This is the complete list of members for McrUndoAction, including all inherited members.
$context | Action | protected |
$cur | McrUndoAction | protected |
$curRev | McrUndoAction | protected |
$fields | Action | protected |
$undo | McrUndoAction | protected |
$undoafter | McrUndoAction | protected |
__construct(Article $article, IContextSource $context, ReadOnlyMode $readOnlyMode, RevisionLookup $revisionLookup, RevisionRenderer $revisionRenderer, CommentFormatter $commentFormatter, Config $config) | McrUndoAction | |
FormAction::__construct(Article $article, IContextSource $context) | Action | |
addHelpLink( $to, $overrideBaseUrl=false) | Action | |
addStatePropagationFields(HTMLForm $form) | McrUndoAction | protected |
alterForm(HTMLForm $form) | McrUndoAction | protected |
checkCanExecute(User $user) | McrUndoAction | protected |
doesWrites() | FormAction | |
factory(string $action, Article $article, ?IContextSource $context=null) | Action | static |
getActionName(IContextSource $context) | Action | static |
getArticle() | Action | |
getAuthority() | Action | |
getContext() | Action | |
getDescription() | McrUndoAction | |
getForm() | FormAction | protected |
getFormFields() | McrUndoAction | protected |
getHookContainer() | Action | protected |
getHookRunner() | Action | protected |
getLanguage() | Action | |
getName() | McrUndoAction | |
getOutput() | Action | |
getPageTitle() | Action | protected |
getRequest() | Action | |
getRestriction() | McrUndoAction | |
getSkin() | Action | |
getTitle() | Action | |
getUser() | Action | |
getWikiPage() | Action | |
initFromParameters() | McrUndoAction | protected |
msg( $key,... $params) | Action | |
needsReadRights() | Action | |
onSubmit( $data) | McrUndoAction | |
onSuccess() | McrUndoAction | |
postText() | FormAction | protected |
preText() | McrUndoAction | protected |
requiresUnblock() | Action | |
requiresWrite() | Action | |
setHeaders() | Action | protected |
setHookContainer(HookContainer $hookContainer) | Action | |
show() | McrUndoAction | |
usesOOUI() | McrUndoAction | protected |
useTransactionalTimeLimit() | Action | protected |