7throw new LogicException(
'Do not load config-vars.php, it exists as a documentation stub only' );
Config variable stub for the GalleryOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowRawHtmlCopyrightMessages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ObjectCaches setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxShellWallClockTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JobTypeConf setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ProhibitedFileExtensions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Antivirus setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RestrictionLevels setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableHardRedirects setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExemptFromUserRobotsControl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AutoCreateTempUser setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GrantPermissionGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CustomConvertCommand setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RightsIcon setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CacheEpoch setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnMaxageLagged setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LegalTitleChars setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SpecialContributeSkinsEnabled setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomHost setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OldRevisionParserCacheExpireTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PageLinksSchemaMigrationStage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BreakFrames setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the XmlDumpSchemaVersion setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InstallerInitialPages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookieSetOnAutoblock setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxInterlacingAreas setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AdvancedSearchHighlighting setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OverrideUcfirstCharacters setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UsePathInfo setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseSiteCss setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InterwikiExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIUselessQueryPages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GitRepositoryViewers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FileBackends setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RestAllowCrossOriginCookieAuth setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtensionEntryPointListFiles setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SemiprotectedRestrictionLevels setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LanguageCode setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FileExtensions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaximumMovedPages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParserEnableLegacyHeadingDOM setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ConfigRegistry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParserCacheType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RateLimitsExcludedIPs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseCdn setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MemoryLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxTemplateDepth setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIMetaModules setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GroupsRemoveFromSelf setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedThumbnailScriptPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EmergencyContact setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCShowWatchingUsers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBprefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIMaxResultSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NewPasswordExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxPPNodeCount setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PreviewOnOpenNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowUserJs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifWatchlist setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnReboundPurgeDelay setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ArticleRobotPolicies setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ApplyIpBlocksToXff setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBuser setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnMaxageStale setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CategoryPagingLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FeedCacheTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UserEmailConfirmationTokenExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RemoveGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PrivilegedGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SessionProviders setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UpdateCompatibleMetadata setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadMaintenance setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UniversalEditButton setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxArticleSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DeleteRevisionsBatchSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the VirtualRestConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CrossSiteAJAXdomainExceptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableParserLimitReporting setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseLegacyMediaStyles setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifMaxRecips setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifUserTalk setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadStashMaxAge setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WatchlistPurgeRate setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LearnerMemberSince setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PageLanguageUseDB setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExportFromNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DefaultRobotPolicy setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RememberMe setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CascadingRestrictionLevels setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtraSignatureNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseContentMediaStyles setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StatsdMetricPrefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AutoblockExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowAuthenticatedCrossOrigin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalDatabases setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SignatureValidation setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DefaultLanguageVariant setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MessagesDirs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableQueryPageUpdate setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ChronologyProtectorSecret setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ProxyList setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Script setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LegacyEncoding setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseInstantCommons setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImgAuthPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SQLiteDataDir setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NativeImageLazyLoading setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SearchRunSuggestedQuery setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderEnableJSProfiler setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableUserEmailMuteList setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TranslationAliasesDirs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbUpright setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableImageWhitelist setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordExpireGrace setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FeedLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ActiveUserDays setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CSPReportOnlyHeader setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LockManagers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NamespacesWithSubpages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SiteTypes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EditSubmitButtonLabelPublish setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RawHtml setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShellboxSecretKey setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HiddenPrefs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxRedirectLinksRetrieved setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ForeignUploadTargets setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImagePreconnect setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CheckFileExtensions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UserrightsInterwikiDelimiter setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseCopyrightUpload setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCFeeds setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NoFollowNsExceptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CleanSignatures setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBadminuser setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseLocalMessageCache setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CountCategorizedImagesAsUsed setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EditRecoveryExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BotPasswordsCluster setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InternalServer setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTCPRouting setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CacheDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HashedSharedUploadDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ServerName setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PageInfoTransclusionLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate setting,...
Config variable stub for the AmericanDates setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GenerateThumbnailOnParse setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RightsUrl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RenderHashAppend setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedTables setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Send404Code setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxShellMemory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbLimits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SessionName setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HideIdentifiableRedirects setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DefaultUserOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadStashScalerBaseUrl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BlockCIDRLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LogActions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AdaptiveMessageCache setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseTagFilter setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TrackingCategories setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MainCacheType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseImageResize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SkinMetaTags setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JpegQuality setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableSearchUpdate setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseCodexSpecialBlock setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RedirectSources setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableOutputCompression setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TrxProfilerLimits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugLogPrefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ActionPaths setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SitemapNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LoginLanguageSelector setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableAnonTalk setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Wikidiff2Options setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AdvertisedFeedTypes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AuthManagerConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PhpCli setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SuspiciousIpExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AutopromoteOnceLogInRC setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SecretKey setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReauthenticateTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the IgnoreImageErrors setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MimeType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableAutoRotation setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtraGenderNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableUserEmail setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookieExpiration setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PagePropLinkInvalidations setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordPolicy setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowUserCss setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Autopromote setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StructuredChangeFiltersLiveUpdatePollingRate setting,...
Config variable stub for the SVGConverter setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OverrideHostname setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SummarySpamRegex setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FallbackSkin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the QueryPageDefaultLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RevisionCacheExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TranslateNumerals setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MediaInTargetLanguage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ForcedRawSMaxage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DjvuRenderer setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GrantPermissions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RemoveCredentialsBlacklist setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImageMagickTempDir setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MicroStashType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BlockTargetMigrationStage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowDisplayTitle setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SitemapNamespacesPriorities setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LogNames setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedUploadPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CapitalLinks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnMaxageSubstitute setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExperiencedUserMemberSince setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderSources setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LogExceptionBacktrace setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SQLMode setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShellboxShell setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImplicitRights setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableJavaScriptTest setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HashedUploadDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PutIPinRC setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs...
Config variable stub for the EnableMultiBlocks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalStylePath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIMaxLagThreshold setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBservers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxPPExpandDepth setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbnailScriptPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NonincludableNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExportPagelistLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowedCorsHeaders setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordResetRoutes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RegisterInternalExternals setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NoFollowLinks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableLangConversion setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BotPasswordsDatabase setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RestrictDisplayTitle setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FileCacheDepth setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReadOnly setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderDebug setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AntivirusRequired setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTTPTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseFilePatrol setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MediaHandlers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImageLimits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowHostnames setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JobRunRate setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowSpecialInclusion setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JobQueueIncludeInMaxLagFactor setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseAutomaticEditSummaries setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParsoidSettings setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowUserCssPrefs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CentralIdLookupProviders setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadSizeWarning setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIMaxUncachedDiffs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTTPConnectTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PoolCountClientConf setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GrammarForms setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTTPProxy setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExportAllowListContributors setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordAttemptThrottle setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ContentNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParserEnableUserLanguage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtraNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SVGMaxSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxShellFileSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbnailBuckets setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CanonicalNamespaceNames setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AuthenticationTokenVersion setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableUploadScriptChecks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DiffEngine setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBDefaultGroup setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableEditRecovery setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisabledVariants setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TmpDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StyleDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShellCgroup setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBtype setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TransactionalTimeLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBmwschema setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MinUploadChunkSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ProxyWhitelist setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NoReplyAddress setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowRollbackEditCount setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UpgradeKey setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBname setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseDatabaseMessages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxExecutionTimeForExpensiveQueries setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WANObjectCache setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SiteNotice setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the XMLMimeTypes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JobTypesExcludedFromDefaultQueue setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReferrerPolicy setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImgAuthDetails setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParsoidFragmentSupport setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ValidSkinNames setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxMsgCacheEntrySize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseGzip setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CachePages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MainPageIsDomainRoot setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBerrorLogTZ setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceModules setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderStorageEnabled setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableSearchContributorsByIP setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AutoConfirmCount setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookieHttpOnly setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RestAPIAdditionalRouteFiles setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LogTypes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExternalLinksDomainGaps setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CapitalLinkOverrides setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIPropModules setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SVGNativeRenderingSizeLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Sitename setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseCombinedLoginLink setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GroupsAddToSelf setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExternalServers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ConditionalUserOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIListModules setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InterwikiLogoOverride setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GroupInheritsPermissions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShortPagesNamespaceExclusions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalVirtualHosts setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AdditionalMailParams setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HideInterlanguageLinks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AvailableRights setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SkinsPreferred setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBadminpassword setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CompressRevisions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedUploadDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowCreditsIfMax setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBerrorLog setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReadOnlyFile setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImportSources setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InvalidRedirectTargets setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CachePrefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LogRestrictions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FileCacheDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WatchlistExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RightsText setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Profiler setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GitInfoCacheDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugAPI setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs...
Config variable stub for the ParserCacheExpireTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InterwikiFallbackSite setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadMissingFileUrl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxUserDBWriteDuration setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReportToExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifFromEditor setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableBotPasswords setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PageCreationLog setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShellboxUrls setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UnwatchedPageThreshold setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExportAllowAll setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the IllegalFileChars setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the VerifyMimeType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowUpdatedMarker setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtensionMessagesFiles setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AntivirusSetup setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DatabaseReplicaLagCritical setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseRCPatrol setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LearnerEdits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CategoryCollation setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceBasePath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NamespaceProtection setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SidebarCacheExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SignatureAllowedLintErrors setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CommandLineDarkBg setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifRevealEditorAddress setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DjvuOutputExtension setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NamespaceRobotPolicies setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AppleTouchIcon setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReportToEndpoints setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TempAccountCreationThrottle setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExportMaxHistory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OpenTelemetryConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FooterIcons setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RestrictionTypes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DirectoryMode setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseNPPatrol setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FixDoubleRedirects setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableTextSearch setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookieSameSite setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CategoryLinksSchemaMigrationStage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RevertedTagMaxDepth setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImgAuthUrlPathMap setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderEnableSourceMapLinks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCChangedSizeThreshold setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ObjectCacheSessionExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WhitelistRead setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InvalidUsernameCharacters setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowExternalImagesFrom setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SVGNativeRendering setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadNavigationUrl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SoftwareTags setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ArticlePath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DeprecationReleaseLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharpenReductionThreshold setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableSidebarCache setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the VueDevelopmentMode setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CacheSharedUploads setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbnailNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Hooks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBport setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShellRestrictionMethod setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MemCachedTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CategoryMagicGallery setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtendedLoginCookieExpiration setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableEmail setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxNameChars setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CentralIdLookupProvider setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtensionFunctions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ServiceWiringFiles setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifImpersonal setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CopyUploadsDomains setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SearchForwardUrl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UpdateRowsPerJob setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MessageCacheType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InterwikiMagic setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OutputPipelineStages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableInternalSearch setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CrossSiteAJAXdomains setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NoFollowDomainExceptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Diff3 setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AjaxLicensePreview setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllUnicodeFixes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookiePath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseXssLanguage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SecureLogin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InterwikiScopes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParserCacheFilterConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UsePigLatinVariant setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReadOnlyWatchedItemStore setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UsersNotifiedOnAllChanges setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableSpecialMute setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookieDomain setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCMaxAge setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImplicitGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FeedDiffCutoff setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WhitelistReadRegexp setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AddGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Actions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugComments setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Localtimezone setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SkipSkins setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CriticalSectionTimeLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ActionFilteredLogs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RedirectOnLogin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AuthManagerAutoConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UserEmailUseReplyTo setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadBaseUrl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UrlProtocols setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableAsyncUploads setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JpegPixelFormat setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DeleteRevisionsLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SpamRegex setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCEngines setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OriginTrials setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordExpirationDays setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DjvuTxt setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowSchemaUpdates setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BlockAllowsUTEdit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GroupPermissions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowExceptionDetails setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MimeTypeFile setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowExternalImages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UserRegistrationProviders setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxImageArea setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExperiencedUserEdits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the VirtualDomainsMapping setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RestPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBcompress setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResponsiveImages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ReservedUsernames setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ArticleCountMethod setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PreprocessorCacheThreshold setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalInterwikis setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableUploads setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugRawPage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderMaxage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadDialog setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MemCachedServers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowDebug setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InvalidPasswordReset setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalFileRepo setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalHTTPProxy setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WantedPagesThreshold setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableMagicLinks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParsoidCacheConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExportMaxLinkDepth setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowExternalReqID setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FileSchemaMigrationStage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BlockDisablesLogin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCLinkLimits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBStrictWarnings setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WatchlistExpiryMaxDuration setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the QueryCacheLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderStorageVersion setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DefaultSkin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StatsdServer setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DeletedDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharpenParameter setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowLogoutConfirmation setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ScriptPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DataCenterUpdateStickTTL setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ChangeCredentialsBlacklist setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CSPHeader setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxAnimatedGifArea setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DjvuPostProcessor setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EmailConfirmToEdit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CodexDevelopmentDir setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FeedClasses setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SearchType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UnwatchedPageSecret setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableAsyncUploadsByURL setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MWLoggerDefaultSpi setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIRequestLog setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowArchiveThumbnails setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SpecialVersionShowHooks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SearchHighlightBoundaries setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowHTMLEmail setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JobBackoffThrottling setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FragmentMode setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RequestTimeLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PoolCounterConf setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RevokePermissions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIFormatModules setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTTPImportTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedUploadDBname setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RangeContributionsCIDRLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MainStash setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ApiFrameOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TranscludeCacheExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCShowChangedSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnMatchParameterOrder setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExternalStores setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExportAllowHistory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CSPFalsePositiveUrls setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ThumbnailEpoch setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MimeInfoFile setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtensionAssetsPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableDnsBlacklist setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Logos setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugToolbar setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseImageMagick setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AsyncHTTPTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HideUserContribLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JpegTran setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxSigChars setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordDefault setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StrictFileExtensions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBTableOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the VariantArticlePath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AutopromoteOnceRCExcludedGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ForeignFileRepos setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxJobDBWriteDuration setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RepositoryBaseUrl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MemCachedPersistent setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FilterLogTypes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ForceHTTPS setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LogHeaders setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowCrossOrigin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnMaxAge setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableRemoteBagOStuffTests setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the VaryOnXFP setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ManualRevertSearchRadius setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtensionInfoMTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugLogGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GrantRiskGroups setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RawHtmlMessages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SVGConverterPath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedDB setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SessionCacheType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedUploadDBprefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtensionDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifMinorEdits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableScaryTranscluding setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SortedCategories setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SoftBlockRanges setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugDumpSql setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DatabaseReplicaLagWarning setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExternalLinkTarget setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DummyLanguageCodes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SpecialSearchFormOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SearchTypeAlternatives setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParsoidSelectiveUpdateSampleRate setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Exiv2Command setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowSlowParserFunctions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MultiShardSiteStats setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AttemptFailureEpoch setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FetchCommonsDescriptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExternalInterwikiFragmentMode setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBserver setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RecentChangesFlags setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DjvuUseBoxedCommand setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LoadScript setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DnsBlacklistUrls setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookieSecure setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MimeTypeExclusions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugRedirects setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIModules setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtraLanguageCodes setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SpecialPageCacheUpdates setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OpenSearchDescriptionLength setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceLoaderValidateJS setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SMTP setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LanguageConverterCacheType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CanonicalServer setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MiserMode setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OverrideSiteFeed setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AutoConfirmAge setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CacheVaryCookies setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NamespaceAliases setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TrivialMimeDetection setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StylePath setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DjvuDump setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Server setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBssl setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DefaultExternalStore setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCFilterByAge setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadThumbnailRenderMethod setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookieSetOnIpBlock setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PropagateErrors setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomDomain setting, for use by phpdoc and IDE...
Config variable stub for the RCWatchCategoryMembership setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Feed setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WatchersMaxAge setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TempCategoryCollations setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SessionPbkdf2Iterations setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnablePartialActionBlocks setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RunJobsAsync setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InterwikiCache setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SearchMatchRedirectPreference setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MetaNamespace setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtensionCredits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EmailAuthentication setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Logo setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DevelopmentWarnings setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Edititis setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnServersNoPurge setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the JobClasses setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RestSandboxSpecs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTTPMaxTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TrustedMediaFormats setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NamespaceContentModels setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SVGConverters setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseFileCache setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxUploadSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Html5Version setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParserTestMediaHandlers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SessionSecret setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OpenSearchDefaultLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxCredits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the InterlanguageLinkCodeMap setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StatsTarget setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedSchema setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EditPageFrameOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugLogFile setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AccountCreationThrottle setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ForceUIMsgAsContentMsg setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordSender setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LogActionsHandlers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RateLimits setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NamespacesToBeSearchedDefault setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableCanonicalServerLink setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PasswordReminderResendTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UpdateRowsPerQuery setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UploadThumbnailRenderMap setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TiffThumbnailType setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CdnServers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Pingback setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CopyUploadProxy setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SVGMetadataCutoff setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the XhtmlNamespaces setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MetaNamespaceTalk setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExpensiveParserFunctionLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParserCacheAsyncExpireTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalTZoffset setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableQueryPages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ParsoidExperimentalParserFunctionOutput setting, for use by phpdoc and I...
Config variable stub for the Exiftool setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CookiePrefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WikiFarmSettingsExtension setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ResourceModuleSkinStyles setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APIMaxDBRows setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExtraLanguageNames setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SharedPrefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTCPMulticastTTL setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LBFactoryConf setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StatsPrefix setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the WikiFarmSettingsDirectory setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RevisionSlotsCacheExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EventRelayerConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImportTargetNamespace setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the BrowserFormatDetection setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RightsPage setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the APICacheHelpTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxShellTime setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ForceDeferredUpdatesPreSend setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the PHPSessionHandling setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LocalisationCacheConf setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MaxTocLevel setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseSharedUploads setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CopyUploadTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the OpenSearchTemplates setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the LinkHolderBatchSize setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SearchSuggestCacheExpiry setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AutopromoteOnce setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the MimeDetectorCommand setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ContentHandlers setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HttpsPort setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ImageMagickConvertCommand setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the StatsFormat setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UsePrivateIPs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the GitBin setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ExternalDiffEngine setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the CopyUploadAllowOnWikiDomainConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TempAccountNameAcquisitionThrottle setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Diff setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DBpassword setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the Favicon setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowEXIF setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TidyConfig setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the AllowCopyUploads setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseSiteJs setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the RCLinkDays setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnotifUseRealName setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the NewUserLog setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the TextModelsToParse setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the HTTPMaxConnectTimeout setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DisableTitleConversion setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the FeaturePolicyReportOnly setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the EnableProtectionIndicators setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the SpecialPages setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.