MediaWiki REL1_39
Go to the documentation of this file.
35 public const MAX_LIMIT = 5000;
37 protected $totalCount = 0, $totalBytes = 0;
42 protected $totalPerType = 0;
47 protected $countPerType = 0;
52 protected $totalSize = 0;
55 private $mimeAnalyzer;
62 public function __construct(
63 MimeAnalyzer $mimeAnalyzer,
64 ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer,
65 LinkBatchFactory $linkBatchFactory
66 ) {
67 parent::__construct( 'MediaStatistics' );
68 // Generally speaking there is only a small number of file types,
69 // so just show all of them.
70 $this->limit = self::MAX_LIMIT;
71 $this->shownavigation = false;
72 $this->mimeAnalyzer = $mimeAnalyzer;
73 $this->setDBLoadBalancer( $loadBalancer );
74 $this->setLinkBatchFactory( $linkBatchFactory );
75 }
77 public function isExpensive() {
78 return true;
79 }
95 public function getQueryInfo() {
96 $dbr = $this->getDBLoadBalancer()->getConnectionRef( ILoadBalancer::DB_REPLICA );
97 $fakeTitle = $dbr->buildConcat( [
98 'img_media_type',
99 $dbr->addQuotes( ';' ),
100 'img_major_mime',
101 $dbr->addQuotes( '/' ),
102 'img_minor_mime',
103 $dbr->addQuotes( ';' ),
104 $dbr->buildStringCast( 'COUNT(*)' ),
105 $dbr->addQuotes( ';' ),
106 $dbr->buildStringCast( 'SUM( img_size )' )
107 ] );
108 return [
109 'tables' => [ 'image' ],
110 'fields' => [
111 'title' => $fakeTitle,
112 'namespace' => NS_MEDIA, /* needs to be something */
113 'value' => '1'
114 ],
115 'options' => [
116 'GROUP BY' => [
117 'img_media_type',
118 'img_major_mime',
119 'img_minor_mime',
120 ]
121 ]
122 ];
123 }
132 protected function getOrderFields() {
133 return [ 'img_media_type', 'count(*)', 'img_major_mime', 'img_minor_mime' ];
134 }
146 protected function outputResults( $out, $skin, $dbr, $res, $num, $offset ) {
147 $prevMediaType = null;
148 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
149 $mediaStats = $this->splitFakeTitle( $row->title );
150 if ( count( $mediaStats ) < 4 ) {
151 continue;
152 }
153 list( $mediaType, $mime, $totalCount, $totalBytes ) = $mediaStats;
154 if ( $prevMediaType !== $mediaType ) {
155 if ( $prevMediaType !== null ) {
156 // We're not at beginning, so we have to
157 // close the previous table.
158 $this->outputTableEnd();
159 }
160 $this->outputMediaType( $mediaType );
161 $this->totalPerType = 0;
162 $this->countPerType = 0;
163 $this->outputTableStart( $mediaType );
164 $prevMediaType = $mediaType;
165 }
166 $this->outputTableRow( $mime, intval( $totalCount ), intval( $totalBytes ) );
167 }
168 if ( $prevMediaType !== null ) {
169 $this->outputTableEnd();
170 // add total size of all files
171 $this->outputMediaType( 'total' );
172 $this->getOutput()->addWikiTextAsInterface(
173 $this->msg( 'mediastatistics-allbytes' )
174 ->numParams( $this->totalSize )
175 ->sizeParams( $this->totalSize )
176 ->numParams( $this->totalCount )
177 ->text()
178 );
179 }
180 }
185 protected function outputTableEnd() {
186 $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
187 Html::closeElement( 'tbody' ) .
188 Html::closeElement( 'table' )
189 );
190 $this->getOutput()->addWikiTextAsInterface(
191 $this->msg( 'mediastatistics-bytespertype' )
192 ->numParams( $this->totalPerType )
193 ->sizeParams( $this->totalPerType )
194 ->numParams( $this->makePercentPretty( $this->totalPerType / $this->totalBytes ) )
195 ->numParams( $this->countPerType )
196 ->numParams( $this->makePercentPretty( $this->countPerType / $this->totalCount ) )
197 ->text()
198 );
199 $this->totalSize += $this->totalPerType;
200 }
209 protected function outputTableRow( $mime, $count, $bytes ) {
210 $mimeSearch = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'MIMEsearch', $mime );
211 $linkRenderer = $this->getLinkRenderer();
212 $row = Html::rawElement(
213 'td',
214 [],
215 $linkRenderer->makeLink( $mimeSearch, $mime )
216 );
217 $row .= Html::rawElement(
218 'td',
219 [],
220 $this->getExtensionList( $mime )
221 );
222 $row .= Html::rawElement(
223 'td',
224 // Make sure js sorts it in numeric order
225 [ 'data-sort-value' => $count ],
226 $this->msg( 'mediastatistics-nfiles' )
227 ->numParams( $count )
229 ->numParams( $this->makePercentPretty( $count / $this->totalCount ) )
230 ->parse()
231 );
232 $row .= Html::rawElement(
233 'td',
234 // Make sure js sorts it in numeric order
235 [ 'data-sort-value' => $bytes ],
236 $this->msg( 'mediastatistics-nbytes' )
237 ->numParams( $bytes )
238 ->sizeParams( $bytes )
240 ->numParams( $this->makePercentPretty( $bytes / $this->totalBytes ) )
241 ->parse()
242 );
243 $this->totalPerType += $bytes;
244 $this->countPerType += $count;
245 $this->getOutput()->addHTML( Html::rawElement( 'tr', [], $row ) );
246 }
252 protected function makePercentPretty( $decimal ) {
253 $decimal *= 100;
254 // Always show three useful digits
255 if ( $decimal == 0 ) {
256 return '0';
257 }
258 if ( $decimal >= 100 ) {
259 return '100';
260 }
261 $percent = sprintf( "%." . max( 0, 2 - floor( log10( $decimal ) ) ) . "f", $decimal );
262 // Then remove any trailing 0's
263 return preg_replace( '/\.?0*$/', '', $percent );
264 }
272 private function getExtensionList( $mime ) {
273 $exts = $this->mimeAnalyzer->getExtensionsFromMimeType( $mime );
274 if ( !$exts ) {
275 return '';
276 }
277 foreach ( $exts as &$ext ) {
278 $ext = htmlspecialchars( '.' . $ext );
279 }
281 return $this->getLanguage()->commaList( $exts );
282 }
290 protected function outputTableStart( $mediaType ) {
291 $out = $this->getOutput();
292 $out->addModuleStyles( 'jquery.tablesorter.styles' );
293 $out->addModules( 'jquery.tablesorter' );
294 $out->addHTML(
295 Html::openElement(
296 'table',
297 [ 'class' => [
298 'mw-mediastats-table',
299 'mw-mediastats-table-' . strtolower( $mediaType ),
300 'sortable',
301 'wikitable'
302 ] ]
303 ) .
304 Html::rawElement( 'thead', [], $this->getTableHeaderRow() ) .
305 Html::openElement( 'tbody' )
306 );
307 }
314 protected function getTableHeaderRow() {
315 $headers = [ 'mimetype', 'extensions', 'count', 'totalbytes' ];
316 $ths = '';
317 foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
318 $ths .= Html::rawElement(
319 'th',
320 [],
321 // for grep:
322 // mediastatistics-table-mimetype, mediastatistics-table-extensions
323 // mediastatistics-table-count, mediastatistics-table-totalbytes
324 $this->msg( 'mediastatistics-table-' . $header )->parse()
325 );
326 }
327 return Html::rawElement( 'tr', [], $ths );
328 }
335 protected function outputMediaType( $mediaType ) {
336 $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
337 Html::element(
338 'h2',
339 [ 'class' => [
340 'mw-mediastats-mediatype',
341 'mw-mediastats-mediatype-' . strtolower( $mediaType )
342 ] ],
343 // for grep
344 // mediastatistics-header-unknown, mediastatistics-header-bitmap,
345 // mediastatistics-header-drawing, mediastatistics-header-audio,
346 // mediastatistics-header-video, mediastatistics-header-multimedia,
347 // mediastatistics-header-office, mediastatistics-header-text,
348 // mediastatistics-header-executable, mediastatistics-header-archive,
349 // mediastatistics-header-3d,
350 $this->msg( 'mediastatistics-header-' . strtolower( $mediaType ) )->text()
351 )
352 );
356 }
364 private function splitFakeTitle( $fakeTitle ) {
365 return explode( ';', $fakeTitle, 4 );
366 }
372 protected function getGroupName() {
373 return 'media';
374 }
386 public function formatResult( $skin, $result ) {
387 throw new MWException( "unimplemented" );
388 }
396 public function preprocessResults( $dbr, $res ) {
398 $this->totalCount = $this->totalBytes = 0;
399 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
400 $mediaStats = $this->splitFakeTitle( $row->title );
401 $this->totalCount += $mediaStats[2] ?? 0;
402 $this->totalBytes += $mediaStats[3] ?? 0;
403 }
404 $res->seek( 0 );
405 }
const NS_MEDIA
Definition Defines.php:52
MediaWiki exception.
This is a class for doing query pages; since they're almost all the same, we factor out some of the f...
Definition QueryPage.php:42
executeLBFromResultWrapper(IResultWrapper $res, $ns=null)
Creates a new LinkBatch object, adds all pages from the passed result wrapper (MUST include title and...
setDBLoadBalancer(ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer)
int $offset
The offset and limit in use, as passed to the query() function.
Definition QueryPage.php:47
setLinkBatchFactory(LinkBatchFactory $linkBatchFactory)
formatResult( $skin, $result)
This method isn't used, since we override outputResults, but we need to implement since abstract in p...
What group to put the page in.
preprocessResults( $dbr, $res)
Initialize total values so we can figure out percentages later.
int $totalSize
Combined file size of all files.
int $totalPerType
Combined file size of all files in a section.
__construct(MimeAnalyzer $mimeAnalyzer, ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer, LinkBatchFactory $linkBatchFactory)
int $countPerType
Combined file count of all files in a section.
outputResults( $out, $skin, $dbr, $res, $num, $offset)
Output the results of the query.
outputTableStart( $mediaType)
Output the start of the table.
Get (not output) the header row for the table.
outputTableRow( $mime, $count, $bytes)
Output a row of the stats table.
Should this query page only be updated offline on large wikis?
How to sort the results.
outputMediaType( $mediaType)
Output a header for a new media type section.
Get the OutputPage being used for this instance.
static getTitleFor( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='')
Get a localised Title object for a specified special page name If you don't need a full Title object,...
msg( $key,... $params)
Wrapper around wfMessage that sets the current context.
Shortcut to get user's language.
Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles.
Definition IDatabase.php:39
Create and track the database connections and transactions for a given database cluster.
Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object.
Definition router.php:60
if(!is_readable( $file)) $ext
Definition router.php:48