MediaWiki master
MediaWiki\Storage\PageUpdateCauses Interface Reference

Constants for representing well known causes for page updates. More...

Inherited by MediaWiki\Page\Event\PageUpdatedEvent, and MediaWiki\Storage\PageUpdater.

Detailed Description

Constants for representing well known causes for page updates.

Extensions may use different causes representing their specific reason for updating pages.

This is modeled as an interface to provide easy access to these constants to both the emitter and the subscriber of events, without creating unnecessary dependencies: Since PageUpdater and PageUpdatedEvent both implement this interface, callers of PageUpdater do not need to know about PageUpdatedEvent, and subscribers of PageUpdatedEvent do not need to know about PageUpdater.

Stability: unstable
until 1.45

Definition at line 36 of file PageUpdateCauses.php.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: