Puppet Class: eventgate
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/eventgate/manifests/init.pp
Class eventgate
Installs an EventGate service listening on internally port 8192. If $output == 'kafka', Kafka will be installed and EventGate will be configured to produce to Kafka. Otherwise, the default is to log events to $output as a file path.
EventGate is made available to POST events publicly at
You can reference this URL in other puppet configs via the $::eventgate::url variable.
This class does not set up any stream configs to enforce schemas in topics.
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# File 'puppet/modules/eventgate/manifests/init.pp', line 17
class eventgate(
$port = 8192,
$log_level = undef,
$output = '/vagrant/logs/eventgate-events.json'
) {
require ::eventschemas
include ::mwv # to get $::mwv::tld
$base_config = {
'user_agent' => 'eventgate-vagrant',
# This field in each event will be used to extract a
# (possibly relative) schema uri. The default is $schema.
# An array of field names will cause EventGate to search for
# fields by these names in each event, using the first match.
'schema_uri_field' => '$schema',
# If set, this URI will be prepended to any relative schema URI
# extracted from each event's schema_field./
'schema_base_uris' => [
# This field in each event will be used to extract a destination 'stream' name.
# This will equal the destination Kafka topic, unless a topic prefix
# is also configured.
'stream_field' => 'meta.stream',
'topic_prefix' => 'datacenter1.',
# This field will be used in log messages to uniquely ID each event.
'id_field' => 'meta.id',
# If a validation error is encountered, a validation error event
# will be produced to this stream.
'error_stream' => 'eventgate-vagrant.error.validation',
# If test_events is set, a GET /v1/_test/events route will be added.
# When this route is requested, these test_events will be processed through EventGate
# as if it they were directly POSTed to /v1/events.
# This is useful for readiness probes that want to make sure the service
# is alive and ready to produce events end to end.
'test_events' => {
'$schema' => '/test/event/1.0.0',
'meta' => {
'stream' => 'eventgate-vagrant.test.event',
'test' => 'eventgate-vagrant test event',
# If this is set and an event does not have schema_uri_field, the value of
# event[schema_uri_field] will be set to the value of this HTTP query paramater
'schema_uri_query_param' => 'schema_uri',
# If this is set and an event does not have stream_field, the value of
# event[stream_field] will be set to the value of this HTTP query paramater.
'stream_query_param' => 'stream',
if $output == 'kafka' {
require ::kafka
$extra_config = {
# eventgate-wikimedia.js factory uses Kafka
'eventgate_factory_module' => 'eventgate-wikimedia.js',
'kafka' => {
'conf' => {
'metadata.broker.list' => 'localhost:9092',
} else {
# eventgate-wikimedia-dev.js outputs to stdout, or a log file.
$eventgate_factory_module = 'eventgate-wikimedia-dev.js'
$extra_config = {
'eventgate_factory_module' => 'eventgate-wikimedia-dev.js',
'output_path' => $output,
$config = merge($base_config, $extra_config)
# eventgate-wikimedia has the WMF specific implementation of EventGate.
# It specifies the eventgate (service-runner) package as a dependency
# and runs the eventgate from it.
service::node { 'eventgate-wikimedia':
git_remote => 'https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/eventgate-wikimedia',
port => $port,
log_level => $log_level,
module => 'eventgate',
entrypoint => 'app',
script => 'node_modules/eventgate/server.js',
config => $config,
# Add a reverse proxy from eventgate.local.wmftest.net to the
# eventgate-wikimedia service.
apache::reverse_proxy { 'eventgate':
port => $port,
# The reverse_proxy will make this URL publicly addressable.
# This is used by event clients (EventBus, EventLogging, etc.) to POST event data.
$url = "http://eventgate${::mwv::tld}${::port_fragment}/v1/events"
# make a symlink from srv/eventgate -> eventgate-wikimedia/node_modules/eventgate for
# easier access to the EventGate package code for development purposes.
file { '/vagrant/srv/eventgate':
ensure => 'link',
target => 'eventgate-wikimedia/node_modules/eventgate',
require => Service::Node['eventgate-wikimedia'],