MediaWiki fundraising/REL1_35
Go to the documentation of this file.
34 public function __construct( RevisionListBase $list, $row ) {
35 parent::__construct( $list, $row );
36 $this->revisionRecord = static::initRevisionRecord( $list, $row );
37 }
46 protected static function initRevisionRecord( $list, $row ) {
47 return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
48 ->getRevisionFactory()
49 ->newRevisionFromRow( $row );
50 }
57 protected function getRevisionRecord() : RevisionRecord {
58 return $this->revisionRecord;
59 }
61 public function getIdField() {
62 return 'rev_id';
63 }
65 public function getTimestampField() {
66 return 'rev_timestamp';
67 }
69 public function getAuthorIdField() {
70 return 'rev_user';
71 }
73 public function getAuthorNameField() {
74 return 'rev_user_text';
75 }
77 public function getAuthorActorField() {
78 return 'rev_actor';
79 }
81 public function canView() {
82 return RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield(
83 $this->getRevisionRecord()->getVisibility(),
84 RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED,
85 $this->list->getUser()
86 );
87 }
89 public function canViewContent() {
90 return RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield(
91 $this->getRevisionRecord()->getVisibility(),
92 RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT,
93 $this->list->getUser()
94 );
95 }
97 public function getBits() {
98 return $this->getRevisionRecord()->getVisibility();
99 }
101 public function setBits( $bits ) {
102 $revRecord = $this->getRevisionRecord();
104 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
105 // Update revision table
106 $dbw->update( 'revision',
107 [ 'rev_deleted' => $bits ],
108 [
109 'rev_id' => $revRecord->getId(),
110 'rev_page' => $revRecord->getPageId(),
111 'rev_deleted' => $this->getBits() // cas
112 ],
113 __METHOD__
114 );
115 if ( !$dbw->affectedRows() ) {
116 // Concurrent fail!
117 return false;
118 }
119 // Update recentchanges table
120 $dbw->update( 'recentchanges',
121 [
122 'rc_deleted' => $bits,
123 'rc_patrolled' => RecentChange::PRC_AUTOPATROLLED
124 ],
125 [
126 'rc_this_oldid' => $revRecord->getId(), // condition
127 ],
128 __METHOD__
129 );
131 return true;
132 }
134 public function isDeleted() {
135 return $this->getRevisionRecord()->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT );
136 }
138 public function isHideCurrentOp( $newBits ) {
139 return ( $newBits & RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT )
140 && $this->list->getCurrent() == $this->getId();
141 }
148 protected function getRevisionLink() {
149 $date = $this->list->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate(
150 $this->getRevisionRecord()->getTimestamp(),
151 $this->list->getUser()
152 );
154 if ( $this->isDeleted() && !$this->canViewContent() ) {
155 return htmlspecialchars( $date );
156 }
158 return $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
159 $this->list->title,
160 $date,
161 [],
162 [
163 'oldid' => $this->getRevisionRecord()->getId(),
164 'unhide' => 1
165 ]
166 );
167 }
174 protected function getDiffLink() {
175 if ( $this->isDeleted() && !$this->canViewContent() ) {
176 return $this->list->msg( 'diff' )->escaped();
177 } else {
178 return $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
179 $this->list->title,
180 $this->list->msg( 'diff' )->text(),
181 [],
182 [
183 'diff' => $this->getRevisionRecord()->getId(),
184 'oldid' => 'prev',
185 'unhide' => 1
186 ]
187 );
188 }
189 }
195 public function getHTML() {
196 $revRecord = $this->getRevisionRecord();
198 $difflink = $this->list->msg( 'parentheses' )
199 ->rawParams( $this->getDiffLink() )->escaped();
200 $revlink = $this->getRevisionLink();
201 $userlink = Linker::revUserLink( $revRecord );
202 $comment = Linker::revComment( $revRecord );
203 if ( $this->isDeleted() ) {
204 $revlink = "<span class=\"history-deleted\">$revlink</span>";
205 }
206 $content = "$difflink $revlink $userlink $comment";
207 $attribs = [];
208 $tags = $this->getTags();
209 if ( $tags ) {
210 list( $tagSummary, $classes ) = ChangeTags::formatSummaryRow(
211 $tags,
212 'revisiondelete',
213 $this->list->getContext()
214 );
215 $content .= " $tagSummary";
216 $attribs['class'] = implode( ' ', $classes );
217 }
218 return Xml::tags( 'li', $attribs, $content );
219 }
224 public function getTags() {
225 return $this->row->ts_tags;
226 }
228 public function getApiData( ApiResult $result ) {
229 $revRecord = $this->getRevisionRecord();
230 $user = $this->list->getUser();
231 $ret = [
232 'id' => $revRecord->getId(),
233 'timestamp' => wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $revRecord->getTimestamp() ),
234 'userhidden' => (bool)$revRecord->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER ),
235 'commenthidden' => (bool)$revRecord->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT ),
236 'texthidden' => (bool)$revRecord->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ),
237 ];
238 if ( RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield(
239 $revRecord->getVisibility(),
240 RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER,
241 $user
242 ) ) {
243 $revUser = $revRecord->getUser( RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user );
244 $ret += [
245 'userid' => $revUser ? $revUser->getId() : 0,
246 'user' => $revUser ? $revUser->getName() : '',
247 ];
248 }
249 if ( RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield(
250 $revRecord->getVisibility(),
251 RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT,
252 $user
253 ) ) {
254 $revComment = $revRecord->getComment( RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user );
255 $ret += [
256 'comment' => $revComment ? $revComment->text : ''
257 ];
258 }
260 return $ret;
261 }
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
return[ 'abap'=> true, 'abl'=> true, 'abnf'=> true, 'aconf'=> true, 'actionscript'=> true, 'actionscript3'=> true, 'ada'=> true, 'ada2005'=> true, 'ada95'=> true, 'adl'=> true, 'agda'=> true, 'aheui'=> true, 'ahk'=> true, 'alloy'=> true, 'ambienttalk'=> true, 'ambienttalk/2'=> true, 'ampl'=> true, 'antlr'=> true, 'antlr-actionscript'=> true, 'antlr-as'=> true, 'antlr-c#'=> true, 'antlr-cpp'=> true, 'antlr-csharp'=> true, 'antlr-java'=> true, 'antlr-objc'=> true, 'antlr-perl'=> true, 'antlr-python'=> true, 'antlr-rb'=> true, 'antlr-ruby'=> true, 'apache'=> true, 'apacheconf'=> true, 'apl'=> true, 'applescript'=> true, 'arduino'=> true, 'arexx'=> true, 'arrow'=> true, 'as'=> true, 'as3'=> true, 'asm'=> true, 'aspectj'=> true, 'aspx-cs'=> true, 'aspx-vb'=> true, 'asy'=> true, 'asymptote'=> true, 'at'=> true, 'augeas'=> true, 'autohotkey'=> true, 'autoit'=> true, 'awk'=> true, 'b3d'=> true, 'bare'=> true, 'basemake'=> true, 'bash'=> true, 'basic'=> true, 'bat'=> true, 'batch'=> true, 'bbcbasic'=> true, 'bbcode'=> true, 'bc'=> true, 'befunge'=> true, 'bf'=> true, 'bib'=> true, 'bibtex'=> true, 'blitzbasic'=> true, 'blitzmax'=> true, 'bmax'=> true, 'bnf'=> true, 'boa'=> true, 'boo'=> true, 'boogie'=> true, 'bplus'=> true, 'brainfuck'=> true, 'bro'=> true, 'bsdmake'=> true, 'bst'=> true, 'bst-pybtex'=> true, 'bugs'=> true, 'c'=> true, 'c#'=> true, 'c++'=> true, 'c++-objdumb'=> true, 'c-objdump'=> true, 'ca65'=> true, 'cadl'=> true, 'camkes'=> true, 'capdl'=> true, 'capnp'=> true, 'cbmbas'=> true, 'ceylon'=> true, 'cf3'=> true, 'cfc'=> true, 'cfengine3'=> true, 'cfg'=> true, 'cfm'=> true, 'cfs'=> true, 'chai'=> true, 'chaiscript'=> true, 'chapel'=> true, 'charmci'=> true, 'cheetah'=> true, 'chpl'=> true, 'cirru'=> true, 'cl'=> true, 'clay'=> true, 'clean'=> true, 'clipper'=> true, 'clj'=> true, 'cljs'=> true, 'clojure'=> true, 'clojurescript'=> true, 'cmake'=> true, 'cobol'=> true, 'cobolfree'=> true, 'coffee'=> true, 'coffee-script'=> true, 'coffeescript'=> true, 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'gas'=> true, 'gawk'=> true, 'gd'=> true, 'gdscript'=> true, 'genshi'=> true, 'genshitext'=> true, 'gherkin'=> true, 'glsl'=> true, 'gnuplot'=> true, 'go'=> true, 'golo'=> true, 'gooddata-cl'=> true, 'gosu'=> true, 'groff'=> true, 'groovy'=> true, 'gst'=> true, 'haml'=> true, 'handlebars'=> true, 'haskell'=> true, 'haxe'=> true, 'haxeml'=> true, 'hexdump'=> true, 'hlsl'=> true, 'hs'=> true, 'hsa'=> true, 'hsail'=> true, 'hspec'=> true, 'html'=> true, 'html+cheetah'=> true, 'html+django'=> true, 'html+erb'=> true, 'html+evoque'=> true, 'html+genshi'=> true, 'html+handlebars'=> true, 'html+jinja'=> true, 'html+kid'=> true, 'html+lasso'=> true, 'html+mako'=> true, 'html+myghty'=> true, 'html+ng2'=> true, 'html+php'=> true, 'html+ruby'=> true, 'html+smarty'=> true, 'html+spitfire'=> true, 'html+twig'=> true, 'html+velocity'=> true, 'htmlcheetah'=> true, 'htmldjango'=> true, 'http'=> true, 'hx'=> true, 'hxml'=> true, 'hxsl'=> true, 'hy'=> true, 'hybris'=> true, 'hylang'=> true, 'i6'=> true, 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true, 'lsl'=> true, 'lua'=> true, 'm2'=> true, 'make'=> true, 'makefile'=> true, 'mako'=> true, 'man'=> true, 'maql'=> true, 'mask'=> true, 'mason'=> true, 'mathematica'=> true, 'matlab'=> true, 'matlabsession'=> true, 'mawk'=> true, 'md'=> true, 'menuconfig'=> true, 'mf'=> true, 'mime'=> true, 'minid'=> true, 'miniscript'=> true, 'mma'=> true, 'modelica'=> true, 'modula2'=> true, 'moin'=> true, 'monkey'=> true, 'monte'=> true, 'moo'=> true, 'moocode'=> true, 'moon'=> true, 'moonscript'=> true, 'mosel'=> true, 'mozhashpreproc'=> true, 'mozpercentpreproc'=> true, 'mq4'=> true, 'mq5'=> true, 'mql'=> true, 'mql4'=> true, 'mql5'=> true, 'ms'=> true, 'msc'=> true, 'mscgen'=> true, 'mupad'=> true, 'mxml'=> true, 'myghty'=> true, 'mysql'=> true, 'nasm'=> true, 'nawk'=> true, 'nb'=> true, 'ncl'=> true, 'nemerle'=> true, 'nesc'=> true, 'newlisp'=> true, 'newspeak'=> true, 'ng2'=> true, 'nginx'=> true, 'nim'=> true, 'nimrod'=> true, 'nit'=> true, 'nix'=> true, 'nixos'=> true, 'notmuch'=> true, 'nroff'=> true, 'nsh'=> true, 'nsi'=> true, 'nsis'=> true, 'numpy'=> true, 'nusmv'=> true, 'obj-c'=> true, 'obj-c++'=> true, 'obj-j'=> true, 'objc'=> true, 'objc++'=> true, 'objdump'=> true, 'objdump-nasm'=> true, 'objective-c'=> true, 'objective-c++'=> true, 'objective-j'=> true, 'objectivec'=> true, 'objectivec++'=> true, 'objectivej'=> true, 'objectpascal'=> true, 'objj'=> true, 'ocaml'=> true, 'octave'=> true, 'odin'=> true, 'ooc'=> true, 'opa'=> true, 'openbugs'=> true, 'openedge'=> true, 'pacmanconf'=> true, 'pan'=> true, 'parasail'=> true, 'pas'=> true, 'pascal'=> true, 'pawn'=> true, 'pcmk'=> true, 'peg'=> true, 'perl'=> true, 'perl6'=> true, 'php'=> true, 'php3'=> true, 'php4'=> true, 'php5'=> true, 'pig'=> true, 'pike'=> true, 'pkgconfig'=> true, 'pl'=> true, 'pl6'=> true, 'plpgsql'=> true, 'po'=> true, 'pointless'=> true, 'pony'=> true, 'posh'=> true, 'postgres'=> true, 'postgres-console'=> true, 'postgresql'=> true, 'postgresql-console'=> true, 'postscr'=> true, 'postscript'=> true, 'pot'=> true, 'pov'=> true, 'powershell'=> true, 'praat'=> true, 'progress'=> true, 'prolog'=> true, 'promql'=> true, 'properties'=> true, 'proto'=> true, 'protobuf'=> true, 'ps1'=> true, 'ps1con'=> true, 'psm1'=> true, 'psql'=> true, 'psysh'=> true, 'pug'=> true, 'puppet'=> true, 'py'=> true, 'py2'=> true, 'py2tb'=> true, 'py3'=> true, 'py3tb'=> true, 'pycon'=> true, 'pypy'=> true, 'pypylog'=> true, 'pyrex'=> true, 'pytb'=> true, 'python'=> true, 'python2'=> true, 'python3'=> true, 'pyx'=> true, 'qbasic'=> true, 'qbs'=> true, 'qml'=> true, 'qvt'=> true, 'qvto'=> true, 'r'=> true, 'racket'=> true, 'ragel'=> true, 'ragel-c'=> true, 'ragel-cpp'=> true, 'ragel-d'=> true, 'ragel-em'=> true, 'ragel-java'=> true, 'ragel-objc'=> true, 'ragel-rb'=> true, 'ragel-ruby'=> true, 'raku'=> true, 'raw'=> true, 'rb'=> true, 'rbcon'=> true, 'rconsole'=> true, 'rd'=> true, 'reason'=> true, 'reasonml'=> true, 'rebol'=> true, 'red'=> true, 'red/system'=> true, 'redcode'=> true, 'registry'=> true, 'resource'=> true, 'resourcebundle'=> true, 'rest'=> true, 'restructuredtext'=> true, 'rexx'=> true, 'rhtml'=> true, 'ride'=> true, 'rkt'=> true, 'rnc'=> true, 'rng-compact'=> true, 'roboconf-graph'=> true, 'roboconf-instances'=> true, 'robotframework'=> true, 'rout'=> true, 'rql'=> true, 'rs'=> true, 'rsl'=> true, 'rst'=> true, 'rts'=> true, 'ruby'=> true, 'rust'=> true, 's'=> true, 'sage'=> true, 'salt'=> true, 'sarl'=> true, 'sas'=> true, 'sass'=> true, 'sbatch'=> true, 'sc'=> true, 'scala'=> true, 'scaml'=> true, 'scd'=> true, 'scdoc'=> true, 'scheme'=> true, 'scilab'=> true, 'scm'=> true, 'scss'=> true, 'sgf'=> true, 'sh'=> true, 'shell'=> true, 'shell-session'=> true, 'shen'=> true, 'shex'=> true, 'shexc'=> true, 'sieve'=> true, 'silver'=> true, 'singularity'=> true, 'slash'=> true, 'slim'=> true, 'sls'=> true, 'slurm'=> true, 'smali'=> true, 'smalltalk'=> true, 'smarty'=> true, 'sml'=> true, 'snobol'=> true, 'snowball'=> true, 'solidity'=> true, 'sources.list'=> true, 'sourceslist'=> true, 'sp'=> true, 'sparql'=> true, 'spec'=> true, 'spitfire'=> true, 'splus'=> true, 'sql'=> true, 'sqlite3'=> true, 'squeak'=> true, 'squid'=> true, 'squid.conf'=> true, 'squidconf'=> true, 'ssp'=> true, 'st'=> true, 'stan'=> true, 'stata'=> true, 'supercollider'=> true, 'sv'=> true, 'swift'=> true, 'swig'=> true, 'systemverilog'=> true, 't-sql'=> true, 'tads3'=> true, 'tap'=> true, 'tasm'=> true, 'tcl'=> true, 'tcsh'=> true, 'tcshcon'=> true, 'tea'=> true, 'teraterm'=> true, 'teratermmacro'=> true, 'termcap'=> true, 'terminfo'=> true, 'terraform'=> true, 'tex'=> true, 'text'=> true, 'tf'=> true, 'thrift'=> true, 'tid'=> true, 'tnt'=> true, 'todotxt'=> true, 'toml'=> true, 'trac-wiki'=> true, 'trafficscript'=> true, 'treetop'=> true, 'ts'=> true, 'tsql'=> true, 'ttl'=> true, 'turtle'=> true, 'twig'=> true, 'typescript'=> true, 'typoscript'=> true, 'typoscriptcssdata'=> true, 'typoscripthtmldata'=> true, 'ucode'=> true, 'udiff'=> true, 'unicon'=> true, 'urbiscript'=> true, 'usd'=> true, 'usda'=> true, 'v'=> true, 'vala'=> true, 'vapi'=> true, ''=> true, 'vbnet'=> true, 'vbscript'=> true, 'vcl'=> true, 'vclsnippet'=> true, 'vclsnippets'=> true, 'vctreestatus'=> true, 'velocity'=> true, 'verilog'=> true, 'vfp'=> true, 'vgl'=> true, 'vhdl'=> true, 'vim'=> true, 'wdiff'=> true, 'webidl'=> true, 'whiley'=> true, 'winbatch'=> true, 'winbugs'=> true, 'x10'=> true, 'xbase'=> true, 'xml'=> true, 'xml+cheetah'=> true, 'xml+django'=> true, 'xml+erb'=> true, 'xml+evoque'=> true, 'xml+genshi'=> true, 'xml+jinja'=> true, 'xml+kid'=> true, 'xml+lasso'=> true, 'xml+mako'=> true, 'xml+myghty'=> true, 'xml+php'=> true, 'xml+ruby'=> true, 'xml+smarty'=> true, 'xml+spitfire'=> true, 'xml+velocity'=> true, 'xorg.conf'=> true, 'xq'=> true, 'xql'=> true, 'xqm'=> true, 'xquery'=> true, 'xqy'=> true, 'xslt'=> true, 'xten'=> true, 'xtend'=> true, 'xul+mozpreproc'=> true, 'yaml'=> true, 'yaml+jinja'=> true, 'yang'=> true, 'zeek'=> true, 'zephir'=> true, 'zig'=> true, 'zsh'=> true,]
This class represents the result of the API operations.
Definition ApiResult.php:35
static formatSummaryRow( $tags, $page, MessageLocalizer $localizer=null)
Creates HTML for the given tags.
static revUserLink( $rev, $isPublic=false)
Generate a user link if the current user is allowed to view it.
Definition Linker.php:1101
static revComment( $rev, $local=false, $isPublic=false, $useParentheses=true)
Wrap and format the given revision's comment block, if the current user is allowed to view it.
Definition Linker.php:1605
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
Page revision base class.
Abstract base class for deletable items.
setBits( $bits)
Set the visibility of the item.
RevisionRecord $revisionRecord
Returns true if the current user can view the item text/file.
Get the DB field name storing timestamps.
Returns true if the current user can view the item.
Get the DB field name storing actor ids.
Get the RevisionRecord for the item.
Get the current deletion bitfield value.
Get the DB field name storing user names.
getApiData(ApiResult $result)
Get the return information about the revision for the API.
Get the DB field name storing user ids.
static initRevisionRecord( $list, $row)
Create revision object from $row sourced from $list.
Get the HTML link to the revision text.
isHideCurrentOp( $newBits)
Returns true if the item is "current", and the operation to set the given bits can't be executed for ...
Get the DB field name associated with the ID list.
Get the HTML link to the diff.
__construct(RevisionListBase $list, $row)
The database result row.
RevisionListBase $list
The parent.
List for revision table items for a single page.
Definition defines.php:29
Definition router.php:76