MediaWiki master
MediaWiki\Installer\Task Namespace Reference


class  AddWikiRestoredServicesProvider
 Scheduled provider for restored services to be used in maintenance/installPreConfigured.php. More...
class  AddWikiTaskContext
 A task context for use in installPreConfigured.php. More...
class  CallbackTask
 An installer task which calls a callback function. More...
class  CannedProvider
 A scheduled provider which simply provides data given to it through its constructor. More...
class  CreateDatabaseTask
 Create the MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL database. More...
class  CreateExternalDomainsTask
 Create databases referenced in virtual domain and external store config. More...
class  CreateSysopTask
class  CreateTablesTask
 Create core tables. More...
class  ExtensionsProvider
 A scheduled provider which loads extensions. More...
class  ExtensionTablesTask
 Run extension updates in order to install extension tables. More...
class  InitialContentTask
 Create initial pages. More...
class  InsertUpdateKeysTask
 Insert the initial updatelog table rows. More...
interface  ITaskContext
 Dependency bundle and execution context for installer tasks. More...
class  MailingListSubscribeTask
class  MysqlCreateUserTask
 Create the MySQL/MariaDB user. More...
class  PopulateInterwikiTask
 Populate the interwiki table from maintenance/interwiki.list. More...
class  PopulateSiteStatsTask
 Insert an initial row into the site_stats table. More...
class  PostgresCreateSchemaTask
 Create the PostgreSQL schema. More...
class  PostgresCreateUserTask
 Create the PostgreSQL user. More...
class  PostgresPlTask
 Enable PL/pgSQL in the wiki's database if necessary. More...
class  PostgresUtils
class  RestoredServicesProvider
 Provide a service container with storage enabled. More...
class  SqliteCreateDatabaseTask
 Create the SQLite database files. More...
class  SqliteCreateSearchIndexTask
 Create the SQLite search index. More...
class  SqliteUtils
class  Task
 Base class for installer tasks. More...
class  TaskFactory
 Factory for installer tasks. More...
class  TaskList
 A container for tasks, with sorting of tasks by their declared dependencies. More...
class  TaskRunner