MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
26namespace MediaWiki\Revision;
28use Content;
31use InvalidArgumentException;
32use LogicException;
41use MediaWiki\Page\LegacyArticleIdAccess;
58use MWException;
60use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
61use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
62use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
63use RecentChange;
64use RuntimeException;
65use StatusValue;
66use stdClass;
67use Traversable;
69use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
70use Wikimedia\IPUtils;
89class RevisionStore implements RevisionFactory, RevisionLookup, LoggerAwareInterface {
91 use LegacyArticleIdAccess;
93 public const ROW_CACHE_KEY = 'revision-row-1.29';
95 public const ORDER_OLDEST_TO_NEWEST = 'ASC';
96 public const ORDER_NEWEST_TO_OLDEST = 'DESC';
98 // Constants for get(...)Between methods
99 public const INCLUDE_OLD = 'include_old';
100 public const INCLUDE_NEW = 'include_new';
101 public const INCLUDE_BOTH = 'include_both';
106 private $blobStore;
111 private $wikiId;
116 private $loadBalancer;
121 private $cache;
126 private $localCache;
131 private $commentStore;
134 private $actorStore;
139 private $logger;
144 private $contentModelStore;
149 private $slotRoleStore;
152 private $slotRoleRegistry;
155 private $contentHandlerFactory;
158 private $hookRunner;
161 private $pageStore;
164 private $titleFactory;
190 public function __construct(
191 ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer,
192 SqlBlobStore $blobStore,
193 WANObjectCache $cache,
194 BagOStuff $localCache,
195 CommentStore $commentStore,
196 NameTableStore $contentModelStore,
197 NameTableStore $slotRoleStore,
198 SlotRoleRegistry $slotRoleRegistry,
199 ActorStore $actorStore,
200 IContentHandlerFactory $contentHandlerFactory,
201 PageStore $pageStore,
202 TitleFactory $titleFactory,
203 HookContainer $hookContainer,
204 $wikiId = WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL
205 ) {
206 Assert::parameterType( [ 'string', 'false' ], $wikiId, '$wikiId' );
208 $this->loadBalancer = $loadBalancer;
209 $this->blobStore = $blobStore;
210 $this->cache = $cache;
211 $this->localCache = $localCache;
212 $this->commentStore = $commentStore;
213 $this->contentModelStore = $contentModelStore;
214 $this->slotRoleStore = $slotRoleStore;
215 $this->slotRoleRegistry = $slotRoleRegistry;
216 $this->actorStore = $actorStore;
217 $this->wikiId = $wikiId;
218 $this->logger = new NullLogger();
219 $this->contentHandlerFactory = $contentHandlerFactory;
220 $this->pageStore = $pageStore;
221 $this->titleFactory = $titleFactory;
222 $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
223 }
225 public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) {
226 $this->logger = $logger;
227 }
232 public function isReadOnly() {
233 return $this->blobStore->isReadOnly();
234 }
241 public function getWikiId() {
242 return $this->wikiId;
243 }
250 private function getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $queryFlags ) {
251 if ( ( $queryFlags & IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) == IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) {
252 return $this->getPrimaryConnection();
253 } else {
254 return $this->getReplicaConnection();
255 }
256 }
262 private function getReplicaConnection( $groups = [] ) {
263 // TODO: Replace with ICP
264 return $this->loadBalancer->getConnection( DB_REPLICA, $groups, $this->wikiId );
265 }
267 private function getPrimaryConnection(): IDatabase {
268 // TODO: Replace with ICP
269 return $this->loadBalancer->getConnection( DB_PRIMARY, [], $this->wikiId );
270 }
288 public function getTitle( $pageId, $revId, $queryFlags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
289 // TODO: Hard-deprecate this once getPage() returns a PageRecord. T195069
290 if ( $this->wikiId !== WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL ) {
291 wfDeprecatedMsg( 'Using a Title object to refer to a page on another site.', '1.36' );
292 }
294 $page = $this->getPage( $pageId, $revId, $queryFlags );
295 return $this->titleFactory->newFromPageIdentity( $page );
296 }
308 private function getPage( ?int $pageId, ?int $revId, int $queryFlags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
309 if ( !$pageId && !$revId ) {
310 throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$pageId and $revId cannot both be 0 or null' );
311 }
313 // This method recalls itself with READ_LATEST if READ_NORMAL doesn't get us a Title
314 // So ignore READ_LATEST_IMMUTABLE flags and handle the fallback logic in this method
315 if ( DBAccessObjectUtils::hasFlags( $queryFlags, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST_IMMUTABLE ) ) {
316 $queryFlags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL;
317 }
319 // Loading by ID is best
320 if ( $pageId !== null && $pageId > 0 ) {
321 $page = $this->pageStore->getPageById( $pageId, $queryFlags );
322 if ( $page ) {
323 return $this->wrapPage( $page );
324 }
325 }
327 // rev_id is defined as NOT NULL, but this revision may not yet have been inserted.
328 if ( $revId !== null && $revId > 0 ) {
329 $pageQuery = $this->pageStore->newSelectQueryBuilder( $queryFlags )
330 ->join( 'revision', null, 'page_id=rev_page' )
331 ->conds( [ 'rev_id' => $revId ] )
332 ->caller( __METHOD__ );
334 $page = $pageQuery->fetchPageRecord();
335 if ( $page ) {
336 return $this->wrapPage( $page );
337 }
338 }
340 // If we still don't have a title, fallback to primary DB if that wasn't already happening.
341 if ( $queryFlags === IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
342 $title = $this->getPage( $pageId, $revId, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST );
343 if ( $title ) {
344 $this->logger->info(
345 __METHOD__ . ' fell back to READ_LATEST and got a Title.',
346 [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ]
347 );
348 return $title;
349 }
350 }
352 throw new RevisionAccessException(
353 'Could not determine title for page ID {page_id} and revision ID {rev_id}',
354 [
355 'page_id' => $pageId,
356 'rev_id' => $revId,
357 ]
358 );
359 }
366 private function wrapPage( PageIdentity $page ): PageIdentity {
367 if ( $this->wikiId === WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL ) {
368 // NOTE: since there is still a lot of code that needs a full Title,
369 // and uses Title::castFromPageIdentity() to get one, it's beneficial
370 // to create a Title right away if we can, so we don't have to convert
371 // over and over later on.
372 // When there is less need to convert to Title, this special case can
373 // be removed.
374 return $this->titleFactory->newFromPageIdentity( $page );
375 } else {
376 return $page;
377 }
378 }
387 private function failOnNull( $value, $name ) {
388 if ( $value === null ) {
389 throw new IncompleteRevisionException(
390 "$name must not be " . var_export( $value, true ) . "!"
391 );
392 }
394 return $value;
395 }
404 private function failOnEmpty( $value, $name ) {
405 if ( $value === null || $value === 0 || $value === '' ) {
406 throw new IncompleteRevisionException(
407 "$name must not be " . var_export( $value, true ) . "!"
408 );
409 }
411 return $value;
412 }
428 public function insertRevisionOn( RevisionRecord $rev, IDatabase $dbw ) {
429 // TODO: pass in a DBTransactionContext instead of a database connection.
430 $this->checkDatabaseDomain( $dbw );
432 $slotRoles = $rev->getSlotRoles();
434 // Make sure the main slot is always provided throughout migration
435 if ( !in_array( SlotRecord::MAIN, $slotRoles ) ) {
437 'main slot must be provided'
438 );
439 }
441 // Checks
442 $this->failOnNull( $rev->getSize(), 'size field' );
443 $this->failOnEmpty( $rev->getSha1(), 'sha1 field' );
444 $this->failOnEmpty( $rev->getTimestamp(), 'timestamp field' );
445 $comment = $this->failOnNull( $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'comment' );
446 $user = $this->failOnNull( $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::RAW ), 'user' );
447 $this->failOnNull( $user->getId(), 'user field' );
448 $this->failOnEmpty( $user->getName(), 'user_text field' );
450 if ( !$rev->isReadyForInsertion() ) {
451 // This is here for future-proofing. At the time this check being added, it
452 // was redundant to the individual checks above.
453 throw new IncompleteRevisionException( 'Revision is incomplete' );
454 }
456 if ( $slotRoles == [ SlotRecord::MAIN ] ) {
457 // T239717: If the main slot is the only slot, make sure the revision's nominal size
458 // and hash match the main slot's nominal size and hash.
459 $mainSlot = $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW );
460 Assert::precondition(
461 $mainSlot->getSize() === $rev->getSize(),
462 'The revisions\'s size must match the main slot\'s size (see T239717)'
463 );
464 Assert::precondition(
465 $mainSlot->getSha1() === $rev->getSha1(),
466 'The revisions\'s SHA1 hash must match the main slot\'s SHA1 hash (see T239717)'
467 );
468 }
470 $pageId = $this->failOnEmpty( $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ), 'rev_page field' ); // check this early
472 $parentId = $rev->getParentId() ?? $this->getPreviousRevisionId( $dbw, $rev );
475 $rev = $dbw->doAtomicSection(
476 __METHOD__,
477 function ( IDatabase $dbw, $fname ) use (
478 $rev,
479 $user,
480 $comment,
481 $pageId,
482 $parentId
483 ) {
484 return $this->insertRevisionInternal(
485 $rev,
486 $dbw,
487 $user,
488 $comment,
489 $rev->getPage(),
490 $pageId,
491 $parentId
492 );
493 }
494 );
496 Assert::postcondition( $rev->getId( $this->wikiId ) > 0, 'revision must have an ID' );
497 Assert::postcondition( $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ) > 0, 'revision must have a page ID' );
498 Assert::postcondition(
499 $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::RAW ) !== null,
500 'revision must have a comment'
501 );
502 Assert::postcondition(
503 $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::RAW ) !== null,
504 'revision must have a user'
505 );
507 // Trigger exception if the main slot is missing.
508 // Technically, this could go away after MCR migration: while
509 // calling code may require a main slot to exist, RevisionStore
510 // really should not know or care about that requirement.
511 $rev->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW );
513 foreach ( $slotRoles as $role ) {
514 $slot = $rev->getSlot( $role, RevisionRecord::RAW );
515 Assert::postcondition(
516 $slot->getContent() !== null,
517 $role . ' slot must have content'
518 );
519 Assert::postcondition(
520 $slot->hasRevision(),
521 $role . ' slot must have a revision associated'
522 );
523 }
525 $this->hookRunner->onRevisionRecordInserted( $rev );
527 return $rev;
528 }
542 public function updateSlotsOn(
543 RevisionRecord $revision,
544 RevisionSlotsUpdate $revisionSlotsUpdate,
545 IDatabase $dbw
546 ): array {
547 $this->checkDatabaseDomain( $dbw );
549 // Make sure all modified and removed slots are derived slots
550 foreach ( $revisionSlotsUpdate->getModifiedRoles() as $role ) {
551 Assert::precondition(
552 $this->slotRoleRegistry->getRoleHandler( $role )->isDerived(),
553 'Trying to modify a slot that is not derived'
554 );
555 }
556 foreach ( $revisionSlotsUpdate->getRemovedRoles() as $role ) {
557 $isDerived = $this->slotRoleRegistry->getRoleHandler( $role )->isDerived();
558 Assert::precondition(
559 $isDerived,
560 'Trying to remove a slot that is not derived'
561 );
562 throw new LogicException( 'Removing derived slots is not yet implemented. See T277394.' );
563 }
566 $slotRecords = $dbw->doAtomicSection(
567 __METHOD__,
568 function ( IDatabase $dbw, $fname ) use (
569 $revision,
570 $revisionSlotsUpdate
571 ) {
572 return $this->updateSlotsInternal(
573 $revision,
574 $revisionSlotsUpdate,
575 $dbw
576 );
577 }
578 );
580 foreach ( $slotRecords as $role => $slot ) {
581 Assert::postcondition(
582 $slot->getContent() !== null,
583 $role . ' slot must have content'
584 );
585 Assert::postcondition(
586 $slot->hasRevision(),
587 $role . ' slot must have a revision associated'
588 );
589 }
591 return $slotRecords;
592 }
600 private function updateSlotsInternal(
601 RevisionRecord $revision,
602 RevisionSlotsUpdate $revisionSlotsUpdate,
603 IDatabase $dbw
604 ): array {
605 $page = $revision->getPage();
606 $revId = $revision->getId( $this->wikiId );
607 $blobHints = [
608 BlobStore::PAGE_HINT => $page->getId( $this->wikiId ),
609 BlobStore::REVISION_HINT => $revId,
610 BlobStore::PARENT_HINT => $revision->getParentId( $this->wikiId ),
611 ];
613 $newSlots = [];
614 foreach ( $revisionSlotsUpdate->getModifiedRoles() as $role ) {
615 $slot = $revisionSlotsUpdate->getModifiedSlot( $role );
616 $newSlots[$role] = $this->insertSlotOn( $dbw, $revId, $slot, $page, $blobHints );
617 }
619 return $newSlots;
620 }
622 private function insertRevisionInternal(
623 RevisionRecord $rev,
624 IDatabase $dbw,
625 UserIdentity $user,
626 CommentStoreComment $comment,
627 PageIdentity $page,
628 $pageId,
629 $parentId
630 ) {
631 $slotRoles = $rev->getSlotRoles();
633 $revisionRow = $this->insertRevisionRowOn(
634 $dbw,
635 $rev,
636 $parentId
637 );
639 $revisionId = $revisionRow['rev_id'];
641 $blobHints = [
642 BlobStore::PAGE_HINT => $pageId,
643 BlobStore::REVISION_HINT => $revisionId,
644 BlobStore::PARENT_HINT => $parentId,
645 ];
647 $newSlots = [];
648 foreach ( $slotRoles as $role ) {
649 $slot = $rev->getSlot( $role, RevisionRecord::RAW );
651 // If the SlotRecord already has a revision ID set, this means it already exists
652 // in the database, and should already belong to the current revision.
653 // However, a slot may already have a revision, but no content ID, if the slot
654 // is emulated based on the archive table, because we are in SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD
655 // mode, and the respective archive row was not yet migrated to the new schema.
656 // In that case, a new slot row (and content row) must be inserted even during
657 // undeletion.
658 if ( $slot->hasRevision() && $slot->hasContentId() ) {
659 // TODO: properly abort transaction if the assertion fails!
660 Assert::parameter(
661 $slot->getRevision() === $revisionId,
662 'slot role ' . $slot->getRole(),
663 'Existing slot should belong to revision '
664 . $revisionId . ', but belongs to revision ' . $slot->getRevision() . '!'
665 );
667 // Slot exists, nothing to do, move along.
668 // This happens when restoring archived revisions.
670 $newSlots[$role] = $slot;
671 } else {
672 $newSlots[$role] = $this->insertSlotOn( $dbw, $revisionId, $slot, $page, $blobHints );
673 }
674 }
676 $this->insertIpChangesRow( $dbw, $user, $rev, $revisionId );
678 $rev = new RevisionStoreRecord(
679 $page,
680 $user,
681 $comment,
682 (object)$revisionRow,
683 new RevisionSlots( $newSlots ),
684 $this->wikiId
685 );
687 return $rev;
688 }
698 private function insertSlotOn(
699 IDatabase $dbw,
700 $revisionId,
701 SlotRecord $protoSlot,
702 PageIdentity $page,
703 array $blobHints = []
704 ) {
705 if ( $protoSlot->hasAddress() ) {
706 $blobAddress = $protoSlot->getAddress();
707 } else {
708 $blobAddress = $this->storeContentBlob( $protoSlot, $page, $blobHints );
709 }
711 if ( $protoSlot->hasContentId() ) {
712 $contentId = $protoSlot->getContentId();
713 } else {
714 $contentId = $this->insertContentRowOn( $protoSlot, $dbw, $blobAddress );
715 }
717 $this->insertSlotRowOn( $protoSlot, $dbw, $revisionId, $contentId );
719 return SlotRecord::newSaved(
720 $revisionId,
721 $contentId,
722 $blobAddress,
723 $protoSlot
724 );
725 }
734 private function insertIpChangesRow(
735 IDatabase $dbw,
736 UserIdentity $user,
737 RevisionRecord $rev,
738 $revisionId
739 ) {
740 if ( !$user->isRegistered() && IPUtils::isValid( $user->getName() ) ) {
741 $dbw->newInsertQueryBuilder()
742 ->insertInto( 'ip_changes' )
743 ->row( [
744 'ipc_rev_id' => $revisionId,
745 'ipc_rev_timestamp' => $dbw->timestamp( $rev->getTimestamp() ),
746 'ipc_hex' => IPUtils::toHex( $user->getName() ),
747 ] )
748 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
750 }
751 }
763 private function insertRevisionRowOn(
764 IDatabase $dbw,
765 RevisionRecord $rev,
766 $parentId
767 ) {
768 $revisionRow = $this->getBaseRevisionRow( $dbw, $rev, $parentId );
770 $revisionRow += $this->commentStore->insert(
771 $dbw,
772 'rev_comment',
773 $rev->getComment( RevisionRecord::RAW )
774 );
776 $dbw->newInsertQueryBuilder()
777 ->insertInto( 'revision' )
778 ->row( $revisionRow )
779 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
781 if ( !isset( $revisionRow['rev_id'] ) ) {
782 // only if auto-increment was used
783 $revisionRow['rev_id'] = intval( $dbw->insertId() );
785 if ( $dbw->getType() === 'mysql' ) {
786 // (T202032) MySQL until 8.0 and MariaDB until some version after 10.1.34 don't save the
787 // auto-increment value to disk, so on server restart it might reuse IDs from deleted
788 // revisions. We can fix that with an insert with an explicit rev_id value, if necessary.
790 $maxRevId = intval( $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
791 ->select( 'MAX(ar_rev_id)' )
792 ->from( 'archive' )
793 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
794 ->fetchField() );
795 $table = 'archive';
796 $maxRevId2 = intval( $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
797 ->select( 'MAX(slot_revision_id)' )
798 ->from( 'slots' )
799 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
800 ->fetchField() );
801 if ( $maxRevId2 >= $maxRevId ) {
802 $maxRevId = $maxRevId2;
803 $table = 'slots';
804 }
806 if ( $maxRevId >= $revisionRow['rev_id'] ) {
807 $this->logger->debug(
808 '__METHOD__: Inserted revision {revid} but {table} has revisions up to {maxrevid}.'
809 . ' Trying to fix it.',
810 [
811 'revid' => $revisionRow['rev_id'],
812 'table' => $table,
813 'maxrevid' => $maxRevId,
814 ]
815 );
817 if ( !$dbw->lock( 'fix-for-T202032', __METHOD__ ) ) {
818 throw new MWException( 'Failed to get database lock for T202032' );
819 }
820 $fname = __METHOD__;
821 $dbw->onTransactionResolution(
822 static function ( $trigger, IDatabase $dbw ) use ( $fname ) {
823 $dbw->unlock( 'fix-for-T202032', $fname );
824 },
825 __METHOD__
826 );
828 $dbw->newDeleteQueryBuilder()
829 ->deleteFrom( 'revision' )
830 ->where( [ 'rev_id' => $revisionRow['rev_id'] ] )
831 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
833 // The locking here is mostly to make MySQL bypass the REPEATABLE-READ transaction
834 // isolation (weird MySQL "feature"). It does seem to block concurrent auto-incrementing
835 // inserts too, though, at least on MariaDB 10.1.29.
836 //
837 // Don't try to lock `revision` in this way, it'll deadlock if there are concurrent
838 // transactions in this code path thanks to the row lock from the original ->insert() above.
839 //
840 // And we have to use raw SQL to bypass the "aggregation used with a locking SELECT" warning
841 // that's for non-MySQL DBs.
842 $row1 = $dbw->query(
843 $dbw->selectSQLText( 'archive', [ 'v' => "MAX(ar_rev_id)" ], '', __METHOD__ ) . ' FOR UPDATE',
844 __METHOD__
845 )->fetchObject();
847 $row2 = $dbw->query(
848 $dbw->selectSQLText( 'slots', [ 'v' => "MAX(slot_revision_id)" ], '', __METHOD__ )
849 . ' FOR UPDATE',
850 __METHOD__
851 )->fetchObject();
853 $maxRevId = max(
854 $maxRevId,
855 $row1 ? intval( $row1->v ) : 0,
856 $row2 ? intval( $row2->v ) : 0
857 );
859 // If we don't have SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW, all except the first of any concurrent
860 // transactions will throw a duplicate key error here. It doesn't seem worth trying
861 // to avoid that.
862 $revisionRow['rev_id'] = $maxRevId + 1;
863 $dbw->newInsertQueryBuilder()
864 ->insertInto( 'revision' )
865 ->row( $revisionRow )
866 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
867 }
868 }
869 }
871 return $revisionRow;
872 }
881 private function getBaseRevisionRow(
882 IDatabase $dbw,
883 RevisionRecord $rev,
884 $parentId
885 ) {
886 // Record the edit in revisions
887 $revisionRow = [
888 'rev_page' => $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ),
889 'rev_parent_id' => $parentId,
890 'rev_actor' => $this->actorStore->acquireActorId(
891 $rev->getUser( RevisionRecord::RAW ),
892 $dbw
893 ),
894 'rev_minor_edit' => $rev->isMinor() ? 1 : 0,
895 'rev_timestamp' => $dbw->timestamp( $rev->getTimestamp() ),
896 'rev_deleted' => $rev->getVisibility(),
897 'rev_len' => $rev->getSize(),
898 'rev_sha1' => $rev->getSha1(),
899 ];
901 if ( $rev->getId( $this->wikiId ) !== null ) {
902 // Needed to restore revisions with their original ID
903 $revisionRow['rev_id'] = $rev->getId( $this->wikiId );
904 }
906 return $revisionRow;
907 }
917 private function storeContentBlob(
918 SlotRecord $slot,
919 PageIdentity $page,
920 array $blobHints = []
921 ) {
922 $content = $slot->getContent();
923 $format = $content->getDefaultFormat();
924 $model = $content->getModel();
926 $this->checkContent( $content, $page, $slot->getRole() );
928 return $this->blobStore->storeBlob(
929 $content->serialize( $format ),
930 // These hints "leak" some information from the higher abstraction layer to
931 // low level storage to allow for optimization.
932 array_merge(
933 $blobHints,
934 [
935 BlobStore::DESIGNATION_HINT => 'page-content',
936 BlobStore::ROLE_HINT => $slot->getRole(),
937 BlobStore::SHA1_HINT => $slot->getSha1(),
938 BlobStore::MODEL_HINT => $model,
939 BlobStore::FORMAT_HINT => $format,
940 ]
941 )
942 );
943 }
951 private function insertSlotRowOn( SlotRecord $slot, IDatabase $dbw, $revisionId, $contentId ) {
952 $dbw->newInsertQueryBuilder()
953 ->insertInto( 'slots' )
954 ->row( [
955 'slot_revision_id' => $revisionId,
956 'slot_role_id' => $this->slotRoleStore->acquireId( $slot->getRole() ),
957 'slot_content_id' => $contentId,
958 // If the slot has a specific origin use that ID, otherwise use the ID of the revision
959 // that we just inserted.
960 'slot_origin' => $slot->hasOrigin() ? $slot->getOrigin() : $revisionId,
961 ] )
962 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
963 }
971 private function insertContentRowOn( SlotRecord $slot, IDatabase $dbw, $blobAddress ) {
972 $dbw->newInsertQueryBuilder()
973 ->insertInto( 'content' )
974 ->row( [
975 'content_size' => $slot->getSize(),
976 'content_sha1' => $slot->getSha1(),
977 'content_model' => $this->contentModelStore->acquireId( $slot->getModel() ),
978 'content_address' => $blobAddress,
979 ] )
980 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
981 return intval( $dbw->insertId() );
982 }
994 private function checkContent( Content $content, PageIdentity $page, string $role ) {
995 // Note: may return null for revisions that have not yet been inserted
997 $model = $content->getModel();
998 $format = $content->getDefaultFormat();
999 $handler = $content->getContentHandler();
1001 if ( !$handler->isSupportedFormat( $format ) ) {
1002 throw new MWException(
1003 "Can't use format $format with content model $model on $page role $role"
1004 );
1005 }
1007 if ( !$content->isValid() ) {
1008 throw new MWException(
1009 "New content for $page role $role is not valid! Content model is $model"
1010 );
1011 }
1012 }
1039 public function newNullRevision(
1040 IDatabase $dbw,
1041 PageIdentity $page,
1042 CommentStoreComment $comment,
1043 $minor,
1044 UserIdentity $user
1045 ) {
1046 $this->checkDatabaseDomain( $dbw );
1048 $pageId = $this->getArticleId( $page );
1050 // T51581: Lock the page table row to ensure no other process
1051 // is adding a revision to the page at the same time.
1052 // Avoid locking extra tables, compare T191892.
1053 $pageLatest = $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
1054 ->select( 'page_latest' )
1055 ->forUpdate()
1056 ->from( 'page' )
1057 ->where( [ 'page_id' => $pageId ] )
1058 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
1060 if ( !$pageLatest ) {
1061 $msg = 'T235589: Failed to select table row during null revision creation' .
1062 " Page id '$pageId' does not exist.";
1063 $this->logger->error(
1064 $msg,
1065 [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException( $msg ) ]
1066 );
1068 return null;
1069 }
1071 // Fetch the actual revision row from primary DB, without locking all extra tables.
1072 $oldRevision = $this->loadRevisionFromConds(
1073 $dbw,
1074 [ 'rev_id' => intval( $pageLatest ) ],
1075 IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST,
1076 $page
1077 );
1079 if ( !$oldRevision ) {
1080 $msg = "Failed to load latest revision ID $pageLatest of page ID $pageId.";
1081 $this->logger->error(
1082 $msg,
1083 [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException( $msg ) ]
1084 );
1085 return null;
1086 }
1088 // Construct the new revision
1089 $timestamp = MWTimestamp::now( TS_MW );
1090 $newRevision = MutableRevisionRecord::newFromParentRevision( $oldRevision );
1092 $newRevision->setComment( $comment );
1093 $newRevision->setUser( $user );
1094 $newRevision->setTimestamp( $timestamp );
1095 $newRevision->setMinorEdit( $minor );
1097 return $newRevision;
1098 }
1109 public function getRcIdIfUnpatrolled( RevisionRecord $rev ) {
1110 $rc = $this->getRecentChange( $rev );
1111 if ( $rc && $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_patrolled' ) == RecentChange::PRC_UNPATROLLED ) {
1112 return $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_id' );
1113 } else {
1114 return 0;
1115 }
1116 }
1131 public function getRecentChange( RevisionRecord $rev, $flags = 0 ) {
1132 if ( ( $flags & IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) == IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) {
1133 $dbType = DB_PRIMARY;
1134 } else {
1135 $dbType = DB_REPLICA;
1136 }
1138 $rc = RecentChange::newFromConds(
1139 [
1140 'rc_this_oldid' => $rev->getId( $this->wikiId ),
1141 // rc_this_oldid does not have to be unique,
1142 // in particular, it is shared with categorization
1143 // changes. Prefer the original change because callers
1144 // often expect a change for patrolling.
1145 'rc_type' => [ RC_EDIT, RC_NEW, RC_LOG ],
1146 ],
1147 __METHOD__,
1148 $dbType
1149 );
1151 // XXX: cache this locally? Glue it to the RevisionRecord?
1152 return $rc;
1153 }
1174 private function loadSlotContent(
1175 SlotRecord $slot,
1176 ?string $blobData = null,
1177 ?string $blobFlags = null,
1178 ?string $blobFormat = null,
1179 int $queryFlags = 0
1180 ) {
1181 if ( $blobData !== null ) {
1182 $blobAddress = $slot->hasAddress() ? $slot->getAddress() : null;
1184 if ( $blobFlags === null ) {
1185 // No blob flags, so use the blob verbatim.
1186 $data = $blobData;
1187 } else {
1188 try {
1189 $data = $this->blobStore->expandBlob( $blobData, $blobFlags, $blobAddress );
1190 } catch ( BadBlobException $e ) {
1191 throw new BadRevisionException( $e->getMessage(), [], 0, $e );
1192 }
1194 if ( $data === false ) {
1195 throw new RevisionAccessException(
1196 'Failed to expand blob data using flags {flags} (key: {cache_key})',
1197 [
1198 'flags' => $blobFlags,
1199 'cache_key' => $blobAddress,
1200 ]
1201 );
1202 }
1203 }
1205 } else {
1206 $address = $slot->getAddress();
1207 try {
1208 $data = $this->blobStore->getBlob( $address, $queryFlags );
1209 } catch ( BadBlobException $e ) {
1210 throw new BadRevisionException( $e->getMessage(), [], 0, $e );
1211 } catch ( BlobAccessException $e ) {
1212 throw new RevisionAccessException(
1213 'Failed to load data blob from {address} for revision {revision}. '
1214 . 'If this problem persist, use the findBadBlobs maintenance script '
1215 . 'to investigate the issue and mark bad blobs.',
1216 [ 'address' => $e->getMessage(), 'revision' => $slot->getRevision() ],
1217 0,
1218 $e
1219 );
1220 }
1221 }
1223 $model = $slot->getModel();
1225 // If the content model is not known, don't fail here (T220594, T220793, T228921)
1226 if ( !$this->contentHandlerFactory->isDefinedModel( $model ) ) {
1227 $this->logger->warning(
1228 "Undefined content model '$model', falling back to FallbackContent",
1229 [
1230 'content_address' => $slot->getAddress(),
1231 'rev_id' => $slot->getRevision(),
1232 'role_name' => $slot->getRole(),
1233 'model_name' => $model,
1234 'exception' => new RuntimeException()
1235 ]
1236 );
1238 return new FallbackContent( $data, $model );
1239 }
1241 return $this->contentHandlerFactory
1242 ->getContentHandler( $model )
1243 ->unserializeContent( $data, $blobFormat );
1244 }
1263 public function getRevisionById( $id, $flags = 0, PageIdentity $page = null ) {
1264 return $this->newRevisionFromConds( [ 'rev_id' => intval( $id ) ], $flags, $page );
1265 }
1283 public function getRevisionByTitle( $page, $revId = 0, $flags = 0 ) {
1284 $conds = [
1285 'page_namespace' => $page->getNamespace(),
1286 'page_title' => $page->getDBkey()
1287 ];
1289 if ( $page instanceof LinkTarget ) {
1290 // Only resolve LinkTarget to a Title when operating in the context of the local wiki (T248756)
1291 $page = $this->wikiId === WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL ? Title::castFromLinkTarget( $page ) : null;
1292 }
1294 if ( $revId ) {
1295 // Use the specified revision ID.
1296 // Note that we use newRevisionFromConds here because we want to retry
1297 // and fall back to primary DB if the page is not found on a replica.
1298 // Since the caller supplied a revision ID, we are pretty sure the revision is
1299 // supposed to exist, so we should try hard to find it.
1300 $conds['rev_id'] = $revId;
1301 return $this->newRevisionFromConds( $conds, $flags, $page );
1302 } else {
1303 // Use a join to get the latest revision.
1304 // Note that we don't use newRevisionFromConds here because we don't want to retry
1305 // and fall back to primary DB. The assumption is that we only want to force the fallback
1306 // if we are quite sure the revision exists because the caller supplied a revision ID.
1307 // If the page isn't found at all on a replica, it probably simply does not exist.
1308 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $flags );
1309 $conds[] = 'rev_id=page_latest';
1310 return $this->loadRevisionFromConds( $db, $conds, $flags, $page );
1311 }
1312 }
1330 public function getRevisionByPageId( $pageId, $revId = 0, $flags = 0 ) {
1331 $conds = [ 'page_id' => $pageId ];
1332 if ( $revId ) {
1333 // Use the specified revision ID.
1334 // Note that we use newRevisionFromConds here because we want to retry
1335 // and fall back to primary DB if the page is not found on a replica.
1336 // Since the caller supplied a revision ID, we are pretty sure the revision is
1337 // supposed to exist, so we should try hard to find it.
1338 $conds['rev_id'] = $revId;
1339 return $this->newRevisionFromConds( $conds, $flags );
1340 } else {
1341 // Use a join to get the latest revision.
1342 // Note that we don't use newRevisionFromConds here because we don't want to retry
1343 // and fall back to primary DB. The assumption is that we only want to force the fallback
1344 // if we are quite sure the revision exists because the caller supplied a revision ID.
1345 // If the page isn't found at all on a replica, it probably simply does not exist.
1346 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $flags );
1348 $conds[] = 'rev_id=page_latest';
1350 return $this->loadRevisionFromConds( $db, $conds, $flags );
1351 }
1352 }
1369 public function getRevisionByTimestamp(
1370 $page,
1371 string $timestamp,
1372 int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL
1373 ): ?RevisionRecord {
1374 if ( $page instanceof LinkTarget ) {
1375 // Only resolve LinkTarget to a Title when operating in the context of the local wiki (T248756)
1376 $page = $this->wikiId === WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL ? Title::castFromLinkTarget( $page ) : null;
1377 }
1378 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $flags );
1379 return $this->newRevisionFromConds(
1380 [
1381 'rev_timestamp' => $db->timestamp( $timestamp ),
1382 'page_namespace' => $page->getNamespace(),
1383 'page_title' => $page->getDBkey()
1384 ],
1385 $flags,
1386 $page
1387 );
1388 }
1397 private function loadSlotRecords( $revId, $queryFlags, PageIdentity $page ) {
1398 // TODO: Find a way to add NS_MODULE from Scribunto here
1399 if ( $page->getNamespace() !== NS_TEMPLATE ) {
1400 $res = $this->loadSlotRecordsFromDb( $revId, $queryFlags, $page );
1401 return $this->constructSlotRecords( $revId, $res, $queryFlags, $page );
1402 }
1404 // TODO: These caches should not be needed. See T297147#7563670
1405 $res = $this->localCache->getWithSetCallback(
1406 $this->localCache->makeKey(
1407 'revision-slots',
1408 $page->getWikiId(),
1409 $page->getId( $page->getWikiId() ),
1410 $revId
1411 ),
1412 $this->localCache::TTL_HOUR,
1413 function () use ( $revId, $queryFlags, $page ) {
1414 return $this->cache->getWithSetCallback(
1415 $this->cache->makeKey(
1416 'revision-slots',
1417 $page->getWikiId(),
1418 $page->getId( $page->getWikiId() ),
1419 $revId
1420 ),
1421 WANObjectCache::TTL_DAY,
1422 function () use ( $revId, $queryFlags, $page ) {
1423 $res = $this->loadSlotRecordsFromDb( $revId, $queryFlags, $page );
1424 if ( !$res ) {
1425 // Avoid caching
1426 return false;
1427 }
1428 return $res;
1429 }
1430 );
1431 }
1432 );
1433 if ( !$res ) {
1434 $res = [];
1435 }
1437 return $this->constructSlotRecords( $revId, $res, $queryFlags, $page );
1438 }
1440 private function loadSlotRecordsFromDb( $revId, $queryFlags, PageIdentity $page ): array {
1441 $revQuery = $this->getSlotsQueryInfo( [ 'content' ] );
1443 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $queryFlags );
1444 $res = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
1445 ->queryInfo( $revQuery )
1446 ->where( [ 'slot_revision_id' => $revId ] )
1447 ->recency( $queryFlags )
1448 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchResultSet();
1450 if ( !$res->numRows() && !( $queryFlags & IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) ) {
1451 // If we found no slots, try looking on the primary database (T212428, T252156)
1452 $this->logger->info(
1453 __METHOD__ . ' falling back to READ_LATEST.',
1454 [
1455 'revid' => $revId,
1456 'exception' => new RuntimeException(),
1457 ]
1458 );
1459 return $this->loadSlotRecordsFromDb(
1460 $revId,
1461 $queryFlags | IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST,
1462 $page
1463 );
1464 }
1465 return iterator_to_array( $res );
1466 }
1480 private function constructSlotRecords(
1481 $revId,
1482 $slotRows,
1483 $queryFlags,
1484 PageIdentity $page,
1485 $slotContents = null
1486 ) {
1487 $slots = [];
1489 foreach ( $slotRows as $row ) {
1490 // Resolve role names and model names from in-memory cache, if they were not joined in.
1491 if ( !isset( $row->role_name ) ) {
1492 $row->role_name = $this->slotRoleStore->getName( (int)$row->slot_role_id );
1493 }
1495 if ( !isset( $row->model_name ) ) {
1496 if ( isset( $row->content_model ) ) {
1497 $row->model_name = $this->contentModelStore->getName( (int)$row->content_model );
1498 } else {
1499 // We may get here if $row->model_name is set but null, perhaps because it
1500 // came from rev_content_model, which is NULL for the default model.
1501 $slotRoleHandler = $this->slotRoleRegistry->getRoleHandler( $row->role_name );
1502 $row->model_name = $slotRoleHandler->getDefaultModel( $page );
1503 }
1504 }
1506 // We may have a fake blob_data field from getSlotRowsForBatch(), use it!
1507 if ( isset( $row->blob_data ) ) {
1508 $slotContents[$row->content_address] = $row->blob_data;
1509 }
1511 $contentCallback = function ( SlotRecord $slot ) use ( $slotContents, $queryFlags ) {
1512 $blob = null;
1513 if ( isset( $slotContents[$slot->getAddress()] ) ) {
1514 $blob = $slotContents[$slot->getAddress()];
1515 if ( $blob instanceof Content ) {
1516 return $blob;
1517 }
1518 }
1519 return $this->loadSlotContent( $slot, $blob, null, null, $queryFlags );
1520 };
1522 $slots[$row->role_name] = new SlotRecord( $row, $contentCallback );
1523 }
1525 if ( !isset( $slots[SlotRecord::MAIN] ) ) {
1526 $this->logger->error(
1527 __METHOD__ . ': Main slot of revision not found in database. See T212428.',
1528 [
1529 'revid' => $revId,
1530 'queryFlags' => $queryFlags,
1531 'exception' => new RuntimeException(),
1532 ]
1533 );
1535 throw new RevisionAccessException(
1536 'Main slot of revision not found in database. See T212428.'
1537 );
1538 }
1540 return $slots;
1541 }
1556 private function newRevisionSlots(
1557 $revId,
1558 $slotRows,
1559 $queryFlags,
1560 PageIdentity $page
1561 ) {
1562 if ( $slotRows ) {
1563 $slots = new RevisionSlots(
1564 $this->constructSlotRecords( $revId, $slotRows, $queryFlags, $page )
1565 );
1566 } else {
1567 $slots = new RevisionSlots( function () use( $revId, $queryFlags, $page ) {
1568 return $this->loadSlotRecords( $revId, $queryFlags, $page );
1569 } );
1570 }
1572 return $slots;
1573 }
1596 $row,
1597 $queryFlags = 0,
1598 PageIdentity $page = null,
1599 array $overrides = []
1600 ) {
1601 return $this->newRevisionFromArchiveRowAndSlots( $row, null, $queryFlags, $page, $overrides );
1602 }
1616 public function newRevisionFromRow(
1617 $row,
1618 $queryFlags = 0,
1619 PageIdentity $page = null,
1620 $fromCache = false
1621 ) {
1622 return $this->newRevisionFromRowAndSlots( $row, null, $queryFlags, $page, $fromCache );
1623 }
1644 stdClass $row,
1645 $slots,
1646 int $queryFlags = 0,
1647 ?PageIdentity $page = null,
1648 array $overrides = []
1649 ) {
1650 if ( !$page && isset( $overrides['title'] ) ) {
1651 if ( !( $overrides['title'] instanceof PageIdentity ) ) {
1652 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'title field override must contain a PageIdentity object.' );
1653 }
1655 $page = $overrides['title'];
1656 }
1658 if ( !isset( $page ) ) {
1659 if ( isset( $row->ar_namespace ) && isset( $row->ar_title ) ) {
1660 $page = Title::makeTitle( $row->ar_namespace, $row->ar_title );
1661 } else {
1662 throw new InvalidArgumentException(
1663 'A Title or ar_namespace and ar_title must be given'
1664 );
1665 }
1666 }
1668 foreach ( $overrides as $key => $value ) {
1669 $field = "ar_$key";
1670 $row->$field = $value;
1671 }
1673 try {
1674 $user = $this->actorStore->newActorFromRowFields(
1675 $row->ar_user ?? null,
1676 $row->ar_user_text ?? null,
1677 $row->ar_actor ?? null
1678 );
1679 } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
1680 $this->logger->warning( 'Could not load user for archive revision {rev_id}', [
1681 'ar_rev_id' => $row->ar_rev_id,
1682 'ar_actor' => $row->ar_actor ?? 'null',
1683 'ar_user_text' => $row->ar_user_text ?? 'null',
1684 'ar_user' => $row->ar_user ?? 'null',
1685 'exception' => $ex
1686 ] );
1687 $user = $this->actorStore->getUnknownActor();
1688 }
1690 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $queryFlags );
1691 // Legacy because $row may have come from self::selectFields()
1692 $comment = $this->commentStore->getCommentLegacy( $db, 'ar_comment', $row, true );
1694 if ( !( $slots instanceof RevisionSlots ) ) {
1695 $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( (int)$row->ar_rev_id, $slots, $queryFlags, $page );
1696 }
1697 return new RevisionArchiveRecord( $page, $user, $comment, $row, $slots, $this->wikiId );
1698 }
1718 stdClass $row,
1719 $slots,
1720 int $queryFlags = 0,
1721 ?PageIdentity $page = null,
1722 bool $fromCache = false
1723 ) {
1724 if ( !$page ) {
1725 if ( isset( $row->page_id )
1726 && isset( $row->page_namespace )
1727 && isset( $row->page_title )
1728 ) {
1729 $page = new PageIdentityValue(
1730 (int)$row->page_id,
1731 (int)$row->page_namespace,
1732 $row->page_title,
1733 $this->wikiId
1734 );
1736 $page = $this->wrapPage( $page );
1737 } else {
1738 $pageId = (int)( $row->rev_page ?? 0 );
1739 $revId = (int)( $row->rev_id ?? 0 );
1741 $page = $this->getPage( $pageId, $revId, $queryFlags );
1742 }
1743 } else {
1744 $page = $this->ensureRevisionRowMatchesPage( $row, $page );
1745 }
1747 if ( !$page ) {
1748 // This should already have been caught about, but apparently
1749 // it not always is, see T286877.
1750 throw new RevisionAccessException(
1751 "Failed to determine page associated with revision {$row->rev_id}"
1752 );
1753 }
1755 try {
1756 $user = $this->actorStore->newActorFromRowFields(
1757 $row->rev_user ?? null,
1758 $row->rev_user_text ?? null,
1759 $row->rev_actor ?? null
1760 );
1761 } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
1762 $this->logger->warning( 'Could not load user for revision {rev_id}', [
1763 'rev_id' => $row->rev_id,
1764 'rev_actor' => $row->rev_actor ?? 'null',
1765 'rev_user_text' => $row->rev_user_text ?? 'null',
1766 'rev_user' => $row->rev_user ?? 'null',
1767 'exception' => $ex
1768 ] );
1769 $user = $this->actorStore->getUnknownActor();
1770 }
1772 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $queryFlags );
1773 // Legacy because $row may have come from self::selectFields()
1774 $comment = $this->commentStore->getCommentLegacy( $db, 'rev_comment', $row, true );
1776 if ( !( $slots instanceof RevisionSlots ) ) {
1777 $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( (int)$row->rev_id, $slots, $queryFlags, $page );
1778 }
1780 // If this is a cached row, instantiate a cache-aware RevisionRecord to avoid stale data.
1781 if ( $fromCache ) {
1782 $rev = new RevisionStoreCacheRecord(
1783 function ( $revId ) use ( $queryFlags ) {
1784 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $queryFlags );
1785 $row = $this->fetchRevisionRowFromConds(
1786 $db,
1787 [ 'rev_id' => intval( $revId ) ]
1788 );
1789 if ( !$row && !( $queryFlags & IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) ) {
1790 // If we found no slots, try looking on the primary database (T259738)
1791 $this->logger->info(
1792 'RevisionStoreCacheRecord refresh callback falling back to READ_LATEST.',
1793 [
1794 'revid' => $revId,
1795 'exception' => new RuntimeException(),
1796 ]
1797 );
1798 $dbw = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST );
1799 $row = $this->fetchRevisionRowFromConds(
1800 $dbw,
1801 [ 'rev_id' => intval( $revId ) ]
1802 );
1803 }
1804 if ( !$row ) {
1805 return [ null, null ];
1806 }
1807 return [
1808 $row->rev_deleted,
1809 $this->actorStore->newActorFromRowFields(
1810 $row->rev_user ?? null,
1811 $row->rev_user_text ?? null,
1812 $row->rev_actor ?? null
1813 )
1814 ];
1815 },
1816 $page, $user, $comment, $row, $slots, $this->wikiId
1817 );
1818 } else {
1819 $rev = new RevisionStoreRecord(
1820 $page, $user, $comment, $row, $slots, $this->wikiId );
1821 }
1822 return $rev;
1823 }
1836 private function ensureRevisionRowMatchesPage( $row, PageIdentity $page, $context = [] ) {
1837 $revId = (int)( $row->rev_id ?? 0 );
1838 $revPageId = (int)( $row->rev_page ?? 0 ); // XXX: also check $row->page_id?
1839 $expectedPageId = $page->getId( $this->wikiId );
1840 // Avoid fatal error when the Title's ID changed, T246720
1841 if ( $revPageId && $expectedPageId && $revPageId !== $expectedPageId ) {
1842 // NOTE: PageStore::getPageByReference may use the page ID, which we don't want here.
1843 $pageRec = $this->pageStore->getPageByName(
1844 $page->getNamespace(),
1845 $page->getDBkey(),
1846 IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST
1847 );
1848 $masterPageId = $pageRec->getId( $this->wikiId );
1849 $masterLatest = $pageRec->getLatest( $this->wikiId );
1850 if ( $revPageId === $masterPageId ) {
1851 if ( $page instanceof Title ) {
1852 // If we were using a Title object, keep using it, but update the page ID.
1853 // This way, we don't unexpectedly mix Titles with immutable value objects.
1854 $page->resetArticleID( $masterPageId );
1856 } else {
1857 $page = $pageRec;
1858 }
1860 $this->logger->info(
1861 "Encountered stale Title object",
1862 [
1863 'page_id_stale' => $expectedPageId,
1864 'page_id_reloaded' => $masterPageId,
1865 'page_latest' => $masterLatest,
1866 'rev_id' => $revId,
1867 'exception' => new RuntimeException(),
1868 ] + $context
1869 );
1870 } else {
1871 $expectedTitle = (string)$page;
1872 if ( $page instanceof Title ) {
1873 // If we started with a Title, keep using a Title.
1874 $page = $this->titleFactory->newFromID( $revPageId );
1875 } else {
1876 $page = $pageRec;
1877 }
1879 // This could happen if a caller to e.g. getRevisionById supplied a Title that is
1880 // plain wrong. In this case, we should ideally throw an IllegalArgumentException.
1881 // However, it is more likely that we encountered a race condition during a page
1882 // move (T268910, T279832) or database corruption (T263340). That situation
1883 // should not be ignored, but we can allow the request to continue in a reasonable
1884 // manner without breaking things for the user.
1885 $this->logger->error(
1886 "Encountered mismatching Title object (see T259022, T268910, T279832, T263340)",
1887 [
1888 'expected_page_id' => $masterPageId,
1889 'expected_page_title' => $expectedTitle,
1890 'rev_page' => $revPageId,
1891 'rev_page_title' => (string)$page,
1892 'page_latest' => $masterLatest,
1893 'rev_id' => $revId,
1894 'exception' => new RuntimeException(),
1895 ] + $context
1896 );
1897 }
1898 }
1900 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable getPageByName/newFromID should not return null
1901 return $page;
1902 }
1929 public function newRevisionsFromBatch(
1930 $rows,
1931 array $options = [],
1932 $queryFlags = 0,
1933 PageIdentity $page = null
1934 ) {
1935 $result = new StatusValue();
1936 $archiveMode = $options['archive'] ?? false;
1938 if ( $archiveMode ) {
1939 $revIdField = 'ar_rev_id';
1940 } else {
1941 $revIdField = 'rev_id';
1942 }
1944 $rowsByRevId = [];
1945 $pageIdsToFetchTitles = [];
1946 $titlesByPageKey = [];
1947 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
1948 if ( isset( $rowsByRevId[$row->$revIdField] ) ) {
1949 $result->warning(
1950 'internalerror_info',
1951 "Duplicate rows in newRevisionsFromBatch, $revIdField {$row->$revIdField}"
1952 );
1953 }
1955 // Attach a page key to the row, so we can find and reuse Title objects easily.
1956 $row->_page_key =
1957 $archiveMode ? $row->ar_namespace . ':' . $row->ar_title : $row->rev_page;
1959 if ( $page ) {
1960 if ( !$archiveMode && $row->rev_page != $this->getArticleId( $page ) ) {
1961 throw new InvalidArgumentException(
1962 "Revision {$row->$revIdField} doesn't belong to page "
1963 . $this->getArticleId( $page )
1964 );
1965 }
1967 if ( $archiveMode
1968 && ( $row->ar_namespace != $page->getNamespace()
1969 || $row->ar_title !== $page->getDBkey() )
1970 ) {
1971 throw new InvalidArgumentException(
1972 "Revision {$row->$revIdField} doesn't belong to page "
1973 . $page
1974 );
1975 }
1976 } elseif ( !isset( $titlesByPageKey[ $row->_page_key ] ) ) {
1977 if ( isset( $row->page_namespace ) && isset( $row->page_title )
1978 // This should always be true, but just in case we don't have a page_id
1979 // set or it doesn't match rev_page, let's fetch the title again.
1980 && isset( $row->page_id ) && isset( $row->rev_page )
1981 && $row->rev_page === $row->page_id
1982 ) {
1983 $titlesByPageKey[ $row->_page_key ] = Title::newFromRow( $row );
1984 } elseif ( $archiveMode ) {
1985 // Can't look up deleted pages by ID, but we have namespace and title
1986 $titlesByPageKey[ $row->_page_key ] =
1987 Title::makeTitle( $row->ar_namespace, $row->ar_title );
1988 } else {
1989 $pageIdsToFetchTitles[] = $row->rev_page;
1990 }
1991 }
1992 $rowsByRevId[$row->$revIdField] = $row;
1993 }
1995 if ( !$rowsByRevId ) {
1996 $result->setResult( true, [] );
1997 return $result;
1998 }
2000 // If the page is not supplied, batch-fetch Title objects.
2001 if ( $page ) {
2002 // same logic as for $row->_page_key above
2003 $pageKey = $archiveMode
2004 ? $page->getNamespace() . ':' . $page->getDBkey()
2005 : $this->getArticleId( $page );
2007 $titlesByPageKey[$pageKey] = $page;
2008 } elseif ( $pageIdsToFetchTitles ) {
2009 // Note: when we fetch titles by ID, the page key is also the ID.
2010 // We should never get here if $archiveMode is true.
2011 Assert::invariant( !$archiveMode, 'Titles are not loaded by ID in archive mode.' );
2013 $pageIdsToFetchTitles = array_unique( $pageIdsToFetchTitles );
2014 $pageRecords = $this->pageStore
2015 ->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2016 ->wherePageIds( $pageIdsToFetchTitles )
2017 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
2018 ->fetchPageRecordArray();
2019 // Cannot array_merge because it re-indexes entries
2020 $titlesByPageKey = $pageRecords + $titlesByPageKey;
2021 }
2023 // which method to use for creating RevisionRecords
2024 $newRevisionRecord = $archiveMode
2025 ? [ $this, 'newRevisionFromArchiveRowAndSlots' ]
2026 : [ $this, 'newRevisionFromRowAndSlots' ];
2028 if ( !isset( $options['slots'] ) ) {
2029 $result->setResult(
2030 true,
2031 array_map(
2032 static function ( $row )
2033 use ( $queryFlags, $titlesByPageKey, $result, $newRevisionRecord, $revIdField ) {
2034 try {
2035 if ( !isset( $titlesByPageKey[$row->_page_key] ) ) {
2036 $result->warning(
2037 'internalerror_info',
2038 "Couldn't find title for rev {$row->$revIdField} "
2039 . "(page key {$row->_page_key})"
2040 );
2041 return null;
2042 }
2043 return $newRevisionRecord( $row, null, $queryFlags,
2044 $titlesByPageKey[ $row->_page_key ] );
2045 } catch ( MWException $e ) {
2046 $result->warning( 'internalerror_info', $e->getMessage() );
2047 return null;
2048 }
2049 },
2050 $rowsByRevId
2051 )
2052 );
2053 return $result;
2054 }
2056 $slotRowOptions = [
2057 'slots' => $options['slots'] ?? true,
2058 'blobs' => $options['content'] ?? false,
2059 ];
2061 if ( is_array( $slotRowOptions['slots'] )
2062 && !in_array( SlotRecord::MAIN, $slotRowOptions['slots'] )
2063 ) {
2064 // Make sure the main slot is always loaded, RevisionRecord requires this.
2065 $slotRowOptions['slots'][] = SlotRecord::MAIN;
2066 }
2068 $slotRowsStatus = $this->getSlotRowsForBatch( $rowsByRevId, $slotRowOptions, $queryFlags );
2070 $result->merge( $slotRowsStatus );
2071 $slotRowsByRevId = $slotRowsStatus->getValue();
2073 $result->setResult(
2074 true,
2075 array_map(
2076 function ( $row )
2077 use ( $slotRowsByRevId, $queryFlags, $titlesByPageKey, $result,
2078 $revIdField, $newRevisionRecord
2079 ) {
2080 if ( !isset( $slotRowsByRevId[$row->$revIdField] ) ) {
2081 $result->warning(
2082 'internalerror_info',
2083 "Couldn't find slots for rev {$row->$revIdField}"
2084 );
2085 return null;
2086 }
2087 if ( !isset( $titlesByPageKey[$row->_page_key] ) ) {
2088 $result->warning(
2089 'internalerror_info',
2090 "Couldn't find title for rev {$row->$revIdField} "
2091 . "(page key {$row->_page_key})"
2092 );
2093 return null;
2094 }
2095 try {
2096 return $newRevisionRecord(
2097 $row,
2098 new RevisionSlots(
2099 $this->constructSlotRecords(
2100 $row->$revIdField,
2101 $slotRowsByRevId[$row->$revIdField],
2102 $queryFlags,
2103 $titlesByPageKey[$row->_page_key]
2104 )
2105 ),
2106 $queryFlags,
2107 $titlesByPageKey[$row->_page_key]
2108 );
2109 } catch ( MWException $e ) {
2110 $result->warning( 'internalerror_info', $e->getMessage() );
2111 return null;
2112 }
2113 },
2114 $rowsByRevId
2115 )
2116 );
2117 return $result;
2118 }
2143 private function getSlotRowsForBatch(
2144 $rowsOrIds,
2145 array $options = [],
2146 $queryFlags = 0
2147 ) {
2148 $result = new StatusValue();
2150 $revIds = [];
2151 foreach ( $rowsOrIds as $row ) {
2152 if ( is_object( $row ) ) {
2153 $revIds[] = isset( $row->ar_rev_id ) ? (int)$row->ar_rev_id : (int)$row->rev_id;
2154 } else {
2155 $revIds[] = (int)$row;
2156 }
2157 }
2159 // Nothing to do.
2160 // Note that $rowsOrIds may not be "empty" even if $revIds is, e.g. if it's a ResultWrapper.
2161 if ( !$revIds ) {
2162 $result->setResult( true, [] );
2163 return $result;
2164 }
2166 // We need to set the `content` flag to join in content meta-data
2167 $slotQueryInfo = $this->getSlotsQueryInfo( [ 'content' ] );
2168 $revIdField = $slotQueryInfo['keys']['rev_id'];
2169 $slotQueryConds = [ $revIdField => $revIds ];
2171 if ( isset( $options['slots'] ) && is_array( $options['slots'] ) ) {
2172 $slotIds = [];
2173 foreach ( $options['slots'] as $slot ) {
2174 try {
2175 $slotIds[] = $this->slotRoleStore->getId( $slot );
2176 } catch ( NameTableAccessException $exception ) {
2177 // Do not fail when slot has no id (unused slot)
2178 // This also means for this slot are never data in the database
2179 }
2180 }
2181 if ( $slotIds === [] ) {
2182 // Degenerate case: return no slots for each revision.
2183 $result->setResult( true, array_fill_keys( $revIds, [] ) );
2184 return $result;
2185 }
2187 $roleIdField = $slotQueryInfo['keys']['role_id'];
2188 $slotQueryConds[$roleIdField] = $slotIds;
2189 }
2191 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $queryFlags );
2192 $slotRows = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2193 ->queryInfo( $slotQueryInfo )
2194 ->where( $slotQueryConds )
2195 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
2196 ->fetchResultSet();
2198 $slotContents = null;
2199 if ( $options['blobs'] ?? false ) {
2200 $blobAddresses = [];
2201 foreach ( $slotRows as $slotRow ) {
2202 $blobAddresses[] = $slotRow->content_address;
2203 }
2204 $slotContentFetchStatus = $this->blobStore
2205 ->getBlobBatch( $blobAddresses, $queryFlags );
2206 foreach ( $slotContentFetchStatus->getMessages() as $msg ) {
2207 $result->warning( $msg );
2208 }
2209 $slotContents = $slotContentFetchStatus->getValue();
2210 }
2212 $slotRowsByRevId = [];
2213 foreach ( $slotRows as $slotRow ) {
2214 if ( $slotContents === null ) {
2215 // nothing to do
2216 } elseif ( isset( $slotContents[$slotRow->content_address] ) ) {
2217 $slotRow->blob_data = $slotContents[$slotRow->content_address];
2218 } else {
2219 $result->warning(
2220 'internalerror_info',
2221 "Couldn't find blob data for rev {$slotRow->slot_revision_id}"
2222 );
2223 $slotRow->blob_data = null;
2224 }
2226 // conditional needed for SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD
2227 if ( !isset( $slotRow->role_name ) && isset( $slotRow->slot_role_id ) ) {
2228 $slotRow->role_name = $this->slotRoleStore->getName( (int)$slotRow->slot_role_id );
2229 }
2231 // conditional needed for SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD
2232 if ( !isset( $slotRow->model_name ) && isset( $slotRow->content_model ) ) {
2233 $slotRow->model_name = $this->contentModelStore->getName( (int)$slotRow->content_model );
2234 }
2236 $slotRowsByRevId[$slotRow->slot_revision_id][$slotRow->role_name] = $slotRow;
2237 }
2239 $result->setResult( true, $slotRowsByRevId );
2240 return $result;
2241 }
2264 $rowsOrIds,
2265 $slots = null,
2266 $queryFlags = 0
2267 ) {
2268 $result = $this->getSlotRowsForBatch(
2269 $rowsOrIds,
2270 [ 'slots' => $slots, 'blobs' => true ],
2271 $queryFlags
2272 );
2274 if ( $result->isOK() ) {
2275 // strip out all internal meta data that we don't want to expose
2276 foreach ( $result->value as $revId => $rowsByRole ) {
2277 foreach ( $rowsByRole as $role => $slotRow ) {
2278 if ( is_array( $slots ) && !in_array( $role, $slots ) ) {
2279 // In SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD mode we may get the main slot even
2280 // if we didn't ask for it.
2281 unset( $result->value[$revId][$role] );
2282 continue;
2283 }
2285 $result->value[$revId][$role] = (object)[
2286 'blob_data' => $slotRow->blob_data,
2287 'model_name' => $slotRow->model_name,
2288 ];
2289 }
2290 }
2291 }
2293 return $result;
2294 }
2312 private function newRevisionFromConds(
2313 array $conditions,
2314 int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL,
2315 PageIdentity $page = null,
2316 array $options = []
2317 ) {
2318 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $flags );
2319 $rev = $this->loadRevisionFromConds( $db, $conditions, $flags, $page, $options );
2321 // Make sure new pending/committed revision are visible later on
2322 // within web requests to certain avoid bugs like T93866 and T94407.
2323 if ( !$rev
2324 && !( $flags & IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST )
2325 && $this->loadBalancer->hasStreamingReplicaServers()
2326 && $this->loadBalancer->hasOrMadeRecentPrimaryChanges()
2327 ) {
2328 $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST;
2329 $dbw = $this->getPrimaryConnection();
2330 $rev = $this->loadRevisionFromConds( $dbw, $conditions, $flags, $page, $options );
2331 }
2333 return $rev;
2334 }
2350 private function loadRevisionFromConds(
2351 IReadableDatabase $db,
2352 array $conditions,
2353 int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL,
2354 PageIdentity $page = null,
2355 array $options = []
2356 ) {
2357 $row = $this->fetchRevisionRowFromConds( $db, $conditions, $flags, $options );
2358 if ( $row ) {
2359 return $this->newRevisionFromRow( $row, $flags, $page );
2360 }
2362 return null;
2363 }
2371 private function checkDatabaseDomain( IReadableDatabase $db ) {
2372 $dbDomain = $db->getDomainID();
2373 $storeDomain = $this->loadBalancer->resolveDomainID( $this->wikiId );
2374 if ( $dbDomain === $storeDomain ) {
2375 return;
2376 }
2378 throw new RuntimeException( "DB connection domain '$dbDomain' does not match '$storeDomain'" );
2379 }
2394 private function fetchRevisionRowFromConds(
2395 IReadableDatabase $db,
2396 array $conditions,
2397 int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL,
2398 array $options = []
2399 ) {
2400 $this->checkDatabaseDomain( $db );
2402 $queryBuilder = $this->newSelectQueryBuilder( $db )
2403 ->joinComment()
2404 ->joinPage()
2405 ->joinUser()
2406 ->where( $conditions )
2407 ->options( $options );
2408 if ( ( $flags & IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) == IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) {
2409 $queryBuilder->forUpdate();
2410 }
2411 return $queryBuilder->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchRow();
2412 }
2436 public function getQueryInfo( $options = [] ) {
2437 $ret = [
2438 'tables' => [],
2439 'fields' => [],
2440 'joins' => [],
2441 ];
2443 $ret['tables'] = array_merge( $ret['tables'], [
2444 'revision',
2445 'actor_rev_user' => 'actor',
2446 ] );
2447 $ret['fields'] = array_merge( $ret['fields'], [
2448 'rev_id',
2449 'rev_page',
2450 'rev_actor' => 'rev_actor',
2451 'rev_user' => 'actor_rev_user.actor_user',
2452 'rev_user_text' => 'actor_rev_user.actor_name',
2453 'rev_timestamp',
2454 'rev_minor_edit',
2455 'rev_deleted',
2456 'rev_len',
2457 'rev_parent_id',
2458 'rev_sha1',
2459 ] );
2460 $ret['joins']['actor_rev_user'] = [ 'JOIN', "actor_rev_user.actor_id = rev_actor" ];
2462 $commentQuery = $this->commentStore->getJoin( 'rev_comment' );
2463 $ret['tables'] = array_merge( $ret['tables'], $commentQuery['tables'] );
2464 $ret['fields'] = array_merge( $ret['fields'], $commentQuery['fields'] );
2465 $ret['joins'] = array_merge( $ret['joins'], $commentQuery['joins'] );
2467 if ( in_array( 'page', $options, true ) ) {
2468 $ret['tables'][] = 'page';
2469 $ret['fields'] = array_merge( $ret['fields'], [
2470 'page_namespace',
2471 'page_title',
2472 'page_id',
2473 'page_latest',
2474 'page_is_redirect',
2475 'page_len',
2476 ] );
2477 $ret['joins']['page'] = [ 'JOIN', [ 'page_id = rev_page' ] ];
2478 }
2480 if ( in_array( 'user', $options, true ) ) {
2481 $ret['tables'][] = 'user';
2482 $ret['fields'] = array_merge( $ret['fields'], [
2483 'user_name',
2484 ] );
2485 $ret['joins']['user'] = [
2486 'LEFT JOIN',
2487 [ 'actor_rev_user.actor_user != 0', 'user_id = actor_rev_user.actor_user' ]
2488 ];
2489 }
2491 if ( in_array( 'text', $options, true ) ) {
2492 throw new InvalidArgumentException(
2493 'The `text` option is no longer supported in MediaWiki 1.35 and later.'
2494 );
2495 }
2497 return $ret;
2498 }
2535 public function getSlotsQueryInfo( $options = [] ) {
2536 $ret = [
2537 'tables' => [],
2538 'fields' => [],
2539 'joins' => [],
2540 'keys' => [],
2541 ];
2543 $ret['keys']['rev_id'] = 'slot_revision_id';
2544 $ret['keys']['role_id'] = 'slot_role_id';
2546 $ret['tables'][] = 'slots';
2547 $ret['fields'] = array_merge( $ret['fields'], [
2548 'slot_revision_id',
2549 'slot_content_id',
2550 'slot_origin',
2551 'slot_role_id',
2552 ] );
2554 if ( in_array( 'role', $options, true ) ) {
2555 // Use left join to attach role name, so we still find the revision row even
2556 // if the role name is missing. This triggers a more obvious failure mode.
2557 $ret['tables'][] = 'slot_roles';
2558 $ret['joins']['slot_roles'] = [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'slot_role_id = role_id' ] ];
2559 $ret['fields'][] = 'role_name';
2560 }
2562 if ( in_array( 'content', $options, true ) ) {
2563 $ret['keys']['model_id'] = 'content_model';
2565 $ret['tables'][] = 'content';
2566 $ret['fields'] = array_merge( $ret['fields'], [
2567 'content_size',
2568 'content_sha1',
2569 'content_address',
2570 'content_model',
2571 ] );
2572 $ret['joins']['content'] = [ 'JOIN', [ 'slot_content_id = content_id' ] ];
2574 if ( in_array( 'model', $options, true ) ) {
2575 // Use left join to attach model name, so we still find the revision row even
2576 // if the model name is missing. This triggers a more obvious failure mode.
2577 $ret['tables'][] = 'content_models';
2578 $ret['joins']['content_models'] = [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'content_model = model_id' ] ];
2579 $ret['fields'][] = 'model_name';
2580 }
2582 }
2584 return $ret;
2585 }
2595 public function isRevisionRow( $row, string $table = '' ) {
2596 if ( !( $row instanceof stdClass ) ) {
2597 return false;
2598 }
2599 $queryInfo = $table === 'archive' ? $this->getArchiveQueryInfo() : $this->getQueryInfo();
2600 foreach ( $queryInfo['fields'] as $alias => $field ) {
2601 $name = is_numeric( $alias ) ? $field : $alias;
2602 if ( !property_exists( $row, $name ) ) {
2603 return false;
2604 }
2605 }
2606 return true;
2607 }
2628 public function getArchiveQueryInfo() {
2629 $commentQuery = $this->commentStore->getJoin( 'ar_comment' );
2630 $ret = [
2631 'tables' => [
2632 'archive',
2633 'archive_actor' => 'actor'
2634 ] + $commentQuery['tables'],
2635 'fields' => [
2636 'ar_id',
2637 'ar_page_id',
2638 'ar_namespace',
2639 'ar_title',
2640 'ar_rev_id',
2641 'ar_timestamp',
2642 'ar_minor_edit',
2643 'ar_deleted',
2644 'ar_len',
2645 'ar_parent_id',
2646 'ar_sha1',
2647 'ar_actor',
2648 'ar_user' => 'archive_actor.actor_user',
2649 'ar_user_text' => 'archive_actor.actor_name',
2650 ] + $commentQuery['fields'],
2651 'joins' => [
2652 'archive_actor' => [ 'JOIN', 'actor_id=ar_actor' ]
2653 ] + $commentQuery['joins'],
2654 ];
2656 return $ret;
2657 }
2668 public function getRevisionSizes( array $revIds ) {
2669 $dbr = $this->getReplicaConnection();
2670 $revLens = [];
2671 if ( !$revIds ) {
2672 return $revLens; // empty
2673 }
2675 $res = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2676 ->select( [ 'rev_id', 'rev_len' ] )
2677 ->from( 'revision' )
2678 ->where( [ 'rev_id' => $revIds ] )
2679 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchResultSet();
2681 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
2682 $revLens[$row->rev_id] = intval( $row->rev_len );
2683 }
2685 return $revLens;
2686 }
2696 private function getRelativeRevision( RevisionRecord $rev, $flags, $dir ) {
2697 $op = $dir === 'next' ? '>' : '<';
2698 $sort = $dir === 'next' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
2700 $revisionIdValue = $rev->getId( $this->wikiId );
2702 if ( !$revisionIdValue || !$rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ) ) {
2703 // revision is unsaved or otherwise incomplete
2704 return null;
2705 }
2707 if ( $rev instanceof RevisionArchiveRecord ) {
2708 // revision is deleted, so it's not part of the page history
2709 return null;
2710 }
2712 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $flags );
2714 $ts = $rev->getTimestamp() ?? $this->getTimestampFromId( $revisionIdValue, $flags );
2715 if ( $ts === false ) {
2716 // XXX Should this be moved into getTimestampFromId?
2717 $ts = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2718 ->select( 'ar_timestamp' )
2719 ->from( 'archive' )
2720 ->where( [ 'ar_rev_id' => $revisionIdValue ] )
2721 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
2722 if ( $ts === false ) {
2723 // XXX Is this reachable? How can we have a page id but no timestamp?
2724 return null;
2725 }
2726 }
2728 $revId = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2729 ->select( 'rev_id' )
2730 ->from( 'revision' )
2731 ->where( [
2732 'rev_page' => $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ),
2733 $db->buildComparison( $op, [
2734 'rev_timestamp' => $db->timestamp( $ts ),
2735 'rev_id' => $revisionIdValue,
2736 ] ),
2737 ] )
2738 ->orderBy( [ 'rev_timestamp', 'rev_id' ], $sort )
2739 ->ignoreIndex( 'rev_timestamp' ) // Probably needed for T159319
2740 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
2741 ->fetchField();
2743 if ( $revId === false ) {
2744 return null;
2745 }
2747 return $this->getRevisionById( intval( $revId ), $flags );
2748 }
2764 public function getPreviousRevision( RevisionRecord $rev, $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
2765 return $this->getRelativeRevision( $rev, $flags, 'prev' );
2766 }
2779 public function getNextRevision( RevisionRecord $rev, $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
2780 return $this->getRelativeRevision( $rev, $flags, 'next' );
2781 }
2794 private function getPreviousRevisionId( IReadableDatabase $db, RevisionRecord $rev ) {
2795 $this->checkDatabaseDomain( $db );
2797 if ( $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ) === null ) {
2798 return 0;
2799 }
2800 # Use page_latest if ID is not given
2801 if ( !$rev->getId( $this->wikiId ) ) {
2802 $prevId = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2803 ->select( 'page_latest' )
2804 ->from( 'page' )
2805 ->where( [ 'page_id' => $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ) ] )
2806 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
2807 } else {
2808 $prevId = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2809 ->select( 'rev_id' )
2810 ->from( 'revision' )
2811 ->where( [ 'rev_page' => $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ) ] )
2812 ->andWhere( $db->expr( 'rev_id', '<', $rev->getId( $this->wikiId ) ) )
2813 ->orderBy( 'rev_id DESC' )
2814 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
2815 }
2816 return intval( $prevId );
2817 }
2831 public function getTimestampFromId( $id, $flags = 0 ) {
2832 if ( $id instanceof Title ) {
2833 // Old deprecated calling convention supported for backwards compatibility
2834 $id = $flags;
2835 $flags = func_num_args() > 2 ? func_get_arg( 2 ) : 0;
2836 }
2838 // T270149: Bail out if we know the query will definitely return false. Some callers are
2839 // passing RevisionRecord::getId() call directly as $id which can possibly return null.
2840 // Null $id or $id <= 0 will lead to useless query with WHERE clause of 'rev_id IS NULL'
2841 // or 'rev_id = 0', but 'rev_id' is always greater than zero and cannot be null.
2842 // @todo typehint $id and remove the null check
2843 if ( $id === null || $id <= 0 ) {
2844 return false;
2845 }
2847 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $flags );
2849 $timestamp =
2851 ->select( 'rev_timestamp' )
2852 ->from( 'revision' )
2853 ->where( [ 'rev_id' => $id ] )
2854 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
2856 return ( $timestamp !== false ) ? MWTimestamp::convert( TS_MW, $timestamp ) : false;
2857 }
2868 public function countRevisionsByPageId( IReadableDatabase $db, $id ) {
2869 $this->checkDatabaseDomain( $db );
2871 $row = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
2872 ->select( [ 'revCount' => 'COUNT(*)' ] )
2873 ->from( 'revision' )
2874 ->where( [ 'rev_page' => $id ] )
2875 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchRow();
2876 if ( $row ) {
2877 return intval( $row->revCount );
2878 }
2879 return 0;
2880 }
2892 $id = $this->getArticleId( $page );
2893 if ( $id ) {
2894 return $this->countRevisionsByPageId( $db, $id );
2895 }
2896 return 0;
2897 }
2917 public function userWasLastToEdit( IReadableDatabase $db, $pageId, $userId, $since ) {
2918 $this->checkDatabaseDomain( $db );
2920 if ( !$userId ) {
2921 return false;
2922 }
2924 $queryBuilder = $this->newSelectQueryBuilder( $db )
2925 ->where( [
2926 'rev_page' => $pageId,
2927 $db->expr( 'rev_timestamp', '>', $db->timestamp( $since ) )
2928 ] )
2929 ->orderBy( 'rev_timestamp', SelectQueryBuilder::SORT_ASC )
2930 ->limit( 50 );
2931 $res = $queryBuilder->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchResultSet();
2932 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
2933 if ( $row->rev_user != $userId ) {
2934 return false;
2935 }
2936 }
2937 return true;
2938 }
2953 public function getKnownCurrentRevision( PageIdentity $page, $revId = 0 ) {
2954 $db = $this->getReplicaConnection();
2955 $revIdPassed = $revId;
2956 $pageId = $this->getArticleId( $page );
2957 if ( !$pageId ) {
2958 return false;
2959 }
2961 if ( !$revId ) {
2962 if ( $page instanceof Title ) {
2963 $revId = $page->getLatestRevID();
2964 } else {
2965 $pageRecord = $this->pageStore->getPageByReference( $page );
2966 if ( $pageRecord ) {
2967 $revId = $pageRecord->getLatest( $this->getWikiId() );
2968 }
2969 }
2970 }
2972 if ( !$revId ) {
2973 $this->logger->warning(
2974 'No latest revision known for page {page} even though it exists with page ID {page_id}', [
2975 'page' => $page->__toString(),
2976 'page_id' => $pageId,
2977 'wiki_id' => $this->getWikiId() ?: 'local',
2978 ] );
2979 return false;
2980 }
2982 // Load the row from cache if possible. If not possible, populate the cache.
2983 // As a minor optimization, remember if this was a cache hit or miss.
2984 // We can sometimes avoid a database query later if this is a cache miss.
2985 $fromCache = true;
2986 $row = $this->cache->getWithSetCallback(
2987 // Page/rev IDs passed in from DB to reflect history merges
2988 $this->getRevisionRowCacheKey( $db, $pageId, $revId ),
2989 WANObjectCache::TTL_WEEK,
2990 function ( $curValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) use (
2991 $db, $revId, &$fromCache
2992 ) {
2993 $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $db );
2994 $row = $this->fetchRevisionRowFromConds( $db, [ 'rev_id' => intval( $revId ) ] );
2995 if ( $row ) {
2996 $fromCache = false;
2997 }
2998 return $row; // don't cache negatives
2999 }
3000 );
3002 // Reflect revision deletion and user renames.
3003 if ( $row ) {
3004 $title = $this->ensureRevisionRowMatchesPage( $row, $page, [
3005 'from_cache_flag' => $fromCache,
3006 'page_id_initial' => $pageId,
3007 'rev_id_used' => $revId,
3008 'rev_id_requested' => $revIdPassed,
3009 ] );
3011 return $this->newRevisionFromRow( $row, 0, $title, $fromCache );
3012 } else {
3013 return false;
3014 }
3015 }
3025 public function getFirstRevision(
3026 $page,
3027 int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL
3028 ): ?RevisionRecord {
3029 if ( $page instanceof LinkTarget ) {
3030 // Only resolve LinkTarget to a Title when operating in the context of the local wiki (T248756)
3031 $page = $this->wikiId === WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL ? Title::castFromLinkTarget( $page ) : null;
3032 }
3033 return $this->newRevisionFromConds(
3034 [
3035 'page_namespace' => $page->getNamespace(),
3036 'page_title' => $page->getDBkey()
3037 ],
3038 $flags,
3039 $page,
3040 [
3041 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rev_timestamp ASC', 'rev_id ASC' ],
3042 'IGNORE INDEX' => [ 'revision' => 'rev_timestamp' ], // See T159319
3043 ]
3044 );
3045 }
3058 private function getRevisionRowCacheKey( IReadableDatabase $db, $pageId, $revId ) {
3059 return $this->cache->makeGlobalKey(
3060 self::ROW_CACHE_KEY,
3061 $db->getDomainID(),
3062 $pageId,
3063 $revId
3064 );
3065 }
3074 private function assertRevisionParameter( $paramName, $pageId, RevisionRecord $rev = null ) {
3075 if ( $rev ) {
3076 if ( $rev->getId( $this->wikiId ) === null ) {
3077 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unsaved {$paramName} revision passed" );
3078 }
3079 if ( $rev->getPageId( $this->wikiId ) !== $pageId ) {
3080 throw new InvalidArgumentException(
3081 "Revision {$rev->getId( $this->wikiId )} doesn't belong to page {$pageId}"
3082 );
3083 }
3084 }
3085 }
3101 private function getRevisionLimitConditions(
3102 ISQLPlatform $dbr,
3103 RevisionRecord $old = null,
3104 RevisionRecord $new = null,
3105 $options = []
3106 ) {
3107 $options = (array)$options;
3108 if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_OLD, $options ) || in_array( self::INCLUDE_BOTH, $options ) ) {
3109 $oldCmp = '>=';
3110 } else {
3111 $oldCmp = '>';
3112 }
3113 if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_NEW, $options ) || in_array( self::INCLUDE_BOTH, $options ) ) {
3114 $newCmp = '<=';
3115 } else {
3116 $newCmp = '<';
3117 }
3119 $conds = [];
3120 if ( $old ) {
3121 $conds[] = $dbr->buildComparison( $oldCmp, [
3122 'rev_timestamp' => $dbr->timestamp( $old->getTimestamp() ),
3123 'rev_id' => $old->getId( $this->wikiId ),
3124 ] );
3125 }
3126 if ( $new ) {
3127 $conds[] = $dbr->buildComparison( $newCmp, [
3128 'rev_timestamp' => $dbr->timestamp( $new->getTimestamp() ),
3129 'rev_id' => $new->getId( $this->wikiId ),
3130 ] );
3131 }
3132 return $conds;
3133 }
3161 public function getRevisionIdsBetween(
3162 int $pageId,
3163 RevisionRecord $old = null,
3164 RevisionRecord $new = null,
3165 ?int $max = null,
3166 $options = [],
3167 ?string $order = null,
3168 int $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL
3169 ): array {
3170 $this->assertRevisionParameter( 'old', $pageId, $old );
3171 $this->assertRevisionParameter( 'new', $pageId, $new );
3173 $options = (array)$options;
3174 $includeOld = in_array( self::INCLUDE_OLD, $options ) ||
3175 in_array( self::INCLUDE_BOTH, $options );
3176 $includeNew = in_array( self::INCLUDE_NEW, $options ) ||
3177 in_array( self::INCLUDE_BOTH, $options );
3179 // No DB query needed if old and new are the same revision.
3180 // Can't check for consecutive revisions with 'getParentId' for a similar
3181 // optimization as edge cases exist when there are revisions between
3182 // a revision and it's parent. See T185167 for more details.
3183 if ( $old && $new && $new->getId( $this->wikiId ) === $old->getId( $this->wikiId ) ) {
3184 return $includeOld || $includeNew ? [ $new->getId( $this->wikiId ) ] : [];
3185 }
3187 $db = $this->getDBConnectionRefForQueryFlags( $flags );
3188 $queryBuilder = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
3189 ->select( 'rev_id' )
3190 ->from( 'revision' )
3191 ->where( [
3192 'rev_page' => $pageId,
3193 $db->bitAnd( 'rev_deleted', RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) . ' = 0'
3194 ] )
3195 ->andWhere( $this->getRevisionLimitConditions( $db, $old, $new, $options ) );
3197 if ( $order !== null ) {
3198 $queryBuilder->orderBy( [ 'rev_timestamp', 'rev_id' ], $order );
3199 }
3200 if ( $max !== null ) {
3201 // extra to detect truncation
3202 $queryBuilder->limit( $max + 1 );
3203 }
3205 $values = $queryBuilder->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchFieldValues();
3206 return array_map( 'intval', $values );
3207 }
3230 public function getAuthorsBetween(
3231 $pageId,
3232 RevisionRecord $old = null,
3233 RevisionRecord $new = null,
3234 Authority $performer = null,
3235 $max = null,
3236 $options = []
3237 ) {
3238 $this->assertRevisionParameter( 'old', $pageId, $old );
3239 $this->assertRevisionParameter( 'new', $pageId, $new );
3240 $options = (array)$options;
3242 // No DB query needed if old and new are the same revision.
3243 // Can't check for consecutive revisions with 'getParentId' for a similar
3244 // optimization as edge cases exist when there are revisions between
3245 //a revision and it's parent. See T185167 for more details.
3246 if ( $old && $new && $new->getId( $this->wikiId ) === $old->getId( $this->wikiId ) ) {
3247 if ( !$options ) {
3248 return [];
3249 } elseif ( $performer ) {
3250 return [ $new->getUser( RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $performer ) ];
3251 } else {
3252 return [ $new->getUser() ];
3253 }
3254 }
3256 $dbr = $this->getReplicaConnection();
3257 $queryBuilder = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
3258 ->select( [
3259 'rev_actor',
3260 'rev_user' => 'revision_actor.actor_user',
3261 'rev_user_text' => 'revision_actor.actor_name',
3262 ] )
3263 ->distinct()
3264 ->from( 'revision' )
3265 ->join( 'actor', 'revision_actor', 'revision_actor.actor_id = rev_actor' )
3266 ->where( [
3267 'rev_page' => $pageId,
3268 $dbr->bitAnd( 'rev_deleted', RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER ) . " = 0"
3269 ] )
3270 ->andWhere( $this->getRevisionLimitConditions( $dbr, $old, $new, $options ) )
3271 ->caller( __METHOD__ );
3272 if ( $max !== null ) {
3273 $queryBuilder->limit( $max + 1 );
3274 }
3276 return array_map(
3277 function ( $row ) {
3278 return $this->actorStore->newActorFromRowFields(
3279 $row->rev_user,
3280 $row->rev_user_text,
3281 $row->rev_actor
3282 );
3283 },
3284 iterator_to_array( $queryBuilder->fetchResultSet() )
3285 );
3286 }
3309 public function countAuthorsBetween(
3310 $pageId,
3311 RevisionRecord $old = null,
3312 RevisionRecord $new = null,
3313 Authority $performer = null,
3314 $max = null,
3315 $options = []
3316 ) {
3317 // TODO: Implement with a separate query to avoid cost of selecting unneeded fields
3318 // and creation of UserIdentity stuff.
3319 return count( $this->getAuthorsBetween( $pageId, $old, $new, $performer, $max, $options ) );
3320 }
3342 public function countRevisionsBetween(
3343 $pageId,
3344 RevisionRecord $old = null,
3345 RevisionRecord $new = null,
3346 $max = null,
3347 $options = []
3348 ) {
3349 $this->assertRevisionParameter( 'old', $pageId, $old );
3350 $this->assertRevisionParameter( 'new', $pageId, $new );
3352 // No DB query needed if old and new are the same revision.
3353 // Can't check for consecutive revisions with 'getParentId' for a similar
3354 // optimization as edge cases exist when there are revisions between
3355 //a revision and it's parent. See T185167 for more details.
3356 if ( $old && $new && $new->getId( $this->wikiId ) === $old->getId( $this->wikiId ) ) {
3357 return 0;
3358 }
3360 $dbr = $this->getReplicaConnection();
3361 $conds = array_merge(
3362 [
3363 'rev_page' => $pageId,
3364 $dbr->bitAnd( 'rev_deleted', RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) . " = 0"
3365 ],
3366 $this->getRevisionLimitConditions( $dbr, $old, $new, $options )
3367 );
3368 if ( $max !== null ) {
3369 return $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
3370 ->select( '1' )
3371 ->from( 'revision' )
3372 ->where( $conds )
3373 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
3374 ->limit( $max + 1 ) // extra to detect truncation
3375 ->fetchRowCount();
3376 } else {
3377 return (int)$dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
3378 ->select( 'count(*)' )
3379 ->from( 'revision' )
3380 ->where( $conds )
3381 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
3382 }
3383 }
3396 public function findIdenticalRevision(
3397 RevisionRecord $revision,
3398 int $searchLimit
3399 ): ?RevisionRecord {
3400 $revision->assertWiki( $this->wikiId );
3401 $db = $this->getReplicaConnection();
3402 $subquery = $this->newSelectQueryBuilder( $db )
3403 ->joinComment()
3404 ->where( [ 'rev_page' => $revision->getPageId( $this->wikiId ) ] )
3405 // Include 'rev_id' in the ordering in case there are multiple revs with same timestamp
3406 ->orderBy( [ 'rev_timestamp', 'rev_id' ], SelectQueryBuilder::SORT_DESC )
3407 // T354015
3408 ->useIndex( [ 'revision' => 'rev_page_timestamp' ] )
3409 ->limit( $searchLimit )
3410 // skip the most recent edit, we can't revert to it anyway
3411 ->offset( 1 )
3412 ->caller( __METHOD__ );
3414 // fetchRow effectively uses LIMIT 1 clause, returning only the first result
3415 $revisionRow = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
3416 ->select( '*' )
3417 ->from( $subquery, 'recent_revs' )
3418 ->where( [ 'rev_sha1' => $revision->getSha1() ] )
3419 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchRow();
3421 return $revisionRow ? $this->newRevisionFromRow( $revisionRow ) : null;
3422 }
3424 // TODO: move relevant methods from Title here, e.g. isBigDeletion, etc.
const RC_NEW
Definition Defines.php:118
Definition Defines.php:75
const RC_LOG
Definition Defines.php:119
const RC_EDIT
Definition Defines.php:117
wfDeprecatedMsg( $msg, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Log a deprecation warning with arbitrary message text.
Definition WebStart.php:81
Helper class for DAO classes.
MediaWiki exception.
Exception thrown when an unregistered content model is requested.
Value object for a comment stored by CommentStore.
Handle database storage of comments such as edit summaries and log reasons.
Content object implementation representing unknown content.
This class provides an implementation of the core hook interfaces, forwarding hook calls to HookConta...
Immutable value object representing a page identity.
Help and centralize querying archive table.
Exception throw when trying to access undefined fields on an incomplete RevisionRecord.
Exception representing a failure to look up a revision.
A RevisionRecord representing a revision of a deleted page persisted in the archive table.
Page revision base class.
getUser( $audience=self::FOR_PUBLIC, Authority $performer=null)
Fetch revision's author's user identity, if it's available to the specified audience.
Returns the nominal size of this revision, in bogo-bytes.
Returns whether this RevisionRecord is ready for insertion, that is, whether it contains all informat...
Returns the slot names (roles) of all slots present in this revision.
Returns the page this revision belongs to.
getParentId( $wikiId=self::LOCAL)
Get parent revision ID (the original previous page revision).
getPageId( $wikiId=self::LOCAL)
Get the page ID.
MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::getTimestamp.
getComment( $audience=self::FOR_PUBLIC, Authority $performer=null)
Fetch revision comment, if it's available to the specified audience.
getSlot( $role, $audience=self::FOR_PUBLIC, Authority $performer=null)
Returns meta-data for the given slot.
Returns the base36 sha1 of this revision.
getId( $wikiId=self::LOCAL)
Get revision ID.
Help and centralize querying revision table.
Value object representing the set of slots belonging to a revision.
A RevisionRecord representing an existing revision persisted in the revision table.
Service for looking up page revisions.
countRevisionsBetween( $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, $max=null, $options=[])
Get the number of revisions between the given revisions.
getTimestampFromId( $id, $flags=0)
Get rev_timestamp from rev_id, without loading the rest of the row.
getRevisionByTimestamp( $page, string $timestamp, int $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Load the revision for the given title with the given timestamp.
countAuthorsBetween( $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, Authority $performer=null, $max=null, $options=[])
Get the number of authors between the given revisions.
isRevisionRow( $row, string $table='')
Determine whether the parameter is a row containing all the fields that RevisionStore needs to create...
newNullRevision(IDatabase $dbw, PageIdentity $page, CommentStoreComment $comment, $minor, UserIdentity $user)
Create a new null-revision for insertion into a page's history.
newRevisionsFromBatch( $rows, array $options=[], $queryFlags=0, PageIdentity $page=null)
Construct a RevisionRecord instance for each row in $rows, and return them as an associative array in...
getRevisionSizes(array $revIds)
Do a batched query for the sizes of a set of revisions.
countRevisionsByPageId(IReadableDatabase $db, $id)
Get count of revisions per page...not very efficient.
getRevisionByPageId( $pageId, $revId=0, $flags=0)
Load either the current, or a specified, revision that's attached to a given page ID.
newRevisionFromArchiveRowAndSlots(stdClass $row, $slots, int $queryFlags=0, ?PageIdentity $page=null, array $overrides=[])
Get the ID of the wiki this revision belongs to.
getNextRevision(RevisionRecord $rev, $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Get the revision after $rev in the page's history, if any.
getPreviousRevision(RevisionRecord $rev, $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Get the revision before $rev in the page's history, if any.
findIdenticalRevision(RevisionRecord $revision, int $searchLimit)
Tries to find a revision identical to $revision in $searchLimit most recent revisions of this page.
newRevisionFromRow( $row, $queryFlags=0, PageIdentity $page=null, $fromCache=false)
insertRevisionOn(RevisionRecord $rev, IDatabase $dbw)
Insert a new revision into the database, returning the new revision record on success and dies horrib...
getQueryInfo( $options=[])
Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new RevisionStoreRecord obj...
newSelectQueryBuilder(IReadableDatabase $dbr)
Return a SelectQueryBuilder to allow querying revision store.1.41RevisionSelectQueryBuilder
updateSlotsOn(RevisionRecord $revision, RevisionSlotsUpdate $revisionSlotsUpdate, IDatabase $dbw)
Update derived slots in an existing revision into the database, returning the modified slots on succe...
getSlotsQueryInfo( $options=[])
Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new SlotRecord.
getContentBlobsForBatch( $rowsOrIds, $slots=null, $queryFlags=0)
Gets raw (serialized) content blobs for the given set of revisions.
getRecentChange(RevisionRecord $rev, $flags=0)
Get the RC object belonging to the current revision, if there's one.
getAuthorsBetween( $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, Authority $performer=null, $max=null, $options=[])
Get the authors between the given revisions or revisions.
getKnownCurrentRevision(PageIdentity $page, $revId=0)
Load a revision based on a known page ID and current revision ID from the DB.
getRcIdIfUnpatrolled(RevisionRecord $rev)
MCR migration note: this replaced Revision::isUnpatrolled.
__construct(ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer, SqlBlobStore $blobStore, WANObjectCache $cache, BagOStuff $localCache, CommentStore $commentStore, NameTableStore $contentModelStore, NameTableStore $slotRoleStore, SlotRoleRegistry $slotRoleRegistry, ActorStore $actorStore, IContentHandlerFactory $contentHandlerFactory, PageStore $pageStore, TitleFactory $titleFactory, HookContainer $hookContainer, $wikiId=WikiAwareEntity::LOCAL)
newRevisionFromArchiveRow( $row, $queryFlags=0, PageIdentity $page=null, array $overrides=[])
Make a fake RevisionRecord object from an archive table row.
getRevisionById( $id, $flags=0, PageIdentity $page=null)
Load a page revision from a given revision ID number.
setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
newArchiveSelectQueryBuilder(IReadableDatabase $dbr)
Return a SelectQueryBuilder to allow querying archive table.1.41ArchiveSelectQueryBuilder
newRevisionFromRowAndSlots(stdClass $row, $slots, int $queryFlags=0, ?PageIdentity $page=null, bool $fromCache=false)
getFirstRevision( $page, int $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Get the first revision of a given page.
getRevisionIdsBetween(int $pageId, RevisionRecord $old=null, RevisionRecord $new=null, ?int $max=null, $options=[], ?string $order=null, int $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Get IDs of revisions between the given revisions.
getRevisionByTitle( $page, $revId=0, $flags=0)
Load either the current, or a specified, revision that's attached to a given link target.
getTitle( $pageId, $revId, $queryFlags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Determines the page Title based on the available information.
countRevisionsByTitle(IReadableDatabase $db, PageIdentity $page)
Get count of revisions per page...not very efficient.
userWasLastToEdit(IReadableDatabase $db, $pageId, $userId, $since)
Check if no edits were made by other users since the time a user started editing the page.
Return the tables, fields, and join conditions to be selected to create a new RevisionArchiveRecord o...
Value object representing a content slot associated with a page revision.
Returns the role of the slot.
Whether this slot has an address.
Returns the address of this slot's content.
Returns the content model.
Returns the ID of the revision this slot is associated with.
A registry service for SlotRoleHandlers, used to define which slot roles are available on which page.
Exception thrown when a blob has the "bad" content address schema, or has "error" in its old_flags,...
Exception representing a failure to access a data blob.
Exception representing a failure to look up a row from a name table.
Value object representing a modification of revision slots.
Returns a list of removed slot roles, that is, roles removed by calling removeSlot(),...
Returns a list of modified slot roles, that is, roles modified by calling modifySlot(),...
Service for storing and loading Content objects representing revision data blobs.
Creates Title objects.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:79
Library for creating and parsing MW-style timestamps.
Utility class for creating new RC entries.
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
Multi-datacenter aware caching interface.
Class representing a cache/ephemeral data store.
Definition BagOStuff.php:88
Build SELECT queries with a fluent interface.
return[0=> 'ـ', 1=> ' ', 2=> '`', 3=> '´', 4=> '˜', 5=> '^', 6=> '¯', 7=> '‾', 8=> '˘', 9=> '˙', 10=> '¨', 11=> '˚', 12=> '˝', 13=> '᾽', 14=> '῝', 15=> '¸', 16=> '˛', 17=> '_', 18=> '‗', 19=> '῀', 20=> '﮲', 21=> '﮳', 22=> '﮴', 23=> '﮵', 24=> '﮶', 25=> '﮷', 26=> '﮸', 27=> '﮹', 28=> '﮺', 29=> '﮻', 30=> '﮼', 31=> '﮽', 32=> '﮾', 33=> '﮿', 34=> '﯀', 35=> '﯁', 36=> '゛', 37=> '゜', 38=> '-', 39=> '֊', 40=> '᐀', 41=> '᭠', 42=> '᠆', 43=> '᠇', 44=> '‐', 45=> '‒', 46=> '–', 47=> '—', 48=> '―', 49=> '⁓', 50=> '⸗', 51=> '゠', 52=> '・', 53=> ',', 54=> '՝', 55=> '،', 56=> '؍', 57=> '٫', 58=> '٬', 59=> '߸', 60=> '᠂', 61=> '᠈', 62=> '꓾', 63=> '꘍', 64=> '꛵', 65=> '︑', 66=> ';', 67=> '؛', 68=> '⁏', 69=> '꛶', 70=> ':', 71=> '։', 72=> '؞', 73=> '܃', 74=> '܄', 75=> '܅', 76=> '܆', 77=> '܇', 78=> '܈', 79=> '࠰', 80=> '࠱', 81=> '࠲', 82=> '࠳', 83=> '࠴', 84=> '࠵', 85=> '࠶', 86=> '࠷', 87=> '࠸', 88=> '࠹', 89=> '࠺', 90=> '࠻', 91=> '࠼', 92=> '࠽', 93=> '࠾', 94=> '፡', 95=> '፣', 96=> '፤', 97=> '፥', 98=> '፦', 99=> '᠄', 100=> '᠅', 101=> '༔', 102=> '៖', 103=> '᭝', 104=> '꧇', 105=> '᛫', 106=> '᛬', 107=> '᛭', 108=> '꛴', 109=> '!', 110=> '¡', 111=> '՜', 112=> '߹', 113=> '᥄', 114=> '?', 115=> '¿', 116=> '⸮', 117=> '՞', 118=> '؟', 119=> '܉', 120=> '፧', 121=> '᥅', 122=> '⳺', 123=> '⳻', 124=> '꘏', 125=> '꛷', 126=> '‽', 127=> '⸘', 128=> '.', 129=> '᠁', 130=> '۔', 131=> '܁', 132=> '܂', 133=> '።', 134=> '᠃', 135=> '᠉', 136=> '᙮', 137=> '᭜', 138=> '⳹', 139=> '⳾', 140=> '⸰', 141=> '꓿', 142=> '꘎', 143=> '꛳', 144=> '︒', 145=> '·', 146=> '⸱', 147=> '।', 148=> '॥', 149=> '꣎', 150=> '꣏', 151=> '᰻', 152=> '᰼', 153=> '꡶', 154=> '꡷', 155=> '᜵', 156=> '᜶', 157=> '꤯', 158=> '၊', 159=> '။', 160=> '។', 161=> '៕', 162=> '᪨', 163=> '᪩', 164=> '᪪', 165=> '᪫', 166=> '᭞', 167=> '᭟', 168=> '꧈', 169=> '꧉', 170=> '꩝', 171=> '꩞', 172=> '꩟', 173=> '꯫', 174=> '𐩖', 175=> '𐩗', 176=> '𑁇', 177=> '𑁈', 178=> '𑃀', 179=> '𑃁', 180=> '᱾', 181=> '᱿', 182=> '܀', 183=> '߷', 184=> '჻', 185=> '፠', 186=> '፨', 187=> '᨞', 188=> '᨟', 189=> '᭚', 190=> '᭛', 191=> '꧁', 192=> '꧂', 193=> '꧃', 194=> '꧄', 195=> '꧅', 196=> '꧆', 197=> '꧊', 198=> '꧋', 199=> '꧌', 200=> '꧍', 201=> '꛲', 202=> '꥟', 203=> '𐡗', 204=> '𐬺', 205=> '𐬻', 206=> '𐬼', 207=> '𐬽', 208=> '𐬾', 209=> '𐬿', 210=> '𑂾', 211=> '𑂿', 212=> '⁕', 213=> '⁖', 214=> '⁘', 215=> '⁙', 216=> '⁚', 217=> '⁛', 218=> '⁜', 219=> '⁝', 220=> '⁞', 221=> '⸪', 222=> '⸫', 223=> '⸬', 224=> '⸭', 225=> '⳼', 226=> '⳿', 227=> '⸙', 228=> '𐤿', 229=> '𐄀', 230=> '𐄁', 231=> '𐄂', 232=> '𐎟', 233=> '𐏐', 234=> '𐤟', 235=> '𒑰', 236=> '𒑱', 237=> '𒑲', 238=> '𒑳', 239=> '\'', 240=> '‘', 241=> '’', 242=> '‚', 243=> '‛', 244=> '‹', 245=> '›', 246=> '"', 247 => '“', 248 => '”', 249 => '„', 250 => '‟', 251 => '«', 252 => '»', 253 => '(', 254 => ')', 255 => '[', 256 => ']', 257 => '{', 258 => '}', 259 => '༺', 260 => '༻', 261 => '༼', 262 => '༽', 263 => '᚛', 264 => '᚜', 265 => '⁅', 266 => '⁆', 267 => '⧼', 268 => '⧽', 269 => '⦃', 270 => '⦄', 271 => '⦅', 272 => '⦆', 273 => '⦇', 274 => '⦈', 275 => '⦉', 276 => '⦊', 277 => '⦋', 278 => '⦌', 279 => '⦍', 280 => '⦎', 281 => '⦏', 282 => '⦐', 283 => '⦑', 284 => '⦒', 285 => '⦓', 286 => '⦔', 287 => '⦕', 288 => '⦖', 289 => '⦗', 290 => '⦘', 291 => '⟬', 292 => '⟭', 293 => '⟮', 294 => '⟯', 295 => '⸂', 296 => '⸃', 297 => '⸄', 298 => '⸅', 299 => '⸉', 300 => '⸊', 301 => '⸌', 302 => '⸍', 303 => '⸜', 304 => '⸝', 305 => '⸠', 306 => '⸡', 307 => '⸢', 308 => '⸣', 309 => '⸤', 310 => '⸥', 311 => '⸦', 312 => '⸧', 313 => '⸨', 314 => '⸩', 315 => '〈', 316 => '〉', 317 => '「', 318 => '」', 319 => '﹝', 320 => '﹞', 321 => '︗', 322 => '︘', 323 => '﴾', 324 => '﴿', 325 => '§', 326 => '¶', 327 => '⁋', 328 => '©', 329 => '®', 330 => '@', 331 => '*', 332 => '⁎', 333 => '⁑', 334 => '٭', 335 => '꙳', 336 => '/', 337 => '⁄', 338 => '\\', 339 => '&', 340 => '⅋', 341 => '⁊', 342 => '#', 343 => '%', 344 => '٪', 345 => '‰', 346 => '؉', 347 => '‱', 348 => '؊', 349 => '⁒', 350 => '†', 351 => '‡', 352 => '•', 353 => '‣', 354 => '‧', 355 => '⁃', 356 => '⁌', 357 => '⁍', 358 => '′', 359 => '‵', 360 => '‸', 361 => '※', 362 => '‿', 363 => '⁔', 364 => '⁀', 365 => '⁐', 366 => '⁁', 367 => '⁂', 368 => '⸀', 369 => '⸁', 370 => '⸆', 371 => '⸇', 372 => '⸈', 373 => '⸋', 374 => '⸎', 375 => '⸏', 376 => '⸐', 377 => '⸑', 378 => '⸒', 379 => '⸓', 380 => '⸔', 381 => '⸕', 382 => '⸖', 383 => '⸚', 384 => '⸛', 385 => '⸞', 386 => '⸟', 387 => '꙾', 388 => '՚', 389 => '՛', 390 => '՟', 391 => '־', 392 => '׀', 393 => '׃', 394 => '׆', 395 => '׳', 396 => '״', 397 => '܊', 398 => '܋', 399 => '܌', 400 => '܍', 401 => '࡞', 402 => '᠀', 403 => '॰', 404 => '꣸', 405 => '꣹', 406 => '꣺', 407 => '෴', 408 => '๚', 409 => '๛', 410 => '꫞', 411 => '꫟', 412 => '༄', 413 => '༅', 414 => '༆', 415 => '༇', 416 => '༈', 417 => '༉', 418 => '༊', 419 => '࿐', 420 => '࿑', 421 => '་', 422 => '།', 423 => '༎', 424 => '༏', 425 => '༐', 426 => '༑', 427 => '༒', 428 => '྅', 429 => '࿒', 430 => '࿓', 431 => '࿔', 432 => '࿙', 433 => '࿚', 434 => '᰽', 435 => '᰾', 436 => '᰿', 437 => '᥀', 438 => '၌', 439 => '၍', 440 => '၎', 441 => '၏', 442 => '႞', 443 => '႟', 444 => '꩷', 445 => '꩸', 446 => '꩹', 447 => 'ៗ', 448 => '៘', 449 => '៙', 450 => '៚', 451 => '᪠', 452 => '᪡', 453 => '᪢', 454 => '᪣', 455 => '᪤', 456 => '᪥', 457 => '᪦', 458 => '᪬', 459 => '᪭', 460 => '᙭', 461 => '⵰', 462 => '꡴', 463 => '꡵', 464 => '᯼', 465 => '᯽', 466 => '᯾', 467 => '᯿', 468 => '꤮', 469 => '꧞', 470 => '꧟', 471 => '꩜', 472 => '𑁉', 473 => '𑁊', 474 => '𑁋', 475 => '𑁌', 476 => '𑁍', 477 => '𐩐', 478 => '𐩑', 479 => '𐩒', 480 => '𐩓', 481 => '𐩔', 482 => '𐩕', 483 => '𐩘', 484 => '𐬹', 485 => '𑂻', 486 => '𑂼', 487 => 'ʹ', 488 => '͵', 489 => 'ʺ', 490 => '˂', 491 => '˃', 492 => '˄', 493 => '˅', 494 => 'ˆ', 495 => 'ˇ', 496 => 'ˈ', 497 => 'ˉ', 498 => 'ˊ', 499 => 'ˋ', 500 => 'ˌ', 501 => 'ˍ', 502 => 'ˎ', 503 => 'ˏ', 504 => '˒', 505 => '˓', 506 => '˔', 507 => '˕', 508 => '˖', 509 => '˗', 510 => '˞', 511 => '˟', 512 => '˥', 513 => '˦', 514 => '˧', 515 => '˨', 516 => '˩', 517 => '˪', 518 => '˫', 519 => 'ˬ', 520 => '˭', 521 => '˯', 522 => '˰', 523 => '˱', 524 => '˲', 525 => '˳', 526 => '˴', 527 => '˵', 528 => '˶', 529 => '˷', 530 => '˸', 531 => '˹', 532 => '˺', 533 => '˻', 534 => '˼', 535 => '˽', 536 => '˾', 537 => '˿', 538 => '᎐', 539 => '᎑', 540 => '᎒', 541 => '᎓', 542 => '᎔', 543 => '᎕', 544 => '᎖', 545 => '᎗', 546 => '᎘', 547 => '᎙', 548 => '꜀', 549 => '꜁', 550 => '꜂', 551 => '꜃', 552 => '꜄', 553 => '꜅', 554 => '꜆', 555 => '꜇', 556 => '꜈', 557 => '꜉', 558 => '꜊', 559 => '꜋', 560 => '꜌', 561 => '꜍', 562 => '꜎', 563 => '꜏', 564 => '꜐', 565 => '꜑', 566 => '꜒', 567 => '꜓', 568 => '꜔', 569 => '꜕', 570 => '꜖', 571 => 'ꜗ', 572 => 'ꜘ', 573 => 'ꜙ', 574 => 'ꜚ', 575 => 'ꜛ', 576 => 'ꜜ', 577 => 'ꜝ', 578 => 'ꜞ', 579 => 'ꜟ', 580 => '꜠', 581 => '꜡', 582 => 'ꞈ', 583 => '꞉', 584 => '꞊', 585 => '°', 586 => '҂', 587 => '؈', 588 => '؎', 589 => '؏', 590 => '۞', 591 => '۩', 592 => '﷽', 593 => '߶', 594 => '৺', 595 => '୰', 596 => '௳', 597 => '௴', 598 => '௵', 599 => '௶', 600 => '௷', 601 => '௸', 602 => '௺', 603 => '౿', 604 => '൹', 605 => '꠨', 606 => '꠩', 607 => '꠪', 608 => '꠫', 609 => '꠶', 610 => '꠷', 611 => '꠹', 612 => '๏', 613 => '༁', 614 => '༂', 615 => '༃', 616 => '༓', 617 => '༕', 618 => '༖', 619 => '༗', 620 => '༚', 621 => '༛', 622 => '༜', 623 => '༝', 624 => '༞', 625 => '༟', 626 => '༴', 627 => '༶', 628 => '༸', 629 => '྾', 630 => '྿', 631 => '࿀', 632 => '࿁', 633 => '࿂', 634 => '࿃', 635 => '࿄', 636 => '࿅', 637 => '࿇', 638 => '࿈', 639 => '࿉', 640 => '࿊', 641 => '࿋', 642 => '࿌', 643 => '࿎', 644 => '࿏', 645 => '࿕', 646 => '࿖', 647 => '࿗', 648 => '࿘', 649 => '᧠', 650 => '᧡', 651 => '᧢', 652 => '᧣', 653 => '᧤', 654 => '᧥', 655 => '᧦', 656 => '᧧', 657 => '᧨', 658 => '᧩', 659 => '᧪', 660 => '᧫', 661 => '᧬', 662 => '᧭', 663 => '᧮', 664 => '᧯', 665 => '᧰', 666 => '᧱', 667 => '᧲', 668 => '᧳', 669 => '᧴', 670 => '᧵', 671 => '᧶', 672 => '᧷', 673 => '᧸', 674 => '᧹', 675 => '᧺', 676 => '᧻', 677 => '᧼', 678 => '᧽', 679 => '᧾', 680 => '᧿', 681 => '᭡', 682 => '᭢', 683 => '᭣', 684 => '᭤', 685 => '᭥', 686 => '᭦', 687 => '᭧', 688 => '᭨', 689 => '᭩', 690 => '᭪', 691 => '᭴', 692 => '᭵', 693 => '᭶', 694 => '᭷', 695 => '᭸', 696 => '᭹', 697 => '᭺', 698 => '᭻', 699 => '᭼', 700 => '℄', 701 => '℈', 702 => '℔', 703 => '℗', 704 => '℘', 705 => '℞', 706 => '℟', 707 => '℣', 708 => '℥', 709 => '℧', 710 => '℩', 711 => '℮', 712 => '℺', 713 => '⅁', 714 => '⅂', 715 => '⅃', 716 => '⅄', 717 => '⅊', 718 => '⅌', 719 => '⅍', 720 => '⅏', 721 => '←', 722 => '→', 723 => '↑', 724 => '↓', 725 => '↔', 726 => '↕', 727 => '↖', 728 => '↗', 729 => '↘', 730 => '↙', 731 => '↜', 732 => '↝', 733 => '↞', 734 => '↟', 735 => '↠', 736 => '↡', 737 => '↢', 738 => '↣', 739 => '↤', 740 => '↥', 741 => '↦', 742 => '↧', 743 => '↨', 744 => '↩', 745 => '↪', 746 => '↫', 747 => '↬', 748 => '↭', 749 => '↯', 750 => '↰', 751 => '↱', 752 => '↲', 753 => '↳', 754 => '↴', 755 => '↵', 756 => '↶', 757 => '↷', 758 => '↸', 759 => '↹', 760 => '↺', 761 => '↻', 762 => '↼', 763 => '↽', 764 => '↾', 765 => '↿', 766 => '⇀', 767 => '⇁', 768 => '⇂', 769 => '⇃', 770 => '⇄', 771 => '⇅', 772 => '⇆', 773 => '⇇', 774 => '⇈', 775 => '⇉', 776 => '⇊', 777 => '⇋', 778 => '⇌', 779 => '⇐', 780 => '⇑', 781 => '⇒', 782 => '⇓', 783 => '⇔', 784 => '⇕', 785 => '⇖', 786 => '⇗', 787 => '⇘', 788 => '⇙', 789 => '⇚', 790 => '⇛', 791 => '⇜', 792 => '⇝', 793 => '⇞', 794 => '⇟', 795 => '⇠', 796 => '⇡', 797 => '⇢', 798 => '⇣', 799 => '⇤', 800 => '⇥', 801 => '⇦', 802 => '⇧', 803 => '⇨', 804 => '⇩', 805 => '⇪', 806 => '⇫', 807 => '⇬', 808 => '⇭', 809 => '⇮', 810 => '⇯', 811 => '⇰', 812 => '⇱', 813 => '⇲', 814 => '⇳', 815 => '⇴', 816 => '⇵', 817 => '⇶', 818 => '⇷', 819 => '⇸', 820 => '⇹', 821 => '⇺', 822 => '⇻', 823 => '⇼', 824 => '⇽', 825 => '⇾', 826 => '⇿', 827 => '∀', 828 => '∁', 829 => '∂', 830 => '∃', 831 => '∅', 832 => '∆', 833 => '∇', 834 => '∈', 835 => '∊', 836 => '∋', 837 => '∍', 838 => '϶', 839 => '∎', 840 => '∏', 841 => '∐', 842 => '∑', 843 => '+', 844 => '±', 845 => '÷', 846 => '×', 847 => '<', 848 => '=', 849 => '>', 850 => '¬', 851 => '|', 852 => '¦', 853 => '‖', 854 => '~', 855 => '−', 856 => '∓', 857 => '∔', 858 => '∕', 859 => '∖', 860 => '∗', 861 => '∘', 862 => '∙', 863 => '√', 864 => '∛', 865 => '؆', 866 => '∜', 867 => '؇', 868 => '∝', 869 => '∞', 870 => '∟', 871 => '∠', 872 => '∡', 873 => '∢', 874 => '∣', 875 => '∥', 876 => '∧', 877 => '∨', 878 => '∩', 879 => '∪', 880 => '∫', 881 => '∮', 882 => '∱', 883 => '∲', 884 => '∳', 885 => '∴', 886 => '∵', 887 => '∶', 888 => '∷', 889 => '∸', 890 => '∹', 891 => '∺', 892 => '∻', 893 => '∼', 894 => '∽', 895 => '∾', 896 => '∿', 897 => '≀', 898 => '≂', 899 => '≃', 900 => '≅', 901 => '≆', 902 => '≈', 903 => '≊', 904 => '≋', 905 => '≌', 906 => '≍', 907 => '≎', 908 => '≏', 909 => '≐', 910 => '≑', 911 => '≒', 912 => '≓', 913 => '≔', 914 => '≕', 915 => '≖', 916 => '≗', 917 => '≘', 918 => '≙', 919 => '≚', 920 => '≛', 921 => '≜', 922 => '≝', 923 => '≞', 924 => '≟', 925 => '≡', 926 => '≣', 927 => '≤', 928 => '≥', 929 => '≦', 930 => '≧', 931 => '≨', 932 => '≩', 933 => '≪', 934 => '≫', 935 => '≬', 936 => '≲', 937 => '≳', 938 => '≶', 939 => '≷', 940 => '≺', 941 => '≻', 942 => '≼', 943 => '≽', 944 => '≾', 945 => '≿', 946 => '⊂', 947 => '⊃', 948 => '⊆', 949 => '⊇', 950 => '⊊', 951 => '⊋', 952 => '⊌', 953 => '⊍', 954 => '⊎', 955 => '⊏', 956 => '⊐', 957 => '⊑', 958 => '⊒', 959 => '⊓', 960 => '⊔', 961 => '⊕', 962 => '⊖', 963 => '⊗', 964 => '⊘', 965 => '⊙', 966 => '⊚', 967 => '⊛', 968 => '⊜', 969 => '⊝', 970 => '⊞', 971 => '⊟', 972 => '⊠', 973 => '⊡', 974 => '⊢', 975 => '⊣', 976 => '⊤', 977 => '⊥', 978 => '⊦', 979 => '⊧', 980 => '⊨', 981 => '⊩', 982 => '⊪', 983 => '⊫', 984 => '⊰', 985 => '⊱', 986 => '⊲', 987 => '⊳', 988 => '⊴', 989 => '⊵', 990 => '⊶', 991 => '⊷', 992 => '⊸', 993 => '⊹', 994 => '⊺', 995 => '⊻', 996 => '⊼', 997 => '⊽', 998 => '⊾', 999 => '⊿', 1000 => '⋀', 1001 => '⋁', 1002 => '⋂', 1003 => '⋃', 1004 => '⋄', 1005 => '⋅', 1006 => '⋆', 1007 => '⋇', 1008 => '⋈', 1009 => '⋉', 1010 => '⋊', 1011 => '⋋', 1012 => '⋌', 1013 => '⋍', 1014 => '⋎', 1015 => '⋏', 1016 => '⋐', 1017 => '⋑', 1018 => '⋒', 1019 => '⋓', 1020 => '⋔', 1021 => '⋕', 1022 => '⋖', 1023 => '⋗', 1024 => '⋘', 1025 => '⋙', 1026 => '⋚', 1027 => '⋛', 1028 => '⋜', 1029 => '⋝', 1030 => '⋞', 1031 => '⋟', 1032 => '⋤', 1033 => '⋥', 1034 => '⋦', 1035 => '⋧', 1036 => '⋨', 1037 => '⋩', 1038 => '⋮', 1039 => '⋯', 1040 => '⋰', 1041 => '⋱', 1042 => '⋲', 1043 => '⋳', 1044 => '⋴', 1045 => '⋵', 1046 => '⋶', 1047 => '⋷', 1048 => '⋸', 1049 => '⋹', 1050 => '⋺', 1051 => '⋻', 1052 => '⋼', 1053 => '⋽', 1054 => '⋾', 1055 => '⋿', 1056 => '⌀', 1057 => '⌁', 1058 => '⌂', 1059 => '⌃', 1060 => '⌄', 1061 => '⌅', 1062 => '⌆', 1063 => '⌇', 1064 => '⌈', 1065 => '⌉', 1066 => '⌊', 1067 => '⌋', 1068 => '⌌', 1069 => '⌍', 1070 => '⌎', 1071 => '⌏', 1072 => '⌐', 1073 => '⌑', 1074 => '⌒', 1075 => '⌓', 1076 => '⌔', 1077 => '⌕', 1078 => '⌖', 1079 => '⌗', 1080 => '⌘', 1081 => '⌙', 1082 => '⌚', 1083 => '⌛', 1084 => '⌜', 1085 => '⌝', 1086 => '⌞', 1087 => '⌟', 1088 => '⌠', 1089 => '⌡', 1090 => '⌢', 1091 => '⌣', 1092 => '⌤', 1093 => '⌥', 1094 => '⌦', 1095 => '⌧', 1096 => '⌨', 1097 => '⌫', 1098 => '⌬', 1099 => '⌭', 1100 => '⌮', 1101 => '⌯', 1102 => '⌰', 1103 => '⌱', 1104 => '⌲', 1105 => '⌳', 1106 => '⌴', 1107 => '⌵', 1108 => '⌶', 1109 => '⌷', 1110 => '⌸', 1111 => '⌹', 1112 => '⌺', 1113 => '⌻', 1114 => '⌼', 1115 => '⌽', 1116 => '⌾', 1117 => '⌿', 1118 => '⍀', 1119 => '⍁', 1120 => '⍂', 1121 => '⍃', 1122 => '⍄', 1123 => '⍅', 1124 => '⍆', 1125 => '⍇', 1126 => '⍈', 1127 => '⍉', 1128 => '⍊', 1129 => '⍋', 1130 => '⍌', 1131 => '⍍', 1132 => '⍎', 1133 => '⍏', 1134 => '⍐', 1135 => '⍑', 1136 => '⍒', 1137 => '⍓', 1138 => '⍔', 1139 => '⍕', 1140 => '⍖', 1141 => '⍗', 1142 => '⍘', 1143 => '⍙', 1144 => '⍚', 1145 => '⍛', 1146 => '⍜', 1147 => '⍝', 1148 => '⍞', 1149 => '⍟', 1150 => '⍠', 1151 => '⍡', 1152 => '⍢', 1153 => '⍣', 1154 => '⍤', 1155 => '⍥', 1156 => '⍦', 1157 => '⍧', 1158 => '⍨', 1159 => '⍩', 1160 => '⍪', 1161 => '⍫', 1162 => '⍬', 1163 => '⍭', 1164 => '⍮', 1165 => '⍯', 1166 => '⍰', 1167 => '⍱', 1168 => '⍲', 1169 => '⍳', 1170 => '⍴', 1171 => '⍵', 1172 => '⍶', 1173 => '⍷', 1174 => '⍸', 1175 => '⍹', 1176 => '⍺', 1177 => '⍻', 1178 => '⍼', 1179 => '⍽', 1180 => '⍾', 1181 => '⍿', 1182 => '⎀', 1183 => '⎁', 1184 => '⎂', 1185 => '⎃', 1186 => '⎄', 1187 => '⎅', 1188 => '⎆', 1189 => '⎇', 1190 => '⎈', 1191 => '⎉', 1192 => '⎊', 1193 => '⎋', 1194 => '⎌', 1195 => '⎍', 1196 => '⎎', 1197 => '⎏', 1198 => '⎐', 1199 => '⎑', 1200 => '⎒', 1201 => '⎓', 1202 => '⎔', 1203 => '⎕', 1204 => '⎖', 1205 => '⎗', 1206 => '⎘', 1207 => '⎙', 1208 => '⎚', 1209 => '⎛', 1210 => '⎜', 1211 => '⎝', 1212 => '⎞', 1213 => '⎟', 1214 => '⎠', 1215 => '⎡', 1216 => '⎢', 1217 => '⎣', 1218 => '⎤', 1219 => '⎥', 1220 => '⎦', 1221 => '⎧', 1222 => '⎨', 1223 => '⎩', 1224 => '⎪', 1225 => '⎫', 1226 => '⎬', 1227 => '⎭', 1228 => '⎮', 1229 => '⎯', 1230 => '⎰', 1231 => '⎱', 1232 => '⎲', 1233 => '⎳', 1234 => '⎴', 1235 => '⎵', 1236 => '⎶', 1237 => '⎷', 1238 => '⎸', 1239 => '⎹', 1240 => '⎺', 1241 => '⎻', 1242 => '⎼', 1243 => '⎽', 1244 => '⎾', 1245 => '⎿', 1246 => '⏀', 1247 => '⏁', 1248 => '⏂', 1249 => '⏃', 1250 => '⏄', 1251 => '⏅', 1252 => '⏆', 1253 => '⏇', 1254 => '⏈', 1255 => '⏉', 1256 => '⏊', 1257 => '⏋', 1258 => '⏌', 1259 => '⏍', 1260 => '⏎', 1261 => '⏏', 1262 => '⏐', 1263 => '⏑', 1264 => '⏒', 1265 => '⏓', 1266 => '⏔', 1267 => '⏕', 1268 => '⏖', 1269 => '⏗', 1270 => '⏘', 1271 => '⏙', 1272 => '⏚', 1273 => '⏛', 1274 => '⏜', 1275 => '⏝', 1276 => '⏞', 1277 => '⏟', 1278 => '⏠', 1279 => '⏡', 1280 => '⏢', 1281 => '⏣', 1282 => '⏤', 1283 => '⏥', 1284 => '⏦', 1285 => '⏧', 1286 => '⏨', 1287 => '⏩', 1288 => '⏪', 1289 => '⏫', 1290 => '⏬', 1291 => '⏭', 1292 => '⏮', 1293 => '⏯', 1294 => '⏰', 1295 => '⏱', 1296 => '⏲', 1297 => '⏳', 1298 => '␀', 1299 => '␁', 1300 => '␂', 1301 => '␃', 1302 => '␄', 1303 => '␅', 1304 => '␆', 1305 => '␇', 1306 => '␈', 1307 => '␉', 1308 => '␊', 1309 => '␋', 1310 => '␌', 1311 => '␍', 1312 => '␎', 1313 => '␏', 1314 => '␐', 1315 => '␑', 1316 => '␒', 1317 => '␓', 1318 => '␔', 1319 => '␕', 1320 => '␖', 1321 => '␗', 1322 => '␘', 1323 => '␙', 1324 => '␚', 1325 => '␛', 1326 => '␜', 1327 => '␝', 1328 => '␞', 1329 => '␟', 1330 => '␠', 1331 => '␡', 1332 => '␢', 1333 => '␣', 1334 => '␤', 1335 => '␥', 1336 => '␦', 1337 => '⑀', 1338 => '⑁', 1339 => '⑂', 1340 => '⑃', 1341 => '⑄', 1342 => '⑅', 1343 => '⑆', 1344 => '⑇', 1345 => '⑈', 1346 => '⑉', 1347 => '⑊', 1348 => '─', 1349 => '━', 1350 => '│', 1351 => '┃', 1352 => '┄', 1353 => '┅', 1354 => '┆', 1355 => '┇', 1356 => '┈', 1357 => '┉', 1358 => '┊', 1359 => '┋', 1360 => '┌', 1361 => '┍', 1362 => '┎', 1363 => '┏', 1364 => '┐', 1365 => '┑', 1366 => '┒', 1367 => '┓', 1368 => '└', 1369 => '┕', 1370 => '┖', 1371 => '┗', 1372 => '┘', 1373 => '┙', 1374 => '┚', 1375 => '┛', 1376 => '├', 1377 => '┝', 1378 => '┞', 1379 => '┟', 1380 => '┠', 1381 => '┡', 1382 => '┢', 1383 => '┣', 1384 => '┤', 1385 => '┥', 1386 => '┦', 1387 => '┧', 1388 => '┨', 1389 => '┩', 1390 => '┪', 1391 => '┫', 1392 => '┬', 1393 => '┭', 1394 => '┮', 1395 => '┯', 1396 => '┰', 1397 => '┱', 1398 => '┲', 1399 => '┳', 1400 => '┴', 1401 => '┵', 1402 => '┶', 1403 => '┷', 1404 => '┸', 1405 => '┹', 1406 => '┺', 1407 => '┻', 1408 => '┼', 1409 => '┽', 1410 => '┾', 1411 => 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'⛑', 1797 => '⛒', 1798 => '⛓', 1799 => '⛔', 1800 => '⛕', 1801 => '⛖', 1802 => '⛗', 1803 => '⛘', 1804 => '⛙', 1805 => '⛚', 1806 => '⛛', 1807 => '⛜', 1808 => '⛝', 1809 => '⛞', 1810 => '⛟', 1811 => '⛠', 1812 => '⛡', 1813 => '⛢', 1814 => '⛣', 1815 => '⛤', 1816 => '⛥', 1817 => '⛦', 1818 => '⛧', 1819 => '⛨', 1820 => '⛩', 1821 => '⛪', 1822 => '⛫', 1823 => '⛬', 1824 => '⛭', 1825 => '⛮', 1826 => '⛯', 1827 => '⛰', 1828 => '⛱', 1829 => '⛲', 1830 => '⛳', 1831 => '⛴', 1832 => '⛵', 1833 => '⛶', 1834 => '⛷', 1835 => '⛸', 1836 => '⛹', 1837 => '⛺', 1838 => '⛻', 1839 => '⛼', 1840 => '⛽', 1841 => '⛾', 1842 => '⛿', 1843 => '✁', 1844 => '✂', 1845 => '✃', 1846 => '✄', 1847 => '✅', 1848 => '✆', 1849 => '✇', 1850 => '✈', 1851 => '✉', 1852 => '✊', 1853 => '✋', 1854 => '✌', 1855 => '✍', 1856 => '✎', 1857 => '✏', 1858 => '✐', 1859 => '✑', 1860 => '✒', 1861 => '✓', 1862 => '✔', 1863 => '✕', 1864 => '✖', 1865 => '✗', 1866 => '✘', 1867 => '✙', 1868 => '✚', 1869 => '✛', 1870 => '✜', 1871 => '✝', 1872 => '✞', 1873 => '✟', 1874 => '✠', 1875 => '✡', 1876 => '✢', 1877 => '✣', 1878 => '✤', 1879 => '✥', 1880 => '✦', 1881 => '✧', 1882 => '✨', 1883 => '✩', 1884 => '✪', 1885 => '✫', 1886 => '✬', 1887 => '✭', 1888 => '✮', 1889 => '✯', 1890 => '✰', 1891 => '✱', 1892 => '✲', 1893 => '✳', 1894 => '✴', 1895 => '✵', 1896 => '✶', 1897 => '✷', 1898 => '✸', 1899 => '✹', 1900 => '✺', 1901 => '✻', 1902 => '✼', 1903 => '✽', 1904 => '✾', 1905 => '✿', 1906 => '❀', 1907 => '❁', 1908 => '❂', 1909 => '❃', 1910 => '❄', 1911 => '❅', 1912 => '❆', 1913 => '❇', 1914 => '❈', 1915 => '❉', 1916 => '❊', 1917 => '❋', 1918 => '❌', 1919 => '❍', 1920 => '❎', 1921 => '❏', 1922 => '❐', 1923 => '❑', 1924 => '❒', 1925 => '❓', 1926 => '❔', 1927 => '❕', 1928 => '❖', 1929 => '❗', 1930 => '❘', 1931 => '❙', 1932 => '❚', 1933 => '❛', 1934 => '❜', 1935 => '❝', 1936 => '❞', 1937 => '❟', 1938 => '❠', 1939 => '❡', 1940 => '❢', 1941 => '❣', 1942 => '❤', 1943 => '❥', 1944 => '❦', 1945 => '❧', 1946 => '❨', 1947 => '❩', 1948 => '❪', 1949 => '❫', 1950 => '❬', 1951 => '❭', 1952 => '❮', 1953 => '❯', 1954 => '❰', 1955 => '❱', 1956 => '❲', 1957 => '❳', 1958 => '❴', 1959 => '❵', 1960 => '➔', 1961 => '➕', 1962 => '➖', 1963 => '➗', 1964 => '➘', 1965 => '➙', 1966 => '➚', 1967 => '➛', 1968 => '➜', 1969 => '➝', 1970 => '➞', 1971 => '➟', 1972 => '➠', 1973 => '➡', 1974 => '➢', 1975 => '➣', 1976 => '➤', 1977 => '➥', 1978 => '➦', 1979 => '➧', 1980 => '➨', 1981 => '➩', 1982 => '➪', 1983 => '➫', 1984 => '➬', 1985 => '➭', 1986 => '➮', 1987 => '➯', 1988 => '➰', 1989 => '➱', 1990 => '➲', 1991 => '➳', 1992 => '➴', 1993 => '➵', 1994 => '➶', 1995 => '➷', 1996 => '➸', 1997 => '➹', 1998 => '➺', 1999 => '➻', 2000 => '➼', 2001 => '➽', 2002 => '➾', 2003 => '➿', 2004 => '⟀', 2005 => '⟁', 2006 => '⟂', 2007 => '⟃', 2008 => '⟄', 2009 => '⟅', 2010 => '⟆', 2011 => '⟇', 2012 => '⟈', 2013 => '⟉', 2014 => '⟊', 2015 => '⟌', 2016 => '⟎', 2017 => '⟏', 2018 => '⟐', 2019 => '⟑', 2020 => '⟒', 2021 => '⟓', 2022 => '⟔', 2023 => '⟕', 2024 => '⟖', 2025 => '⟗', 2026 => '⟘', 2027 => '⟙', 2028 => '⟚', 2029 => '⟛', 2030 => '⟜', 2031 => '⟝', 2032 => '⟞', 2033 => '⟟', 2034 => '⟠', 2035 => '⟡', 2036 => '⟢', 2037 => '⟣', 2038 => '⟤', 2039 => '⟥', 2040 => '⟦', 2041 => '⟧', 2042 => '⟨', 2043 => '⟩', 2044 => '⟪', 2045 => '⟫', 2046 => '⟰', 2047 => '⟱', 2048 => '⟲', 2049 => '⟳', 2050 => '⟴', 2051 => '⟵', 2052 => '⟶', 2053 => '⟷', 2054 => '⟸', 2055 => '⟹', 2056 => '⟺', 2057 => '⟻', 2058 => '⟼', 2059 => '⟽', 2060 => '⟾', 2061 => '⟿', 2062 => '⤀', 2063 => '⤁', 2064 => '⤂', 2065 => '⤃', 2066 => '⤄', 2067 => '⤅', 2068 => '⤆', 2069 => '⤇', 2070 => '⤈', 2071 => '⤉', 2072 => '⤊', 2073 => '⤋', 2074 => '⤌', 2075 => '⤍', 2076 => '⤎', 2077 => '⤏', 2078 => '⤐', 2079 => '⤑', 2080 => '⤒', 2081 => '⤓', 2082 => '⤔', 2083 => '⤕', 2084 => '⤖', 2085 => '⤗', 2086 => '⤘', 2087 => '⤙', 2088 => '⤚', 2089 => '⤛', 2090 => '⤜', 2091 => '⤝', 2092 => '⤞', 2093 => '⤟', 2094 => '⤠', 2095 => '⤡', 2096 => '⤢', 2097 => '⤣', 2098 => '⤤', 2099 => '⤥', 2100 => '⤦', 2101 => '⤧', 2102 => '⤨', 2103 => '⤩', 2104 => '⤪', 2105 => '⤫', 2106 => '⤬', 2107 => '⤭', 2108 => '⤮', 2109 => '⤯', 2110 => '⤰', 2111 => '⤱', 2112 => '⤲', 2113 => '⤳', 2114 => '⤴', 2115 => '⤵', 2116 => '⤶', 2117 => '⤷', 2118 => '⤸', 2119 => '⤹', 2120 => '⤺', 2121 => '⤻', 2122 => '⤼', 2123 => '⤽', 2124 => '⤾', 2125 => '⤿', 2126 => '⥀', 2127 => '⥁', 2128 => '⥂', 2129 => '⥃', 2130 => '⥄', 2131 => '⥅', 2132 => '⥆', 2133 => '⥇', 2134 => '⥈', 2135 => '⥉', 2136 => '⥊', 2137 => '⥋', 2138 => '⥌', 2139 => '⥍', 2140 => '⥎', 2141 => '⥏', 2142 => '⥐', 2143 => '⥑', 2144 => '⥒', 2145 => '⥓', 2146 => '⥔', 2147 => '⥕', 2148 => '⥖', 2149 => '⥗', 2150 => '⥘', 2151 => '⥙', 2152 => '⥚', 2153 => '⥛', 2154 => '⥜', 2155 => '⥝', 2156 => '⥞', 2157 => '⥟', 2158 => '⥠', 2159 => '⥡', 2160 => '⥢', 2161 => '⥣', 2162 => '⥤', 2163 => '⥥', 2164 => '⥦', 2165 => '⥧', 2166 => '⥨', 2167 => '⥩', 2168 => '⥪', 2169 => '⥫', 2170 => '⥬', 2171 => '⥭', 2172 => '⥮', 2173 => '⥯', 2174 => '⥰', 2175 => '⥱', 2176 => '⥲', 2177 => '⥳', 2178 => '⥴', 2179 => '⥵', 2180 => '⥶', 2181 => '⥷', 2182 => '⥸', 2183 => '⥹', 2184 => '⥺', 2185 => '⥻', 2186 => '⥼', 2187 => '⥽', 2188 => '⥾', 2189 => '⥿', 2190 => '⦀', 2191 => '⦁', 2192 => '⦂', 2193 => '⦙', 2194 => '⦚', 2195 => '⦛', 2196 => '⦜', 2197 => '⦝', 2198 => '⦞', 2199 => '⦟', 2200 => '⦠', 2201 => '⦡', 2202 => '⦢', 2203 => '⦣', 2204 => '⦤', 2205 => '⦥', 2206 => '⦦', 2207 => '⦧', 2208 => '⦨', 2209 => '⦩', 2210 => '⦪', 2211 => '⦫', 2212 => '⦬', 2213 => '⦭', 2214 => '⦮', 2215 => '⦯', 2216 => '⦰', 2217 => '⦱', 2218 => '⦲', 2219 => '⦳', 2220 => '⦴', 2221 => '⦵', 2222 => '⦶', 2223 => '⦷', 2224 => '⦸', 2225 => '⦹', 2226 => '⦺', 2227 => '⦻', 2228 => '⦼', 2229 => '⦽', 2230 => '⦾', 2231 => '⦿', 2232 => '⧀', 2233 => '⧁', 2234 => '⧂', 2235 => '⧃', 2236 => '⧄', 2237 => '⧅', 2238 => '⧆', 2239 => '⧇', 2240 => '⧈', 2241 => '⧉', 2242 => '⧊', 2243 => '⧋', 2244 => '⧌', 2245 => '⧍', 2246 => '⧎', 2247 => '⧏', 2248 => '⧐', 2249 => '⧑', 2250 => '⧒', 2251 => '⧓', 2252 => '⧔', 2253 => '⧕', 2254 => '⧖', 2255 => '⧗', 2256 => '⧘', 2257 => '⧙', 2258 => '⧚', 2259 => '⧛', 2260 => '⧜', 2261 => '⧝', 2262 => '⧞', 2263 => '⧟', 2264 => '⧠', 2265 => '⧡', 2266 => '⧢', 2267 => '⧣', 2268 => '⧤', 2269 => '⧥', 2270 => '⧦', 2271 => '⧧', 2272 => '⧨', 2273 => '⧩', 2274 => '⧪', 2275 => '⧫', 2276 => '⧬', 2277 => '⧭', 2278 => '⧮', 2279 => '⧯', 2280 => '⧰', 2281 => '⧱', 2282 => '⧲', 2283 => '⧳', 2284 => '⧴', 2285 => '⧵', 2286 => '⧶', 2287 => '⧷', 2288 => '⧸', 2289 => '⧹', 2290 => '⧺', 2291 => '⧻', 2292 => '⧾', 2293 => '⧿', 2294 => '⨀', 2295 => '⨁', 2296 => '⨂', 2297 => '⨃', 2298 => '⨄', 2299 => '⨅', 2300 => '⨆', 2301 => '⨇', 2302 => '⨈', 2303 => '⨉', 2304 => '⨊', 2305 => '⨋', 2306 => '⨍', 2307 => '⨎', 2308 => '⨏', 2309 => '⨐', 2310 => '⨑', 2311 => '⨒', 2312 => '⨓', 2313 => '⨔', 2314 => '⨕', 2315 => '⨖', 2316 => '⨗', 2317 => '⨘', 2318 => '⨙', 2319 => '⨚', 2320 => '⨛', 2321 => '⨜', 2322 => '⨝', 2323 => '⨞', 2324 => '⨟', 2325 => '⨠', 2326 => '⨡', 2327 => '⨢', 2328 => '⨣', 2329 => '⨤', 2330 => '⨥', 2331 => '⨦', 2332 => '⨧', 2333 => '⨨', 2334 => '⨩', 2335 => '⨪', 2336 => '⨫', 2337 => '⨬', 2338 => '⨭', 2339 => '⨮', 2340 => '⨯', 2341 => '⨰', 2342 => '⨱', 2343 => '⨲', 2344 => '⨳', 2345 => '⨴', 2346 => '⨵', 2347 => '⨶', 2348 => '⨷', 2349 => '⨸', 2350 => '⨹', 2351 => '⨺', 2352 => '⨻', 2353 => '⨼', 2354 => '⨽', 2355 => '⨾', 2356 => '⨿', 2357 => '⩀', 2358 => '⩁', 2359 => '⩂', 2360 => '⩃', 2361 => '⩄', 2362 => '⩅', 2363 => '⩆', 2364 => '⩇', 2365 => '⩈', 2366 => '⩉', 2367 => '⩊', 2368 => '⩋', 2369 => '⩌', 2370 => '⩍', 2371 => '⩎', 2372 => '⩏', 2373 => '⩐', 2374 => '⩑', 2375 => '⩒', 2376 => '⩓', 2377 => '⩔', 2378 => '⩕', 2379 => '⩖', 2380 => '⩗', 2381 => '⩘', 2382 => '⩙', 2383 => '⩚', 2384 => '⩛', 2385 => '⩜', 2386 => '⩝', 2387 => '⩞', 2388 => '⩟', 2389 => '⩠', 2390 => '⩡', 2391 => '⩢', 2392 => '⩣', 2393 => '⩤', 2394 => '⩥', 2395 => '⩦', 2396 => '⩧', 2397 => '⩨', 2398 => '⩩', 2399 => '⩪', 2400 => '⩫', 2401 => '⩬', 2402 => '⩭', 2403 => '⩮', 2404 => '⩯', 2405 => '⩰', 2406 => '⩱', 2407 => '⩲', 2408 => '⩳', 2409 => '⩷', 2410 => '⩸', 2411 => '⩹', 2412 => '⩺', 2413 => '⩻', 2414 => '⩼', 2415 => '⩽', 2416 => '⩾', 2417 => '⩿', 2418 => '⪀', 2419 => '⪁', 2420 => '⪂', 2421 => '⪃', 2422 => '⪄', 2423 => '⪅', 2424 => '⪆', 2425 => '⪇', 2426 => '⪈', 2427 => '⪉', 2428 => '⪊', 2429 => '⪋', 2430 => '⪌', 2431 => '⪍', 2432 => '⪎', 2433 => '⪏', 2434 => '⪐', 2435 => '⪑', 2436 => '⪒', 2437 => '⪓', 2438 => '⪔', 2439 => '⪕', 2440 => '⪖', 2441 => '⪗', 2442 => '⪘', 2443 => '⪙', 2444 => '⪚', 2445 => '⪛', 2446 => '⪜', 2447 => '⪝', 2448 => '⪞', 2449 => '⪟', 2450 => '⪠', 2451 => '⪡', 2452 => '⪢', 2453 => '⪣', 2454 => '⪤', 2455 => '⪥', 2456 => '⪦', 2457 => '⪧', 2458 => '⪨', 2459 => '⪩', 2460 => '⪪', 2461 => '⪫', 2462 => '⪬', 2463 => '⪭', 2464 => '⪮', 2465 => '⪯', 2466 => '⪰', 2467 => '⪱', 2468 => '⪲', 2469 => '⪳', 2470 => '⪴', 2471 => '⪵', 2472 => '⪶', 2473 => '⪷', 2474 => '⪸', 2475 => '⪹', 2476 => '⪺', 2477 => '⪻', 2478 => '⪼', 2479 => '⪽', 2480 => '⪾', 2481 => '⪿', 2482 => '⫀', 2483 => '⫁', 2484 => '⫂', 2485 => '⫃', 2486 => '⫄', 2487 => '⫅', 2488 => '⫆', 2489 => '⫇', 2490 => '⫈', 2491 => '⫉', 2492 => '⫊', 2493 => '⫋', 2494 => '⫌', 2495 => '⫍', 2496 => '⫎', 2497 => '⫏', 2498 => '⫐', 2499 => '⫑', 2500 => '⫒', 2501 => '⫓', 2502 => '⫔', 2503 => '⫕', 2504 => '⫖', 2505 => '⫗', 2506 => '⫘', 2507 => '⫙', 2508 => '⫚', 2509 => '⫛', 2510 => '⫝', 2511 => '⫞', 2512 => '⫟', 2513 => '⫠', 2514 => '⫡', 2515 => '⫢', 2516 => '⫣', 2517 => '⫤', 2518 => '⫥', 2519 => '⫦', 2520 => '⫧', 2521 => '⫨', 2522 => '⫩', 2523 => '⫪', 2524 => '⫫', 2525 => '⫬', 2526 => '⫭', 2527 => '⫮', 2528 => '⫯', 2529 => '⫰', 2530 => '⫱', 2531 => '⫲', 2532 => '⫳', 2533 => '⫴', 2534 => '⫵', 2535 => '⫶', 2536 => '⫷', 2537 => '⫸', 2538 => '⫹', 2539 => '⫺', 2540 => '⫻', 2541 => '⫼', 2542 => '⫽', 2543 => '⫾', 2544 => '⫿', 2545 => '⬀', 2546 => '⬁', 2547 => '⬂', 2548 => '⬃', 2549 => '⬄', 2550 => '⬅', 2551 => '⬆', 2552 => '⬇', 2553 => '⬈', 2554 => '⬉', 2555 => '⬊', 2556 => '⬋', 2557 => '⬌', 2558 => '⬍', 2559 => '⬎', 2560 => '⬏', 2561 => '⬐', 2562 => '⬑', 2563 => '⬒', 2564 => '⬓', 2565 => '⬔', 2566 => '⬕', 2567 => '⬖', 2568 => '⬗', 2569 => '⬘', 2570 => '⬙', 2571 => '⬚', 2572 => '⬛', 2573 => '⬜', 2574 => '⬝', 2575 => '⬞', 2576 => '⬟', 2577 => '⬠', 2578 => '⬡', 2579 => '⬢', 2580 => '⬣', 2581 => '⬤', 2582 => '⬥', 2583 => '⬦', 2584 => '⬧', 2585 => '⬨', 2586 => '⬩', 2587 => '⬪', 2588 => '⬫', 2589 => '⬬', 2590 => '⬭', 2591 => '⬮', 2592 => '⬯', 2593 => '⬰', 2594 => '⬱', 2595 => '⬲', 2596 => '⬳', 2597 => '⬴', 2598 => '⬵', 2599 => '⬶', 2600 => '⬷', 2601 => '⬸', 2602 => '⬹', 2603 => '⬺', 2604 => '⬻', 2605 => '⬼', 2606 => '⬽', 2607 => '⬾', 2608 => '⬿', 2609 => '⭀', 2610 => '⭁', 2611 => '⭂', 2612 => '⭃', 2613 => '⭄', 2614 => '⭅', 2615 => '⭆', 2616 => '⭇', 2617 => '⭈', 2618 => '⭉', 2619 => '⭊', 2620 => '⭋', 2621 => '⭌', 2622 => '⭐', 2623 => '⭑', 2624 => '⭒', 2625 => '⭓', 2626 => '⭔', 2627 => '⭕', 2628 => '⭖', 2629 => '⭗', 2630 => '⭘', 2631 => '⭙', 2632 => '⳥', 2633 => '⳦', 2634 => '⳧', 2635 => '⳨', 2636 => '⳩', 2637 => '⳪', 2638 => '⠀', 2639 => '⠁', 2640 => '⠂', 2641 => '⠃', 2642 => '⠄', 2643 => '⠅', 2644 => '⠆', 2645 => '⠇', 2646 => '⠈', 2647 => '⠉', 2648 => '⠊', 2649 => '⠋', 2650 => '⠌', 2651 => '⠍', 2652 => '⠎', 2653 => '⠏', 2654 => '⠐', 2655 => '⠑', 2656 => '⠒', 2657 => '⠓', 2658 => '⠔', 2659 => '⠕', 2660 => '⠖', 2661 => '⠗', 2662 => '⠘', 2663 => '⠙', 2664 => '⠚', 2665 => '⠛', 2666 => '⠜', 2667 => '⠝', 2668 => '⠞', 2669 => '⠟', 2670 => '⠠', 2671 => '⠡', 2672 => '⠢', 2673 => '⠣', 2674 => '⠤', 2675 => '⠥', 2676 => '⠦', 2677 => '⠧', 2678 => '⠨', 2679 => '⠩', 2680 => '⠪', 2681 => '⠫', 2682 => '⠬', 2683 => '⠭', 2684 => '⠮', 2685 => '⠯', 2686 => '⠰', 2687 => '⠱', 2688 => '⠲', 2689 => '⠳', 2690 => '⠴', 2691 => '⠵', 2692 => '⠶', 2693 => '⠷', 2694 => '⠸', 2695 => '⠹', 2696 => '⠺', 2697 => '⠻', 2698 => '⠼', 2699 => '⠽', 2700 => '⠾', 2701 => '⠿', 2702 => '⡀', 2703 => '⡁', 2704 => '⡂', 2705 => '⡃', 2706 => '⡄', 2707 => '⡅', 2708 => '⡆', 2709 => '⡇', 2710 => '⡈', 2711 => '⡉', 2712 => '⡊', 2713 => '⡋', 2714 => '⡌', 2715 => '⡍', 2716 => '⡎', 2717 => '⡏', 2718 => '⡐', 2719 => '⡑', 2720 => '⡒', 2721 => '⡓', 2722 => '⡔', 2723 => '⡕', 2724 => '⡖', 2725 => '⡗', 2726 => '⡘', 2727 => '⡙', 2728 => '⡚', 2729 => '⡛', 2730 => '⡜', 2731 => '⡝', 2732 => '⡞', 2733 => '⡟', 2734 => '⡠', 2735 => '⡡', 2736 => '⡢', 2737 => '⡣', 2738 => '⡤', 2739 => '⡥', 2740 => '⡦', 2741 => '⡧', 2742 => '⡨', 2743 => '⡩', 2744 => '⡪', 2745 => '⡫', 2746 => '⡬', 2747 => '⡭', 2748 => '⡮', 2749 => '⡯', 2750 => '⡰', 2751 => '⡱', 2752 => '⡲', 2753 => '⡳', 2754 => '⡴', 2755 => '⡵', 2756 => '⡶', 2757 => '⡷', 2758 => '⡸', 2759 => '⡹', 2760 => '⡺', 2761 => '⡻', 2762 => '⡼', 2763 => '⡽', 2764 => '⡾', 2765 => '⡿', 2766 => '⢀', 2767 => '⢁', 2768 => '⢂', 2769 => '⢃', 2770 => '⢄', 2771 => '⢅', 2772 => '⢆', 2773 => '⢇', 2774 => '⢈', 2775 => '⢉', 2776 => '⢊', 2777 => '⢋', 2778 => '⢌', 2779 => '⢍', 2780 => '⢎', 2781 => '⢏', 2782 => '⢐', 2783 => '⢑', 2784 => '⢒', 2785 => '⢓', 2786 => '⢔', 2787 => '⢕', 2788 => '⢖', 2789 => '⢗', 2790 => '⢘', 2791 => '⢙', 2792 => '⢚', 2793 => '⢛', 2794 => '⢜', 2795 => '⢝', 2796 => '⢞', 2797 => '⢟', 2798 => '⢠', 2799 => '⢡', 2800 => '⢢', 2801 => '⢣', 2802 => '⢤', 2803 => '⢥', 2804 => '⢦', 2805 => '⢧', 2806 => '⢨', 2807 => '⢩', 2808 => '⢪', 2809 => '⢫', 2810 => '⢬', 2811 => '⢭', 2812 => '⢮', 2813 => '⢯', 2814 => '⢰', 2815 => '⢱', 2816 => '⢲', 2817 => '⢳', 2818 => '⢴', 2819 => '⢵', 2820 => '⢶', 2821 => '⢷', 2822 => '⢸', 2823 => '⢹', 2824 => '⢺', 2825 => '⢻', 2826 => '⢼', 2827 => '⢽', 2828 => '⢾', 2829 => '⢿', 2830 => '⣀', 2831 => '⣁', 2832 => '⣂', 2833 => '⣃', 2834 => '⣄', 2835 => '⣅', 2836 => '⣆', 2837 => '⣇', 2838 => '⣈', 2839 => '⣉', 2840 => '⣊', 2841 => '⣋', 2842 => '⣌', 2843 => '⣍', 2844 => '⣎', 2845 => '⣏', 2846 => '⣐', 2847 => '⣑', 2848 => '⣒', 2849 => '⣓', 2850 => '⣔', 2851 => '⣕', 2852 => '⣖', 2853 => '⣗', 2854 => '⣘', 2855 => '⣙', 2856 => '⣚', 2857 => '⣛', 2858 => '⣜', 2859 => '⣝', 2860 => '⣞', 2861 => '⣟', 2862 => '⣠', 2863 => '⣡', 2864 => '⣢', 2865 => '⣣', 2866 => '⣤', 2867 => '⣥', 2868 => '⣦', 2869 => '⣧', 2870 => '⣨', 2871 => '⣩', 2872 => '⣪', 2873 => '⣫', 2874 => '⣬', 2875 => '⣭', 2876 => '⣮', 2877 => '⣯', 2878 => '⣰', 2879 => '⣱', 2880 => '⣲', 2881 => '⣳', 2882 => '⣴', 2883 => '⣵', 2884 => '⣶', 2885 => '⣷', 2886 => '⣸', 2887 => '⣹', 2888 => '⣺', 2889 => '⣻', 2890 => '⣼', 2891 => '⣽', 2892 => '⣾', 2893 => '⣿', 2894 => '⚊', 2895 => '⚋', 2896 => '⚌', 2897 => '⚍', 2898 => '⚎', 2899 => '⚏', 2900 => '☰', 2901 => '☱', 2902 => '☲', 2903 => '☳', 2904 => '☴', 2905 => '☵', 2906 => '☶', 2907 => '☷', 2908 => '䷀', 2909 => '䷁', 2910 => '䷂', 2911 => '䷃', 2912 => '䷄', 2913 => '䷅', 2914 => '䷆', 2915 => '䷇', 2916 => '䷈', 2917 => '䷉', 2918 => '䷊', 2919 => '䷋', 2920 => '䷌', 2921 => '䷍', 2922 => '䷎', 2923 => '䷏', 2924 => '䷐', 2925 => '䷑', 2926 => '䷒', 2927 => '䷓', 2928 => '䷔', 2929 => '䷕', 2930 => '䷖', 2931 => '䷗', 2932 => '䷘', 2933 => '䷙', 2934 => '䷚', 2935 => '䷛', 2936 => '䷜', 2937 => '䷝', 2938 => '䷞', 2939 => '䷟', 2940 => '䷠', 2941 => '䷡', 2942 => '䷢', 2943 => '䷣', 2944 => '䷤', 2945 => '䷥', 2946 => '䷦', 2947 => '䷧', 2948 => '䷨', 2949 => '䷩', 2950 => '䷪', 2951 => '䷫', 2952 => '䷬', 2953 => '䷭', 2954 => '䷮', 2955 => '䷯', 2956 => '䷰', 2957 => '䷱', 2958 => '䷲', 2959 => '䷳', 2960 => '䷴', 2961 => '䷵', 2962 => '䷶', 2963 => '䷷', 2964 => '䷸', 2965 => '䷹', 2966 => '䷺', 2967 => '䷻', 2968 => '䷼', 2969 => '䷽', 2970 => '䷾', 2971 => '䷿', 2972 => '𝌀', 2973 => '𝌁', 2974 => '𝌂', 2975 => '𝌃', 2976 => '𝌄', 2977 => '𝌅', 2978 => '𝌆', 2979 => '𝌇', 2980 => '𝌈', 2981 => '𝌉', 2982 => '𝌊', 2983 => '𝌋', 2984 => '𝌌', 2985 => '𝌍', 2986 => '𝌎', 2987 => '𝌏', 2988 => '𝌐', 2989 => '𝌑', 2990 => '𝌒', 2991 => '𝌓', 2992 => '𝌔', 2993 => '𝌕', 2994 => '𝌖', 2995 => '𝌗', 2996 => '𝌘', 2997 => '𝌙', 2998 => '𝌚', 2999 => '𝌛', 3000 => '𝌜', 3001 => '𝌝', 3002 => '𝌞', 3003 => '𝌟', 3004 => '𝌠', 3005 => '𝌡', 3006 => '𝌢', 3007 => '𝌣', 3008 => '𝌤', 3009 => '𝌥', 3010 => '𝌦', 3011 => '𝌧', 3012 => '𝌨', 3013 => '𝌩', 3014 => '𝌪', 3015 => '𝌫', 3016 => '𝌬', 3017 => '𝌭', 3018 => '𝌮', 3019 => '𝌯', 3020 => '𝌰', 3021 => '𝌱', 3022 => '𝌲', 3023 => '𝌳', 3024 => '𝌴', 3025 => '𝌵', 3026 => '𝌶', 3027 => '𝌷', 3028 => '𝌸', 3029 => '𝌹', 3030 => '𝌺', 3031 => '𝌻', 3032 => '𝌼', 3033 => '𝌽', 3034 => '𝌾', 3035 => '𝌿', 3036 => '𝍀', 3037 => '𝍁', 3038 => '𝍂', 3039 => '𝍃', 3040 => '𝍄', 3041 => '𝍅', 3042 => '𝍆', 3043 => '𝍇', 3044 => '𝍈', 3045 => '𝍉', 3046 => '𝍊', 3047 => '𝍋', 3048 => '𝍌', 3049 => '𝍍', 3050 => '𝍎', 3051 => '𝍏', 3052 => '𝍐', 3053 => '𝍑', 3054 => '𝍒', 3055 => '𝍓', 3056 => '𝍔', 3057 => '𝍕', 3058 => '𝍖', 3059 => '꒐', 3060 => '꒑', 3061 => '꒒', 3062 => '꒓', 3063 => '꒔', 3064 => '꒕', 3065 => '꒖', 3066 => '꒗', 3067 => '꒘', 3068 => '꒙', 3069 => '꒚', 3070 => '꒛', 3071 => '꒜', 3072 => '꒝', 3073 => '꒞', 3074 => '꒟', 3075 => '꒠', 3076 => '꒡', 3077 => '꒢', 3078 => '꒣', 3079 => '꒤', 3080 => '꒥', 3081 => '꒦', 3082 => '꒧', 3083 => '꒨', 3084 => '꒩', 3085 => '꒪', 3086 => '꒫', 3087 => '꒬', 3088 => '꒭', 3089 => '꒮', 3090 => '꒯', 3091 => '꒰', 3092 => '꒱', 3093 => '꒲', 3094 => '꒳', 3095 => '꒴', 3096 => '꒵', 3097 => '꒶', 3098 => '꒷', 3099 => '꒸', 3100 => '꒹', 3101 => '꒺', 3102 => '꒻', 3103 => '꒼', 3104 => '꒽', 3105 => '꒾', 3106 => '꒿', 3107 => '꓀', 3108 => '꓁', 3109 => '꓂', 3110 => '꓃', 3111 => '꓄', 3112 => '꓅', 3113 => '꓆', 3114 => '𐄷', 3115 => '𐄸', 3116 => '𐄹', 3117 => '𐄺', 3118 => '𐄻', 3119 => '𐄼', 3120 => '𐄽', 3121 => '𐄾', 3122 => '𐄿', 3123 => '𐅹', 3124 => '𐅺', 3125 => '𐅻', 3126 => '𐅼', 3127 => '𐅽', 3128 => '𐅾', 3129 => '𐅿', 3130 => '𐆀', 3131 => '𐆁', 3132 => '𐆂', 3133 => '𐆃', 3134 => '𐆄', 3135 => '𐆅', 3136 => '𐆆', 3137 => '𐆇', 3138 => '𐆈', 3139 => '𐆉', 3140 => '𐆐', 3141 => '𐆑', 3142 => '𐆒', 3143 => '𐆓', 3144 => '𐆔', 3145 => '𐆕', 3146 => '𐆖', 3147 => '𐆗', 3148 => '𐆘', 3149 => '𐆙', 3150 => '𐆚', 3151 => '𐆛', 3152 => '𐇐', 3153 => '𐇑', 3154 => '𐇒', 3155 => '𐇓', 3156 => '𐇔', 3157 => '𐇕', 3158 => '𐇖', 3159 => '𐇗', 3160 => '𐇘', 3161 => '𐇙', 3162 => '𐇚', 3163 => '𐇛', 3164 => '𐇜', 3165 => '𐇝', 3166 => '𐇞', 3167 => '𐇟', 3168 => '𐇠', 3169 => '𐇡', 3170 => '𐇢', 3171 => '𐇣', 3172 => '𐇤', 3173 => '𐇥', 3174 => '𐇦', 3175 => '𐇧', 3176 => '𐇨', 3177 => '𐇩', 3178 => '𐇪', 3179 => '𐇫', 3180 => '𐇬', 3181 => '𐇭', 3182 => '𐇮', 3183 => '𐇯', 3184 => '𐇰', 3185 => '𐇱', 3186 => '𐇲', 3187 => '𐇳', 3188 => '𐇴', 3189 => '𐇵', 3190 => '𐇶', 3191 => '𐇷', 3192 => '𐇸', 3193 => '𐇹', 3194 => '𐇺', 3195 => '𐇻', 3196 => '𐇼', 3197 => '𝀀', 3198 => '𝀁', 3199 => '𝀂', 3200 => '𝀃', 3201 => '𝀄', 3202 => '𝀅', 3203 => '𝀆', 3204 => '𝀇', 3205 => '𝀈', 3206 => '𝀉', 3207 => '𝀊', 3208 => '𝀋', 3209 => '𝀌', 3210 => '𝀍', 3211 => '𝀎', 3212 => '𝀏', 3213 => '𝀐', 3214 => '𝀑', 3215 => '𝀒', 3216 => '𝀓', 3217 => '𝀔', 3218 => '𝀕', 3219 => '𝀖', 3220 => '𝀗', 3221 => '𝀘', 3222 => '𝀙', 3223 => '𝀚', 3224 => '𝀛', 3225 => '𝀜', 3226 => '𝀝', 3227 => '𝀞', 3228 => '𝀟', 3229 => '𝀠', 3230 => '𝀡', 3231 => '𝀢', 3232 => '𝀣', 3233 => '𝀤', 3234 => '𝀥', 3235 => '𝀦', 3236 => '𝀧', 3237 => '𝀨', 3238 => '𝀩', 3239 => '𝀪', 3240 => '𝀫', 3241 => '𝀬', 3242 => '𝀭', 3243 => '𝀮', 3244 => '𝀯', 3245 => '𝀰', 3246 => '𝀱', 3247 => '𝀲', 3248 => '𝀳', 3249 => '𝀴', 3250 => '𝀵', 3251 => '𝀶', 3252 => '𝀷', 3253 => '𝀸', 3254 => '𝀹', 3255 => '𝀺', 3256 => '𝀻', 3257 => '𝀼', 3258 => '𝀽', 3259 => '𝀾', 3260 => '𝀿', 3261 => '𝁀', 3262 => '𝁁', 3263 => '𝁂', 3264 => '𝁃', 3265 => '𝁄', 3266 => '𝁅', 3267 => '𝁆', 3268 => '𝁇', 3269 => '𝁈', 3270 => '𝁉', 3271 => '𝁊', 3272 => '𝁋', 3273 => '𝁌', 3274 => '𝁍', 3275 => '𝁎', 3276 => '𝁏', 3277 => '𝁐', 3278 => '𝁑', 3279 => '𝁒', 3280 => '𝁓', 3281 => '𝁔', 3282 => '𝁕', 3283 => '𝁖', 3284 => '𝁗', 3285 => '𝁘', 3286 => '𝁙', 3287 => '𝁚', 3288 => '𝁛', 3289 => '𝁜', 3290 => '𝁝', 3291 => '𝁞', 3292 => '𝁟', 3293 => '𝁠', 3294 => '𝁡', 3295 => '𝁢', 3296 => '𝁣', 3297 => '𝁤', 3298 => '𝁥', 3299 => '𝁦', 3300 => '𝁧', 3301 => '𝁨', 3302 => '𝁩', 3303 => '𝁪', 3304 => '𝁫', 3305 => '𝁬', 3306 => '𝁭', 3307 => '𝁮', 3308 => '𝁯', 3309 => '𝁰', 3310 => '𝁱', 3311 => '𝁲', 3312 => '𝁳', 3313 => '𝁴', 3314 => '𝁵', 3315 => '𝁶', 3316 => '𝁷', 3317 => '𝁸', 3318 => '𝁹', 3319 => '𝁺', 3320 => '𝁻', 3321 => '𝁼', 3322 => '𝁽', 3323 => '𝁾', 3324 => '𝁿', 3325 => '𝂀', 3326 => '𝂁', 3327 => '𝂂', 3328 => '𝂃', 3329 => '𝂄', 3330 => '𝂅', 3331 => '𝂆', 3332 => '𝂇', 3333 => '𝂈', 3334 => '𝂉', 3335 => '𝂊', 3336 => '𝂋', 3337 => '𝂌', 3338 => '𝂍', 3339 => '𝂎', 3340 => '𝂏', 3341 => '𝂐', 3342 => '𝂑', 3343 => '𝂒', 3344 => '𝂓', 3345 => '𝂔', 3346 => '𝂕', 3347 => '𝂖', 3348 => '𝂗', 3349 => '𝂘', 3350 => '𝂙', 3351 => '𝂚', 3352 => '𝂛', 3353 => '𝂜', 3354 => '𝂝', 3355 => '𝂞', 3356 => '𝂟', 3357 => '𝂠', 3358 => '𝂡', 3359 => '𝂢', 3360 => '𝂣', 3361 => '𝂤', 3362 => '𝂥', 3363 => '𝂦', 3364 => '𝂧', 3365 => '𝂨', 3366 => '𝂩', 3367 => '𝂪', 3368 => '𝂫', 3369 => '𝂬', 3370 => '𝂭', 3371 => '𝂮', 3372 => '𝂯', 3373 => '𝂰', 3374 => '𝂱', 3375 => '𝂲', 3376 => '𝂳', 3377 => '𝂴', 3378 => '𝂵', 3379 => '𝂶', 3380 => '𝂷', 3381 => '𝂸', 3382 => '𝂹', 3383 => '𝂺', 3384 => '𝂻', 3385 => '𝂼', 3386 => '𝂽', 3387 => '𝂾', 3388 => '𝂿', 3389 => '𝃀', 3390 => '𝃁', 3391 => '𝃂', 3392 => '𝃃', 3393 => '𝃄', 3394 => '𝃅', 3395 => '𝃆', 3396 => '𝃇', 3397 => '𝃈', 3398 => '𝃉', 3399 => '𝃊', 3400 => '𝃋', 3401 => '𝃌', 3402 => '𝃍', 3403 => '𝃎', 3404 => '𝃏', 3405 => '𝃐', 3406 => '𝃑', 3407 => '𝃒', 3408 => '𝃓', 3409 => '𝃔', 3410 => '𝃕', 3411 => '𝃖', 3412 => '𝃗', 3413 => '𝃘', 3414 => '𝃙', 3415 => '𝃚', 3416 => '𝃛', 3417 => '𝃜', 3418 => '𝃝', 3419 => '𝃞', 3420 => '𝃟', 3421 => '𝃠', 3422 => '𝃡', 3423 => '𝃢', 3424 => '𝃣', 3425 => '𝃤', 3426 => '𝃥', 3427 => '𝃦', 3428 => '𝃧', 3429 => '𝃨', 3430 => '𝃩', 3431 => '𝃪', 3432 => '𝃫', 3433 => '𝃬', 3434 => '𝃭', 3435 => '𝃮', 3436 => '𝃯', 3437 => '𝃰', 3438 => '𝃱', 3439 => '𝃲', 3440 => '𝃳', 3441 => '𝃴', 3442 => '𝃵', 3443 => '𝄀', 3444 => '𝄁', 3445 => '𝄂', 3446 => '𝄃', 3447 => '𝄄', 3448 => '𝄅', 3449 => '𝄆', 3450 => '𝄇', 3451 => '𝄈', 3452 => '𝄉', 3453 => '𝄊', 3454 => '𝄋', 3455 => '𝄌', 3456 => '𝄍', 3457 => '𝄎', 3458 => '𝄏', 3459 => '𝄐', 3460 => '𝄑', 3461 => '𝄒', 3462 => '𝄓', 3463 => '𝄔', 3464 => '𝄕', 3465 => '𝄖', 3466 => '𝄗', 3467 => '𝄘', 3468 => '𝄙', 3469 => '𝄚', 3470 => '𝄛', 3471 => '𝄜', 3472 => '𝄝', 3473 => '𝄞', 3474 => '𝄟', 3475 => '𝄠', 3476 => '𝄡', 3477 => '𝄢', 3478 => '𝄣', 3479 => '𝄤', 3480 => '𝄥', 3481 => '𝄦', 3482 => '♭', 3483 => '♮', 3484 => '♯', 3485 => '𝄪', 3486 => '𝄫', 3487 => '𝄬', 3488 => '𝄭', 3489 => '𝄮', 3490 => '𝄯', 3491 => '𝄰', 3492 => '𝄱', 3493 => '𝄲', 3494 => '𝄳', 3495 => '𝄴', 3496 => '𝄵', 3497 => '𝄶', 3498 => '𝄷', 3499 => '𝄸', 3500 => '𝄹', 3501 => '𝄩', 3502 => '𝄺', 3503 => '𝄻', 3504 => '𝄼', 3505 => '𝄽', 3506 => '𝄾', 3507 => '𝄿', 3508 => '𝅀', 3509 => '𝅁', 3510 => '𝅂', 3511 => '𝅃', 3512 => '𝅄', 3513 => '𝅅', 3514 => '𝅆', 3515 => '𝅇', 3516 => '𝅈', 3517 => '𝅉', 3518 => '𝅊', 3519 => '𝅋', 3520 => '𝅌', 3521 => '𝅍', 3522 => '𝅎', 3523 => '𝅏', 3524 => '𝅐', 3525 => '𝅑', 3526 => '𝅒', 3527 => '𝅓', 3528 => '𝅔', 3529 => '𝅕', 3530 => '𝅖', 3531 => '𝅗', 3532 => '𝅘', 3533 => '𝅙', 3534 => '𝅚', 3535 => '𝅛', 3536 => '𝅜', 3537 => '𝅝', 3538 => '𝅪', 3539 => '𝅫', 3540 => '𝅬', 3541 => '𝆃', 3542 => '𝆄', 3543 => '𝆌', 3544 => '𝆍', 3545 => '𝆎', 3546 => '𝆏', 3547 => '𝆐', 3548 => '𝆑', 3549 => '𝆒', 3550 => '𝆓', 3551 => '𝆔', 3552 => '𝆕', 3553 => '𝆖', 3554 => '𝆗', 3555 => '𝆘', 3556 => '𝆙', 3557 => '𝆚', 3558 => '𝆛', 3559 => '𝆜', 3560 => '𝆝', 3561 => '𝆞', 3562 => '𝆟', 3563 => '𝆠', 3564 => '𝆡', 3565 => '𝆢', 3566 => '𝆣', 3567 => '𝆤', 3568 => '𝆥', 3569 => '𝆦', 3570 => '𝆧', 3571 => '𝆨', 3572 => '𝆩', 3573 => '𝆮', 3574 => '𝆯', 3575 => '𝆰', 3576 => '𝆱', 3577 => '𝆲', 3578 => '𝆳', 3579 => '𝆴', 3580 => '𝆵', 3581 => '𝆶', 3582 => '𝆷', 3583 => '𝆸', 3584 => '𝆹', 3585 => '𝆺', 3586 => '𝇁', 3587 => '𝇂', 3588 => '𝇃', 3589 => '𝇄', 3590 => '𝇅', 3591 => '𝇆', 3592 => '𝇇', 3593 => '𝇈', 3594 => '𝇉', 3595 => '𝇊', 3596 => '𝇋', 3597 => '𝇌', 3598 => '𝇍', 3599 => '𝇎', 3600 => '𝇏', 3601 => '𝇐', 3602 => '𝇑', 3603 => '𝇒', 3604 => '𝇓', 3605 => '𝇔', 3606 => '𝇕', 3607 => '𝇖', 3608 => '𝇗', 3609 => '𝇘', 3610 => '𝇙', 3611 => '𝇚', 3612 => '𝇛', 3613 => '𝇜', 3614 => '𝇝', 3615 => '𝈀', 3616 => '𝈁', 3617 => '𝈂', 3618 => '𝈃', 3619 => '𝈄', 3620 => '𝈅', 3621 => '𝈆', 3622 => '𝈇', 3623 => '𝈈', 3624 => '𝈉', 3625 => '𝈊', 3626 => '𝈋', 3627 => '𝈌', 3628 => '𝈍', 3629 => '𝈎', 3630 => '𝈏', 3631 => '𝈐', 3632 => '𝈑', 3633 => '𝈒', 3634 => '𝈓', 3635 => '𝈔', 3636 => '𝈕', 3637 => '𝈖', 3638 => '𝈗', 3639 => '𝈘', 3640 => '𝈙', 3641 => '𝈚', 3642 => '𝈛', 3643 => '𝈜', 3644 => '𝈝', 3645 => '𝈞', 3646 => '𝈟', 3647 => '𝈠', 3648 => '𝈡', 3649 => '𝈢', 3650 => '𝈣', 3651 => '𝈤', 3652 => '𝈥', 3653 => '𝈦', 3654 => '𝈧', 3655 => '𝈨', 3656 => '𝈩', 3657 => '𝈪', 3658 => '𝈫', 3659 => '𝈬', 3660 => '𝈭', 3661 => '𝈮', 3662 => '𝈯', 3663 => '𝈰', 3664 => '𝈱', 3665 => '𝈲', 3666 => '𝈳', 3667 => '𝈴', 3668 => '𝈵', 3669 => '𝈶', 3670 => '𝈷', 3671 => '𝈸', 3672 => '𝈹', 3673 => '𝈺', 3674 => '𝈻', 3675 => '𝈼', 3676 => '𝈽', 3677 => '𝈾', 3678 => '𝈿', 3679 => '𝉀', 3680 => '𝉁', 3681 => '𝉅', 3682 => '🀀', 3683 => '🀁', 3684 => '🀂', 3685 => '🀃', 3686 => '🀄', 3687 => '🀅', 3688 => '🀆', 3689 => '🀇', 3690 => '🀈', 3691 => '🀉', 3692 => '🀊', 3693 => '🀋', 3694 => '🀌', 3695 => '🀍', 3696 => '🀎', 3697 => '🀏', 3698 => '🀐', 3699 => '🀑', 3700 => '🀒', 3701 => '🀓', 3702 => '🀔', 3703 => '🀕', 3704 => '🀖', 3705 => '🀗', 3706 => '🀘', 3707 => '🀙', 3708 => '🀚', 3709 => '🀛', 3710 => '🀜', 3711 => '🀝', 3712 => '🀞', 3713 => '🀟', 3714 => '🀠', 3715 => '🀡', 3716 => '🀢', 3717 => '🀣', 3718 => '🀤', 3719 => '🀥', 3720 => '🀦', 3721 => '🀧', 3722 => '🀨', 3723 => '🀩', 3724 => '🀪', 3725 => '🀫', 3726 => '🀰', 3727 => '🀱', 3728 => '🀲', 3729 => '🀳', 3730 => '🀴', 3731 => '🀵', 3732 => '🀶', 3733 => '🀷', 3734 => '🀸', 3735 => '🀹', 3736 => '🀺', 3737 => '🀻', 3738 => '🀼', 3739 => '🀽', 3740 => '🀾', 3741 => '🀿', 3742 => '🁀', 3743 => '🁁', 3744 => '🁂', 3745 => '🁃', 3746 => '🁄', 3747 => '🁅', 3748 => '🁆', 3749 => '🁇', 3750 => '🁈', 3751 => '🁉', 3752 => '🁊', 3753 => '🁋', 3754 => '🁌', 3755 => '🁍', 3756 => '🁎', 3757 => '🁏', 3758 => '🁐', 3759 => '🁑', 3760 => '🁒', 3761 => '🁓', 3762 => '🁔', 3763 => '🁕', 3764 => '🁖', 3765 => '🁗', 3766 => '🁘', 3767 => '🁙', 3768 => '🁚', 3769 => '🁛', 3770 => '🁜', 3771 => '🁝', 3772 => '🁞', 3773 => '🁟', 3774 => '🁠', 3775 => '🁡', 3776 => '🁢', 3777 => '🁣', 3778 => '🁤', 3779 => '🁥', 3780 => '🁦', 3781 => '🁧', 3782 => '🁨', 3783 => '🁩', 3784 => '🁪', 3785 => '🁫', 3786 => '🁬', 3787 => '🁭', 3788 => '🁮', 3789 => '🁯', 3790 => '🁰', 3791 => '🁱', 3792 => '🁲', 3793 => '🁳', 3794 => '🁴', 3795 => '🁵', 3796 => '🁶', 3797 => '🁷', 3798 => '🁸', 3799 => '🁹', 3800 => '🁺', 3801 => '🁻', 3802 => '🁼', 3803 => '🁽', 3804 => '🁾', 3805 => '🁿', 3806 => '🂀', 3807 => '🂁', 3808 => '🂂', 3809 => '🂃', 3810 => '🂄', 3811 => '🂅', 3812 => '🂆', 3813 => '🂇', 3814 => '🂈', 3815 => '🂉', 3816 => '🂊', 3817 => '🂋', 3818 => '🂌', 3819 => '🂍', 3820 => '🂎', 3821 => '🂏', 3822 => '🂐', 3823 => '🂑', 3824 => '🂒', 3825 => '🂓', 3826 => '🂠', 3827 => '🂡', 3828 => '🂢', 3829 => '🂣', 3830 => '🂤', 3831 => '🂥', 3832 => '🂦', 3833 => '🂧', 3834 => '🂨', 3835 => '🂩', 3836 => '🂪', 3837 => '🂫', 3838 => '🂬', 3839 => '🂭', 3840 => '🂮', 3841 => '🂱', 3842 => '🂲', 3843 => '🂳', 3844 => '🂴', 3845 => '🂵', 3846 => '🂶', 3847 => '🂷', 3848 => '🂸', 3849 => '🂹', 3850 => '🂺', 3851 => '🂻', 3852 => '🂼', 3853 => '🂽', 3854 => '🂾', 3855 => '🃁', 3856 => '🃂', 3857 => '🃃', 3858 => '🃄', 3859 => '🃅', 3860 => '🃆', 3861 => '🃇', 3862 => '🃈', 3863 => '🃉', 3864 => '🃊', 3865 => '🃋', 3866 => '🃌', 3867 => '🃍', 3868 => '🃎', 3869 => '🃏', 3870 => '🃑', 3871 => '🃒', 3872 => '🃓', 3873 => '🃔', 3874 => '🃕', 3875 => '🃖', 3876 => '🃗', 3877 => '🃘', 3878 => '🃙', 3879 => '🃚', 3880 => '🃛', 3881 => '🃜', 3882 => '🃝', 3883 => '🃞', 3884 => '🃟', 3885 => '🌀', 3886 => '🌁', 3887 => '🌂', 3888 => '🌃', 3889 => '🌄', 3890 => '🌅', 3891 => '🌆', 3892 => '🌇', 3893 => '🌈', 3894 => '🌉', 3895 => '🌊', 3896 => '🌋', 3897 => '🌌', 3898 => '🌍', 3899 => '🌎', 3900 => '🌏', 3901 => '🌐', 3902 => '🌑', 3903 => '🌒', 3904 => '🌓', 3905 => '🌔', 3906 => '🌕', 3907 => '🌖', 3908 => '🌗', 3909 => '🌘', 3910 => '🌙', 3911 => '🌚', 3912 => '🌛', 3913 => '🌜', 3914 => '🌝', 3915 => '🌞', 3916 => '🌟', 3917 => '🌠', 3918 => '🌰', 3919 => '🌱', 3920 => '🌲', 3921 => '🌳', 3922 => '🌴', 3923 => '🌵', 3924 => '🌷', 3925 => '🌸', 3926 => '🌹', 3927 => '🌺', 3928 => '🌻', 3929 => '🌼', 3930 => '🌽', 3931 => '🌾', 3932 => '🌿', 3933 => '🍀', 3934 => '🍁', 3935 => '🍂', 3936 => '🍃', 3937 => '🍄', 3938 => '🍅', 3939 => '🍆', 3940 => '🍇', 3941 => '🍈', 3942 => '🍉', 3943 => '🍊', 3944 => '🍋', 3945 => '🍌', 3946 => '🍍', 3947 => '🍎', 3948 => '🍏', 3949 => '🍐', 3950 => '🍑', 3951 => '🍒', 3952 => '🍓', 3953 => '🍔', 3954 => '🍕', 3955 => '🍖', 3956 => '🍗', 3957 => '🍘', 3958 => '🍙', 3959 => '🍚', 3960 => '🍛', 3961 => '🍜', 3962 => '🍝', 3963 => '🍞', 3964 => '🍟', 3965 => '🍠', 3966 => '🍡', 3967 => '🍢', 3968 => '🍣', 3969 => '🍤', 3970 => '🍥', 3971 => '🍦', 3972 => '🍧', 3973 => '🍨', 3974 => '🍩', 3975 => '🍪', 3976 => '🍫', 3977 => '🍬', 3978 => '🍭', 3979 => '🍮', 3980 => '🍯', 3981 => '🍰', 3982 => '🍱', 3983 => '🍲', 3984 => '🍳', 3985 => '🍴', 3986 => '🍵', 3987 => '🍶', 3988 => '🍷', 3989 => '🍸', 3990 => '🍹', 3991 => '🍺', 3992 => '🍻', 3993 => '🍼', 3994 => '🎀', 3995 => '🎁', 3996 => '🎂', 3997 => '🎃', 3998 => '🎄', 3999 => '🎅', 4000 => '🎆', 4001 => '🎇', 4002 => '🎈', 4003 => '🎉', 4004 => '🎊', 4005 => '🎋', 4006 => '🎌', 4007 => '🎍', 4008 => '🎎', 4009 => '🎏', 4010 => '🎐', 4011 => '🎑', 4012 => '🎒', 4013 => '🎓', 4014 => '🎠', 4015 => '🎡', 4016 => '🎢', 4017 => '🎣', 4018 => '🎤', 4019 => '🎥', 4020 => '🎦', 4021 => '🎧', 4022 => '🎨', 4023 => '🎩', 4024 => '🎪', 4025 => '🎫', 4026 => '🎬', 4027 => '🎭', 4028 => '🎮', 4029 => '🎯', 4030 => '🎰', 4031 => '🎱', 4032 => '🎲', 4033 => '🎳', 4034 => '🎴', 4035 => '🎵', 4036 => '🎶', 4037 => '🎷', 4038 => '🎸', 4039 => '🎹', 4040 => '🎺', 4041 => '🎻', 4042 => '🎼', 4043 => '🎽', 4044 => '🎾', 4045 => '🎿', 4046 => '🏀', 4047 => '🏁', 4048 => '🏂', 4049 => '🏃', 4050 => '🏄', 4051 => '🏆', 4052 => '🏇', 4053 => '🏈', 4054 => '🏉', 4055 => '🏊', 4056 => '🏠', 4057 => '🏡', 4058 => '🏢', 4059 => '🏣', 4060 => '🏤', 4061 => '🏥', 4062 => '🏦', 4063 => '🏧', 4064 => '🏨', 4065 => '🏩', 4066 => '🏪', 4067 => '🏫', 4068 => '🏬', 4069 => '🏭', 4070 => '🏮', 4071 => '🏯', 4072 => '🏰', 4073 => '🐀', 4074 => '🐁', 4075 => '🐂', 4076 => '🐃', 4077 => '🐄', 4078 => '🐅', 4079 => '🐆', 4080 => '🐇', 4081 => '🐈', 4082 => '🐉', 4083 => '🐊', 4084 => '🐋', 4085 => '🐌', 4086 => '🐍', 4087 => '🐎', 4088 => '🐏', 4089 => '🐐', 4090 => '🐑', 4091 => '🐒', 4092 => '🐓', 4093 => '🐔', 4094 => '🐕', 4095 => '🐖', 4096 => '🐗', 4097 => '🐘', 4098 => '🐙', 4099 => '🐚', 4100 => '🐛', 4101 => '🐜', 4102 => '🐝', 4103 => '🐞', 4104 => '🐟', 4105 => '🐠', 4106 => '🐡', 4107 => '🐢', 4108 => '🐣', 4109 => '🐤', 4110 => '🐥', 4111 => '🐦', 4112 => '🐧', 4113 => '🐨', 4114 => '🐩', 4115 => '🐪', 4116 => '🐫', 4117 => '🐬', 4118 => '🐭', 4119 => '🐮', 4120 => '🐯', 4121 => '🐰', 4122 => '🐱', 4123 => '🐲', 4124 => '🐳', 4125 => '🐴', 4126 => '🐵', 4127 => '🐶', 4128 => '🐷', 4129 => '🐸', 4130 => '🐹', 4131 => '🐺', 4132 => '🐻', 4133 => '🐼', 4134 => '🐽', 4135 => '🐾', 4136 => '👀', 4137 => '👂', 4138 => '👃', 4139 => '👄', 4140 => '👅', 4141 => '👆', 4142 => '👇', 4143 => '👈', 4144 => '👉', 4145 => '👊', 4146 => '👋', 4147 => '👌', 4148 => '👍', 4149 => '👎', 4150 => '👏', 4151 => '👐', 4152 => '👑', 4153 => '👒', 4154 => '👓', 4155 => '👔', 4156 => '👕', 4157 => '👖', 4158 => '👗', 4159 => '👘', 4160 => '👙', 4161 => '👚', 4162 => '👛', 4163 => '👜', 4164 => '👝', 4165 => '👞', 4166 => '👟', 4167 => '👠', 4168 => '👡', 4169 => '👢', 4170 => '👣', 4171 => '👤', 4172 => '👥', 4173 => '👦', 4174 => '👧', 4175 => '👨', 4176 => '👩', 4177 => '👪', 4178 => '👫', 4179 => '👬', 4180 => '👭', 4181 => '👮', 4182 => '👯', 4183 => '👰', 4184 => '👱', 4185 => '👲', 4186 => '👳', 4187 => '👴', 4188 => '👵', 4189 => '👶', 4190 => '👷', 4191 => '👸', 4192 => '👹', 4193 => '👺', 4194 => '👻', 4195 => '👼', 4196 => '👽', 4197 => '👾', 4198 => '👿', 4199 => '💀', 4200 => '💁', 4201 => '💂', 4202 => '💃', 4203 => '💄', 4204 => '💅', 4205 => '💆', 4206 => '💇', 4207 => '💈', 4208 => '💉', 4209 => '💊', 4210 => '💋', 4211 => '💌', 4212 => '💍', 4213 => '💎', 4214 => '💏', 4215 => '💐', 4216 => '💑', 4217 => '💒', 4218 => '💓', 4219 => '💔', 4220 => '💕', 4221 => '💖', 4222 => '💗', 4223 => '💘', 4224 => '💙', 4225 => '💚', 4226 => '💛', 4227 => '💜', 4228 => '💝', 4229 => '💞', 4230 => '💟', 4231 => '💠', 4232 => '💡', 4233 => '💢', 4234 => '💣', 4235 => '💤', 4236 => '💥', 4237 => '💦', 4238 => '💧', 4239 => '💨', 4240 => '💩', 4241 => '💪', 4242 => '💫', 4243 => '💬', 4244 => '💭', 4245 => '💮', 4246 => '💯', 4247 => '💰', 4248 => '💱', 4249 => '💲', 4250 => '💳', 4251 => '💴', 4252 => '💵', 4253 => '💶', 4254 => '💷', 4255 => '💸', 4256 => '💹', 4257 => '💺', 4258 => '💻', 4259 => '💼', 4260 => '💽', 4261 => '💾', 4262 => '💿', 4263 => '📀', 4264 => '📁', 4265 => '📂', 4266 => '📃', 4267 => '📄', 4268 => '📅', 4269 => '📆', 4270 => '📇', 4271 => '📈', 4272 => '📉', 4273 => '📊', 4274 => '📋', 4275 => '📌', 4276 => '📍', 4277 => '📎', 4278 => '📏', 4279 => '📐', 4280 => '📑', 4281 => '📒', 4282 => '📓', 4283 => '📔', 4284 => '📕', 4285 => '📖', 4286 => '📗', 4287 => '📘', 4288 => '📙', 4289 => '📚', 4290 => '📛', 4291 => '📜', 4292 => '📝', 4293 => '📞', 4294 => '📟', 4295 => '📠', 4296 => '📡', 4297 => '📢', 4298 => '📣', 4299 => '📤', 4300 => '📥', 4301 => '📦', 4302 => '📧', 4303 => '📨', 4304 => '📩', 4305 => '📪', 4306 => '📫', 4307 => '📬', 4308 => '📭', 4309 => '📮', 4310 => '📯', 4311 => '📰', 4312 => '📱', 4313 => '📲', 4314 => '📳', 4315 => '📴', 4316 => '📵', 4317 => '📶', 4318 => '📷', 4319 => '📹', 4320 => '📺', 4321 => '📻', 4322 => '📼', 4323 => '🔀', 4324 => '🔁', 4325 => '🔂', 4326 => '🔃', 4327 => '🔄', 4328 => '🔅', 4329 => '🔆', 4330 => '🔇', 4331 => '🔈', 4332 => '🔉', 4333 => '🔊', 4334 => '🔋', 4335 => '🔌', 4336 => '🔍', 4337 => '🔎', 4338 => '🔏', 4339 => '🔐', 4340 => '🔑', 4341 => '🔒', 4342 => '🔓', 4343 => '🔔', 4344 => '🔕', 4345 => '🔖', 4346 => '🔗', 4347 => '🔘', 4348 => '🔙', 4349 => '🔚', 4350 => '🔛', 4351 => '🔜', 4352 => '🔝', 4353 => '🔞', 4354 => '🔟', 4355 => '🔠', 4356 => '🔡', 4357 => '🔢', 4358 => '🔣', 4359 => '🔤', 4360 => '🔥', 4361 => '🔦', 4362 => '🔧', 4363 => '🔨', 4364 => '🔩', 4365 => '🔪', 4366 => '🔫', 4367 => '🔬', 4368 => '🔭', 4369 => '🔮', 4370 => '🔯', 4371 => '🔰', 4372 => '🔱', 4373 => '🔲', 4374 => '🔳', 4375 => '🔴', 4376 => '🔵', 4377 => '🔶', 4378 => '🔷', 4379 => '🔸', 4380 => '🔹', 4381 => '🔺', 4382 => '🔻', 4383 => '🔼', 4384 => '🔽', 4385 => '🕐', 4386 => '🕑', 4387 => '🕒', 4388 => '🕓', 4389 => '🕔', 4390 => '🕕', 4391 => '🕖', 4392 => '🕗', 4393 => '🕘', 4394 => '🕙', 4395 => '🕚', 4396 => '🕛', 4397 => '🕜', 4398 => '🕝', 4399 => '🕞', 4400 => '🕟', 4401 => '🕠', 4402 => '🕡', 4403 => '🕢', 4404 => '🕣', 4405 => '🕤', 4406 => '🕥', 4407 => '🕦', 4408 => '🕧', 4409 => '🗻', 4410 => '🗼', 4411 => '🗽', 4412 => '🗾', 4413 => '🗿', 4414 => '😁', 4415 => '😂', 4416 => '😃', 4417 => '😄', 4418 => '😅', 4419 => '😆', 4420 => '😇', 4421 => '😈', 4422 => '😉', 4423 => '😊', 4424 => '😋', 4425 => '😌', 4426 => '😍', 4427 => '😎', 4428 => '😏', 4429 => '😐', 4430 => '😒', 4431 => '😓', 4432 => '😔', 4433 => '😖', 4434 => '😘', 4435 => '😚', 4436 => '😜', 4437 => '😝', 4438 => '😞', 4439 => '😠', 4440 => '😡', 4441 => '😢', 4442 => '😣', 4443 => '😤', 4444 => '😥', 4445 => '😨', 4446 => '😩', 4447 => '😪', 4448 => '😫', 4449 => '😭', 4450 => '😰', 4451 => '😱', 4452 => '😲', 4453 => '😳', 4454 => '😵', 4455 => '😶', 4456 => '😷', 4457 => '😸', 4458 => '😹', 4459 => '😺', 4460 => '😻', 4461 => '😼', 4462 => '😽', 4463 => '😾', 4464 => '😿', 4465 => '🙀', 4466 => '🙅', 4467 => '🙆', 4468 => '🙇', 4469 => '🙈', 4470 => '🙉', 4471 => '🙊', 4472 => '🙋', 4473 => '🙌', 4474 => '🙍', 4475 => '🙎', 4476 => '🙏', 4477 => '🚀', 4478 => '🚁', 4479 => '🚂', 4480 => '🚃', 4481 => '🚄', 4482 => '🚅', 4483 => '🚆', 4484 => '🚇', 4485 => '🚈', 4486 => '🚉', 4487 => '🚊', 4488 => '🚋', 4489 => '🚌', 4490 => '🚍', 4491 => '🚎', 4492 => '🚏', 4493 => '🚐', 4494 => '🚑', 4495 => '🚒', 4496 => '🚓', 4497 => '🚔', 4498 => '🚕', 4499 => '🚖', 4500 => '🚗', 4501 => '🚘', 4502 => '🚙', 4503 => '🚚', 4504 => '🚛', 4505 => '🚜', 4506 => '🚝', 4507 => '🚞', 4508 => '🚟', 4509 => '🚠', 4510 => '🚡', 4511 => '🚢', 4512 => '🚣', 4513 => '🚤', 4514 => '🚥', 4515 => '🚦', 4516 => '🚧', 4517 => '🚨', 4518 => '🚩', 4519 => '🚪', 4520 => '🚫', 4521 => '🚬', 4522 => '🚭', 4523 => '🚮', 4524 => '🚯', 4525 => '🚰', 4526 => '🚱', 4527 => '🚲', 4528 => '🚳', 4529 => '🚴', 4530 => '🚵', 4531 => '🚶', 4532 => '🚷', 4533 => '🚸', 4534 => '🚹', 4535 => '🚺', 4536 => '🚻', 4537 => '🚼', 4538 => '🚽', 4539 => '🚾', 4540 => '🚿', 4541 => '🛀', 4542 => '🛁', 4543 => '🛂', 4544 => '🛃', 4545 => '🛄', 4546 => '🛅', 4547 => '🜀', 4548 => '🜁', 4549 => '🜂', 4550 => '🜃', 4551 => '🜄', 4552 => '🜅', 4553 => '🜆', 4554 => '🜇', 4555 => '🜈', 4556 => '🜉', 4557 => '🜊', 4558 => '🜋', 4559 => '🜌', 4560 => '🜍', 4561 => '🜎', 4562 => '🜏', 4563 => '🜐', 4564 => '🜑', 4565 => '🜒', 4566 => '🜓', 4567 => '🜔', 4568 => '🜕', 4569 => '🜖', 4570 => '🜗', 4571 => '🜘', 4572 => '🜙', 4573 => '🜚', 4574 => '🜛', 4575 => '🜜', 4576 => '🜝', 4577 => '🜞', 4578 => '🜟', 4579 => '🜠', 4580 => '🜡', 4581 => '🜢', 4582 => '🜣', 4583 => '🜤', 4584 => '🜥', 4585 => '🜦', 4586 => '🜧', 4587 => '🜨', 4588 => '🜩', 4589 => '🜪', 4590 => '🜫', 4591 => '🜬', 4592 => '🜭', 4593 => '🜮', 4594 => '🜯', 4595 => '🜰', 4596 => '🜱', 4597 => '🜲', 4598 => '🜳', 4599 => '🜴', 4600 => '🜵', 4601 => '🜶', 4602 => '🜷', 4603 => '🜸', 4604 => '🜹', 4605 => '🜺', 4606 => '🜻', 4607 => '🜼', 4608 => '🜽', 4609 => '🜾', 4610 => '🜿', 4611 => '🝀', 4612 => '🝁', 4613 => '🝂', 4614 => '🝃', 4615 => '🝄', 4616 => '🝅', 4617 => '🝆', 4618 => '🝇', 4619 => '🝈', 4620 => '🝉', 4621 => '🝊', 4622 => '🝋', 4623 => '🝌', 4624 => '🝍', 4625 => '🝎', 4626 => '🝏', 4627 => '🝐', 4628 => '🝑', 4629 => '🝒', 4630 => '🝓', 4631 => '🝔', 4632 => '🝕', 4633 => '🝖', 4634 => '🝗', 4635 => '🝘', 4636 => '🝙', 4637 => '🝚', 4638 => '🝛', 4639 => '🝜', 4640 => '🝝', 4641 => '🝞', 4642 => '🝟', 4643 => '🝠', 4644 => '🝡', 4645 => '🝢', 4646 => '🝣', 4647 => '🝤', 4648 => '🝥', 4649 => '🝦', 4650 => '🝧', 4651 => '🝨', 4652 => '🝩', 4653 => '🝪', 4654 => '🝫', 4655 => '🝬', 4656 => '🝭', 4657 => '🝮', 4658 => '🝯', 4659 => '🝰', 4660 => '🝱', 4661 => '🝲', 4662 => '🝳', 4663 => '㆐', 4664 => '㆑', 4665 => '', 4666 => '�', 4667 => '৴', 4668 => '৵', 4669 => '৶', 4670 => '৷', 4671 => '৸', 4672 => '৹', 4673 => '୲', 4674 => '୳', 4675 => '୴', 4676 => '୵', 4677 => '୶', 4678 => '୷', 4679 => '꠰', 4680 => '꠱', 4681 => '꠲', 4682 => '꠳', 4683 => '꠴', 4684 => '꠵', 4685 => '௰', 4686 => '௱', 4687 => '௲', 4688 => '൰', 4689 => '൱', 4690 => '൲', 4691 => '൳', 4692 => '൴', 4693 => '൵', 4694 => '፲', 4695 => '፳', 4696 => '፴', 4697 => '፵', 4698 => '፶', 4699 => '፷', 4700 => '፸', 4701 => '፹', 4702 => '፺', 4703 => '፻', 4704 => '፼', 4705 => 'ↀ', 4706 => 'ↁ', 4707 => 'ↂ', 4708 => 'ↆ', 4709 => 'ↇ', 4710 => 'ↈ', 4711 => '𐹩', 4712 => '𐹪', 4713 => '𐹫', 4714 => '𐹬', 4715 => '𐹭', 4716 => '𐹮', 4717 => '𐹯', 4718 => '𐹰', 4719 => '𐹱', 4720 => '𐹲', 4721 => '𐹳', 4722 => '𐹴', 4723 => '𐹵', 4724 => '𐹶', 4725 => '𐹷', 4726 => '𐹸', 4727 => '𐹹', 4728 => '𐹺', 4729 => '𐹻', 4730 => '𐹼', 4731 => '𐹽', 4732 => '𐹾', 4733 => '⳽', 4734 => '𐌢', 4735 => '𐌣', 4736 => '𐄐', 4737 => '𐄑', 4738 => '𐄒', 4739 => '𐄓', 4740 => '𐄔', 4741 => '𐄕', 4742 => '𐄖', 4743 => '𐄗', 4744 => '𐄘', 4745 => '𐄙', 4746 => '𐄚', 4747 => '𐄛', 4748 => '𐄜', 4749 => '𐄝', 4750 => '𐄞', 4751 => '𐄟', 4752 => '𐄠', 4753 => '𐄡', 4754 => '𐄢', 4755 => '𐄣', 4756 => '𐄤', 4757 => '𐄥', 4758 => '𐄦', 4759 => '𐄧', 4760 => '𐄨', 4761 => '𐄩', 4762 => '𐄪', 4763 => '𐄫', 4764 => '𐄬', 4765 => '𐄭', 4766 => '𐄮', 4767 => '𐄯', 4768 => '𐄰', 4769 => '𐄱', 4770 => '𐄲', 4771 => '𐄳', 4772 => '𐅀', 4773 => '𐅁', 4774 => '𐅄', 4775 => '𐅅', 4776 => '𐅆', 4777 => '𐅇', 4778 => '𐅉', 4779 => '𐅊', 4780 => '𐅋', 4781 => '𐅌', 4782 => '𐅍', 4783 => '𐅎', 4784 => '𐅐', 4785 => '𐅑', 4786 => '𐅒', 4787 => '𐅓', 4788 => '𐅔', 4789 => '𐅕', 4790 => '𐅖', 4791 => '𐅗', 4792 => '𐅠', 4793 => '𐅡', 4794 => '𐅢', 4795 => '𐅣', 4796 => '𐅤', 4797 => '𐅥', 4798 => '𐅦', 4799 => '𐅧', 4800 => '𐅨', 4801 => '𐅩', 4802 => '𐅪', 4803 => '𐅫', 4804 => '𐅬', 4805 => '𐅭', 4806 => '𐅮', 4807 => '𐅯', 4808 => '𐅰', 4809 => '𐅱', 4810 => '𐅲', 4811 => '𐅴', 4812 => '𐅵', 4813 => '𐅶', 4814 => '𐅷', 4815 => '𐅸', 4816 => '𐏓', 4817 => '𐏔', 4818 => '𐏕', 4819 => '𐩾', 4820 => '𐩿', 4821 => '𐤗', 4822 => '𐤘', 4823 => '𐤙', 4824 => '𐡛', 4825 => '𐡜', 4826 => '𐡝', 4827 => '𐡞', 4828 => '𐡟', 4829 => '𐭜', 4830 => '𐭝', 4831 => '𐭞', 4832 => '𐭟', 4833 => '𐭼', 4834 => '𐭽', 4835 => '𐭾', 4836 => '𐭿', 4837 => '𑁛', 4838 => '𑁜', 4839 => '𑁝', 4840 => '𑁞', 4841 => '𑁟', 4842 => '𑁠', 4843 => '𑁡', 4844 => '𑁢', 4845 => '𑁣', 4846 => '𑁤', 4847 => '𑁥', 4848 => '𐩄', 4849 => '𐩅', 4850 => '𐩆', 4851 => '𐩇', 4852 => '𒐲', 4853 => '𒐳', 4854 => '𒑖', 4855 => '𒑗', 4856 => '𒑚', 4857 => '𒑛', 4858 => '𒑜', 4859 => '𒑝', 4860 => '𒑞', 4861 => '𒑟', 4862 => '𒑠', 4863 => '𒑡', 4864 => '𒑢', 4865 => '𝍩', 4866 => '𝍪', 4867 => '𝍫', 4868 => '𝍬', 4869 => '𝍭', 4870 => '𝍮', 4871 => '𝍯', 4872 => '𝍰', 4873 => '𝍱', 4874 => 'ː', 4875 => 'ˑ', 4876 => 'ॱ', 4877 => 'ๆ', 4878 => 'ໆ', 4879 => 'ᪧ', 4880 => 'ꧏ', 4881 => 'ꩰ', 4882 => 'ꫝ', 4883 => 'ゝ', 4884 => 'ー', 4885 => 'ヽ', 4886 => '¤', 4887 => '¢', 4888 => '$', 4889 => '£', 4890 => '¥', 4891 => '؋', 4892 => '৲', 4893 => '৳', 4894 => '৻', 4895 => '૱', 4896 => '꠸', 4897 => '௹', 4898 => '฿', 4899 => '៛', 4900 => '₠', 4901 => '₡', 4902 => '₢', 4903 => '₣', 4904 => '₤', 4905 => '₥', 4906 => '₦', 4907 => '₧', 4908 => '₩', 4909 => '₪', 4910 => '₫', 4911 => '€', 4912 => '₭', 4913 => '₮', 4914 => '₯', 4915 => '₰', 4916 => '₱', 4917 => '₲', 4918 => '₳', 4919 => '₴', 4920 => '₵', 4921 => '₶', 4922 => '₷', 4923 => '₸', 4924 => '₹', 4925 => '0', 4926 => '1', 4927 => '2', 4928 => '3', 4929 => '4', 4930 => '5', 4931 => '6', 4932 => '7', 4933 => '8', 4934 => '9', 4935 => 'A', 4936 => 'ᴀ', 4937 => 'Ⱥ', 4938 => 'ᶏ', 4939 => 'ᴁ', 4940 => 'ᴂ', 4941 => 'Ɐ', 4942 => 'Ɑ', 4943 => 'ᶐ', 4944 => 'Ɒ', 4945 => 'B', 4946 => 'ʙ', 4947 => 'Ƀ', 4948 => 'ᴯ', 4949 => 'ᴃ', 4950 => 'ᵬ', 4951 => 'ᶀ', 4952 => 'Ɓ', 4953 => 'Ƃ', 4954 => 'C', 4955 => 'ᴄ', 4956 => 'Ȼ', 4957 => 'Ƈ', 4958 => 'ɕ', 4959 => 'Ↄ', 4960 => 'Ꜿ', 4961 => 'D', 4962 => 'ᴅ', 4963 => 'ᴆ', 4964 => 'ᵭ', 4965 => 'ᶁ', 4966 => 'Ɖ', 4967 => 'Ɗ', 4968 => 'ᶑ', 4969 => 'Ƌ', 4970 => 'ȡ', 4971 => 'ꝱ', 4972 => 'ẟ', 4973 => 'E', 4974 => 'ᴇ', 4975 => 'Ɇ', 4976 => 'ᶒ', 4977 => 'ⱸ', 4978 => 'Ǝ', 4979 => 'ⱻ', 4980 => 'Ə', 4981 => 'ᶕ', 4982 => 'Ɛ', 4983 => 'ᶓ', 4984 => 'ɘ', 4985 => 'ɚ', 4986 => 'ɜ', 4987 => 'ᶔ', 4988 => 'ᴈ', 4989 => 'ɝ', 4990 => 'ɞ', 4991 => 'ʚ', 4992 => 'ɤ', 4993 => 'F', 4994 => 'ꜰ', 4995 => 'ᵮ', 4996 => 'ᶂ', 4997 => 'Ƒ', 4998 => 'Ⅎ', 4999 => 'ꟻ', 5000 => 'G', 5001 => 'ɡ', 5002 => 'ɢ', 5003 => 'Ǥ', 5004 => 'ᶃ', 5005 => 'Ɠ', 5006 => 'ʛ', 5007 => 'ᵷ', 5008 => 'Ꝿ', 5009 => 'Ɣ', 5010 => 'Ƣ', 5011 => 'H', 5012 => 'ʜ', 5013 => 'Ƕ', 5014 => 'ɦ', 5015 => 'Ⱨ', 5016 => 'Ⱶ', 5017 => 'Ꜧ', 5018 => 'ɧ', 5019 => 'ʻ', 5020 => 'ʽ', 5021 => 'I', 5022 => 'ı', 5023 => 'ɪ', 5024 => 'ꟾ', 5025 => 'ᴉ', 5026 => 'Ɨ', 5027 => 'ᵻ', 5028 => 'ᶖ', 5029 => 'Ɩ', 5030 => 'ᵼ', 5031 => 'J', 5032 => 'ȷ', 5033 => 'ᴊ', 5034 => 'Ɉ', 5035 => 'ʝ', 5036 => 'ɟ', 5037 => 'ʄ', 5038 => 'K', 5039 => 'ᴋ', 5040 => 'ᶄ', 5041 => 'Ƙ', 5042 => 'Ⱪ', 5043 => 'Ꝁ', 5044 => 'Ꝃ', 5045 => 'Ꝅ', 5046 => 'ʞ', 5047 => 'L', 5048 => 'ʟ', 5049 => 'Ꝇ', 5050 => 'ᴌ', 5051 => 'Ꝉ', 5052 => 'Ƚ', 5053 => 'Ⱡ', 5054 => 'Ɫ', 5055 => 'ɬ', 5056 => 'ᶅ', 5057 => 'ɭ', 5058 => 'ꞎ', 5059 => 'ȴ', 5060 => 'ꝲ', 5061 => 'ɮ', 5062 => 'Ꞁ', 5063 => 'ƛ', 5064 => 'ʎ', 5065 => 'M', 5066 => 'ᴍ', 5067 => 'ᵯ', 5068 => 'ᶆ', 5069 => 'Ɱ', 5070 => 'ꟽ', 5071 => 'ꟿ', 5072 => 'ꝳ', 5073 => 'N', 5074 => 'ɴ', 5075 => 'ᴻ', 5076 => 'ᴎ', 5077 => 'ᵰ', 5078 => 'Ɲ', 5079 => 'Ƞ', 5080 => 'Ꞑ', 5081 => 'ᶇ', 5082 => 'ɳ', 5083 => 'ȵ', 5084 => 'ꝴ', 5085 => 'Ŋ', 5086 => 'O', 5087 => 'ᴏ', 5088 => 'ᴑ', 5089 => 'ɶ', 5090 => 'ᴔ', 5091 => 'ᴓ', 5092 => 'Ɔ', 5093 => 'ᴐ', 5094 => 'ᴒ', 5095 => 'ᶗ', 5096 => 'Ꝍ', 5097 => 'ᴖ', 5098 => 'ᴗ', 5099 => 'ⱺ', 5100 => 'Ɵ', 5101 => 'Ꝋ', 5102 => 'ɷ', 5103 => 'Ȣ', 5104 => 'ᴕ', 5105 => 'P', 5106 => 'ᴘ', 5107 => 'Ᵽ', 5108 => 'Ꝑ', 5109 => 'ᵱ', 5110 => 'ᶈ', 5111 => 'Ƥ', 5112 => 'Ꝓ', 5113 => 'Ꝕ', 5114 => 'ꟼ', 5115 => 'ɸ', 5116 => 'ⱷ', 5117 => 'Q', 5118 => 'Ꝗ', 5119 => 'Ꝙ', 5120 => 'ʠ', 5121 => 'Ɋ', 5122 => 'ĸ', 5123 => 'R', 5124 => 'Ʀ', 5125 => 'Ꝛ', 5126 => 'ᴙ', 5127 => 'Ɍ', 5128 => 'ᵲ', 5129 => 'ɹ', 5130 => 'ᴚ', 5131 => 'ɺ', 5132 => 'ᶉ', 5133 => 'ɻ', 5134 => 'ⱹ', 5135 => 'ɼ', 5136 => 'Ɽ', 5137 => 'ɾ', 5138 => 'ᵳ', 5139 => 'ɿ', 5140 => 'ʁ', 5141 => 'ꝵ', 5142 => 'ꝶ', 5143 => 'Ꝝ', 5144 => 'S', 5145 => 'ꜱ', 5146 => 'ᵴ', 5147 => 'ᶊ', 5148 => 'ʂ', 5149 => 'Ȿ', 5150 => 'ẜ', 5151 => 'ẝ', 5152 => 'Ʃ', 5153 => 'ᶋ', 5154 => 'ƪ', 5155 => 'ʅ', 5156 => 'ᶘ', 5157 => 'ʆ', 5158 => 'T', 5159 => 'ᴛ', 5160 => 'Ŧ', 5161 => 'Ⱦ', 5162 => 'ᵵ', 5163 => 'ƫ', 5164 => 'Ƭ', 5165 => 'Ʈ', 5166 => 'ȶ', 5167 => 'ꝷ', 5168 => 'ʇ', 5169 => 'U', 5170 => 'ᴜ', 5171 => 'ᴝ', 5172 => 'ᴞ', 5173 => 'ᵫ', 5174 => 'Ʉ', 5175 => 'ᵾ', 5176 => 'ᶙ', 5177 => 'Ɥ', 5178 => 'ʮ', 5179 => 'ʯ', 5180 => 'Ɯ', 5181 => 'ꟺ', 5182 => 'ᴟ', 5183 => 'ɰ', 5184 => 'Ʊ', 5185 => 'ᵿ', 5186 => 'V', 5187 => 'ᴠ', 5188 => 'Ꝟ', 5189 => 'ᶌ', 5190 => 'Ʋ', 5191 => 'ⱱ', 5192 => 'ⱴ', 5193 => 'Ỽ', 5194 => 'Ʌ', 5195 => 'W', 5196 => 'ᴡ', 5197 => 'Ⱳ', 5198 => 'ʍ', 5199 => 'X', 5200 => 'ᶍ', 5201 => 'Y', 5202 => 'ʏ', 5203 => 'Ɏ', 5204 => 'Ƴ', 5205 => 'Ỿ', 5206 => 'Z', 5207 => 'ᴢ', 5208 => 'Ƶ', 5209 => 'ᵶ', 5210 => 'ᶎ', 5211 => 'Ȥ', 5212 => 'ʐ', 5213 => 'ʑ', 5214 => 'Ɀ', 5215 => 'Ⱬ', 5216 => 'Ꝣ', 5217 => 'Ʒ', 5218 => 'ᴣ', 5219 => 'Ƹ', 5220 => 'ᶚ', 5221 => 'ƺ', 5222 => 'ʓ', 5223 => 'Ȝ', 5224 => 'Þ', 5225 => 'Ꝥ', 5226 => 'Ꝧ', 5227 => 'Ƿ', 5228 => 'Ꝩ', 5229 => 'Ꝫ', 5230 => 'Ꝭ', 5231 => 'Ꝯ', 5232 => 'ꝸ', 5233 => 'ƻ', 5234 => 'Ꜫ', 5235 => 'Ꜭ', 5236 => 'Ꜯ', 5237 => 'Ƨ', 5238 => 'Ƽ', 5239 => 'Ƅ', 5240 => 'ʔ', 5241 => 'Ɂ', 5242 => 'ˀ', 5243 => 'ʼ', 5244 => 'ˮ', 5245 => 'ʾ', 5246 => 'Ꜣ', 5247 => 'Ꞌ', 5248 => 'ʕ', 5249 => 'ʿ', 5250 => 'ˁ', 5251 => 'ᴤ', 5252 => 'ᴥ', 5253 => 'Ꜥ', 5254 => 'ʡ', 5255 => 'ʢ', 5256 => 'ʖ', 5257 => 'ǀ', 5258 => 'ǁ', 5259 => 'ǂ', 5260 => 'ǃ', 5261 => 'ʗ', 5262 => 'ʘ', 5263 => 'ʬ', 5264 => 'ʭ', 5265 => 'Α', 5266 => 'Β', 5267 => 'Γ', 5268 => 'ᴦ', 5269 => 'Δ', 5270 => 'Ε', 5271 => 'Ϝ', 5272 => 'Ͷ', 5273 => 'Ϛ', 5274 => 'Ζ', 5275 => 'Ͱ', 5276 => 'Η', 5277 => 'Θ', 5278 => 'Ι', 5279 => 'ϳ', 5280 => 'Κ', 5281 => 'Λ', 5282 => 'ᴧ', 5283 => 'Μ', 5284 => 'Ν', 5285 => 'Ξ', 5286 => 'Ο', 5287 => 'Π', 5288 => 'ᴨ', 5289 => 'Ϻ', 5290 => 'Ϟ', 5291 => 'Ϙ', 5292 => 'Ρ', 5293 => 'ᴩ', 5294 => 'ϼ', 5295 => 'Σ', 5296 => 'Ͼ', 5297 => 'Ͻ', 5298 => 'Ͽ', 5299 => 'Τ', 5300 => 'Υ', 5301 => 'Φ', 5302 => 'Χ', 5303 => 'Ψ', 5304 => 'ᴪ', 5305 => 'Ω', 5306 => 'Ϡ', 5307 => 'Ͳ', 5308 => 'Ϸ', 5309 => 'Ⲁ', 5310 => 'Ⲃ', 5311 => 'Ⲅ', 5312 => 'Ⲇ', 5313 => 'Ⲉ', 5314 => 'Ⲷ', 5315 => 'Ⲋ', 5316 => 'Ⲍ', 5317 => 'Ⲏ', 5318 => 'Ⲑ', 5319 => 'Ⲓ', 5320 => 'Ⲕ', 5321 => 'Ⲹ', 5322 => 'Ⲗ', 5323 => 'Ⲙ', 5324 => 'Ⲛ', 5325 => 'Ⲻ', 5326 => 'Ⲽ', 5327 => 'Ⲝ', 5328 => 'Ⲟ', 5329 => 'Ⲡ', 5330 => 'Ⲣ', 5331 => 'Ⲥ', 5332 => 'Ⲧ', 5333 => 'Ⲩ', 5334 => 'Ⲫ', 5335 => 'Ⲭ', 5336 => 'Ⲯ', 5337 => 'Ⲱ', 5338 => 'Ⲿ', 5339 => 'Ⳁ', 5340 => 'Ϣ', 5341 => 'Ⳬ', 5342 => 'Ⳃ', 5343 => 'Ⳅ', 5344 => 'Ⳇ', 5345 => 'Ϥ', 5346 => 'Ϧ', 5347 => 'Ⳉ', 5348 => 'Ϩ', 5349 => 'Ⳋ', 5350 => 'Ⳍ', 5351 => 'Ⳏ', 5352 => 'Ⳑ', 5353 => 'Ⳓ', 5354 => 'Ⳕ', 5355 => 'Ϫ', 5356 => 'Ⳮ', 5357 => 'Ⳗ', 5358 => 'Ϭ', 5359 => 'Ⳙ', 5360 => 'Ⳛ', 5361 => 'Ⳝ', 5362 => 'Ϯ', 5363 => 'Ⲳ', 5364 => 'Ⲵ', 5365 => 'Ⳟ', 5366 => 'Ⳡ', 5367 => 'Ⳣ', 5368 => 'А', 5369 => 'Ӑ', 5370 => 'Ӓ', 5371 => 'Ә', 5372 => 'Ӛ', 5373 => 'Ӕ', 5374 => 'Б', 5375 => 'В', 5376 => 'Г', 5377 => 'Ғ', 5378 => 'Ӻ', 5379 => 'Ҕ', 5380 => 'Ӷ', 5381 => 'Д', 5382 => 'Ԁ', 5383 => 'Ꚁ', 5384 => 'Ђ', 5385 => 'Ꙣ', 5386 => 'Ԃ', 5387 => 'Ѓ', 5388 => 'Ҙ', 5389 => 'Е', 5390 => 'Ӗ', 5391 => 'Є', 5392 => 'Ж', 5393 => 'Ꚅ', 5394 => 'Ӝ', 5395 => 'Җ', 5396 => 'З', 5397 => 'Ꙁ', 5398 => 'Ԅ', 5399 => 'Ԑ', 5400 => 'Ӟ', 5401 => 'Ꙃ', 5402 => 'Ѕ', 5403 => 'Ꙅ', 5404 => 'Ӡ', 5405 => 'Ꚉ', 5406 => 'Ԇ', 5407 => 'Ꚃ', 5408 => 'И', 5409 => 'Ҋ', 5410 => 'Ӥ', 5411 => 'І', 5412 => 'Ꙇ', 5413 => 'Ї', 5414 => 'Й', 5415 => 'Ј', 5416 => 'Ꙉ', 5417 => 'К', 5418 => 'Қ', 5419 => 'Ӄ', 5420 => 'Ҡ', 5421 => 'Ҟ', 5422 => 'Ҝ', 5423 => 'Ԟ', 5424 => 'Ԛ', 5425 => 'Л', 5426 => 'ᴫ', 5427 => 'Ӆ', 5428 => 'Ԓ', 5429 => 'Ԡ', 5430 => 'Љ', 5431 => 'Ꙥ', 5432 => 'Ԉ', 5433 => 'Ԕ', 5434 => 'М', 5435 => 'Ӎ', 5436 => 'Ꙧ', 5437 => 'Н', 5438 => 'Ӊ', 5439 => 'Ң', 5440 => 'Ӈ', 5441 => 'Ԣ', 5442 => 'Ҥ', 5443 => 'Њ', 5444 => 'Ԋ', 5445 => 'О', 5446 => 'Ӧ', 5447 => 'Ө', 5448 => 'Ӫ', 5449 => 'П', 5450 => 'Ԥ', 5451 => 'Ҧ', 5452 => 'Ҁ', 5453 => 'Р', 5454 => 'Ҏ', 5455 => 'Ԗ', 5456 => 'С', 5457 => 'Ԍ', 5458 => 'Ҫ', 5459 => 'Т', 5460 => 'Ꚍ', 5461 => 'Ԏ', 5462 => 'Ҭ', 5463 => 'Ꚋ', 5464 => 'Ћ', 5465 => 'Ќ', 5466 => 'У', 5467 => 'Ў', 5468 => 'Ӱ', 5469 => 'Ӳ', 5470 => 'Ү', 5471 => 'Ұ', 5472 => 'Ꙋ', 5473 => 'Ѹ', 5474 => 'Ф', 5475 => 'Х', 5476 => 'Ӽ', 5477 => 'Ӿ', 5478 => 'Ҳ', 5479 => 'Һ', 5480 => 'Ԧ', 5481 => 'Ꚕ', 5482 => 'Ѡ', 5483 => 'Ѿ', 5484 => 'Ꙍ', 5485 => 'Ѽ', 5486 => 'Ѻ', 5487 => 'Ц', 5488 => 'Ꙡ', 5489 => 'Ꚏ', 5490 => 'Ҵ', 5491 => 'Ꚑ', 5492 => 'Ч', 5493 => 'Ꚓ', 5494 => 'Ӵ', 5495 => 'Ҷ', 5496 => 'Ӌ', 5497 => 'Ҹ', 5498 => 'Ꚇ', 5499 => 'Ҽ', 5500 => 'Ҿ', 5501 => 'Џ', 5502 => 'Ш', 5503 => 'Ꚗ', 5504 => 'Щ', 5505 => 'Ꙏ', 5506 => 'ⸯ', 5507 => 'ꙿ', 5508 => 'Ъ', 5509 => 'Ꙑ', 5510 => 'Ы', 5511 => 'Ӹ', 5512 => 'Ь', 5513 => 'Ҍ', 5514 => 'Ѣ', 5515 => 'Ꙓ', 5516 => 'Э', 5517 => 'Ӭ', 5518 => 'Ю', 5519 => 'Ꙕ', 5520 => 'Ꙗ', 5521 => 'Я', 5522 => 'Ԙ', 5523 => 'Ѥ', 5524 => 'Ѧ', 5525 => 'Ꙙ', 5526 => 'Ѫ', 5527 => 'Ꙛ', 5528 => 'Ѩ', 5529 => 'Ꙝ', 5530 => 'Ѭ', 5531 => 'Ѯ', 5532 => 'Ѱ', 5533 => 'Ѳ', 5534 => 'Ѵ', 5535 => 'Ѷ', 5536 => 'Ꙟ', 5537 => 'Ҩ', 5538 => 'Ԝ', 5539 => 'Ӏ', 5540 => 'Ⰰ', 5541 => 'Ⰱ', 5542 => 'Ⰲ', 5543 => 'Ⰳ', 5544 => 'Ⰴ', 5545 => 'Ⰵ', 5546 => 'Ⰶ', 5547 => 'Ⰷ', 5548 => 'Ⰸ', 5549 => 'Ⰹ', 5550 => 'Ⰺ', 5551 => 'Ⰻ', 5552 => 'Ⰼ', 5553 => 'Ⰽ', 5554 => 'Ⰾ', 5555 => 'Ⰿ', 5556 => 'Ⱀ', 5557 => 'Ⱁ', 5558 => 'Ⱂ', 5559 => 'Ⱃ', 5560 => 'Ⱄ', 5561 => 'Ⱅ', 5562 => 'Ⱆ', 5563 => 'Ⱇ', 5564 => 'Ⱈ', 5565 => 'Ⱉ', 5566 => 'Ⱊ', 5567 => 'Ⱋ', 5568 => 'Ⱌ', 5569 => 'Ⱍ', 5570 => 'Ⱎ', 5571 => 'Ⱏ', 5572 => 'Ⱐ', 5573 => 'Ⱑ', 5574 => 'Ⱒ', 5575 => 'Ⱓ', 5576 => 'Ⱔ', 5577 => 'Ⱕ', 5578 => 'Ⱖ', 5579 => 'Ⱗ', 5580 => 'Ⱘ', 5581 => 'Ⱙ', 5582 => 'Ⱚ', 5583 => 'Ⱛ', 5584 => 'Ⱜ', 5585 => 'Ⱝ', 5586 => 'Ⱞ', 5587 => 'ა', 5588 => 'Ⴀ', 5589 => 'ბ', 5590 => 'Ⴁ', 5591 => 'გ', 5592 => 'Ⴂ', 5593 => 'დ', 5594 => 'Ⴃ', 5595 => 'ე', 5596 => 'Ⴄ', 5597 => 'ვ', 5598 => 'Ⴅ', 5599 => 'ზ', 5600 => 'Ⴆ', 5601 => 'ჱ', 5602 => 'Ⴡ', 5603 => 'თ', 5604 => 'Ⴇ', 5605 => 'ი', 5606 => 'Ⴈ', 5607 => 'კ', 5608 => 'Ⴉ', 5609 => 'ლ', 5610 => 'Ⴊ', 5611 => 'მ', 5612 => 'Ⴋ', 5613 => 'ნ', 5614 => 'Ⴌ', 5615 => 'ჲ', 5616 => 'Ⴢ', 5617 => 'ო', 5618 => 'Ⴍ', 5619 => 'პ', 5620 => 'Ⴎ', 5621 => 'ჟ', 5622 => 'Ⴏ', 5623 => 'რ', 5624 => 'Ⴐ', 5625 => 'ს', 5626 => 'Ⴑ', 5627 => 'ტ', 5628 => 'Ⴒ', 5629 => 'ჳ', 5630 => 'Ⴣ', 5631 => 'უ', 5632 => 'Ⴓ', 5633 => 'ფ', 5634 => 'Ⴔ', 5635 => 'ქ', 5636 => 'Ⴕ', 5637 => 'ღ', 5638 => 'Ⴖ', 5639 => 'ყ', 5640 => 'Ⴗ', 5641 => 'შ', 5642 => 'Ⴘ', 5643 => 'ჩ', 5644 => 'Ⴙ', 5645 => 'ც', 5646 => 'Ⴚ', 5647 => 'ძ', 5648 => 'Ⴛ', 5649 => 'წ', 5650 => 'Ⴜ', 5651 => 'ჭ', 5652 => 'Ⴝ', 5653 => 'ხ', 5654 => 'Ⴞ', 5655 => 'ჴ', 5656 => 'Ⴤ', 5657 => 'ჯ', 5658 => 'Ⴟ', 5659 => 'ჰ', 5660 => 'Ⴠ', 5661 => 'ჵ', 5662 => 'Ⴥ', 5663 => 'ჶ', 5664 => 'ჷ', 5665 => 'ჸ', 5666 => 'ჹ', 5667 => 'ჺ', 5668 => 'Ա', 5669 => 'Բ', 5670 => 'Գ', 5671 => 'Դ', 5672 => 'Ե', 5673 => 'Զ', 5674 => 'Է', 5675 => 'Ը', 5676 => 'Թ', 5677 => 'Ժ', 5678 => 'Ի', 5679 => 'Լ', 5680 => 'Խ', 5681 => 'Ծ', 5682 => 'Կ', 5683 => 'Հ', 5684 => 'Ձ', 5685 => 'Ղ', 5686 => 'Ճ', 5687 => 'Մ', 5688 => 'Յ', 5689 => 'Ն', 5690 => 'Շ', 5691 => 'Ո', 5692 => 'Չ', 5693 => 'Պ', 5694 => 'Ջ', 5695 => 'Ռ', 5696 => 'Ս', 5697 => 'Վ', 5698 => 'Տ', 5699 => 'Ր', 5700 => 'Ց', 5701 => 'Ւ', 5702 => 'Փ', 5703 => 'Ք', 5704 => 'Օ', 5705 => 'Ֆ', 5706 => 'ՙ', 5707 => 'א', 5708 => 'ב', 5709 => 'ג', 5710 => 'ד', 5711 => 'ה', 5712 => 'ו', 5713 => 'ז', 5714 => 'ח', 5715 => 'ט', 5716 => 'י', 5717 => 'ך', 5718 => 'ל', 5719 => 'ם', 5720 => 'ן', 5721 => 'ס', 5722 => 'ע', 5723 => 'ף', 5724 => 'ץ', 5725 => 'ק', 5726 => 'ר', 5727 => 'ש', 5728 => 'ת', 5729 => '𐤀', 5730 => '𐤁', 5731 => '𐤂', 5732 => '𐤃', 5733 => '𐤄', 5734 => '𐤅', 5735 => '𐤆', 5736 => '𐤇', 5737 => '𐤈', 5738 => '𐤉', 5739 => '𐤊', 5740 => '𐤋', 5741 => '𐤌', 5742 => '𐤍', 5743 => '𐤎', 5744 => '𐤏', 5745 => '𐤐', 5746 => '𐤑', 5747 => '𐤒', 5748 => '𐤓', 5749 => '𐤔', 5750 => '𐤕', 5751 => 'ࠀ', 5752 => 'ࠁ', 5753 => 'ࠂ', 5754 => 'ࠃ', 5755 => 'ࠄ', 5756 => 'ࠅ', 5757 => 'ࠆ', 5758 => 'ࠇ', 5759 => 'ࠈ', 5760 => 'ࠉ', 5761 => 'ࠊ', 5762 => 'ࠋ', 5763 => 'ࠌ', 5764 => 'ࠍ', 5765 => 'ࠎ', 5766 => 'ࠏ', 5767 => 'ࠐ', 5768 => 'ࠑ', 5769 => 'ࠒ', 5770 => 'ࠓ', 5771 => 'ࠔ', 5772 => 'ࠕ', 5773 => 'ࠚ', 5774 => 'ء', 5775 => 'آ', 5776 => 'أ', 5777 => 'ٲ', 5778 => 'ٱ', 5779 => 'ؤ', 5780 => 'إ', 5781 => 'ٳ', 5782 => 'ݳ', 5783 => 'ݴ', 5784 => 'ئ', 5785 => 'ا', 5786 => 'ٮ', 5787 => 'ب', 5788 => 'ٻ', 5789 => 'پ', 5790 => 'ڀ', 5791 => 'ݐ', 5792 => 'ݑ', 5793 => 'ݒ', 5794 => 'ݓ', 5795 => 'ݔ', 5796 => 'ݕ', 5797 => 'ݖ', 5798 => 'ة', 5799 => 'ت', 5800 => 'ث', 5801 => 'ٹ', 5802 => 'ٺ', 5803 => 'ټ', 5804 => 'ٽ', 5805 => 'ٿ', 5806 => 'ج', 5807 => 'ڃ', 5808 => 'ڄ', 5809 => 'چ', 5810 => 'ڿ', 5811 => 'ڇ', 5812 => 'ح', 5813 => 'خ', 5814 => 'ځ', 5815 => 'ڂ', 5816 => 'څ', 5817 => 'ݗ', 5818 => 'ݘ', 5819 => 'ݮ', 5820 => 'ݯ', 5821 => 'ݲ', 5822 => 'ݼ', 5823 => 'د', 5824 => 'ذ', 5825 => 'ڈ', 5826 => 'ډ', 5827 => 'ڊ', 5828 => 'ڋ', 5829 => 'ڌ', 5830 => 'ڍ', 5831 => 'ڎ', 5832 => 'ڏ', 5833 => 'ڐ', 5834 => 'ۮ', 5835 => 'ݙ', 5836 => 'ݚ', 5837 => 'ر', 5838 => 'ز', 5839 => 'ڑ', 5840 => 'ڒ', 5841 => 'ړ', 5842 => 'ڔ', 5843 => 'ڕ', 5844 => 'ږ', 5845 => 'ڗ', 5846 => 'ژ', 5847 => 'ڙ', 5848 => 'ۯ', 5849 => 'ݛ', 5850 => 'ݫ', 5851 => 'ݬ', 5852 => 'ݱ', 5853 => 'س', 5854 => 'ش', 5855 => 'ښ', 5856 => 'ڛ', 5857 => 'ڜ', 5858 => 'ۺ', 5859 => 'ݜ', 5860 => 'ݭ', 5861 => 'ݰ', 5862 => 'ݽ', 5863 => 'ݾ', 5864 => 'ص', 5865 => 'ض', 5866 => 'ڝ', 5867 => 'ڞ', 5868 => 'ۻ', 5869 => 'ط', 5870 => 'ظ', 5871 => 'ڟ', 5872 => 'ع', 5873 => 'غ', 5874 => 'ڠ', 5875 => 'ۼ', 5876 => 'ݝ', 5877 => 'ݞ', 5878 => 'ݟ', 5879 => 'ف', 5880 => 'ڡ', 5881 => 'ڢ', 5882 => 'ڣ', 5883 => 'ڤ', 5884 => 'ڥ', 5885 => 'ڦ', 5886 => 'ݠ', 5887 => 'ݡ', 5888 => 'ٯ', 5889 => 'ق', 5890 => 'ڧ', 5891 => 'ڨ', 5892 => 'ك', 5893 => 'ک', 5894 => 'ڪ', 5895 => 'ګ', 5896 => 'ڬ', 5897 => 'ݿ', 5898 => 'ڭ', 5899 => 'ڮ', 5900 => 'گ', 5901 => 'ڰ', 5902 => 'ڱ', 5903 => 'ڲ', 5904 => 'ڳ', 5905 => 'ڴ', 5906 => 'ݢ', 5907 => 'ػ', 5908 => 'ؼ', 5909 => 'ݣ', 5910 => 'ݤ', 5911 => 'ل', 5912 => 'ڵ', 5913 => 'ڶ', 5914 => 'ڷ', 5915 => 'ڸ', 5916 => 'ݪ', 5917 => 'م', 5918 => 'ݥ', 5919 => 'ݦ', 5920 => 'ن', 5921 => 'ں', 5922 => 'ڻ', 5923 => 'ڼ', 5924 => 'ڽ', 5925 => 'ڹ', 5926 => 'ݧ', 5927 => 'ݨ', 5928 => 'ݩ', 5929 => 'ه', 5930 => 'ھ', 5931 => 'ہ', 5932 => 'ۃ', 5933 => 'ۿ', 5934 => 'ە', 5935 => 'و', 5936 => 'ۄ', 5937 => 'ۅ', 5938 => 'ۆ', 5939 => 'ۇ', 5940 => 'ۈ', 5941 => 'ۉ', 5942 => 'ۊ', 5943 => 'ۋ', 5944 => 'ۏ', 5945 => 'ݸ', 5946 => 'ݹ', 5947 => 'ى', 5948 => 'ي', 5949 => 'ی', 5950 => 'ۍ', 5951 => 'ێ', 5952 => 'ې', 5953 => 'ۑ', 5954 => 'ؽ', 5955 => 'ؾ', 5956 => 'ؿ', 5957 => 'ؠ', 5958 => 'ݵ', 5959 => 'ݶ', 5960 => 'ݷ', 5961 => 'ے', 5962 => 'ݺ', 5963 => 'ݻ', 5964 => 'ܐ', 5965 => 'ܒ', 5966 => 'ܓ', 5967 => 'ܖ', 5968 => 'ܕ', 5969 => 'ܗ', 5970 => 'ܘ', 5971 => 'ܙ', 5972 => 'ݍ', 5973 => 'ܚ', 5974 => 'ܛ', 5975 => 'ܝ', 5976 => 'ܞ', 5977 => 'ܟ', 5978 => 'ݎ', 5979 => 'ܠ', 5980 => 'ܡ', 5981 => 'ܢ', 5982 => 'ܣ', 5983 => 'ܥ', 5984 => 'ܦ', 5985 => 'ݏ', 5986 => 'ܨ', 5987 => 'ܩ', 5988 => 'ܪ', 5989 => 'ܫ', 5990 => 'ܬ', 5991 => 'ࡀ', 5992 => 'ࡁ', 5993 => 'ࡂ', 5994 => 'ࡃ', 5995 => 'ࡄ', 5996 => 'ࡅ', 5997 => 'ࡆ', 5998 => 'ࡇ', 5999 => 'ࡈ', 6000 => 'ࡉ', 6001 => 'ࡊ', 6002 => 'ࡋ', 6003 => 'ࡌ', 6004 => 'ࡍ', 6005 => 'ࡎ', 6006 => 'ࡏ', 6007 => 'ࡐ', 6008 => 'ࡑ', 6009 => 'ࡒ', 6010 => 'ࡓ', 6011 => 'ࡔ', 6012 => 'ࡕ', 6013 => 'ࡖ', 6014 => 'ࡗ', 6015 => 'ࡘ', 6016 => 'ހ', 6017 => 'ޙ', 6018 => 'ޚ', 6019 => 'ށ', 6020 => 'ނ', 6021 => 'ރ', 6022 => 'ޜ', 6023 => 'ބ', 6024 => 'ޅ', 6025 => 'ކ', 6026 => 'އ', 6027 => 'ޢ', 6028 => 'ޣ', 6029 => 'ވ', 6030 => 'ޥ', 6031 => 'މ', 6032 => 'ފ', 6033 => 'ދ', 6034 => 'ޛ', 6035 => 'ތ', 6036 => 'ޘ', 6037 => 'ޠ', 6038 => 'ޡ', 6039 => 'ލ', 6040 => 'ގ', 6041 => 'ޤ', 6042 => 'ޏ', 6043 => 'ސ', 6044 => 'ޝ', 6045 => 'ޞ', 6046 => 'ޟ', 6047 => 'ޑ', 6048 => 'ޒ', 6049 => 'ޓ', 6050 => 'ޔ', 6051 => 'ޕ', 6052 => 'ޖ', 6053 => 'ޗ', 6054 => 'ޱ', 6055 => 'ߊ', 6056 => 'ߋ', 6057 => 'ߌ', 6058 => 'ߍ', 6059 => 'ߎ', 6060 => 'ߏ', 6061 => 'ߐ', 6062 => 'ߑ', 6063 => 'ߒ', 6064 => 'ߓ', 6065 => 'ߔ', 6066 => 'ߕ', 6067 => 'ߖ', 6068 => 'ߗ', 6069 => 'ߘ', 6070 => 'ߙ', 6071 => 'ߚ', 6072 => 'ߛ', 6073 => 'ߜ', 6074 => 'ߝ', 6075 => 'ߞ', 6076 => 'ߟ', 6077 => 'ߠ', 6078 => 'ߡ', 6079 => 'ߢ', 6080 => 'ߣ', 6081 => 'ߤ', 6082 => 'ߥ', 6083 => 'ߦ', 6084 => 'ߧ', 6085 => 'ߴ', 6086 => 'ߵ', 6087 => 'ⴰ', 6088 => 'ⴱ', 6089 => 'ⴲ', 6090 => 'ⴳ', 6091 => 'ⴴ', 6092 => 'ⴵ', 6093 => 'ⴶ', 6094 => 'ⴷ', 6095 => 'ⴸ', 6096 => 'ⴹ', 6097 => 'ⴺ', 6098 => 'ⴻ', 6099 => 'ⴼ', 6100 => 'ⴽ', 6101 => 'ⴾ', 6102 => 'ⴿ', 6103 => 'ⵀ', 6104 => 'ⵁ', 6105 => 'ⵂ', 6106 => 'ⵃ', 6107 => 'ⵄ', 6108 => 'ⵅ', 6109 => 'ⵆ', 6110 => 'ⵇ', 6111 => 'ⵈ', 6112 => 'ⵉ', 6113 => 'ⵊ', 6114 => 'ⵋ', 6115 => 'ⵌ', 6116 => 'ⵍ', 6117 => 'ⵎ', 6118 => 'ⵏ', 6119 => 'ⵐ', 6120 => 'ⵑ', 6121 => 'ⵒ', 6122 => 'ⵓ', 6123 => 'ⵔ', 6124 => 'ⵕ', 6125 => 'ⵖ', 6126 => 'ⵗ', 6127 => 'ⵘ', 6128 => 'ⵙ', 6129 => 'ⵚ', 6130 => 'ⵛ', 6131 => 'ⵜ', 6132 => 'ⵝ', 6133 => 'ⵞ', 6134 => 'ⵟ', 6135 => 'ⵠ', 6136 => 'ⵡ', 6137 => 'ⵢ', 6138 => 'ⵣ', 6139 => 'ⵤ', 6140 => 'ⵥ', 6141 => 'ⵯ', 6142 => 'ሀ', 6143 => 'ሁ', 6144 => 'ሂ', 6145 => 'ሃ', 6146 => 'ሄ', 6147 => 'ህ', 6148 => 'ሆ', 6149 => 'ሇ', 6150 => 'ለ', 6151 => 'ሉ', 6152 => 'ሊ', 6153 => 'ላ', 6154 => 'ሌ', 6155 => 'ል', 6156 => 'ሎ', 6157 => 'ሏ', 6158 => 'ⶀ', 6159 => 'ሐ', 6160 => 'ሑ', 6161 => 'ሒ', 6162 => 'ሓ', 6163 => 'ሔ', 6164 => 'ሕ', 6165 => 'ሖ', 6166 => 'ሗ', 6167 => 'መ', 6168 => 'ሙ', 6169 => 'ሚ', 6170 => 'ማ', 6171 => 'ሜ', 6172 => 'ም', 6173 => 'ሞ', 6174 => 'ሟ', 6175 => 'ᎀ', 6176 => 'ᎁ', 6177 => 'ᎂ', 6178 => 'ᎃ', 6179 => 'ⶁ', 6180 => 'ሠ', 6181 => 'ሡ', 6182 => 'ሢ', 6183 => 'ሣ', 6184 => 'ሤ', 6185 => 'ሥ', 6186 => 'ሦ', 6187 => 'ሧ', 6188 => 'ረ', 6189 => 'ሩ', 6190 => 'ሪ', 6191 => 'ራ', 6192 => 'ሬ', 6193 => 'ር', 6194 => 'ሮ', 6195 => 'ሯ', 6196 => 'ⶂ', 6197 => 'ሰ', 6198 => 'ሱ', 6199 => 'ሲ', 6200 => 'ሳ', 6201 => 'ሴ', 6202 => 'ስ', 6203 => 'ሶ', 6204 => 'ሷ', 6205 => 'ⶃ', 6206 => 'ꬁ', 6207 => 'ꬂ', 6208 => 'ꬃ', 6209 => 'ꬄ', 6210 => 'ꬅ', 6211 => 'ꬆ', 6212 => 'ሸ', 6213 => 'ሹ', 6214 => 'ሺ', 6215 => 'ሻ', 6216 => 'ሼ', 6217 => 'ሽ', 6218 => 'ሾ', 6219 => 'ሿ', 6220 => 'ⶄ', 6221 => 'ቀ', 6222 => 'ቁ', 6223 => 'ቂ', 6224 => 'ቃ', 6225 => 'ቄ', 6226 => 'ቅ', 6227 => 'ቆ', 6228 => 'ቇ', 6229 => 'ቈ', 6230 => 'ቊ', 6231 => 'ቋ', 6232 => 'ቌ', 6233 => 'ቍ', 6234 => 'ቐ', 6235 => 'ቑ', 6236 => 'ቒ', 6237 => 'ቓ', 6238 => 'ቔ', 6239 => 'ቕ', 6240 => 'ቖ', 6241 => 'ቘ', 6242 => 'ቚ', 6243 => 'ቛ', 6244 => 'ቜ', 6245 => 'ቝ', 6246 => 'በ', 6247 => 'ቡ', 6248 => 'ቢ', 6249 => 'ባ', 6250 => 'ቤ', 6251 => 'ብ', 6252 => 'ቦ', 6253 => 'ቧ', 6254 => 'ᎄ', 6255 => 'ᎅ', 6256 => 'ᎆ', 6257 => 'ᎇ', 6258 => 'ⶅ', 6259 => 'ቨ', 6260 => 'ቩ', 6261 => 'ቪ', 6262 => 'ቫ', 6263 => 'ቬ', 6264 => 'ቭ', 6265 => 'ቮ', 6266 => 'ቯ', 6267 => 'ተ', 6268 => 'ቱ', 6269 => 'ቲ', 6270 => 'ታ', 6271 => 'ቴ', 6272 => 'ት', 6273 => 'ቶ', 6274 => 'ቷ', 6275 => 'ⶆ', 6276 => 'ቸ', 6277 => 'ቹ', 6278 => 'ቺ', 6279 => 'ቻ', 6280 => 'ቼ', 6281 => 'ች', 6282 => 'ቾ', 6283 => 'ቿ', 6284 => 'ⶇ', 6285 => 'ኀ', 6286 => 'ኁ', 6287 => 'ኂ', 6288 => 'ኃ', 6289 => 'ኄ', 6290 => 'ኅ', 6291 => 'ኆ', 6292 => 'ኇ', 6293 => 'ኈ', 6294 => 'ኊ', 6295 => 'ኋ', 6296 => 'ኌ', 6297 => 'ኍ', 6298 => 'ነ', 6299 => 'ኑ', 6300 => 'ኒ', 6301 => 'ና', 6302 => 'ኔ', 6303 => 'ን', 6304 => 'ኖ', 6305 => 'ኗ', 6306 => 'ⶈ', 6307 => 'ኘ', 6308 => 'ኙ', 6309 => 'ኚ', 6310 => 'ኛ', 6311 => 'ኜ', 6312 => 'ኝ', 6313 => 'ኞ', 6314 => 'ኟ', 6315 => 'ⶉ', 6316 => 'አ', 6317 => 'ኡ', 6318 => 'ኢ', 6319 => 'ኣ', 6320 => 'ኤ', 6321 => 'እ', 6322 => 'ኦ', 6323 => 'ኧ', 6324 => 'ⶊ', 6325 => 'ከ', 6326 => 'ኩ', 6327 => 'ኪ', 6328 => 'ካ', 6329 => 'ኬ', 6330 => 'ክ', 6331 => 'ኮ', 6332 => 'ኯ', 6333 => 'ኰ', 6334 => 'ኲ', 6335 => 'ኳ', 6336 => 'ኴ', 6337 => 'ኵ', 6338 => 'ኸ', 6339 => 'ኹ', 6340 => 'ኺ', 6341 => 'ኻ', 6342 => 'ኼ', 6343 => 'ኽ', 6344 => 'ኾ', 6345 => 'ዀ', 6346 => 'ዂ', 6347 => 'ዃ', 6348 => 'ዄ', 6349 => 'ዅ', 6350 => 'ወ', 6351 => 'ዉ', 6352 => 'ዊ', 6353 => 'ዋ', 6354 => 'ዌ', 6355 => 'ው', 6356 => 'ዎ', 6357 => 'ዏ', 6358 => 'ዐ', 6359 => 'ዑ', 6360 => 'ዒ', 6361 => 'ዓ', 6362 => 'ዔ', 6363 => 'ዕ', 6364 => 'ዖ', 6365 => 'ዘ', 6366 => 'ዙ', 6367 => 'ዚ', 6368 => 'ዛ', 6369 => 'ዜ', 6370 => 'ዝ', 6371 => 'ዞ', 6372 => 'ዟ', 6373 => 'ⶋ', 6374 => 'ꬑ', 6375 => 'ꬒ', 6376 => 'ꬓ', 6377 => 'ꬔ', 6378 => 'ꬕ', 6379 => 'ꬖ', 6380 => 'ዠ', 6381 => 'ዡ', 6382 => 'ዢ', 6383 => 'ዣ', 6384 => 'ዤ', 6385 => 'ዥ', 6386 => 'ዦ', 6387 => 'ዧ', 6388 => 'የ', 6389 => 'ዩ', 6390 => 'ዪ', 6391 => 'ያ', 6392 => 'ዬ', 6393 => 'ይ', 6394 => 'ዮ', 6395 => 'ዯ', 6396 => 'ደ', 6397 => 'ዱ', 6398 => 'ዲ', 6399 => 'ዳ', 6400 => 'ዴ', 6401 => 'ድ', 6402 => 'ዶ', 6403 => 'ዷ', 6404 => 'ⶌ', 6405 => 'ꬉ', 6406 => 'ꬊ', 6407 => 'ꬋ', 6408 => 'ꬌ', 6409 => 'ꬍ', 6410 => 'ꬎ', 6411 => 'ዸ', 6412 => 'ዹ', 6413 => 'ዺ', 6414 => 'ዻ', 6415 => 'ዼ', 6416 => 'ዽ', 6417 => 'ዾ', 6418 => 'ዿ', 6419 => 'ⶍ', 6420 => 'ጀ', 6421 => 'ጁ', 6422 => 'ጂ', 6423 => 'ጃ', 6424 => 'ጄ', 6425 => 'ጅ', 6426 => 'ጆ', 6427 => 'ጇ', 6428 => 'ⶎ', 6429 => 'ገ', 6430 => 'ጉ', 6431 => 'ጊ', 6432 => 'ጋ', 6433 => 'ጌ', 6434 => 'ግ', 6435 => 'ጎ', 6436 => 'ጏ', 6437 => 'ጐ', 6438 => 'ጒ', 6439 => 'ጓ', 6440 => 'ጔ', 6441 => 'ጕ', 6442 => 'ጘ', 6443 => 'ጙ', 6444 => 'ጚ', 6445 => 'ጛ', 6446 => 'ጜ', 6447 => 'ጝ', 6448 => 'ጞ', 6449 => 'ጟ', 6450 => 'ⶓ', 6451 => 'ⶔ', 6452 => 'ⶕ', 6453 => 'ⶖ', 6454 => 'ጠ', 6455 => 'ጡ', 6456 => 'ጢ', 6457 => 'ጣ', 6458 => 'ጤ', 6459 => 'ጥ', 6460 => 'ጦ', 6461 => 'ጧ', 6462 => 'ⶏ', 6463 => 'ጨ', 6464 => 'ጩ', 6465 => 'ጪ', 6466 => 'ጫ', 6467 => 'ጬ', 6468 => 'ጭ', 6469 => 'ጮ', 6470 => 'ጯ', 6471 => 'ⶐ', 6472 => 'ꬠ', 6473 => 'ꬡ', 6474 => 'ꬢ', 6475 => 'ꬣ', 6476 => 'ꬤ', 6477 => 'ꬥ', 6478 => 'ꬦ', 6479 => 'ጰ', 6480 => 'ጱ', 6481 => 'ጲ', 6482 => 'ጳ', 6483 => 'ጴ', 6484 => 'ጵ', 6485 => 'ጶ', 6486 => 'ጷ', 6487 => 'ⶑ', 6488 => 'ጸ', 6489 => 'ጹ', 6490 => 'ጺ', 6491 => 'ጻ', 6492 => 'ጼ', 6493 => 'ጽ', 6494 => 'ጾ', 6495 => 'ጿ', 6496 => 'ꬨ', 6497 => 'ꬩ', 6498 => 'ꬪ', 6499 => 'ꬫ', 6500 => 'ꬬ', 6501 => 'ꬭ', 6502 => 'ꬮ', 6503 => 'ፀ', 6504 => 'ፁ', 6505 => 'ፂ', 6506 => 'ፃ', 6507 => 'ፄ', 6508 => 'ፅ', 6509 => 'ፆ', 6510 => 'ፇ', 6511 => 'ፈ', 6512 => 'ፉ', 6513 => 'ፊ', 6514 => 'ፋ', 6515 => 'ፌ', 6516 => 'ፍ', 6517 => 'ፎ', 6518 => 'ፏ', 6519 => 'ᎈ', 6520 => 'ᎉ', 6521 => 'ᎊ', 6522 => 'ᎋ', 6523 => 'ፐ', 6524 => 'ፑ', 6525 => 'ፒ', 6526 => 'ፓ', 6527 => 'ፔ', 6528 => 'ፕ', 6529 => 'ፖ', 6530 => 'ፗ', 6531 => 'ᎌ', 6532 => 'ᎍ', 6533 => 'ᎎ', 6534 => 'ᎏ', 6535 => 'ⶒ', 6536 => 'ፘ', 6537 => 'ፙ', 6538 => 'ፚ', 6539 => 'ⶠ', 6540 => 'ⶡ', 6541 => 'ⶢ', 6542 => 'ⶣ', 6543 => 'ⶤ', 6544 => 'ⶥ', 6545 => 'ⶦ', 6546 => 'ⶨ', 6547 => 'ⶩ', 6548 => 'ⶪ', 6549 => 'ⶫ', 6550 => 'ⶬ', 6551 => 'ⶭ', 6552 => 'ⶮ', 6553 => 'ⶰ', 6554 => 'ⶱ', 6555 => 'ⶲ', 6556 => 'ⶳ', 6557 => 'ⶴ', 6558 => 'ⶵ', 6559 => 'ⶶ', 6560 => 'ⶸ', 6561 => 'ⶹ', 6562 => 'ⶺ', 6563 => 'ⶻ', 6564 => 'ⶼ', 6565 => 'ⶽ', 6566 => 'ⶾ', 6567 => 'ⷀ', 6568 => 'ⷁ', 6569 => 'ⷂ', 6570 => 'ⷃ', 6571 => 'ⷄ', 6572 => 'ⷅ', 6573 => 'ⷆ', 6574 => 'ⷈ', 6575 => 'ⷉ', 6576 => 'ⷊ', 6577 => 'ⷋ', 6578 => 'ⷌ', 6579 => 'ⷍ', 6580 => 'ⷎ', 6581 => 'ⷐ', 6582 => 'ⷑ', 6583 => 'ⷒ', 6584 => 'ⷓ', 6585 => 'ⷔ', 6586 => 'ⷕ', 6587 => 'ⷖ', 6588 => 'ⷘ', 6589 => 'ⷙ', 6590 => 'ⷚ', 6591 => 'ⷛ', 6592 => 'ⷜ', 6593 => 'ⷝ', 6594 => 'ⷞ', 6595 => 'ॐ', 6596 => 'ॲ', 6597 => 'ऄ', 6598 => 'अ', 6599 => 'आ', 6600 => 'ॳ', 6601 => 'ॴ', 6602 => 'ॵ', 6603 => 'ॶ', 6604 => 'ॷ', 6605 => 'इ', 6606 => 'ई', 6607 => 'उ', 6608 => 'ऊ', 6609 => 'ऋ', 6610 => 'ॠ', 6611 => 'ऌ', 6612 => 'ॡ', 6613 => 'ऍ', 6614 => 'ऎ', 6615 => 'ए', 6616 => 'ऐ', 6617 => 'ऑ', 6618 => 'ऒ', 6619 => 'ओ', 6620 => 'औ', 6621 => 'क', 6622 => 'ख', 6623 => 'ग', 6624 => 'ॻ', 6625 => 'घ', 6626 => 'ङ', 6627 => 'च', 6628 => 'छ', 6629 => 'ज', 6630 => 'ॹ', 6631 => 'ॼ', 6632 => 'झ', 6633 => 'ञ', 6634 => 'ट', 6635 => 'ठ', 6636 => 'ड', 6637 => 'ॾ', 6638 => 'ढ', 6639 => 'ण', 6640 => 'त', 6641 => 'थ', 6642 => 'द', 6643 => 'ध', 6644 => 'न', 6645 => 'प', 6646 => 'फ', 6647 => 'ब', 6648 => 'ॿ', 6649 => 'भ', 6650 => 'म', 6651 => 'य', 6652 => 'ॺ', 6653 => 'र', 6654 => 'ल', 6655 => 'ळ', 6656 => 'व', 6657 => 'श', 6658 => 'ष', 6659 => 'स', 6660 => 'ह', 6661 => 'ऽ', 6662 => 'ॽ', 6663 => 'ᳩ', 6664 => 'ꣲ', 6665 => 'ꣻ', 6666 => 'অ', 6667 => 'আ', 6668 => 'ই', 6669 => 'ঈ', 6670 => 'উ', 6671 => 'ঊ', 6672 => 'ঋ', 6673 => 'ৠ', 6674 => 'ঌ', 6675 => 'ৡ', 6676 => 'এ', 6677 => 'ঐ', 6678 => 'ও', 6679 => 'ঔ', 6680 => 'ক', 6681 => 'খ', 6682 => 'গ', 6683 => 'ঘ', 6684 => 'ঙ', 6685 => 'চ', 6686 => 'ছ', 6687 => 'জ', 6688 => 'ঝ', 6689 => 'ঞ', 6690 => 'ট', 6691 => 'ঠ', 6692 => 'ড', 6693 => 'ঢ', 6694 => 'ণ', 6695 => 'ত', 6696 => 'থ', 6697 => 'দ', 6698 => 'ধ', 6699 => 'ন', 6700 => 'প', 6701 => 'ফ', 6702 => 'ব', 6703 => 'ভ', 6704 => 'ম', 6705 => 'য', 6706 => 'র', 6707 => 'ৰ', 6708 => 'ল', 6709 => 'ৱ', 6710 => 'শ', 6711 => 'ষ', 6712 => 'স', 6713 => 'হ', 6714 => 'ঽ', 6715 => 'ੴ', 6716 => 'ੳ', 6717 => 'ਉ', 6718 => 'ਊ', 6719 => 'ਓ', 6720 => 'ਅ', 6721 => 'ਆ', 6722 => 'ਐ', 6723 => 'ਔ', 6724 => 'ੲ', 6725 => 'ਇ', 6726 => 'ਈ', 6727 => 'ਏ', 6728 => 'ਸ', 6729 => 'ਹ', 6730 => 'ਕ', 6731 => 'ਖ', 6732 => 'ਗ', 6733 => 'ਘ', 6734 => 'ਙ', 6735 => 'ਚ', 6736 => 'ਛ', 6737 => 'ਜ', 6738 => 'ਝ', 6739 => 'ਞ', 6740 => 'ਟ', 6741 => 'ਠ', 6742 => 'ਡ', 6743 => 'ਢ', 6744 => 'ਣ', 6745 => 'ਤ', 6746 => 'ਥ', 6747 => 'ਦ', 6748 => 'ਧ', 6749 => 'ਨ', 6750 => 'ਪ', 6751 => 'ਫ', 6752 => 'ਬ', 6753 => 'ਭ', 6754 => 'ਮ', 6755 => 'ਯ', 6756 => 'ਰ', 6757 => 'ਲ', 6758 => 'ਵ', 6759 => 'ੜ', 6760 => 'ૐ', 6761 => 'અ', 6762 => 'આ', 6763 => 'ઇ', 6764 => 'ઈ', 6765 => 'ઉ', 6766 => 'ઊ', 6767 => 'ઋ', 6768 => 'ૠ', 6769 => 'ઌ', 6770 => 'ૡ', 6771 => 'ઍ', 6772 => 'એ', 6773 => 'ઐ', 6774 => 'ઑ', 6775 => 'ઓ', 6776 => 'ઔ', 6777 => 'ક', 6778 => 'ખ', 6779 => 'ગ', 6780 => 'ઘ', 6781 => 'ઙ', 6782 => 'ચ', 6783 => 'છ', 6784 => 'જ', 6785 => 'ઝ', 6786 => 'ઞ', 6787 => 'ટ', 6788 => 'ઠ', 6789 => 'ડ', 6790 => 'ઢ', 6791 => 'ણ', 6792 => 'ત', 6793 => 'થ', 6794 => 'દ', 6795 => 'ધ', 6796 => 'ન', 6797 => 'પ', 6798 => 'ફ', 6799 => 'બ', 6800 => 'ભ', 6801 => 'મ', 6802 => 'ય', 6803 => 'ર', 6804 => 'લ', 6805 => 'વ', 6806 => 'શ', 6807 => 'ષ', 6808 => 'સ', 6809 => 'હ', 6810 => 'ળ', 6811 => 'ઽ', 6812 => 'ଅ', 6813 => 'ଆ', 6814 => 'ଇ', 6815 => 'ଈ', 6816 => 'ଉ', 6817 => 'ଊ', 6818 => 'ଋ', 6819 => 'ୠ', 6820 => 'ଌ', 6821 => 'ୡ', 6822 => 'ଏ', 6823 => 'ଐ', 6824 => 'ଓ', 6825 => 'ଔ', 6826 => 'କ', 6827 => 'ଖ', 6828 => 'ଗ', 6829 => 'ଘ', 6830 => 'ଙ', 6831 => 'ଚ', 6832 => 'ଛ', 6833 => 'ଜ', 6834 => 'ଝ', 6835 => 'ଞ', 6836 => 'ଟ', 6837 => 'ଠ', 6838 => 'ଡ', 6839 => 'ଢ', 6840 => 'ଣ', 6841 => 'ତ', 6842 => 'ଥ', 6843 => 'ଦ', 6844 => 'ଧ', 6845 => 'ନ', 6846 => 'ପ', 6847 => 'ଫ', 6848 => 'ବ', 6849 => 'ଭ', 6850 => 'ମ', 6851 => 'ଯ', 6852 => 'ୟ', 6853 => 'ର', 6854 => 'ଲ', 6855 => 'ଳ', 6856 => 'ଵ', 6857 => 'ୱ', 6858 => 'ଶ', 6859 => 'ଷ', 6860 => 'ସ', 6861 => 'ହ', 6862 => 'ଽ', 6863 => 'ௐ', 6864 => 'அ', 6865 => 'ஆ', 6866 => 'இ', 6867 => 'ஈ', 6868 => 'உ', 6869 => 'ஊ', 6870 => 'எ', 6871 => 'ஏ', 6872 => 'ஐ', 6873 => 'ஒ', 6874 => 'ஓ', 6875 => 'ஔ', 6876 => 'ஃ', 6877 => 'க', 6878 => 'ங', 6879 => 'ச', 6880 => 'ஞ', 6881 => 'ட', 6882 => 'ண', 6883 => 'த', 6884 => 'ந', 6885 => 'ப', 6886 => 'ம', 6887 => 'ய', 6888 => 'ர', 6889 => 'ல', 6890 => 'வ', 6891 => 'ழ', 6892 => 'ள', 6893 => 'ற', 6894 => 'ன', 6895 => 'ஜ', 6896 => 'ஶ', 6897 => 'ஷ', 6898 => 'ஸ', 6899 => 'ஹ', 6900 => 'అ', 6901 => 'ఆ', 6902 => 'ఇ', 6903 => 'ఈ', 6904 => 'ఉ', 6905 => 'ఊ', 6906 => 'ఋ', 6907 => 'ౠ', 6908 => 'ఌ', 6909 => 'ౡ', 6910 => 'ఎ', 6911 => 'ఏ', 6912 => 'ఐ', 6913 => 'ఒ', 6914 => 'ఓ', 6915 => 'ఔ', 6916 => 'క', 6917 => 'ఖ', 6918 => 'గ', 6919 => 'ఘ', 6920 => 'ఙ', 6921 => 'చ', 6922 => 'ౘ', 6923 => 'ఛ', 6924 => 'జ', 6925 => 'ౙ', 6926 => 'ఝ', 6927 => 'ఞ', 6928 => 'ట', 6929 => 'ఠ', 6930 => 'డ', 6931 => 'ఢ', 6932 => 'ణ', 6933 => 'త', 6934 => 'థ', 6935 => 'ద', 6936 => 'ధ', 6937 => 'న', 6938 => 'ప', 6939 => 'ఫ', 6940 => 'బ', 6941 => 'భ', 6942 => 'మ', 6943 => 'య', 6944 => 'ర', 6945 => 'ఱ', 6946 => 'ల', 6947 => 'వ', 6948 => 'శ', 6949 => 'ష', 6950 => 'స', 6951 => 'హ', 6952 => 'ళ', 6953 => 'ఽ', 6954 => 'ಅ', 6955 => 'ಆ', 6956 => 'ಇ', 6957 => 'ಈ', 6958 => 'ಉ', 6959 => 'ಊ', 6960 => 'ಋ', 6961 => 'ೠ', 6962 => 'ಌ', 6963 => 'ೡ', 6964 => 'ಎ', 6965 => 'ಏ', 6966 => 'ಐ', 6967 => 'ಒ', 6968 => 'ಓ', 6969 => 'ಔ', 6970 => 'ಕ', 6971 => 'ಖ', 6972 => 'ಗ', 6973 => 'ಘ', 6974 => 'ಙ', 6975 => 'ಚ', 6976 => 'ಛ', 6977 => 'ಜ', 6978 => 'ಝ', 6979 => 'ಞ', 6980 => 'ಟ', 6981 => 'ಠ', 6982 => 'ಡ', 6983 => 'ಢ', 6984 => 'ಣ', 6985 => 'ತ', 6986 => 'ಥ', 6987 => 'ದ', 6988 => 'ಧ', 6989 => 'ನ', 6990 => 'ಪ', 6991 => 'ಫ', 6992 => 'ಬ', 6993 => 'ಭ', 6994 => 'ಮ', 6995 => 'ಯ', 6996 => 'ರ', 6997 => 'ಱ', 6998 => 'ಲ', 6999 => 'ವ', 7000 => 'ಶ', 7001 => 'ಷ', 7002 => 'ಸ', 7003 => 'ಹ', 7004 => 'ಳ', 7005 => 'ೞ', 7006 => 'ಽ', 7007 => 'ೱ', 7008 => 'ೲ', 7009 => 'അ', 7010 => 'ആ', 7011 => 'ഇ', 7012 => 'ഈ', 7013 => 'ഉ', 7014 => 'ഊ', 7015 => 'ഋ', 7016 => 'ൠ', 7017 => 'ഌ', 7018 => 'ൡ', 7019 => 'എ', 7020 => 'ഏ', 7021 => 'ഐ', 7022 => 'ഒ', 7023 => 'ഓ', 7024 => 'ഔ', 7025 => 'ക', 7026 => 'ഖ', 7027 => 'ഗ', 7028 => 'ഘ', 7029 => 'ങ', 7030 => 'ച', 7031 => 'ഛ', 7032 => 'ജ', 7033 => 'ഝ', 7034 => 'ഞ', 7035 => 'ട', 7036 => 'ഠ', 7037 => 'ഡ', 7038 => 'ഢ', 7039 => 'ണ', 7040 => 'ത', 7041 => 'ഥ', 7042 => 'ദ', 7043 => 'ധ', 7044 => 'ന', 7045 => 'ഩ', 7046 => 'പ', 7047 => 'ഫ', 7048 => 'ബ', 7049 => 'ഭ', 7050 => 'മ', 7051 => 'യ', 7052 => 'ര', 7053 => 'ല', 7054 => 'വ', 7055 => 'ശ', 7056 => 'ഷ', 7057 => 'സ', 7058 => 'ഹ', 7059 => 'ള', 7060 => 'ഴ', 7061 => 'റ', 7062 => 'ഺ', 7063 => 'ഽ', 7064 => 'අ', 7065 => 'ආ', 7066 => 'ඇ', 7067 => 'ඈ', 7068 => 'ඉ', 7069 => 'ඊ', 7070 => 'උ', 7071 => 'ඌ', 7072 => 'ඍ', 7073 => 'ඎ', 7074 => 'ඏ', 7075 => 'ඐ', 7076 => 'එ', 7077 => 'ඒ', 7078 => 'ඓ', 7079 => 'ඔ', 7080 => 'ඕ', 7081 => 'ඖ', 7082 => 'ක', 7083 => 'ඛ', 7084 => 'ග', 7085 => 'ඝ', 7086 => 'ඞ', 7087 => 'ඟ', 7088 => 'ච', 7089 => 'ඡ', 7090 => 'ජ', 7091 => 'ඣ', 7092 => 'ඤ', 7093 => 'ඥ', 7094 => 'ඦ', 7095 => 'ට', 7096 => 'ඨ', 7097 => 'ඩ', 7098 => 'ඪ', 7099 => 'ණ', 7100 => 'ඬ', 7101 => 'ත', 7102 => 'ථ', 7103 => 'ද', 7104 => 'ධ', 7105 => 'න', 7106 => 'ඳ', 7107 => 'ප', 7108 => 'ඵ', 7109 => 'බ', 7110 => 'භ', 7111 => 'ම', 7112 => 'ඹ', 7113 => 'ය', 7114 => 'ර', 7115 => 'ල', 7116 => 'ව', 7117 => 'ශ', 7118 => 'ෂ', 7119 => 'ස', 7120 => 'හ', 7121 => 'ළ', 7122 => 'ෆ', 7123 => 'ꯀ', 7124 => 'ꯁ', 7125 => 'ꯂ', 7126 => 'ꯃ', 7127 => 'ꯄ', 7128 => 'ꯅ', 7129 => 'ꯆ', 7130 => 'ꯇ', 7131 => 'ꯈ', 7132 => 'ꯉ', 7133 => 'ꯊ', 7134 => 'ꯋ', 7135 => 'ꯌ', 7136 => 'ꯍ', 7137 => 'ꯎ', 7138 => 'ꯏ', 7139 => 'ꯐ', 7140 => 'ꯑ', 7141 => 'ꯒ', 7142 => 'ꯓ', 7143 => 'ꯔ', 7144 => 'ꯕ', 7145 => 'ꯖ', 7146 => 'ꯗ', 7147 => 'ꯘ', 7148 => 'ꯙ', 7149 => 'ꯚ', 7150 => 'ꯛ', 7151 => 'ꯜ', 7152 => 'ꯝ', 7153 => 'ꯞ', 7154 => 'ꯟ', 7155 => 'ꯠ', 7156 => 'ꯡ', 7157 => 'ꯢ', 7158 => 'ꠀ', 7159 => 'ꠁ', 7160 => 'ꠃ', 7161 => 'ꠄ', 7162 => 'ꠅ', 7163 => 'ꠇ', 7164 => 'ꠈ', 7165 => 'ꠉ', 7166 => 'ꠊ', 7167 => 'ꠌ', 7168 => 'ꠍ', 7169 => 'ꠎ', 7170 => 'ꠏ', 7171 => 'ꠐ', 7172 => 'ꠑ', 7173 => 'ꠒ', 7174 => 'ꠓ', 7175 => 'ꠔ', 7176 => 'ꠕ', 7177 => 'ꠖ', 7178 => 'ꠗ', 7179 => 'ꠘ', 7180 => 'ꠙ', 7181 => 'ꠚ', 7182 => 'ꠛ', 7183 => 'ꠜ', 7184 => 'ꠝ', 7185 => 'ꠞ', 7186 => 'ꠟ', 7187 => 'ꠠ', 7188 => 'ꠡ', 7189 => 'ꠢ', 7190 => 'ꢂ', 7191 => 'ꢃ', 7192 => 'ꢄ', 7193 => 'ꢅ', 7194 => 'ꢆ', 7195 => 'ꢇ', 7196 => 'ꢈ', 7197 => 'ꢉ', 7198 => 'ꢊ', 7199 => 'ꢋ', 7200 => 'ꢌ', 7201 => 'ꢍ', 7202 => 'ꢎ', 7203 => 'ꢏ', 7204 => 'ꢐ', 7205 => 'ꢑ', 7206 => 'ꢒ', 7207 => 'ꢓ', 7208 => 'ꢔ', 7209 => 'ꢕ', 7210 => 'ꢖ', 7211 => 'ꢗ', 7212 => 'ꢘ', 7213 => 'ꢙ', 7214 => 'ꢚ', 7215 => 'ꢛ', 7216 => 'ꢜ', 7217 => 'ꢝ', 7218 => 'ꢞ', 7219 => 'ꢟ', 7220 => 'ꢠ', 7221 => 'ꢡ', 7222 => 'ꢢ', 7223 => 'ꢣ', 7224 => 'ꢤ', 7225 => 'ꢥ', 7226 => 'ꢦ', 7227 => 'ꢧ', 7228 => 'ꢨ', 7229 => 'ꢩ', 7230 => 'ꢪ', 7231 => 'ꢫ', 7232 => 'ꢬ', 7233 => 'ꢭ', 7234 => 'ꢮ', 7235 => 'ꢯ', 7236 => 'ꢰ', 7237 => 'ꢱ', 7238 => 'ꢲ', 7239 => 'ꢳ', 7240 => '𑂃', 7241 => '𑂄', 7242 => '𑂅', 7243 => '𑂆', 7244 => '𑂇', 7245 => '𑂈', 7246 => '𑂉', 7247 => '𑂊', 7248 => '𑂋', 7249 => '𑂌', 7250 => '𑂍', 7251 => '𑂎', 7252 => '𑂏', 7253 => '𑂐', 7254 => '𑂑', 7255 => '𑂒', 7256 => '𑂓', 7257 => '𑂔', 7258 => '𑂕', 7259 => '𑂖', 7260 => '𑂗', 7261 => '𑂘', 7262 => '𑂙', 7263 => '𑂛', 7264 => '𑂝', 7265 => '𑂞', 7266 => '𑂟', 7267 => '𑂠', 7268 => '𑂡', 7269 => '𑂢', 7270 => '𑂣', 7271 => '𑂤', 7272 => '𑂥', 7273 => '𑂦', 7274 => '𑂧', 7275 => '𑂨', 7276 => '𑂩', 7277 => '𑂪', 7278 => '𑂬', 7279 => '𑂭', 7280 => '𑂮', 7281 => '𑂯', 7282 => 'ᮃ', 7283 => 'ᮄ', 7284 => 'ᮅ', 7285 => 'ᮆ', 7286 => 'ᮇ', 7287 => 'ᮈ', 7288 => 'ᮉ', 7289 => 'ᮊ', 7290 => 'ᮮ', 7291 => 'ᮋ', 7292 => 'ᮌ', 7293 => 'ᮍ', 7294 => 'ᮎ', 7295 => 'ᮏ', 7296 => 'ᮐ', 7297 => 'ᮑ', 7298 => 'ᮒ', 7299 => 'ᮓ', 7300 => 'ᮔ', 7301 => 'ᮕ', 7302 => 'ᮖ', 7303 => 'ᮗ', 7304 => 'ᮘ', 7305 => 'ᮙ', 7306 => 'ᮚ', 7307 => 'ᮛ', 7308 => 'ᮜ', 7309 => 'ᮝ', 7310 => 'ᮞ', 7311 => 'ᮟ', 7312 => 'ᮯ', 7313 => 'ᮠ', 7314 => '𑀅', 7315 => '𑀆', 7316 => '𑀇', 7317 => '𑀈', 7318 => '𑀉', 7319 => '𑀊', 7320 => '𑀋', 7321 => '𑀌', 7322 => '𑀍', 7323 => '𑀎', 7324 => '𑀏', 7325 => '𑀐', 7326 => '𑀑', 7327 => '𑀒', 7328 => '𑀓', 7329 => '𑀔', 7330 => '𑀕', 7331 => '𑀖', 7332 => '𑀗', 7333 => '𑀘', 7334 => '𑀙', 7335 => '𑀚', 7336 => '𑀛', 7337 => '𑀜', 7338 => '𑀝', 7339 => '𑀞', 7340 => '𑀟', 7341 => '𑀠', 7342 => '𑀡', 7343 => '𑀢', 7344 => '𑀣', 7345 => '𑀤', 7346 => '𑀥', 7347 => '𑀦', 7348 => '𑀧', 7349 => '𑀨', 7350 => '𑀩', 7351 => '𑀪', 7352 => '𑀫', 7353 => '𑀬', 7354 => '𑀭', 7355 => '𑀮', 7356 => '𑀯', 7357 => '𑀰', 7358 => '𑀱', 7359 => '𑀲', 7360 => '𑀳', 7361 => '𑀃', 7362 => '𑀄', 7363 => '𑀴', 7364 => '𑀵', 7365 => '𑀶', 7366 => '𑀷', 7367 => '𐨀', 7368 => '𐨐', 7369 => '𐨑', 7370 => '𐨒', 7371 => '𐨓', 7372 => '𐨕', 7373 => '𐨖', 7374 => '𐨗', 7375 => '𐨙', 7376 => '𐨚', 7377 => '𐨛', 7378 => '𐨜', 7379 => '𐨝', 7380 => '𐨞', 7381 => '𐨟', 7382 => '𐨠', 7383 => '𐨡', 7384 => '𐨢', 7385 => '𐨣', 7386 => '𐨤', 7387 => '𐨥', 7388 => '𐨦', 7389 => '𐨧', 7390 => '𐨨', 7391 => '𐨩', 7392 => '𐨪', 7393 => '𐨫', 7394 => '𐨬', 7395 => '𐨭', 7396 => '𐨮', 7397 => '𐨯', 7398 => '𐨰', 7399 => '𐨱', 7400 => '𐨲', 7401 => '𐨳', 7402 => 'ก', 7403 => 'ข', 7404 => 'ฃ', 7405 => 'ค', 7406 => 'ฅ', 7407 => 'ฆ', 7408 => 'ง', 7409 => 'จ', 7410 => 'ฉ', 7411 => 'ช', 7412 => 'ซ', 7413 => 'ฌ', 7414 => 'ญ', 7415 => 'ฎ', 7416 => 'ฏ', 7417 => 'ฐ', 7418 => 'ฑ', 7419 => 'ฒ', 7420 => 'ณ', 7421 => 'ด', 7422 => 'ต', 7423 => 'ถ', 7424 => 'ท', 7425 => 'ธ', 7426 => 'น', 7427 => 'บ', 7428 => 'ป', 7429 => 'ผ', 7430 => 'ฝ', 7431 => 'พ', 7432 => 'ฟ', 7433 => 'ภ', 7434 => 'ม', 7435 => 'ย', 7436 => 'ร', 7437 => 'ฤ', 7438 => 'ล', 7439 => 'ฦ', 7440 => 'ว', 7441 => 'ศ', 7442 => 'ษ', 7443 => 'ส', 7444 => 'ห', 7445 => 'ฬ', 7446 => 'อ', 7447 => 'ฮ', 7448 => 'ฯ', 7449 => 'ะ', 7450 => 'า', 7451 => 'ำ', 7452 => 'เ', 7453 => 'แ', 7454 => 'โ', 7455 => 'ใ', 7456 => 'ไ', 7457 => 'ๅ', 7458 => 'ກ', 7459 => 'ຂ', 7460 => 'ຄ', 7461 => 'ງ', 7462 => 'ຈ', 7463 => 'ສ', 7464 => 'ຊ', 7465 => 'ຍ', 7466 => 'ດ', 7467 => 'ຕ', 7468 => 'ຖ', 7469 => 'ທ', 7470 => 'ນ', 7471 => 'ບ', 7472 => 'ປ', 7473 => 'ຜ', 7474 => 'ຝ', 7475 => 'ພ', 7476 => 'ຟ', 7477 => 'ມ', 7478 => 'ຢ', 7479 => 'ຣ', 7480 => 'ລ', 7481 => 'ວ', 7482 => 'ຫ', 7483 => 'ອ', 7484 => 'ຮ', 7485 => 'ຯ', 7486 => 'ະ', 7487 => 'າ', 7488 => 'ຳ', 7489 => 'ຽ', 7490 => 'ເ', 7491 => 'ແ', 7492 => 'ໂ', 7493 => 'ໃ', 7494 => 'ໄ', 7495 => 'ꪀ', 7496 => 'ꪁ', 7497 => 'ꪂ', 7498 => 'ꪃ', 7499 => 'ꪄ', 7500 => 'ꪅ', 7501 => 'ꪆ', 7502 => 'ꪇ', 7503 => 'ꪈ', 7504 => 'ꪉ', 7505 => 'ꪊ', 7506 => 'ꪋ', 7507 => 'ꪌ', 7508 => 'ꪍ', 7509 => 'ꪎ', 7510 => 'ꪏ', 7511 => 'ꪐ', 7512 => 'ꪑ', 7513 => 'ꪒ', 7514 => 'ꪓ', 7515 => 'ꪔ', 7516 => 'ꪕ', 7517 => 'ꪖ', 7518 => 'ꪗ', 7519 => 'ꪘ', 7520 => 'ꪙ', 7521 => 'ꪚ', 7522 => 'ꪛ', 7523 => 'ꪜ', 7524 => 'ꪝ', 7525 => 'ꪞ', 7526 => 'ꪟ', 7527 => 'ꪠ', 7528 => 'ꪡ', 7529 => 'ꪢ', 7530 => 'ꪣ', 7531 => 'ꪤ', 7532 => 'ꪥ', 7533 => 'ꪦ', 7534 => 'ꪧ', 7535 => 'ꪨ', 7536 => 'ꪩ', 7537 => 'ꪪ', 7538 => 'ꪫ', 7539 => 'ꪬ', 7540 => 'ꪭ', 7541 => 'ꪮ', 7542 => 'ꪯ', 7543 => 'ꪱ', 7544 => 'ꪵ', 7545 => 'ꪶ', 7546 => 'ꪹ', 7547 => 'ꪺ', 7548 => 'ꪻ', 7549 => 'ꪼ', 7550 => 'ꪽ', 7551 => 'ꫀ', 7552 => 'ꫂ', 7553 => 'ꫛ', 7554 => 'ꫜ', 7555 => 'ཀ', 7556 => 'ཫ', 7557 => 'ཁ', 7558 => 'ག', 7559 => 'ང', 7560 => 'ཅ', 7561 => 'ཆ', 7562 => 'ཇ', 7563 => 'ཉ', 7564 => 'ཊ', 7565 => 'ཋ', 7566 => 'ཌ', 7567 => 'ཎ', 7568 => 'ཏ', 7569 => 'ཐ', 7570 => 'ད', 7571 => 'ན', 7572 => 'པ', 7573 => 'ཕ', 7574 => 'བ', 7575 => 'མ', 7576 => 'ཙ', 7577 => 'ཚ', 7578 => 'ཛ', 7579 => 'ཝ', 7580 => 'ཞ', 7581 => 'ཟ', 7582 => 'འ', 7583 => 'ཡ', 7584 => 'ར', 7585 => 'ཬ', 7586 => 'ལ', 7587 => 'ཤ', 7588 => 'ཥ', 7589 => 'ས', 7590 => 'ཧ', 7591 => 'ཨ', 7592 => 'ྈ', 7593 => 'ྉ', 7594 => 'ྌ', 7595 => 'ྊ', 7596 => 'ྋ', 7597 => 'ᰀ', 7598 => 'ᰁ', 7599 => 'ᰂ', 7600 => 'ᰃ', 7601 => 'ᰄ', 7602 => 'ᰅ', 7603 => 'ᰆ', 7604 => 'ᰇ', 7605 => 'ᰈ', 7606 => 'ᰉ', 7607 => 'ᱍ', 7608 => 'ᱎ', 7609 => 'ᱏ', 7610 => 'ᰊ', 7611 => 'ᰋ', 7612 => 'ᰌ', 7613 => 'ᰍ', 7614 => 'ᰎ', 7615 => 'ᰏ', 7616 => 'ᰐ', 7617 => 'ᰑ', 7618 => 'ᰒ', 7619 => 'ᰓ', 7620 => 'ᰔ', 7621 => 'ᰕ', 7622 => 'ᰖ', 7623 => 'ᰗ', 7624 => 'ᰘ', 7625 => 'ᰙ', 7626 => 'ᰚ', 7627 => 'ᰛ', 7628 => 'ᰜ', 7629 => 'ᰝ', 7630 => 'ᰞ', 7631 => 'ᰟ', 7632 => 'ᰠ', 7633 => 'ᰡ', 7634 => 'ᰢ', 7635 => 'ᰣ', 7636 => 'ꡀ', 7637 => 'ꡁ', 7638 => 'ꡂ', 7639 => 'ꡃ', 7640 => 'ꡄ', 7641 => 'ꡅ', 7642 => 'ꡆ', 7643 => 'ꡇ', 7644 => 'ꡩ', 7645 => 'ꡪ', 7646 => 'ꡫ', 7647 => 'ꡬ', 7648 => 'ꡈ', 7649 => 'ꡉ', 7650 => 'ꡊ', 7651 => 'ꡋ', 7652 => 'ꡌ', 7653 => 'ꡍ', 7654 => 'ꡎ', 7655 => 'ꡏ', 7656 => 'ꡐ', 7657 => 'ꡑ', 7658 => 'ꡒ', 7659 => 'ꡓ', 7660 => 'ꡧ', 7661 => 'ꡔ', 7662 => 'ꡕ', 7663 => 'ꡖ', 7664 => 'ꡗ', 7665 => 'ꡨ', 7666 => 'ꡭ', 7667 => 'ꡘ', 7668 => 'ꡱ', 7669 => 'ꡲ', 7670 => 'ꡙ', 7671 => 'ꡚ', 7672 => 'ꡮ', 7673 => 'ꡛ', 7674 => 'ꡜ', 7675 => 'ꡯ', 7676 => 'ꡰ', 7677 => 'ꡝ', 7678 => 'ꡢ', 7679 => 'ꡣ', 7680 => 'ꡤ', 7681 => 'ꡥ', 7682 => 'ꡞ', 7683 => 'ꡟ', 7684 => 'ꡠ', 7685 => 'ꡡ', 7686 => 'ꡦ', 7687 => 'ꡳ', 7688 => 'ᤀ', 7689 => 'ᤁ', 7690 => 'ᤂ', 7691 => 'ᤃ', 7692 => 'ᤄ', 7693 => 'ᤅ', 7694 => 'ᤆ', 7695 => 'ᤇ', 7696 => 'ᤈ', 7697 => 'ᤉ', 7698 => 'ᤊ', 7699 => 'ᤋ', 7700 => 'ᤌ', 7701 => 'ᤍ', 7702 => 'ᤎ', 7703 => 'ᤏ', 7704 => 'ᤐ', 7705 => 'ᤑ', 7706 => 'ᤒ', 7707 => 'ᤓ', 7708 => 'ᤔ', 7709 => 'ᤕ', 7710 => 'ᤖ', 7711 => 'ᤗ', 7712 => 'ᤘ', 7713 => 'ᤙ', 7714 => 'ᤚ', 7715 => 'ᤛ', 7716 => 'ᤜ', 7717 => 'ᜀ', 7718 => 'ᜁ', 7719 => 'ᜂ', 7720 => 'ᜃ', 7721 => 'ᜄ', 7722 => 'ᜅ', 7723 => 'ᜆ', 7724 => 'ᜇ', 7725 => 'ᜈ', 7726 => 'ᜉ', 7727 => 'ᜊ', 7728 => 'ᜋ', 7729 => 'ᜌ', 7730 => 'ᜎ', 7731 => 'ᜏ', 7732 => 'ᜐ', 7733 => 'ᜑ', 7734 => 'ᜠ', 7735 => 'ᜡ', 7736 => 'ᜢ', 7737 => 'ᜣ', 7738 => 'ᜤ', 7739 => 'ᜥ', 7740 => 'ᜦ', 7741 => 'ᜧ', 7742 => 'ᜨ', 7743 => 'ᜩ', 7744 => 'ᜪ', 7745 => 'ᜫ', 7746 => 'ᜬ', 7747 => 'ᜭ', 7748 => 'ᜮ', 7749 => 'ᜯ', 7750 => 'ᜰ', 7751 => 'ᜱ', 7752 => 'ᝀ', 7753 => 'ᝁ', 7754 => 'ᝂ', 7755 => 'ᝃ', 7756 => 'ᝄ', 7757 => 'ᝅ', 7758 => 'ᝆ', 7759 => 'ᝇ', 7760 => 'ᝈ', 7761 => 'ᝉ', 7762 => 'ᝊ', 7763 => 'ᝋ', 7764 => 'ᝌ', 7765 => 'ᝍ', 7766 => 'ᝎ', 7767 => 'ᝏ', 7768 => 'ᝐ', 7769 => 'ᝑ', 7770 => 'ᝠ', 7771 => 'ᝡ', 7772 => 'ᝢ', 7773 => 'ᝣ', 7774 => 'ᝤ', 7775 => 'ᝥ', 7776 => 'ᝦ', 7777 => 'ᝧ', 7778 => 'ᝨ', 7779 => 'ᝩ', 7780 => 'ᝪ', 7781 => 'ᝫ', 7782 => 'ᝬ', 7783 => 'ᝮ', 7784 => 'ᝯ', 7785 => 'ᝰ', 7786 => 'ᨀ', 7787 => 'ᨁ', 7788 => 'ᨂ', 7789 => 'ᨃ', 7790 => 'ᨄ', 7791 => 'ᨅ', 7792 => 'ᨆ', 7793 => 'ᨇ', 7794 => 'ᨈ', 7795 => 'ᨉ', 7796 => 'ᨊ', 7797 => 'ᨋ', 7798 => 'ᨌ', 7799 => 'ᨍ', 7800 => 'ᨎ', 7801 => 'ᨏ', 7802 => 'ᨐ', 7803 => 'ᨑ', 7804 => 'ᨒ', 7805 => 'ᨓ', 7806 => 'ᨔ', 7807 => 'ᨕ', 7808 => 'ᨖ', 7809 => 'ᯀ', 7810 => 'ᯂ', 7811 => 'ᯅ', 7812 => 'ᯇ', 7813 => 'ᯉ', 7814 => 'ᯋ', 7815 => 'ᯎ', 7816 => 'ᯐ', 7817 => 'ᯑ', 7818 => 'ᯒ', 7819 => 'ᯔ', 7820 => 'ᯖ', 7821 => 'ᯘ', 7822 => 'ᯛ', 7823 => 'ᯝ', 7824 => 'ᯞ', 7825 => 'ᯠ', 7826 => 'ᯡ', 7827 => 'ᯢ', 7828 => 'ᯣ', 7829 => 'ᯤ', 7830 => 'ᯥ', 7831 => 'ꤰ', 7832 => 'ꤱ', 7833 => 'ꤲ', 7834 => 'ꤳ', 7835 => 'ꤴ', 7836 => 'ꤵ', 7837 => 'ꤶ', 7838 => 'ꤷ', 7839 => 'ꤸ', 7840 => 'ꤹ', 7841 => 'ꤺ', 7842 => 'ꤻ', 7843 => 'ꤼ', 7844 => 'ꤽ', 7845 => 'ꤾ', 7846 => 'ꤿ', 7847 => 'ꥀ', 7848 => 'ꥁ', 7849 => 'ꥂ', 7850 => 'ꥃ', 7851 => 'ꥄ', 7852 => 'ꥅ', 7853 => 'ꥆ', 7854 => 'ꤊ', 7855 => 'ꤋ', 7856 => 'ꤌ', 7857 => 'ꤍ', 7858 => 'ꤎ', 7859 => 'ꤏ', 7860 => 'ꤐ', 7861 => 'ꤑ', 7862 => 'ꤒ', 7863 => 'ꤓ', 7864 => 'ꤔ', 7865 => 'ꤕ', 7866 => 'ꤖ', 7867 => 'ꤗ', 7868 => 'ꤘ', 7869 => 'ꤙ', 7870 => 'ꤚ', 7871 => 'ꤛ', 7872 => 'ꤜ', 7873 => 'ꤝ', 7874 => 'ꤞ', 7875 => 'ꤟ', 7876 => 'ꤠ', 7877 => 'ꤡ', 7878 => 'ꤢ', 7879 => 'ꤣ', 7880 => 'ꤤ', 7881 => 'ꤥ', 7882 => 'က', 7883 => 'ၵ', 7884 => 'ခ', 7885 => 'ၶ', 7886 => 'ဂ', 7887 => 'ၷ', 7888 => 'ꩠ', 7889 => 'ဃ', 7890 => 'င', 7891 => 'ၚ', 7892 => 'စ', 7893 => 'ၸ', 7894 => 'ꩡ', 7895 => 'ဆ', 7896 => 'ꩢ', 7897 => 'ဇ', 7898 => 'ꩣ', 7899 => 'ၹ', 7900 => 'ꩲ', 7901 => 'ဈ', 7902 => 'ၛ', 7903 => 'ꩤ', 7904 => 'ၡ', 7905 => 'ဉ', 7906 => 'ၺ', 7907 => 'ꩥ', 7908 => 'ည', 7909 => 'ဋ', 7910 => 'ꩦ', 7911 => 'ဌ', 7912 => 'ꩧ', 7913 => 'ဍ', 7914 => 'ꩨ', 7915 => 'ဎ', 7916 => 'ꩩ', 7917 => 'ဏ', 7918 => 'ၮ', 7919 => 'တ', 7920 => 'ထ', 7921 => 'ဒ', 7922 => 'ၻ', 7923 => 'ဓ', 7924 => 'ꩪ', 7925 => 'န', 7926 => 'ၼ', 7927 => 'ꩫ', 7928 => 'ပ', 7929 => 'ဖ', 7930 => 'ၽ', 7931 => 'ၾ', 7932 => 'ꩯ', 7933 => 'ႎ', 7934 => 'ဗ', 7935 => 'ၿ', 7936 => 'ဘ', 7937 => 'မ', 7938 => 'ယ', 7939 => 'ရ', 7940 => 'ꩳ', 7941 => 'ꩺ', 7942 => 'လ', 7943 => 'ဝ', 7944 => 'ႀ', 7945 => 'ၐ', 7946 => 'ၑ', 7947 => 'ၥ', 7948 => 'သ', 7949 => 'ꩬ', 7950 => 'ဟ', 7951 => 'ႁ', 7952 => 'ꩭ', 7953 => 'ꩮ', 7954 => 'ꩱ', 7955 => 'ဠ', 7956 => 'ၜ', 7957 => 'ၝ', 7958 => 'ၯ', 7959 => 'ၰ', 7960 => 'ၦ', 7961 => 'အ', 7962 => 'ဢ', 7963 => 'ဣ', 7964 => 'ဤ', 7965 => 'ဥ', 7966 => 'ဦ', 7967 => 'ၒ', 7968 => 'ၓ', 7969 => 'ၔ', 7970 => 'ၕ', 7971 => 'ဧ', 7972 => 'ဨ', 7973 => 'ဩ', 7974 => 'ဪ', 7975 => 'ꩴ', 7976 => 'ꩵ', 7977 => 'ꩶ', 7978 => 'ក', 7979 => 'ខ', 7980 => 'គ', 7981 => 'ឃ', 7982 => 'ង', 7983 => 'ច', 7984 => 'ឆ', 7985 => 'ជ', 7986 => 'ឈ', 7987 => 'ញ', 7988 => 'ដ', 7989 => 'ឋ', 7990 => 'ឌ', 7991 => 'ឍ', 7992 => 'ណ', 7993 => 'ត', 7994 => 'ថ', 7995 => 'ទ', 7996 => 'ធ', 7997 => 'ន', 7998 => 'ប', 7999 => 'ផ', 8000 => 'ព', 8001 => 'ភ', 8002 => 'ម', 8003 => 'យ', 8004 => 'រ', 8005 => 'ល', 8006 => 'វ', 8007 => 'ឝ', 8008 => 'ឞ', 8009 => 'ស', 8010 => 'ហ', 8011 => 'ឡ', 8012 => 'អ', 8013 => 'ៜ', 8014 => 'ឣ', 8015 => 'ឤ', 8016 => 'ឥ', 8017 => 'ឦ', 8018 => 'ឧ', 8019 => 'ឨ', 8020 => 'ឩ', 8021 => 'ឪ', 8022 => 'ឫ', 8023 => 'ឬ', 8024 => 'ឭ', 8025 => 'ឮ', 8026 => 'ឯ', 8027 => 'ឰ', 8028 => 'ឱ', 8029 => 'ឲ', 8030 => 'ឳ', 8031 => 'ᥐ', 8032 => 'ᥑ', 8033 => 'ᥒ', 8034 => 'ᥓ', 8035 => 'ᥔ', 8036 => 'ᥕ', 8037 => 'ᥖ', 8038 => 'ᥗ', 8039 => 'ᥘ', 8040 => 'ᥙ', 8041 => 'ᥚ', 8042 => 'ᥛ', 8043 => 'ᥜ', 8044 => 'ᥝ', 8045 => 'ᥞ', 8046 => 'ᥟ', 8047 => 'ᥠ', 8048 => 'ᥡ', 8049 => 'ᥢ', 8050 => 'ᥣ', 8051 => 'ᥤ', 8052 => 'ᥥ', 8053 => 'ᥦ', 8054 => 'ᥧ', 8055 => 'ᥨ', 8056 => 'ᥩ', 8057 => 'ᥪ', 8058 => 'ᥫ', 8059 => 'ᥬ', 8060 => 'ᥭ', 8061 => 'ᥰ', 8062 => 'ᥱ', 8063 => 'ᥲ', 8064 => 'ᥳ', 8065 => 'ᥴ', 8066 => 'ᦀ', 8067 => 'ᦁ', 8068 => 'ᦂ', 8069 => 'ᦃ', 8070 => 'ᦄ', 8071 => 'ᦅ', 8072 => 'ᦆ', 8073 => 'ᦇ', 8074 => 'ᦈ', 8075 => 'ᦉ', 8076 => 'ᦊ', 8077 => 'ᦋ', 8078 => 'ᦌ', 8079 => 'ᦍ', 8080 => 'ᦎ', 8081 => 'ᦏ', 8082 => 'ᦐ', 8083 => 'ᦑ', 8084 => 'ᦒ', 8085 => 'ᦓ', 8086 => 'ᦔ', 8087 => 'ᦕ', 8088 => 'ᦖ', 8089 => 'ᦗ', 8090 => 'ᦘ', 8091 => 'ᦙ', 8092 => 'ᦚ', 8093 => 'ᦛ', 8094 => 'ᦜ', 8095 => 'ᦝ', 8096 => 'ᦞ', 8097 => 'ᦟ', 8098 => 'ᦠ', 8099 => 'ᦡ', 8100 => 'ᦢ', 8101 => 'ᦣ', 8102 => 'ᦤ', 8103 => 'ᦥ', 8104 => 'ᦦ', 8105 => 'ᦧ', 8106 => 'ᦨ', 8107 => 'ᦩ', 8108 => 'ᦪ', 8109 => 'ᦫ', 8110 => 'ᧁ', 8111 => 'ᧂ', 8112 => 'ᧃ', 8113 => 'ᧄ', 8114 => 'ᧅ', 8115 => 'ᧆ', 8116 => 'ᧇ', 8117 => 'ᨠ', 8118 => 'ᨡ', 8119 => 'ᨢ', 8120 => 'ᨣ', 8121 => 'ᨤ', 8122 => 'ᨥ', 8123 => 'ᨦ', 8124 => 'ᨧ', 8125 => 'ᨨ', 8126 => 'ᨩ', 8127 => 'ᨪ', 8128 => 'ᨫ', 8129 => 'ᨬ', 8130 => 'ᨭ', 8131 => 'ᨮ', 8132 => 'ᨯ', 8133 => 'ᨰ', 8134 => 'ᨱ', 8135 => 'ᨲ', 8136 => 'ᨳ', 8137 => 'ᨴ', 8138 => 'ᨵ', 8139 => 'ᨶ', 8140 => 'ᨷ', 8141 => 'ᨸ', 8142 => 'ᨹ', 8143 => 'ᨺ', 8144 => 'ᨻ', 8145 => 'ᨼ', 8146 => 'ᨽ', 8147 => 'ᨾ', 8148 => 'ᨿ', 8149 => 'ᩀ', 8150 => 'ᩁ', 8151 => 'ᩂ', 8152 => 'ᩃ', 8153 => 'ᩄ', 8154 => 'ᩅ', 8155 => 'ᩆ', 8156 => 'ᩇ', 8157 => 'ᩈ', 8158 => 'ᩉ', 8159 => 'ᩊ', 8160 => 'ᩋ', 8161 => 'ᩌ', 8162 => 'ᩓ', 8163 => 'ᩍ', 8164 => 'ᩎ', 8165 => 'ᩏ', 8166 => 'ᩐ', 8167 => 'ᩑ', 8168 => 'ᩒ', 8169 => 'ꨀ', 8170 => 'ꨁ', 8171 => 'ꨂ', 8172 => 'ꨃ', 8173 => 'ꨄ', 8174 => 'ꨅ', 8175 => 'ꨆ', 8176 => 'ꨇ', 8177 => 'ꨈ', 8178 => 'ꨉ', 8179 => 'ꨊ', 8180 => 'ꨋ', 8181 => 'ꨌ', 8182 => 'ꨍ', 8183 => 'ꨎ', 8184 => 'ꨏ', 8185 => 'ꨐ', 8186 => 'ꨑ', 8187 => 'ꨒ', 8188 => 'ꨓ', 8189 => 'ꨔ', 8190 => 'ꨕ', 8191 => 'ꨖ', 8192 => 'ꨗ', 8193 => 'ꨘ', 8194 => 'ꨙ', 8195 => 'ꨚ', 8196 => 'ꨛ', 8197 => 'ꨜ', 8198 => 'ꨝ', 8199 => 'ꨞ', 8200 => 'ꨟ', 8201 => 'ꨠ', 8202 => 'ꨡ', 8203 => 'ꨢ', 8204 => 'ꨣ', 8205 => 'ꨤ', 8206 => 'ꨥ', 8207 => 'ꨦ', 8208 => 'ꨧ', 8209 => 'ꨨ', 8210 => 'ꩀ', 8211 => 'ꩁ', 8212 => 'ꩂ', 8213 => 'ꩄ', 8214 => 'ꩅ', 8215 => 'ꩆ', 8216 => 'ꩇ', 8217 => 'ꩈ', 8218 => 'ꩉ', 8219 => 'ꩊ', 8220 => 'ꩋ', 8221 => 'ᬅ', 8222 => 'ᬆ', 8223 => 'ᬇ', 8224 => 'ᬈ', 8225 => 'ᬉ', 8226 => 'ᬊ', 8227 => 'ᬋ', 8228 => 'ᬌ', 8229 => 'ᬍ', 8230 => 'ᬎ', 8231 => 'ᬏ', 8232 => 'ᬐ', 8233 => 'ᬑ', 8234 => 'ᬒ', 8235 => 'ᬓ', 8236 => 'ᭅ', 8237 => 'ᭆ', 8238 => 'ᬔ', 8239 => 'ᬕ', 8240 => 'ᬖ', 8241 => 'ᬗ', 8242 => 'ᬘ', 8243 => 'ᬙ', 8244 => 'ᬚ', 8245 => 'ᬛ', 8246 => 'ᬜ', 8247 => 'ᬝ', 8248 => 'ᬞ', 8249 => 'ᬟ', 8250 => 'ᬠ', 8251 => 'ᬡ', 8252 => 'ᬢ', 8253 => 'ᭇ', 8254 => 'ᬣ', 8255 => 'ᬤ', 8256 => 'ᬥ', 8257 => 'ᬦ', 8258 => 'ᬧ', 8259 => 'ᭈ', 8260 => 'ᬨ', 8261 => 'ᬩ', 8262 => 'ᬪ', 8263 => 'ᬫ', 8264 => 'ᬬ', 8265 => 'ᬭ', 8266 => 'ᬮ', 8267 => 'ᬯ', 8268 => 'ᭉ', 8269 => 'ᬰ', 8270 => 'ᬱ', 8271 => 'ᬲ', 8272 => 'ᭊ', 8273 => 'ᭋ', 8274 => 'ᬳ', 8275 => 'ꦄ', 8276 => 'ꦅ', 8277 => 'ꦆ', 8278 => 'ꦇ', 8279 => 'ꦈ', 8280 => 'ꦉ', 8281 => 'ꦊ', 8282 => 'ꦋ', 8283 => 'ꦌ', 8284 => 'ꦍ', 8285 => 'ꦎ', 8286 => 'ꦏ', 8287 => 'ꦐ', 8288 => 'ꦑ', 8289 => 'ꦒ', 8290 => 'ꦓ', 8291 => 'ꦔ', 8292 => 'ꦕ', 8293 => 'ꦖ', 8294 => 'ꦗ', 8295 => 'ꦘ', 8296 => 'ꦙ', 8297 => 'ꦚ', 8298 => 'ꦛ', 8299 => 'ꦜ', 8300 => 'ꦝ', 8301 => 'ꦞ', 8302 => 'ꦟ', 8303 => 'ꦠ', 8304 => 'ꦡ', 8305 => 'ꦢ', 8306 => 'ꦣ', 8307 => 'ꦤ', 8308 => 'ꦥ', 8309 => 'ꦦ', 8310 => 'ꦧ', 8311 => 'ꦨ', 8312 => 'ꦩ', 8313 => 'ꦪ', 8314 => 'ꦫ', 8315 => 'ꦭ', 8316 => 'ꦮ', 8317 => 'ꦯ', 8318 => 'ꦰ', 8319 => 'ꦱ', 8320 => 'ꦲ', 8321 => 'ᢀ', 8322 => 'ᢁ', 8323 => 'ᢂ', 8324 => 'ᢃ', 8325 => 'ᢄ', 8326 => 'ᢅ', 8327 => 'ᢆ', 8328 => 'ᡃ', 8329 => 'ᠠ', 8330 => 'ᢇ', 8331 => 'ᠡ', 8332 => 'ᡄ', 8333 => 'ᡝ', 8334 => 'ᠢ', 8335 => 'ᡅ', 8336 => 'ᡞ', 8337 => 'ᡳ', 8338 => 'ᢈ', 8339 => 'ᡟ', 8340 => 'ᠣ', 8341 => 'ᡆ', 8342 => 'ᠤ', 8343 => 'ᡇ', 8344 => 'ᡡ', 8345 => 'ᠥ', 8346 => 'ᡈ', 8347 => 'ᠦ', 8348 => 'ᡉ', 8349 => 'ᡠ', 8350 => 'ᠧ', 8351 => 'ᠨ', 8352 => 'ᠩ', 8353 => 'ᡊ', 8354 => 'ᡢ', 8355 => 'ᢊ', 8356 => 'ᢛ', 8357 => 'ᠪ', 8358 => 'ᡋ', 8359 => 'ᠫ', 8360 => 'ᡌ', 8361 => 'ᡦ', 8362 => 'ᠬ', 8363 => 'ᡍ', 8364 => 'ᠭ', 8365 => 'ᡎ', 8366 => 'ᡤ', 8367 => 'ᢚ', 8368 => 'ᡥ', 8369 => 'ᠮ', 8370 => 'ᡏ', 8371 => 'ᠯ', 8372 => 'ᠰ', 8373 => 'ᠱ', 8374 => 'ᡧ', 8375 => 'ᢜ', 8376 => 'ᢝ', 8377 => 'ᢢ', 8378 => 'ᢤ', 8379 => 'ᢥ', 8380 => 'ᠲ', 8381 => 'ᡐ', 8382 => 'ᡨ', 8383 => 'ᠳ', 8384 => 'ᡑ', 8385 => 'ᡩ', 8386 => 'ᠴ', 8387 => 'ᡒ', 8388 => 'ᡱ', 8389 => 'ᡜ', 8390 => 'ᢋ', 8391 => 'ᠵ', 8392 => 'ᡓ', 8393 => 'ᡪ', 8394 => 'ᡷ', 8395 => 'ᠶ', 8396 => 'ᡕ', 8397 => 'ᡲ', 8398 => 'ᠷ', 8399 => 'ᡵ', 8400 => 'ᠸ', 8401 => 'ᡖ', 8402 => 'ᠹ', 8403 => 'ᡫ', 8404 => 'ᡶ', 8405 => 'ᠺ', 8406 => 'ᡗ', 8407 => 'ᡣ', 8408 => 'ᡴ', 8409 => 'ᢉ', 8410 => 'ᠻ', 8411 => 'ᠼ', 8412 => 'ᡔ', 8413 => 'ᡮ', 8414 => 'ᠽ', 8415 => 'ᡯ', 8416 => 'ᡘ', 8417 => 'ᡬ', 8418 => 'ᠾ', 8419 => 'ᡙ', 8420 => 'ᡭ', 8421 => 'ᠿ', 8422 => 'ᡀ', 8423 => 'ᡁ', 8424 => 'ᡂ', 8425 => 'ᡚ', 8426 => 'ᡛ', 8427 => 'ᡰ', 8428 => 'ᢌ', 8429 => 'ᢞ', 8430 => 'ᢍ', 8431 => 'ᢎ', 8432 => 'ᢟ', 8433 => 'ᢏ', 8434 => 'ᢐ', 8435 => 'ᢘ', 8436 => 'ᢠ', 8437 => 'ᢑ', 8438 => 'ᢡ', 8439 => 'ᢒ', 8440 => 'ᢓ', 8441 => 'ᢨ', 8442 => 'ᢔ', 8443 => 'ᢣ', 8444 => 'ᢕ', 8445 => 'ᢙ', 8446 => 'ᢖ', 8447 => 'ᢗ', 8448 => 'ᢦ', 8449 => 'ᢧ', 8450 => 'ᢪ', 8451 => 'ᱚ', 8452 => 'ᱛ', 8453 => 'ᱜ', 8454 => 'ᱝ', 8455 => 'ᱞ', 8456 => 'ᱟ', 8457 => 'ᱠ', 8458 => 'ᱡ', 8459 => 'ᱢ', 8460 => 'ᱣ', 8461 => 'ᱤ', 8462 => 'ᱥ', 8463 => 'ᱦ', 8464 => 'ᱧ', 8465 => 'ᱨ', 8466 => 'ᱩ', 8467 => 'ᱪ', 8468 => 'ᱫ', 8469 => 'ᱬ', 8470 => 'ᱭ', 8471 => 'ᱮ', 8472 => 'ᱯ', 8473 => 'ᱰ', 8474 => 'ᱱ', 8475 => 'ᱲ', 8476 => 'ᱳ', 8477 => 'ᱴ', 8478 => 'ᱵ', 8479 => 'ᱶ', 8480 => 'ᱷ', 8481 => 'ᱸ', 8482 => 'ᱹ', 8483 => 'ᱺ', 8484 => 'ᱻ', 8485 => 'ᱼ', 8486 => 'ᱽ', 8487 => 'Ꭰ', 8488 => 'Ꭱ', 8489 => 'Ꭲ', 8490 => 'Ꭳ', 8491 => 'Ꭴ', 8492 => 'Ꭵ', 8493 => 'Ꭶ', 8494 => 'Ꭷ', 8495 => 'Ꭸ', 8496 => 'Ꭹ', 8497 => 'Ꭺ', 8498 => 'Ꭻ', 8499 => 'Ꭼ', 8500 => 'Ꭽ', 8501 => 'Ꭾ', 8502 => 'Ꭿ', 8503 => 'Ꮀ', 8504 => 'Ꮁ', 8505 => 'Ꮂ', 8506 => 'Ꮃ', 8507 => 'Ꮄ', 8508 => 'Ꮅ', 8509 => 'Ꮆ', 8510 => 'Ꮇ', 8511 => 'Ꮈ', 8512 => 'Ꮉ', 8513 => 'Ꮊ', 8514 => 'Ꮋ', 8515 => 'Ꮌ', 8516 => 'Ꮍ', 8517 => 'Ꮎ', 8518 => 'Ꮏ', 8519 => 'Ꮐ', 8520 => 'Ꮑ', 8521 => 'Ꮒ', 8522 => 'Ꮓ', 8523 => 'Ꮔ', 8524 => 'Ꮕ', 8525 => 'Ꮖ', 8526 => 'Ꮗ', 8527 => 'Ꮘ', 8528 => 'Ꮙ', 8529 => 'Ꮚ', 8530 => 'Ꮛ', 8531 => 'Ꮜ', 8532 => 'Ꮝ', 8533 => 'Ꮞ', 8534 => 'Ꮟ', 8535 => 'Ꮠ', 8536 => 'Ꮡ', 8537 => 'Ꮢ', 8538 => 'Ꮣ', 8539 => 'Ꮤ', 8540 => 'Ꮥ', 8541 => 'Ꮦ', 8542 => 'Ꮧ', 8543 => 'Ꮨ', 8544 => 'Ꮩ', 8545 => 'Ꮪ', 8546 => 'Ꮫ', 8547 => 'Ꮬ', 8548 => 'Ꮭ', 8549 => 'Ꮮ', 8550 => 'Ꮯ', 8551 => 'Ꮰ', 8552 => 'Ꮱ', 8553 => 'Ꮲ', 8554 => 'Ꮳ', 8555 => 'Ꮴ', 8556 => 'Ꮵ', 8557 => 'Ꮶ', 8558 => 'Ꮷ', 8559 => 'Ꮸ', 8560 => 'Ꮹ', 8561 => 'Ꮺ', 8562 => 'Ꮻ', 8563 => 'Ꮼ', 8564 => 'Ꮽ', 8565 => 'Ꮾ', 8566 => 'Ꮿ', 8567 => 'Ᏸ', 8568 => 'Ᏹ', 8569 => 'Ᏺ', 8570 => 'Ᏻ', 8571 => 'Ᏼ', 8572 => 'ᐁ', 8573 => 'ᐂ', 8574 => 'ᐃ', 8575 => 'ᐄ', 8576 => 'ᐅ', 8577 => 'ᐆ', 8578 => 'ᐇ', 8579 => 'ᐈ', 8580 => 'ᐉ', 8581 => 'ᐊ', 8582 => 'ᐋ', 8583 => 'ᐌ', 8584 => 'ᐍ', 8585 => 'ᐎ', 8586 => 'ᐏ', 8587 => 'ᐐ', 8588 => 'ᐑ', 8589 => 'ᐒ', 8590 => 'ᐓ', 8591 => 'ᐔ', 8592 => 'ᐕ', 8593 => 'ᐖ', 8594 => 'ᐗ', 8595 => 'ᐘ', 8596 => 'ᐙ', 8597 => 'ᐚ', 8598 => 'ᐛ', 8599 => 'ᐜ', 8600 => 'ᐝ', 8601 => 'ᐞ', 8602 => 'ᐟ', 8603 => 'ᐠ', 8604 => 'ᐡ', 8605 => 'ᐢ', 8606 => 'ᐣ', 8607 => 'ᐤ', 8608 => 'ᐥ', 8609 => 'ᐦ', 8610 => 'ᐧ', 8611 => 'ᐨ', 8612 => 'ᐩ', 8613 => 'ᐪ', 8614 => 'ᐫ', 8615 => 'ᐬ', 8616 => 'ᐭ', 8617 => 'ᐮ', 8618 => 'ᐯ', 8619 => 'ᐰ', 8620 => 'ᐱ', 8621 => 'ᐲ', 8622 => 'ᐳ', 8623 => 'ᐴ', 8624 => 'ᐵ', 8625 => 'ᐶ', 8626 => 'ᐷ', 8627 => 'ᐸ', 8628 => 'ᐹ', 8629 => 'ᐺ', 8630 => 'ᐻ', 8631 => 'ᐼ', 8632 => 'ᐽ', 8633 => 'ᐾ', 8634 => 'ᐿ', 8635 => 'ᑀ', 8636 => 'ᑁ', 8637 => 'ᑂ', 8638 => 'ᑃ', 8639 => 'ᑄ', 8640 => 'ᑅ', 8641 => 'ᑆ', 8642 => 'ᑇ', 8643 => 'ᑈ', 8644 => 'ᑉ', 8645 => 'ᑊ', 8646 => 'ᑋ', 8647 => 'ᑌ', 8648 => 'ᑍ', 8649 => 'ᑎ', 8650 => 'ᑏ', 8651 => 'ᑐ', 8652 => 'ᑑ', 8653 => 'ᑒ', 8654 => 'ᑓ', 8655 => 'ᑔ', 8656 => 'ᑕ', 8657 => 'ᑖ', 8658 => 'ᑗ', 8659 => 'ᑘ', 8660 => 'ᑙ', 8661 => 'ᑚ', 8662 => 'ᑛ', 8663 => 'ᑜ', 8664 => 'ᑝ', 8665 => 'ᑞ', 8666 => 'ᑟ', 8667 => 'ᑠ', 8668 => 'ᑡ', 8669 => 'ᑢ', 8670 => 'ᑣ', 8671 => 'ᑤ', 8672 => 'ᑥ', 8673 => 'ᑦ', 8674 => 'ᑧ', 8675 => 'ᑨ', 8676 => 'ᑩ', 8677 => 'ᑪ', 8678 => 'ᑫ', 8679 => 'ᑬ', 8680 => 'ᑭ', 8681 => 'ᑮ', 8682 => 'ᑯ', 8683 => 'ᑰ', 8684 => 'ᑱ', 8685 => 'ᑲ', 8686 => 'ᑳ', 8687 => 'ᑴ', 8688 => 'ᑵ', 8689 => 'ᑶ', 8690 => 'ᑷ', 8691 => 'ᑸ', 8692 => 'ᑹ', 8693 => 'ᑺ', 8694 => 'ᑻ', 8695 => 'ᑼ', 8696 => 'ᑽ', 8697 => 'ᑾ', 8698 => 'ᑿ', 8699 => 'ᒀ', 8700 => 'ᒁ', 8701 => 'ᒂ', 8702 => 'ᒃ', 8703 => 'ᒄ', 8704 => 'ᒅ', 8705 => 'ᒆ', 8706 => 'ᒇ', 8707 => 'ᒈ', 8708 => 'ᒉ', 8709 => 'ᒊ', 8710 => 'ᒋ', 8711 => 'ᒌ', 8712 => 'ᒍ', 8713 => 'ᒎ', 8714 => 'ᒏ', 8715 => 'ᒐ', 8716 => 'ᒑ', 8717 => 'ᒒ', 8718 => 'ᒓ', 8719 => 'ᒔ', 8720 => 'ᒕ', 8721 => 'ᒖ', 8722 => 'ᒗ', 8723 => 'ᒘ', 8724 => 'ᒙ', 8725 => 'ᒚ', 8726 => 'ᒛ', 8727 => 'ᒜ', 8728 => 'ᒝ', 8729 => 'ᒞ', 8730 => 'ᒟ', 8731 => 'ᒠ', 8732 => 'ᒡ', 8733 => 'ᒢ', 8734 => 'ᒣ', 8735 => 'ᒤ', 8736 => 'ᒥ', 8737 => 'ᒦ', 8738 => 'ᒧ', 8739 => 'ᒨ', 8740 => 'ᒩ', 8741 => 'ᒪ', 8742 => 'ᒫ', 8743 => 'ᒬ', 8744 => 'ᒭ', 8745 => 'ᒮ', 8746 => 'ᒯ', 8747 => 'ᒰ', 8748 => 'ᒱ', 8749 => 'ᒲ', 8750 => 'ᒳ', 8751 => 'ᒴ', 8752 => 'ᒵ', 8753 => 'ᒶ', 8754 => 'ᒷ', 8755 => 'ᒸ', 8756 => 'ᒹ', 8757 => 'ᒺ', 8758 => 'ᒻ', 8759 => 'ᒼ', 8760 => 'ᒽ', 8761 => 'ᒾ', 8762 => 'ᒿ', 8763 => 'ᓀ', 8764 => 'ᓁ', 8765 => 'ᓂ', 8766 => 'ᓃ', 8767 => 'ᓄ', 8768 => 'ᓅ', 8769 => 'ᓆ', 8770 => 'ᓇ', 8771 => 'ᓈ', 8772 => 'ᓉ', 8773 => 'ᓊ', 8774 => 'ᓋ', 8775 => 'ᓌ', 8776 => 'ᓍ', 8777 => 'ᓎ', 8778 => 'ᓏ', 8779 => 'ᓐ', 8780 => 'ᓑ', 8781 => 'ᓒ', 8782 => 'ᓓ', 8783 => 'ᓔ', 8784 => 'ᓕ', 8785 => 'ᓖ', 8786 => 'ᓗ', 8787 => 'ᓘ', 8788 => 'ᓙ', 8789 => 'ᓚ', 8790 => 'ᓛ', 8791 => 'ᓜ', 8792 => 'ᓝ', 8793 => 'ᓞ', 8794 => 'ᓟ', 8795 => 'ᓠ', 8796 => 'ᓡ', 8797 => 'ᓢ', 8798 => 'ᓣ', 8799 => 'ᓤ', 8800 => 'ᓥ', 8801 => 'ᓦ', 8802 => 'ᓧ', 8803 => 'ᓨ', 8804 => 'ᓩ', 8805 => 'ᓪ', 8806 => 'ᓫ', 8807 => 'ᓬ', 8808 => 'ᓭ', 8809 => 'ᓮ', 8810 => 'ᓯ', 8811 => 'ᓰ', 8812 => 'ᓱ', 8813 => 'ᓲ', 8814 => 'ᓳ', 8815 => 'ᓴ', 8816 => 'ᓵ', 8817 => 'ᓶ', 8818 => 'ᓷ', 8819 => 'ᓸ', 8820 => 'ᓹ', 8821 => 'ᓺ', 8822 => 'ᓻ', 8823 => 'ᓼ', 8824 => 'ᓽ', 8825 => 'ᓾ', 8826 => 'ᓿ', 8827 => 'ᔀ', 8828 => 'ᔁ', 8829 => 'ᔂ', 8830 => 'ᔃ', 8831 => 'ᔄ', 8832 => 'ᔅ', 8833 => 'ᔆ', 8834 => 'ᔇ', 8835 => 'ᔈ', 8836 => 'ᔉ', 8837 => 'ᔊ', 8838 => 'ᔋ', 8839 => 'ᔌ', 8840 => 'ᔍ', 8841 => 'ᔎ', 8842 => 'ᔏ', 8843 => 'ᔐ', 8844 => 'ᔑ', 8845 => 'ᔒ', 8846 => 'ᔓ', 8847 => 'ᔔ', 8848 => 'ᔕ', 8849 => 'ᔖ', 8850 => 'ᔗ', 8851 => 'ᔘ', 8852 => 'ᔙ', 8853 => 'ᔚ', 8854 => 'ᔛ', 8855 => 'ᔜ', 8856 => 'ᔝ', 8857 => 'ᔞ', 8858 => 'ᔟ', 8859 => 'ᔠ', 8860 => 'ᔡ', 8861 => 'ᔢ', 8862 => 'ᔣ', 8863 => 'ᔤ', 8864 => 'ᔥ', 8865 => 'ᔦ', 8866 => 'ᔧ', 8867 => 'ᔨ', 8868 => 'ᔩ', 8869 => 'ᔪ', 8870 => 'ᔫ', 8871 => 'ᔬ', 8872 => 'ᔭ', 8873 => 'ᔮ', 8874 => 'ᔯ', 8875 => 'ᔰ', 8876 => 'ᔱ', 8877 => 'ᔲ', 8878 => 'ᔳ', 8879 => 'ᔴ', 8880 => 'ᔵ', 8881 => 'ᔶ', 8882 => 'ᔷ', 8883 => 'ᔸ', 8884 => 'ᔹ', 8885 => 'ᔺ', 8886 => 'ᔻ', 8887 => 'ᔼ', 8888 => 'ᔽ', 8889 => 'ᔾ', 8890 => 'ᔿ', 8891 => 'ᕀ', 8892 => 'ᕁ', 8893 => 'ᕂ', 8894 => 'ᕃ', 8895 => 'ᕄ', 8896 => 'ᕅ', 8897 => 'ᕆ', 8898 => 'ᕇ', 8899 => 'ᕈ', 8900 => 'ᕉ', 8901 => 'ᕊ', 8902 => 'ᕋ', 8903 => 'ᕌ', 8904 => 'ᕍ', 8905 => 'ᕎ', 8906 => 'ᕏ', 8907 => 'ᕐ', 8908 => 'ᕑ', 8909 => 'ᕒ', 8910 => 'ᕓ', 8911 => 'ᕔ', 8912 => 'ᕕ', 8913 => 'ᕖ', 8914 => 'ᕗ', 8915 => 'ᕘ', 8916 => 'ᕙ', 8917 => 'ᕚ', 8918 => 'ᕛ', 8919 => 'ᕜ', 8920 => 'ᕝ', 8921 => 'ᕞ', 8922 => 'ᕟ', 8923 => 'ᕠ', 8924 => 'ᕡ', 8925 => 'ᕢ', 8926 => 'ᕣ', 8927 => 'ᕤ', 8928 => 'ᕥ', 8929 => 'ᕦ', 8930 => 'ᕧ', 8931 => 'ᕨ', 8932 => 'ᕩ', 8933 => 'ᕪ', 8934 => 'ᕫ', 8935 => 'ᕬ', 8936 => 'ᕭ', 8937 => 'ᕮ', 8938 => 'ᕯ', 8939 => 'ᕰ', 8940 => 'ᕱ', 8941 => 'ᕲ', 8942 => 'ᕳ', 8943 => 'ᕴ', 8944 => 'ᕵ', 8945 => 'ᕶ', 8946 => 'ᕷ', 8947 => 'ᕸ', 8948 => 'ᕹ', 8949 => 'ᕺ', 8950 => 'ᕻ', 8951 => 'ᕽ', 8952 => 'ᙯ', 8953 => 'ᕾ', 8954 => 'ᕿ', 8955 => 'ᖀ', 8956 => 'ᖁ', 8957 => 'ᖂ', 8958 => 'ᖃ', 8959 => 'ᖄ', 8960 => 'ᖅ', 8961 => 'ᖆ', 8962 => 'ᖇ', 8963 => 'ᖈ', 8964 => 'ᖉ', 8965 => 'ᖊ', 8966 => 'ᖋ', 8967 => 'ᖌ', 8968 => 'ᖍ', 8969 => 'ᙰ', 8970 => 'ᖎ', 8971 => 'ᖏ', 8972 => 'ᖐ', 8973 => 'ᖑ', 8974 => 'ᖒ', 8975 => 'ᖓ', 8976 => 'ᖔ', 8977 => 'ᖕ', 8978 => 'ᙱ', 8979 => 'ᙲ', 8980 => 'ᙳ', 8981 => 'ᙴ', 8982 => 'ᙵ', 8983 => 'ᙶ', 8984 => 'ᖖ', 8985 => 'ᖗ', 8986 => 'ᖘ', 8987 => 'ᖙ', 8988 => 'ᖚ', 8989 => 'ᖛ', 8990 => 'ᖜ', 8991 => 'ᖝ', 8992 => 'ᖞ', 8993 => 'ᖟ', 8994 => 'ᖠ', 8995 => 'ᖡ', 8996 => 'ᖢ', 8997 => 'ᖣ', 8998 => 'ᖤ', 8999 => 'ᖥ', 9000 => 'ᖦ', 9001 => 'ᕼ', 9002 => 'ᖧ', 9003 => 'ᖨ', 9004 => 'ᖩ', 9005 => 'ᖪ', 9006 => 'ᖫ', 9007 => 'ᖬ', 9008 => 'ᖭ', 9009 => 'ᖮ', 9010 => 'ᖯ', 9011 => 'ᖰ', 9012 => 'ᖱ', 9013 => 'ᖲ', 9014 => 'ᖳ', 9015 => 'ᖴ', 9016 => 'ᖵ', 9017 => 'ᖶ', 9018 => 'ᖷ', 9019 => 'ᖸ', 9020 => 'ᖹ', 9021 => 'ᖺ', 9022 => 'ᖻ', 9023 => 'ᖼ', 9024 => 'ᖽ', 9025 => 'ᖾ', 9026 => 'ᖿ', 9027 => 'ᗀ', 9028 => 'ᗁ', 9029 => 'ᗂ', 9030 => 'ᗃ', 9031 => 'ᗄ', 9032 => 'ᗅ', 9033 => 'ᗆ', 9034 => 'ᗇ', 9035 => 'ᗈ', 9036 => 'ᗉ', 9037 => 'ᗊ', 9038 => 'ᗋ', 9039 => 'ᗌ', 9040 => 'ᗍ', 9041 => 'ᗎ', 9042 => 'ᗏ', 9043 => 'ᗐ', 9044 => 'ᗑ', 9045 => 'ᗒ', 9046 => 'ᗓ', 9047 => 'ᗔ', 9048 => 'ᗕ', 9049 => 'ᗖ', 9050 => 'ᗗ', 9051 => 'ᗘ', 9052 => 'ᗙ', 9053 => 'ᗚ', 9054 => 'ᗛ', 9055 => 'ᗜ', 9056 => 'ᗝ', 9057 => 'ᗞ', 9058 => 'ᗟ', 9059 => 'ᗠ', 9060 => 'ᗡ', 9061 => 'ᗢ', 9062 => 'ᗣ', 9063 => 'ᗤ', 9064 => 'ᗥ', 9065 => 'ᗦ', 9066 => 'ᗧ', 9067 => 'ᗨ', 9068 => 'ᗩ', 9069 => 'ᗪ', 9070 => 'ᗫ', 9071 => 'ᗬ', 9072 => 'ᗭ', 9073 => 'ᗮ', 9074 => 'ᗯ', 9075 => 'ᗰ', 9076 => 'ᗱ', 9077 => 'ᗲ', 9078 => 'ᗳ', 9079 => 'ᗴ', 9080 => 'ᗵ', 9081 => 'ᗶ', 9082 => 'ᗷ', 9083 => 'ᗸ', 9084 => 'ᗹ', 9085 => 'ᗺ', 9086 => 'ᗻ', 9087 => 'ᗼ', 9088 => 'ᗽ', 9089 => 'ᗾ', 9090 => 'ᗿ', 9091 => 'ᘀ', 9092 => 'ᘁ', 9093 => 'ᘂ', 9094 => 'ᘃ', 9095 => 'ᘄ', 9096 => 'ᘅ', 9097 => 'ᘆ', 9098 => 'ᘇ', 9099 => 'ᘈ', 9100 => 'ᘉ', 9101 => 'ᘊ', 9102 => 'ᘋ', 9103 => 'ᘌ', 9104 => 'ᘍ', 9105 => 'ᘎ', 9106 => 'ᘏ', 9107 => 'ᘐ', 9108 => 'ᘑ', 9109 => 'ᘒ', 9110 => 'ᘓ', 9111 => 'ᘔ', 9112 => 'ᘕ', 9113 => 'ᘖ', 9114 => 'ᘗ', 9115 => 'ᘘ', 9116 => 'ᘙ', 9117 => 'ᘚ', 9118 => 'ᘛ', 9119 => 'ᘜ', 9120 => 'ᘝ', 9121 => 'ᘞ', 9122 => 'ᘟ', 9123 => 'ᘠ', 9124 => 'ᘡ', 9125 => 'ᘢ', 9126 => 'ᘣ', 9127 => 'ᘤ', 9128 => 'ᘥ', 9129 => 'ᘦ', 9130 => 'ᘧ', 9131 => 'ᘨ', 9132 => 'ᘩ', 9133 => 'ᘪ', 9134 => 'ᘫ', 9135 => 'ᘬ', 9136 => 'ᘭ', 9137 => 'ᘮ', 9138 => 'ᘯ', 9139 => 'ᘰ', 9140 => 'ᘱ', 9141 => 'ᘲ', 9142 => 'ᘳ', 9143 => 'ᘴ', 9144 => 'ᘵ', 9145 => 'ᘶ', 9146 => 'ᘷ', 9147 => 'ᘸ', 9148 => 'ᘹ', 9149 => 'ᘺ', 9150 => 'ᘻ', 9151 => 'ᘼ', 9152 => 'ᘽ', 9153 => 'ᘾ', 9154 => 'ᘿ', 9155 => 'ᙀ', 9156 => 'ᙁ', 9157 => 'ᙂ', 9158 => 'ᙃ', 9159 => 'ᙄ', 9160 => 'ᙅ', 9161 => 'ᙆ', 9162 => 'ᙇ', 9163 => 'ᙈ', 9164 => 'ᙉ', 9165 => 'ᙊ', 9166 => 'ᙋ', 9167 => 'ᙌ', 9168 => 'ᙍ', 9169 => 'ᙎ', 9170 => 'ᙏ', 9171 => 'ᙐ', 9172 => 'ᙑ', 9173 => 'ᙒ', 9174 => 'ᙓ', 9175 => 'ᙔ', 9176 => 'ᙕ', 9177 => 'ᙖ', 9178 => 'ᙗ', 9179 => 'ᙘ', 9180 => 'ᙙ', 9181 => 'ᙚ', 9182 => 'ᙛ', 9183 => 'ᙜ', 9184 => 'ᙝ', 9185 => 'ᙞ', 9186 => 'ᙟ', 9187 => 'ᙠ', 9188 => 'ᙡ', 9189 => 'ᙢ', 9190 => 'ᙣ', 9191 => 'ᙤ', 9192 => 'ᙥ', 9193 => 'ᙦ', 9194 => 'ᙧ', 9195 => 'ᙨ', 9196 => 'ᙩ', 9197 => 'ᙪ', 9198 => 'ᙫ', 9199 => 'ᙬ', 9200 => 'ᙷ', 9201 => 'ᙸ', 9202 => 'ᙹ', 9203 => 'ᙺ', 9204 => 'ᙻ', 9205 => 'ᙼ', 9206 => 'ᙽ', 9207 => 'ᙾ', 9208 => 'ᙿ', 9209 => 'ᢰ', 9210 => 'ᢱ', 9211 => 'ᢲ', 9212 => 'ᢳ', 9213 => 'ᢴ', 9214 => 'ᢵ', 9215 => 'ᢶ', 9216 => 'ᢷ', 9217 => 'ᢸ', 9218 => 'ᢹ', 9219 => 'ᢺ', 9220 => 'ᢻ', 9221 => 'ᢼ', 9222 => 'ᢽ', 9223 => 'ᢾ', 9224 => 'ᢿ', 9225 => 'ᣀ', 9226 => 'ᣁ', 9227 => 'ᣂ', 9228 => 'ᣃ', 9229 => 'ᣄ', 9230 => 'ᣅ', 9231 => 'ᣆ', 9232 => 'ᣇ', 9233 => 'ᣈ', 9234 => 'ᣉ', 9235 => 'ᣊ', 9236 => 'ᣋ', 9237 => 'ᣌ', 9238 => 'ᣍ', 9239 => 'ᣎ', 9240 => 'ᣏ', 9241 => 'ᣐ', 9242 => 'ᣑ', 9243 => 'ᣒ', 9244 => 'ᣓ', 9245 => 'ᣔ', 9246 => 'ᣕ', 9247 => 'ᣖ', 9248 => 'ᣗ', 9249 => 'ᣘ', 9250 => 'ᣙ', 9251 => 'ᣚ', 9252 => 'ᣛ', 9253 => 'ᣜ', 9254 => 'ᣝ', 9255 => 'ᣞ', 9256 => 'ᣟ', 9257 => 'ᣠ', 9258 => 'ᣡ', 9259 => 'ᣢ', 9260 => 'ᣣ', 9261 => 'ᣤ', 9262 => 'ᣥ', 9263 => 'ᣦ', 9264 => 'ᣧ', 9265 => 'ᣨ', 9266 => 'ᣩ', 9267 => 'ᣪ', 9268 => 'ᣫ', 9269 => 'ᣬ', 9270 => 'ᣭ', 9271 => 'ᣮ', 9272 => 'ᣯ', 9273 => 'ᣰ', 9274 => 'ᣱ', 9275 => 'ᣲ', 9276 => 'ᣳ', 9277 => 'ᣴ', 9278 => 'ᣵ', 9279 => 'ᚁ', 9280 => 'ᚂ', 9281 => 'ᚃ', 9282 => 'ᚄ', 9283 => 'ᚅ', 9284 => 'ᚆ', 9285 => 'ᚇ', 9286 => 'ᚈ', 9287 => 'ᚉ', 9288 => 'ᚊ', 9289 => 'ᚋ', 9290 => 'ᚌ', 9291 => 'ᚍ', 9292 => 'ᚎ', 9293 => 'ᚏ', 9294 => 'ᚐ', 9295 => 'ᚑ', 9296 => 'ᚒ', 9297 => 'ᚓ', 9298 => 'ᚔ', 9299 => 'ᚕ', 9300 => 'ᚖ', 9301 => 'ᚗ', 9302 => 'ᚘ', 9303 => 'ᚙ', 9304 => 'ᚚ', 9305 => 'ᚠ', 9306 => 'ᚢ', 9307 => 'ᚦ', 9308 => 'ᚨ', 9309 => 'ᚯ', 9310 => 'ᚰ', 9311 => 'ᚱ', 9312 => 'ᚲ', 9313 => 'ᚷ', 9314 => 'ᚹ', 9315 => 'ᚺ', 9316 => 'ᚾ', 9317 => 'ᛁ', 9318 => 'ᛃ', 9319 => 'ᛅ', 9320 => 'ᛇ', 9321 => 'ᛈ', 9322 => 'ᛉ', 9323 => 'ᛊ', 9324 => 'ᛏ', 9325 => 'ᛒ', 9326 => 'ᛖ', 9327 => 'ᛗ', 9328 => 'ᛚ', 9329 => 'ᛜ', 9330 => 'ᛞ', 9331 => 'ᛟ', 9332 => 'ᚪ', 9333 => 'ᚫ', 9334 => 'ᚣ', 9335 => 'ᛠ', 9336 => 'ᛣ', 9337 => 'ᚸ', 9338 => 'ᛤ', 9339 => 'ᛡ', 9340 => 'ᛢ', 9341 => 'ᛥ', 9342 => 'ᛦ', 9343 => '𐰀', 9344 => '𐰂', 9345 => '𐰃', 9346 => '𐰅', 9347 => '𐰆', 9348 => '𐰇', 9349 => '𐰉', 9350 => '𐰋', 9351 => '𐰍', 9352 => '𐰏', 9353 => '𐰑', 9354 => '𐰓', 9355 => '𐰔', 9356 => '𐰖', 9357 => '𐰘', 9358 => '𐰚', 9359 => '𐰜', 9360 => '𐰞', 9361 => '𐰠', 9362 => '𐰡', 9363 => '𐰢', 9364 => '𐰣', 9365 => '𐰤', 9366 => '𐰦', 9367 => '𐰨', 9368 => '𐰪', 9369 => '𐰬', 9370 => '𐰭', 9371 => '𐰯', 9372 => '𐰰', 9373 => '𐰱', 9374 => '𐰲', 9375 => '𐰴', 9376 => '𐰶', 9377 => '𐰸', 9378 => '𐰺', 9379 => '𐰼', 9380 => '𐰽', 9381 => '𐰾', 9382 => '𐰿', 9383 => '𐱁', 9384 => '𐱃', 9385 => '𐱅', 9386 => '𐱇', 9387 => '𐱈', 9388 => 'ꔀ', 9389 => 'ꔁ', 9390 => 'ꔂ', 9391 => 'ꔃ', 9392 => 'ꔄ', 9393 => 'ꔅ', 9394 => 'ꔆ', 9395 => 'ꔇ', 9396 => 'ꔈ', 9397 => 'ꔉ', 9398 => 'ꔊ', 9399 => 'ꔋ', 9400 => 'ꔌ', 9401 => 'ꔍ', 9402 => 'ꔎ', 9403 => 'ꔏ', 9404 => 'ꔐ', 9405 => 'ꔑ', 9406 => 'ꔒ', 9407 => 'ꔓ', 9408 => 'ꔔ', 9409 => 'ꔕ', 9410 => 'ꔖ', 9411 => 'ꔗ', 9412 => 'ꔘ', 9413 => 'ꔙ', 9414 => 'ꔚ', 9415 => 'ꔛ', 9416 => 'ꔜ', 9417 => 'ꔝ', 9418 => 'ꔞ', 9419 => 'ꔟ', 9420 => 'ꔠ', 9421 => 'ꔡ', 9422 => 'ꔢ', 9423 => 'ꔣ', 9424 => 'ꔤ', 9425 => 'ꔥ', 9426 => 'ꔦ', 9427 => 'ꔧ', 9428 => 'ꔨ', 9429 => 'ꔩ', 9430 => 'ꔪ', 9431 => 'ꔫ', 9432 => 'ꔬ', 9433 => 'ꔭ', 9434 => 'ꔮ', 9435 => 'ꔯ', 9436 => 'ꔰ', 9437 => 'ꔱ', 9438 => 'ꔲ', 9439 => 'ꔳ', 9440 => 'ꔴ', 9441 => 'ꔵ', 9442 => 'ꔶ', 9443 => 'ꔷ', 9444 => 'ꔸ', 9445 => 'ꔹ', 9446 => 'ꔺ', 9447 => 'ꔻ', 9448 => 'ꔼ', 9449 => 'ꔽ', 9450 => 'ꔾ', 9451 => 'ꔿ', 9452 => 'ꕀ', 9453 => 'ꕁ', 9454 => 'ꕂ', 9455 => 'ꕃ', 9456 => 'ꕄ', 9457 => 'ꕅ', 9458 => 'ꕆ', 9459 => 'ꕇ', 9460 => 'ꕈ', 9461 => 'ꕉ', 9462 => 'ꕊ', 9463 => 'ꕋ', 9464 => 'ꕌ', 9465 => 'ꕍ', 9466 => 'ꕎ', 9467 => 'ꕏ', 9468 => 'ꕐ', 9469 => 'ꕑ', 9470 => 'ꕒ', 9471 => 'ꕓ', 9472 => 'ꕔ', 9473 => 'ꕕ', 9474 => 'ꕖ', 9475 => 'ꕗ', 9476 => 'ꕘ', 9477 => 'ꕙ', 9478 => 'ꕚ', 9479 => 'ꕛ', 9480 => 'ꕜ', 9481 => 'ꕝ', 9482 => 'ꕞ', 9483 => 'ꕟ', 9484 => 'ꕠ', 9485 => 'ꕡ', 9486 => 'ꕢ', 9487 => 'ꕣ', 9488 => 'ꕤ', 9489 => 'ꕥ', 9490 => 'ꕦ', 9491 => 'ꕧ', 9492 => 'ꕨ', 9493 => 'ꕩ', 9494 => 'ꕪ', 9495 => 'ꕫ', 9496 => 'ꕬ', 9497 => 'ꕭ', 9498 => 'ꕮ', 9499 => 'ꕯ', 9500 => 'ꕰ', 9501 => 'ꕱ', 9502 => 'ꕲ', 9503 => 'ꕳ', 9504 => 'ꕴ', 9505 => 'ꕵ', 9506 => 'ꕶ', 9507 => 'ꕷ', 9508 => 'ꕸ', 9509 => 'ꕹ', 9510 => 'ꕺ', 9511 => 'ꕻ', 9512 => 'ꕼ', 9513 => 'ꕽ', 9514 => 'ꕾ', 9515 => 'ꕿ', 9516 => 'ꖀ', 9517 => 'ꖁ', 9518 => 'ꖂ', 9519 => 'ꖃ', 9520 => 'ꖄ', 9521 => 'ꖅ', 9522 => 'ꖆ', 9523 => 'ꖇ', 9524 => 'ꖈ', 9525 => 'ꖉ', 9526 => 'ꖊ', 9527 => 'ꖋ', 9528 => 'ꖌ', 9529 => 'ꖍ', 9530 => 'ꖎ', 9531 => 'ꖏ', 9532 => 'ꖐ', 9533 => 'ꖑ', 9534 => 'ꖒ', 9535 => 'ꖓ', 9536 => 'ꖔ', 9537 => 'ꖕ', 9538 => 'ꖖ', 9539 => 'ꖗ', 9540 => 'ꖘ', 9541 => 'ꖙ', 9542 => 'ꖚ', 9543 => 'ꖛ', 9544 => 'ꖜ', 9545 => 'ꖝ', 9546 => 'ꖞ', 9547 => 'ꖟ', 9548 => 'ꖠ', 9549 => 'ꖡ', 9550 => 'ꖢ', 9551 => 'ꖣ', 9552 => 'ꖤ', 9553 => 'ꖥ', 9554 => 'ꖦ', 9555 => 'ꖧ', 9556 => 'ꖨ', 9557 => 'ꖩ', 9558 => 'ꖪ', 9559 => 'ꖫ', 9560 => 'ꖬ', 9561 => 'ꖭ', 9562 => 'ꖮ', 9563 => 'ꖯ', 9564 => 'ꖰ', 9565 => 'ꖱ', 9566 => 'ꖲ', 9567 => 'ꖳ', 9568 => 'ꖴ', 9569 => 'ꖵ', 9570 => 'ꖶ', 9571 => 'ꖷ', 9572 => 'ꖸ', 9573 => 'ꖹ', 9574 => 'ꖺ', 9575 => 'ꖻ', 9576 => 'ꖼ', 9577 => 'ꖽ', 9578 => 'ꖾ', 9579 => 'ꖿ', 9580 => 'ꗀ', 9581 => 'ꗁ', 9582 => 'ꗂ', 9583 => 'ꗃ', 9584 => 'ꗄ', 9585 => 'ꗅ', 9586 => 'ꗆ', 9587 => 'ꗇ', 9588 => 'ꗈ', 9589 => 'ꗉ', 9590 => 'ꗊ', 9591 => 'ꗋ', 9592 => 'ꗌ', 9593 => 'ꗍ', 9594 => 'ꗎ', 9595 => 'ꗏ', 9596 => 'ꗐ', 9597 => 'ꗑ', 9598 => 'ꗒ', 9599 => 'ꗓ', 9600 => 'ꗔ', 9601 => 'ꗕ', 9602 => 'ꗖ', 9603 => 'ꗗ', 9604 => 'ꗘ', 9605 => 'ꗙ', 9606 => 'ꗚ', 9607 => 'ꗛ', 9608 => 'ꗜ', 9609 => 'ꗝ', 9610 => 'ꗞ', 9611 => 'ꗟ', 9612 => 'ꗠ', 9613 => 'ꗡ', 9614 => 'ꗢ', 9615 => 'ꗣ', 9616 => 'ꗤ', 9617 => 'ꗥ', 9618 => 'ꗦ', 9619 => 'ꗧ', 9620 => 'ꗨ', 9621 => 'ꗩ', 9622 => 'ꗪ', 9623 => 'ꗫ', 9624 => 'ꗬ', 9625 => 'ꗭ', 9626 => 'ꗮ', 9627 => 'ꗯ', 9628 => 'ꗰ', 9629 => 'ꗱ', 9630 => 'ꗲ', 9631 => 'ꗳ', 9632 => 'ꗴ', 9633 => 'ꗵ', 9634 => 'ꗶ', 9635 => 'ꗷ', 9636 => 'ꗸ', 9637 => 'ꗹ', 9638 => 'ꗺ', 9639 => 'ꗻ', 9640 => 'ꗼ', 9641 => 'ꗽ', 9642 => 'ꗾ', 9643 => 'ꗿ', 9644 => 'ꘀ', 9645 => 'ꘁ', 9646 => 'ꘂ', 9647 => 'ꘃ', 9648 => 'ꘄ', 9649 => 'ꘅ', 9650 => 'ꘆ', 9651 => 'ꘇ', 9652 => 'ꘈ', 9653 => 'ꘉ', 9654 => 'ꘊ', 9655 => 'ꘋ', 9656 => 'ꘌ', 9657 => 'ꚠ', 9658 => 'ꚡ', 9659 => 'ꚢ', 9660 => 'ꚣ', 9661 => 'ꚤ', 9662 => 'ꚥ', 9663 => 'ꚦ', 9664 => 'ꚧ', 9665 => 'ꚨ', 9666 => 'ꚩ', 9667 => 'ꚪ', 9668 => 'ꚫ', 9669 => 'ꚬ', 9670 => 'ꚭ', 9671 => 'ꚮ', 9672 => 'ꚯ', 9673 => 'ꚰ', 9674 => 'ꚱ', 9675 => 'ꚲ', 9676 => 'ꚳ', 9677 => 'ꚴ', 9678 => 'ꚵ', 9679 => 'ꚶ', 9680 => 'ꚷ', 9681 => 'ꚸ', 9682 => 'ꚹ', 9683 => 'ꚺ', 9684 => 'ꚻ', 9685 => 'ꚼ', 9686 => 'ꚽ', 9687 => 'ꚾ', 9688 => 'ꚿ', 9689 => 'ꛀ', 9690 => 'ꛁ', 9691 => 'ꛂ', 9692 => 'ꛃ', 9693 => 'ꛄ', 9694 => 'ꛅ', 9695 => 'ꛆ', 9696 => 'ꛇ', 9697 => 'ꛈ', 9698 => 'ꛉ', 9699 => 'ꛊ', 9700 => 'ꛋ', 9701 => 'ꛌ', 9702 => 'ꛍ', 9703 => 'ꛎ', 9704 => 'ꛏ', 9705 => 'ꛐ', 9706 => 'ꛑ', 9707 => 'ꛒ', 9708 => 'ꛓ', 9709 => 'ꛔ', 9710 => 'ꛕ', 9711 => 'ꛖ', 9712 => 'ꛗ', 9713 => 'ꛘ', 9714 => 'ꛙ', 9715 => 'ꛚ', 9716 => 'ꛛ', 9717 => 'ꛜ', 9718 => 'ꛝ', 9719 => 'ꛞ', 9720 => 'ꛟ', 9721 => 'ꛠ', 9722 => 'ꛡ', 9723 => 'ꛢ', 9724 => 'ꛣ', 9725 => 'ꛤ', 9726 => 'ꛥ', 9727 => 'ꛦ', 9728 => 'ꛧ', 9729 => 'ꛨ', 9730 => 'ꛩ', 9731 => 'ꛪ', 9732 => 'ꛫ', 9733 => 'ꛬ', 9734 => 'ꛭ', 9735 => 'ꛮ', 9736 => 'ꛯ', 9737 => '𖠀', 9738 => '𖠁', 9739 => '𖠂', 9740 => '𖠃', 9741 => '𖠄', 9742 => '𖠅', 9743 => '𖠆', 9744 => '𖠇', 9745 => '𖠈', 9746 => '𖠉', 9747 => '𖠊', 9748 => '𖠋', 9749 => '𖠌', 9750 => '𖠍', 9751 => '𖠎', 9752 => '𖠏', 9753 => '𖠐', 9754 => '𖠑', 9755 => '𖠒', 9756 => '𖠓', 9757 => '𖠔', 9758 => '𖠕', 9759 => '𖠖', 9760 => '𖠗', 9761 => '𖠘', 9762 => '𖠙', 9763 => '𖠚', 9764 => '𖠛', 9765 => '𖠜', 9766 => '𖠝', 9767 => '𖠞', 9768 => '𖠟', 9769 => '𖠠', 9770 => '𖠡', 9771 => '𖠢', 9772 => '𖠣', 9773 => '𖠤', 9774 => '𖠥', 9775 => '𖠦', 9776 => '𖠧', 9777 => '𖠨', 9778 => '𖠩', 9779 => '𖠪', 9780 => '𖠫', 9781 => '𖠬', 9782 => '𖠭', 9783 => '𖠮', 9784 => '𖠯', 9785 => '𖠰', 9786 => '𖠱', 9787 => '𖠲', 9788 => '𖠳', 9789 => '𖠴', 9790 => '𖠵', 9791 => '𖠶', 9792 => '𖠷', 9793 => '𖠸', 9794 => '𖠹', 9795 => '𖠺', 9796 => '𖠻', 9797 => '𖠼', 9798 => '𖠽', 9799 => '𖠾', 9800 => '𖠿', 9801 => '𖡀', 9802 => '𖡁', 9803 => '𖡂', 9804 => '𖡃', 9805 => '𖡄', 9806 => '𖡅', 9807 => '𖡆', 9808 => '𖡇', 9809 => '𖡈', 9810 => '𖡉', 9811 => '𖡊', 9812 => '𖡋', 9813 => '𖡌', 9814 => '𖡍', 9815 => '𖡎', 9816 => '𖡏', 9817 => '𖡐', 9818 => '𖡑', 9819 => '𖡒', 9820 => '𖡓', 9821 => '𖡔', 9822 => '𖡕', 9823 => '𖡖', 9824 => '𖡗', 9825 => '𖡘', 9826 => '𖡙', 9827 => '𖡚', 9828 => '𖡛', 9829 => '𖡜', 9830 => '𖡝', 9831 => '𖡞', 9832 => '𖡟', 9833 => '𖡠', 9834 => '𖡡', 9835 => '𖡢', 9836 => '𖡣', 9837 => '𖡤', 9838 => '𖡥', 9839 => '𖡦', 9840 => '𖡧', 9841 => '𖡨', 9842 => '𖡩', 9843 => '𖡪', 9844 => '𖡫', 9845 => '𖡬', 9846 => '𖡭', 9847 => '𖡮', 9848 => '𖡯', 9849 => '𖡰', 9850 => '𖡱', 9851 => '𖡲', 9852 => '𖡳', 9853 => '𖡴', 9854 => '𖡵', 9855 => '𖡶', 9856 => '𖡷', 9857 => '𖡸', 9858 => '𖡹', 9859 => '𖡺', 9860 => '𖡻', 9861 => '𖡼', 9862 => '𖡽', 9863 => '𖡾', 9864 => '𖡿', 9865 => '𖢀', 9866 => '𖢁', 9867 => '𖢂', 9868 => '𖢃', 9869 => '𖢄', 9870 => '𖢅', 9871 => '𖢆', 9872 => '𖢇', 9873 => '𖢈', 9874 => '𖢉', 9875 => '𖢊', 9876 => '𖢋', 9877 => '𖢌', 9878 => '𖢍', 9879 => '𖢎', 9880 => '𖢏', 9881 => '𖢐', 9882 => '𖢑', 9883 => '𖢒', 9884 => '𖢓', 9885 => '𖢔', 9886 => '𖢕', 9887 => '𖢖', 9888 => '𖢗', 9889 => '𖢘', 9890 => '𖢙', 9891 => '𖢚', 9892 => '𖢛', 9893 => '𖢜', 9894 => '𖢝', 9895 => '𖢞', 9896 => '𖢟', 9897 => '𖢠', 9898 => '𖢡', 9899 => '𖢢', 9900 => '𖢣', 9901 => '𖢤', 9902 => '𖢥', 9903 => '𖢦', 9904 => '𖢧', 9905 => '𖢨', 9906 => '𖢩', 9907 => '𖢪', 9908 => '𖢫', 9909 => '𖢬', 9910 => '𖢭', 9911 => '𖢮', 9912 => '𖢯', 9913 => '𖢰', 9914 => '𖢱', 9915 => '𖢲', 9916 => '𖢳', 9917 => '𖢴', 9918 => '𖢵', 9919 => '𖢶', 9920 => '𖢷', 9921 => '𖢸', 9922 => '𖢹', 9923 => '𖢺', 9924 => '𖢻', 9925 => '𖢼', 9926 => '𖢽', 9927 => '𖢾', 9928 => '𖢿', 9929 => '𖣀', 9930 => '𖣁', 9931 => '𖣂', 9932 => '𖣃', 9933 => '𖣄', 9934 => '𖣅', 9935 => '𖣆', 9936 => '𖣇', 9937 => '𖣈', 9938 => '𖣉', 9939 => '𖣊', 9940 => '𖣋', 9941 => '𖣌', 9942 => '𖣍', 9943 => '𖣎', 9944 => '𖣏', 9945 => '𖣐', 9946 => '𖣑', 9947 => '𖣒', 9948 => '𖣓', 9949 => '𖣔', 9950 => '𖣕', 9951 => '𖣖', 9952 => '𖣗', 9953 => '𖣘', 9954 => '𖣙', 9955 => '𖣚', 9956 => '𖣛', 9957 => '𖣜', 9958 => '𖣝', 9959 => '𖣞', 9960 => '𖣟', 9961 => '𖣠', 9962 => '𖣡', 9963 => '𖣢', 9964 => '𖣣', 9965 => '𖣤', 9966 => '𖣥', 9967 => '𖣦', 9968 => '𖣧', 9969 => '𖣨', 9970 => '𖣩', 9971 => '𖣪', 9972 => '𖣫', 9973 => '𖣬', 9974 => '𖣭', 9975 => '𖣮', 9976 => '𖣯', 9977 => '𖣰', 9978 => '𖣱', 9979 => '𖣲', 9980 => '𖣳', 9981 => '𖣴', 9982 => '𖣵', 9983 => '𖣶', 9984 => '𖣷', 9985 => '𖣸', 9986 => '𖣹', 9987 => '𖣺', 9988 => '𖣻', 9989 => '𖣼', 9990 => '𖣽', 9991 => '𖣾', 9992 => '𖣿', 9993 => '𖤀', 9994 => '𖤁', 9995 => '𖤂', 9996 => '𖤃', 9997 => '𖤄', 9998 => '𖤅', 9999 => '𖤆', 10000 => '𖤇', 10001 => '𖤈', 10002 => '𖤉', 10003 => '𖤊', 10004 => '𖤋', 10005 => '𖤌', 10006 => '𖤍', 10007 => '𖤎', 10008 => '𖤏', 10009 => '𖤐', 10010 => '𖤑', 10011 => '𖤒', 10012 => '𖤓', 10013 => '𖤔', 10014 => '𖤕', 10015 => '𖤖', 10016 => '𖤗', 10017 => '𖤘', 10018 => '𖤙', 10019 => '𖤚', 10020 => '𖤛', 10021 => '𖤜', 10022 => '𖤝', 10023 => '𖤞', 10024 => '𖤟', 10025 => '𖤠', 10026 => '𖤡', 10027 => '𖤢', 10028 => '𖤣', 10029 => '𖤤', 10030 => '𖤥', 10031 => '𖤦', 10032 => '𖤧', 10033 => '𖤨', 10034 => '𖤩', 10035 => '𖤪', 10036 => '𖤫', 10037 => '𖤬', 10038 => '𖤭', 10039 => '𖤮', 10040 => '𖤯', 10041 => '𖤰', 10042 => '𖤱', 10043 => '𖤲', 10044 => '𖤳', 10045 => '𖤴', 10046 => '𖤵', 10047 => '𖤶', 10048 => '𖤷', 10049 => '𖤸', 10050 => '𖤹', 10051 => '𖤺', 10052 => '𖤻', 10053 => '𖤼', 10054 => '𖤽', 10055 => '𖤾', 10056 => '𖤿', 10057 => '𖥀', 10058 => '𖥁', 10059 => '𖥂', 10060 => '𖥃', 10061 => '𖥄', 10062 => '𖥅', 10063 => '𖥆', 10064 => '𖥇', 10065 => '𖥈', 10066 => '𖥉', 10067 => '𖥊', 10068 => '𖥋', 10069 => '𖥌', 10070 => '𖥍', 10071 => '𖥎', 10072 => '𖥏', 10073 => '𖥐', 10074 => '𖥑', 10075 => '𖥒', 10076 => '𖥓', 10077 => '𖥔', 10078 => '𖥕', 10079 => '𖥖', 10080 => '𖥗', 10081 => '𖥘', 10082 => '𖥙', 10083 => '𖥚', 10084 => '𖥛', 10085 => '𖥜', 10086 => '𖥝', 10087 => '𖥞', 10088 => '𖥟', 10089 => '𖥠', 10090 => '𖥡', 10091 => '𖥢', 10092 => '𖥣', 10093 => '𖥤', 10094 => '𖥥', 10095 => '𖥦', 10096 => '𖥧', 10097 => '𖥨', 10098 => '𖥩', 10099 => '𖥪', 10100 => '𖥫', 10101 => '𖥬', 10102 => '𖥭', 10103 => '𖥮', 10104 => '𖥯', 10105 => '𖥰', 10106 => '𖥱', 10107 => '𖥲', 10108 => '𖥳', 10109 => '𖥴', 10110 => '𖥵', 10111 => '𖥶', 10112 => '𖥷', 10113 => '𖥸', 10114 => '𖥹', 10115 => '𖥺', 10116 => '𖥻', 10117 => '𖥼', 10118 => '𖥽', 10119 => '𖥾', 10120 => '𖥿', 10121 => '𖦀', 10122 => '𖦁', 10123 => '𖦂', 10124 => '𖦃', 10125 => '𖦄', 10126 => '𖦅', 10127 => '𖦆', 10128 => '𖦇', 10129 => '𖦈', 10130 => '𖦉', 10131 => '𖦊', 10132 => '𖦋', 10133 => '𖦌', 10134 => '𖦍', 10135 => '𖦎', 10136 => '𖦏', 10137 => '𖦐', 10138 => '𖦑', 10139 => '𖦒', 10140 => '𖦓', 10141 => '𖦔', 10142 => '𖦕', 10143 => '𖦖', 10144 => '𖦗', 10145 => '𖦘', 10146 => '𖦙', 10147 => '𖦚', 10148 => '𖦛', 10149 => '𖦜', 10150 => '𖦝', 10151 => '𖦞', 10152 => '𖦟', 10153 => '𖦠', 10154 => '𖦡', 10155 => '𖦢', 10156 => '𖦣', 10157 => '𖦤', 10158 => '𖦥', 10159 => '𖦦', 10160 => '𖦧', 10161 => '𖦨', 10162 => '𖦩', 10163 => '𖦪', 10164 => '𖦫', 10165 => '𖦬', 10166 => '𖦭', 10167 => '𖦮', 10168 => '𖦯', 10169 => '𖦰', 10170 => '𖦱', 10171 => '𖦲', 10172 => '𖦳', 10173 => '𖦴', 10174 => '𖦵', 10175 => '𖦶', 10176 => '𖦷', 10177 => '𖦸', 10178 => '𖦹', 10179 => '𖦺', 10180 => '𖦻', 10181 => '𖦼', 10182 => '𖦽', 10183 => '𖦾', 10184 => '𖦿', 10185 => '𖧀', 10186 => '𖧁', 10187 => '𖧂', 10188 => '𖧃', 10189 => '𖧄', 10190 => '𖧅', 10191 => '𖧆', 10192 => '𖧇', 10193 => '𖧈', 10194 => '𖧉', 10195 => '𖧊', 10196 => '𖧋', 10197 => '𖧌', 10198 => '𖧍', 10199 => '𖧎', 10200 => '𖧏', 10201 => '𖧐', 10202 => '𖧑', 10203 => '𖧒', 10204 => '𖧓', 10205 => '𖧔', 10206 => '𖧕', 10207 => '𖧖', 10208 => '𖧗', 10209 => '𖧘', 10210 => '𖧙', 10211 => '𖧚', 10212 => '𖧛', 10213 => '𖧜', 10214 => '𖧝', 10215 => '𖧞', 10216 => '𖧟', 10217 => '𖧠', 10218 => '𖧡', 10219 => '𖧢', 10220 => '𖧣', 10221 => '𖧤', 10222 => '𖧥', 10223 => '𖧦', 10224 => '𖧧', 10225 => '𖧨', 10226 => '𖧩', 10227 => '𖧪', 10228 => '𖧫', 10229 => '𖧬', 10230 => '𖧭', 10231 => '𖧮', 10232 => '𖧯', 10233 => '𖧰', 10234 => '𖧱', 10235 => '𖧲', 10236 => '𖧳', 10237 => '𖧴', 10238 => '𖧵', 10239 => '𖧶', 10240 => '𖧷', 10241 => '𖧸', 10242 => '𖧹', 10243 => '𖧺', 10244 => '𖧻', 10245 => '𖧼', 10246 => '𖧽', 10247 => '𖧾', 10248 => '𖧿', 10249 => '𖨀', 10250 => '𖨁', 10251 => '𖨂', 10252 => '𖨃', 10253 => '𖨄', 10254 => '𖨅', 10255 => '𖨆', 10256 => '𖨇', 10257 => '𖨈', 10258 => '𖨉', 10259 => '𖨊', 10260 => '𖨋', 10261 => '𖨌', 10262 => '𖨍', 10263 => '𖨎', 10264 => '𖨏', 10265 => '𖨐', 10266 => '𖨑', 10267 => '𖨒', 10268 => '𖨓', 10269 => '𖨔', 10270 => '𖨕', 10271 => '𖨖', 10272 => '𖨗', 10273 => '𖨘', 10274 => '𖨙', 10275 => '𖨚', 10276 => '𖨛', 10277 => '𖨜', 10278 => '𖨝', 10279 => '𖨞', 10280 => '𖨟', 10281 => '𖨠', 10282 => '𖨡', 10283 => '𖨢', 10284 => '𖨣', 10285 => '𖨤', 10286 => '𖨥', 10287 => '𖨦', 10288 => '𖨧', 10289 => '𖨨', 10290 => '𖨩', 10291 => '𖨪', 10292 => '𖨫', 10293 => '𖨬', 10294 => '𖨭', 10295 => '𖨮', 10296 => '𖨯', 10297 => '𖨰', 10298 => '𖨱', 10299 => '𖨲', 10300 => '𖨳', 10301 => '𖨴', 10302 => '𖨵', 10303 => '𖨶', 10304 => '𖨷', 10305 => '𖨸', 10306 => 'ᄀ', 10307 => 'ᄁ', 10308 => 'ᄂ', 10309 => 'ᄃ', 10310 => 'ᄄ', 10311 => 'ᄅ', 10312 => 'ᄆ', 10313 => 'ᄇ', 10314 => 'ᄈ', 10315 => 'ᄉ', 10316 => 'ᄊ', 10317 => 'ᄋ', 10318 => 'ᄌ', 10319 => 'ᄍ', 10320 => 'ᄎ', 10321 => 'ᄏ', 10322 => 'ᄐ', 10323 => 'ᄑ', 10324 => 'ᄒ', 10325 => 'ᄓ', 10326 => 'ᄔ', 10327 => 'ᄕ', 10328 => 'ᄖ', 10329 => 'ᄗ', 10330 => 'ᄘ', 10331 => 'ᄙ', 10332 => 'ᄚ', 10333 => 'ᄛ', 10334 => 'ᄜ', 10335 => 'ᄝ', 10336 => 'ᄞ', 10337 => 'ᄟ', 10338 => 'ᄠ', 10339 => 'ᄡ', 10340 => 'ᄢ', 10341 => 'ᄣ', 10342 => 'ᄤ', 10343 => 'ᄥ', 10344 => 'ᄦ', 10345 => 'ᄧ', 10346 => 'ᄨ', 10347 => 'ᄩ', 10348 => 'ᄪ', 10349 => 'ᄫ', 10350 => 'ᄬ', 10351 => 'ᄭ', 10352 => 'ᄮ', 10353 => 'ᄯ', 10354 => 'ᄰ', 10355 => 'ᄱ', 10356 => 'ᄲ', 10357 => 'ᄳ', 10358 => 'ᄴ', 10359 => 'ᄵ', 10360 => 'ᄶ', 10361 => 'ᄷ', 10362 => 'ᄸ', 10363 => 'ᄹ', 10364 => 'ᄺ', 10365 => 'ᄻ', 10366 => 'ᄼ', 10367 => 'ᄽ', 10368 => 'ᄾ', 10369 => 'ᄿ', 10370 => 'ᅀ', 10371 => 'ᅁ', 10372 => 'ᅂ', 10373 => 'ᅃ', 10374 => 'ᅄ', 10375 => 'ᅅ', 10376 => 'ᅆ', 10377 => 'ᅇ', 10378 => 'ᅈ', 10379 => 'ᅉ', 10380 => 'ᅊ', 10381 => 'ᅋ', 10382 => 'ᅌ', 10383 => 'ᅍ', 10384 => 'ᅎ', 10385 => 'ᅏ', 10386 => 'ᅐ', 10387 => 'ᅑ', 10388 => 'ᅒ', 10389 => 'ᅓ', 10390 => 'ᅔ', 10391 => 'ᅕ', 10392 => 'ᅖ', 10393 => 'ᅗ', 10394 => 'ᅘ', 10395 => 'ᅙ', 10396 => 'ᅚ', 10397 => 'ᅛ', 10398 => 'ᅜ', 10399 => 'ᅝ', 10400 => 'ᅞ', 10401 => 'ꥠ', 10402 => 'ꥡ', 10403 => 'ꥢ', 10404 => 'ꥣ', 10405 => 'ꥤ', 10406 => 'ꥥ', 10407 => 'ꥦ', 10408 => 'ꥧ', 10409 => 'ꥨ', 10410 => 'ꥩ', 10411 => 'ꥪ', 10412 => 'ꥫ', 10413 => 'ꥬ', 10414 => 'ꥭ', 10415 => 'ꥮ', 10416 => 'ꥯ', 10417 => 'ꥰ', 10418 => 'ꥱ', 10419 => 'ꥲ', 10420 => 'ꥳ', 10421 => 'ꥴ', 10422 => 'ꥵ', 10423 => 'ꥶ', 10424 => 'ꥷ', 10425 => 'ꥸ', 10426 => 'ꥹ', 10427 => 'ꥺ', 10428 => 'ꥻ', 10429 => 'ꥼ', 10430 => 'ᅟ', 10431 => 'ᅠ', 10432 => 'ᅡ', 10433 => 'ᅢ', 10434 => 'ᅣ', 10435 => 'ᅤ', 10436 => 'ᅥ', 10437 => 'ᅦ', 10438 => 'ᅧ', 10439 => 'ᅨ', 10440 => 'ᅩ', 10441 => 'ᅪ', 10442 => 'ᅫ', 10443 => 'ᅬ', 10444 => 'ᅭ', 10445 => 'ᅮ', 10446 => 'ᅯ', 10447 => 'ᅰ', 10448 => 'ᅱ', 10449 => 'ᅲ', 10450 => 'ᅳ', 10451 => 'ᅴ', 10452 => 'ᅵ', 10453 => 'ᅶ', 10454 => 'ᅷ', 10455 => 'ᅸ', 10456 => 'ᅹ', 10457 => 'ᅺ', 10458 => 'ᅻ', 10459 => 'ᅼ', 10460 => 'ᅽ', 10461 => 'ᅾ', 10462 => 'ᅿ', 10463 => 'ᆀ', 10464 => 'ᆁ', 10465 => 'ᆂ', 10466 => 'ᆃ', 10467 => 'ᆄ', 10468 => 'ᆅ', 10469 => 'ᆆ', 10470 => 'ᆇ', 10471 => 'ᆈ', 10472 => 'ᆉ', 10473 => 'ᆊ', 10474 => 'ᆋ', 10475 => 'ᆌ', 10476 => 'ᆍ', 10477 => 'ᆎ', 10478 => 'ᆏ', 10479 => 'ᆐ', 10480 => 'ᆑ', 10481 => 'ᆒ', 10482 => 'ᆓ', 10483 => 'ᆔ', 10484 => 'ᆕ', 10485 => 'ᆖ', 10486 => 'ᆗ', 10487 => 'ᆘ', 10488 => 'ᆙ', 10489 => 'ᆚ', 10490 => 'ᆛ', 10491 => 'ᆜ', 10492 => 'ᆝ', 10493 => 'ᆞ', 10494 => 'ᆟ', 10495 => 'ᆠ', 10496 => 'ᆡ', 10497 => 'ᆢ', 10498 => 'ᆣ', 10499 => 'ᆤ', 10500 => 'ᆥ', 10501 => 'ᆦ', 10502 => 'ᆧ', 10503 => 'ힰ', 10504 => 'ힱ', 10505 => 'ힲ', 10506 => 'ힳ', 10507 => 'ힴ', 10508 => 'ힵ', 10509 => 'ힶ', 10510 => 'ힷ', 10511 => 'ힸ', 10512 => 'ힹ', 10513 => 'ힺ', 10514 => 'ힻ', 10515 => 'ힼ', 10516 => 'ힽ', 10517 => 'ힾ', 10518 => 'ힿ', 10519 => 'ퟀ', 10520 => 'ퟁ', 10521 => 'ퟂ', 10522 => 'ퟃ', 10523 => 'ퟄ', 10524 => 'ퟅ', 10525 => 'ퟆ', 10526 => 'ᆨ', 10527 => 'ᆩ', 10528 => 'ᆪ', 10529 => 'ᆫ', 10530 => 'ᆬ', 10531 => 'ᆭ', 10532 => 'ᆮ', 10533 => 'ᆯ', 10534 => 'ᆰ', 10535 => 'ᆱ', 10536 => 'ᆲ', 10537 => 'ᆳ', 10538 => 'ᆴ', 10539 => 'ᆵ', 10540 => 'ᆶ', 10541 => 'ᆷ', 10542 => 'ᆸ', 10543 => 'ᆹ', 10544 => 'ᆺ', 10545 => 'ᆻ', 10546 => 'ᆼ', 10547 => 'ᆽ', 10548 => 'ᆾ', 10549 => 'ᆿ', 10550 => 'ᇀ', 10551 => 'ᇁ', 10552 => 'ᇂ', 10553 => 'ᇃ', 10554 => 'ᇄ', 10555 => 'ᇅ', 10556 => 'ᇆ', 10557 => 'ᇇ', 10558 => 'ᇈ', 10559 => 'ᇉ', 10560 => 'ᇊ', 10561 => 'ᇋ', 10562 => 'ᇌ', 10563 => 'ᇍ', 10564 => 'ᇎ', 10565 => 'ᇏ', 10566 => 'ᇐ', 10567 => 'ᇑ', 10568 => 'ᇒ', 10569 => 'ᇓ', 10570 => 'ᇔ', 10571 => 'ᇕ', 10572 => 'ᇖ', 10573 => 'ᇗ', 10574 => 'ᇘ', 10575 => 'ᇙ', 10576 => 'ᇚ', 10577 => 'ᇛ', 10578 => 'ᇜ', 10579 => 'ᇝ', 10580 => 'ᇞ', 10581 => 'ᇟ', 10582 => 'ᇠ', 10583 => 'ᇡ', 10584 => 'ᇢ', 10585 => 'ᇣ', 10586 => 'ᇤ', 10587 => 'ᇥ', 10588 => 'ᇦ', 10589 => 'ᇧ', 10590 => 'ᇨ', 10591 => 'ᇩ', 10592 => 'ᇪ', 10593 => 'ᇫ', 10594 => 'ᇬ', 10595 => 'ᇭ', 10596 => 'ᇮ', 10597 => 'ᇯ', 10598 => 'ᇰ', 10599 => 'ᇱ', 10600 => 'ᇲ', 10601 => 'ᇳ', 10602 => 'ᇴ', 10603 => 'ᇵ', 10604 => 'ᇶ', 10605 => 'ᇷ', 10606 => 'ᇸ', 10607 => 'ᇹ', 10608 => 'ᇺ', 10609 => 'ᇻ', 10610 => 'ᇼ', 10611 => 'ᇽ', 10612 => 'ᇾ', 10613 => 'ᇿ', 10614 => 'ퟋ', 10615 => 'ퟌ', 10616 => 'ퟍ', 10617 => 'ퟎ', 10618 => 'ퟏ', 10619 => 'ퟐ', 10620 => 'ퟑ', 10621 => 'ퟒ', 10622 => 'ퟓ', 10623 => 'ퟔ', 10624 => 'ퟕ', 10625 => 'ퟖ', 10626 => 'ퟗ', 10627 => 'ퟘ', 10628 => 'ퟙ', 10629 => 'ퟚ', 10630 => 'ퟛ', 10631 => 'ퟜ', 10632 => 'ퟝ', 10633 => 'ퟞ', 10634 => 'ퟟ', 10635 => 'ퟠ', 10636 => 'ퟡ', 10637 => 'ퟢ', 10638 => 'ퟣ', 10639 => 'ퟤ', 10640 => 'ퟥ', 10641 => 'ퟦ', 10642 => 'ퟧ', 10643 => 'ퟨ', 10644 => 'ퟩ', 10645 => 'ퟪ', 10646 => 'ퟫ', 10647 => 'ퟬ', 10648 => 'ퟭ', 10649 => 'ퟮ', 10650 => 'ퟯ', 10651 => 'ퟰ', 10652 => 'ퟱ', 10653 => 'ퟲ', 10654 => 'ퟳ', 10655 => 'ퟴ', 10656 => 'ퟵ', 10657 => 'ퟶ', 10658 => 'ퟷ', 10659 => 'ퟸ', 10660 => 'ퟹ', 10661 => 'ퟺ', 10662 => 'ퟻ', 10663 => 'あ', 10664 => 'い', 10665 => 'う', 10666 => '𛀀', 10667 => 'え', 10668 => 'お', 10669 => 'か', 10670 => 'き', 10671 => 'く', 10672 => 'け', 10673 => 'こ', 10674 => 'さ', 10675 => 'し', 10676 => 'す', 10677 => 'せ', 10678 => 'そ', 10679 => 'た', 10680 => 'ち', 10681 => 'つ', 10682 => 'て', 10683 => 'と', 10684 => 'な', 10685 => 'に', 10686 => 'ぬ', 10687 => 'ね', 10688 => 'の', 10689 => 'は', 10690 => 'ひ', 10691 => 'ふ', 10692 => 'へ', 10693 => 'ほ', 10694 => 'ま', 10695 => 'み', 10696 => 'む', 10697 => 'め', 10698 => 'も', 10699 => 'や', 10700 => 'ゆ', 10701 => '𛀁', 10702 => 'よ', 10703 => 'ら', 10704 => 'り', 10705 => 'る', 10706 => 'れ', 10707 => 'ろ', 10708 => 'わ', 10709 => 'ゐ', 10710 => 'ゑ', 10711 => 'を', 10712 => 'ん', 10713 => 'ㄅ', 10714 => 'ㄆ', 10715 => 'ㄇ', 10716 => 'ㄈ', 10717 => 'ㄪ', 10718 => 'ㄉ', 10719 => 'ㄊ', 10720 => 'ㄋ', 10721 => 'ㄌ', 10722 => 'ㄍ', 10723 => 'ㄎ', 10724 => 'ㄫ', 10725 => 'ㆭ', 10726 => 'ㄏ', 10727 => 'ㄐ', 10728 => 'ㄑ', 10729 => 'ㄒ', 10730 => 'ㄬ', 10731 => 'ㄓ', 10732 => 'ㄔ', 10733 => 'ㄕ', 10734 => 'ㄖ', 10735 => 'ㄗ', 10736 => 'ㄘ', 10737 => 'ㄙ', 10738 => 'ㆸ', 10739 => 'ㆹ', 10740 => 'ㆺ', 10741 => 'ㄚ', 10742 => 'ㄛ', 10743 => 'ㆦ', 10744 => 'ㄜ', 10745 => 'ㄝ', 10746 => 'ㆤ', 10747 => 'ㄞ', 10748 => 'ㄟ', 10749 => 'ㄠ', 10750 => 'ㄡ', 10751 => 'ㄢ', 10752 => 'ㄣ', 10753 => 'ㄤ', 10754 => 'ㆲ', 10755 => 'ㄥ', 10756 => 'ㆰ', 10757 => 'ㆱ', 10758 => 'ㆬ', 10759 => 'ㄦ', 10760 => 'ㄧ', 10761 => 'ㄨ', 10762 => 'ㄩ', 10763 => 'ㄭ', 10764 => 'ꀀ', 10765 => 'ꀁ', 10766 => 'ꀂ', 10767 => 'ꀃ', 10768 => 'ꀄ', 10769 => 'ꀅ', 10770 => 'ꀆ', 10771 => 'ꀇ', 10772 => 'ꀈ', 10773 => 'ꀉ', 10774 => 'ꀊ', 10775 => 'ꀋ', 10776 => 'ꀌ', 10777 => 'ꀍ', 10778 => 'ꀎ', 10779 => 'ꀏ', 10780 => 'ꀐ', 10781 => 'ꀑ', 10782 => 'ꀒ', 10783 => 'ꀓ', 10784 => 'ꀔ', 10785 => 'ꀕ', 10786 => 'ꀖ', 10787 => 'ꀗ', 10788 => 'ꀘ', 10789 => 'ꀙ', 10790 => 'ꀚ', 10791 => 'ꀛ', 10792 => 'ꀜ', 10793 => 'ꀝ', 10794 => 'ꀞ', 10795 => 'ꀟ', 10796 => 'ꀠ', 10797 => 'ꀡ', 10798 => 'ꀢ', 10799 => 'ꀣ', 10800 => 'ꀤ', 10801 => 'ꀥ', 10802 => 'ꀦ', 10803 => 'ꀧ', 10804 => 'ꀨ', 10805 => 'ꀩ', 10806 => 'ꀪ', 10807 => 'ꀫ', 10808 => 'ꀬ', 10809 => 'ꀭ', 10810 => 'ꀮ', 10811 => 'ꀯ', 10812 => 'ꀰ', 10813 => 'ꀱ', 10814 => 'ꀲ', 10815 => 'ꀳ', 10816 => 'ꀴ', 10817 => 'ꀵ', 10818 => 'ꀶ', 10819 => 'ꀷ', 10820 => 'ꀸ', 10821 => 'ꀹ', 10822 => 'ꀺ', 10823 => 'ꀻ', 10824 => 'ꀼ', 10825 => 'ꀽ', 10826 => 'ꀾ', 10827 => 'ꀿ', 10828 => 'ꁀ', 10829 => 'ꁁ', 10830 => 'ꁂ', 10831 => 'ꁃ', 10832 => 'ꁄ', 10833 => 'ꁅ', 10834 => 'ꁆ', 10835 => 'ꁇ', 10836 => 'ꁈ', 10837 => 'ꁉ', 10838 => 'ꁊ', 10839 => 'ꁋ', 10840 => 'ꁌ', 10841 => 'ꁍ', 10842 => 'ꁎ', 10843 => 'ꁏ', 10844 => 'ꁐ', 10845 => 'ꁑ', 10846 => 'ꁒ', 10847 => 'ꁓ', 10848 => 'ꁔ', 10849 => 'ꁕ', 10850 => 'ꁖ', 10851 => 'ꁗ', 10852 => 'ꁘ', 10853 => 'ꁙ', 10854 => 'ꁚ', 10855 => 'ꁛ', 10856 => 'ꁜ', 10857 => 'ꁝ', 10858 => 'ꁞ', 10859 => 'ꁟ', 10860 => 'ꁠ', 10861 => 'ꁡ', 10862 => 'ꁢ', 10863 => 'ꁣ', 10864 => 'ꁤ', 10865 => 'ꁥ', 10866 => 'ꁦ', 10867 => 'ꁧ', 10868 => 'ꁨ', 10869 => 'ꁩ', 10870 => 'ꁪ', 10871 => 'ꁫ', 10872 => 'ꁬ', 10873 => 'ꁭ', 10874 => 'ꁮ', 10875 => 'ꁯ', 10876 => 'ꁰ', 10877 => 'ꁱ', 10878 => 'ꁲ', 10879 => 'ꁳ', 10880 => 'ꁴ', 10881 => 'ꁵ', 10882 => 'ꁶ', 10883 => 'ꁷ', 10884 => 'ꁸ', 10885 => 'ꁹ', 10886 => 'ꁺ', 10887 => 'ꁻ', 10888 => 'ꁼ', 10889 => 'ꁽ', 10890 => 'ꁾ', 10891 => 'ꁿ', 10892 => 'ꂀ', 10893 => 'ꂁ', 10894 => 'ꂂ', 10895 => 'ꂃ', 10896 => 'ꂄ', 10897 => 'ꂅ', 10898 => 'ꂆ', 10899 => 'ꂇ', 10900 => 'ꂈ', 10901 => 'ꂉ', 10902 => 'ꂊ', 10903 => 'ꂋ', 10904 => 'ꂌ', 10905 => 'ꂍ', 10906 => 'ꂎ', 10907 => 'ꂏ', 10908 => 'ꂐ', 10909 => 'ꂑ', 10910 => 'ꂒ', 10911 => 'ꂓ', 10912 => 'ꂔ', 10913 => 'ꂕ', 10914 => 'ꂖ', 10915 => 'ꂗ', 10916 => 'ꂘ', 10917 => 'ꂙ', 10918 => 'ꂚ', 10919 => 'ꂛ', 10920 => 'ꂜ', 10921 => 'ꂝ', 10922 => 'ꂞ', 10923 => 'ꂟ', 10924 => 'ꂠ', 10925 => 'ꂡ', 10926 => 'ꂢ', 10927 => 'ꂣ', 10928 => 'ꂤ', 10929 => 'ꂥ', 10930 => 'ꂦ', 10931 => 'ꂧ', 10932 => 'ꂨ', 10933 => 'ꂩ', 10934 => 'ꂪ', 10935 => 'ꂫ', 10936 => 'ꂬ', 10937 => 'ꂭ', 10938 => 'ꂮ', 10939 => 'ꂯ', 10940 => 'ꂰ', 10941 => 'ꂱ', 10942 => 'ꂲ', 10943 => 'ꂳ', 10944 => 'ꂴ', 10945 => 'ꂵ', 10946 => 'ꂶ', 10947 => 'ꂷ', 10948 => 'ꂸ', 10949 => 'ꂹ', 10950 => 'ꂺ', 10951 => 'ꂻ', 10952 => 'ꂼ', 10953 => 'ꂽ', 10954 => 'ꂾ', 10955 => 'ꂿ', 10956 => 'ꃀ', 10957 => 'ꃁ', 10958 => 'ꃂ', 10959 => 'ꃃ', 10960 => 'ꃄ', 10961 => 'ꃅ', 10962 => 'ꃆ', 10963 => 'ꃇ', 10964 => 'ꃈ', 10965 => 'ꃉ', 10966 => 'ꃊ', 10967 => 'ꃋ', 10968 => 'ꃌ', 10969 => 'ꃍ', 10970 => 'ꃎ', 10971 => 'ꃏ', 10972 => 'ꃐ', 10973 => 'ꃑ', 10974 => 'ꃒ', 10975 => 'ꃓ', 10976 => 'ꃔ', 10977 => 'ꃕ', 10978 => 'ꃖ', 10979 => 'ꃗ', 10980 => 'ꃘ', 10981 => 'ꃙ', 10982 => 'ꃚ', 10983 => 'ꃛ', 10984 => 'ꃜ', 10985 => 'ꃝ', 10986 => 'ꃞ', 10987 => 'ꃟ', 10988 => 'ꃠ', 10989 => 'ꃡ', 10990 => 'ꃢ', 10991 => 'ꃣ', 10992 => 'ꃤ', 10993 => 'ꃥ', 10994 => 'ꃦ', 10995 => 'ꃧ', 10996 => 'ꃨ', 10997 => 'ꃩ', 10998 => 'ꃪ', 10999 => 'ꃫ', 11000 => 'ꃬ', 11001 => 'ꃭ', 11002 => 'ꃮ', 11003 => 'ꃯ', 11004 => 'ꃰ', 11005 => 'ꃱ', 11006 => 'ꃲ', 11007 => 'ꃳ', 11008 => 'ꃴ', 11009 => 'ꃵ', 11010 => 'ꃶ', 11011 => 'ꃷ', 11012 => 'ꃸ', 11013 => 'ꃹ', 11014 => 'ꃺ', 11015 => 'ꃻ', 11016 => 'ꃼ', 11017 => 'ꃽ', 11018 => 'ꃾ', 11019 => 'ꃿ', 11020 => 'ꄀ', 11021 => 'ꄁ', 11022 => 'ꄂ', 11023 => 'ꄃ', 11024 => 'ꄄ', 11025 => 'ꄅ', 11026 => 'ꄆ', 11027 => 'ꄇ', 11028 => 'ꄈ', 11029 => 'ꄉ', 11030 => 'ꄊ', 11031 => 'ꄋ', 11032 => 'ꄌ', 11033 => 'ꄍ', 11034 => 'ꄎ', 11035 => 'ꄏ', 11036 => 'ꄐ', 11037 => 'ꄑ', 11038 => 'ꄒ', 11039 => 'ꄓ', 11040 => 'ꄔ', 11041 => 'ꄕ', 11042 => 'ꄖ', 11043 => 'ꄗ', 11044 => 'ꄘ', 11045 => 'ꄙ', 11046 => 'ꄚ', 11047 => 'ꄛ', 11048 => 'ꄜ', 11049 => 'ꄝ', 11050 => 'ꄞ', 11051 => 'ꄟ', 11052 => 'ꄠ', 11053 => 'ꄡ', 11054 => 'ꄢ', 11055 => 'ꄣ', 11056 => 'ꄤ', 11057 => 'ꄥ', 11058 => 'ꄦ', 11059 => 'ꄧ', 11060 => 'ꄨ', 11061 => 'ꄩ', 11062 => 'ꄪ', 11063 => 'ꄫ', 11064 => 'ꄬ', 11065 => 'ꄭ', 11066 => 'ꄮ', 11067 => 'ꄯ', 11068 => 'ꄰ', 11069 => 'ꄱ', 11070 => 'ꄲ', 11071 => 'ꄳ', 11072 => 'ꄴ', 11073 => 'ꄵ', 11074 => 'ꄶ', 11075 => 'ꄷ', 11076 => 'ꄸ', 11077 => 'ꄹ', 11078 => 'ꄺ', 11079 => 'ꄻ', 11080 => 'ꄼ', 11081 => 'ꄽ', 11082 => 'ꄾ', 11083 => 'ꄿ', 11084 => 'ꅀ', 11085 => 'ꅁ', 11086 => 'ꅂ', 11087 => 'ꅃ', 11088 => 'ꅄ', 11089 => 'ꅅ', 11090 => 'ꅆ', 11091 => 'ꅇ', 11092 => 'ꅈ', 11093 => 'ꅉ', 11094 => 'ꅊ', 11095 => 'ꅋ', 11096 => 'ꅌ', 11097 => 'ꅍ', 11098 => 'ꅎ', 11099 => 'ꅏ', 11100 => 'ꅐ', 11101 => 'ꅑ', 11102 => 'ꅒ', 11103 => 'ꅓ', 11104 => 'ꅔ', 11105 => 'ꅕ', 11106 => 'ꅖ', 11107 => 'ꅗ', 11108 => 'ꅘ', 11109 => 'ꅙ', 11110 => 'ꅚ', 11111 => 'ꅛ', 11112 => 'ꅜ', 11113 => 'ꅝ', 11114 => 'ꅞ', 11115 => 'ꅟ', 11116 => 'ꅠ', 11117 => 'ꅡ', 11118 => 'ꅢ', 11119 => 'ꅣ', 11120 => 'ꅤ', 11121 => 'ꅥ', 11122 => 'ꅦ', 11123 => 'ꅧ', 11124 => 'ꅨ', 11125 => 'ꅩ', 11126 => 'ꅪ', 11127 => 'ꅫ', 11128 => 'ꅬ', 11129 => 'ꅭ', 11130 => 'ꅮ', 11131 => 'ꅯ', 11132 => 'ꅰ', 11133 => 'ꅱ', 11134 => 'ꅲ', 11135 => 'ꅳ', 11136 => 'ꅴ', 11137 => 'ꅵ', 11138 => 'ꅶ', 11139 => 'ꅷ', 11140 => 'ꅸ', 11141 => 'ꅹ', 11142 => 'ꅺ', 11143 => 'ꅻ', 11144 => 'ꅼ', 11145 => 'ꅽ', 11146 => 'ꅾ', 11147 => 'ꅿ', 11148 => 'ꆀ', 11149 => 'ꆁ', 11150 => 'ꆂ', 11151 => 'ꆃ', 11152 => 'ꆄ', 11153 => 'ꆅ', 11154 => 'ꆆ', 11155 => 'ꆇ', 11156 => 'ꆈ', 11157 => 'ꆉ', 11158 => 'ꆊ', 11159 => 'ꆋ', 11160 => 'ꆌ', 11161 => 'ꆍ', 11162 => 'ꆎ', 11163 => 'ꆏ', 11164 => 'ꆐ', 11165 => 'ꆑ', 11166 => 'ꆒ', 11167 => 'ꆓ', 11168 => 'ꆔ', 11169 => 'ꆕ', 11170 => 'ꆖ', 11171 => 'ꆗ', 11172 => 'ꆘ', 11173 => 'ꆙ', 11174 => 'ꆚ', 11175 => 'ꆛ', 11176 => 'ꆜ', 11177 => 'ꆝ', 11178 => 'ꆞ', 11179 => 'ꆟ', 11180 => 'ꆠ', 11181 => 'ꆡ', 11182 => 'ꆢ', 11183 => 'ꆣ', 11184 => 'ꆤ', 11185 => 'ꆥ', 11186 => 'ꆦ', 11187 => 'ꆧ', 11188 => 'ꆨ', 11189 => 'ꆩ', 11190 => 'ꆪ', 11191 => 'ꆫ', 11192 => 'ꆬ', 11193 => 'ꆭ', 11194 => 'ꆮ', 11195 => 'ꆯ', 11196 => 'ꆰ', 11197 => 'ꆱ', 11198 => 'ꆲ', 11199 => 'ꆳ', 11200 => 'ꆴ', 11201 => 'ꆵ', 11202 => 'ꆶ', 11203 => 'ꆷ', 11204 => 'ꆸ', 11205 => 'ꆹ', 11206 => 'ꆺ', 11207 => 'ꆻ', 11208 => 'ꆼ', 11209 => 'ꆽ', 11210 => 'ꆾ', 11211 => 'ꆿ', 11212 => 'ꇀ', 11213 => 'ꇁ', 11214 => 'ꇂ', 11215 => 'ꇃ', 11216 => 'ꇄ', 11217 => 'ꇅ', 11218 => 'ꇆ', 11219 => 'ꇇ', 11220 => 'ꇈ', 11221 => 'ꇉ', 11222 => 'ꇊ', 11223 => 'ꇋ', 11224 => 'ꇌ', 11225 => 'ꇍ', 11226 => 'ꇎ', 11227 => 'ꇏ', 11228 => 'ꇐ', 11229 => 'ꇑ', 11230 => 'ꇒ', 11231 => 'ꇓ', 11232 => 'ꇔ', 11233 => 'ꇕ', 11234 => 'ꇖ', 11235 => 'ꇗ', 11236 => 'ꇘ', 11237 => 'ꇙ', 11238 => 'ꇚ', 11239 => 'ꇛ', 11240 => 'ꇜ', 11241 => 'ꇝ', 11242 => 'ꇞ', 11243 => 'ꇟ', 11244 => 'ꇠ', 11245 => 'ꇡ', 11246 => 'ꇢ', 11247 => 'ꇣ', 11248 => 'ꇤ', 11249 => 'ꇥ', 11250 => 'ꇦ', 11251 => 'ꇧ', 11252 => 'ꇨ', 11253 => 'ꇩ', 11254 => 'ꇪ', 11255 => 'ꇫ', 11256 => 'ꇬ', 11257 => 'ꇭ', 11258 => 'ꇮ', 11259 => 'ꇯ', 11260 => 'ꇰ', 11261 => 'ꇱ', 11262 => 'ꇲ', 11263 => 'ꇳ', 11264 => 'ꇴ', 11265 => 'ꇵ', 11266 => 'ꇶ', 11267 => 'ꇷ', 11268 => 'ꇸ', 11269 => 'ꇹ', 11270 => 'ꇺ', 11271 => 'ꇻ', 11272 => 'ꇼ', 11273 => 'ꇽ', 11274 => 'ꇾ', 11275 => 'ꇿ', 11276 => 'ꈀ', 11277 => 'ꈁ', 11278 => 'ꈂ', 11279 => 'ꈃ', 11280 => 'ꈄ', 11281 => 'ꈅ', 11282 => 'ꈆ', 11283 => 'ꈇ', 11284 => 'ꈈ', 11285 => 'ꈉ', 11286 => 'ꈊ', 11287 => 'ꈋ', 11288 => 'ꈌ', 11289 => 'ꈍ', 11290 => 'ꈎ', 11291 => 'ꈏ', 11292 => 'ꈐ', 11293 => 'ꈑ', 11294 => 'ꈒ', 11295 => 'ꈓ', 11296 => 'ꈔ', 11297 => 'ꈕ', 11298 => 'ꈖ', 11299 => 'ꈗ', 11300 => 'ꈘ', 11301 => 'ꈙ', 11302 => 'ꈚ', 11303 => 'ꈛ', 11304 => 'ꈜ', 11305 => 'ꈝ', 11306 => 'ꈞ', 11307 => 'ꈟ', 11308 => 'ꈠ', 11309 => 'ꈡ', 11310 => 'ꈢ', 11311 => 'ꈣ', 11312 => 'ꈤ', 11313 => 'ꈥ', 11314 => 'ꈦ', 11315 => 'ꈧ', 11316 => 'ꈨ', 11317 => 'ꈩ', 11318 => 'ꈪ', 11319 => 'ꈫ', 11320 => 'ꈬ', 11321 => 'ꈭ', 11322 => 'ꈮ', 11323 => 'ꈯ', 11324 => 'ꈰ', 11325 => 'ꈱ', 11326 => 'ꈲ', 11327 => 'ꈳ', 11328 => 'ꈴ', 11329 => 'ꈵ', 11330 => 'ꈶ', 11331 => 'ꈷ', 11332 => 'ꈸ', 11333 => 'ꈹ', 11334 => 'ꈺ', 11335 => 'ꈻ', 11336 => 'ꈼ', 11337 => 'ꈽ', 11338 => 'ꈾ', 11339 => 'ꈿ', 11340 => 'ꉀ', 11341 => 'ꉁ', 11342 => 'ꉂ', 11343 => 'ꉃ', 11344 => 'ꉄ', 11345 => 'ꉅ', 11346 => 'ꉆ', 11347 => 'ꉇ', 11348 => 'ꉈ', 11349 => 'ꉉ', 11350 => 'ꉊ', 11351 => 'ꉋ', 11352 => 'ꉌ', 11353 => 'ꉍ', 11354 => 'ꉎ', 11355 => 'ꉏ', 11356 => 'ꉐ', 11357 => 'ꉑ', 11358 => 'ꉒ', 11359 => 'ꉓ', 11360 => 'ꉔ', 11361 => 'ꉕ', 11362 => 'ꉖ', 11363 => 'ꉗ', 11364 => 'ꉘ', 11365 => 'ꉙ', 11366 => 'ꉚ', 11367 => 'ꉛ', 11368 => 'ꉜ', 11369 => 'ꉝ', 11370 => 'ꉞ', 11371 => 'ꉟ', 11372 => 'ꉠ', 11373 => 'ꉡ', 11374 => 'ꉢ', 11375 => 'ꉣ', 11376 => 'ꉤ', 11377 => 'ꉥ', 11378 => 'ꉦ', 11379 => 'ꉧ', 11380 => 'ꉨ', 11381 => 'ꉩ', 11382 => 'ꉪ', 11383 => 'ꉫ', 11384 => 'ꉬ', 11385 => 'ꉭ', 11386 => 'ꉮ', 11387 => 'ꉯ', 11388 => 'ꉰ', 11389 => 'ꉱ', 11390 => 'ꉲ', 11391 => 'ꉳ', 11392 => 'ꉴ', 11393 => 'ꉵ', 11394 => 'ꉶ', 11395 => 'ꉷ', 11396 => 'ꉸ', 11397 => 'ꉹ', 11398 => 'ꉺ', 11399 => 'ꉻ', 11400 => 'ꉼ', 11401 => 'ꉽ', 11402 => 'ꉾ', 11403 => 'ꉿ', 11404 => 'ꊀ', 11405 => 'ꊁ', 11406 => 'ꊂ', 11407 => 'ꊃ', 11408 => 'ꊄ', 11409 => 'ꊅ', 11410 => 'ꊆ', 11411 => 'ꊇ', 11412 => 'ꊈ', 11413 => 'ꊉ', 11414 => 'ꊊ', 11415 => 'ꊋ', 11416 => 'ꊌ', 11417 => 'ꊍ', 11418 => 'ꊎ', 11419 => 'ꊏ', 11420 => 'ꊐ', 11421 => 'ꊑ', 11422 => 'ꊒ', 11423 => 'ꊓ', 11424 => 'ꊔ', 11425 => 'ꊕ', 11426 => 'ꊖ', 11427 => 'ꊗ', 11428 => 'ꊘ', 11429 => 'ꊙ', 11430 => 'ꊚ', 11431 => 'ꊛ', 11432 => 'ꊜ', 11433 => 'ꊝ', 11434 => 'ꊞ', 11435 => 'ꊟ', 11436 => 'ꊠ', 11437 => 'ꊡ', 11438 => 'ꊢ', 11439 => 'ꊣ', 11440 => 'ꊤ', 11441 => 'ꊥ', 11442 => 'ꊦ', 11443 => 'ꊧ', 11444 => 'ꊨ', 11445 => 'ꊩ', 11446 => 'ꊪ', 11447 => 'ꊫ', 11448 => 'ꊬ', 11449 => 'ꊭ', 11450 => 'ꊮ', 11451 => 'ꊯ', 11452 => 'ꊰ', 11453 => 'ꊱ', 11454 => 'ꊲ', 11455 => 'ꊳ', 11456 => 'ꊴ', 11457 => 'ꊵ', 11458 => 'ꊶ', 11459 => 'ꊷ', 11460 => 'ꊸ', 11461 => 'ꊹ', 11462 => 'ꊺ', 11463 => 'ꊻ', 11464 => 'ꊼ', 11465 => 'ꊽ', 11466 => 'ꊾ', 11467 => 'ꊿ', 11468 => 'ꋀ', 11469 => 'ꋁ', 11470 => 'ꋂ', 11471 => 'ꋃ', 11472 => 'ꋄ', 11473 => 'ꋅ', 11474 => 'ꋆ', 11475 => 'ꋇ', 11476 => 'ꋈ', 11477 => 'ꋉ', 11478 => 'ꋊ', 11479 => 'ꋋ', 11480 => 'ꋌ', 11481 => 'ꋍ', 11482 => 'ꋎ', 11483 => 'ꋏ', 11484 => 'ꋐ', 11485 => 'ꋑ', 11486 => 'ꋒ', 11487 => 'ꋓ', 11488 => 'ꋔ', 11489 => 'ꋕ', 11490 => 'ꋖ', 11491 => 'ꋗ', 11492 => 'ꋘ', 11493 => 'ꋙ', 11494 => 'ꋚ', 11495 => 'ꋛ', 11496 => 'ꋜ', 11497 => 'ꋝ', 11498 => 'ꋞ', 11499 => 'ꋟ', 11500 => 'ꋠ', 11501 => 'ꋡ', 11502 => 'ꋢ', 11503 => 'ꋣ', 11504 => 'ꋤ', 11505 => 'ꋥ', 11506 => 'ꋦ', 11507 => 'ꋧ', 11508 => 'ꋨ', 11509 => 'ꋩ', 11510 => 'ꋪ', 11511 => 'ꋫ', 11512 => 'ꋬ', 11513 => 'ꋭ', 11514 => 'ꋮ', 11515 => 'ꋯ', 11516 => 'ꋰ', 11517 => 'ꋱ', 11518 => 'ꋲ', 11519 => 'ꋳ', 11520 => 'ꋴ', 11521 => 'ꋵ', 11522 => 'ꋶ', 11523 => 'ꋷ', 11524 => 'ꋸ', 11525 => 'ꋹ', 11526 => 'ꋺ', 11527 => 'ꋻ', 11528 => 'ꋼ', 11529 => 'ꋽ', 11530 => 'ꋾ', 11531 => 'ꋿ', 11532 => 'ꌀ', 11533 => 'ꌁ', 11534 => 'ꌂ', 11535 => 'ꌃ', 11536 => 'ꌄ', 11537 => 'ꌅ', 11538 => 'ꌆ', 11539 => 'ꌇ', 11540 => 'ꌈ', 11541 => 'ꌉ', 11542 => 'ꌊ', 11543 => 'ꌋ', 11544 => 'ꌌ', 11545 => 'ꌍ', 11546 => 'ꌎ', 11547 => 'ꌏ', 11548 => 'ꌐ', 11549 => 'ꌑ', 11550 => 'ꌒ', 11551 => 'ꌓ', 11552 => 'ꌔ', 11553 => 'ꌕ', 11554 => 'ꌖ', 11555 => 'ꌗ', 11556 => 'ꌘ', 11557 => 'ꌙ', 11558 => 'ꌚ', 11559 => 'ꌛ', 11560 => 'ꌜ', 11561 => 'ꌝ', 11562 => 'ꌞ', 11563 => 'ꌟ', 11564 => 'ꌠ', 11565 => 'ꌡ', 11566 => 'ꌢ', 11567 => 'ꌣ', 11568 => 'ꌤ', 11569 => 'ꌥ', 11570 => 'ꌦ', 11571 => 'ꌧ', 11572 => 'ꌨ', 11573 => 'ꌩ', 11574 => 'ꌪ', 11575 => 'ꌫ', 11576 => 'ꌬ', 11577 => 'ꌭ', 11578 => 'ꌮ', 11579 => 'ꌯ', 11580 => 'ꌰ', 11581 => 'ꌱ', 11582 => 'ꌲ', 11583 => 'ꌳ', 11584 => 'ꌴ', 11585 => 'ꌵ', 11586 => 'ꌶ', 11587 => 'ꌷ', 11588 => 'ꌸ', 11589 => 'ꌹ', 11590 => 'ꌺ', 11591 => 'ꌻ', 11592 => 'ꌼ', 11593 => 'ꌽ', 11594 => 'ꌾ', 11595 => 'ꌿ', 11596 => 'ꍀ', 11597 => 'ꍁ', 11598 => 'ꍂ', 11599 => 'ꍃ', 11600 => 'ꍄ', 11601 => 'ꍅ', 11602 => 'ꍆ', 11603 => 'ꍇ', 11604 => 'ꍈ', 11605 => 'ꍉ', 11606 => 'ꍊ', 11607 => 'ꍋ', 11608 => 'ꍌ', 11609 => 'ꍍ', 11610 => 'ꍎ', 11611 => 'ꍏ', 11612 => 'ꍐ', 11613 => 'ꍑ', 11614 => 'ꍒ', 11615 => 'ꍓ', 11616 => 'ꍔ', 11617 => 'ꍕ', 11618 => 'ꍖ', 11619 => 'ꍗ', 11620 => 'ꍘ', 11621 => 'ꍙ', 11622 => 'ꍚ', 11623 => 'ꍛ', 11624 => 'ꍜ', 11625 => 'ꍝ', 11626 => 'ꍞ', 11627 => 'ꍟ', 11628 => 'ꍠ', 11629 => 'ꍡ', 11630 => 'ꍢ', 11631 => 'ꍣ', 11632 => 'ꍤ', 11633 => 'ꍥ', 11634 => 'ꍦ', 11635 => 'ꍧ', 11636 => 'ꍨ', 11637 => 'ꍩ', 11638 => 'ꍪ', 11639 => 'ꍫ', 11640 => 'ꍬ', 11641 => 'ꍭ', 11642 => 'ꍮ', 11643 => 'ꍯ', 11644 => 'ꍰ', 11645 => 'ꍱ', 11646 => 'ꍲ', 11647 => 'ꍳ', 11648 => 'ꍴ', 11649 => 'ꍵ', 11650 => 'ꍶ', 11651 => 'ꍷ', 11652 => 'ꍸ', 11653 => 'ꍹ', 11654 => 'ꍺ', 11655 => 'ꍻ', 11656 => 'ꍼ', 11657 => 'ꍽ', 11658 => 'ꍾ', 11659 => 'ꍿ', 11660 => 'ꎀ', 11661 => 'ꎁ', 11662 => 'ꎂ', 11663 => 'ꎃ', 11664 => 'ꎄ', 11665 => 'ꎅ', 11666 => 'ꎆ', 11667 => 'ꎇ', 11668 => 'ꎈ', 11669 => 'ꎉ', 11670 => 'ꎊ', 11671 => 'ꎋ', 11672 => 'ꎌ', 11673 => 'ꎍ', 11674 => 'ꎎ', 11675 => 'ꎏ', 11676 => 'ꎐ', 11677 => 'ꎑ', 11678 => 'ꎒ', 11679 => 'ꎓ', 11680 => 'ꎔ', 11681 => 'ꎕ', 11682 => 'ꎖ', 11683 => 'ꎗ', 11684 => 'ꎘ', 11685 => 'ꎙ', 11686 => 'ꎚ', 11687 => 'ꎛ', 11688 => 'ꎜ', 11689 => 'ꎝ', 11690 => 'ꎞ', 11691 => 'ꎟ', 11692 => 'ꎠ', 11693 => 'ꎡ', 11694 => 'ꎢ', 11695 => 'ꎣ', 11696 => 'ꎤ', 11697 => 'ꎥ', 11698 => 'ꎦ', 11699 => 'ꎧ', 11700 => 'ꎨ', 11701 => 'ꎩ', 11702 => 'ꎪ', 11703 => 'ꎫ', 11704 => 'ꎬ', 11705 => 'ꎭ', 11706 => 'ꎮ', 11707 => 'ꎯ', 11708 => 'ꎰ', 11709 => 'ꎱ', 11710 => 'ꎲ', 11711 => 'ꎳ', 11712 => 'ꎴ', 11713 => 'ꎵ', 11714 => 'ꎶ', 11715 => 'ꎷ', 11716 => 'ꎸ', 11717 => 'ꎹ', 11718 => 'ꎺ', 11719 => 'ꎻ', 11720 => 'ꎼ', 11721 => 'ꎽ', 11722 => 'ꎾ', 11723 => 'ꎿ', 11724 => 'ꏀ', 11725 => 'ꏁ', 11726 => 'ꏂ', 11727 => 'ꏃ', 11728 => 'ꏄ', 11729 => 'ꏅ', 11730 => 'ꏆ', 11731 => 'ꏇ', 11732 => 'ꏈ', 11733 => 'ꏉ', 11734 => 'ꏊ', 11735 => 'ꏋ', 11736 => 'ꏌ', 11737 => 'ꏍ', 11738 => 'ꏎ', 11739 => 'ꏏ', 11740 => 'ꏐ', 11741 => 'ꏑ', 11742 => 'ꏒ', 11743 => 'ꏓ', 11744 => 'ꏔ', 11745 => 'ꏕ', 11746 => 'ꏖ', 11747 => 'ꏗ', 11748 => 'ꏘ', 11749 => 'ꏙ', 11750 => 'ꏚ', 11751 => 'ꏛ', 11752 => 'ꏜ', 11753 => 'ꏝ', 11754 => 'ꏞ', 11755 => 'ꏟ', 11756 => 'ꏠ', 11757 => 'ꏡ', 11758 => 'ꏢ', 11759 => 'ꏣ', 11760 => 'ꏤ', 11761 => 'ꏥ', 11762 => 'ꏦ', 11763 => 'ꏧ', 11764 => 'ꏨ', 11765 => 'ꏩ', 11766 => 'ꏪ', 11767 => 'ꏫ', 11768 => 'ꏬ', 11769 => 'ꏭ', 11770 => 'ꏮ', 11771 => 'ꏯ', 11772 => 'ꏰ', 11773 => 'ꏱ', 11774 => 'ꏲ', 11775 => 'ꏳ', 11776 => 'ꏴ', 11777 => 'ꏵ', 11778 => 'ꏶ', 11779 => 'ꏷ', 11780 => 'ꏸ', 11781 => 'ꏹ', 11782 => 'ꏺ', 11783 => 'ꏻ', 11784 => 'ꏼ', 11785 => 'ꏽ', 11786 => 'ꏾ', 11787 => 'ꏿ', 11788 => 'ꐀ', 11789 => 'ꐁ', 11790 => 'ꐂ', 11791 => 'ꐃ', 11792 => 'ꐄ', 11793 => 'ꐅ', 11794 => 'ꐆ', 11795 => 'ꐇ', 11796 => 'ꐈ', 11797 => 'ꐉ', 11798 => 'ꐊ', 11799 => 'ꐋ', 11800 => 'ꐌ', 11801 => 'ꐍ', 11802 => 'ꐎ', 11803 => 'ꐏ', 11804 => 'ꐐ', 11805 => 'ꐑ', 11806 => 'ꐒ', 11807 => 'ꐓ', 11808 => 'ꐔ', 11809 => 'ꐕ', 11810 => 'ꐖ', 11811 => 'ꐗ', 11812 => 'ꐘ', 11813 => 'ꐙ', 11814 => 'ꐚ', 11815 => 'ꐛ', 11816 => 'ꐜ', 11817 => 'ꐝ', 11818 => 'ꐞ', 11819 => 'ꐟ', 11820 => 'ꐠ', 11821 => 'ꐡ', 11822 => 'ꐢ', 11823 => 'ꐣ', 11824 => 'ꐤ', 11825 => 'ꐥ', 11826 => 'ꐦ', 11827 => 'ꐧ', 11828 => 'ꐨ', 11829 => 'ꐩ', 11830 => 'ꐪ', 11831 => 'ꐫ', 11832 => 'ꐬ', 11833 => 'ꐭ', 11834 => 'ꐮ', 11835 => 'ꐯ', 11836 => 'ꐰ', 11837 => 'ꐱ', 11838 => 'ꐲ', 11839 => 'ꐳ', 11840 => 'ꐴ', 11841 => 'ꐵ', 11842 => 'ꐶ', 11843 => 'ꐷ', 11844 => 'ꐸ', 11845 => 'ꐹ', 11846 => 'ꐺ', 11847 => 'ꐻ', 11848 => 'ꐼ', 11849 => 'ꐽ', 11850 => 'ꐾ', 11851 => 'ꐿ', 11852 => 'ꑀ', 11853 => 'ꑁ', 11854 => 'ꑂ', 11855 => 'ꑃ', 11856 => 'ꑄ', 11857 => 'ꑅ', 11858 => 'ꑆ', 11859 => 'ꑇ', 11860 => 'ꑈ', 11861 => 'ꑉ', 11862 => 'ꑊ', 11863 => 'ꑋ', 11864 => 'ꑌ', 11865 => 'ꑍ', 11866 => 'ꑎ', 11867 => 'ꑏ', 11868 => 'ꑐ', 11869 => 'ꑑ', 11870 => 'ꑒ', 11871 => 'ꑓ', 11872 => 'ꑔ', 11873 => 'ꑕ', 11874 => 'ꑖ', 11875 => 'ꑗ', 11876 => 'ꑘ', 11877 => 'ꑙ', 11878 => 'ꑚ', 11879 => 'ꑛ', 11880 => 'ꑜ', 11881 => 'ꑝ', 11882 => 'ꑞ', 11883 => 'ꑟ', 11884 => 'ꑠ', 11885 => 'ꑡ', 11886 => 'ꑢ', 11887 => 'ꑣ', 11888 => 'ꑤ', 11889 => 'ꑥ', 11890 => 'ꑦ', 11891 => 'ꑧ', 11892 => 'ꑨ', 11893 => 'ꑩ', 11894 => 'ꑪ', 11895 => 'ꑫ', 11896 => 'ꑬ', 11897 => 'ꑭ', 11898 => 'ꑮ', 11899 => 'ꑯ', 11900 => 'ꑰ', 11901 => 'ꑱ', 11902 => 'ꑲ', 11903 => 'ꑳ', 11904 => 'ꑴ', 11905 => 'ꑵ', 11906 => 'ꑶ', 11907 => 'ꑷ', 11908 => 'ꑸ', 11909 => 'ꑹ', 11910 => 'ꑺ', 11911 => 'ꑻ', 11912 => 'ꑼ', 11913 => 'ꑽ', 11914 => 'ꑾ', 11915 => 'ꑿ', 11916 => 'ꒀ', 11917 => 'ꒁ', 11918 => 'ꒂ', 11919 => 'ꒃ', 11920 => 'ꒄ', 11921 => 'ꒅ', 11922 => 'ꒆ', 11923 => 'ꒇ', 11924 => 'ꒈ', 11925 => 'ꒉ', 11926 => 'ꒊ', 11927 => 'ꒋ', 11928 => 'ꒌ', 11929 => 'ꓸ', 11930 => 'ꓹ', 11931 => 'ꓺ', 11932 => 'ꓻ', 11933 => 'ꓽ', 11934 => 'ꓼ', 11935 => 'ꓐ', 11936 => 'ꓑ', 11937 => 'ꓒ', 11938 => 'ꓓ', 11939 => 'ꓔ', 11940 => 'ꓕ', 11941 => 'ꓖ', 11942 => 'ꓗ', 11943 => 'ꓘ', 11944 => 'ꓙ', 11945 => 'ꓚ', 11946 => 'ꓛ', 11947 => 'ꓜ', 11948 => 'ꓝ', 11949 => 'ꓞ', 11950 => 'ꓟ', 11951 => 'ꓠ', 11952 => 'ꓡ', 11953 => 'ꓢ', 11954 => 'ꓣ', 11955 => 'ꓤ', 11956 => 'ꓥ', 11957 => 'ꓦ', 11958 => 'ꓧ', 11959 => 'ꓨ', 11960 => 'ꓩ', 11961 => 'ꓫ', 11962 => 'ꓭ', 11963 => 'ꓪ', 11964 => 'ꓬ', 11965 => 'ꓮ', 11966 => 'ꓯ', 11967 => 'ꓰ', 11968 => 'ꓱ', 11969 => 'ꓲ', 11970 => 'ꓳ', 11971 => 'ꓴ', 11972 => 'ꓵ', 11973 => 'ꓶ', 11974 => 'ꓷ', 11975 => '𐊀', 11976 => '𐊁', 11977 => '𐊂', 11978 => '𐊃', 11979 => '𐊄', 11980 => '𐊅', 11981 => '𐊆', 11982 => '𐊇', 11983 => '𐊈', 11984 => '𐊉', 11985 => '𐊊', 11986 => '𐊋', 11987 => '𐊌', 11988 => '𐊍', 11989 => '𐊎', 11990 => '𐊏', 11991 => '𐊐', 11992 => '𐊑', 11993 => '𐊒', 11994 => '𐊓', 11995 => '𐊔', 11996 => '𐊕', 11997 => '𐊖', 11998 => '𐊗', 11999 => '𐊘', 12000 => '𐊙', 12001 => '𐊚', 12002 => '𐊛', 12003 => '𐊜', 12004 => '𐊠', 12005 => '𐊡', 12006 => '𐊢', 12007 => '𐊣', 12008 => '𐊤', 12009 => '𐊥', 12010 => '𐊦', 12011 => '𐊧', 12012 => '𐊨', 12013 => '𐊩', 12014 => '𐊪', 12015 => '𐊫', 12016 => '𐊬', 12017 => '𐊭', 12018 => '𐊮', 12019 => '𐊯', 12020 => '𐊰', 12021 => '𐊱', 12022 => '𐊲', 12023 => '𐊳', 12024 => '𐊴', 12025 => '𐊵', 12026 => '𐊶', 12027 => '𐊷', 12028 => '𐊸', 12029 => '𐊹', 12030 => '𐊺', 12031 => '𐊻', 12032 => '𐊼', 12033 => '𐊽', 12034 => '𐊾', 12035 => '𐊿', 12036 => '𐋀', 12037 => '𐋁', 12038 => '𐋂', 12039 => '𐋃', 12040 => '𐋄', 12041 => '𐋅', 12042 => '𐋆', 12043 => '𐋇', 12044 => '𐋈', 12045 => '𐋉', 12046 => '𐋊', 12047 => '𐋋', 12048 => '𐋌', 12049 => '𐋍', 12050 => '𐋎', 12051 => '𐋏', 12052 => '𐋐', 12053 => '𐤠', 12054 => '𐤡', 12055 => '𐤢', 12056 => '𐤣', 12057 => '𐤤', 12058 => '𐤥', 12059 => '𐤦', 12060 => '𐤧', 12061 => '𐤨', 12062 => '𐤩', 12063 => '𐤪', 12064 => '𐤫', 12065 => '𐤬', 12066 => '𐤭', 12067 => '𐤮', 12068 => '𐤯', 12069 => '𐤰', 12070 => '𐤱', 12071 => '𐤲', 12072 => '𐤳', 12073 => '𐤴', 12074 => '𐤵', 12075 => '𐤶', 12076 => '𐤷', 12077 => '𐤸', 12078 => '𐤹', 12079 => '𐌀', 12080 => '𐌁', 12081 => '𐌂', 12082 => '𐌃', 12083 => '𐌄', 12084 => '𐌅', 12085 => '𐌆', 12086 => '𐌇', 12087 => '𐌈', 12088 => '𐌉', 12089 => '𐌊', 12090 => '𐌋', 12091 => '𐌌', 12092 => '𐌍', 12093 => '𐌎', 12094 => '𐌏', 12095 => '𐌐', 12096 => '𐌑', 12097 => '𐌒', 12098 => '𐌓', 12099 => '𐌔', 12100 => '𐌕', 12101 => '𐌖', 12102 => '𐌗', 12103 => '𐌘', 12104 => '𐌙', 12105 => '𐌚', 12106 => '𐌛', 12107 => '𐌜', 12108 => '𐌝', 12109 => '𐌞', 12110 => '𐌰', 12111 => '𐌱', 12112 => '𐌲', 12113 => '𐌳', 12114 => '𐌴', 12115 => '𐌵', 12116 => '𐌶', 12117 => '𐌷', 12118 => '𐌸', 12119 => '𐌹', 12120 => '𐌺', 12121 => '𐌻', 12122 => '𐌼', 12123 => '𐌽', 12124 => '𐌾', 12125 => '𐌿', 12126 => '𐍀', 12127 => '𐍁', 12128 => '𐍂', 12129 => '𐍃', 12130 => '𐍄', 12131 => '𐍅', 12132 => '𐍆', 12133 => '𐍇', 12134 => '𐍈', 12135 => '𐍉', 12136 => '𐍊', 12137 => '𐐀', 12138 => '𐐁', 12139 => '𐐂', 12140 => '𐐃', 12141 => '𐐄', 12142 => '𐐅', 12143 => '𐐆', 12144 => '𐐇', 12145 => '𐐈', 12146 => '𐐉', 12147 => '𐐊', 12148 => '𐐋', 12149 => '𐐌', 12150 => '𐐍', 12151 => '𐐎', 12152 => '𐐏', 12153 => '𐐐', 12154 => '𐐑', 12155 => '𐐒', 12156 => '𐐓', 12157 => '𐐔', 12158 => '𐐕', 12159 => '𐐖', 12160 => '𐐗', 12161 => '𐐘', 12162 => '𐐙', 12163 => '𐐚', 12164 => '𐐛', 12165 => '𐐜', 12166 => '𐐝', 12167 => '𐐞', 12168 => '𐐟', 12169 => '𐐠', 12170 => '𐐡', 12171 => '𐐢', 12172 => '𐐣', 12173 => '𐐤', 12174 => '𐐥', 12175 => '𐐦', 12176 => '𐐧', 12177 => '𐑐', 12178 => '𐑑', 12179 => '𐑒', 12180 => '𐑓', 12181 => '𐑔', 12182 => '𐑕', 12183 => '𐑖', 12184 => '𐑗', 12185 => '𐑘', 12186 => '𐑙', 12187 => '𐑚', 12188 => '𐑛', 12189 => '𐑜', 12190 => '𐑝', 12191 => '𐑞', 12192 => '𐑟', 12193 => '𐑠', 12194 => '𐑡', 12195 => '𐑢', 12196 => '𐑣', 12197 => '𐑤', 12198 => '𐑥', 12199 => '𐑦', 12200 => '𐑧', 12201 => '𐑨', 12202 => '𐑩', 12203 => '𐑪', 12204 => '𐑫', 12205 => '𐑬', 12206 => '𐑭', 12207 => '𐑮', 12208 => '𐑯', 12209 => '𐑰', 12210 => '𐑱', 12211 => '𐑲', 12212 => '𐑳', 12213 => '𐑴', 12214 => '𐑵', 12215 => '𐑶', 12216 => '𐑷', 12217 => '𐑸', 12218 => '𐑹', 12219 => '𐑺', 12220 => '𐑻', 12221 => '𐑼', 12222 => '𐑽', 12223 => '𐑾', 12224 => '𐑿', 12225 => '𐒀', 12226 => '𐒁', 12227 => '𐒂', 12228 => '𐒃', 12229 => '𐒄', 12230 => '𐒅', 12231 => '𐒆', 12232 => '𐒇', 12233 => '𐒈', 12234 => '𐒉', 12235 => '𐒊', 12236 => '𐒋', 12237 => '𐒌', 12238 => '𐒍', 12239 => '𐒎', 12240 => '𐒏', 12241 => '𐒐', 12242 => '𐒑', 12243 => '𐒒', 12244 => '𐒓', 12245 => '𐒔', 12246 => '𐒕', 12247 => '𐒖', 12248 => '𐒗', 12249 => '𐒘', 12250 => '𐒙', 12251 => '𐒚', 12252 => '𐒛', 12253 => '𐒜', 12254 => '𐒝', 12255 => '𐀀', 12256 => '𐀁', 12257 => '𐀂', 12258 => '𐀃', 12259 => '𐀄', 12260 => '𐀅', 12261 => '𐀆', 12262 => '𐀇', 12263 => '𐀈', 12264 => '𐀉', 12265 => '𐀊', 12266 => '𐀋', 12267 => '𐀍', 12268 => '𐀎', 12269 => '𐀏', 12270 => '𐀐', 12271 => '𐀑', 12272 => '𐀒', 12273 => '𐀓', 12274 => '𐀔', 12275 => '𐀕', 12276 => '𐀖', 12277 => '𐀗', 12278 => '𐀘', 12279 => '𐀙', 12280 => '𐀚', 12281 => '𐀛', 12282 => '𐀜', 12283 => '𐀝', 12284 => '𐀞', 12285 => '𐀟', 12286 => '𐀠', 12287 => '𐀡', 12288 => '𐀢', 12289 => '𐀣', 12290 => '𐀤', 12291 => '𐀥', 12292 => '𐀦', 12293 => '𐀨', 12294 => '𐀩', 12295 => '𐀪', 12296 => '𐀫', 12297 => '𐀬', 12298 => '𐀭', 12299 => '𐀮', 12300 => '𐀯', 12301 => '𐀰', 12302 => '𐀱', 12303 => '𐀲', 12304 => '𐀳', 12305 => '𐀴', 12306 => '𐀵', 12307 => '𐀶', 12308 => '𐀷', 12309 => '𐀸', 12310 => '𐀹', 12311 => '𐀺', 12312 => '𐀼', 12313 => '𐀽', 12314 => '𐀿', 12315 => '𐁀', 12316 => '𐁁', 12317 => '𐁂', 12318 => '𐁃', 12319 => '𐁄', 12320 => '𐁅', 12321 => '𐁆', 12322 => '𐁇', 12323 => '𐁈', 12324 => '𐁉', 12325 => '𐁊', 12326 => '𐁋', 12327 => '𐁌', 12328 => '𐁍', 12329 => '𐁐', 12330 => '𐁑', 12331 => '𐁒', 12332 => '𐁓', 12333 => '𐁔', 12334 => '𐁕', 12335 => '𐁖', 12336 => '𐁗', 12337 => '𐁘', 12338 => '𐁙', 12339 => '𐁚', 12340 => '𐁛', 12341 => '𐁜', 12342 => '𐁝', 12343 => '𐂀', 12344 => '𐂁', 12345 => '𐂂', 12346 => '𐂃', 12347 => '𐂄', 12348 => '𐂅', 12349 => '𐂆', 12350 => '𐂇', 12351 => '𐂈', 12352 => '𐂉', 12353 => '𐂊', 12354 => '𐂋', 12355 => '𐂌', 12356 => '𐂍', 12357 => '𐂎', 12358 => '𐂏', 12359 => '𐂐', 12360 => '𐂑', 12361 => '𐂒', 12362 => '𐂓', 12363 => '𐂔', 12364 => '𐂕', 12365 => '𐂖', 12366 => '𐂗', 12367 => '𐂘', 12368 => '𐂙', 12369 => '𐂚', 12370 => '𐂛', 12371 => '𐂜', 12372 => '𐂝', 12373 => '𐂞', 12374 => '𐂟', 12375 => '𐂠', 12376 => '𐂡', 12377 => '𐂢', 12378 => '𐂣', 12379 => '𐂤', 12380 => '𐂥', 12381 => '𐂦', 12382 => '𐂧', 12383 => '𐂨', 12384 => '𐂩', 12385 => '𐂪', 12386 => '𐂫', 12387 => '𐂬', 12388 => '𐂭', 12389 => '𐂮', 12390 => '𐂯', 12391 => '𐂰', 12392 => '𐂱', 12393 => '𐂲', 12394 => '𐂳', 12395 => '𐂴', 12396 => '𐂵', 12397 => '𐂶', 12398 => '𐂷', 12399 => '𐂸', 12400 => '𐂹', 12401 => '𐂺', 12402 => '𐂻', 12403 => '𐂼', 12404 => '𐂽', 12405 => '𐂾', 12406 => '𐂿', 12407 => '𐃀', 12408 => '𐃁', 12409 => '𐃂', 12410 => '𐃃', 12411 => '𐃄', 12412 => '𐃅', 12413 => '𐃆', 12414 => '𐃇', 12415 => '𐃈', 12416 => '𐃉', 12417 => '𐃊', 12418 => '𐃋', 12419 => '𐃌', 12420 => '𐃍', 12421 => '𐃎', 12422 => '𐃏', 12423 => '𐃐', 12424 => '𐃑', 12425 => '𐃒', 12426 => '𐃓', 12427 => '𐃔', 12428 => '𐃕', 12429 => '𐃖', 12430 => '𐃗', 12431 => '𐃘', 12432 => '𐃙', 12433 => '𐃚', 12434 => '𐃛', 12435 => '𐃜', 12436 => '𐃝', 12437 => '𐃞', 12438 => '𐃟', 12439 => '𐃠', 12440 => '𐃡', 12441 => '𐃢', 12442 => '𐃣', 12443 => '𐃤', 12444 => '𐃥', 12445 => '𐃦', 12446 => '𐃧', 12447 => '𐃨', 12448 => '𐃩', 12449 => '𐃪', 12450 => '𐃫', 12451 => '𐃬', 12452 => '𐃭', 12453 => '𐃮', 12454 => '𐃯', 12455 => '𐃰', 12456 => '𐃱', 12457 => '𐃲', 12458 => '𐃳', 12459 => '𐃴', 12460 => '𐃵', 12461 => '𐃶', 12462 => '𐃷', 12463 => '𐃸', 12464 => '𐃹', 12465 => '𐃺', 12466 => '𐠀', 12467 => '𐠁', 12468 => '𐠂', 12469 => '𐠃', 12470 => '𐠄', 12471 => '𐠅', 12472 => '𐠈', 12473 => '𐠊', 12474 => '𐠋', 12475 => '𐠌', 12476 => '𐠍', 12477 => '𐠎', 12478 => '𐠏', 12479 => '𐠐', 12480 => '𐠑', 12481 => '𐠒', 12482 => '𐠓', 12483 => '𐠔', 12484 => '𐠕', 12485 => '𐠖', 12486 => '𐠗', 12487 => '𐠘', 12488 => '𐠙', 12489 => '𐠚', 12490 => '𐠛', 12491 => '𐠜', 12492 => '𐠝', 12493 => '𐠞', 12494 => '𐠟', 12495 => '𐠠', 12496 => '𐠡', 12497 => '𐠢', 12498 => '𐠣', 12499 => '𐠤', 12500 => '𐠥', 12501 => '𐠦', 12502 => '𐠧', 12503 => '𐠨', 12504 => '𐠩', 12505 => '𐠪', 12506 => '𐠫', 12507 => '𐠬', 12508 => '𐠭', 12509 => '𐠮', 12510 => '𐠯', 12511 => '𐠰', 12512 => '𐠱', 12513 => '𐠲', 12514 => '𐠳', 12515 => '𐠴', 12516 => '𐠵', 12517 => '𐠷', 12518 => '𐠸', 12519 => '𐠼', 12520 => '𐠿', 12521 => '𐩠', 12522 => '𐩡', 12523 => '𐩢', 12524 => '𐩣', 12525 => '𐩤', 12526 => '𐩥', 12527 => '𐩦', 12528 => '𐩧', 12529 => '𐩨', 12530 => '𐩩', 12531 => '𐩪', 12532 => '𐩫', 12533 => '𐩬', 12534 => '𐩭', 12535 => '𐩮', 12536 => '𐩯', 12537 => '𐩰', 12538 => '𐩱', 12539 => '𐩲', 12540 => '𐩳', 12541 => '𐩴', 12542 => '𐩵', 12543 => '𐩶', 12544 => '𐩷', 12545 => '𐩸', 12546 => '𐩹', 12547 => '𐩺', 12548 => '𐩻', 12549 => '𐩼', 12550 => '𐬀', 12551 => '𐬁', 12552 => '𐬂', 12553 => '𐬃', 12554 => '𐬄', 12555 => '𐬅', 12556 => '𐬆', 12557 => '𐬇', 12558 => '𐬈', 12559 => '𐬉', 12560 => '𐬊', 12561 => '𐬋', 12562 => '𐬌', 12563 => '𐬍', 12564 => '𐬎', 12565 => '𐬏', 12566 => '𐬐', 12567 => '𐬑', 12568 => '𐬒', 12569 => '𐬓', 12570 => '𐬔', 12571 => '𐬕', 12572 => '𐬖', 12573 => '𐬗', 12574 => '𐬘', 12575 => '𐬙', 12576 => '𐬚', 12577 => '𐬛', 12578 => '𐬜', 12579 => '𐬝', 12580 => '𐬞', 12581 => '𐬟', 12582 => '𐬠', 12583 => '𐬡', 12584 => '𐬢', 12585 => '𐬣', 12586 => '𐬤', 12587 => '𐬥', 12588 => '𐬦', 12589 => '𐬧', 12590 => '𐬨', 12591 => '𐬩', 12592 => '𐬪', 12593 => '𐬫', 12594 => '𐬬', 12595 => '𐬭', 12596 => '𐬯', 12597 => '𐬰', 12598 => '𐬱', 12599 => '𐬲', 12600 => '𐬳', 12601 => '𐬴', 12602 => '𐬵', 12603 => '𐡀', 12604 => '𐡁', 12605 => '𐡂', 12606 => '𐡃', 12607 => '𐡄', 12608 => '𐡅', 12609 => '𐡆', 12610 => '𐡇', 12611 => '𐡈', 12612 => '𐡉', 12613 => '𐡊', 12614 => '𐡋', 12615 => '𐡌', 12616 => '𐡍', 12617 => '𐡎', 12618 => '𐡏', 12619 => '𐡐', 12620 => '𐡑', 12621 => '𐡒', 12622 => '𐡓', 12623 => '𐡔', 12624 => '𐡕', 12625 => '𐭀', 12626 => '𐭁', 12627 => '𐭂', 12628 => '𐭃', 12629 => '𐭄', 12630 => '𐭅', 12631 => '𐭆', 12632 => '𐭇', 12633 => '𐭈', 12634 => '𐭉', 12635 => '𐭊', 12636 => '𐭋', 12637 => '𐭌', 12638 => '𐭍', 12639 => '𐭎', 12640 => '𐭏', 12641 => '𐭐', 12642 => '𐭑', 12643 => '𐭒', 12644 => '𐭓', 12645 => '𐭔', 12646 => '𐭕', 12647 => '𐭠', 12648 => '𐭡', 12649 => '𐭢', 12650 => '𐭣', 12651 => '𐭤', 12652 => '𐭥', 12653 => '𐭦', 12654 => '𐭧', 12655 => '𐭨', 12656 => '𐭩', 12657 => '𐭪', 12658 => '𐭫', 12659 => '𐭬', 12660 => '𐭭', 12661 => '𐭮', 12662 => '𐭯', 12663 => '𐭰', 12664 => '𐭱', 12665 => '𐭲', 12666 => '𐎀', 12667 => '𐎁', 12668 => '𐎂', 12669 => '𐎃', 12670 => '𐎄', 12671 => '𐎅', 12672 => '𐎆', 12673 => '𐎇', 12674 => '𐎈', 12675 => '𐎉', 12676 => '𐎊', 12677 => '𐎋', 12678 => '𐎌', 12679 => '𐎍', 12680 => '𐎎', 12681 => '𐎏', 12682 => '𐎐', 12683 => '𐎑', 12684 => '𐎒', 12685 => '𐎓', 12686 => '𐎔', 12687 => '𐎕', 12688 => '𐎖', 12689 => '𐎗', 12690 => '𐎘', 12691 => '𐎙', 12692 => '𐎚', 12693 => '𐎛', 12694 => '𐎜', 12695 => '𐎝', 12696 => '𐎠', 12697 => '𐎡', 12698 => '𐎢', 12699 => '𐎣', 12700 => '𐎤', 12701 => '𐎥', 12702 => '𐎦', 12703 => '𐎧', 12704 => '𐎨', 12705 => '𐎩', 12706 => '𐎪', 12707 => '𐎫', 12708 => '𐎬', 12709 => '𐎭', 12710 => '𐎮', 12711 => '𐎯', 12712 => '𐎰', 12713 => '𐎱', 12714 => '𐎲', 12715 => '𐎳', 12716 => '𐎴', 12717 => '𐎵', 12718 => '𐎶', 12719 => '𐎷', 12720 => '𐎸', 12721 => '𐎹', 12722 => '𐎺', 12723 => '𐎻', 12724 => '𐎼', 12725 => '𐎽', 12726 => '𐎾', 12727 => '𐎿', 12728 => '𐏀', 12729 => '𐏁', 12730 => '𐏂', 12731 => '𐏃', 12732 => '𐏈', 12733 => '𐏉', 12734 => '𐏊', 12735 => '𐏋', 12736 => '𐏌', 12737 => '𐏍', 12738 => '𐏎', 12739 => '𐏏', 12740 => '𒀀', 12741 => '𒀁', 12742 => '𒀂', 12743 => '𒀃', 12744 => '𒀄', 12745 => '𒀅', 12746 => '𒀆', 12747 => '𒀇', 12748 => '𒀈', 12749 => '𒀉', 12750 => '𒀊', 12751 => '𒀋', 12752 => '𒀌', 12753 => '𒀍', 12754 => '𒀎', 12755 => '𒀏', 12756 => '𒀐', 12757 => '𒀑', 12758 => '𒀒', 12759 => '𒀓', 12760 => '𒀔', 12761 => '𒀕', 12762 => '𒀖', 12763 => '𒀗', 12764 => '𒀘', 12765 => '𒀙', 12766 => '𒀚', 12767 => '𒀛', 12768 => '𒀜', 12769 => '𒀝', 12770 => '𒀞', 12771 => '𒀟', 12772 => '𒀠', 12773 => '𒀡', 12774 => '𒀢', 12775 => '𒀣', 12776 => '𒀤', 12777 => '𒀥', 12778 => '𒀦', 12779 => '𒀧', 12780 => '𒀨', 12781 => '𒀩', 12782 => '𒀪', 12783 => '𒀫', 12784 => '𒀬', 12785 => '𒀭', 12786 => '𒀮', 12787 => '𒀯', 12788 => '𒀰', 12789 => '𒀱', 12790 => '𒀲', 12791 => '𒀳', 12792 => '𒀴', 12793 => '𒀵', 12794 => '𒀶', 12795 => '𒀷', 12796 => '𒀸', 12797 => '𒀹', 12798 => '𒀺', 12799 => '𒀻', 12800 => '𒀼', 12801 => '𒀽', 12802 => '𒀾', 12803 => '𒀿', 12804 => '𒁀', 12805 => '𒁁', 12806 => '𒁂', 12807 => '𒁃', 12808 => '𒁄', 12809 => '𒁅', 12810 => '𒁆', 12811 => '𒁇', 12812 => '𒁈', 12813 => '𒁉', 12814 => '𒁊', 12815 => '𒁋', 12816 => '𒁌', 12817 => '𒁍', 12818 => '𒁎', 12819 => '𒁏', 12820 => '𒁐', 12821 => '𒁑', 12822 => '𒁒', 12823 => '𒁓', 12824 => '𒁔', 12825 => '𒁕', 12826 => '𒁖', 12827 => '𒁗', 12828 => '𒁘', 12829 => '𒁙', 12830 => '𒁚', 12831 => '𒁛', 12832 => '𒁜', 12833 => '𒁝', 12834 => '𒁞', 12835 => '𒁟', 12836 => '𒁠', 12837 => '𒁡', 12838 => '𒁢', 12839 => '𒁣', 12840 => '𒁤', 12841 => '𒁥', 12842 => '𒁦', 12843 => '𒁧', 12844 => '𒁨', 12845 => '𒁩', 12846 => '𒁪', 12847 => '𒁫', 12848 => '𒁬', 12849 => '𒁭', 12850 => '𒁮', 12851 => '𒁯', 12852 => '𒁰', 12853 => '𒁱', 12854 => '𒁲', 12855 => '𒁳', 12856 => '𒁴', 12857 => '𒁵', 12858 => '𒁶', 12859 => '𒁷', 12860 => '𒁸', 12861 => '𒁹', 12862 => '𒁺', 12863 => '𒁻', 12864 => '𒁼', 12865 => '𒁽', 12866 => '𒁾', 12867 => '𒁿', 12868 => '𒂀', 12869 => '𒂁', 12870 => '𒂂', 12871 => '𒂃', 12872 => '𒂄', 12873 => '𒂅', 12874 => '𒂆', 12875 => '𒂇', 12876 => '𒂈', 12877 => '𒂉', 12878 => '𒂊', 12879 => '𒂋', 12880 => '𒂌', 12881 => '𒂍', 12882 => '𒂎', 12883 => '𒂏', 12884 => '𒂐', 12885 => '𒂑', 12886 => '𒂒', 12887 => '𒂓', 12888 => '𒂔', 12889 => '𒂕', 12890 => '𒂖', 12891 => '𒂗', 12892 => '𒂘', 12893 => '𒂙', 12894 => '𒂚', 12895 => '𒂛', 12896 => '𒂜', 12897 => '𒂝', 12898 => '𒂞', 12899 => '𒂟', 12900 => '𒂠', 12901 => '𒂡', 12902 => '𒂢', 12903 => '𒂣', 12904 => '𒂤', 12905 => '𒂥', 12906 => '𒂦', 12907 => '𒂧', 12908 => '𒂨', 12909 => '𒂩', 12910 => '𒂪', 12911 => '𒂫', 12912 => '𒂬', 12913 => '𒂭', 12914 => '𒂮', 12915 => '𒂯', 12916 => '𒂰', 12917 => '𒂱', 12918 => '𒂲', 12919 => '𒂳', 12920 => '𒂴', 12921 => '𒂵', 12922 => '𒂶', 12923 => '𒂷', 12924 => '𒂸', 12925 => '𒂹', 12926 => '𒂺', 12927 => '𒂻', 12928 => '𒂼', 12929 => '𒂽', 12930 => '𒂾', 12931 => '𒂿', 12932 => '𒃀', 12933 => '𒃁', 12934 => '𒃂', 12935 => '𒃃', 12936 => '𒃄', 12937 => '𒃅', 12938 => '𒃆', 12939 => '𒃇', 12940 => '𒃈', 12941 => '𒃉', 12942 => '𒃊', 12943 => '𒃋', 12944 => '𒃌', 12945 => '𒃍', 12946 => '𒃎', 12947 => '𒃏', 12948 => '𒃐', 12949 => '𒃑', 12950 => '𒃒', 12951 => '𒃓', 12952 => '𒃔', 12953 => '𒃕', 12954 => '𒃖', 12955 => '𒃗', 12956 => '𒃘', 12957 => '𒃙', 12958 => '𒃚', 12959 => '𒃛', 12960 => '𒃜', 12961 => '𒃝', 12962 => '𒃞', 12963 => '𒃟', 12964 => '𒃠', 12965 => '𒃡', 12966 => '𒃢', 12967 => '𒃣', 12968 => '𒃤', 12969 => '𒃥', 12970 => '𒃦', 12971 => '𒃧', 12972 => '𒃨', 12973 => '𒃩', 12974 => '𒃪', 12975 => '𒃫', 12976 => '𒃬', 12977 => '𒃭', 12978 => '𒃮', 12979 => '𒃯', 12980 => '𒃰', 12981 => '𒃱', 12982 => '𒃲', 12983 => '𒃳', 12984 => '𒃴', 12985 => '𒃵', 12986 => '𒃶', 12987 => '𒃷', 12988 => '𒃸', 12989 => '𒃹', 12990 => '𒃺', 12991 => '𒃻', 12992 => '𒃼', 12993 => '𒃽', 12994 => '𒃾', 12995 => '𒃿', 12996 => '𒄀', 12997 => '𒄁', 12998 => '𒄂', 12999 => '𒄃', 13000 => '𒄄', 13001 => '𒄅', 13002 => '𒄆', 13003 => '𒄇', 13004 => '𒄈', 13005 => '𒄉', 13006 => '𒄊', 13007 => '𒄋', 13008 => '𒄌', 13009 => '𒄍', 13010 => '𒄎', 13011 => '𒄏', 13012 => '𒄐', 13013 => '𒄑', 13014 => '𒄒', 13015 => '𒄓', 13016 => '𒄔', 13017 => '𒄕', 13018 => '𒄖', 13019 => '𒄗', 13020 => '𒄘', 13021 => '𒄙', 13022 => '𒄚', 13023 => '𒄛', 13024 => '𒄜', 13025 => '𒄝', 13026 => '𒄞', 13027 => '𒄟', 13028 => '𒄠', 13029 => '𒄡', 13030 => '𒄢', 13031 => '𒄣', 13032 => '𒄤', 13033 => '𒄥', 13034 => '𒄦', 13035 => '𒄧', 13036 => '𒄨', 13037 => '𒄩', 13038 => '𒄪', 13039 => '𒄫', 13040 => '𒄬', 13041 => '𒄭', 13042 => '𒄮', 13043 => '𒄯', 13044 => '𒄰', 13045 => '𒄱', 13046 => '𒄲', 13047 => '𒄳', 13048 => '𒄴', 13049 => '𒄵', 13050 => '𒄶', 13051 => '𒄷', 13052 => '𒄸', 13053 => '𒄹', 13054 => '𒄺', 13055 => '𒄻', 13056 => '𒄼', 13057 => '𒄽', 13058 => '𒄾', 13059 => '𒄿', 13060 => '𒅀', 13061 => '𒅁', 13062 => '𒅂', 13063 => '𒅃', 13064 => '𒅄', 13065 => '𒅅', 13066 => '𒅆', 13067 => '𒅇', 13068 => '𒅈', 13069 => '𒅉', 13070 => '𒅊', 13071 => '𒅋', 13072 => '𒅌', 13073 => '𒅍', 13074 => '𒅎', 13075 => '𒅏', 13076 => '𒅐', 13077 => '𒅑', 13078 => '𒅒', 13079 => '𒅓', 13080 => '𒅔', 13081 => '𒅕', 13082 => '𒅖', 13083 => '𒅗', 13084 => '𒅘', 13085 => '𒅙', 13086 => '𒅚', 13087 => '𒅛', 13088 => '𒅜', 13089 => '𒅝', 13090 => '𒅞', 13091 => '𒅟', 13092 => '𒅠', 13093 => '𒅡', 13094 => '𒅢', 13095 => '𒅣', 13096 => '𒅤', 13097 => '𒅥', 13098 => '𒅦', 13099 => '𒅧', 13100 => '𒅨', 13101 => '𒅩', 13102 => '𒅪', 13103 => '𒅫', 13104 => '𒅬', 13105 => '𒅭', 13106 => '𒅮', 13107 => '𒅯', 13108 => '𒅰', 13109 => '𒅱', 13110 => '𒅲', 13111 => '𒅳', 13112 => '𒅴', 13113 => '𒅵', 13114 => '𒅶', 13115 => '𒅷', 13116 => '𒅸', 13117 => '𒅹', 13118 => '𒅺', 13119 => '𒅻', 13120 => '𒅼', 13121 => '𒅽', 13122 => '𒅾', 13123 => '𒅿', 13124 => '𒆀', 13125 => '𒆁', 13126 => '𒆂', 13127 => '𒆃', 13128 => '𒆄', 13129 => '𒆅', 13130 => '𒆆', 13131 => '𒆇', 13132 => '𒆈', 13133 => '𒆉', 13134 => '𒆊', 13135 => '𒆋', 13136 => '𒆌', 13137 => '𒆍', 13138 => '𒆎', 13139 => '𒆏', 13140 => '𒆐', 13141 => '𒆑', 13142 => '𒆒', 13143 => '𒆓', 13144 => '𒆔', 13145 => '𒆕', 13146 => '𒆖', 13147 => '𒆗', 13148 => '𒆘', 13149 => '𒆙', 13150 => '𒆚', 13151 => '𒆛', 13152 => '𒆜', 13153 => '𒆝', 13154 => '𒆞', 13155 => '𒆟', 13156 => '𒆠', 13157 => '𒆡', 13158 => '𒆢', 13159 => '𒆣', 13160 => '𒆤', 13161 => '𒆥', 13162 => '𒆦', 13163 => '𒆧', 13164 => '𒆨', 13165 => '𒆩', 13166 => '𒆪', 13167 => '𒆫', 13168 => '𒆬', 13169 => '𒆭', 13170 => '𒆮', 13171 => '𒆯', 13172 => '𒆰', 13173 => '𒆱', 13174 => '𒆲', 13175 => '𒆳', 13176 => '𒆴', 13177 => '𒆵', 13178 => '𒆶', 13179 => '𒆷', 13180 => '𒆸', 13181 => '𒆹', 13182 => '𒆺', 13183 => '𒆻', 13184 => '𒆼', 13185 => '𒆽', 13186 => '𒆾', 13187 => '𒆿', 13188 => '𒇀', 13189 => '𒇁', 13190 => '𒇂', 13191 => '𒇃', 13192 => '𒇄', 13193 => '𒇅', 13194 => '𒇆', 13195 => '𒇇', 13196 => '𒇈', 13197 => '𒇉', 13198 => '𒇊', 13199 => '𒇋', 13200 => '𒇌', 13201 => '𒇍', 13202 => '𒇎', 13203 => '𒇏', 13204 => '𒇐', 13205 => '𒇑', 13206 => '𒇒', 13207 => '𒇓', 13208 => '𒇔', 13209 => '𒇕', 13210 => '𒇖', 13211 => '𒇗', 13212 => '𒇘', 13213 => '𒇙', 13214 => '𒇚', 13215 => '𒇛', 13216 => '𒇜', 13217 => '𒇝', 13218 => '𒇞', 13219 => '𒇟', 13220 => '𒇠', 13221 => '𒇡', 13222 => '𒇢', 13223 => '𒇣', 13224 => '𒇤', 13225 => '𒇥', 13226 => '𒇦', 13227 => '𒇧', 13228 => '𒇨', 13229 => '𒇩', 13230 => '𒇪', 13231 => '𒇫', 13232 => '𒇬', 13233 => '𒇭', 13234 => '𒇮', 13235 => '𒇯', 13236 => '𒇰', 13237 => '𒇱', 13238 => '𒇲', 13239 => '𒇳', 13240 => '𒇴', 13241 => '𒇵', 13242 => '𒇶', 13243 => '𒇷', 13244 => '𒇸', 13245 => '𒇹', 13246 => '𒇺', 13247 => '𒇻', 13248 => '𒇼', 13249 => '𒇽', 13250 => '𒇾', 13251 => '𒇿', 13252 => '𒈀', 13253 => '𒈁', 13254 => '𒈂', 13255 => '𒈃', 13256 => '𒈄', 13257 => '𒈅', 13258 => '𒈆', 13259 => '𒈇', 13260 => '𒈈', 13261 => '𒈉', 13262 => '𒈊', 13263 => '𒈋', 13264 => '𒈌', 13265 => '𒈍', 13266 => '𒈎', 13267 => '𒈏', 13268 => '𒈐', 13269 => '𒈑', 13270 => '𒈒', 13271 => '𒈓', 13272 => '𒈔', 13273 => '𒈕', 13274 => '𒈖', 13275 => '𒈗', 13276 => '𒈘', 13277 => '𒈙', 13278 => '𒈚', 13279 => '𒈛', 13280 => '𒈜', 13281 => '𒈝', 13282 => '𒈞', 13283 => '𒈟', 13284 => '𒈠', 13285 => '𒈡', 13286 => '𒈢', 13287 => '𒈣', 13288 => '𒈤', 13289 => '𒈥', 13290 => '𒈦', 13291 => '𒈧', 13292 => '𒈨', 13293 => '𒈩', 13294 => '𒈪', 13295 => '𒈫', 13296 => '𒈬', 13297 => '𒈭', 13298 => '𒈮', 13299 => '𒈯', 13300 => '𒈰', 13301 => '𒈱', 13302 => '𒈲', 13303 => '𒈳', 13304 => '𒈴', 13305 => '𒈵', 13306 => '𒈶', 13307 => '𒈷', 13308 => '𒈸', 13309 => '𒈹', 13310 => '𒈺', 13311 => '𒈻', 13312 => '𒈼', 13313 => '𒈽', 13314 => '𒈾', 13315 => '𒈿', 13316 => '𒉀', 13317 => '𒉁', 13318 => '𒉂', 13319 => '𒉃', 13320 => '𒉄', 13321 => '𒉅', 13322 => '𒉆', 13323 => '𒉇', 13324 => '𒉈', 13325 => '𒉉', 13326 => '𒉊', 13327 => '𒉋', 13328 => '𒉌', 13329 => '𒉍', 13330 => '𒉎', 13331 => '𒉏', 13332 => '𒉐', 13333 => '𒉑', 13334 => '𒉒', 13335 => '𒉓', 13336 => '𒉔', 13337 => '𒉕', 13338 => '𒉖', 13339 => '𒉗', 13340 => '𒉘', 13341 => '𒉙', 13342 => '𒉚', 13343 => '𒉛', 13344 => '𒉜', 13345 => '𒉝', 13346 => '𒉞', 13347 => '𒉟', 13348 => '𒉠', 13349 => '𒉡', 13350 => '𒉢', 13351 => '𒉣', 13352 => '𒉤', 13353 => '𒉥', 13354 => '𒉦', 13355 => '𒉧', 13356 => '𒉨', 13357 => '𒉩', 13358 => '𒉪', 13359 => '𒉫', 13360 => '𒉬', 13361 => '𒉭', 13362 => '𒉮', 13363 => '𒉯', 13364 => '𒉰', 13365 => '𒉱', 13366 => '𒉲', 13367 => '𒉳', 13368 => '𒉴', 13369 => '𒉵', 13370 => '𒉶', 13371 => '𒉷', 13372 => '𒉸', 13373 => '𒉹', 13374 => '𒉺', 13375 => '𒉻', 13376 => '𒉼', 13377 => '𒉽', 13378 => '𒉾', 13379 => '𒉿', 13380 => '𒊀', 13381 => '𒊁', 13382 => '𒊂', 13383 => '𒊃', 13384 => '𒊄', 13385 => '𒊅', 13386 => '𒊆', 13387 => '𒊇', 13388 => '𒊈', 13389 => '𒊉', 13390 => '𒊊', 13391 => '𒊋', 13392 => '𒊌', 13393 => '𒊍', 13394 => '𒊎', 13395 => '𒊏', 13396 => '𒊐', 13397 => '𒊑', 13398 => '𒊒', 13399 => '𒊓', 13400 => '𒊔', 13401 => '𒊕', 13402 => '𒊖', 13403 => '𒊗', 13404 => '𒊘', 13405 => '𒊙', 13406 => '𒊚', 13407 => '𒊛', 13408 => '𒊜', 13409 => '𒊝', 13410 => '𒊞', 13411 => '𒊟', 13412 => '𒊠', 13413 => '𒊡', 13414 => '𒊢', 13415 => '𒊣', 13416 => '𒊤', 13417 => '𒊥', 13418 => '𒊦', 13419 => '𒊧', 13420 => '𒊨', 13421 => '𒊩', 13422 => '𒊪', 13423 => '𒊫', 13424 => '𒊬', 13425 => '𒊭', 13426 => '𒊮', 13427 => '𒊯', 13428 => '𒊰', 13429 => '𒊱', 13430 => '𒊲', 13431 => '𒊳', 13432 => '𒊴', 13433 => '𒊵', 13434 => '𒊶', 13435 => '𒊷', 13436 => '𒊸', 13437 => '𒊹', 13438 => '𒊺', 13439 => '𒊻', 13440 => '𒊼', 13441 => '𒊽', 13442 => '𒊾', 13443 => '𒊿', 13444 => '𒋀', 13445 => '𒋁', 13446 => '𒋂', 13447 => '𒋃', 13448 => '𒋄', 13449 => '𒋅', 13450 => '𒋆', 13451 => '𒋇', 13452 => '𒋈', 13453 => '𒋉', 13454 => '𒋊', 13455 => '𒋋', 13456 => '𒋌', 13457 => '𒋍', 13458 => '𒋎', 13459 => '𒋏', 13460 => '𒋐', 13461 => '𒋑', 13462 => '𒋒', 13463 => '𒋓', 13464 => '𒋔', 13465 => '𒋕', 13466 => '𒋖', 13467 => '𒋗', 13468 => '𒋘', 13469 => '𒋙', 13470 => '𒋚', 13471 => '𒋛', 13472 => '𒋜', 13473 => '𒋝', 13474 => '𒋞', 13475 => '𒋟', 13476 => '𒋠', 13477 => '𒋡', 13478 => '𒋢', 13479 => '𒋣', 13480 => '𒋤', 13481 => '𒋥', 13482 => '𒋦', 13483 => '𒋧', 13484 => '𒋨', 13485 => '𒋩', 13486 => '𒋪', 13487 => '𒋫', 13488 => '𒋬', 13489 => '𒋭', 13490 => '𒋮', 13491 => '𒋯', 13492 => '𒋰', 13493 => '𒋱', 13494 => '𒋲', 13495 => '𒋳', 13496 => '𒋴', 13497 => '𒋵', 13498 => '𒋶', 13499 => '𒋷', 13500 => '𒋸', 13501 => '𒋹', 13502 => '𒋺', 13503 => '𒋻', 13504 => '𒋼', 13505 => '𒋽', 13506 => '𒋾', 13507 => '𒋿', 13508 => '𒌀', 13509 => '𒌁', 13510 => '𒌂', 13511 => '𒌃', 13512 => '𒌄', 13513 => '𒌅', 13514 => '𒌆', 13515 => '𒌇', 13516 => '𒌈', 13517 => '𒌉', 13518 => '𒌊', 13519 => '𒌋', 13520 => '𒌌', 13521 => '𒌍', 13522 => '𒌎', 13523 => '𒌏', 13524 => '𒌐', 13525 => '𒌑', 13526 => '𒌒', 13527 => '𒌓', 13528 => '𒌔', 13529 => '𒌕', 13530 => '𒌖', 13531 => '𒌗', 13532 => '𒌘', 13533 => '𒌙', 13534 => '𒌚', 13535 => '𒌛', 13536 => '𒌜', 13537 => '𒌝', 13538 => '𒌞', 13539 => '𒌟', 13540 => '𒌠', 13541 => '𒌡', 13542 => '𒌢', 13543 => '𒌣', 13544 => '𒌤', 13545 => '𒌥', 13546 => '𒌦', 13547 => '𒌧', 13548 => '𒌨', 13549 => '𒌩', 13550 => '𒌪', 13551 => '𒌫', 13552 => '𒌬', 13553 => '𒌭', 13554 => '𒌮', 13555 => '𒌯', 13556 => '𒌰', 13557 => '𒌱', 13558 => '𒌲', 13559 => '𒌳', 13560 => '𒌴', 13561 => '𒌵', 13562 => '𒌶', 13563 => '𒌷', 13564 => '𒌸', 13565 => '𒌹', 13566 => '𒌺', 13567 => '𒌻', 13568 => '𒌼', 13569 => '𒌽', 13570 => '𒌾', 13571 => '𒌿', 13572 => '𒍀', 13573 => '𒍁', 13574 => '𒍂', 13575 => '𒍃', 13576 => '𒍄', 13577 => '𒍅', 13578 => '𒍆', 13579 => '𒍇', 13580 => '𒍈', 13581 => '𒍉', 13582 => '𒍊', 13583 => '𒍋', 13584 => '𒍌', 13585 => '𒍍', 13586 => '𒍎', 13587 => '𒍏', 13588 => '𒍐', 13589 => '𒍑', 13590 => '𒍒', 13591 => '𒍓', 13592 => '𒍔', 13593 => '𒍕', 13594 => '𒍖', 13595 => '𒍗', 13596 => '𒍘', 13597 => '𒍙', 13598 => '𒍚', 13599 => '𒍛', 13600 => '𒍜', 13601 => '𒍝', 13602 => '𒍞', 13603 => '𒍟', 13604 => '𒍠', 13605 => '𒍡', 13606 => '𒍢', 13607 => '𒍣', 13608 => '𒍤', 13609 => '𒍥', 13610 => '𒍦', 13611 => '𒍧', 13612 => '𒍨', 13613 => '𒍩', 13614 => '𒍪', 13615 => '𒍫', 13616 => '𒍬', 13617 => '𒍭', 13618 => '𒍮', 13619 => '𓀀', 13620 => '𓀁', 13621 => '𓀂', 13622 => '𓀃', 13623 => '𓀄', 13624 => '𓀅', 13625 => '𓀆', 13626 => '𓀇', 13627 => '𓀈', 13628 => '𓀉', 13629 => '𓀊', 13630 => '𓀋', 13631 => '𓀌', 13632 => '𓀍', 13633 => '𓀎', 13634 => '𓀏', 13635 => '𓀐', 13636 => '𓀑', 13637 => '𓀒', 13638 => '𓀓', 13639 => '𓀔', 13640 => '𓀕', 13641 => '𓀖', 13642 => '𓀗', 13643 => '𓀘', 13644 => '𓀙', 13645 => '𓀚', 13646 => '𓀛', 13647 => '𓀜', 13648 => '𓀝', 13649 => '𓀞', 13650 => '𓀟', 13651 => '𓀠', 13652 => '𓀡', 13653 => '𓀢', 13654 => '𓀣', 13655 => '𓀤', 13656 => '𓀥', 13657 => '𓀦', 13658 => '𓀧', 13659 => '𓀨', 13660 => '𓀩', 13661 => '𓀪', 13662 => '𓀫', 13663 => '𓀬', 13664 => '𓀭', 13665 => '𓀮', 13666 => '𓀯', 13667 => '𓀰', 13668 => '𓀱', 13669 => '𓀲', 13670 => '𓀳', 13671 => '𓀴', 13672 => '𓀵', 13673 => '𓀶', 13674 => '𓀷', 13675 => '𓀸', 13676 => '𓀹', 13677 => '𓀺', 13678 => '𓀻', 13679 => '𓀼', 13680 => '𓀽', 13681 => '𓀾', 13682 => '𓀿', 13683 => '𓁀', 13684 => '𓁁', 13685 => '𓁂', 13686 => '𓁃', 13687 => '𓁄', 13688 => '𓁅', 13689 => '𓁆', 13690 => '𓁇', 13691 => '𓁈', 13692 => '𓁉', 13693 => '𓁊', 13694 => '𓁋', 13695 => '𓁌', 13696 => '𓁍', 13697 => '𓁎', 13698 => '𓁏', 13699 => '𓁐', 13700 => '𓁑', 13701 => '𓁒', 13702 => '𓁓', 13703 => '𓁔', 13704 => '𓁕', 13705 => '𓁖', 13706 => '𓁗', 13707 => '𓁘', 13708 => '𓁙', 13709 => '𓁚', 13710 => '𓁛', 13711 => '𓁜', 13712 => '𓁝', 13713 => '𓁞', 13714 => '𓁟', 13715 => '𓁠', 13716 => '𓁡', 13717 => '𓁢', 13718 => '𓁣', 13719 => '𓁤', 13720 => '𓁥', 13721 => '𓁦', 13722 => '𓁧', 13723 => '𓁨', 13724 => '𓁩', 13725 => '𓁪', 13726 => '𓁫', 13727 => '𓁬', 13728 => '𓁭', 13729 => '𓁮', 13730 => '𓁯', 13731 => '𓁰', 13732 => '𓁱', 13733 => '𓁲', 13734 => '𓁳', 13735 => '𓁴', 13736 => '𓁵', 13737 => '𓁶', 13738 => '𓁷', 13739 => '𓁸', 13740 => '𓁹', 13741 => '𓁺', 13742 => '𓁻', 13743 => '𓁼', 13744 => '𓁽', 13745 => '𓁾', 13746 => '𓁿', 13747 => '𓂀', 13748 => '𓂁', 13749 => '𓂂', 13750 => '𓂃', 13751 => '𓂄', 13752 => '𓂅', 13753 => '𓂆', 13754 => '𓂇', 13755 => '𓂈', 13756 => '𓂉', 13757 => '𓂊', 13758 => '𓂋', 13759 => '𓂌', 13760 => '𓂍', 13761 => '𓂎', 13762 => '𓂏', 13763 => '𓂐', 13764 => '𓂑', 13765 => '𓂒', 13766 => '𓂓', 13767 => '𓂔', 13768 => '𓂕', 13769 => '𓂖', 13770 => '𓂗', 13771 => '𓂘', 13772 => '𓂙', 13773 => '𓂚', 13774 => '𓂛', 13775 => '𓂜', 13776 => '𓂝', 13777 => '𓂞', 13778 => '𓂟', 13779 => '𓂠', 13780 => '𓂡', 13781 => '𓂢', 13782 => '𓂣', 13783 => '𓂤', 13784 => '𓂥', 13785 => '𓂦', 13786 => '𓂧', 13787 => '𓂨', 13788 => '𓂩', 13789 => '𓂪', 13790 => '𓂫', 13791 => '𓂬', 13792 => '𓂭', 13793 => '𓂮', 13794 => '𓂯', 13795 => '𓂰', 13796 => '𓂱', 13797 => '𓂲', 13798 => '𓂳', 13799 => '𓂴', 13800 => '𓂵', 13801 => '𓂶', 13802 => '𓂷', 13803 => '𓂸', 13804 => '𓂹', 13805 => '𓂺', 13806 => '𓂻', 13807 => '𓂼', 13808 => '𓂽', 13809 => '𓂾', 13810 => '𓂿', 13811 => '𓃀', 13812 => '𓃁', 13813 => '𓃂', 13814 => '𓃃', 13815 => '𓃄', 13816 => '𓃅', 13817 => '𓃆', 13818 => '𓃇', 13819 => '𓃈', 13820 => '𓃉', 13821 => '𓃊', 13822 => '𓃋', 13823 => '𓃌', 13824 => '𓃍', 13825 => '𓃎', 13826 => '𓃏', 13827 => '𓃐', 13828 => '𓃑', 13829 => '𓃒', 13830 => '𓃓', 13831 => '𓃔', 13832 => '𓃕', 13833 => '𓃖', 13834 => '𓃗', 13835 => '𓃘', 13836 => '𓃙', 13837 => '𓃚', 13838 => '𓃛', 13839 => '𓃜', 13840 => '𓃝', 13841 => '𓃞', 13842 => '𓃟', 13843 => '𓃠', 13844 => '𓃡', 13845 => '𓃢', 13846 => '𓃣', 13847 => '𓃤', 13848 => '𓃥', 13849 => '𓃦', 13850 => '𓃧', 13851 => '𓃨', 13852 => '𓃩', 13853 => '𓃪', 13854 => '𓃫', 13855 => '𓃬', 13856 => '𓃭', 13857 => '𓃮', 13858 => '𓃯', 13859 => '𓃰', 13860 => '𓃱', 13861 => '𓃲', 13862 => '𓃳', 13863 => '𓃴', 13864 => '𓃵', 13865 => '𓃶', 13866 => '𓃷', 13867 => '𓃸', 13868 => '𓃹', 13869 => '𓃺', 13870 => '𓃻', 13871 => '𓃼', 13872 => '𓃽', 13873 => '𓃾', 13874 => '𓃿', 13875 => '𓄀', 13876 => '𓄁', 13877 => '𓄂', 13878 => '𓄃', 13879 => '𓄄', 13880 => '𓄅', 13881 => '𓄆', 13882 => '𓄇', 13883 => '𓄈', 13884 => '𓄉', 13885 => '𓄊', 13886 => '𓄋', 13887 => '𓄌', 13888 => '𓄍', 13889 => '𓄎', 13890 => '𓄏', 13891 => '𓄐', 13892 => '𓄑', 13893 => '𓄒', 13894 => '𓄓', 13895 => '𓄔', 13896 => '𓄕', 13897 => '𓄖', 13898 => '𓄗', 13899 => '𓄘', 13900 => '𓄙', 13901 => '𓄚', 13902 => '𓄛', 13903 => '𓄜', 13904 => '𓄝', 13905 => '𓄞', 13906 => '𓄟', 13907 => '𓄠', 13908 => '𓄡', 13909 => '𓄢', 13910 => '𓄣', 13911 => '𓄤', 13912 => '𓄥', 13913 => '𓄦', 13914 => '𓄧', 13915 => '𓄨', 13916 => '𓄩', 13917 => '𓄪', 13918 => '𓄫', 13919 => '𓄬', 13920 => '𓄭', 13921 => '𓄮', 13922 => '𓄯', 13923 => '𓄰', 13924 => '𓄱', 13925 => '𓄲', 13926 => '𓄳', 13927 => '𓄴', 13928 => '𓄵', 13929 => '𓄶', 13930 => '𓄷', 13931 => '𓄸', 13932 => '𓄹', 13933 => '𓄺', 13934 => '𓄻', 13935 => '𓄼', 13936 => '𓄽', 13937 => '𓄾', 13938 => '𓄿', 13939 => '𓅀', 13940 => '𓅁', 13941 => '𓅂', 13942 => '𓅃', 13943 => '𓅄', 13944 => '𓅅', 13945 => '𓅆', 13946 => '𓅇', 13947 => '𓅈', 13948 => '𓅉', 13949 => '𓅊', 13950 => '𓅋', 13951 => '𓅌', 13952 => '𓅍', 13953 => '𓅎', 13954 => '𓅏', 13955 => '𓅐', 13956 => '𓅑', 13957 => '𓅒', 13958 => '𓅓', 13959 => '𓅔', 13960 => '𓅕', 13961 => '𓅖', 13962 => '𓅗', 13963 => '𓅘', 13964 => '𓅙', 13965 => '𓅚', 13966 => '𓅛', 13967 => '𓅜', 13968 => '𓅝', 13969 => '𓅞', 13970 => '𓅟', 13971 => '𓅠', 13972 => '𓅡', 13973 => '𓅢', 13974 => '𓅣', 13975 => '𓅤', 13976 => '𓅥', 13977 => '𓅦', 13978 => '𓅧', 13979 => '𓅨', 13980 => '𓅩', 13981 => '𓅪', 13982 => '𓅫', 13983 => '𓅬', 13984 => '𓅭', 13985 => '𓅮', 13986 => '𓅯', 13987 => '𓅰', 13988 => '𓅱', 13989 => '𓅲', 13990 => '𓅳', 13991 => '𓅴', 13992 => '𓅵', 13993 => '𓅶', 13994 => '𓅷', 13995 => '𓅸', 13996 => '𓅹', 13997 => '𓅺', 13998 => '𓅻', 13999 => '𓅼', 14000 => '𓅽', 14001 => '𓅾', 14002 => '𓅿', 14003 => '𓆀', 14004 => '𓆁', 14005 => '𓆂', 14006 => '𓆃', 14007 => '𓆄', 14008 => '𓆅', 14009 => '𓆆', 14010 => '𓆇', 14011 => '𓆈', 14012 => '𓆉', 14013 => '𓆊', 14014 => '𓆋', 14015 => '𓆌', 14016 => '𓆍', 14017 => '𓆎', 14018 => '𓆏', 14019 => '𓆐', 14020 => '𓆑', 14021 => '𓆒', 14022 => '𓆓', 14023 => '𓆔', 14024 => '𓆕', 14025 => '𓆖', 14026 => '𓆗', 14027 => '𓆘', 14028 => '𓆙', 14029 => '𓆚', 14030 => '𓆛', 14031 => '𓆜', 14032 => '𓆝', 14033 => '𓆞', 14034 => '𓆟', 14035 => '𓆠', 14036 => '𓆡', 14037 => '𓆢', 14038 => '𓆣', 14039 => '𓆤', 14040 => '𓆥', 14041 => '𓆦', 14042 => '𓆧', 14043 => '𓆨', 14044 => '𓆩', 14045 => '𓆪', 14046 => '𓆫', 14047 => '𓆬', 14048 => '𓆭', 14049 => '𓆮', 14050 => '𓆯', 14051 => '𓆰', 14052 => '𓆱', 14053 => '𓆲', 14054 => '𓆳', 14055 => '𓆴', 14056 => '𓆵', 14057 => '𓆶', 14058 => '𓆷', 14059 => '𓆸', 14060 => '𓆹', 14061 => '𓆺', 14062 => '𓆻', 14063 => '𓆼', 14064 => '𓆽', 14065 => '𓆾', 14066 => '𓆿', 14067 => '𓇀', 14068 => '𓇁', 14069 => '𓇂', 14070 => '𓇃', 14071 => '𓇄', 14072 => '𓇅', 14073 => '𓇆', 14074 => '𓇇', 14075 => '𓇈', 14076 => '𓇉', 14077 => '𓇊', 14078 => '𓇋', 14079 => '𓇌', 14080 => '𓇍', 14081 => '𓇎', 14082 => '𓇏', 14083 => '𓇐', 14084 => '𓇑', 14085 => '𓇒', 14086 => '𓇓', 14087 => '𓇔', 14088 => '𓇕', 14089 => '𓇖', 14090 => '𓇗', 14091 => '𓇘', 14092 => '𓇙', 14093 => '𓇚', 14094 => '𓇛', 14095 => '𓇜', 14096 => '𓇝', 14097 => '𓇞', 14098 => '𓇟', 14099 => '𓇠', 14100 => '𓇡', 14101 => '𓇢', 14102 => '𓇣', 14103 => '𓇤', 14104 => '𓇥', 14105 => '𓇦', 14106 => '𓇧', 14107 => '𓇨', 14108 => '𓇩', 14109 => '𓇪', 14110 => '𓇫', 14111 => '𓇬', 14112 => '𓇭', 14113 => '𓇮', 14114 => '𓇯', 14115 => '𓇰', 14116 => '𓇱', 14117 => '𓇲', 14118 => '𓇳', 14119 => '𓇴', 14120 => '𓇵', 14121 => '𓇶', 14122 => '𓇷', 14123 => '𓇸', 14124 => '𓇹', 14125 => '𓇺', 14126 => '𓇻', 14127 => '𓇼', 14128 => '𓇽', 14129 => '𓇾', 14130 => '𓇿', 14131 => '𓈀', 14132 => '𓈁', 14133 => '𓈂', 14134 => '𓈃', 14135 => '𓈄', 14136 => '𓈅', 14137 => '𓈆', 14138 => '𓈇', 14139 => '𓈈', 14140 => '𓈉', 14141 => '𓈊', 14142 => '𓈋', 14143 => '𓈌', 14144 => '𓈍', 14145 => '𓈎', 14146 => '𓈏', 14147 => '𓈐', 14148 => '𓈑', 14149 => '𓈒', 14150 => '𓈓', 14151 => '𓈔', 14152 => '𓈕', 14153 => '𓈖', 14154 => '𓈗', 14155 => '𓈘', 14156 => '𓈙', 14157 => '𓈚', 14158 => '𓈛', 14159 => '𓈜', 14160 => '𓈝', 14161 => '𓈞', 14162 => '𓈟', 14163 => '𓈠', 14164 => '𓈡', 14165 => '𓈢', 14166 => '𓈣', 14167 => '𓈤', 14168 => '𓈥', 14169 => '𓈦', 14170 => '𓈧', 14171 => '𓈨', 14172 => '𓈩', 14173 => '𓈪', 14174 => '𓈫', 14175 => '𓈬', 14176 => '𓈭', 14177 => '𓈮', 14178 => '𓈯', 14179 => '𓈰', 14180 => '𓈱', 14181 => '𓈲', 14182 => '𓈳', 14183 => '𓈴', 14184 => '𓈵', 14185 => '𓈶', 14186 => '𓈷', 14187 => '𓈸', 14188 => '𓈹', 14189 => '𓈺', 14190 => '𓈻', 14191 => '𓈼', 14192 => '𓈽', 14193 => '𓈾', 14194 => '𓈿', 14195 => '𓉀', 14196 => '𓉁', 14197 => '𓉂', 14198 => '𓉃', 14199 => '𓉄', 14200 => '𓉅', 14201 => '𓉆', 14202 => '𓉇', 14203 => '𓉈', 14204 => '𓉉', 14205 => '𓉊', 14206 => '𓉋', 14207 => '𓉌', 14208 => '𓉍', 14209 => '𓉎', 14210 => '𓉏', 14211 => '𓉐', 14212 => '𓉑', 14213 => '𓉒', 14214 => '𓉓', 14215 => '𓉔', 14216 => '𓉕', 14217 => '𓉖', 14218 => '𓉗', 14219 => '𓉘', 14220 => '𓉙', 14221 => '𓉚', 14222 => '𓉛', 14223 => '𓉜', 14224 => '𓉝', 14225 => '𓉞', 14226 => '𓉟', 14227 => '𓉠', 14228 => '𓉡', 14229 => '𓉢', 14230 => '𓉣', 14231 => '𓉤', 14232 => '𓉥', 14233 => '𓉦', 14234 => '𓉧', 14235 => '𓉨', 14236 => '𓉩', 14237 => '𓉪', 14238 => '𓉫', 14239 => '𓉬', 14240 => '𓉭', 14241 => '𓉮', 14242 => '𓉯', 14243 => '𓉰', 14244 => '𓉱', 14245 => '𓉲', 14246 => '𓉳', 14247 => '𓉴', 14248 => '𓉵', 14249 => '𓉶', 14250 => '𓉷', 14251 => '𓉸', 14252 => '𓉹', 14253 => '𓉺', 14254 => '𓉻', 14255 => '𓉼', 14256 => '𓉽', 14257 => '𓉾', 14258 => '𓉿', 14259 => '𓊀', 14260 => '𓊁', 14261 => '𓊂', 14262 => '𓊃', 14263 => '𓊄', 14264 => '𓊅', 14265 => '𓊆', 14266 => '𓊇', 14267 => '𓊈', 14268 => '𓊉', 14269 => '𓊊', 14270 => '𓊋', 14271 => '𓊌', 14272 => '𓊍', 14273 => '𓊎', 14274 => '𓊏', 14275 => '𓊐', 14276 => '𓊑', 14277 => '𓊒', 14278 => '𓊓', 14279 => '𓊔', 14280 => '𓊕', 14281 => '𓊖', 14282 => '𓊗', 14283 => '𓊘', 14284 => '𓊙', 14285 => '𓊚', 14286 => '𓊛', 14287 => '𓊜', 14288 => '𓊝', 14289 => '𓊞', 14290 => '𓊟', 14291 => '𓊠', 14292 => '𓊡', 14293 => '𓊢', 14294 => '𓊣', 14295 => '𓊤', 14296 => '𓊥', 14297 => '𓊦', 14298 => '𓊧', 14299 => '𓊨', 14300 => '𓊩', 14301 => '𓊪', 14302 => '𓊫', 14303 => '𓊬', 14304 => '𓊭', 14305 => '𓊮', 14306 => '𓊯', 14307 => '𓊰', 14308 => '𓊱', 14309 => '𓊲', 14310 => '𓊳', 14311 => '𓊴', 14312 => '𓊵', 14313 => '𓊶', 14314 => '𓊷', 14315 => '𓊸', 14316 => '𓊹', 14317 => '𓊺', 14318 => '𓊻', 14319 => '𓊼', 14320 => '𓊽', 14321 => '𓊾', 14322 => '𓊿', 14323 => '𓋀', 14324 => '𓋁', 14325 => '𓋂', 14326 => '𓋃', 14327 => '𓋄', 14328 => '𓋅', 14329 => '𓋆', 14330 => '𓋇', 14331 => '𓋈', 14332 => '𓋉', 14333 => '𓋊', 14334 => '𓋋', 14335 => '𓋌', 14336 => '𓋍', 14337 => '𓋎', 14338 => '𓋏', 14339 => '𓋐', 14340 => '𓋑', 14341 => '𓋒', 14342 => '𓋓', 14343 => '𓋔', 14344 => '𓋕', 14345 => '𓋖', 14346 => '𓋗', 14347 => '𓋘', 14348 => '𓋙', 14349 => '𓋚', 14350 => '𓋛', 14351 => '𓋜', 14352 => '𓋝', 14353 => '𓋞', 14354 => '𓋟', 14355 => '𓋠', 14356 => '𓋡', 14357 => '𓋢', 14358 => '𓋣', 14359 => '𓋤', 14360 => '𓋥', 14361 => '𓋦', 14362 => '𓋧', 14363 => '𓋨', 14364 => '𓋩', 14365 => '𓋪', 14366 => '𓋫', 14367 => '𓋬', 14368 => '𓋭', 14369 => '𓋮', 14370 => '𓋯', 14371 => '𓋰', 14372 => '𓋱', 14373 => '𓋲', 14374 => '𓋳', 14375 => '𓋴', 14376 => '𓋵', 14377 => '𓋶', 14378 => '𓋷', 14379 => '𓋸', 14380 => '𓋹', 14381 => '𓋺', 14382 => '𓋻', 14383 => '𓋼', 14384 => '𓋽', 14385 => '𓋾', 14386 => '𓋿', 14387 => '𓌀', 14388 => '𓌁', 14389 => '𓌂', 14390 => '𓌃', 14391 => '𓌄', 14392 => '𓌅', 14393 => '𓌆', 14394 => '𓌇', 14395 => '𓌈', 14396 => '𓌉', 14397 => '𓌊', 14398 => '𓌋', 14399 => '𓌌', 14400 => '𓌍', 14401 => '𓌎', 14402 => '𓌏', 14403 => '𓌐', 14404 => '𓌑', 14405 => '𓌒', 14406 => '𓌓', 14407 => '𓌔', 14408 => '𓌕', 14409 => '𓌖', 14410 => '𓌗', 14411 => '𓌘', 14412 => '𓌙', 14413 => '𓌚', 14414 => '𓌛', 14415 => '𓌜', 14416 => '𓌝', 14417 => '𓌞', 14418 => '𓌟', 14419 => '𓌠', 14420 => '𓌡', 14421 => '𓌢', 14422 => '𓌣', 14423 => '𓌤', 14424 => '𓌥', 14425 => '𓌦', 14426 => '𓌧', 14427 => '𓌨', 14428 => '𓌩', 14429 => '𓌪', 14430 => '𓌫', 14431 => '𓌬', 14432 => '𓌭', 14433 => '𓌮', 14434 => '𓌯', 14435 => '𓌰', 14436 => '𓌱', 14437 => '𓌲', 14438 => '𓌳', 14439 => '𓌴', 14440 => '𓌵', 14441 => '𓌶', 14442 => '𓌷', 14443 => '𓌸', 14444 => '𓌹', 14445 => '𓌺', 14446 => '𓌻', 14447 => '𓌼', 14448 => '𓌽', 14449 => '𓌾', 14450 => '𓌿', 14451 => '𓍀', 14452 => '𓍁', 14453 => '𓍂', 14454 => '𓍃', 14455 => '𓍄', 14456 => '𓍅', 14457 => '𓍆', 14458 => '𓍇', 14459 => '𓍈', 14460 => '𓍉', 14461 => '𓍊', 14462 => '𓍋', 14463 => '𓍌', 14464 => '𓍍', 14465 => '𓍎', 14466 => '𓍏', 14467 => '𓍐', 14468 => '𓍑', 14469 => '𓍒', 14470 => '𓍓', 14471 => '𓍔', 14472 => '𓍕', 14473 => '𓍖', 14474 => '𓍗', 14475 => '𓍘', 14476 => '𓍙', 14477 => '𓍚', 14478 => '𓍛', 14479 => '𓍜', 14480 => '𓍝', 14481 => '𓍞', 14482 => '𓍟', 14483 => '𓍠', 14484 => '𓍡', 14485 => '𓍢', 14486 => '𓍣', 14487 => '𓍤', 14488 => '𓍥', 14489 => '𓍦', 14490 => '𓍧', 14491 => '𓍨', 14492 => '𓍩', 14493 => '𓍪', 14494 => '𓍫', 14495 => '𓍬', 14496 => '𓍭', 14497 => '𓍮', 14498 => '𓍯', 14499 => '𓍰', 14500 => '𓍱', 14501 => '𓍲', 14502 => '𓍳', 14503 => '𓍴', 14504 => '𓍵', 14505 => '𓍶', 14506 => '𓍷', 14507 => '𓍸', 14508 => '𓍹', 14509 => '𓍺', 14510 => '𓍻', 14511 => '𓍼', 14512 => '𓍽', 14513 => '𓍾', 14514 => '𓍿', 14515 => '𓎀', 14516 => '𓎁', 14517 => '𓎂', 14518 => '𓎃', 14519 => '𓎄', 14520 => '𓎅', 14521 => '𓎆', 14522 => '𓎇', 14523 => '𓎈', 14524 => '𓎉', 14525 => '𓎊', 14526 => '𓎋', 14527 => '𓎌', 14528 => '𓎍', 14529 => '𓎎', 14530 => '𓎏', 14531 => '𓎐', 14532 => '𓎑', 14533 => '𓎒', 14534 => '𓎓', 14535 => '𓎔', 14536 => '𓎕', 14537 => '𓎖', 14538 => '𓎗', 14539 => '𓎘', 14540 => '𓎙', 14541 => '𓎚', 14542 => '𓎛', 14543 => '𓎜', 14544 => '𓎝', 14545 => '𓎞', 14546 => '𓎟', 14547 => '𓎠', 14548 => '𓎡', 14549 => '𓎢', 14550 => '𓎣', 14551 => '𓎤', 14552 => '𓎥', 14553 => '𓎦', 14554 => '𓎧', 14555 => '𓎨', 14556 => '𓎩', 14557 => '𓎪', 14558 => '𓎫', 14559 => '𓎬', 14560 => '𓎭', 14561 => '𓎮', 14562 => '𓎯', 14563 => '𓎰', 14564 => '𓎱', 14565 => '𓎲', 14566 => '𓎳', 14567 => '𓎴', 14568 => '𓎵', 14569 => '𓎶', 14570 => '𓎷', 14571 => '𓎸', 14572 => '𓎹', 14573 => '𓎺', 14574 => '𓎻', 14575 => '𓎼', 14576 => '𓎽', 14577 => '𓎾', 14578 => '𓎿', 14579 => '𓏀', 14580 => '𓏁', 14581 => '𓏂', 14582 => '𓏃', 14583 => '𓏄', 14584 => '𓏅', 14585 => '𓏆', 14586 => '𓏇', 14587 => '𓏈', 14588 => '𓏉', 14589 => '𓏊', 14590 => '𓏋', 14591 => '𓏌', 14592 => '𓏍', 14593 => '𓏎', 14594 => '𓏏', 14595 => '𓏐', 14596 => '𓏑', 14597 => '𓏒', 14598 => '𓏓', 14599 => '𓏔', 14600 => '𓏕', 14601 => '𓏖', 14602 => '𓏗', 14603 => '𓏘', 14604 => '𓏙', 14605 => '𓏚', 14606 => '𓏛', 14607 => '𓏜', 14608 => '𓏝', 14609 => '𓏞', 14610 => '𓏟', 14611 => '𓏠', 14612 => '𓏡', 14613 => '𓏢', 14614 => '𓏣', 14615 => '𓏤', 14616 => '𓏥', 14617 => '𓏦', 14618 => '𓏧', 14619 => '𓏨', 14620 => '𓏩', 14621 => '𓏪', 14622 => '𓏫', 14623 => '𓏬', 14624 => '𓏭', 14625 => '𓏮', 14626 => '𓏯', 14627 => '𓏰', 14628 => '𓏱', 14629 => '𓏲', 14630 => '𓏳', 14631 => '𓏴', 14632 => '𓏵', 14633 => '𓏶', 14634 => '𓏷', 14635 => '𓏸', 14636 => '𓏹', 14637 => '𓏺', 14638 => '𓏻', 14639 => '𓏼', 14640 => '𓏽', 14641 => '𓏾', 14642 => '𓏿', 14643 => '𓐀', 14644 => '𓐁', 14645 => '𓐂', 14646 => '𓐃', 14647 => '𓐄', 14648 => '𓐅', 14649 => '𓐆', 14650 => '𓐇', 14651 => '𓐈', 14652 => '𓐉', 14653 => '𓐊', 14654 => '𓐋', 14655 => '𓐌', 14656 => '𓐍', 14657 => '𓐎', 14658 => '𓐏', 14659 => '𓐐', 14660 => '𓐑', 14661 => '𓐒', 14662 => '𓐓', 14663 => '𓐔', 14664 => '𓐕', 14665 => '𓐖', 14666 => '𓐗', 14667 => '𓐘', 14668 => '𓐙', 14669 => '𓐚', 14670 => '𓐛', 14671 => '𓐜', 14672 => '𓐝', 14673 => '𓐞', 14674 => '𓐟', 14675 => '𓐠', 14676 => '𓐡', 14677 => '𓐢', 14678 => '𓐣', 14679 => '𓐤', 14680 => '𓐥', 14681 => '𓐦', 14682 => '𓐧', 14683 => '𓐨', 14684 => '𓐩', 14685 => '𓐪', 14686 => '𓐫', 14687 => '𓐬', 14688 => '𓐭', 14689 => '𓐮', 14690 => '㆒', 14691 => '㆜', 14692 => '㆔', 14693 => '㆖', 14694 => '㆘', 14695 => '㆛', 14696 => '㆗', 14697 => '㆚', 14698 => '㆓', 14699 => '🈘', 14700 => '㆟', 14701 => '🈞', 14702 => '🈠', 14703 => '🈜', 14704 => '🈹', 14705 => '🈒', 14706 => '🉑', 14707 => '🈮', 14708 => '🈴', 14709 => '🈥', 14710 => '🈺', 14711 => '㆕', 14712 => '㆞', 14713 => '🈤', 14714 => '🈕', 14715 => '㆝', 14716 => '🈑', 14717 => '🈬', 14718 => '🈝', 14719 => '🉐', 14720 => '🈐', 14721 => '🈱', 14722 => '🈧', 14723 => '🈯', 14724 => '🈨', 14725 => '🈛', 14726 => '🈟', 14727 => '🈙', 14728 => '🈷', 14729 => '🈶', 14730 => '🈵', 14731 => '🈦', 14732 => '🈚', 14733 => '🈢', 14734 => '㆙', 14735 => '🈸', 14736 => '🈲', 14737 => '🈳', 14738 => '🈡', 14739 => '🈖', 14740 => '🈣', 14741 => '🈰', 14742 => '🈫',]
Base interface for representing page content.
Definition Content.php:37
Convenience method that returns the ContentHandler singleton for handling the content model that this...
Returns the ID of the content model used by this Content object.
serialize( $format=null)
Convenience method for serializing this Content object.
Convenience method that returns the default serialization format for the content model that this Cont...
Returns whether the content is valid.
Interface for database access objects.
Marker interface for entities aware of the wiki they belong to.
Represents the target of a wiki link.
Interface for objects (potentially) representing an editable wiki page.
getId( $wikiId=self::LOCAL)
Returns the page ID.
Returns the page's namespace number.
Get the page title in DB key form.
Returns an informative human readable unique representation of the page identity, for use as a cache ...
This interface represents the authority associated with the current execution context,...
Definition Authority.php:37
Service for constructing RevisionRecord objects.
Service for looking up page revisions.
Service for loading and storing data blobs.
Definition BlobStore.php:33
Interface for objects representing user identity.
Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles.
Definition IDatabase.php:39
doAtomicSection( $fname, callable $callback, $cancelable=self::ATOMIC_NOT_CANCELABLE)
Perform an atomic section of reversible SQL statements from a callback.
This class is a delegate to ILBFactory for a given database cluster.
A database connection without write operations.
Create an empty SelectQueryBuilder which can be used to run queries against this connection.
expr(string $field, string $op, $value)
See Expression::__construct()
Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object.
Interface for query language.
timestamp( $ts=0)
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by ConvertibleTimestamp to the format used for ins...
Definition defines.php:26
Definition defines.php:28