDBKey()
807 );
808 }
810 public function provideCreateFragmentTitle() {
811 return [
812 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), 'foo' ],
813 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test', 'foo' ), '' ],
814 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, 'Test', 'foo' ), 'bar' ],
815 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test1', '', 'interwiki' ), 'baz' ]
816 ];
817 }
823 public function testCreateFragmentTitle( Title $title, $fragment ) {
824 $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [
825 'InterwikiLoadPrefix' => [
826 function ( $prefix, &$iwdata ) {
827 if ( $prefix === 'interwiki' ) {
828 $iwdata = [
829 'iw_url' => '',
830 'iw_local' => 0,
831 'iw_trans' => 0,
832 ];
833 return false;
834 }
835 },
836 ],
837 ] );
839 $fragmentTitle = $title->createFragmentTarget( $fragment );
841 $this->assertEquals( $title->getNamespace(), $fragmentTitle->getNamespace() );
842 $this->assertEquals( $title->getText(), $fragmentTitle->getText() );
843 $this->assertEquals( $title->getInterwiki(), $fragmentTitle->getInterwiki() );
844 $this->assertEquals( $fragment, $fragmentTitle->getFragment() );
845 }
847 public function provideGetPrefixedText() {
848 return [
849 // ns = 0
850 [
851 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo bar' ),
852 'Foo bar'
853 ],
854 // ns = 2
855 [
856 Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 'Foo bar' ),
857 'User:Foo bar'
858 ],
859 // ns = 3
860 [
861 Title::makeTitle( NS_USER_TALK, 'Foo bar' ),
862 'User talk:Foo bar'
863 ],
864 // fragment not included
865 [
866 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo bar', 'fragment' ),
867 'Foo bar'
868 ],
869 // ns = -2
870 [
871 Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Foo bar' ),
872 'Media:Foo bar'
873 ],
874 // non-existent namespace
875 [
876 Title::makeTitle( 100777, 'Foo bar' ),
877 'Special:Badtitle/NS100777:Foo bar'
878 ],
879 ];
880 }
886 public function testGetPrefixedText( Title $title, $expected ) {
887 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getPrefixedText() );
888 }
890 public function provideGetPrefixedDBKey() {
891 return [
892 // ns = 0
893 [
894 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo_bar' ),
895 'Foo_bar'
896 ],
897 // ns = 2
898 [
899 Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 'Foo_bar' ),
900 'User:Foo_bar'
901 ],
902 // ns = 3
903 [
904 Title::makeTitle( NS_USER_TALK, 'Foo_bar' ),
905 'User_talk:Foo_bar'
906 ],
907 // fragment not included
908 [
909 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo_bar', 'fragment' ),
910 'Foo_bar'
911 ],
912 // ns = -2
913 [
914 Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Foo_bar' ),
915 'Media:Foo_bar'
916 ],
917 // non-existent namespace
918 [
919 Title::makeTitle( 100777, 'Foo_bar' ),
920 'Special:Badtitle/NS100777:Foo_bar'
921 ],
922 ];
923 }
929 public function testGetPrefixedDBKey( Title $title, $expected ) {
930 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getPrefixedDBkey() );
931 }
940 public function testGetFragmentForURL( $titleStr, $expected ) {
941 $this->setMwGlobals( [
942 'wgFragmentMode' => [ 'html5' ],
943 'wgExternalInterwikiFragmentMode' => 'legacy',
944 ] );
945 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
946 $dbw->insert( 'interwiki',
947 [
948 [
949 'iw_prefix' => 'de',
950 'iw_url' => '',
951 'iw_api' => '',
952 'iw_wikiid' => 'dewiki',
953 'iw_local' => 1,
954 'iw_trans' => 0,
955 ],
956 [
957 'iw_prefix' => 'zz',
958 'iw_url' => '',
959 'iw_api' => '',
960 'iw_wikiid' => 'zzwiki',
961 'iw_local' => 0,
962 'iw_trans' => 0,
963 ],
964 ],
965 __METHOD__,
966 [ 'IGNORE' ]
967 );
969 $title = Title::newFromText( $titleStr );
970 self::assertEquals( $expected, $title->getFragmentForURL() );
972 $dbw->delete( 'interwiki', '*', __METHOD__ );
973 }
975 public function provideGetFragmentForURL() {
976 return [
977 [ 'Foo', '' ],
978 [ 'Foo#ümlåût', '#ümlåût' ],
979 [ 'de:Foo#Bå®', '#Bå®' ],
980 [ 'zz:Foo#тест', '#.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82' ],
981 ];
982 }
988 public function testIsRawHtmlMessage( $textForm, $expected ) {
989 $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgRawHtmlMessages', [
990 'foobar',
991 'foo_bar',
992 'foo-bar',
993 ] );
995 $title = Title::newFromText( $textForm );
996 $this->assertSame( $expected, $title->isRawHtmlMessage() );
997 }
999 public function provideIsRawHtmlMessage() {
1000 return [
1001 [ 'MediaWiki:Foobar', true ],
1002 [ 'MediaWiki:Foo bar', true ],
1003 [ 'MediaWiki:Foo-bar', true ],
1004 [ 'MediaWiki:foo bar', true ],
1005 [ 'MediaWiki:foo-bar', true ],
1006 [ 'MediaWiki:foobar', true ],
1007 [ 'MediaWiki:some-other-message', false ],
1008 [ 'Main Page', false ],
1009 ];
1010 }
1012 public function provideEquals() {
1013 yield [
1014 Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ),
1015 Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ),
1016 true
1017 ];
1018 yield [
1019 Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ),
1020 Title::newFromText( 'Not The Main Page' ),
1021 false
1022 ];
1023 yield [
1024 Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ),
1025 Title::newFromText( 'Project:Main Page' ),
1026 false
1027 ];
1028 yield [
1029 Title::newFromText( 'File:Example.png' ),
1030 Title::newFromText( 'Image:Example.png' ),
1031 true
1032 ];
1033 yield [
1034 Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ),
1035 Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ),
1036 true
1037 ];
1038 yield [
1039 Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ),
1040 Title::newFromText( 'Special:Recentchanges' ),
1041 false
1042 ];
1043 yield [
1044 Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ),
1045 Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ),
1046 false
1047 ];
1048 yield [
1049 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ),
1050 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ),
1051 true
1052 ];
1053 yield [
1054 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ),
1055 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Bar', '', '' ),
1056 false
1057 ];
1058 yield [
1059 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ),
1060 Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Foo', '', '' ),
1061 false
1062 ];
1063 yield [
1064 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ),
1065 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ),
1066 true
1067 ];
1068 yield [
1069 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ),
1070 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Baz', '' ),
1071 true
1072 ];
1073 yield [
1074 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ),
1075 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ),
1076 true
1077 ];
1078 yield [
1079 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', 'baz' ),
1080 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', 'baz' ),
1081 true
1082 ];
1083 yield [
1084 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ),
1085 Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', 'baz' ),
1086 false
1087 ];
1088 }
1094 public function testEquals( Title $firstValue, /* LinkTarget */ $secondValue, $expectedSame ) {
1095 $this->assertSame(
1096 $expectedSame,
1097 $firstValue->equals( $secondValue )
1098 );
1099 }
and that you know you can do these things To protect your we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the or if you modify it For if you distribute copies of such a whether gratis or for a you must give the recipients all the rights that you have You must make sure that receive or can get the source code And you must show them these terms so they know their rights We protect your rights with two and(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
Class for viewing MediaWiki article and history.
Definition Article.php:37
Caches user genders when needed to use correct namespace aliases.
MalformedTitleException is thrown when a TitleParser is unable to parse a title string.
mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( $name, $values)
Merges the given values into a MW global array variable.
setMwGlobals( $pairs, $value=null)
Sets a global, maintaining a stashed version of the previous global to be restored in tearDown.
setService( $name, $object)
Sets a service, maintaining a stashed version of the previous service to be restored in tearDown.
A codec for MediaWiki page titles.
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
Database Title.
Definition TitleTest.php:10
testFixSpecialNameRetainsParameter( $text, $expectedParam)
provideSpecialNamesWithAndWithoutParameter Title::fixSpecialName
testIsAlwaysKnown( $page, $isKnown)
Title::isAlwaysKnown provideIsAlwaysKnown.
testGetFragment( $full, $fragment)
Title::getFragment provideGetFragment.
flattenErrorsArray( $errors)
testGetPageViewLanguage( $expected, $titleText, $contLang, $lang, $variant, $msg='')
provideGetPageViewLanguage Title::getPageViewLanguage
static provideBaseTitleCases()
static provideConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass()
testNewFromLinkTarget(LinkTarget $value)
Title::newFromLinkTarget provideNewFromTitleValue.
testGetFragmentForURL( $titleStr, $expected)
Title::getFragmentForURL provideGetFragmentForURL.
testGetTitleValue( $text)
Title::getTitleValue provideGetTitleValue.
static provideIsValid()
testWgWhitelistReadRegexp( $whitelistRegexp, $source, $action, $expected)
Auth-less test of Title::userCan.
static provideTestIsValidMoveOperation()
testGetPrefixedDBKey(Title $title, $expected)
Title::getPrefixedDBKey provideGetPrefixedDBKey.
testIsValidMoveOperation( $source, $target, $expected)
Auth-less test of Title::isValidMoveOperation.
testGetBaseText( $title, $expected, $msg='')
provideBaseTitleCases Title::getBaseText
testGetTalkPageIfDefined_good(Title $title)
provideGetTalkPage_good Title::getTalkPageIfDefined
static provideRootTitleCases()
static provideGetTalkPage_bad()
testIsRawHtmlMessage( $textForm, $expected)
Title::isRawHtmlMessage provideIsRawHtmlMessage.
testNewFromTitleValue(TitleValue $value)
Title::newFromTitleValue provideNewFromTitleValue.
static provideIsAlwaysKnown()
static provideGetTitleValue()
static provideGetFragment()
testSecureAndSplitInvalid( $text, $expectedErrorMessage)
See also mediawiki.Title.test.js Title::secureAndSplit provideInvalidSecureAndSplit.
testGetRootText( $title, $expected, $msg='')
provideRootTitleCases Title::getRootText
Provides test parameter values for testWgWhitelistReadRegexp()
testGetTalkPage_good(Title $title, Title $expected)
provideGetTalkPage_good Title::getTalkPage
testEquals(Title $firstValue, $secondValue, $expectedSame)
Title::equals provideEquals.
testConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass( $byteClass, $unicodeClass)
provideConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass Title::convertByteClassToUnicodeClass
testGetSubpageText( $title, $expected, $msg='')
static provideSubpageTitleCases()
testCanHaveTalkPage(Title $title, $expected)
provideCanHaveTalkPage Title::canHaveTalkPage
testGetPrefixedText(Title $title, $expected)
Title::getPrefixedText provideGetPrefixedText.
static provideGetPageViewLanguage()
Definition TitleTest.php:26
testSecureAndSplitValid( $text)
See also mediawiki.Title.test.js Title::secureAndSplit provideValidSecureAndSplit.
static provideInvalidSecureAndSplit()
Definition TitleTest.php:82
static provideNewFromTitleValue()
static provideValidSecureAndSplit()
Definition TitleTest.php:45
testGetTalkPageIfDefined_bad(Title $title)
provideGetTalkPage_bad Title::getTalkPageIfDefined
testCreateFragmentTitle(Title $title, $fragment)
Title::createFragmentTarget provideCreateFragmentTitle.
static provideSpecialNamesWithAndWithoutParameter()
testIsValid(Title $title, $isValid)
Title::isValid provideIsValid.
static provideGetTalkPage_good()
Represents a page (or page fragment) title within MediaWiki.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:40
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition Title.php:994
Get the text form (spaces not underscores) of the main part.
Definition Title.php:952
Get the interwiki prefix.
Definition Title.php:880
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights,...
Definition User.php:48
Content object for wiki text pages.
namespace being checked & $result
Definition hooks.txt:2340
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that When $user is not null
Definition hooks.txt:783
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return true
Definition hooks.txt:2004
return true to allow those checks to and false if checking is done remove or add to the links of a group of changes in EnhancedChangesList Hook subscribers can return false to omit this line from recentchanges use this to change the tables headers change it to an object instance and return false override the list derivative used the name of the old file & $article
Definition hooks.txt:1580
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition hooks.txt:187
Utility to generate mapping file used in mw.Title (phpCharToUpper.json)
const NS_MAIN
Definition Defines.php:73
Definition Defines.php:62
const NS_MEDIA
Definition Defines.php:61
const NS_TALK
Definition Defines.php:74
Definition Defines.php:76
Definition Defines.php:77
Definition Defines.php:87
Get the link fragment (i.e.
Get the namespace index.
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
Definition defines.php:26
if(!isset( $args[0])) $lang