Puppet Class: role::eventlogging
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/role/manifests/eventlogging.pp
Class: role::eventlogging
This role sets up the EventLogging extension for MediaWiki such that events are validated against schemas in srv/schemas/event, but logged locally.
EventGate will be installed and run, and events will be produced via eventgate.
By default, eventgate will output events to the /vagrant/logs/eventgate-events.json log file, or to whatever the eventgate::output parameter is set (in hiera). If eventgate::output == 'kafka', Kafka will be installed and events will be produced to Kafka.
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# File 'puppet/modules/role/manifests/eventlogging.pp', line 12
class role::eventlogging {
include ::role::syntaxhighlight
# EventLogging will produce to EventGate at wgEventLoggingServiceUri.
include ::eventgate
$eventgate_url = $::eventgate::url # Used in EventLogging.php.erb template.s
mediawiki::extension { 'EventLogging':
priority => $::load_early,
settings => template('role/eventlogging/EventLogging.php.erb'),
mediawiki::extension { 'EventStreamConfig':
priority => $::load_early,