Request timeout library for Excimer with plain PHP fallback
▼NWikimedia | |
▼NRequestTimeout | |
▼NDetail | |
CBasicRequestTimeout | A fallback implementation used when Excimer is not available |
CCriticalSection | Internal class for tracking critical sections |
CExcimerRequestTimeout | Excimer implementation of request timeouts |
CExcimerTimerWrapper | It's difficult to avoid the circular reference in $this->timer due to the callback closure, which means this object is not destroyed implicitly when it goes out of scope |
CCriticalSectionMismatchException | An exception thrown when CriticalSectionProvider::exit() is called with a name not matching the one used in the prior CriticalSectionProvider::enter() call |
CCriticalSectionProvider | A class providing a named critical section concept |
CCriticalSectionScope | Class for automatically ending a critical section when a variable goes out of scope |
CEmergencyTimeoutException | An exception which is thrown if a critical section is open for too long |
CRequestTimeout | |
CRequestTimeoutException | An exception which is thrown when the request timeout expires |
CTimeoutException | The base class for timeout exceptions thrown by this library |