MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
11 use MediaWikiCoversValidator;
16 private function getMockCommentStore() {
17 $mockStore = $this->getMockBuilder( CommentStore::class )
18 ->disableOriginalConstructor()
19 ->getMock();
20 $mockStore->expects( $this->any() )
21 ->method( 'getFields' )
22 ->willReturn( [ 'commentstore' => 'fields' ] );
23 $mockStore->expects( $this->any() )
24 ->method( 'getJoin' )
25 ->willReturn( [
26 'tables' => [ 'commentstore' => 'table' ],
27 'fields' => [ 'commentstore' => 'field' ],
28 'joins' => [ 'commentstore' => 'join' ],
29 ] );
30 return $mockStore;
31 }
36 private function getMockActorMigration() {
37 $mockStore = $this->getMockBuilder( ActorMigration::class )
38 ->disableOriginalConstructor()
39 ->getMock();
40 $mockStore->expects( $this->any() )
41 ->method( 'getJoin' )
42 ->willReturn( [
43 'tables' => [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
44 'fields' => [
45 'rc_user' => 'actormigration_user',
46 'rc_user_text' => 'actormigration_user_text',
47 'rc_actor' => 'actormigration_actor',
48 ],
49 'joins' => [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
50 ] );
51 $mockStore->expects( $this->any() )
52 ->method( 'getWhere' )
53 ->willReturn( [
54 'tables' => [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
55 'conds' => 'actormigration_conds',
56 'joins' => [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
57 ] );
58 $mockStore->expects( $this->any() )
59 ->method( 'isAnon' )
60 ->willReturn( 'actormigration is anon' );
61 $mockStore->expects( $this->any() )
62 ->method( 'isNotAnon' )
63 ->willReturn( 'actormigration is not anon' );
64 return $mockStore;
65 }
71 private function newService( $mockDb ) {
72 return new WatchedItemQueryService(
73 $this->getMockLoadBalancer( $mockDb ),
74 $this->getMockCommentStore(),
75 $this->getMockActorMigration(),
77 );
78 }
83 private function getMockDb() {
84 $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( Database::class )
85 ->disableOriginalConstructor()
86 ->getMock();
88 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
89 ->method( 'makeList' )
90 ->with(
91 $this->isType( 'array' ),
92 $this->isType( 'int' )
93 )
94 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $a, $conj ) {
95 $sqlConj = $conj === LIST_AND ? ' AND ' : ' OR ';
96 $conds = [];
97 foreach ( $a as $k => $v ) {
98 if ( is_int( $k ) ) {
99 $conds[] = "($v)";
100 } elseif ( is_array( $v ) ) {
101 $conds[] = "($k IN ('" . implode( "','", $v ) . "'))";
102 } else {
103 $conds[] = "($k = '$v')";
104 }
105 }
106 return implode( $sqlConj, $conds );
107 } ) );
109 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
110 ->method( 'addQuotes' )
111 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $value ) {
112 return "'$value'";
113 } ) );
115 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
116 ->method( 'timestamp' )
117 ->will( $this->returnArgument( 0 ) );
119 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
120 ->method( 'bitAnd' )
121 ->willReturnCallback( function ( $a, $b ) {
122 return "($a & $b)";
123 } );
125 return $mock;
126 }
132 private function getMockLoadBalancer( $mockDb ) {
133 $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( LoadBalancer::class )
134 ->disableOriginalConstructor()
135 ->getMock();
136 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
137 ->method( 'getConnectionRef' )
138 ->with( DB_REPLICA )
139 ->will( $this->returnValue( $mockDb ) );
140 return $mock;
141 }
147 private function getMockWatchedItemStore() {
148 $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( WatchedItemStore::class )
149 ->disableOriginalConstructor()
150 ->getMock();
151 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
152 ->method( 'getLatestNotificationTimestamp' )
153 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $timestamp ) {
154 return $timestamp;
155 } ) );
156 return $mock;
157 }
163 private function getMockNonAnonUserWithId( $id ) {
164 $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )->getMock();
165 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
166 ->method( 'isAnon' )
167 ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
168 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
169 ->method( 'getId' )
170 ->will( $this->returnValue( $id ) );
171 return $mock;
172 }
178 private function getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( $id ) {
179 $mock = $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithId( $id );
180 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
181 ->method( 'isAllowed' )
182 ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
183 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
184 ->method( 'isAllowedAny' )
185 ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
186 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
187 ->method( 'useRCPatrol' )
188 ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
189 return $mock;
190 }
197 private function getMockNonAnonUserWithIdAndRestrictedPermissions( $id, $notAllowedAction ) {
198 $mock = $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithId( $id );
200 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
201 ->method( 'isAllowed' )
202 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $action ) use ( $notAllowedAction ) {
203 return $action !== $notAllowedAction;
204 } ) );
205 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
206 ->method( 'isAllowedAny' )
207 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function () use ( $notAllowedAction ) {
208 $actions = func_get_args();
209 return !in_array( $notAllowedAction, $actions );
210 } ) );
212 return $mock;
213 }
220 $mock = $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithId( $id );
222 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
223 ->method( 'isAllowed' )
224 ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
225 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
226 ->method( 'isAllowedAny' )
227 ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
229 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
230 ->method( 'useRCPatrol' )
231 ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
232 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
233 ->method( 'useNPPatrol' )
234 ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
236 return $mock;
237 }
239 private function getMockAnonUser() {
240 $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )->getMock();
241 $mock->expects( $this->any() )
242 ->method( 'isAnon' )
243 ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
244 return $mock;
245 }
247 private function getFakeRow( array $rowValues ) {
248 $fakeRow = new stdClass();
249 foreach ( $rowValues as $valueName => $value ) {
250 $fakeRow->$valueName = $value;
251 }
252 return $fakeRow;
253 }
256 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
257 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
258 ->method( 'select' )
259 ->with(
260 [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist', 'page' ],
261 [
262 'rc_id',
263 'rc_namespace',
264 'rc_title',
265 'rc_timestamp',
266 'rc_type',
267 'rc_deleted',
268 'wl_notificationtimestamp',
269 'rc_cur_id',
270 'rc_this_oldid',
271 'rc_last_oldid',
272 ],
273 [
274 'wl_user' => 1,
275 '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)',
276 ],
277 $this->isType( 'string' ),
278 [
279 'LIMIT' => 3,
280 ],
281 [
282 'watchlist' => [
283 'JOIN',
284 [
285 'wl_namespace=rc_namespace',
286 'wl_title=rc_title'
287 ]
288 ],
289 'page' => [
290 'LEFT JOIN',
291 'rc_cur_id=page_id',
292 ],
293 ]
294 )
295 ->will( $this->returnValue( [
296 $this->getFakeRow( [
297 'rc_id' => 1,
298 'rc_namespace' => 0,
299 'rc_title' => 'Foo1',
300 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010101',
301 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
302 'rc_deleted' => 0,
303 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => '20151212010101',
304 ] ),
305 $this->getFakeRow( [
306 'rc_id' => 2,
307 'rc_namespace' => 1,
308 'rc_title' => 'Foo2',
309 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010102',
310 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
311 'rc_deleted' => 0,
312 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => null,
313 ] ),
314 $this->getFakeRow( [
315 'rc_id' => 3,
316 'rc_namespace' => 1,
317 'rc_title' => 'Foo3',
318 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010103',
319 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
320 'rc_deleted' => 0,
321 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => null,
322 ] ),
323 ] ) );
325 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
326 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
328 $startFrom = null;
329 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
330 $user, [ 'limit' => 2 ], $startFrom
331 );
333 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $items );
334 $this->assertCount( 2, $items );
336 foreach ( $items as list( $watchedItem, $recentChangeInfo ) ) {
337 $this->assertInstanceOf( WatchedItem::class, $watchedItem );
338 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $recentChangeInfo );
339 }
341 $this->assertEquals(
342 new WatchedItem( $user, new TitleValue( 0, 'Foo1' ), '20151212010101' ),
343 $items[0][0]
344 );
345 $this->assertEquals(
346 [
347 'rc_id' => 1,
348 'rc_namespace' => 0,
349 'rc_title' => 'Foo1',
350 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010101',
351 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
352 'rc_deleted' => 0,
353 ],
354 $items[0][1]
355 );
357 $this->assertEquals(
358 new WatchedItem( $user, new TitleValue( 1, 'Foo2' ), null ),
359 $items[1][0]
360 );
361 $this->assertEquals(
362 [
363 'rc_id' => 2,
364 'rc_namespace' => 1,
365 'rc_title' => 'Foo2',
366 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010102',
367 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
368 'rc_deleted' => 0,
369 ],
370 $items[1][1]
371 );
373 $this->assertEquals( [ '20151212010103', 3 ], $startFrom );
374 }
377 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
378 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
379 ->method( 'select' )
380 ->with(
381 [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist', 'page', 'extension_dummy_table' ],
382 [
383 'rc_id',
384 'rc_namespace',
385 'rc_title',
386 'rc_timestamp',
387 'rc_type',
388 'rc_deleted',
389 'wl_notificationtimestamp',
390 'rc_cur_id',
391 'rc_this_oldid',
392 'rc_last_oldid',
393 'extension_dummy_field',
394 ],
395 [
396 'wl_user' => 1,
397 '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)',
398 'extension_dummy_cond',
399 ],
400 $this->isType( 'string' ),
401 [
402 'extension_dummy_option',
403 ],
404 [
405 'watchlist' => [
406 'JOIN',
407 [
408 'wl_namespace=rc_namespace',
409 'wl_title=rc_title'
410 ]
411 ],
412 'page' => [
413 'LEFT JOIN',
414 'rc_cur_id=page_id',
415 ],
416 'extension_dummy_join_cond' => [],
417 ]
418 )
419 ->will( $this->returnValue( [
420 $this->getFakeRow( [
421 'rc_id' => 1,
422 'rc_namespace' => 0,
423 'rc_title' => 'Foo1',
424 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010101',
425 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
426 'rc_deleted' => 0,
427 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => '20151212010101',
428 ] ),
429 $this->getFakeRow( [
430 'rc_id' => 2,
431 'rc_namespace' => 1,
432 'rc_title' => 'Foo2',
433 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010102',
434 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
435 'rc_deleted' => 0,
436 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => null,
437 ] ),
438 ] ) );
440 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
442 $mockExtension = $this->getMockBuilder( WatchedItemQueryServiceExtension::class )
443 ->getMock();
444 $mockExtension->expects( $this->once() )
445 ->method( 'modifyWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQuery' )
446 ->with(
447 $this->identicalTo( $user ),
448 $this->isType( 'array' ),
449 $this->isInstanceOf( IDatabase::class ),
450 $this->isType( 'array' ),
451 $this->isType( 'array' ),
452 $this->isType( 'array' ),
453 $this->isType( 'array' ),
454 $this->isType( 'array' )
455 )
456 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function (
457 $user, $options, $db, &$tables, &$fields, &$conds, &$dbOptions, &$joinConds
458 ) {
459 $tables[] = 'extension_dummy_table';
460 $fields[] = 'extension_dummy_field';
461 $conds[] = 'extension_dummy_cond';
462 $dbOptions[] = 'extension_dummy_option';
463 $joinConds['extension_dummy_join_cond'] = [];
464 } ) );
465 $mockExtension->expects( $this->once() )
466 ->method( 'modifyWatchedItemsWithRCInfo' )
467 ->with(
468 $this->identicalTo( $user ),
469 $this->isType( 'array' ),
470 $this->isInstanceOf( IDatabase::class ),
471 $this->isType( 'array' ),
472 $this->anything(),
473 $this->anything() // Can't test for null here, PHPUnit applies this after the callback
474 )
475 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $user, $options, $db, &$items, $res, &$startFrom ) {
476 foreach ( $items as $i => &$item ) {
477 $item[1]['extension_dummy_field'] = $i;
478 }
479 unset( $item );
481 $this->assertNull( $startFrom );
482 $startFrom = [ '20160203123456', 42 ];
483 } ) );
485 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
486 TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $queryService )->extensions = [ $mockExtension ];
488 $startFrom = null;
489 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
490 $user, [], $startFrom
491 );
493 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $items );
494 $this->assertCount( 2, $items );
496 foreach ( $items as list( $watchedItem, $recentChangeInfo ) ) {
497 $this->assertInstanceOf( WatchedItem::class, $watchedItem );
498 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $recentChangeInfo );
499 }
501 $this->assertEquals(
502 new WatchedItem( $user, new TitleValue( 0, 'Foo1' ), '20151212010101' ),
503 $items[0][0]
504 );
505 $this->assertEquals(
506 [
507 'rc_id' => 1,
508 'rc_namespace' => 0,
509 'rc_title' => 'Foo1',
510 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010101',
511 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
512 'rc_deleted' => 0,
513 'extension_dummy_field' => 0,
514 ],
515 $items[0][1]
516 );
518 $this->assertEquals(
519 new WatchedItem( $user, new TitleValue( 1, 'Foo2' ), null ),
520 $items[1][0]
521 );
522 $this->assertEquals(
523 [
524 'rc_id' => 2,
525 'rc_namespace' => 1,
526 'rc_title' => 'Foo2',
527 'rc_timestamp' => '20151212010102',
528 'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
529 'rc_deleted' => 0,
530 'extension_dummy_field' => 1,
531 ],
532 $items[1][1]
533 );
535 $this->assertEquals( [ '20160203123456', 42 ], $startFrom );
536 }
539 return [
540 [
541 [ 'includeFields' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::INCLUDE_FLAGS ] ],
542 null,
543 [],
544 [ 'rc_type', 'rc_minor', 'rc_bot' ],
545 [],
546 [],
547 [],
548 ],
549 [
550 [ 'includeFields' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::INCLUDE_USER ] ],
551 null,
552 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
553 [ 'rc_user_text' => 'actormigration_user_text' ],
554 [],
555 [],
556 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
557 ],
558 [
559 [ 'includeFields' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::INCLUDE_USER_ID ] ],
560 null,
561 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
562 [ 'rc_user' => 'actormigration_user' ],
563 [],
564 [],
565 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
566 ],
567 [
568 [ 'includeFields' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::INCLUDE_COMMENT ] ],
569 null,
570 [ 'commentstore' => 'table' ],
571 [ 'commentstore' => 'field' ],
572 [],
573 [],
574 [ 'commentstore' => 'join' ],
575 ],
576 [
577 [ 'includeFields' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::INCLUDE_PATROL_INFO ] ],
578 null,
579 [],
580 [ 'rc_patrolled', 'rc_log_type' ],
581 [],
582 [],
583 [],
584 ],
585 [
586 [ 'includeFields' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::INCLUDE_SIZES ] ],
587 null,
588 [],
589 [ 'rc_old_len', 'rc_new_len' ],
590 [],
591 [],
592 [],
593 ],
594 [
595 [ 'includeFields' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::INCLUDE_LOG_INFO ] ],
596 null,
597 [],
598 [ 'rc_logid', 'rc_log_type', 'rc_log_action', 'rc_params' ],
599 [],
600 [],
601 [],
602 ],
603 [
604 [ 'namespaceIds' => [ 0, 1 ] ],
605 null,
606 [],
607 [],
608 [ 'wl_namespace' => [ 0, 1 ] ],
609 [],
610 [],
611 ],
612 [
613 [ 'namespaceIds' => [ 0, "1; DROP TABLE watchlist;\n--" ] ],
614 null,
615 [],
616 [],
617 [ 'wl_namespace' => [ 0, 1 ] ],
618 [],
619 [],
620 ],
621 [
622 [ 'rcTypes' => [ RC_EDIT, RC_NEW ] ],
623 null,
624 [],
625 [],
626 [ 'rc_type' => [ RC_EDIT, RC_NEW ] ],
627 [],
628 [],
629 ],
630 [
631 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
632 null,
633 [],
634 [],
635 [],
636 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp DESC', 'rc_id DESC' ] ],
637 [],
638 ],
639 [
640 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_NEWER ],
641 null,
642 [],
643 [],
644 [],
645 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp', 'rc_id' ] ],
646 [],
647 ],
648 [
649 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER, 'start' => '20151212010101' ],
650 null,
651 [],
652 [],
653 [ "rc_timestamp <= '20151212010101'" ],
654 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp DESC', 'rc_id DESC' ] ],
655 [],
656 ],
657 [
658 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER, 'end' => '20151212010101' ],
659 null,
660 [],
661 [],
662 [ "rc_timestamp >= '20151212010101'" ],
663 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp DESC', 'rc_id DESC' ] ],
664 [],
665 ],
666 [
667 [
668 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER,
669 'start' => '20151212020101',
670 'end' => '20151212010101'
671 ],
672 null,
673 [],
674 [],
675 [ "rc_timestamp <= '20151212020101'", "rc_timestamp >= '20151212010101'" ],
676 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp DESC', 'rc_id DESC' ] ],
677 [],
678 ],
679 [
680 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_NEWER, 'start' => '20151212010101' ],
681 null,
682 [],
683 [],
684 [ "rc_timestamp >= '20151212010101'" ],
685 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp', 'rc_id' ] ],
686 [],
687 ],
688 [
689 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_NEWER, 'end' => '20151212010101' ],
690 null,
691 [],
692 [],
693 [ "rc_timestamp <= '20151212010101'" ],
694 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp', 'rc_id' ] ],
695 [],
696 ],
697 [
698 [
699 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_NEWER,
700 'start' => '20151212010101',
701 'end' => '20151212020101'
702 ],
703 null,
704 [],
705 [],
706 [ "rc_timestamp >= '20151212010101'", "rc_timestamp <= '20151212020101'" ],
707 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp', 'rc_id' ] ],
708 [],
709 ],
710 [
711 [ 'limit' => 10 ],
712 null,
713 [],
714 [],
715 [],
716 [ 'LIMIT' => 11 ],
717 [],
718 ],
719 [
720 [ 'limit' => "10; DROP TABLE watchlist;\n--" ],
721 null,
722 [],
723 [],
724 [],
725 [ 'LIMIT' => 11 ],
726 [],
727 ],
728 [
729 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_MINOR ] ],
730 null,
731 [],
732 [],
733 [ 'rc_minor != 0' ],
734 [],
735 [],
736 ],
737 [
738 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_MINOR ] ],
739 null,
740 [],
741 [],
742 [ 'rc_minor = 0' ],
743 [],
744 [],
745 ],
746 [
747 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_BOT ] ],
748 null,
749 [],
750 [],
751 [ 'rc_bot != 0' ],
752 [],
753 [],
754 ],
755 [
756 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_BOT ] ],
757 null,
758 [],
759 [],
760 [ 'rc_bot = 0' ],
761 [],
762 [],
763 ],
764 [
765 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_ANON ] ],
766 null,
767 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
768 [],
769 [ 'actormigration is anon' ],
770 [],
771 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
772 ],
773 [
774 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_ANON ] ],
775 null,
776 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
777 [],
778 [ 'actormigration is not anon' ],
779 [],
780 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
781 ],
782 [
783 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_PATROLLED ] ],
784 null,
785 [],
786 [],
787 [ 'rc_patrolled != 0' ],
788 [],
789 [],
790 ],
791 [
792 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_PATROLLED ] ],
793 null,
794 [],
795 [],
796 [ 'rc_patrolled' => 0 ],
797 [],
798 [],
799 ],
800 [
801 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_UNREAD ] ],
802 null,
803 [],
804 [],
805 [ 'rc_timestamp >= wl_notificationtimestamp' ],
806 [],
807 [],
808 ],
809 [
810 [ 'filters' => [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_UNREAD ] ],
811 null,
812 [],
813 [],
814 [ 'wl_notificationtimestamp IS NULL OR rc_timestamp < wl_notificationtimestamp' ],
815 [],
816 [],
817 ],
818 [
819 [ 'onlyByUser' => 'SomeOtherUser' ],
820 null,
821 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
822 [],
823 [ 'actormigration_conds' ],
824 [],
825 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
826 ],
827 [
828 [ 'notByUser' => 'SomeOtherUser' ],
829 null,
830 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
831 [],
832 [ 'NOT(actormigration_conds)' ],
833 [],
834 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
835 ],
836 [
837 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
838 [ '20151212010101', 123 ],
839 [],
840 [],
841 [
842 "(rc_timestamp < '20151212010101') OR ((rc_timestamp = '20151212010101') AND (rc_id <= 123))"
843 ],
844 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp DESC', 'rc_id DESC' ] ],
845 [],
846 ],
847 [
848 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_NEWER ],
849 [ '20151212010101', 123 ],
850 [],
851 [],
852 [
853 "(rc_timestamp > '20151212010101') OR ((rc_timestamp = '20151212010101') AND (rc_id >= 123))"
854 ],
855 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp', 'rc_id' ] ],
856 [],
857 ],
858 [
859 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
860 [ '20151212010101', "123; DROP TABLE watchlist;\n--" ],
861 [],
862 [],
863 [
864 "(rc_timestamp < '20151212010101') OR ((rc_timestamp = '20151212010101') AND (rc_id <= 123))"
865 ],
866 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rc_timestamp DESC', 'rc_id DESC' ] ],
867 [],
868 ],
869 ];
870 }
877 $startFrom,
878 array $expectedExtraTables,
879 array $expectedExtraFields,
880 array $expectedExtraConds,
881 array $expectedDbOptions,
882 array $expectedExtraJoinConds
883 ) {
884 $expectedTables = array_merge( [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist', 'page' ], $expectedExtraTables );
885 $expectedFields = array_merge(
886 [
887 'rc_id',
888 'rc_namespace',
889 'rc_title',
890 'rc_timestamp',
891 'rc_type',
892 'rc_deleted',
893 'wl_notificationtimestamp',
895 'rc_cur_id',
896 'rc_this_oldid',
897 'rc_last_oldid',
898 ],
899 $expectedExtraFields
900 );
901 $expectedConds = array_merge(
902 [ 'wl_user' => 1, '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)', ],
903 $expectedExtraConds
904 );
905 $expectedJoinConds = array_merge(
906 [
907 'watchlist' => [
908 'JOIN',
909 [
910 'wl_namespace=rc_namespace',
911 'wl_title=rc_title'
912 ]
913 ],
914 'page' => [
915 'LEFT JOIN',
916 'rc_cur_id=page_id',
917 ],
918 ],
919 $expectedExtraJoinConds
920 );
922 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
923 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
924 ->method( 'select' )
925 ->with(
926 $expectedTables,
927 $expectedFields,
928 $expectedConds,
929 $this->isType( 'string' ),
930 $expectedDbOptions,
931 $expectedJoinConds
932 )
933 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
935 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
936 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
938 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo( $user, $options, $startFrom );
940 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
941 $this->assertNull( $startFrom );
942 }
945 return [
946 [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_PATROLLED ],
947 [ WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_PATROLLED ],
948 ];
949 }
955 $filtersOption
956 ) {
957 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
958 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
959 ->method( 'select' )
960 ->with(
961 [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist', 'page' ],
962 $this->isType( 'array' ),
963 [ 'wl_user' => 1, '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)' ],
964 $this->isType( 'string' ),
965 $this->isType( 'array' ),
966 $this->isType( 'array' )
967 )
968 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
972 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
973 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
974 $user,
975 [ 'filters' => [ $filtersOption ] ]
976 );
978 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
979 }
982 return [
983 [
984 'mysql',
985 [],
986 [ "rc_timestamp > ''" ],
987 ],
988 [
989 'mysql',
990 [ 'start' => '20151212010101', 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
991 [ "rc_timestamp <= '20151212010101'" ],
992 ],
993 [
994 'mysql',
995 [ 'end' => '20151212010101', 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
996 [ "rc_timestamp >= '20151212010101'" ],
997 ],
998 [
999 'postgres',
1000 [],
1001 [],
1002 ],
1003 ];
1004 }
1010 $dbType,
1012 array $expectedExtraConds
1013 ) {
1014 $commonConds = [ 'wl_user' => 1, '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)' ];
1015 $conds = array_merge( $commonConds, $expectedExtraConds );
1017 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1018 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1019 ->method( 'select' )
1020 ->with(
1021 [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist', 'page' ],
1022 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1023 $conds,
1024 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1025 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1026 $this->isType( 'array' )
1027 )
1028 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1029 $mockDb->expects( $this->any() )
1030 ->method( 'getType' )
1031 ->will( $this->returnValue( $dbType ) );
1033 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1034 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1036 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo( $user, $options );
1038 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1039 }
1042 return [
1043 [
1044 [],
1045 'deletedhistory',
1046 [],
1047 [
1048 '(rc_type != ' . RC_LOG . ') OR ((rc_deleted & ' . LogPage::DELETED_ACTION . ') != ' .
1050 ],
1051 [],
1052 ],
1053 [
1054 [],
1055 'suppressrevision',
1056 [],
1057 [
1058 '(rc_type != ' . RC_LOG . ') OR (' .
1059 '(rc_deleted & ' . ( LogPage::DELETED_ACTION | LogPage::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) . ') != ' .
1061 ],
1062 [],
1063 ],
1064 [
1065 [],
1066 'viewsuppressed',
1067 [],
1068 [
1069 '(rc_type != ' . RC_LOG . ') OR (' .
1070 '(rc_deleted & ' . ( LogPage::DELETED_ACTION | LogPage::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) . ') != ' .
1072 ],
1073 [],
1074 ],
1075 [
1076 [ 'onlyByUser' => 'SomeOtherUser' ],
1077 'deletedhistory',
1078 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
1079 [
1080 'actormigration_conds',
1081 '(rc_deleted & ' . Revision::DELETED_USER . ') != ' . Revision::DELETED_USER,
1082 '(rc_type != ' . RC_LOG . ') OR ((rc_deleted & ' . LogPage::DELETED_ACTION . ') != ' .
1084 ],
1085 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
1086 ],
1087 [
1088 [ 'onlyByUser' => 'SomeOtherUser' ],
1089 'suppressrevision',
1090 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
1091 [
1092 'actormigration_conds',
1093 '(rc_deleted & ' . ( Revision::DELETED_USER | Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) . ') != ' .
1095 '(rc_type != ' . RC_LOG . ') OR (' .
1096 '(rc_deleted & ' . ( LogPage::DELETED_ACTION | LogPage::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) . ') != ' .
1098 ],
1099 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
1100 ],
1101 [
1102 [ 'onlyByUser' => 'SomeOtherUser' ],
1103 'viewsuppressed',
1104 [ 'actormigration' => 'table' ],
1105 [
1106 'actormigration_conds',
1107 '(rc_deleted & ' . ( Revision::DELETED_USER | Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) . ') != ' .
1109 '(rc_type != ' . RC_LOG . ') OR (' .
1110 '(rc_deleted & ' . ( LogPage::DELETED_ACTION | LogPage::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) . ') != ' .
1112 ],
1113 [ 'actormigration' => 'join' ],
1114 ],
1115 ];
1116 }
1123 $notAllowedAction,
1124 array $expectedExtraTables,
1125 array $expectedExtraConds,
1126 array $expectedExtraJoins
1127 ) {
1128 $commonConds = [ 'wl_user' => 1, '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)' ];
1129 $conds = array_merge( $commonConds, $expectedExtraConds );
1131 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1132 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1133 ->method( 'select' )
1134 ->with(
1135 array_merge( [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist', 'page' ], $expectedExtraTables ),
1136 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1137 $conds,
1138 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1139 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1140 array_merge( [
1141 'watchlist' => [ 'JOIN', [ 'wl_namespace=rc_namespace', 'wl_title=rc_title' ] ],
1142 'page' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'rc_cur_id=page_id' ],
1143 ], $expectedExtraJoins )
1144 )
1145 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1147 $user = $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithIdAndRestrictedPermissions( 1, $notAllowedAction );
1149 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1150 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo( $user, $options );
1152 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1153 }
1156 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1157 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1158 ->method( 'select' )
1159 ->with(
1160 [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist' ],
1161 [
1162 'rc_id',
1163 'rc_namespace',
1164 'rc_title',
1165 'rc_timestamp',
1166 'rc_type',
1167 'rc_deleted',
1168 'wl_notificationtimestamp',
1170 'rc_cur_id',
1171 'rc_this_oldid',
1172 'rc_last_oldid',
1173 ],
1174 [ 'wl_user' => 1, ],
1175 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1176 [],
1177 [
1178 'watchlist' => [
1179 'JOIN',
1180 [
1181 'wl_namespace=rc_namespace',
1182 'wl_title=rc_title'
1183 ]
1184 ],
1185 ]
1186 )
1187 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1189 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1190 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1192 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo( $user, [ 'allRevisions' => true ] );
1194 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1195 }
1198 return [
1199 [
1200 [ 'rcTypes' => [ 1337 ] ],
1201 null,
1202 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'rcTypes\']',
1203 ],
1204 [
1205 [ 'rcTypes' => [ 'edit' ] ],
1206 null,
1207 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'rcTypes\']',
1208 ],
1209 [
1210 [ 'rcTypes' => [ RC_EDIT, 1337 ] ],
1211 null,
1212 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'rcTypes\']',
1213 ],
1214 [
1215 [ 'dir' => 'foo' ],
1216 null,
1217 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'dir\']',
1218 ],
1219 [
1220 [ 'start' => '20151212010101' ],
1221 null,
1222 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'dir\']: must be provided',
1223 ],
1224 [
1225 [ 'end' => '20151212010101' ],
1226 null,
1227 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'dir\']: must be provided',
1228 ],
1229 [
1230 [],
1231 [ '20151212010101', 123 ],
1232 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'dir\']: must be provided',
1233 ],
1234 [
1235 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
1236 '20151212010101',
1237 'Bad value for parameter $startFrom: must be a two-element array',
1238 ],
1239 [
1240 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
1241 [ '20151212010101' ],
1242 'Bad value for parameter $startFrom: must be a two-element array',
1243 ],
1244 [
1245 [ 'dir' => WatchedItemQueryService::DIR_OLDER ],
1246 [ '20151212010101', 123, 'foo' ],
1247 'Bad value for parameter $startFrom: must be a two-element array',
1248 ],
1249 [
1250 [ 'watchlistOwner' => $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 2 ) ],
1251 null,
1252 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'watchlistOwnerToken\']',
1253 ],
1254 [
1255 [ 'watchlistOwner' => 'Other User', 'watchlistOwnerToken' => 'some-token' ],
1256 null,
1257 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'watchlistOwner\']',
1258 ],
1259 ];
1260 }
1267 $startFrom,
1268 $expectedInExceptionMessage
1269 ) {
1270 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1271 $mockDb->expects( $this->never() )
1272 ->method( $this->anything() );
1274 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1275 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1277 $this->setExpectedException( InvalidArgumentException::class, $expectedInExceptionMessage );
1278 $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo( $user, $options, $startFrom );
1279 }
1282 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1283 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1284 ->method( 'select' )
1285 ->with(
1286 [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist', 'page' ],
1287 [
1288 'rc_id',
1289 'rc_namespace',
1290 'rc_title',
1291 'rc_timestamp',
1292 'rc_type',
1293 'rc_deleted',
1294 'wl_notificationtimestamp',
1295 'rc_cur_id',
1296 ],
1297 [ 'wl_user' => 1, '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)' ],
1298 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1299 [],
1300 [
1301 'watchlist' => [
1302 'JOIN',
1303 [
1304 'wl_namespace=rc_namespace',
1305 'wl_title=rc_title'
1306 ]
1307 ],
1308 'page' => [
1309 'LEFT JOIN',
1310 'rc_cur_id=page_id',
1311 ],
1312 ]
1313 )
1314 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1316 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1317 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1319 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
1320 $user,
1321 [ 'usedInGenerator' => true ]
1322 );
1324 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1325 }
1328 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1329 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1330 ->method( 'select' )
1331 ->with(
1332 [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist' ],
1333 [
1334 'rc_id',
1335 'rc_namespace',
1336 'rc_title',
1337 'rc_timestamp',
1338 'rc_type',
1339 'rc_deleted',
1340 'wl_notificationtimestamp',
1341 'rc_this_oldid',
1342 ],
1343 [ 'wl_user' => 1 ],
1344 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1345 [],
1346 [
1347 'watchlist' => [
1348 'JOIN',
1349 [
1350 'wl_namespace=rc_namespace',
1351 'wl_title=rc_title'
1352 ]
1353 ],
1354 ]
1355 )
1356 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1358 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1359 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1361 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
1362 $user,
1363 [ 'usedInGenerator' => true, 'allRevisions' => true, ]
1364 );
1366 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1367 }
1370 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1371 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1372 ->method( 'select' )
1373 ->with(
1374 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1375 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1376 [
1377 'wl_user' => 2,
1378 '(rc_this_oldid=page_latest) OR (rc_type=3)',
1379 ],
1380 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1381 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1382 $this->isType( 'array' )
1383 )
1384 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1386 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1387 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1388 $otherUser = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 2 );
1389 $otherUser->expects( $this->once() )
1390 ->method( 'getOption' )
1391 ->with( 'watchlisttoken' )
1392 ->willReturn( '0123456789abcdef' );
1394 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
1395 $user,
1396 [ 'watchlistOwner' => $otherUser, 'watchlistOwnerToken' => '0123456789abcdef' ]
1397 );
1399 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1400 }
1403 return [
1404 [ 'wrongToken' ],
1405 [ '' ],
1406 ];
1407 }
1413 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1414 $mockDb->expects( $this->never() )
1415 ->method( $this->anything() );
1417 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1418 $user = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1419 $otherUser = $this->getMockUnrestrictedNonAnonUserWithId( 2 );
1420 $otherUser->expects( $this->once() )
1421 ->method( 'getOption' )
1422 ->with( 'watchlisttoken' )
1423 ->willReturn( '0123456789abcdef' );
1425 $this->setExpectedException( ApiUsageException::class, 'Incorrect watchlist token provided' );
1426 $queryService->getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
1427 $user,
1428 [ 'watchlistOwner' => $otherUser, 'watchlistOwnerToken' => $token ]
1429 );
1430 }
1432 public function testGetWatchedItemsForUser() {
1433 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1434 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1435 ->method( 'select' )
1436 ->with(
1437 'watchlist',
1438 [ 'wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ],
1439 [ 'wl_user' => 1 ]
1440 )
1441 ->will( $this->returnValue( [
1442 $this->getFakeRow( [
1443 'wl_namespace' => 0,
1444 'wl_title' => 'Foo1',
1445 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => '20151212010101',
1446 ] ),
1447 $this->getFakeRow( [
1448 'wl_namespace' => 1,
1449 'wl_title' => 'Foo2',
1450 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => null,
1451 ] ),
1452 ] ) );
1454 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1455 $user = $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1457 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsForUser( $user );
1459 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $items );
1460 $this->assertCount( 2, $items );
1461 $this->assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf( WatchedItem::class, $items );
1462 $this->assertEquals(
1463 new WatchedItem( $user, new TitleValue( 0, 'Foo1' ), '20151212010101' ),
1464 $items[0]
1465 );
1466 $this->assertEquals(
1467 new WatchedItem( $user, new TitleValue( 1, 'Foo2' ), null ),
1468 $items[1]
1469 );
1470 }
1473 return [
1474 [
1475 [ 'namespaceIds' => [ 0, 1 ], ],
1476 [ 'wl_namespace' => [ 0, 1 ], ],
1477 []
1478 ],
1479 [
1480 [ 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_ASC, ],
1481 [],
1482 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace ASC', 'wl_title ASC' ] ]
1483 ],
1484 [
1485 [
1486 'namespaceIds' => [ 0 ],
1487 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_ASC,
1488 ],
1489 [ 'wl_namespace' => [ 0 ], ],
1490 [ 'ORDER BY' => 'wl_title ASC' ]
1491 ],
1492 [
1493 [ 'limit' => 10 ],
1494 [],
1495 [ 'LIMIT' => 10 ]
1496 ],
1497 [
1498 [
1499 'namespaceIds' => [ 0, "1; DROP TABLE watchlist;\n--" ],
1500 'limit' => "10; DROP TABLE watchlist;\n--",
1501 ],
1502 [ 'wl_namespace' => [ 0, 1 ], ],
1503 [ 'LIMIT' => 10 ]
1504 ],
1505 [
1506 [ 'filter' => WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_CHANGED ],
1507 [ 'wl_notificationtimestamp IS NOT NULL' ],
1508 []
1509 ],
1510 [
1511 [ 'filter' => WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_CHANGED ],
1512 [ 'wl_notificationtimestamp IS NULL' ],
1513 []
1514 ],
1515 [
1516 [ 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_DESC, ],
1517 [],
1518 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace DESC', 'wl_title DESC' ] ]
1519 ],
1520 [
1521 [
1522 'namespaceIds' => [ 0 ],
1523 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_DESC,
1524 ],
1525 [ 'wl_namespace' => [ 0 ], ],
1526 [ 'ORDER BY' => 'wl_title DESC' ]
1527 ],
1528 ];
1529 }
1536 array $expectedConds,
1537 array $expectedDbOptions
1538 ) {
1539 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1540 $user = $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1542 $expectedConds = array_merge( [ 'wl_user' => 1 ], $expectedConds );
1543 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1544 ->method( 'select' )
1545 ->with(
1546 'watchlist',
1547 [ 'wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ],
1548 $expectedConds,
1549 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1550 $expectedDbOptions
1551 )
1552 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1554 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1556 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsForUser( $user, $options );
1557 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1558 }
1561 return [
1562 [
1563 [
1564 'from' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ),
1565 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_ASC
1566 ],
1567 [ "(wl_namespace > 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title >= 'SomeDbKey'))", ],
1568 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace ASC', 'wl_title ASC' ] ]
1569 ],
1570 [
1571 [
1572 'from' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ),
1573 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_DESC,
1574 ],
1575 [ "(wl_namespace < 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title <= 'SomeDbKey'))", ],
1576 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace DESC', 'wl_title DESC' ] ]
1577 ],
1578 [
1579 [
1580 'until' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ),
1581 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_ASC
1582 ],
1583 [ "(wl_namespace < 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title <= 'SomeDbKey'))", ],
1584 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace ASC', 'wl_title ASC' ] ]
1585 ],
1586 [
1587 [
1588 'until' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ),
1589 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_DESC
1590 ],
1591 [ "(wl_namespace > 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title >= 'SomeDbKey'))", ],
1592 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace DESC', 'wl_title DESC' ] ]
1593 ],
1594 [
1595 [
1596 'from' => new TitleValue( 0, 'AnotherDbKey' ),
1597 'until' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeOtherDbKey' ),
1598 'startFrom' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ),
1599 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_ASC
1600 ],
1601 [
1602 "(wl_namespace > 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title >= 'AnotherDbKey'))",
1603 "(wl_namespace < 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title <= 'SomeOtherDbKey'))",
1604 "(wl_namespace > 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title >= 'SomeDbKey'))",
1605 ],
1606 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace ASC', 'wl_title ASC' ] ]
1607 ],
1608 [
1609 [
1610 'from' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeOtherDbKey' ),
1611 'until' => new TitleValue( 0, 'AnotherDbKey' ),
1612 'startFrom' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ),
1613 'sort' => WatchedItemQueryService::SORT_DESC
1614 ],
1615 [
1616 "(wl_namespace < 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title <= 'SomeOtherDbKey'))",
1617 "(wl_namespace > 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title >= 'AnotherDbKey'))",
1618 "(wl_namespace < 0) OR ((wl_namespace = 0) AND (wl_title <= 'SomeDbKey'))",
1619 ],
1620 [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'wl_namespace DESC', 'wl_title DESC' ] ]
1621 ],
1622 ];
1623 }
1630 array $expectedConds,
1631 array $expectedDbOptions
1632 ) {
1633 $user = $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithId( 1 );
1635 $expectedConds = array_merge( [ 'wl_user' => 1 ], $expectedConds );
1637 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1638 $mockDb->expects( $this->any() )
1639 ->method( 'addQuotes' )
1640 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $value ) {
1641 return "'$value'";
1642 } ) );
1643 $mockDb->expects( $this->any() )
1644 ->method( 'makeList' )
1645 ->with(
1646 $this->isType( 'array' ),
1647 $this->isType( 'int' )
1648 )
1649 ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $a, $conj ) {
1650 $sqlConj = $conj === LIST_AND ? ' AND ' : ' OR ';
1651 return implode( $sqlConj, array_map( function ( $s ) {
1652 return '(' . $s . ')';
1653 }, $a
1654 ) );
1655 } ) );
1656 $mockDb->expects( $this->once() )
1657 ->method( 'select' )
1658 ->with(
1659 'watchlist',
1660 [ 'wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ],
1661 $expectedConds,
1662 $this->isType( 'string' ),
1664 )
1665 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
1667 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1669 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsForUser( $user, $options );
1670 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1671 }
1674 return [
1675 [
1676 [ 'sort' => 'foo' ],
1677 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'sort\']'
1678 ],
1679 [
1680 [ 'filter' => 'foo' ],
1681 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'filter\']'
1682 ],
1683 [
1684 [ 'from' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ), ],
1685 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'sort\']: must be provided'
1686 ],
1687 [
1688 [ 'until' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ), ],
1689 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'sort\']: must be provided'
1690 ],
1691 [
1692 [ 'startFrom' => new TitleValue( 0, 'SomeDbKey' ), ],
1693 'Bad value for parameter $options[\'sort\']: must be provided'
1694 ],
1695 ];
1696 }
1703 $expectedInExceptionMessage
1704 ) {
1705 $queryService = $this->newService( $this->getMockDb() );
1707 $this->setExpectedException( InvalidArgumentException::class, $expectedInExceptionMessage );
1708 $queryService->getWatchedItemsForUser( $this->getMockNonAnonUserWithId( 1 ), $options );
1709 }
1712 $mockDb = $this->getMockDb();
1714 $mockDb->expects( $this->never() )
1715 ->method( $this->anything() );
1717 $queryService = $this->newService( $mockDb );
1719 $items = $queryService->getWatchedItemsForUser( $this->getMockAnonUser() );
1720 $this->assertEmpty( $items );
1721 }
</td >< td > &</td >< td > t want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will
and that you know you can do these things To protect your we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the or if you modify it For if you distribute copies of such a whether gratis or for a you must give the recipients all the rights that you have You must make sure that receive or can get the source code And you must show them these terms so they know their rights We protect your rights with two and(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy
they could even be mouse clicks or menu items whatever suits your program You should also get your if any
Definition COPYING.txt:326
Definition LogPage.php:37
Definition LogPage.php:34
Database $db
Primary database.
Definition Revision.php:48
Definition Revision.php:49
Represents a page (or page fragment) title within MediaWiki.
testGetWatchedItemsForUser_fromUntilStartFromOptions(array $options, array $expectedConds, array $expectedDbOptions)
testGetWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo_invalidOptions(array $options, $startFrom, $expectedInExceptionMessage)
testGetWatchedItemsForUser_optionsAndEmptyResult(array $options, array $expectedConds, array $expectedDbOptions)
testGetWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo_watchlistOwnerAndInvalidToken( $token)
testGetWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo_optionsAndEmptyResult(array $options, $startFrom, array $expectedExtraTables, array $expectedExtraFields, array $expectedExtraConds, array $expectedDbOptions, array $expectedExtraJoinConds)
testGetWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo_userPermissionRelatedExtraChecks(array $options, $notAllowedAction, array $expectedExtraTables, array $expectedExtraConds, array $expectedExtraJoins)
testGetWatchedItemsForUser_invalidOptionThrowsException(array $options, $expectedInExceptionMessage)
testGetWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo_filterPatrolledAndUserWithNoPatrolRights( $filtersOption)
testGetWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo_mysqlIndexOptimization( $dbType, array $options, array $expectedExtraConds)
getMockNonAnonUserWithIdAndRestrictedPermissions( $id, $notAllowedAction)
Representation of a pair of user and title for watchlist entries.
Database connection, tracking, load balancing, and transaction manager for a cluster.
Definition database.txt:21
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same so they can t rely on Unix and must forbid reads to even standard directories like tmp lest users read each others files We cannot assume that the user has the ability to install or run any programs not written as web accessible PHP scripts Since anything that works on cheap shared hosting will work if you have shell or root access MediaWiki s design is based around catering to the lowest common denominator Although we support higher end setups as the way many things work by default is tailored toward shared hosting These defaults are unconventional from the point of view of and they certainly aren t ideal for someone who s installing MediaWiki as MediaWiki does not conform to normal Unix filesystem layout Hopefully we ll offer direct support for standard layouts in the but for now *any change to the location of files is unsupported *Moving things and leaving symlinks will *probably *not break anything
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped & $options
Definition hooks.txt:1999
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist Do not use this to implement individual filters if they are compatible with the ChangesListFilter and ChangesListFilterGroup structure use sub classes of those in conjunction with the ChangesListSpecialPageStructuredFilters hook This hook can be used to implement filters that do not implement that or custom behavior that is not an individual filter e g Watchlist & $tables
Definition hooks.txt:996
const RC_NEW
Definition Defines.php:152
const RC_LOG
Definition Defines.php:153
const LIST_AND
Definition Defines.php:52
const RC_EDIT
Definition Defines.php:151
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
Definition defines.php:25