MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
50use Wikimedia\Timestamp\TimestampException;
67abstract class ApiBase extends ContextSource {
72 private $hookContainer;
75 private $hookRunner;
85 public const PARAM_DFLT = ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT;
89 public const PARAM_ISMULTI = ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI;
93 public const PARAM_TYPE = ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE;
97 public const PARAM_MAX = IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX;
101 public const PARAM_MAX2 = IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX2;
105 public const PARAM_MIN = IntegerDef::PARAM_MIN;
113 public const PARAM_DEPRECATED = ParamValidator::PARAM_DEPRECATED;
117 public const PARAM_REQUIRED = ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED;
121 public const PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP = SubmoduleDef::PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP;
129 public const PARAM_ALL = ParamValidator::PARAM_ALL;
137 public const PARAM_SENSITIVE = ParamValidator::PARAM_SENSITIVE;
145 public const PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 = ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1;
149 public const PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 = ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2;
153 public const PARAM_MAX_BYTES = StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES;
157 public const PARAM_MAX_CHARS = StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS;
164 public const PARAM_RANGE_ENFORCE = 'api-param-range-enforce';
166 // region API-specific constants for ::getAllowedParams() arrays
175 public const PARAM_HELP_MSG = 'api-param-help-msg';
183 public const PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND = 'api-param-help-msg-append';
193 public const PARAM_HELP_MSG_INFO = 'api-param-help-msg-info';
200 public const PARAM_VALUE_LINKS = 'api-param-value-links';
215 public const PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE = 'api-param-help-msg-per-value';
233 public const PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS = 'param-template-vars';
235 // endregion -- end of API-specific constants for ::getAllowedParams() arrays
237 public const ALL_DEFAULT_STRING = '*';
240 public const LIMIT_BIG1 = 500;
242 public const LIMIT_BIG2 = 5000;
244 public const LIMIT_SML1 = 50;
246 public const LIMIT_SML2 = 500;
253 public const GET_VALUES_FOR_HELP = 1;
256 private static $extensionInfo = null;
259 private static $filterIDsCache = [];
262 private const BLOCK_CODE_MAP = [
263 'blockedtext' => true,
264 'blockedtext-partial' => true,
265 'autoblockedtext' => true,
266 'systemblockedtext' => true,
267 'blockedtext-composite' => true,
268 'blockedtext-tempuser' => true,
269 'autoblockedtext-tempuser' => true,
270 ];
273 private const MESSAGE_CODE_MAP = [
274 'actionthrottled' => [ 'apierror-ratelimited', 'ratelimited' ],
275 'actionthrottledtext' => [ 'apierror-ratelimited', 'ratelimited' ],
276 ];
279 private $mMainModule;
281 // Adding inline type hints for these two fields is non-trivial because
282 // of tests that create mocks for ApiBase subclasses and use
283 // disableOriginalConstructor(): in those cases the constructor here is never
284 // hit and thus these will be empty and any uses will raise a "Typed property
285 // must not be accessed before initialization" error.
287 private $mModuleName;
289 private $mModulePrefix;
291 private $mReplicaDB = null;
295 private $mParamCache = [];
297 private $mModuleSource = false;
305 public function __construct( ApiMain $mainModule, $moduleName, $modulePrefix = '' ) {
306 $this->mMainModule = $mainModule;
307 $this->mModuleName = $moduleName;
308 $this->mModulePrefix = $modulePrefix;
310 if ( !$this->isMain() ) {
311 $this->setContext( $mainModule->getContext() );
312 }
313 }
315 /***************************************************************************/
316 // region Methods to implement
335 abstract public function execute();
344 public function getModuleManager() {
345 return null;
346 }
360 public function getCustomPrinter() {
361 return null;
362 }
376 protected function getExamplesMessages() {
377 return [];
378 }
387 public function getHelpUrls() {
388 return [];
389 }
404 protected function getAllowedParams( /* $flags = 0 */ ) {
405 // $flags is not declared because it causes "Strict standards"
406 // warning. Most derived classes do not implement it.
407 return [];
408 }
416 public function shouldCheckMaxlag() {
417 return true;
418 }
426 public function isReadMode() {
427 return true;
428 }
455 public function isWriteMode() {
456 return false;
457 }
468 public function mustBePosted() {
469 return $this->needsToken() !== false;
470 }
479 public function isDeprecated() {
480 return false;
481 }
492 public function isInternal() {
493 return false;
494 }
515 public function needsToken() {
516 return false;
517 }
529 protected function getWebUITokenSalt( array $params ) {
530 return null;
531 }
546 public function getConditionalRequestData( $condition ) {
547 return null;
548 }
550 // endregion -- end of methods to implement
552 /***************************************************************************/
553 // region Data access methods
561 public function getModuleName() {
562 return $this->mModuleName;
563 }
570 public function getModulePrefix() {
571 return $this->mModulePrefix;
572 }
579 public function getMain() {
580 return $this->mMainModule;
581 }
589 public function isMain() {
590 return $this === $this->mMainModule;
591 }
600 public function getParent() {
601 return $this->isMain() ? null : $this->getMain();
602 }
611 private function dieIfMain( string $methodName ) {
612 if ( $this->isMain() ) {
613 self::dieDebug( $methodName, 'base method was called on main module.' );
614 }
615 }
627 public function lacksSameOriginSecurity() {
628 // The Main module has this method overridden, avoid infinite loops
629 $this->dieIfMain( __METHOD__ );
631 return $this->getMain()->lacksSameOriginSecurity();
632 }
640 public function getModulePath() {
641 if ( $this->isMain() ) {
642 return 'main';
643 }
645 if ( $this->getParent()->isMain() ) {
646 return $this->getModuleName();
647 }
649 return $this->getParent()->getModulePath() . '+' . $this->getModuleName();
650 }
660 public function getModuleFromPath( $path ) {
661 $module = $this->getMain();
662 if ( $path === 'main' ) {
663 return $module;
664 }
666 $parts = explode( '+', $path );
667 if ( count( $parts ) === 1 ) {
668 // In case the '+' was typed into URL, it resolves as a space
669 $parts = explode( ' ', $path );
670 }
672 foreach ( $parts as $i => $v ) {
673 $parent = $module;
674 $manager = $parent->getModuleManager();
675 if ( $manager === null ) {
676 $errorPath = implode( '+', array_slice( $parts, 0, $i ) );
677 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-badmodule-nosubmodules', $errorPath ], 'badmodule' );
678 }
679 $module = $manager->getModule( $v );
681 if ( $module === null ) {
682 $errorPath = $i
683 ? implode( '+', array_slice( $parts, 0, $i ) )
684 : $parent->getModuleName();
685 $this->dieWithError(
686 [ 'apierror-badmodule-badsubmodule', $errorPath, wfEscapeWikiText( $v ) ],
687 'badmodule'
688 );
689 }
690 }
692 return $module;
693 }
700 public function getResult() {
701 // The Main module has this method overridden, avoid infinite loops
702 $this->dieIfMain( __METHOD__ );
704 return $this->getMain()->getResult();
705 }
711 public function getErrorFormatter() {
712 // The Main module has this method overridden, avoid infinite loops
713 $this->dieIfMain( __METHOD__ );
715 return $this->getMain()->getErrorFormatter();
716 }
724 protected function getDB() {
725 if ( !isset( $this->mReplicaDB ) ) {
726 $this->mReplicaDB = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
727 ->getConnectionProvider()
728 ->getReplicaDatabase( false, 'api' );
729 }
731 return $this->mReplicaDB;
732 }
737 public function getContinuationManager() {
738 // The Main module has this method overridden, avoid infinite loops
739 $this->dieIfMain( __METHOD__ );
741 return $this->getMain()->getContinuationManager();
742 }
747 public function setContinuationManager( ApiContinuationManager $manager = null ) {
748 // The Main module has this method overridden, avoid infinite loops
749 $this->dieIfMain( __METHOD__ );
751 $this->getMain()->setContinuationManager( $manager );
752 }
762 }
770 protected function getHookContainer() {
771 if ( !$this->hookContainer ) {
772 $this->hookContainer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer();
773 }
774 return $this->hookContainer;
775 }
785 protected function getHookRunner() {
786 if ( !$this->hookRunner ) {
787 $this->hookRunner = new ApiHookRunner( $this->getHookContainer() );
788 }
789 return $this->hookRunner;
790 }
792 // endregion -- end of data access methods
794 /***************************************************************************/
795 // region Parameter handling
808 return null;
809 }
819 public function encodeParamName( $paramName ) {
820 if ( is_array( $paramName ) ) {
821 return array_map( function ( $name ) {
822 return $this->mModulePrefix . $name;
823 }, $paramName );
824 }
826 return $this->mModulePrefix . $paramName;
827 }
841 public function extractRequestParams( $options = [] ) {
842 if ( is_bool( $options ) ) {
843 $options = [ 'parseLimit' => $options ];
844 }
845 $options += [
846 'parseLimit' => true,
847 'safeMode' => false,
848 ];
850 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset False positive
851 $parseLimit = (bool)$options['parseLimit'];
852 $cacheKey = (int)$parseLimit;
854 // Cache parameters, for performance and to avoid T26564.
855 if ( !isset( $this->mParamCache[$cacheKey] ) ) {
856 $params = $this->getFinalParams() ?: [];
857 $results = [];
858 $warned = [];
860 // Process all non-templates and save templates for secondary
861 // processing.
862 $toProcess = [];
863 foreach ( $params as $paramName => $paramSettings ) {
864 if ( isset( $paramSettings[self::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS] ) ) {
865 $toProcess[] = [ $paramName, $paramSettings[self::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS], $paramSettings ];
866 } else {
867 try {
868 $results[$paramName] = $this->getParameterFromSettings(
869 $paramName, $paramSettings, $parseLimit
870 );
871 } catch ( ApiUsageException $ex ) {
872 $results[$paramName] = $ex;
873 }
874 }
875 }
877 // Now process all the templates by successively replacing the
878 // placeholders with all client-supplied values.
879 // This bit duplicates JavaScript logic in
880 // ApiSandbox.PageLayout.prototype.updateTemplatedParams().
881 // If you update this, see if that needs updating too.
882 while ( $toProcess ) {
883 [ $name, $targets, $settings ] = array_shift( $toProcess );
885 foreach ( $targets as $placeholder => $target ) {
886 if ( !array_key_exists( $target, $results ) ) {
887 // The target wasn't processed yet, try the next one.
888 // If all hit this case, the parameter has no expansions.
889 continue;
890 }
891 if ( !is_array( $results[$target] ) || !$results[$target] ) {
892 // The target was processed but has no (valid) values.
893 // That means it has no expansions.
894 break;
895 }
897 // Expand this target in the name and all other targets,
898 // then requeue if there are more targets left or put in
899 // $results if all are done.
900 unset( $targets[$placeholder] );
901 $placeholder = '{' . $placeholder . '}';
902 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeNoAccessiblePropertiesForeach
903 foreach ( $results[$target] as $value ) {
904 if ( !preg_match( '/^[^{}]*$/', $value ) ) {
905 // Skip values that make invalid parameter names.
906 $encTargetName = $this->encodeParamName( $target );
907 if ( !isset( $warned[$encTargetName][$value] ) ) {
908 $warned[$encTargetName][$value] = true;
909 $this->addWarning( [
910 'apiwarn-ignoring-invalid-templated-value',
911 wfEscapeWikiText( $encTargetName ),
912 wfEscapeWikiText( $value ),
913 ] );
914 }
915 continue;
916 }
918 $newName = str_replace( $placeholder, $value, $name );
919 if ( !$targets ) {
920 try {
921 $results[$newName] = $this->getParameterFromSettings(
922 $newName,
923 $settings,
924 $parseLimit
925 );
926 } catch ( ApiUsageException $ex ) {
927 $results[$newName] = $ex;
928 }
929 } else {
930 $newTargets = [];
931 foreach ( $targets as $k => $v ) {
932 $newTargets[$k] = str_replace( $placeholder, $value, $v );
933 }
934 $toProcess[] = [ $newName, $newTargets, $settings ];
935 }
936 }
937 break;
938 }
939 }
941 $this->mParamCache[$cacheKey] = $results;
942 }
944 $ret = $this->mParamCache[$cacheKey];
945 if ( !$options['safeMode'] ) {
946 foreach ( $ret as $v ) {
947 if ( $v instanceof ApiUsageException ) {
948 throw $v;
949 }
950 }
951 }
953 return $this->mParamCache[$cacheKey];
954 }
963 protected function getParameter( $paramName, $parseLimit = true ) {
964 $ret = $this->extractRequestParams( [
965 'parseLimit' => $parseLimit,
966 'safeMode' => true,
967 ] )[$paramName];
968 if ( $ret instanceof ApiUsageException ) {
969 throw $ret;
970 }
971 return $ret;
972 }
980 public function requireOnlyOneParameter( $params, ...$required ) {
981 $intersection = array_intersect( array_keys( array_filter( $params,
982 [ $this, 'parameterNotEmpty' ] ) ), $required );
984 if ( count( $intersection ) > 1 ) {
985 $this->dieWithError( [
986 'apierror-invalidparammix',
987 Message::listParam( array_map(
988 function ( $p ) {
989 return '<var>' . $this->encodeParamName( $p ) . '</var>';
990 },
991 array_values( $intersection )
992 ) ),
993 count( $intersection ),
994 ] );
995 } elseif ( count( $intersection ) == 0 ) {
996 $this->dieWithError( [
997 'apierror-missingparam-one-of',
998 Message::listParam( array_map(
999 function ( $p ) {
1000 return '<var>' . $this->encodeParamName( $p ) . '</var>';
1001 },
1002 $required
1003 ) ),
1004 count( $required ),
1005 ], 'missingparam' );
1006 }
1007 }
1015 public function requireMaxOneParameter( $params, ...$required ) {
1016 $intersection = array_intersect( array_keys( array_filter( $params,
1017 [ $this, 'parameterNotEmpty' ] ) ), $required );
1019 if ( count( $intersection ) > 1 ) {
1020 $this->dieWithError( [
1021 'apierror-invalidparammix',
1022 Message::listParam( array_map(
1023 function ( $p ) {
1024 return '<var>' . $this->encodeParamName( $p ) . '</var>';
1025 },
1026 array_values( $intersection )
1027 ) ),
1028 count( $intersection ),
1029 ] );
1030 }
1031 }
1040 public function requireAtLeastOneParameter( $params, ...$required ) {
1041 $intersection = array_intersect(
1042 array_keys( array_filter( $params, [ $this, 'parameterNotEmpty' ] ) ),
1043 $required
1044 );
1046 if ( count( $intersection ) == 0 ) {
1047 $this->dieWithError( [
1048 'apierror-missingparam-at-least-one-of',
1049 Message::listParam( array_map(
1050 function ( $p ) {
1051 return '<var>' . $this->encodeParamName( $p ) . '</var>';
1052 },
1053 $required
1054 ) ),
1055 count( $required ),
1056 ], 'missingparam' );
1057 }
1058 }
1068 public function requirePostedParameters( $params, $prefix = 'prefix' ) {
1069 if ( !$this->mustBePosted() ) {
1070 // In order to allow client code to choose the correct method (GET or POST) depending *only*
1071 // on mustBePosted(), make sure that the module requires posting if any of its potential
1072 // parameters require posting.
1074 // TODO: Uncomment this
1075 // throw new LogicException( 'mustBePosted() must be true when using requirePostedParameters()' );
1077 // This seems to already be the case in all modules in practice, but deprecate it first just
1078 // in case.
1079 wfDeprecatedMsg( 'mustBePosted() must be true when using requirePostedParameters()',
1080 '1.42' );
1081 }
1083 // Skip if $wgDebugAPI is set, or if we're in internal mode
1084 if ( $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::DebugAPI ) ||
1085 $this->getMain()->isInternalMode() ) {
1086 return;
1087 }
1089 $queryValues = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValuesOnly();
1090 $badParams = [];
1091 foreach ( $params as $param ) {
1092 if ( $prefix !== 'noprefix' ) {
1093 $param = $this->encodeParamName( $param );
1094 }
1095 if ( array_key_exists( $param, $queryValues ) ) {
1096 $badParams[] = $param;
1097 }
1098 }
1100 if ( $badParams ) {
1101 $this->dieWithError(
1102 [ 'apierror-mustpostparams', implode( ', ', $badParams ), count( $badParams ) ]
1103 );
1104 }
1105 }
1113 private function parameterNotEmpty( $x ) {
1114 return $x !== null && $x !== false;
1115 }
1128 public function getTitleOrPageId( $params, $load = false ) {
1129 $this->requireOnlyOneParameter( $params, 'title', 'pageid' );
1131 $pageObj = null;
1132 if ( isset( $params['title'] ) ) {
1133 $titleObj = Title::newFromText( $params['title'] );
1134 if ( !$titleObj || $titleObj->isExternal() ) {
1135 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-invalidtitle', wfEscapeWikiText( $params['title'] ) ] );
1136 }
1137 if ( !$titleObj->canExist() ) {
1138 $this->dieWithError( 'apierror-pagecannotexist' );
1139 }
1140 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable T240141
1141 $pageObj = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getWikiPageFactory()->newFromTitle( $titleObj );
1142 if ( $load !== false ) {
1143 $pageObj->loadPageData( $load );
1144 }
1145 } elseif ( isset( $params['pageid'] ) ) {
1146 if ( $load === false ) {
1147 $load = 'fromdb';
1148 }
1149 $pageObj = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getWikiPageFactory()->newFromID( $params['pageid'], $load );
1150 if ( !$pageObj ) {
1151 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-nosuchpageid', $params['pageid'] ] );
1152 }
1153 }
1155 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable requireOnlyOneParameter guard it is always set
1156 return $pageObj;
1157 }
1168 $this->requireOnlyOneParameter( $params, 'title', 'pageid' );
1170 $titleObj = null;
1171 if ( isset( $params['title'] ) ) {
1172 $titleObj = Title::newFromText( $params['title'] );
1173 if ( !$titleObj || $titleObj->isExternal() ) {
1174 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-invalidtitle', wfEscapeWikiText( $params['title'] ) ] );
1175 }
1176 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable T240141
1177 return $titleObj;
1178 }
1180 if ( isset( $params['pageid'] ) ) {
1181 $titleObj = Title::newFromID( $params['pageid'] );
1182 if ( !$titleObj ) {
1183 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-nosuchpageid', $params['pageid'] ] );
1184 }
1185 }
1187 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable requireOnlyOneParameter guard it is always set
1188 return $titleObj;
1189 }
1200 protected function getParameterFromSettings( $name, $settings, $parseLimit ) {
1201 $validator = $this->getMain()->getParamValidator();
1202 $value = $validator->getValue( $this, $name, $settings, [
1203 'parse-limit' => $parseLimit,
1204 'raw' => ( $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] ?? '' ) === 'raw',
1205 ] );
1207 // @todo Deprecate and remove this, if possible.
1208 if ( $parseLimit && isset( $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] ) &&
1209 $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] === 'limit' &&
1210 $this->getMain()->getVal( $this->encodeParamName( $name ) ) === 'max'
1211 ) {
1212 $this->getResult()->addParsedLimit( $this->getModuleName(), $value );
1213 }
1215 return $value;
1216 }
1228 public function handleParamNormalization( $paramName, $value, $rawValue ) {
1229 $this->addWarning( [ 'apiwarn-badutf8', $paramName ] );
1230 }
1240 final public function validateToken( $token, array $params ) {
1241 $tokenType = $this->needsToken();
1243 if ( !isset( $salts[$tokenType] ) ) {
1244 throw new LogicException(
1245 "Module '{$this->getModuleName()}' tried to use token type '$tokenType' " .
1246 'without registering it'
1247 );
1248 }
1250 $tokenObj = ApiQueryTokens::getToken(
1251 $this->getUser(), $this->getRequest()->getSession(), $salts[$tokenType]
1252 );
1253 if ( $tokenObj->match( $token ) ) {
1254 return true;
1255 }
1257 $webUiSalt = $this->getWebUITokenSalt( $params );
1259 return $webUiSalt !== null && $this->getUser()->matchEditToken(
1260 $token, $webUiSalt, $this->getRequest()
1261 );
1262 }
1264 // endregion -- end of parameter handling
1266 /***************************************************************************/
1267 // region Utility methods
1276 public function getWatchlistUser( $params ) {
1277 if ( $params['owner'] !== null && $params['token'] !== null ) {
1278 $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
1279 $user = $services->getUserFactory()->newFromName( $params['owner'], UserRigorOptions::RIGOR_NONE );
1280 if ( !$user || !$user->isRegistered() ) {
1281 $this->dieWithError(
1282 [ 'nosuchusershort', wfEscapeWikiText( $params['owner'] ) ], 'bad_wlowner'
1283 );
1284 }
1285 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable T240141
1286 $token = $services->getUserOptionsLookup()->getOption( $user, 'watchlisttoken' );
1287 if ( $token == '' || !hash_equals( $token, $params['token'] ) ) {
1288 $this->dieWithError( 'apierror-bad-watchlist-token', 'bad_wltoken' );
1289 }
1290 } else {
1291 $user = $this->getUser();
1292 if ( !$user->isRegistered() ) {
1293 $this->dieWithError( 'watchlistanontext', 'notloggedin' );
1294 }
1295 $this->checkUserRightsAny( 'viewmywatchlist' );
1296 }
1298 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable T240141
1299 return $user;
1300 }
1316 public static function makeMessage( $msg, IContextSource $context, array $params = null ) {
1317 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.43' );
1318 if ( is_string( $msg ) ) {
1319 $msg = wfMessage( $msg );
1320 } elseif ( is_array( $msg ) ) {
1321 $msg = wfMessage( ...$msg );
1322 }
1323 if ( !$msg instanceof Message ) {
1324 return null;
1325 }
1327 $msg->setContext( $context );
1328 if ( $params ) {
1329 $msg->params( $params );
1330 }
1332 return $msg;
1333 }
1349 public function errorArrayToStatus( array $errors, Authority $performer = null ) {
1350 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.43' );
1352 $performer ??= $this->getAuthority();
1353 $block = $performer->getBlock();
1355 $status = Status::newGood();
1356 foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
1357 if ( !is_array( $error ) ) {
1358 $error = [ $error ];
1359 }
1361 $head = reset( $error );
1362 $key = ( $head instanceof MessageSpecifier ) ? $head->getKey() : (string)$head;
1364 if ( isset( self::BLOCK_CODE_MAP[$key] ) && $block ) {
1365 $status->fatal( ApiMessage::create(
1366 $error,
1367 $this->getBlockCode( $block ),
1368 [ 'blockinfo' => $this->getBlockDetails( $block ) ]
1369 ) );
1370 } elseif ( isset( self::MESSAGE_CODE_MAP[$key] ) ) {
1371 [ $msg, $code ] = self::MESSAGE_CODE_MAP[$key];
1372 $status->fatal( ApiMessage::create( $msg, $code ) );
1373 } else {
1374 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanParamTooFewUnpack
1375 $status->fatal( ...$error );
1376 }
1377 }
1378 return $status;
1379 }
1388 public function addBlockInfoToStatus( StatusValue $status, Authority $user = null ) {
1389 if ( $status instanceof PermissionStatus ) {
1390 $block = $status->getBlock();
1391 } else {
1392 $user = $user ?: $this->getAuthority();
1393 $block = $user->getBlock();
1394 }
1396 if ( !$block ) {
1397 return;
1398 }
1399 foreach ( $status->getMessages() as $msg ) {
1400 if ( isset( self::BLOCK_CODE_MAP[$msg->getKey()] ) ) {
1401 $status->replaceMessage( $msg->getKey(), ApiMessage::create(
1402 Message::newFromSpecifier( $msg ),
1403 $this->getBlockCode( $block ),
1404 [ 'blockinfo' => $this->getBlockDetails( $block ) ]
1405 ) );
1406 }
1407 }
1408 }
1415 protected function useTransactionalTimeLimit() {
1416 if ( $this->getRequest()->wasPosted() ) {
1418 }
1419 }
1426 public static function clearCacheForTest(): void {
1427 if ( !defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) ) {
1428 throw new LogicException( 'Not allowed outside tests' );
1429 }
1430 self::$filterIDsCache = [];
1431 }
1442 protected function filterIDs( $fields, array $ids ) {
1443 $min = INF;
1444 $max = 0;
1445 foreach ( $fields as [ $table, $field ] ) {
1446 if ( isset( self::$filterIDsCache[$table][$field] ) ) {
1447 $row = self::$filterIDsCache[$table][$field];
1448 } else {
1449 $row = $this->getDB()->newSelectQueryBuilder()
1450 ->select( [ 'min_id' => "MIN($field)", 'max_id' => "MAX($field)" ] )
1451 ->from( $table )
1452 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchRow();
1453 self::$filterIDsCache[$table][$field] = $row;
1454 }
1455 $min = min( $min, $row->min_id );
1456 $max = max( $max, $row->max_id );
1457 }
1458 return array_filter( $ids, static function ( $id ) use ( $min, $max ) {
1459 return ( ( is_int( $id ) && $id >= 0 ) || ctype_digit( (string)$id ) )
1460 && $id >= $min && $id <= $max;
1461 } );
1462 }
1464 // endregion -- end of utility methods
1466 /***************************************************************************/
1467 // region Warning and error reporting
1485 public function addWarning( $msg, $code = null, $data = null ) {
1486 $this->getErrorFormatter()->addWarning( $this->getModulePath(), $msg, $code, $data );
1487 }
1499 public function addDeprecation( $msg, $feature, $data = [] ) {
1500 $data = (array)$data;
1501 if ( $feature !== null ) {
1502 $data['feature'] = $feature;
1503 $this->logFeatureUsage( $feature );
1504 }
1505 $this->addWarning( $msg, 'deprecation', $data );
1507 // No real need to deduplicate here, ApiErrorFormatter does that for
1508 // us (assuming the hook is deterministic).
1509 $msgs = [ $this->msg( 'api-usage-mailinglist-ref' ) ];
1510 $this->getHookRunner()->onApiDeprecationHelp( $msgs );
1511 if ( count( $msgs ) > 1 ) {
1512 $key = '$' . implode( ' $', range( 1, count( $msgs ) ) );
1513 $msg = ( new RawMessage( $key ) )->params( $msgs );
1514 } else {
1515 $msg = reset( $msgs );
1516 }
1517 $this->getMain()->addWarning( $msg, 'deprecation-help' );
1518 }
1532 public function addError( $msg, $code = null, $data = null ) {
1533 $this->getErrorFormatter()->addError( $this->getModulePath(), $msg, $code, $data );
1534 }
1545 public function addMessagesFromStatus(
1546 StatusValue $status, $types = [ 'warning', 'error' ], array $filter = []
1547 ) {
1548 $this->getErrorFormatter()->addMessagesFromStatus(
1549 $this->getModulePath(), $status, $types, $filter
1550 );
1551 }
1567 public function dieWithError( $msg, $code = null, $data = null, $httpCode = 0 ) {
1568 throw ApiUsageException::newWithMessage( $this, $msg, $code, $data, $httpCode );
1569 }
1580 public function dieWithException( Throwable $exception, array $options = [] ) {
1581 $this->dieWithError(
1582 $this->getErrorFormatter()->getMessageFromException( $exception, $options )
1583 );
1584 }
1595 public function dieBlocked( Block $block ) {
1596 $blockErrorFormatter = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getFormatterFactory()
1597 ->getBlockErrorFormatter( $this->getContext() );
1599 $msg = $blockErrorFormatter->getMessage(
1600 $block,
1601 $this->getUser(),
1602 null,
1603 $this->getRequest()->getIP()
1604 );
1606 $this->dieWithError(
1607 $msg,
1608 $this->getBlockCode( $block ),
1609 [ 'blockinfo' => $this->getBlockDetails( $block ) ]
1610 );
1611 }
1622 public function dieStatus( StatusValue $status ) {
1623 if ( $status->isGood() ) {
1624 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Successful status passed to ApiBase::dieStatus' );
1625 }
1627 foreach ( self::MESSAGE_CODE_MAP as $msg => [ $apiMsg, $code ] ) {
1628 if ( $status->hasMessage( $msg ) ) {
1629 $status->replaceMessage( $msg, ApiMessage::create( $apiMsg, $code ) );
1630 }
1631 }
1633 if (
1634 $status instanceof PermissionStatus
1635 && $status->isRateLimitExceeded()
1636 && !$status->hasMessage( 'apierror-ratelimited' )
1637 ) {
1638 $status->fatal( ApiMessage::create( 'apierror-ratelimited', 'ratelimited' ) );
1639 }
1641 // ApiUsageException needs a fatal status, but this method has
1642 // historically accepted any non-good status. Convert it if necessary.
1643 $status->setOK( false );
1644 if ( !$status->getMessages( 'error' ) ) {
1645 $newStatus = Status::newGood();
1646 foreach ( $status->getMessages( 'warning' ) as $err ) {
1647 $newStatus->fatal( $err );
1648 }
1649 if ( !$newStatus->getMessages( 'error' ) ) {
1650 $newStatus->fatal( 'unknownerror-nocode' );
1651 }
1652 $status = $newStatus;
1653 }
1655 $this->addBlockInfoToStatus( $status );
1657 throw new ApiUsageException( $this, $status );
1658 }
1666 public function dieReadOnly() {
1667 $this->dieWithError(
1668 'apierror-readonly',
1669 'readonly',
1670 [ 'readonlyreason' => MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getReadOnlyMode()->getReason() ]
1671 );
1672 }
1682 public function checkUserRightsAny( $rights ) {
1683 $rights = (array)$rights;
1684 if ( !$this->getAuthority()->isAllowedAny( ...$rights ) ) {
1685 $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-permissiondenied', $this->msg( "action-{$rights[0]}" ) ] );
1686 }
1687 }
1706 PageIdentity $pageIdentity,
1707 $actions,
1708 array $options = []
1709 ) {
1710 $authority = $options['user'] ?? $this->getAuthority();
1711 $status = new PermissionStatus();
1712 foreach ( (array)$actions as $action ) {
1713 if ( $this->isWriteMode() ) {
1714 $authority->authorizeWrite( $action, $pageIdentity, $status );
1715 } else {
1716 $authority->authorizeRead( $action, $pageIdentity, $status );
1717 }
1718 }
1719 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1720 if ( !empty( $options['autoblock'] ) ) {
1721 $this->getUser()->spreadAnyEditBlock();
1722 }
1723 $this->dieStatus( $status );
1724 }
1725 }
1740 public function dieWithErrorOrDebug( $msg, $code = null, $data = null, $httpCode = null ) {
1741 if ( $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::DebugAPI ) !== true ) {
1742 $this->dieWithError( $msg, $code, $data, $httpCode ?? 0 );
1743 } else {
1744 $this->addWarning( $msg, $code, $data );
1745 }
1746 }
1758 protected function parseContinueParamOrDie( string $continue, array $types ): array {
1759 $cont = explode( '|', $continue );
1760 $this->dieContinueUsageIf( count( $cont ) != count( $types ) );
1762 foreach ( $cont as $i => &$value ) {
1763 switch ( $types[$i] ) {
1764 case 'string':
1765 // Do nothing
1766 break;
1767 case 'int':
1768 $this->dieContinueUsageIf( $value !== (string)(int)$value );
1769 $value = (int)$value;
1770 break;
1771 case 'timestamp':
1772 try {
1773 $dbTs = $this->getDB()->timestamp( $value );
1774 } catch ( TimestampException $ex ) {
1775 $dbTs = false;
1776 }
1777 $this->dieContinueUsageIf( $value !== $dbTs );
1778 break;
1779 default:
1780 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown type '{$types[$i]}'" );
1781 }
1782 }
1784 return $cont;
1785 }
1797 protected function dieContinueUsageIf( $condition ) {
1798 if ( $condition ) {
1799 $this->dieWithError( 'apierror-badcontinue' );
1800 }
1801 }
1810 protected static function dieDebug( $method, $message ) {
1811 throw new MWException( "Internal error in $method: $message" );
1812 }
1821 public function logFeatureUsage( $feature ) {
1822 static $loggedFeatures = [];
1824 // Only log each feature once per request. We can get multiple calls from calls to
1825 // extractRequestParams() with different values for 'parseLimit', for example.
1826 if ( isset( $loggedFeatures[$feature] ) ) {
1827 return;
1828 }
1829 $loggedFeatures[$feature] = true;
1831 $request = $this->getRequest();
1832 $ctx = [
1833 'feature' => $feature,
1834 // Replace spaces with underscores in 'username' for historical reasons.
1835 'username' => str_replace( ' ', '_', $this->getUser()->getName() ),
1836 'clientip' => $request->getIP(),
1837 'referer' => (string)$request->getHeader( 'Referer' ),
1838 'agent' => $this->getMain()->getUserAgent(),
1839 ];
1841 // Text string is deprecated. Remove (or replace with just $feature) in MW 1.34.
1842 $s = '"' . addslashes( $ctx['feature'] ) . '"' .
1843 ' "' . wfUrlencode( $ctx['username'] ) . '"' .
1844 ' "' . $ctx['clientip'] . '"' .
1845 ' "' . addslashes( $ctx['referer'] ) . '"' .
1846 ' "' . addslashes( $ctx['agent'] ) . '"';
1848 wfDebugLog( 'api-feature-usage', $s, 'private', $ctx );
1850 $this->getHookRunner()->onApiLogFeatureUsage(
1851 $feature,
1852 [
1853 'userName' => $this->getUser()->getName(),
1854 'userAgent' => $this->getMain()->getUserAgent(),
1855 'ipAddress' => $request->getIP()
1856 ]
1857 );
1858 }
1860 // endregion -- end of warning and error reporting
1862 /***************************************************************************/
1863 // region Help message generation
1876 protected function getSummaryMessage() {
1877 return "apihelp-{$this->getModulePath()}-summary";
1878 }
1891 protected function getExtendedDescription() {
1892 return [ [
1893 "apihelp-{$this->getModulePath()}-extended-description",
1894 'api-help-no-extended-description',
1895 ] ];
1896 }
1905 public function getFinalSummary() {
1906 return $this->msg(
1907 Message::newFromSpecifier( $this->getSummaryMessage() ),
1908 $this->getModulePrefix(),
1909 $this->getModuleName(),
1910 $this->getModulePath(),
1911 );
1912 }
1921 public function getFinalDescription() {
1922 $summary = $this->msg(
1923 Message::newFromSpecifier( $this->getSummaryMessage() ),
1924 $this->getModulePrefix(),
1925 $this->getModuleName(),
1926 $this->getModulePath(),
1927 );
1928 $extendedDesc = $this->getExtendedDescription();
1929 if ( is_array( $extendedDesc ) && is_array( $extendedDesc[0] ) ) {
1930 // The definition in getExtendedDescription() may also specify fallback keys. This is weird,
1931 // and it was never needed for other API doc messages, so it's only supported here.
1932 $extendedDesc = Message::newFallbackSequence( $extendedDesc[0] )
1933 ->params( array_slice( $extendedDesc, 1 ) );
1934 }
1935 $extendedDesc = $this->msg(
1936 Message::newFromSpecifier( $extendedDesc ),
1937 $this->getModulePrefix(),
1938 $this->getModuleName(),
1939 $this->getModulePath(),
1940 );
1942 $msgs = [ $summary, $extendedDesc ];
1944 $this->getHookRunner()->onAPIGetDescriptionMessages( $this, $msgs );
1946 return $msgs;
1947 }
1957 public function getFinalParams( $flags = 0 ) {
1958 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanParamTooMany
1959 $params = $this->getAllowedParams( $flags );
1960 if ( !$params ) {
1961 $params = [];
1962 }
1964 if ( $this->needsToken() ) {
1965 $params['token'] = [
1966 ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'string',
1967 ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
1968 ParamValidator::PARAM_SENSITIVE => true,
1969 self::PARAM_HELP_MSG => [
1970 'api-help-param-token',
1971 $this->needsToken(),
1972 ],
1973 ] + ( $params['token'] ?? [] );
1974 }
1976 $this->getHookRunner()->onAPIGetAllowedParams( $this, $params, $flags );
1978 return $params;
1979 }
1988 public function getFinalParamDescription() {
1989 $prefix = $this->getModulePrefix();
1990 $name = $this->getModuleName();
1991 $path = $this->getModulePath();
1993 $params = $this->getFinalParams( self::GET_VALUES_FOR_HELP );
1994 $msgs = [];
1995 foreach ( $params as $param => $settings ) {
1996 if ( !is_array( $settings ) ) {
1997 $settings = [];
1998 }
2000 $msg = isset( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG] )
2001 ? Message::newFromSpecifier( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG] )
2002 : Message::newFallbackSequence( [ "apihelp-$path-param-$param", 'api-help-param-no-description' ] );
2003 $msg = $this->msg( $msg, $prefix, $param, $name, $path );
2004 $msgs[$param] = [ $msg ];
2006 if ( isset( $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] ) &&
2007 $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] === 'submodule'
2008 ) {
2009 if ( isset( $settings[SubmoduleDef::PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP] ) ) {
2010 $map = $settings[SubmoduleDef::PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP];
2011 } else {
2012 $prefix = $this->isMain() ? '' : ( $this->getModulePath() . '+' );
2013 $map = [];
2014 foreach ( $this->getModuleManager()->getNames( $param ) as $submoduleName ) {
2015 $map[$submoduleName] = $prefix . $submoduleName;
2016 }
2017 }
2019 $submodules = [];
2020 $submoduleFlags = []; // for sorting: higher flags are sorted later
2021 $submoduleNames = []; // for sorting: lexicographical, ascending
2022 foreach ( $map as $v => $m ) {
2023 $isDeprecated = false;
2024 $isInternal = false;
2025 $summary = null;
2026 try {
2027 $submod = $this->getModuleFromPath( $m );
2028 if ( $submod ) {
2029 $summary = $submod->getFinalSummary();
2030 $isDeprecated = $submod->isDeprecated();
2031 $isInternal = $submod->isInternal();
2032 }
2033 } catch ( ApiUsageException $ex ) {
2034 // Ignore
2035 }
2036 if ( $summary ) {
2037 $key = $summary->getKey();
2038 $params = $summary->getParams();
2039 } else {
2040 $key = 'api-help-undocumented-module';
2041 $params = [ $m ];
2042 }
2043 $m = new ApiHelpParamValueMessage(
2044 "[[Special:ApiHelp/$m|$v]]",
2045 $key,
2046 $params,
2047 $isDeprecated,
2048 $isInternal
2049 );
2050 $submodules[] = $m->setContext( $this->getContext() );
2051 $submoduleFlags[] = ( $isDeprecated ? 1 : 0 ) | ( $isInternal ? 2 : 0 );
2052 $submoduleNames[] = $v;
2053 }
2054 // sort $submodules by $submoduleFlags and $submoduleNames
2055 array_multisort( $submoduleFlags, $submoduleNames, $submodules );
2056 $msgs[$param] = array_merge( $msgs[$param], $submodules );
2057 } elseif ( isset( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE] ) ) {
2058 if ( !is_array( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE] ) ) {
2059 self::dieDebug( __METHOD__,
2060 'ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE is not valid' );
2061 }
2062 $isArrayOfStrings = is_array( $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] )
2063 || (
2064 $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] === 'string'
2065 && ( $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI] ?? false )
2066 );
2067 if ( !$isArrayOfStrings ) {
2068 self::dieDebug( __METHOD__,
2069 'ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE may only be used when ' .
2070 'ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE is an array or it is \'string\' and ' .
2071 'ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI is true' );
2072 }
2074 $values = is_array( $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] ) ?
2075 $settings[ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE] :
2076 array_keys( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE] );
2077 $valueMsgs = $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE];
2078 $deprecatedValues = $settings[EnumDef::PARAM_DEPRECATED_VALUES] ?? [];
2080 foreach ( $values as $value ) {
2081 $msg = Message::newFromSpecifier( $valueMsgs[$value] ?? "apihelp-$path-paramvalue-$param-$value" );
2082 $m = $this->msg( $msg, [ $prefix, $param, $name, $path, $value ] );
2083 $m = new ApiHelpParamValueMessage(
2084 $value,
2085 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentProbablyReal
2086 [ $m->getKey(), 'api-help-param-no-description' ],
2087 $m->getParams(),
2088 isset( $deprecatedValues[$value] )
2089 );
2090 $msgs[$param][] = $m->setContext( $this->getContext() );
2091 }
2092 }
2094 if ( isset( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND] ) ) {
2095 if ( !is_array( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND] ) ) {
2096 self::dieDebug( __METHOD__,
2097 'Value for ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND is not an array' );
2098 }
2099 foreach ( $settings[self::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND] as $m ) {
2100 $m = $this->msg( Message::newFromSpecifier( $m ), [ $prefix, $param, $name, $path ] );
2101 $msgs[$param][] = $m;
2102 }
2103 }
2104 }
2106 $this->getHookRunner()->onAPIGetParamDescriptionMessages( $this, $msgs );
2108 return $msgs;
2109 }
2120 protected function getHelpFlags() {
2121 $flags = [];
2123 if ( $this->isDeprecated() ) {
2124 $flags[] = 'deprecated';
2125 }
2126 if ( $this->isInternal() ) {
2127 $flags[] = 'internal';
2128 }
2129 if ( $this->isReadMode() ) {
2130 $flags[] = 'readrights';
2131 }
2132 if ( $this->isWriteMode() ) {
2133 $flags[] = 'writerights';
2134 }
2135 if ( $this->mustBePosted() ) {
2136 $flags[] = 'mustbeposted';
2137 }
2139 return $flags;
2140 }
2153 protected function getModuleSourceInfo() {
2154 if ( $this->mModuleSource !== false ) {
2155 return $this->mModuleSource;
2156 }
2158 // First, try to find where the module comes from...
2159 $rClass = new ReflectionClass( $this );
2160 $path = $rClass->getFileName();
2161 if ( !$path ) {
2162 // No path known?
2163 $this->mModuleSource = null;
2164 return null;
2165 }
2166 $path = realpath( $path ) ?: $path;
2168 // Build a map of extension directories to extension info
2169 if ( self::$extensionInfo === null ) {
2170 $extDir = $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::ExtensionDirectory );
2171 $baseDir = MW_INSTALL_PATH;
2172 self::$extensionInfo = [
2173 realpath( __DIR__ ) ?: __DIR__ => [
2174 'path' => $baseDir,
2175 'name' => 'MediaWiki',
2176 'license-name' => 'GPL-2.0-or-later',
2177 ],
2178 realpath( "$baseDir/extensions" ) ?: "$baseDir/extensions" => null,
2179 realpath( $extDir ) ?: $extDir => null,
2180 ];
2181 $keep = [
2182 'path' => null,
2183 'name' => null,
2184 'namemsg' => null,
2185 'license-name' => null,
2186 ];
2187 $credits = SpecialVersion::getCredits( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance(), $this->getConfig() );
2188 foreach ( $credits as $group ) {
2189 foreach ( $group as $ext ) {
2190 if ( !isset( $ext['path'] ) || !isset( $ext['name'] ) ) {
2191 // This shouldn't happen, but does anyway.
2192 continue;
2193 }
2195 $extpath = $ext['path'];
2196 if ( !is_dir( $extpath ) ) {
2197 $extpath = dirname( $extpath );
2198 }
2199 self::$extensionInfo[realpath( $extpath ) ?: $extpath] =
2200 array_intersect_key( $ext, $keep );
2201 }
2202 }
2203 }
2205 // Now traverse parent directories until we find a match or run out of parents.
2206 do {
2207 if ( array_key_exists( $path, self::$extensionInfo ) ) {
2208 // Found it!
2209 $this->mModuleSource = self::$extensionInfo[$path];
2210 return $this->mModuleSource;
2211 }
2213 $oldpath = $path;
2214 $path = dirname( $path );
2215 } while ( $path !== $oldpath );
2217 // No idea what extension this might be.
2218 $this->mModuleSource = null;
2219 return null;
2220 }
2234 public function modifyHelp( array &$help, array $options, array &$tocData ) {
2235 }
2237 // endregion -- end of help message generation
2242 * This file uses VisualStudio style region/endregion fold markers which are
2243 * recognised by PHPStorm. If modelines are enabled, the following editor
2244 * configuration will also enable folding in vim, if it is in the last 5 lines
2245 * of the file. We also use "@name" which creates sections in Doxygen.
2246 *
2247 * vim: foldmarker=//\ region,//\ endregion foldmethod=marker
2248 */
wfUrlencode( $s)
We want some things to be included as literal characters in our title URLs for prettiness,...
wfEscapeWikiText( $input)
Escapes the given text so that it may be output using addWikiText() without any linking,...
wfDeprecatedMsg( $msg, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Log a deprecation warning with arbitrary message text.
Raise the request time limit to $wgTransactionalTimeLimit.
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
wfMessage( $key,... $params)
This is the function for getting translated interface messages.
wfDeprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Logs a warning that a deprecated feature was used.
array $params
The job parameters.
Definition WebStart.php:81
This abstract class implements many basic API functions, and is the base of all API classes.
Definition ApiBase.php:67
dieWithError( $msg, $code=null, $data=null, $httpCode=0)
Abort execution with an error.
Definition ApiBase.php:1567
addBlockInfoToStatus(StatusValue $status, Authority $user=null)
Add block info to block messages in a Status.
Definition ApiBase.php:1388
Get parameter prefix (usually two letters or an empty string).
Definition ApiBase.php:570
Definition ApiBase.php:117
const PARAM_MAX2
Definition ApiBase.php:101
Definition ApiBase.php:121
Definition ApiBase.php:113
checkUserRightsAny( $rights)
Helper function for permission-denied errors.
Definition ApiBase.php:1682
getParameter( $paramName, $parseLimit=true)
Get a value for the given parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:963
getModuleFromPath( $path)
Get a module from its module path.
Definition ApiBase.php:660
Gets a default replica DB connection object.
Definition ApiBase.php:724
filterIDs( $fields, array $ids)
Filter out-of-range values from a list of positive integer IDs.
Definition ApiBase.php:1442
encodeParamName( $paramName)
This method mangles parameter name based on the prefix supplied to the constructor.
Definition ApiBase.php:819
static makeMessage( $msg, IContextSource $context, array $params=null)
Create a Message from a string or array.
Definition ApiBase.php:1316
Definition ApiBase.php:97
getWatchlistUser( $params)
Gets the user for whom to get the watchlist.
Definition ApiBase.php:1276
Indicates whether this module is deprecated.
Definition ApiBase.php:479
dieContinueUsageIf( $condition)
Die with the 'badcontinue' error.
Definition ApiBase.php:1797
dieWithErrorOrDebug( $msg, $code=null, $data=null, $httpCode=null)
Will only set a warning instead of failing if the global $wgDebugAPI is set to true.
Definition ApiBase.php:1740
Definition ApiBase.php:141
Get the parent of this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:600
static dieDebug( $method, $message)
Internal code errors should be reported with this method.
Definition ApiBase.php:1810
Return links to more detailed help pages about the module.
Definition ApiBase.php:387
Definition ApiBase.php:145
Get the module manager, or null if this module has no submodules.
Definition ApiBase.php:344
getParameterFromSettings( $name, $settings, $parseLimit)
Using the settings, determine the value for the given parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:1200
addMessagesFromStatus(StatusValue $status, $types=[ 'warning', 'error'], array $filter=[])
Add warnings and/or errors from a Status.
Definition ApiBase.php:1545
checkTitleUserPermissions(PageIdentity $pageIdentity, $actions, array $options=[])
Helper function for permission-denied errors.
Definition ApiBase.php:1705
Get the main module.
Definition ApiBase.php:579
Definition ApiBase.php:93
If the module may only be used with a certain format module, it should override this method to return...
Definition ApiBase.php:360
Definition ApiBase.php:137
(array) Specify additional information tags for the parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:193
Definition ApiBase.php:711
Indicates whether this module requires write access to the wiki.
Definition ApiBase.php:455
Definition ApiBase.php:85
Indicates whether this module is considered to be "internal".
Definition ApiBase.php:492
Get the final module summary.
Definition ApiBase.php:1905
requirePostedParameters( $params, $prefix='prefix')
Die if any of the specified parameters were found in the query part of the URL rather than the HTTP p...
Definition ApiBase.php:1068
((string|array|Message)[]) Specify additional i18n messages to append to the normal message for this ...
Definition ApiBase.php:183
Helper function for readonly errors.
Definition ApiBase.php:1666
Definition ApiBase.php:109
Return the summary message.
Definition ApiBase.php:1876
modifyHelp(array &$help, array $options, array &$tocData)
Called from ApiHelp before the pieces are joined together and returned.
Definition ApiBase.php:2234
Obtain a PermissionManager instance that subclasses may use in their authorization checks.
Definition ApiBase.php:760
Deprecated and unused.
Definition ApiBase.php:200
requireOnlyOneParameter( $params,... $required)
Die if 0 or more than one of a certain set of parameters is set and not false.
Definition ApiBase.php:980
__construct(ApiMain $mainModule, $moduleName, $modulePrefix='')
Definition ApiBase.php:305
addError( $msg, $code=null, $data=null)
Add an error for this module without aborting.
Definition ApiBase.php:1532
Returns usage examples for this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:376
Definition ApiBase.php:149
parseContinueParamOrDie(string $continue, array $types)
Parse the 'continue' parameter in the usual format and validate the types of each part,...
Definition ApiBase.php:1758
Definition ApiBase.php:157
((string|array|Message)[]) When PARAM_TYPE is an array, or 'string' with PARAM_ISMULTI,...
Definition ApiBase.php:215
addDeprecation( $msg, $feature, $data=[])
Add a deprecation warning for this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:1499
Return the extended help text message.
Definition ApiBase.php:1891
Returns an array of allowed parameters (parameter name) => (default value) or (parameter name) => (ar...
Definition ApiBase.php:404
Returns information about the source of this module, if known.
Definition ApiBase.php:2153
Definition ApiBase.php:125
Definition ApiBase.php:105
requireAtLeastOneParameter( $params,... $required)
Die if 0 of a certain set of parameters is set and not false.
Definition ApiBase.php:1040
Indicates whether this module must be called with a POST request.
Definition ApiBase.php:468
getWebUITokenSalt(array $params)
Fetch the salt used in the Web UI corresponding to this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:529
const LIMIT_BIG1
Fast query, standard limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:240
Returns true if this module is the main module ($this === $this->mMainModule), false otherwise.
Definition ApiBase.php:589
requireMaxOneParameter( $params,... $required)
Dies if more than one parameter from a certain set of parameters are set and not false.
Definition ApiBase.php:1015
const LIMIT_SML2
Slow query, apihighlimits limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:246
handleParamNormalization( $paramName, $value, $rawValue)
Handle when a parameter was Unicode-normalized.
Definition ApiBase.php:1228
Get the final module description, after hooks have had a chance to tweak it as needed.
Definition ApiBase.php:1921
Definition ApiBase.php:153
(array) Indicate that this is a templated parameter, and specify replacements.
Definition ApiBase.php:233
setContinuationManager(ApiContinuationManager $manager=null)
Definition ApiBase.php:747
static clearCacheForTest()
Reset static caches of database state.
Definition ApiBase.php:1426
Get the result object.
Definition ApiBase.php:700
extractRequestParams( $options=[])
Using getAllowedParams(), this function makes an array of the values provided by the user,...
Definition ApiBase.php:841
Returns the token type this module requires in order to execute.
Definition ApiBase.php:515
Get the path to this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:640
(boolean) Inverse of IntegerDef::PARAM_IGNORE_RANGE
Definition ApiBase.php:164
logFeatureUsage( $feature)
Write logging information for API features to a debug log, for usage analysis.
Definition ApiBase.php:1821
Definition ApiBase.php:133
Indicates if this module needs maxlag to be checked.
Definition ApiBase.php:416
Generates the list of flags for the help screen and for action=paraminfo.
Definition ApiBase.php:2120
const LIMIT_SML1
Slow query, standard limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:244
getFinalParams( $flags=0)
Get the final list of parameters, after hooks have had a chance to tweak it as needed.
Definition ApiBase.php:1957
Indicates whether this module requires read rights.
Definition ApiBase.php:426
(string|array|Message) Specify an alternative i18n documentation message for this parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:175
addWarning( $msg, $code=null, $data=null)
Add a warning for this module.
Definition ApiBase.php:1485
getTitleFromTitleOrPageId( $params)
Get a Title object from a title or pageid param, if it is possible.
Definition ApiBase.php:1167
Definition ApiBase.php:129
getAllowedParams() flag: When this is set, the result could take longer to generate,...
Definition ApiBase.php:253
const LIMIT_BIG2
Fast query, apihighlimits limit.
Definition ApiBase.php:242
Get the name of the module being executed by this instance.
Definition ApiBase.php:561
getTitleOrPageId( $params, $load=false)
Attempts to load a WikiPage object from a title or pageid parameter, if possible.
Definition ApiBase.php:1128
dieStatus(StatusValue $status)
Throw an ApiUsageException based on the Status object.
Definition ApiBase.php:1622
Call wfTransactionalTimeLimit() if this request was POSTed.
Definition ApiBase.php:1415
Get an ApiHookRunner for running core API hooks.
Definition ApiBase.php:785
Get final parameter descriptions, after hooks have had a chance to tweak it as needed.
Definition ApiBase.php:1988
dieBlocked(Block $block)
Throw an ApiUsageException, which will (if uncaught) call the main module's error handler and die wit...
Definition ApiBase.php:1595
(string|array|Message) Specify an alternative i18n documentation message for this parameter.
Definition ApiBase.php:237
Indicate if the module supports dynamically-determined parameters that cannot be included in self::ge...
Definition ApiBase.php:807
Definition ApiBase.php:737
Evaluates the parameters, performs the requested query, and sets up the result.
validateToken( $token, array $params)
Validate the supplied token.
Definition ApiBase.php:1240
Get a HookContainer, for running extension hooks or for hook metadata.
Definition ApiBase.php:770
getConditionalRequestData( $condition)
Returns data for HTTP conditional request mechanisms.
Definition ApiBase.php:546
dieWithException(Throwable $exception, array $options=[])
Abort execution with an error derived from a throwable.
Definition ApiBase.php:1580
Definition ApiBase.php:89
Returns true if the current request breaks the same-origin policy.
Definition ApiBase.php:627
errorArrayToStatus(array $errors, Authority $performer=null)
Turn an array of messages into a Status.
Definition ApiBase.php:1349
This manages continuation state.
Message subclass that prepends wikitext for API help.
This is the main API class, used for both external and internal processing.
Definition ApiMain.php:68
static getTokenTypeSalts()
Get the salts for known token types.
static getToken(User $user, MediaWiki\Session\Session $session, $salt)
Get a token from a salt.
Exception used to abort API execution with an error.
MediaWiki exception.
This class provides an implementation of the hook interfaces used by the core Action API,...
Type definition for submodule types.
The simplest way of implementing IContextSource is to hold a RequestContext as a member variable and ...
setContext(IContextSource $context)
Get the base IContextSource object.
Variant of the Message class.
A class containing constants representing the names of configuration variables.
Service locator for MediaWiki core services.
The Message class deals with fetching and processing of interface message into a variety of formats.
Definition Message.php:150
Type definition for namespace types.
A service class for checking permissions To obtain an instance, use MediaWikiServices::getInstance()-...
A StatusValue for permission errors.
Load JSON files, and uses a Processor to extract information.
Version information about MediaWiki (core, extensions, libs), PHP, and the database.
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
Definition Status.php:54
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:78
internal since 1.36
Definition User.php:93
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
hasMessage( $message)
Returns true if the specified message is present as a warning or error.
getMessages(?string $type=null)
Returns a list of error messages, optionally only those of the given type.
replaceMessage( $source, $dest)
If the specified source message exists, replace it with the specified destination message,...
setOK( $ok)
Change operation status.
fatal( $message,... $parameters)
Add an error and set OK to false, indicating that the operation as a whole was fatal.
Returns whether the operation completed and didn't have any error or warnings.
Service for formatting and validating API parameters.
Type definition for enumeration types.
Definition EnumDef.php:32
Type definition for integer types.
Type definition for string types.
Definition StringDef.php:24
return[0=> 'ـ', 1=> ' ', 2=> '`', 3=> '´', 4=> '˜', 5=> '^', 6=> '¯', 7=> '‾', 8=> '˘', 9=> '˙', 10=> '¨', 11=> '˚', 12=> '˝', 13=> '᾽', 14=> '῝', 15=> '¸', 16=> '˛', 17=> '_', 18=> '‗', 19=> '῀', 20=> '﮲', 21=> '﮳', 22=> '﮴', 23=> '﮵', 24=> '﮶', 25=> '﮷', 26=> '﮸', 27=> '﮹', 28=> '﮺', 29=> '﮻', 30=> '﮼', 31=> '﮽', 32=> '﮾', 33=> '﮿', 34=> '﯀', 35=> '﯁', 36=> '゛', 37=> '゜', 38=> '-', 39=> '֊', 40=> '᐀', 41=> '᭠', 42=> '᠆', 43=> '᠇', 44=> '‐', 45=> '‒', 46=> '–', 47=> '—', 48=> '―', 49=> '⁓', 50=> '⸗', 51=> '゠', 52=> '・', 53=> ',', 54=> '՝', 55=> '،', 56=> '؍', 57=> '٫', 58=> '٬', 59=> '߸', 60=> '᠂', 61=> '᠈', 62=> '꓾', 63=> '꘍', 64=> '꛵', 65=> '︑', 66=> ';', 67=> '؛', 68=> '⁏', 69=> '꛶', 70=> ':', 71=> '։', 72=> '؞', 73=> '܃', 74=> '܄', 75=> '܅', 76=> '܆', 77=> '܇', 78=> '܈', 79=> '࠰', 80=> '࠱', 81=> '࠲', 82=> '࠳', 83=> '࠴', 84=> '࠵', 85=> '࠶', 86=> '࠷', 87=> '࠸', 88=> '࠹', 89=> '࠺', 90=> '࠻', 91=> '࠼', 92=> '࠽', 93=> '࠾', 94=> '፡', 95=> '፣', 96=> '፤', 97=> '፥', 98=> '፦', 99=> '᠄', 100=> '᠅', 101=> '༔', 102=> '៖', 103=> '᭝', 104=> '꧇', 105=> '᛫', 106=> '᛬', 107=> '᛭', 108=> '꛴', 109=> '!', 110=> '¡', 111=> '՜', 112=> '߹', 113=> '᥄', 114=> '?', 115=> '¿', 116=> '⸮', 117=> '՞', 118=> '؟', 119=> '܉', 120=> '፧', 121=> '᥅', 122=> '⳺', 123=> '⳻', 124=> '꘏', 125=> '꛷', 126=> '‽', 127=> '⸘', 128=> '.', 129=> '᠁', 130=> '۔', 131=> '܁', 132=> '܂', 133=> '።', 134=> '᠃', 135=> '᠉', 136=> '᙮', 137=> '᭜', 138=> '⳹', 139=> '⳾', 140=> '⸰', 141=> '꓿', 142=> '꘎', 143=> '꛳', 144=> '︒', 145=> '·', 146=> '⸱', 147=> '।', 148=> '॥', 149=> '꣎', 150=> '꣏', 151=> '᰻', 152=> '᰼', 153=> '꡶', 154=> '꡷', 155=> '᜵', 156=> '᜶', 157=> '꤯', 158=> '၊', 159=> '။', 160=> '។', 161=> '៕', 162=> '᪨', 163=> '᪩', 164=> '᪪', 165=> '᪫', 166=> '᭞', 167=> '᭟', 168=> '꧈', 169=> '꧉', 170=> '꩝', 171=> '꩞', 172=> '꩟', 173=> '꯫', 174=> '𐩖', 175=> '𐩗', 176=> '𑁇', 177=> '𑁈', 178=> '𑃀', 179=> '𑃁', 180=> '᱾', 181=> '᱿', 182=> '܀', 183=> '߷', 184=> '჻', 185=> '፠', 186=> '፨', 187=> '᨞', 188=> '᨟', 189=> '᭚', 190=> '᭛', 191=> '꧁', 192=> '꧂', 193=> '꧃', 194=> '꧄', 195=> '꧅', 196=> '꧆', 197=> '꧊', 198=> '꧋', 199=> '꧌', 200=> '꧍', 201=> '꛲', 202=> '꥟', 203=> '𐡗', 204=> '𐬺', 205=> '𐬻', 206=> '𐬼', 207=> '𐬽', 208=> '𐬾', 209=> '𐬿', 210=> '𑂾', 211=> '𑂿', 212=> '⁕', 213=> '⁖', 214=> '⁘', 215=> '⁙', 216=> '⁚', 217=> '⁛', 218=> '⁜', 219=> '⁝', 220=> '⁞', 221=> '⸪', 222=> '⸫', 223=> '⸬', 224=> '⸭', 225=> '⳼', 226=> '⳿', 227=> '⸙', 228=> '𐤿', 229=> '𐄀', 230=> '𐄁', 231=> '𐄂', 232=> '𐎟', 233=> '𐏐', 234=> '𐤟', 235=> '𒑰', 236=> '𒑱', 237=> '𒑲', 238=> '𒑳', 239=> '\'', 240=> '‘', 241=> '’', 242=> '‚', 243=> '‛', 244=> '‹', 245=> '›', 246=> '"', 247 => '“', 248 => '”', 249 => '„', 250 => '‟', 251 => '«', 252 => '»', 253 => '(', 254 => ')', 255 => '[', 256 => ']', 257 => '{', 258 => '}', 259 => '༺', 260 => '༻', 261 => '༼', 262 => '༽', 263 => '᚛', 264 => '᚜', 265 => '⁅', 266 => '⁆', 267 => '⧼', 268 => '⧽', 269 => '⦃', 270 => '⦄', 271 => '⦅', 272 => '⦆', 273 => '⦇', 274 => '⦈', 275 => '⦉', 276 => '⦊', 277 => '⦋', 278 => '⦌', 279 => '⦍', 280 => '⦎', 281 => '⦏', 282 => '⦐', 283 => '⦑', 284 => '⦒', 285 => '⦓', 286 => '⦔', 287 => '⦕', 288 => '⦖', 289 => '⦗', 290 => '⦘', 291 => '⟬', 292 => '⟭', 293 => '⟮', 294 => '⟯', 295 => '⸂', 296 => '⸃', 297 => '⸄', 298 => '⸅', 299 => '⸉', 300 => '⸊', 301 => '⸌', 302 => '⸍', 303 => '⸜', 304 => '⸝', 305 => '⸠', 306 => '⸡', 307 => '⸢', 308 => '⸣', 309 => '⸤', 310 => '⸥', 311 => '⸦', 312 => '⸧', 313 => '⸨', 314 => '⸩', 315 => '〈', 316 => '〉', 317 => '「', 318 => '」', 319 => '﹝', 320 => '﹞', 321 => '︗', 322 => '︘', 323 => '﴾', 324 => '﴿', 325 => '§', 326 => '¶', 327 => '⁋', 328 => '©', 329 => '®', 330 => '@', 331 => '*', 332 => '⁎', 333 => '⁑', 334 => '٭', 335 => '꙳', 336 => '/', 337 => '⁄', 338 => '\\', 339 => '&', 340 => '⅋', 341 => '⁊', 342 => '#', 343 => '%', 344 => '٪', 345 => '‰', 346 => '؉', 347 => '‱', 348 => '؊', 349 => '⁒', 350 => '†', 351 => '‡', 352 => '•', 353 => '‣', 354 => '‧', 355 => '⁃', 356 => '⁌', 357 => '⁍', 358 => '′', 359 => '‵', 360 => '‸', 361 => '※', 362 => '‿', 363 => '⁔', 364 => '⁀', 365 => '⁐', 366 => '⁁', 367 => '⁂', 368 => '⸀', 369 => '⸁', 370 => '⸆', 371 => '⸇', 372 => '⸈', 373 => '⸋', 374 => '⸎', 375 => '⸏', 376 => '⸐', 377 => '⸑', 378 => '⸒', 379 => '⸓', 380 => '⸔', 381 => '⸕', 382 => '⸖', 383 => '⸚', 384 => '⸛', 385 => '⸞', 386 => '⸟', 387 => '꙾', 388 => '՚', 389 => '՛', 390 => '՟', 391 => '־', 392 => '׀', 393 => '׃', 394 => '׆', 395 => '׳', 396 => '״', 397 => '܊', 398 => '܋', 399 => '܌', 400 => '܍', 401 => '࡞', 402 => '᠀', 403 => '॰', 404 => '꣸', 405 => '꣹', 406 => '꣺', 407 => '෴', 408 => '๚', 409 => '๛', 410 => '꫞', 411 => '꫟', 412 => '༄', 413 => '༅', 414 => '༆', 415 => '༇', 416 => '༈', 417 => '༉', 418 => '༊', 419 => '࿐', 420 => '࿑', 421 => '་', 422 => '།', 423 => '༎', 424 => '༏', 425 => '༐', 426 => '༑', 427 => '༒', 428 => '྅', 429 => '࿒', 430 => '࿓', 431 => '࿔', 432 => '࿙', 433 => '࿚', 434 => '᰽', 435 => '᰾', 436 => '᰿', 437 => '᥀', 438 => '၌', 439 => '၍', 440 => '၎', 441 => '၏', 442 => '႞', 443 => '႟', 444 => '꩷', 445 => '꩸', 446 => '꩹', 447 => 'ៗ', 448 => '៘', 449 => '៙', 450 => '៚', 451 => '᪠', 452 => '᪡', 453 => '᪢', 454 => '᪣', 455 => '᪤', 456 => '᪥', 457 => '᪦', 458 => '᪬', 459 => '᪭', 460 => '᙭', 461 => '⵰', 462 => '꡴', 463 => '꡵', 464 => '᯼', 465 => '᯽', 466 => '᯾', 467 => '᯿', 468 => '꤮', 469 => '꧞', 470 => '꧟', 471 => '꩜', 472 => '𑁉', 473 => '𑁊', 474 => '𑁋', 475 => '𑁌', 476 => '𑁍', 477 => '𐩐', 478 => '𐩑', 479 => '𐩒', 480 => '𐩓', 481 => '𐩔', 482 => '𐩕', 483 => '𐩘', 484 => '𐬹', 485 => '𑂻', 486 => '𑂼', 487 => 'ʹ', 488 => '͵', 489 => 'ʺ', 490 => '˂', 491 => '˃', 492 => '˄', 493 => '˅', 494 => 'ˆ', 495 => 'ˇ', 496 => 'ˈ', 497 => 'ˉ', 498 => 'ˊ', 499 => 'ˋ', 500 => 'ˌ', 501 => 'ˍ', 502 => 'ˎ', 503 => 'ˏ', 504 => '˒', 505 => '˓', 506 => '˔', 507 => '˕', 508 => '˖', 509 => '˗', 510 => '˞', 511 => '˟', 512 => '˥', 513 => '˦', 514 => '˧', 515 => '˨', 516 => '˩', 517 => '˪', 518 => '˫', 519 => 'ˬ', 520 => '˭', 521 => '˯', 522 => '˰', 523 => '˱', 524 => '˲', 525 => '˳', 526 => '˴', 527 => '˵', 528 => '˶', 529 => '˷', 530 => '˸', 531 => '˹', 532 => '˺', 533 => '˻', 534 => '˼', 535 => '˽', 536 => '˾', 537 => '˿', 538 => '᎐', 539 => '᎑', 540 => '᎒', 541 => '᎓', 542 => '᎔', 543 => '᎕', 544 => '᎖', 545 => '᎗', 546 => '᎘', 547 => '᎙', 548 => '꜀', 549 => '꜁', 550 => '꜂', 551 => '꜃', 552 => '꜄', 553 => '꜅', 554 => '꜆', 555 => '꜇', 556 => '꜈', 557 => '꜉', 558 => '꜊', 559 => '꜋', 560 => '꜌', 561 => '꜍', 562 => '꜎', 563 => '꜏', 564 => '꜐', 565 => '꜑', 566 => '꜒', 567 => '꜓', 568 => '꜔', 569 => '꜕', 570 => '꜖', 571 => 'ꜗ', 572 => 'ꜘ', 573 => 'ꜙ', 574 => 'ꜚ', 575 => 'ꜛ', 576 => 'ꜜ', 577 => 'ꜝ', 578 => 'ꜞ', 579 => 'ꜟ', 580 => '꜠', 581 => '꜡', 582 => 'ꞈ', 583 => '꞉', 584 => '꞊', 585 => '°', 586 => '҂', 587 => '؈', 588 => '؎', 589 => '؏', 590 => '۞', 591 => '۩', 592 => '﷽', 593 => '߶', 594 => '৺', 595 => '୰', 596 => '௳', 597 => '௴', 598 => '௵', 599 => '௶', 600 => '௷', 601 => '௸', 602 => '௺', 603 => '౿', 604 => '൹', 605 => '꠨', 606 => '꠩', 607 => '꠪', 608 => '꠫', 609 => '꠶', 610 => '꠷', 611 => '꠹', 612 => '๏', 613 => '༁', 614 => '༂', 615 => '༃', 616 => '༓', 617 => '༕', 618 => '༖', 619 => '༗', 620 => '༚', 621 => '༛', 622 => '༜', 623 => '༝', 624 => '༞', 625 => '༟', 626 => '༴', 627 => '༶', 628 => '༸', 629 => '྾', 630 => '྿', 631 => '࿀', 632 => '࿁', 633 => '࿂', 634 => '࿃', 635 => '࿄', 636 => '࿅', 637 => '࿇', 638 => '࿈', 639 => '࿉', 640 => '࿊', 641 => '࿋', 642 => '࿌', 643 => '࿎', 644 => '࿏', 645 => '࿕', 646 => '࿖', 647 => '࿗', 648 => '࿘', 649 => '᧠', 650 => '᧡', 651 => '᧢', 652 => '᧣', 653 => '᧤', 654 => '᧥', 655 => '᧦', 656 => '᧧', 657 => '᧨', 658 => '᧩', 659 => '᧪', 660 => '᧫', 661 => '᧬', 662 => '᧭', 663 => '᧮', 664 => '᧯', 665 => '᧰', 666 => '᧱', 667 => '᧲', 668 => '᧳', 669 => '᧴', 670 => '᧵', 671 => '᧶', 672 => '᧷', 673 => '᧸', 674 => '᧹', 675 => '᧺', 676 => '᧻', 677 => '᧼', 678 => '᧽', 679 => '᧾', 680 => '᧿', 681 => '᭡', 682 => '᭢', 683 => '᭣', 684 => '᭤', 685 => '᭥', 686 => '᭦', 687 => '᭧', 688 => '᭨', 689 => '᭩', 690 => '᭪', 691 => '᭴', 692 => '᭵', 693 => '᭶', 694 => '᭷', 695 => '᭸', 696 => '᭹', 697 => '᭺', 698 => '᭻', 699 => '᭼', 700 => '℄', 701 => '℈', 702 => '℔', 703 => '℗', 704 => '℘', 705 => '℞', 706 => '℟', 707 => '℣', 708 => '℥', 709 => '℧', 710 => '℩', 711 => '℮', 712 => '℺', 713 => '⅁', 714 => '⅂', 715 => '⅃', 716 => '⅄', 717 => '⅊', 718 => '⅌', 719 => '⅍', 720 => '⅏', 721 => '←', 722 => '→', 723 => '↑', 724 => '↓', 725 => '↔', 726 => '↕', 727 => '↖', 728 => '↗', 729 => '↘', 730 => '↙', 731 => '↜', 732 => '↝', 733 => '↞', 734 => '↟', 735 => '↠', 736 => '↡', 737 => '↢', 738 => '↣', 739 => '↤', 740 => '↥', 741 => '↦', 742 => '↧', 743 => '↨', 744 => '↩', 745 => '↪', 746 => '↫', 747 => '↬', 748 => '↭', 749 => '↯', 750 => '↰', 751 => '↱', 752 => '↲', 753 => '↳', 754 => '↴', 755 => '↵', 756 => '↶', 757 => '↷', 758 => '↸', 759 => '↹', 760 => '↺', 761 => '↻', 762 => '↼', 763 => '↽', 764 => '↾', 765 => '↿', 766 => '⇀', 767 => '⇁', 768 => '⇂', 769 => '⇃', 770 => '⇄', 771 => '⇅', 772 => '⇆', 773 => '⇇', 774 => '⇈', 775 => '⇉', 776 => '⇊', 777 => '⇋', 778 => '⇌', 779 => '⇐', 780 => '⇑', 781 => '⇒', 782 => '⇓', 783 => '⇔', 784 => '⇕', 785 => '⇖', 786 => '⇗', 787 => '⇘', 788 => '⇙', 789 => '⇚', 790 => '⇛', 791 => '⇜', 792 => '⇝', 793 => '⇞', 794 => '⇟', 795 => '⇠', 796 => '⇡', 797 => '⇢', 798 => '⇣', 799 => '⇤', 800 => '⇥', 801 => '⇦', 802 => '⇧', 803 => '⇨', 804 => '⇩', 805 => '⇪', 806 => '⇫', 807 => '⇬', 808 => '⇭', 809 => '⇮', 810 => '⇯', 811 => '⇰', 812 => '⇱', 813 => '⇲', 814 => '⇳', 815 => '⇴', 816 => '⇵', 817 => '⇶', 818 => '⇷', 819 => '⇸', 820 => '⇹', 821 => '⇺', 822 => '⇻', 823 => '⇼', 824 => '⇽', 825 => '⇾', 826 => '⇿', 827 => '∀', 828 => '∁', 829 => '∂', 830 => '∃', 831 => '∅', 832 => '∆', 833 => '∇', 834 => '∈', 835 => '∊', 836 => '∋', 837 => '∍', 838 => '϶', 839 => '∎', 840 => '∏', 841 => '∐', 842 => '∑', 843 => '+', 844 => '±', 845 => '÷', 846 => '×', 847 => '<', 848 => '=', 849 => '>', 850 => '¬', 851 => '|', 852 => '¦', 853 => '‖', 854 => '~', 855 => '−', 856 => '∓', 857 => '∔', 858 => '∕', 859 => '∖', 860 => '∗', 861 => '∘', 862 => '∙', 863 => '√', 864 => '∛', 865 => '؆', 866 => '∜', 867 => '؇', 868 => '∝', 869 => '∞', 870 => '∟', 871 => '∠', 872 => '∡', 873 => '∢', 874 => '∣', 875 => '∥', 876 => '∧', 877 => '∨', 878 => '∩', 879 => '∪', 880 => '∫', 881 => '∮', 882 => '∱', 883 => '∲', 884 => '∳', 885 => '∴', 886 => '∵', 887 => '∶', 888 => '∷', 889 => '∸', 890 => '∹', 891 => '∺', 892 => '∻', 893 => '∼', 894 => '∽', 895 => '∾', 896 => '∿', 897 => '≀', 898 => '≂', 899 => '≃', 900 => '≅', 901 => '≆', 902 => '≈', 903 => '≊', 904 => '≋', 905 => '≌', 906 => '≍', 907 => '≎', 908 => '≏', 909 => '≐', 910 => '≑', 911 => '≒', 912 => '≓', 913 => '≔', 914 => '≕', 915 => '≖', 916 => '≗', 917 => '≘', 918 => '≙', 919 => '≚', 920 => '≛', 921 => '≜', 922 => '≝', 923 => '≞', 924 => '≟', 925 => '≡', 926 => '≣', 927 => '≤', 928 => '≥', 929 => '≦', 930 => '≧', 931 => '≨', 932 => '≩', 933 => '≪', 934 => '≫', 935 => '≬', 936 => '≲', 937 => '≳', 938 => '≶', 939 => '≷', 940 => '≺', 941 => '≻', 942 => '≼', 943 => '≽', 944 => '≾', 945 => '≿', 946 => '⊂', 947 => '⊃', 948 => '⊆', 949 => '⊇', 950 => '⊊', 951 => '⊋', 952 => '⊌', 953 => '⊍', 954 => '⊎', 955 => '⊏', 956 => '⊐', 957 => '⊑', 958 => '⊒', 959 => '⊓', 960 => '⊔', 961 => '⊕', 962 => '⊖', 963 => '⊗', 964 => '⊘', 965 => '⊙', 966 => '⊚', 967 => '⊛', 968 => '⊜', 969 => '⊝', 970 => '⊞', 971 => '⊟', 972 => '⊠', 973 => '⊡', 974 => '⊢', 975 => '⊣', 976 => '⊤', 977 => '⊥', 978 => '⊦', 979 => '⊧', 980 => '⊨', 981 => '⊩', 982 => '⊪', 983 => '⊫', 984 => '⊰', 985 => '⊱', 986 => '⊲', 987 => '⊳', 988 => '⊴', 989 => '⊵', 990 => '⊶', 991 => '⊷', 992 => '⊸', 993 => '⊹', 994 => '⊺', 995 => '⊻', 996 => '⊼', 997 => '⊽', 998 => '⊾', 999 => '⊿', 1000 => '⋀', 1001 => '⋁', 1002 => '⋂', 1003 => '⋃', 1004 => '⋄', 1005 => '⋅', 1006 => '⋆', 1007 => '⋇', 1008 => '⋈', 1009 => '⋉', 1010 => '⋊', 1011 => '⋋', 1012 => '⋌', 1013 => '⋍', 1014 => '⋎', 1015 => '⋏', 1016 => '⋐', 1017 => '⋑', 1018 => '⋒', 1019 => '⋓', 1020 => '⋔', 1021 => '⋕', 1022 => '⋖', 1023 => '⋗', 1024 => '⋘', 1025 => '⋙', 1026 => '⋚', 1027 => '⋛', 1028 => '⋜', 1029 => '⋝', 1030 => '⋞', 1031 => '⋟', 1032 => '⋤', 1033 => '⋥', 1034 => '⋦', 1035 => '⋧', 1036 => '⋨', 1037 => '⋩', 1038 => '⋮', 1039 => '⋯', 1040 => '⋰', 1041 => '⋱', 1042 => '⋲', 1043 => '⋳', 1044 => '⋴', 1045 => '⋵', 1046 => '⋶', 1047 => '⋷', 1048 => '⋸', 1049 => '⋹', 1050 => '⋺', 1051 => '⋻', 1052 => '⋼', 1053 => '⋽', 1054 => '⋾', 1055 => '⋿', 1056 => '⌀', 1057 => '⌁', 1058 => '⌂', 1059 => '⌃', 1060 => '⌄', 1061 => '⌅', 1062 => '⌆', 1063 => '⌇', 1064 => '⌈', 1065 => '⌉', 1066 => '⌊', 1067 => '⌋', 1068 => '⌌', 1069 => '⌍', 1070 => '⌎', 1071 => '⌏', 1072 => '⌐', 1073 => '⌑', 1074 => '⌒', 1075 => '⌓', 1076 => '⌔', 1077 => '⌕', 1078 => '⌖', 1079 => '⌗', 1080 => '⌘', 1081 => '⌙', 1082 => '⌚', 1083 => '⌛', 1084 => '⌜', 1085 => '⌝', 1086 => '⌞', 1087 => '⌟', 1088 => '⌠', 1089 => '⌡', 1090 => '⌢', 1091 => '⌣', 1092 => '⌤', 1093 => '⌥', 1094 => '⌦', 1095 => '⌧', 1096 => '⌨', 1097 => '⌫', 1098 => '⌬', 1099 => '⌭', 1100 => '⌮', 1101 => '⌯', 1102 => '⌰', 1103 => '⌱', 1104 => '⌲', 1105 => '⌳', 1106 => '⌴', 1107 => '⌵', 1108 => '⌶', 1109 => '⌷', 1110 => '⌸', 1111 => '⌹', 1112 => '⌺', 1113 => '⌻', 1114 => '⌼', 1115 => '⌽', 1116 => '⌾', 1117 => '⌿', 1118 => '⍀', 1119 => '⍁', 1120 => '⍂', 1121 => '⍃', 1122 => '⍄', 1123 => '⍅', 1124 => '⍆', 1125 => '⍇', 1126 => '⍈', 1127 => '⍉', 1128 => '⍊', 1129 => '⍋', 1130 => '⍌', 1131 => '⍍', 1132 => '⍎', 1133 => '⍏', 1134 => '⍐', 1135 => '⍑', 1136 => '⍒', 1137 => '⍓', 1138 => '⍔', 1139 => '⍕', 1140 => '⍖', 1141 => '⍗', 1142 => '⍘', 1143 => '⍙', 1144 => '⍚', 1145 => '⍛', 1146 => '⍜', 1147 => '⍝', 1148 => '⍞', 1149 => '⍟', 1150 => '⍠', 1151 => '⍡', 1152 => '⍢', 1153 => '⍣', 1154 => '⍤', 1155 => '⍥', 1156 => '⍦', 1157 => '⍧', 1158 => '⍨', 1159 => '⍩', 1160 => '⍪', 1161 => '⍫', 1162 => '⍬', 1163 => '⍭', 1164 => '⍮', 1165 => '⍯', 1166 => '⍰', 1167 => '⍱', 1168 => '⍲', 1169 => '⍳', 1170 => '⍴', 1171 => '⍵', 1172 => '⍶', 1173 => '⍷', 1174 => '⍸', 1175 => '⍹', 1176 => '⍺', 1177 => '⍻', 1178 => '⍼', 1179 => '⍽', 1180 => '⍾', 1181 => '⍿', 1182 => '⎀', 1183 => '⎁', 1184 => '⎂', 1185 => '⎃', 1186 => '⎄', 1187 => '⎅', 1188 => '⎆', 1189 => '⎇', 1190 => '⎈', 1191 => '⎉', 1192 => '⎊', 1193 => '⎋', 1194 => '⎌', 1195 => '⎍', 1196 => '⎎', 1197 => '⎏', 1198 => '⎐', 1199 => '⎑', 1200 => '⎒', 1201 => '⎓', 1202 => '⎔', 1203 => '⎕', 1204 => '⎖', 1205 => '⎗', 1206 => '⎘', 1207 => '⎙', 1208 => '⎚', 1209 => '⎛', 1210 => '⎜', 1211 => '⎝', 1212 => '⎞', 1213 => '⎟', 1214 => '⎠', 1215 => '⎡', 1216 => '⎢', 1217 => '⎣', 1218 => '⎤', 1219 => '⎥', 1220 => '⎦', 1221 => '⎧', 1222 => '⎨', 1223 => '⎩', 1224 => '⎪', 1225 => '⎫', 1226 => '⎬', 1227 => '⎭', 1228 => '⎮', 1229 => '⎯', 1230 => '⎰', 1231 => '⎱', 1232 => '⎲', 1233 => '⎳', 1234 => '⎴', 1235 => '⎵', 1236 => '⎶', 1237 => '⎷', 1238 => '⎸', 1239 => '⎹', 1240 => '⎺', 1241 => '⎻', 1242 => '⎼', 1243 => '⎽', 1244 => '⎾', 1245 => '⎿', 1246 => '⏀', 1247 => '⏁', 1248 => '⏂', 1249 => '⏃', 1250 => '⏄', 1251 => '⏅', 1252 => '⏆', 1253 => '⏇', 1254 => '⏈', 1255 => '⏉', 1256 => '⏊', 1257 => '⏋', 1258 => '⏌', 1259 => '⏍', 1260 => '⏎', 1261 => '⏏', 1262 => '⏐', 1263 => '⏑', 1264 => '⏒', 1265 => '⏓', 1266 => '⏔', 1267 => '⏕', 1268 => '⏖', 1269 => '⏗', 1270 => '⏘', 1271 => '⏙', 1272 => '⏚', 1273 => '⏛', 1274 => '⏜', 1275 => '⏝', 1276 => '⏞', 1277 => '⏟', 1278 => '⏠', 1279 => '⏡', 1280 => '⏢', 1281 => '⏣', 1282 => '⏤', 1283 => '⏥', 1284 => '⏦', 1285 => '⏧', 1286 => '⏨', 1287 => '⏩', 1288 => '⏪', 1289 => '⏫', 1290 => '⏬', 1291 => '⏭', 1292 => '⏮', 1293 => '⏯', 1294 => '⏰', 1295 => '⏱', 1296 => '⏲', 1297 => '⏳', 1298 => '␀', 1299 => '␁', 1300 => '␂', 1301 => '␃', 1302 => '␄', 1303 => '␅', 1304 => '␆', 1305 => '␇', 1306 => '␈', 1307 => '␉', 1308 => '␊', 1309 => '␋', 1310 => '␌', 1311 => '␍', 1312 => '␎', 1313 => '␏', 1314 => '␐', 1315 => '␑', 1316 => '␒', 1317 => '␓', 1318 => '␔', 1319 => '␕', 1320 => '␖', 1321 => '␗', 1322 => '␘', 1323 => '␙', 1324 => '␚', 1325 => '␛', 1326 => '␜', 1327 => '␝', 1328 => '␞', 1329 => '␟', 1330 => '␠', 1331 => '␡', 1332 => '␢', 1333 => '␣', 1334 => '␤', 1335 => '␥', 1336 => '␦', 1337 => '⑀', 1338 => '⑁', 1339 => '⑂', 1340 => '⑃', 1341 => '⑄', 1342 => '⑅', 1343 => '⑆', 1344 => '⑇', 1345 => '⑈', 1346 => '⑉', 1347 => '⑊', 1348 => '─', 1349 => '━', 1350 => '│', 1351 => '┃', 1352 => '┄', 1353 => '┅', 1354 => '┆', 1355 => '┇', 1356 => '┈', 1357 => '┉', 1358 => '┊', 1359 => '┋', 1360 => '┌', 1361 => '┍', 1362 => '┎', 1363 => '┏', 1364 => '┐', 1365 => '┑', 1366 => '┒', 1367 => '┓', 1368 => '└', 1369 => '┕', 1370 => '┖', 1371 => '┗', 1372 => '┘', 1373 => '┙', 1374 => '┚', 1375 => '┛', 1376 => '├', 1377 => '┝', 1378 => '┞', 1379 => '┟', 1380 => '┠', 1381 => '┡', 1382 => '┢', 1383 => '┣', 1384 => '┤', 1385 => '┥', 1386 => '┦', 1387 => '┧', 1388 => '┨', 1389 => '┩', 1390 => '┪', 1391 => '┫', 1392 => '┬', 1393 => '┭', 1394 => '┮', 1395 => '┯', 1396 => '┰', 1397 => '┱', 1398 => '┲', 1399 => '┳', 1400 => '┴', 1401 => '┵', 1402 => '┶', 1403 => '┷', 1404 => '┸', 1405 => '┹', 1406 => '┺', 1407 => '┻', 1408 => '┼', 1409 => '┽', 1410 => '┾', 1411 => '┿', 1412 => '╀', 1413 => '╁', 1414 => '╂', 1415 => '╃', 1416 => '╄', 1417 => '╅', 1418 => '╆', 1419 => '╇', 1420 => '╈', 1421 => '╉', 1422 => '╊', 1423 => '╋', 1424 => '╌', 1425 => '╍', 1426 => '╎', 1427 => '╏', 1428 => '═', 1429 => '║', 1430 => '╒', 1431 => '╓', 1432 => '╔', 1433 => '╕', 1434 => '╖', 1435 => '╗', 1436 => '╘', 1437 => '╙', 1438 => '╚', 1439 => '╛', 1440 => '╜', 1441 => '╝', 1442 => '╞', 1443 => '╟', 1444 => '╠', 1445 => '╡', 1446 => '╢', 1447 => '╣', 1448 => '╤', 1449 => '╥', 1450 => '╦', 1451 => '╧', 1452 => '╨', 1453 => '╩', 1454 => '╪', 1455 => '╫', 1456 => '╬', 1457 => '╭', 1458 => '╮', 1459 => '╯', 1460 => '╰', 1461 => '╱', 1462 => '╲', 1463 => '╳', 1464 => '╴', 1465 => '╵', 1466 => '╶', 1467 => '╷', 1468 => '╸', 1469 => '╹', 1470 => '╺', 1471 => '╻', 1472 => '╼', 1473 => '╽', 1474 => '╾', 1475 => '╿', 1476 => '▀', 1477 => '▁', 1478 => '▂', 1479 => '▃', 1480 => '▄', 1481 => '▅', 1482 => '▆', 1483 => '▇', 1484 => '█', 1485 => '▉', 1486 => '▊', 1487 => '▋', 1488 => '▌', 1489 => '▍', 1490 => '▎', 1491 => '▏', 1492 => '▐', 1493 => '░', 1494 => '▒', 1495 => '▓', 1496 => '▔', 1497 => '▕', 1498 => '▖', 1499 => '▗', 1500 => '▘', 1501 => '▙', 1502 => '▚', 1503 => '▛', 1504 => '▜', 1505 => '▝', 1506 => '▞', 1507 => '▟', 1508 => '■', 1509 => '□', 1510 => '▢', 1511 => '▣', 1512 => '▤', 1513 => '▥', 1514 => '▦', 1515 => '▧', 1516 => '▨', 1517 => '▩', 1518 => '▪', 1519 => '▫', 1520 => '▬', 1521 => '▭', 1522 => '▮', 1523 => '▯', 1524 => '▰', 1525 => '▱', 1526 => '▲', 1527 => '△', 1528 => '▴', 1529 => '▵', 1530 => '▶', 1531 => '▷', 1532 => '▸', 1533 => '▹', 1534 => '►', 1535 => '▻', 1536 => '▼', 1537 => '▽', 1538 => '▾', 1539 => '▿', 1540 => '◀', 1541 => '◁', 1542 => '◂', 1543 => '◃', 1544 => '◄', 1545 => '◅', 1546 => '◆', 1547 => '◇', 1548 => '◈', 1549 => '◉', 1550 => '◊', 1551 => '○', 1552 => '◌', 1553 => '◍', 1554 => '◎', 1555 => '●', 1556 => '◐', 1557 => '◑', 1558 => '◒', 1559 => '◓', 1560 => '◔', 1561 => '◕', 1562 => '◖', 1563 => '◗', 1564 => '◘', 1565 => '◙', 1566 => '◚', 1567 => '◛', 1568 => '◜', 1569 => '◝', 1570 => '◞', 1571 => '◟', 1572 => '◠', 1573 => '◡', 1574 => '◢', 1575 => '◣', 1576 => '◤', 1577 => '◥', 1578 => '◦', 1579 => '◧', 1580 => '◨', 1581 => '◩', 1582 => '◪', 1583 => '◫', 1584 => '◬', 1585 => '◭', 1586 => '◮', 1587 => '◯', 1588 => '◰', 1589 => '◱', 1590 => '◲', 1591 => '◳', 1592 => '◴', 1593 => '◵', 1594 => '◶', 1595 => '◷', 1596 => '◸', 1597 => '◹', 1598 => '◺', 1599 => '◻', 1600 => '◼', 1601 => '◽', 1602 => '◾', 1603 => '◿', 1604 => '☀', 1605 => '☁', 1606 => '☂', 1607 => '☃', 1608 => '☄', 1609 => '★', 1610 => '☆', 1611 => '☇', 1612 => '☈', 1613 => '☉', 1614 => '☊', 1615 => '☋', 1616 => '☌', 1617 => '☍', 1618 => '☎', 1619 => '☏', 1620 => '☐', 1621 => '☑', 1622 => '☒', 1623 => '☓', 1624 => '☔', 1625 => '☕', 1626 => '☖', 1627 => '☗', 1628 => '☘', 1629 => '☙', 1630 => '☚', 1631 => '☛', 1632 => '☜', 1633 => '☝', 1634 => '☞', 1635 => '☟', 1636 => '☠', 1637 => '☡', 1638 => '☢', 1639 => '☣', 1640 => '☤', 1641 => '☥', 1642 => '☦', 1643 => '☧', 1644 => '☨', 1645 => '☩', 1646 => '☪', 1647 => '☫', 1648 => '☬', 1649 => '☭', 1650 => '☮', 1651 => '☯', 1652 => '☸', 1653 => '☹', 1654 => '☺', 1655 => '☻', 1656 => '☼', 1657 => '☽', 1658 => '☾', 1659 => '☿', 1660 => '♀', 1661 => '♁', 1662 => '♂', 1663 => '♃', 1664 => '♄', 1665 => '♅', 1666 => '♆', 1667 => '♇', 1668 => '♈', 1669 => '♉', 1670 => '♊', 1671 => '♋', 1672 => '♌', 1673 => '♍', 1674 => '♎', 1675 => '♏', 1676 => '♐', 1677 => '♑', 1678 => '♒', 1679 => '♓', 1680 => '♔', 1681 => '♕', 1682 => '♖', 1683 => '♗', 1684 => '♘', 1685 => '♙', 1686 => '♚', 1687 => '♛', 1688 => '♜', 1689 => '♝', 1690 => '♞', 1691 => '♟', 1692 => '♠', 1693 => '♡', 1694 => '♢', 1695 => '♣', 1696 => '♤', 1697 => '♥', 1698 => '♦', 1699 => '♧', 1700 => '♨', 1701 => '♩', 1702 => '♪', 1703 => '♫', 1704 => '♬', 1705 => '♰', 1706 => '♱', 1707 => '♲', 1708 => '♳', 1709 => '♴', 1710 => '♵', 1711 => '♶', 1712 => '♷', 1713 => '♸', 1714 => '♹', 1715 => '♺', 1716 => '♻', 1717 => '♼', 1718 => '♽', 1719 => 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'⛑', 1797 => '⛒', 1798 => '⛓', 1799 => '⛔', 1800 => '⛕', 1801 => '⛖', 1802 => '⛗', 1803 => '⛘', 1804 => '⛙', 1805 => '⛚', 1806 => '⛛', 1807 => '⛜', 1808 => '⛝', 1809 => '⛞', 1810 => '⛟', 1811 => '⛠', 1812 => '⛡', 1813 => '⛢', 1814 => '⛣', 1815 => '⛤', 1816 => '⛥', 1817 => '⛦', 1818 => '⛧', 1819 => '⛨', 1820 => '⛩', 1821 => '⛪', 1822 => '⛫', 1823 => '⛬', 1824 => '⛭', 1825 => '⛮', 1826 => '⛯', 1827 => '⛰', 1828 => '⛱', 1829 => '⛲', 1830 => '⛳', 1831 => '⛴', 1832 => '⛵', 1833 => '⛶', 1834 => '⛷', 1835 => '⛸', 1836 => '⛹', 1837 => '⛺', 1838 => '⛻', 1839 => '⛼', 1840 => '⛽', 1841 => '⛾', 1842 => '⛿', 1843 => '✁', 1844 => '✂', 1845 => '✃', 1846 => '✄', 1847 => '✅', 1848 => '✆', 1849 => '✇', 1850 => '✈', 1851 => '✉', 1852 => '✊', 1853 => '✋', 1854 => '✌', 1855 => '✍', 1856 => '✎', 1857 => '✏', 1858 => '✐', 1859 => '✑', 1860 => '✒', 1861 => '✓', 1862 => '✔', 1863 => '✕', 1864 => '✖', 1865 => '✗', 1866 => '✘', 1867 => '✙', 1868 => '✚', 1869 => '✛', 1870 => '✜', 1871 => '✝', 1872 => '✞', 1873 => '✟', 1874 => '✠', 1875 => '✡', 1876 => '✢', 1877 => '✣', 1878 => '✤', 1879 => '✥', 1880 => '✦', 1881 => '✧', 1882 => '✨', 1883 => '✩', 1884 => '✪', 1885 => '✫', 1886 => '✬', 1887 => '✭', 1888 => '✮', 1889 => '✯', 1890 => '✰', 1891 => '✱', 1892 => '✲', 1893 => '✳', 1894 => '✴', 1895 => '✵', 1896 => '✶', 1897 => '✷', 1898 => '✸', 1899 => '✹', 1900 => '✺', 1901 => '✻', 1902 => '✼', 1903 => '✽', 1904 => '✾', 1905 => '✿', 1906 => '❀', 1907 => '❁', 1908 => '❂', 1909 => '❃', 1910 => '❄', 1911 => '❅', 1912 => '❆', 1913 => '❇', 1914 => '❈', 1915 => '❉', 1916 => '❊', 1917 => '❋', 1918 => '❌', 1919 => '❍', 1920 => '❎', 1921 => '❏', 1922 => '❐', 1923 => '❑', 1924 => '❒', 1925 => '❓', 1926 => '❔', 1927 => '❕', 1928 => '❖', 1929 => '❗', 1930 => '❘', 1931 => '❙', 1932 => '❚', 1933 => '❛', 1934 => '❜', 1935 => '❝', 1936 => '❞', 1937 => '❟', 1938 => '❠', 1939 => '❡', 1940 => '❢', 1941 => '❣', 1942 => '❤', 1943 => '❥', 1944 => '❦', 1945 => '❧', 1946 => '❨', 1947 => '❩', 1948 => '❪', 1949 => '❫', 1950 => '❬', 1951 => '❭', 1952 => '❮', 1953 => '❯', 1954 => '❰', 1955 => '❱', 1956 => '❲', 1957 => '❳', 1958 => '❴', 1959 => '❵', 1960 => '➔', 1961 => '➕', 1962 => '➖', 1963 => '➗', 1964 => '➘', 1965 => '➙', 1966 => '➚', 1967 => '➛', 1968 => '➜', 1969 => '➝', 1970 => '➞', 1971 => '➟', 1972 => '➠', 1973 => '➡', 1974 => '➢', 1975 => '➣', 1976 => '➤', 1977 => '➥', 1978 => '➦', 1979 => '➧', 1980 => '➨', 1981 => '➩', 1982 => '➪', 1983 => '➫', 1984 => '➬', 1985 => '➭', 1986 => '➮', 1987 => '➯', 1988 => '➰', 1989 => '➱', 1990 => '➲', 1991 => '➳', 1992 => '➴', 1993 => '➵', 1994 => '➶', 1995 => '➷', 1996 => '➸', 1997 => '➹', 1998 => '➺', 1999 => '➻', 2000 => '➼', 2001 => '➽', 2002 => '➾', 2003 => '➿', 2004 => '⟀', 2005 => '⟁', 2006 => '⟂', 2007 => '⟃', 2008 => '⟄', 2009 => '⟅', 2010 => '⟆', 2011 => '⟇', 2012 => '⟈', 2013 => '⟉', 2014 => '⟊', 2015 => '⟌', 2016 => '⟎', 2017 => '⟏', 2018 => '⟐', 2019 => '⟑', 2020 => '⟒', 2021 => '⟓', 2022 => '⟔', 2023 => '⟕', 2024 => '⟖', 2025 => '⟗', 2026 => '⟘', 2027 => '⟙', 2028 => '⟚', 2029 => '⟛', 2030 => '⟜', 2031 => '⟝', 2032 => '⟞', 2033 => '⟟', 2034 => '⟠', 2035 => '⟡', 2036 => '⟢', 2037 => '⟣', 2038 => '⟤', 2039 => '⟥', 2040 => '⟦', 2041 => '⟧', 2042 => '⟨', 2043 => '⟩', 2044 => '⟪', 2045 => '⟫', 2046 => '⟰', 2047 => '⟱', 2048 => '⟲', 2049 => '⟳', 2050 => '⟴', 2051 => '⟵', 2052 => '⟶', 2053 => '⟷', 2054 => '⟸', 2055 => '⟹', 2056 => '⟺', 2057 => '⟻', 2058 => '⟼', 2059 => '⟽', 2060 => '⟾', 2061 => '⟿', 2062 => '⤀', 2063 => '⤁', 2064 => '⤂', 2065 => '⤃', 2066 => '⤄', 2067 => '⤅', 2068 => '⤆', 2069 => '⤇', 2070 => '⤈', 2071 => '⤉', 2072 => '⤊', 2073 => '⤋', 2074 => '⤌', 2075 => '⤍', 2076 => '⤎', 2077 => '⤏', 2078 => '⤐', 2079 => '⤑', 2080 => '⤒', 2081 => '⤓', 2082 => '⤔', 2083 => '⤕', 2084 => '⤖', 2085 => '⤗', 2086 => '⤘', 2087 => '⤙', 2088 => '⤚', 2089 => '⤛', 2090 => '⤜', 2091 => '⤝', 2092 => '⤞', 2093 => '⤟', 2094 => '⤠', 2095 => '⤡', 2096 => '⤢', 2097 => '⤣', 2098 => '⤤', 2099 => '⤥', 2100 => '⤦', 2101 => '⤧', 2102 => '⤨', 2103 => '⤩', 2104 => '⤪', 2105 => '⤫', 2106 => '⤬', 2107 => '⤭', 2108 => '⤮', 2109 => '⤯', 2110 => '⤰', 2111 => '⤱', 2112 => '⤲', 2113 => '⤳', 2114 => '⤴', 2115 => '⤵', 2116 => '⤶', 2117 => '⤷', 2118 => '⤸', 2119 => '⤹', 2120 => '⤺', 2121 => '⤻', 2122 => '⤼', 2123 => '⤽', 2124 => '⤾', 2125 => '⤿', 2126 => '⥀', 2127 => '⥁', 2128 => '⥂', 2129 => '⥃', 2130 => '⥄', 2131 => '⥅', 2132 => '⥆', 2133 => '⥇', 2134 => '⥈', 2135 => '⥉', 2136 => '⥊', 2137 => '⥋', 2138 => '⥌', 2139 => '⥍', 2140 => '⥎', 2141 => '⥏', 2142 => '⥐', 2143 => '⥑', 2144 => '⥒', 2145 => '⥓', 2146 => '⥔', 2147 => '⥕', 2148 => '⥖', 2149 => '⥗', 2150 => '⥘', 2151 => '⥙', 2152 => '⥚', 2153 => '⥛', 2154 => '⥜', 2155 => '⥝', 2156 => '⥞', 2157 => '⥟', 2158 => '⥠', 2159 => '⥡', 2160 => '⥢', 2161 => '⥣', 2162 => '⥤', 2163 => '⥥', 2164 => '⥦', 2165 => '⥧', 2166 => '⥨', 2167 => '⥩', 2168 => '⥪', 2169 => '⥫', 2170 => '⥬', 2171 => '⥭', 2172 => '⥮', 2173 => '⥯', 2174 => '⥰', 2175 => '⥱', 2176 => '⥲', 2177 => '⥳', 2178 => '⥴', 2179 => '⥵', 2180 => '⥶', 2181 => '⥷', 2182 => '⥸', 2183 => '⥹', 2184 => '⥺', 2185 => '⥻', 2186 => '⥼', 2187 => '⥽', 2188 => '⥾', 2189 => '⥿', 2190 => '⦀', 2191 => '⦁', 2192 => '⦂', 2193 => '⦙', 2194 => '⦚', 2195 => '⦛', 2196 => '⦜', 2197 => '⦝', 2198 => '⦞', 2199 => '⦟', 2200 => '⦠', 2201 => '⦡', 2202 => '⦢', 2203 => '⦣', 2204 => '⦤', 2205 => '⦥', 2206 => '⦦', 2207 => '⦧', 2208 => '⦨', 2209 => '⦩', 2210 => '⦪', 2211 => '⦫', 2212 => '⦬', 2213 => '⦭', 2214 => '⦮', 2215 => '⦯', 2216 => '⦰', 2217 => '⦱', 2218 => '⦲', 2219 => '⦳', 2220 => '⦴', 2221 => '⦵', 2222 => '⦶', 2223 => '⦷', 2224 => '⦸', 2225 => '⦹', 2226 => '⦺', 2227 => '⦻', 2228 => '⦼', 2229 => '⦽', 2230 => '⦾', 2231 => '⦿', 2232 => '⧀', 2233 => '⧁', 2234 => '⧂', 2235 => '⧃', 2236 => '⧄', 2237 => '⧅', 2238 => '⧆', 2239 => '⧇', 2240 => '⧈', 2241 => '⧉', 2242 => '⧊', 2243 => '⧋', 2244 => '⧌', 2245 => '⧍', 2246 => '⧎', 2247 => '⧏', 2248 => '⧐', 2249 => '⧑', 2250 => '⧒', 2251 => '⧓', 2252 => '⧔', 2253 => '⧕', 2254 => '⧖', 2255 => '⧗', 2256 => '⧘', 2257 => '⧙', 2258 => '⧚', 2259 => '⧛', 2260 => '⧜', 2261 => '⧝', 2262 => '⧞', 2263 => '⧟', 2264 => '⧠', 2265 => '⧡', 2266 => '⧢', 2267 => '⧣', 2268 => '⧤', 2269 => '⧥', 2270 => '⧦', 2271 => '⧧', 2272 => '⧨', 2273 => '⧩', 2274 => '⧪', 2275 => '⧫', 2276 => '⧬', 2277 => '⧭', 2278 => '⧮', 2279 => '⧯', 2280 => '⧰', 2281 => '⧱', 2282 => '⧲', 2283 => '⧳', 2284 => '⧴', 2285 => '⧵', 2286 => '⧶', 2287 => '⧷', 2288 => '⧸', 2289 => '⧹', 2290 => '⧺', 2291 => '⧻', 2292 => '⧾', 2293 => '⧿', 2294 => '⨀', 2295 => '⨁', 2296 => '⨂', 2297 => '⨃', 2298 => '⨄', 2299 => '⨅', 2300 => '⨆', 2301 => '⨇', 2302 => '⨈', 2303 => '⨉', 2304 => '⨊', 2305 => '⨋', 2306 => '⨍', 2307 => '⨎', 2308 => '⨏', 2309 => '⨐', 2310 => '⨑', 2311 => '⨒', 2312 => '⨓', 2313 => '⨔', 2314 => '⨕', 2315 => '⨖', 2316 => '⨗', 2317 => '⨘', 2318 => '⨙', 2319 => '⨚', 2320 => '⨛', 2321 => '⨜', 2322 => '⨝', 2323 => '⨞', 2324 => '⨟', 2325 => '⨠', 2326 => '⨡', 2327 => '⨢', 2328 => '⨣', 2329 => '⨤', 2330 => '⨥', 2331 => '⨦', 2332 => '⨧', 2333 => '⨨', 2334 => '⨩', 2335 => '⨪', 2336 => '⨫', 2337 => '⨬', 2338 => '⨭', 2339 => '⨮', 2340 => '⨯', 2341 => '⨰', 2342 => '⨱', 2343 => '⨲', 2344 => '⨳', 2345 => '⨴', 2346 => '⨵', 2347 => '⨶', 2348 => '⨷', 2349 => '⨸', 2350 => '⨹', 2351 => '⨺', 2352 => '⨻', 2353 => '⨼', 2354 => '⨽', 2355 => '⨾', 2356 => '⨿', 2357 => '⩀', 2358 => '⩁', 2359 => '⩂', 2360 => '⩃', 2361 => '⩄', 2362 => '⩅', 2363 => '⩆', 2364 => '⩇', 2365 => '⩈', 2366 => '⩉', 2367 => '⩊', 2368 => '⩋', 2369 => '⩌', 2370 => '⩍', 2371 => '⩎', 2372 => '⩏', 2373 => '⩐', 2374 => '⩑', 2375 => '⩒', 2376 => '⩓', 2377 => '⩔', 2378 => '⩕', 2379 => '⩖', 2380 => '⩗', 2381 => '⩘', 2382 => '⩙', 2383 => '⩚', 2384 => '⩛', 2385 => '⩜', 2386 => '⩝', 2387 => '⩞', 2388 => '⩟', 2389 => '⩠', 2390 => '⩡', 2391 => '⩢', 2392 => '⩣', 2393 => '⩤', 2394 => '⩥', 2395 => '⩦', 2396 => '⩧', 2397 => '⩨', 2398 => '⩩', 2399 => '⩪', 2400 => '⩫', 2401 => '⩬', 2402 => '⩭', 2403 => '⩮', 2404 => '⩯', 2405 => '⩰', 2406 => '⩱', 2407 => '⩲', 2408 => '⩳', 2409 => '⩷', 2410 => '⩸', 2411 => '⩹', 2412 => '⩺', 2413 => '⩻', 2414 => '⩼', 2415 => '⩽', 2416 => '⩾', 2417 => '⩿', 2418 => '⪀', 2419 => '⪁', 2420 => '⪂', 2421 => '⪃', 2422 => '⪄', 2423 => '⪅', 2424 => '⪆', 2425 => '⪇', 2426 => '⪈', 2427 => '⪉', 2428 => '⪊', 2429 => '⪋', 2430 => '⪌', 2431 => '⪍', 2432 => '⪎', 2433 => '⪏', 2434 => '⪐', 2435 => '⪑', 2436 => '⪒', 2437 => '⪓', 2438 => '⪔', 2439 => '⪕', 2440 => '⪖', 2441 => '⪗', 2442 => '⪘', 2443 => '⪙', 2444 => '⪚', 2445 => '⪛', 2446 => '⪜', 2447 => '⪝', 2448 => '⪞', 2449 => '⪟', 2450 => '⪠', 2451 => '⪡', 2452 => '⪢', 2453 => '⪣', 2454 => '⪤', 2455 => '⪥', 2456 => '⪦', 2457 => '⪧', 2458 => '⪨', 2459 => '⪩', 2460 => '⪪', 2461 => '⪫', 2462 => '⪬', 2463 => '⪭', 2464 => '⪮', 2465 => '⪯', 2466 => '⪰', 2467 => '⪱', 2468 => '⪲', 2469 => '⪳', 2470 => '⪴', 2471 => '⪵', 2472 => '⪶', 2473 => '⪷', 2474 => '⪸', 2475 => '⪹', 2476 => '⪺', 2477 => '⪻', 2478 => '⪼', 2479 => '⪽', 2480 => '⪾', 2481 => '⪿', 2482 => '⫀', 2483 => '⫁', 2484 => '⫂', 2485 => '⫃', 2486 => '⫄', 2487 => '⫅', 2488 => '⫆', 2489 => '⫇', 2490 => '⫈', 2491 => '⫉', 2492 => '⫊', 2493 => '⫋', 2494 => '⫌', 2495 => '⫍', 2496 => '⫎', 2497 => '⫏', 2498 => '⫐', 2499 => '⫑', 2500 => '⫒', 2501 => '⫓', 2502 => '⫔', 2503 => '⫕', 2504 => '⫖', 2505 => '⫗', 2506 => '⫘', 2507 => '⫙', 2508 => '⫚', 2509 => '⫛', 2510 => '⫝', 2511 => '⫞', 2512 => '⫟', 2513 => '⫠', 2514 => '⫡', 2515 => '⫢', 2516 => '⫣', 2517 => '⫤', 2518 => '⫥', 2519 => '⫦', 2520 => '⫧', 2521 => '⫨', 2522 => '⫩', 2523 => '⫪', 2524 => '⫫', 2525 => '⫬', 2526 => '⫭', 2527 => '⫮', 2528 => '⫯', 2529 => '⫰', 2530 => '⫱', 2531 => '⫲', 2532 => '⫳', 2533 => '⫴', 2534 => '⫵', 2535 => '⫶', 2536 => '⫷', 2537 => '⫸', 2538 => '⫹', 2539 => '⫺', 2540 => '⫻', 2541 => '⫼', 2542 => '⫽', 2543 => '⫾', 2544 => '⫿', 2545 => '⬀', 2546 => '⬁', 2547 => '⬂', 2548 => '⬃', 2549 => '⬄', 2550 => '⬅', 2551 => '⬆', 2552 => '⬇', 2553 => '⬈', 2554 => '⬉', 2555 => '⬊', 2556 => '⬋', 2557 => '⬌', 2558 => '⬍', 2559 => '⬎', 2560 => '⬏', 2561 => '⬐', 2562 => '⬑', 2563 => '⬒', 2564 => '⬓', 2565 => '⬔', 2566 => '⬕', 2567 => '⬖', 2568 => '⬗', 2569 => '⬘', 2570 => '⬙', 2571 => '⬚', 2572 => '⬛', 2573 => '⬜', 2574 => '⬝', 2575 => '⬞', 2576 => '⬟', 2577 => '⬠', 2578 => '⬡', 2579 => '⬢', 2580 => '⬣', 2581 => '⬤', 2582 => '⬥', 2583 => '⬦', 2584 => '⬧', 2585 => '⬨', 2586 => '⬩', 2587 => '⬪', 2588 => '⬫', 2589 => '⬬', 2590 => '⬭', 2591 => '⬮', 2592 => '⬯', 2593 => '⬰', 2594 => '⬱', 2595 => '⬲', 2596 => '⬳', 2597 => '⬴', 2598 => '⬵', 2599 => '⬶', 2600 => '⬷', 2601 => '⬸', 2602 => '⬹', 2603 => '⬺', 2604 => '⬻', 2605 => '⬼', 2606 => '⬽', 2607 => '⬾', 2608 => '⬿', 2609 => '⭀', 2610 => '⭁', 2611 => '⭂', 2612 => '⭃', 2613 => '⭄', 2614 => '⭅', 2615 => '⭆', 2616 => '⭇', 2617 => '⭈', 2618 => '⭉', 2619 => '⭊', 2620 => '⭋', 2621 => '⭌', 2622 => '⭐', 2623 => '⭑', 2624 => '⭒', 2625 => '⭓', 2626 => '⭔', 2627 => '⭕', 2628 => '⭖', 2629 => '⭗', 2630 => '⭘', 2631 => '⭙', 2632 => '⳥', 2633 => '⳦', 2634 => '⳧', 2635 => '⳨', 2636 => '⳩', 2637 => '⳪', 2638 => '⠀', 2639 => '⠁', 2640 => '⠂', 2641 => '⠃', 2642 => '⠄', 2643 => '⠅', 2644 => '⠆', 2645 => '⠇', 2646 => '⠈', 2647 => '⠉', 2648 => '⠊', 2649 => '⠋', 2650 => '⠌', 2651 => '⠍', 2652 => '⠎', 2653 => '⠏', 2654 => '⠐', 2655 => '⠑', 2656 => '⠒', 2657 => '⠓', 2658 => '⠔', 2659 => '⠕', 2660 => '⠖', 2661 => '⠗', 2662 => '⠘', 2663 => '⠙', 2664 => '⠚', 2665 => '⠛', 2666 => '⠜', 2667 => '⠝', 2668 => '⠞', 2669 => '⠟', 2670 => '⠠', 2671 => '⠡', 2672 => '⠢', 2673 => '⠣', 2674 => '⠤', 2675 => '⠥', 2676 => '⠦', 2677 => '⠧', 2678 => '⠨', 2679 => '⠩', 2680 => '⠪', 2681 => '⠫', 2682 => '⠬', 2683 => '⠭', 2684 => '⠮', 2685 => '⠯', 2686 => '⠰', 2687 => '⠱', 2688 => '⠲', 2689 => '⠳', 2690 => '⠴', 2691 => '⠵', 2692 => '⠶', 2693 => '⠷', 2694 => '⠸', 2695 => '⠹', 2696 => '⠺', 2697 => '⠻', 2698 => '⠼', 2699 => '⠽', 2700 => '⠾', 2701 => '⠿', 2702 => '⡀', 2703 => '⡁', 2704 => '⡂', 2705 => '⡃', 2706 => '⡄', 2707 => '⡅', 2708 => '⡆', 2709 => '⡇', 2710 => '⡈', 2711 => '⡉', 2712 => '⡊', 2713 => '⡋', 2714 => '⡌', 2715 => '⡍', 2716 => '⡎', 2717 => '⡏', 2718 => '⡐', 2719 => '⡑', 2720 => '⡒', 2721 => '⡓', 2722 => '⡔', 2723 => '⡕', 2724 => '⡖', 2725 => '⡗', 2726 => '⡘', 2727 => '⡙', 2728 => '⡚', 2729 => '⡛', 2730 => '⡜', 2731 => '⡝', 2732 => '⡞', 2733 => '⡟', 2734 => '⡠', 2735 => '⡡', 2736 => '⡢', 2737 => '⡣', 2738 => '⡤', 2739 => '⡥', 2740 => '⡦', 2741 => '⡧', 2742 => '⡨', 2743 => '⡩', 2744 => '⡪', 2745 => '⡫', 2746 => '⡬', 2747 => '⡭', 2748 => '⡮', 2749 => '⡯', 2750 => '⡰', 2751 => '⡱', 2752 => '⡲', 2753 => '⡳', 2754 => '⡴', 2755 => '⡵', 2756 => '⡶', 2757 => '⡷', 2758 => '⡸', 2759 => '⡹', 2760 => '⡺', 2761 => '⡻', 2762 => '⡼', 2763 => '⡽', 2764 => '⡾', 2765 => '⡿', 2766 => '⢀', 2767 => '⢁', 2768 => '⢂', 2769 => '⢃', 2770 => '⢄', 2771 => '⢅', 2772 => '⢆', 2773 => '⢇', 2774 => '⢈', 2775 => '⢉', 2776 => '⢊', 2777 => '⢋', 2778 => '⢌', 2779 => '⢍', 2780 => '⢎', 2781 => '⢏', 2782 => '⢐', 2783 => '⢑', 2784 => '⢒', 2785 => '⢓', 2786 => '⢔', 2787 => '⢕', 2788 => '⢖', 2789 => '⢗', 2790 => '⢘', 2791 => '⢙', 2792 => '⢚', 2793 => '⢛', 2794 => '⢜', 2795 => '⢝', 2796 => '⢞', 2797 => '⢟', 2798 => '⢠', 2799 => '⢡', 2800 => '⢢', 2801 => '⢣', 2802 => '⢤', 2803 => '⢥', 2804 => '⢦', 2805 => '⢧', 2806 => '⢨', 2807 => '⢩', 2808 => '⢪', 2809 => '⢫', 2810 => '⢬', 2811 => '⢭', 2812 => '⢮', 2813 => '⢯', 2814 => '⢰', 2815 => '⢱', 2816 => '⢲', 2817 => '⢳', 2818 => '⢴', 2819 => '⢵', 2820 => '⢶', 2821 => '⢷', 2822 => '⢸', 2823 => '⢹', 2824 => '⢺', 2825 => '⢻', 2826 => '⢼', 2827 => '⢽', 2828 => '⢾', 2829 => '⢿', 2830 => '⣀', 2831 => '⣁', 2832 => '⣂', 2833 => '⣃', 2834 => '⣄', 2835 => '⣅', 2836 => '⣆', 2837 => '⣇', 2838 => '⣈', 2839 => '⣉', 2840 => '⣊', 2841 => '⣋', 2842 => '⣌', 2843 => '⣍', 2844 => '⣎', 2845 => '⣏', 2846 => '⣐', 2847 => '⣑', 2848 => '⣒', 2849 => '⣓', 2850 => '⣔', 2851 => '⣕', 2852 => '⣖', 2853 => '⣗', 2854 => '⣘', 2855 => '⣙', 2856 => '⣚', 2857 => '⣛', 2858 => '⣜', 2859 => '⣝', 2860 => '⣞', 2861 => '⣟', 2862 => '⣠', 2863 => '⣡', 2864 => '⣢', 2865 => '⣣', 2866 => '⣤', 2867 => '⣥', 2868 => '⣦', 2869 => '⣧', 2870 => '⣨', 2871 => '⣩', 2872 => '⣪', 2873 => '⣫', 2874 => '⣬', 2875 => '⣭', 2876 => '⣮', 2877 => '⣯', 2878 => '⣰', 2879 => '⣱', 2880 => '⣲', 2881 => '⣳', 2882 => '⣴', 2883 => '⣵', 2884 => '⣶', 2885 => '⣷', 2886 => '⣸', 2887 => '⣹', 2888 => '⣺', 2889 => '⣻', 2890 => '⣼', 2891 => '⣽', 2892 => '⣾', 2893 => '⣿', 2894 => '⚊', 2895 => '⚋', 2896 => '⚌', 2897 => '⚍', 2898 => '⚎', 2899 => '⚏', 2900 => '☰', 2901 => '☱', 2902 => '☲', 2903 => '☳', 2904 => '☴', 2905 => '☵', 2906 => '☶', 2907 => '☷', 2908 => '䷀', 2909 => '䷁', 2910 => '䷂', 2911 => '䷃', 2912 => '䷄', 2913 => '䷅', 2914 => '䷆', 2915 => '䷇', 2916 => '䷈', 2917 => '䷉', 2918 => '䷊', 2919 => '䷋', 2920 => '䷌', 2921 => '䷍', 2922 => '䷎', 2923 => '䷏', 2924 => '䷐', 2925 => '䷑', 2926 => '䷒', 2927 => '䷓', 2928 => '䷔', 2929 => '䷕', 2930 => '䷖', 2931 => '䷗', 2932 => '䷘', 2933 => '䷙', 2934 => '䷚', 2935 => '䷛', 2936 => '䷜', 2937 => '䷝', 2938 => '䷞', 2939 => '䷟', 2940 => '䷠', 2941 => '䷡', 2942 => '䷢', 2943 => '䷣', 2944 => '䷤', 2945 => '䷥', 2946 => '䷦', 2947 => '䷧', 2948 => '䷨', 2949 => '䷩', 2950 => '䷪', 2951 => '䷫', 2952 => '䷬', 2953 => '䷭', 2954 => '䷮', 2955 => '䷯', 2956 => '䷰', 2957 => '䷱', 2958 => '䷲', 2959 => '䷳', 2960 => '䷴', 2961 => '䷵', 2962 => '䷶', 2963 => '䷷', 2964 => '䷸', 2965 => '䷹', 2966 => '䷺', 2967 => '䷻', 2968 => '䷼', 2969 => '䷽', 2970 => '䷾', 2971 => '䷿', 2972 => '𝌀', 2973 => '𝌁', 2974 => '𝌂', 2975 => '𝌃', 2976 => '𝌄', 2977 => '𝌅', 2978 => '𝌆', 2979 => '𝌇', 2980 => '𝌈', 2981 => '𝌉', 2982 => '𝌊', 2983 => '𝌋', 2984 => '𝌌', 2985 => '𝌍', 2986 => '𝌎', 2987 => '𝌏', 2988 => '𝌐', 2989 => '𝌑', 2990 => '𝌒', 2991 => '𝌓', 2992 => '𝌔', 2993 => '𝌕', 2994 => '𝌖', 2995 => '𝌗', 2996 => '𝌘', 2997 => '𝌙', 2998 => '𝌚', 2999 => '𝌛', 3000 => '𝌜', 3001 => '𝌝', 3002 => '𝌞', 3003 => '𝌟', 3004 => '𝌠', 3005 => '𝌡', 3006 => '𝌢', 3007 => '𝌣', 3008 => '𝌤', 3009 => '𝌥', 3010 => '𝌦', 3011 => '𝌧', 3012 => '𝌨', 3013 => '𝌩', 3014 => '𝌪', 3015 => '𝌫', 3016 => '𝌬', 3017 => '𝌭', 3018 => '𝌮', 3019 => '𝌯', 3020 => '𝌰', 3021 => '𝌱', 3022 => '𝌲', 3023 => '𝌳', 3024 => '𝌴', 3025 => '𝌵', 3026 => '𝌶', 3027 => '𝌷', 3028 => '𝌸', 3029 => '𝌹', 3030 => '𝌺', 3031 => '𝌻', 3032 => '𝌼', 3033 => '𝌽', 3034 => '𝌾', 3035 => '𝌿', 3036 => '𝍀', 3037 => '𝍁', 3038 => '𝍂', 3039 => '𝍃', 3040 => '𝍄', 3041 => '𝍅', 3042 => '𝍆', 3043 => '𝍇', 3044 => '𝍈', 3045 => '𝍉', 3046 => '𝍊', 3047 => '𝍋', 3048 => '𝍌', 3049 => '𝍍', 3050 => '𝍎', 3051 => '𝍏', 3052 => '𝍐', 3053 => '𝍑', 3054 => '𝍒', 3055 => '𝍓', 3056 => '𝍔', 3057 => '𝍕', 3058 => '𝍖', 3059 => '꒐', 3060 => '꒑', 3061 => '꒒', 3062 => '꒓', 3063 => '꒔', 3064 => '꒕', 3065 => '꒖', 3066 => '꒗', 3067 => '꒘', 3068 => '꒙', 3069 => '꒚', 3070 => '꒛', 3071 => '꒜', 3072 => '꒝', 3073 => '꒞', 3074 => '꒟', 3075 => '꒠', 3076 => '꒡', 3077 => '꒢', 3078 => '꒣', 3079 => '꒤', 3080 => '꒥', 3081 => '꒦', 3082 => '꒧', 3083 => '꒨', 3084 => '꒩', 3085 => '꒪', 3086 => '꒫', 3087 => '꒬', 3088 => '꒭', 3089 => '꒮', 3090 => '꒯', 3091 => '꒰', 3092 => '꒱', 3093 => '꒲', 3094 => '꒳', 3095 => '꒴', 3096 => '꒵', 3097 => '꒶', 3098 => '꒷', 3099 => '꒸', 3100 => '꒹', 3101 => '꒺', 3102 => '꒻', 3103 => '꒼', 3104 => '꒽', 3105 => '꒾', 3106 => '꒿', 3107 => '꓀', 3108 => '꓁', 3109 => '꓂', 3110 => '꓃', 3111 => '꓄', 3112 => '꓅', 3113 => '꓆', 3114 => '𐄷', 3115 => '𐄸', 3116 => '𐄹', 3117 => '𐄺', 3118 => '𐄻', 3119 => '𐄼', 3120 => '𐄽', 3121 => '𐄾', 3122 => '𐄿', 3123 => '𐅹', 3124 => '𐅺', 3125 => '𐅻', 3126 => '𐅼', 3127 => '𐅽', 3128 => '𐅾', 3129 => '𐅿', 3130 => '𐆀', 3131 => '𐆁', 3132 => '𐆂', 3133 => '𐆃', 3134 => '𐆄', 3135 => '𐆅', 3136 => '𐆆', 3137 => '𐆇', 3138 => '𐆈', 3139 => '𐆉', 3140 => '𐆐', 3141 => '𐆑', 3142 => '𐆒', 3143 => '𐆓', 3144 => '𐆔', 3145 => '𐆕', 3146 => '𐆖', 3147 => '𐆗', 3148 => '𐆘', 3149 => '𐆙', 3150 => '𐆚', 3151 => '𐆛', 3152 => '𐇐', 3153 => '𐇑', 3154 => '𐇒', 3155 => '𐇓', 3156 => '𐇔', 3157 => '𐇕', 3158 => '𐇖', 3159 => '𐇗', 3160 => '𐇘', 3161 => '𐇙', 3162 => '𐇚', 3163 => '𐇛', 3164 => '𐇜', 3165 => '𐇝', 3166 => '𐇞', 3167 => '𐇟', 3168 => '𐇠', 3169 => '𐇡', 3170 => '𐇢', 3171 => '𐇣', 3172 => '𐇤', 3173 => '𐇥', 3174 => '𐇦', 3175 => '𐇧', 3176 => '𐇨', 3177 => '𐇩', 3178 => '𐇪', 3179 => '𐇫', 3180 => '𐇬', 3181 => '𐇭', 3182 => '𐇮', 3183 => '𐇯', 3184 => '𐇰', 3185 => '𐇱', 3186 => '𐇲', 3187 => '𐇳', 3188 => '𐇴', 3189 => '𐇵', 3190 => '𐇶', 3191 => '𐇷', 3192 => '𐇸', 3193 => '𐇹', 3194 => '𐇺', 3195 => '𐇻', 3196 => '𐇼', 3197 => '𝀀', 3198 => '𝀁', 3199 => '𝀂', 3200 => '𝀃', 3201 => '𝀄', 3202 => '𝀅', 3203 => '𝀆', 3204 => '𝀇', 3205 => '𝀈', 3206 => '𝀉', 3207 => '𝀊', 3208 => '𝀋', 3209 => '𝀌', 3210 => '𝀍', 3211 => '𝀎', 3212 => '𝀏', 3213 => '𝀐', 3214 => '𝀑', 3215 => '𝀒', 3216 => '𝀓', 3217 => '𝀔', 3218 => '𝀕', 3219 => '𝀖', 3220 => '𝀗', 3221 => '𝀘', 3222 => '𝀙', 3223 => '𝀚', 3224 => '𝀛', 3225 => '𝀜', 3226 => '𝀝', 3227 => '𝀞', 3228 => '𝀟', 3229 => '𝀠', 3230 => '𝀡', 3231 => '𝀢', 3232 => '𝀣', 3233 => '𝀤', 3234 => '𝀥', 3235 => '𝀦', 3236 => '𝀧', 3237 => '𝀨', 3238 => '𝀩', 3239 => '𝀪', 3240 => '𝀫', 3241 => '𝀬', 3242 => '𝀭', 3243 => '𝀮', 3244 => '𝀯', 3245 => '𝀰', 3246 => '𝀱', 3247 => '𝀲', 3248 => '𝀳', 3249 => '𝀴', 3250 => '𝀵', 3251 => '𝀶', 3252 => '𝀷', 3253 => '𝀸', 3254 => '𝀹', 3255 => '𝀺', 3256 => '𝀻', 3257 => '𝀼', 3258 => '𝀽', 3259 => '𝀾', 3260 => '𝀿', 3261 => '𝁀', 3262 => '𝁁', 3263 => '𝁂', 3264 => '𝁃', 3265 => '𝁄', 3266 => '𝁅', 3267 => '𝁆', 3268 => '𝁇', 3269 => '𝁈', 3270 => '𝁉', 3271 => '𝁊', 3272 => '𝁋', 3273 => '𝁌', 3274 => '𝁍', 3275 => '𝁎', 3276 => '𝁏', 3277 => '𝁐', 3278 => '𝁑', 3279 => '𝁒', 3280 => '𝁓', 3281 => '𝁔', 3282 => '𝁕', 3283 => '𝁖', 3284 => '𝁗', 3285 => '𝁘', 3286 => '𝁙', 3287 => '𝁚', 3288 => '𝁛', 3289 => '𝁜', 3290 => '𝁝', 3291 => '𝁞', 3292 => '𝁟', 3293 => '𝁠', 3294 => '𝁡', 3295 => '𝁢', 3296 => '𝁣', 3297 => '𝁤', 3298 => '𝁥', 3299 => '𝁦', 3300 => '𝁧', 3301 => '𝁨', 3302 => '𝁩', 3303 => '𝁪', 3304 => '𝁫', 3305 => '𝁬', 3306 => '𝁭', 3307 => '𝁮', 3308 => '𝁯', 3309 => '𝁰', 3310 => '𝁱', 3311 => '𝁲', 3312 => '𝁳', 3313 => '𝁴', 3314 => '𝁵', 3315 => '𝁶', 3316 => '𝁷', 3317 => '𝁸', 3318 => '𝁹', 3319 => '𝁺', 3320 => '𝁻', 3321 => '𝁼', 3322 => '𝁽', 3323 => '𝁾', 3324 => '𝁿', 3325 => '𝂀', 3326 => '𝂁', 3327 => '𝂂', 3328 => '𝂃', 3329 => '𝂄', 3330 => '𝂅', 3331 => '𝂆', 3332 => '𝂇', 3333 => '𝂈', 3334 => '𝂉', 3335 => '𝂊', 3336 => '𝂋', 3337 => '𝂌', 3338 => '𝂍', 3339 => '𝂎', 3340 => '𝂏', 3341 => '𝂐', 3342 => '𝂑', 3343 => '𝂒', 3344 => '𝂓', 3345 => '𝂔', 3346 => '𝂕', 3347 => '𝂖', 3348 => '𝂗', 3349 => '𝂘', 3350 => '𝂙', 3351 => '𝂚', 3352 => '𝂛', 3353 => '𝂜', 3354 => '𝂝', 3355 => '𝂞', 3356 => '𝂟', 3357 => '𝂠', 3358 => '𝂡', 3359 => '𝂢', 3360 => '𝂣', 3361 => '𝂤', 3362 => '𝂥', 3363 => '𝂦', 3364 => '𝂧', 3365 => '𝂨', 3366 => '𝂩', 3367 => '𝂪', 3368 => '𝂫', 3369 => '𝂬', 3370 => '𝂭', 3371 => '𝂮', 3372 => '𝂯', 3373 => '𝂰', 3374 => '𝂱', 3375 => '𝂲', 3376 => '𝂳', 3377 => '𝂴', 3378 => '𝂵', 3379 => '𝂶', 3380 => '𝂷', 3381 => '𝂸', 3382 => '𝂹', 3383 => '𝂺', 3384 => '𝂻', 3385 => '𝂼', 3386 => '𝂽', 3387 => '𝂾', 3388 => '𝂿', 3389 => '𝃀', 3390 => '𝃁', 3391 => '𝃂', 3392 => '𝃃', 3393 => '𝃄', 3394 => '𝃅', 3395 => '𝃆', 3396 => '𝃇', 3397 => '𝃈', 3398 => '𝃉', 3399 => '𝃊', 3400 => '𝃋', 3401 => '𝃌', 3402 => '𝃍', 3403 => '𝃎', 3404 => '𝃏', 3405 => '𝃐', 3406 => '𝃑', 3407 => '𝃒', 3408 => '𝃓', 3409 => '𝃔', 3410 => '𝃕', 3411 => '𝃖', 3412 => '𝃗', 3413 => '𝃘', 3414 => '𝃙', 3415 => '𝃚', 3416 => '𝃛', 3417 => '𝃜', 3418 => '𝃝', 3419 => '𝃞', 3420 => '𝃟', 3421 => '𝃠', 3422 => '𝃡', 3423 => '𝃢', 3424 => '𝃣', 3425 => '𝃤', 3426 => '𝃥', 3427 => '𝃦', 3428 => '𝃧', 3429 => '𝃨', 3430 => '𝃩', 3431 => '𝃪', 3432 => '𝃫', 3433 => '𝃬', 3434 => '𝃭', 3435 => '𝃮', 3436 => '𝃯', 3437 => '𝃰', 3438 => '𝃱', 3439 => '𝃲', 3440 => '𝃳', 3441 => '𝃴', 3442 => '𝃵', 3443 => '𝄀', 3444 => '𝄁', 3445 => '𝄂', 3446 => '𝄃', 3447 => '𝄄', 3448 => '𝄅', 3449 => '𝄆', 3450 => '𝄇', 3451 => '𝄈', 3452 => '𝄉', 3453 => '𝄊', 3454 => '𝄋', 3455 => '𝄌', 3456 => '𝄍', 3457 => '𝄎', 3458 => '𝄏', 3459 => '𝄐', 3460 => '𝄑', 3461 => '𝄒', 3462 => '𝄓', 3463 => '𝄔', 3464 => '𝄕', 3465 => '𝄖', 3466 => '𝄗', 3467 => '𝄘', 3468 => '𝄙', 3469 => '𝄚', 3470 => '𝄛', 3471 => '𝄜', 3472 => '𝄝', 3473 => '𝄞', 3474 => '𝄟', 3475 => '𝄠', 3476 => '𝄡', 3477 => '𝄢', 3478 => '𝄣', 3479 => '𝄤', 3480 => '𝄥', 3481 => '𝄦', 3482 => '♭', 3483 => '♮', 3484 => '♯', 3485 => '𝄪', 3486 => '𝄫', 3487 => '𝄬', 3488 => '𝄭', 3489 => '𝄮', 3490 => '𝄯', 3491 => '𝄰', 3492 => '𝄱', 3493 => '𝄲', 3494 => '𝄳', 3495 => '𝄴', 3496 => '𝄵', 3497 => '𝄶', 3498 => '𝄷', 3499 => '𝄸', 3500 => '𝄹', 3501 => '𝄩', 3502 => '𝄺', 3503 => '𝄻', 3504 => '𝄼', 3505 => '𝄽', 3506 => '𝄾', 3507 => '𝄿', 3508 => '𝅀', 3509 => '𝅁', 3510 => '𝅂', 3511 => '𝅃', 3512 => '𝅄', 3513 => '𝅅', 3514 => '𝅆', 3515 => '𝅇', 3516 => '𝅈', 3517 => '𝅉', 3518 => '𝅊', 3519 => '𝅋', 3520 => '𝅌', 3521 => '𝅍', 3522 => '𝅎', 3523 => '𝅏', 3524 => '𝅐', 3525 => '𝅑', 3526 => '𝅒', 3527 => '𝅓', 3528 => '𝅔', 3529 => '𝅕', 3530 => '𝅖', 3531 => '𝅗', 3532 => '𝅘', 3533 => '𝅙', 3534 => '𝅚', 3535 => '𝅛', 3536 => '𝅜', 3537 => '𝅝', 3538 => '𝅪', 3539 => '𝅫', 3540 => '𝅬', 3541 => '𝆃', 3542 => '𝆄', 3543 => '𝆌', 3544 => '𝆍', 3545 => '𝆎', 3546 => '𝆏', 3547 => '𝆐', 3548 => '𝆑', 3549 => '𝆒', 3550 => '𝆓', 3551 => '𝆔', 3552 => '𝆕', 3553 => '𝆖', 3554 => '𝆗', 3555 => '𝆘', 3556 => '𝆙', 3557 => '𝆚', 3558 => '𝆛', 3559 => '𝆜', 3560 => '𝆝', 3561 => '𝆞', 3562 => '𝆟', 3563 => '𝆠', 3564 => '𝆡', 3565 => '𝆢', 3566 => '𝆣', 3567 => '𝆤', 3568 => '𝆥', 3569 => '𝆦', 3570 => '𝆧', 3571 => '𝆨', 3572 => '𝆩', 3573 => '𝆮', 3574 => '𝆯', 3575 => '𝆰', 3576 => '𝆱', 3577 => '𝆲', 3578 => '𝆳', 3579 => '𝆴', 3580 => '𝆵', 3581 => '𝆶', 3582 => '𝆷', 3583 => '𝆸', 3584 => '𝆹', 3585 => '𝆺', 3586 => '𝇁', 3587 => '𝇂', 3588 => '𝇃', 3589 => '𝇄', 3590 => '𝇅', 3591 => '𝇆', 3592 => '𝇇', 3593 => '𝇈', 3594 => '𝇉', 3595 => '𝇊', 3596 => '𝇋', 3597 => '𝇌', 3598 => '𝇍', 3599 => '𝇎', 3600 => '𝇏', 3601 => '𝇐', 3602 => '𝇑', 3603 => '𝇒', 3604 => '𝇓', 3605 => '𝇔', 3606 => '𝇕', 3607 => '𝇖', 3608 => '𝇗', 3609 => '𝇘', 3610 => '𝇙', 3611 => '𝇚', 3612 => '𝇛', 3613 => '𝇜', 3614 => '𝇝', 3615 => '𝈀', 3616 => '𝈁', 3617 => '𝈂', 3618 => '𝈃', 3619 => '𝈄', 3620 => '𝈅', 3621 => '𝈆', 3622 => '𝈇', 3623 => '𝈈', 3624 => '𝈉', 3625 => '𝈊', 3626 => '𝈋', 3627 => '𝈌', 3628 => '𝈍', 3629 => '𝈎', 3630 => '𝈏', 3631 => '𝈐', 3632 => '𝈑', 3633 => '𝈒', 3634 => '𝈓', 3635 => '𝈔', 3636 => '𝈕', 3637 => '𝈖', 3638 => '𝈗', 3639 => '𝈘', 3640 => '𝈙', 3641 => '𝈚', 3642 => '𝈛', 3643 => '𝈜', 3644 => '𝈝', 3645 => '𝈞', 3646 => '𝈟', 3647 => '𝈠', 3648 => '𝈡', 3649 => '𝈢', 3650 => '𝈣', 3651 => '𝈤', 3652 => '𝈥', 3653 => '𝈦', 3654 => '𝈧', 3655 => '𝈨', 3656 => '𝈩', 3657 => '𝈪', 3658 => '𝈫', 3659 => '𝈬', 3660 => '𝈭', 3661 => '𝈮', 3662 => '𝈯', 3663 => '𝈰', 3664 => '𝈱', 3665 => '𝈲', 3666 => '𝈳', 3667 => '𝈴', 3668 => '𝈵', 3669 => '𝈶', 3670 => '𝈷', 3671 => '𝈸', 3672 => '𝈹', 3673 => '𝈺', 3674 => '𝈻', 3675 => '𝈼', 3676 => '𝈽', 3677 => '𝈾', 3678 => '𝈿', 3679 => '𝉀', 3680 => '𝉁', 3681 => '𝉅', 3682 => '🀀', 3683 => '🀁', 3684 => '🀂', 3685 => '🀃', 3686 => '🀄', 3687 => '🀅', 3688 => '🀆', 3689 => '🀇', 3690 => '🀈', 3691 => '🀉', 3692 => '🀊', 3693 => '🀋', 3694 => '🀌', 3695 => '🀍', 3696 => '🀎', 3697 => '🀏', 3698 => '🀐', 3699 => '🀑', 3700 => '🀒', 3701 => '🀓', 3702 => '🀔', 3703 => '🀕', 3704 => '🀖', 3705 => '🀗', 3706 => '🀘', 3707 => '🀙', 3708 => '🀚', 3709 => '🀛', 3710 => '🀜', 3711 => '🀝', 3712 => '🀞', 3713 => '🀟', 3714 => '🀠', 3715 => '🀡', 3716 => '🀢', 3717 => '🀣', 3718 => '🀤', 3719 => '🀥', 3720 => '🀦', 3721 => '🀧', 3722 => '🀨', 3723 => '🀩', 3724 => '🀪', 3725 => '🀫', 3726 => '🀰', 3727 => '🀱', 3728 => '🀲', 3729 => '🀳', 3730 => '🀴', 3731 => '🀵', 3732 => '🀶', 3733 => '🀷', 3734 => '🀸', 3735 => '🀹', 3736 => '🀺', 3737 => '🀻', 3738 => '🀼', 3739 => '🀽', 3740 => '🀾', 3741 => '🀿', 3742 => '🁀', 3743 => '🁁', 3744 => '🁂', 3745 => '🁃', 3746 => '🁄', 3747 => '🁅', 3748 => '🁆', 3749 => '🁇', 3750 => '🁈', 3751 => '🁉', 3752 => '🁊', 3753 => '🁋', 3754 => '🁌', 3755 => '🁍', 3756 => '🁎', 3757 => '🁏', 3758 => '🁐', 3759 => '🁑', 3760 => '🁒', 3761 => '🁓', 3762 => '🁔', 3763 => '🁕', 3764 => '🁖', 3765 => '🁗', 3766 => '🁘', 3767 => '🁙', 3768 => '🁚', 3769 => '🁛', 3770 => '🁜', 3771 => '🁝', 3772 => '🁞', 3773 => '🁟', 3774 => '🁠', 3775 => '🁡', 3776 => '🁢', 3777 => '🁣', 3778 => '🁤', 3779 => '🁥', 3780 => '🁦', 3781 => '🁧', 3782 => '🁨', 3783 => '🁩', 3784 => '🁪', 3785 => '🁫', 3786 => '🁬', 3787 => '🁭', 3788 => '🁮', 3789 => '🁯', 3790 => '🁰', 3791 => '🁱', 3792 => '🁲', 3793 => '🁳', 3794 => '🁴', 3795 => '🁵', 3796 => '🁶', 3797 => '🁷', 3798 => '🁸', 3799 => '🁹', 3800 => '🁺', 3801 => '🁻', 3802 => '🁼', 3803 => '🁽', 3804 => '🁾', 3805 => '🁿', 3806 => '🂀', 3807 => '🂁', 3808 => '🂂', 3809 => '🂃', 3810 => '🂄', 3811 => '🂅', 3812 => '🂆', 3813 => '🂇', 3814 => '🂈', 3815 => '🂉', 3816 => '🂊', 3817 => '🂋', 3818 => '🂌', 3819 => '🂍', 3820 => '🂎', 3821 => '🂏', 3822 => '🂐', 3823 => '🂑', 3824 => '🂒', 3825 => '🂓', 3826 => '🂠', 3827 => '🂡', 3828 => '🂢', 3829 => '🂣', 3830 => '🂤', 3831 => '🂥', 3832 => '🂦', 3833 => '🂧', 3834 => '🂨', 3835 => '🂩', 3836 => '🂪', 3837 => '🂫', 3838 => '🂬', 3839 => '🂭', 3840 => '🂮', 3841 => '🂱', 3842 => '🂲', 3843 => '🂳', 3844 => '🂴', 3845 => '🂵', 3846 => '🂶', 3847 => '🂷', 3848 => '🂸', 3849 => '🂹', 3850 => '🂺', 3851 => '🂻', 3852 => '🂼', 3853 => '🂽', 3854 => '🂾', 3855 => '🃁', 3856 => '🃂', 3857 => '🃃', 3858 => '🃄', 3859 => '🃅', 3860 => '🃆', 3861 => '🃇', 3862 => '🃈', 3863 => '🃉', 3864 => '🃊', 3865 => '🃋', 3866 => '🃌', 3867 => '🃍', 3868 => '🃎', 3869 => '🃏', 3870 => '🃑', 3871 => '🃒', 3872 => '🃓', 3873 => '🃔', 3874 => '🃕', 3875 => '🃖', 3876 => '🃗', 3877 => '🃘', 3878 => '🃙', 3879 => '🃚', 3880 => '🃛', 3881 => '🃜', 3882 => '🃝', 3883 => '🃞', 3884 => '🃟', 3885 => '🌀', 3886 => '🌁', 3887 => '🌂', 3888 => '🌃', 3889 => '🌄', 3890 => '🌅', 3891 => '🌆', 3892 => '🌇', 3893 => '🌈', 3894 => '🌉', 3895 => '🌊', 3896 => '🌋', 3897 => '🌌', 3898 => '🌍', 3899 => '🌎', 3900 => '🌏', 3901 => '🌐', 3902 => '🌑', 3903 => '🌒', 3904 => '🌓', 3905 => '🌔', 3906 => '🌕', 3907 => '🌖', 3908 => '🌗', 3909 => '🌘', 3910 => '🌙', 3911 => '🌚', 3912 => '🌛', 3913 => '🌜', 3914 => '🌝', 3915 => '🌞', 3916 => '🌟', 3917 => '🌠', 3918 => '🌰', 3919 => '🌱', 3920 => '🌲', 3921 => '🌳', 3922 => '🌴', 3923 => '🌵', 3924 => '🌷', 3925 => '🌸', 3926 => '🌹', 3927 => '🌺', 3928 => '🌻', 3929 => '🌼', 3930 => '🌽', 3931 => '🌾', 3932 => '🌿', 3933 => '🍀', 3934 => '🍁', 3935 => '🍂', 3936 => '🍃', 3937 => '🍄', 3938 => '🍅', 3939 => '🍆', 3940 => '🍇', 3941 => '🍈', 3942 => '🍉', 3943 => '🍊', 3944 => '🍋', 3945 => '🍌', 3946 => '🍍', 3947 => '🍎', 3948 => '🍏', 3949 => '🍐', 3950 => '🍑', 3951 => '🍒', 3952 => '🍓', 3953 => '🍔', 3954 => '🍕', 3955 => '🍖', 3956 => '🍗', 3957 => '🍘', 3958 => '🍙', 3959 => '🍚', 3960 => '🍛', 3961 => '🍜', 3962 => '🍝', 3963 => '🍞', 3964 => '🍟', 3965 => '🍠', 3966 => '🍡', 3967 => '🍢', 3968 => '🍣', 3969 => '🍤', 3970 => '🍥', 3971 => '🍦', 3972 => '🍧', 3973 => '🍨', 3974 => '🍩', 3975 => '🍪', 3976 => '🍫', 3977 => '🍬', 3978 => '🍭', 3979 => '🍮', 3980 => '🍯', 3981 => '🍰', 3982 => '🍱', 3983 => '🍲', 3984 => '🍳', 3985 => '🍴', 3986 => '🍵', 3987 => '🍶', 3988 => '🍷', 3989 => '🍸', 3990 => '🍹', 3991 => '🍺', 3992 => '🍻', 3993 => '🍼', 3994 => '🎀', 3995 => '🎁', 3996 => '🎂', 3997 => '🎃', 3998 => '🎄', 3999 => '🎅', 4000 => '🎆', 4001 => '🎇', 4002 => '🎈', 4003 => '🎉', 4004 => '🎊', 4005 => '🎋', 4006 => '🎌', 4007 => '🎍', 4008 => '🎎', 4009 => '🎏', 4010 => '🎐', 4011 => '🎑', 4012 => '🎒', 4013 => '🎓', 4014 => '🎠', 4015 => '🎡', 4016 => '🎢', 4017 => '🎣', 4018 => '🎤', 4019 => '🎥', 4020 => '🎦', 4021 => '🎧', 4022 => '🎨', 4023 => '🎩', 4024 => '🎪', 4025 => '🎫', 4026 => '🎬', 4027 => '🎭', 4028 => '🎮', 4029 => '🎯', 4030 => '🎰', 4031 => '🎱', 4032 => '🎲', 4033 => '🎳', 4034 => '🎴', 4035 => '🎵', 4036 => '🎶', 4037 => '🎷', 4038 => '🎸', 4039 => '🎹', 4040 => '🎺', 4041 => '🎻', 4042 => '🎼', 4043 => '🎽', 4044 => '🎾', 4045 => '🎿', 4046 => '🏀', 4047 => '🏁', 4048 => '🏂', 4049 => '🏃', 4050 => '🏄', 4051 => '🏆', 4052 => '🏇', 4053 => '🏈', 4054 => '🏉', 4055 => '🏊', 4056 => '🏠', 4057 => '🏡', 4058 => '🏢', 4059 => '🏣', 4060 => '🏤', 4061 => '🏥', 4062 => '🏦', 4063 => '🏧', 4064 => '🏨', 4065 => '🏩', 4066 => '🏪', 4067 => '🏫', 4068 => '🏬', 4069 => '🏭', 4070 => '🏮', 4071 => '🏯', 4072 => '🏰', 4073 => '🐀', 4074 => '🐁', 4075 => '🐂', 4076 => '🐃', 4077 => '🐄', 4078 => '🐅', 4079 => '🐆', 4080 => '🐇', 4081 => '🐈', 4082 => '🐉', 4083 => '🐊', 4084 => '🐋', 4085 => '🐌', 4086 => '🐍', 4087 => '🐎', 4088 => '🐏', 4089 => '🐐', 4090 => '🐑', 4091 => '🐒', 4092 => '🐓', 4093 => '🐔', 4094 => '🐕', 4095 => '🐖', 4096 => '🐗', 4097 => '🐘', 4098 => '🐙', 4099 => '🐚', 4100 => '🐛', 4101 => '🐜', 4102 => '🐝', 4103 => '🐞', 4104 => '🐟', 4105 => '🐠', 4106 => '🐡', 4107 => '🐢', 4108 => '🐣', 4109 => '🐤', 4110 => '🐥', 4111 => '🐦', 4112 => '🐧', 4113 => '🐨', 4114 => '🐩', 4115 => '🐪', 4116 => '🐫', 4117 => '🐬', 4118 => '🐭', 4119 => '🐮', 4120 => '🐯', 4121 => '🐰', 4122 => '🐱', 4123 => '🐲', 4124 => '🐳', 4125 => '🐴', 4126 => '🐵', 4127 => '🐶', 4128 => '🐷', 4129 => '🐸', 4130 => '🐹', 4131 => '🐺', 4132 => '🐻', 4133 => '🐼', 4134 => '🐽', 4135 => '🐾', 4136 => '👀', 4137 => '👂', 4138 => '👃', 4139 => '👄', 4140 => '👅', 4141 => '👆', 4142 => '👇', 4143 => '👈', 4144 => '👉', 4145 => '👊', 4146 => '👋', 4147 => '👌', 4148 => '👍', 4149 => '👎', 4150 => '👏', 4151 => '👐', 4152 => '👑', 4153 => '👒', 4154 => '👓', 4155 => '👔', 4156 => '👕', 4157 => '👖', 4158 => '👗', 4159 => '👘', 4160 => '👙', 4161 => '👚', 4162 => '👛', 4163 => '👜', 4164 => '👝', 4165 => '👞', 4166 => '👟', 4167 => '👠', 4168 => '👡', 4169 => '👢', 4170 => '👣', 4171 => '👤', 4172 => '👥', 4173 => '👦', 4174 => '👧', 4175 => '👨', 4176 => '👩', 4177 => '👪', 4178 => '👫', 4179 => '👬', 4180 => '👭', 4181 => '👮', 4182 => '👯', 4183 => '👰', 4184 => '👱', 4185 => '👲', 4186 => '👳', 4187 => '👴', 4188 => '👵', 4189 => '👶', 4190 => '👷', 4191 => '👸', 4192 => '👹', 4193 => '👺', 4194 => '👻', 4195 => '👼', 4196 => '👽', 4197 => '👾', 4198 => '👿', 4199 => '💀', 4200 => '💁', 4201 => '💂', 4202 => '💃', 4203 => '💄', 4204 => '💅', 4205 => '💆', 4206 => '💇', 4207 => '💈', 4208 => '💉', 4209 => '💊', 4210 => '💋', 4211 => '💌', 4212 => '💍', 4213 => '💎', 4214 => '💏', 4215 => '💐', 4216 => '💑', 4217 => '💒', 4218 => '💓', 4219 => '💔', 4220 => '💕', 4221 => '💖', 4222 => '💗', 4223 => '💘', 4224 => '💙', 4225 => '💚', 4226 => '💛', 4227 => '💜', 4228 => '💝', 4229 => '💞', 4230 => '💟', 4231 => '💠', 4232 => '💡', 4233 => '💢', 4234 => '💣', 4235 => '💤', 4236 => '💥', 4237 => '💦', 4238 => '💧', 4239 => '💨', 4240 => '💩', 4241 => '💪', 4242 => '💫', 4243 => '💬', 4244 => '💭', 4245 => '💮', 4246 => '💯', 4247 => '💰', 4248 => '💱', 4249 => '💲', 4250 => '💳', 4251 => '💴', 4252 => '💵', 4253 => '💶', 4254 => '💷', 4255 => '💸', 4256 => '💹', 4257 => '💺', 4258 => '💻', 4259 => '💼', 4260 => '💽', 4261 => '💾', 4262 => '💿', 4263 => '📀', 4264 => '📁', 4265 => '📂', 4266 => '📃', 4267 => '📄', 4268 => '📅', 4269 => '📆', 4270 => '📇', 4271 => '📈', 4272 => '📉', 4273 => '📊', 4274 => '📋', 4275 => '📌', 4276 => '📍', 4277 => '📎', 4278 => '📏', 4279 => '📐', 4280 => '📑', 4281 => '📒', 4282 => '📓', 4283 => '📔', 4284 => '📕', 4285 => '📖', 4286 => '📗', 4287 => '📘', 4288 => '📙', 4289 => '📚', 4290 => '📛', 4291 => '📜', 4292 => '📝', 4293 => '📞', 4294 => '📟', 4295 => '📠', 4296 => '📡', 4297 => '📢', 4298 => '📣', 4299 => '📤', 4300 => '📥', 4301 => '📦', 4302 => '📧', 4303 => '📨', 4304 => '📩', 4305 => '📪', 4306 => '📫', 4307 => '📬', 4308 => '📭', 4309 => '📮', 4310 => '📯', 4311 => '📰', 4312 => '📱', 4313 => '📲', 4314 => '📳', 4315 => '📴', 4316 => '📵', 4317 => '📶', 4318 => '📷', 4319 => '📹', 4320 => '📺', 4321 => '📻', 4322 => '📼', 4323 => '🔀', 4324 => '🔁', 4325 => '🔂', 4326 => '🔃', 4327 => '🔄', 4328 => '🔅', 4329 => '🔆', 4330 => '🔇', 4331 => '🔈', 4332 => '🔉', 4333 => '🔊', 4334 => '🔋', 4335 => '🔌', 4336 => '🔍', 4337 => '🔎', 4338 => '🔏', 4339 => '🔐', 4340 => '🔑', 4341 => '🔒', 4342 => '🔓', 4343 => '🔔', 4344 => '🔕', 4345 => '🔖', 4346 => '🔗', 4347 => '🔘', 4348 => '🔙', 4349 => '🔚', 4350 => '🔛', 4351 => '🔜', 4352 => '🔝', 4353 => '🔞', 4354 => '🔟', 4355 => '🔠', 4356 => '🔡', 4357 => '🔢', 4358 => '🔣', 4359 => '🔤', 4360 => '🔥', 4361 => '🔦', 4362 => '🔧', 4363 => '🔨', 4364 => '🔩', 4365 => '🔪', 4366 => '🔫', 4367 => '🔬', 4368 => '🔭', 4369 => '🔮', 4370 => '🔯', 4371 => '🔰', 4372 => '🔱', 4373 => '🔲', 4374 => '🔳', 4375 => '🔴', 4376 => '🔵', 4377 => '🔶', 4378 => '🔷', 4379 => '🔸', 4380 => '🔹', 4381 => '🔺', 4382 => '🔻', 4383 => '🔼', 4384 => '🔽', 4385 => '🕐', 4386 => '🕑', 4387 => '🕒', 4388 => '🕓', 4389 => '🕔', 4390 => '🕕', 4391 => '🕖', 4392 => '🕗', 4393 => '🕘', 4394 => '🕙', 4395 => '🕚', 4396 => '🕛', 4397 => '🕜', 4398 => '🕝', 4399 => '🕞', 4400 => '🕟', 4401 => '🕠', 4402 => '🕡', 4403 => '🕢', 4404 => '🕣', 4405 => '🕤', 4406 => '🕥', 4407 => '🕦', 4408 => '🕧', 4409 => '🗻', 4410 => '🗼', 4411 => '🗽', 4412 => '🗾', 4413 => '🗿', 4414 => '😁', 4415 => '😂', 4416 => '😃', 4417 => '😄', 4418 => '😅', 4419 => '😆', 4420 => '😇', 4421 => '😈', 4422 => '😉', 4423 => '😊', 4424 => '😋', 4425 => '😌', 4426 => '😍', 4427 => '😎', 4428 => '😏', 4429 => '😐', 4430 => '😒', 4431 => '😓', 4432 => '😔', 4433 => '😖', 4434 => '😘', 4435 => '😚', 4436 => '😜', 4437 => '😝', 4438 => '😞', 4439 => '😠', 4440 => '😡', 4441 => '😢', 4442 => '😣', 4443 => '😤', 4444 => '😥', 4445 => '😨', 4446 => '😩', 4447 => '😪', 4448 => '😫', 4449 => '😭', 4450 => '😰', 4451 => '😱', 4452 => '😲', 4453 => '😳', 4454 => '😵', 4455 => '😶', 4456 => '😷', 4457 => '😸', 4458 => '😹', 4459 => '😺', 4460 => '😻', 4461 => '😼', 4462 => '😽', 4463 => '😾', 4464 => '😿', 4465 => '🙀', 4466 => '🙅', 4467 => '🙆', 4468 => '🙇', 4469 => '🙈', 4470 => '🙉', 4471 => '🙊', 4472 => '🙋', 4473 => '🙌', 4474 => '🙍', 4475 => '🙎', 4476 => '🙏', 4477 => '🚀', 4478 => '🚁', 4479 => '🚂', 4480 => '🚃', 4481 => '🚄', 4482 => '🚅', 4483 => '🚆', 4484 => '🚇', 4485 => '🚈', 4486 => '🚉', 4487 => '🚊', 4488 => '🚋', 4489 => '🚌', 4490 => '🚍', 4491 => '🚎', 4492 => '🚏', 4493 => '🚐', 4494 => '🚑', 4495 => '🚒', 4496 => '🚓', 4497 => '🚔', 4498 => '🚕', 4499 => '🚖', 4500 => '🚗', 4501 => '🚘', 4502 => '🚙', 4503 => '🚚', 4504 => '🚛', 4505 => '🚜', 4506 => '🚝', 4507 => '🚞', 4508 => '🚟', 4509 => '🚠', 4510 => '🚡', 4511 => '🚢', 4512 => '🚣', 4513 => '🚤', 4514 => '🚥', 4515 => '🚦', 4516 => '🚧', 4517 => '🚨', 4518 => '🚩', 4519 => '🚪', 4520 => '🚫', 4521 => '🚬', 4522 => '🚭', 4523 => '🚮', 4524 => '🚯', 4525 => '🚰', 4526 => '🚱', 4527 => '🚲', 4528 => '🚳', 4529 => '🚴', 4530 => '🚵', 4531 => '🚶', 4532 => '🚷', 4533 => '🚸', 4534 => '🚹', 4535 => '🚺', 4536 => '🚻', 4537 => '🚼', 4538 => '🚽', 4539 => '🚾', 4540 => '🚿', 4541 => '🛀', 4542 => '🛁', 4543 => '🛂', 4544 => '🛃', 4545 => '🛄', 4546 => '🛅', 4547 => '🜀', 4548 => '🜁', 4549 => '🜂', 4550 => '🜃', 4551 => '🜄', 4552 => '🜅', 4553 => '🜆', 4554 => '🜇', 4555 => '🜈', 4556 => '🜉', 4557 => '🜊', 4558 => '🜋', 4559 => '🜌', 4560 => '🜍', 4561 => '🜎', 4562 => '🜏', 4563 => '🜐', 4564 => '🜑', 4565 => '🜒', 4566 => '🜓', 4567 => '🜔', 4568 => '🜕', 4569 => '🜖', 4570 => '🜗', 4571 => '🜘', 4572 => '🜙', 4573 => '🜚', 4574 => '🜛', 4575 => '🜜', 4576 => '🜝', 4577 => '🜞', 4578 => '🜟', 4579 => '🜠', 4580 => '🜡', 4581 => '🜢', 4582 => '🜣', 4583 => '🜤', 4584 => '🜥', 4585 => '🜦', 4586 => '🜧', 4587 => '🜨', 4588 => '🜩', 4589 => '🜪', 4590 => '🜫', 4591 => '🜬', 4592 => '🜭', 4593 => '🜮', 4594 => '🜯', 4595 => '🜰', 4596 => '🜱', 4597 => '🜲', 4598 => '🜳', 4599 => '🜴', 4600 => '🜵', 4601 => '🜶', 4602 => '🜷', 4603 => '🜸', 4604 => '🜹', 4605 => '🜺', 4606 => '🜻', 4607 => '🜼', 4608 => '🜽', 4609 => '🜾', 4610 => '🜿', 4611 => '🝀', 4612 => '🝁', 4613 => '🝂', 4614 => '🝃', 4615 => '🝄', 4616 => '🝅', 4617 => '🝆', 4618 => '🝇', 4619 => '🝈', 4620 => '🝉', 4621 => '🝊', 4622 => '🝋', 4623 => '🝌', 4624 => '🝍', 4625 => '🝎', 4626 => '🝏', 4627 => '🝐', 4628 => '🝑', 4629 => '🝒', 4630 => '🝓', 4631 => '🝔', 4632 => '🝕', 4633 => '🝖', 4634 => '🝗', 4635 => '🝘', 4636 => '🝙', 4637 => '🝚', 4638 => '🝛', 4639 => '🝜', 4640 => '🝝', 4641 => '🝞', 4642 => '🝟', 4643 => '🝠', 4644 => '🝡', 4645 => '🝢', 4646 => '🝣', 4647 => '🝤', 4648 => '🝥', 4649 => '🝦', 4650 => '🝧', 4651 => '🝨', 4652 => '🝩', 4653 => '🝪', 4654 => '🝫', 4655 => '🝬', 4656 => '🝭', 4657 => '🝮', 4658 => '🝯', 4659 => '🝰', 4660 => '🝱', 4661 => '🝲', 4662 => '🝳', 4663 => '㆐', 4664 => '㆑', 4665 => '', 4666 => '�', 4667 => '৴', 4668 => '৵', 4669 => '৶', 4670 => '৷', 4671 => '৸', 4672 => '৹', 4673 => '୲', 4674 => '୳', 4675 => '୴', 4676 => '୵', 4677 => '୶', 4678 => '୷', 4679 => '꠰', 4680 => '꠱', 4681 => '꠲', 4682 => '꠳', 4683 => '꠴', 4684 => '꠵', 4685 => '௰', 4686 => '௱', 4687 => '௲', 4688 => '൰', 4689 => '൱', 4690 => '൲', 4691 => '൳', 4692 => '൴', 4693 => '൵', 4694 => '፲', 4695 => '፳', 4696 => '፴', 4697 => '፵', 4698 => '፶', 4699 => '፷', 4700 => '፸', 4701 => '፹', 4702 => '፺', 4703 => '፻', 4704 => '፼', 4705 => 'ↀ', 4706 => 'ↁ', 4707 => 'ↂ', 4708 => 'ↆ', 4709 => 'ↇ', 4710 => 'ↈ', 4711 => '𐹩', 4712 => '𐹪', 4713 => '𐹫', 4714 => '𐹬', 4715 => '𐹭', 4716 => '𐹮', 4717 => '𐹯', 4718 => '𐹰', 4719 => '𐹱', 4720 => '𐹲', 4721 => '𐹳', 4722 => '𐹴', 4723 => '𐹵', 4724 => '𐹶', 4725 => '𐹷', 4726 => '𐹸', 4727 => '𐹹', 4728 => '𐹺', 4729 => '𐹻', 4730 => '𐹼', 4731 => '𐹽', 4732 => '𐹾', 4733 => '⳽', 4734 => '𐌢', 4735 => '𐌣', 4736 => '𐄐', 4737 => '𐄑', 4738 => '𐄒', 4739 => '𐄓', 4740 => '𐄔', 4741 => '𐄕', 4742 => '𐄖', 4743 => '𐄗', 4744 => '𐄘', 4745 => '𐄙', 4746 => '𐄚', 4747 => '𐄛', 4748 => '𐄜', 4749 => '𐄝', 4750 => '𐄞', 4751 => '𐄟', 4752 => '𐄠', 4753 => '𐄡', 4754 => '𐄢', 4755 => '𐄣', 4756 => '𐄤', 4757 => '𐄥', 4758 => '𐄦', 4759 => '𐄧', 4760 => '𐄨', 4761 => '𐄩', 4762 => '𐄪', 4763 => '𐄫', 4764 => '𐄬', 4765 => '𐄭', 4766 => '𐄮', 4767 => '𐄯', 4768 => '𐄰', 4769 => '𐄱', 4770 => '𐄲', 4771 => '𐄳', 4772 => '𐅀', 4773 => '𐅁', 4774 => '𐅄', 4775 => '𐅅', 4776 => '𐅆', 4777 => '𐅇', 4778 => '𐅉', 4779 => '𐅊', 4780 => '𐅋', 4781 => '𐅌', 4782 => '𐅍', 4783 => '𐅎', 4784 => '𐅐', 4785 => '𐅑', 4786 => '𐅒', 4787 => '𐅓', 4788 => '𐅔', 4789 => '𐅕', 4790 => '𐅖', 4791 => '𐅗', 4792 => '𐅠', 4793 => '𐅡', 4794 => '𐅢', 4795 => '𐅣', 4796 => '𐅤', 4797 => '𐅥', 4798 => '𐅦', 4799 => '𐅧', 4800 => '𐅨', 4801 => '𐅩', 4802 => '𐅪', 4803 => '𐅫', 4804 => '𐅬', 4805 => '𐅭', 4806 => '𐅮', 4807 => '𐅯', 4808 => '𐅰', 4809 => '𐅱', 4810 => '𐅲', 4811 => '𐅴', 4812 => '𐅵', 4813 => '𐅶', 4814 => '𐅷', 4815 => '𐅸', 4816 => '𐏓', 4817 => '𐏔', 4818 => '𐏕', 4819 => '𐩾', 4820 => '𐩿', 4821 => '𐤗', 4822 => '𐤘', 4823 => '𐤙', 4824 => '𐡛', 4825 => '𐡜', 4826 => '𐡝', 4827 => '𐡞', 4828 => '𐡟', 4829 => '𐭜', 4830 => '𐭝', 4831 => '𐭞', 4832 => '𐭟', 4833 => '𐭼', 4834 => '𐭽', 4835 => '𐭾', 4836 => '𐭿', 4837 => '𑁛', 4838 => '𑁜', 4839 => '𑁝', 4840 => '𑁞', 4841 => '𑁟', 4842 => '𑁠', 4843 => '𑁡', 4844 => '𑁢', 4845 => '𑁣', 4846 => '𑁤', 4847 => '𑁥', 4848 => '𐩄', 4849 => '𐩅', 4850 => '𐩆', 4851 => '𐩇', 4852 => '𒐲', 4853 => '𒐳', 4854 => '𒑖', 4855 => '𒑗', 4856 => '𒑚', 4857 => '𒑛', 4858 => '𒑜', 4859 => '𒑝', 4860 => '𒑞', 4861 => '𒑟', 4862 => '𒑠', 4863 => '𒑡', 4864 => '𒑢', 4865 => '𝍩', 4866 => '𝍪', 4867 => '𝍫', 4868 => '𝍬', 4869 => '𝍭', 4870 => '𝍮', 4871 => '𝍯', 4872 => '𝍰', 4873 => '𝍱', 4874 => 'ː', 4875 => 'ˑ', 4876 => 'ॱ', 4877 => 'ๆ', 4878 => 'ໆ', 4879 => 'ᪧ', 4880 => 'ꧏ', 4881 => 'ꩰ', 4882 => 'ꫝ', 4883 => 'ゝ', 4884 => 'ー', 4885 => 'ヽ', 4886 => '¤', 4887 => '¢', 4888 => '$', 4889 => '£', 4890 => '¥', 4891 => '؋', 4892 => '৲', 4893 => '৳', 4894 => '৻', 4895 => '૱', 4896 => '꠸', 4897 => '௹', 4898 => '฿', 4899 => '៛', 4900 => '₠', 4901 => '₡', 4902 => '₢', 4903 => '₣', 4904 => '₤', 4905 => '₥', 4906 => '₦', 4907 => '₧', 4908 => '₩', 4909 => '₪', 4910 => '₫', 4911 => '€', 4912 => '₭', 4913 => '₮', 4914 => '₯', 4915 => '₰', 4916 => '₱', 4917 => '₲', 4918 => '₳', 4919 => '₴', 4920 => '₵', 4921 => '₶', 4922 => '₷', 4923 => '₸', 4924 => '₹', 4925 => '0', 4926 => '1', 4927 => '2', 4928 => '3', 4929 => '4', 4930 => '5', 4931 => '6', 4932 => '7', 4933 => '8', 4934 => '9', 4935 => 'A', 4936 => 'ᴀ', 4937 => 'Ⱥ', 4938 => 'ᶏ', 4939 => 'ᴁ', 4940 => 'ᴂ', 4941 => 'Ɐ', 4942 => 'Ɑ', 4943 => 'ᶐ', 4944 => 'Ɒ', 4945 => 'B', 4946 => 'ʙ', 4947 => 'Ƀ', 4948 => 'ᴯ', 4949 => 'ᴃ', 4950 => 'ᵬ', 4951 => 'ᶀ', 4952 => 'Ɓ', 4953 => 'Ƃ', 4954 => 'C', 4955 => 'ᴄ', 4956 => 'Ȼ', 4957 => 'Ƈ', 4958 => 'ɕ', 4959 => 'Ↄ', 4960 => 'Ꜿ', 4961 => 'D', 4962 => 'ᴅ', 4963 => 'ᴆ', 4964 => 'ᵭ', 4965 => 'ᶁ', 4966 => 'Ɖ', 4967 => 'Ɗ', 4968 => 'ᶑ', 4969 => 'Ƌ', 4970 => 'ȡ', 4971 => 'ꝱ', 4972 => 'ẟ', 4973 => 'E', 4974 => 'ᴇ', 4975 => 'Ɇ', 4976 => 'ᶒ', 4977 => 'ⱸ', 4978 => 'Ǝ', 4979 => 'ⱻ', 4980 => 'Ə', 4981 => 'ᶕ', 4982 => 'Ɛ', 4983 => 'ᶓ', 4984 => 'ɘ', 4985 => 'ɚ', 4986 => 'ɜ', 4987 => 'ᶔ', 4988 => 'ᴈ', 4989 => 'ɝ', 4990 => 'ɞ', 4991 => 'ʚ', 4992 => 'ɤ', 4993 => 'F', 4994 => 'ꜰ', 4995 => 'ᵮ', 4996 => 'ᶂ', 4997 => 'Ƒ', 4998 => 'Ⅎ', 4999 => 'ꟻ', 5000 => 'G', 5001 => 'ɡ', 5002 => 'ɢ', 5003 => 'Ǥ', 5004 => 'ᶃ', 5005 => 'Ɠ', 5006 => 'ʛ', 5007 => 'ᵷ', 5008 => 'Ꝿ', 5009 => 'Ɣ', 5010 => 'Ƣ', 5011 => 'H', 5012 => 'ʜ', 5013 => 'Ƕ', 5014 => 'ɦ', 5015 => 'Ⱨ', 5016 => 'Ⱶ', 5017 => 'Ꜧ', 5018 => 'ɧ', 5019 => 'ʻ', 5020 => 'ʽ', 5021 => 'I', 5022 => 'ı', 5023 => 'ɪ', 5024 => 'ꟾ', 5025 => 'ᴉ', 5026 => 'Ɨ', 5027 => 'ᵻ', 5028 => 'ᶖ', 5029 => 'Ɩ', 5030 => 'ᵼ', 5031 => 'J', 5032 => 'ȷ', 5033 => 'ᴊ', 5034 => 'Ɉ', 5035 => 'ʝ', 5036 => 'ɟ', 5037 => 'ʄ', 5038 => 'K', 5039 => 'ᴋ', 5040 => 'ᶄ', 5041 => 'Ƙ', 5042 => 'Ⱪ', 5043 => 'Ꝁ', 5044 => 'Ꝃ', 5045 => 'Ꝅ', 5046 => 'ʞ', 5047 => 'L', 5048 => 'ʟ', 5049 => 'Ꝇ', 5050 => 'ᴌ', 5051 => 'Ꝉ', 5052 => 'Ƚ', 5053 => 'Ⱡ', 5054 => 'Ɫ', 5055 => 'ɬ', 5056 => 'ᶅ', 5057 => 'ɭ', 5058 => 'ꞎ', 5059 => 'ȴ', 5060 => 'ꝲ', 5061 => 'ɮ', 5062 => 'Ꞁ', 5063 => 'ƛ', 5064 => 'ʎ', 5065 => 'M', 5066 => 'ᴍ', 5067 => 'ᵯ', 5068 => 'ᶆ', 5069 => 'Ɱ', 5070 => 'ꟽ', 5071 => 'ꟿ', 5072 => 'ꝳ', 5073 => 'N', 5074 => 'ɴ', 5075 => 'ᴻ', 5076 => 'ᴎ', 5077 => 'ᵰ', 5078 => 'Ɲ', 5079 => 'Ƞ', 5080 => 'Ꞑ', 5081 => 'ᶇ', 5082 => 'ɳ', 5083 => 'ȵ', 5084 => 'ꝴ', 5085 => 'Ŋ', 5086 => 'O', 5087 => 'ᴏ', 5088 => 'ᴑ', 5089 => 'ɶ', 5090 => 'ᴔ', 5091 => 'ᴓ', 5092 => 'Ɔ', 5093 => 'ᴐ', 5094 => 'ᴒ', 5095 => 'ᶗ', 5096 => 'Ꝍ', 5097 => 'ᴖ', 5098 => 'ᴗ', 5099 => 'ⱺ', 5100 => 'Ɵ', 5101 => 'Ꝋ', 5102 => 'ɷ', 5103 => 'Ȣ', 5104 => 'ᴕ', 5105 => 'P', 5106 => 'ᴘ', 5107 => 'Ᵽ', 5108 => 'Ꝑ', 5109 => 'ᵱ', 5110 => 'ᶈ', 5111 => 'Ƥ', 5112 => 'Ꝓ', 5113 => 'Ꝕ', 5114 => 'ꟼ', 5115 => 'ɸ', 5116 => 'ⱷ', 5117 => 'Q', 5118 => 'Ꝗ', 5119 => 'Ꝙ', 5120 => 'ʠ', 5121 => 'Ɋ', 5122 => 'ĸ', 5123 => 'R', 5124 => 'Ʀ', 5125 => 'Ꝛ', 5126 => 'ᴙ', 5127 => 'Ɍ', 5128 => 'ᵲ', 5129 => 'ɹ', 5130 => 'ᴚ', 5131 => 'ɺ', 5132 => 'ᶉ', 5133 => 'ɻ', 5134 => 'ⱹ', 5135 => 'ɼ', 5136 => 'Ɽ', 5137 => 'ɾ', 5138 => 'ᵳ', 5139 => 'ɿ', 5140 => 'ʁ', 5141 => 'ꝵ', 5142 => 'ꝶ', 5143 => 'Ꝝ', 5144 => 'S', 5145 => 'ꜱ', 5146 => 'ᵴ', 5147 => 'ᶊ', 5148 => 'ʂ', 5149 => 'Ȿ', 5150 => 'ẜ', 5151 => 'ẝ', 5152 => 'Ʃ', 5153 => 'ᶋ', 5154 => 'ƪ', 5155 => 'ʅ', 5156 => 'ᶘ', 5157 => 'ʆ', 5158 => 'T', 5159 => 'ᴛ', 5160 => 'Ŧ', 5161 => 'Ⱦ', 5162 => 'ᵵ', 5163 => 'ƫ', 5164 => 'Ƭ', 5165 => 'Ʈ', 5166 => 'ȶ', 5167 => 'ꝷ', 5168 => 'ʇ', 5169 => 'U', 5170 => 'ᴜ', 5171 => 'ᴝ', 5172 => 'ᴞ', 5173 => 'ᵫ', 5174 => 'Ʉ', 5175 => 'ᵾ', 5176 => 'ᶙ', 5177 => 'Ɥ', 5178 => 'ʮ', 5179 => 'ʯ', 5180 => 'Ɯ', 5181 => 'ꟺ', 5182 => 'ᴟ', 5183 => 'ɰ', 5184 => 'Ʊ', 5185 => 'ᵿ', 5186 => 'V', 5187 => 'ᴠ', 5188 => 'Ꝟ', 5189 => 'ᶌ', 5190 => 'Ʋ', 5191 => 'ⱱ', 5192 => 'ⱴ', 5193 => 'Ỽ', 5194 => 'Ʌ', 5195 => 'W', 5196 => 'ᴡ', 5197 => 'Ⱳ', 5198 => 'ʍ', 5199 => 'X', 5200 => 'ᶍ', 5201 => 'Y', 5202 => 'ʏ', 5203 => 'Ɏ', 5204 => 'Ƴ', 5205 => 'Ỿ', 5206 => 'Z', 5207 => 'ᴢ', 5208 => 'Ƶ', 5209 => 'ᵶ', 5210 => 'ᶎ', 5211 => 'Ȥ', 5212 => 'ʐ', 5213 => 'ʑ', 5214 => 'Ɀ', 5215 => 'Ⱬ', 5216 => 'Ꝣ', 5217 => 'Ʒ', 5218 => 'ᴣ', 5219 => 'Ƹ', 5220 => 'ᶚ', 5221 => 'ƺ', 5222 => 'ʓ', 5223 => 'Ȝ', 5224 => 'Þ', 5225 => 'Ꝥ', 5226 => 'Ꝧ', 5227 => 'Ƿ', 5228 => 'Ꝩ', 5229 => 'Ꝫ', 5230 => 'Ꝭ', 5231 => 'Ꝯ', 5232 => 'ꝸ', 5233 => 'ƻ', 5234 => 'Ꜫ', 5235 => 'Ꜭ', 5236 => 'Ꜯ', 5237 => 'Ƨ', 5238 => 'Ƽ', 5239 => 'Ƅ', 5240 => 'ʔ', 5241 => 'Ɂ', 5242 => 'ˀ', 5243 => 'ʼ', 5244 => 'ˮ', 5245 => 'ʾ', 5246 => 'Ꜣ', 5247 => 'Ꞌ', 5248 => 'ʕ', 5249 => 'ʿ', 5250 => 'ˁ', 5251 => 'ᴤ', 5252 => 'ᴥ', 5253 => 'Ꜥ', 5254 => 'ʡ', 5255 => 'ʢ', 5256 => 'ʖ', 5257 => 'ǀ', 5258 => 'ǁ', 5259 => 'ǂ', 5260 => 'ǃ', 5261 => 'ʗ', 5262 => 'ʘ', 5263 => 'ʬ', 5264 => 'ʭ', 5265 => 'Α', 5266 => 'Β', 5267 => 'Γ', 5268 => 'ᴦ', 5269 => 'Δ', 5270 => 'Ε', 5271 => 'Ϝ', 5272 => 'Ͷ', 5273 => 'Ϛ', 5274 => 'Ζ', 5275 => 'Ͱ', 5276 => 'Η', 5277 => 'Θ', 5278 => 'Ι', 5279 => 'ϳ', 5280 => 'Κ', 5281 => 'Λ', 5282 => 'ᴧ', 5283 => 'Μ', 5284 => 'Ν', 5285 => 'Ξ', 5286 => 'Ο', 5287 => 'Π', 5288 => 'ᴨ', 5289 => 'Ϻ', 5290 => 'Ϟ', 5291 => 'Ϙ', 5292 => 'Ρ', 5293 => 'ᴩ', 5294 => 'ϼ', 5295 => 'Σ', 5296 => 'Ͼ', 5297 => 'Ͻ', 5298 => 'Ͽ', 5299 => 'Τ', 5300 => 'Υ', 5301 => 'Φ', 5302 => 'Χ', 5303 => 'Ψ', 5304 => 'ᴪ', 5305 => 'Ω', 5306 => 'Ϡ', 5307 => 'Ͳ', 5308 => 'Ϸ', 5309 => 'Ⲁ', 5310 => 'Ⲃ', 5311 => 'Ⲅ', 5312 => 'Ⲇ', 5313 => 'Ⲉ', 5314 => 'Ⲷ', 5315 => 'Ⲋ', 5316 => 'Ⲍ', 5317 => 'Ⲏ', 5318 => 'Ⲑ', 5319 => 'Ⲓ', 5320 => 'Ⲕ', 5321 => 'Ⲹ', 5322 => 'Ⲗ', 5323 => 'Ⲙ', 5324 => 'Ⲛ', 5325 => 'Ⲻ', 5326 => 'Ⲽ', 5327 => 'Ⲝ', 5328 => 'Ⲟ', 5329 => 'Ⲡ', 5330 => 'Ⲣ', 5331 => 'Ⲥ', 5332 => 'Ⲧ', 5333 => 'Ⲩ', 5334 => 'Ⲫ', 5335 => 'Ⲭ', 5336 => 'Ⲯ', 5337 => 'Ⲱ', 5338 => 'Ⲿ', 5339 => 'Ⳁ', 5340 => 'Ϣ', 5341 => 'Ⳬ', 5342 => 'Ⳃ', 5343 => 'Ⳅ', 5344 => 'Ⳇ', 5345 => 'Ϥ', 5346 => 'Ϧ', 5347 => 'Ⳉ', 5348 => 'Ϩ', 5349 => 'Ⳋ', 5350 => 'Ⳍ', 5351 => 'Ⳏ', 5352 => 'Ⳑ', 5353 => 'Ⳓ', 5354 => 'Ⳕ', 5355 => 'Ϫ', 5356 => 'Ⳮ', 5357 => 'Ⳗ', 5358 => 'Ϭ', 5359 => 'Ⳙ', 5360 => 'Ⳛ', 5361 => 'Ⳝ', 5362 => 'Ϯ', 5363 => 'Ⲳ', 5364 => 'Ⲵ', 5365 => 'Ⳟ', 5366 => 'Ⳡ', 5367 => 'Ⳣ', 5368 => 'А', 5369 => 'Ӑ', 5370 => 'Ӓ', 5371 => 'Ә', 5372 => 'Ӛ', 5373 => 'Ӕ', 5374 => 'Б', 5375 => 'В', 5376 => 'Г', 5377 => 'Ғ', 5378 => 'Ӻ', 5379 => 'Ҕ', 5380 => 'Ӷ', 5381 => 'Д', 5382 => 'Ԁ', 5383 => 'Ꚁ', 5384 => 'Ђ', 5385 => 'Ꙣ', 5386 => 'Ԃ', 5387 => 'Ѓ', 5388 => 'Ҙ', 5389 => 'Е', 5390 => 'Ӗ', 5391 => 'Є', 5392 => 'Ж', 5393 => 'Ꚅ', 5394 => 'Ӝ', 5395 => 'Җ', 5396 => 'З', 5397 => 'Ꙁ', 5398 => 'Ԅ', 5399 => 'Ԑ', 5400 => 'Ӟ', 5401 => 'Ꙃ', 5402 => 'Ѕ', 5403 => 'Ꙅ', 5404 => 'Ӡ', 5405 => 'Ꚉ', 5406 => 'Ԇ', 5407 => 'Ꚃ', 5408 => 'И', 5409 => 'Ҋ', 5410 => 'Ӥ', 5411 => 'І', 5412 => 'Ꙇ', 5413 => 'Ї', 5414 => 'Й', 5415 => 'Ј', 5416 => 'Ꙉ', 5417 => 'К', 5418 => 'Қ', 5419 => 'Ӄ', 5420 => 'Ҡ', 5421 => 'Ҟ', 5422 => 'Ҝ', 5423 => 'Ԟ', 5424 => 'Ԛ', 5425 => 'Л', 5426 => 'ᴫ', 5427 => 'Ӆ', 5428 => 'Ԓ', 5429 => 'Ԡ', 5430 => 'Љ', 5431 => 'Ꙥ', 5432 => 'Ԉ', 5433 => 'Ԕ', 5434 => 'М', 5435 => 'Ӎ', 5436 => 'Ꙧ', 5437 => 'Н', 5438 => 'Ӊ', 5439 => 'Ң', 5440 => 'Ӈ', 5441 => 'Ԣ', 5442 => 'Ҥ', 5443 => 'Њ', 5444 => 'Ԋ', 5445 => 'О', 5446 => 'Ӧ', 5447 => 'Ө', 5448 => 'Ӫ', 5449 => 'П', 5450 => 'Ԥ', 5451 => 'Ҧ', 5452 => 'Ҁ', 5453 => 'Р', 5454 => 'Ҏ', 5455 => 'Ԗ', 5456 => 'С', 5457 => 'Ԍ', 5458 => 'Ҫ', 5459 => 'Т', 5460 => 'Ꚍ', 5461 => 'Ԏ', 5462 => 'Ҭ', 5463 => 'Ꚋ', 5464 => 'Ћ', 5465 => 'Ќ', 5466 => 'У', 5467 => 'Ў', 5468 => 'Ӱ', 5469 => 'Ӳ', 5470 => 'Ү', 5471 => 'Ұ', 5472 => 'Ꙋ', 5473 => 'Ѹ', 5474 => 'Ф', 5475 => 'Х', 5476 => 'Ӽ', 5477 => 'Ӿ', 5478 => 'Ҳ', 5479 => 'Һ', 5480 => 'Ԧ', 5481 => 'Ꚕ', 5482 => 'Ѡ', 5483 => 'Ѿ', 5484 => 'Ꙍ', 5485 => 'Ѽ', 5486 => 'Ѻ', 5487 => 'Ц', 5488 => 'Ꙡ', 5489 => 'Ꚏ', 5490 => 'Ҵ', 5491 => 'Ꚑ', 5492 => 'Ч', 5493 => 'Ꚓ', 5494 => 'Ӵ', 5495 => 'Ҷ', 5496 => 'Ӌ', 5497 => 'Ҹ', 5498 => 'Ꚇ', 5499 => 'Ҽ', 5500 => 'Ҿ', 5501 => 'Џ', 5502 => 'Ш', 5503 => 'Ꚗ', 5504 => 'Щ', 5505 => 'Ꙏ', 5506 => 'ⸯ', 5507 => 'ꙿ', 5508 => 'Ъ', 5509 => 'Ꙑ', 5510 => 'Ы', 5511 => 'Ӹ', 5512 => 'Ь', 5513 => 'Ҍ', 5514 => 'Ѣ', 5515 => 'Ꙓ', 5516 => 'Э', 5517 => 'Ӭ', 5518 => 'Ю', 5519 => 'Ꙕ', 5520 => 'Ꙗ', 5521 => 'Я', 5522 => 'Ԙ', 5523 => 'Ѥ', 5524 => 'Ѧ', 5525 => 'Ꙙ', 5526 => 'Ѫ', 5527 => 'Ꙛ', 5528 => 'Ѩ', 5529 => 'Ꙝ', 5530 => 'Ѭ', 5531 => 'Ѯ', 5532 => 'Ѱ', 5533 => 'Ѳ', 5534 => 'Ѵ', 5535 => 'Ѷ', 5536 => 'Ꙟ', 5537 => 'Ҩ', 5538 => 'Ԝ', 5539 => 'Ӏ', 5540 => 'Ⰰ', 5541 => 'Ⰱ', 5542 => 'Ⰲ', 5543 => 'Ⰳ', 5544 => 'Ⰴ', 5545 => 'Ⰵ', 5546 => 'Ⰶ', 5547 => 'Ⰷ', 5548 => 'Ⰸ', 5549 => 'Ⰹ', 5550 => 'Ⰺ', 5551 => 'Ⰻ', 5552 => 'Ⰼ', 5553 => 'Ⰽ', 5554 => 'Ⰾ', 5555 => 'Ⰿ', 5556 => 'Ⱀ', 5557 => 'Ⱁ', 5558 => 'Ⱂ', 5559 => 'Ⱃ', 5560 => 'Ⱄ', 5561 => 'Ⱅ', 5562 => 'Ⱆ', 5563 => 'Ⱇ', 5564 => 'Ⱈ', 5565 => 'Ⱉ', 5566 => 'Ⱊ', 5567 => 'Ⱋ', 5568 => 'Ⱌ', 5569 => 'Ⱍ', 5570 => 'Ⱎ', 5571 => 'Ⱏ', 5572 => 'Ⱐ', 5573 => 'Ⱑ', 5574 => 'Ⱒ', 5575 => 'Ⱓ', 5576 => 'Ⱔ', 5577 => 'Ⱕ', 5578 => 'Ⱖ', 5579 => 'Ⱗ', 5580 => 'Ⱘ', 5581 => 'Ⱙ', 5582 => 'Ⱚ', 5583 => 'Ⱛ', 5584 => 'Ⱜ', 5585 => 'Ⱝ', 5586 => 'Ⱞ', 5587 => 'ა', 5588 => 'Ⴀ', 5589 => 'ბ', 5590 => 'Ⴁ', 5591 => 'გ', 5592 => 'Ⴂ', 5593 => 'დ', 5594 => 'Ⴃ', 5595 => 'ე', 5596 => 'Ⴄ', 5597 => 'ვ', 5598 => 'Ⴅ', 5599 => 'ზ', 5600 => 'Ⴆ', 5601 => 'ჱ', 5602 => 'Ⴡ', 5603 => 'თ', 5604 => 'Ⴇ', 5605 => 'ი', 5606 => 'Ⴈ', 5607 => 'კ', 5608 => 'Ⴉ', 5609 => 'ლ', 5610 => 'Ⴊ', 5611 => 'მ', 5612 => 'Ⴋ', 5613 => 'ნ', 5614 => 'Ⴌ', 5615 => 'ჲ', 5616 => 'Ⴢ', 5617 => 'ო', 5618 => 'Ⴍ', 5619 => 'პ', 5620 => 'Ⴎ', 5621 => 'ჟ', 5622 => 'Ⴏ', 5623 => 'რ', 5624 => 'Ⴐ', 5625 => 'ს', 5626 => 'Ⴑ', 5627 => 'ტ', 5628 => 'Ⴒ', 5629 => 'ჳ', 5630 => 'Ⴣ', 5631 => 'უ', 5632 => 'Ⴓ', 5633 => 'ფ', 5634 => 'Ⴔ', 5635 => 'ქ', 5636 => 'Ⴕ', 5637 => 'ღ', 5638 => 'Ⴖ', 5639 => 'ყ', 5640 => 'Ⴗ', 5641 => 'შ', 5642 => 'Ⴘ', 5643 => 'ჩ', 5644 => 'Ⴙ', 5645 => 'ც', 5646 => 'Ⴚ', 5647 => 'ძ', 5648 => 'Ⴛ', 5649 => 'წ', 5650 => 'Ⴜ', 5651 => 'ჭ', 5652 => 'Ⴝ', 5653 => 'ხ', 5654 => 'Ⴞ', 5655 => 'ჴ', 5656 => 'Ⴤ', 5657 => 'ჯ', 5658 => 'Ⴟ', 5659 => 'ჰ', 5660 => 'Ⴠ', 5661 => 'ჵ', 5662 => 'Ⴥ', 5663 => 'ჶ', 5664 => 'ჷ', 5665 => 'ჸ', 5666 => 'ჹ', 5667 => 'ჺ', 5668 => 'Ա', 5669 => 'Բ', 5670 => 'Գ', 5671 => 'Դ', 5672 => 'Ե', 5673 => 'Զ', 5674 => 'Է', 5675 => 'Ը', 5676 => 'Թ', 5677 => 'Ժ', 5678 => 'Ի', 5679 => 'Լ', 5680 => 'Խ', 5681 => 'Ծ', 5682 => 'Կ', 5683 => 'Հ', 5684 => 'Ձ', 5685 => 'Ղ', 5686 => 'Ճ', 5687 => 'Մ', 5688 => 'Յ', 5689 => 'Ն', 5690 => 'Շ', 5691 => 'Ո', 5692 => 'Չ', 5693 => 'Պ', 5694 => 'Ջ', 5695 => 'Ռ', 5696 => 'Ս', 5697 => 'Վ', 5698 => 'Տ', 5699 => 'Ր', 5700 => 'Ց', 5701 => 'Ւ', 5702 => 'Փ', 5703 => 'Ք', 5704 => 'Օ', 5705 => 'Ֆ', 5706 => 'ՙ', 5707 => 'א', 5708 => 'ב', 5709 => 'ג', 5710 => 'ד', 5711 => 'ה', 5712 => 'ו', 5713 => 'ז', 5714 => 'ח', 5715 => 'ט', 5716 => 'י', 5717 => 'ך', 5718 => 'ל', 5719 => 'ם', 5720 => 'ן', 5721 => 'ס', 5722 => 'ע', 5723 => 'ף', 5724 => 'ץ', 5725 => 'ק', 5726 => 'ר', 5727 => 'ש', 5728 => 'ת', 5729 => '𐤀', 5730 => '𐤁', 5731 => '𐤂', 5732 => '𐤃', 5733 => '𐤄', 5734 => '𐤅', 5735 => '𐤆', 5736 => '𐤇', 5737 => '𐤈', 5738 => '𐤉', 5739 => '𐤊', 5740 => '𐤋', 5741 => '𐤌', 5742 => '𐤍', 5743 => '𐤎', 5744 => '𐤏', 5745 => '𐤐', 5746 => '𐤑', 5747 => '𐤒', 5748 => '𐤓', 5749 => '𐤔', 5750 => '𐤕', 5751 => 'ࠀ', 5752 => 'ࠁ', 5753 => 'ࠂ', 5754 => 'ࠃ', 5755 => 'ࠄ', 5756 => 'ࠅ', 5757 => 'ࠆ', 5758 => 'ࠇ', 5759 => 'ࠈ', 5760 => 'ࠉ', 5761 => 'ࠊ', 5762 => 'ࠋ', 5763 => 'ࠌ', 5764 => 'ࠍ', 5765 => 'ࠎ', 5766 => 'ࠏ', 5767 => 'ࠐ', 5768 => 'ࠑ', 5769 => 'ࠒ', 5770 => 'ࠓ', 5771 => 'ࠔ', 5772 => 'ࠕ', 5773 => 'ࠚ', 5774 => 'ء', 5775 => 'آ', 5776 => 'أ', 5777 => 'ٲ', 5778 => 'ٱ', 5779 => 'ؤ', 5780 => 'إ', 5781 => 'ٳ', 5782 => 'ݳ', 5783 => 'ݴ', 5784 => 'ئ', 5785 => 'ا', 5786 => 'ٮ', 5787 => 'ب', 5788 => 'ٻ', 5789 => 'پ', 5790 => 'ڀ', 5791 => 'ݐ', 5792 => 'ݑ', 5793 => 'ݒ', 5794 => 'ݓ', 5795 => 'ݔ', 5796 => 'ݕ', 5797 => 'ݖ', 5798 => 'ة', 5799 => 'ت', 5800 => 'ث', 5801 => 'ٹ', 5802 => 'ٺ', 5803 => 'ټ', 5804 => 'ٽ', 5805 => 'ٿ', 5806 => 'ج', 5807 => 'ڃ', 5808 => 'ڄ', 5809 => 'چ', 5810 => 'ڿ', 5811 => 'ڇ', 5812 => 'ح', 5813 => 'خ', 5814 => 'ځ', 5815 => 'ڂ', 5816 => 'څ', 5817 => 'ݗ', 5818 => 'ݘ', 5819 => 'ݮ', 5820 => 'ݯ', 5821 => 'ݲ', 5822 => 'ݼ', 5823 => 'د', 5824 => 'ذ', 5825 => 'ڈ', 5826 => 'ډ', 5827 => 'ڊ', 5828 => 'ڋ', 5829 => 'ڌ', 5830 => 'ڍ', 5831 => 'ڎ', 5832 => 'ڏ', 5833 => 'ڐ', 5834 => 'ۮ', 5835 => 'ݙ', 5836 => 'ݚ', 5837 => 'ر', 5838 => 'ز', 5839 => 'ڑ', 5840 => 'ڒ', 5841 => 'ړ', 5842 => 'ڔ', 5843 => 'ڕ', 5844 => 'ږ', 5845 => 'ڗ', 5846 => 'ژ', 5847 => 'ڙ', 5848 => 'ۯ', 5849 => 'ݛ', 5850 => 'ݫ', 5851 => 'ݬ', 5852 => 'ݱ', 5853 => 'س', 5854 => 'ش', 5855 => 'ښ', 5856 => 'ڛ', 5857 => 'ڜ', 5858 => 'ۺ', 5859 => 'ݜ', 5860 => 'ݭ', 5861 => 'ݰ', 5862 => 'ݽ', 5863 => 'ݾ', 5864 => 'ص', 5865 => 'ض', 5866 => 'ڝ', 5867 => 'ڞ', 5868 => 'ۻ', 5869 => 'ط', 5870 => 'ظ', 5871 => 'ڟ', 5872 => 'ع', 5873 => 'غ', 5874 => 'ڠ', 5875 => 'ۼ', 5876 => 'ݝ', 5877 => 'ݞ', 5878 => 'ݟ', 5879 => 'ف', 5880 => 'ڡ', 5881 => 'ڢ', 5882 => 'ڣ', 5883 => 'ڤ', 5884 => 'ڥ', 5885 => 'ڦ', 5886 => 'ݠ', 5887 => 'ݡ', 5888 => 'ٯ', 5889 => 'ق', 5890 => 'ڧ', 5891 => 'ڨ', 5892 => 'ك', 5893 => 'ک', 5894 => 'ڪ', 5895 => 'ګ', 5896 => 'ڬ', 5897 => 'ݿ', 5898 => 'ڭ', 5899 => 'ڮ', 5900 => 'گ', 5901 => 'ڰ', 5902 => 'ڱ', 5903 => 'ڲ', 5904 => 'ڳ', 5905 => 'ڴ', 5906 => 'ݢ', 5907 => 'ػ', 5908 => 'ؼ', 5909 => 'ݣ', 5910 => 'ݤ', 5911 => 'ل', 5912 => 'ڵ', 5913 => 'ڶ', 5914 => 'ڷ', 5915 => 'ڸ', 5916 => 'ݪ', 5917 => 'م', 5918 => 'ݥ', 5919 => 'ݦ', 5920 => 'ن', 5921 => 'ں', 5922 => 'ڻ', 5923 => 'ڼ', 5924 => 'ڽ', 5925 => 'ڹ', 5926 => 'ݧ', 5927 => 'ݨ', 5928 => 'ݩ', 5929 => 'ه', 5930 => 'ھ', 5931 => 'ہ', 5932 => 'ۃ', 5933 => 'ۿ', 5934 => 'ە', 5935 => 'و', 5936 => 'ۄ', 5937 => 'ۅ', 5938 => 'ۆ', 5939 => 'ۇ', 5940 => 'ۈ', 5941 => 'ۉ', 5942 => 'ۊ', 5943 => 'ۋ', 5944 => 'ۏ', 5945 => 'ݸ', 5946 => 'ݹ', 5947 => 'ى', 5948 => 'ي', 5949 => 'ی', 5950 => 'ۍ', 5951 => 'ێ', 5952 => 'ې', 5953 => 'ۑ', 5954 => 'ؽ', 5955 => 'ؾ', 5956 => 'ؿ', 5957 => 'ؠ', 5958 => 'ݵ', 5959 => 'ݶ', 5960 => 'ݷ', 5961 => 'ے', 5962 => 'ݺ', 5963 => 'ݻ', 5964 => 'ܐ', 5965 => 'ܒ', 5966 => 'ܓ', 5967 => 'ܖ', 5968 => 'ܕ', 5969 => 'ܗ', 5970 => 'ܘ', 5971 => 'ܙ', 5972 => 'ݍ', 5973 => 'ܚ', 5974 => 'ܛ', 5975 => 'ܝ', 5976 => 'ܞ', 5977 => 'ܟ', 5978 => 'ݎ', 5979 => 'ܠ', 5980 => 'ܡ', 5981 => 'ܢ', 5982 => 'ܣ', 5983 => 'ܥ', 5984 => 'ܦ', 5985 => 'ݏ', 5986 => 'ܨ', 5987 => 'ܩ', 5988 => 'ܪ', 5989 => 'ܫ', 5990 => 'ܬ', 5991 => 'ࡀ', 5992 => 'ࡁ', 5993 => 'ࡂ', 5994 => 'ࡃ', 5995 => 'ࡄ', 5996 => 'ࡅ', 5997 => 'ࡆ', 5998 => 'ࡇ', 5999 => 'ࡈ', 6000 => 'ࡉ', 6001 => 'ࡊ', 6002 => 'ࡋ', 6003 => 'ࡌ', 6004 => 'ࡍ', 6005 => 'ࡎ', 6006 => 'ࡏ', 6007 => 'ࡐ', 6008 => 'ࡑ', 6009 => 'ࡒ', 6010 => 'ࡓ', 6011 => 'ࡔ', 6012 => 'ࡕ', 6013 => 'ࡖ', 6014 => 'ࡗ', 6015 => 'ࡘ', 6016 => 'ހ', 6017 => 'ޙ', 6018 => 'ޚ', 6019 => 'ށ', 6020 => 'ނ', 6021 => 'ރ', 6022 => 'ޜ', 6023 => 'ބ', 6024 => 'ޅ', 6025 => 'ކ', 6026 => 'އ', 6027 => 'ޢ', 6028 => 'ޣ', 6029 => 'ވ', 6030 => 'ޥ', 6031 => 'މ', 6032 => 'ފ', 6033 => 'ދ', 6034 => 'ޛ', 6035 => 'ތ', 6036 => 'ޘ', 6037 => 'ޠ', 6038 => 'ޡ', 6039 => 'ލ', 6040 => 'ގ', 6041 => 'ޤ', 6042 => 'ޏ', 6043 => 'ސ', 6044 => 'ޝ', 6045 => 'ޞ', 6046 => 'ޟ', 6047 => 'ޑ', 6048 => 'ޒ', 6049 => 'ޓ', 6050 => 'ޔ', 6051 => 'ޕ', 6052 => 'ޖ', 6053 => 'ޗ', 6054 => 'ޱ', 6055 => 'ߊ', 6056 => 'ߋ', 6057 => 'ߌ', 6058 => 'ߍ', 6059 => 'ߎ', 6060 => 'ߏ', 6061 => 'ߐ', 6062 => 'ߑ', 6063 => 'ߒ', 6064 => 'ߓ', 6065 => 'ߔ', 6066 => 'ߕ', 6067 => 'ߖ', 6068 => 'ߗ', 6069 => 'ߘ', 6070 => 'ߙ', 6071 => 'ߚ', 6072 => 'ߛ', 6073 => 'ߜ', 6074 => 'ߝ', 6075 => 'ߞ', 6076 => 'ߟ', 6077 => 'ߠ', 6078 => 'ߡ', 6079 => 'ߢ', 6080 => 'ߣ', 6081 => 'ߤ', 6082 => 'ߥ', 6083 => 'ߦ', 6084 => 'ߧ', 6085 => 'ߴ', 6086 => 'ߵ', 6087 => 'ⴰ', 6088 => 'ⴱ', 6089 => 'ⴲ', 6090 => 'ⴳ', 6091 => 'ⴴ', 6092 => 'ⴵ', 6093 => 'ⴶ', 6094 => 'ⴷ', 6095 => 'ⴸ', 6096 => 'ⴹ', 6097 => 'ⴺ', 6098 => 'ⴻ', 6099 => 'ⴼ', 6100 => 'ⴽ', 6101 => 'ⴾ', 6102 => 'ⴿ', 6103 => 'ⵀ', 6104 => 'ⵁ', 6105 => 'ⵂ', 6106 => 'ⵃ', 6107 => 'ⵄ', 6108 => 'ⵅ', 6109 => 'ⵆ', 6110 => 'ⵇ', 6111 => 'ⵈ', 6112 => 'ⵉ', 6113 => 'ⵊ', 6114 => 'ⵋ', 6115 => 'ⵌ', 6116 => 'ⵍ', 6117 => 'ⵎ', 6118 => 'ⵏ', 6119 => 'ⵐ', 6120 => 'ⵑ', 6121 => 'ⵒ', 6122 => 'ⵓ', 6123 => 'ⵔ', 6124 => 'ⵕ', 6125 => 'ⵖ', 6126 => 'ⵗ', 6127 => 'ⵘ', 6128 => 'ⵙ', 6129 => 'ⵚ', 6130 => 'ⵛ', 6131 => 'ⵜ', 6132 => 'ⵝ', 6133 => 'ⵞ', 6134 => 'ⵟ', 6135 => 'ⵠ', 6136 => 'ⵡ', 6137 => 'ⵢ', 6138 => 'ⵣ', 6139 => 'ⵤ', 6140 => 'ⵥ', 6141 => 'ⵯ', 6142 => 'ሀ', 6143 => 'ሁ', 6144 => 'ሂ', 6145 => 'ሃ', 6146 => 'ሄ', 6147 => 'ህ', 6148 => 'ሆ', 6149 => 'ሇ', 6150 => 'ለ', 6151 => 'ሉ', 6152 => 'ሊ', 6153 => 'ላ', 6154 => 'ሌ', 6155 => 'ል', 6156 => 'ሎ', 6157 => 'ሏ', 6158 => 'ⶀ', 6159 => 'ሐ', 6160 => 'ሑ', 6161 => 'ሒ', 6162 => 'ሓ', 6163 => 'ሔ', 6164 => 'ሕ', 6165 => 'ሖ', 6166 => 'ሗ', 6167 => 'መ', 6168 => 'ሙ', 6169 => 'ሚ', 6170 => 'ማ', 6171 => 'ሜ', 6172 => 'ም', 6173 => 'ሞ', 6174 => 'ሟ', 6175 => 'ᎀ', 6176 => 'ᎁ', 6177 => 'ᎂ', 6178 => 'ᎃ', 6179 => 'ⶁ', 6180 => 'ሠ', 6181 => 'ሡ', 6182 => 'ሢ', 6183 => 'ሣ', 6184 => 'ሤ', 6185 => 'ሥ', 6186 => 'ሦ', 6187 => 'ሧ', 6188 => 'ረ', 6189 => 'ሩ', 6190 => 'ሪ', 6191 => 'ራ', 6192 => 'ሬ', 6193 => 'ር', 6194 => 'ሮ', 6195 => 'ሯ', 6196 => 'ⶂ', 6197 => 'ሰ', 6198 => 'ሱ', 6199 => 'ሲ', 6200 => 'ሳ', 6201 => 'ሴ', 6202 => 'ስ', 6203 => 'ሶ', 6204 => 'ሷ', 6205 => 'ⶃ', 6206 => 'ꬁ', 6207 => 'ꬂ', 6208 => 'ꬃ', 6209 => 'ꬄ', 6210 => 'ꬅ', 6211 => 'ꬆ', 6212 => 'ሸ', 6213 => 'ሹ', 6214 => 'ሺ', 6215 => 'ሻ', 6216 => 'ሼ', 6217 => 'ሽ', 6218 => 'ሾ', 6219 => 'ሿ', 6220 => 'ⶄ', 6221 => 'ቀ', 6222 => 'ቁ', 6223 => 'ቂ', 6224 => 'ቃ', 6225 => 'ቄ', 6226 => 'ቅ', 6227 => 'ቆ', 6228 => 'ቇ', 6229 => 'ቈ', 6230 => 'ቊ', 6231 => 'ቋ', 6232 => 'ቌ', 6233 => 'ቍ', 6234 => 'ቐ', 6235 => 'ቑ', 6236 => 'ቒ', 6237 => 'ቓ', 6238 => 'ቔ', 6239 => 'ቕ', 6240 => 'ቖ', 6241 => 'ቘ', 6242 => 'ቚ', 6243 => 'ቛ', 6244 => 'ቜ', 6245 => 'ቝ', 6246 => 'በ', 6247 => 'ቡ', 6248 => 'ቢ', 6249 => 'ባ', 6250 => 'ቤ', 6251 => 'ብ', 6252 => 'ቦ', 6253 => 'ቧ', 6254 => 'ᎄ', 6255 => 'ᎅ', 6256 => 'ᎆ', 6257 => 'ᎇ', 6258 => 'ⶅ', 6259 => 'ቨ', 6260 => 'ቩ', 6261 => 'ቪ', 6262 => 'ቫ', 6263 => 'ቬ', 6264 => 'ቭ', 6265 => 'ቮ', 6266 => 'ቯ', 6267 => 'ተ', 6268 => 'ቱ', 6269 => 'ቲ', 6270 => 'ታ', 6271 => 'ቴ', 6272 => 'ት', 6273 => 'ቶ', 6274 => 'ቷ', 6275 => 'ⶆ', 6276 => 'ቸ', 6277 => 'ቹ', 6278 => 'ቺ', 6279 => 'ቻ', 6280 => 'ቼ', 6281 => 'ች', 6282 => 'ቾ', 6283 => 'ቿ', 6284 => 'ⶇ', 6285 => 'ኀ', 6286 => 'ኁ', 6287 => 'ኂ', 6288 => 'ኃ', 6289 => 'ኄ', 6290 => 'ኅ', 6291 => 'ኆ', 6292 => 'ኇ', 6293 => 'ኈ', 6294 => 'ኊ', 6295 => 'ኋ', 6296 => 'ኌ', 6297 => 'ኍ', 6298 => 'ነ', 6299 => 'ኑ', 6300 => 'ኒ', 6301 => 'ና', 6302 => 'ኔ', 6303 => 'ን', 6304 => 'ኖ', 6305 => 'ኗ', 6306 => 'ⶈ', 6307 => 'ኘ', 6308 => 'ኙ', 6309 => 'ኚ', 6310 => 'ኛ', 6311 => 'ኜ', 6312 => 'ኝ', 6313 => 'ኞ', 6314 => 'ኟ', 6315 => 'ⶉ', 6316 => 'አ', 6317 => 'ኡ', 6318 => 'ኢ', 6319 => 'ኣ', 6320 => 'ኤ', 6321 => 'እ', 6322 => 'ኦ', 6323 => 'ኧ', 6324 => 'ⶊ', 6325 => 'ከ', 6326 => 'ኩ', 6327 => 'ኪ', 6328 => 'ካ', 6329 => 'ኬ', 6330 => 'ክ', 6331 => 'ኮ', 6332 => 'ኯ', 6333 => 'ኰ', 6334 => 'ኲ', 6335 => 'ኳ', 6336 => 'ኴ', 6337 => 'ኵ', 6338 => 'ኸ', 6339 => 'ኹ', 6340 => 'ኺ', 6341 => 'ኻ', 6342 => 'ኼ', 6343 => 'ኽ', 6344 => 'ኾ', 6345 => 'ዀ', 6346 => 'ዂ', 6347 => 'ዃ', 6348 => 'ዄ', 6349 => 'ዅ', 6350 => 'ወ', 6351 => 'ዉ', 6352 => 'ዊ', 6353 => 'ዋ', 6354 => 'ዌ', 6355 => 'ው', 6356 => 'ዎ', 6357 => 'ዏ', 6358 => 'ዐ', 6359 => 'ዑ', 6360 => 'ዒ', 6361 => 'ዓ', 6362 => 'ዔ', 6363 => 'ዕ', 6364 => 'ዖ', 6365 => 'ዘ', 6366 => 'ዙ', 6367 => 'ዚ', 6368 => 'ዛ', 6369 => 'ዜ', 6370 => 'ዝ', 6371 => 'ዞ', 6372 => 'ዟ', 6373 => 'ⶋ', 6374 => 'ꬑ', 6375 => 'ꬒ', 6376 => 'ꬓ', 6377 => 'ꬔ', 6378 => 'ꬕ', 6379 => 'ꬖ', 6380 => 'ዠ', 6381 => 'ዡ', 6382 => 'ዢ', 6383 => 'ዣ', 6384 => 'ዤ', 6385 => 'ዥ', 6386 => 'ዦ', 6387 => 'ዧ', 6388 => 'የ', 6389 => 'ዩ', 6390 => 'ዪ', 6391 => 'ያ', 6392 => 'ዬ', 6393 => 'ይ', 6394 => 'ዮ', 6395 => 'ዯ', 6396 => 'ደ', 6397 => 'ዱ', 6398 => 'ዲ', 6399 => 'ዳ', 6400 => 'ዴ', 6401 => 'ድ', 6402 => 'ዶ', 6403 => 'ዷ', 6404 => 'ⶌ', 6405 => 'ꬉ', 6406 => 'ꬊ', 6407 => 'ꬋ', 6408 => 'ꬌ', 6409 => 'ꬍ', 6410 => 'ꬎ', 6411 => 'ዸ', 6412 => 'ዹ', 6413 => 'ዺ', 6414 => 'ዻ', 6415 => 'ዼ', 6416 => 'ዽ', 6417 => 'ዾ', 6418 => 'ዿ', 6419 => 'ⶍ', 6420 => 'ጀ', 6421 => 'ጁ', 6422 => 'ጂ', 6423 => 'ጃ', 6424 => 'ጄ', 6425 => 'ጅ', 6426 => 'ጆ', 6427 => 'ጇ', 6428 => 'ⶎ', 6429 => 'ገ', 6430 => 'ጉ', 6431 => 'ጊ', 6432 => 'ጋ', 6433 => 'ጌ', 6434 => 'ግ', 6435 => 'ጎ', 6436 => 'ጏ', 6437 => 'ጐ', 6438 => 'ጒ', 6439 => 'ጓ', 6440 => 'ጔ', 6441 => 'ጕ', 6442 => 'ጘ', 6443 => 'ጙ', 6444 => 'ጚ', 6445 => 'ጛ', 6446 => 'ጜ', 6447 => 'ጝ', 6448 => 'ጞ', 6449 => 'ጟ', 6450 => 'ⶓ', 6451 => 'ⶔ', 6452 => 'ⶕ', 6453 => 'ⶖ', 6454 => 'ጠ', 6455 => 'ጡ', 6456 => 'ጢ', 6457 => 'ጣ', 6458 => 'ጤ', 6459 => 'ጥ', 6460 => 'ጦ', 6461 => 'ጧ', 6462 => 'ⶏ', 6463 => 'ጨ', 6464 => 'ጩ', 6465 => 'ጪ', 6466 => 'ጫ', 6467 => 'ጬ', 6468 => 'ጭ', 6469 => 'ጮ', 6470 => 'ጯ', 6471 => 'ⶐ', 6472 => 'ꬠ', 6473 => 'ꬡ', 6474 => 'ꬢ', 6475 => 'ꬣ', 6476 => 'ꬤ', 6477 => 'ꬥ', 6478 => 'ꬦ', 6479 => 'ጰ', 6480 => 'ጱ', 6481 => 'ጲ', 6482 => 'ጳ', 6483 => 'ጴ', 6484 => 'ጵ', 6485 => 'ጶ', 6486 => 'ጷ', 6487 => 'ⶑ', 6488 => 'ጸ', 6489 => 'ጹ', 6490 => 'ጺ', 6491 => 'ጻ', 6492 => 'ጼ', 6493 => 'ጽ', 6494 => 'ጾ', 6495 => 'ጿ', 6496 => 'ꬨ', 6497 => 'ꬩ', 6498 => 'ꬪ', 6499 => 'ꬫ', 6500 => 'ꬬ', 6501 => 'ꬭ', 6502 => 'ꬮ', 6503 => 'ፀ', 6504 => 'ፁ', 6505 => 'ፂ', 6506 => 'ፃ', 6507 => 'ፄ', 6508 => 'ፅ', 6509 => 'ፆ', 6510 => 'ፇ', 6511 => 'ፈ', 6512 => 'ፉ', 6513 => 'ፊ', 6514 => 'ፋ', 6515 => 'ፌ', 6516 => 'ፍ', 6517 => 'ፎ', 6518 => 'ፏ', 6519 => 'ᎈ', 6520 => 'ᎉ', 6521 => 'ᎊ', 6522 => 'ᎋ', 6523 => 'ፐ', 6524 => 'ፑ', 6525 => 'ፒ', 6526 => 'ፓ', 6527 => 'ፔ', 6528 => 'ፕ', 6529 => 'ፖ', 6530 => 'ፗ', 6531 => 'ᎌ', 6532 => 'ᎍ', 6533 => 'ᎎ', 6534 => 'ᎏ', 6535 => 'ⶒ', 6536 => 'ፘ', 6537 => 'ፙ', 6538 => 'ፚ', 6539 => 'ⶠ', 6540 => 'ⶡ', 6541 => 'ⶢ', 6542 => 'ⶣ', 6543 => 'ⶤ', 6544 => 'ⶥ', 6545 => 'ⶦ', 6546 => 'ⶨ', 6547 => 'ⶩ', 6548 => 'ⶪ', 6549 => 'ⶫ', 6550 => 'ⶬ', 6551 => 'ⶭ', 6552 => 'ⶮ', 6553 => 'ⶰ', 6554 => 'ⶱ', 6555 => 'ⶲ', 6556 => 'ⶳ', 6557 => 'ⶴ', 6558 => 'ⶵ', 6559 => 'ⶶ', 6560 => 'ⶸ', 6561 => 'ⶹ', 6562 => 'ⶺ', 6563 => 'ⶻ', 6564 => 'ⶼ', 6565 => 'ⶽ', 6566 => 'ⶾ', 6567 => 'ⷀ', 6568 => 'ⷁ', 6569 => 'ⷂ', 6570 => 'ⷃ', 6571 => 'ⷄ', 6572 => 'ⷅ', 6573 => 'ⷆ', 6574 => 'ⷈ', 6575 => 'ⷉ', 6576 => 'ⷊ', 6577 => 'ⷋ', 6578 => 'ⷌ', 6579 => 'ⷍ', 6580 => 'ⷎ', 6581 => 'ⷐ', 6582 => 'ⷑ', 6583 => 'ⷒ', 6584 => 'ⷓ', 6585 => 'ⷔ', 6586 => 'ⷕ', 6587 => 'ⷖ', 6588 => 'ⷘ', 6589 => 'ⷙ', 6590 => 'ⷚ', 6591 => 'ⷛ', 6592 => 'ⷜ', 6593 => 'ⷝ', 6594 => 'ⷞ', 6595 => 'ॐ', 6596 => 'ॲ', 6597 => 'ऄ', 6598 => 'अ', 6599 => 'आ', 6600 => 'ॳ', 6601 => 'ॴ', 6602 => 'ॵ', 6603 => 'ॶ', 6604 => 'ॷ', 6605 => 'इ', 6606 => 'ई', 6607 => 'उ', 6608 => 'ऊ', 6609 => 'ऋ', 6610 => 'ॠ', 6611 => 'ऌ', 6612 => 'ॡ', 6613 => 'ऍ', 6614 => 'ऎ', 6615 => 'ए', 6616 => 'ऐ', 6617 => 'ऑ', 6618 => 'ऒ', 6619 => 'ओ', 6620 => 'औ', 6621 => 'क', 6622 => 'ख', 6623 => 'ग', 6624 => 'ॻ', 6625 => 'घ', 6626 => 'ङ', 6627 => 'च', 6628 => 'छ', 6629 => 'ज', 6630 => 'ॹ', 6631 => 'ॼ', 6632 => 'झ', 6633 => 'ञ', 6634 => 'ट', 6635 => 'ठ', 6636 => 'ड', 6637 => 'ॾ', 6638 => 'ढ', 6639 => 'ण', 6640 => 'त', 6641 => 'थ', 6642 => 'द', 6643 => 'ध', 6644 => 'न', 6645 => 'प', 6646 => 'फ', 6647 => 'ब', 6648 => 'ॿ', 6649 => 'भ', 6650 => 'म', 6651 => 'य', 6652 => 'ॺ', 6653 => 'र', 6654 => 'ल', 6655 => 'ळ', 6656 => 'व', 6657 => 'श', 6658 => 'ष', 6659 => 'स', 6660 => 'ह', 6661 => 'ऽ', 6662 => 'ॽ', 6663 => 'ᳩ', 6664 => 'ꣲ', 6665 => 'ꣻ', 6666 => 'অ', 6667 => 'আ', 6668 => 'ই', 6669 => 'ঈ', 6670 => 'উ', 6671 => 'ঊ', 6672 => 'ঋ', 6673 => 'ৠ', 6674 => 'ঌ', 6675 => 'ৡ', 6676 => 'এ', 6677 => 'ঐ', 6678 => 'ও', 6679 => 'ঔ', 6680 => 'ক', 6681 => 'খ', 6682 => 'গ', 6683 => 'ঘ', 6684 => 'ঙ', 6685 => 'চ', 6686 => 'ছ', 6687 => 'জ', 6688 => 'ঝ', 6689 => 'ঞ', 6690 => 'ট', 6691 => 'ঠ', 6692 => 'ড', 6693 => 'ঢ', 6694 => 'ণ', 6695 => 'ত', 6696 => 'থ', 6697 => 'দ', 6698 => 'ধ', 6699 => 'ন', 6700 => 'প', 6701 => 'ফ', 6702 => 'ব', 6703 => 'ভ', 6704 => 'ম', 6705 => 'য', 6706 => 'র', 6707 => 'ৰ', 6708 => 'ল', 6709 => 'ৱ', 6710 => 'শ', 6711 => 'ষ', 6712 => 'স', 6713 => 'হ', 6714 => 'ঽ', 6715 => 'ੴ', 6716 => 'ੳ', 6717 => 'ਉ', 6718 => 'ਊ', 6719 => 'ਓ', 6720 => 'ਅ', 6721 => 'ਆ', 6722 => 'ਐ', 6723 => 'ਔ', 6724 => 'ੲ', 6725 => 'ਇ', 6726 => 'ਈ', 6727 => 'ਏ', 6728 => 'ਸ', 6729 => 'ਹ', 6730 => 'ਕ', 6731 => 'ਖ', 6732 => 'ਗ', 6733 => 'ਘ', 6734 => 'ਙ', 6735 => 'ਚ', 6736 => 'ਛ', 6737 => 'ਜ', 6738 => 'ਝ', 6739 => 'ਞ', 6740 => 'ਟ', 6741 => 'ਠ', 6742 => 'ਡ', 6743 => 'ਢ', 6744 => 'ਣ', 6745 => 'ਤ', 6746 => 'ਥ', 6747 => 'ਦ', 6748 => 'ਧ', 6749 => 'ਨ', 6750 => 'ਪ', 6751 => 'ਫ', 6752 => 'ਬ', 6753 => 'ਭ', 6754 => 'ਮ', 6755 => 'ਯ', 6756 => 'ਰ', 6757 => 'ਲ', 6758 => 'ਵ', 6759 => 'ੜ', 6760 => 'ૐ', 6761 => 'અ', 6762 => 'આ', 6763 => 'ઇ', 6764 => 'ઈ', 6765 => 'ઉ', 6766 => 'ઊ', 6767 => 'ઋ', 6768 => 'ૠ', 6769 => 'ઌ', 6770 => 'ૡ', 6771 => 'ઍ', 6772 => 'એ', 6773 => 'ઐ', 6774 => 'ઑ', 6775 => 'ઓ', 6776 => 'ઔ', 6777 => 'ક', 6778 => 'ખ', 6779 => 'ગ', 6780 => 'ઘ', 6781 => 'ઙ', 6782 => 'ચ', 6783 => 'છ', 6784 => 'જ', 6785 => 'ઝ', 6786 => 'ઞ', 6787 => 'ટ', 6788 => 'ઠ', 6789 => 'ડ', 6790 => 'ઢ', 6791 => 'ણ', 6792 => 'ત', 6793 => 'થ', 6794 => 'દ', 6795 => 'ધ', 6796 => 'ન', 6797 => 'પ', 6798 => 'ફ', 6799 => 'બ', 6800 => 'ભ', 6801 => 'મ', 6802 => 'ય', 6803 => 'ર', 6804 => 'લ', 6805 => 'વ', 6806 => 'શ', 6807 => 'ષ', 6808 => 'સ', 6809 => 'હ', 6810 => 'ળ', 6811 => 'ઽ', 6812 => 'ଅ', 6813 => 'ଆ', 6814 => 'ଇ', 6815 => 'ଈ', 6816 => 'ଉ', 6817 => 'ଊ', 6818 => 'ଋ', 6819 => 'ୠ', 6820 => 'ଌ', 6821 => 'ୡ', 6822 => 'ଏ', 6823 => 'ଐ', 6824 => 'ଓ', 6825 => 'ଔ', 6826 => 'କ', 6827 => 'ଖ', 6828 => 'ଗ', 6829 => 'ଘ', 6830 => 'ଙ', 6831 => 'ଚ', 6832 => 'ଛ', 6833 => 'ଜ', 6834 => 'ଝ', 6835 => 'ଞ', 6836 => 'ଟ', 6837 => 'ଠ', 6838 => 'ଡ', 6839 => 'ଢ', 6840 => 'ଣ', 6841 => 'ତ', 6842 => 'ଥ', 6843 => 'ଦ', 6844 => 'ଧ', 6845 => 'ନ', 6846 => 'ପ', 6847 => 'ଫ', 6848 => 'ବ', 6849 => 'ଭ', 6850 => 'ମ', 6851 => 'ଯ', 6852 => 'ୟ', 6853 => 'ର', 6854 => 'ଲ', 6855 => 'ଳ', 6856 => 'ଵ', 6857 => 'ୱ', 6858 => 'ଶ', 6859 => 'ଷ', 6860 => 'ସ', 6861 => 'ହ', 6862 => 'ଽ', 6863 => 'ௐ', 6864 => 'அ', 6865 => 'ஆ', 6866 => 'இ', 6867 => 'ஈ', 6868 => 'உ', 6869 => 'ஊ', 6870 => 'எ', 6871 => 'ஏ', 6872 => 'ஐ', 6873 => 'ஒ', 6874 => 'ஓ', 6875 => 'ஔ', 6876 => 'ஃ', 6877 => 'க', 6878 => 'ங', 6879 => 'ச', 6880 => 'ஞ', 6881 => 'ட', 6882 => 'ண', 6883 => 'த', 6884 => 'ந', 6885 => 'ப', 6886 => 'ம', 6887 => 'ய', 6888 => 'ர', 6889 => 'ல', 6890 => 'வ', 6891 => 'ழ', 6892 => 'ள', 6893 => 'ற', 6894 => 'ன', 6895 => 'ஜ', 6896 => 'ஶ', 6897 => 'ஷ', 6898 => 'ஸ', 6899 => 'ஹ', 6900 => 'అ', 6901 => 'ఆ', 6902 => 'ఇ', 6903 => 'ఈ', 6904 => 'ఉ', 6905 => 'ఊ', 6906 => 'ఋ', 6907 => 'ౠ', 6908 => 'ఌ', 6909 => 'ౡ', 6910 => 'ఎ', 6911 => 'ఏ', 6912 => 'ఐ', 6913 => 'ఒ', 6914 => 'ఓ', 6915 => 'ఔ', 6916 => 'క', 6917 => 'ఖ', 6918 => 'గ', 6919 => 'ఘ', 6920 => 'ఙ', 6921 => 'చ', 6922 => 'ౘ', 6923 => 'ఛ', 6924 => 'జ', 6925 => 'ౙ', 6926 => 'ఝ', 6927 => 'ఞ', 6928 => 'ట', 6929 => 'ఠ', 6930 => 'డ', 6931 => 'ఢ', 6932 => 'ణ', 6933 => 'త', 6934 => 'థ', 6935 => 'ద', 6936 => 'ధ', 6937 => 'న', 6938 => 'ప', 6939 => 'ఫ', 6940 => 'బ', 6941 => 'భ', 6942 => 'మ', 6943 => 'య', 6944 => 'ర', 6945 => 'ఱ', 6946 => 'ల', 6947 => 'వ', 6948 => 'శ', 6949 => 'ష', 6950 => 'స', 6951 => 'హ', 6952 => 'ళ', 6953 => 'ఽ', 6954 => 'ಅ', 6955 => 'ಆ', 6956 => 'ಇ', 6957 => 'ಈ', 6958 => 'ಉ', 6959 => 'ಊ', 6960 => 'ಋ', 6961 => 'ೠ', 6962 => 'ಌ', 6963 => 'ೡ', 6964 => 'ಎ', 6965 => 'ಏ', 6966 => 'ಐ', 6967 => 'ಒ', 6968 => 'ಓ', 6969 => 'ಔ', 6970 => 'ಕ', 6971 => 'ಖ', 6972 => 'ಗ', 6973 => 'ಘ', 6974 => 'ಙ', 6975 => 'ಚ', 6976 => 'ಛ', 6977 => 'ಜ', 6978 => 'ಝ', 6979 => 'ಞ', 6980 => 'ಟ', 6981 => 'ಠ', 6982 => 'ಡ', 6983 => 'ಢ', 6984 => 'ಣ', 6985 => 'ತ', 6986 => 'ಥ', 6987 => 'ದ', 6988 => 'ಧ', 6989 => 'ನ', 6990 => 'ಪ', 6991 => 'ಫ', 6992 => 'ಬ', 6993 => 'ಭ', 6994 => 'ಮ', 6995 => 'ಯ', 6996 => 'ರ', 6997 => 'ಱ', 6998 => 'ಲ', 6999 => 'ವ', 7000 => 'ಶ', 7001 => 'ಷ', 7002 => 'ಸ', 7003 => 'ಹ', 7004 => 'ಳ', 7005 => 'ೞ', 7006 => 'ಽ', 7007 => 'ೱ', 7008 => 'ೲ', 7009 => 'അ', 7010 => 'ആ', 7011 => 'ഇ', 7012 => 'ഈ', 7013 => 'ഉ', 7014 => 'ഊ', 7015 => 'ഋ', 7016 => 'ൠ', 7017 => 'ഌ', 7018 => 'ൡ', 7019 => 'എ', 7020 => 'ഏ', 7021 => 'ഐ', 7022 => 'ഒ', 7023 => 'ഓ', 7024 => 'ഔ', 7025 => 'ക', 7026 => 'ഖ', 7027 => 'ഗ', 7028 => 'ഘ', 7029 => 'ങ', 7030 => 'ച', 7031 => 'ഛ', 7032 => 'ജ', 7033 => 'ഝ', 7034 => 'ഞ', 7035 => 'ട', 7036 => 'ഠ', 7037 => 'ഡ', 7038 => 'ഢ', 7039 => 'ണ', 7040 => 'ത', 7041 => 'ഥ', 7042 => 'ദ', 7043 => 'ധ', 7044 => 'ന', 7045 => 'ഩ', 7046 => 'പ', 7047 => 'ഫ', 7048 => 'ബ', 7049 => 'ഭ', 7050 => 'മ', 7051 => 'യ', 7052 => 'ര', 7053 => 'ല', 7054 => 'വ', 7055 => 'ശ', 7056 => 'ഷ', 7057 => 'സ', 7058 => 'ഹ', 7059 => 'ള', 7060 => 'ഴ', 7061 => 'റ', 7062 => 'ഺ', 7063 => 'ഽ', 7064 => 'අ', 7065 => 'ආ', 7066 => 'ඇ', 7067 => 'ඈ', 7068 => 'ඉ', 7069 => 'ඊ', 7070 => 'උ', 7071 => 'ඌ', 7072 => 'ඍ', 7073 => 'ඎ', 7074 => 'ඏ', 7075 => 'ඐ', 7076 => 'එ', 7077 => 'ඒ', 7078 => 'ඓ', 7079 => 'ඔ', 7080 => 'ඕ', 7081 => 'ඖ', 7082 => 'ක', 7083 => 'ඛ', 7084 => 'ග', 7085 => 'ඝ', 7086 => 'ඞ', 7087 => 'ඟ', 7088 => 'ච', 7089 => 'ඡ', 7090 => 'ජ', 7091 => 'ඣ', 7092 => 'ඤ', 7093 => 'ඥ', 7094 => 'ඦ', 7095 => 'ට', 7096 => 'ඨ', 7097 => 'ඩ', 7098 => 'ඪ', 7099 => 'ණ', 7100 => 'ඬ', 7101 => 'ත', 7102 => 'ථ', 7103 => 'ද', 7104 => 'ධ', 7105 => 'න', 7106 => 'ඳ', 7107 => 'ප', 7108 => 'ඵ', 7109 => 'බ', 7110 => 'භ', 7111 => 'ම', 7112 => 'ඹ', 7113 => 'ය', 7114 => 'ර', 7115 => 'ල', 7116 => 'ව', 7117 => 'ශ', 7118 => 'ෂ', 7119 => 'ස', 7120 => 'හ', 7121 => 'ළ', 7122 => 'ෆ', 7123 => 'ꯀ', 7124 => 'ꯁ', 7125 => 'ꯂ', 7126 => 'ꯃ', 7127 => 'ꯄ', 7128 => 'ꯅ', 7129 => 'ꯆ', 7130 => 'ꯇ', 7131 => 'ꯈ', 7132 => 'ꯉ', 7133 => 'ꯊ', 7134 => 'ꯋ', 7135 => 'ꯌ', 7136 => 'ꯍ', 7137 => 'ꯎ', 7138 => 'ꯏ', 7139 => 'ꯐ', 7140 => 'ꯑ', 7141 => 'ꯒ', 7142 => 'ꯓ', 7143 => 'ꯔ', 7144 => 'ꯕ', 7145 => 'ꯖ', 7146 => 'ꯗ', 7147 => 'ꯘ', 7148 => 'ꯙ', 7149 => 'ꯚ', 7150 => 'ꯛ', 7151 => 'ꯜ', 7152 => 'ꯝ', 7153 => 'ꯞ', 7154 => 'ꯟ', 7155 => 'ꯠ', 7156 => 'ꯡ', 7157 => 'ꯢ', 7158 => 'ꠀ', 7159 => 'ꠁ', 7160 => 'ꠃ', 7161 => 'ꠄ', 7162 => 'ꠅ', 7163 => 'ꠇ', 7164 => 'ꠈ', 7165 => 'ꠉ', 7166 => 'ꠊ', 7167 => 'ꠌ', 7168 => 'ꠍ', 7169 => 'ꠎ', 7170 => 'ꠏ', 7171 => 'ꠐ', 7172 => 'ꠑ', 7173 => 'ꠒ', 7174 => 'ꠓ', 7175 => 'ꠔ', 7176 => 'ꠕ', 7177 => 'ꠖ', 7178 => 'ꠗ', 7179 => 'ꠘ', 7180 => 'ꠙ', 7181 => 'ꠚ', 7182 => 'ꠛ', 7183 => 'ꠜ', 7184 => 'ꠝ', 7185 => 'ꠞ', 7186 => 'ꠟ', 7187 => 'ꠠ', 7188 => 'ꠡ', 7189 => 'ꠢ', 7190 => 'ꢂ', 7191 => 'ꢃ', 7192 => 'ꢄ', 7193 => 'ꢅ', 7194 => 'ꢆ', 7195 => 'ꢇ', 7196 => 'ꢈ', 7197 => 'ꢉ', 7198 => 'ꢊ', 7199 => 'ꢋ', 7200 => 'ꢌ', 7201 => 'ꢍ', 7202 => 'ꢎ', 7203 => 'ꢏ', 7204 => 'ꢐ', 7205 => 'ꢑ', 7206 => 'ꢒ', 7207 => 'ꢓ', 7208 => 'ꢔ', 7209 => 'ꢕ', 7210 => 'ꢖ', 7211 => 'ꢗ', 7212 => 'ꢘ', 7213 => 'ꢙ', 7214 => 'ꢚ', 7215 => 'ꢛ', 7216 => 'ꢜ', 7217 => 'ꢝ', 7218 => 'ꢞ', 7219 => 'ꢟ', 7220 => 'ꢠ', 7221 => 'ꢡ', 7222 => 'ꢢ', 7223 => 'ꢣ', 7224 => 'ꢤ', 7225 => 'ꢥ', 7226 => 'ꢦ', 7227 => 'ꢧ', 7228 => 'ꢨ', 7229 => 'ꢩ', 7230 => 'ꢪ', 7231 => 'ꢫ', 7232 => 'ꢬ', 7233 => 'ꢭ', 7234 => 'ꢮ', 7235 => 'ꢯ', 7236 => 'ꢰ', 7237 => 'ꢱ', 7238 => 'ꢲ', 7239 => 'ꢳ', 7240 => '𑂃', 7241 => '𑂄', 7242 => '𑂅', 7243 => '𑂆', 7244 => '𑂇', 7245 => '𑂈', 7246 => '𑂉', 7247 => '𑂊', 7248 => '𑂋', 7249 => '𑂌', 7250 => '𑂍', 7251 => '𑂎', 7252 => '𑂏', 7253 => '𑂐', 7254 => '𑂑', 7255 => '𑂒', 7256 => '𑂓', 7257 => '𑂔', 7258 => '𑂕', 7259 => '𑂖', 7260 => '𑂗', 7261 => '𑂘', 7262 => '𑂙', 7263 => '𑂛', 7264 => '𑂝', 7265 => '𑂞', 7266 => '𑂟', 7267 => '𑂠', 7268 => '𑂡', 7269 => '𑂢', 7270 => '𑂣', 7271 => '𑂤', 7272 => '𑂥', 7273 => '𑂦', 7274 => '𑂧', 7275 => '𑂨', 7276 => '𑂩', 7277 => '𑂪', 7278 => '𑂬', 7279 => '𑂭', 7280 => '𑂮', 7281 => '𑂯', 7282 => 'ᮃ', 7283 => 'ᮄ', 7284 => 'ᮅ', 7285 => 'ᮆ', 7286 => 'ᮇ', 7287 => 'ᮈ', 7288 => 'ᮉ', 7289 => 'ᮊ', 7290 => 'ᮮ', 7291 => 'ᮋ', 7292 => 'ᮌ', 7293 => 'ᮍ', 7294 => 'ᮎ', 7295 => 'ᮏ', 7296 => 'ᮐ', 7297 => 'ᮑ', 7298 => 'ᮒ', 7299 => 'ᮓ', 7300 => 'ᮔ', 7301 => 'ᮕ', 7302 => 'ᮖ', 7303 => 'ᮗ', 7304 => 'ᮘ', 7305 => 'ᮙ', 7306 => 'ᮚ', 7307 => 'ᮛ', 7308 => 'ᮜ', 7309 => 'ᮝ', 7310 => 'ᮞ', 7311 => 'ᮟ', 7312 => 'ᮯ', 7313 => 'ᮠ', 7314 => '𑀅', 7315 => '𑀆', 7316 => '𑀇', 7317 => '𑀈', 7318 => '𑀉', 7319 => '𑀊', 7320 => '𑀋', 7321 => '𑀌', 7322 => '𑀍', 7323 => '𑀎', 7324 => '𑀏', 7325 => '𑀐', 7326 => '𑀑', 7327 => '𑀒', 7328 => '𑀓', 7329 => '𑀔', 7330 => '𑀕', 7331 => '𑀖', 7332 => '𑀗', 7333 => '𑀘', 7334 => '𑀙', 7335 => '𑀚', 7336 => '𑀛', 7337 => '𑀜', 7338 => '𑀝', 7339 => '𑀞', 7340 => '𑀟', 7341 => '𑀠', 7342 => '𑀡', 7343 => '𑀢', 7344 => '𑀣', 7345 => '𑀤', 7346 => '𑀥', 7347 => '𑀦', 7348 => '𑀧', 7349 => '𑀨', 7350 => '𑀩', 7351 => '𑀪', 7352 => '𑀫', 7353 => '𑀬', 7354 => '𑀭', 7355 => '𑀮', 7356 => '𑀯', 7357 => '𑀰', 7358 => '𑀱', 7359 => '𑀲', 7360 => '𑀳', 7361 => '𑀃', 7362 => '𑀄', 7363 => '𑀴', 7364 => '𑀵', 7365 => '𑀶', 7366 => '𑀷', 7367 => '𐨀', 7368 => '𐨐', 7369 => '𐨑', 7370 => '𐨒', 7371 => '𐨓', 7372 => '𐨕', 7373 => '𐨖', 7374 => '𐨗', 7375 => '𐨙', 7376 => '𐨚', 7377 => '𐨛', 7378 => '𐨜', 7379 => '𐨝', 7380 => '𐨞', 7381 => '𐨟', 7382 => '𐨠', 7383 => '𐨡', 7384 => '𐨢', 7385 => '𐨣', 7386 => '𐨤', 7387 => '𐨥', 7388 => '𐨦', 7389 => '𐨧', 7390 => '𐨨', 7391 => '𐨩', 7392 => '𐨪', 7393 => '𐨫', 7394 => '𐨬', 7395 => '𐨭', 7396 => '𐨮', 7397 => '𐨯', 7398 => '𐨰', 7399 => '𐨱', 7400 => '𐨲', 7401 => '𐨳', 7402 => 'ก', 7403 => 'ข', 7404 => 'ฃ', 7405 => 'ค', 7406 => 'ฅ', 7407 => 'ฆ', 7408 => 'ง', 7409 => 'จ', 7410 => 'ฉ', 7411 => 'ช', 7412 => 'ซ', 7413 => 'ฌ', 7414 => 'ญ', 7415 => 'ฎ', 7416 => 'ฏ', 7417 => 'ฐ', 7418 => 'ฑ', 7419 => 'ฒ', 7420 => 'ณ', 7421 => 'ด', 7422 => 'ต', 7423 => 'ถ', 7424 => 'ท', 7425 => 'ธ', 7426 => 'น', 7427 => 'บ', 7428 => 'ป', 7429 => 'ผ', 7430 => 'ฝ', 7431 => 'พ', 7432 => 'ฟ', 7433 => 'ภ', 7434 => 'ม', 7435 => 'ย', 7436 => 'ร', 7437 => 'ฤ', 7438 => 'ล', 7439 => 'ฦ', 7440 => 'ว', 7441 => 'ศ', 7442 => 'ษ', 7443 => 'ส', 7444 => 'ห', 7445 => 'ฬ', 7446 => 'อ', 7447 => 'ฮ', 7448 => 'ฯ', 7449 => 'ะ', 7450 => 'า', 7451 => 'ำ', 7452 => 'เ', 7453 => 'แ', 7454 => 'โ', 7455 => 'ใ', 7456 => 'ไ', 7457 => 'ๅ', 7458 => 'ກ', 7459 => 'ຂ', 7460 => 'ຄ', 7461 => 'ງ', 7462 => 'ຈ', 7463 => 'ສ', 7464 => 'ຊ', 7465 => 'ຍ', 7466 => 'ດ', 7467 => 'ຕ', 7468 => 'ຖ', 7469 => 'ທ', 7470 => 'ນ', 7471 => 'ບ', 7472 => 'ປ', 7473 => 'ຜ', 7474 => 'ຝ', 7475 => 'ພ', 7476 => 'ຟ', 7477 => 'ມ', 7478 => 'ຢ', 7479 => 'ຣ', 7480 => 'ລ', 7481 => 'ວ', 7482 => 'ຫ', 7483 => 'ອ', 7484 => 'ຮ', 7485 => 'ຯ', 7486 => 'ະ', 7487 => 'າ', 7488 => 'ຳ', 7489 => 'ຽ', 7490 => 'ເ', 7491 => 'ແ', 7492 => 'ໂ', 7493 => 'ໃ', 7494 => 'ໄ', 7495 => 'ꪀ', 7496 => 'ꪁ', 7497 => 'ꪂ', 7498 => 'ꪃ', 7499 => 'ꪄ', 7500 => 'ꪅ', 7501 => 'ꪆ', 7502 => 'ꪇ', 7503 => 'ꪈ', 7504 => 'ꪉ', 7505 => 'ꪊ', 7506 => 'ꪋ', 7507 => 'ꪌ', 7508 => 'ꪍ', 7509 => 'ꪎ', 7510 => 'ꪏ', 7511 => 'ꪐ', 7512 => 'ꪑ', 7513 => 'ꪒ', 7514 => 'ꪓ', 7515 => 'ꪔ', 7516 => 'ꪕ', 7517 => 'ꪖ', 7518 => 'ꪗ', 7519 => 'ꪘ', 7520 => 'ꪙ', 7521 => 'ꪚ', 7522 => 'ꪛ', 7523 => 'ꪜ', 7524 => 'ꪝ', 7525 => 'ꪞ', 7526 => 'ꪟ', 7527 => 'ꪠ', 7528 => 'ꪡ', 7529 => 'ꪢ', 7530 => 'ꪣ', 7531 => 'ꪤ', 7532 => 'ꪥ', 7533 => 'ꪦ', 7534 => 'ꪧ', 7535 => 'ꪨ', 7536 => 'ꪩ', 7537 => 'ꪪ', 7538 => 'ꪫ', 7539 => 'ꪬ', 7540 => 'ꪭ', 7541 => 'ꪮ', 7542 => 'ꪯ', 7543 => 'ꪱ', 7544 => 'ꪵ', 7545 => 'ꪶ', 7546 => 'ꪹ', 7547 => 'ꪺ', 7548 => 'ꪻ', 7549 => 'ꪼ', 7550 => 'ꪽ', 7551 => 'ꫀ', 7552 => 'ꫂ', 7553 => 'ꫛ', 7554 => 'ꫜ', 7555 => 'ཀ', 7556 => 'ཫ', 7557 => 'ཁ', 7558 => 'ག', 7559 => 'ང', 7560 => 'ཅ', 7561 => 'ཆ', 7562 => 'ཇ', 7563 => 'ཉ', 7564 => 'ཊ', 7565 => 'ཋ', 7566 => 'ཌ', 7567 => 'ཎ', 7568 => 'ཏ', 7569 => 'ཐ', 7570 => 'ད', 7571 => 'ན', 7572 => 'པ', 7573 => 'ཕ', 7574 => 'བ', 7575 => 'མ', 7576 => 'ཙ', 7577 => 'ཚ', 7578 => 'ཛ', 7579 => 'ཝ', 7580 => 'ཞ', 7581 => 'ཟ', 7582 => 'འ', 7583 => 'ཡ', 7584 => 'ར', 7585 => 'ཬ', 7586 => 'ལ', 7587 => 'ཤ', 7588 => 'ཥ', 7589 => 'ས', 7590 => 'ཧ', 7591 => 'ཨ', 7592 => 'ྈ', 7593 => 'ྉ', 7594 => 'ྌ', 7595 => 'ྊ', 7596 => 'ྋ', 7597 => 'ᰀ', 7598 => 'ᰁ', 7599 => 'ᰂ', 7600 => 'ᰃ', 7601 => 'ᰄ', 7602 => 'ᰅ', 7603 => 'ᰆ', 7604 => 'ᰇ', 7605 => 'ᰈ', 7606 => 'ᰉ', 7607 => 'ᱍ', 7608 => 'ᱎ', 7609 => 'ᱏ', 7610 => 'ᰊ', 7611 => 'ᰋ', 7612 => 'ᰌ', 7613 => 'ᰍ', 7614 => 'ᰎ', 7615 => 'ᰏ', 7616 => 'ᰐ', 7617 => 'ᰑ', 7618 => 'ᰒ', 7619 => 'ᰓ', 7620 => 'ᰔ', 7621 => 'ᰕ', 7622 => 'ᰖ', 7623 => 'ᰗ', 7624 => 'ᰘ', 7625 => 'ᰙ', 7626 => 'ᰚ', 7627 => 'ᰛ', 7628 => 'ᰜ', 7629 => 'ᰝ', 7630 => 'ᰞ', 7631 => 'ᰟ', 7632 => 'ᰠ', 7633 => 'ᰡ', 7634 => 'ᰢ', 7635 => 'ᰣ', 7636 => 'ꡀ', 7637 => 'ꡁ', 7638 => 'ꡂ', 7639 => 'ꡃ', 7640 => 'ꡄ', 7641 => 'ꡅ', 7642 => 'ꡆ', 7643 => 'ꡇ', 7644 => 'ꡩ', 7645 => 'ꡪ', 7646 => 'ꡫ', 7647 => 'ꡬ', 7648 => 'ꡈ', 7649 => 'ꡉ', 7650 => 'ꡊ', 7651 => 'ꡋ', 7652 => 'ꡌ', 7653 => 'ꡍ', 7654 => 'ꡎ', 7655 => 'ꡏ', 7656 => 'ꡐ', 7657 => 'ꡑ', 7658 => 'ꡒ', 7659 => 'ꡓ', 7660 => 'ꡧ', 7661 => 'ꡔ', 7662 => 'ꡕ', 7663 => 'ꡖ', 7664 => 'ꡗ', 7665 => 'ꡨ', 7666 => 'ꡭ', 7667 => 'ꡘ', 7668 => 'ꡱ', 7669 => 'ꡲ', 7670 => 'ꡙ', 7671 => 'ꡚ', 7672 => 'ꡮ', 7673 => 'ꡛ', 7674 => 'ꡜ', 7675 => 'ꡯ', 7676 => 'ꡰ', 7677 => 'ꡝ', 7678 => 'ꡢ', 7679 => 'ꡣ', 7680 => 'ꡤ', 7681 => 'ꡥ', 7682 => 'ꡞ', 7683 => 'ꡟ', 7684 => 'ꡠ', 7685 => 'ꡡ', 7686 => 'ꡦ', 7687 => 'ꡳ', 7688 => 'ᤀ', 7689 => 'ᤁ', 7690 => 'ᤂ', 7691 => 'ᤃ', 7692 => 'ᤄ', 7693 => 'ᤅ', 7694 => 'ᤆ', 7695 => 'ᤇ', 7696 => 'ᤈ', 7697 => 'ᤉ', 7698 => 'ᤊ', 7699 => 'ᤋ', 7700 => 'ᤌ', 7701 => 'ᤍ', 7702 => 'ᤎ', 7703 => 'ᤏ', 7704 => 'ᤐ', 7705 => 'ᤑ', 7706 => 'ᤒ', 7707 => 'ᤓ', 7708 => 'ᤔ', 7709 => 'ᤕ', 7710 => 'ᤖ', 7711 => 'ᤗ', 7712 => 'ᤘ', 7713 => 'ᤙ', 7714 => 'ᤚ', 7715 => 'ᤛ', 7716 => 'ᤜ', 7717 => 'ᜀ', 7718 => 'ᜁ', 7719 => 'ᜂ', 7720 => 'ᜃ', 7721 => 'ᜄ', 7722 => 'ᜅ', 7723 => 'ᜆ', 7724 => 'ᜇ', 7725 => 'ᜈ', 7726 => 'ᜉ', 7727 => 'ᜊ', 7728 => 'ᜋ', 7729 => 'ᜌ', 7730 => 'ᜎ', 7731 => 'ᜏ', 7732 => 'ᜐ', 7733 => 'ᜑ', 7734 => 'ᜠ', 7735 => 'ᜡ', 7736 => 'ᜢ', 7737 => 'ᜣ', 7738 => 'ᜤ', 7739 => 'ᜥ', 7740 => 'ᜦ', 7741 => 'ᜧ', 7742 => 'ᜨ', 7743 => 'ᜩ', 7744 => 'ᜪ', 7745 => 'ᜫ', 7746 => 'ᜬ', 7747 => 'ᜭ', 7748 => 'ᜮ', 7749 => 'ᜯ', 7750 => 'ᜰ', 7751 => 'ᜱ', 7752 => 'ᝀ', 7753 => 'ᝁ', 7754 => 'ᝂ', 7755 => 'ᝃ', 7756 => 'ᝄ', 7757 => 'ᝅ', 7758 => 'ᝆ', 7759 => 'ᝇ', 7760 => 'ᝈ', 7761 => 'ᝉ', 7762 => 'ᝊ', 7763 => 'ᝋ', 7764 => 'ᝌ', 7765 => 'ᝍ', 7766 => 'ᝎ', 7767 => 'ᝏ', 7768 => 'ᝐ', 7769 => 'ᝑ', 7770 => 'ᝠ', 7771 => 'ᝡ', 7772 => 'ᝢ', 7773 => 'ᝣ', 7774 => 'ᝤ', 7775 => 'ᝥ', 7776 => 'ᝦ', 7777 => 'ᝧ', 7778 => 'ᝨ', 7779 => 'ᝩ', 7780 => 'ᝪ', 7781 => 'ᝫ', 7782 => 'ᝬ', 7783 => 'ᝮ', 7784 => 'ᝯ', 7785 => 'ᝰ', 7786 => 'ᨀ', 7787 => 'ᨁ', 7788 => 'ᨂ', 7789 => 'ᨃ', 7790 => 'ᨄ', 7791 => 'ᨅ', 7792 => 'ᨆ', 7793 => 'ᨇ', 7794 => 'ᨈ', 7795 => 'ᨉ', 7796 => 'ᨊ', 7797 => 'ᨋ', 7798 => 'ᨌ', 7799 => 'ᨍ', 7800 => 'ᨎ', 7801 => 'ᨏ', 7802 => 'ᨐ', 7803 => 'ᨑ', 7804 => 'ᨒ', 7805 => 'ᨓ', 7806 => 'ᨔ', 7807 => 'ᨕ', 7808 => 'ᨖ', 7809 => 'ᯀ', 7810 => 'ᯂ', 7811 => 'ᯅ', 7812 => 'ᯇ', 7813 => 'ᯉ', 7814 => 'ᯋ', 7815 => 'ᯎ', 7816 => 'ᯐ', 7817 => 'ᯑ', 7818 => 'ᯒ', 7819 => 'ᯔ', 7820 => 'ᯖ', 7821 => 'ᯘ', 7822 => 'ᯛ', 7823 => 'ᯝ', 7824 => 'ᯞ', 7825 => 'ᯠ', 7826 => 'ᯡ', 7827 => 'ᯢ', 7828 => 'ᯣ', 7829 => 'ᯤ', 7830 => 'ᯥ', 7831 => 'ꤰ', 7832 => 'ꤱ', 7833 => 'ꤲ', 7834 => 'ꤳ', 7835 => 'ꤴ', 7836 => 'ꤵ', 7837 => 'ꤶ', 7838 => 'ꤷ', 7839 => 'ꤸ', 7840 => 'ꤹ', 7841 => 'ꤺ', 7842 => 'ꤻ', 7843 => 'ꤼ', 7844 => 'ꤽ', 7845 => 'ꤾ', 7846 => 'ꤿ', 7847 => 'ꥀ', 7848 => 'ꥁ', 7849 => 'ꥂ', 7850 => 'ꥃ', 7851 => 'ꥄ', 7852 => 'ꥅ', 7853 => 'ꥆ', 7854 => 'ꤊ', 7855 => 'ꤋ', 7856 => 'ꤌ', 7857 => 'ꤍ', 7858 => 'ꤎ', 7859 => 'ꤏ', 7860 => 'ꤐ', 7861 => 'ꤑ', 7862 => 'ꤒ', 7863 => 'ꤓ', 7864 => 'ꤔ', 7865 => 'ꤕ', 7866 => 'ꤖ', 7867 => 'ꤗ', 7868 => 'ꤘ', 7869 => 'ꤙ', 7870 => 'ꤚ', 7871 => 'ꤛ', 7872 => 'ꤜ', 7873 => 'ꤝ', 7874 => 'ꤞ', 7875 => 'ꤟ', 7876 => 'ꤠ', 7877 => 'ꤡ', 7878 => 'ꤢ', 7879 => 'ꤣ', 7880 => 'ꤤ', 7881 => 'ꤥ', 7882 => 'က', 7883 => 'ၵ', 7884 => 'ခ', 7885 => 'ၶ', 7886 => 'ဂ', 7887 => 'ၷ', 7888 => 'ꩠ', 7889 => 'ဃ', 7890 => 'င', 7891 => 'ၚ', 7892 => 'စ', 7893 => 'ၸ', 7894 => 'ꩡ', 7895 => 'ဆ', 7896 => 'ꩢ', 7897 => 'ဇ', 7898 => 'ꩣ', 7899 => 'ၹ', 7900 => 'ꩲ', 7901 => 'ဈ', 7902 => 'ၛ', 7903 => 'ꩤ', 7904 => 'ၡ', 7905 => 'ဉ', 7906 => 'ၺ', 7907 => 'ꩥ', 7908 => 'ည', 7909 => 'ဋ', 7910 => 'ꩦ', 7911 => 'ဌ', 7912 => 'ꩧ', 7913 => 'ဍ', 7914 => 'ꩨ', 7915 => 'ဎ', 7916 => 'ꩩ', 7917 => 'ဏ', 7918 => 'ၮ', 7919 => 'တ', 7920 => 'ထ', 7921 => 'ဒ', 7922 => 'ၻ', 7923 => 'ဓ', 7924 => 'ꩪ', 7925 => 'န', 7926 => 'ၼ', 7927 => 'ꩫ', 7928 => 'ပ', 7929 => 'ဖ', 7930 => 'ၽ', 7931 => 'ၾ', 7932 => 'ꩯ', 7933 => 'ႎ', 7934 => 'ဗ', 7935 => 'ၿ', 7936 => 'ဘ', 7937 => 'မ', 7938 => 'ယ', 7939 => 'ရ', 7940 => 'ꩳ', 7941 => 'ꩺ', 7942 => 'လ', 7943 => 'ဝ', 7944 => 'ႀ', 7945 => 'ၐ', 7946 => 'ၑ', 7947 => 'ၥ', 7948 => 'သ', 7949 => 'ꩬ', 7950 => 'ဟ', 7951 => 'ႁ', 7952 => 'ꩭ', 7953 => 'ꩮ', 7954 => 'ꩱ', 7955 => 'ဠ', 7956 => 'ၜ', 7957 => 'ၝ', 7958 => 'ၯ', 7959 => 'ၰ', 7960 => 'ၦ', 7961 => 'အ', 7962 => 'ဢ', 7963 => 'ဣ', 7964 => 'ဤ', 7965 => 'ဥ', 7966 => 'ဦ', 7967 => 'ၒ', 7968 => 'ၓ', 7969 => 'ၔ', 7970 => 'ၕ', 7971 => 'ဧ', 7972 => 'ဨ', 7973 => 'ဩ', 7974 => 'ဪ', 7975 => 'ꩴ', 7976 => 'ꩵ', 7977 => 'ꩶ', 7978 => 'ក', 7979 => 'ខ', 7980 => 'គ', 7981 => 'ឃ', 7982 => 'ង', 7983 => 'ច', 7984 => 'ឆ', 7985 => 'ជ', 7986 => 'ឈ', 7987 => 'ញ', 7988 => 'ដ', 7989 => 'ឋ', 7990 => 'ឌ', 7991 => 'ឍ', 7992 => 'ណ', 7993 => 'ត', 7994 => 'ថ', 7995 => 'ទ', 7996 => 'ធ', 7997 => 'ន', 7998 => 'ប', 7999 => 'ផ', 8000 => 'ព', 8001 => 'ភ', 8002 => 'ម', 8003 => 'យ', 8004 => 'រ', 8005 => 'ល', 8006 => 'វ', 8007 => 'ឝ', 8008 => 'ឞ', 8009 => 'ស', 8010 => 'ហ', 8011 => 'ឡ', 8012 => 'អ', 8013 => 'ៜ', 8014 => 'ឣ', 8015 => 'ឤ', 8016 => 'ឥ', 8017 => 'ឦ', 8018 => 'ឧ', 8019 => 'ឨ', 8020 => 'ឩ', 8021 => 'ឪ', 8022 => 'ឫ', 8023 => 'ឬ', 8024 => 'ឭ', 8025 => 'ឮ', 8026 => 'ឯ', 8027 => 'ឰ', 8028 => 'ឱ', 8029 => 'ឲ', 8030 => 'ឳ', 8031 => 'ᥐ', 8032 => 'ᥑ', 8033 => 'ᥒ', 8034 => 'ᥓ', 8035 => 'ᥔ', 8036 => 'ᥕ', 8037 => 'ᥖ', 8038 => 'ᥗ', 8039 => 'ᥘ', 8040 => 'ᥙ', 8041 => 'ᥚ', 8042 => 'ᥛ', 8043 => 'ᥜ', 8044 => 'ᥝ', 8045 => 'ᥞ', 8046 => 'ᥟ', 8047 => 'ᥠ', 8048 => 'ᥡ', 8049 => 'ᥢ', 8050 => 'ᥣ', 8051 => 'ᥤ', 8052 => 'ᥥ', 8053 => 'ᥦ', 8054 => 'ᥧ', 8055 => 'ᥨ', 8056 => 'ᥩ', 8057 => 'ᥪ', 8058 => 'ᥫ', 8059 => 'ᥬ', 8060 => 'ᥭ', 8061 => 'ᥰ', 8062 => 'ᥱ', 8063 => 'ᥲ', 8064 => 'ᥳ', 8065 => 'ᥴ', 8066 => 'ᦀ', 8067 => 'ᦁ', 8068 => 'ᦂ', 8069 => 'ᦃ', 8070 => 'ᦄ', 8071 => 'ᦅ', 8072 => 'ᦆ', 8073 => 'ᦇ', 8074 => 'ᦈ', 8075 => 'ᦉ', 8076 => 'ᦊ', 8077 => 'ᦋ', 8078 => 'ᦌ', 8079 => 'ᦍ', 8080 => 'ᦎ', 8081 => 'ᦏ', 8082 => 'ᦐ', 8083 => 'ᦑ', 8084 => 'ᦒ', 8085 => 'ᦓ', 8086 => 'ᦔ', 8087 => 'ᦕ', 8088 => 'ᦖ', 8089 => 'ᦗ', 8090 => 'ᦘ', 8091 => 'ᦙ', 8092 => 'ᦚ', 8093 => 'ᦛ', 8094 => 'ᦜ', 8095 => 'ᦝ', 8096 => 'ᦞ', 8097 => 'ᦟ', 8098 => 'ᦠ', 8099 => 'ᦡ', 8100 => 'ᦢ', 8101 => 'ᦣ', 8102 => 'ᦤ', 8103 => 'ᦥ', 8104 => 'ᦦ', 8105 => 'ᦧ', 8106 => 'ᦨ', 8107 => 'ᦩ', 8108 => 'ᦪ', 8109 => 'ᦫ', 8110 => 'ᧁ', 8111 => 'ᧂ', 8112 => 'ᧃ', 8113 => 'ᧄ', 8114 => 'ᧅ', 8115 => 'ᧆ', 8116 => 'ᧇ', 8117 => 'ᨠ', 8118 => 'ᨡ', 8119 => 'ᨢ', 8120 => 'ᨣ', 8121 => 'ᨤ', 8122 => 'ᨥ', 8123 => 'ᨦ', 8124 => 'ᨧ', 8125 => 'ᨨ', 8126 => 'ᨩ', 8127 => 'ᨪ', 8128 => 'ᨫ', 8129 => 'ᨬ', 8130 => 'ᨭ', 8131 => 'ᨮ', 8132 => 'ᨯ', 8133 => 'ᨰ', 8134 => 'ᨱ', 8135 => 'ᨲ', 8136 => 'ᨳ', 8137 => 'ᨴ', 8138 => 'ᨵ', 8139 => 'ᨶ', 8140 => 'ᨷ', 8141 => 'ᨸ', 8142 => 'ᨹ', 8143 => 'ᨺ', 8144 => 'ᨻ', 8145 => 'ᨼ', 8146 => 'ᨽ', 8147 => 'ᨾ', 8148 => 'ᨿ', 8149 => 'ᩀ', 8150 => 'ᩁ', 8151 => 'ᩂ', 8152 => 'ᩃ', 8153 => 'ᩄ', 8154 => 'ᩅ', 8155 => 'ᩆ', 8156 => 'ᩇ', 8157 => 'ᩈ', 8158 => 'ᩉ', 8159 => 'ᩊ', 8160 => 'ᩋ', 8161 => 'ᩌ', 8162 => 'ᩓ', 8163 => 'ᩍ', 8164 => 'ᩎ', 8165 => 'ᩏ', 8166 => 'ᩐ', 8167 => 'ᩑ', 8168 => 'ᩒ', 8169 => 'ꨀ', 8170 => 'ꨁ', 8171 => 'ꨂ', 8172 => 'ꨃ', 8173 => 'ꨄ', 8174 => 'ꨅ', 8175 => 'ꨆ', 8176 => 'ꨇ', 8177 => 'ꨈ', 8178 => 'ꨉ', 8179 => 'ꨊ', 8180 => 'ꨋ', 8181 => 'ꨌ', 8182 => 'ꨍ', 8183 => 'ꨎ', 8184 => 'ꨏ', 8185 => 'ꨐ', 8186 => 'ꨑ', 8187 => 'ꨒ', 8188 => 'ꨓ', 8189 => 'ꨔ', 8190 => 'ꨕ', 8191 => 'ꨖ', 8192 => 'ꨗ', 8193 => 'ꨘ', 8194 => 'ꨙ', 8195 => 'ꨚ', 8196 => 'ꨛ', 8197 => 'ꨜ', 8198 => 'ꨝ', 8199 => 'ꨞ', 8200 => 'ꨟ', 8201 => 'ꨠ', 8202 => 'ꨡ', 8203 => 'ꨢ', 8204 => 'ꨣ', 8205 => 'ꨤ', 8206 => 'ꨥ', 8207 => 'ꨦ', 8208 => 'ꨧ', 8209 => 'ꨨ', 8210 => 'ꩀ', 8211 => 'ꩁ', 8212 => 'ꩂ', 8213 => 'ꩄ', 8214 => 'ꩅ', 8215 => 'ꩆ', 8216 => 'ꩇ', 8217 => 'ꩈ', 8218 => 'ꩉ', 8219 => 'ꩊ', 8220 => 'ꩋ', 8221 => 'ᬅ', 8222 => 'ᬆ', 8223 => 'ᬇ', 8224 => 'ᬈ', 8225 => 'ᬉ', 8226 => 'ᬊ', 8227 => 'ᬋ', 8228 => 'ᬌ', 8229 => 'ᬍ', 8230 => 'ᬎ', 8231 => 'ᬏ', 8232 => 'ᬐ', 8233 => 'ᬑ', 8234 => 'ᬒ', 8235 => 'ᬓ', 8236 => 'ᭅ', 8237 => 'ᭆ', 8238 => 'ᬔ', 8239 => 'ᬕ', 8240 => 'ᬖ', 8241 => 'ᬗ', 8242 => 'ᬘ', 8243 => 'ᬙ', 8244 => 'ᬚ', 8245 => 'ᬛ', 8246 => 'ᬜ', 8247 => 'ᬝ', 8248 => 'ᬞ', 8249 => 'ᬟ', 8250 => 'ᬠ', 8251 => 'ᬡ', 8252 => 'ᬢ', 8253 => 'ᭇ', 8254 => 'ᬣ', 8255 => 'ᬤ', 8256 => 'ᬥ', 8257 => 'ᬦ', 8258 => 'ᬧ', 8259 => 'ᭈ', 8260 => 'ᬨ', 8261 => 'ᬩ', 8262 => 'ᬪ', 8263 => 'ᬫ', 8264 => 'ᬬ', 8265 => 'ᬭ', 8266 => 'ᬮ', 8267 => 'ᬯ', 8268 => 'ᭉ', 8269 => 'ᬰ', 8270 => 'ᬱ', 8271 => 'ᬲ', 8272 => 'ᭊ', 8273 => 'ᭋ', 8274 => 'ᬳ', 8275 => 'ꦄ', 8276 => 'ꦅ', 8277 => 'ꦆ', 8278 => 'ꦇ', 8279 => 'ꦈ', 8280 => 'ꦉ', 8281 => 'ꦊ', 8282 => 'ꦋ', 8283 => 'ꦌ', 8284 => 'ꦍ', 8285 => 'ꦎ', 8286 => 'ꦏ', 8287 => 'ꦐ', 8288 => 'ꦑ', 8289 => 'ꦒ', 8290 => 'ꦓ', 8291 => 'ꦔ', 8292 => 'ꦕ', 8293 => 'ꦖ', 8294 => 'ꦗ', 8295 => 'ꦘ', 8296 => 'ꦙ', 8297 => 'ꦚ', 8298 => 'ꦛ', 8299 => 'ꦜ', 8300 => 'ꦝ', 8301 => 'ꦞ', 8302 => 'ꦟ', 8303 => 'ꦠ', 8304 => 'ꦡ', 8305 => 'ꦢ', 8306 => 'ꦣ', 8307 => 'ꦤ', 8308 => 'ꦥ', 8309 => 'ꦦ', 8310 => 'ꦧ', 8311 => 'ꦨ', 8312 => 'ꦩ', 8313 => 'ꦪ', 8314 => 'ꦫ', 8315 => 'ꦭ', 8316 => 'ꦮ', 8317 => 'ꦯ', 8318 => 'ꦰ', 8319 => 'ꦱ', 8320 => 'ꦲ', 8321 => 'ᢀ', 8322 => 'ᢁ', 8323 => 'ᢂ', 8324 => 'ᢃ', 8325 => 'ᢄ', 8326 => 'ᢅ', 8327 => 'ᢆ', 8328 => 'ᡃ', 8329 => 'ᠠ', 8330 => 'ᢇ', 8331 => 'ᠡ', 8332 => 'ᡄ', 8333 => 'ᡝ', 8334 => 'ᠢ', 8335 => 'ᡅ', 8336 => 'ᡞ', 8337 => 'ᡳ', 8338 => 'ᢈ', 8339 => 'ᡟ', 8340 => 'ᠣ', 8341 => 'ᡆ', 8342 => 'ᠤ', 8343 => 'ᡇ', 8344 => 'ᡡ', 8345 => 'ᠥ', 8346 => 'ᡈ', 8347 => 'ᠦ', 8348 => 'ᡉ', 8349 => 'ᡠ', 8350 => 'ᠧ', 8351 => 'ᠨ', 8352 => 'ᠩ', 8353 => 'ᡊ', 8354 => 'ᡢ', 8355 => 'ᢊ', 8356 => 'ᢛ', 8357 => 'ᠪ', 8358 => 'ᡋ', 8359 => 'ᠫ', 8360 => 'ᡌ', 8361 => 'ᡦ', 8362 => 'ᠬ', 8363 => 'ᡍ', 8364 => 'ᠭ', 8365 => 'ᡎ', 8366 => 'ᡤ', 8367 => 'ᢚ', 8368 => 'ᡥ', 8369 => 'ᠮ', 8370 => 'ᡏ', 8371 => 'ᠯ', 8372 => 'ᠰ', 8373 => 'ᠱ', 8374 => 'ᡧ', 8375 => 'ᢜ', 8376 => 'ᢝ', 8377 => 'ᢢ', 8378 => 'ᢤ', 8379 => 'ᢥ', 8380 => 'ᠲ', 8381 => 'ᡐ', 8382 => 'ᡨ', 8383 => 'ᠳ', 8384 => 'ᡑ', 8385 => 'ᡩ', 8386 => 'ᠴ', 8387 => 'ᡒ', 8388 => 'ᡱ', 8389 => 'ᡜ', 8390 => 'ᢋ', 8391 => 'ᠵ', 8392 => 'ᡓ', 8393 => 'ᡪ', 8394 => 'ᡷ', 8395 => 'ᠶ', 8396 => 'ᡕ', 8397 => 'ᡲ', 8398 => 'ᠷ', 8399 => 'ᡵ', 8400 => 'ᠸ', 8401 => 'ᡖ', 8402 => 'ᠹ', 8403 => 'ᡫ', 8404 => 'ᡶ', 8405 => 'ᠺ', 8406 => 'ᡗ', 8407 => 'ᡣ', 8408 => 'ᡴ', 8409 => 'ᢉ', 8410 => 'ᠻ', 8411 => 'ᠼ', 8412 => 'ᡔ', 8413 => 'ᡮ', 8414 => 'ᠽ', 8415 => 'ᡯ', 8416 => 'ᡘ', 8417 => 'ᡬ', 8418 => 'ᠾ', 8419 => 'ᡙ', 8420 => 'ᡭ', 8421 => 'ᠿ', 8422 => 'ᡀ', 8423 => 'ᡁ', 8424 => 'ᡂ', 8425 => 'ᡚ', 8426 => 'ᡛ', 8427 => 'ᡰ', 8428 => 'ᢌ', 8429 => 'ᢞ', 8430 => 'ᢍ', 8431 => 'ᢎ', 8432 => 'ᢟ', 8433 => 'ᢏ', 8434 => 'ᢐ', 8435 => 'ᢘ', 8436 => 'ᢠ', 8437 => 'ᢑ', 8438 => 'ᢡ', 8439 => 'ᢒ', 8440 => 'ᢓ', 8441 => 'ᢨ', 8442 => 'ᢔ', 8443 => 'ᢣ', 8444 => 'ᢕ', 8445 => 'ᢙ', 8446 => 'ᢖ', 8447 => 'ᢗ', 8448 => 'ᢦ', 8449 => 'ᢧ', 8450 => 'ᢪ', 8451 => 'ᱚ', 8452 => 'ᱛ', 8453 => 'ᱜ', 8454 => 'ᱝ', 8455 => 'ᱞ', 8456 => 'ᱟ', 8457 => 'ᱠ', 8458 => 'ᱡ', 8459 => 'ᱢ', 8460 => 'ᱣ', 8461 => 'ᱤ', 8462 => 'ᱥ', 8463 => 'ᱦ', 8464 => 'ᱧ', 8465 => 'ᱨ', 8466 => 'ᱩ', 8467 => 'ᱪ', 8468 => 'ᱫ', 8469 => 'ᱬ', 8470 => 'ᱭ', 8471 => 'ᱮ', 8472 => 'ᱯ', 8473 => 'ᱰ', 8474 => 'ᱱ', 8475 => 'ᱲ', 8476 => 'ᱳ', 8477 => 'ᱴ', 8478 => 'ᱵ', 8479 => 'ᱶ', 8480 => 'ᱷ', 8481 => 'ᱸ', 8482 => 'ᱹ', 8483 => 'ᱺ', 8484 => 'ᱻ', 8485 => 'ᱼ', 8486 => 'ᱽ', 8487 => 'Ꭰ', 8488 => 'Ꭱ', 8489 => 'Ꭲ', 8490 => 'Ꭳ', 8491 => 'Ꭴ', 8492 => 'Ꭵ', 8493 => 'Ꭶ', 8494 => 'Ꭷ', 8495 => 'Ꭸ', 8496 => 'Ꭹ', 8497 => 'Ꭺ', 8498 => 'Ꭻ', 8499 => 'Ꭼ', 8500 => 'Ꭽ', 8501 => 'Ꭾ', 8502 => 'Ꭿ', 8503 => 'Ꮀ', 8504 => 'Ꮁ', 8505 => 'Ꮂ', 8506 => 'Ꮃ', 8507 => 'Ꮄ', 8508 => 'Ꮅ', 8509 => 'Ꮆ', 8510 => 'Ꮇ', 8511 => 'Ꮈ', 8512 => 'Ꮉ', 8513 => 'Ꮊ', 8514 => 'Ꮋ', 8515 => 'Ꮌ', 8516 => 'Ꮍ', 8517 => 'Ꮎ', 8518 => 'Ꮏ', 8519 => 'Ꮐ', 8520 => 'Ꮑ', 8521 => 'Ꮒ', 8522 => 'Ꮓ', 8523 => 'Ꮔ', 8524 => 'Ꮕ', 8525 => 'Ꮖ', 8526 => 'Ꮗ', 8527 => 'Ꮘ', 8528 => 'Ꮙ', 8529 => 'Ꮚ', 8530 => 'Ꮛ', 8531 => 'Ꮜ', 8532 => 'Ꮝ', 8533 => 'Ꮞ', 8534 => 'Ꮟ', 8535 => 'Ꮠ', 8536 => 'Ꮡ', 8537 => 'Ꮢ', 8538 => 'Ꮣ', 8539 => 'Ꮤ', 8540 => 'Ꮥ', 8541 => 'Ꮦ', 8542 => 'Ꮧ', 8543 => 'Ꮨ', 8544 => 'Ꮩ', 8545 => 'Ꮪ', 8546 => 'Ꮫ', 8547 => 'Ꮬ', 8548 => 'Ꮭ', 8549 => 'Ꮮ', 8550 => 'Ꮯ', 8551 => 'Ꮰ', 8552 => 'Ꮱ', 8553 => 'Ꮲ', 8554 => 'Ꮳ', 8555 => 'Ꮴ', 8556 => 'Ꮵ', 8557 => 'Ꮶ', 8558 => 'Ꮷ', 8559 => 'Ꮸ', 8560 => 'Ꮹ', 8561 => 'Ꮺ', 8562 => 'Ꮻ', 8563 => 'Ꮼ', 8564 => 'Ꮽ', 8565 => 'Ꮾ', 8566 => 'Ꮿ', 8567 => 'Ᏸ', 8568 => 'Ᏹ', 8569 => 'Ᏺ', 8570 => 'Ᏻ', 8571 => 'Ᏼ', 8572 => 'ᐁ', 8573 => 'ᐂ', 8574 => 'ᐃ', 8575 => 'ᐄ', 8576 => 'ᐅ', 8577 => 'ᐆ', 8578 => 'ᐇ', 8579 => 'ᐈ', 8580 => 'ᐉ', 8581 => 'ᐊ', 8582 => 'ᐋ', 8583 => 'ᐌ', 8584 => 'ᐍ', 8585 => 'ᐎ', 8586 => 'ᐏ', 8587 => 'ᐐ', 8588 => 'ᐑ', 8589 => 'ᐒ', 8590 => 'ᐓ', 8591 => 'ᐔ', 8592 => 'ᐕ', 8593 => 'ᐖ', 8594 => 'ᐗ', 8595 => 'ᐘ', 8596 => 'ᐙ', 8597 => 'ᐚ', 8598 => 'ᐛ', 8599 => 'ᐜ', 8600 => 'ᐝ', 8601 => 'ᐞ', 8602 => 'ᐟ', 8603 => 'ᐠ', 8604 => 'ᐡ', 8605 => 'ᐢ', 8606 => 'ᐣ', 8607 => 'ᐤ', 8608 => 'ᐥ', 8609 => 'ᐦ', 8610 => 'ᐧ', 8611 => 'ᐨ', 8612 => 'ᐩ', 8613 => 'ᐪ', 8614 => 'ᐫ', 8615 => 'ᐬ', 8616 => 'ᐭ', 8617 => 'ᐮ', 8618 => 'ᐯ', 8619 => 'ᐰ', 8620 => 'ᐱ', 8621 => 'ᐲ', 8622 => 'ᐳ', 8623 => 'ᐴ', 8624 => 'ᐵ', 8625 => 'ᐶ', 8626 => 'ᐷ', 8627 => 'ᐸ', 8628 => 'ᐹ', 8629 => 'ᐺ', 8630 => 'ᐻ', 8631 => 'ᐼ', 8632 => 'ᐽ', 8633 => 'ᐾ', 8634 => 'ᐿ', 8635 => 'ᑀ', 8636 => 'ᑁ', 8637 => 'ᑂ', 8638 => 'ᑃ', 8639 => 'ᑄ', 8640 => 'ᑅ', 8641 => 'ᑆ', 8642 => 'ᑇ', 8643 => 'ᑈ', 8644 => 'ᑉ', 8645 => 'ᑊ', 8646 => 'ᑋ', 8647 => 'ᑌ', 8648 => 'ᑍ', 8649 => 'ᑎ', 8650 => 'ᑏ', 8651 => 'ᑐ', 8652 => 'ᑑ', 8653 => 'ᑒ', 8654 => 'ᑓ', 8655 => 'ᑔ', 8656 => 'ᑕ', 8657 => 'ᑖ', 8658 => 'ᑗ', 8659 => 'ᑘ', 8660 => 'ᑙ', 8661 => 'ᑚ', 8662 => 'ᑛ', 8663 => 'ᑜ', 8664 => 'ᑝ', 8665 => 'ᑞ', 8666 => 'ᑟ', 8667 => 'ᑠ', 8668 => 'ᑡ', 8669 => 'ᑢ', 8670 => 'ᑣ', 8671 => 'ᑤ', 8672 => 'ᑥ', 8673 => 'ᑦ', 8674 => 'ᑧ', 8675 => 'ᑨ', 8676 => 'ᑩ', 8677 => 'ᑪ', 8678 => 'ᑫ', 8679 => 'ᑬ', 8680 => 'ᑭ', 8681 => 'ᑮ', 8682 => 'ᑯ', 8683 => 'ᑰ', 8684 => 'ᑱ', 8685 => 'ᑲ', 8686 => 'ᑳ', 8687 => 'ᑴ', 8688 => 'ᑵ', 8689 => 'ᑶ', 8690 => 'ᑷ', 8691 => 'ᑸ', 8692 => 'ᑹ', 8693 => 'ᑺ', 8694 => 'ᑻ', 8695 => 'ᑼ', 8696 => 'ᑽ', 8697 => 'ᑾ', 8698 => 'ᑿ', 8699 => 'ᒀ', 8700 => 'ᒁ', 8701 => 'ᒂ', 8702 => 'ᒃ', 8703 => 'ᒄ', 8704 => 'ᒅ', 8705 => 'ᒆ', 8706 => 'ᒇ', 8707 => 'ᒈ', 8708 => 'ᒉ', 8709 => 'ᒊ', 8710 => 'ᒋ', 8711 => 'ᒌ', 8712 => 'ᒍ', 8713 => 'ᒎ', 8714 => 'ᒏ', 8715 => 'ᒐ', 8716 => 'ᒑ', 8717 => 'ᒒ', 8718 => 'ᒓ', 8719 => 'ᒔ', 8720 => 'ᒕ', 8721 => 'ᒖ', 8722 => 'ᒗ', 8723 => 'ᒘ', 8724 => 'ᒙ', 8725 => 'ᒚ', 8726 => 'ᒛ', 8727 => 'ᒜ', 8728 => 'ᒝ', 8729 => 'ᒞ', 8730 => 'ᒟ', 8731 => 'ᒠ', 8732 => 'ᒡ', 8733 => 'ᒢ', 8734 => 'ᒣ', 8735 => 'ᒤ', 8736 => 'ᒥ', 8737 => 'ᒦ', 8738 => 'ᒧ', 8739 => 'ᒨ', 8740 => 'ᒩ', 8741 => 'ᒪ', 8742 => 'ᒫ', 8743 => 'ᒬ', 8744 => 'ᒭ', 8745 => 'ᒮ', 8746 => 'ᒯ', 8747 => 'ᒰ', 8748 => 'ᒱ', 8749 => 'ᒲ', 8750 => 'ᒳ', 8751 => 'ᒴ', 8752 => 'ᒵ', 8753 => 'ᒶ', 8754 => 'ᒷ', 8755 => 'ᒸ', 8756 => 'ᒹ', 8757 => 'ᒺ', 8758 => 'ᒻ', 8759 => 'ᒼ', 8760 => 'ᒽ', 8761 => 'ᒾ', 8762 => 'ᒿ', 8763 => 'ᓀ', 8764 => 'ᓁ', 8765 => 'ᓂ', 8766 => 'ᓃ', 8767 => 'ᓄ', 8768 => 'ᓅ', 8769 => 'ᓆ', 8770 => 'ᓇ', 8771 => 'ᓈ', 8772 => 'ᓉ', 8773 => 'ᓊ', 8774 => 'ᓋ', 8775 => 'ᓌ', 8776 => 'ᓍ', 8777 => 'ᓎ', 8778 => 'ᓏ', 8779 => 'ᓐ', 8780 => 'ᓑ', 8781 => 'ᓒ', 8782 => 'ᓓ', 8783 => 'ᓔ', 8784 => 'ᓕ', 8785 => 'ᓖ', 8786 => 'ᓗ', 8787 => 'ᓘ', 8788 => 'ᓙ', 8789 => 'ᓚ', 8790 => 'ᓛ', 8791 => 'ᓜ', 8792 => 'ᓝ', 8793 => 'ᓞ', 8794 => 'ᓟ', 8795 => 'ᓠ', 8796 => 'ᓡ', 8797 => 'ᓢ', 8798 => 'ᓣ', 8799 => 'ᓤ', 8800 => 'ᓥ', 8801 => 'ᓦ', 8802 => 'ᓧ', 8803 => 'ᓨ', 8804 => 'ᓩ', 8805 => 'ᓪ', 8806 => 'ᓫ', 8807 => 'ᓬ', 8808 => 'ᓭ', 8809 => 'ᓮ', 8810 => 'ᓯ', 8811 => 'ᓰ', 8812 => 'ᓱ', 8813 => 'ᓲ', 8814 => 'ᓳ', 8815 => 'ᓴ', 8816 => 'ᓵ', 8817 => 'ᓶ', 8818 => 'ᓷ', 8819 => 'ᓸ', 8820 => 'ᓹ', 8821 => 'ᓺ', 8822 => 'ᓻ', 8823 => 'ᓼ', 8824 => 'ᓽ', 8825 => 'ᓾ', 8826 => 'ᓿ', 8827 => 'ᔀ', 8828 => 'ᔁ', 8829 => 'ᔂ', 8830 => 'ᔃ', 8831 => 'ᔄ', 8832 => 'ᔅ', 8833 => 'ᔆ', 8834 => 'ᔇ', 8835 => 'ᔈ', 8836 => 'ᔉ', 8837 => 'ᔊ', 8838 => 'ᔋ', 8839 => 'ᔌ', 8840 => 'ᔍ', 8841 => 'ᔎ', 8842 => 'ᔏ', 8843 => 'ᔐ', 8844 => 'ᔑ', 8845 => 'ᔒ', 8846 => 'ᔓ', 8847 => 'ᔔ', 8848 => 'ᔕ', 8849 => 'ᔖ', 8850 => 'ᔗ', 8851 => 'ᔘ', 8852 => 'ᔙ', 8853 => 'ᔚ', 8854 => 'ᔛ', 8855 => 'ᔜ', 8856 => 'ᔝ', 8857 => 'ᔞ', 8858 => 'ᔟ', 8859 => 'ᔠ', 8860 => 'ᔡ', 8861 => 'ᔢ', 8862 => 'ᔣ', 8863 => 'ᔤ', 8864 => 'ᔥ', 8865 => 'ᔦ', 8866 => 'ᔧ', 8867 => 'ᔨ', 8868 => 'ᔩ', 8869 => 'ᔪ', 8870 => 'ᔫ', 8871 => 'ᔬ', 8872 => 'ᔭ', 8873 => 'ᔮ', 8874 => 'ᔯ', 8875 => 'ᔰ', 8876 => 'ᔱ', 8877 => 'ᔲ', 8878 => 'ᔳ', 8879 => 'ᔴ', 8880 => 'ᔵ', 8881 => 'ᔶ', 8882 => 'ᔷ', 8883 => 'ᔸ', 8884 => 'ᔹ', 8885 => 'ᔺ', 8886 => 'ᔻ', 8887 => 'ᔼ', 8888 => 'ᔽ', 8889 => 'ᔾ', 8890 => 'ᔿ', 8891 => 'ᕀ', 8892 => 'ᕁ', 8893 => 'ᕂ', 8894 => 'ᕃ', 8895 => 'ᕄ', 8896 => 'ᕅ', 8897 => 'ᕆ', 8898 => 'ᕇ', 8899 => 'ᕈ', 8900 => 'ᕉ', 8901 => 'ᕊ', 8902 => 'ᕋ', 8903 => 'ᕌ', 8904 => 'ᕍ', 8905 => 'ᕎ', 8906 => 'ᕏ', 8907 => 'ᕐ', 8908 => 'ᕑ', 8909 => 'ᕒ', 8910 => 'ᕓ', 8911 => 'ᕔ', 8912 => 'ᕕ', 8913 => 'ᕖ', 8914 => 'ᕗ', 8915 => 'ᕘ', 8916 => 'ᕙ', 8917 => 'ᕚ', 8918 => 'ᕛ', 8919 => 'ᕜ', 8920 => 'ᕝ', 8921 => 'ᕞ', 8922 => 'ᕟ', 8923 => 'ᕠ', 8924 => 'ᕡ', 8925 => 'ᕢ', 8926 => 'ᕣ', 8927 => 'ᕤ', 8928 => 'ᕥ', 8929 => 'ᕦ', 8930 => 'ᕧ', 8931 => 'ᕨ', 8932 => 'ᕩ', 8933 => 'ᕪ', 8934 => 'ᕫ', 8935 => 'ᕬ', 8936 => 'ᕭ', 8937 => 'ᕮ', 8938 => 'ᕯ', 8939 => 'ᕰ', 8940 => 'ᕱ', 8941 => 'ᕲ', 8942 => 'ᕳ', 8943 => 'ᕴ', 8944 => 'ᕵ', 8945 => 'ᕶ', 8946 => 'ᕷ', 8947 => 'ᕸ', 8948 => 'ᕹ', 8949 => 'ᕺ', 8950 => 'ᕻ', 8951 => 'ᕽ', 8952 => 'ᙯ', 8953 => 'ᕾ', 8954 => 'ᕿ', 8955 => 'ᖀ', 8956 => 'ᖁ', 8957 => 'ᖂ', 8958 => 'ᖃ', 8959 => 'ᖄ', 8960 => 'ᖅ', 8961 => 'ᖆ', 8962 => 'ᖇ', 8963 => 'ᖈ', 8964 => 'ᖉ', 8965 => 'ᖊ', 8966 => 'ᖋ', 8967 => 'ᖌ', 8968 => 'ᖍ', 8969 => 'ᙰ', 8970 => 'ᖎ', 8971 => 'ᖏ', 8972 => 'ᖐ', 8973 => 'ᖑ', 8974 => 'ᖒ', 8975 => 'ᖓ', 8976 => 'ᖔ', 8977 => 'ᖕ', 8978 => 'ᙱ', 8979 => 'ᙲ', 8980 => 'ᙳ', 8981 => 'ᙴ', 8982 => 'ᙵ', 8983 => 'ᙶ', 8984 => 'ᖖ', 8985 => 'ᖗ', 8986 => 'ᖘ', 8987 => 'ᖙ', 8988 => 'ᖚ', 8989 => 'ᖛ', 8990 => 'ᖜ', 8991 => 'ᖝ', 8992 => 'ᖞ', 8993 => 'ᖟ', 8994 => 'ᖠ', 8995 => 'ᖡ', 8996 => 'ᖢ', 8997 => 'ᖣ', 8998 => 'ᖤ', 8999 => 'ᖥ', 9000 => 'ᖦ', 9001 => 'ᕼ', 9002 => 'ᖧ', 9003 => 'ᖨ', 9004 => 'ᖩ', 9005 => 'ᖪ', 9006 => 'ᖫ', 9007 => 'ᖬ', 9008 => 'ᖭ', 9009 => 'ᖮ', 9010 => 'ᖯ', 9011 => 'ᖰ', 9012 => 'ᖱ', 9013 => 'ᖲ', 9014 => 'ᖳ', 9015 => 'ᖴ', 9016 => 'ᖵ', 9017 => 'ᖶ', 9018 => 'ᖷ', 9019 => 'ᖸ', 9020 => 'ᖹ', 9021 => 'ᖺ', 9022 => 'ᖻ', 9023 => 'ᖼ', 9024 => 'ᖽ', 9025 => 'ᖾ', 9026 => 'ᖿ', 9027 => 'ᗀ', 9028 => 'ᗁ', 9029 => 'ᗂ', 9030 => 'ᗃ', 9031 => 'ᗄ', 9032 => 'ᗅ', 9033 => 'ᗆ', 9034 => 'ᗇ', 9035 => 'ᗈ', 9036 => 'ᗉ', 9037 => 'ᗊ', 9038 => 'ᗋ', 9039 => 'ᗌ', 9040 => 'ᗍ', 9041 => 'ᗎ', 9042 => 'ᗏ', 9043 => 'ᗐ', 9044 => 'ᗑ', 9045 => 'ᗒ', 9046 => 'ᗓ', 9047 => 'ᗔ', 9048 => 'ᗕ', 9049 => 'ᗖ', 9050 => 'ᗗ', 9051 => 'ᗘ', 9052 => 'ᗙ', 9053 => 'ᗚ', 9054 => 'ᗛ', 9055 => 'ᗜ', 9056 => 'ᗝ', 9057 => 'ᗞ', 9058 => 'ᗟ', 9059 => 'ᗠ', 9060 => 'ᗡ', 9061 => 'ᗢ', 9062 => 'ᗣ', 9063 => 'ᗤ', 9064 => 'ᗥ', 9065 => 'ᗦ', 9066 => 'ᗧ', 9067 => 'ᗨ', 9068 => 'ᗩ', 9069 => 'ᗪ', 9070 => 'ᗫ', 9071 => 'ᗬ', 9072 => 'ᗭ', 9073 => 'ᗮ', 9074 => 'ᗯ', 9075 => 'ᗰ', 9076 => 'ᗱ', 9077 => 'ᗲ', 9078 => 'ᗳ', 9079 => 'ᗴ', 9080 => 'ᗵ', 9081 => 'ᗶ', 9082 => 'ᗷ', 9083 => 'ᗸ', 9084 => 'ᗹ', 9085 => 'ᗺ', 9086 => 'ᗻ', 9087 => 'ᗼ', 9088 => 'ᗽ', 9089 => 'ᗾ', 9090 => 'ᗿ', 9091 => 'ᘀ', 9092 => 'ᘁ', 9093 => 'ᘂ', 9094 => 'ᘃ', 9095 => 'ᘄ', 9096 => 'ᘅ', 9097 => 'ᘆ', 9098 => 'ᘇ', 9099 => 'ᘈ', 9100 => 'ᘉ', 9101 => 'ᘊ', 9102 => 'ᘋ', 9103 => 'ᘌ', 9104 => 'ᘍ', 9105 => 'ᘎ', 9106 => 'ᘏ', 9107 => 'ᘐ', 9108 => 'ᘑ', 9109 => 'ᘒ', 9110 => 'ᘓ', 9111 => 'ᘔ', 9112 => 'ᘕ', 9113 => 'ᘖ', 9114 => 'ᘗ', 9115 => 'ᘘ', 9116 => 'ᘙ', 9117 => 'ᘚ', 9118 => 'ᘛ', 9119 => 'ᘜ', 9120 => 'ᘝ', 9121 => 'ᘞ', 9122 => 'ᘟ', 9123 => 'ᘠ', 9124 => 'ᘡ', 9125 => 'ᘢ', 9126 => 'ᘣ', 9127 => 'ᘤ', 9128 => 'ᘥ', 9129 => 'ᘦ', 9130 => 'ᘧ', 9131 => 'ᘨ', 9132 => 'ᘩ', 9133 => 'ᘪ', 9134 => 'ᘫ', 9135 => 'ᘬ', 9136 => 'ᘭ', 9137 => 'ᘮ', 9138 => 'ᘯ', 9139 => 'ᘰ', 9140 => 'ᘱ', 9141 => 'ᘲ', 9142 => 'ᘳ', 9143 => 'ᘴ', 9144 => 'ᘵ', 9145 => 'ᘶ', 9146 => 'ᘷ', 9147 => 'ᘸ', 9148 => 'ᘹ', 9149 => 'ᘺ', 9150 => 'ᘻ', 9151 => 'ᘼ', 9152 => 'ᘽ', 9153 => 'ᘾ', 9154 => 'ᘿ', 9155 => 'ᙀ', 9156 => 'ᙁ', 9157 => 'ᙂ', 9158 => 'ᙃ', 9159 => 'ᙄ', 9160 => 'ᙅ', 9161 => 'ᙆ', 9162 => 'ᙇ', 9163 => 'ᙈ', 9164 => 'ᙉ', 9165 => 'ᙊ', 9166 => 'ᙋ', 9167 => 'ᙌ', 9168 => 'ᙍ', 9169 => 'ᙎ', 9170 => 'ᙏ', 9171 => 'ᙐ', 9172 => 'ᙑ', 9173 => 'ᙒ', 9174 => 'ᙓ', 9175 => 'ᙔ', 9176 => 'ᙕ', 9177 => 'ᙖ', 9178 => 'ᙗ', 9179 => 'ᙘ', 9180 => 'ᙙ', 9181 => 'ᙚ', 9182 => 'ᙛ', 9183 => 'ᙜ', 9184 => 'ᙝ', 9185 => 'ᙞ', 9186 => 'ᙟ', 9187 => 'ᙠ', 9188 => 'ᙡ', 9189 => 'ᙢ', 9190 => 'ᙣ', 9191 => 'ᙤ', 9192 => 'ᙥ', 9193 => 'ᙦ', 9194 => 'ᙧ', 9195 => 'ᙨ', 9196 => 'ᙩ', 9197 => 'ᙪ', 9198 => 'ᙫ', 9199 => 'ᙬ', 9200 => 'ᙷ', 9201 => 'ᙸ', 9202 => 'ᙹ', 9203 => 'ᙺ', 9204 => 'ᙻ', 9205 => 'ᙼ', 9206 => 'ᙽ', 9207 => 'ᙾ', 9208 => 'ᙿ', 9209 => 'ᢰ', 9210 => 'ᢱ', 9211 => 'ᢲ', 9212 => 'ᢳ', 9213 => 'ᢴ', 9214 => 'ᢵ', 9215 => 'ᢶ', 9216 => 'ᢷ', 9217 => 'ᢸ', 9218 => 'ᢹ', 9219 => 'ᢺ', 9220 => 'ᢻ', 9221 => 'ᢼ', 9222 => 'ᢽ', 9223 => 'ᢾ', 9224 => 'ᢿ', 9225 => 'ᣀ', 9226 => 'ᣁ', 9227 => 'ᣂ', 9228 => 'ᣃ', 9229 => 'ᣄ', 9230 => 'ᣅ', 9231 => 'ᣆ', 9232 => 'ᣇ', 9233 => 'ᣈ', 9234 => 'ᣉ', 9235 => 'ᣊ', 9236 => 'ᣋ', 9237 => 'ᣌ', 9238 => 'ᣍ', 9239 => 'ᣎ', 9240 => 'ᣏ', 9241 => 'ᣐ', 9242 => 'ᣑ', 9243 => 'ᣒ', 9244 => 'ᣓ', 9245 => 'ᣔ', 9246 => 'ᣕ', 9247 => 'ᣖ', 9248 => 'ᣗ', 9249 => 'ᣘ', 9250 => 'ᣙ', 9251 => 'ᣚ', 9252 => 'ᣛ', 9253 => 'ᣜ', 9254 => 'ᣝ', 9255 => 'ᣞ', 9256 => 'ᣟ', 9257 => 'ᣠ', 9258 => 'ᣡ', 9259 => 'ᣢ', 9260 => 'ᣣ', 9261 => 'ᣤ', 9262 => 'ᣥ', 9263 => 'ᣦ', 9264 => 'ᣧ', 9265 => 'ᣨ', 9266 => 'ᣩ', 9267 => 'ᣪ', 9268 => 'ᣫ', 9269 => 'ᣬ', 9270 => 'ᣭ', 9271 => 'ᣮ', 9272 => 'ᣯ', 9273 => 'ᣰ', 9274 => 'ᣱ', 9275 => 'ᣲ', 9276 => 'ᣳ', 9277 => 'ᣴ', 9278 => 'ᣵ', 9279 => 'ᚁ', 9280 => 'ᚂ', 9281 => 'ᚃ', 9282 => 'ᚄ', 9283 => 'ᚅ', 9284 => 'ᚆ', 9285 => 'ᚇ', 9286 => 'ᚈ', 9287 => 'ᚉ', 9288 => 'ᚊ', 9289 => 'ᚋ', 9290 => 'ᚌ', 9291 => 'ᚍ', 9292 => 'ᚎ', 9293 => 'ᚏ', 9294 => 'ᚐ', 9295 => 'ᚑ', 9296 => 'ᚒ', 9297 => 'ᚓ', 9298 => 'ᚔ', 9299 => 'ᚕ', 9300 => 'ᚖ', 9301 => 'ᚗ', 9302 => 'ᚘ', 9303 => 'ᚙ', 9304 => 'ᚚ', 9305 => 'ᚠ', 9306 => 'ᚢ', 9307 => 'ᚦ', 9308 => 'ᚨ', 9309 => 'ᚯ', 9310 => 'ᚰ', 9311 => 'ᚱ', 9312 => 'ᚲ', 9313 => 'ᚷ', 9314 => 'ᚹ', 9315 => 'ᚺ', 9316 => 'ᚾ', 9317 => 'ᛁ', 9318 => 'ᛃ', 9319 => 'ᛅ', 9320 => 'ᛇ', 9321 => 'ᛈ', 9322 => 'ᛉ', 9323 => 'ᛊ', 9324 => 'ᛏ', 9325 => 'ᛒ', 9326 => 'ᛖ', 9327 => 'ᛗ', 9328 => 'ᛚ', 9329 => 'ᛜ', 9330 => 'ᛞ', 9331 => 'ᛟ', 9332 => 'ᚪ', 9333 => 'ᚫ', 9334 => 'ᚣ', 9335 => 'ᛠ', 9336 => 'ᛣ', 9337 => 'ᚸ', 9338 => 'ᛤ', 9339 => 'ᛡ', 9340 => 'ᛢ', 9341 => 'ᛥ', 9342 => 'ᛦ', 9343 => '𐰀', 9344 => '𐰂', 9345 => '𐰃', 9346 => '𐰅', 9347 => '𐰆', 9348 => '𐰇', 9349 => '𐰉', 9350 => '𐰋', 9351 => '𐰍', 9352 => '𐰏', 9353 => '𐰑', 9354 => '𐰓', 9355 => '𐰔', 9356 => '𐰖', 9357 => '𐰘', 9358 => '𐰚', 9359 => '𐰜', 9360 => '𐰞', 9361 => '𐰠', 9362 => '𐰡', 9363 => '𐰢', 9364 => '𐰣', 9365 => '𐰤', 9366 => '𐰦', 9367 => '𐰨', 9368 => '𐰪', 9369 => '𐰬', 9370 => '𐰭', 9371 => '𐰯', 9372 => '𐰰', 9373 => '𐰱', 9374 => '𐰲', 9375 => '𐰴', 9376 => '𐰶', 9377 => '𐰸', 9378 => '𐰺', 9379 => '𐰼', 9380 => '𐰽', 9381 => '𐰾', 9382 => '𐰿', 9383 => '𐱁', 9384 => '𐱃', 9385 => '𐱅', 9386 => '𐱇', 9387 => '𐱈', 9388 => 'ꔀ', 9389 => 'ꔁ', 9390 => 'ꔂ', 9391 => 'ꔃ', 9392 => 'ꔄ', 9393 => 'ꔅ', 9394 => 'ꔆ', 9395 => 'ꔇ', 9396 => 'ꔈ', 9397 => 'ꔉ', 9398 => 'ꔊ', 9399 => 'ꔋ', 9400 => 'ꔌ', 9401 => 'ꔍ', 9402 => 'ꔎ', 9403 => 'ꔏ', 9404 => 'ꔐ', 9405 => 'ꔑ', 9406 => 'ꔒ', 9407 => 'ꔓ', 9408 => 'ꔔ', 9409 => 'ꔕ', 9410 => 'ꔖ', 9411 => 'ꔗ', 9412 => 'ꔘ', 9413 => 'ꔙ', 9414 => 'ꔚ', 9415 => 'ꔛ', 9416 => 'ꔜ', 9417 => 'ꔝ', 9418 => 'ꔞ', 9419 => 'ꔟ', 9420 => 'ꔠ', 9421 => 'ꔡ', 9422 => 'ꔢ', 9423 => 'ꔣ', 9424 => 'ꔤ', 9425 => 'ꔥ', 9426 => 'ꔦ', 9427 => 'ꔧ', 9428 => 'ꔨ', 9429 => 'ꔩ', 9430 => 'ꔪ', 9431 => 'ꔫ', 9432 => 'ꔬ', 9433 => 'ꔭ', 9434 => 'ꔮ', 9435 => 'ꔯ', 9436 => 'ꔰ', 9437 => 'ꔱ', 9438 => 'ꔲ', 9439 => 'ꔳ', 9440 => 'ꔴ', 9441 => 'ꔵ', 9442 => 'ꔶ', 9443 => 'ꔷ', 9444 => 'ꔸ', 9445 => 'ꔹ', 9446 => 'ꔺ', 9447 => 'ꔻ', 9448 => 'ꔼ', 9449 => 'ꔽ', 9450 => 'ꔾ', 9451 => 'ꔿ', 9452 => 'ꕀ', 9453 => 'ꕁ', 9454 => 'ꕂ', 9455 => 'ꕃ', 9456 => 'ꕄ', 9457 => 'ꕅ', 9458 => 'ꕆ', 9459 => 'ꕇ', 9460 => 'ꕈ', 9461 => 'ꕉ', 9462 => 'ꕊ', 9463 => 'ꕋ', 9464 => 'ꕌ', 9465 => 'ꕍ', 9466 => 'ꕎ', 9467 => 'ꕏ', 9468 => 'ꕐ', 9469 => 'ꕑ', 9470 => 'ꕒ', 9471 => 'ꕓ', 9472 => 'ꕔ', 9473 => 'ꕕ', 9474 => 'ꕖ', 9475 => 'ꕗ', 9476 => 'ꕘ', 9477 => 'ꕙ', 9478 => 'ꕚ', 9479 => 'ꕛ', 9480 => 'ꕜ', 9481 => 'ꕝ', 9482 => 'ꕞ', 9483 => 'ꕟ', 9484 => 'ꕠ', 9485 => 'ꕡ', 9486 => 'ꕢ', 9487 => 'ꕣ', 9488 => 'ꕤ', 9489 => 'ꕥ', 9490 => 'ꕦ', 9491 => 'ꕧ', 9492 => 'ꕨ', 9493 => 'ꕩ', 9494 => 'ꕪ', 9495 => 'ꕫ', 9496 => 'ꕬ', 9497 => 'ꕭ', 9498 => 'ꕮ', 9499 => 'ꕯ', 9500 => 'ꕰ', 9501 => 'ꕱ', 9502 => 'ꕲ', 9503 => 'ꕳ', 9504 => 'ꕴ', 9505 => 'ꕵ', 9506 => 'ꕶ', 9507 => 'ꕷ', 9508 => 'ꕸ', 9509 => 'ꕹ', 9510 => 'ꕺ', 9511 => 'ꕻ', 9512 => 'ꕼ', 9513 => 'ꕽ', 9514 => 'ꕾ', 9515 => 'ꕿ', 9516 => 'ꖀ', 9517 => 'ꖁ', 9518 => 'ꖂ', 9519 => 'ꖃ', 9520 => 'ꖄ', 9521 => 'ꖅ', 9522 => 'ꖆ', 9523 => 'ꖇ', 9524 => 'ꖈ', 9525 => 'ꖉ', 9526 => 'ꖊ', 9527 => 'ꖋ', 9528 => 'ꖌ', 9529 => 'ꖍ', 9530 => 'ꖎ', 9531 => 'ꖏ', 9532 => 'ꖐ', 9533 => 'ꖑ', 9534 => 'ꖒ', 9535 => 'ꖓ', 9536 => 'ꖔ', 9537 => 'ꖕ', 9538 => 'ꖖ', 9539 => 'ꖗ', 9540 => 'ꖘ', 9541 => 'ꖙ', 9542 => 'ꖚ', 9543 => 'ꖛ', 9544 => 'ꖜ', 9545 => 'ꖝ', 9546 => 'ꖞ', 9547 => 'ꖟ', 9548 => 'ꖠ', 9549 => 'ꖡ', 9550 => 'ꖢ', 9551 => 'ꖣ', 9552 => 'ꖤ', 9553 => 'ꖥ', 9554 => 'ꖦ', 9555 => 'ꖧ', 9556 => 'ꖨ', 9557 => 'ꖩ', 9558 => 'ꖪ', 9559 => 'ꖫ', 9560 => 'ꖬ', 9561 => 'ꖭ', 9562 => 'ꖮ', 9563 => 'ꖯ', 9564 => 'ꖰ', 9565 => 'ꖱ', 9566 => 'ꖲ', 9567 => 'ꖳ', 9568 => 'ꖴ', 9569 => 'ꖵ', 9570 => 'ꖶ', 9571 => 'ꖷ', 9572 => 'ꖸ', 9573 => 'ꖹ', 9574 => 'ꖺ', 9575 => 'ꖻ', 9576 => 'ꖼ', 9577 => 'ꖽ', 9578 => 'ꖾ', 9579 => 'ꖿ', 9580 => 'ꗀ', 9581 => 'ꗁ', 9582 => 'ꗂ', 9583 => 'ꗃ', 9584 => 'ꗄ', 9585 => 'ꗅ', 9586 => 'ꗆ', 9587 => 'ꗇ', 9588 => 'ꗈ', 9589 => 'ꗉ', 9590 => 'ꗊ', 9591 => 'ꗋ', 9592 => 'ꗌ', 9593 => 'ꗍ', 9594 => 'ꗎ', 9595 => 'ꗏ', 9596 => 'ꗐ', 9597 => 'ꗑ', 9598 => 'ꗒ', 9599 => 'ꗓ', 9600 => 'ꗔ', 9601 => 'ꗕ', 9602 => 'ꗖ', 9603 => 'ꗗ', 9604 => 'ꗘ', 9605 => 'ꗙ', 9606 => 'ꗚ', 9607 => 'ꗛ', 9608 => 'ꗜ', 9609 => 'ꗝ', 9610 => 'ꗞ', 9611 => 'ꗟ', 9612 => 'ꗠ', 9613 => 'ꗡ', 9614 => 'ꗢ', 9615 => 'ꗣ', 9616 => 'ꗤ', 9617 => 'ꗥ', 9618 => 'ꗦ', 9619 => 'ꗧ', 9620 => 'ꗨ', 9621 => 'ꗩ', 9622 => 'ꗪ', 9623 => 'ꗫ', 9624 => 'ꗬ', 9625 => 'ꗭ', 9626 => 'ꗮ', 9627 => 'ꗯ', 9628 => 'ꗰ', 9629 => 'ꗱ', 9630 => 'ꗲ', 9631 => 'ꗳ', 9632 => 'ꗴ', 9633 => 'ꗵ', 9634 => 'ꗶ', 9635 => 'ꗷ', 9636 => 'ꗸ', 9637 => 'ꗹ', 9638 => 'ꗺ', 9639 => 'ꗻ', 9640 => 'ꗼ', 9641 => 'ꗽ', 9642 => 'ꗾ', 9643 => 'ꗿ', 9644 => 'ꘀ', 9645 => 'ꘁ', 9646 => 'ꘂ', 9647 => 'ꘃ', 9648 => 'ꘄ', 9649 => 'ꘅ', 9650 => 'ꘆ', 9651 => 'ꘇ', 9652 => 'ꘈ', 9653 => 'ꘉ', 9654 => 'ꘊ', 9655 => 'ꘋ', 9656 => 'ꘌ', 9657 => 'ꚠ', 9658 => 'ꚡ', 9659 => 'ꚢ', 9660 => 'ꚣ', 9661 => 'ꚤ', 9662 => 'ꚥ', 9663 => 'ꚦ', 9664 => 'ꚧ', 9665 => 'ꚨ', 9666 => 'ꚩ', 9667 => 'ꚪ', 9668 => 'ꚫ', 9669 => 'ꚬ', 9670 => 'ꚭ', 9671 => 'ꚮ', 9672 => 'ꚯ', 9673 => 'ꚰ', 9674 => 'ꚱ', 9675 => 'ꚲ', 9676 => 'ꚳ', 9677 => 'ꚴ', 9678 => 'ꚵ', 9679 => 'ꚶ', 9680 => 'ꚷ', 9681 => 'ꚸ', 9682 => 'ꚹ', 9683 => 'ꚺ', 9684 => 'ꚻ', 9685 => 'ꚼ', 9686 => 'ꚽ', 9687 => 'ꚾ', 9688 => 'ꚿ', 9689 => 'ꛀ', 9690 => 'ꛁ', 9691 => 'ꛂ', 9692 => 'ꛃ', 9693 => 'ꛄ', 9694 => 'ꛅ', 9695 => 'ꛆ', 9696 => 'ꛇ', 9697 => 'ꛈ', 9698 => 'ꛉ', 9699 => 'ꛊ', 9700 => 'ꛋ', 9701 => 'ꛌ', 9702 => 'ꛍ', 9703 => 'ꛎ', 9704 => 'ꛏ', 9705 => 'ꛐ', 9706 => 'ꛑ', 9707 => 'ꛒ', 9708 => 'ꛓ', 9709 => 'ꛔ', 9710 => 'ꛕ', 9711 => 'ꛖ', 9712 => 'ꛗ', 9713 => 'ꛘ', 9714 => 'ꛙ', 9715 => 'ꛚ', 9716 => 'ꛛ', 9717 => 'ꛜ', 9718 => 'ꛝ', 9719 => 'ꛞ', 9720 => 'ꛟ', 9721 => 'ꛠ', 9722 => 'ꛡ', 9723 => 'ꛢ', 9724 => 'ꛣ', 9725 => 'ꛤ', 9726 => 'ꛥ', 9727 => 'ꛦ', 9728 => 'ꛧ', 9729 => 'ꛨ', 9730 => 'ꛩ', 9731 => 'ꛪ', 9732 => 'ꛫ', 9733 => 'ꛬ', 9734 => 'ꛭ', 9735 => 'ꛮ', 9736 => 'ꛯ', 9737 => '𖠀', 9738 => '𖠁', 9739 => '𖠂', 9740 => '𖠃', 9741 => '𖠄', 9742 => '𖠅', 9743 => '𖠆', 9744 => '𖠇', 9745 => '𖠈', 9746 => '𖠉', 9747 => '𖠊', 9748 => '𖠋', 9749 => '𖠌', 9750 => '𖠍', 9751 => '𖠎', 9752 => '𖠏', 9753 => '𖠐', 9754 => '𖠑', 9755 => '𖠒', 9756 => '𖠓', 9757 => '𖠔', 9758 => '𖠕', 9759 => '𖠖', 9760 => '𖠗', 9761 => '𖠘', 9762 => '𖠙', 9763 => '𖠚', 9764 => '𖠛', 9765 => '𖠜', 9766 => '𖠝', 9767 => '𖠞', 9768 => '𖠟', 9769 => '𖠠', 9770 => '𖠡', 9771 => '𖠢', 9772 => '𖠣', 9773 => '𖠤', 9774 => '𖠥', 9775 => '𖠦', 9776 => '𖠧', 9777 => '𖠨', 9778 => '𖠩', 9779 => '𖠪', 9780 => '𖠫', 9781 => '𖠬', 9782 => '𖠭', 9783 => '𖠮', 9784 => '𖠯', 9785 => '𖠰', 9786 => '𖠱', 9787 => '𖠲', 9788 => '𖠳', 9789 => '𖠴', 9790 => '𖠵', 9791 => '𖠶', 9792 => '𖠷', 9793 => '𖠸', 9794 => '𖠹', 9795 => '𖠺', 9796 => '𖠻', 9797 => '𖠼', 9798 => '𖠽', 9799 => '𖠾', 9800 => '𖠿', 9801 => '𖡀', 9802 => '𖡁', 9803 => '𖡂', 9804 => '𖡃', 9805 => '𖡄', 9806 => '𖡅', 9807 => '𖡆', 9808 => '𖡇', 9809 => '𖡈', 9810 => '𖡉', 9811 => '𖡊', 9812 => '𖡋', 9813 => '𖡌', 9814 => '𖡍', 9815 => '𖡎', 9816 => '𖡏', 9817 => '𖡐', 9818 => '𖡑', 9819 => '𖡒', 9820 => '𖡓', 9821 => '𖡔', 9822 => '𖡕', 9823 => '𖡖', 9824 => '𖡗', 9825 => '𖡘', 9826 => '𖡙', 9827 => '𖡚', 9828 => '𖡛', 9829 => '𖡜', 9830 => '𖡝', 9831 => '𖡞', 9832 => '𖡟', 9833 => '𖡠', 9834 => '𖡡', 9835 => '𖡢', 9836 => '𖡣', 9837 => '𖡤', 9838 => '𖡥', 9839 => '𖡦', 9840 => '𖡧', 9841 => '𖡨', 9842 => '𖡩', 9843 => '𖡪', 9844 => '𖡫', 9845 => '𖡬', 9846 => '𖡭', 9847 => '𖡮', 9848 => '𖡯', 9849 => '𖡰', 9850 => '𖡱', 9851 => '𖡲', 9852 => '𖡳', 9853 => '𖡴', 9854 => '𖡵', 9855 => '𖡶', 9856 => '𖡷', 9857 => '𖡸', 9858 => '𖡹', 9859 => '𖡺', 9860 => '𖡻', 9861 => '𖡼', 9862 => '𖡽', 9863 => '𖡾', 9864 => '𖡿', 9865 => '𖢀', 9866 => '𖢁', 9867 => '𖢂', 9868 => '𖢃', 9869 => '𖢄', 9870 => '𖢅', 9871 => '𖢆', 9872 => '𖢇', 9873 => '𖢈', 9874 => '𖢉', 9875 => '𖢊', 9876 => '𖢋', 9877 => '𖢌', 9878 => '𖢍', 9879 => '𖢎', 9880 => '𖢏', 9881 => '𖢐', 9882 => '𖢑', 9883 => '𖢒', 9884 => '𖢓', 9885 => '𖢔', 9886 => '𖢕', 9887 => '𖢖', 9888 => '𖢗', 9889 => '𖢘', 9890 => '𖢙', 9891 => '𖢚', 9892 => '𖢛', 9893 => '𖢜', 9894 => '𖢝', 9895 => '𖢞', 9896 => '𖢟', 9897 => '𖢠', 9898 => '𖢡', 9899 => '𖢢', 9900 => '𖢣', 9901 => '𖢤', 9902 => '𖢥', 9903 => '𖢦', 9904 => '𖢧', 9905 => '𖢨', 9906 => '𖢩', 9907 => '𖢪', 9908 => '𖢫', 9909 => '𖢬', 9910 => '𖢭', 9911 => '𖢮', 9912 => '𖢯', 9913 => '𖢰', 9914 => '𖢱', 9915 => '𖢲', 9916 => '𖢳', 9917 => '𖢴', 9918 => '𖢵', 9919 => '𖢶', 9920 => '𖢷', 9921 => '𖢸', 9922 => '𖢹', 9923 => '𖢺', 9924 => '𖢻', 9925 => '𖢼', 9926 => '𖢽', 9927 => '𖢾', 9928 => '𖢿', 9929 => '𖣀', 9930 => '𖣁', 9931 => '𖣂', 9932 => '𖣃', 9933 => '𖣄', 9934 => '𖣅', 9935 => '𖣆', 9936 => '𖣇', 9937 => '𖣈', 9938 => '𖣉', 9939 => '𖣊', 9940 => '𖣋', 9941 => '𖣌', 9942 => '𖣍', 9943 => '𖣎', 9944 => '𖣏', 9945 => '𖣐', 9946 => '𖣑', 9947 => '𖣒', 9948 => '𖣓', 9949 => '𖣔', 9950 => '𖣕', 9951 => '𖣖', 9952 => '𖣗', 9953 => '𖣘', 9954 => '𖣙', 9955 => '𖣚', 9956 => '𖣛', 9957 => '𖣜', 9958 => '𖣝', 9959 => '𖣞', 9960 => '𖣟', 9961 => '𖣠', 9962 => '𖣡', 9963 => '𖣢', 9964 => '𖣣', 9965 => '𖣤', 9966 => '𖣥', 9967 => '𖣦', 9968 => '𖣧', 9969 => '𖣨', 9970 => '𖣩', 9971 => '𖣪', 9972 => '𖣫', 9973 => '𖣬', 9974 => '𖣭', 9975 => '𖣮', 9976 => '𖣯', 9977 => '𖣰', 9978 => '𖣱', 9979 => '𖣲', 9980 => '𖣳', 9981 => '𖣴', 9982 => '𖣵', 9983 => '𖣶', 9984 => '𖣷', 9985 => '𖣸', 9986 => '𖣹', 9987 => '𖣺', 9988 => '𖣻', 9989 => '𖣼', 9990 => '𖣽', 9991 => '𖣾', 9992 => '𖣿', 9993 => '𖤀', 9994 => '𖤁', 9995 => '𖤂', 9996 => '𖤃', 9997 => '𖤄', 9998 => '𖤅', 9999 => '𖤆', 10000 => '𖤇', 10001 => '𖤈', 10002 => '𖤉', 10003 => '𖤊', 10004 => '𖤋', 10005 => '𖤌', 10006 => '𖤍', 10007 => '𖤎', 10008 => '𖤏', 10009 => '𖤐', 10010 => '𖤑', 10011 => '𖤒', 10012 => '𖤓', 10013 => '𖤔', 10014 => '𖤕', 10015 => '𖤖', 10016 => '𖤗', 10017 => '𖤘', 10018 => '𖤙', 10019 => '𖤚', 10020 => '𖤛', 10021 => '𖤜', 10022 => '𖤝', 10023 => '𖤞', 10024 => '𖤟', 10025 => '𖤠', 10026 => '𖤡', 10027 => '𖤢', 10028 => '𖤣', 10029 => '𖤤', 10030 => '𖤥', 10031 => '𖤦', 10032 => '𖤧', 10033 => '𖤨', 10034 => '𖤩', 10035 => '𖤪', 10036 => '𖤫', 10037 => '𖤬', 10038 => '𖤭', 10039 => '𖤮', 10040 => '𖤯', 10041 => '𖤰', 10042 => '𖤱', 10043 => '𖤲', 10044 => '𖤳', 10045 => '𖤴', 10046 => '𖤵', 10047 => '𖤶', 10048 => '𖤷', 10049 => '𖤸', 10050 => '𖤹', 10051 => '𖤺', 10052 => '𖤻', 10053 => '𖤼', 10054 => '𖤽', 10055 => '𖤾', 10056 => '𖤿', 10057 => '𖥀', 10058 => '𖥁', 10059 => '𖥂', 10060 => '𖥃', 10061 => '𖥄', 10062 => '𖥅', 10063 => '𖥆', 10064 => '𖥇', 10065 => '𖥈', 10066 => '𖥉', 10067 => '𖥊', 10068 => '𖥋', 10069 => '𖥌', 10070 => '𖥍', 10071 => '𖥎', 10072 => '𖥏', 10073 => '𖥐', 10074 => '𖥑', 10075 => '𖥒', 10076 => '𖥓', 10077 => '𖥔', 10078 => '𖥕', 10079 => '𖥖', 10080 => '𖥗', 10081 => '𖥘', 10082 => '𖥙', 10083 => '𖥚', 10084 => '𖥛', 10085 => '𖥜', 10086 => '𖥝', 10087 => '𖥞', 10088 => '𖥟', 10089 => '𖥠', 10090 => '𖥡', 10091 => '𖥢', 10092 => '𖥣', 10093 => '𖥤', 10094 => '𖥥', 10095 => '𖥦', 10096 => '𖥧', 10097 => '𖥨', 10098 => '𖥩', 10099 => '𖥪', 10100 => '𖥫', 10101 => '𖥬', 10102 => '𖥭', 10103 => '𖥮', 10104 => '𖥯', 10105 => '𖥰', 10106 => '𖥱', 10107 => '𖥲', 10108 => '𖥳', 10109 => '𖥴', 10110 => '𖥵', 10111 => '𖥶', 10112 => '𖥷', 10113 => '𖥸', 10114 => '𖥹', 10115 => '𖥺', 10116 => '𖥻', 10117 => '𖥼', 10118 => '𖥽', 10119 => '𖥾', 10120 => '𖥿', 10121 => '𖦀', 10122 => '𖦁', 10123 => '𖦂', 10124 => '𖦃', 10125 => '𖦄', 10126 => '𖦅', 10127 => '𖦆', 10128 => '𖦇', 10129 => '𖦈', 10130 => '𖦉', 10131 => '𖦊', 10132 => '𖦋', 10133 => '𖦌', 10134 => '𖦍', 10135 => '𖦎', 10136 => '𖦏', 10137 => '𖦐', 10138 => '𖦑', 10139 => '𖦒', 10140 => '𖦓', 10141 => '𖦔', 10142 => '𖦕', 10143 => '𖦖', 10144 => '𖦗', 10145 => '𖦘', 10146 => '𖦙', 10147 => '𖦚', 10148 => '𖦛', 10149 => '𖦜', 10150 => '𖦝', 10151 => '𖦞', 10152 => '𖦟', 10153 => '𖦠', 10154 => '𖦡', 10155 => '𖦢', 10156 => '𖦣', 10157 => '𖦤', 10158 => '𖦥', 10159 => '𖦦', 10160 => '𖦧', 10161 => '𖦨', 10162 => '𖦩', 10163 => '𖦪', 10164 => '𖦫', 10165 => '𖦬', 10166 => '𖦭', 10167 => '𖦮', 10168 => '𖦯', 10169 => '𖦰', 10170 => '𖦱', 10171 => '𖦲', 10172 => '𖦳', 10173 => '𖦴', 10174 => '𖦵', 10175 => '𖦶', 10176 => '𖦷', 10177 => '𖦸', 10178 => '𖦹', 10179 => '𖦺', 10180 => '𖦻', 10181 => '𖦼', 10182 => '𖦽', 10183 => '𖦾', 10184 => '𖦿', 10185 => '𖧀', 10186 => '𖧁', 10187 => '𖧂', 10188 => '𖧃', 10189 => '𖧄', 10190 => '𖧅', 10191 => '𖧆', 10192 => '𖧇', 10193 => '𖧈', 10194 => '𖧉', 10195 => '𖧊', 10196 => '𖧋', 10197 => '𖧌', 10198 => '𖧍', 10199 => '𖧎', 10200 => '𖧏', 10201 => '𖧐', 10202 => '𖧑', 10203 => '𖧒', 10204 => '𖧓', 10205 => '𖧔', 10206 => '𖧕', 10207 => '𖧖', 10208 => '𖧗', 10209 => '𖧘', 10210 => '𖧙', 10211 => '𖧚', 10212 => '𖧛', 10213 => '𖧜', 10214 => '𖧝', 10215 => '𖧞', 10216 => '𖧟', 10217 => '𖧠', 10218 => '𖧡', 10219 => '𖧢', 10220 => '𖧣', 10221 => '𖧤', 10222 => '𖧥', 10223 => '𖧦', 10224 => '𖧧', 10225 => '𖧨', 10226 => '𖧩', 10227 => '𖧪', 10228 => '𖧫', 10229 => '𖧬', 10230 => '𖧭', 10231 => '𖧮', 10232 => '𖧯', 10233 => '𖧰', 10234 => '𖧱', 10235 => '𖧲', 10236 => '𖧳', 10237 => '𖧴', 10238 => '𖧵', 10239 => '𖧶', 10240 => '𖧷', 10241 => '𖧸', 10242 => '𖧹', 10243 => '𖧺', 10244 => '𖧻', 10245 => '𖧼', 10246 => '𖧽', 10247 => '𖧾', 10248 => '𖧿', 10249 => '𖨀', 10250 => '𖨁', 10251 => '𖨂', 10252 => '𖨃', 10253 => '𖨄', 10254 => '𖨅', 10255 => '𖨆', 10256 => '𖨇', 10257 => '𖨈', 10258 => '𖨉', 10259 => '𖨊', 10260 => '𖨋', 10261 => '𖨌', 10262 => '𖨍', 10263 => '𖨎', 10264 => '𖨏', 10265 => '𖨐', 10266 => '𖨑', 10267 => '𖨒', 10268 => '𖨓', 10269 => '𖨔', 10270 => '𖨕', 10271 => '𖨖', 10272 => '𖨗', 10273 => '𖨘', 10274 => '𖨙', 10275 => '𖨚', 10276 => '𖨛', 10277 => '𖨜', 10278 => '𖨝', 10279 => '𖨞', 10280 => '𖨟', 10281 => '𖨠', 10282 => '𖨡', 10283 => '𖨢', 10284 => '𖨣', 10285 => '𖨤', 10286 => '𖨥', 10287 => '𖨦', 10288 => '𖨧', 10289 => '𖨨', 10290 => '𖨩', 10291 => '𖨪', 10292 => '𖨫', 10293 => '𖨬', 10294 => '𖨭', 10295 => '𖨮', 10296 => '𖨯', 10297 => '𖨰', 10298 => '𖨱', 10299 => '𖨲', 10300 => '𖨳', 10301 => '𖨴', 10302 => '𖨵', 10303 => '𖨶', 10304 => '𖨷', 10305 => '𖨸', 10306 => 'ᄀ', 10307 => 'ᄁ', 10308 => 'ᄂ', 10309 => 'ᄃ', 10310 => 'ᄄ', 10311 => 'ᄅ', 10312 => 'ᄆ', 10313 => 'ᄇ', 10314 => 'ᄈ', 10315 => 'ᄉ', 10316 => 'ᄊ', 10317 => 'ᄋ', 10318 => 'ᄌ', 10319 => 'ᄍ', 10320 => 'ᄎ', 10321 => 'ᄏ', 10322 => 'ᄐ', 10323 => 'ᄑ', 10324 => 'ᄒ', 10325 => 'ᄓ', 10326 => 'ᄔ', 10327 => 'ᄕ', 10328 => 'ᄖ', 10329 => 'ᄗ', 10330 => 'ᄘ', 10331 => 'ᄙ', 10332 => 'ᄚ', 10333 => 'ᄛ', 10334 => 'ᄜ', 10335 => 'ᄝ', 10336 => 'ᄞ', 10337 => 'ᄟ', 10338 => 'ᄠ', 10339 => 'ᄡ', 10340 => 'ᄢ', 10341 => 'ᄣ', 10342 => 'ᄤ', 10343 => 'ᄥ', 10344 => 'ᄦ', 10345 => 'ᄧ', 10346 => 'ᄨ', 10347 => 'ᄩ', 10348 => 'ᄪ', 10349 => 'ᄫ', 10350 => 'ᄬ', 10351 => 'ᄭ', 10352 => 'ᄮ', 10353 => 'ᄯ', 10354 => 'ᄰ', 10355 => 'ᄱ', 10356 => 'ᄲ', 10357 => 'ᄳ', 10358 => 'ᄴ', 10359 => 'ᄵ', 10360 => 'ᄶ', 10361 => 'ᄷ', 10362 => 'ᄸ', 10363 => 'ᄹ', 10364 => 'ᄺ', 10365 => 'ᄻ', 10366 => 'ᄼ', 10367 => 'ᄽ', 10368 => 'ᄾ', 10369 => 'ᄿ', 10370 => 'ᅀ', 10371 => 'ᅁ', 10372 => 'ᅂ', 10373 => 'ᅃ', 10374 => 'ᅄ', 10375 => 'ᅅ', 10376 => 'ᅆ', 10377 => 'ᅇ', 10378 => 'ᅈ', 10379 => 'ᅉ', 10380 => 'ᅊ', 10381 => 'ᅋ', 10382 => 'ᅌ', 10383 => 'ᅍ', 10384 => 'ᅎ', 10385 => 'ᅏ', 10386 => 'ᅐ', 10387 => 'ᅑ', 10388 => 'ᅒ', 10389 => 'ᅓ', 10390 => 'ᅔ', 10391 => 'ᅕ', 10392 => 'ᅖ', 10393 => 'ᅗ', 10394 => 'ᅘ', 10395 => 'ᅙ', 10396 => 'ᅚ', 10397 => 'ᅛ', 10398 => 'ᅜ', 10399 => 'ᅝ', 10400 => 'ᅞ', 10401 => 'ꥠ', 10402 => 'ꥡ', 10403 => 'ꥢ', 10404 => 'ꥣ', 10405 => 'ꥤ', 10406 => 'ꥥ', 10407 => 'ꥦ', 10408 => 'ꥧ', 10409 => 'ꥨ', 10410 => 'ꥩ', 10411 => 'ꥪ', 10412 => 'ꥫ', 10413 => 'ꥬ', 10414 => 'ꥭ', 10415 => 'ꥮ', 10416 => 'ꥯ', 10417 => 'ꥰ', 10418 => 'ꥱ', 10419 => 'ꥲ', 10420 => 'ꥳ', 10421 => 'ꥴ', 10422 => 'ꥵ', 10423 => 'ꥶ', 10424 => 'ꥷ', 10425 => 'ꥸ', 10426 => 'ꥹ', 10427 => 'ꥺ', 10428 => 'ꥻ', 10429 => 'ꥼ', 10430 => 'ᅟ', 10431 => 'ᅠ', 10432 => 'ᅡ', 10433 => 'ᅢ', 10434 => 'ᅣ', 10435 => 'ᅤ', 10436 => 'ᅥ', 10437 => 'ᅦ', 10438 => 'ᅧ', 10439 => 'ᅨ', 10440 => 'ᅩ', 10441 => 'ᅪ', 10442 => 'ᅫ', 10443 => 'ᅬ', 10444 => 'ᅭ', 10445 => 'ᅮ', 10446 => 'ᅯ', 10447 => 'ᅰ', 10448 => 'ᅱ', 10449 => 'ᅲ', 10450 => 'ᅳ', 10451 => 'ᅴ', 10452 => 'ᅵ', 10453 => 'ᅶ', 10454 => 'ᅷ', 10455 => 'ᅸ', 10456 => 'ᅹ', 10457 => 'ᅺ', 10458 => 'ᅻ', 10459 => 'ᅼ', 10460 => 'ᅽ', 10461 => 'ᅾ', 10462 => 'ᅿ', 10463 => 'ᆀ', 10464 => 'ᆁ', 10465 => 'ᆂ', 10466 => 'ᆃ', 10467 => 'ᆄ', 10468 => 'ᆅ', 10469 => 'ᆆ', 10470 => 'ᆇ', 10471 => 'ᆈ', 10472 => 'ᆉ', 10473 => 'ᆊ', 10474 => 'ᆋ', 10475 => 'ᆌ', 10476 => 'ᆍ', 10477 => 'ᆎ', 10478 => 'ᆏ', 10479 => 'ᆐ', 10480 => 'ᆑ', 10481 => 'ᆒ', 10482 => 'ᆓ', 10483 => 'ᆔ', 10484 => 'ᆕ', 10485 => 'ᆖ', 10486 => 'ᆗ', 10487 => 'ᆘ', 10488 => 'ᆙ', 10489 => 'ᆚ', 10490 => 'ᆛ', 10491 => 'ᆜ', 10492 => 'ᆝ', 10493 => 'ᆞ', 10494 => 'ᆟ', 10495 => 'ᆠ', 10496 => 'ᆡ', 10497 => 'ᆢ', 10498 => 'ᆣ', 10499 => 'ᆤ', 10500 => 'ᆥ', 10501 => 'ᆦ', 10502 => 'ᆧ', 10503 => 'ힰ', 10504 => 'ힱ', 10505 => 'ힲ', 10506 => 'ힳ', 10507 => 'ힴ', 10508 => 'ힵ', 10509 => 'ힶ', 10510 => 'ힷ', 10511 => 'ힸ', 10512 => 'ힹ', 10513 => 'ힺ', 10514 => 'ힻ', 10515 => 'ힼ', 10516 => 'ힽ', 10517 => 'ힾ', 10518 => 'ힿ', 10519 => 'ퟀ', 10520 => 'ퟁ', 10521 => 'ퟂ', 10522 => 'ퟃ', 10523 => 'ퟄ', 10524 => 'ퟅ', 10525 => 'ퟆ', 10526 => 'ᆨ', 10527 => 'ᆩ', 10528 => 'ᆪ', 10529 => 'ᆫ', 10530 => 'ᆬ', 10531 => 'ᆭ', 10532 => 'ᆮ', 10533 => 'ᆯ', 10534 => 'ᆰ', 10535 => 'ᆱ', 10536 => 'ᆲ', 10537 => 'ᆳ', 10538 => 'ᆴ', 10539 => 'ᆵ', 10540 => 'ᆶ', 10541 => 'ᆷ', 10542 => 'ᆸ', 10543 => 'ᆹ', 10544 => 'ᆺ', 10545 => 'ᆻ', 10546 => 'ᆼ', 10547 => 'ᆽ', 10548 => 'ᆾ', 10549 => 'ᆿ', 10550 => 'ᇀ', 10551 => 'ᇁ', 10552 => 'ᇂ', 10553 => 'ᇃ', 10554 => 'ᇄ', 10555 => 'ᇅ', 10556 => 'ᇆ', 10557 => 'ᇇ', 10558 => 'ᇈ', 10559 => 'ᇉ', 10560 => 'ᇊ', 10561 => 'ᇋ', 10562 => 'ᇌ', 10563 => 'ᇍ', 10564 => 'ᇎ', 10565 => 'ᇏ', 10566 => 'ᇐ', 10567 => 'ᇑ', 10568 => 'ᇒ', 10569 => 'ᇓ', 10570 => 'ᇔ', 10571 => 'ᇕ', 10572 => 'ᇖ', 10573 => 'ᇗ', 10574 => 'ᇘ', 10575 => 'ᇙ', 10576 => 'ᇚ', 10577 => 'ᇛ', 10578 => 'ᇜ', 10579 => 'ᇝ', 10580 => 'ᇞ', 10581 => 'ᇟ', 10582 => 'ᇠ', 10583 => 'ᇡ', 10584 => 'ᇢ', 10585 => 'ᇣ', 10586 => 'ᇤ', 10587 => 'ᇥ', 10588 => 'ᇦ', 10589 => 'ᇧ', 10590 => 'ᇨ', 10591 => 'ᇩ', 10592 => 'ᇪ', 10593 => 'ᇫ', 10594 => 'ᇬ', 10595 => 'ᇭ', 10596 => 'ᇮ', 10597 => 'ᇯ', 10598 => 'ᇰ', 10599 => 'ᇱ', 10600 => 'ᇲ', 10601 => 'ᇳ', 10602 => 'ᇴ', 10603 => 'ᇵ', 10604 => 'ᇶ', 10605 => 'ᇷ', 10606 => 'ᇸ', 10607 => 'ᇹ', 10608 => 'ᇺ', 10609 => 'ᇻ', 10610 => 'ᇼ', 10611 => 'ᇽ', 10612 => 'ᇾ', 10613 => 'ᇿ', 10614 => 'ퟋ', 10615 => 'ퟌ', 10616 => 'ퟍ', 10617 => 'ퟎ', 10618 => 'ퟏ', 10619 => 'ퟐ', 10620 => 'ퟑ', 10621 => 'ퟒ', 10622 => 'ퟓ', 10623 => 'ퟔ', 10624 => 'ퟕ', 10625 => 'ퟖ', 10626 => 'ퟗ', 10627 => 'ퟘ', 10628 => 'ퟙ', 10629 => 'ퟚ', 10630 => 'ퟛ', 10631 => 'ퟜ', 10632 => 'ퟝ', 10633 => 'ퟞ', 10634 => 'ퟟ', 10635 => 'ퟠ', 10636 => 'ퟡ', 10637 => 'ퟢ', 10638 => 'ퟣ', 10639 => 'ퟤ', 10640 => 'ퟥ', 10641 => 'ퟦ', 10642 => 'ퟧ', 10643 => 'ퟨ', 10644 => 'ퟩ', 10645 => 'ퟪ', 10646 => 'ퟫ', 10647 => 'ퟬ', 10648 => 'ퟭ', 10649 => 'ퟮ', 10650 => 'ퟯ', 10651 => 'ퟰ', 10652 => 'ퟱ', 10653 => 'ퟲ', 10654 => 'ퟳ', 10655 => 'ퟴ', 10656 => 'ퟵ', 10657 => 'ퟶ', 10658 => 'ퟷ', 10659 => 'ퟸ', 10660 => 'ퟹ', 10661 => 'ퟺ', 10662 => 'ퟻ', 10663 => 'あ', 10664 => 'い', 10665 => 'う', 10666 => '𛀀', 10667 => 'え', 10668 => 'お', 10669 => 'か', 10670 => 'き', 10671 => 'く', 10672 => 'け', 10673 => 'こ', 10674 => 'さ', 10675 => 'し', 10676 => 'す', 10677 => 'せ', 10678 => 'そ', 10679 => 'た', 10680 => 'ち', 10681 => 'つ', 10682 => 'て', 10683 => 'と', 10684 => 'な', 10685 => 'に', 10686 => 'ぬ', 10687 => 'ね', 10688 => 'の', 10689 => 'は', 10690 => 'ひ', 10691 => 'ふ', 10692 => 'へ', 10693 => 'ほ', 10694 => 'ま', 10695 => 'み', 10696 => 'む', 10697 => 'め', 10698 => 'も', 10699 => 'や', 10700 => 'ゆ', 10701 => '𛀁', 10702 => 'よ', 10703 => 'ら', 10704 => 'り', 10705 => 'る', 10706 => 'れ', 10707 => 'ろ', 10708 => 'わ', 10709 => 'ゐ', 10710 => 'ゑ', 10711 => 'を', 10712 => 'ん', 10713 => 'ㄅ', 10714 => 'ㄆ', 10715 => 'ㄇ', 10716 => 'ㄈ', 10717 => 'ㄪ', 10718 => 'ㄉ', 10719 => 'ㄊ', 10720 => 'ㄋ', 10721 => 'ㄌ', 10722 => 'ㄍ', 10723 => 'ㄎ', 10724 => 'ㄫ', 10725 => 'ㆭ', 10726 => 'ㄏ', 10727 => 'ㄐ', 10728 => 'ㄑ', 10729 => 'ㄒ', 10730 => 'ㄬ', 10731 => 'ㄓ', 10732 => 'ㄔ', 10733 => 'ㄕ', 10734 => 'ㄖ', 10735 => 'ㄗ', 10736 => 'ㄘ', 10737 => 'ㄙ', 10738 => 'ㆸ', 10739 => 'ㆹ', 10740 => 'ㆺ', 10741 => 'ㄚ', 10742 => 'ㄛ', 10743 => 'ㆦ', 10744 => 'ㄜ', 10745 => 'ㄝ', 10746 => 'ㆤ', 10747 => 'ㄞ', 10748 => 'ㄟ', 10749 => 'ㄠ', 10750 => 'ㄡ', 10751 => 'ㄢ', 10752 => 'ㄣ', 10753 => 'ㄤ', 10754 => 'ㆲ', 10755 => 'ㄥ', 10756 => 'ㆰ', 10757 => 'ㆱ', 10758 => 'ㆬ', 10759 => 'ㄦ', 10760 => 'ㄧ', 10761 => 'ㄨ', 10762 => 'ㄩ', 10763 => 'ㄭ', 10764 => 'ꀀ', 10765 => 'ꀁ', 10766 => 'ꀂ', 10767 => 'ꀃ', 10768 => 'ꀄ', 10769 => 'ꀅ', 10770 => 'ꀆ', 10771 => 'ꀇ', 10772 => 'ꀈ', 10773 => 'ꀉ', 10774 => 'ꀊ', 10775 => 'ꀋ', 10776 => 'ꀌ', 10777 => 'ꀍ', 10778 => 'ꀎ', 10779 => 'ꀏ', 10780 => 'ꀐ', 10781 => 'ꀑ', 10782 => 'ꀒ', 10783 => 'ꀓ', 10784 => 'ꀔ', 10785 => 'ꀕ', 10786 => 'ꀖ', 10787 => 'ꀗ', 10788 => 'ꀘ', 10789 => 'ꀙ', 10790 => 'ꀚ', 10791 => 'ꀛ', 10792 => 'ꀜ', 10793 => 'ꀝ', 10794 => 'ꀞ', 10795 => 'ꀟ', 10796 => 'ꀠ', 10797 => 'ꀡ', 10798 => 'ꀢ', 10799 => 'ꀣ', 10800 => 'ꀤ', 10801 => 'ꀥ', 10802 => 'ꀦ', 10803 => 'ꀧ', 10804 => 'ꀨ', 10805 => 'ꀩ', 10806 => 'ꀪ', 10807 => 'ꀫ', 10808 => 'ꀬ', 10809 => 'ꀭ', 10810 => 'ꀮ', 10811 => 'ꀯ', 10812 => 'ꀰ', 10813 => 'ꀱ', 10814 => 'ꀲ', 10815 => 'ꀳ', 10816 => 'ꀴ', 10817 => 'ꀵ', 10818 => 'ꀶ', 10819 => 'ꀷ', 10820 => 'ꀸ', 10821 => 'ꀹ', 10822 => 'ꀺ', 10823 => 'ꀻ', 10824 => 'ꀼ', 10825 => 'ꀽ', 10826 => 'ꀾ', 10827 => 'ꀿ', 10828 => 'ꁀ', 10829 => 'ꁁ', 10830 => 'ꁂ', 10831 => 'ꁃ', 10832 => 'ꁄ', 10833 => 'ꁅ', 10834 => 'ꁆ', 10835 => 'ꁇ', 10836 => 'ꁈ', 10837 => 'ꁉ', 10838 => 'ꁊ', 10839 => 'ꁋ', 10840 => 'ꁌ', 10841 => 'ꁍ', 10842 => 'ꁎ', 10843 => 'ꁏ', 10844 => 'ꁐ', 10845 => 'ꁑ', 10846 => 'ꁒ', 10847 => 'ꁓ', 10848 => 'ꁔ', 10849 => 'ꁕ', 10850 => 'ꁖ', 10851 => 'ꁗ', 10852 => 'ꁘ', 10853 => 'ꁙ', 10854 => 'ꁚ', 10855 => 'ꁛ', 10856 => 'ꁜ', 10857 => 'ꁝ', 10858 => 'ꁞ', 10859 => 'ꁟ', 10860 => 'ꁠ', 10861 => 'ꁡ', 10862 => 'ꁢ', 10863 => 'ꁣ', 10864 => 'ꁤ', 10865 => 'ꁥ', 10866 => 'ꁦ', 10867 => 'ꁧ', 10868 => 'ꁨ', 10869 => 'ꁩ', 10870 => 'ꁪ', 10871 => 'ꁫ', 10872 => 'ꁬ', 10873 => 'ꁭ', 10874 => 'ꁮ', 10875 => 'ꁯ', 10876 => 'ꁰ', 10877 => 'ꁱ', 10878 => 'ꁲ', 10879 => 'ꁳ', 10880 => 'ꁴ', 10881 => 'ꁵ', 10882 => 'ꁶ', 10883 => 'ꁷ', 10884 => 'ꁸ', 10885 => 'ꁹ', 10886 => 'ꁺ', 10887 => 'ꁻ', 10888 => 'ꁼ', 10889 => 'ꁽ', 10890 => 'ꁾ', 10891 => 'ꁿ', 10892 => 'ꂀ', 10893 => 'ꂁ', 10894 => 'ꂂ', 10895 => 'ꂃ', 10896 => 'ꂄ', 10897 => 'ꂅ', 10898 => 'ꂆ', 10899 => 'ꂇ', 10900 => 'ꂈ', 10901 => 'ꂉ', 10902 => 'ꂊ', 10903 => 'ꂋ', 10904 => 'ꂌ', 10905 => 'ꂍ', 10906 => 'ꂎ', 10907 => 'ꂏ', 10908 => 'ꂐ', 10909 => 'ꂑ', 10910 => 'ꂒ', 10911 => 'ꂓ', 10912 => 'ꂔ', 10913 => 'ꂕ', 10914 => 'ꂖ', 10915 => 'ꂗ', 10916 => 'ꂘ', 10917 => 'ꂙ', 10918 => 'ꂚ', 10919 => 'ꂛ', 10920 => 'ꂜ', 10921 => 'ꂝ', 10922 => 'ꂞ', 10923 => 'ꂟ', 10924 => 'ꂠ', 10925 => 'ꂡ', 10926 => 'ꂢ', 10927 => 'ꂣ', 10928 => 'ꂤ', 10929 => 'ꂥ', 10930 => 'ꂦ', 10931 => 'ꂧ', 10932 => 'ꂨ', 10933 => 'ꂩ', 10934 => 'ꂪ', 10935 => 'ꂫ', 10936 => 'ꂬ', 10937 => 'ꂭ', 10938 => 'ꂮ', 10939 => 'ꂯ', 10940 => 'ꂰ', 10941 => 'ꂱ', 10942 => 'ꂲ', 10943 => 'ꂳ', 10944 => 'ꂴ', 10945 => 'ꂵ', 10946 => 'ꂶ', 10947 => 'ꂷ', 10948 => 'ꂸ', 10949 => 'ꂹ', 10950 => 'ꂺ', 10951 => 'ꂻ', 10952 => 'ꂼ', 10953 => 'ꂽ', 10954 => 'ꂾ', 10955 => 'ꂿ', 10956 => 'ꃀ', 10957 => 'ꃁ', 10958 => 'ꃂ', 10959 => 'ꃃ', 10960 => 'ꃄ', 10961 => 'ꃅ', 10962 => 'ꃆ', 10963 => 'ꃇ', 10964 => 'ꃈ', 10965 => 'ꃉ', 10966 => 'ꃊ', 10967 => 'ꃋ', 10968 => 'ꃌ', 10969 => 'ꃍ', 10970 => 'ꃎ', 10971 => 'ꃏ', 10972 => 'ꃐ', 10973 => 'ꃑ', 10974 => 'ꃒ', 10975 => 'ꃓ', 10976 => 'ꃔ', 10977 => 'ꃕ', 10978 => 'ꃖ', 10979 => 'ꃗ', 10980 => 'ꃘ', 10981 => 'ꃙ', 10982 => 'ꃚ', 10983 => 'ꃛ', 10984 => 'ꃜ', 10985 => 'ꃝ', 10986 => 'ꃞ', 10987 => 'ꃟ', 10988 => 'ꃠ', 10989 => 'ꃡ', 10990 => 'ꃢ', 10991 => 'ꃣ', 10992 => 'ꃤ', 10993 => 'ꃥ', 10994 => 'ꃦ', 10995 => 'ꃧ', 10996 => 'ꃨ', 10997 => 'ꃩ', 10998 => 'ꃪ', 10999 => 'ꃫ', 11000 => 'ꃬ', 11001 => 'ꃭ', 11002 => 'ꃮ', 11003 => 'ꃯ', 11004 => 'ꃰ', 11005 => 'ꃱ', 11006 => 'ꃲ', 11007 => 'ꃳ', 11008 => 'ꃴ', 11009 => 'ꃵ', 11010 => 'ꃶ', 11011 => 'ꃷ', 11012 => 'ꃸ', 11013 => 'ꃹ', 11014 => 'ꃺ', 11015 => 'ꃻ', 11016 => 'ꃼ', 11017 => 'ꃽ', 11018 => 'ꃾ', 11019 => 'ꃿ', 11020 => 'ꄀ', 11021 => 'ꄁ', 11022 => 'ꄂ', 11023 => 'ꄃ', 11024 => 'ꄄ', 11025 => 'ꄅ', 11026 => 'ꄆ', 11027 => 'ꄇ', 11028 => 'ꄈ', 11029 => 'ꄉ', 11030 => 'ꄊ', 11031 => 'ꄋ', 11032 => 'ꄌ', 11033 => 'ꄍ', 11034 => 'ꄎ', 11035 => 'ꄏ', 11036 => 'ꄐ', 11037 => 'ꄑ', 11038 => 'ꄒ', 11039 => 'ꄓ', 11040 => 'ꄔ', 11041 => 'ꄕ', 11042 => 'ꄖ', 11043 => 'ꄗ', 11044 => 'ꄘ', 11045 => 'ꄙ', 11046 => 'ꄚ', 11047 => 'ꄛ', 11048 => 'ꄜ', 11049 => 'ꄝ', 11050 => 'ꄞ', 11051 => 'ꄟ', 11052 => 'ꄠ', 11053 => 'ꄡ', 11054 => 'ꄢ', 11055 => 'ꄣ', 11056 => 'ꄤ', 11057 => 'ꄥ', 11058 => 'ꄦ', 11059 => 'ꄧ', 11060 => 'ꄨ', 11061 => 'ꄩ', 11062 => 'ꄪ', 11063 => 'ꄫ', 11064 => 'ꄬ', 11065 => 'ꄭ', 11066 => 'ꄮ', 11067 => 'ꄯ', 11068 => 'ꄰ', 11069 => 'ꄱ', 11070 => 'ꄲ', 11071 => 'ꄳ', 11072 => 'ꄴ', 11073 => 'ꄵ', 11074 => 'ꄶ', 11075 => 'ꄷ', 11076 => 'ꄸ', 11077 => 'ꄹ', 11078 => 'ꄺ', 11079 => 'ꄻ', 11080 => 'ꄼ', 11081 => 'ꄽ', 11082 => 'ꄾ', 11083 => 'ꄿ', 11084 => 'ꅀ', 11085 => 'ꅁ', 11086 => 'ꅂ', 11087 => 'ꅃ', 11088 => 'ꅄ', 11089 => 'ꅅ', 11090 => 'ꅆ', 11091 => 'ꅇ', 11092 => 'ꅈ', 11093 => 'ꅉ', 11094 => 'ꅊ', 11095 => 'ꅋ', 11096 => 'ꅌ', 11097 => 'ꅍ', 11098 => 'ꅎ', 11099 => 'ꅏ', 11100 => 'ꅐ', 11101 => 'ꅑ', 11102 => 'ꅒ', 11103 => 'ꅓ', 11104 => 'ꅔ', 11105 => 'ꅕ', 11106 => 'ꅖ', 11107 => 'ꅗ', 11108 => 'ꅘ', 11109 => 'ꅙ', 11110 => 'ꅚ', 11111 => 'ꅛ', 11112 => 'ꅜ', 11113 => 'ꅝ', 11114 => 'ꅞ', 11115 => 'ꅟ', 11116 => 'ꅠ', 11117 => 'ꅡ', 11118 => 'ꅢ', 11119 => 'ꅣ', 11120 => 'ꅤ', 11121 => 'ꅥ', 11122 => 'ꅦ', 11123 => 'ꅧ', 11124 => 'ꅨ', 11125 => 'ꅩ', 11126 => 'ꅪ', 11127 => 'ꅫ', 11128 => 'ꅬ', 11129 => 'ꅭ', 11130 => 'ꅮ', 11131 => 'ꅯ', 11132 => 'ꅰ', 11133 => 'ꅱ', 11134 => 'ꅲ', 11135 => 'ꅳ', 11136 => 'ꅴ', 11137 => 'ꅵ', 11138 => 'ꅶ', 11139 => 'ꅷ', 11140 => 'ꅸ', 11141 => 'ꅹ', 11142 => 'ꅺ', 11143 => 'ꅻ', 11144 => 'ꅼ', 11145 => 'ꅽ', 11146 => 'ꅾ', 11147 => 'ꅿ', 11148 => 'ꆀ', 11149 => 'ꆁ', 11150 => 'ꆂ', 11151 => 'ꆃ', 11152 => 'ꆄ', 11153 => 'ꆅ', 11154 => 'ꆆ', 11155 => 'ꆇ', 11156 => 'ꆈ', 11157 => 'ꆉ', 11158 => 'ꆊ', 11159 => 'ꆋ', 11160 => 'ꆌ', 11161 => 'ꆍ', 11162 => 'ꆎ', 11163 => 'ꆏ', 11164 => 'ꆐ', 11165 => 'ꆑ', 11166 => 'ꆒ', 11167 => 'ꆓ', 11168 => 'ꆔ', 11169 => 'ꆕ', 11170 => 'ꆖ', 11171 => 'ꆗ', 11172 => 'ꆘ', 11173 => 'ꆙ', 11174 => 'ꆚ', 11175 => 'ꆛ', 11176 => 'ꆜ', 11177 => 'ꆝ', 11178 => 'ꆞ', 11179 => 'ꆟ', 11180 => 'ꆠ', 11181 => 'ꆡ', 11182 => 'ꆢ', 11183 => 'ꆣ', 11184 => 'ꆤ', 11185 => 'ꆥ', 11186 => 'ꆦ', 11187 => 'ꆧ', 11188 => 'ꆨ', 11189 => 'ꆩ', 11190 => 'ꆪ', 11191 => 'ꆫ', 11192 => 'ꆬ', 11193 => 'ꆭ', 11194 => 'ꆮ', 11195 => 'ꆯ', 11196 => 'ꆰ', 11197 => 'ꆱ', 11198 => 'ꆲ', 11199 => 'ꆳ', 11200 => 'ꆴ', 11201 => 'ꆵ', 11202 => 'ꆶ', 11203 => 'ꆷ', 11204 => 'ꆸ', 11205 => 'ꆹ', 11206 => 'ꆺ', 11207 => 'ꆻ', 11208 => 'ꆼ', 11209 => 'ꆽ', 11210 => 'ꆾ', 11211 => 'ꆿ', 11212 => 'ꇀ', 11213 => 'ꇁ', 11214 => 'ꇂ', 11215 => 'ꇃ', 11216 => 'ꇄ', 11217 => 'ꇅ', 11218 => 'ꇆ', 11219 => 'ꇇ', 11220 => 'ꇈ', 11221 => 'ꇉ', 11222 => 'ꇊ', 11223 => 'ꇋ', 11224 => 'ꇌ', 11225 => 'ꇍ', 11226 => 'ꇎ', 11227 => 'ꇏ', 11228 => 'ꇐ', 11229 => 'ꇑ', 11230 => 'ꇒ', 11231 => 'ꇓ', 11232 => 'ꇔ', 11233 => 'ꇕ', 11234 => 'ꇖ', 11235 => 'ꇗ', 11236 => 'ꇘ', 11237 => 'ꇙ', 11238 => 'ꇚ', 11239 => 'ꇛ', 11240 => 'ꇜ', 11241 => 'ꇝ', 11242 => 'ꇞ', 11243 => 'ꇟ', 11244 => 'ꇠ', 11245 => 'ꇡ', 11246 => 'ꇢ', 11247 => 'ꇣ', 11248 => 'ꇤ', 11249 => 'ꇥ', 11250 => 'ꇦ', 11251 => 'ꇧ', 11252 => 'ꇨ', 11253 => 'ꇩ', 11254 => 'ꇪ', 11255 => 'ꇫ', 11256 => 'ꇬ', 11257 => 'ꇭ', 11258 => 'ꇮ', 11259 => 'ꇯ', 11260 => 'ꇰ', 11261 => 'ꇱ', 11262 => 'ꇲ', 11263 => 'ꇳ', 11264 => 'ꇴ', 11265 => 'ꇵ', 11266 => 'ꇶ', 11267 => 'ꇷ', 11268 => 'ꇸ', 11269 => 'ꇹ', 11270 => 'ꇺ', 11271 => 'ꇻ', 11272 => 'ꇼ', 11273 => 'ꇽ', 11274 => 'ꇾ', 11275 => 'ꇿ', 11276 => 'ꈀ', 11277 => 'ꈁ', 11278 => 'ꈂ', 11279 => 'ꈃ', 11280 => 'ꈄ', 11281 => 'ꈅ', 11282 => 'ꈆ', 11283 => 'ꈇ', 11284 => 'ꈈ', 11285 => 'ꈉ', 11286 => 'ꈊ', 11287 => 'ꈋ', 11288 => 'ꈌ', 11289 => 'ꈍ', 11290 => 'ꈎ', 11291 => 'ꈏ', 11292 => 'ꈐ', 11293 => 'ꈑ', 11294 => 'ꈒ', 11295 => 'ꈓ', 11296 => 'ꈔ', 11297 => 'ꈕ', 11298 => 'ꈖ', 11299 => 'ꈗ', 11300 => 'ꈘ', 11301 => 'ꈙ', 11302 => 'ꈚ', 11303 => 'ꈛ', 11304 => 'ꈜ', 11305 => 'ꈝ', 11306 => 'ꈞ', 11307 => 'ꈟ', 11308 => 'ꈠ', 11309 => 'ꈡ', 11310 => 'ꈢ', 11311 => 'ꈣ', 11312 => 'ꈤ', 11313 => 'ꈥ', 11314 => 'ꈦ', 11315 => 'ꈧ', 11316 => 'ꈨ', 11317 => 'ꈩ', 11318 => 'ꈪ', 11319 => 'ꈫ', 11320 => 'ꈬ', 11321 => 'ꈭ', 11322 => 'ꈮ', 11323 => 'ꈯ', 11324 => 'ꈰ', 11325 => 'ꈱ', 11326 => 'ꈲ', 11327 => 'ꈳ', 11328 => 'ꈴ', 11329 => 'ꈵ', 11330 => 'ꈶ', 11331 => 'ꈷ', 11332 => 'ꈸ', 11333 => 'ꈹ', 11334 => 'ꈺ', 11335 => 'ꈻ', 11336 => 'ꈼ', 11337 => 'ꈽ', 11338 => 'ꈾ', 11339 => 'ꈿ', 11340 => 'ꉀ', 11341 => 'ꉁ', 11342 => 'ꉂ', 11343 => 'ꉃ', 11344 => 'ꉄ', 11345 => 'ꉅ', 11346 => 'ꉆ', 11347 => 'ꉇ', 11348 => 'ꉈ', 11349 => 'ꉉ', 11350 => 'ꉊ', 11351 => 'ꉋ', 11352 => 'ꉌ', 11353 => 'ꉍ', 11354 => 'ꉎ', 11355 => 'ꉏ', 11356 => 'ꉐ', 11357 => 'ꉑ', 11358 => 'ꉒ', 11359 => 'ꉓ', 11360 => 'ꉔ', 11361 => 'ꉕ', 11362 => 'ꉖ', 11363 => 'ꉗ', 11364 => 'ꉘ', 11365 => 'ꉙ', 11366 => 'ꉚ', 11367 => 'ꉛ', 11368 => 'ꉜ', 11369 => 'ꉝ', 11370 => 'ꉞ', 11371 => 'ꉟ', 11372 => 'ꉠ', 11373 => 'ꉡ', 11374 => 'ꉢ', 11375 => 'ꉣ', 11376 => 'ꉤ', 11377 => 'ꉥ', 11378 => 'ꉦ', 11379 => 'ꉧ', 11380 => 'ꉨ', 11381 => 'ꉩ', 11382 => 'ꉪ', 11383 => 'ꉫ', 11384 => 'ꉬ', 11385 => 'ꉭ', 11386 => 'ꉮ', 11387 => 'ꉯ', 11388 => 'ꉰ', 11389 => 'ꉱ', 11390 => 'ꉲ', 11391 => 'ꉳ', 11392 => 'ꉴ', 11393 => 'ꉵ', 11394 => 'ꉶ', 11395 => 'ꉷ', 11396 => 'ꉸ', 11397 => 'ꉹ', 11398 => 'ꉺ', 11399 => 'ꉻ', 11400 => 'ꉼ', 11401 => 'ꉽ', 11402 => 'ꉾ', 11403 => 'ꉿ', 11404 => 'ꊀ', 11405 => 'ꊁ', 11406 => 'ꊂ', 11407 => 'ꊃ', 11408 => 'ꊄ', 11409 => 'ꊅ', 11410 => 'ꊆ', 11411 => 'ꊇ', 11412 => 'ꊈ', 11413 => 'ꊉ', 11414 => 'ꊊ', 11415 => 'ꊋ', 11416 => 'ꊌ', 11417 => 'ꊍ', 11418 => 'ꊎ', 11419 => 'ꊏ', 11420 => 'ꊐ', 11421 => 'ꊑ', 11422 => 'ꊒ', 11423 => 'ꊓ', 11424 => 'ꊔ', 11425 => 'ꊕ', 11426 => 'ꊖ', 11427 => 'ꊗ', 11428 => 'ꊘ', 11429 => 'ꊙ', 11430 => 'ꊚ', 11431 => 'ꊛ', 11432 => 'ꊜ', 11433 => 'ꊝ', 11434 => 'ꊞ', 11435 => 'ꊟ', 11436 => 'ꊠ', 11437 => 'ꊡ', 11438 => 'ꊢ', 11439 => 'ꊣ', 11440 => 'ꊤ', 11441 => 'ꊥ', 11442 => 'ꊦ', 11443 => 'ꊧ', 11444 => 'ꊨ', 11445 => 'ꊩ', 11446 => 'ꊪ', 11447 => 'ꊫ', 11448 => 'ꊬ', 11449 => 'ꊭ', 11450 => 'ꊮ', 11451 => 'ꊯ', 11452 => 'ꊰ', 11453 => 'ꊱ', 11454 => 'ꊲ', 11455 => 'ꊳ', 11456 => 'ꊴ', 11457 => 'ꊵ', 11458 => 'ꊶ', 11459 => 'ꊷ', 11460 => 'ꊸ', 11461 => 'ꊹ', 11462 => 'ꊺ', 11463 => 'ꊻ', 11464 => 'ꊼ', 11465 => 'ꊽ', 11466 => 'ꊾ', 11467 => 'ꊿ', 11468 => 'ꋀ', 11469 => 'ꋁ', 11470 => 'ꋂ', 11471 => 'ꋃ', 11472 => 'ꋄ', 11473 => 'ꋅ', 11474 => 'ꋆ', 11475 => 'ꋇ', 11476 => 'ꋈ', 11477 => 'ꋉ', 11478 => 'ꋊ', 11479 => 'ꋋ', 11480 => 'ꋌ', 11481 => 'ꋍ', 11482 => 'ꋎ', 11483 => 'ꋏ', 11484 => 'ꋐ', 11485 => 'ꋑ', 11486 => 'ꋒ', 11487 => 'ꋓ', 11488 => 'ꋔ', 11489 => 'ꋕ', 11490 => 'ꋖ', 11491 => 'ꋗ', 11492 => 'ꋘ', 11493 => 'ꋙ', 11494 => 'ꋚ', 11495 => 'ꋛ', 11496 => 'ꋜ', 11497 => 'ꋝ', 11498 => 'ꋞ', 11499 => 'ꋟ', 11500 => 'ꋠ', 11501 => 'ꋡ', 11502 => 'ꋢ', 11503 => 'ꋣ', 11504 => 'ꋤ', 11505 => 'ꋥ', 11506 => 'ꋦ', 11507 => 'ꋧ', 11508 => 'ꋨ', 11509 => 'ꋩ', 11510 => 'ꋪ', 11511 => 'ꋫ', 11512 => 'ꋬ', 11513 => 'ꋭ', 11514 => 'ꋮ', 11515 => 'ꋯ', 11516 => 'ꋰ', 11517 => 'ꋱ', 11518 => 'ꋲ', 11519 => 'ꋳ', 11520 => 'ꋴ', 11521 => 'ꋵ', 11522 => 'ꋶ', 11523 => 'ꋷ', 11524 => 'ꋸ', 11525 => 'ꋹ', 11526 => 'ꋺ', 11527 => 'ꋻ', 11528 => 'ꋼ', 11529 => 'ꋽ', 11530 => 'ꋾ', 11531 => 'ꋿ', 11532 => 'ꌀ', 11533 => 'ꌁ', 11534 => 'ꌂ', 11535 => 'ꌃ', 11536 => 'ꌄ', 11537 => 'ꌅ', 11538 => 'ꌆ', 11539 => 'ꌇ', 11540 => 'ꌈ', 11541 => 'ꌉ', 11542 => 'ꌊ', 11543 => 'ꌋ', 11544 => 'ꌌ', 11545 => 'ꌍ', 11546 => 'ꌎ', 11547 => 'ꌏ', 11548 => 'ꌐ', 11549 => 'ꌑ', 11550 => 'ꌒ', 11551 => 'ꌓ', 11552 => 'ꌔ', 11553 => 'ꌕ', 11554 => 'ꌖ', 11555 => 'ꌗ', 11556 => 'ꌘ', 11557 => 'ꌙ', 11558 => 'ꌚ', 11559 => 'ꌛ', 11560 => 'ꌜ', 11561 => 'ꌝ', 11562 => 'ꌞ', 11563 => 'ꌟ', 11564 => 'ꌠ', 11565 => 'ꌡ', 11566 => 'ꌢ', 11567 => 'ꌣ', 11568 => 'ꌤ', 11569 => 'ꌥ', 11570 => 'ꌦ', 11571 => 'ꌧ', 11572 => 'ꌨ', 11573 => 'ꌩ', 11574 => 'ꌪ', 11575 => 'ꌫ', 11576 => 'ꌬ', 11577 => 'ꌭ', 11578 => 'ꌮ', 11579 => 'ꌯ', 11580 => 'ꌰ', 11581 => 'ꌱ', 11582 => 'ꌲ', 11583 => 'ꌳ', 11584 => 'ꌴ', 11585 => 'ꌵ', 11586 => 'ꌶ', 11587 => 'ꌷ', 11588 => 'ꌸ', 11589 => 'ꌹ', 11590 => 'ꌺ', 11591 => 'ꌻ', 11592 => 'ꌼ', 11593 => 'ꌽ', 11594 => 'ꌾ', 11595 => 'ꌿ', 11596 => 'ꍀ', 11597 => 'ꍁ', 11598 => 'ꍂ', 11599 => 'ꍃ', 11600 => 'ꍄ', 11601 => 'ꍅ', 11602 => 'ꍆ', 11603 => 'ꍇ', 11604 => 'ꍈ', 11605 => 'ꍉ', 11606 => 'ꍊ', 11607 => 'ꍋ', 11608 => 'ꍌ', 11609 => 'ꍍ', 11610 => 'ꍎ', 11611 => 'ꍏ', 11612 => 'ꍐ', 11613 => 'ꍑ', 11614 => 'ꍒ', 11615 => 'ꍓ', 11616 => 'ꍔ', 11617 => 'ꍕ', 11618 => 'ꍖ', 11619 => 'ꍗ', 11620 => 'ꍘ', 11621 => 'ꍙ', 11622 => 'ꍚ', 11623 => 'ꍛ', 11624 => 'ꍜ', 11625 => 'ꍝ', 11626 => 'ꍞ', 11627 => 'ꍟ', 11628 => 'ꍠ', 11629 => 'ꍡ', 11630 => 'ꍢ', 11631 => 'ꍣ', 11632 => 'ꍤ', 11633 => 'ꍥ', 11634 => 'ꍦ', 11635 => 'ꍧ', 11636 => 'ꍨ', 11637 => 'ꍩ', 11638 => 'ꍪ', 11639 => 'ꍫ', 11640 => 'ꍬ', 11641 => 'ꍭ', 11642 => 'ꍮ', 11643 => 'ꍯ', 11644 => 'ꍰ', 11645 => 'ꍱ', 11646 => 'ꍲ', 11647 => 'ꍳ', 11648 => 'ꍴ', 11649 => 'ꍵ', 11650 => 'ꍶ', 11651 => 'ꍷ', 11652 => 'ꍸ', 11653 => 'ꍹ', 11654 => 'ꍺ', 11655 => 'ꍻ', 11656 => 'ꍼ', 11657 => 'ꍽ', 11658 => 'ꍾ', 11659 => 'ꍿ', 11660 => 'ꎀ', 11661 => 'ꎁ', 11662 => 'ꎂ', 11663 => 'ꎃ', 11664 => 'ꎄ', 11665 => 'ꎅ', 11666 => 'ꎆ', 11667 => 'ꎇ', 11668 => 'ꎈ', 11669 => 'ꎉ', 11670 => 'ꎊ', 11671 => 'ꎋ', 11672 => 'ꎌ', 11673 => 'ꎍ', 11674 => 'ꎎ', 11675 => 'ꎏ', 11676 => 'ꎐ', 11677 => 'ꎑ', 11678 => 'ꎒ', 11679 => 'ꎓ', 11680 => 'ꎔ', 11681 => 'ꎕ', 11682 => 'ꎖ', 11683 => 'ꎗ', 11684 => 'ꎘ', 11685 => 'ꎙ', 11686 => 'ꎚ', 11687 => 'ꎛ', 11688 => 'ꎜ', 11689 => 'ꎝ', 11690 => 'ꎞ', 11691 => 'ꎟ', 11692 => 'ꎠ', 11693 => 'ꎡ', 11694 => 'ꎢ', 11695 => 'ꎣ', 11696 => 'ꎤ', 11697 => 'ꎥ', 11698 => 'ꎦ', 11699 => 'ꎧ', 11700 => 'ꎨ', 11701 => 'ꎩ', 11702 => 'ꎪ', 11703 => 'ꎫ', 11704 => 'ꎬ', 11705 => 'ꎭ', 11706 => 'ꎮ', 11707 => 'ꎯ', 11708 => 'ꎰ', 11709 => 'ꎱ', 11710 => 'ꎲ', 11711 => 'ꎳ', 11712 => 'ꎴ', 11713 => 'ꎵ', 11714 => 'ꎶ', 11715 => 'ꎷ', 11716 => 'ꎸ', 11717 => 'ꎹ', 11718 => 'ꎺ', 11719 => 'ꎻ', 11720 => 'ꎼ', 11721 => 'ꎽ', 11722 => 'ꎾ', 11723 => 'ꎿ', 11724 => 'ꏀ', 11725 => 'ꏁ', 11726 => 'ꏂ', 11727 => 'ꏃ', 11728 => 'ꏄ', 11729 => 'ꏅ', 11730 => 'ꏆ', 11731 => 'ꏇ', 11732 => 'ꏈ', 11733 => 'ꏉ', 11734 => 'ꏊ', 11735 => 'ꏋ', 11736 => 'ꏌ', 11737 => 'ꏍ', 11738 => 'ꏎ', 11739 => 'ꏏ', 11740 => 'ꏐ', 11741 => 'ꏑ', 11742 => 'ꏒ', 11743 => 'ꏓ', 11744 => 'ꏔ', 11745 => 'ꏕ', 11746 => 'ꏖ', 11747 => 'ꏗ', 11748 => 'ꏘ', 11749 => 'ꏙ', 11750 => 'ꏚ', 11751 => 'ꏛ', 11752 => 'ꏜ', 11753 => 'ꏝ', 11754 => 'ꏞ', 11755 => 'ꏟ', 11756 => 'ꏠ', 11757 => 'ꏡ', 11758 => 'ꏢ', 11759 => 'ꏣ', 11760 => 'ꏤ', 11761 => 'ꏥ', 11762 => 'ꏦ', 11763 => 'ꏧ', 11764 => 'ꏨ', 11765 => 'ꏩ', 11766 => 'ꏪ', 11767 => 'ꏫ', 11768 => 'ꏬ', 11769 => 'ꏭ', 11770 => 'ꏮ', 11771 => 'ꏯ', 11772 => 'ꏰ', 11773 => 'ꏱ', 11774 => 'ꏲ', 11775 => 'ꏳ', 11776 => 'ꏴ', 11777 => 'ꏵ', 11778 => 'ꏶ', 11779 => 'ꏷ', 11780 => 'ꏸ', 11781 => 'ꏹ', 11782 => 'ꏺ', 11783 => 'ꏻ', 11784 => 'ꏼ', 11785 => 'ꏽ', 11786 => 'ꏾ', 11787 => 'ꏿ', 11788 => 'ꐀ', 11789 => 'ꐁ', 11790 => 'ꐂ', 11791 => 'ꐃ', 11792 => 'ꐄ', 11793 => 'ꐅ', 11794 => 'ꐆ', 11795 => 'ꐇ', 11796 => 'ꐈ', 11797 => 'ꐉ', 11798 => 'ꐊ', 11799 => 'ꐋ', 11800 => 'ꐌ', 11801 => 'ꐍ', 11802 => 'ꐎ', 11803 => 'ꐏ', 11804 => 'ꐐ', 11805 => 'ꐑ', 11806 => 'ꐒ', 11807 => 'ꐓ', 11808 => 'ꐔ', 11809 => 'ꐕ', 11810 => 'ꐖ', 11811 => 'ꐗ', 11812 => 'ꐘ', 11813 => 'ꐙ', 11814 => 'ꐚ', 11815 => 'ꐛ', 11816 => 'ꐜ', 11817 => 'ꐝ', 11818 => 'ꐞ', 11819 => 'ꐟ', 11820 => 'ꐠ', 11821 => 'ꐡ', 11822 => 'ꐢ', 11823 => 'ꐣ', 11824 => 'ꐤ', 11825 => 'ꐥ', 11826 => 'ꐦ', 11827 => 'ꐧ', 11828 => 'ꐨ', 11829 => 'ꐩ', 11830 => 'ꐪ', 11831 => 'ꐫ', 11832 => 'ꐬ', 11833 => 'ꐭ', 11834 => 'ꐮ', 11835 => 'ꐯ', 11836 => 'ꐰ', 11837 => 'ꐱ', 11838 => 'ꐲ', 11839 => 'ꐳ', 11840 => 'ꐴ', 11841 => 'ꐵ', 11842 => 'ꐶ', 11843 => 'ꐷ', 11844 => 'ꐸ', 11845 => 'ꐹ', 11846 => 'ꐺ', 11847 => 'ꐻ', 11848 => 'ꐼ', 11849 => 'ꐽ', 11850 => 'ꐾ', 11851 => 'ꐿ', 11852 => 'ꑀ', 11853 => 'ꑁ', 11854 => 'ꑂ', 11855 => 'ꑃ', 11856 => 'ꑄ', 11857 => 'ꑅ', 11858 => 'ꑆ', 11859 => 'ꑇ', 11860 => 'ꑈ', 11861 => 'ꑉ', 11862 => 'ꑊ', 11863 => 'ꑋ', 11864 => 'ꑌ', 11865 => 'ꑍ', 11866 => 'ꑎ', 11867 => 'ꑏ', 11868 => 'ꑐ', 11869 => 'ꑑ', 11870 => 'ꑒ', 11871 => 'ꑓ', 11872 => 'ꑔ', 11873 => 'ꑕ', 11874 => 'ꑖ', 11875 => 'ꑗ', 11876 => 'ꑘ', 11877 => 'ꑙ', 11878 => 'ꑚ', 11879 => 'ꑛ', 11880 => 'ꑜ', 11881 => 'ꑝ', 11882 => 'ꑞ', 11883 => 'ꑟ', 11884 => 'ꑠ', 11885 => 'ꑡ', 11886 => 'ꑢ', 11887 => 'ꑣ', 11888 => 'ꑤ', 11889 => 'ꑥ', 11890 => 'ꑦ', 11891 => 'ꑧ', 11892 => 'ꑨ', 11893 => 'ꑩ', 11894 => 'ꑪ', 11895 => 'ꑫ', 11896 => 'ꑬ', 11897 => 'ꑭ', 11898 => 'ꑮ', 11899 => 'ꑯ', 11900 => 'ꑰ', 11901 => 'ꑱ', 11902 => 'ꑲ', 11903 => 'ꑳ', 11904 => 'ꑴ', 11905 => 'ꑵ', 11906 => 'ꑶ', 11907 => 'ꑷ', 11908 => 'ꑸ', 11909 => 'ꑹ', 11910 => 'ꑺ', 11911 => 'ꑻ', 11912 => 'ꑼ', 11913 => 'ꑽ', 11914 => 'ꑾ', 11915 => 'ꑿ', 11916 => 'ꒀ', 11917 => 'ꒁ', 11918 => 'ꒂ', 11919 => 'ꒃ', 11920 => 'ꒄ', 11921 => 'ꒅ', 11922 => 'ꒆ', 11923 => 'ꒇ', 11924 => 'ꒈ', 11925 => 'ꒉ', 11926 => 'ꒊ', 11927 => 'ꒋ', 11928 => 'ꒌ', 11929 => 'ꓸ', 11930 => 'ꓹ', 11931 => 'ꓺ', 11932 => 'ꓻ', 11933 => 'ꓽ', 11934 => 'ꓼ', 11935 => 'ꓐ', 11936 => 'ꓑ', 11937 => 'ꓒ', 11938 => 'ꓓ', 11939 => 'ꓔ', 11940 => 'ꓕ', 11941 => 'ꓖ', 11942 => 'ꓗ', 11943 => 'ꓘ', 11944 => 'ꓙ', 11945 => 'ꓚ', 11946 => 'ꓛ', 11947 => 'ꓜ', 11948 => 'ꓝ', 11949 => 'ꓞ', 11950 => 'ꓟ', 11951 => 'ꓠ', 11952 => 'ꓡ', 11953 => 'ꓢ', 11954 => 'ꓣ', 11955 => 'ꓤ', 11956 => 'ꓥ', 11957 => 'ꓦ', 11958 => 'ꓧ', 11959 => 'ꓨ', 11960 => 'ꓩ', 11961 => 'ꓫ', 11962 => 'ꓭ', 11963 => 'ꓪ', 11964 => 'ꓬ', 11965 => 'ꓮ', 11966 => 'ꓯ', 11967 => 'ꓰ', 11968 => 'ꓱ', 11969 => 'ꓲ', 11970 => 'ꓳ', 11971 => 'ꓴ', 11972 => 'ꓵ', 11973 => 'ꓶ', 11974 => 'ꓷ', 11975 => '𐊀', 11976 => '𐊁', 11977 => '𐊂', 11978 => '𐊃', 11979 => '𐊄', 11980 => '𐊅', 11981 => '𐊆', 11982 => '𐊇', 11983 => '𐊈', 11984 => '𐊉', 11985 => '𐊊', 11986 => '𐊋', 11987 => '𐊌', 11988 => '𐊍', 11989 => '𐊎', 11990 => '𐊏', 11991 => '𐊐', 11992 => '𐊑', 11993 => '𐊒', 11994 => '𐊓', 11995 => '𐊔', 11996 => '𐊕', 11997 => '𐊖', 11998 => '𐊗', 11999 => '𐊘', 12000 => '𐊙', 12001 => '𐊚', 12002 => '𐊛', 12003 => '𐊜', 12004 => '𐊠', 12005 => '𐊡', 12006 => '𐊢', 12007 => '𐊣', 12008 => '𐊤', 12009 => '𐊥', 12010 => '𐊦', 12011 => '𐊧', 12012 => '𐊨', 12013 => '𐊩', 12014 => '𐊪', 12015 => '𐊫', 12016 => '𐊬', 12017 => '𐊭', 12018 => '𐊮', 12019 => '𐊯', 12020 => '𐊰', 12021 => '𐊱', 12022 => '𐊲', 12023 => '𐊳', 12024 => '𐊴', 12025 => '𐊵', 12026 => '𐊶', 12027 => '𐊷', 12028 => '𐊸', 12029 => '𐊹', 12030 => '𐊺', 12031 => '𐊻', 12032 => '𐊼', 12033 => '𐊽', 12034 => '𐊾', 12035 => '𐊿', 12036 => '𐋀', 12037 => '𐋁', 12038 => '𐋂', 12039 => '𐋃', 12040 => '𐋄', 12041 => '𐋅', 12042 => '𐋆', 12043 => '𐋇', 12044 => '𐋈', 12045 => '𐋉', 12046 => '𐋊', 12047 => '𐋋', 12048 => '𐋌', 12049 => '𐋍', 12050 => '𐋎', 12051 => '𐋏', 12052 => '𐋐', 12053 => '𐤠', 12054 => '𐤡', 12055 => '𐤢', 12056 => '𐤣', 12057 => '𐤤', 12058 => '𐤥', 12059 => '𐤦', 12060 => '𐤧', 12061 => '𐤨', 12062 => '𐤩', 12063 => '𐤪', 12064 => '𐤫', 12065 => '𐤬', 12066 => '𐤭', 12067 => '𐤮', 12068 => '𐤯', 12069 => '𐤰', 12070 => '𐤱', 12071 => '𐤲', 12072 => '𐤳', 12073 => '𐤴', 12074 => '𐤵', 12075 => '𐤶', 12076 => '𐤷', 12077 => '𐤸', 12078 => '𐤹', 12079 => '𐌀', 12080 => '𐌁', 12081 => '𐌂', 12082 => '𐌃', 12083 => '𐌄', 12084 => '𐌅', 12085 => '𐌆', 12086 => '𐌇', 12087 => '𐌈', 12088 => '𐌉', 12089 => '𐌊', 12090 => '𐌋', 12091 => '𐌌', 12092 => '𐌍', 12093 => '𐌎', 12094 => '𐌏', 12095 => '𐌐', 12096 => '𐌑', 12097 => '𐌒', 12098 => '𐌓', 12099 => '𐌔', 12100 => '𐌕', 12101 => '𐌖', 12102 => '𐌗', 12103 => '𐌘', 12104 => '𐌙', 12105 => '𐌚', 12106 => '𐌛', 12107 => '𐌜', 12108 => '𐌝', 12109 => '𐌞', 12110 => '𐌰', 12111 => '𐌱', 12112 => '𐌲', 12113 => '𐌳', 12114 => '𐌴', 12115 => '𐌵', 12116 => '𐌶', 12117 => '𐌷', 12118 => '𐌸', 12119 => '𐌹', 12120 => '𐌺', 12121 => '𐌻', 12122 => '𐌼', 12123 => '𐌽', 12124 => '𐌾', 12125 => '𐌿', 12126 => '𐍀', 12127 => '𐍁', 12128 => '𐍂', 12129 => '𐍃', 12130 => '𐍄', 12131 => '𐍅', 12132 => '𐍆', 12133 => '𐍇', 12134 => '𐍈', 12135 => '𐍉', 12136 => '𐍊', 12137 => '𐐀', 12138 => '𐐁', 12139 => '𐐂', 12140 => '𐐃', 12141 => '𐐄', 12142 => '𐐅', 12143 => '𐐆', 12144 => '𐐇', 12145 => '𐐈', 12146 => '𐐉', 12147 => '𐐊', 12148 => '𐐋', 12149 => '𐐌', 12150 => '𐐍', 12151 => '𐐎', 12152 => '𐐏', 12153 => '𐐐', 12154 => '𐐑', 12155 => '𐐒', 12156 => '𐐓', 12157 => '𐐔', 12158 => '𐐕', 12159 => '𐐖', 12160 => '𐐗', 12161 => '𐐘', 12162 => '𐐙', 12163 => '𐐚', 12164 => '𐐛', 12165 => '𐐜', 12166 => '𐐝', 12167 => '𐐞', 12168 => '𐐟', 12169 => '𐐠', 12170 => '𐐡', 12171 => '𐐢', 12172 => '𐐣', 12173 => '𐐤', 12174 => '𐐥', 12175 => '𐐦', 12176 => '𐐧', 12177 => '𐑐', 12178 => '𐑑', 12179 => '𐑒', 12180 => '𐑓', 12181 => '𐑔', 12182 => '𐑕', 12183 => '𐑖', 12184 => '𐑗', 12185 => '𐑘', 12186 => '𐑙', 12187 => '𐑚', 12188 => '𐑛', 12189 => '𐑜', 12190 => '𐑝', 12191 => '𐑞', 12192 => '𐑟', 12193 => '𐑠', 12194 => '𐑡', 12195 => '𐑢', 12196 => '𐑣', 12197 => '𐑤', 12198 => '𐑥', 12199 => '𐑦', 12200 => '𐑧', 12201 => '𐑨', 12202 => '𐑩', 12203 => '𐑪', 12204 => '𐑫', 12205 => '𐑬', 12206 => '𐑭', 12207 => '𐑮', 12208 => '𐑯', 12209 => '𐑰', 12210 => '𐑱', 12211 => '𐑲', 12212 => '𐑳', 12213 => '𐑴', 12214 => '𐑵', 12215 => '𐑶', 12216 => '𐑷', 12217 => '𐑸', 12218 => '𐑹', 12219 => '𐑺', 12220 => '𐑻', 12221 => '𐑼', 12222 => '𐑽', 12223 => '𐑾', 12224 => '𐑿', 12225 => '𐒀', 12226 => '𐒁', 12227 => '𐒂', 12228 => '𐒃', 12229 => '𐒄', 12230 => '𐒅', 12231 => '𐒆', 12232 => '𐒇', 12233 => '𐒈', 12234 => '𐒉', 12235 => '𐒊', 12236 => '𐒋', 12237 => '𐒌', 12238 => '𐒍', 12239 => '𐒎', 12240 => '𐒏', 12241 => '𐒐', 12242 => '𐒑', 12243 => '𐒒', 12244 => '𐒓', 12245 => '𐒔', 12246 => '𐒕', 12247 => '𐒖', 12248 => '𐒗', 12249 => '𐒘', 12250 => '𐒙', 12251 => '𐒚', 12252 => '𐒛', 12253 => '𐒜', 12254 => '𐒝', 12255 => '𐀀', 12256 => '𐀁', 12257 => '𐀂', 12258 => '𐀃', 12259 => '𐀄', 12260 => '𐀅', 12261 => '𐀆', 12262 => '𐀇', 12263 => '𐀈', 12264 => '𐀉', 12265 => '𐀊', 12266 => '𐀋', 12267 => '𐀍', 12268 => '𐀎', 12269 => '𐀏', 12270 => '𐀐', 12271 => '𐀑', 12272 => '𐀒', 12273 => '𐀓', 12274 => '𐀔', 12275 => '𐀕', 12276 => '𐀖', 12277 => '𐀗', 12278 => '𐀘', 12279 => '𐀙', 12280 => '𐀚', 12281 => '𐀛', 12282 => '𐀜', 12283 => '𐀝', 12284 => '𐀞', 12285 => '𐀟', 12286 => '𐀠', 12287 => '𐀡', 12288 => '𐀢', 12289 => '𐀣', 12290 => '𐀤', 12291 => '𐀥', 12292 => '𐀦', 12293 => '𐀨', 12294 => '𐀩', 12295 => '𐀪', 12296 => '𐀫', 12297 => '𐀬', 12298 => '𐀭', 12299 => '𐀮', 12300 => '𐀯', 12301 => '𐀰', 12302 => '𐀱', 12303 => '𐀲', 12304 => '𐀳', 12305 => '𐀴', 12306 => '𐀵', 12307 => '𐀶', 12308 => '𐀷', 12309 => '𐀸', 12310 => '𐀹', 12311 => '𐀺', 12312 => '𐀼', 12313 => '𐀽', 12314 => '𐀿', 12315 => '𐁀', 12316 => '𐁁', 12317 => '𐁂', 12318 => '𐁃', 12319 => '𐁄', 12320 => '𐁅', 12321 => '𐁆', 12322 => '𐁇', 12323 => '𐁈', 12324 => '𐁉', 12325 => '𐁊', 12326 => '𐁋', 12327 => '𐁌', 12328 => '𐁍', 12329 => '𐁐', 12330 => '𐁑', 12331 => '𐁒', 12332 => '𐁓', 12333 => '𐁔', 12334 => '𐁕', 12335 => '𐁖', 12336 => '𐁗', 12337 => '𐁘', 12338 => '𐁙', 12339 => '𐁚', 12340 => '𐁛', 12341 => '𐁜', 12342 => '𐁝', 12343 => '𐂀', 12344 => '𐂁', 12345 => '𐂂', 12346 => '𐂃', 12347 => '𐂄', 12348 => '𐂅', 12349 => '𐂆', 12350 => '𐂇', 12351 => '𐂈', 12352 => '𐂉', 12353 => '𐂊', 12354 => '𐂋', 12355 => '𐂌', 12356 => '𐂍', 12357 => '𐂎', 12358 => '𐂏', 12359 => '𐂐', 12360 => '𐂑', 12361 => '𐂒', 12362 => '𐂓', 12363 => '𐂔', 12364 => '𐂕', 12365 => '𐂖', 12366 => '𐂗', 12367 => '𐂘', 12368 => '𐂙', 12369 => '𐂚', 12370 => '𐂛', 12371 => '𐂜', 12372 => '𐂝', 12373 => '𐂞', 12374 => '𐂟', 12375 => '𐂠', 12376 => '𐂡', 12377 => '𐂢', 12378 => '𐂣', 12379 => '𐂤', 12380 => '𐂥', 12381 => '𐂦', 12382 => '𐂧', 12383 => '𐂨', 12384 => '𐂩', 12385 => '𐂪', 12386 => '𐂫', 12387 => '𐂬', 12388 => '𐂭', 12389 => '𐂮', 12390 => '𐂯', 12391 => '𐂰', 12392 => '𐂱', 12393 => '𐂲', 12394 => '𐂳', 12395 => '𐂴', 12396 => '𐂵', 12397 => '𐂶', 12398 => '𐂷', 12399 => '𐂸', 12400 => '𐂹', 12401 => '𐂺', 12402 => '𐂻', 12403 => '𐂼', 12404 => '𐂽', 12405 => '𐂾', 12406 => '𐂿', 12407 => '𐃀', 12408 => '𐃁', 12409 => '𐃂', 12410 => '𐃃', 12411 => '𐃄', 12412 => '𐃅', 12413 => '𐃆', 12414 => '𐃇', 12415 => '𐃈', 12416 => '𐃉', 12417 => '𐃊', 12418 => '𐃋', 12419 => '𐃌', 12420 => '𐃍', 12421 => '𐃎', 12422 => '𐃏', 12423 => '𐃐', 12424 => '𐃑', 12425 => '𐃒', 12426 => '𐃓', 12427 => '𐃔', 12428 => '𐃕', 12429 => '𐃖', 12430 => '𐃗', 12431 => '𐃘', 12432 => '𐃙', 12433 => '𐃚', 12434 => '𐃛', 12435 => '𐃜', 12436 => '𐃝', 12437 => '𐃞', 12438 => '𐃟', 12439 => '𐃠', 12440 => '𐃡', 12441 => '𐃢', 12442 => '𐃣', 12443 => '𐃤', 12444 => '𐃥', 12445 => '𐃦', 12446 => '𐃧', 12447 => '𐃨', 12448 => '𐃩', 12449 => '𐃪', 12450 => '𐃫', 12451 => '𐃬', 12452 => '𐃭', 12453 => '𐃮', 12454 => '𐃯', 12455 => '𐃰', 12456 => '𐃱', 12457 => '𐃲', 12458 => '𐃳', 12459 => '𐃴', 12460 => '𐃵', 12461 => '𐃶', 12462 => '𐃷', 12463 => '𐃸', 12464 => '𐃹', 12465 => '𐃺', 12466 => '𐠀', 12467 => '𐠁', 12468 => '𐠂', 12469 => '𐠃', 12470 => '𐠄', 12471 => '𐠅', 12472 => '𐠈', 12473 => '𐠊', 12474 => '𐠋', 12475 => '𐠌', 12476 => '𐠍', 12477 => '𐠎', 12478 => '𐠏', 12479 => '𐠐', 12480 => '𐠑', 12481 => '𐠒', 12482 => '𐠓', 12483 => '𐠔', 12484 => '𐠕', 12485 => '𐠖', 12486 => '𐠗', 12487 => '𐠘', 12488 => '𐠙', 12489 => '𐠚', 12490 => '𐠛', 12491 => '𐠜', 12492 => '𐠝', 12493 => '𐠞', 12494 => '𐠟', 12495 => '𐠠', 12496 => '𐠡', 12497 => '𐠢', 12498 => '𐠣', 12499 => '𐠤', 12500 => '𐠥', 12501 => '𐠦', 12502 => '𐠧', 12503 => '𐠨', 12504 => '𐠩', 12505 => '𐠪', 12506 => '𐠫', 12507 => '𐠬', 12508 => '𐠭', 12509 => '𐠮', 12510 => '𐠯', 12511 => '𐠰', 12512 => '𐠱', 12513 => '𐠲', 12514 => '𐠳', 12515 => '𐠴', 12516 => '𐠵', 12517 => '𐠷', 12518 => '𐠸', 12519 => '𐠼', 12520 => '𐠿', 12521 => '𐩠', 12522 => '𐩡', 12523 => '𐩢', 12524 => '𐩣', 12525 => '𐩤', 12526 => '𐩥', 12527 => '𐩦', 12528 => '𐩧', 12529 => '𐩨', 12530 => '𐩩', 12531 => '𐩪', 12532 => '𐩫', 12533 => '𐩬', 12534 => '𐩭', 12535 => '𐩮', 12536 => '𐩯', 12537 => '𐩰', 12538 => '𐩱', 12539 => '𐩲', 12540 => '𐩳', 12541 => '𐩴', 12542 => '𐩵', 12543 => '𐩶', 12544 => '𐩷', 12545 => '𐩸', 12546 => '𐩹', 12547 => '𐩺', 12548 => '𐩻', 12549 => '𐩼', 12550 => '𐬀', 12551 => '𐬁', 12552 => '𐬂', 12553 => '𐬃', 12554 => '𐬄', 12555 => '𐬅', 12556 => '𐬆', 12557 => '𐬇', 12558 => '𐬈', 12559 => '𐬉', 12560 => '𐬊', 12561 => '𐬋', 12562 => '𐬌', 12563 => '𐬍', 12564 => '𐬎', 12565 => '𐬏', 12566 => '𐬐', 12567 => '𐬑', 12568 => '𐬒', 12569 => '𐬓', 12570 => '𐬔', 12571 => '𐬕', 12572 => '𐬖', 12573 => '𐬗', 12574 => '𐬘', 12575 => '𐬙', 12576 => '𐬚', 12577 => '𐬛', 12578 => '𐬜', 12579 => '𐬝', 12580 => '𐬞', 12581 => '𐬟', 12582 => '𐬠', 12583 => '𐬡', 12584 => '𐬢', 12585 => '𐬣', 12586 => '𐬤', 12587 => '𐬥', 12588 => '𐬦', 12589 => '𐬧', 12590 => '𐬨', 12591 => '𐬩', 12592 => '𐬪', 12593 => '𐬫', 12594 => '𐬬', 12595 => '𐬭', 12596 => '𐬯', 12597 => '𐬰', 12598 => '𐬱', 12599 => '𐬲', 12600 => '𐬳', 12601 => '𐬴', 12602 => '𐬵', 12603 => '𐡀', 12604 => '𐡁', 12605 => '𐡂', 12606 => '𐡃', 12607 => '𐡄', 12608 => '𐡅', 12609 => '𐡆', 12610 => '𐡇', 12611 => '𐡈', 12612 => '𐡉', 12613 => '𐡊', 12614 => '𐡋', 12615 => '𐡌', 12616 => '𐡍', 12617 => '𐡎', 12618 => '𐡏', 12619 => '𐡐', 12620 => '𐡑', 12621 => '𐡒', 12622 => '𐡓', 12623 => '𐡔', 12624 => '𐡕', 12625 => '𐭀', 12626 => '𐭁', 12627 => '𐭂', 12628 => '𐭃', 12629 => '𐭄', 12630 => '𐭅', 12631 => '𐭆', 12632 => '𐭇', 12633 => '𐭈', 12634 => '𐭉', 12635 => '𐭊', 12636 => '𐭋', 12637 => '𐭌', 12638 => '𐭍', 12639 => '𐭎', 12640 => '𐭏', 12641 => '𐭐', 12642 => '𐭑', 12643 => '𐭒', 12644 => '𐭓', 12645 => '𐭔', 12646 => '𐭕', 12647 => '𐭠', 12648 => '𐭡', 12649 => '𐭢', 12650 => '𐭣', 12651 => '𐭤', 12652 => '𐭥', 12653 => '𐭦', 12654 => '𐭧', 12655 => '𐭨', 12656 => '𐭩', 12657 => '𐭪', 12658 => '𐭫', 12659 => '𐭬', 12660 => '𐭭', 12661 => '𐭮', 12662 => '𐭯', 12663 => '𐭰', 12664 => '𐭱', 12665 => '𐭲', 12666 => '𐎀', 12667 => '𐎁', 12668 => '𐎂', 12669 => '𐎃', 12670 => '𐎄', 12671 => '𐎅', 12672 => '𐎆', 12673 => '𐎇', 12674 => '𐎈', 12675 => '𐎉', 12676 => '𐎊', 12677 => '𐎋', 12678 => '𐎌', 12679 => '𐎍', 12680 => '𐎎', 12681 => '𐎏', 12682 => '𐎐', 12683 => '𐎑', 12684 => '𐎒', 12685 => '𐎓', 12686 => '𐎔', 12687 => '𐎕', 12688 => '𐎖', 12689 => '𐎗', 12690 => '𐎘', 12691 => '𐎙', 12692 => '𐎚', 12693 => '𐎛', 12694 => '𐎜', 12695 => '𐎝', 12696 => '𐎠', 12697 => '𐎡', 12698 => '𐎢', 12699 => '𐎣', 12700 => '𐎤', 12701 => '𐎥', 12702 => '𐎦', 12703 => '𐎧', 12704 => '𐎨', 12705 => '𐎩', 12706 => '𐎪', 12707 => '𐎫', 12708 => '𐎬', 12709 => '𐎭', 12710 => '𐎮', 12711 => '𐎯', 12712 => '𐎰', 12713 => '𐎱', 12714 => '𐎲', 12715 => '𐎳', 12716 => '𐎴', 12717 => '𐎵', 12718 => '𐎶', 12719 => '𐎷', 12720 => '𐎸', 12721 => '𐎹', 12722 => '𐎺', 12723 => '𐎻', 12724 => '𐎼', 12725 => '𐎽', 12726 => '𐎾', 12727 => '𐎿', 12728 => '𐏀', 12729 => '𐏁', 12730 => '𐏂', 12731 => '𐏃', 12732 => '𐏈', 12733 => '𐏉', 12734 => '𐏊', 12735 => '𐏋', 12736 => '𐏌', 12737 => '𐏍', 12738 => '𐏎', 12739 => '𐏏', 12740 => '𒀀', 12741 => '𒀁', 12742 => '𒀂', 12743 => '𒀃', 12744 => '𒀄', 12745 => '𒀅', 12746 => '𒀆', 12747 => '𒀇', 12748 => '𒀈', 12749 => '𒀉', 12750 => '𒀊', 12751 => '𒀋', 12752 => '𒀌', 12753 => '𒀍', 12754 => '𒀎', 12755 => '𒀏', 12756 => '𒀐', 12757 => '𒀑', 12758 => '𒀒', 12759 => '𒀓', 12760 => '𒀔', 12761 => '𒀕', 12762 => '𒀖', 12763 => '𒀗', 12764 => '𒀘', 12765 => '𒀙', 12766 => '𒀚', 12767 => '𒀛', 12768 => '𒀜', 12769 => '𒀝', 12770 => '𒀞', 12771 => '𒀟', 12772 => '𒀠', 12773 => '𒀡', 12774 => '𒀢', 12775 => '𒀣', 12776 => '𒀤', 12777 => '𒀥', 12778 => '𒀦', 12779 => '𒀧', 12780 => '𒀨', 12781 => '𒀩', 12782 => '𒀪', 12783 => '𒀫', 12784 => '𒀬', 12785 => '𒀭', 12786 => '𒀮', 12787 => '𒀯', 12788 => '𒀰', 12789 => '𒀱', 12790 => '𒀲', 12791 => '𒀳', 12792 => '𒀴', 12793 => '𒀵', 12794 => '𒀶', 12795 => '𒀷', 12796 => '𒀸', 12797 => '𒀹', 12798 => '𒀺', 12799 => '𒀻', 12800 => '𒀼', 12801 => '𒀽', 12802 => '𒀾', 12803 => '𒀿', 12804 => '𒁀', 12805 => '𒁁', 12806 => '𒁂', 12807 => '𒁃', 12808 => '𒁄', 12809 => '𒁅', 12810 => '𒁆', 12811 => '𒁇', 12812 => '𒁈', 12813 => '𒁉', 12814 => '𒁊', 12815 => '𒁋', 12816 => '𒁌', 12817 => '𒁍', 12818 => '𒁎', 12819 => '𒁏', 12820 => '𒁐', 12821 => '𒁑', 12822 => '𒁒', 12823 => '𒁓', 12824 => '𒁔', 12825 => '𒁕', 12826 => '𒁖', 12827 => '𒁗', 12828 => '𒁘', 12829 => '𒁙', 12830 => '𒁚', 12831 => '𒁛', 12832 => '𒁜', 12833 => '𒁝', 12834 => '𒁞', 12835 => '𒁟', 12836 => '𒁠', 12837 => '𒁡', 12838 => '𒁢', 12839 => '𒁣', 12840 => '𒁤', 12841 => '𒁥', 12842 => '𒁦', 12843 => '𒁧', 12844 => '𒁨', 12845 => '𒁩', 12846 => '𒁪', 12847 => '𒁫', 12848 => '𒁬', 12849 => '𒁭', 12850 => '𒁮', 12851 => '𒁯', 12852 => '𒁰', 12853 => '𒁱', 12854 => '𒁲', 12855 => '𒁳', 12856 => '𒁴', 12857 => '𒁵', 12858 => '𒁶', 12859 => '𒁷', 12860 => '𒁸', 12861 => '𒁹', 12862 => '𒁺', 12863 => '𒁻', 12864 => '𒁼', 12865 => '𒁽', 12866 => '𒁾', 12867 => '𒁿', 12868 => '𒂀', 12869 => '𒂁', 12870 => '𒂂', 12871 => '𒂃', 12872 => '𒂄', 12873 => '𒂅', 12874 => '𒂆', 12875 => '𒂇', 12876 => '𒂈', 12877 => '𒂉', 12878 => '𒂊', 12879 => '𒂋', 12880 => '𒂌', 12881 => '𒂍', 12882 => '𒂎', 12883 => '𒂏', 12884 => '𒂐', 12885 => '𒂑', 12886 => '𒂒', 12887 => '𒂓', 12888 => '𒂔', 12889 => '𒂕', 12890 => '𒂖', 12891 => '𒂗', 12892 => '𒂘', 12893 => '𒂙', 12894 => '𒂚', 12895 => '𒂛', 12896 => '𒂜', 12897 => '𒂝', 12898 => '𒂞', 12899 => '𒂟', 12900 => '𒂠', 12901 => '𒂡', 12902 => '𒂢', 12903 => '𒂣', 12904 => '𒂤', 12905 => '𒂥', 12906 => '𒂦', 12907 => '𒂧', 12908 => '𒂨', 12909 => '𒂩', 12910 => '𒂪', 12911 => '𒂫', 12912 => '𒂬', 12913 => '𒂭', 12914 => '𒂮', 12915 => '𒂯', 12916 => '𒂰', 12917 => '𒂱', 12918 => '𒂲', 12919 => '𒂳', 12920 => '𒂴', 12921 => '𒂵', 12922 => '𒂶', 12923 => '𒂷', 12924 => '𒂸', 12925 => '𒂹', 12926 => '𒂺', 12927 => '𒂻', 12928 => '𒂼', 12929 => '𒂽', 12930 => '𒂾', 12931 => '𒂿', 12932 => '𒃀', 12933 => '𒃁', 12934 => '𒃂', 12935 => '𒃃', 12936 => '𒃄', 12937 => '𒃅', 12938 => '𒃆', 12939 => '𒃇', 12940 => '𒃈', 12941 => '𒃉', 12942 => '𒃊', 12943 => '𒃋', 12944 => '𒃌', 12945 => '𒃍', 12946 => '𒃎', 12947 => '𒃏', 12948 => '𒃐', 12949 => '𒃑', 12950 => '𒃒', 12951 => '𒃓', 12952 => '𒃔', 12953 => '𒃕', 12954 => '𒃖', 12955 => '𒃗', 12956 => '𒃘', 12957 => '𒃙', 12958 => '𒃚', 12959 => '𒃛', 12960 => '𒃜', 12961 => '𒃝', 12962 => '𒃞', 12963 => '𒃟', 12964 => '𒃠', 12965 => '𒃡', 12966 => '𒃢', 12967 => '𒃣', 12968 => '𒃤', 12969 => '𒃥', 12970 => '𒃦', 12971 => '𒃧', 12972 => '𒃨', 12973 => '𒃩', 12974 => '𒃪', 12975 => '𒃫', 12976 => '𒃬', 12977 => '𒃭', 12978 => '𒃮', 12979 => '𒃯', 12980 => '𒃰', 12981 => '𒃱', 12982 => '𒃲', 12983 => '𒃳', 12984 => '𒃴', 12985 => '𒃵', 12986 => '𒃶', 12987 => '𒃷', 12988 => '𒃸', 12989 => '𒃹', 12990 => '𒃺', 12991 => '𒃻', 12992 => '𒃼', 12993 => '𒃽', 12994 => '𒃾', 12995 => '𒃿', 12996 => '𒄀', 12997 => '𒄁', 12998 => '𒄂', 12999 => '𒄃', 13000 => '𒄄', 13001 => '𒄅', 13002 => '𒄆', 13003 => '𒄇', 13004 => '𒄈', 13005 => '𒄉', 13006 => '𒄊', 13007 => '𒄋', 13008 => '𒄌', 13009 => '𒄍', 13010 => '𒄎', 13011 => '𒄏', 13012 => '𒄐', 13013 => '𒄑', 13014 => '𒄒', 13015 => '𒄓', 13016 => '𒄔', 13017 => '𒄕', 13018 => '𒄖', 13019 => '𒄗', 13020 => '𒄘', 13021 => '𒄙', 13022 => '𒄚', 13023 => '𒄛', 13024 => '𒄜', 13025 => '𒄝', 13026 => '𒄞', 13027 => '𒄟', 13028 => '𒄠', 13029 => '𒄡', 13030 => '𒄢', 13031 => '𒄣', 13032 => '𒄤', 13033 => '𒄥', 13034 => '𒄦', 13035 => '𒄧', 13036 => '𒄨', 13037 => '𒄩', 13038 => '𒄪', 13039 => '𒄫', 13040 => '𒄬', 13041 => '𒄭', 13042 => '𒄮', 13043 => '𒄯', 13044 => '𒄰', 13045 => '𒄱', 13046 => '𒄲', 13047 => '𒄳', 13048 => '𒄴', 13049 => '𒄵', 13050 => '𒄶', 13051 => '𒄷', 13052 => '𒄸', 13053 => '𒄹', 13054 => '𒄺', 13055 => '𒄻', 13056 => '𒄼', 13057 => '𒄽', 13058 => '𒄾', 13059 => '𒄿', 13060 => '𒅀', 13061 => '𒅁', 13062 => '𒅂', 13063 => '𒅃', 13064 => '𒅄', 13065 => '𒅅', 13066 => '𒅆', 13067 => '𒅇', 13068 => '𒅈', 13069 => '𒅉', 13070 => '𒅊', 13071 => '𒅋', 13072 => '𒅌', 13073 => '𒅍', 13074 => '𒅎', 13075 => '𒅏', 13076 => '𒅐', 13077 => '𒅑', 13078 => '𒅒', 13079 => '𒅓', 13080 => '𒅔', 13081 => '𒅕', 13082 => '𒅖', 13083 => '𒅗', 13084 => '𒅘', 13085 => '𒅙', 13086 => '𒅚', 13087 => '𒅛', 13088 => '𒅜', 13089 => '𒅝', 13090 => '𒅞', 13091 => '𒅟', 13092 => '𒅠', 13093 => '𒅡', 13094 => '𒅢', 13095 => '𒅣', 13096 => '𒅤', 13097 => '𒅥', 13098 => '𒅦', 13099 => '𒅧', 13100 => '𒅨', 13101 => '𒅩', 13102 => '𒅪', 13103 => '𒅫', 13104 => '𒅬', 13105 => '𒅭', 13106 => '𒅮', 13107 => '𒅯', 13108 => '𒅰', 13109 => '𒅱', 13110 => '𒅲', 13111 => '𒅳', 13112 => '𒅴', 13113 => '𒅵', 13114 => '𒅶', 13115 => '𒅷', 13116 => '𒅸', 13117 => '𒅹', 13118 => '𒅺', 13119 => '𒅻', 13120 => '𒅼', 13121 => '𒅽', 13122 => '𒅾', 13123 => '𒅿', 13124 => '𒆀', 13125 => '𒆁', 13126 => '𒆂', 13127 => '𒆃', 13128 => '𒆄', 13129 => '𒆅', 13130 => '𒆆', 13131 => '𒆇', 13132 => '𒆈', 13133 => '𒆉', 13134 => '𒆊', 13135 => '𒆋', 13136 => '𒆌', 13137 => '𒆍', 13138 => '𒆎', 13139 => '𒆏', 13140 => '𒆐', 13141 => '𒆑', 13142 => '𒆒', 13143 => '𒆓', 13144 => '𒆔', 13145 => '𒆕', 13146 => '𒆖', 13147 => '𒆗', 13148 => '𒆘', 13149 => '𒆙', 13150 => '𒆚', 13151 => '𒆛', 13152 => '𒆜', 13153 => '𒆝', 13154 => '𒆞', 13155 => '𒆟', 13156 => '𒆠', 13157 => '𒆡', 13158 => '𒆢', 13159 => '𒆣', 13160 => '𒆤', 13161 => '𒆥', 13162 => '𒆦', 13163 => '𒆧', 13164 => '𒆨', 13165 => '𒆩', 13166 => '𒆪', 13167 => '𒆫', 13168 => '𒆬', 13169 => '𒆭', 13170 => '𒆮', 13171 => '𒆯', 13172 => '𒆰', 13173 => '𒆱', 13174 => '𒆲', 13175 => '𒆳', 13176 => '𒆴', 13177 => '𒆵', 13178 => '𒆶', 13179 => '𒆷', 13180 => '𒆸', 13181 => '𒆹', 13182 => '𒆺', 13183 => '𒆻', 13184 => '𒆼', 13185 => '𒆽', 13186 => '𒆾', 13187 => '𒆿', 13188 => '𒇀', 13189 => '𒇁', 13190 => '𒇂', 13191 => '𒇃', 13192 => '𒇄', 13193 => '𒇅', 13194 => '𒇆', 13195 => '𒇇', 13196 => '𒇈', 13197 => '𒇉', 13198 => '𒇊', 13199 => '𒇋', 13200 => '𒇌', 13201 => '𒇍', 13202 => '𒇎', 13203 => '𒇏', 13204 => '𒇐', 13205 => '𒇑', 13206 => '𒇒', 13207 => '𒇓', 13208 => '𒇔', 13209 => '𒇕', 13210 => '𒇖', 13211 => '𒇗', 13212 => '𒇘', 13213 => '𒇙', 13214 => '𒇚', 13215 => '𒇛', 13216 => '𒇜', 13217 => '𒇝', 13218 => '𒇞', 13219 => '𒇟', 13220 => '𒇠', 13221 => '𒇡', 13222 => '𒇢', 13223 => '𒇣', 13224 => '𒇤', 13225 => '𒇥', 13226 => '𒇦', 13227 => '𒇧', 13228 => '𒇨', 13229 => '𒇩', 13230 => '𒇪', 13231 => '𒇫', 13232 => '𒇬', 13233 => '𒇭', 13234 => '𒇮', 13235 => '𒇯', 13236 => '𒇰', 13237 => '𒇱', 13238 => '𒇲', 13239 => '𒇳', 13240 => '𒇴', 13241 => '𒇵', 13242 => '𒇶', 13243 => '𒇷', 13244 => '𒇸', 13245 => '𒇹', 13246 => '𒇺', 13247 => '𒇻', 13248 => '𒇼', 13249 => '𒇽', 13250 => '𒇾', 13251 => '𒇿', 13252 => '𒈀', 13253 => '𒈁', 13254 => '𒈂', 13255 => '𒈃', 13256 => '𒈄', 13257 => '𒈅', 13258 => '𒈆', 13259 => '𒈇', 13260 => '𒈈', 13261 => '𒈉', 13262 => '𒈊', 13263 => '𒈋', 13264 => '𒈌', 13265 => '𒈍', 13266 => '𒈎', 13267 => '𒈏', 13268 => '𒈐', 13269 => '𒈑', 13270 => '𒈒', 13271 => '𒈓', 13272 => '𒈔', 13273 => '𒈕', 13274 => '𒈖', 13275 => '𒈗', 13276 => '𒈘', 13277 => '𒈙', 13278 => '𒈚', 13279 => '𒈛', 13280 => '𒈜', 13281 => '𒈝', 13282 => '𒈞', 13283 => '𒈟', 13284 => '𒈠', 13285 => '𒈡', 13286 => '𒈢', 13287 => '𒈣', 13288 => '𒈤', 13289 => '𒈥', 13290 => '𒈦', 13291 => '𒈧', 13292 => '𒈨', 13293 => '𒈩', 13294 => '𒈪', 13295 => '𒈫', 13296 => '𒈬', 13297 => '𒈭', 13298 => '𒈮', 13299 => '𒈯', 13300 => '𒈰', 13301 => '𒈱', 13302 => '𒈲', 13303 => '𒈳', 13304 => '𒈴', 13305 => '𒈵', 13306 => '𒈶', 13307 => '𒈷', 13308 => '𒈸', 13309 => '𒈹', 13310 => '𒈺', 13311 => '𒈻', 13312 => '𒈼', 13313 => '𒈽', 13314 => '𒈾', 13315 => '𒈿', 13316 => '𒉀', 13317 => '𒉁', 13318 => '𒉂', 13319 => '𒉃', 13320 => '𒉄', 13321 => '𒉅', 13322 => '𒉆', 13323 => '𒉇', 13324 => '𒉈', 13325 => '𒉉', 13326 => '𒉊', 13327 => '𒉋', 13328 => '𒉌', 13329 => '𒉍', 13330 => '𒉎', 13331 => '𒉏', 13332 => '𒉐', 13333 => '𒉑', 13334 => '𒉒', 13335 => '𒉓', 13336 => '𒉔', 13337 => '𒉕', 13338 => '𒉖', 13339 => '𒉗', 13340 => '𒉘', 13341 => '𒉙', 13342 => '𒉚', 13343 => '𒉛', 13344 => '𒉜', 13345 => '𒉝', 13346 => '𒉞', 13347 => '𒉟', 13348 => '𒉠', 13349 => '𒉡', 13350 => '𒉢', 13351 => '𒉣', 13352 => '𒉤', 13353 => '𒉥', 13354 => '𒉦', 13355 => '𒉧', 13356 => '𒉨', 13357 => '𒉩', 13358 => '𒉪', 13359 => '𒉫', 13360 => '𒉬', 13361 => '𒉭', 13362 => '𒉮', 13363 => '𒉯', 13364 => '𒉰', 13365 => '𒉱', 13366 => '𒉲', 13367 => '𒉳', 13368 => '𒉴', 13369 => '𒉵', 13370 => '𒉶', 13371 => '𒉷', 13372 => '𒉸', 13373 => '𒉹', 13374 => '𒉺', 13375 => '𒉻', 13376 => '𒉼', 13377 => '𒉽', 13378 => '𒉾', 13379 => '𒉿', 13380 => '𒊀', 13381 => '𒊁', 13382 => '𒊂', 13383 => '𒊃', 13384 => '𒊄', 13385 => '𒊅', 13386 => '𒊆', 13387 => '𒊇', 13388 => '𒊈', 13389 => '𒊉', 13390 => '𒊊', 13391 => '𒊋', 13392 => '𒊌', 13393 => '𒊍', 13394 => '𒊎', 13395 => '𒊏', 13396 => '𒊐', 13397 => '𒊑', 13398 => '𒊒', 13399 => '𒊓', 13400 => '𒊔', 13401 => '𒊕', 13402 => '𒊖', 13403 => '𒊗', 13404 => '𒊘', 13405 => '𒊙', 13406 => '𒊚', 13407 => '𒊛', 13408 => '𒊜', 13409 => '𒊝', 13410 => '𒊞', 13411 => '𒊟', 13412 => '𒊠', 13413 => '𒊡', 13414 => '𒊢', 13415 => '𒊣', 13416 => '𒊤', 13417 => '𒊥', 13418 => '𒊦', 13419 => '𒊧', 13420 => '𒊨', 13421 => '𒊩', 13422 => '𒊪', 13423 => '𒊫', 13424 => '𒊬', 13425 => '𒊭', 13426 => '𒊮', 13427 => '𒊯', 13428 => '𒊰', 13429 => '𒊱', 13430 => '𒊲', 13431 => '𒊳', 13432 => '𒊴', 13433 => '𒊵', 13434 => '𒊶', 13435 => '𒊷', 13436 => '𒊸', 13437 => '𒊹', 13438 => '𒊺', 13439 => '𒊻', 13440 => '𒊼', 13441 => '𒊽', 13442 => '𒊾', 13443 => '𒊿', 13444 => '𒋀', 13445 => '𒋁', 13446 => '𒋂', 13447 => '𒋃', 13448 => '𒋄', 13449 => '𒋅', 13450 => '𒋆', 13451 => '𒋇', 13452 => '𒋈', 13453 => '𒋉', 13454 => '𒋊', 13455 => '𒋋', 13456 => '𒋌', 13457 => '𒋍', 13458 => '𒋎', 13459 => '𒋏', 13460 => '𒋐', 13461 => '𒋑', 13462 => '𒋒', 13463 => '𒋓', 13464 => '𒋔', 13465 => '𒋕', 13466 => '𒋖', 13467 => '𒋗', 13468 => '𒋘', 13469 => '𒋙', 13470 => '𒋚', 13471 => '𒋛', 13472 => '𒋜', 13473 => '𒋝', 13474 => '𒋞', 13475 => '𒋟', 13476 => '𒋠', 13477 => '𒋡', 13478 => '𒋢', 13479 => '𒋣', 13480 => '𒋤', 13481 => '𒋥', 13482 => '𒋦', 13483 => '𒋧', 13484 => '𒋨', 13485 => '𒋩', 13486 => '𒋪', 13487 => '𒋫', 13488 => '𒋬', 13489 => '𒋭', 13490 => '𒋮', 13491 => '𒋯', 13492 => '𒋰', 13493 => '𒋱', 13494 => '𒋲', 13495 => '𒋳', 13496 => '𒋴', 13497 => '𒋵', 13498 => '𒋶', 13499 => '𒋷', 13500 => '𒋸', 13501 => '𒋹', 13502 => '𒋺', 13503 => '𒋻', 13504 => '𒋼', 13505 => '𒋽', 13506 => '𒋾', 13507 => '𒋿', 13508 => '𒌀', 13509 => '𒌁', 13510 => '𒌂', 13511 => '𒌃', 13512 => '𒌄', 13513 => '𒌅', 13514 => '𒌆', 13515 => '𒌇', 13516 => '𒌈', 13517 => '𒌉', 13518 => '𒌊', 13519 => '𒌋', 13520 => '𒌌', 13521 => '𒌍', 13522 => '𒌎', 13523 => '𒌏', 13524 => '𒌐', 13525 => '𒌑', 13526 => '𒌒', 13527 => '𒌓', 13528 => '𒌔', 13529 => '𒌕', 13530 => '𒌖', 13531 => '𒌗', 13532 => '𒌘', 13533 => '𒌙', 13534 => '𒌚', 13535 => '𒌛', 13536 => '𒌜', 13537 => '𒌝', 13538 => '𒌞', 13539 => '𒌟', 13540 => '𒌠', 13541 => '𒌡', 13542 => '𒌢', 13543 => '𒌣', 13544 => '𒌤', 13545 => '𒌥', 13546 => '𒌦', 13547 => '𒌧', 13548 => '𒌨', 13549 => '𒌩', 13550 => '𒌪', 13551 => '𒌫', 13552 => '𒌬', 13553 => '𒌭', 13554 => '𒌮', 13555 => '𒌯', 13556 => '𒌰', 13557 => '𒌱', 13558 => '𒌲', 13559 => '𒌳', 13560 => '𒌴', 13561 => '𒌵', 13562 => '𒌶', 13563 => '𒌷', 13564 => '𒌸', 13565 => '𒌹', 13566 => '𒌺', 13567 => '𒌻', 13568 => '𒌼', 13569 => '𒌽', 13570 => '𒌾', 13571 => '𒌿', 13572 => '𒍀', 13573 => '𒍁', 13574 => '𒍂', 13575 => '𒍃', 13576 => '𒍄', 13577 => '𒍅', 13578 => '𒍆', 13579 => '𒍇', 13580 => '𒍈', 13581 => '𒍉', 13582 => '𒍊', 13583 => '𒍋', 13584 => '𒍌', 13585 => '𒍍', 13586 => '𒍎', 13587 => '𒍏', 13588 => '𒍐', 13589 => '𒍑', 13590 => '𒍒', 13591 => '𒍓', 13592 => '𒍔', 13593 => '𒍕', 13594 => '𒍖', 13595 => '𒍗', 13596 => '𒍘', 13597 => '𒍙', 13598 => '𒍚', 13599 => '𒍛', 13600 => '𒍜', 13601 => '𒍝', 13602 => '𒍞', 13603 => '𒍟', 13604 => '𒍠', 13605 => '𒍡', 13606 => '𒍢', 13607 => '𒍣', 13608 => '𒍤', 13609 => '𒍥', 13610 => '𒍦', 13611 => '𒍧', 13612 => '𒍨', 13613 => '𒍩', 13614 => '𒍪', 13615 => '𒍫', 13616 => '𒍬', 13617 => '𒍭', 13618 => '𒍮', 13619 => '𓀀', 13620 => '𓀁', 13621 => '𓀂', 13622 => '𓀃', 13623 => '𓀄', 13624 => '𓀅', 13625 => '𓀆', 13626 => '𓀇', 13627 => '𓀈', 13628 => '𓀉', 13629 => '𓀊', 13630 => '𓀋', 13631 => '𓀌', 13632 => '𓀍', 13633 => '𓀎', 13634 => '𓀏', 13635 => '𓀐', 13636 => '𓀑', 13637 => '𓀒', 13638 => '𓀓', 13639 => '𓀔', 13640 => '𓀕', 13641 => '𓀖', 13642 => '𓀗', 13643 => '𓀘', 13644 => '𓀙', 13645 => '𓀚', 13646 => '𓀛', 13647 => '𓀜', 13648 => '𓀝', 13649 => '𓀞', 13650 => '𓀟', 13651 => '𓀠', 13652 => '𓀡', 13653 => '𓀢', 13654 => '𓀣', 13655 => '𓀤', 13656 => '𓀥', 13657 => '𓀦', 13658 => '𓀧', 13659 => '𓀨', 13660 => '𓀩', 13661 => '𓀪', 13662 => '𓀫', 13663 => '𓀬', 13664 => '𓀭', 13665 => '𓀮', 13666 => '𓀯', 13667 => '𓀰', 13668 => '𓀱', 13669 => '𓀲', 13670 => '𓀳', 13671 => '𓀴', 13672 => '𓀵', 13673 => '𓀶', 13674 => '𓀷', 13675 => '𓀸', 13676 => '𓀹', 13677 => '𓀺', 13678 => '𓀻', 13679 => '𓀼', 13680 => '𓀽', 13681 => '𓀾', 13682 => '𓀿', 13683 => '𓁀', 13684 => '𓁁', 13685 => '𓁂', 13686 => '𓁃', 13687 => '𓁄', 13688 => '𓁅', 13689 => '𓁆', 13690 => '𓁇', 13691 => '𓁈', 13692 => '𓁉', 13693 => '𓁊', 13694 => '𓁋', 13695 => '𓁌', 13696 => '𓁍', 13697 => '𓁎', 13698 => '𓁏', 13699 => '𓁐', 13700 => '𓁑', 13701 => '𓁒', 13702 => '𓁓', 13703 => '𓁔', 13704 => '𓁕', 13705 => '𓁖', 13706 => '𓁗', 13707 => '𓁘', 13708 => '𓁙', 13709 => '𓁚', 13710 => '𓁛', 13711 => '𓁜', 13712 => '𓁝', 13713 => '𓁞', 13714 => '𓁟', 13715 => '𓁠', 13716 => '𓁡', 13717 => '𓁢', 13718 => '𓁣', 13719 => '𓁤', 13720 => '𓁥', 13721 => '𓁦', 13722 => '𓁧', 13723 => '𓁨', 13724 => '𓁩', 13725 => '𓁪', 13726 => '𓁫', 13727 => '𓁬', 13728 => '𓁭', 13729 => '𓁮', 13730 => '𓁯', 13731 => '𓁰', 13732 => '𓁱', 13733 => '𓁲', 13734 => '𓁳', 13735 => '𓁴', 13736 => '𓁵', 13737 => '𓁶', 13738 => '𓁷', 13739 => '𓁸', 13740 => '𓁹', 13741 => '𓁺', 13742 => '𓁻', 13743 => '𓁼', 13744 => '𓁽', 13745 => '𓁾', 13746 => '𓁿', 13747 => '𓂀', 13748 => '𓂁', 13749 => '𓂂', 13750 => '𓂃', 13751 => '𓂄', 13752 => '𓂅', 13753 => '𓂆', 13754 => '𓂇', 13755 => '𓂈', 13756 => '𓂉', 13757 => '𓂊', 13758 => '𓂋', 13759 => '𓂌', 13760 => '𓂍', 13761 => '𓂎', 13762 => '𓂏', 13763 => '𓂐', 13764 => '𓂑', 13765 => '𓂒', 13766 => '𓂓', 13767 => '𓂔', 13768 => '𓂕', 13769 => '𓂖', 13770 => '𓂗', 13771 => '𓂘', 13772 => '𓂙', 13773 => '𓂚', 13774 => '𓂛', 13775 => '𓂜', 13776 => '𓂝', 13777 => '𓂞', 13778 => '𓂟', 13779 => '𓂠', 13780 => '𓂡', 13781 => '𓂢', 13782 => '𓂣', 13783 => '𓂤', 13784 => '𓂥', 13785 => '𓂦', 13786 => '𓂧', 13787 => '𓂨', 13788 => '𓂩', 13789 => '𓂪', 13790 => '𓂫', 13791 => '𓂬', 13792 => '𓂭', 13793 => '𓂮', 13794 => '𓂯', 13795 => '𓂰', 13796 => '𓂱', 13797 => '𓂲', 13798 => '𓂳', 13799 => '𓂴', 13800 => '𓂵', 13801 => '𓂶', 13802 => '𓂷', 13803 => '𓂸', 13804 => '𓂹', 13805 => '𓂺', 13806 => '𓂻', 13807 => '𓂼', 13808 => '𓂽', 13809 => '𓂾', 13810 => '𓂿', 13811 => '𓃀', 13812 => '𓃁', 13813 => '𓃂', 13814 => '𓃃', 13815 => '𓃄', 13816 => '𓃅', 13817 => '𓃆', 13818 => '𓃇', 13819 => '𓃈', 13820 => '𓃉', 13821 => '𓃊', 13822 => '𓃋', 13823 => '𓃌', 13824 => '𓃍', 13825 => '𓃎', 13826 => '𓃏', 13827 => '𓃐', 13828 => '𓃑', 13829 => '𓃒', 13830 => '𓃓', 13831 => '𓃔', 13832 => '𓃕', 13833 => '𓃖', 13834 => '𓃗', 13835 => '𓃘', 13836 => '𓃙', 13837 => '𓃚', 13838 => '𓃛', 13839 => '𓃜', 13840 => '𓃝', 13841 => '𓃞', 13842 => '𓃟', 13843 => '𓃠', 13844 => '𓃡', 13845 => '𓃢', 13846 => '𓃣', 13847 => '𓃤', 13848 => '𓃥', 13849 => '𓃦', 13850 => '𓃧', 13851 => '𓃨', 13852 => '𓃩', 13853 => '𓃪', 13854 => '𓃫', 13855 => '𓃬', 13856 => '𓃭', 13857 => '𓃮', 13858 => '𓃯', 13859 => '𓃰', 13860 => '𓃱', 13861 => '𓃲', 13862 => '𓃳', 13863 => '𓃴', 13864 => '𓃵', 13865 => '𓃶', 13866 => '𓃷', 13867 => '𓃸', 13868 => '𓃹', 13869 => '𓃺', 13870 => '𓃻', 13871 => '𓃼', 13872 => '𓃽', 13873 => '𓃾', 13874 => '𓃿', 13875 => '𓄀', 13876 => '𓄁', 13877 => '𓄂', 13878 => '𓄃', 13879 => '𓄄', 13880 => '𓄅', 13881 => '𓄆', 13882 => '𓄇', 13883 => '𓄈', 13884 => '𓄉', 13885 => '𓄊', 13886 => '𓄋', 13887 => '𓄌', 13888 => '𓄍', 13889 => '𓄎', 13890 => '𓄏', 13891 => '𓄐', 13892 => '𓄑', 13893 => '𓄒', 13894 => '𓄓', 13895 => '𓄔', 13896 => '𓄕', 13897 => '𓄖', 13898 => '𓄗', 13899 => '𓄘', 13900 => '𓄙', 13901 => '𓄚', 13902 => '𓄛', 13903 => '𓄜', 13904 => '𓄝', 13905 => '𓄞', 13906 => '𓄟', 13907 => '𓄠', 13908 => '𓄡', 13909 => '𓄢', 13910 => '𓄣', 13911 => '𓄤', 13912 => '𓄥', 13913 => '𓄦', 13914 => '𓄧', 13915 => '𓄨', 13916 => '𓄩', 13917 => '𓄪', 13918 => '𓄫', 13919 => '𓄬', 13920 => '𓄭', 13921 => '𓄮', 13922 => '𓄯', 13923 => '𓄰', 13924 => '𓄱', 13925 => '𓄲', 13926 => '𓄳', 13927 => '𓄴', 13928 => '𓄵', 13929 => '𓄶', 13930 => '𓄷', 13931 => '𓄸', 13932 => '𓄹', 13933 => '𓄺', 13934 => '𓄻', 13935 => '𓄼', 13936 => '𓄽', 13937 => '𓄾', 13938 => '𓄿', 13939 => '𓅀', 13940 => '𓅁', 13941 => '𓅂', 13942 => '𓅃', 13943 => '𓅄', 13944 => '𓅅', 13945 => '𓅆', 13946 => '𓅇', 13947 => '𓅈', 13948 => '𓅉', 13949 => '𓅊', 13950 => '𓅋', 13951 => '𓅌', 13952 => '𓅍', 13953 => '𓅎', 13954 => '𓅏', 13955 => '𓅐', 13956 => '𓅑', 13957 => '𓅒', 13958 => '𓅓', 13959 => '𓅔', 13960 => '𓅕', 13961 => '𓅖', 13962 => '𓅗', 13963 => '𓅘', 13964 => '𓅙', 13965 => '𓅚', 13966 => '𓅛', 13967 => '𓅜', 13968 => '𓅝', 13969 => '𓅞', 13970 => '𓅟', 13971 => '𓅠', 13972 => '𓅡', 13973 => '𓅢', 13974 => '𓅣', 13975 => '𓅤', 13976 => '𓅥', 13977 => '𓅦', 13978 => '𓅧', 13979 => '𓅨', 13980 => '𓅩', 13981 => '𓅪', 13982 => '𓅫', 13983 => '𓅬', 13984 => '𓅭', 13985 => '𓅮', 13986 => '𓅯', 13987 => '𓅰', 13988 => '𓅱', 13989 => '𓅲', 13990 => '𓅳', 13991 => '𓅴', 13992 => '𓅵', 13993 => '𓅶', 13994 => '𓅷', 13995 => '𓅸', 13996 => '𓅹', 13997 => '𓅺', 13998 => '𓅻', 13999 => '𓅼', 14000 => '𓅽', 14001 => '𓅾', 14002 => '𓅿', 14003 => '𓆀', 14004 => '𓆁', 14005 => '𓆂', 14006 => '𓆃', 14007 => '𓆄', 14008 => '𓆅', 14009 => '𓆆', 14010 => '𓆇', 14011 => '𓆈', 14012 => '𓆉', 14013 => '𓆊', 14014 => '𓆋', 14015 => '𓆌', 14016 => '𓆍', 14017 => '𓆎', 14018 => '𓆏', 14019 => '𓆐', 14020 => '𓆑', 14021 => '𓆒', 14022 => '𓆓', 14023 => '𓆔', 14024 => '𓆕', 14025 => '𓆖', 14026 => '𓆗', 14027 => '𓆘', 14028 => '𓆙', 14029 => '𓆚', 14030 => '𓆛', 14031 => '𓆜', 14032 => '𓆝', 14033 => '𓆞', 14034 => '𓆟', 14035 => '𓆠', 14036 => '𓆡', 14037 => '𓆢', 14038 => '𓆣', 14039 => '𓆤', 14040 => '𓆥', 14041 => '𓆦', 14042 => '𓆧', 14043 => '𓆨', 14044 => '𓆩', 14045 => '𓆪', 14046 => '𓆫', 14047 => '𓆬', 14048 => '𓆭', 14049 => '𓆮', 14050 => '𓆯', 14051 => '𓆰', 14052 => '𓆱', 14053 => '𓆲', 14054 => '𓆳', 14055 => '𓆴', 14056 => '𓆵', 14057 => '𓆶', 14058 => '𓆷', 14059 => '𓆸', 14060 => '𓆹', 14061 => '𓆺', 14062 => '𓆻', 14063 => '𓆼', 14064 => '𓆽', 14065 => '𓆾', 14066 => '𓆿', 14067 => '𓇀', 14068 => '𓇁', 14069 => '𓇂', 14070 => '𓇃', 14071 => '𓇄', 14072 => '𓇅', 14073 => '𓇆', 14074 => '𓇇', 14075 => '𓇈', 14076 => '𓇉', 14077 => '𓇊', 14078 => '𓇋', 14079 => '𓇌', 14080 => '𓇍', 14081 => '𓇎', 14082 => '𓇏', 14083 => '𓇐', 14084 => '𓇑', 14085 => '𓇒', 14086 => '𓇓', 14087 => '𓇔', 14088 => '𓇕', 14089 => '𓇖', 14090 => '𓇗', 14091 => '𓇘', 14092 => '𓇙', 14093 => '𓇚', 14094 => '𓇛', 14095 => '𓇜', 14096 => '𓇝', 14097 => '𓇞', 14098 => '𓇟', 14099 => '𓇠', 14100 => '𓇡', 14101 => '𓇢', 14102 => '𓇣', 14103 => '𓇤', 14104 => '𓇥', 14105 => '𓇦', 14106 => '𓇧', 14107 => '𓇨', 14108 => '𓇩', 14109 => '𓇪', 14110 => '𓇫', 14111 => '𓇬', 14112 => '𓇭', 14113 => '𓇮', 14114 => '𓇯', 14115 => '𓇰', 14116 => '𓇱', 14117 => '𓇲', 14118 => '𓇳', 14119 => '𓇴', 14120 => '𓇵', 14121 => '𓇶', 14122 => '𓇷', 14123 => '𓇸', 14124 => '𓇹', 14125 => '𓇺', 14126 => '𓇻', 14127 => '𓇼', 14128 => '𓇽', 14129 => '𓇾', 14130 => '𓇿', 14131 => '𓈀', 14132 => '𓈁', 14133 => '𓈂', 14134 => '𓈃', 14135 => '𓈄', 14136 => '𓈅', 14137 => '𓈆', 14138 => '𓈇', 14139 => '𓈈', 14140 => '𓈉', 14141 => '𓈊', 14142 => '𓈋', 14143 => '𓈌', 14144 => '𓈍', 14145 => '𓈎', 14146 => '𓈏', 14147 => '𓈐', 14148 => '𓈑', 14149 => '𓈒', 14150 => '𓈓', 14151 => '𓈔', 14152 => '𓈕', 14153 => '𓈖', 14154 => '𓈗', 14155 => '𓈘', 14156 => '𓈙', 14157 => '𓈚', 14158 => '𓈛', 14159 => '𓈜', 14160 => '𓈝', 14161 => '𓈞', 14162 => '𓈟', 14163 => '𓈠', 14164 => '𓈡', 14165 => '𓈢', 14166 => '𓈣', 14167 => '𓈤', 14168 => '𓈥', 14169 => '𓈦', 14170 => '𓈧', 14171 => '𓈨', 14172 => '𓈩', 14173 => '𓈪', 14174 => '𓈫', 14175 => '𓈬', 14176 => '𓈭', 14177 => '𓈮', 14178 => '𓈯', 14179 => '𓈰', 14180 => '𓈱', 14181 => '𓈲', 14182 => '𓈳', 14183 => '𓈴', 14184 => '𓈵', 14185 => '𓈶', 14186 => '𓈷', 14187 => '𓈸', 14188 => '𓈹', 14189 => '𓈺', 14190 => '𓈻', 14191 => '𓈼', 14192 => '𓈽', 14193 => '𓈾', 14194 => '𓈿', 14195 => '𓉀', 14196 => '𓉁', 14197 => '𓉂', 14198 => '𓉃', 14199 => '𓉄', 14200 => '𓉅', 14201 => '𓉆', 14202 => '𓉇', 14203 => '𓉈', 14204 => '𓉉', 14205 => '𓉊', 14206 => '𓉋', 14207 => '𓉌', 14208 => '𓉍', 14209 => '𓉎', 14210 => '𓉏', 14211 => '𓉐', 14212 => '𓉑', 14213 => '𓉒', 14214 => '𓉓', 14215 => '𓉔', 14216 => '𓉕', 14217 => '𓉖', 14218 => '𓉗', 14219 => '𓉘', 14220 => '𓉙', 14221 => '𓉚', 14222 => '𓉛', 14223 => '𓉜', 14224 => '𓉝', 14225 => '𓉞', 14226 => '𓉟', 14227 => '𓉠', 14228 => '𓉡', 14229 => '𓉢', 14230 => '𓉣', 14231 => '𓉤', 14232 => '𓉥', 14233 => '𓉦', 14234 => '𓉧', 14235 => '𓉨', 14236 => '𓉩', 14237 => '𓉪', 14238 => '𓉫', 14239 => '𓉬', 14240 => '𓉭', 14241 => '𓉮', 14242 => '𓉯', 14243 => '𓉰', 14244 => '𓉱', 14245 => '𓉲', 14246 => '𓉳', 14247 => '𓉴', 14248 => '𓉵', 14249 => '𓉶', 14250 => '𓉷', 14251 => '𓉸', 14252 => '𓉹', 14253 => '𓉺', 14254 => '𓉻', 14255 => '𓉼', 14256 => '𓉽', 14257 => '𓉾', 14258 => '𓉿', 14259 => '𓊀', 14260 => '𓊁', 14261 => '𓊂', 14262 => '𓊃', 14263 => '𓊄', 14264 => '𓊅', 14265 => '𓊆', 14266 => '𓊇', 14267 => '𓊈', 14268 => '𓊉', 14269 => '𓊊', 14270 => '𓊋', 14271 => '𓊌', 14272 => '𓊍', 14273 => '𓊎', 14274 => '𓊏', 14275 => '𓊐', 14276 => '𓊑', 14277 => '𓊒', 14278 => '𓊓', 14279 => '𓊔', 14280 => '𓊕', 14281 => '𓊖', 14282 => '𓊗', 14283 => '𓊘', 14284 => '𓊙', 14285 => '𓊚', 14286 => '𓊛', 14287 => '𓊜', 14288 => '𓊝', 14289 => '𓊞', 14290 => '𓊟', 14291 => '𓊠', 14292 => '𓊡', 14293 => '𓊢', 14294 => '𓊣', 14295 => '𓊤', 14296 => '𓊥', 14297 => '𓊦', 14298 => '𓊧', 14299 => '𓊨', 14300 => '𓊩', 14301 => '𓊪', 14302 => '𓊫', 14303 => '𓊬', 14304 => '𓊭', 14305 => '𓊮', 14306 => '𓊯', 14307 => '𓊰', 14308 => '𓊱', 14309 => '𓊲', 14310 => '𓊳', 14311 => '𓊴', 14312 => '𓊵', 14313 => '𓊶', 14314 => '𓊷', 14315 => '𓊸', 14316 => '𓊹', 14317 => '𓊺', 14318 => '𓊻', 14319 => '𓊼', 14320 => '𓊽', 14321 => '𓊾', 14322 => '𓊿', 14323 => '𓋀', 14324 => '𓋁', 14325 => '𓋂', 14326 => '𓋃', 14327 => '𓋄', 14328 => '𓋅', 14329 => '𓋆', 14330 => '𓋇', 14331 => '𓋈', 14332 => '𓋉', 14333 => '𓋊', 14334 => '𓋋', 14335 => '𓋌', 14336 => '𓋍', 14337 => '𓋎', 14338 => '𓋏', 14339 => '𓋐', 14340 => '𓋑', 14341 => '𓋒', 14342 => '𓋓', 14343 => '𓋔', 14344 => '𓋕', 14345 => '𓋖', 14346 => '𓋗', 14347 => '𓋘', 14348 => '𓋙', 14349 => '𓋚', 14350 => '𓋛', 14351 => '𓋜', 14352 => '𓋝', 14353 => '𓋞', 14354 => '𓋟', 14355 => '𓋠', 14356 => '𓋡', 14357 => '𓋢', 14358 => '𓋣', 14359 => '𓋤', 14360 => '𓋥', 14361 => '𓋦', 14362 => '𓋧', 14363 => '𓋨', 14364 => '𓋩', 14365 => '𓋪', 14366 => '𓋫', 14367 => '𓋬', 14368 => '𓋭', 14369 => '𓋮', 14370 => '𓋯', 14371 => '𓋰', 14372 => '𓋱', 14373 => '𓋲', 14374 => '𓋳', 14375 => '𓋴', 14376 => '𓋵', 14377 => '𓋶', 14378 => '𓋷', 14379 => '𓋸', 14380 => '𓋹', 14381 => '𓋺', 14382 => '𓋻', 14383 => '𓋼', 14384 => '𓋽', 14385 => '𓋾', 14386 => '𓋿', 14387 => '𓌀', 14388 => '𓌁', 14389 => '𓌂', 14390 => '𓌃', 14391 => '𓌄', 14392 => '𓌅', 14393 => '𓌆', 14394 => '𓌇', 14395 => '𓌈', 14396 => '𓌉', 14397 => '𓌊', 14398 => '𓌋', 14399 => '𓌌', 14400 => '𓌍', 14401 => '𓌎', 14402 => '𓌏', 14403 => '𓌐', 14404 => '𓌑', 14405 => '𓌒', 14406 => '𓌓', 14407 => '𓌔', 14408 => '𓌕', 14409 => '𓌖', 14410 => '𓌗', 14411 => '𓌘', 14412 => '𓌙', 14413 => '𓌚', 14414 => '𓌛', 14415 => '𓌜', 14416 => '𓌝', 14417 => '𓌞', 14418 => '𓌟', 14419 => '𓌠', 14420 => '𓌡', 14421 => '𓌢', 14422 => '𓌣', 14423 => '𓌤', 14424 => '𓌥', 14425 => '𓌦', 14426 => '𓌧', 14427 => '𓌨', 14428 => '𓌩', 14429 => '𓌪', 14430 => '𓌫', 14431 => '𓌬', 14432 => '𓌭', 14433 => '𓌮', 14434 => '𓌯', 14435 => '𓌰', 14436 => '𓌱', 14437 => '𓌲', 14438 => '𓌳', 14439 => '𓌴', 14440 => '𓌵', 14441 => '𓌶', 14442 => '𓌷', 14443 => '𓌸', 14444 => '𓌹', 14445 => '𓌺', 14446 => '𓌻', 14447 => '𓌼', 14448 => '𓌽', 14449 => '𓌾', 14450 => '𓌿', 14451 => '𓍀', 14452 => '𓍁', 14453 => '𓍂', 14454 => '𓍃', 14455 => '𓍄', 14456 => '𓍅', 14457 => '𓍆', 14458 => '𓍇', 14459 => '𓍈', 14460 => '𓍉', 14461 => '𓍊', 14462 => '𓍋', 14463 => '𓍌', 14464 => '𓍍', 14465 => '𓍎', 14466 => '𓍏', 14467 => '𓍐', 14468 => '𓍑', 14469 => '𓍒', 14470 => '𓍓', 14471 => '𓍔', 14472 => '𓍕', 14473 => '𓍖', 14474 => '𓍗', 14475 => '𓍘', 14476 => '𓍙', 14477 => '𓍚', 14478 => '𓍛', 14479 => '𓍜', 14480 => '𓍝', 14481 => '𓍞', 14482 => '𓍟', 14483 => '𓍠', 14484 => '𓍡', 14485 => '𓍢', 14486 => '𓍣', 14487 => '𓍤', 14488 => '𓍥', 14489 => '𓍦', 14490 => '𓍧', 14491 => '𓍨', 14492 => '𓍩', 14493 => '𓍪', 14494 => '𓍫', 14495 => '𓍬', 14496 => '𓍭', 14497 => '𓍮', 14498 => '𓍯', 14499 => '𓍰', 14500 => '𓍱', 14501 => '𓍲', 14502 => '𓍳', 14503 => '𓍴', 14504 => '𓍵', 14505 => '𓍶', 14506 => '𓍷', 14507 => '𓍸', 14508 => '𓍹', 14509 => '𓍺', 14510 => '𓍻', 14511 => '𓍼', 14512 => '𓍽', 14513 => '𓍾', 14514 => '𓍿', 14515 => '𓎀', 14516 => '𓎁', 14517 => '𓎂', 14518 => '𓎃', 14519 => '𓎄', 14520 => '𓎅', 14521 => '𓎆', 14522 => '𓎇', 14523 => '𓎈', 14524 => '𓎉', 14525 => '𓎊', 14526 => '𓎋', 14527 => '𓎌', 14528 => '𓎍', 14529 => '𓎎', 14530 => '𓎏', 14531 => '𓎐', 14532 => '𓎑', 14533 => '𓎒', 14534 => '𓎓', 14535 => '𓎔', 14536 => '𓎕', 14537 => '𓎖', 14538 => '𓎗', 14539 => '𓎘', 14540 => '𓎙', 14541 => '𓎚', 14542 => '𓎛', 14543 => '𓎜', 14544 => '𓎝', 14545 => '𓎞', 14546 => '𓎟', 14547 => '𓎠', 14548 => '𓎡', 14549 => '𓎢', 14550 => '𓎣', 14551 => '𓎤', 14552 => '𓎥', 14553 => '𓎦', 14554 => '𓎧', 14555 => '𓎨', 14556 => '𓎩', 14557 => '𓎪', 14558 => '𓎫', 14559 => '𓎬', 14560 => '𓎭', 14561 => '𓎮', 14562 => '𓎯', 14563 => '𓎰', 14564 => '𓎱', 14565 => '𓎲', 14566 => '𓎳', 14567 => '𓎴', 14568 => '𓎵', 14569 => '𓎶', 14570 => '𓎷', 14571 => '𓎸', 14572 => '𓎹', 14573 => '𓎺', 14574 => '𓎻', 14575 => '𓎼', 14576 => '𓎽', 14577 => '𓎾', 14578 => '𓎿', 14579 => '𓏀', 14580 => '𓏁', 14581 => '𓏂', 14582 => '𓏃', 14583 => '𓏄', 14584 => '𓏅', 14585 => '𓏆', 14586 => '𓏇', 14587 => '𓏈', 14588 => '𓏉', 14589 => '𓏊', 14590 => '𓏋', 14591 => '𓏌', 14592 => '𓏍', 14593 => '𓏎', 14594 => '𓏏', 14595 => '𓏐', 14596 => '𓏑', 14597 => '𓏒', 14598 => '𓏓', 14599 => '𓏔', 14600 => '𓏕', 14601 => '𓏖', 14602 => '𓏗', 14603 => '𓏘', 14604 => '𓏙', 14605 => '𓏚', 14606 => '𓏛', 14607 => '𓏜', 14608 => '𓏝', 14609 => '𓏞', 14610 => '𓏟', 14611 => '𓏠', 14612 => '𓏡', 14613 => '𓏢', 14614 => '𓏣', 14615 => '𓏤', 14616 => '𓏥', 14617 => '𓏦', 14618 => '𓏧', 14619 => '𓏨', 14620 => '𓏩', 14621 => '𓏪', 14622 => '𓏫', 14623 => '𓏬', 14624 => '𓏭', 14625 => '𓏮', 14626 => '𓏯', 14627 => '𓏰', 14628 => '𓏱', 14629 => '𓏲', 14630 => '𓏳', 14631 => '𓏴', 14632 => '𓏵', 14633 => '𓏶', 14634 => '𓏷', 14635 => '𓏸', 14636 => '𓏹', 14637 => '𓏺', 14638 => '𓏻', 14639 => '𓏼', 14640 => '𓏽', 14641 => '𓏾', 14642 => '𓏿', 14643 => '𓐀', 14644 => '𓐁', 14645 => '𓐂', 14646 => '𓐃', 14647 => '𓐄', 14648 => '𓐅', 14649 => '𓐆', 14650 => '𓐇', 14651 => '𓐈', 14652 => '𓐉', 14653 => '𓐊', 14654 => '𓐋', 14655 => '𓐌', 14656 => '𓐍', 14657 => '𓐎', 14658 => '𓐏', 14659 => '𓐐', 14660 => '𓐑', 14661 => '𓐒', 14662 => '𓐓', 14663 => '𓐔', 14664 => '𓐕', 14665 => '𓐖', 14666 => '𓐗', 14667 => '𓐘', 14668 => '𓐙', 14669 => '𓐚', 14670 => '𓐛', 14671 => '𓐜', 14672 => '𓐝', 14673 => '𓐞', 14674 => '𓐟', 14675 => '𓐠', 14676 => '𓐡', 14677 => '𓐢', 14678 => '𓐣', 14679 => '𓐤', 14680 => '𓐥', 14681 => '𓐦', 14682 => '𓐧', 14683 => '𓐨', 14684 => '𓐩', 14685 => '𓐪', 14686 => '𓐫', 14687 => '𓐬', 14688 => '𓐭', 14689 => '𓐮', 14690 => '㆒', 14691 => '㆜', 14692 => '㆔', 14693 => '㆖', 14694 => '㆘', 14695 => '㆛', 14696 => '㆗', 14697 => '㆚', 14698 => '㆓', 14699 => '🈘', 14700 => '㆟', 14701 => '🈞', 14702 => '🈠', 14703 => '🈜', 14704 => '🈹', 14705 => '🈒', 14706 => '🉑', 14707 => '🈮', 14708 => '🈴', 14709 => '🈥', 14710 => '🈺', 14711 => '㆕', 14712 => '㆞', 14713 => '🈤', 14714 => '🈕', 14715 => '㆝', 14716 => '🈑', 14717 => '🈬', 14718 => '🈝', 14719 => '🉐', 14720 => '🈐', 14721 => '🈱', 14722 => '🈧', 14723 => '🈯', 14724 => '🈨', 14725 => '🈛', 14726 => '🈟', 14727 => '🈙', 14728 => '🈷', 14729 => '🈶', 14730 => '🈵', 14731 => '🈦', 14732 => '🈚', 14733 => '🈢', 14734 => '㆙', 14735 => '🈸', 14736 => '🈲', 14737 => '🈳', 14738 => '🈡', 14739 => '🈖', 14740 => '🈣', 14741 => '🈰', 14742 => '🈫',]
trait ApiBlockInfoTrait
Represents a block that may prevent users from performing specific operations.
Definition Block.php:45
Interface for objects which can provide a MediaWiki context on request.
Interface for objects (potentially) representing an editable wiki page.
This interface represents the authority associated with the current execution context,...
Definition Authority.php:37
Shared interface for rigor levels when dealing with User methods.
A database connection without write operations.