MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
36class ApiResult implements ApiSerializable {
42 public const OVERRIDE = 1;
50 public const ADD_ON_TOP = 2;
59 public const NO_SIZE_CHECK = 4;
67 public const NO_VALIDATE = self::NO_SIZE_CHECK | 8;
73 public const META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME = '_element';
79 public const META_SUBELEMENTS = '_subelements';
85 public const META_PRESERVE_KEYS = '_preservekeys';
91 public const META_CONTENT = '_content';
111 public const META_TYPE = '_type';
120 public const META_KVP_KEY_NAME = '_kvpkeyname';
130 public const META_KVP_MERGE = '_kvpmerge';
137 public const META_BC_BOOLS = '_BC_bools';
144 public const META_BC_SUBELEMENTS = '_BC_subelements';
146 private $data;
147 private int $size;
149 private $maxSize;
150 private $errorFormatter;
155 public function __construct( $maxSize ) {
156 $this->maxSize = $maxSize;
157 $this->reset();
158 }
164 public function setErrorFormatter( ApiErrorFormatter $formatter ) {
165 $this->errorFormatter = $formatter;
166 }
173 public function serializeForApiResult() {
174 return $this->data;
175 }
177 /***************************************************************************/
178 // region Content
184 public function reset() {
185 $this->data = [
186 self::META_TYPE => 'assoc', // Usually what's desired
187 ];
188 $this->size = 0;
189 }
244 public function getResultData( $path = [], $transforms = [] ) {
245 $path = (array)$path;
246 if ( !$path ) {
247 return self::applyTransformations( $this->data, $transforms );
248 }
250 $last = array_pop( $path );
251 $ret = &$this->path( $path, 'dummy' );
252 if ( !isset( $ret[$last] ) ) {
253 return null;
254 } elseif ( is_array( $ret[$last] ) ) {
255 return self::applyTransformations( $ret[$last], $transforms );
256 } else {
257 return $ret[$last];
258 }
259 }
265 public function getSize() {
266 return $this->size;
267 }
281 public static function setValue( array &$arr, $name, $value, $flags = 0 ) {
282 if ( ( $flags & self::NO_VALIDATE ) !== self::NO_VALIDATE ) {
283 $value = self::validateValue( $value );
284 }
286 if ( $name === null ) {
287 if ( $flags & self::ADD_ON_TOP ) {
288 array_unshift( $arr, $value );
289 } else {
290 $arr[] = $value;
291 }
292 return;
293 }
295 $exists = isset( $arr[$name] );
296 if ( !$exists || ( $flags & self::OVERRIDE ) ) {
297 if ( !$exists && ( $flags & self::ADD_ON_TOP ) ) {
298 $arr = [ $name => $value ] + $arr;
299 } else {
300 $arr[$name] = $value;
301 }
302 } elseif ( is_array( $arr[$name] ) && is_array( $value ) ) {
303 $conflicts = array_intersect_key( $arr[$name], $value );
304 if ( !$conflicts ) {
305 $arr[$name] += $value;
306 } else {
307 $keys = implode( ', ', array_keys( $conflicts ) );
308 throw new RuntimeException(
309 "Conflicting keys ($keys) when attempting to merge element $name"
310 );
311 }
312 } elseif ( $value !== $arr[$name] ) {
313 throw new RuntimeException(
314 "Attempting to add element $name=$value, existing value is {$arr[$name]}"
315 );
316 }
317 }
324 private static function validateValue( $value ) {
325 if ( is_object( $value ) ) {
326 // Note we use is_callable() here instead of instanceof because
327 // ApiSerializable is an informal protocol (see docs there for details).
328 if ( is_callable( [ $value, 'serializeForApiResult' ] ) ) {
329 $oldValue = $value;
330 $value = $value->serializeForApiResult();
331 if ( is_object( $value ) ) {
332 throw new UnexpectedValueException(
333 get_class( $oldValue ) . '::serializeForApiResult() returned an object of class ' .
334 get_class( $value )
335 );
336 }
338 // Recursive call instead of fall-through so we can throw a
339 // better exception message.
340 try {
341 return self::validateValue( $value );
342 } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
343 throw new UnexpectedValueException(
344 get_class( $oldValue ) . '::serializeForApiResult() returned an invalid value: ' .
345 $ex->getMessage(),
346 0,
347 $ex
348 );
349 }
350 } elseif ( is_callable( [ $value, '__toString' ] ) ) {
351 $value = (string)$value;
352 } else {
353 $value = (array)$value + [ self::META_TYPE => 'assoc' ];
354 }
355 }
357 if ( is_string( $value ) ) {
358 // Optimization: avoid querying the service locator for each value.
359 static $contentLanguage = null;
360 if ( !$contentLanguage ) {
361 $contentLanguage = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage();
362 }
363 $value = $contentLanguage->normalize( $value );
364 } elseif ( is_array( $value ) ) {
365 foreach ( $value as $k => $v ) {
366 $value[$k] = self::validateValue( $v );
367 }
368 } elseif ( $value !== null && !is_scalar( $value ) ) {
369 $type = gettype( $value );
370 // phpcs:ignore MediaWiki.Usage.ForbiddenFunctions.is_resource
371 if ( is_resource( $value ) ) {
372 $type .= '(' . get_resource_type( $value ) . ')';
373 }
374 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Cannot add $type to ApiResult" );
375 } elseif ( is_float( $value ) && !is_finite( $value ) ) {
376 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Cannot add non-finite floats to ApiResult' );
377 }
379 return $value;
380 }
398 public function addValue( $path, $name, $value, $flags = 0 ) {
399 $arr = &$this->path( $path, ( $flags & self::ADD_ON_TOP ) ? 'prepend' : 'append' );
401 if ( !( $flags & self::NO_SIZE_CHECK ) ) {
402 // self::size needs the validated value. Then flag
403 // to not re-validate later.
404 $value = self::validateValue( $value );
405 $flags |= self::NO_VALIDATE;
407 $newsize = $this->size + self::size( $value );
408 if ( $this->maxSize !== false && $newsize > $this->maxSize ) {
409 $this->errorFormatter->addWarning(
410 'result', [ 'apiwarn-truncatedresult', Message::numParam( $this->maxSize ) ]
411 );
412 return false;
413 }
414 $this->size = $newsize;
415 }
417 self::setValue( $arr, $name, $value, $flags );
418 return true;
419 }
427 public static function unsetValue( array &$arr, $name ) {
428 $ret = null;
429 if ( isset( $arr[$name] ) ) {
430 $ret = $arr[$name];
431 unset( $arr[$name] );
432 }
433 return $ret;
434 }
446 public function removeValue( $path, $name, $flags = 0 ) {
447 $path = (array)$path;
448 if ( $name === null ) {
449 if ( !$path ) {
450 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Cannot remove the data root' );
451 }
452 $name = array_pop( $path );
453 }
454 $ret = self::unsetValue( $this->path( $path, 'dummy' ), $name );
455 if ( !( $flags & self::NO_SIZE_CHECK ) ) {
456 $newsize = $this->size - self::size( $ret );
457 $this->size = max( $newsize, 0 );
458 }
459 return $ret;
460 }
471 public static function setContentValue( array &$arr, $name, $value, $flags = 0 ) {
472 if ( $name === null ) {
473 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Content value must be named' );
474 }
475 self::setContentField( $arr, $name, $flags );
476 self::setValue( $arr, $name, $value, $flags );
477 }
489 public function addContentValue( $path, $name, $value, $flags = 0 ) {
490 if ( $name === null ) {
491 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Content value must be named' );
492 }
493 $this->addContentField( $path, $name, $flags );
494 return $this->addValue( $path, $name, $value, $flags );
495 }
504 public function addParsedLimit( $moduleName, $limit ) {
505 // Add value, allowing overwriting
506 $this->addValue( 'limits', $moduleName, $limit,
507 self::OVERRIDE | self::NO_SIZE_CHECK );
508 }
510 // endregion -- end of Content
512 /***************************************************************************/
513 // region Metadata
524 public static function setContentField( array &$arr, $name, $flags = 0 ) {
525 if ( isset( $arr[self::META_CONTENT] ) &&
526 isset( $arr[$arr[self::META_CONTENT]] ) &&
527 !( $flags & self::OVERRIDE )
528 ) {
529 throw new RuntimeException(
530 "Attempting to set content element as $name when " . $arr[self::META_CONTENT] .
531 ' is already set as the content element'
532 );
533 }
534 $arr[self::META_CONTENT] = $name;
535 }
545 public function addContentField( $path, $name, $flags = 0 ) {
546 $arr = &$this->path( $path, ( $flags & self::ADD_ON_TOP ) ? 'prepend' : 'append' );
547 self::setContentField( $arr, $name, $flags );
548 }
557 public static function setSubelementsList( array &$arr, $names ) {
558 if ( !isset( $arr[self::META_SUBELEMENTS] ) ) {
559 $arr[self::META_SUBELEMENTS] = (array)$names;
560 } else {
561 $arr[self::META_SUBELEMENTS] = array_merge( $arr[self::META_SUBELEMENTS], (array)$names );
562 }
563 }
572 public function addSubelementsList( $path, $names ) {
573 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
574 self::setSubelementsList( $arr, $names );
575 }
584 public static function unsetSubelementsList( array &$arr, $names ) {
585 if ( isset( $arr[self::META_SUBELEMENTS] ) ) {
586 $arr[self::META_SUBELEMENTS] = array_diff( $arr[self::META_SUBELEMENTS], (array)$names );
587 }
588 }
597 public function removeSubelementsList( $path, $names ) {
598 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
599 self::unsetSubelementsList( $arr, $names );
600 }
608 public static function setIndexedTagName( array &$arr, $tag ) {
609 if ( !is_string( $tag ) ) {
610 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Bad tag name' );
611 }
612 $arr[self::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME] = $tag;
613 }
621 public function addIndexedTagName( $path, $tag ) {
622 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
623 self::setIndexedTagName( $arr, $tag );
624 }
633 public static function setIndexedTagNameRecursive( array &$arr, $tag ) {
634 if ( !is_string( $tag ) ) {
635 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Bad tag name' );
636 }
637 $arr[self::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME] = $tag;
638 foreach ( $arr as $k => &$v ) {
639 if ( is_array( $v ) && !self::isMetadataKey( $k ) ) {
640 self::setIndexedTagNameRecursive( $v, $tag );
641 }
642 }
643 }
652 public function addIndexedTagNameRecursive( $path, $tag ) {
653 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
654 self::setIndexedTagNameRecursive( $arr, $tag );
655 }
667 public static function setPreserveKeysList( array &$arr, $names ) {
668 if ( !isset( $arr[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS] ) ) {
669 $arr[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS] = (array)$names;
670 } else {
671 $arr[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS] = array_merge( $arr[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS], (array)$names );
672 }
673 }
682 public function addPreserveKeysList( $path, $names ) {
683 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
684 self::setPreserveKeysList( $arr, $names );
685 }
694 public static function unsetPreserveKeysList( array &$arr, $names ) {
695 if ( isset( $arr[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS] ) ) {
696 $arr[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS] = array_diff( $arr[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS], (array)$names );
697 }
698 }
707 public function removePreserveKeysList( $path, $names ) {
708 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
709 self::unsetPreserveKeysList( $arr, $names );
710 }
720 public static function setArrayType( array &$arr, $type, $kvpKeyName = null ) {
721 if ( !in_array( $type, [
722 'default', 'array', 'assoc', 'kvp', 'BCarray', 'BCassoc', 'BCkvp'
723 ], true ) ) {
724 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Bad type' );
725 }
726 $arr[self::META_TYPE] = $type;
727 if ( is_string( $kvpKeyName ) ) {
728 $arr[self::META_KVP_KEY_NAME] = $kvpKeyName;
729 }
730 }
739 public function addArrayType( $path, $tag, $kvpKeyName = null ) {
740 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
741 self::setArrayType( $arr, $tag, $kvpKeyName );
742 }
751 public static function setArrayTypeRecursive( array &$arr, $type, $kvpKeyName = null ) {
752 self::setArrayType( $arr, $type, $kvpKeyName );
753 foreach ( $arr as $k => &$v ) {
754 if ( is_array( $v ) && !self::isMetadataKey( $k ) ) {
755 self::setArrayTypeRecursive( $v, $type, $kvpKeyName );
756 }
757 }
758 }
767 public function addArrayTypeRecursive( $path, $tag, $kvpKeyName = null ) {
768 $arr = &$this->path( $path );
769 self::setArrayTypeRecursive( $arr, $tag, $kvpKeyName );
770 }
772 // endregion -- end of Metadata
774 /***************************************************************************/
775 // region Utility
784 public static function isMetadataKey( $key ) {
785 // Optimization: This is a very hot and highly optimized code path. Note that ord() only
786 // considers the first character and also works with empty strings and integers.
787 // 95 corresponds to the '_' character.
788 return ord( $key ) === 95;
789 }
800 protected static function applyTransformations( array $dataIn, array $transforms ) {
801 $strip = $transforms['Strip'] ?? 'none';
802 if ( $strip === 'base' ) {
803 $transforms['Strip'] = 'none';
804 }
805 $transformTypes = $transforms['Types'] ?? null;
806 if ( $transformTypes !== null && !is_array( $transformTypes ) ) {
807 throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ':Value for "Types" must be an array' );
808 }
810 $metadata = [];
811 $data = self::stripMetadataNonRecursive( $dataIn, $metadata );
813 if ( isset( $transforms['Custom'] ) ) {
814 if ( !is_callable( $transforms['Custom'] ) ) {
815 throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ': Value for "Custom" must be callable' );
816 }
817 call_user_func_array( $transforms['Custom'], [ &$data, &$metadata ] );
818 }
820 if ( ( isset( $transforms['BC'] ) || $transformTypes !== null ) &&
821 isset( $metadata[self::META_TYPE] ) && $metadata[self::META_TYPE] === 'BCkvp' &&
822 !isset( $metadata[self::META_KVP_KEY_NAME] )
823 ) {
824 throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Type "BCkvp" used without setting ' .
825 'ApiResult::META_KVP_KEY_NAME metadata item' );
826 }
828 // BC transformations
829 $boolKeys = null;
830 if ( isset( $transforms['BC'] ) ) {
831 if ( !is_array( $transforms['BC'] ) ) {
832 throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ':Value for "BC" must be an array' );
833 }
834 if ( !in_array( 'nobool', $transforms['BC'], true ) ) {
835 $boolKeys = isset( $metadata[self::META_BC_BOOLS] )
836 ? array_fill_keys( $metadata[self::META_BC_BOOLS], true )
837 : [];
838 }
840 if ( !in_array( 'no*', $transforms['BC'], true ) &&
841 isset( $metadata[self::META_CONTENT] ) && $metadata[self::META_CONTENT] !== '*'
842 ) {
843 $k = $metadata[self::META_CONTENT];
844 $data['*'] = $data[$k];
845 unset( $data[$k] );
846 $metadata[self::META_CONTENT] = '*';
847 }
849 if ( !in_array( 'nosub', $transforms['BC'], true ) &&
850 isset( $metadata[self::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS] )
851 ) {
852 foreach ( $metadata[self::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS] as $k ) {
853 if ( isset( $data[$k] ) ) {
854 $data[$k] = [
855 '*' => $data[$k],
856 self::META_CONTENT => '*',
857 self::META_TYPE => 'assoc',
858 ];
859 }
860 }
861 }
863 if ( isset( $metadata[self::META_TYPE] ) ) {
864 switch ( $metadata[self::META_TYPE] ) {
865 case 'BCarray':
866 case 'BCassoc':
867 $metadata[self::META_TYPE] = 'default';
868 break;
869 case 'BCkvp':
870 $transformTypes['ArmorKVP'] = $metadata[self::META_KVP_KEY_NAME];
871 break;
872 }
873 }
874 }
876 // Figure out type, do recursive calls, and do boolean transform if necessary
877 $defaultType = 'array';
878 $maxKey = -1;
879 foreach ( $data as $k => &$v ) {
880 $v = is_array( $v ) ? self::applyTransformations( $v, $transforms ) : $v;
881 if ( $boolKeys !== null && is_bool( $v ) && !isset( $boolKeys[$k] ) ) {
882 if ( !$v ) {
883 unset( $data[$k] );
884 continue;
885 }
886 $v = '';
887 }
888 if ( is_string( $k ) ) {
889 $defaultType = 'assoc';
890 } elseif ( $k > $maxKey ) {
891 $maxKey = $k;
892 }
893 }
894 unset( $v );
896 // Determine which metadata to keep
897 switch ( $strip ) {
898 case 'all':
899 case 'base':
900 $keepMetadata = [];
901 break;
902 case 'none':
903 $keepMetadata = &$metadata;
904 break;
905 case 'bc':
906 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullableInternal Type mismatch on pass-by-ref args
907 $keepMetadata = array_intersect_key( $metadata, [
908 self::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 1,
909 self::META_SUBELEMENTS => 1,
910 ] );
911 break;
912 default:
913 throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ': Unknown value for "Strip"' );
914 }
916 // No type transformation
917 if ( $transformTypes === null ) {
918 return $data + $keepMetadata;
919 }
921 if ( $defaultType === 'array' && $maxKey !== count( $data ) - 1 ) {
922 $defaultType = 'assoc';
923 }
925 // Override type, if provided
926 $type = $defaultType;
927 if ( isset( $metadata[self::META_TYPE] ) && $metadata[self::META_TYPE] !== 'default' ) {
928 $type = $metadata[self::META_TYPE];
929 }
930 if ( ( $type === 'kvp' || $type === 'BCkvp' ) &&
931 empty( $transformTypes['ArmorKVP'] )
932 ) {
933 $type = 'assoc';
934 } elseif ( $type === 'BCarray' ) {
935 $type = 'array';
936 } elseif ( $type === 'BCassoc' ) {
937 $type = 'assoc';
938 }
940 // Apply transformation
941 switch ( $type ) {
942 case 'assoc':
943 $metadata[self::META_TYPE] = 'assoc';
944 $data += $keepMetadata;
945 return empty( $transformTypes['AssocAsObject'] ) ? $data : (object)$data;
947 case 'array':
948 // Sort items in ascending order by key. Note that $data may contain a mix of number and string keys,
949 // for which the sorting behavior of krsort() with SORT_REGULAR is inconsistent between PHP versions.
950 // Given a comparison of a string key and a number key, PHP < 8.2 coerces the string key into a number
951 // (which yields zero if the string was non-numeric), and then performs the comparison,
952 // while PHP >= 8.2 makes the behavior consistent with stricter numeric comparisons introduced by
953 // PHP 8.0 in that if the string key is non-numeric, it converts the number key into a string
954 // and compares those two strings instead. We therefore use a custom comparison function
955 // implementing PHP >= 8.2 ordering semantics to ensure consistent ordering of items
956 // irrespective of the PHP version (T326480).
957 uksort( $data, static function ( $a, $b ): int {
958 // In a comparison of a number or numeric string with a non-numeric string,
959 // coerce both values into a string prior to comparing and compare the resulting strings.
960 // Note that PHP prior to 8.0 did not consider numeric strings with trailing whitespace
961 // to be numeric, so trim the inputs prior to the numeric checks to make the behavior
962 // consistent across PHP versions.
963 if ( is_numeric( trim( $a ) ) xor is_numeric( trim( $b ) ) ) {
964 return (string)$a <=> (string)$b;
965 }
967 return $a <=> $b;
968 } );
970 $data = array_values( $data );
971 $metadata[self::META_TYPE] = 'array';
972 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable Type mismatch on pass-by-ref args
973 return $data + $keepMetadata;
975 case 'kvp':
976 case 'BCkvp':
977 $key = $metadata[self::META_KVP_KEY_NAME] ?? $transformTypes['ArmorKVP'];
978 $valKey = isset( $transforms['BC'] ) ? '*' : 'value';
979 $assocAsObject = !empty( $transformTypes['AssocAsObject'] );
980 $merge = !empty( $metadata[self::META_KVP_MERGE] );
982 $ret = [];
983 foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) {
984 if ( $merge && ( is_array( $v ) || is_object( $v ) ) ) {
985 $vArr = (array)$v;
986 if ( isset( $vArr[self::META_TYPE] ) ) {
987 $mergeType = $vArr[self::META_TYPE];
988 } elseif ( is_object( $v ) ) {
989 $mergeType = 'assoc';
990 } else {
991 $keys = array_keys( $vArr );
992 sort( $keys, SORT_NUMERIC );
993 $mergeType = ( $keys === array_keys( $keys ) ) ? 'array' : 'assoc';
994 }
995 } else {
996 $mergeType = 'n/a';
997 }
998 if ( $mergeType === 'assoc' ) {
999 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyUndeclaredVariable vArr set when used
1000 $item = $vArr + [
1001 $key => $k,
1002 ];
1003 if ( $strip === 'none' ) {
1004 self::setPreserveKeysList( $item, [ $key ] );
1005 }
1006 } else {
1007 $item = [
1008 $key => $k,
1009 $valKey => $v,
1010 ];
1011 if ( $strip === 'none' ) {
1012 $item += [
1013 self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS => [ $key ],
1014 self::META_CONTENT => $valKey,
1015 self::META_TYPE => 'assoc',
1016 ];
1017 }
1018 }
1019 $ret[] = $assocAsObject ? (object)$item : $item;
1020 }
1021 $metadata[self::META_TYPE] = 'array';
1023 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable Type mismatch on pass-by-ref args
1024 return $ret + $keepMetadata;
1026 default:
1027 throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Unknown type '$type'" );
1028 }
1029 }
1041 public static function stripMetadata( $data ) {
1042 if ( is_array( $data ) || is_object( $data ) ) {
1043 $isObj = is_object( $data );
1044 if ( $isObj ) {
1045 $data = (array)$data;
1046 }
1047 $preserveKeys = isset( $data[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS] )
1048 ? (array)$data[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS]
1049 : [];
1050 foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) {
1051 if ( self::isMetadataKey( $k ) && !in_array( $k, $preserveKeys, true ) ) {
1052 unset( $data[$k] );
1053 } elseif ( is_array( $v ) || is_object( $v ) ) {
1054 $data[$k] = self::stripMetadata( $v );
1055 }
1056 }
1057 if ( $isObj ) {
1058 $data = (object)$data;
1059 }
1060 }
1061 return $data;
1062 }
1075 public static function stripMetadataNonRecursive( $data, &$metadata = null ) {
1076 if ( !is_array( $metadata ) ) {
1077 $metadata = [];
1078 }
1079 if ( is_array( $data ) || is_object( $data ) ) {
1080 $isObj = is_object( $data );
1081 if ( $isObj ) {
1082 $data = (array)$data;
1083 }
1084 $preserveKeys = isset( $data[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS] )
1085 ? (array)$data[self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS]
1086 : [];
1087 foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) {
1088 if ( self::isMetadataKey( $k ) && !in_array( $k, $preserveKeys, true ) ) {
1089 $metadata[$k] = $v;
1090 unset( $data[$k] );
1091 }
1092 }
1093 if ( $isObj ) {
1094 $data = (object)$data;
1095 }
1096 }
1097 return $data;
1098 }
1106 private static function size( $value ) {
1107 $s = 0;
1108 if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
1109 foreach ( $value as $k => $v ) {
1110 if ( !self::isMetadataKey( $k ) ) {
1111 $s += self::size( $v );
1112 }
1113 }
1114 } elseif ( is_scalar( $value ) ) {
1115 $s = strlen( $value );
1116 }
1118 return $s;
1119 }
1132 private function &path( $path, $create = 'append' ) {
1133 $path = (array)$path;
1134 $ret = &$this->data;
1135 foreach ( $path as $i => $k ) {
1136 if ( !isset( $ret[$k] ) ) {
1137 switch ( $create ) {
1138 case 'append':
1139 $ret[$k] = [];
1140 break;
1141 case 'prepend':
1142 $ret = [ $k => [] ] + $ret;
1143 break;
1144 case 'dummy':
1145 $tmp = [];
1146 return $tmp;
1147 default:
1148 $fail = implode( '.', array_slice( $path, 0, $i + 1 ) );
1149 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Path $fail does not exist" );
1150 }
1151 }
1152 if ( !is_array( $ret[$k] ) ) {
1153 $fail = implode( '.', array_slice( $path, 0, $i + 1 ) );
1154 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Path $fail is not an array" );
1155 }
1156 $ret = &$ret[$k];
1157 }
1158 return $ret;
1159 }
1169 public static function addMetadataToResultVars( $vars, $forceHash = true ) {
1170 // Process subarrays and determine if this is a JS [] or {}
1171 $hash = $forceHash;
1172 $maxKey = -1;
1173 $bools = [];
1174 foreach ( $vars as $k => $v ) {
1175 if ( is_array( $v ) || is_object( $v ) ) {
1176 $vars[$k] = self::addMetadataToResultVars( (array)$v, is_object( $v ) );
1177 } elseif ( is_bool( $v ) ) {
1178 // Better here to use real bools even in BC formats
1179 $bools[] = $k;
1180 }
1181 if ( is_string( $k ) ) {
1182 $hash = true;
1183 } elseif ( $k > $maxKey ) {
1184 $maxKey = $k;
1185 }
1186 }
1187 if ( !$hash && $maxKey !== count( $vars ) - 1 ) {
1188 $hash = true;
1189 }
1191 // Set metadata appropriately
1192 if ( $hash ) {
1193 // Get the list of keys we actually care about. Unfortunately, we can't support
1194 // certain keys that conflict with ApiResult metadata.
1195 $keys = array_diff( array_keys( $vars ), [
1198 ] );
1200 return [
1201 self::META_TYPE => 'kvp',
1202 self::META_KVP_KEY_NAME => 'key',
1203 self::META_PRESERVE_KEYS => $keys,
1204 self::META_BC_BOOLS => $bools,
1205 self::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'var',
1206 ] + $vars;
1207 } else {
1208 return [
1209 self::META_TYPE => 'array',
1210 self::META_BC_BOOLS => $bools,
1211 self::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME => 'value',
1212 ] + $vars;
1213 }
1214 }
1224 public static function formatExpiry( $expiry, $infinity = 'infinity' ) {
1225 static $dbInfinity;
1226 $dbInfinity ??= MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()
1227 ->getReplicaDatabase()
1228 ->getInfinity();
1230 if ( $expiry === '' || $expiry === null || $expiry === false ||
1231 wfIsInfinity( $expiry ) || $expiry === $dbInfinity
1232 ) {
1233 return $infinity;
1234 } else {
1235 return wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $expiry );
1236 }
1237 }
1239 // endregion -- end of Utility
1244 * This file uses VisualStudio style region/endregion fold markers which are
1245 * recognised by PHPStorm. If modelines are enabled, the following editor
1246 * configuration will also enable folding in vim, if it is in the last 5 lines
1247 * of the file. We also use "@name" which creates sections in Doxygen.
1248 *
1249 * vim: foldmarker=//\ region,//\ endregion foldmethod=marker
1250 */
wfIsInfinity( $str)
Determine input string is represents as infinity.
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
Formats errors and warnings for the API, and add them to the associated ApiResult.
This class represents the result of the API operations.
Definition ApiResult.php:36
addArrayType( $path, $tag, $kvpKeyName=null)
Set the array data type for a path.
static unsetSubelementsList(array &$arr, $names)
Causes the elements with the specified names to be output as attributes (when possible) rather than a...
static unsetPreserveKeysList(array &$arr, $names)
Don't preserve specified keys.
static applyTransformations(array $dataIn, array $transforms)
Apply transformations to an array, returning the transformed array.
Key for the 'type' metadata item.
static stripMetadataNonRecursive( $data, &$metadata=null)
Remove metadata keys from a data array or object, non-recursive.
static setArrayType(array &$arr, $type, $kvpKeyName=null)
Set the array data type.
Allow for adding one ApiResult into another.
static addMetadataToResultVars( $vars, $forceHash=true)
Add the correct metadata to an array of vars we want to export through the API.
static setValue(array &$arr, $name, $value, $flags=0)
Add an output value to the array by name.
Key for the 'subelements' metadata item.
Definition ApiResult.php:79
addIndexedTagName( $path, $tag)
Set the tag name for numeric-keyed values in XML format.
addValue( $path, $name, $value, $flags=0)
Add value to the output data at the given path.
Key for the 'BC bools' metadata item.
Key for the 'preserve keys' metadata item.
Definition ApiResult.php:85
For addValue() and similar functions, do not check size while adding a value Don't use this unless yo...
Definition ApiResult.php:59
addArrayTypeRecursive( $path, $tag, $kvpKeyName=null)
Set the array data type for a path recursively.
Get the size of the result, i.e.
__construct( $maxSize)
static unsetValue(array &$arr, $name)
Remove an output value to the array by name.
static setPreserveKeysList(array &$arr, $names)
Preserve specified keys.
addPreserveKeysList( $path, $names)
Preserve specified keys.
addParsedLimit( $moduleName, $limit)
Add the numeric limit for a limit=max to the result.
addSubelementsList( $path, $names)
Causes the elements with the specified names to be output as subelements rather than attributes.
static stripMetadata( $data)
Recursively remove metadata keys from a data array or object.
Key for the 'content' metadata item.
Definition ApiResult.php:91
addIndexedTagNameRecursive( $path, $tag)
Set indexed tag name on $path and all subarrays.
removeSubelementsList( $path, $names)
Causes the elements with the specified names to be output as attributes (when possible) rather than a...
setErrorFormatter(ApiErrorFormatter $formatter)
Override existing value in addValue(), setValue(), and similar functions.
Definition ApiResult.php:42
static setSubelementsList(array &$arr, $names)
Causes the elements with the specified names to be output as subelements rather than attributes.
static setArrayTypeRecursive(array &$arr, $type, $kvpKeyName=null)
Set the array data type recursively.
Key for the metadata item whose value specifies the name used for the kvp key in the alternative outp...
removeValue( $path, $name, $flags=0)
Remove value from the output data at the given path.
const ADD_ON_TOP
For addValue(), setValue() and similar functions, if the value does not exist, add it as the first el...
Definition ApiResult.php:50
getResultData( $path=[], $transforms=[])
Get the result data array.
Key for the 'BC subelements' metadata item.
removePreserveKeysList( $path, $names)
Don't preserve specified keys.
static setIndexedTagName(array &$arr, $tag)
Set the tag name for numeric-keyed values in XML format.
Key for the 'indexed tag name' metadata item.
Definition ApiResult.php:73
Key for the metadata item that indicates that the KVP key should be added into an assoc value,...
Clear the current result data.
static setContentValue(array &$arr, $name, $value, $flags=0)
Add an output value to the array by name and mark as META_CONTENT.
static setIndexedTagNameRecursive(array &$arr, $tag)
Set indexed tag name on $arr and all subarrays.
static setContentField(array &$arr, $name, $flags=0)
Set the name of the content field name (META_CONTENT)
static formatExpiry( $expiry, $infinity='infinity')
Format an expiry timestamp for API output.
For addValue(), setValue() and similar functions, do not validate data.
Definition ApiResult.php:67
addContentValue( $path, $name, $value, $flags=0)
Add value to the output data at the given path and mark as META_CONTENT.
addContentField( $path, $name, $flags=0)
Set the name of the content field name (META_CONTENT)
static isMetadataKey( $key)
Test whether a key should be considered metadata.
Service locator for MediaWiki core services.
The Message class deals with fetching and processing of interface message into a variety of formats.
Definition Message.php:158
This interface allows for overriding the default conversion applied by ApiResult::validateValue().