DOM interfaces automatically generated from WebIDL
No Matches
PHP WebIDL Binding

This document describes the PHP WebIDL binding used by IDLeDOM.

Since there does not seem to be an official WebIDL binding for PHP, this documents the implementation choices that IDLeDOM has made to map WebIDL names and types to PHP. Where possible correspondence has been maintained with the PHP DOMDocument/etc classes, although the PHP dom extension classes appear to be an adhoc binding of the libxml C library not a rigorous WebIDL mapping.


All WebIDL interfaces are defined in the namespace Wikimedia\IDLeDOM\. For example, the WebIDL interface 'Document' corresponds to the PHP interface Wikimedia\IDLeDOM\Document. A particular implementation of the DOM will implement these interfaces in a different namespace; for example the implementation of Document might be in a class Wikimedia\Dodo\Document which implements Wikimedia\IDLeDOM\Document.

It is expected that users will obtain a DOMImplementation or Document object by some mechanism, and use that to create all concrete DOM objects. Code which attempts to maintain implementation-independence will avoid direct references to the particular implementation class, and instead refer to the IDLeDOM interface.

It is expected that users can use type aliasing (ie, PHP class_alias) to use a compatible DOM implementation—that is, implementations which adhere to this binding specification but don't inherit from the IDLeDOM interfaces.

TODO: It is hoped that class_alias can also be used to be used to provide a migration path for code currently using DOMDocument, or to allow code to support either the built-in DOMDocument classes or an IDLeDOM-compatible implementation.


To form a PHP identifier from a name in the WebIDL spec, first replace any non-alphanumeric characters with _. (This isn't generally needed except when turning enumeration values into identifiers.)

Since PHP has a number of reserved words in the language, identifiers of PHP constructs corresponding to WebIDL definitions then need to be escaped to avoid conflicts. There are also reserved method names used for PHP interfaces like ArrayAccess and Countable which could conflict with WebIDL definitions. Finally, WebIDL properties are turned into getter and setter methods which share a namespace with WebIDL operations; this could also produce a conflict.

Conflicts are resolved as follows:

‍If the WebIDL name conflicts with a PHP reserved word or other previously-assigned name, then the PHP escaped name is the prefix idl_, followed by the smallest number of underscore (_) characters needed to avoid a conflict (perhaps zero), followed by the WebIDL name. Otherwise there is no conflict, and the PHP escaped name is simply the name.

The PHP reserved words include any identifier starting with two underscores (__), which are reserved in PHP as magical. The keyword class, all predefined constants, and other reserved words (including soft reserved words) are also reserved. (Other than class we don't need to reserve the PHP keywords and compile-time constants because starting in PHP 7.0.0 they are allowed as property, constant, and method names.)

In WebIDL dictionary types, the following names are also reserved: offsetExists, offsetGet, offsetSet, and offsetUnset. (These are used to implement ArrayAccess.)

In WebIDL callback types, the name invoke is reserved. (This name is not reserved in callback interface types.)

In WebIDL callback, callback interface, and dictionary types, the name cast is reserved.

In WebIDL enumeration types, the name cast is reserved.

In WebIDL interface types, the names getIterator and count are reserved. (These are used to implement IteratorAggregate and Countable.)

If the WebIDL defines an "unnamed" indexed getter, named getter, indexed setter, named setter, indexed deleter, named deleter, or stringifier operation, then the names item, namedItem, setItem, setNamedItem, removeItem, removeNamedItem, or toString (respectively) are reserved.

Resolution order

When determining the PHP escaped name corresponding to an WebIDL name, conflicts are resolved in the following order:

  1. All reserved names, as described above based on WebIDL type, are marked unavailable.
  2. Names in a directly inherited interface or dictionary are resolved, recursively, and marked unavailable.
  3. Names in mixins are resolved recursively, in alphabetic order by mixin name, and marked unavailable.
  4. Enumeration values are resolved and marked unavailable.
  5. Constant members are resolved and marked unavailable.
  6. Attribute getter and setter names, and dictionary field getter and setter names, are resolved and marked unavailable.
  7. Operation names are resolved and marked unavailable.

Concretely, given the following WebIDL fragment:

interface Foo {
undefined setBat();
interface Bar extends Foo {
const setBat = 0;
attribute boolean bat;
// conflicts with inherited members shouldn't occur,
// but suppose this managed to squeak through and
// wasn't intended as an override:
undefined setBat();

The following names would be assigned and reserved:

  • setBat: the operation on Foo
  • idl_setBat: the constant on Bar
  • getBat: the getter of attribute bat of Bar
  • idl__setBat: the setter of attribute bat of Bar
  • idl___setBat: the operation on Bar

Note in particular the assymmetry in the names of the getter and setter on attribute bat. This is unfortunate, but fortunately conflicts such as these are extremely rare.


This sub-section describes how types in the WebIDL map to types in PHP.


The any WebIDL type corresponds to a PHP ?mixed value. No boxing of types is required in PHP.


Methods on PHP objects that implement an operation whose WebIDL specifies a undefined return type must be declared to have a return type of void. Other uses of undefined will be mapped to null in PHP.


The WebIDL boolean type maps exactly to the PHP bool type.

integer types

The WebIDL byte, octet, short, unsigned short, long and unsigned long types correspond to the PHP int type.

Note that while the WebIDL unsigned long type is unsigned, with a range of [0, 4294967295], the PHP int type is signed, and on 32-bit platforms may have a range of [−2147483648, 2147483647]. To encode an WebIDL unsigned long type in a PHP int, the following steps are followed on all platforms regardless of the value of PHP_INT_MAX on that platform:

  1. Let x be the WebIDL unsigned long value to encode.
  2. If x < 2147483648, return a PHP int whose value is x.
  3. Otherwise x ≥ 2147483648. Return a PHP int whose value is x − 4294967296.

Note that this is the same as casting to a 32-bit int in most languages.

To decode an WebIDL unsigned long value from a PHP int, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Let x be the PHP int value to decode.
  2. If x ≥ 0, return an WebIDL unsigned long whose value is x.
  3. Otherwise x < 0. Return an WebIDL unsigned long whose value is x + 4294967296.

Note that in PHP this is the same as performing a bit-wise AND of the int value with the long constant 0xffffffff.

long long, unsigned long long, and bigint

The WebIDL long long, unsigned long long, and bigint types map to a PHP arbitrary-length integer using either the GMP or BCMath. Precise details will be determined when there is need.

floating point types

The WebIDL float, unrestricted float, double, and unrestricted double types map to the PHP float type.


The WebIDL sequence<T> type corresponds to a PHP array, with elements having the appropriate mapped type for T. In PHP type hints, the type will be array, and in phan type annotations, the type will be list<T>, which denotes a list of objects with consecutive integer keys starting from 0.

A PHP object implementing an interface with an operation declared to return a sequence<T> value must not return null from the corresponding method. Similarly, a getter method for an WebIDL attribute must not return null if the attribute is declared to be of type sequence<T>.

sequence<octet> and sequence<unsigned short>

As a special case, WebIDL sequence<octet> and sequence<unsigned short> are represented by PHP string in ASCII and UTF-16 encodings, respectively. As with other sequence types, null is not a valid value of these WebIDL types.

TODO: No DOM interface yet uses these types.

DOMString, ByteString, USVString, CSSOMString

PHP uses string for all WebIDL string types. Strings are expected to be encoded in UTF-8.

As described in a note in the CSS Object Model spec the main difference between DOMString and USVString has to do with how surrogate code units are handled. DOMString allows surrogates, while USVString replaces them with U+FFFD. As rationale the spec states that "well-formed UTF-8 specifically disallows surrogate code points".

Since we represent strings natively as UTF-8, it is true that surrogates don't appear in our native representation. However, for those interfaces (CharacterData and Text, for example) for which the spec requires offsets to be in UTF-16 units, it is possible that following the spec will generate unpaired surrogates. For example, if you extract a substring (using UTF-16 offsets) that contains an unmatched surrogate, that lonely surrogate would need to be converted back to UTF-8 before being returned – but UTF-8 cannot properly represent these characters.

The behavior of a PHP WebIDL implementation following this specification should be considered undefined in these situations.

Indeed, for the special case of the CharacterData APIs, this spec makes it implementation-defined whether the offsets will be measured in UTF-16 code units or unicode code points (see the PHP compatibility section for more details). If measuring in unicode code points, the creation of unpaired surrogates will not occur.

However, if the implementation elects to use offsets measured in UTF-16 code units, one may use (for example) PHP's built-in mb_convert_encoding to convert between UTF-16 and UTF-8. The mb_convert_encoding function will drop an unpaired initial surrogate and return an ASCII question mark character for an unpaired trailing surrogate. This may be surprising:

# In JavaScript/UTF-16 U+10437 is represented as U+D801 U+DC37
$text = $document->createTextNode("\u{10437}");
assertEquals(4, strlen($text->data)); // 4 UTF-8 characters
assertEquals(2, $text->length); // 2 UTF-16 characters
$text2 = $text->splitText(1);
assertEquals('', $text->data); // leading unpaired surrogate deleted
assertEquals('?', $text2->data); // trailing unpaired surrogate converted to ?

Alternatively, an implementation using UTF-16 offsets might choose to fall back to a WTF-8 encoding of the unpaired surrogate. String concatenation of unpaired surrogates is likely to lead to further unexpected behavior, however, and PHP does not contain robust support for WTF-8. (Another alternative would be CESU-8, but that alters the encoding of characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane even where surrogate-splitting is not involved and so would be explicitly in violation of this spec, which mandates UTF-8 for all results not involving unpaired surrogates.)

Perhaps the safest option for implementations using UTF-16 offsets is to throw an exception if an unpaired surrogate is encountered.


The WebIDL object type maps to the PHP object type.


The WebIDL symbol type is not supported.

Enumeration types

WebIDL enumeration types correspond to the PHP string type. (There is a PHP interface created to hold the enumeration values as class constants, but enumeration values are strings, not objects implementing this interface.)

See the section on Enumeration interfaces below.

Exception types

Exceptions are represented by the objects implementing the interfaces defined in the Exceptions section below. They will also implement the PHP Throwable type.

Objects implementing interfaces

A PHP object that implements an WebIDL interface must be of a PHP class that implements the PHP interface that corresponds to the WebIDL interface.


Every WebIDL interface corresponds to a PHP interface, with the following members:


For each constant defined on the WebIDL interface, there is a corresponding PHP class constant:

  • The constant has public visibility.
  • The type is the PHP type that corresponds to the type of the constant, as defined in the type section above.
  • The name is the [PHP escaped] identifier of the constant.
  • The value is the PHP value that is equivalent to the constant's WebIDL value, as defined in the type section above.


For each operation defined on the WebIDL interface, there must be a corresponding method declared on the PHP interface with the following properties:

  • The method has public visibility.
  • The return type of the method is the PHP type that corresponds to the operation return type, according to the type section above.
  • The name of the method is the [PHP escaped] identifier of the operation.
  • The method has an argument for each argument on the operation, with PHP types corresponding to the type of each WebIDL argument type as defined in the type section above. PHP variable-length argument lists will be used where the WebIDL method argument uses the Variadic extended attribute.
  • Type hints shall be used for arguments and return values, except for types corresponding to DOM interfaces. This provides flexibility in the face of PHP 7's weak covariance/contravariance support and avoids expensive runtime type checks against interface types.

Interfaces with an iterable member defined shall extend IteratorAggregate and define a getIterator method which implements the iterable member (if unnamed) or dispatches to the iterable member (if named).

XXX: WebIDL interfaces with a pair iterator are not yet supported.

Interfaces with a stringifier member defined will implement the PHP magic method __toString(), which implements the stringification behavior of the interface (if unnamed) or dispatches to the stringifier member (if named).

Interfaces with either a named property getter, indexed property getter, named property setter, indexed property getter, or named property deleter shall extend ArrayAccess. The ArrayAccess methods will dispatch to the named property getter/*named property setter*/*named property deleter* if the given offset is_string, and will dispatch to the indexed property getter/*indexed property setter* if the offset is_numeric. Otherwise behavior is undefined, but implementations should throw an exception.

WebIDL interfaces often contain a readonly attribute unsigned long length member. In combination with an indexed property getter, the presence of a length property is sufficient to make the interface an "array-like" in JavaScript, usable in a number of array contexts including for...of loops. These members have been tagged in our WebIDL with the (nonstandard) [PHPCountable] extended attribute. Interfaces containing a [PHPCountable] member shall extend the PHP Countable interface, and Countable::count() shall invoke the getter for the [PHPCountable] member and return the result.

Interfaces which have a indexed property getter and a [PHPCountable] member should be iterable, as an "array-like" would be in JavaScript. Therefore these interfaces shall have a unnamed iterable member; these additional members added in the PHP binding have been tagged in our WebIDL with the (nonstandard) [PHPExtension] extended attribute.


For each attribute defined on the WebIDL interface, there shall be a corresponding getter method declared on the PHP interface with the following properties:

  • The method has public visibility.
  • The return type of the method is the PHP type that corresponds to the attribute type, according to the rules in the [type section above].
  • Type hints on the return value will be used, except for types corresponding to DOM interfaces (as described in the "operations" section above).
  • The "WebIDL name" of the method is get, followed by the first character of the identifier of the attribute uppercased (as if the identifier were passed to the ucfirst function). This name is then PHP escaped to resolve conflicts.
  • The method has no arguments.

For each attribute defined on the WebIDL interface that is not [read only], there shall be a corresponding setter method declared on the PHP interface with the following properties:

  • The method has public visibility.
  • The return type of the method is void.
  • The "WebIDL name" of the method is set, followed by the first character of the identifier of the attribute uppercased (as if the identifier were passed to the ucfirst function). This name is then PHP escaped to resolve conflicts.
  • The method has a single argument whose type is the PHP type that corresponds to the attribute type, according to the rules in the type section above.
  • Type hints on the argument will be used, except for types corresponding to DOM interfaces (as described in the "operations" section above).

For each attribute defined on the WebIDL interface that is [read only] and is declared with the [PutForwards] extended attribute, there shall be a corresponding setter method declared on the PHP interface with the following properties:

  • The method has public visibility.
  • The return type of the method is void.
  • The "WebIDL name" of the method is set, followed by the first character of the identifier of the attribute uppercased (as if the identifier were passed to the ucfirst function). This name is then PHP escaped to resolve conflicts.
  • The method has a single argument whose type is the PHP type that corresponds to the type of the attribute identified by the PutForwards extended attribute on the interface type that this attribute is declared to be of, according to the rules in the [type section above].
  • Type hints on the argument will be used, except for types corresponding to DOM interfaces (as described in the "operations" section above).

Reflected attributes

Certain IDL attributes are defined in the relevant specifications to reflect the value of Element attributes. These do not affect the interface declaration of the IDL attribute. Since implementation details are out-of-scope for this document, we will briefly note that IDLeDOM uses extended attributes named [Reflect], [ReflectURL], [ReflectEnum], [ReflectDefault], [ReflectMissing], and [ReflectInvalid] in the IDL specification to guide the automatic creation of getter and setter methods for reflected attributes.

Attribute compatibility

In every interface with attributes, the PHP magic methods __get(), __set(), __isset(), and __unset() should be defined with the following behavior:

  • The __get($name) method should invoke the PHP getter method for $name and return the result.
  • The __set($name, $value) method should invoke the PHP setter method for $name, unless the attribute is declared read only in which case an appropriate exception should be thrown.
  • The __isset($name) method should invoke __get($name) and return false if the value returned is null, or true otherwise.
  • The __unset($name) method should invoke __set($name, null).

The behavior of __get() and __set() if $name is not a valid attribute of the interface is undefined. Implementations may elect to throw an exception, or else to permit creation of dynamic properties by storing and fetching values indexed by these names in an auxiliary array.

Note: the helper traits provided by WebIDL choose to invoke a helper method (_getMissingProp or _setMissingProp) when $name is not a valid attribute of the interface. The default implementation of these methods in the helper traits throws an exception, but by providing a specific implementation of these methods other behaviors can be chosen by a DOM implementation.

XXX: perhaps a 'standard' extension point should be provided as well?

The use of these compatibility methods is not recommended in performance-critical code. They are provided to provide compatibliity with existing code written to use the built-in DOMDocument interface and for the convenience of using property syntax, but the invocation of magic methods has a steep performance cost in PHP.

XXX: ensure that there is no cost associated with simply defining the magic methods, even if they are not used.


WebIDL dictionary objects are PHP abstract classes which extend one other PHP class or interface: dictionaries which directly inherit from another dictionary shall extend the PHP abstract class corresponding to that inherited dictionary, and dictionaries with no inherited dictionaries shall extend the PHP ArrayAccess interface.

Dictionary classes shall have getter methods for every field of the dictionary:

  • The method has public visibility.
  • The method is abstract.
  • The return type of the method is the PHP type that corresponds to the field type, according to the rules in the [type section above].
  • Type hints on the return value will be used, except for types corresponding to DOM interfaces (as described in the "operations" section above).
  • The "WebIDL name" of the method is get, followed by the first character of the identifier of the field name uppercased (as if the identifier were passed to the ucfirst function). This name is then PHP escaped to resolve conflicts.
  • The method has no arguments.

In every class corresponding to a dictionary, the PHP magic methods __get() and [__isset()] (and optionally __set() and __unset()) should be defined with the following behavior:

  • The __get($name) method should invoke the PHP getter method for the field $name and return the result.
  • The __set($name, $value) method should throw an appropriate exception (if __set() is defined).
  • The __isset($name) method should invoke __get($name) and return false if the value returned is null, or true otherwise.
  • The __unset($name) method should throw an appropriate exception (if __unset() is defined).

The ArrayAccess methods of a dictionary should have the following behavior:

  • The offsetExists method should return true iff the dictionary has a field with the given WebIDL name (no PHP escaping is done on the name).
  • The offsetGet method should invoke the PHP getter method for the named field and return the result.
  • The offsetSet method should throw an appropriate exception.
  • The offsetUnset method should throw an appropriate exception.

In addition, classes corresponding to a dictionary should define a static method named cast with a single argument:

  • The cast method should return an object extending the class corresponding to the dictionary.
  • The argument of the cast method should be either an associative array or an object extending the class corresponding to the dictionary.
  • If invoked with an argument extending the class corresponding to the dictionary, the argument should be directly returned.
  • If invoked with an associative array, an object extending the class corresponding to the dictionary should be returned, where the getter for each field returns the array value associated with the key equal to the field's WebIDL name (not PHP escaped) if there is one, otherwise the getter should return the field's default value.

Callbacks and Callback Interfaces

WebIDL callback objects shall be treated as if they were callback interfaces with a single regular operation member named invoke.

A callback interface shall correspond to a PHP interface with constant and operation members as defined above for interface types.

In addition, the PHP interface corresponding to a [callback interface] shall define the PHP magic method __invoke(). This magic method shall invoke the single regular operation of the callback interface with the same arguments it is given, and return the result. (This ensure that the callback interface is a PHP callable.)

In addition, classes implementing the interface shall define a static method named cast with a single argument:

  • The cast method shall return an object implementing the interface corresponding to the callback interface.
  • The argument of the cast method should be either a PHP callable or an object implementing the PHP interface corresponding to the callback interface.
  • If invoked with an argument implementing the interface corresponding to the callback interface, the argument shall be directly returned.
  • If invoked with a PHP callable, an object implementing the interface corresponding to the callback interface shall be returned, where invoking the single regular operation of the callback interface will invoke the callable with the same arguments, and return the result.

Enumeration interfaces

WebIDL enumerations shall correspond to a PHP final class with an string constant for every enumeration value.

For each enumeration value:

  • The constant shall have public visibility.
  • The type shall be the PHP string type.
  • The name shall be the [PHP escaped] identifier of the enumeration value.

In addition, the enumeration class will have a static method named cast which will throw a TypeError exception if its argument is not a string matching a valid enumeration value; otherwise it will return its argument.

For example, the following WebIDL:

enum ShadowRootMode { "open", "closed" };

corresponds to the PHP interface:

final class ShadowRootMode {
public const open = "open";
public const closed = "closed";
public static cast(string $value): string {
if ( $value === "open" || $value === "closed" ) {
return $value;
throw new class() extends \Exception implements TypeError {


A conforming PHP implementation must have a PHP interface corresponding to every WebIDL exception that is supported. For simple exceptions, the interface name must be the [PHP escaped] identifier of the WebIDL simple exception name: Error, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, TypeError, or URIError. These PHP interfaces must have only the public modifier. All simple exception interface classes will also extend an empty marker interface named SimpleException.

In addition, the PHP implementation must have a PHP interface named DOMException corresponding to the WebIDL exception DOMException type. This PHP interface must correspond in the usual way to the WebIDL interface for DOMException given in the WebIDL spec. DOMException will not extend SimpleException.

Note that because these exceptions are represented as interface types, an implementation may chose to (for example) subclass PHP built-in types such as RangeException and DOMException as long as these subclasses also implement the appropriate interface types.


In this section we describe some specific differences between the binding as described above, the names resulting from the DOMDocument classes, and the standard JavaScript bindings. In general IDL interfaces, mixins, attributes, or operations which occur in IDLeDOM for PHP interoperability or compatibility with PHP's built-in DOMDocument classes have been marked with the extended attribute [PHPExtension].

PHP contains a writeable encoding attribute in the definition of the built-in DOMDocument. We have copied that non-standard attribute to our IDL for Document.

PHP contains methods on DOMDocument named loadHTML, loadXML, saveHTML, and saveXML which are roughly equivalent to the standard DOMParser and XMLSerializer classes (which are otherwise missing from PHP). Similarly, DOMDocumentFragment has a non-standard method named appendXML. It is recommended that implementers implement these for compatibility with legacy code. (We don't support calling DOMDocument::loadHTML() or DOMDocument::loadXML() statically, which generates an E_STRICT error in modern PHP.)

PHP contains methods on DOMElement named setIdAttribute, setIdAttributeNode, and setIdAttributeNS. In legacy code using DOMDocument calling one of these methods is necessary in order to make DOMDocument::getElementById work properly, so these methods have been added to our IDL for Element. It is recommended that implementers implement them as no-ops for compatibility with legacy code.

Various methods on DOMCharacterData are defined in the spec to take or return offsets in UTF-16 code units. Originally the PHP DOM extension also used UTF-16 code units (and the PHP documentation still claims it does) however in PHP5 the implementation was changed to measure in unicode code points instead. This primarily affects the handling of UTF-16 surrogate pairs.

As discussed in the definition of the string types above, the implementation is allowed to choose whether it implements the DOM standard/pre-PHP5 behavior or else the modern PHP5-and-later behavior for these methods. If the DOM standard/pre-PHP5 behavior is implemented, there are additional issues with the handling of unpaired surrogates which can't be represented in UTF-8.