Puppet Class: role::antispoof
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/role/manifests/antispoof.pp
Class: role::antispoof
Installs and sets up the AntiSpoof extension
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# File 'puppet/modules/role/manifests/antispoof.pp', line 3
class role::antispoof {
require ::role::mediawiki
mediawiki::extension { 'AntiSpoof':
needs_update => true,
composer => true,
mediawiki::maintenance { 'populate_spoofuser':
command => '/usr/local/bin/foreachwikiwithextension AntiSpoof extensions/AntiSpoof/maintenance/batchAntiSpoof.php',
refreshonly => true,
require => Mediawiki::Extension['AntiSpoof'],
subscribe => Exec['update_all_databases'],