MediaWiki REL1_34
Go to the documentation of this file.
31 private static $mErrorString;
43 protected static function sendWithPear( $mailer, $dest, $headers, $body ) {
44 $mailResult = $mailer->send( $dest, $headers, $body );
46 // Based on the result return an error string,
47 if ( PEAR::isError( $mailResult ) ) {
48 wfDebug( "PEAR::Mail failed: " . $mailResult->getMessage() . "\n" );
49 return Status::newFatal( 'pear-mail-error', $mailResult->getMessage() );
50 } else {
51 return Status::newGood();
52 }
53 }
67 private static function arrayToHeaderString( $headers, $endl = PHP_EOL ) {
68 $strings = [];
69 foreach ( $headers as $name => $value ) {
70 // Prevent header injection by stripping newlines from value
71 $value = self::sanitizeHeaderValue( $value );
72 $strings[] = "$name: $value";
73 }
74 return implode( $endl, $strings );
75 }
82 private static function makeMsgId() {
83 global $wgSMTP, $wgServer;
85 $domainId = WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain()->getId();
86 $msgid = uniqid( $domainId . ".", true );
87 if ( is_array( $wgSMTP ) && isset( $wgSMTP['IDHost'] ) && $wgSMTP['IDHost'] ) {
88 $domain = $wgSMTP['IDHost'];
89 } else {
90 $url = wfParseUrl( $wgServer );
91 $domain = $url['host'];
92 }
93 return "<$msgid@$domain>";
94 }
115 public static function send( $to, $from, $subject, $body, $options = [] ) {
116 global $wgAllowHTMLEmail;
118 if ( !isset( $options['contentType'] ) ) {
119 $options['contentType'] = 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
120 }
122 if ( !is_array( $to ) ) {
123 $to = [ $to ];
124 }
126 // mail body must have some content
127 $minBodyLen = 10;
128 // arbitrary but longer than Array or Object to detect casting error
130 // body must either be a string or an array with text and body
131 if (
132 !(
133 !is_array( $body ) &&
134 strlen( $body ) >= $minBodyLen
135 )
136 &&
137 !(
138 is_array( $body ) &&
139 isset( $body['text'] ) &&
140 isset( $body['html'] ) &&
141 strlen( $body['text'] ) >= $minBodyLen &&
142 strlen( $body['html'] ) >= $minBodyLen
143 )
144 ) {
145 // if it is neither we have a problem
146 return Status::newFatal( 'user-mail-no-body' );
147 }
149 if ( !$wgAllowHTMLEmail && is_array( $body ) ) {
150 // HTML not wanted. Dump it.
151 $body = $body['text'];
152 }
154 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': sending mail to ' . implode( ', ', $to ) . "\n" );
156 // Make sure we have at least one address
157 $has_address = false;
158 foreach ( $to as $u ) {
159 if ( $u->address ) {
160 $has_address = true;
161 break;
162 }
163 }
164 if ( !$has_address ) {
165 return Status::newFatal( 'user-mail-no-addy' );
166 }
168 // give a chance to UserMailerTransformContents subscribers who need to deal with each
169 // target differently to split up the address list
170 if ( count( $to ) > 1 ) {
171 $oldTo = $to;
172 Hooks::run( 'UserMailerSplitTo', [ &$to ] );
173 if ( $oldTo != $to ) {
174 $splitTo = array_diff( $oldTo, $to );
175 $to = array_diff( $oldTo, $splitTo ); // ignore new addresses added in the hook
176 // first send to non-split address list, then to split addresses one by one
177 $status = Status::newGood();
178 if ( $to ) {
179 $status->merge( self::sendInternal(
180 $to, $from, $subject, $body, $options ) );
181 }
182 foreach ( $splitTo as $newTo ) {
183 $status->merge( self::sendInternal(
184 [ $newTo ], $from, $subject, $body, $options ) );
185 }
186 return $status;
187 }
188 }
190 return self::sendInternal( $to, $from, $subject, $body, $options );
191 }
199 private static function isMailMimeUsable() {
200 static $usable = null;
201 if ( $usable === null ) {
202 $usable = class_exists( 'Mail_mime' );
203 }
204 return $usable;
205 }
213 private static function isMailUsable() {
214 static $usable = null;
215 if ( $usable === null ) {
216 $usable = class_exists( 'Mail' );
217 }
219 return $usable;
220 }
238 protected static function sendInternal(
239 array $to,
240 MailAddress $from,
241 $subject,
242 $body,
243 $options = []
244 ) {
246 $mime = null;
248 $replyto = $options['replyTo'] ?? null;
249 $contentType = $options['contentType'] ?? 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
250 $headers = $options['headers'] ?? [];
252 // Allow transformation of content, such as encrypting/signing
253 $error = false;
254 if ( !Hooks::run( 'UserMailerTransformContent', [ $to, $from, &$body, &$error ] ) ) {
255 if ( $error ) {
256 return Status::newFatal( 'php-mail-error', $error );
257 } else {
258 return Status::newFatal( 'php-mail-error-unknown' );
259 }
260 }
291 $headers['From'] = $from->toString();
292 $returnPath = $from->address;
293 $extraParams = $wgAdditionalMailParams;
295 // Hook to generate custom VERP address for 'Return-Path'
296 Hooks::run( 'UserMailerChangeReturnPath', [ $to, &$returnPath ] );
297 // Add the envelope sender address using the -f command line option when PHP mail() is used.
298 // Will default to the $from->address when the UserMailerChangeReturnPath hook fails and the
299 // generated VERP address when the hook runs effectively.
301 // PHP runs this through escapeshellcmd(). However that's not sufficient
302 // escaping (e.g. due to spaces). MediaWiki's email sanitizer should generally
303 // be good enough, but just in case, put in double quotes, and remove any
304 // double quotes present (" is not allowed in emails, so should have no
305 // effect, although this might cause apostrophees to be double escaped)
306 $returnPathCLI = '"' . str_replace( '"', '', $returnPath ) . '"';
307 $extraParams .= ' -f ' . $returnPathCLI;
309 $headers['Return-Path'] = $returnPath;
311 if ( $replyto ) {
312 $headers['Reply-To'] = $replyto->toString();
313 }
315 $headers['Date'] = MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance()->format( 'r' );
316 $headers['Message-ID'] = self::makeMsgId();
317 $headers['X-Mailer'] = 'MediaWiki mailer';
318 $headers['List-Unsubscribe'] = '<' . SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )
319 ->getFullURL( '', false, PROTO_CANONICAL ) . '>';
321 // Line endings need to be different on Unix and Windows due to
322 // the bug described at
323 $endl = PHP_EOL;
325 if ( is_array( $body ) ) {
326 // we are sending a multipart message
327 wfDebug( "Assembling multipart mime email\n" );
328 if ( !self::isMailMimeUsable() ) {
329 wfDebug( "PEAR Mail_Mime package is not installed. Falling back to text email.\n" );
330 // remove the html body for text email fall back
331 $body = $body['text'];
332 } else {
333 // pear/mail_mime is already loaded by this point
334 if ( wfIsWindows() ) {
335 $body['text'] = str_replace( "\n", "\r\n", $body['text'] );
336 $body['html'] = str_replace( "\n", "\r\n", $body['html'] );
337 }
338 $mime = new Mail_mime( [
339 'eol' => $endl,
340 'text_charset' => 'UTF-8',
341 'html_charset' => 'UTF-8'
342 ] );
343 $mime->setTXTBody( $body['text'] );
344 $mime->setHTMLBody( $body['html'] );
345 $body = $mime->get(); // must call get() before headers()
346 $headers = $mime->headers( $headers );
347 }
348 }
349 if ( $mime === null ) {
350 // sending text only, either deliberately or as a fallback
351 if ( wfIsWindows() ) {
352 $body = str_replace( "\n", "\r\n", $body );
353 }
354 $headers['MIME-Version'] = '1.0';
355 $headers['Content-type'] = $contentType;
356 $headers['Content-transfer-encoding'] = '8bit';
357 }
359 // allow transformation of MIME-encoded message
360 if ( !Hooks::run( 'UserMailerTransformMessage',
361 [ $to, $from, &$subject, &$headers, &$body, &$error ] )
362 ) {
363 if ( $error ) {
364 return Status::newFatal( 'php-mail-error', $error );
365 } else {
366 return Status::newFatal( 'php-mail-error-unknown' );
367 }
368 }
370 $ret = Hooks::run( 'AlternateUserMailer', [ $headers, $to, $from, $subject, $body ] );
371 if ( $ret === false ) {
372 // the hook implementation will return false to skip regular mail sending
373 return Status::newGood();
374 } elseif ( $ret !== true ) {
375 // the hook implementation will return a string to pass an error message
376 return Status::newFatal( 'php-mail-error', $ret );
377 }
379 if ( is_array( $wgSMTP ) ) {
380 // Check if pear/mail is already loaded (via composer)
381 if ( !self::isMailUsable() ) {
382 throw new MWException( 'PEAR mail package is not installed' );
383 }
385 $recips = array_map( 'strval', $to );
387 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
389 // Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method
390 $mail_object = Mail::factory( 'smtp', $wgSMTP );
391 if ( PEAR::isError( $mail_object ) ) {
392 wfDebug( "PEAR::Mail factory failed: " . $mail_object->getMessage() . "\n" );
393 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
394 return Status::newFatal( 'pear-mail-error', $mail_object->getMessage() );
395 }
396 '@phan-var Mail_smtp $mail_object';
398 wfDebug( "Sending mail via PEAR::Mail\n" );
400 $headers['Subject'] = self::quotedPrintable( $subject );
402 // When sending only to one recipient, shows it its email using To:
403 if ( count( $recips ) == 1 ) {
404 $headers['To'] = $recips[0];
405 }
407 // Split jobs since SMTP servers tends to limit the maximum
408 // number of possible recipients.
409 $chunks = array_chunk( $recips, $wgEnotifMaxRecips );
410 foreach ( $chunks as $chunk ) {
411 $status = self::sendWithPear( $mail_object, $chunk, $headers, $body );
412 // FIXME : some chunks might be sent while others are not!
413 if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
414 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
415 return $status;
416 }
417 }
418 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
419 return Status::newGood();
420 } else {
421 // PHP mail()
422 if ( count( $to ) > 1 ) {
423 $headers['To'] = 'undisclosed-recipients:;';
424 }
425 $headers = self::arrayToHeaderString( $headers, $endl );
427 wfDebug( "Sending mail via internal mail() function\n" );
429 self::$mErrorString = '';
430 $html_errors = ini_get( 'html_errors' );
431 ini_set( 'html_errors', '0' );
432 set_error_handler( 'UserMailer::errorHandler' );
434 try {
435 foreach ( $to as $recip ) {
436 $sent = mail(
437 $recip->toString(),
438 self::quotedPrintable( $subject ),
439 $body,
440 $headers,
441 $extraParams
442 );
443 }
444 } catch ( Exception $e ) {
445 restore_error_handler();
446 throw $e;
447 }
449 restore_error_handler();
450 ini_set( 'html_errors', $html_errors );
452 if ( self::$mErrorString ) {
453 wfDebug( "Error sending mail: " . self::$mErrorString . "\n" );
454 return Status::newFatal( 'php-mail-error', self::$mErrorString );
455 } elseif ( !$sent ) {
456 // mail function only tells if there's an error
457 wfDebug( "Unknown error sending mail\n" );
458 return Status::newFatal( 'php-mail-error-unknown' );
459 } else {
460 return Status::newGood();
461 }
462 }
463 }
471 private static function errorHandler( $code, $string ) {
472 self::$mErrorString = preg_replace( '/^mail\‍(\‍)(\s*\[.*?\])?: /', '', $string );
473 }
480 public static function sanitizeHeaderValue( $val ) {
481 return strtr( $val, [ "\r" => '', "\n" => '' ] );
482 }
489 public static function rfc822Phrase( $phrase ) {
490 // Remove line breaks
491 $phrase = self::sanitizeHeaderValue( $phrase );
492 // Remove quotes
493 $phrase = str_replace( '"', '', $phrase );
494 return '"' . $phrase . '"';
495 }
510 public static function quotedPrintable( $string, $charset = '' ) {
511 // Probably incomplete; see RFC 2045
512 if ( empty( $charset ) ) {
513 $charset = 'UTF-8';
514 }
515 $charset = strtoupper( $charset );
516 $charset = str_replace( 'ISO-8859', 'ISO8859', $charset ); // ?
518 $illegal = '\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f-\xff=';
519 $replace = $illegal . '\t ?_';
520 if ( !preg_match( "/[$illegal]/", $string ) ) {
521 return $string;
522 }
523 $out = "=?$charset?Q?";
524 $out .= preg_replace_callback( "/([$replace])/",
525 function ( $matches ) {
526 return sprintf( "=%02X", ord( $matches[1] ) );
527 },
528 $string
529 );
530 $out .= '?=';
531 return $out;
532 }
Maximum number of users to mail at once when using impersonal mail.
Additional email parameters, will be passed as the last argument to mail() call.
For parts of the system that have been updated to provide HTML email content, send both text and HTML...
SMTP Mode.
URL of the server.
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
wfParseUrl( $url)
parse_url() work-alike, but non-broken.
Check if the operating system is Windows.
MediaWiki exception.
Stores a single person's name and email address.
Return formatted and quoted address to insert into SMTP headers.
Collection of static functions for sending mail.
static errorHandler( $code, $string)
Set the mail error message in self::$mErrorString.
static isMailUsable()
Whether the PEAR Mail library is usable.
static rfc822Phrase( $phrase)
Converts a string into a valid RFC 822 "phrase", such as is used for the sender name.
static sanitizeHeaderValue( $val)
Strips bad characters from a header value to prevent PHP mail header injection attacks.
static send( $to, $from, $subject, $body, $options=[])
This function will perform a direct (authenticated) login to a SMTP Server to use for mail relaying i...
static $mErrorString
static sendWithPear( $mailer, $dest, $headers, $body)
Send mail using a PEAR mailer.
static quotedPrintable( $string, $charset='')
Converts a string into quoted-printable format.
static isMailMimeUsable()
Whether the PEAR Mail_mime library is usable.
static arrayToHeaderString( $headers, $endl=PHP_EOL)
Creates a single string from an associative array.
static sendInternal(array $to, MailAddress $from, $subject, $body, $options=[])
Helper function fo UserMailer::send() which does the actual sending.
static makeMsgId()
Create a value suitable for the MessageId Header.
Definition Defines.php:212