47 parent::__construct( $modelId, $formats );
62 return $content->getText();
82 if ( $myContent->
equals( $yourContent ) ) {
87 if ( $oldContent->
equals( $yourContent ) ) {
101 $ok =
wfMerge( $old, $mine, $yours, $result );
113 return $mergedContent;
126 return TextContent::class;
143 return new $class( $text );
155 return new $class(
'' );
168 $fields = parent::getFieldsForSearchIndex( $engine );
169 $fields[
'language'] =
181 $fields = parent::getDataForSearchIndex( $page, $output, $engine, $revision );
182 $fields[
'language'] =
191 '@phan-var TextContent $content';
193 $text = $content->getText();
198 return ( $text === $pst ) ? $content :
new $contentClass( $pst, $content->
getModel() );
228 '@phan-var TextContent $content';
229 if ( in_array( $content->
getModel(), $textModelsToParse ) ) {
244 if ( method_exists( $content,
'getHtml' ) ) {
245 $method =
new ReflectionMethod( $content,
'getHtml' );
246 $method->setAccessible(
true );
247 $html = $method->invoke( $content );
248 $html =
251 $html = htmlspecialchars( $content->getText(), ENT_COMPAT );
252 $html =
263class_alias( TextContentHandler::class,
'TextContentHandler' );
For future use, e.g.
wfMerge(string $old, string $mine, string $yours, ?string &$simplisticMergeAttempt, ?string &$mergeLeftovers=null)
wfMerge attempts to merge differences between three texts.
A content handler knows how do deal with a specific type of content on a wiki page.
checkFormat( $format)
Convenient for checking whether a format provided as a parameter is actually supported.
getPageLanguage(Title $title, ?Content $content=null)
Get the language in which the content of the given page is written.
The format used for serialization/deserialization by default by this ContentHandler.
Base content handler implementation for flat text contents.
getFieldsForSearchIndex(SearchEngine $engine)
Get fields definition for search index.
merge3(Content $oldContent, Content $myContent, Content $yourContent)
Attempts to merge differences between three versions.
getDataForSearchIndex(WikiPage $page, ParserOutput $output, SearchEngine $engine, ?RevisionRecord $revision=null)
Return fields to be indexed by search engine as representation of this document.
preSaveTransform(Content $content, PreSaveTransformParams $pstParams)
Returns a $content object with pre-save transformations applied (or the same object if no transformat...
Returns the name of the associated Content class, to be used when creating new objects.
fillParserOutput(Content $content, ContentParseParams $cpoParams, ParserOutput &$output)
Fills the provided ParserOutput object with information derived from the content.
unserializeContent( $text, $format=null)
Unserializes a Content object of the type supported by this ContentHandler.
Creates an empty TextContent object.
__construct( $modelId=CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT, $formats=[CONTENT_FORMAT_TEXT])
Constructor, initializing the ContentHandler instance with its model ID and a list of supported forma...
serializeContent(Content $content, $format=null)
Returns the content's text as-is.
static normalizeLineEndings( $text)
Do a "\\r\\n" -> "\\n" and "\\r" -> "\\n" transformation as well as trim trailing whitespace.
A class containing constants representing the names of configuration variables.
const TextModelsToParse
Name constant for the TextModelsToParse setting, for use with Config::get()
Contain a class for special pages.
makeSearchFieldMapping( $name, $type)
Create a search field definition.
Base representation for an editable wiki page.
Get the title object of the article.
getContent( $audience=RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC, ?Authority $performer=null)
Get the content of the current revision.
Base interface for representing page content.
equals(?Content $that=null)
Returns true if this Content objects is conceptually equivalent to the given Content object.
Returns the ID of the content model used by this Content object.
Definition of a mapping for the search index field.