MediaWiki master
Base class for all backends using particular storage medium. More...
Inherits Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Inherited by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Public Member Functions | |
__construct (array $config) | |
addShellboxInputFile (BoxedCommand $command, string $boxedName, array $params) | |
Add a file to a Shellbox command as an input file. | |
clearCache (?array $paths=null) | |
Invalidate any in-process file stat and property cache. | |
concatenate (array $params) | |
Concatenate a list of storage files into a single file system file. | |
copyInternal (array $params) | |
Copy a file from one storage path to another in the backend. | |
createInternal (array $params) | |
Create a file in the backend with the given contents. | |
deleteInternal (array $params) | |
Delete a file at the storage path. | |
describeInternal (array $params) | |
Alter metadata for a file at the storage path. | |
directoryExists (array $params) | |
Check if a directory exists at a given storage path. | |
executeOpHandlesInternal (array $fileOpHandles) | |
Execute a list of FileBackendStoreOpHandle handles in parallel. | |
fileExists (array $params) | |
Check if a file exists at a storage path in the backend. | |
getDirectoryList (array $params) | |
Get an iterator to list all directories under a storage directory. | |
getDirectoryListInternal ( $container, $dir, array $params) | |
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend. | |
getFileContentsMulti (array $params) | |
Like getFileContents() except it takes an array of storage paths and returns an order preserved map of storage paths to their content. | |
getFileHttpUrl (array $params) | |
getFileList (array $params) | |
Get an iterator to list all stored files under a storage directory. | |
getFileListInternal ( $container, $dir, array $params) | |
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend. | |
getFileProps (array $params) | |
Get the properties of the content of the file at a storage path in the backend. | |
getFileSha1Base36 (array $params) | |
Get a SHA-1 hash of the content of the file at a storage path in the backend. | |
getFileSize (array $params) | |
Get the size (bytes) of a file at a storage path in the backend. | |
getFileStat (array $params) | |
Get quick information about a file at a storage path in the backend. | |
getFileTimestamp (array $params) | |
Get the last-modified timestamp of the file at a storage path. | |
getFileXAttributes (array $params) | |
Get metadata about a file at a storage path in the backend. | |
getLocalCopyMulti (array $params) | |
Like getLocalCopy() except it takes an array of storage paths and yields an order preserved-map of storage paths to temporary local file copies. | |
getLocalReferenceMulti (array $params) | |
Like getLocalReference() except it takes an array of storage paths and yields an order-preserved map of storage paths to temporary local file copies. | |
getOperationsInternal (array $ops) | |
Return a list of FileOp objects from a list of operations. | |
getPathsToLockForOpsInternal (array $performOps) | |
Get a list of storage paths to lock for a list of operations Returns an array with LockManager::LOCK_UW (shared locks) and LockManager::LOCK_EX (exclusive locks) keys, each corresponding to a list of storage paths to be locked. | |
getScopedLocksForOps (array $ops, StatusValue $status) | |
Get an array of scoped locks needed for a batch of file operations. | |
isPathUsableInternal ( $storagePath) | |
Check if a file can be created or changed at a given storage path in the backend. | |
isSingleShardPathInternal ( $storagePath) | |
Check if a storage path maps to a single shard. | |
maxFileSizeInternal () | |
Get the maximum allowable file size given backend medium restrictions and basic performance constraints. | |
moveInternal (array $params) | |
Move a file from one storage path to another in the backend. | |
nullInternal (array $params) | |
No-op file operation that does nothing. | |
preloadCache (array $paths) | |
Preload persistent file stat cache and property cache into in-process cache. | |
preloadFileStat (array $params) | |
Preload file stat information (concurrently if possible) into in-process cache. | |
storeInternal (array $params) | |
Store a file into the backend from a file on disk. | |
streamFile (array $params) | |
Stream the content of the file at a storage path in the backend. | |
![]() | |
clean (array $params) | |
Delete a storage directory if it is empty. | |
copy (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single copy operation. | |
create (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single create operation. | |
delete (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single delete operation. | |
describe (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single describe operation. | |
doOperation (array $op, array $opts=[]) | |
Same as doOperations() except it takes a single operation. | |
doOperations (array $ops, array $opts=[]) | |
This is the main entry point into the backend for write operations. | |
doQuickOperation (array $op, array $opts=[]) | |
Same as doQuickOperations() except it takes a single operation. | |
doQuickOperations (array $ops, array $opts=[]) | |
Perform a set of independent file operations on some files. | |
getContainerStoragePath ( $container) | |
Get the storage path for the given container for this backend. | |
getDomainId () | |
Get the domain identifier used for this backend (possibly empty). | |
getFeatures () | |
Get the a bitfield of extra features supported by the backend medium. | |
getFileContents (array $params) | |
Get the contents of a file at a storage path in the backend. | |
getLocalCopy (array $params) | |
Get a local copy on disk of the file at a storage path in the backend. | |
getLocalReference (array $params) | |
Returns a file system file, identical in content to the file at a storage path. | |
getName () | |
Get the unique backend name. | |
getReadOnlyReason () | |
Get an explanatory message if this backend is read-only. | |
getRootStoragePath () | |
Get the root storage path of this backend. | |
getScopedFileLocks (array $paths, $type, StatusValue $status, $timeout=0) | |
Lock the files at the given storage paths in the backend. | |
getStreamerOptions () | |
Return options for use with HTTPFileStreamer. | |
getTopDirectoryList (array $params) | |
Same as FileBackend::getDirectoryList() except only lists directories that are immediately under the given directory. | |
getTopFileList (array $params) | |
Same as FileBackend::getFileList() except only lists files that are immediately under the given directory. | |
getWikiId () | |
Alias to getDomainId() | |
hasFeatures ( $bitfield) | |
Check if the backend medium supports a field of extra features. | |
isReadOnly () | |
Check if this backend is read-only. | |
lockFiles (array $paths, $type, $timeout=0) | |
Lock the files at the given storage paths in the backend. | |
move (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single move operation. | |
prepare (array $params) | |
Prepare a storage directory for usage. | |
publish (array $params) | |
Remove measures to block web access to a storage directory and the container it belongs to. | |
quickCopy (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single quick copy operation. | |
quickCreate (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single quick create operation. | |
quickDelete (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single quick delete operation. | |
quickDescribe (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single quick describe operation. | |
quickMove (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single quick move operation. | |
quickStore (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single quick store operation. | |
secure (array $params) | |
Take measures to block web access to a storage directory and the container it belongs to. | |
setLogger (LoggerInterface $logger) | |
store (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single store operation. | |
unlockFiles (array $paths, $type) | |
Unlock the files at the given storage paths in the backend. | |
Protected Member Functions | ||||
deleteContainerCache ( $container) | ||||
Delete the cached info for a container. | ||||
deleteFileCache ( $path) | ||||
Delete the cached stat info for a file path. | ||||
directoriesAreVirtual () | ||||
Is this a key/value store where directories are just virtual? Virtual directories exists in so much as files exists that are prefixed with the directory path followed by a forward slash. | ||||
doClean (array $params) | ||||
doCleanInternal ( $container, $dir, array $params) | ||||
doClearCache (?array $paths=null) | ||||
Clears any additional stat caches for storage paths. | ||||
doConcatenate (array $params) | ||||
doCopyInternal (array $params) | ||||
doCreateInternal (array $params) | ||||
doDeleteInternal (array $params) | ||||
doDescribeInternal (array $params) | ||||
doDirectoryExists ( $container, $dir, array $params) | ||||
doExecuteOpHandlesInternal (array $fileOpHandles) | ||||
doGetFileContentsMulti (array $params) | ||||
doGetFileSha1Base36 (array $params) | ||||
doGetFileStat (array $params) | ||||
doGetFileStatMulti (array $params) | ||||
Get file stat information (concurrently if possible) for several files. | ||||
doGetFileXAttributes (array $params) | ||||
doGetLocalCopyMulti (array $params) | ||||
doGetLocalReferenceMulti (array $params) | ||||
doMoveInternal (array $params) | ||||
doOperationsInternal (array $ops, array $opts) | ||||
doPrepare (array $params) | ||||
| ||||
doPrepareInternal ( $container, $dir, array $params) | ||||
doPrimeContainerCache (array $containerInfo) | ||||
Fill the backend-specific process cache given an array of resolved container names and their corresponding cached info. | ||||
doPublish (array $params) | ||||
doPublishInternal ( $container, $dir, array $params) | ||||
doQuickOperationsInternal (array $ops, array $opts) | ||||
doSecure (array $params) | ||||
doSecureInternal ( $container, $dir, array $params) | ||||
doStoreInternal (array $params) | ||||
doStreamFile (array $params) | ||||
fullContainerName ( $container) | ||||
Get the full container name, including the domain ID prefix. | ||||
getContainerHashLevels ( $container) | ||||
Get the sharding config for a container. | ||||
getContainerShard ( $container, $relPath) | ||||
Get the container name shard suffix for a given path. | ||||
getContainerSuffixes ( $container) | ||||
Get a list of full container shard suffixes for a container. | ||||
getContentType ( $storagePath, $content, $fsPath) | ||||
Get the content type to use in HEAD/GET requests for a file. | ||||
ingestFreshFileStats (array $stats, $latest) | ||||
Ingest file stat entries that just came from querying the backend (not cache) | ||||
primeContainerCache (array $items) | ||||
Do a batch lookup from cache for container stats for all containers used in a list of container names or storage paths objects. | ||||
primeFileCache (array $items) | ||||
Do a batch lookup from cache for file stats for all paths used in a list of storage paths or FileOp objects. | ||||
resolveContainerName ( $container) | ||||
Resolve a container name, checking if it's allowed by the backend. | ||||
resolveContainerPath ( $container, $relStoragePath) | ||||
Resolve a relative storage path, checking if it's allowed by the backend. | ||||
resolveStoragePath ( $storagePath) | ||||
Splits a storage path into an internal container name, an internal relative file name, and a container shard suffix. | ||||
resolveStoragePathReal ( $storagePath) | ||||
Like resolveStoragePath() except null values are returned if the container is sharded and the shard could not be determined or if the path ends with '/'. | ||||
sanitizeOpHeaders (array $op) | ||||
Normalize and filter HTTP headers from a file operation. | ||||
setConcurrencyFlags (array $opts) | ||||
Set the 'concurrency' option from a list of operation options. | ||||
setContainerCache ( $container, array $val) | ||||
Set the cached info for a container. | ||||
setFileCache ( $path, array $val) | ||||
Set the cached stat info for a file path. | ||||
![]() | ||||
callNowOrLater (callable $update) | ||||
header ( $header) | ||||
newStatus ( $message=null,... $params) | ||||
Yields the result of the status wrapper callback on either: | ||||
resetOutputBuffer () | ||||
resolveFSFileObjects (array $ops) | ||||
Convert FSFile 'src' paths to string paths (with an 'srcRef' field set to the FSFile) | ||||
scopedProfileSection ( $section) | ||||
wrapStatus (StatusValue $sv) | ||||
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static | isValidContainerName ( $container) |
Check if a full container name is valid. | |
static | isValidShortContainerName ( $container) |
Check if a short container name is valid. | |
static | normalizeXAttributes (array $xattr) |
Normalize file headers/metadata to the FileBackend::getFileXAttributes() format. | |
![]() | |
static | normalizeContainerPath ( $path) |
Validate and normalize a relative storage path. | |
Protected Attributes | |
MapCacheLRU | $cheapCache |
Map of paths to small (RAM/disk) cache items. | |
MapCacheLRU | $expensiveCache |
Map of paths to large (RAM/disk) cache items. | |
int | $maxFileSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 |
Size in bytes, defaults to 32 GiB. | |
WANObjectCache | $memCache |
callable null | $mimeCallback |
Method to get the MIME type of files. | |
array< string, array > | $shardViaHashLevels = [] |
Map of container names to sharding config. | |
BagOStuff | $srvCache |
const | CACHE_CHEAP_SIZE = 500 |
const | CACHE_TTL = 10 |
![]() | |
int | $concurrency |
How many operations can be done in parallel. | |
string | $domainId |
Unique domain name. | |
LockManager | $lockManager |
LoggerInterface | $logger |
string | $name |
Unique backend name. | |
string | $parallelize |
When to do operations in parallel. | |
callable null | $profiler |
string | $readOnly |
Read-only explanation message. | |
callable null | $statusWrapper |
array | $streamerOptions |
Option map for use with HTTPFileStreamer. | |
TempFSFileFactory | $tmpFileFactory |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | extensionFromPath ( $path, $case='lowercase') |
Get the final extension from a storage or FS path. | |
static | isPathTraversalFree ( $path) |
Check if a relative path has no directory traversals. | |
static | isStoragePath ( $path) |
Check if a given path is a "mwstore://" path. | |
static | makeContentDisposition ( $type, $filename='') |
Build a Content-Disposition header value per RFC 6266. | |
static | normalizeStoragePath ( $storagePath) |
Normalize a storage path by cleaning up directory separators. | |
static | parentStoragePath ( $storagePath) |
Get the parent storage directory of a storage path. | |
static | resetOutputBufferTheDefaultWay () |
Default behavior of resetOutputBuffer(). | |
static | splitStoragePath ( $storagePath) |
Split a storage path into a backend name, a container name, and a relative file path. | |
![]() | |
const | ATTR_HEADERS = 1 |
Bitfield flags for supported features. | |
const | ATTR_METADATA = 2 |
const | ATTR_UNICODE_PATHS = 4 |
Base class for all backends using particular storage medium.
This class defines the methods as abstract that subclasses must implement. Outside callers should not use functions with "Internal" in the name.
The FileBackend operations are implemented using basic functions such as storeInternal(), copyInternal(), deleteInternal() and the like. This class is also responsible for path resolution and sanitization.
Definition at line 64 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore::__construct | ( | array | $config | ) |
array | $config |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 110 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore::addShellboxInputFile | ( | BoxedCommand | $command, |
string | $boxedName, | ||
array | $params ) |
Add a file to a Shellbox command as an input file.
BoxedCommand | $command | |
string | $boxedName | |
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 1054 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getLocalReference(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
final |
Invalidate any in-process file stat and property cache.
If $paths is given, then only the cache for those files will be cleared.
array | null | $paths | Storage paths (optional) |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1506 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClearCache().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\copyInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\createInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\describeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doGetFileXAttributes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doQuickOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doStreamFile(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\moveInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\storeInternal().
final |
Concatenate a list of storage files into a single file system file.
The target path should refer to a file that is already locked or otherwise safe from modification from other processes. Normally, the file will be a new temp file, which should be adequate.
array | $params | Operation parameters, include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 388 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doConcatenate(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getScopedFileLocks(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Copy a file from one storage path to another in the backend.
This will overwrite any file that exists at the destination. Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
$params include:
array | $params |
Definition at line 247 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doCopyInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Create a file in the backend with the given contents.
This will overwrite any file that exists at the destination. Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
$params include:
array | $params |
Definition at line 160 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doCreateInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\maxFileSizeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
finalprotected |
Delete the cached info for a container.
The cache key is salted for a while to prevent race conditions.
string | $container | Resolved container name |
Definition at line 1840 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClean().
finalprotected |
Delete the cached stat info for a file path.
The cache key is salted for a while to prevent race conditions. Since negatives (404s) are not cached, this does not need to be called when a file is created at a path were there was none before.
string | $path | Storage path |
Definition at line 1939 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeStoragePath().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\addMissingHashMetadata(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\copyInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\createInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\describeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doStreamFile(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\moveInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\storeInternal().
final |
Delete a file at the storage path.
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
$params include:
array | $params |
Definition at line 281 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doDeleteInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Alter metadata for a file at the storage path.
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
$params include:
array | $params |
Definition at line 352 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doDescribeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
abstractprotected |
Is this a key/value store where directories are just virtual? Virtual directories exists in so much as files exists that are prefixed with the directory path followed by a forward slash.
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClean().
final |
Check if a directory exists at a given storage path.
For backends using key/value stores, a directory is said to exist whenever there exist any files with paths using the given directory path as a prefix followed by a forward slash. For example, if there is a file called "mwstore://backend/container/dir/path.svg" then directories are said to exist at "mwstore://backend/container" and "mwstore://backend/container/dir". These can be thought of as "virtual" directories.
Backends that directly use a filesystem layer might enumerate empty directories. The clean() method should always be used when files are deleted or moved if this is a concern. This is a trade-off to avoid write amplication/contention on file changes or read amplification when calling this method.
Storage backends with eventual consistency might return stale data.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1123 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doDirectoryExists(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
finalprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 601 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteContainerCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\directoriesAreVirtual(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClean(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doCleanInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getScopedFileLocks(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getTopDirectoryList(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClean().
protected |
string | $container | |
string | $dir | |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Definition at line 656 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClean().
protected |
Clears any additional stat caches for storage paths.
string[] | null | $paths | Storage paths (optional) |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Definition at line 1531 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache().
protected |
array | $params |
Definition at line 416 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getLocalReference(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getLocalReferenceMulti(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\concatenate().
abstractprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\copyInternal().
abstractprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\createInternal().
abstractprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteInternal().
protected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 373 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\describeInternal().
abstractprotected |
string | $container | Resolved container name |
string | $dir | Resolved path relative to container |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\directoryExists().
protected |
FileBackendStoreOpHandle[] | $fileOpHandles |
FileBackendError |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 1453 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\executeOpHandlesInternal().
protected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 849 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetLocalReferenceMulti().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileContentsMulti().
protected |
array | $params |
Definition at line 957 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getLocalReference().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileSha1Base36().
abstractprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileStat().
protected |
Get file stat information (concurrently if possible) for several files.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 1563 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\preloadFileStat().
protected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 910 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileXAttributes().
abstractprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetLocalReferenceMulti(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getLocalCopyMulti().
protected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Definition at line 1024 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetLocalCopyMulti().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetFileContentsMulti(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getLocalReferenceMulti().
abstractprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\moveInternal().
finalprotected |
array | $ops | |
array | $opts |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1292 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileOpBatch\attempt(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getPathsToLockForOpsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getScopedFileLocks(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\preloadFileStat(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeContainerCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\setConcurrencyFlags().
finalprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 490 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPrepareInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
protected |
string | $container | |
string | $dir | |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Definition at line 523 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPrepare().
protected |
Fill the backend-specific process cache given an array of resolved container names and their corresponding cached info.
Only containers that actually exist should appear in the map.
array | $containerInfo | Map of resolved container names to cached info |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 1894 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeContainerCache().
finalprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 564 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPublishInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
protected |
string | $container | |
string | $dir | |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Definition at line 597 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPublish().
finalprotected |
array | $ops | |
array | $opts |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1355 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\$concurrency, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\executeOpHandlesInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
finalprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 527 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doSecureInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
protected |
string | $container | |
string | $dir | |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Definition at line 560 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doSecure().
abstractprotected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\storeInternal().
protected |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 1097 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getLocalReference(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\HTTPFileStreamer\send404Message(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\HTTPFileStreamer\STREAM_ALLOW_OB, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\HTTPFileStreamer\STREAM_HEADLESS.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\streamFile().
final |
Execute a list of FileBackendStoreOpHandle handles in parallel.
The resulting StatusValue object fields will correspond to the order in which the handles where given.
FileBackendStoreOpHandle[] | $fileOpHandles |
FileBackendError |
Definition at line 1424 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doCopyInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doCreateInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doDeleteInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doDescribeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doMoveInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doQuickOperationsInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doStoreInternal().
final |
Check if a file exists at a storage path in the backend.
This returns false if only a directory exists at the path.
Callers that only care if a file is readily accessible can use non-strict comparisons on the result. If "does not exist" and "existence is unknown" must be distinguished, then strict comparisons to true/null should be used.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 660 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileStat(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doStreamFile().
finalprotected |
Get the full container name, including the domain ID prefix.
string | $container |
Definition at line 1774 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath().
finalprotected |
Get the sharding config for a container.
If greater than 0, then all file storage paths within the container are required to be hashed accordingly.
string | $container |
Definition at line 1734 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerShard(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes().
finalprotected |
Get the container name shard suffix for a given path.
Any empty suffix means the container is not sharded.
string | $container | Container name |
string | $relPath | Storage path relative to the container |
Definition at line 1682 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerHashLevels().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath().
finalprotected |
Get a list of full container shard suffixes for a container.
string | $container |
Definition at line 1755 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerHashLevels().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\directoryExists(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClean(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPrepare(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPublish(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doSecure(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getDirectoryList(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileList().
protected |
Get the content type to use in HEAD/GET requests for a file.
Definition at line 2062 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doCreateInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doStoreInternal().
final |
Get an iterator to list all directories under a storage directory.
If the directory is of the form "mwstore://backend/container", then all directories in the container will be listed. If the directory is of form "mwstore://backend/container/dir", then all directories directly under that directory will be listed. Results will be storage directories relative to the given directory.
Storage backends with eventual consistency might return stale data.
Failures during iteration can result in FileBackendError exceptions (since 1.22).
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1158 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getDirectoryListInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
abstract |
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend.
string | $container | Resolved container name |
string | $dir | Resolved path relative to container |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getDirectoryList().
Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore::getFileContentsMulti | ( | array | $params | ) |
Like getFileContents() except it takes an array of storage paths and returns an order preserved map of storage paths to their content.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 828 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetFileContentsMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\setConcurrencyFlags().
Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore::getFileHttpUrl | ( | array | $params | ) |
array | $params |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 1050 of file FileBackendStore.php.
final |
Get an iterator to list all stored files under a storage directory.
If the directory is of the form "mwstore://backend/container", then all files in the container will be listed. If the directory is of form "mwstore://backend/container/dir", then all files under that directory will be listed. Results will be storage paths relative to the given directory.
Storage backends with eventual consistency might return stale data.
Failures during iteration can result in FileBackendError exceptions (since 1.22).
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1188 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerSuffixes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileListInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
abstract |
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend.
string | $container | Resolved container name |
string | $dir | Resolved path relative to container |
array | $params |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileList().
final |
Get the properties of the content of the file at a storage path in the backend.
This gives the result of FSFile::getProps() on a local copy of the file.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 968 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getLocalReference(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Get a SHA-1 hash of the content of the file at a storage path in the backend.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 914 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetFileSha1Base36(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeStoragePath(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Get the size (bytes) of a file at a storage path in the backend.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 684 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileStat(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Get quick information about a file at a storage path in the backend.
If the file does not exist, then this returns false. Otherwise, the result is an associative array that includes:
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 696 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetFileStat(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\ingestFreshFileStats(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeFileCache(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doDescribeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doGetFileSha1base36(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doGetFileXAttributes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\fileExists(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileSize(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileTimestamp().
final |
Get the last-modified timestamp of the file at a storage path.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 672 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileStat(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Get metadata about a file at a storage path in the backend.
If the file does not exist, then this returns false. Otherwise, the result is an associative array that includes:
Use FileBackend::hasFeatures() to check how well this is supported.
array | $params | $params include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 866 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetFileXAttributes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\normalizeXAttributes(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Like getLocalCopy() except it takes an array of storage paths and yields an order preserved-map of storage paths to temporary local file copies.
Multiple calls to this method for the same path will create new copies.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1028 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetLocalCopyMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\setConcurrencyFlags().
final |
Like getLocalReference() except it takes an array of storage paths and yields an order-preserved map of storage paths to temporary local file copies.
Never modify the returned files since they might be originals, they might be shared among multiple callers of this method, or the backend might internally keep FSFile references for deferred operations.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 977 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetLocalReferenceMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\setConcurrencyFlags().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doConcatenate().
final |
Return a list of FileOp objects from a list of operations.
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend.
The result must have the same number of items as the input. An exception is thrown if an unsupported operation is requested.
array[] | $ops | Same format as doOperations() |
FileBackendError |
Definition at line 1229 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doQuickOperationsInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getScopedLocksForOps().
final |
Get a list of storage paths to lock for a list of operations Returns an array with LockManager::LOCK_UW (shared locks) and LockManager::LOCK_EX (exclusive locks) keys, each corresponding to a list of storage paths to be locked.
All returned paths are normalized.
FileOp[] | $performOps | List of FileOp objects |
Definition at line 1268 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doOperationsInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getScopedLocksForOps().
Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore::getScopedLocksForOps | ( | array | $ops, |
StatusValue | $status ) |
Get an array of scoped locks needed for a batch of file operations.
Normally, FileBackend::doOperations() handles locking, unless the 'nonLocking' param is passed in. This function is useful if you want the files to be locked for a broader scope than just when the files are changing. For example, if you need to update DB metadata, you may want to keep the files locked until finished.
array | $ops | List of file operations to FileBackend::doOperations() |
StatusValue | $status | StatusValue to update on lock/unlock |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1286 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getPathsToLockForOpsInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\getScopedFileLocks().
finalprotected |
Ingest file stat entries that just came from querying the backend (not cache)
array<string,array|false|null> | $stats Map of storage path => { |
bool | $latest | Whether doGetFileStat()/doGetFileStatMulti() had the 'latest' flag |
Definition at line 761 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, $success, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\normalizeXAttributes(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\setFileCache().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileStat(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\preloadFileStat().
abstract |
Check if a file can be created or changed at a given storage path in the backend.
FS backends should check that the parent directory exists, files can be written under it, and that any file already there is both readable and writable. Backends using key/value stores should check if the container exists.
string | $storagePath |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
final |
Check if a storage path maps to a single shard.
Container dirs like "a", where the container shards on "x/xy", can reside on several shards. Such paths are tricky to handle.
string | $storagePath |
Definition at line 1720 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath().
staticfinalprotected |
Check if a full container name is valid.
This checks for length and illegal characters. Limiting the characters makes migrations to other stores easier.
string | $container |
Definition at line 1603 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\isValidShortContainerName().
staticfinalprotected |
Check if a short container name is valid.
This checks for length and illegal characters. This may disallow certain characters that can appear in the prefix used to make the full container name.
string | $container |
Definition at line 1586 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\isValidContainerName().
final |
Get the maximum allowable file size given backend medium restrictions and basic performance constraints.
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
Definition at line 126 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\createInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\storeInternal().
final |
Move a file from one storage path to another in the backend.
This will overwrite any file that exists at the destination. Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
$params include:
array | $params |
Definition at line 317 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doMoveInternal(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
staticfinalprotected |
Normalize file headers/metadata to the FileBackend::getFileXAttributes() format.
array | $xattr |
Definition at line 2018 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\$name.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileXAttributes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\ingestFreshFileStats(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeFileCache().
final |
No-op file operation that does nothing.
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
array | $params |
Definition at line 384 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus().
final |
Preload persistent file stat cache and property cache into in-process cache.
This should be used when stat calls will be made on a known list of a many files.
array | $paths | Storage paths |
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1495 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeContainerCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeFileCache(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath().
final |
Preload file stat information (concurrently if possible) into in-process cache.
This should be used when stat calls will be made on a known list of a many files. This does not make use of the persistent file stat cache.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1534 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doGetFileStatMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\ingestFreshFileStats(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doOperationsInternal().
finalprotected |
Do a batch lookup from cache for container stats for all containers used in a list of container names or storage paths objects.
This loads the persistent cache values into the process cache.
Definition at line 1853 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPrimeContainerCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\getContainerStat(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\preloadCache().
finalprotected |
Do a batch lookup from cache for file stats for all paths used in a list of storage paths or FileOp objects.
This loads the persistent cache values into the process cache.
array | $items | List of storage paths |
Definition at line 1958 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeStoragePath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\normalizeXAttributes(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileStat(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\preloadCache().
protected |
Resolve a container name, checking if it's allowed by the backend.
This is intended for internal use, such as encoding illegal chars. Subclasses can override this to be more restrictive.
string | $container |
Definition at line 1791 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath().
protected |
Resolve a relative storage path, checking if it's allowed by the backend.
This is intended for internal use, such as encoding illegal chars or perhaps getting absolute paths (e.g. FS based backends). Note that the relative path may be the empty string (e.g. the path is simply to the container).
string | $container | Container name |
string | $relStoragePath | Storage path relative to the container |
Reimplemented in Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend.
Definition at line 1806 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath().
finalprotected |
Splits a storage path into an internal container name, an internal relative file name, and a container shard suffix.
Any shard suffix is already appended to the internal container name. This also checks that the storage path is valid and within this backend.
If the container is sharded but a suffix could not be determined, this means that the path can only refer to a directory and can only be scanned by looking in all the container shards.
string | $storagePath |
Definition at line 1624 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\fullContainerName(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getContainerShard(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeContainerPath(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveContainerName(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveContainerPath(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\splitStoragePath().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\directoryExists(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doClean(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPrepare(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doPublish(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doSecure(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getDirectoryList(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileList(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\isSingleShardPathInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\preloadCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeContainerCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\primeFileCache(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal().
finalprotected |
Like resolveStoragePath() except null values are returned if the container is sharded and the shard could not be determined or if the path ends with '/'.
The latter case is illegal for FS backends and can confuse listings for object store backends.
This function is used when resolving paths that must be valid locations for files. Directory and listing functions should generally just use resolveStoragePath() instead.
string | $storagePath |
Definition at line 1665 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePath().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\addMissingHashMetadata(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doCopyInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doCreateInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doDeleteInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doDescribeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doGetFileContentsMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doGetFileStatMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doGetLocalCopyMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doMoveInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doStoreInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\doStreamFile(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\getFileHttpUrl(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\isPathUsableInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\MemoryFileBackend\resolveHashKey(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend\resolveToFSPath().
protected |
Normalize and filter HTTP headers from a file operation.
This normalizes and strips long HTTP headers from a file operation. Most headers are just numbers, but some are allowed to be long. This function is useful for cleaning up headers and avoiding backend specific errors, especially in the middle of batch file operations.
array | $op | Same format as doOperation() |
Definition at line 1472 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\$name.
finalprotected |
Set the 'concurrency' option from a list of operation options.
array | $opts | Map of operation options |
Definition at line 2038 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\$concurrency.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doOperationsInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getFileContentsMulti(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getLocalCopyMulti(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\getLocalReferenceMulti().
finalprotected |
Set the cached info for a container.
string | $container | Resolved container name |
array | $val | Information to cache |
Definition at line 1826 of file FileBackendStore.php.
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\SwiftFileBackend\getContainerStat().
finalprotected |
Set the cached stat info for a file path.
Negatives (404s) are not cached. By not caching negatives, we can skip cache salting for the case when a file is created at a path were there was none before.
string | $path | Storage path |
array | $val | Stat information to cache |
Definition at line 1915 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $path, and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\normalizeStoragePath().
Referenced by Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\ingestFreshFileStats().
final |
Store a file into the backend from a file on disk.
This will overwrite any file that exists at the destination. Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend and FileOp.
$params include:
array | $params |
Definition at line 203 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\clearCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doStoreInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\maxFileSizeInternal(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
final |
Stream the content of the file at a storage path in the backend.
If the file does not exists, an HTTP 404 error will be given. Appropriate HTTP headers (Status, Content-Type, Content-Length) will be sent if streaming began, while none will be sent otherwise. Implementations should flush the output buffer before sending data.
array | $params | Parameters include:
Reimplemented from Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend.
Definition at line 1070 of file FileBackendStore.php.
References $params, Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackendStore\doStreamFile(), Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\newStatus(), and Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend\scopedProfileSection().
protected |
Map of paths to small (RAM/disk) cache items.
Definition at line 70 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Map of paths to large (RAM/disk) cache items.
Definition at line 72 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Size in bytes, defaults to 32 GiB.
Definition at line 81 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Definition at line 66 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Method to get the MIME type of files.
Definition at line 78 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Map of container names to sharding config.
Definition at line 75 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Definition at line 68 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Definition at line 84 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Definition at line 85 of file FileBackendStore.php.
protected |
Definition at line 83 of file FileBackendStore.php.