MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
10use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
43 private $repo;
45 public $stash;
47 public $user;
50 protected $mOffset;
52 protected $mChunkIndex;
54 protected $mFileKey;
58 private LoggerInterface $logger;
69 public function __construct( User $user, $stash = false, $repo = false ) {
70 $this->user = $user;
72 if ( $repo ) {
73 $this->repo = $repo;
74 } else {
75 $this->repo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()->getLocalRepo();
76 }
78 if ( $stash ) {
79 $this->stash = $stash;
80 } else {
81 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " creating new UploadFromChunks instance for " . $user->getId() );
82 $this->stash = new UploadStash( $this->repo, $this->user );
83 }
85 $this->logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'upload' );
86 }
91 public function tryStashFile( User $user, $isPartial = false ) {
92 try {
93 $this->verifyChunk();
95 return Status::newFatal( $e->msg );
96 }
98 return parent::tryStashFile( $user, $isPartial );
99 }
107 protected function doStashFile( ?User $user = null ) {
108 // Stash file is the called on creating a new chunk session:
109 $this->mChunkIndex = 0;
110 $this->mOffset = 0;
112 // Create a local stash target
113 $this->mStashFile = parent::doStashFile( $user );
114 // Update the initial file offset (based on file size)
115 $this->mOffset = $this->mStashFile->getSize();
116 $this->mFileKey = $this->mStashFile->getFileKey();
118 // Output a copy of this first to chunk 0 location:
119 $this->outputChunk( $this->mStashFile->getPath() );
121 // Update db table to reflect initial "chunk" state
122 $this->updateChunkStatus();
124 return $this->mStashFile;
125 }
134 public function continueChunks( $name, $key, $webRequestUpload ) {
135 $this->mFileKey = $key;
136 $this->mUpload = $webRequestUpload;
137 // Get the chunk status form the db:
138 $this->getChunkStatus();
140 $metadata = $this->stash->getMetadata( $key );
141 $this->initializePathInfo( $name,
142 $this->getRealPath( $metadata['us_path'] ),
143 $metadata['us_size'],
144 false
145 );
146 }
152 public function concatenateChunks() {
153 $oldFileKey = $this->mFileKey;
154 $chunkIndex = $this->getChunkIndex();
155 $this->logger->debug(
156 __METHOD__ . ' concatenate {totalChunks} chunks: {offset} inx: {curIndex}',
157 [
158 'offset' => $this->getOffset(),
159 'totalChunks' => $this->mChunkIndex,
160 'curIndex' => $chunkIndex,
161 'filekey' => $oldFileKey
162 ]
163 );
165 // Concatenate all the chunks to mVirtualTempPath
166 $fileList = [];
167 // The first chunk is stored at the mVirtualTempPath path so we start on "chunk 1"
168 for ( $i = 0; $i <= $chunkIndex; $i++ ) {
169 $fileList[] = $this->getVirtualChunkLocation( $i );
170 }
172 // Get the file extension from the last chunk
173 $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath( $this->mVirtualTempPath );
174 // Get a 0-byte temp file to perform the concatenation at
175 $tmpFile = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getTempFSFileFactory()
176 ->newTempFSFile( 'chunkedupload_', $ext );
177 $tmpPath = false; // fail in concatenate()
178 if ( $tmpFile ) {
179 // keep alive with $this
180 $tmpPath = $tmpFile->bind( $this )->getPath();
181 } else {
182 $this->logger->warning( "Error getting tmp file", [ 'filekey' => $oldFileKey ] );
183 }
185 // Concatenate the chunks at the temp file
186 $tStart = microtime( true );
187 $status = $this->repo->concatenate( $fileList, $tmpPath );
188 $tAmount = microtime( true ) - $tStart;
189 if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
190 // This is a backend error and not user-related, so log is safe
191 // Upload verification further on is not safe to log server side
192 $this->logFileBackendStatus(
193 $status,
194 '[{type}] Error on concatenate {chunks} stashed files ({details})',
195 [ 'chunks' => $chunkIndex, 'filekey' => $oldFileKey ]
196 );
197 return $status;
198 } else {
199 // Delete old chunks in deferred job. Put in deferred job because deleting
200 // lots of chunks can take a long time, sometimes to the point of causing
201 // a timeout, and we do not want that to tank the operation. Note that chunks
202 // are also automatically deleted after a set time by cleanupUploadStash.php
203 // Additionally, using AutoCommitUpdate ensures that we do not delete files
204 // if the main transaction is rolled back for some reason.
205 DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new AutoCommitUpdate(
206 $this->repo->getPrimaryDB(),
207 __METHOD__,
208 function () use( $fileList, $oldFileKey ) {
209 $status = $this->repo->quickPurgeBatch( $fileList );
210 if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
211 $this->logger->warning(
212 "Could not delete chunks of {filekey} - {status}",
213 [
214 'status' => (string)$status,
215 'filekey' => $oldFileKey,
216 ]
217 );
218 }
219 }
220 ) );
221 }
223 wfDebugLog( 'fileconcatenate', "Combined $i chunks in $tAmount seconds." );
225 // File system path of the actual full temp file
226 $this->setTempFile( $tmpPath );
228 $ret = $this->verifyUpload();
229 if ( $ret['status'] !== UploadBase::OK ) {
230 $this->logger->info(
231 "Verification failed for chunked upload {filekey}",
232 [
233 'user' => $this->user->getName(),
234 'filekey' => $oldFileKey
235 ]
236 );
237 $status->fatal( $this->getVerificationErrorCode( $ret['status'] ) );
239 return $status;
240 }
242 // Update the mTempPath and mStashFile
243 // (for FileUpload or normal Stash to take over)
244 $tStart = microtime( true );
245 // This is a re-implementation of UploadBase::tryStashFile(), we can't call it because we
246 // override doStashFile() with completely different functionality in this class...
247 $error = $this->runUploadStashFileHook( $this->user );
248 if ( $error ) {
249 $status->fatal( ...$error );
250 $this->logger->info( "Aborting stash upload due to hook - {status}",
251 [
252 'status' => (string)$status,
253 'user' => $this->user->getName(),
254 'filekey' => $this->mFileKey
255 ]
256 );
257 return $status;
258 }
259 try {
260 $this->mStashFile = parent::doStashFile( $this->user );
261 } catch ( UploadStashException $e ) {
262 $this->logger->warning( "Could not stash file for {user} because {error} {msg}",
263 [
264 'user' => $this->user->getName(),
265 'error' => get_class( $e ),
266 'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
267 'filekey' => $this->mFileKey
268 ]
269 );
270 $status->fatal( 'uploadstash-exception', get_class( $e ), $e->getMessage() );
271 return $status;
272 }
274 $tAmount = microtime( true ) - $tStart;
275 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable tmpFile is set when tmpPath is set here
276 $this->mStashFile->setLocalReference( $tmpFile ); // reuse (e.g. for getImageInfo())
277 $this->logger->info( "Stashed combined ({chunks} chunks) of {oldkey} under new name {filekey}",
278 [
279 'chunks' => $i,
280 'stashTime' => $tAmount,
281 'oldpath' => $this->mVirtualTempPath,
282 'filekey' => $this->mStashFile->getFileKey(),
283 'oldkey' => $oldFileKey,
284 'newpath' => $this->mStashFile->getPath(),
285 'user' => $this->user->getName()
286 ]
287 );
288 wfDebugLog( 'fileconcatenate', "Stashed combined file ($i chunks) in $tAmount seconds." );
290 return $status;
291 }
298 private function getVirtualChunkLocation( $index ) {
299 return $this->repo->getVirtualUrl( 'temp' ) .
300 '/' .
301 $this->repo->getHashPath(
302 $this->getChunkFileKey( $index )
303 ) .
304 $this->getChunkFileKey( $index );
305 }
315 public function addChunk( $chunkPath, $chunkSize, $offset ) {
316 // Get the offset before we add the chunk to the file system
317 $preAppendOffset = $this->getOffset();
319 if ( $preAppendOffset + $chunkSize > $this->getMaxUploadSize() ) {
320 $status = Status::newFatal( 'file-too-large' );
321 } else {
322 // Make sure the client is uploading the correct chunk with a matching offset.
323 if ( $preAppendOffset == $offset ) {
324 // Update local chunk index for the current chunk
325 $this->mChunkIndex++;
326 try {
327 # For some reason mTempPath is set to first part
328 $oldTemp = $this->mTempPath;
329 $this->mTempPath = $chunkPath;
330 $this->verifyChunk();
331 $this->mTempPath = $oldTemp;
332 } catch ( UploadChunkVerificationException $e ) {
333 $this->logger->info( "Error verifying upload chunk {msg}",
334 [
335 'user' => $this->user->getName(),
336 'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
337 'chunkIndex' => $this->mChunkIndex,
338 'filekey' => $this->mFileKey
339 ]
340 );
342 return Status::newFatal( $e->msg );
343 }
344 $status = $this->outputChunk( $chunkPath );
345 if ( $status->isGood() ) {
346 // Update local offset:
347 $this->mOffset = $preAppendOffset + $chunkSize;
348 // Update chunk table status db
349 $this->updateChunkStatus();
350 }
351 } else {
352 $status = Status::newFatal( 'invalid-chunk-offset' );
353 }
354 }
356 return $status;
357 }
362 private function updateChunkStatus() {
363 $this->logger->info( "update chunk status for {filekey} offset: {offset} inx: {inx}",
364 [
365 'offset' => $this->getOffset(),
366 'inx' => $this->getChunkIndex(),
367 'filekey' => $this->mFileKey,
368 'user' => $this->user->getName()
369 ]
370 );
372 $dbw = $this->repo->getPrimaryDB();
373 $dbw->newUpdateQueryBuilder()
374 ->update( 'uploadstash' )
375 ->set( [
376 'us_status' => 'chunks',
377 'us_chunk_inx' => $this->getChunkIndex(),
378 'us_size' => $this->getOffset()
379 ] )
380 ->where( [ 'us_key' => $this->mFileKey ] )
381 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
382 }
387 private function getChunkStatus() {
388 // get primary db to avoid race conditions.
389 // Otherwise, if chunk upload time < replag there will be spurious errors
390 $dbw = $this->repo->getPrimaryDB();
391 $row = $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
392 ->select( [ 'us_chunk_inx', 'us_size', 'us_path' ] )
393 ->from( 'uploadstash' )
394 ->where( [ 'us_key' => $this->mFileKey ] )
395 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchRow();
396 // Handle result:
397 if ( $row ) {
398 $this->mChunkIndex = $row->us_chunk_inx;
399 $this->mOffset = $row->us_size;
400 $this->mVirtualTempPath = $row->us_path;
401 }
402 }
408 private function getChunkIndex() {
409 return $this->mChunkIndex ?? 0;
410 }
416 public function getOffset() {
417 return $this->mOffset ?? 0;
418 }
427 private function outputChunk( $chunkPath ) {
428 // Key is fileKey + chunk index
429 $fileKey = $this->getChunkFileKey();
431 // Store the chunk per its indexed fileKey:
432 $hashPath = $this->repo->getHashPath( $fileKey );
433 $storeStatus = $this->repo->quickImport( $chunkPath,
434 $this->repo->getZonePath( 'temp' ) . "/{$hashPath}{$fileKey}" );
436 // Check for error in stashing the chunk:
437 if ( !$storeStatus->isOK() ) {
438 $error = $this->logFileBackendStatus(
439 $storeStatus,
440 '[{type}] Error storing chunk in "{chunkPath}" for {fileKey} ({details})',
441 [ 'chunkPath' => $chunkPath, 'fileKey' => $fileKey ]
442 );
443 throw new UploadChunkFileException( "Error storing file in '{chunkPath}': " .
444 implode( '; ', $error ), [ 'chunkPath' => $chunkPath ] );
445 }
447 return $storeStatus;
448 }
450 private function getChunkFileKey( $index = null ) {
451 return $this->mFileKey . '.' . ( $index ?? $this->getChunkIndex() );
452 }
459 private function verifyChunk() {
460 // Rest mDesiredDestName here so we verify the name as if it were mFileKey
461 $oldDesiredDestName = $this->mDesiredDestName;
462 $this->mDesiredDestName = $this->mFileKey;
463 $this->mTitle = false;
464 $res = $this->verifyPartialFile();
465 $this->mDesiredDestName = $oldDesiredDestName;
466 $this->mTitle = false;
467 if ( is_array( $res ) ) {
468 throw new UploadChunkVerificationException( $res );
469 }
470 }
481 private function logFileBackendStatus( Status $status, string $logMessage, array $context = [] ): array {
482 $logger = $this->logger;
483 $errorToThrow = null;
484 $warningToThrow = null;
486 foreach ( $status->getErrors() as $errorItem ) {
487 // The message key stands for distinct error situation from the file backend,
488 // each error situation should be shown up in aggregated stats as own point, replace in message
489 $logMessageType = str_replace( '{type}', $errorItem['message'], $logMessage );
491 // The message arguments often contains the name of the failing datacenter or file names
492 // and should not show up in aggregated stats, add to context
493 $context['details'] = implode( '; ', $errorItem['params'] );
494 $context['user'] = $this->user->getName();
496 if ( $errorItem['type'] === 'error' ) {
497 // Use the first error of the list for the exception text
498 $errorToThrow ??= [ $errorItem['message'], ...$errorItem['params'] ];
499 $logger->error( $logMessageType, $context );
500 } else {
501 // When no error is found, fall back to the first warning
502 $warningToThrow ??= [ $errorItem['message'], ...$errorItem['params'] ];
503 $logger->warning( $logMessageType, $context );
504 }
505 }
506 return $errorToThrow ?? $warningToThrow ?? [ 'unknown', 'no error recorded' ];
507 }
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
Local repository that stores files in the local filesystem and registers them in the wiki's own datab...
Definition LocalRepo.php:49
Deferrable Update for closure/callback updates that should use auto-commit mode.
Defer callable updates to run later in the PHP process.
Create PSR-3 logger objects.
Service locator for MediaWiki core services.
Object to access the $_FILES array.
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
Definition Status.php:54
internal since 1.36
Definition User.php:93
getId( $wikiId=self::LOCAL)
Get the user's ID.
Definition User.php:1533
Get the list of errors.
Returns whether the operation completed.
fatal( $message,... $parameters)
Add an error and set OK to false, indicating that the operation as a whole was fatal.
Returns whether the operation completed and didn't have any error or warnings.
getRealPath( $srcPath)
runUploadStashFileHook(User $user)
A verification routine suitable for partial files.
getVerificationErrorCode( $error)
setTempFile( $tempPath, $fileSize=null)
initializePathInfo( $name, $tempPath, $fileSize, $removeTempFile=false)
static getMaxUploadSize( $forType=null)
Get MediaWiki's maximum uploaded file size for a given type of upload, based on $wgMaxUploadSize.
Implements uploading from chunks.
addChunk( $chunkPath, $chunkSize, $offset)
Add a chunk to the temporary directory.
string null $mVirtualTempPath
continueChunks( $name, $key, $webRequestUpload)
Continue chunk uploading.
tryStashFile(User $user, $isPartial=false)
Like stashFile(), but respects extensions' wishes to prevent the stashing.verifyUpload() must be call...
__construct(User $user, $stash=false, $repo=false)
@noinspection PhpMissingParentConstructorInspection
Get the offset at which the next uploaded chunk will be appended to.
doStashFile(?User $user=null)
Calls the parent doStashFile and updates the uploadsession table to handle "chunks".
Append the final chunk and ready file for parent::performUpload()
Implements regular file uploads.
UploadStash is intended to accomplish a few things:
Base class for all file backend classes (including multi-write backends).