Puppet Class: nginx
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/nginx/manifests/init.pp
Class: nginx
Nginx is a popular, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy. This module is very small and simple, providing an 'nginx::site' resource type that takes an Nginx configuration file as input.
This also installs the nginx-common package by default explicitly, so other code can require that package to do things after install but potentially before the service starts.
- managed
If true (the default), changes to Nginx configuration files and site definition files will trigger a restart of the Nginx server. If false, the service will need to be manually restarted for the configuration changes to take effect.
- variant
Which variant of the nginx package to install. Must be one of 'full', 'light' or 'extras', which respectively install one of 'nginx-full', 'nginx-light' or 'nginx-extras' packages.
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# File 'puppet/modules/nginx/manifests/init.pp', line 24
class nginx(
$ensure = 'present',
$managed = true,
$variant = 'full',
) {
validate_re($ensure, ['^present$', '^absent$'])
if $variant !~ /^(full|extras|light$)/ {
fail("'variant' must be 'full', 'extras', or 'light' (got: '${variant}').")
package { [ "nginx-${variant}", 'nginx-common' ]:
ensure => $ensure,
# In the unmanaged case, this prevents the scenario where after the
# initial puppet run that installs the package, the net resulting state is
# a fully deployed configuration on disk, but the running instance still
# running the default configuration from the package. With this, it gets
# stopped before the service clause checks->starts it with good config.
if ! $managed and ($ensure == 'present') {
exec { 'stop-default-nginx':
command => '/usr/sbin/service nginx stop',
subscribe => Package["nginx-${variant}"],
refreshonly => true,
before => Service['nginx'],
service { 'nginx':
ensure => ensure_service($ensure),
enable => ($ensure == 'present'),
provider => 'debian',
hasrestart => true,
exec { 'nginx-reload':
command => '/usr/sbin/service nginx reload',
refreshonly => true,
file { [ '/etc/nginx/conf.d', '/etc/nginx/sites-available', '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled' ]:
ensure => ensure_directory($ensure),
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
tag => 'nginx', # workaround PUP-2689, can remove w/ puppetmaster 3.6.2+
# Order package -> config -> service for all
# nginx-tagged config files (including all File resources
# declared within this module), and set up the
# notification for config~>service if $managed.
# Also set up ssl tag -> service similarly, for certs
Package["nginx-${variant}"] -> File <| tag == 'nginx' |>
if $managed {
File <| tag == 'nginx' |> ~> Service['nginx']
File <| tag == 'ssl' |> ~> Service['nginx']
else {
File <| tag == 'nginx' |> -> Service['nginx']
File <| tag == 'ssl' |> -> Service['nginx']
# The jessie conditional here is just to limit the changes to
# new reinstalls under examination without disturbing the
# running precise machines - can be removed later, is not real.
if os_version('debian >= jessie') and $::realm == 'production' {
# nginx will buffer e.g. large body content into this directory
# very briefly, so keep it off the disks.
mount { '/var/lib/nginx':
ensure => ensure_mounted($ensure),
device => 'tmpfs',
fstype => 'tmpfs',
options => 'defaults,noatime,uid=0,gid=0,mode=755,size=1g',
pass => 0,
dump => 0,
before => Service['nginx'],
require => Package["nginx-${variant}"],