MediaWiki REL1_41
Go to the documentation of this file.
12class ExtensionProcessor implements Processor {
19 protected static $globalSettings = [
20 MainConfigNames::ActionFilteredLogs,
21 MainConfigNames::Actions,
22 MainConfigNames::AddGroups,
23 MainConfigNames::APIFormatModules,
24 MainConfigNames::APIListModules,
25 MainConfigNames::APIMetaModules,
26 MainConfigNames::APIModules,
27 MainConfigNames::APIPropModules,
28 MainConfigNames::AuthManagerAutoConfig,
29 MainConfigNames::AvailableRights,
30 MainConfigNames::CentralIdLookupProviders,
31 MainConfigNames::ChangeCredentialsBlacklist,
32 MainConfigNames::ConfigRegistry,
33 MainConfigNames::ContentHandlers,
34 MainConfigNames::DefaultUserOptions,
35 MainConfigNames::ExtensionEntryPointListFiles,
36 MainConfigNames::ExtensionFunctions,
37 MainConfigNames::FeedClasses,
38 MainConfigNames::FileExtensions,
39 MainConfigNames::FilterLogTypes,
40 MainConfigNames::GrantPermissionGroups,
41 MainConfigNames::GrantPermissions,
42 MainConfigNames::GroupPermissions,
43 MainConfigNames::GroupsAddToSelf,
44 MainConfigNames::GroupsRemoveFromSelf,
45 MainConfigNames::HiddenPrefs,
46 MainConfigNames::ImplicitGroups,
47 MainConfigNames::JobClasses,
48 MainConfigNames::LogActions,
49 MainConfigNames::LogActionsHandlers,
50 MainConfigNames::LogHeaders,
51 MainConfigNames::LogNames,
52 MainConfigNames::LogRestrictions,
53 MainConfigNames::LogTypes,
54 MainConfigNames::MediaHandlers,
55 MainConfigNames::PasswordPolicy,
56 MainConfigNames::PrivilegedGroups,
57 MainConfigNames::RateLimits,
58 MainConfigNames::RawHtmlMessages,
59 MainConfigNames::ReauthenticateTime,
60 MainConfigNames::RecentChangesFlags,
61 MainConfigNames::RemoveCredentialsBlacklist,
62 MainConfigNames::RemoveGroups,
63 MainConfigNames::ResourceLoaderSources,
64 MainConfigNames::RevokePermissions,
65 MainConfigNames::SessionProviders,
66 MainConfigNames::SpecialPages,
67 MainConfigNames::UserRegistrationProviders,
68 ];
75 protected const CORE_ATTRIBS = [
76 'ParsoidModules',
77 'RestRoutes',
78 'SkinOOUIThemes',
79 'SkinCodexThemes',
80 'SearchMappings',
81 'TrackingCategories',
82 'LateJSConfigVarNames',
83 'TempUserSerialProviders',
84 'TempUserSerialMappings',
85 'DatabaseVirtualDomains',
86 ];
95 protected const MERGE_STRATEGIES = [
96 'wgAuthManagerAutoConfig' => 'array_plus_2d',
97 'wgCapitalLinkOverrides' => 'array_plus',
98 'wgExtraGenderNamespaces' => 'array_plus',
99 'wgGrantPermissions' => 'array_plus_2d',
100 'wgGroupPermissions' => 'array_plus_2d',
101 'wgHooks' => 'array_merge_recursive',
102 'wgNamespaceContentModels' => 'array_plus',
103 'wgNamespaceProtection' => 'array_plus',
104 'wgNamespacesWithSubpages' => 'array_plus',
105 'wgPasswordPolicy' => 'array_merge_recursive',
106 'wgRateLimits' => 'array_plus_2d',
107 'wgRevokePermissions' => 'array_plus_2d',
108 ];
115 protected const CREDIT_ATTRIBS = [
116 'type',
117 'author',
118 'description',
119 'descriptionmsg',
120 'license-name',
121 'name',
122 'namemsg',
123 'url',
124 'version',
125 ];
133 protected const NOT_ATTRIBS = [
134 'callback',
135 'config',
136 'config_prefix',
137 'load_composer_autoloader',
138 'manifest_version',
139 'namespaces',
140 'requires',
141 'AutoloadClasses',
142 'AutoloadNamespaces',
143 'ExtensionMessagesFiles',
144 'ForeignResourcesDir',
145 'Hooks',
146 'MessagePosterModule',
147 'MessagesDirs',
148 'OOUIThemePaths',
149 'QUnitTestModule',
150 'ResourceFileModulePaths',
151 'ResourceModuleSkinStyles',
152 'ResourceModules',
153 'ServiceWiringFiles',
154 ];
163 protected $globals = [
164 'wgExtensionMessagesFiles' => [],
165 'wgMessagesDirs' => [],
166 ];
173 protected $defines = [];
182 protected $callbacks = [];
187 protected $credits = [];
196 protected $autoload = [
197 'files' => [],
198 'classes' => [],
199 'namespaces' => [],
200 ];
208 protected $autoloadDev = [
209 'files' => [],
210 'classes' => [],
211 'namespaces' => [],
212 ];
220 protected $attributes = [];
228 protected $extAttributes = [];
237 public function extractInfoFromFile( string $path ) {
238 $json = file_get_contents( $path );
239 $info = json_decode( $json, true );
241 if ( !$info ) {
242 throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to load JSON data from $path" );
243 }
245 $this->extractInfo( $path, $info, $info['manifest_version'] );
246 }
253 public function extractInfo( $path, array $info, $version ) {
254 $dir = dirname( $path );
255 $this->extractHooks( $info, $path );
256 $this->extractExtensionMessagesFiles( $dir, $info );
257 $this->extractMessagesDirs( $dir, $info );
258 $this->extractSkins( $dir, $info );
259 $this->extractSkinImportPaths( $dir, $info );
260 $this->extractNamespaces( $info );
261 $this->extractImplicitRights( $info );
262 $this->extractResourceLoaderModules( $dir, $info );
263 if ( isset( $info['ServiceWiringFiles'] ) ) {
265 'wgServiceWiringFiles',
266 $dir,
267 $info['ServiceWiringFiles']
268 );
269 }
270 $name = $this->extractCredits( $path, $info );
271 if ( isset( $info['callback'] ) ) {
272 $this->callbacks[$name] = $info['callback'];
273 }
275 $this->extractAutoload( $info, $dir );
277 // config should be after all core globals are extracted,
278 // so duplicate setting detection will work fully
279 if ( $version >= 2 ) {
280 $this->extractConfig2( $info, $dir );
281 } else {
282 // $version === 1
283 $this->extractConfig1( $info );
284 }
286 // Record the extension name in the ParsoidModules property
287 if ( isset( $info['ParsoidModules'] ) ) {
288 foreach ( $info['ParsoidModules'] as &$module ) {
289 if ( is_string( $module ) ) {
290 $className = $module;
291 $module = [
292 'class' => $className,
293 ];
294 }
295 $module['name'] = $name;
296 }
297 }
299 $this->extractForeignResourcesDir( $info, $name, $dir );
301 if ( $version >= 2 ) {
302 $this->extractAttributes( $path, $info );
303 }
305 foreach ( $info as $key => $val ) {
306 // If it's a global setting,
307 if ( in_array( $key, self::$globalSettings ) ) {
308 $this->storeToArrayRecursive( $path, "wg$key", $val, $this->globals );
309 continue;
310 }
311 // Ignore anything that starts with a @
312 if ( $key[0] === '@' ) {
313 continue;
314 }
316 if ( $version >= 2 ) {
317 // Only allowed attributes are set
318 if ( in_array( $key, self::CORE_ATTRIBS ) ) {
319 $this->storeToArray( $path, $key, $val, $this->attributes );
320 }
321 } else {
322 // version === 1
323 if ( !in_array( $key, self::NOT_ATTRIBS )
324 && !in_array( $key, self::CREDIT_ATTRIBS )
325 ) {
326 // If it's not disallowed, it's an attribute
327 $this->storeToArrayRecursive( $path, $key, $val, $this->attributes );
328 }
329 }
330 }
331 }
337 protected function extractAttributes( $path, array $info ) {
338 if ( isset( $info['attributes'] ) ) {
339 foreach ( $info['attributes'] as $extName => $value ) {
340 $this->storeToArrayRecursive( $path, $extName, $value, $this->extAttributes );
341 }
342 }
343 }
345 public function getExtractedInfo( bool $includeDev = false ) {
346 // Make sure the merge strategies are set
347 foreach ( $this->globals as $key => $val ) {
348 if ( isset( self::MERGE_STRATEGIES[$key] ) ) {
349 $this->globals[$key][ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY] = self::MERGE_STRATEGIES[$key];
350 }
351 }
353 // Merge $this->extAttributes into $this->attributes depending on what is loaded
354 foreach ( $this->extAttributes as $extName => $value ) {
355 // Only set the attribute if $extName is loaded (and hence present in credits)
356 if ( isset( $this->credits[$extName] ) ) {
357 foreach ( $value as $attrName => $attrValue ) {
359 '', // Don't provide a path since it's impossible to generate an error here
360 $extName . $attrName,
361 $attrValue,
362 $this->attributes
363 );
364 }
365 unset( $this->extAttributes[$extName] );
366 }
367 }
369 $autoload = $this->getExtractedAutoloadInfo( $includeDev );
370 return [
371 'globals' => $this->globals,
372 'defines' => $this->defines,
373 'callbacks' => $this->callbacks,
374 'credits' => $this->credits,
375 'attributes' => $this->attributes,
376 'autoloaderPaths' => $autoload['files'],
377 'autoloaderClasses' => $autoload['classes'],
378 'autoloaderNS' => $autoload['namespaces'],
379 ];
380 }
382 public function getRequirements( array $info, $includeDev ) {
383 // Quick shortcuts
384 if ( !$includeDev || !isset( $info['dev-requires'] ) ) {
385 return $info['requires'] ?? [];
386 }
388 if ( !isset( $info['requires'] ) ) {
389 return $info['dev-requires'] ?? [];
390 }
392 // OK, we actually have to merge everything
393 $merged = [];
395 // Helper that combines version requirements by
396 // picking the non-null if one is, or combines
397 // the two. Note that it is not possible for
398 // both inputs to be null.
399 $pick = static function ( $a, $b ) {
400 if ( $a === null ) {
401 return $b;
402 } elseif ( $b === null ) {
403 return $a;
404 } else {
405 return "$a $b";
406 }
407 };
409 $req = $info['requires'];
410 $dev = $info['dev-requires'];
411 if ( isset( $req['MediaWiki'] ) || isset( $dev['MediaWiki'] ) ) {
412 $merged['MediaWiki'] = $pick(
413 $req['MediaWiki'] ?? null,
414 $dev['MediaWiki'] ?? null
415 );
416 }
418 $platform = array_merge(
419 array_keys( $req['platform'] ?? [] ),
420 array_keys( $dev['platform'] ?? [] )
421 );
422 if ( $platform ) {
423 foreach ( $platform as $pkey ) {
424 if ( $pkey === 'php' ) {
425 $value = $pick(
426 $req['platform']['php'] ?? null,
427 $dev['platform']['php'] ?? null
428 );
429 } else {
430 // Prefer dev value, but these should be constant
431 // anyway (ext-* and ability-*)
432 $value = $dev['platform'][$pkey] ?? $req['platform'][$pkey];
433 }
434 $merged['platform'][$pkey] = $value;
435 }
436 }
438 foreach ( [ 'extensions', 'skins' ] as $thing ) {
439 $things = array_merge(
440 array_keys( $req[$thing] ?? [] ),
441 array_keys( $dev[$thing] ?? [] )
442 );
443 foreach ( $things as $name ) {
444 $merged[$thing][$name] = $pick(
445 $req[$thing][$name] ?? null,
446 $dev[$thing][$name] ?? null
447 );
448 }
449 }
450 return $merged;
451 }
464 private function setArrayHookHandler(
465 array $callback,
466 array $hookHandlersAttr,
467 string $name,
468 string $path
469 ) {
470 if ( isset( $callback['handler'] ) ) {
471 $handlerName = $callback['handler'];
472 $handlerDefinition = $hookHandlersAttr[$handlerName] ?? false;
473 if ( !$handlerDefinition ) {
474 throw new UnexpectedValueException(
475 "Missing handler definition for $name in HookHandlers attribute in $path"
476 );
477 }
478 $callback['handler'] = $handlerDefinition;
479 $callback['extensionPath'] = $path;
480 $this->attributes['Hooks'][$name][] = $callback;
481 } else {
482 foreach ( $callback as $callable ) {
483 if ( is_array( $callable ) ) {
484 if ( isset( $callable['handler'] ) ) { // Non-legacy style handler
485 $this->setArrayHookHandler( $callable, $hookHandlersAttr, $name, $path );
486 } else { // Legacy style handler array
487 $this->globals['wgHooks'][$name][] = $callable;
488 }
489 } elseif ( is_string( $callable ) ) {
490 $this->setStringHookHandler( $callable, $hookHandlersAttr, $name, $path );
491 }
492 }
493 }
494 }
506 private function setStringHookHandler(
507 string $callback,
508 array $hookHandlersAttr,
509 string $name,
510 string $path
511 ) {
512 if ( isset( $hookHandlersAttr[$callback] ) ) {
513 $handler = [
514 'handler' => $hookHandlersAttr[$callback],
515 'extensionPath' => $path
516 ];
517 $this->attributes['Hooks'][$name][] = $handler;
518 } else { // legacy style handler
519 $this->globals['wgHooks'][$name][] = $callback;
520 }
521 }
531 protected function extractHooks( array $info, string $path ) {
532 $extName = $info['name'];
533 if ( isset( $info['Hooks'] ) ) {
534 $hookHandlersAttr = [];
535 foreach ( $info['HookHandlers'] ?? [] as $name => $def ) {
536 $hookHandlersAttr[$name] = [ 'name' => "$extName-$name" ] + $def;
537 }
538 foreach ( $info['Hooks'] as $name => $callback ) {
539 if ( is_string( $callback ) ) {
540 $this->setStringHookHandler( $callback, $hookHandlersAttr, $name, $path );
541 } elseif ( is_array( $callback ) ) {
542 $this->setArrayHookHandler( $callback, $hookHandlersAttr, $name, $path );
543 }
544 }
545 }
546 if ( isset( $info['DeprecatedHooks'] ) ) {
547 $deprecatedHooks = [];
548 foreach ( $info['DeprecatedHooks'] as $name => $deprecatedHookInfo ) {
549 $deprecatedHookInfo += [ 'component' => $extName ];
550 $deprecatedHooks[$name] = $deprecatedHookInfo;
551 }
552 if ( isset( $this->attributes['DeprecatedHooks'] ) ) {
553 $this->attributes['DeprecatedHooks'] += $deprecatedHooks;
554 } else {
555 $this->attributes['DeprecatedHooks'] = $deprecatedHooks;
556 }
557 }
558 }
565 protected function extractNamespaces( array $info ) {
566 if ( isset( $info['namespaces'] ) ) {
567 foreach ( $info['namespaces'] as $ns ) {
568 if ( defined( $ns['constant'] ) ) {
569 // If the namespace constant is already defined, use it.
570 // This allows namespace IDs to be overwritten locally.
571 $id = constant( $ns['constant'] );
572 } else {
573 $id = $ns['id'];
574 }
575 $this->defines[ $ns['constant'] ] = $id;
577 if ( !( isset( $ns['conditional'] ) && $ns['conditional'] ) ) {
578 // If it is not conditional, register it
579 $this->attributes['ExtensionNamespaces'][$id] = $ns['name'];
580 }
581 if ( isset( $ns['movable'] ) && !$ns['movable'] ) {
582 $this->attributes['ImmovableNamespaces'][] = $id;
583 }
584 if ( isset( $ns['gender'] ) ) {
585 $this->globals['wgExtraGenderNamespaces'][$id] = $ns['gender'];
586 }
587 if ( isset( $ns['subpages'] ) && $ns['subpages'] ) {
588 $this->globals['wgNamespacesWithSubpages'][$id] = true;
589 }
590 if ( isset( $ns['content'] ) && $ns['content'] ) {
591 $this->globals['wgContentNamespaces'][] = $id;
592 }
593 if ( isset( $ns['defaultcontentmodel'] ) ) {
594 $this->globals['wgNamespaceContentModels'][$id] = $ns['defaultcontentmodel'];
595 }
596 if ( isset( $ns['protection'] ) ) {
597 $this->globals['wgNamespaceProtection'][$id] = $ns['protection'];
598 }
599 if ( isset( $ns['capitallinkoverride'] ) ) {
600 $this->globals['wgCapitalLinkOverrides'][$id] = $ns['capitallinkoverride'];
601 }
602 if ( isset( $ns['includable'] ) && !$ns['includable'] ) {
603 $this->globals['wgNonincludableNamespaces'][] = $id;
604 }
605 }
606 }
607 }
609 protected function extractResourceLoaderModules( $dir, array $info ) {
610 $defaultPaths = $info['ResourceFileModulePaths'] ?? false;
611 if ( isset( $defaultPaths['localBasePath'] ) ) {
612 if ( $defaultPaths['localBasePath'] === '' ) {
613 // Avoid double slashes (e.g. /extensions/Example//path)
614 $defaultPaths['localBasePath'] = $dir;
615 } else {
616 $defaultPaths['localBasePath'] = "$dir/{$defaultPaths['localBasePath']}";
617 }
618 }
620 foreach ( [ 'ResourceModules', 'ResourceModuleSkinStyles', 'OOUIThemePaths' ] as $setting ) {
621 if ( isset( $info[$setting] ) ) {
622 foreach ( $info[$setting] as $name => $data ) {
623 if ( isset( $data['localBasePath'] ) ) {
624 if ( $data['localBasePath'] === '' ) {
625 // Avoid double slashes (e.g. /extensions/Example//path)
626 $data['localBasePath'] = $dir;
627 } else {
628 $data['localBasePath'] = "$dir/{$data['localBasePath']}";
629 }
630 }
631 if ( $defaultPaths ) {
632 $data += $defaultPaths;
633 }
634 $this->attributes[$setting][$name] = $data;
635 }
636 }
637 }
639 if ( isset( $info['QUnitTestModule'] ) ) {
640 $data = $info['QUnitTestModule'];
641 if ( isset( $data['localBasePath'] ) ) {
642 if ( $data['localBasePath'] === '' ) {
643 // Avoid double slashes (e.g. /extensions/Example//path)
644 $data['localBasePath'] = $dir;
645 } else {
646 $data['localBasePath'] = "$dir/{$data['localBasePath']}";
647 }
648 }
649 // Satisfy PHPUnit ResourcesTest::testUnsatisfiableDependencies
650 $data['targets'] = [ 'test' ];
651 $this->attributes['QUnitTestModules']["test.{$info['name']}"] = $data;
652 }
654 if ( isset( $info['MessagePosterModule'] ) ) {
655 $data = $info['MessagePosterModule'];
656 $basePath = $data['localBasePath'] ?? '';
657 $baseDir = $basePath === '' ? $dir : "$dir/$basePath";
658 foreach ( $data['scripts'] ?? [] as $scripts ) {
659 $this->attributes['MessagePosterModule']['scripts'][] =
660 new FilePath( $scripts, $baseDir );
661 }
662 foreach ( $data['dependencies'] ?? [] as $dependency ) {
663 $this->attributes['MessagePosterModule']['dependencies'][] = $dependency;
664 }
665 }
666 }
668 protected function extractExtensionMessagesFiles( $dir, array $info ) {
669 if ( isset( $info['ExtensionMessagesFiles'] ) ) {
670 foreach ( $info['ExtensionMessagesFiles'] as &$file ) {
671 $file = "$dir/$file";
672 }
673 $this->globals["wgExtensionMessagesFiles"] += $info['ExtensionMessagesFiles'];
674 }
675 }
684 protected function extractMessagesDirs( $dir, array $info ) {
685 if ( isset( $info['MessagesDirs'] ) ) {
686 foreach ( $info['MessagesDirs'] as $name => $files ) {
687 foreach ( (array)$files as $file ) {
688 $this->globals["wgMessagesDirs"][$name][] = "$dir/$file";
689 }
690 }
691 }
692 }
700 protected function extractSkins( $dir, array $info ) {
701 if ( isset( $info['ValidSkinNames'] ) ) {
702 foreach ( $info['ValidSkinNames'] as $skinKey => $data ) {
703 if ( isset( $data['args'][0] ) ) {
704 $templateDirectory = $data['args'][0]['templateDirectory'] ?? 'templates';
705 $data['args'][0]['templateDirectory'] = $dir . '/' . $templateDirectory;
706 }
707 $this->globals['wgValidSkinNames'][$skinKey] = $data;
708 }
709 }
710 }
717 protected function extractImplicitRights( array $info ) {
718 // Rate limits are only configurable for rights that are either in wgImplicitRights
719 // or in wgAvailableRights. Extensions that define rate limits should not have to
720 // explicitly add them to wgImplicitRights as well, we can do that automatically.
722 if ( isset( $info['RateLimits'] ) ) {
723 $rights = array_keys( $info['RateLimits'] );
725 if ( isset( $info['AvailableRights'] ) ) {
726 $rights = array_diff( $rights, $info['AvailableRights'] );
727 }
729 $this->globals['wgImplicitRights'] = array_merge(
730 $this->globals['wgImplicitRights'] ?? [],
731 $rights
732 );
733 }
734 }
740 protected function extractSkinImportPaths( $dir, array $info ) {
741 if ( isset( $info['SkinLessImportPaths'] ) ) {
742 foreach ( $info['SkinLessImportPaths'] as $skin => $subpath ) {
743 $this->attributes['SkinLessImportPaths'][$skin] = "$dir/$subpath";
744 }
745 }
746 }
754 protected function extractCredits( $path, array $info ) {
755 $credits = [
756 'path' => $path,
757 'type' => 'other',
758 ];
759 foreach ( self::CREDIT_ATTRIBS as $attr ) {
760 if ( isset( $info[$attr] ) ) {
761 $credits[$attr] = $info[$attr];
762 }
763 }
765 $name = $credits['name'];
767 // If someone is loading the same thing twice, throw
768 // a nice error (T121493)
769 if ( isset( $this->credits[$name] ) ) {
770 $firstPath = $this->credits[$name]['path'];
771 $secondPath = $credits['path'];
772 throw new Exception( "It was attempted to load $name twice, from $firstPath and $secondPath." );
773 }
775 $this->credits[$name] = $credits;
777 return $name;
778 }
780 protected function extractForeignResourcesDir( array $info, string $name, string $dir ): void {
781 if ( array_key_exists( 'ForeignResourcesDir', $info ) ) {
782 if ( !is_string( $info['ForeignResourcesDir'] ) ) {
783 throw new Exception( "Incorrect ForeignResourcesDir type, must be a string (in $name)" );
784 }
785 $this->attributes['ForeignResourcesDir'][$name] = "{$dir}/{$info['ForeignResourcesDir']}";
786 }
787 }
795 protected function extractConfig1( array $info ) {
796 if ( isset( $info['config'] ) ) {
797 if ( isset( $info['config']['_prefix'] ) ) {
798 $prefix = $info['config']['_prefix'];
799 unset( $info['config']['_prefix'] );
800 } else {
801 $prefix = 'wg';
802 }
803 foreach ( $info['config'] as $key => $val ) {
804 if ( $key[0] !== '@' ) {
805 $this->addConfigGlobal( "$prefix$key", $val, $info['name'] );
806 }
807 }
808 }
809 }
819 private function applyPath( array $value, string $dir ): array {
820 $result = [];
822 foreach ( $value as $k => $v ) {
823 $result[$k] = $dir . '/' . $v;
824 }
825 return $result;
826 }
835 protected function extractConfig2( array $info, $dir ) {
836 $prefix = $info['config_prefix'] ?? 'wg';
837 if ( isset( $info['config'] ) ) {
838 foreach ( $info['config'] as $key => $data ) {
839 if ( !array_key_exists( 'value', $data ) ) {
840 throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Missing value for config $key" );
841 }
843 $value = $data['value'];
844 if ( isset( $data['path'] ) && $data['path'] ) {
845 if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
846 $value = $this->applyPath( $value, $dir );
847 } else {
848 $value = "$dir/$value";
849 }
850 }
851 if ( isset( $data['merge_strategy'] ) ) {
852 $value[ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY] = $data['merge_strategy'];
853 }
854 $this->addConfigGlobal( "$prefix$key", $value, $info['name'] );
855 $data['providedby'] = $info['name'];
856 if ( isset( $info['ConfigRegistry'][0] ) ) {
857 $data['configregistry'] = array_keys( $info['ConfigRegistry'] )[0];
858 }
859 }
860 }
861 }
870 private function addConfigGlobal( $key, $value, $extName ) {
871 if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->globals ) ) {
872 throw new RuntimeException(
873 "The configuration setting '$key' was already set by MediaWiki core or"
874 . " another extension, and cannot be set again by $extName." );
875 }
876 $this->globals[$key] = $value;
877 }
879 protected function extractPathBasedGlobal( $global, $dir, $paths ) {
880 foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
881 $this->globals[$global][] = "$dir/$path";
882 }
883 }
894 protected function storeToArrayRecursive( $path, $name, $value, &$array ) {
895 if ( !is_array( $value ) ) {
896 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The value for '$name' should be an array (from $path)" );
897 }
898 if ( isset( $array[$name] ) ) {
899 $array[$name] = array_merge_recursive( $array[$name], $value );
900 } else {
901 $array[$name] = $value;
902 }
903 }
914 protected function storeToArray( $path, $name, $value, &$array ) {
915 if ( !is_array( $value ) ) {
916 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The value for '$name' should be an array (from $path)" );
917 }
918 if ( isset( $array[$name] ) ) {
919 $array[$name] = array_merge( $array[$name], $value );
920 } else {
921 $array[$name] = $value;
922 }
923 }
933 public function getExtraAutoloaderPaths( $dir, array $info ) {
934 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.39' );
935 $paths = [];
936 if ( isset( $info['load_composer_autoloader'] ) && $info['load_composer_autoloader'] === true ) {
937 $paths[] = "$dir/vendor/autoload.php";
938 }
939 return $paths;
940 }
956 public function getExtractedAutoloadInfo( bool $includeDev = false ): array {
957 $autoload = $this->autoload;
959 if ( $includeDev ) {
960 $autoload['classes'] += $this->autoloadDev['classes'];
961 $autoload['namespaces'] += $this->autoloadDev['namespaces'];
963 // NOTE: This is here for completeness. Per MW 1.39,
964 // $this->autoloadDev['files'] is always empty.
965 // So avoid the performance hit of array_merge().
966 if ( !empty( $this->autoloadDev['files'] ) ) {
967 // NOTE: Don't use += with numeric keys!
968 // Could use PHPUtils::pushArray.
969 $autoload['files'] = array_merge(
970 $autoload['files'],
971 $this->autoloadDev['files']
972 );
973 }
974 }
976 return $autoload;
977 }
983 private function extractAutoload( array $info, string $dir ) {
984 if ( isset( $info['load_composer_autoloader'] ) && $info['load_composer_autoloader'] === true ) {
985 $file = "$dir/vendor/autoload.php";
986 if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
987 $this->autoload['files'][] = $file;
988 }
989 }
991 if ( isset( $info['AutoloadClasses'] ) ) {
992 $paths = $this->applyPath( $info['AutoloadClasses'], $dir );
993 $this->autoload['classes'] += $paths;
994 }
996 if ( isset( $info['AutoloadNamespaces'] ) ) {
997 $paths = $this->applyPath( $info['AutoloadNamespaces'], $dir );
998 $this->autoload['namespaces'] += $paths;
999 }
1001 if ( isset( $info['TestAutoloadClasses'] ) ) {
1002 $paths = $this->applyPath( $info['TestAutoloadClasses'], $dir );
1003 $this->autoloadDev['classes'] += $paths;
1004 }
1006 if ( isset( $info['TestAutoloadNamespaces'] ) ) {
1007 $paths = $this->applyPath( $info['TestAutoloadNamespaces'], $dir );
1008 $this->autoloadDev['namespaces'] += $paths;
1009 }
1010 }
wfDeprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Logs a warning that a deprecated feature was used.
Definition WebStart.php:88
Load extension manifests and then aggregate their contents.
extractHooks(array $info, string $path)
Extract hook information from Hooks and HookHandler attributes.
extractNamespaces(array $info)
Register namespaces with the appropriate global settings.
extractCredits( $path, array $info)
array $attributes
Anything else in the $info that hasn't already been processed.
extractInfoFromFile(string $path)
Extracts extension info from the given JSON file.
callable[] $callbacks
Things to be called once the registration of these extensions is done.
array $defines
Things that should be define()'d.
string[][] $autoloadDev
Autoloader information for development.
extractExtensionMessagesFiles( $dir, array $info)
extractConfig1(array $info)
Set configuration settings for manifest_version == 1.
array $globals
Stuff that is going to be set to $GLOBALS.
extractMessagesDirs( $dir, array $info)
Set message-related settings, which need to be expanded to use absolute paths.
extractConfig2(array $info, $dir)
Set configuration settings for manifest_version == 2.
getExtractedInfo(bool $includeDev=false)
extractResourceLoaderModules( $dir, array $info)
array $extAttributes
Extension attributes, keyed by name => settings.
extractSkins( $dir, array $info)
Extract skins and handle path correction for templateDirectory.
getExtraAutoloaderPaths( $dir, array $info)
extractAttributes( $path, array $info)
getRequirements(array $info, $includeDev)
Get the requirements for the provided info.
extractSkinImportPaths( $dir, array $info)
extractInfo( $path, array $info, $version)
getExtractedAutoloadInfo(bool $includeDev=false)
Returns the extracted autoload info.
storeToArray( $path, $name, $value, &$array)
Stores $value to $array; using array_merge() if $array already contains $name.
extractImplicitRights(array $info)
Extract any user rights that should be granted implicitly.
string[][] $autoload
Autoloader information.
extractPathBasedGlobal( $global, $dir, $paths)
extractForeignResourcesDir(array $info, string $name, string $dir)
storeToArrayRecursive( $path, $name, $value, &$array)
Stores $value to $array; using array_merge_recursive() if $array already contains $name.
static array $globalSettings
Keys that should be set to $GLOBALS.
A class containing constants representing the names of configuration variables.
A path to a bundled file (such as JavaScript or CSS), along with a remote and local base path.
Definition FilePath.php:34
Generic processor that reads associated arrays and registers whatever is required.
Definition Processor.php:9
if(PHP_SAPI !='cli-server') if(!isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $file
Item class for a filearchive table row.
Definition router.php:42