MediaWiki fundraising/REL1_35
Go to the documentation of this file.
21namespace MediaWiki\Block;
23use DateTime;
24use DateTimeZone;
25use LogicException;
31use Message;
32use MWCryptHash;
33use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
34use User;
35use WebRequest;
36use WebResponse;
37use Wikimedia\IPSet;
38use Wikimedia\IPUtils;
51 private $options;
57 public const CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [
58 'ApplyIpBlocksToXff',
59 'CookieSetOnAutoblock',
60 'CookieSetOnIpBlock',
61 'DnsBlacklistUrls',
62 'EnableDnsBlacklist',
63 'ProxyList',
64 'ProxyWhitelist',
65 'SecretKey',
66 'SoftBlockRanges',
67 ];
70 private $logger;
73 private $hookRunner;
81 public function __construct(
84 LoggerInterface $logger,
85 HookContainer $hookContainer
86 ) {
87 $options->assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS );
88 $this->options = $options;
89 $this->permissionManager = $permissionManager;
90 $this->logger = $logger;
91 $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
92 }
126 public function getUserBlock( User $user, $request, $fromReplica, $disableIpBlockExemptChecking = false ) {
127 $fromMaster = !$fromReplica;
128 $ip = null;
130 // If this is the global user, they may be affected by IP blocks (case #1),
131 // or they may be exempt (case #2). If affected, look for additional blocks
132 // against the IP address and referenced in a cookie.
133 $checkIpBlocks = $request &&
134 // Because calling getBlock within Autopromote leads back to here,
135 // thus causing a infinite recursion. We fix this by not checking for
136 // ipblock-exempt when calling getBlock within Autopromote.
137 // See T270145.
138 !$disableIpBlockExemptChecking &&
139 !$this->permissionManager->userHasRight( $user, 'ipblock-exempt' );
141 if ( $request && $checkIpBlocks ) {
143 // Case #1: checking the global user, including IP blocks
144 $ip = $request->getIP();
145 // TODO: remove dependency on DatabaseBlock (T221075)
146 $blocks = DatabaseBlock::newListFromTarget( $user, $ip, $fromMaster );
147 $this->getAdditionalIpBlocks( $blocks, $request, !$user->isRegistered(), $fromMaster );
148 $this->getCookieBlock( $blocks, $user, $request );
150 } else {
152 // Case #2: checking the global user, but they are exempt from IP blocks
153 // and cookie blocks, so we only check for a user account block.
154 // Case #3: checking whether another user's account is blocked.
155 // TODO: remove dependency on DatabaseBlock (T221075)
156 $blocks = DatabaseBlock::newListFromTarget( $user, null, $fromMaster );
158 }
160 // Filter out any duplicated blocks, e.g. from the cookie
161 $blocks = $this->getUniqueBlocks( $blocks );
163 $block = null;
164 if ( count( $blocks ) > 0 ) {
165 if ( count( $blocks ) === 1 ) {
166 $block = $blocks[ 0 ];
167 } else {
168 $block = new CompositeBlock( [
169 'address' => $ip,
170 'reason' => new Message( 'blockedtext-composite-reason' ),
171 'originalBlocks' => $blocks,
172 ] );
173 }
174 }
176 $this->hookRunner->onGetUserBlock( clone $user, $ip, $block );
178 return $block;
179 }
189 private function getCookieBlock( &$blocks, UserIdentity $user, WebRequest $request ) {
190 $cookieBlock = $this->getBlockFromCookieValue( $user, $request );
191 if ( $cookieBlock instanceof DatabaseBlock ) {
192 $blocks[] = $cookieBlock;
193 }
194 }
205 private function getAdditionalIpBlocks( &$blocks, WebRequest $request, $isAnon, $fromMaster ) {
206 $ip = $request->getIP();
208 // Proxy blocking
209 if ( !in_array( $ip, $this->options->get( 'ProxyWhitelist' ) ) ) {
210 // Local list
211 if ( $this->isLocallyBlockedProxy( $ip ) ) {
212 $blocks[] = new SystemBlock( [
213 'reason' => new Message( 'proxyblockreason' ),
214 'address' => $ip,
215 'systemBlock' => 'proxy',
216 ] );
217 } elseif ( $isAnon && $this->isDnsBlacklisted( $ip ) ) {
218 $blocks[] = new SystemBlock( [
219 'reason' => new Message( 'sorbsreason' ),
220 'address' => $ip,
221 'systemBlock' => 'dnsbl',
222 ] );
223 }
224 }
226 // Soft blocking
227 if ( $isAnon && IPUtils::isInRanges( $ip, $this->options->get( 'SoftBlockRanges' ) ) ) {
228 $blocks[] = new SystemBlock( [
229 'address' => $ip,
230 'reason' => new Message( 'softblockrangesreason', [ $ip ] ),
231 'anonOnly' => true,
232 'systemBlock' => 'wgSoftBlockRanges',
233 ] );
234 }
236 // (T25343) Apply IP blocks to the contents of XFF headers, if enabled
237 if ( $this->options->get( 'ApplyIpBlocksToXff' )
238 && !in_array( $ip, $this->options->get( 'ProxyWhitelist' ) )
239 ) {
240 $xff = $request->getHeader( 'X-Forwarded-For' );
241 $xff = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $xff ) );
242 $xff = array_diff( $xff, [ $ip ] );
243 // TODO: remove dependency on DatabaseBlock (T221075)
244 $xffblocks = DatabaseBlock::getBlocksForIPList( $xff, $isAnon, $fromMaster );
245 $blocks = array_merge( $blocks, $xffblocks );
246 }
247 }
259 private function getUniqueBlocks( array $blocks ) {
260 $systemBlocks = [];
261 $databaseBlocks = [];
263 foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
264 if ( $block instanceof SystemBlock ) {
265 $systemBlocks[] = $block;
266 } elseif ( $block->getType() === DatabaseBlock::TYPE_AUTO ) {
268 '@phan-var DatabaseBlock $block';
269 if ( !isset( $databaseBlocks[$block->getParentBlockId()] ) ) {
270 $databaseBlocks[$block->getParentBlockId()] = $block;
271 }
272 } else {
273 $databaseBlocks[$block->getId()] = $block;
274 }
275 }
277 return array_values( array_merge( $systemBlocks, $databaseBlocks ) );
278 }
291 private function getBlockFromCookieValue(
292 UserIdentity $user,
293 WebRequest $request
294 ) {
295 $cookieValue = $request->getCookie( 'BlockID' );
296 if ( $cookieValue === null ) {
297 return false;
298 }
300 $blockCookieId = $this->getIdFromCookieValue( $cookieValue );
301 if ( $blockCookieId !== null ) {
302 // TODO: remove dependency on DatabaseBlock (T221075)
303 $block = DatabaseBlock::newFromID( $blockCookieId );
304 if (
305 $block instanceof DatabaseBlock &&
306 $this->shouldApplyCookieBlock( $block, !$user->isRegistered() )
307 ) {
308 return $block;
309 }
310 }
312 return false;
313 }
322 private function shouldApplyCookieBlock( DatabaseBlock $block, $isAnon ) {
323 if ( !$block->isExpired() ) {
324 switch ( $block->getType() ) {
327 // If block is type IP or IP range, load only
328 // if user is not logged in (T152462)
329 return $isAnon &&
330 $this->options->get( 'CookieSetOnIpBlock' );
332 return $block->isAutoblocking() &&
333 $this->options->get( 'CookieSetOnAutoblock' );
334 default:
335 return false;
336 }
337 }
338 return false;
339 }
347 private function isLocallyBlockedProxy( $ip ) {
348 $proxyList = $this->options->get( 'ProxyList' );
349 if ( !$proxyList ) {
350 return false;
351 }
353 if ( !is_array( $proxyList ) ) {
354 // Load values from the specified file
355 $proxyList = array_map( 'trim', file( $proxyList ) );
356 }
358 $proxyListIPSet = new IPSet( $proxyList );
359 return $proxyListIPSet->match( $ip );
360 }
369 public function isDnsBlacklisted( $ip, $checkWhitelist = false ) {
370 if ( !$this->options->get( 'EnableDnsBlacklist' ) ||
371 ( $checkWhitelist && in_array( $ip, $this->options->get( 'ProxyWhitelist' ) ) )
372 ) {
373 return false;
374 }
376 return $this->inDnsBlacklist( $ip, $this->options->get( 'DnsBlacklistUrls' ) );
377 }
386 private function inDnsBlacklist( $ip, array $bases ) {
387 $found = false;
388 // @todo FIXME: IPv6 ??? (
389 if ( IPUtils::isIPv4( $ip ) ) {
390 // Reverse IP, T23255
391 $ipReversed = implode( '.', array_reverse( explode( '.', $ip ) ) );
393 foreach ( $bases as $base ) {
394 // Make hostname
395 // If we have an access key, use that too (ProjectHoneypot, etc.)
396 $basename = $base;
397 if ( is_array( $base ) ) {
398 if ( count( $base ) >= 2 ) {
399 // Access key is 1, base URL is 0
400 $hostname = "{$base[1]}.$ipReversed.{$base[0]}";
401 } else {
402 $hostname = "$ipReversed.{$base[0]}";
403 }
404 $basename = $base[0];
405 } else {
406 $hostname = "$ipReversed.$base";
407 }
409 // Send query
410 $ipList = $this->checkHost( $hostname );
412 if ( $ipList ) {
413 $this->logger->info(
414 "Hostname $hostname is {$ipList[0]}, it's a proxy says $basename!"
415 );
416 $found = true;
417 break;
418 }
420 $this->logger->debug( "Requested $hostname, not found in $basename." );
421 }
422 }
424 return $found;
425 }
433 protected function checkHost( $hostname ) {
434 return gethostbynamel( $hostname );
435 }
456 public function trackBlockWithCookie( User $user, WebResponse $response ) {
457 $request = $user->getRequest();
459 if ( $request->getCookie( 'BlockID' ) !== null ) {
460 $cookieBlock = $this->getBlockFromCookieValue( $user, $request );
461 if ( $cookieBlock && $this->shouldApplyCookieBlock( $cookieBlock, $user->isAnon() ) ) {
462 return;
463 }
464 // The block pointed to by the cookie is invalid or should not be tracked.
465 $this->clearBlockCookie( $response );
466 }
468 if ( !$user->isSafeToLoad() ) {
469 // Prevent a circular dependency by not allowing this method to be called
470 // before or while the user is being loaded.
471 // E.g. User > BlockManager > Block > Message > getLanguage > User.
472 // See also T180050 and T226777.
473 throw new LogicException( __METHOD__ . ' requires a loaded User object' );
474 }
475 if ( $response->headersSent() ) {
476 throw new LogicException( __METHOD__ . ' must be called pre-send' );
477 }
479 $block = $user->getBlock();
480 $isAnon = $user->isAnon();
482 if ( $block ) {
483 if ( $block instanceof CompositeBlock ) {
484 // TODO: Improve on simply tracking the first trackable block (T225654)
485 foreach ( $block->getOriginalBlocks() as $originalBlock ) {
486 if ( $this->shouldTrackBlockWithCookie( $originalBlock, $isAnon ) ) {
487 '@phan-var DatabaseBlock $originalBlock';
488 $this->setBlockCookie( $originalBlock, $response );
489 return;
490 }
491 }
492 } else {
493 if ( $this->shouldTrackBlockWithCookie( $block, $isAnon ) ) {
494 '@phan-var DatabaseBlock $block';
495 $this->setBlockCookie( $block, $response );
496 }
497 }
498 }
499 }
511 public function setBlockCookie( DatabaseBlock $block, WebResponse $response ) {
512 // Calculate the default expiry time.
513 $maxExpiryTime = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, (int)wfTimestamp() + ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) );
515 // Use the block's expiry time only if it's less than the default.
516 $expiryTime = $block->getExpiry();
517 if ( $expiryTime === 'infinity' || $expiryTime > $maxExpiryTime ) {
518 $expiryTime = $maxExpiryTime;
519 }
521 // Set the cookie. Reformat the MediaWiki datetime as a Unix timestamp for the cookie.
522 $expiryValue = DateTime::createFromFormat(
523 'YmdHis',
524 $expiryTime,
525 new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' )
526 )->format( 'U' );
527 $cookieOptions = [ 'httpOnly' => false ];
528 $cookieValue = $this->getCookieValue( $block );
529 $response->setCookie( 'BlockID', $cookieValue, $expiryValue, $cookieOptions );
530 }
539 private function shouldTrackBlockWithCookie( AbstractBlock $block, $isAnon ) {
540 if ( $block instanceof DatabaseBlock ) {
541 switch ( $block->getType() ) {
544 return $isAnon && $this->options->get( 'CookieSetOnIpBlock' );
546 return !$isAnon &&
547 $this->options->get( 'CookieSetOnAutoblock' ) &&
548 $block->isAutoblocking();
549 default:
550 return false;
551 }
552 }
553 return false;
554 }
562 public static function clearBlockCookie( WebResponse $response ) {
563 $response->clearCookie( 'BlockID', [ 'httpOnly' => false ] );
564 }
576 public function getIdFromCookieValue( $cookieValue ) {
577 // The cookie value must start with a number
578 if ( !is_numeric( substr( $cookieValue, 0, 1 ) ) ) {
579 return null;
580 }
582 // Extract the ID prefix from the cookie value (may be the whole value, if no bang found).
583 $bangPos = strpos( $cookieValue, '!' );
584 $id = ( $bangPos === false ) ? $cookieValue : substr( $cookieValue, 0, $bangPos );
585 if ( !$this->options->get( 'SecretKey' ) ) {
586 // If there's no secret key, just use the ID as given.
587 return (int)$id;
588 }
589 $storedHmac = substr( $cookieValue, $bangPos + 1 );
590 $calculatedHmac = MWCryptHash::hmac( $id, $this->options->get( 'SecretKey' ), false );
591 if ( $calculatedHmac === $storedHmac ) {
592 return (int)$id;
593 } else {
594 return null;
595 }
596 }
609 public function getCookieValue( DatabaseBlock $block ) {
610 $id = $block->getId();
611 if ( !$this->options->get( 'SecretKey' ) ) {
612 // If there's no secret key, don't append a HMAC.
613 return $id;
614 }
615 $hmac = MWCryptHash::hmac( $id, $this->options->get( 'SecretKey' ), false );
616 $cookieValue = $id . '!' . $hmac;
617 return $cookieValue;
618 }
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
static hmac( $data, $key, $raw=true)
Generate an acceptably unstable one-way-hmac of some text making use of the best hash algorithm that ...
Get the type of target for this particular block.
Get the block expiry time.
A service class for checking blocks.
PermissionManager $permissionManager
trackBlockWithCookie(User $user, WebResponse $response)
Set the 'BlockID' cookie depending on block type and user authentication status.
getCookieBlock(&$blocks, UserIdentity $user, WebRequest $request)
Get the cookie block, if there is one.
inDnsBlacklist( $ip, array $bases)
Whether the given IP is in a given DNS blacklist.
__construct(ServiceOptions $options, PermissionManager $permissionManager, LoggerInterface $logger, HookContainer $hookContainer)
isLocallyBlockedProxy( $ip)
Check if an IP address is in the local proxy list.
setBlockCookie(DatabaseBlock $block, WebResponse $response)
Set the 'BlockID' cookie to this block's ID and expiry time.
getUserBlock(User $user, $request, $fromReplica, $disableIpBlockExemptChecking=false)
Get the blocks that apply to a user.
shouldTrackBlockWithCookie(AbstractBlock $block, $isAnon)
Check if the block should be tracked with a cookie.
isDnsBlacklisted( $ip, $checkWhitelist=false)
Whether the given IP is in a DNS blacklist.
getUniqueBlocks(array $blocks)
Given a list of blocks, return a list of unique blocks.
checkHost( $hostname)
Wrapper for mocking in tests.
getIdFromCookieValue( $cookieValue)
Get the stored ID from the 'BlockID' cookie.
static clearBlockCookie(WebResponse $response)
Unset the 'BlockID' cookie.
getCookieValue(DatabaseBlock $block)
Get the BlockID cookie's value for this block.
getAdditionalIpBlocks(&$blocks, WebRequest $request, $isAnon, $fromMaster)
Check for any additional blocks against the IP address or any IPs in the XFF header.
getBlockFromCookieValue(UserIdentity $user, WebRequest $request)
Try to load a block from an ID given in a cookie value.
shouldApplyCookieBlock(DatabaseBlock $block, $isAnon)
Check if the block loaded from the cookie should be applied.
A DatabaseBlock (unlike a SystemBlock) is stored in the database, may give rise to autoblocks and may...
static getBlocksForIPList(array $ipChain, $isAnon, $fromMaster=false)
Get all blocks that match any IP from an array of IP addresses.
static newListFromTarget( $specificTarget, $vagueTarget=null, $fromMaster=false)
This is similar to DatabaseBlock::newFromTarget, but it returns all the relevant blocks.
Get the block|null
Has the block expired?
static newFromID( $id)
Load a block from the block id.
Get the type of target for this particular|null AbstractBlock::TYPE_ constant,...
System blocks are temporary blocks that are created on enforcement (e.g.
A class for passing options to services.
assertRequiredOptions(array $expectedKeys)
Assert that the list of options provided in this instance exactly match $expectedKeys,...
This class provides an implementation of the core hook interfaces, forwarding hook calls to HookConta...
A service class for checking permissions To obtain an instance, use MediaWikiServices::getInstance()-...
The Message class deals with fetching and processing of interface message into a variety of formats.
Definition Message.php:161
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights,...
Definition User.php:60
Get the WebRequest object to use with this object.
Definition User.php:3205
Alias of isLoggedIn() with a name that describes its actual functionality.
Definition User.php:3069
Test if it's safe to load this User object.
Definition User.php:304
getBlock( $fromReplica=true, $disableIpBlockExemptChecking=false)
Get the block affecting the user, or null if the user is not blocked.
Definition User.php:1991
Get whether the user is anonymous.
Definition User.php:3087
The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping il...
Work out the IP address based on various globals For trusted proxies, use the XFF client IP (first of...
getCookie( $key, $prefix=null, $default=null)
Get a cookie from the $_COOKIE jar.
getHeader( $name, $flags=0)
Get a request header, or false if it isn't set.
Allow programs to request this object from WebRequest::response() and handle all outputting (or lack ...
setCookie( $name, $value, $expire=0, $options=[])
Set the browser cookie.
clearCookie( $name, $options=[])
Unset a browser cookie.
Test if headers have been sent.
Interface for objects representing user identity.