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Wikimedia\Telemetry Namespace Reference


class  Clock
 A click providing the current time in nanoseconds, backed by hrtime. More...
class  CompositePropagator
 CompositePropagator accepts an array of other propagators. More...
interface  ContextPropagatorInterface
 Interface for classes to serialize and deserialize SpanContexts to and from implementation-specific arrays, called carriers. More...
interface  ExporterInterface
 Base interface for OTEL trace data exporters. More...
class  NoopSpan
 An unsampled span that does nothing and persists no data. More...
class  NoopTracer
 A no-op tracer that creates no-op spans and persists no data. More...
class  OtlpHttpExporter
 An ExporterInterface that exports collected data over HTTP, serialized in OTLP JSON format. More...
class  OtlpSerializer
 Utility class for serializing data in OTLP JSON format. More...
class  ProbabilisticSampler
 A SamplerInterface implementation that samples a given percentage of root spans, while respecting sampling decisions made by other samplers for a given trace. More...
interface  SamplerInterface
 Interface for OTEL span samplers. More...
class  Span
 Represents an OpenTelemetry span, i.e. More...
class  SpanContext
 Data transfer object holding data associated with a given span. More...
interface  SpanInterface
 Represents an OpenTelemetry span, i.e. More...
class  StaticInjectionPropagator
 A ContextPropagatorInterface implementation that injects a fixed set of headers into outgoing requests. More...
class  Tracer
interface  TracerInterface
 Base interface for an OpenTelemetry tracer responsible for creating spans. More...
class  TracerState
 Holds shared telemetry state, such as finished span data buffered for export. More...
class  W3CTraceContextPropagator
 A ContextPropagatorInterface implementation for W3C Trace Context. More...