Puppet Class: redis
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/redis/manifests/init.pp
Class: redis
Redis is a fast in-memory key-value store, like memcached, but with support for rich data types. MediaWiki can use Redis as a back-end for the job queue.
- dir
Working directory.
- max_memory
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory Redis will be allowed to consume. Legal units include 'kb', 'mb', and 'gb'. If no unit is specified, the value is measured in bytes. Default: '16mb'.
- persist
If true, redis will sync its contents to disk every 60 seconds, provided at least one key has changed. If you need more granular control, see the documentation for the 'settings' parameter below. Default: false.
- settings
A hash-map of Redis config => value pairs. Empty by default. Its contents are merged onto the default settings map and the result is used to generate a redis.conf file.
For a full listing of configuration options and their meaning, see <raw.github.com/antirez/redis/2.6/redis.conf>.
If the configuration key contains a hyphen, use an underscore instead:
class { 'redis':
max_memory => '2mb',
settings => {
maxmemory_policy => 'volatile-lru',
masterauth => 'secret',
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# File 'puppet/modules/redis/manifests/init.pp', line 44
class redis(
$max_memory = '256mb',
$persist = false,
$settings = {},
) {
include ::redis::php
$defaults = {
daemonize => 'yes',
pidfile => '/var/run/redis/redis-server.pid',
logfile => '/var/log/redis/redis-server.log',
dir => $dir,
dbfilename => 'redis-db.rdb',
maxmemory => $max_memory,
maxmemory_policy => 'volatile-lru',
maxclients => 1000,
save => $persist ? { true => [ 60, 1 ], default => undef },
package { 'redis-server':
ensure => present,
file { $dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'redis',
group => 'redis',
mode => '0755',
require => Package['redis-server'],
file { '/etc/redis/redis.conf':
content => template('redis/redis.conf.erb'),
require => [ Package['redis-server'], File[$dir] ],
systemd::service { 'redis-server':
is_override => true,
service_params => {
enable => true,
subscribe => [
require => [