MediaWiki fundraising/REL1_35
Go to the documentation of this file.
43 protected function getScalerType( $dstPath, $checkDstPath = true ) {
46 if ( !$dstPath && $checkDstPath ) {
47 # No output path available, client side scaling only
48 $scaler = 'client';
49 } elseif ( !$wgUseImageResize ) {
50 $scaler = 'client';
51 } elseif ( $wgUseImageMagick ) {
52 $scaler = 'im';
53 } elseif ( $wgCustomConvertCommand ) {
54 $scaler = 'custom';
55 } elseif ( function_exists( 'imagecreatetruecolor' ) ) {
56 $scaler = 'gd';
57 } elseif ( class_exists( 'Imagick' ) ) {
58 $scaler = 'imext';
59 } else {
60 $scaler = 'client';
61 }
63 return $scaler;
64 }
70 public function makeParamString( $params ) {
71 $res = parent::makeParamString( $params );
72 if ( isset( $params['interlace'] ) && $params['interlace'] ) {
73 return "interlaced-{$res}";
74 } else {
75 return $res;
76 }
77 }
83 public function parseParamString( $str ) {
84 $remainder = preg_replace( '/^interlaced-/', '', $str );
85 $params = parent::parseParamString( $remainder );
86 if ( $params === false ) {
87 return false;
88 }
89 $params['interlace'] = $str !== $remainder;
90 return $params;
91 }
97 public function validateParam( $name, $value ) {
98 if ( $name === 'interlace' ) {
99 return $value === false || $value === true;
100 } else {
101 return parent::validateParam( $name, $value );
102 }
103 }
111 public function normaliseParams( $image, &$params ) {
113 if ( !parent::normaliseParams( $image, $params ) ) {
114 return false;
115 }
116 $mimeType = $image->getMimeType();
117 $interlace = isset( $params['interlace'] ) && $params['interlace']
118 && isset( $wgMaxInterlacingAreas[$mimeType] )
119 && $this->getImageArea( $image ) <= $wgMaxInterlacingAreas[$mimeType];
120 $params['interlace'] = $interlace;
121 return true;
122 }
130 protected function imageMagickSubsampling( $pixelFormat ) {
131 switch ( $pixelFormat ) {
132 case 'yuv444':
133 return [ '1x1', '1x1', '1x1' ];
134 case 'yuv422':
135 return [ '2x1', '1x1', '1x1' ];
136 case 'yuv420':
137 return [ '2x2', '1x1', '1x1' ];
138 default:
139 throw new MWException( 'Invalid pixel format for JPEG output' );
140 }
141 }
152 protected function transformImageMagick( $image, $params ) {
153 # use ImageMagick
158 $quality = [];
159 $sharpen = [];
160 $scene = false;
161 $animation_pre = [];
162 $animation_post = [];
163 $decoderHint = [];
164 $subsampling = [];
166 if ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/jpeg' ) {
167 $qualityVal = isset( $params['quality'] ) ? (string)$params['quality'] : null;
168 $quality = [ '-quality', $qualityVal ?: (string)$wgJpegQuality ]; // 80% by default
169 if ( $params['interlace'] ) {
170 $animation_post = [ '-interlace', 'JPEG' ];
171 }
172 # Sharpening, see T8193
173 if ( ( $params['physicalWidth'] + $params['physicalHeight'] )
174 / ( $params['srcWidth'] + $params['srcHeight'] )
176 ) {
177 $sharpen = [ '-sharpen', $wgSharpenParameter ];
178 }
180 // JPEG decoder hint to reduce memory, available since IM 6.5.6-2
181 $decoderHint = [ '-define', "jpeg:size={$params['physicalDimensions']}" ];
183 if ( $wgJpegPixelFormat ) {
184 $factors = $this->imageMagickSubsampling( $wgJpegPixelFormat );
185 $subsampling = [ '-sampling-factor', implode( ',', $factors ) ];
186 }
187 } elseif ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/png' ) {
188 $quality = [ '-quality', '95' ]; // zlib 9, adaptive filtering
189 if ( $params['interlace'] ) {
190 $animation_post = [ '-interlace', 'PNG' ];
191 }
192 } elseif ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/webp' ) {
193 $quality = [ '-quality', '95' ]; // zlib 9, adaptive filtering
194 } elseif ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/gif' ) {
195 if ( $this->getImageArea( $image ) > $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea ) {
196 // Extract initial frame only; we're so big it'll
197 // be a total drag. :P
198 $scene = 0;
199 } elseif ( $this->isAnimatedImage( $image ) ) {
200 // Coalesce is needed to scale animated GIFs properly (T3017).
201 $animation_pre = [ '-coalesce' ];
203 // We optimize the output, but -optimize is broken,
204 // use optimizeTransparency instead (T13822). Version >= IM 6.3.5
205 $animation_post = [ '-fuzz', '5%', '-layers', 'optimizeTransparency' ];
206 }
207 if ( $params['interlace'] && !$this->isAnimatedImage( $image ) ) {
208 // Version >= IM 6.3.4
209 // interlacing animated GIFs is a bad idea
210 $animation_post[] = '-interlace';
211 $animation_post[] = 'GIF';
212 }
213 } elseif ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/x-xcf' ) {
214 // Before merging layers, we need to set the background
215 // to be transparent to preserve alpha, as -layers merge
216 // merges all layers on to a canvas filled with the
217 // background colour. After merging we reset the background
218 // to be white for the default background colour setting
219 // in the PNG image (which is used in old IE)
220 $animation_pre = [
221 '-background', 'transparent',
222 '-layers', 'merge',
223 '-background', 'white',
224 ];
225 }
227 // Use one thread only, to avoid deadlock bugs on OOM
228 $env = [ 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' => 1 ];
229 if ( strval( $wgImageMagickTempDir ) !== '' ) {
230 $env['MAGICK_TMPDIR'] = $wgImageMagickTempDir;
231 }
233 $rotation = isset( $params['disableRotation'] ) ? 0 : $this->getRotation( $image );
234 list( $width, $height ) = $this->extractPreRotationDimensions( $params, $rotation );
236 $cmd = Shell::escape( ...array_merge(
238 $quality,
239 // Specify white background color, will be used for transparent images
240 // in Internet Explorer/Windows instead of default black.
241 [ '-background', 'white' ],
242 $decoderHint,
243 [ $this->escapeMagickInput( $params['srcPath'], $scene ) ],
244 $animation_pre,
245 // For the -thumbnail option a "!" is needed to force exact size,
246 // or ImageMagick may decide your ratio is wrong and slice off
247 // a pixel.
248 [ '-thumbnail', "{$width}x{$height}!" ],
249 // Add the source url as a comment to the thumb, but don't add the flag if there's no comment
250 ( $params['comment'] !== ''
251 ? [ '-set', 'comment', $this->escapeMagickProperty( $params['comment'] ) ]
252 : [] ),
253 // T108616: Avoid exposure of local file path
254 [ '+set', 'Thumb::URI' ],
255 [ '-depth', 8 ],
256 $sharpen,
257 [ '-rotate', "-$rotation" ],
258 $subsampling,
259 $animation_post,
260 [ $this->escapeMagickOutput( $params['dstPath'] ) ] ) );
262 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": running ImageMagick: $cmd" );
263 $retval = 0;
264 $err = wfShellExecWithStderr( $cmd, $retval, $env );
266 if ( $retval !== 0 ) {
267 $this->logErrorForExternalProcess( $retval, $err, $cmd );
269 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, "$err\nError code: $retval" );
270 }
272 return false; # No error
273 }
283 protected function transformImageMagickExt( $image, $params ) {
287 try {
288 $im = new Imagick();
289 $im->readImage( $params['srcPath'] );
291 if ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/jpeg' ) {
292 // Sharpening, see T8193
293 if ( ( $params['physicalWidth'] + $params['physicalHeight'] )
294 / ( $params['srcWidth'] + $params['srcHeight'] )
296 ) {
297 // Hack, since $wgSharpenParameter is written specifically for the command line convert
298 list( $radius, $sigma ) = explode( 'x', $wgSharpenParameter );
299 $im->sharpenImage( $radius, $sigma );
300 }
301 $qualityVal = isset( $params['quality'] ) ? (string)$params['quality'] : null;
302 $im->setCompressionQuality( $qualityVal ?: $wgJpegQuality );
303 if ( $params['interlace'] ) {
304 $im->setInterlaceScheme( Imagick::INTERLACE_JPEG );
305 }
306 if ( $wgJpegPixelFormat ) {
307 $factors = $this->imageMagickSubsampling( $wgJpegPixelFormat );
308 $im->setSamplingFactors( $factors );
309 }
310 } elseif ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/png' ) {
311 $im->setCompressionQuality( 95 );
312 if ( $params['interlace'] ) {
313 $im->setInterlaceScheme( Imagick::INTERLACE_PNG );
314 }
315 } elseif ( $params['mimeType'] == 'image/gif' ) {
316 if ( $this->getImageArea( $image ) > $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea ) {
317 // Extract initial frame only; we're so big it'll
318 // be a total drag. :P
319 $im->setImageScene( 0 );
320 } elseif ( $this->isAnimatedImage( $image ) ) {
321 // Coalesce is needed to scale animated GIFs properly (T3017).
322 $im = $im->coalesceImages();
323 }
324 // GIF interlacing is only available since 6.3.4
325 if ( $params['interlace'] ) {
326 $im->setInterlaceScheme( Imagick::INTERLACE_GIF );
327 }
328 }
330 $rotation = isset( $params['disableRotation'] ) ? 0 : $this->getRotation( $image );
331 list( $width, $height ) = $this->extractPreRotationDimensions( $params, $rotation );
333 $im->setImageBackgroundColor( new ImagickPixel( 'white' ) );
335 // Call Imagick::thumbnailImage on each frame
336 foreach ( $im as $i => $frame ) {
337 if ( !$frame->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, /* fit */ false ) ) {
338 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, "Error scaling frame $i" );
339 }
340 }
341 $im->setImageDepth( 8 );
343 if ( $rotation && !$im->rotateImage( new ImagickPixel( 'white' ), 360 - $rotation ) ) {
344 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, "Error rotating $rotation degrees" );
345 }
347 if ( $this->isAnimatedImage( $image ) ) {
348 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Writing animated thumbnail" );
349 // This is broken somehow... can't find out how to fix it
350 $result = $im->writeImages( $params['dstPath'], true );
351 } else {
352 $result = $im->writeImage( $params['dstPath'] );
353 }
354 if ( !$result ) {
355 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params,
356 "Unable to write thumbnail to {$params['dstPath']}" );
357 }
358 } catch ( ImagickException $e ) {
359 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, $e->getMessage() );
360 }
362 return false;
363 }
373 protected function transformCustom( $image, $params ) {
374 # Use a custom convert command
377 # Variables: %s %d %w %h
378 $src = Shell::escape( $params['srcPath'] );
379 $dst = Shell::escape( $params['dstPath'] );
381 $cmd = str_replace( '%s', $src, str_replace( '%d', $dst, $cmd ) ); # Filenames
382 $cmd = str_replace( '%h', Shell::escape( $params['physicalHeight'] ),
383 str_replace( '%w', Shell::escape( $params['physicalWidth'] ), $cmd ) ); # Size
384 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Running custom convert command $cmd" );
385 $retval = 0;
386 $err = wfShellExecWithStderr( $cmd, $retval );
388 if ( $retval !== 0 ) {
389 $this->logErrorForExternalProcess( $retval, $err, $cmd );
391 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, $err );
392 }
394 return false; # No error
395 }
405 protected function transformGd( $image, $params ) {
406 # Use PHP's builtin GD library functions.
407 # First find out what kind of file this is, and select the correct
408 # input routine for this.
410 $typemap = [
411 'image/gif' => [ 'imagecreatefromgif', 'palette', false, 'imagegif' ],
412 'image/jpeg' => [ 'imagecreatefromjpeg', 'truecolor', true,
413 [ __CLASS__, 'imageJpegWrapper' ] ],
414 'image/png' => [ 'imagecreatefrompng', 'bits', false, 'imagepng' ],
415 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp' => [ 'imagecreatefromwbmp', 'palette', false, 'imagewbmp' ],
416 'image/xbm' => [ 'imagecreatefromxbm', 'palette', false, 'imagexbm' ],
417 ];
419 if ( !isset( $typemap[$params['mimeType']] ) ) {
420 $err = 'Image type not supported';
421 wfDebug( $err );
422 $errMsg = wfMessage( 'thumbnail_image-type' )->text();
424 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, $errMsg );
425 }
426 list( $loader, $colorStyle, $useQuality, $saveType ) = $typemap[$params['mimeType']];
428 if ( !function_exists( $loader ) ) {
429 $err = "Incomplete GD library configuration: missing function $loader";
430 wfDebug( $err );
431 $errMsg = wfMessage( 'thumbnail_gd-library', $loader )->text();
433 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, $errMsg );
434 }
436 if ( !file_exists( $params['srcPath'] ) ) {
437 $err = "File seems to be missing: {$params['srcPath']}";
438 wfDebug( $err );
439 $errMsg = wfMessage( 'thumbnail_image-missing', $params['srcPath'] )->text();
441 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, $errMsg );
442 }
444 if ( filesize( $params['srcPath'] ) === 0 ) {
445 $err = "Image file size seems to be zero.";
446 wfDebug( $err );
447 $errMsg = wfMessage( 'thumbnail_image-size-zero', $params['srcPath'] )->text();
449 return $this->getMediaTransformError( $params, $errMsg );
450 }
452 $src_image = $loader( $params['srcPath'] );
454 $rotation = function_exists( 'imagerotate' ) && !isset( $params['disableRotation'] ) ?
455 $this->getRotation( $image ) :
456 0;
457 list( $width, $height ) = $this->extractPreRotationDimensions( $params, $rotation );
458 $dst_image = imagecreatetruecolor( $width, $height );
460 // Initialise the destination image to transparent instead of
461 // the default solid black, to support PNG and GIF transparency nicely
462 $background = imagecolorallocate( $dst_image, 0, 0, 0 );
463 imagecolortransparent( $dst_image, $background );
464 imagealphablending( $dst_image, false );
466 if ( $colorStyle == 'palette' ) {
467 // Don't resample for paletted GIF images.
468 // It may just uglify them, and completely breaks transparency.
469 imagecopyresized( $dst_image, $src_image,
470 0, 0, 0, 0,
471 $width, $height,
472 imagesx( $src_image ), imagesy( $src_image ) );
473 } else {
474 imagecopyresampled( $dst_image, $src_image,
475 0, 0, 0, 0,
476 $width, $height,
477 imagesx( $src_image ), imagesy( $src_image ) );
478 }
480 if ( $rotation % 360 != 0 && $rotation % 90 == 0 ) {
481 $rot_image = imagerotate( $dst_image, $rotation, 0 );
482 imagedestroy( $dst_image );
483 $dst_image = $rot_image;
484 }
486 imagesavealpha( $dst_image, true );
488 $funcParams = [ $dst_image, $params['dstPath'] ];
489 if ( $useQuality && isset( $params['quality'] ) ) {
490 $funcParams[] = $params['quality'];
491 }
492 $saveType( ...$funcParams );
494 imagedestroy( $dst_image );
495 imagedestroy( $src_image );
497 return false; # No error
498 }
508 public static function imageJpegWrapper( $dst_image, $thumbPath, $quality = null ) {
509 global $wgJpegQuality;
511 if ( $quality === null ) {
512 $quality = $wgJpegQuality;
513 }
515 imageinterlace( $dst_image );
516 imagejpeg( $dst_image, $thumbPath, $quality );
517 }
525 public function canRotate() {
526 $scaler = $this->getScalerType( null, false );
527 switch ( $scaler ) {
528 case 'im':
529 # ImageMagick supports autorotation
530 return true;
531 case 'imext':
532 # Imagick::rotateImage
533 return true;
534 case 'gd':
535 # GD's imagerotate function is used to rotate images, but not
536 # all precompiled PHP versions have that function
537 return function_exists( 'imagerotate' );
538 default:
539 # Other scalers don't support rotation
540 return false;
541 }
542 }
549 public function autoRotateEnabled() {
552 if ( $wgEnableAutoRotation === null ) {
553 // Only enable auto-rotation when we actually can
554 return $this->canRotate();
555 }
558 }
568 public function rotate( $file, $params ) {
571 $rotation = ( $params['rotation'] + $this->getRotation( $file ) ) % 360;
572 $scene = false;
574 $scaler = $this->getScalerType( null, false );
575 switch ( $scaler ) {
576 case 'im':
577 $cmd = Shell::escape( $wgImageMagickConvertCommand ) . " " .
578 Shell::escape( $this->escapeMagickInput( $params['srcPath'], $scene ) ) .
579 " -rotate " . Shell::escape( "-$rotation" ) . " " .
580 Shell::escape( $this->escapeMagickOutput( $params['dstPath'] ) );
581 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": running ImageMagick: $cmd" );
582 $retval = 0;
583 $err = wfShellExecWithStderr( $cmd, $retval );
584 if ( $retval !== 0 ) {
585 $this->logErrorForExternalProcess( $retval, $err, $cmd );
587 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', 0, 0, $err );
588 }
590 return false;
591 case 'imext':
592 $im = new Imagick();
593 $im->readImage( $params['srcPath'] );
594 if ( !$im->rotateImage( new ImagickPixel( 'white' ), 360 - $rotation ) ) {
595 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', 0, 0,
596 "Error rotating $rotation degrees" );
597 }
598 $result = $im->writeImage( $params['dstPath'] );
599 if ( !$result ) {
600 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', 0, 0,
601 "Unable to write image to {$params['dstPath']}" );
602 }
604 return false;
605 default:
606 return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', 0, 0,
607 "$scaler rotation not implemented" );
608 }
609 }
Use another resizing converter, e.g.
Array of max pixel areas for interlacing per MIME type.
Whether to enable server-side image thumbnailing.
When scaling a JPEG thumbnail, this is the quality we request from the backend.
If set to true, images that contain certain the exif orientation tag will be rotated accordingly.
Temporary directory used for ImageMagick.
Reduction in linear dimensions below which sharpening will be enabled.
At default setting of 'yuv420', JPEG thumbnails will use 4:2:0 chroma subsampling to reduce file size...
Sharpening parameter to ImageMagick.
Force thumbnailing of animated GIFs above this size to a single frame instead of an animated thumbnai...
Resizing can be done using PHP's internal image libraries or using ImageMagick or another third-party...
The convert command shipped with ImageMagick.
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
wfShellExecWithStderr( $cmd, &$retval=null, $environ=[], $limits=[])
Execute a shell command, returning both stdout and stderr.
wfMessage( $key,... $params)
This is the function for getting translated interface messages.
Generic handler for bitmap images.
Returns whether the current scaler supports rotation (im and gd do) Stable to override.
rotate( $file, $params)
Stable to override.
static imageJpegWrapper( $dst_image, $thumbPath, $quality=null)
Callback for transformGd when transforming jpeg images.
transformImageMagick( $image, $params)
Transform an image using ImageMagick Stable to override.
getScalerType( $dstPath, $checkDstPath=true)
Returns which scaler type should be used.
imageMagickSubsampling( $pixelFormat)
Get ImageMagick subsampling factors for the target JPEG pixel format.
transformCustom( $image, $params)
Transform an image using a custom command.
makeParamString( $params)
Merge a parameter array into a string appropriate for inclusion in filenames.string Stable to overrid...
transformGd( $image, $params)
Transform an image using the built in GD library.
parseParamString( $str)
Parse a param string made with makeParamString back into an array.array|bool Array of parameters or f...
normaliseParams( $image, &$params)
Stable to override.
transformImageMagickExt( $image, $params)
Transform an image using the Imagick PHP extension.
validateParam( $name, $value)
Validate a thumbnail parameter at parse time.Return true to accept the parameter, and false to reject...
getImageArea( $image)
Function that returns the number of pixels to be thumbnailed.
MediaWiki exception.
getRotation( $file)
On supporting image formats, try to read out the low-level orientation of the file and return the ang...
isAnimatedImage( $file)
The material is an image, and is animated.
logErrorForExternalProcess( $retval, $err, $cmd)
Log an error that occurred in an external process.
Basic media transform error class.
Executes shell commands.
Definition Shell.php:44
Handler for images that need to be transformed.
escapeMagickInput( $path, $scene=false)
Escape a string for ImageMagick's input filenames.
escapeMagickProperty( $s)
Escape a string for ImageMagick's property input (e.g.
escapeMagickOutput( $path, $scene=false)
Escape a string for ImageMagick's output filename.
extractPreRotationDimensions( $params, $rotation)
Extracts the width/height if the image will be scaled before rotating.
getMediaTransformError( $params, $errMsg)
Get a MediaTransformError with error 'thumbnail_error'.
if(PHP_SAPI !='cli-server') if(!isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $file
Item class for a filearchive table row.
Definition router.php:42