MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
24// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
25require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php';
26// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
41 protected static $tables = [
42 // Data tables
43 [ 'page', 'page' ],
44 [ 'redirect', 'rd', 'idField' => 'rd_from' ],
45 [ 'archive', 'ar' ],
46 [ 'logging', 'log' ],
47 [ 'protected_titles', 'pt', 'idField' => 0 ],
48 [ 'category', 'cat', 'nsField' => 14 ],
49 [ 'recentchanges', 'rc' ],
50 [ 'watchlist', 'wl' ],
51 // The querycache tables' qc(c)_title and qcc_titletwo may contain titles,
52 // but also usernames or other things like that, so we leave them alone
54 // Links tables
55 [ 'pagelinks', 'pl', 'idField' => 'pl_from' ],
56 [ 'templatelinks', 'tl', 'idField' => 'tl_from' ],
57 [ 'categorylinks', 'cl', 'idField' => 'cl_from', 'nsField' => 14, 'titleField' => 'cl_to' ],
58 [ 'imagelinks', 'il', 'idField' => 'il_from', 'nsField' => 6, 'titleField' => 'il_to' ],
59 ];
61 public function __construct() {
62 parent::__construct();
63 $this->addDescription( <<<'TEXT'
64This script cleans up the title fields in various tables to remove entries that
65will be rejected by the constructor of TitleValue. This constructor throws an
66exception when invalid data is encountered, which will not normally occur on
67regular page views, but can happen on query special pages.
69The script targets titles matching the regular expression /^_|[ \r\n\t]|_$/.
70Because any foreign key relationships involving these titles will already be
71broken, the titles are corrected to a valid version or the rows are deleted
72entirely, depending on the table.
74The script runs with the expectation that STDOUT is redirected to a file.
76 );
77 $this->addOption( 'fix', 'Actually clean up invalid titles. If this parameter is ' .
78 'not specified, the script will report invalid titles but not clean them up.',
79 false, false );
80 $this->addOption( 'table', 'The table(s) to process. This option can be specified ' .
81 'more than once (e.g. -t category -t watchlist). If not specified, all available ' .
82 'tables will be processed. Available tables are: ' .
83 implode( ', ', array_column( static::$tables, 0 ) ), false, true, 't', true );
85 $this->setBatchSize( 500 );
86 }
88 public function execute() {
89 $tablesToProcess = $this->getOption( 'table' );
90 foreach ( static::$tables as $tableParams ) {
91 if ( !$tablesToProcess || in_array( $tableParams[0], $tablesToProcess ) ) {
92 $this->cleanupTable( $tableParams );
93 }
94 }
96 $this->outputStatus( 'Done!' );
97 if ( $this->hasOption( 'fix' ) ) {
98 $dbDomain = WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain()->getId();
99 $this->outputStatus( " Cleaned up invalid DB keys on $dbDomain!\n" );
100 }
101 }
110 protected function outputStatus( $str, $channel = null ) {
111 // Make it easier to find progress lines in the STDOUT log
112 if ( trim( $str ) ) {
113 fwrite( STDOUT, '*** ' . trim( $str ) . "\n" );
114 }
115 fwrite( STDERR, $str );
116 }
123 protected function writeToReport( $str ) {
124 fwrite( STDOUT, $str );
125 }
132 protected function cleanupTable( $tableParams ) {
133 [ $table, $prefix ] = $tableParams;
134 $idField = $tableParams['idField'] ?? "{$prefix}_id";
135 $nsField = $tableParams['nsField'] ?? "{$prefix}_namespace";
136 $titleField = $tableParams['titleField'] ?? "{$prefix}_title";
138 $this->outputStatus( "Looking for invalid $titleField entries in $table...\n" );
140 // Do all the select queries on the replicas, as they are slow (they use
141 // unanchored LIKEs). Naturally this could cause problems if rows are
142 // modified after selecting and before deleting/updating, but working on
143 // the hypothesis that invalid rows will be old and in all likelihood
144 // unreferenced, we should be fine to do it like this.
145 $dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA, 'vslow' );
146 $linksMigration = $this->getServiceContainer()->getLinksMigration();
147 $joinConds = [];
148 $tables = [ $table ];
149 if ( isset( $linksMigration::$mapping[$table] ) ) {
150 [ $nsField, $titleField ] = $linksMigration->getTitleFields( $table );
151 $joinConds = $linksMigration->getQueryInfo( $table )['joins'];
152 $tables = $linksMigration->getQueryInfo( $table )['tables'];
153 }
155 // Find all TitleValue-invalid titles.
156 $percent = $dbr->anyString();
157 // The REGEXP operator is not cross-DBMS, so we have to use lots of LIKEs
158 $likeExpr = $dbr
159 ->expr( $titleField, IExpression::LIKE, new LikeValue( $percent, ' ', $percent ) )
160 ->or( $titleField, IExpression::LIKE, new LikeValue( $percent, "\r", $percent ) )
161 ->or( $titleField, IExpression::LIKE, new LikeValue( $percent, "\n", $percent ) )
162 ->or( $titleField, IExpression::LIKE, new LikeValue( $percent, "\t", $percent ) )
163 ->or( $titleField, IExpression::LIKE, new LikeValue( '_', $percent ) )
164 ->or( $titleField, IExpression::LIKE, new LikeValue( $percent, '_' ) );
165 $res = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
166 ->select( [
167 'id' => $idField,
168 'ns' => $nsField,
169 'title' => $titleField,
170 ] )
171 ->tables( $tables )
172 ->where( $likeExpr )
173 ->joinConds( $joinConds )
174 ->limit( $this->getBatchSize() )
175 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
176 ->fetchResultSet();
178 $this->outputStatus( "Number of invalid rows: " . $res->numRows() . "\n" );
179 if ( !$res->numRows() ) {
180 $this->outputStatus( "\n" );
181 return;
182 }
184 // Write a table of titles to the report file. Also keep a list of the found
185 // IDs, as we might need it later for DB updates
186 $this->writeToReport( sprintf( "%10s | ns | dbkey\n", $idField ) );
187 $ids = [];
188 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
189 $this->writeToReport( sprintf( "%10d | %3d | %s\n", $row->id, $row->ns, $row->title ) );
190 $ids[] = $row->id;
191 }
193 // If we're doing a dry run, output the new titles we would use for the UPDATE
194 // queries (if relevant), and finish
195 if ( !$this->hasOption( 'fix' ) ) {
196 if ( $table === 'logging' || $table === 'archive' ) {
197 $this->writeToReport( "The following updates would be run with the --fix flag:\n" );
198 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
199 $newTitle = self::makeValidTitle( $row->title );
200 $this->writeToReport(
201 "$idField={$row->id}: update '{$row->title}' to '$newTitle'\n" );
202 }
203 }
205 if ( $table !== 'page' && $table !== 'redirect' ) {
206 $this->outputStatus( "Run with --fix to clean up these rows\n" );
207 }
208 $this->outputStatus( "\n" );
209 return;
210 }
212 $services = $this->getServiceContainer();
214 // Fix the bad data, using different logic for the various tables
215 $dbw = $this->getPrimaryDB();
216 switch ( $table ) {
217 case 'page':
218 case 'redirect':
219 // This shouldn't happen on production wikis, and we already have a script
220 // to handle 'page' rows anyway, so just notify the user and let them decide
221 // what to do next.
222 $this->outputStatus( <<<TEXT
223IMPORTANT: This script does not fix invalid entries in the $table table.
224Consider repairing these rows, and rows in related tables, by hand.
225You may like to run, or borrow logic from, the cleanupTitles.php script.
228 );
229 break;
231 case 'archive':
232 case 'logging':
233 // Rename the title to a corrected equivalent. Any foreign key relationships
234 // to the page_title field are already broken, so this will just make sure
235 // users can still access the log entries/deleted revisions from the interface
236 // using a valid page title.
237 $this->outputStatus(
238 "Updating these rows, setting $titleField to the closest valid DB key...\n" );
239 $affectedRowCount = 0;
240 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
241 $newTitle = self::makeValidTitle( $row->title );
242 $this->writeToReport(
243 "$idField={$row->id}: updating '{$row->title}' to '$newTitle'\n" );
245 $dbw->newUpdateQueryBuilder()
246 ->update( $table )
247 ->set( [ $titleField => $newTitle ] )
248 ->where( [ $idField => $row->id ] )
249 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
250 ->execute();
251 $affectedRowCount += $dbw->affectedRows();
252 }
253 $this->waitForReplication();
254 $this->outputStatus( "Updated $affectedRowCount rows on $table.\n" );
256 break;
258 case 'recentchanges':
259 case 'watchlist':
260 case 'category':
261 // Since these broken titles can't exist, there's really nothing to watch,
262 // nothing can be categorised in them, and they can't have been changed
263 // recently, so we can just remove these rows.
264 $this->outputStatus( "Deleting invalid $table rows...\n" );
265 $dbw->newDeleteQueryBuilder()
266 ->deleteFrom( $table )
267 ->where( [ $idField => $ids ] )
268 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
269 $this->waitForReplication();
270 $this->outputStatus( 'Deleted ' . $dbw->affectedRows() . " rows from $table.\n" );
271 break;
273 case 'protected_titles':
274 // Since these broken titles can't exist, there's really nothing to protect,
275 // so we can just remove these rows. Made more complicated by this table
276 // not having an ID field
277 $this->outputStatus( "Deleting invalid $table rows...\n" );
278 $affectedRowCount = 0;
279 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
280 $dbw->newDeleteQueryBuilder()
281 ->deleteFrom( $table )
282 ->where( [ $nsField => $row->ns, $titleField => $row->title ] )
283 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
284 $affectedRowCount += $dbw->affectedRows();
285 }
286 $this->waitForReplication();
287 $this->outputStatus( "Deleted $affectedRowCount rows from $table.\n" );
288 break;
290 case 'pagelinks':
291 case 'templatelinks':
292 case 'categorylinks':
293 case 'imagelinks':
294 // Update links tables for each page where these bogus links are supposedly
295 // located. If the invalid rows don't go away after these jobs go through,
296 // they're probably being added by a buggy hook.
297 $this->outputStatus( "Queueing link update jobs for the pages in $idField...\n" );
298 $linksMigration = $this->getServiceContainer()->getLinksMigration();
299 $wikiPageFactory = $services->getWikiPageFactory();
300 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
301 $wp = $wikiPageFactory->newFromID( $row->id );
302 if ( $wp ) {
303 RefreshLinks::fixLinksFromArticle( $row->id );
304 } else {
305 if ( isset( $linksMigration::$mapping[$table] ) ) {
306 $conds = $linksMigration->getLinksConditions(
307 $table,
308 Title::makeTitle( $row->ns, $row->title )
309 );
310 } else {
311 $conds = [ $nsField => $row->ns, $titleField => $row->title ];
312 }
313 // This link entry points to a nonexistent page, so just get rid of it
314 $dbw->newDeleteQueryBuilder()
315 ->deleteFrom( $table )
316 ->where( array_merge( [ $idField => $row->id ], $conds ) )
317 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
318 }
319 }
320 $this->waitForReplication();
321 $this->outputStatus( "Link update jobs have been added to the job queue.\n" );
322 break;
323 }
325 $this->outputStatus( "\n" );
326 }
334 protected static function makeValidTitle( $invalidTitle ) {
335 return strtr( trim( $invalidTitle, '_' ),
336 [ ' ' => '_', "\r" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => '_' ] );
337 }
340// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
341$maintClass = CleanupInvalidDbKeys::class;
342require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;
343// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
Run the job.
Maintenance script that cleans up invalid titles in various tables.
static makeValidTitle( $invalidTitle)
Fix possible validation issues in the given title (DB key).
static array[] $tables
List of tables to clean up, and the field prefix for that table.
cleanupTable( $tableParams)
Identifies, and optionally cleans up, invalid titles.
outputStatus( $str, $channel=null)
Prints text to STDOUT, and STDERR if STDOUT was redirected to a file.
writeToReport( $str)
Prints text to STDOUT.
Default constructor.
Do the actual work.
Abstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effo...
getDB( $db, $groups=[], $dbDomain=false)
Returns a database to be used by current maintenance script.
Wait for replica DBs to catch up.
hasOption( $name)
Checks to see if a particular option was set.
Returns the main service container.
Returns batch size.
addDescription( $text)
Set the description text.
addOption( $name, $description, $required=false, $withArg=false, $shortName=false, $multiOccurrence=false)
Add a parameter to the script.
getOption( $name, $default=null)
Get an option, or return the default.
setBatchSize( $s=0)
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:78
Tools for dealing with other locally-hosted wikis.
Definition WikiMap.php:31
Content of like value.
Definition LikeValue.php:14
Definition defines.php:26