MediaWiki REL1_40
Go to the documentation of this file.
24use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
25use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\INormalizedException;
35 public const CAUGHT_BY_HANDLER = 'mwe_handler';
37 public const CAUGHT_BY_ENTRYPOINT = 'entrypoint';
39 public const CAUGHT_BY_OTHER = 'other';
42 protected static $reservedMemory;
54 protected static $fatalErrorTypes = [
61 // E.g. "Catchable fatal error: Argument X must be Y, null given"
63 ];
70 private static $logExceptionBacktrace = true;
77 private static $propagateErrors;
86 public static function installHandler(
87 bool $logExceptionBacktrace = true,
88 bool $propagateErrors = true
89 ) {
90 self::$logExceptionBacktrace = $logExceptionBacktrace;
91 self::$propagateErrors = $propagateErrors;
93 // This catches:
94 // * Exception objects that were explicitly thrown but not
95 // caught anywhere in the application. This is rare given those
96 // would normally be caught at a high-level like MediaWiki::run (index.php),
97 // api.php, or ResourceLoader::respond (load.php). These high-level
98 // catch clauses would then call MWExceptionHandler::logException
99 // or MWExceptionHandler::handleException.
100 // If they are not caught, then they are handled here.
101 // * Error objects for issues that would historically
102 // cause fatal errors but may now be caught as Throwable (not Exception).
103 // Same as previous case, but more common to bubble to here instead of
104 // caught locally because they tend to not be safe to recover from.
105 // (e.g. argument TypeError, division by zero, etc.)
106 set_exception_handler( 'MWExceptionHandler::handleUncaughtException' );
108 // This catches recoverable errors (e.g. PHP Notice, PHP Warning, PHP Error) that do not
109 // interrupt execution in any way. We log these in the background and then continue execution.
110 set_error_handler( 'MWExceptionHandler::handleError' );
112 // This catches fatal errors for which no Throwable is thrown,
113 // including Out-Of-Memory and Timeout fatals.
114 // Reserve 16k of memory so we can report OOM fatals.
115 self::$reservedMemory = str_repeat( ' ', 16384 );
116 register_shutdown_function( 'MWExceptionHandler::handleFatalError' );
117 }
123 protected static function report( Throwable $e ) {
124 try {
125 // Try and show the exception prettily, with the normal skin infrastructure
126 if ( $e instanceof MWException ) {
127 // Delegate to MWException until all subclasses are handled by
128 // MWExceptionRenderer and MWException::report() has been
129 // removed.
130 $e->report();
131 } else {
132 MWExceptionRenderer::output( $e, MWExceptionRenderer::AS_PRETTY );
133 }
134 } catch ( Throwable $e2 ) {
135 // Exception occurred from within exception handler
136 // Show a simpler message for the original exception,
137 // don't try to invoke report()
138 MWExceptionRenderer::output( $e, MWExceptionRenderer::AS_RAW, $e2 );
139 }
140 }
147 private static function rollbackPrimaryChanges() {
148 if ( !MediaWikiServices::hasInstance() ) {
149 // MediaWiki isn't fully initialized yet, it's not safe to access services.
150 // This also means that there's nothing to roll back yet.
151 return;
152 }
154 $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
155 if ( $services->isServiceDisabled( 'DBLoadBalancerFactory' ) ) {
156 // The DBLoadBalancerFactory is disabled, possibly because we are in the installer,
157 // or we are in the process of shutting MediaWiki. At this point, any DB transactions
158 // would already have been committed or rolled back.
159 return;
160 }
162 // Roll back DBs to avoid transaction notices. This might fail
163 // to roll back some databases due to connection issues or exceptions.
164 // However, any sensible DB driver will roll back implicitly anyway.
165 try {
166 $lbFactory = $services->getDBLoadBalancerFactory();
167 $lbFactory->rollbackPrimaryChanges( __METHOD__ );
168 $lbFactory->flushPrimarySessions( __METHOD__ );
169 } catch ( DBError $e ) {
170 // If the DB is unreachable, rollback() will throw an error
171 // and the error report() method might need messages from the DB,
172 // which would result in an exception loop. PHP may escalate such
173 // errors to "Exception thrown without a stack frame" fatals, but
174 // it's better to be explicit here.
175 self::logException( $e, self::CAUGHT_BY_HANDLER );
176 }
177 }
188 public static function rollbackPrimaryChangesAndLog(
189 Throwable $e,
190 $catcher = self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER
191 ) {
192 self::rollbackPrimaryChanges();
194 self::logException( $e, $catcher );
195 }
202 public static function rollbackMasterChangesAndLog(
203 Throwable $e,
204 $catcher = self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER
205 ) {
206 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.37' );
207 self::rollbackPrimaryChangesAndLog( $e, $catcher );
208 }
216 public static function handleUncaughtException( Throwable $e ) {
217 self::handleException( $e, self::CAUGHT_BY_HANDLER );
219 // Make sure we don't claim success on exit for CLI scripts (T177414)
220 if ( wfIsCLI() ) {
221 register_shutdown_function(
225 static function () {
226 exit( 255 );
227 }
228 );
229 }
230 }
247 public static function handleException( Throwable $e, $catcher = self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER ) {
248 self::rollbackPrimaryChangesAndLog( $e, $catcher );
249 self::report( $e );
250 }
266 public static function handleError(
267 $level,
268 $message,
269 $file = null,
270 $line = null
271 ) {
272 // Map PHP error constant to a PSR-3 severity level.
273 // Avoid use of "DEBUG" or "INFO" levels, unless the
274 // error should evade error monitoring and alerts.
275 //
276 // To decide the log level, ask yourself: "Has the
277 // program's behaviour diverged from what the written
278 // code expected?"
279 //
280 // For example, use of a deprecated method or violating a strict standard
281 // has no impact on functional behaviour (Warning). On the other hand,
282 // accessing an undefined variable makes behaviour diverge from what the
283 // author intended/expected. PHP recovers from an undefined variables by
284 // yielding null and continuing execution, but it remains a change in
285 // behaviour given the null was not part of the code and is likely not
286 // accounted for.
287 switch ( $level ) {
288 case E_WARNING:
289 case E_CORE_WARNING:
291 $prefix = 'PHP Warning: ';
292 $severity = LogLevel::ERROR;
293 break;
294 case E_NOTICE:
295 $prefix = 'PHP Notice: ';
296 $severity = LogLevel::ERROR;
297 break;
298 case E_USER_NOTICE:
299 // Used by wfWarn(), MWDebug::warning()
300 $prefix = 'PHP Notice: ';
301 $severity = LogLevel::WARNING;
302 break;
303 case E_USER_WARNING:
304 // Used by wfWarn(), MWDebug::warning()
305 $prefix = 'PHP Warning: ';
306 $severity = LogLevel::WARNING;
307 break;
308 case E_STRICT:
309 $prefix = 'PHP Strict Standards: ';
310 $severity = LogLevel::WARNING;
311 break;
312 case E_DEPRECATED:
313 $prefix = 'PHP Deprecated: ';
314 $severity = LogLevel::WARNING;
315 break;
317 $prefix = 'PHP Deprecated: ';
318 $severity = LogLevel::WARNING;
319 $real = MWDebug::parseCallerDescription( $message );
320 if ( $real ) {
321 // Used by wfDeprecated(), MWDebug::deprecated()
322 // Apply caller offset from wfDeprecated() to the native error.
323 // This makes errors easier to aggregate and find in e.g. Kibana.
324 $file = $real['file'];
325 $line = $real['line'];
326 $message = $real['message'];
327 }
328 break;
329 default:
330 $prefix = 'PHP Unknown error: ';
331 $severity = LogLevel::ERROR;
332 break;
333 }
335 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullableInternal False positive
336 $e = new ErrorException( $prefix . $message, 0, $level, $file, $line );
337 self::logError( $e, 'error', $severity, self::CAUGHT_BY_HANDLER );
339 // If $propagateErrors is true return false so PHP shows/logs the error normally.
340 // Ignore $propagateErrors if track_errors is set
341 // (which means someone is counting on regular PHP error handling behavior).
342 return !( self::$propagateErrors || ini_get( 'track_errors' ) );
343 }
359 public static function handleFatalError() {
360 // Free reserved memory so that we have space to process OOM
361 // errors
362 self::$reservedMemory = null;
364 $lastError = error_get_last();
365 if ( $lastError === null ) {
366 return false;
367 }
369 $level = $lastError['type'];
370 $message = $lastError['message'];
371 $file = $lastError['file'];
372 $line = $lastError['line'];
374 if ( !in_array( $level, self::$fatalErrorTypes ) ) {
375 // Only interested in fatal errors, others should have been
376 // handled by MWExceptionHandler::handleError
377 return false;
378 }
380 $msgParts = [
381 '[{reqId}] {exception_url} PHP Fatal Error',
382 ( $line || $file ) ? ' from' : '',
383 $line ? " line $line" : '',
384 ( $line && $file ) ? ' of' : '',
385 $file ? " $file" : '',
386 ": $message",
387 ];
388 $msg = implode( '', $msgParts );
390 // Look at message to see if this is a class not found failure (Class 'foo' not found)
391 if ( preg_match( "/Class '\w+' not found/", $message ) ) {
392 // phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
393 $msg = <<<TXT
396MediaWiki or an installed extension requires this class but it is not embedded directly in MediaWiki's git repository and must be installed separately by the end user.
398Please see <a href=""></a> for help on installing the required components.
400 // phpcs:enable
401 }
403 $e = new ErrorException( "PHP Fatal Error: {$message}", 0, $level, $file, $line );
404 $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'exception' );
405 $logger->error( $msg, self::getLogContext( $e, self::CAUGHT_BY_HANDLER ) );
407 return false;
408 }
420 public static function getRedactedTraceAsString( Throwable $e ) {
421 $from = 'from ' . $e->getFile() . '(' . $e->getLine() . ')' . "\n";
422 return $from . self::prettyPrintTrace( self::getRedactedTrace( $e ) );
423 }
433 public static function prettyPrintTrace( array $trace, $pad = '' ) {
434 $text = '';
436 $level = 0;
437 foreach ( $trace as $level => $frame ) {
438 if ( isset( $frame['file'] ) && isset( $frame['line'] ) ) {
439 $text .= "{$pad}#{$level} {$frame['file']}({$frame['line']}): ";
440 } else {
441 // 'file' and 'line' are unset for calls from C code
442 // (T57634) This matches behaviour of
443 // Throwable::getTraceAsString to instead display "[internal
444 // function]".
445 $text .= "{$pad}#{$level} [internal function]: ";
446 }
448 if ( isset( $frame['class'] ) && isset( $frame['type'] ) && isset( $frame['function'] ) ) {
449 $text .= $frame['class'] . $frame['type'] . $frame['function'];
450 } else {
451 $text .= $frame['function'] ?? 'NO_FUNCTION_GIVEN';
452 }
454 if ( isset( $frame['args'] ) ) {
455 $text .= '(' . implode( ', ', $frame['args'] ) . ")\n";
456 } else {
457 $text .= "()\n";
458 }
459 }
461 $level++;
462 $text .= "{$pad}#{$level} {main}";
464 return $text;
465 }
478 public static function getRedactedTrace( Throwable $e ) {
479 return static::redactTrace( $e->getTrace() );
480 }
492 public static function redactTrace( array $trace ) {
493 return array_map( static function ( $frame ) {
494 if ( isset( $frame['args'] ) ) {
495 $frame['args'] = array_map( static function ( $arg ) {
496 return is_object( $arg ) ? get_class( $arg ) : gettype( $arg );
497 }, $frame['args'] );
498 }
499 return $frame;
500 }, $trace );
501 }
510 public static function getURL() {
511 global $wgRequest;
512 if ( !isset( $wgRequest ) || $wgRequest instanceof FauxRequest ) {
513 return false;
514 }
515 return $wgRequest->getRequestURL();
516 }
529 public static function getLogMessage( Throwable $e ) {
530 $id = WebRequest::getRequestId();
531 $type = get_class( $e );
532 $message = $e->getMessage();
533 $url = self::getURL() ?: '[no req]';
535 if ( $e instanceof DBQueryError ) {
536 $message = "A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run"
537 . " your application's database schema updater after upgrading"
538 . " or after adding a new extension?\n\nPlease see"
539 . " and"
540 . ""
541 . " for more information.\n\n"
542 . $message;
543 }
545 return "[$id] $url $type: $message";
546 }
557 public static function getLogNormalMessage( Throwable $e ) {
558 if ( $e instanceof INormalizedException ) {
559 $message = $e->getNormalizedMessage();
560 } else {
561 $message = $e->getMessage();
562 }
563 if ( !$e instanceof ErrorException ) {
564 // ErrorException is something we use internally to represent
565 // PHP errors (runtime warnings that aren't thrown or caught),
566 // don't bother putting it in the logs. Let the log message
567 // lead with "PHP Warning: " instead (see ::handleError).
568 $message = get_class( $e ) . ": $message";
569 }
571 return "[{reqId}] {exception_url} $message";
572 }
578 public static function getPublicLogMessage( Throwable $e ) {
579 $reqId = WebRequest::getRequestId();
580 $type = get_class( $e );
581 return '[' . $reqId . '] '
582 . gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . ': '
583 . 'Fatal exception of type "' . $type . '"';
584 }
598 public static function getLogContext( Throwable $e, $catcher = self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER ) {
599 $context = [
600 'exception' => $e,
601 'exception_url' => self::getURL() ?: '[no req]',
602 // The reqId context key use the same familiar name and value as the top-level field
603 // provided by LogstashFormatter. However, formatters are configurable at run-time,
604 // and their top-level fields are logically separate from context keys and cannot be,
605 // substituted in a message, hence set explicitly here. For WMF users, these may feel,
606 // like the same thing due to Monolog V0 handling, which transmits "fields" and "context",
607 // in the same JSON object (after message formatting).
608 'reqId' => WebRequest::getRequestId(),
609 'caught_by' => $catcher
610 ];
611 if ( $e instanceof INormalizedException ) {
612 $context += $e->getMessageContext();
613 }
614 return $context;
615 }
629 public static function getStructuredExceptionData(
630 Throwable $e,
631 $catcher = self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER
632 ) {
633 $data = [
634 'id' => WebRequest::getRequestId(),
635 'type' => get_class( $e ),
636 'file' => $e->getFile(),
637 'line' => $e->getLine(),
638 'message' => $e->getMessage(),
639 'code' => $e->getCode(),
640 'url' => self::getURL() ?: null,
641 'caught_by' => $catcher
642 ];
644 if ( $e instanceof ErrorException &&
645 ( error_reporting() & $e->getSeverity() ) === 0
646 ) {
647 // Flag suppressed errors
648 $data['suppressed'] = true;
649 }
651 if ( self::$logExceptionBacktrace ) {
652 $data['backtrace'] = self::getRedactedTrace( $e );
653 }
655 $previous = $e->getPrevious();
656 if ( $previous !== null ) {
657 $data['previous'] = self::getStructuredExceptionData( $previous, $catcher );
658 }
660 return $data;
661 }
717 public static function jsonSerializeException(
718 Throwable $e,
719 $pretty = false,
720 $escaping = 0,
721 $catcher = self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER
722 ) {
723 return FormatJson::encode(
724 self::getStructuredExceptionData( $e, $catcher ),
725 $pretty,
726 $escaping
727 );
728 }
741 public static function logException(
742 Throwable $e,
743 $catcher = self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER,
744 $extraData = []
745 ) {
746 if ( !( $e instanceof MWException ) || $e->isLoggable() ) {
747 $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'exception' );
748 $context = self::getLogContext( $e, $catcher );
749 if ( $extraData ) {
750 $context['extraData'] = $extraData;
751 }
752 $logger->error(
753 self::getLogNormalMessage( $e ),
754 $context
755 );
757 $json = self::jsonSerializeException( $e, false, FormatJson::ALL_OK, $catcher );
758 if ( $json !== false ) {
759 $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'exception-json' );
760 $logger->error( $json, [ 'private' => true ] );
761 }
763 Hooks::runner()->onLogException( $e, false );
764 }
765 }
775 private static function logError(
776 ErrorException $e,
777 $channel,
778 $level,
779 $catcher
780 ) {
781 // The set_error_handler callback is independent from error_reporting.
782 // Filter out unwanted errors manually (e.g. when
783 // AtEase::suppressWarnings is active).
784 $suppressed = ( error_reporting() & $e->getSeverity() ) === 0;
785 if ( !$suppressed ) {
786 $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( $channel );
787 $logger->log(
788 $level,
789 self::getLogNormalMessage( $e ),
790 self::getLogContext( $e, $catcher )
791 );
792 }
794 // Include all errors in the json log (suppressed errors will be flagged)
795 $json = self::jsonSerializeException( $e, false, FormatJson::ALL_OK, $catcher );
796 if ( $json !== false ) {
797 $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( "{$channel}-json" );
798 // Unlike the 'error' channel, the 'error-json' channel is unfiltered,
799 // and emits messages even if wikimedia/at-ease was used to suppress the
800 // error. To avoid clobbering Logstash dashboards with these, make sure
801 // those have their level casted to DEBUG so that they are excluded by
802 // level-based filters automatically instead of requiring a dedicated filter
803 // for this channel. To be improved: T193472.
804 $unfilteredLevel = $suppressed ? LogLevel::DEBUG : $level;
805 $logger->log( $unfilteredLevel, $json, [ 'private' => true ] );
806 }
808 Hooks::runner()->onLogException( $e, $suppressed );
809 }
Check if we are running from the commandline.
wfDeprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Logs a warning that a deprecated feature was used.
global $wgRequest
Definition Setup.php:407
static runner()
Get a HookRunner instance for calling hooks using the new interfaces.
Definition Hooks.php:170
Handler class for MWExceptions.
static getLogContext(Throwable $e, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER)
Get a PSR-3 log event context from a Throwable.
static handleError( $level, $message, $file=null, $line=null)
Handler for set_error_handler() callback notifications.
static rollbackPrimaryChangesAndLog(Throwable $e, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER)
Roll back any open database transactions and log the stack trace of the throwable.
static installHandler(bool $logExceptionBacktrace=true, bool $propagateErrors=true)
Install handlers with PHP.
static getStructuredExceptionData(Throwable $e, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER)
Get a structured representation of a Throwable.
static rollbackMasterChangesAndLog(Throwable $e, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER)
static getRedactedTraceAsString(Throwable $e)
Generate a string representation of a throwable's stack trace.
static report(Throwable $e)
Report a throwable to the user.
static logException(Throwable $e, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER, $extraData=[])
Log a throwable to the exception log (if enabled).
static array $fatalErrorTypes
Error types that, if unhandled, are fatal to the request.
static getPublicLogMessage(Throwable $e)
static getRedactedTrace(Throwable $e)
Return a copy of a throwable's backtrace as an array.
static handleUncaughtException(Throwable $e)
Callback to use with PHP's set_exception_handler.
static prettyPrintTrace(array $trace, $pad='')
Generate a string representation of a stacktrace.
static string null $reservedMemory
static jsonSerializeException(Throwable $e, $pretty=false, $escaping=0, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER)
Serialize a Throwable object to JSON.
static getLogMessage(Throwable $e)
Get a message formatting the throwable message and its origin.
static redactTrace(array $trace)
Redact a stacktrace generated by Throwable::getTrace(), debug_backtrace() or similar means.
static handleFatalError()
Callback used as a registered shutdown function.
static getLogNormalMessage(Throwable $e)
Get a normalised message for formatting with PSR-3 log event context.
static getURL()
If the exception occurred in the course of responding to a request, returns the requested URL.
static handleException(Throwable $e, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER)
Exception handler which simulates the appropriate catch() handling:
MediaWiki exception.
PSR-3 logger instance factory.
Service locator for MediaWiki core services.
WebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array.
Database error base class.
Definition DBError.php:31
A helper class for throttling authentication attempts.
if(PHP_SAPI !='cli-server') if(!isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $file
Item class for a filearchive table row.
Definition router.php:42