Minification of JavaScript code and CSS stylesheets
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCliImplementation of minify CLI
 CCSSMinTransforms CSS data
 CIdentityMinifierStateA MinifierState that just returns the input, it doesn't actually minify
 CIndexMapA class representing an index map, as defined by the source map specification
 CIndexMapOffsetA class representing a line/column offset into a combined generated file, for index map generation
 CJavaScriptMapperStateA stateful minifier for JavaScript with source map support
 CJavaScriptMinifierJavaScript Minifier
 CJavaScriptMinifierStateA stateful minifier for JavaScript without source map support
 CMapperStateThe base class for stateful minifying with source map fetching
 CMappingsGeneratorUtility class to generate the "mappings" string of a source map
 CMinifierStateThe base class for stateful minifying without source map support
 CParseErrorRepresent a JavaScript or CSS parser error
 CUtilsShared static utility functions