Puppet Class: role::externalstore
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/role/manifests/externalstore.pp
Class: role::externalstore
ExternalStore is a system that allows MediaWiki (and optionally extensions) to store content in a separate database, rather than the text table
If you disable this role, you will not be able to access content that was saved when it was active.
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# File 'puppet/modules/role/manifests/externalstore.pp', line 8
class role::externalstore (
) {
include ::mediawiki
mysql::db { 'external store db':
dbname => 'external',
options => 'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET binary',
mysql::sql { "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${db_name}.* TO ${db_user}@${grant_db_host}":
unless => "SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '${db_name}' AND GRANTEE = \"'${db_user}'@'${grant_db_host}'\" LIMIT 1",
require => Mysql::User[$db_user],
mysql::sql { 'create ExternalStore table':
sql => "USE ${db_name}; SOURCE ${::mediawiki::dir}/maintenance/storage/blobs.sql;",
unless => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = '${db_name}' AND table_name = 'blobs';",
require => Mysql::Db['external store db'],
mediawiki::settings { 'external store settings':
values => template('role/externalstore/conf.php.erb'),