Puppet Class: contenttranslation::cxserver
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/contenttranslation/manifests/cxserver.pp
Class: contenttranslation::cxserver
ContentTranslation is a tool for creating new articles in a target language from existing articles in a source language.
This manifest installs the cxserver service.
- port
The port the cxserver should listen on. Defaults to 8090.
- dir
The directory in which to install cxserver. Defaults to /srv/cxserver.
- apertium
The url for the apertium machine translation service. Defaults to '//apertium.wmflabs.org'
- yandex_url
The url for the yandex machine translation service. Defaults to 'translate.yandex.net'
- yandex_api_key
Api key for yandex translation service. Defaults to 'null'.
- youdao_url
The url for the youdao machine translation service. Defaults to 'fanyi.youdao.com/paidapi/fanyiapi'
- youdao_api_key
Api key for youdao translation service. Defaults to 'null'.
class { 'contenttranslation::cxserver':
port => 8090,
Default values are defined in /vagrant/puppet/hieradata/common.yaml
To customize create a file called 'local.yaml' in the same location
and include entries for the settings you want to override.
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# File 'puppet/modules/contenttranslation/manifests/cxserver.pp', line 50
class contenttranslation::cxserver(
$registry = 'registry.yaml',
) {
require ::service
service::node { 'cxserver':
port => $port,
script => 'server.js',
module => 'app.js',
config => template('contenttranslation/cxserver.config.yaml.erb'),