MediaWiki fundraising/REL1_35
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33class BatchRowIterator implements RecursiveIterator {
38 protected $db;
43 protected $table;
48 protected $primaryKey;
53 protected $batchSize;
58 protected $conditions = [];
63 protected $joinConditions = [];
69 protected $fetchColumns;
74 protected $orderBy;
79 private $current = [];
84 private $key = -1;
89 protected $options = [];
101 if ( $batchSize < 1 ) {
102 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Batch size must be at least 1 row.' );
103 }
104 $this->db = $db;
105 $this->table = $table;
106 $this->primaryKey = (array)$primaryKey;
107 $this->fetchColumns = $this->primaryKey;
108 $this->orderBy = implode( ' ASC,', $this->primaryKey ) . ' ASC';
109 $this->batchSize = $batchSize;
110 }
116 public function addConditions( array $conditions ) {
117 $this->conditions = array_merge( $this->conditions, $conditions );
118 }
124 public function addOptions( array $options ) {
125 $this->options = array_merge( $this->options, $options );
126 }
132 public function addJoinConditions( array $conditions ) {
133 $this->joinConditions = array_merge( $this->joinConditions, $conditions );
134 }
140 public function setFetchColumns( array $columns ) {
141 // If it's not the all column selector merge in the primary keys we need
142 if ( count( $columns ) === 1 && reset( $columns ) === '*' ) {
143 $this->fetchColumns = $columns;
144 } else {
145 $this->fetchColumns = array_unique( array_merge(
146 $this->primaryKey,
147 $columns
148 ) );
149 }
150 }
158 public function extractPrimaryKeys( $row ) {
159 $pk = [];
160 foreach ( $this->primaryKey as $alias => $column ) {
161 $name = is_numeric( $alias ) ? $column : $alias;
162 $pk[$name] = $row->{$name};
163 }
164 return $pk;
165 }
170 public function current(): array {
171 return $this->current;
172 }
177 public function key(): int {
178 return $this->key;
179 }
184 public function rewind(): void {
185 $this->key = -1; // self::next() will turn this into 0
186 $this->current = [];
187 $this->next();
188 }
193 public function valid(): bool {
194 return (bool)$this->current;
195 }
200 public function hasChildren(): bool {
201 return $this->current && count( $this->current );
202 }
207 public function getChildren(): ?RecursiveIterator {
208 return new NotRecursiveIterator( new ArrayIterator( $this->current ) );
209 }
214 public function next(): void {
215 $res = $this->db->select(
216 $this->table,
217 $this->fetchColumns,
218 $this->buildConditions(),
219 __METHOD__,
220 [
221 'LIMIT' => $this->batchSize,
222 'ORDER BY' => $this->orderBy,
223 ] + $this->options,
224 $this->joinConditions
225 );
227 // The iterator is converted to an array because in addition to
228 // returning it in self::current() we need to use the end value
229 // in self::buildConditions()
230 $this->current = iterator_to_array( $res );
231 $this->key++;
232 }
246 protected function buildConditions() {
247 if ( !$this->current ) {
248 return $this->conditions;
249 }
251 $maxRow = end( $this->current );
252 $maximumValues = [];
253 foreach ( $this->primaryKey as $alias => $column ) {
254 $name = is_numeric( $alias ) ? $column : $alias;
255 $maximumValues[$column] = $this->db->addQuotes( $maxRow->{$name} );
256 }
258 $pkConditions = [];
259 // For example: If we have 3 primary keys
260 // first run through will generate
261 // col1 = 4 AND col2 = 7 AND col3 > 1
262 // second run through will generate
263 // col1 = 4 AND col2 > 7
264 // and the final run through will generate
265 // col1 > 4
266 while ( $maximumValues ) {
267 $pkConditions[] = $this->buildGreaterThanCondition( $maximumValues );
268 array_pop( $maximumValues );
269 }
271 $conditions = $this->conditions;
272 $conditions[] = sprintf( '( %s )', implode( ' ) OR ( ', $pkConditions ) );
274 return $conditions;
275 }
289 protected function buildGreaterThanCondition( array $quotedMaximumValues ) {
290 $keys = array_keys( $quotedMaximumValues );
291 $lastColumn = end( $keys );
292 $lastValue = array_pop( $quotedMaximumValues );
293 $conditions = [];
294 foreach ( $quotedMaximumValues as $column => $value ) {
295 $conditions[] = "$column = $value";
296 }
297 $conditions[] = "$lastColumn > $lastValue";
299 return implode( ' AND ', $conditions );
300 }
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true, 'urbiscript'=> true, 'usd'=> true, 'usda'=> true, 'v'=> true, 'vala'=> true, 'vapi'=> true, ''=> true, 'vbnet'=> true, 'vbscript'=> true, 'vcl'=> true, 'vclsnippet'=> true, 'vclsnippets'=> true, 'vctreestatus'=> true, 'velocity'=> true, 'verilog'=> true, 'vfp'=> true, 'vgl'=> true, 'vhdl'=> true, 'vim'=> true, 'wdiff'=> true, 'webidl'=> true, 'whiley'=> true, 'winbatch'=> true, 'winbugs'=> true, 'x10'=> true, 'xbase'=> true, 'xml'=> true, 'xml+cheetah'=> true, 'xml+django'=> true, 'xml+erb'=> true, 'xml+evoque'=> true, 'xml+genshi'=> true, 'xml+jinja'=> true, 'xml+kid'=> true, 'xml+lasso'=> true, 'xml+mako'=> true, 'xml+myghty'=> true, 'xml+php'=> true, 'xml+ruby'=> true, 'xml+smarty'=> true, 'xml+spitfire'=> true, 'xml+velocity'=> true, 'xorg.conf'=> true, 'xq'=> true, 'xql'=> true, 'xqm'=> true, 'xquery'=> true, 'xqy'=> true, 'xslt'=> true, 'xten'=> true, 'xtend'=> true, 'xul+mozpreproc'=> true, 'yaml'=> true, 'yaml+jinja'=> true, 'yang'=> true, 'zeek'=> true, 'zephir'=> true, 'zig'=> true, 'zsh'=> true,]
Allows iterating a large number of rows in batches transparently.
Fetch the next set of rows from the database.
addConditions(array $conditions)
array $primaryKey
The name of the primary key(s)
Reset the iterator to the begining of the table.
string array $table
The name or names of the table to read from.
array $options
Additional query options.
IDatabase $db
The database to read from.
addJoinConditions(array $conditions)
array $current
The current iterator value.
setFetchColumns(array $columns)
string $orderBy
SQL Order by condition generated from $this->primaryKey.
extractPrimaryKeys( $row)
Extracts the primary key(s) from a database row.
addOptions(array $options)
array $conditions
Array of strings containing SQL conditions to add to the query.
array $fetchColumns
List of column names to select from the table suitable for use with IDatabase::select()
int $batchSize
The number of rows to fetch per iteration.
int $key
0-indexed number of pages fetched since self::reset()
buildGreaterThanCondition(array $quotedMaximumValues)
Given an array of column names and their maximum value generate an SQL condition where all keys excep...
Uses the primary key list and the maximal result row from the previous iteration to build an SQL cond...
__construct(IDatabase $db, $table, $primaryKey, $batchSize)
Stable to call.
Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles.
Definition IDatabase.php:38