This is the complete list of members for FallbackContent, including all inherited members.
$model_id | AbstractContent | protected |
__construct( $data, $model_id) | FallbackContent | |
AbstractContent::__construct( $modelId=null) | AbstractContent | |
addSectionHeader( $header) | AbstractContent | |
checkFormat( $format) | AbstractContent | protected |
checkModelID( $modelId) | AbstractContent | protected |
convert( $toModel, $lossy='') | FallbackContent | |
copy() | FallbackContent | |
equals(Content $that=null) | AbstractContent | |
equalsInternal(Content $that) | FallbackContent | protected |
fillParserOutput(Title $title, $revId, ParserOptions $options, $generateHtml, ParserOutput &$output) | AbstractContent | protected |
getContentHandler() | AbstractContent | |
getContentHandlerFactory() | AbstractContent | protected |
getData() | FallbackContent | |
getDefaultFormat() | AbstractContent | |
getModel() | AbstractContent | |
getNativeData() | FallbackContent | |
getParserOutput(Title $title, $revId=null, ParserOptions $options=null, $generateHtml=true) | AbstractContent | |
getRedirectChain() | AbstractContent | |
getRedirectTarget() | AbstractContent | |
getSection( $sectionId) | AbstractContent | |
getSize() | FallbackContent | |
getSupportedFormats() | AbstractContent | |
getTextForSearchIndex() | FallbackContent | |
getTextForSummary( $maxlength=250) | FallbackContent | |
getUltimateRedirectTarget() | AbstractContent | |
getWikitextForTransclusion() | FallbackContent | |
isCountable( $hasLinks=null) | FallbackContent | |
isEmpty() | AbstractContent | |
isRedirect() | AbstractContent | |
isSupportedFormat( $format) | AbstractContent | |
isValid() | AbstractContent | |
matchMagicWord(MagicWord $word) | AbstractContent | |
preloadTransform(Title $title, ParserOptions $popts, $params=[]) | AbstractContent | |
prepareSave(WikiPage $page, $flags, $parentRevId, User $user) | AbstractContent | |
preSaveTransform(Title $title, User $user, ParserOptions $popts) | AbstractContent | |
replaceSection( $sectionId, Content $with, $sectionTitle='') | AbstractContent | |
serialize( $format=null) | FallbackContent | |
updateRedirect(Title $target) | AbstractContent | |