MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
24require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php';
34 private $minimumId;
36 public function __construct() {
37 parent::__construct();
38 $this->addDescription( <<<'TEXT'
39This script refreshes the category membership counts stored in the category
40table. As time passes, these counts often drift from the actual number of
41category members. The script identifies rows where the value in the category
42table does not match the number of categorylinks rows for that category, and
43updates the category table accordingly.
45To fully refresh the data in the category table, you need to run this script
46for all three modes. Alternatively, just one mode can be run if required.
48 );
49 $this->addOption(
50 'mode',
51 '(REQUIRED) Which category count column to recompute: "pages", "subcats", "files" or "all".',
52 true,
53 true
54 );
55 $this->addOption(
56 'begin',
57 'Only recount categories with cat_id greater than the given value',
58 false,
59 true
60 );
61 $this->addOption(
62 'throttle',
63 'Wait this many milliseconds after each batch. Default: 0',
64 false,
65 true
66 );
68 $this->addOption(
69 'skip-cleanup',
70 'Skip running cleanupEmptyCategories if the "page" mode is selected',
71 false,
72 false
73 );
75 $this->setBatchSize( 500 );
76 }
78 public function execute() {
79 $originalMode = $this->getOption( 'mode' );
80 if ( !in_array( $originalMode, [ 'pages', 'subcats', 'files', 'all' ] ) ) {
81 $this->fatalError( 'Please specify a valid mode: one of "pages", "subcats", "files" or "all".' );
82 }
84 if ( $originalMode === 'all' ) {
85 $modes = [ 'pages', 'subcats', 'files' ];
86 } else {
87 $modes = [ $originalMode ];
88 }
90 foreach ( $modes as $mode ) {
91 $this->output( "Starting to recount {$mode} counts.\n" );
92 $this->minimumId = intval( $this->getOption( 'begin', 0 ) );
94 // do the work, batch by batch
95 $affectedRows = 0;
96 while ( ( $result = $this->doWork( $mode ) ) !== false ) {
97 $affectedRows += $result;
98 usleep( $this->getOption( 'throttle', 0 ) * 1000 );
99 }
101 $this->output( "Updated the {$mode} counts of $affectedRows categories.\n" );
102 }
104 // Finished
105 $this->output( "Done!\n" );
106 if ( $originalMode !== 'all' ) {
107 $this->output( "Now run the script using the other --mode options if you haven't already.\n" );
108 }
110 if ( in_array( 'pages', $modes ) ) {
111 if ( $this->hasOption( 'skip-cleanup' ) ) {
112 $this->output(
113 "Also run 'php cleanupEmptyCategories.php --mode remove' to remove empty,\n" .
114 "nonexistent categories from the category table.\n\n" );
115 } else {
116 $this->output( "Running cleanupEmptyCategories.php\n" );
117 $cleanup = $this->runChild( CleanupEmptyCategories::class );
118 '@phan-var CleanupEmptyCategories $cleanup';
119 // Pass no options into the child because of a parameter collision between "mode", which
120 // both scripts use but set to different values. We'll just use the defaults.
121 $cleanup->loadParamsAndArgs( $this->mSelf, [], [] );
122 // Force execution because we want to run it regardless of whether it's been run before.
123 $cleanup->setForce( true );
124 $cleanup->execute();
125 }
126 }
127 }
129 protected function doWork( $mode ) {
130 $this->output( "Finding up to {$this->getBatchSize()} drifted rows " .
131 "greater than cat_id {$this->minimumId}...\n" );
133 $dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA, 'vslow' );
134 $queryBuilder = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
135 ->select( 'COUNT(*)' )
136 ->from( 'categorylinks' )
137 ->where( 'cl_to = cat_title' );
138 if ( $mode === 'subcats' ) {
139 $queryBuilder->andWhere( [ 'cl_type' => 'subcat' ] );
140 } elseif ( $mode === 'files' ) {
141 $queryBuilder->andWhere( [ 'cl_type' => 'file' ] );
142 }
144 $countingSubquery = $queryBuilder->caller( __METHOD__ )->getSQL();
146 // First, let's find out which categories have drifted and need to be updated.
147 // The query counts the categorylinks for each category on the replica DB,
148 // but this data can't be used for updating the master, so we don't include it
149 // in the results.
150 $idsToUpdate = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
151 ->select( 'cat_id' )
152 ->from( 'category' )
153 ->where( [ $dbr->expr( 'cat_id', '>', (int)$this->minimumId ), "cat_{$mode} != ($countingSubquery)" ] )
154 ->limit( $this->getBatchSize() )
155 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchFieldValues();
156 if ( !$idsToUpdate ) {
157 return false;
158 }
159 $this->output( "Updating cat_{$mode} field on " .
160 count( $idsToUpdate ) . " rows...\n" );
162 // In the next batch, start where this query left off. The rows selected
163 // in this iteration shouldn't be selected again after being updated, but
164 // we still keep track of where we are up to, as extra protection against
165 // infinite loops.
166 $this->minimumId = end( $idsToUpdate );
168 // Now, on master, find the correct counts for these categories.
169 $dbw = $this->getPrimaryDB();
170 $res = $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
171 ->select( [ 'cat_id', 'count' => "($countingSubquery)" ] )
172 ->from( 'category' )
173 ->where( [ 'cat_id' => $idsToUpdate ] )
174 ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchResultSet();
176 // Update the category counts on the rows we just identified.
177 // This logic is equivalent to Category::refreshCounts, except here, we
178 // don't remove rows when cat_pages is zero and the category description page
179 // doesn't exist - instead we print a suggestion to run
180 // cleanupEmptyCategories.php.
181 $affectedRows = 0;
182 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
183 $dbw->newUpdateQueryBuilder()
184 ->update( 'category' )
185 ->set( [ "cat_{$mode}" => $row->count ] )
186 ->where( [
187 'cat_id' => $row->cat_id,
188 $dbw->expr( "cat_{$mode}", '!=', (int)$row->count ),
189 ] )
190 ->caller( __METHOD__ )
191 ->execute();
192 $affectedRows += $dbw->affectedRows();
193 }
195 $this->waitForReplication();
197 return $affectedRows;
198 }
201$maintClass = RecountCategories::class;
202require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;
Run the job.
Abstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effo...
output( $out, $channel=null)
Throw some output to the user.
Wait for replica DBs to catch up.
hasOption( $name)
Checks to see if a particular option was set.
runChild( $maintClass, $classFile=null)
Run a child maintenance script.
Returns batch size.
addDescription( $text)
Set the description text.
addOption( $name, $description, $required=false, $withArg=false, $shortName=false, $multiOccurrence=false)
Add a parameter to the script.
getOption( $name, $default=null)
Get an option, or return the default.
setBatchSize( $s=0)
fatalError( $msg, $exitCode=1)
Output a message and terminate the current script.
Maintenance script that refreshes category membership counts in the category table.
Default constructor.
Do the actual work.
Definition defines.php:26