MediaWiki REL1_41
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// This file is automatically generated using maintenance/generateConfigSchema.php.
3// Do not modify this file manually, edit includes/MainConfigSchema.php instead.
4// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
5return [
6 'config-schema-inverse' => [
7 'default' => [
8 'ConfigRegistry' => [
9 'main' => 'GlobalVarConfig::newInstance',
10 ],
11 'Sitename' => 'MediaWiki',
12 'Server' => false,
13 'CanonicalServer' => false,
14 'ServerName' => false,
15 'AssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts' => true,
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18 'ScriptPath' => '/wiki',
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20 'Script' => false,
21 'LoadScript' => false,
22 'RestPath' => false,
23 'StylePath' => false,
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25 'ExtensionAssetsPath' => false,
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27 'StyleDirectory' => null,
28 'BaseDirectory' => null,
29 'ArticlePath' => false,
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31 'ImgAuthPath' => false,
32 'ThumbPath' => false,
33 'UploadDirectory' => false,
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35 'Logo' => false,
36 'Logos' => false,
37 'LogoHD' => false,
38 'Favicon' => '/favicon.ico',
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40 'ReferrerPolicy' => false,
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42 'UploadBaseUrl' => '',
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45 ],
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52 'DeletedDirectory' => false,
53 'ImgAuthDetails' => false,
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55 ],
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57 'ForeignFileRepos' => [
58 ],
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62 'SharedUploadPath' => null,
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64 'RepositoryBaseUrl' => '',
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70 0 => 'local',
71 ],
72 'UploadDialog' => [
73 'fields' => [
74 'description' => true,
75 'date' => false,
76 'categories' => false,
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78 'licensemessages' => [
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80 'foreign' => 'generic-foreign',
81 ],
82 'comment' => [
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84 'foreign' => '',
85 ],
86 'format' => [
87 'filepage' => '$DESCRIPTION',
88 'description' => '$TEXT',
89 'ownwork' => '',
90 'license' => '',
91 'uncategorized' => '',
92 ],
93 ],
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95 ],
96 'LockManagers' => [
97 ],
98 'ShowEXIF' => null,
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102 ],
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113 'HashedUploadDirectory' => true,
114 'FileExtensions' => [
115 0 => 'png',
116 1 => 'gif',
117 2 => 'jpg',
118 3 => 'jpeg',
119 4 => 'webp',
120 ],
121 'ProhibitedFileExtensions' => [
122 0 => 'html',
123 1 => 'htm',
124 2 => 'js',
125 3 => 'jsb',
126 4 => 'mhtml',
127 5 => 'mht',
128 6 => 'xhtml',
129 7 => 'xht',
130 8 => 'php',
131 9 => 'phtml',
132 10 => 'php3',
133 11 => 'php4',
134 12 => 'php5',
135 13 => 'phps',
136 14 => 'phar',
137 15 => 'shtml',
138 16 => 'jhtml',
139 17 => 'pl',
140 18 => 'py',
141 19 => 'cgi',
142 20 => 'exe',
143 21 => 'scr',
144 22 => 'dll',
145 23 => 'msi',
146 24 => 'vbs',
147 25 => 'bat',
148 26 => 'com',
149 27 => 'pif',
150 28 => 'cmd',
151 29 => 'vxd',
152 30 => 'cpl',
153 31 => 'xml',
154 ],
155 'MimeTypeExclusions' => [
156 0 => 'text/html',
157 1 => 'application/javascript',
158 2 => 'text/javascript',
159 3 => 'text/x-javascript',
160 4 => 'application/x-shellscript',
161 5 => 'application/x-php',
162 6 => 'text/x-php',
163 7 => 'text/x-python',
164 8 => 'text/x-perl',
165 9 => 'text/x-bash',
166 10 => 'text/x-sh',
167 11 => 'text/x-csh',
168 12 => 'text/scriptlet',
169 13 => 'application/x-msdownload',
170 14 => 'application/x-msmetafile',
171 15 => 'application/java',
172 16 => 'application/xml',
173 17 => 'text/xml',
174 ],
175 'CheckFileExtensions' => true,
176 'StrictFileExtensions' => true,
177 'DisableUploadScriptChecks' => false,
178 'UploadSizeWarning' => false,
179 'TrustedMediaFormats' => [
180 0 => 'BITMAP',
181 1 => 'AUDIO',
182 2 => 'VIDEO',
183 3 => 'image/svg+xml',
184 4 => 'application/pdf',
185 ],
186 'MediaHandlers' => [
187 ],
188 'NativeImageLazyLoading' => false,
189 'ParserTestMediaHandlers' => [
190 'image/jpeg' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
191 'image/png' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
192 'image/gif' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
193 'image/tiff' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
194 'image/webp' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
195 'image/x-ms-bmp' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
196 'image/x-bmp' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
197 'image/x-xcf' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
198 'image/svg+xml' => 'MockSvgHandler',
199 'image/vnd.djvu' => 'MockDjVuHandler',
200 ],
201 'UseImageResize' => true,
202 'UseImageMagick' => false,
203 'ImageMagickConvertCommand' => '/usr/bin/convert',
204 'MaxInterlacingAreas' => [
205 ],
206 'SharpenParameter' => '0x0.4',
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208 'ImageMagickTempDir' => false,
209 'CustomConvertCommand' => false,
210 'JpegTran' => '/usr/bin/jpegtran',
211 'JpegPixelFormat' => 'yuv420',
212 'JpegQuality' => 80,
213 'Exiv2Command' => '/usr/bin/exiv2',
214 'Exiftool' => '/usr/bin/exiftool',
215 'SVGConverters' => [
216 'ImageMagick' => '$path/convert -background "#ffffff00" -thumbnail $widthx$height\\! $input PNG:$output',
217 'sodipodi' => '$path/sodipodi -z -w $width -f $input -e $output',
218 'inkscape' => '$path/inkscape -z -w $width -f $input -e $output',
219 'batik' => 'java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar $path/batik-rasterizer.jar -w $width -d $output $input',
220 'rsvg' => '$path/rsvg-convert -w $width -h $height -o $output $input',
221 'imgserv' => '$path/imgserv-wrapper -i svg -o png -w$width $input $output',
222 'ImagickExt' => [
223 0 => 'SvgHandler::rasterizeImagickExt',
224 ],
225 ],
226 'SVGConverter' => 'ImageMagick',
227 'SVGConverterPath' => '',
228 'SVGMaxSize' => 5120,
229 'SVGMetadataCutoff' => 262144,
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231 'SVGNativeRenderingSizeLimit' => 51200,
232 'MediaInTargetLanguage' => true,
233 'MaxImageArea' => 12500000,
234 'MaxAnimatedGifArea' => 12500000,
235 'TiffThumbnailType' => [
236 ],
237 'ThumbnailEpoch' => '20030516000000',
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240 'GenerateThumbnailOnParse' => true,
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246 'command' => 'clamscan --no-summary ',
247 'codemap' => [
248 0 => 0,
249 1 => 1,
250 52 => -1,
251 '*' => false,
252 ],
253 'messagepattern' => '/.*?:(.*)/sim',
254 ],
255 ],
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258 'MimeTypeFile' => 'internal',
259 'MimeInfoFile' => 'internal',
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261 'TrivialMimeDetection' => false,
262 'XMLMimeTypes' => [
263 '' => 'image/svg+xml',
264 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
265 '' => 'application/x-dia-diagram',
266 '' => 'text/html',
267 'html' => 'text/html',
268 ],
269 'ImageLimits' => [
270 0 => [
271 0 => 320,
272 1 => 240,
273 ],
274 1 => [
275 0 => 640,
276 1 => 480,
277 ],
278 2 => [
279 0 => 800,
280 1 => 600,
281 ],
282 3 => [
283 0 => 1024,
284 1 => 768,
285 ],
286 4 => [
287 0 => 1280,
288 1 => 1024,
289 ],
290 5 => [
291 0 => 2560,
292 1 => 2048,
293 ],
294 ],
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296 0 => 120,
297 1 => 150,
298 2 => 180,
299 3 => 200,
300 4 => 250,
301 5 => 300,
302 ],
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304 0 => 6,
305 ],
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309 ],
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315 ],
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320 'DjvuDump' => null,
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322 'DjvuTxt' => null,
323 'DjvuPostProcessor' => 'pnmtojpeg',
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335 'UserEmailConfirmationTokenExpiry' => 604800,
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338 'SMTP' => false,
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342 'EmailAuthentication' => true,
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348 'EnotifMaxRecips' => 500,
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350 'UsersNotifiedOnAllChanges' => [
351 ],
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381 ],
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386 ],
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391 ],
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395 ],
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397 'wikitext' => [
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399 'services' => [
400 0 => 'TitleFactory',
401 1 => 'ParserFactory',
402 2 => 'GlobalIdGenerator',
403 3 => 'LanguageNameUtils',
404 4 => 'LinkRenderer',
405 5 => 'MagicWordFactory',
406 6 => 'ParsoidParserFactory',
407 ],
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409 'javascript' => 'JavaScriptContentHandler',
410 'json' => 'JsonContentHandler',
411 'css' => 'CssContentHandler',
412 'text' => 'TextContentHandler',
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416 ],
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421 2 => 'css',
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425 ],
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427 ],
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434 ],
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450 ],
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470 ],
471 1 => [
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474 ],
475 -1 => [
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477 ],
478 3 => [
479 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::getLocalServerInstance',
480 ],
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484 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::newFromParams',
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486 0 => [
487 'class' => 'SqlBagOStuff',
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489 ],
490 ],
491 ],
492 'writeFactory' => [
493 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::newFromParams',
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495 0 => [
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497 'replicaOnly' => false,
498 ],
499 ],
500 ],
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503 ],
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507 ],
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511 ],
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515 ],
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519 ],
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522 'reportDupes' => false,
523 ],
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527 ],
528 ],
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530 ],
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534 'StashDuration' => 86400,
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536 'WarmParsoidParserCache' => false,
537 ],
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547 0 => '',
548 ],
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585 ],
586 'CdnServersNoPurge' => [
587 ],
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590 ],
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596 ],
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600 ],
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602 ],
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604 ],
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611 ],
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623 ],
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628 ],
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650 ],
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664 ],
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680 ],
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682 ],
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684 ],
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686 ],
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708 3 => 'User_talk',
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712 7 => 'File_talk',
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714 9 => 'MediaWiki_talk',
715 10 => 'Template',
716 11 => 'Template_talk',
717 12 => 'Help',
718 13 => 'Help_talk',
719 14 => 'Category',
720 15 => 'Category_talk',
721 ],
722 'ExtraNamespaces' => [
723 ],
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725 ],
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727 ],
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731 ],
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735 3 => true,
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737 5 => true,
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744 13 => true,
745 15 => true,
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751 ],
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753 ],
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759 4 => 'Mylog',
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912 'PasswordCannotMatchDefaults' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkPasswordCannotMatchDefaults',
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2321 ],
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2324 ],
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2327 ],
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2330 ],
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2335 ],
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2352 ],
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2355 ],
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2360 ],
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2380 ],
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2383 ],
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2385 ],
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2389 ],
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2391 ],
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2393 ],
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2395 ],
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2397 ],
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2410 ],
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2412 ],
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2427 ],
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2447 ],
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2478 ],
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2811 ],
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2815 ],
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2819 ],
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2823 ],
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2830 ],
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2929 ],
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2934 ],
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2989 ],
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2993 ],
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2998 ],
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3002 ],
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3016 ],
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3020 ],
3021 ],
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3025 ],
3026 'callback' => [
3027 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
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3029 ],
3030 ],
3031 'ArticlePath' => [
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3035 ],
3036 'callback' => [
3037 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3038 1 => 'getDefaultArticlePath',
3039 ],
3040 ],
3041 'UploadPath' => [
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3046 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
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3048 ],
3049 ],
3050 'UploadDirectory' => [
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3053 ],
3054 'callback' => [
3055 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
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3057 ],
3058 ],
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3062 ],
3063 'callback' => [
3064 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3065 1 => 'getDefaultFileCacheDirectory',
3066 ],
3067 ],
3068 'Logo' => [
3069 'use' => [
3070 0 => 'ResourceBasePath',
3071 ],
3072 'callback' => [
3073 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3074 1 => 'getDefaultLogo',
3075 ],
3076 ],
3077 'DeletedDirectory' => [
3078 'use' => [
3079 0 => 'UploadDirectory',
3080 ],
3081 'callback' => [
3082 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3083 1 => 'getDefaultDeletedDirectory',
3084 ],
3085 ],
3086 'LocalFileRepo' => [
3087 'use' => [
3088 0 => 'UploadDirectory',
3089 1 => 'ScriptPath',
3090 2 => 'Favicon',
3091 3 => 'UploadBaseUrl',
3092 4 => 'UploadPath',
3093 5 => 'HashedUploadDirectory',
3094 6 => 'ThumbnailScriptPath',
3095 7 => 'GenerateThumbnailOnParse',
3096 8 => 'DeletedDirectory',
3097 9 => 'UpdateCompatibleMetadata',
3098 ],
3099 'callback' => [
3100 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3101 1 => 'getDefaultLocalFileRepo',
3102 ],
3103 ],
3104 'ShowEXIF' => [
3105 'callback' => [
3106 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3107 1 => 'getDefaultShowEXIF',
3108 ],
3109 ],
3110 'SharedPrefix' => [
3111 'use' => [
3112 0 => 'DBprefix',
3113 ],
3114 'callback' => [
3115 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3116 1 => 'getDefaultSharedPrefix',
3117 ],
3118 ],
3119 'SharedSchema' => [
3120 'use' => [
3121 0 => 'DBmwschema',
3122 ],
3123 'callback' => [
3124 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3125 1 => 'getDefaultSharedSchema',
3126 ],
3127 ],
3128 'DBerrorLogTZ' => [
3129 'use' => [
3130 0 => 'Localtimezone',
3131 ],
3132 'callback' => [
3133 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3134 1 => 'getDefaultDBerrorLogTZ',
3135 ],
3136 ],
3137 'Localtimezone' => [
3138 'callback' => [
3139 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3140 1 => 'getDefaultLocaltimezone',
3141 ],
3142 ],
3143 'LocalTZoffset' => [
3144 'use' => [
3145 0 => 'Localtimezone',
3146 ],
3147 'callback' => [
3148 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3149 1 => 'getDefaultLocalTZoffset',
3150 ],
3151 ],
3152 'ResourceBasePath' => [
3153 'use' => [
3154 0 => 'ScriptPath',
3155 ],
3156 'callback' => [
3157 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3158 1 => 'getDefaultResourceBasePath',
3159 ],
3160 ],
3161 'MetaNamespace' => [
3162 'use' => [
3163 0 => 'Sitename',
3164 ],
3165 'callback' => [
3166 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3167 1 => 'getDefaultMetaNamespace',
3168 ],
3169 ],
3170 'CookieSecure' => [
3171 'use' => [
3172 0 => 'ForceHTTPS',
3173 ],
3174 'callback' => [
3175 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3176 1 => 'getDefaultCookieSecure',
3177 ],
3178 ],
3179 'CookiePrefix' => [
3180 'use' => [
3181 0 => 'SharedDB',
3182 1 => 'SharedPrefix',
3183 2 => 'SharedTables',
3184 3 => 'DBname',
3185 4 => 'DBprefix',
3186 ],
3187 'callback' => [
3188 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3189 1 => 'getDefaultCookiePrefix',
3190 ],
3191 ],
3192 'ReadOnlyFile' => [
3193 'use' => [
3194 0 => 'UploadDirectory',
3195 ],
3196 'callback' => [
3197 0 => 'MediaWiki\\MainConfigSchema',
3198 1 => 'getDefaultReadOnlyFile',
3199 ],
3200 ],
3201 ],
3202 ],
3203 'config-schema' => [
3204 'LogoHD' => [
3205 'deprecated' => 'since 1.35. Developers should retrieve this logo (and other variants) using the static function MediaWiki\\ResourceLoader\\SkinModule::getAvailableLogos. $wgLogos should be used instead.',
3206 ],
3207 'UploadStashScalerBaseUrl' => [
3208 'deprecated' => 'since 1.36 Use thumbProxyUrl in $wgLocalFileRepo',
3209 ],
3210 'IllegalFileChars' => [
3211 'deprecated' => 'since 1.41; no longer customizable',
3212 ],
3213 'ThumbnailNamespaces' => [
3214 'items' => [
3215 'type' => 'integer',
3216 ],
3217 ],
3218 'LocalDatabases' => [
3219 'items' => [
3220 'type' => 'string',
3221 ],
3222 ],
3223 'ContentHandlerTextFallback' => [
3224 'deprecated' => 'since 1.37',
3225 ],
3226 'SquidPurgeUseHostHeader' => [
3227 'deprecated' => 'since 1.33',
3228 ],
3229 'RawHtmlMessages' => [
3230 'items' => [
3231 'type' => 'string',
3232 ],
3233 ],
3234 'InterwikiLogoOverride' => [
3235 'items' => [
3236 'type' => 'string',
3237 ],
3238 ],
3239 'LegalTitleChars' => [
3240 'deprecated' => 'since 1.41; use Extension:TitleBlacklist to customize',
3241 ],
3242 'AllowImageTag' => [
3243 'deprecated' => 'since 1.35; register an extension tag named <img> instead.',
3244 ],
3245 'ParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM' => [
3246 'deprecated' => 'since 1.41',
3247 ],
3248 'UseContentMediaStyles' => [
3249 'deprecated' => 'since 1.41',
3250 ],
3251 'ReauthenticateTime' => [
3252 'additionalProperties' => [
3253 'type' => 'integer',
3254 ],
3255 ],
3256 'AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate' => [
3257 'additionalProperties' => [
3258 'type' => 'boolean',
3259 ],
3260 ],
3261 'ChangeCredentialsBlacklist' => [
3262 'items' => [
3263 'type' => 'string',
3264 ],
3265 ],
3266 'RemoveCredentialsBlacklist' => [
3267 'items' => [
3268 'type' => 'string',
3269 ],
3270 ],
3271 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [
3272 'deprecated' => 'since 1.26, use $wgPasswordPolicy\'s MinimalPasswordLength.',
3273 ],
3274 'MaximalPasswordLength' => [
3275 'deprecated' => 'since 1.26, use $wgPasswordPolicy\'s MaximalPasswordLength.',
3276 ],
3277 'GroupPermissions' => [
3278 'additionalProperties' => [
3279 'type' => 'object',
3280 'additionalProperties' => [
3281 'type' => 'boolean',
3282 ],
3283 ],
3284 ],
3285 'GroupInheritsPermissions' => [
3286 'additionalProperties' => [
3287 'type' => 'string',
3288 ],
3289 ],
3290 'AvailableRights' => [
3291 'items' => [
3292 'type' => 'string',
3293 ],
3294 ],
3295 'ImplicitRights' => [
3296 'items' => [
3297 'type' => 'string',
3298 ],
3299 ],
3300 'SoftBlockRanges' => [
3301 'items' => [
3302 'type' => 'string',
3303 ],
3304 ],
3305 'GrantPermissions' => [
3306 'additionalProperties' => [
3307 'type' => 'object',
3308 'additionalProperties' => [
3309 'type' => 'boolean',
3310 ],
3311 ],
3312 ],
3313 'GrantPermissionGroups' => [
3314 'additionalProperties' => [
3315 'type' => 'string',
3316 ],
3317 ],
3318 'OpenSearchTemplate' => [
3319 'deprecated' => 'since 1.25 Use $wgOpenSearchTemplates[\'application/x-suggestions+json\'] instead',
3320 ],
3321 'SoftwareTags' => [
3322 'additionalProperties' => [
3323 'type' => 'boolean',
3324 ],
3325 ],
3326 'JobBackoffThrottling' => [
3327 'additionalProperties' => [
3328 'type' => 'number',
3329 ],
3330 ],
3331 'JobTypeConf' => [
3332 'additionalProperties' => [
3333 'type' => 'object',
3334 'properties' => [
3335 'class' => [
3336 'type' => 'string',
3337 ],
3338 'order' => [
3339 'type' => 'string',
3340 ],
3341 'claimTTL' => [
3342 'type' => 'integer',
3343 ],
3344 ],
3345 ],
3346 ],
3347 'TrackingCategories' => [
3348 'deprecated' => 'since 1.25 Extensions should now register tracking categories using the new extension registration system.',
3349 ],
3350 'RangeContributionsCIDRLimit' => [
3351 'additionalProperties' => [
3352 'type' => 'integer',
3353 ],
3354 ],
3355 'ShellboxUrls' => [
3356 'additionalProperties' => [
3357 'type' => [
3358 0 => 'string',
3359 1 => 'boolean',
3360 2 => 'null',
3361 ],
3362 ],
3363 ],
3364 ],
3365 'obsolete-config' => [
3366 'MangleFlashPolicy' => 'Since 1.39; no longer has any effect.',
3367 'EnableOpenSearchSuggest' => 'Since 1.35, no longer used',
3368 'AutoloadAttemptLowercase' => 'Since 1.40; no longer has any effect.',
3369 ],